#tension tower
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f4ceache · 5 months
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she gets jealous easily……
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berscrk · 2 months
I finally updated my griffguts playlist to a roughly accurate order of how i imagine the songs playing out to the story 🤭 i hope you like it if you check it out
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imp-thing · 11 months
I don't care that Secret of the Swamp was originally pairing them up, I am NOT shipping Grimoire and Sally together
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black-silverwolf · 5 days
Every Sunday I ask myself why I still watch this show
Maybe I'm just here for the train wreck. This is my car accident I can't look away from.
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tendertenebrosity · 1 year
Behold, drabble be upon ye!
“Wait!” I cried. The vines wrapped around my wrists didn’t relent; twining tighter, until my fingers were numb and prickling. My hands - already outstretched as far as they could, as if I were embracing the velvet black and emerald of the forest around me - were being pulled further and further apart. I heard something creak - the vines? My body? I wasn’t sure - and my shoulder twinged. “Wait - please - they didn’t know any better!”
“I fail to see how this is my responsibility,” the deer said, turning its head to regard me impassively with one glossy dark eye.
“I - I know, but - it’s been so - please! Wait!” I gulped in a breath, finding it difficult. The twinge was now a persistent burn. “This is - you said we were the first! The first - ah - the first in centuries - how could we know?”
The owl swept over my shoulder with silent wings; I craned my head to follow it as it landed above me. “You could have asked,” it said.
“I’m sorry,” I said. Had my knees sunk deeper into the mud? Cold wetness was seeping up the cloth of my pants. Something coiled around my calf, the same bone-cracking force that held my arms, and I suppressed a whimper. “I - I’m asking now! Please tell me, so I can tell them, and then they’ll know…”
The forest god did not answer for a long moment.
The vines creaked again; the pain set into my shoulder, burrowing deeper. I could imagine all too clearly that it would not take much more pressure, that the strength of the vines was enough to slowly tear and crush and dismantle before any remnants were buried.
“You think to escape me,” the owl said, rotating its head to watch me as I sank, spread-eagled, into the mud. “You will not.”
“No,” I gulped. Both knees were now encircled with pressure. I squeezed my eyes shut. “I don’t - I don’t care about me. Just leave my family.”
“They have taken what is mine,” the deer said. “Without proper permissions. The price must be paid, and it is steep.”
“Let me pay it,” I said, wild, desperate. I grasped after the concepts I’d read, the old magics. “I know - I know I am ignorant, of so many things, but - a willing sacrifice is worth more, isn’t it?”
A sudden silence fell. Both owl, and deer stood still. Was I imagining it, or had the pressure of the vines… stopped increasing?
“It is,” a voice said in my ear. Something tickled the crown of my head, then worked its way around to the side of my cheek; I held my neck and head as stiff as I could, shoulders screaming under the tension.
“Then let me pay,” I begged. “I will pay for all of them. Whatever the price is - if you let them go, anything I have to give is yours! Please!”
The thing on my neck crawled around to my shoulder, to where I could see it perched on my chest. A spider the size of my spread hand.
“I accept,” it said, and the owl and the deer spoke at the same time, a chorus of voices.
I opened my mouth, giddy with relief - to express thanks, or to ask a question, I wasn’t sure what. I didn’t have the chance to decide, because the vines - tightened, changed their grip - something arced up out of the mud to loop over my extended elbows, my shoulders, cold clammy force wrapping around my waist.
The pain increased, a sudden white-hot flare of pain across my whole body that wiped out all else from my mind.
“Do not fear,” the spider said. “You will not die.”
The suffocating pressure of the mud enveloped me, my body no longer a tangible thing, just a tiny nucleus of relief and dread and pain pain pain, as the vines dragged me under.
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icharchivist · 5 months
The trio is on its way back to Sector 7, they're still in the Train Graveyard, so close to reaching it yet so far, blocked by trains, and they had to reactivate a train to move them out of the way, and in doing so, they started to catch radio's signals.
... from the Turks' mission.
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it makes Tseng appear slightly earlier than in his OG's appearance but it is perfectly done, instead of being a last minute new player you see how he oversaw the situation, but also, OUTCH
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and i LOVE this, btw, i LOVE more focus on the Turks' mentality, i love that we get to see Reno and Rude being so conflicted (even THOUGH they're still going to pull the trigger nonetheless), it's a good way to build up what will be their late-game's switch, it's great, it gives us more time to understand why eventually they'd turn around, it's GREAT.
And Tseng having this introduction is bonechilling. Because as you see Reno and Rude hesitate, it's Tseng who takes the cold head to go through it when mission is completed. I personally got the feeling that the event of Crisis Core is what steeled Tseng's heart and why now he would be the one focused on seeing the mission through anyway. What's the point of morals and sentiments. The one time he gave in to his he still failed anyway. Why would he try to fight for those again, yaknow?
but meanwhile our trio heard this conversation on the radio, and rightfully know who is the one who'll be the most shattered by it:
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and while the horror of the situation settles in, Cloud and Aerith immediately turns to support Tifa and give her hope.
Cloud, who had the time to be friends with the rest of Avalanche, knowing they can rely on Barret and his group, that they won't give up, therefore they shouldn't either. and Aerith reminding her to move forward, that they still can do it.
It's just SO intense and damn, i KNOW what happen to sector 7 yet the whole bit really is helping me feel the urgency of the situation, perhaps even more than in OG because the characters get to stop and worry more and more.
i love it. Excellent build up. Horrifying to play, but the tension is *chief kiss*
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Frey and Auden didn't get a make-out scene (with tongue)? Kinda homophobic ngl
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hexblooddruid · 9 months
what's bryn & astarion's post-game life like??? also because I Care Him, i also must know how things end up for wyll in this playthrough... does he move on?
I really flip flopped on how I wanted to leave things for them. I thought going into it I would choose the Underdark option since Bryn loves the Underdark but when trying out all the options, I think them searching for a way for him to be in the sun will be their epilogue. He seemed so enthusiastic about it and it's something Bryn's been thinking about since before they got together. As a healer, druid, cleric, sage, and alchemist figuring this out scratches a major intellectual and spiritual itch for her. Plus when you choose that option you this in your intro, so that really sealed it for me.
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In practice, it's probably a mix of both. They get the spawn set up in the underdark fortress and Bryn uses it as a homebase/lab setting for her research. Then the two of them go on long research excursions just the two of them, traveling all over. In her discussion with Gale he asks her to be guest lecturer at Candlekeep (which is honestly a dream of hers) and invites both her and Astarion to stay in his tower, so that's probably their next stop after the reunion, at least for a little bit. Bryn's excited to have access to Candlekeep's resources for this project.
As for Wyll, he ended up going to Avernus with Karlach. After defeating Ansur, he decided to continue on as the Blade of Avernus. No input from Bryn in that decision; she was just glad that he was finally in a place to make his own decisions about his life. Then on the docks after defeating the Netherbrain, he pleaded for Karlch to join him. Bryn insisted to Karlach that it was her decision but she encouraged her to go with him. Talking to Karlach at the reunion, Karlach talks pretty glowingly of him and it makes Bryn think that maybe something is happening there.
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And Bryn is so excited about him being a ranger! Them having a moment in their reintroduction of enjoying the smell of the wilderness was so special to her. Larian really should've added a hug option. Bryn gave him the biggest hug once she found out he became a ranger.
I don't think there's any lingering romantic feelings between them but they have so much love and respect for each other. They were each other's biggest support and confidant during the campaign. I love this line from Wyll because it really shows how deep the affection runs between them.
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
Tragic that my cat cant use a lot of prefab cat towers and shit cause his ass is too heavy and long. It's not his fault he's the tall man equivalent of cat!!!
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tigerexe · 2 years
my number one prediction for cour 2 is that gregory will make one or more of the heroes go berserk and they will end up soecifically hurting their buddy partner in the confusion
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imp-thing · 1 year
i have this tangle tower oc i keep forgetting to draw/redesign but i feel like the color palette is a little too close to hawkshaw's and i don't have any actual ideas for it so i don't really ever talk about him
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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fortjester · 2 years
does anybody wanna talk abt how seven seas of rhye by queen is a tower prince ianthe theme
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movieloversposts · 2 years
Fall (2022) 9/10
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After the death of her husband, Becky and her adventurous friend, Hunter climb the two thousand foot B67 TV tower, but untimely end up at the top without a way down.
This movie is suspenseful as hell. Seriously, I was sweating watching this whole thing.
The premise is straightforward, and the audience is left to wonder how the heck are the two characters gonna get down from the tower. On top of that, they have the elements such as wind, the sun, and the vultures flying overhead to also contend with. It's not pretty, but it's definitely one that leaves you on the edge of your seat while watching. It also tests how much a person really fears heights. If you thought you weren't afraid of heights, you might be after watching this film.
The audience is meant to root for Becky, being that this experience is supposed to help her find peace with her late husband. And it is also an experience to help her grow and embrace the future and it's unknown. She does that, despite her own insecurity about not being able to navigate without her husband.
Becky is simply vulnerable and she and Hunter get trapped in a bad place at the wrong time.
The desert scenery is beautiful, seeing that this takes place in the Shadow Mountains of the Mojave Desert in California. The actual tower is inspired by the KXTV/KOVR tower, a 2,049 ft (625 m) tall radio tower in Desert Grove, California.
It succeeds in invoking fear of heights and vertigo, being that it takes place on top of a tower the entire movie. You're in for a lot of anticipation and anxiety, if anything. And the struggle of the two characters to find a way down and get help is one that will really induce nervousness in a person.
I would watch this movie just once just to see it. It's way too intense to see more than once, at least for me. But if you want to watch it over and over again, then do that. It's intense, it's scary, non stop 'what's gonna happen next' type action.
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thinking about how different it would have been if gaius had recognized eyrie. the kind of person he was and how he would have so easily revealed that information about them. the reaction of the city state leaders. the scions. how much more detached eyrie would have been from the lot of them. how tenuous stormblood would have been on top of how difficult it already is. Eorzea’s Champion AND former IV and XIV imperial solider. one title haunting the other.
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