#it basically goes in the order of
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berscrk · 8 months ago
I finally updated my griffguts playlist to a roughly accurate order of how i imagine the songs playing out to the story 🤭 i hope you like it if you check it out
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year ago
I still think about how Leo’s ideal day out for the fam’s venture into the Hidden City was basically just an effort to get some rest and relaxation because boy does he never get that ever.
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prideprejudce · 1 year ago
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AU Reds Poster: Alicent joins Rhaenrya as her advisor and wife after escaping her father's influence.
She escapes Kings Landing with Helaena and her grandchildren just in time. Unfortunately, her father has already sunk his teeth into her two sons who are ready to fight for their right to the iron throne. How will Alicent choose between her family and her beloved Rhaenyra when the time comes?
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quackity1999 · 21 days ago
Do you ever think about New L'manburg? Of what it could have been?
of course i do. there— god, there were so many semi-good times. plus that one party.
then again; you can't have the good without . . .
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[ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ]
. . the bad.
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cheritouu · 2 years ago
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Thinking about how despite how intimidating he looked as the prowler, Earth 42 Miles is still just as much of a 15 year old boy as our Miles is…
Miles was able to find the hoodie/puffer jacket combo quick and easily enough to put it on before his mom came in the room meaning the room was similar enough that Miles didn’t even notice a difference. Though that could be argued that it was too dark, the fact that there was even a drawing desk in there proves this earth’s Miles still has a love of art- showing that they’re way more alike than not, despite the major differences
If we get a look at how poverty forces children to grow up too fast and often turn to shadier means to get by in life in the next movie, I will actually tear my hair out
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kadextra · 4 days ago
sniles sneetly. enjoy 👍
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cctinsleybaxter · 1 year ago
Artists who admit to not knowing small details about their characters and worldbuilding have inadvertently given better advice than any character design post on social media tbh. as fun as it is to come up with what your guys would order from a restaurant or the contents of their backpack or their favorite color I've run into very few people who can leave that stuff in a story (or even leave it offscreen as paratext) without it being distracting and poorly written because it's rarely in service of the narrative. a lot of that is def just down to personal taste, but it feels more like designing characters for a TTRPG
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youkaigakkou-tl · 4 months ago
(sorry in advance for the long ask) i feel silly for not noticing earlier but i realized that "Sano Mikoto" follows the same "__ no mikoto" name pattern that several japanese gods have. but that also made me wonder: if the 佐 from sano's name means "help" then his whole name sounds like "the god of help/assistance". but based on how that doesn't align with his yakubyougami nature and how ebisu reacts to hearing the name in ch 53 (his reaction is a bit more clear in the jpn raws) (1/2)
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佐 doesn't really mean "help" on its own, it only somewhat means that when it's part of the word 補佐 "hosa" , which means "assistant" (in an organizational structure to a chief or leader) rather than like "helping people". Most of the time 佐 is just used as a kanji to represent the sound "sa", which is somewhat frequently the case for the on-readings (similar to chinese pronunciation) of kanji.
This is particularly prevalent when it comes to ancient literature like the creation myths and stories around gods, where the stories originally only existed in verbal form, and when japan adopted the chinese writing system some 1500 years ago, they applied certain chinese characters to the sounds that existed in japanese (the 50 or so hiragana that exist now) in order to put the stories into writing.
(and then over time 50 or so kanji got simplified into hiragana for normal use but thats neither here nor there. but names got to keep their kanji, which is why creation myth gods often have stupid long names that are 1 kanji per syllable, and the kanji used dont mean much of anything by themselves)
(theres also that often the kanji chosen will have been positive words, stuff like "fast" or "wise" or "powerful", in addition to the chinese word sounding like the japanese syllable (which was the more important part). Its unclear whether all these attributes were all applicable to the god named, its just as possible people afterwards applied those attributes to them in future retellings of the stories because the kanji was in the name. sort of a chicken and egg problem. and anyway, does it really matter what the one "true" interpretation of a story is, if one exists at all? it's a very modern sensibility to demand one, when for much of history stories only existed in the air between a storyteller and a listener. im getting off track here)
this is a lot of words to say, what is significant about the 佐 in "sano", is that it's the same one as in susanoo-no-mikoto. susanoo, notable for being associated with storms and disaster, for being exiled from heaven after causing some sort of destruction, and for being a child of izanagi and izanami and born after their first child hiruko (or rather, ebisu).
the thing about the yakubyougami thing, as with every other youkai and everything about folklore, is that at the end of the day, it's a story. youkai are just a set of attributes and circumstances that are wrapped up as a story, and in turn given a name and a face. a kamaitachi is just the occurrence of "wind whipping up suddenly and dust and leaves cutting someone" wrapped up as a story of "what if an imperceptibly fast weasel with knives did it?!"
it's why there can be so many different versions of stories for the same youkai, with behaviors and appearance differing from place to place, or the same "story" being given a different "name" in different places
(relevant to the latest chapter, i sort of suspect this is why theres like 10 different monkey youkai whose lore is just "this monkey is a FREAK")
what im getting at is, this isnt really like scientific taxonomy classifications, where theres genes you can sequence or criteria you can check to see if something is the right species. (and even then, there's birds stranded on isolated islands, fish sealed in caves, microorganisms in general, etc etc) there's not like a "youkai auditor" that goes around auditing if you're Really the youkai you say you are.
nor is it like you intrinsically know what youkai you are and all the lore about it and what behaviors youre supposed to have and what powers you have etc. you're told that by your parents, and in cases where that isnt possible, you figure it out somehow. like with beniko (popped out of a house and raised by humans), they looked it up and people have come up with a name for the phenomenon, which was called "zashiki warashi". or in cases like odawara where you really do just come to life alone, i imagine you either make a name for yourself, or humans who come across you will make a name for you.
which is a lot of words to say, sano can call himself whatever the hell he wants to make his life easier and not have to explain his backstory or have classmates make guesses at his backstory, as long as his traits somewhat fit. especially since recently he's often in the same scenes as kurahashi, who is now confirmed to straight up not be who or what he says he is.
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bijoumikhawal · 1 month ago
the discussion of Garak’s childishness and malleablity has given me the funny mental image from an AU I play around with but probably will never right of like
Garakh, from a timeline where either Cardassians didn't completely conquer Hebitians or the Union crumbled during a crisis a few centuries back, his uncle had custody and raised him to be openly mixed race and follower of Oralius, probably has a chill job as a teacher and a side gig as a minor clergy member/low key counseler, looking at the other version of himself who hates himself and is neurotic like a beaten police dog on top of denying the most basic facts about himself. And realizing this bitch has the emotional maturity of one of his students
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sylver-drawer · 1 month ago
Drinking game for rereaders—
Take a shot everytime Mochijun shows panels of Oz-Plushie or makes a direct reference and/or implication of Oz being a chain before the reveal.
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phoenixcatch7 · 10 months ago
Okay but why haven't we had a time travel/fix it fic where after some shenanigans everyone decides to take down shinra, they split up to take out the important figures, sephiroth obviously takes hojo for any and all of a dozen good reasons.
And then hojo pulls a winter soldier sleeper code on him.
And then everyone is suddenly dealing with a brainwashed sephiroth.
Hojo has to have some way to control sephiroth as he grew into his monstrous strength and power, yes? And learned helplessness isn't enough of a reassurance your prized military leader powerhouse isn't going to wake up one day and realise just how easily he could paint the labs walls red with chunks of you. And because hojo is obsessed with total power and control, dealing with a murder machine with huge mental issues, it'd only be fitting he create his own emergency shutdown.
In the most needlessly traumatic and mentally violating way, of course. Would sephiroth even know, if he couldn't remember? Would he have long stretches of emptiness in his memories that never get explained to him, or would he wake up where he'd blacked out, just another day in the labs?
Imagine, his allies watching on the cameras, as sephiroth stalks into the labs, a predator sighting its prey, exchanging a few cold words with hojo, raising masamune... And then hojos mouth opening, sephiroth going stiff like an animatronic, rearranging himself on the floor where he stood, face hidden behind his hair. Hojo leaves the room and he doesn't move, doesn't respond to any comms or passing scientists accidentally rolling a cart over his coat and hair.
Hojo ordering sephiroth to reveal their plans, their allies, their resources. Sephiroth doing it. Hojo deciding to punish sephiroth for the rebellion with lab procedures, or hojo ordering him to hunt down his co conspirators and end the takeover. Sephiroth doing so, heavy in his steps, crashing through walls and doors, heedless now of morals or civilians, silent, unresponsive. So completely unlike the jenova malice they'd been prepared to fight, that sephiroth had been bracing against. No arrogance, no mocking, no dramatic battlefield or hungry glowing eyes.
The puppeteer becomes the puppet, and with it, every trace of holding back. The perfect soldier.
I imagine the first trigger word would be lucrecia.
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americankimchi · 11 months ago
tcw is so good at introducing us to characters and bite-sized stories that capture our attention and so, SO bad at following even a modicum of logic when it comes to the consequences of actions under military law
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pandamugger · 3 months ago
i love heated blanket,,,,,
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pokemondetector · 1 month ago
How does your thing work??? I thought at first you were reading the post in as a string and doing like a key-dictionary thing to match a pattern with a Pokémon name but it didn’t do it with the Ask containing the pokérap. I am v curious and would love to hear about it if you have time
Pokemon detected :
How does your thing work??? I thought at first you were reading the post in as a string and doing like a key-dictionary thing to match a pattern with a Pokémon name but it didn’t do it with the Ask containing the pokérap. I am v curious and would love to hear about it if you have time
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Ralts !
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paarksunghoon · 3 months ago
hiii, i saw your tags on the post about not being able to give good ideas justice.. AND THE HEESEUNG VAMPIRE AU IDEA OMG? IT LITERALLY SOUNDS SO GOODSKDJFKHF IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A STUPID IDEA AT ALL
i have a two page outline of this story but lost inspo when I started thinking about the actual plot points until I posted that…I know exactly how this story ends and what happens to humanity too kdnxkxndns
THANK YOU FOR LIKING IT!!! I wanted it to be a multi-part story (maybe 4-5 chapters max) but who knows!!! not me, that’s for sure.
anyway here are the tags in case anyone’s interested:
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somegrumpynerd · 11 months ago
I'm down for any option honestly, just whatever you guys think would be fun!
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