#temperate reef
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InsertAnInvert 2024
Coastal week 2: Temperate reef
Bennett's hypselodoris (hypselodoris bennetti)
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I hope everyone understands, when I say “most endangered habitat on earth”, I mean temperate grasslands.
They’re more endangered than tropical rainforests, coral reefs, the arctic tundra, all of those go-to environments that get more of the spotlight.
Where I live, maybe 25% of the prairie remains in a natural state and that number is dropping. Even these fragments are mostly missing the keystone species that maintain their health, like bison, wolves, and prairie dogs. I know this is the case for other grasslands like the pampas and steppe as well. Vast lands empty of many species that used to call them home.
If you live on temperate grasslands, hold onto them tight, because they’ve been exploited like no other land and most people don’t even know how far the devastation goes.

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Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the collared carpet shark!
The collared carpet shark, also known by scientific name Parascyllium collar is the best known shark in genus Parascyllium.The name is derived from para an old greek word meaning dog shark or small shark, and collare, a latin word for iron band or neck chain. These sharks are in the carpet shark family, which are known for their often bottom dwelling ways, spiracles (a kind of respiratory opening) behind the eyes. The family of Parascylliidae, which genus Parascyllium makes up one half of, is defined by their small size and barbels (a whisker-like appendage) behind the chin.Collared carpet sharks in particular are found around the Southwestern Pacific, specifically focuses on the continental shelf of Eastern Australia. Found from a range of 26°S through 38°S, and 149°E to 154°E, these sharks live in temperate to subtropical zones. Their habitat is best known as reef like zones, which their bodies are adapted towards, but can comfortably spend time in sandy bottomed areas as well.

Collared carpet sharks are long and elongated, which helps them in the rocky crevices they live around. Along with fins and a tail that are proficient from balancing and navigating the uneven seabed. These fish are covered in spots, which blend them into both rocky and sandy areas. With a nocturnal lifestyle, the collared carpet shark is known for sneaking up on prey, and lunging at them. They have a diet made of fish and invertebrates, with specially shaped mouths and teeth that are made for hunting prey that hides in and around rocky fissures.
These sharks are relatively unknown when it comes to reproduction and lifecycle, with an unknown life span and maturity age. Collared carpet sharks live solitary lives, and we know little to nothing about any mating season, preference, or time span. Similar to many other carpet sharks, the collared carpet shark is oviparous, meaning that the shark is fertilized and the egg is laid before hatching. These eggs are attached to seaweed, or other vegetation before being abandoned by the parents, leaving young to fend for themselves once they hatch. This is all currently known information about the shark, and they are threatened by fishing bycatch, water pollution, and coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures and stress.
That's the collared carpet shark everybody! I hope you enjoyed learning about them, and have a wonderful day!
#fish#fish of the day#fishblr#fishposting#aquatic biology#marine biology#freshwater#freshwater fish#animal facts#animal#animals#fishes#informative#education#aquatic#aquatic life#nature#river#ocean#coral#coral reef#collared carpet shark#carpet shark#shark
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Skipping ALL things in my queue, and all the asks in my ask box, to tell y'all about THIS that came out a few hours ago. I cannot express how excited I am about this information finally being published.
Its not the first evidence of pottery technologies found in Australia, but the artefacts that have been found at the Lizard Island group in the past havent necessarily been datable. Evidence of pottery in the Torres Strait was also found in the early 2000s, and its been analysed to be evidence of trade with Papua New Guinea (who have an AMAZING history of pottery technology).
To our amazement, around 40cm below the surface we began to find pieces of pottery among the shells in the excavation. We knew this was a big deal. We carefully bagged each piece of pottery and mapped where each sherd came from, and kept digging.
But as of now, there's officially dated evidence for locally made pottery in Australia, of at least 1800 years. Not only outside the Torres Straight, but 300km south. Not only 1800+ years old, but also pre-dating the original known dates for Torres Straight Islands pottery, suggesting the possibility of even earlier pottery technology trade with PNG. AND ITS DECORATED.
Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and shells found close to the pottery shows that it is between 2,950 and 1,815 years old, making it the earliest securely dated pottery ever found in Australia. Analysis of the clays and tempers shows that all of the pottery was likely made on Jiigurru.
The pottery stopped at about 80cm depth, with 82 pieces of pottery in total. Most are very small, with an average length of just 18 millimetres. The pottery assemblage includes rim and neck pieces and some of the pottery is decorated with pigment and incised lines.
#GUYS IM SO EXCITED#IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS#archaeology#australia#Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples#this is literally SO huge#they let a mouse do archaeology?#Indigenous peoples
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Бисса (лат. Eretmochelys imbricata) — один из редких видов морских черепах, которому грозит полное исчезновение. По внешнему виду ее можно перепутать с зеленой черепахой, от которой бисса отличается только меньшими размерами и весом: взрослая особь имеет длину тела от 60 до 90 см при массе около 45-55 кг. Панцирь биссы сверху коричневый с красивым желто-пятнистым рисунком и имеет сердцевидную форму. Ещё одна особенность внешнего вида - заострённый, похожий на клюв кончик морды.
Второе название биссы — настоящая каретта — означает, что именно эта черепаха дает самые ценные, "настоящие" роговые пластинки, из которых изготавливают различные сувениры: гребни, шкатулки и прочие мелочи. Очень жаль, что любовь человечества ко вс��ким безделушкам привела вид к такому ��лачевному состоянию. Впрочем, мясо биссы тоже ценится в некоторых странах. Разумеется, нелегально, так как настоящая карета уже давно внесена в Международную Красную Книгу и находится под охраной различных организаций. При этом гурманов вовсе не пугает тот факт, что деликатес может оказаться ядовитым из-за пищи, которую сама черепаха ела накануне.
Встретить ее можно в Атлантическом и Тихом океанах: ареал настоящей каретты простирается от умеренных вод северного полушария до умеренных вод южного. Вот только гнездится бисса исключительно в тропических широтах. Населяет преимущественно скалистое мелководье, коралловые рифы, лагуны и заливы с мангровыми берегами. Мелкие прибрежные воды, заливы и устья рек с илистым или песчаным дном — обычные места обитания биссы. Она держится чаще в тех местах, где подводной растительности мало. Настоящие каретты всеядны, но отдают предпочтение животной пище- их рацион составляют бентосные беспозвоночные, медузы, анемоны и морские губки, причем только определенных видов, а некоторые из них и вовсе ядовиты для других существ.
Еще один интересный факт этот вид черепах способен светиться в темноте.
The hawksbill turtle (Latin Eretmochelys imbricata) is one of the rare species of sea turtles that is threatened with complete extinction. In appearance, it can be confused with the green turtle, from which the hawksbill differs only in its smaller size and weight: an adult has a body length of 60 to 90 cm with a weight of about 45-55 kg. The hawksbill shell is brown on top with a beautiful yellow-spotted pattern and has a heart-shaped shape. Another feature of its appearance is the pointed, beak-like tip of the muzzle.
The second name of the hawksbill turtle is the real caretta, which means that this particular turtle produces the most valuable, "real" horn plates, from which various souvenirs are made: combs, boxes and other little things. It is a pity that humanity's love for all sorts of trinkets has led the species to such a deplorable state. However, hawksbill meat is also valued in some countries. Of course, illegally, since the real carriage turtle has long been included in the International Red Book and is protected by various organizations. At the same time, gourmets are not at all afraid of the fact that the delicacy may be poisonous due to the food that the turtle itself ate the day before.
You can meet it in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans: the range of the real carriage turtle extends from the temperate waters of the northern hemisphere to the temperate waters of the southern. But the hawksbill nests exclusively in tropical latitudes. It inhabits mainly rocky shallow waters, coral reefs, lagoons and bays with mangrove shores. Shallow coastal waters, bays and river mouths with a muddy or sandy bottom are the usual habitats of the hawksbill. It is more often found in places where there is little underwater vegetation. True carettas are omnivorous, but prefer animal food - their diet consists of benthic invertebrates, jellyfish, anemones and sea sponges, but only of certain species, and some of them are completely poisonous to other creatures.
Another interesting fact is that this species of turtles can glow in the dark.
Источник:://more.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Бисса,/ornella.club/15248-morskaja-cherepaha-bissa.html,/zoo-ekzo.ru/node/6163, //www. zoopicture.ru/bissa/,animals.pibig.info/6018-cherepaha-karetta.html, /ru.pinterest.com/pin/68737846851/.
#video#nature video#marine life#nature#ocean view#aquatic animals#sea turtle#hawksbill turtle#Real Caretta Turtle#ocean#reef#fish#sand#wonderful#nature aesthetic#видео#природнаякрасота#природа#океан#черепаха#Бисса#настоящая каретта#риф#песок#рыбы
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Wet Beast Wednesday: pistol shrimp
Oh snap, it's the snapping shrimp post for Wet Beast Wednesday! Snapping shrimp or pistol shrimp are loud little critters that have evolves a very useful and fascinating tool in their pincers. Let's not waste time and shoot off to learn about these little gunslingers.
(Image: a pistol shrimp. It is a mostly white shrimp with red stripes. One of its claws is considerably larger than the other. It is standing on gravel and next to some seaweed. End ID)
Pistol shrimp are over 1,000 members of the family Alpheidae, which is part of the infraorder Caridea. This means they are true shrimp, not to be confused with superficially similar animals like brine shrimp, mantis shrimp, tadpole shrimp, and prawns. Yeah, I only recently learned that prawns and shrimp aren't a language difference between British English and American English like chips vs fries. They're not even that closely related. As true shrimp, pistol shrimp have two main body parts: the cephalothorax and abdomen, which are composed of 19 body segments. The abdomen forms a flexible tail with a fin on the end. When startled, the fin can rapidly curl under the body, propelling the shrimp backwards. Like other decapods, there are 10 limbs. The front pair of limbs have evolved into claws used to manipulate objects. The claws are the most distinguishing feature of pistol shrimp. They are asymmetrical, with one growing extremely large, over half the size of the body. The big claw has a modified version of the typical pincer. This pincer has an upper claw that can open up at a right angle. Under the claw is a pocket in the lower pincer, into which water flows. The upper pincer then slams down into this pocket, forcing the water out. The pressure of the pincer closing water in the pocket creates a cavitation bubble that is forced away from the claw at up to 26.8 meters per second. This is enough force to seriously wound small animals and hurt larger ones into leaving the shrimp alone. The cavitation bubbles can reach up to 4,427 degrees C (8,000 F) . For comparison, the surface of the sun is about 1,000 decrees (C) hotter. When the bubble pops, it creates a snapping sound that can reach 218 decibels. For comparison, most gunshots max out at around 170 db. This puts pistol shrimp is the running for the loudest ocean animals, with whales being the other main competitors. If that all sounds like a lot, the whole event happens so fast that the heat doesn't have time to affect much and the noise sounds like a moderately loud snap to us. Adults can snap their claws shut with an acceleration of up to 30 meters per second squared and juveniles can do it up to 20 times faster. The whole process takes less than a millisecond. When the cavitation bubble collapses, it can produce light. This is called sonoluminescence and nobody knows how it happens. If a pistol shrimp loses its large claw, the small claw will grow into a new large one while the missing limb will regenerate into a small claw. Adult pistol shrimp average between 3 and 5 cm long.
(Image: a drawing showing the process of a pistol shrimp snapping its claw. In the first panel, the claw is closed. In the second, the upper claw opens at a 90 degree angle, revealing a cavity. In the third panel, the cavity fills with water. In the final panel, the claw is closed again and a jet of water is ejected from the claw. End ID. Source: Wikipedia user Carermyers)
(Gif: black and white, slow-motion video of a pistol shrimp's claw snapping shut and creating a cavitation bubble. End ID. Source)
Pistol shrimp live worldwide, though most species live in tropical or temperate water. There are some cold water species and even freshwater species. Most prefer habitats where they can make burrows and where there are plenty of other animals. Coral reefs, oyster reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove groves are common habitats. Snapping is used for hunting and communication. They typically hide in burrows, waiting for fish or other small animals to pass by. When prey passes, the shrimp will snap to stun or seriously wound the prey, then drag it into the burrow. Some social species actually form eusocial hives with a single queen who produces all offspring. These shrimp are the only known marine eusocial species and all occur within the same genus (Synalpheus), though not every member of that genus is eusocial and eusociality appears to have evolved at least 3 times within that genus. It appears that a reason why only this genus developed eusociality is their larvae do not disperse, instead staying in the same area as the parents. The hives are usually located within sponges. Other social species are not eusocial, but still live together in colonies. Many less social species have formed a symbiotic relationship with gobies. Both species live in burrows, but gobies are bad at digging while the shrimp have poor eyesight. The goby will protect the shrimp while it digs a burrow, then the two live together. They will forage together, with the goby using its superior eyesight to watch for predators and warn the shrimp to get back to the burrow. Pistol shrimp are monogamous, the same pair coming back to mate over and over again (this does not apply to the eusocial species in which only the colony's queen is permitted to mate). The female is only fertile during a short period after molting. The male will stay with the female and protect her during the vulnerable period after mating and some species will remain with each other until the eggs hatch or permanently.
(Image: a eusocial pistol shrimp queen with eggs. Her body is translucent and multiple eggs are attached to her abdomen. The eggs look like translucent balls. The is inside of an orange sponge. End ID)
(Image: a pistol shrimp and goby emerging from a burrow in the sand. The shrimp is a mottled green and white. The body is a bright yellow fish covered with blue spots. End ID)
Pistol shrimp are a major source of noise in the places where they live. If you've ever been swimming and can hear repeated cracking noises, that may have been a bunch of pistol shrimp. Some scientists monitor the level of pistol shrimp noises as a method of monitoring the ecosystem. If the noise level drops, that is an indicator that the local ecosystem is suffering. The noise of the shrimps can get so loud that it actually interferes with sonar and forms of underwater communication. During World War II, members of the navy realized that the shrimp disrupted sonar enough to hide submarines, so they started hiding submarines near reefs with lots of the shrimp to keep them from being found by enemy subs. Weirdly not the only small marine animals to mess with submarines. I'll get the the other major one soon. The largest threats to pistol shrimp come from habitat destruction. Some species of pistol shrimp have entered the pet trade. As coral reefs, seagrass beds, and other habitats are destroyed, the shrimp that rely on them will suffer as well.
Yet another time I get to use one of these cards in a post
(Image: the Weird n' Wild Creatures card featuring pistol shrimp. End ID)
#wet beast wednesday#pistol shrimp#snapping shrimp#shrimp#decapod#crustaceans#marine biology#biology#zoology#ecology#animal facts#eusocial#symbiosis#goby#informative#image described
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Joel & Etho - 21, for the writing ? :3
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21. A kiss to shut them up, Joel/Etho, 957 words
[ Inspired in part by this lovely artwork by @plumadot ! ]
"So I've got a theory," Joel started.
It was a nice day; temperate in a way that heralded the approaching warm season. A lot of hermits were taking advantage of it to check the things off their to-do lists that weren't easily done in cold or wet weather. Etho had broken off from the others for just that purpose, but as soon as he mentioned needing coral, Joel invited himself along.
Which meant a return to form in the shape of them, once again, sharing a boat.
"Do I have to listen to your theory?" Etho asked. The answer didn't matter much when he was a captive audience, but their conversations up until this point had been general, casual nonsense. How they spent their morning, how they liked their steak cooked, what ore they'd most be willing to eat. Time killers at worst, amusement at best.
Joel scoffed. "Don't act like you don't want to know what I'm thinking," Etho felt an elbow land against his ribs without any real force. It might have been rougher, if they weren't currently faced away from each other. Joel liked watching the wake the boat left behind, so they were pressed back-to-back. "It's about your obsession."
"My obsession? Don't you mean yours?" He retorted. Joel snorted, and Etho could imagine the smug grin that'd be accompanying it.
"This projection is getting embarrassing, Etho," Joel said with thinly veiled glee.
Etho rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. Just tell me about your theory," He said through a chuckle.
From behind him, Joel wiggled like he was trying to look over his shoulder. The boat rocked hard to the left, and Joel stilled before crowing, "I knew you wanted to know!"
Etho stopped rowing to peer over the boat's edge. The ocean here was deep, illuminated only faintly by magma pockets and the occasional rogue glow squid. They'd made a lot of headway, but there was still a ways to go to reach an untouched reef. "I wonder if I could swim back to shore from here..."
"I'll push you overboard myself if you don't let me get a blummin' word out," Joel griped, even as he fisted a hand in the back of Etho's shirt. It wouldn't do much if Etho decided to move, but the idea that Joel might want him to stay was more than enough for Etho to do so.
Not that Etho would ever tell him that; his ex-soulmate's ego was big enough.
"You're the one stopping, though?" Etho answered, rebalancing the boat and adjusting the oars to continue rowing. Joel's inhale was audible, and before he could argue, Etho urged, "Let's hear your theory."
Joel crossed his arms with a huff. Etho grinned. Joel was probably pouting and everything. "D'you remember what Gem said this morning?"
"Hmm," Etho had to think the question through. They'd been hanging out with Gem, Impulse, and Scar that morning, a lot of things were said. "Mmmmaybe?"
After a few minutes of fruitless sifting through snippets of conversation that Joel might have found noteworthy, he threw Etho a bone. "When we were arguing about who built a better cherry tree, still me by the way, she said-"
Ah. "'Just kiss already', or something?" Etho offered.
Joel clapped once, "Exactly."
Etho laughed, pitching his voice up in a mockery of Joel's, "Oh no, I'm not obsessed, I'm just chasing him making smoochy sounds and thinking a lot about Gem telling us to kiss-"
"That first thing was literally your fault!" Joel argued, "And I'm not thinking about it, alright? There's nothing to think about, it's just a thing that is!"
"What is?"
Joel seemed to shrink, curling forward so their backs were no longer touching. "If we kissed, the world would sorta collapse, wouldn't it?"
Etho stopped so abruptly that he almost dropped an oar. What? "Uh. No?"
"Of course you'd say so, it's stupid how bad you wanna kiss me," Joel scoffed. The turn in conversation was so jarring that Etho didn't even argue the point about wanting to kiss Joel. "But the stir it'd cause would be massive. Gem would explode. Bdubs would probably explode, maybe Grian? Scar and Skizz, definitely, we'd never hear the end of it."
Etho locked the oars and turned around in his seat. If Joel noticed, he gave no indication, plowing relentlessly forward as if he'd realized there was no going back now that he'd started. Etho recognized that habit from their time together in Double Life- an anxious Joel with no other outlet would ramble himself breathless.
"Your mask as well," Joel continued, "Nobody's seen you without it-"
Etho tugged his mask down.
"-that's probably grounds for server obliteration in itself-"
He put a hand on Joel's shoulder.
"-if the first time anybody saw your face was for a kiss like that, then-"
He turned Joel to face him.
And before Joel could say another word, Etho kissed him.
Silence. Bliss. Etho's lips were dry from the mask, and he kept the press of them soft until he felt Joel's stiff body melt, meeting Etho's lean halfway. He tilted his head, and he could feel the flutter of long lashes against his face as Joel's eyes shut. The world kept turning, and Etho let it, stealing a moment just for them.
It only ended when Etho pulled away, leaving a dazed Joel to process what had just happened. Etho didn't bother putting his mask back up when he grinned. "Still alive?"
"Wh- y-?" Joel floundered. Etho chuckled, and Joel scowled, even as a dusty blush painted his cheeks pink. Even as he turned to face Etho properly, dropping his head against Etho's shoulder. Even as Etho felt lips against his racing pulse.
"Oh, shut up, Etho."
#SmallEtho#SmallishBeans#EthosLab#Hermitshipping#Hermitcraft#Hermitfic#MCYT#Asks#Anonymous#Etho#Joel#Astral Library#My Writing#Pinto Don't Look#This one really fought me and I'm not sure why
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Sacred Waters, Sacred Hearts Chapter 1
A Male OC! Metkayina x Fem Human! Reader | Word Count: 1722
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A/N : Both Rukan and reader are in their mid 20's
" " = direct speech | ' ' = Metkayina sign language | Bold = English
Another night approaches as multiple moons emerge from the waves. I adjust my mask, ensuring it's sealed to my cheeks, as I shuffle off my light shawl, leaving just my wetsuit and waterproof tablet. The morning winds nip at my exposed skin, and I make haste into the reef, gracefully submerging myself and diving down to the reef bed to escape the chill of the evening.
I was one of the last marine biologists left on Pandora after the fall of the Omatikaya's Hometree, yet by the grace of Eywa I was taken into her embrace and was allowed to live amongst the flora and fauna. I now reside on the coastline a couple hours from the Metkayina settlements; respecting the ocean-dwelling Navi immensely, I made sure to leave them alone and stay in my small corner of the ocean; content with just researching and documenting the underwater flora and fauna. Though I may seem isolated here on my lonesome I do make frequent calls to Norm and Max to update their data files, ordering human supplies or just for a chat yet sometimes I yearn for someone else to share my experiences with...
Weaving through bioluminescent kelp, flippers boost me through the currents I glide to a halt and unsheathe my switchblade to harvest some vegetation and check on the coral's health. Happy with the healthy flora and the harvest I document photos for my log and bask in the temperate waters. I smile at the stillness from the ocean bed, turning onto my back and gazing up through the water's surface, mesmerised by the reflection of light shimmering across the lapping waves from below.
Eventually, my lungs begin to burn yearning for oxygen, and I move to breach the surface, breaking the water tension my mask immediately intakes the Pandoran air and swiftly converts it to plain oxygen. As I catch my breath, I watch Ilu ride the waves and birds dive into the ocean to nab up small fish for their dinner. My stomach rumbles at the through and my mind drifts back to the edible vegetation in my pouch, I paddle back to shore and squeeze the water from my hair before I begin stoking a fire to roast my own dinner.
Time gets away from me as I continue to do tasks onshore like chopping wood and transferring files into the databank. My thoughts are disturbed by a shrill ring, Norm's contact blaring from my tablet. I quickly accept it as Norm appears on the screen; giving a curt wave before he started speaking.
"Hey (Y/n), how are you? Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time, but I have a favour to ask." He rambles, arms gesturing awkwardly.
"Uh, nah I'm not doing much; how can I help ya Norm?" I say absent-mindedly as I continue weaving a new blanket, preparing for the cooler weather.
"Mo'at needs some specific medicinal herbs, but they can only be found in the deeper parts of the reef bed. Considering you're now quite an adept diver I thought to ask you first before connecting with the Metkayina traders."
"Oh yeah no problem, I'll duck out in a moment and get that heading your way no problem" I smile as I stand to pull my wetsuit back on from its drying rack.
Norm rubs his nape and bows his head in gratitude "I can't thank you enough (Y/n) just text me when you're done so I can send someone out there to collect the goods"
"Easy, I'll get back to you soon, but if you don't hear back by tomorrow afternoon assume I drowned" I laugh in jest.
I watch as Norm scrunches his face in horror "Don't make me come over there for a welfare check buddy, because I will! I swear it." Norm sighs exasperated by my words wagging his finger to the camera.
"Oh, I'm just kidding Normie; have some faith in me will ya." I giggle as I slip the thick fabric up my torso, Navi stripes adorn the fabric, mimicking the Metkayina's camouflage.
"How many times have I asked you to quit it with the 'Normie'…" Norm scolds but it holds no venom at all. "Look, you better update me straight away ok! I got to go; Max needs some help in the lab, see ya (Y/n)." He waves and disconnects as I wave goodbye myself.
I release a sigh as I take a final note of all the things I need and make sure my mask is free from damage as I set out. I walk out of the airlock to the edge of the mangroves and leap into the deeper portion, my vision is hindered by a myriad of bubbles for a moment before settling down, I begin the descent into the sandbank, I had no need for a flashlight due to the high concentration of bioluminescence, I glide through the waters and corals with ease and gradually letting some oxygen in through my air tank, I only used it for longer expeditions as I like to train my lung capacity.
I swim further from my base, lowering my altitude as I dive into a stunning deep cave. I spotted the herbs; it looked like sea moss; excellent in curing skin ailments when ground into a salve. I push faster through the currents and into the jagged coral formation that the moss grew on, not seeing the signature Metkayina markers for a protected area... I peeled it from its roots and placed it into a leather pouch, deeming it enough I turned to make my way back out, but I was stunned into silence as a massive shadow passed by the gaps in the coral.
It was an Akula…a massive shark-like beast who not even the Navi deem as a friend. My lungs constricted as I limited agitating the water around me. I waited with bated breath as the Akula swam circles around the exit, I peered timidly out as I no longer detect its presence. So, I make the decision to slowly rise to the entrance of the cave. I make the dash, but the Akula notices the disruption and flings itself in my direction, a terrified gargle escapes my throat as I weave hastily through the outcrops narrowly avoiding its snapping jaws.
In my adrenaline-fueled state, I didn't notice another join the fray. Until a muffled roar is heard from the Akula as it flees back deeper into the cave system. I burrow myself into the coral hiding from my painful death as I go to release more oxygen into my mask, my hands fumble with a pierced tube and my eyes widen in realisation.
My oxygen supply is drained and I'm so far from the surface.
My panic only spikes further as piercing blue eyes peer down at me cuddled up in the coral like a child.
It was a Metkayina patroller, he was mounted on an Ilu as he scowled in my direction, his rapid signing not going unnoticed.
I gingerly raise my hand and sign 'I mean no harm. I'm with the Omaticaya, gathering medicinal herbs for our injured, but can you help me to the surface I need to breathe…'
He shook his head frustrated but for a moment I could see the disbelief in his eyes at my fluency. 'You do not belong here tawtute, let alone in a protected area, go back to the forest.' But his eyes soften when he sees me start to go blue, my eyes pleading as I point to the surface. He sighs exasperated as he snatches my arm and hauls me into his chest atop his Ilu, jetting to the surface. My vision gets splotchy as we break the water, my mask luckily taking in the air again with no issue.
As I fill my strained lungs again, I'm abruptly shoved off the Ilu and dunk under momentarily pouting as I surface and gazing up at the Navi with a smug look on his face. He points his finger at me.
"Do not touch tawtute, it is a protected site and you're too close to the village" he states, shaking his head. "Go" He states his finned arm pointing back to shore.
"Sorry I didn't see the marker, I'll stay away, promise." I put up my pinky finger momentarily before realising he wouldn't know what it meant. He leans back, a hairless brow raising in suspicion.
"Silly tawtute…" He mutters under his breath before urging again "I'll accompany you home just to make sure that Akula leaves you be. I don't want your pitiful death on my conscience." He states "But you're swimming yourself…"
I laugh "Fine by me" I say before setting back on course. I paddle on the water's surface beside the Metkayina on his Ilu, swimming in silence for most of the way. I'm broken out of my thoughts as his words pierce the silence.
"What are those on your feet…" He questioned, with an ounce of curiosity evident in his tone. I gaze back for a moment checking for any foreign matter.
"Flippers. Helps me swim faster and easier, kind of how your feet and tail help you through the water." I say casually, lifting one from the water to flaunt it with a smile, his face scrunching up as water flicks him in the face.
"I see…" His words were cut short as my home was spotted over the water. Nestled into the mangroves and covered in my hand-woven cloths and netting.
"Well, here's my stop" I sigh as I pull myself up into the mangroves and onto the net platforming.
A curious hum leaves his throat as he gazes at my abode. "Looks somewhat like our villages… yet so tawtute." He mumbles scratching at his nape.
Honestly, over the past hour, I have grown fondness for this Navi. I can't help but blurt out "(Y/n)." His eyes shoot to me confused. "My name… it's uh (Y/n)" I state my cheeks flushing.
"(Y/n)…" He takes a moment letting my name digest "Rukan…" he replies before abruptly diving on his Ilu and swimming off in the direction of the village.
"Rukan…. What a nice name" I smile before heading inside to preserve the moss and notifying Norm of a successful expedition.
Enjoy the next chapter in my Masterlist! & join the taglist
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this odd little goober^^ is called a tasselled wobbegong and is 1 of 12 species of carpet shark in the orectolobidae family (wobbegong being the common name). orectolobidae are found in shallow, temperate and tropical waters of the western pacific ocean and eastern indian ocean, mainly around australia and indonesia. however, one, the japanese wobbegong, strays from this pattern by going as far as japan!
the 12 types of wobbegong are: tasselled, floral banded, gulf/banded, western, japanese, indonesian, spotted, ornate, dwarf spotted, network, northern and the cobbler wobbegong.
the reason for their classification as "carpet sharks" is of course related to their resemblance of ornately patterned carpets but also because they all have 5 gill slits, two spineless dorsal fins and a small mouth that doesn't extend past the eyes, as most of the species have barbels- small whiskerlike organs near the mouth which house taste buds and search for food in murky waters.
the tasselled wobbegong's arguably most distinctive trait is its fringe of branching dermal flaps around the head, which dribble onto its chin. the fringe enables the tasselled wobbegong to camouflage itself against the reef environment. this is done by the complex colour pattern of small blotches and reticulations (a pattern of interlacing lines resembling a net). their colour can actually change colour slowly over the course of several days to blend in with it's environment.
also, they're a nocturnal species and are only active at night. they're solitary snd spends most of the day resting in caves, under ledges, with their tail curled up around them. think of a really odd, kind of distorted and funny looking cat! similar, right? individual tasselled wobbegongs will have what's referred to as a small "home range". these areas contain several preferred resting spots which are used repeatedly.
wobbegongs primary diet is bottom-dwelling fish (mainly the bony type) and invertebrates such as small octopi, crabs or lobsters. when it hunts, they perch on reef and lunge up to suck in its prey. it then clamps down with its large jaw and fang-like teeth, not letting go until it's successfully killed its prey. the tasselled wobbegong is very opportunistic as it tends to remain in its favoured resting spot and whilst it's lounging, it'll ambush its prey. however, the little carpet also has its predators! this includes sharks- like the blacktip reef, horn, nurse, sand tiger and sand shark-, larger fishes and marine mammals.
these guys tend to reside in shallow habitats (ranging from 5 to 50 metres, 160 feet) near coral reefs! they're found in the tropical waters of the indo pacific ocean off of indonesia, australia and new guinea.
the maximum size of this species has been found to be 1 metre (4 feet) and it's complete lifespan is actually unknown but estimated to be about 26 years, between the average shark lifespan. this species has a very broad and flattened body and head, hence the carpet nickname.
we don't actually know much about the biological structure of the tasselled wobbegong but it's assumed to be a viviparous species (give birth to live young) based off of the reproductive habits of similar and related species. the pups are kept inside the womb of the female wobbegong in the form of eggs until they hatch and the young get their nourishment from the egg yolk. in a litter, there's typically 20 or more pups at a time. all measuring to about 20cm long (8 inches). their size at sexual maturity, however, is uncertain. their mating has been reported to have been observed in a cave at night, but not much else is known. one male, adult, was found to be adult at 1 metre - the average tasselled wobbegong size.
compared to other wobbegongs, the tasselled wobbegong is notorious for its "unprovoked attacks" on humans. whilst the species has certainly proved that it's capable of inflicting severe wounds, divers have also been able to approach the species without incident. given the sharks camouflaged appearance and poor vision, it's recommended people avoid accidentally harassing the shark as it will mistake a foot or hand as prey.
this carpet shark doesn't actually have a great economic value. although it's peculiar skin may occasionally be used for leather, it's not fished in australian waters and faces minimal threats. however, elsewhere, it may very well be affected by excessive fishery activity and habitat degradation (loss) from pollution, blast fishing (an illegal method involving explosives to stun/kill schools of fish) and coral removal. regarding this, the ICUN has declared this species of shark as least concern. meaning that it's still plentiful in the wild and isn't considered threatened or,pre 2001, conservation dependant.
note: ive came to the realisation that the previous image shown was a monkfish, not a tasseled wobbegong. i apologise for the misinformation! ive changed/updated the image since! very sorry
#shark#facts#fun facts#i love sharks#tasselled wobbegong#marine biology#marine life#ocean#special interest#science#biology#sea creatures#sea life#love to sea it#oceanposting#sharkblr#sharks
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Yawnyewla(Broken Heartedness) | Part Two
A/N: It has been a crazy month or so, real life has brutalized me. Sorry you guys are getting this chapter later than planned Avatar + the Omegaverse has been my comfort lately. @cinetrix you have been especially supportive and I lova ya bby. Thank you for making me some Mega Neteyam to keep my writing brain on! The art below is made by her and omg right?
Word Count: 10k+
Warnings: Alien sex. Alien Genitalia. Oral sex(female and male receiving), Fingering(female and male receiving) Cursing. Angst(it’s me, duh) and mild talks about past grooming. Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics.
Summary: You’re the Metkayinan Olo’eykete in training, but sometimes even you buckle under the crippling pressure. Will Neteyam be there to comfort you?
Omega Neteyam x Female Alpha Reader
Series Masterlist
<Part One
Part Three>

You only ever touch me in the dark,
Only when we’re drinking can you see my spark.
And only in the evening would you give yourself to me,
Cause the night is your woman and she’ll set you free
-Lies, Marina and the Diamonds
Your life had always been ruled by carefully crafted routine. Early mornings as the sun rose on the glittering sea, and late nights after most were tucked away.
Being the eldest daughter in any family came with its own list of responsibilities. But for you, the eldest of the reigning Olo’eyktan and Tsahik who also happened to be an Alpha, it seemed like you had been born with duty running through your bloodstream. Burdened with glorious purpose.
It had been clear from an early age just what was expected of you. A life, lived for your people, was your destiny.
And at most times that was okay.
You were happy to serve, it was in your nature to care for others. Good Alpha’s, your mother had taught you, are not ruled by ego. Or violence. Strength comes from within, is a honed skill like fishing or net weaving. Strength is taking care of your family. Helping the elderly and the young. Making sure everyone has a full belly before they lie their head down for bed.
You we're a good Alpha, or at least you tried to be. You knew you could be if you tried. If you could just be calm for long enough to focus.
Ronal liked to say that you were more like the ocean than anyone she had ever met. She had birthed the sea incarnate- with its strong crashing, never faulting, waves. It’s vastness. It’s life-giving vitality.
And its wild nature.
There was something unsettled about you. Deep down, you would never be still. There was a need to learn. Explore. To fight and scream and run. An untamed side of you that Ronal and Tonowari had watched with equal parts amusement and hesitancy during your childhood.
From a young age you’d jumped from the highest cliffs. Sailed out past the reef. Engaged in fights with warriors twice your size, Limping away from tussles with a crimson tinged grin and your big blue eyes sparkling.
The older you get, the more you try to temper it. You desperately attempt to shove it somewhere hidden and out of sight. You can't be what anyone wants you to be with all of this restlessness inside of you. You can't support your father's throne or keep your people healthy-
There’s no room for it. For you, at your core. In your soul.
No one wants a wild woman.
You’d heard it before, it had left a bitter taste in your mouth and a stain on your heart.
In your younger years you were a bit of a trouble maker, but you’d like to think you'd reformed. If only a little bit. It’s not like you truly had the time to get into messes anyway.
Especially not at this time of year.
Though it’s sacred, a time for joy and festivity, it’s exhausting. To say the least. With the Iknimaya ceremony and The Return of the Tulkun looming in the very near future, the village of Awa’atlu was a buzz.
There’s preparations to be made. And endless list of duties to fulfill-
And yet, this migration cycle, you lag.
Usually, you run around like an austrapede(chichen like creature) with its head cut off. Heading to your parents every word. Not getting a moment to truly breathe, your sole focus on making sure that the ceremonies went smoothly-
Something else entirely has your attention. A certain golden eyed man that had bewitched you completely.
You thought you had known infatuation before Neteyeam.
You've certainly had crushes before.
There had been others who caught your eye, definitely.
But this? You’d never felt anything close to this. You think about him when you awake in the morning and before you fall asleep. When you’re not with him, you're aching for the moment that you can find time to slip away and get your hands back on his hard, muscle corded body. Your mind constantly assaults you with images of him. His broad shoulders and long braids. His mouth, swollen and puffy. His deep moans as you bring him over the edge-
“Look at you” Your good friend, Akime, grunts through a laugh. Breaking you from your reverie.
You’d been sat with a group, working on repairing weapons for the Great Hunt that would ensue after the Iknimaya trials.
But Neteyam had walked by with his father.
Doing something mundane, toting heavy woven baskets to the big main Mauri for dinner. His arm muscles bulging in a way that had you greedily tracing his form. He’d only given you a small nod in acknowledgement as he passed. An even smaller smile.
“Shut your mouth-and focus on your whittling. I pity the poor soul who ends up with that lopsided spear” you retort with a roll of your eyes.
You're not embarrassed about being caught ogling. You knew you weren't the only one. The Omiticayan transplant was one of the most gorgeous Omega’s that had ever stepped foot on the islands. Everyone was a bit dazed.
“He’s very pretty, I'll give you that. But he’s so stand offish- I could never see you with a mate like that, yawne(beloved)” Akemi was your closest confidant outside of your family.
A Beta who stood much taller than you and had the brawn of two men but was the kindest Na’vi you’d ever met. A gentle giant so to speak. He wore his dark hair pulled into a loose bun at the nape of his neck most days and black ink tattoo’s swirled around most of his body. A decorated warrior and hunter with the tattoos to prove it.
Everyone had assumed the two of you would mate, until he met his husband. Another Beta Male from one of the smaller islands. The two had all but raised Akemi’s cousin, Roxto, after the abrupt and tragic passing of the younger boy's parents.
“He’s really not,” you sigh, shaking your head as you sharpen the blades.
“Oh? I don't think I've ever heard him speak more than a few words at a time. And he always has that look on his face- like he swallowed a Wonwon fruit(lemon like fruit)”
Neteyam has many skills, you’d learned as you’d spent endless hours training him. Being a social butterfly is surely not one of them. He clams up around big groups, gets nervous and awkward. You find it endearing, even though you know the Omega is really hard on himself for it. He’s actually really funny and easy to talk to when you get to know him.
“He’s shy, be nice” you chide your friend easily. “There is nothing wrong with him not wanting to gab all day with any and everyone”
“Hah! I guess your loud skxawng ass can talk for the both of you. You never shut up” Akemi dodges the small shell you throw at him “But really, he’s so different then what you usually go for-” Akemi goes on and if it was anyone else you’d shove them off. Tell them to mind their own business.
Neteyam had made it clear that he wanted to keep what the two of you had under wraps, at least for now. And even though that wasn't what you particularly wanted, you respected his wishes.
“And what is it I usually go for, pray tell?” your brow bone rises, confrontational and curious.
“People just as annoying as you” Akemi dead pans and you can’t help but snort “You like Na’vi who challenge you. Who are just as bold and loud and daring. Is he not too…soft for you, my friend?”
In the past you had been attracted to men and women who matched the spark in you. And it had always ended in misery. In yelling and fighting and you questioning if you're meant to be alone because in partnerships you seem to always chase away the other.
But with Neteyam it’s different. He isn't a challenge, he doesn't want to knock you down a peg or make you change…he only wants to be your equal.
“Just because he’s quiet doesn't mean he’s soft” you defend the Omega like he’s your own, because that’s all you want. You want to wear his bite “He’s actually the fiercest warrior I’ve ever trained. His skillset is unmatched. I mean, I can keep up with him. But just barely”
Akemi chews this over. Continuing to carve at the spear in his hands “It sounds like he’s impressed you” and that's not an easy feat. You both know. “I'm excited to see his performance for the Iknimaya”
You are too. You can't wait to watch Neteyam shine.
The ocean had not been his chosen terrain, but oh. How beautiful it had been to watch him master it. He rode Tsurak like he had been doing so for years. Uses the crossbow like it had been made just for him.
You liked your partner's competent, and Neteyam checked every. Single. Box.
“If he has you caught in his net, why don't you announce your courtship?” Akemi questions because he knows he can. That he’s your best friend and that you and those walls and that strong strong heart can be open with him.
You hesitate. Chew on your lip for a moment.
“He’s not ready for anyone to know yet” the words are hard. You get it. Neteyam’s not a fledged “adult” member of the Metkayina yet. But many court before their rites, before mating.
“Y/N…”Akemi sighs and it makes your hackles rise.
“It’s fine. It makes sense. He’ll come around after his Iknimaya- that’s the only reason why” you insist to your friend. To yourself.
Akemi purses his lips before he speaks. Choosing his words wisely “I hope that is the case, I truly do. But…you’re my closest friend. I only want your happiness, and investing your feelings into someone who doesn't reciprocate isn't the smartest move, yawne. I just don't want to see you fall into any old patterns”
He doesn't want to watch you pledge your love to another man who's going to stomp all over your feelings. It’d been devastating to bare witness to last time.
You don't like to speak of it. Try not to even think of it. But it doesn’t take from the fact that it had happened.
“I will be fine” You insist, a smile plastered on your face, fake as can be “I’d like to think i’m not that stupid anymore”
Akemi’s nostrils flare “You we’re never stupid, you were young. And vulnerable. You know that right-”
“Please” you interrupt him, head shaking firmly “I don't want to get into this now” or ever.
Most people know not to push you.
That you’d fight back tooth and nail when you feel threatened- but much like your family. Akemi isn't scared of your claws and slick mouth. He’s very much going to push the issue- but is interrupted before he can.
It’s Ao’nung and Roxto, coming down the beach.
Rough housing, tails bumping each other. Even if he hadn't been Akemi’s kin, Roxto would be your favorite of your little brothers friends. He kept Ao’nung in check.
“Y/N!” your brother calls as he approaches- “Sempul wanted you. Says he needs you to help with the Mauri renovations or something.”
He plops down beside you, all the way in your personal space, and you give him a look. Overgrown man-child. Whatever was he going to do when mother had the new baby and he wasn't the youngest anymore?
Roxto stays standing, greeting you politely like the good boy he was. Akemi had done wonders raising him. He turns to his cousin and speaks about plans for dinner for their grandmother.
“When?” you question. You really had hoped you’d be left out of that project, you weren't much of an architect and painting and plastering all day was b o r i n g beyond compare.
“This afternoon” Ao’nung continues.
“But I’m training Neteyam later” you push, your stomach dropping at the thought of not getting to spend your usual time with the Omega. It seems like these days the trainings were few and far between- and after his Iknimaya, he wouldn't need them at all.
“Not today. Tsireya’s gonna have all of ‘em, free diving practice I think” Ao’nung continues, as he reaches for your canteen. Taking big sloppy drink.
“Fathers orders, not mine” Ao’ shrugs and you know that he’d had no part in the decision making. Was only an unfortunate messenger.
Still. You snatch your leather canteen with a hiss, standing up. “That's mine, you little freeloader. I hope you’re going to be helping Tsireya with her lessons, your still on thin ice from the Lo’ak incident”
“I am going to help!”
“Good, you better be nice to them” you warn as you gather your belongings and prepare for an afternoon of helping out with Mauris instead of with your sweet Neteyam. Your mood soured greatly.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ve been nice lately, have I not? Roxto, haven't I been nice?” Aonung turns to his friend who does nod.
“As nice as Aonung can be, yeah” Roxto agrees and Neteyam punches his shoulder playfully, insisting that he had been a damn saint.
“Uhuh. Keep it up. Tsireya will tell me if you so much as whisper one sideways remark. You boys have a good rest of your afternoon” You give Ao’nung a pointed stare, ruffle Roxto’s hair, and pat at Akemi’s shoulder as you depart.
“We’ll continue our conversation later, Y/N!” Akemi warns, your back already turned.
You just wave at him without turning back- happy to have escaped the trauma laden conversation.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You end up crawling into your bed that night, dead tired. You don't even burrow under your bed mat- instead you lie atop the covers. You have splinters under your nails from the hay like palm that was used to construct the pods. The afternoon had been long and boring, just as you’d known it would be.
But the worst part is that you hadn't gotten the chance to see Neteyam. To taste his saccharine kisses. As you stare at your beamed ceiling you think of only him.
When you fall asleep his face is behind your eyelids.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
After days and days of activity that had seemed to keep the two of you apart, you’re ready to snap. Antsy and eager and needy for just a moment of Neteyam’s time.
The Omega doesn’t seek you out- he just gives you those tiny little smiles and private glances across the fires during communal dinner. It drives you mad, your fingers itch to run through his hair. Your lips want to rerun that familiar path down his chest-
You know he has to miss you as much as you miss him…right?
You don't allow those seeds of doubt to plant. Instead, your brain, desperate for the chemical rush that came with being around Neteyam, begins to plot on how you’d get to see him next.
As you go through the motions of your day, there’s only one thing on your mind and that is the fact that you need to see the Omega.
You have to ask around to figure out where the eldest Sully sibling is- he’s helping out in the orchards. His expertise tree climbing skills of great use.
Hidden in the shadows of the tropical trees, you wait. Lurking like a predator. You feel like a puluakan stalking her prey as you watch Neteyam from a far. He’s helpful and polite, his usual quiet self as he works with the other Metkayina to harvest the ripe fruits and vegetables.
While everyone else starts to head back- he stays. Neteyam insists that can get the ones from the tallest trees on his own. He’s happy to be useful.
You’re a hunter, tried and true. The only place in life where you could hone in on your thin patience, be quiet. Take your time. You move quick and silent, closer to your target. Your heart flutters fast, visibly beating in your throat and your kuru tingling with excitement.
When he’s nearly within arm's reach, right there, you’re prepared to pounce-
-Of course, he pounces first.
A brutal flash of clashing blue as the two of you collide.
It takes all of your strength, years of training, but somehow it ends up with him pinned to the thick base of the Yovo tree. Panting and staring down at you with wide tawny eyes. The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk.
“Hi” Though you’re a little breathless from the scuffle, you grin.
One of your hands on his shoulder, fingers digging into the hard muscle there. The other pressed against his waist. So close to him that you can feel his body heat.
“Hi” he’s so beautiful it hurts to look at him for too long. Of course, what most don't know about Neteyam- is that he’s a smart ass “You suck at stalking. I could hear you coming the moment you stepped out of the bush”
“No I don't” You cajole, a bubble of laughter building in your fast expanding chest “We’ve barely spoken in a week, and the first thing you do is be mean to me? It’s almost as if you didn't miss me at all”
“How are you gonna know to correct your form if I don't tell you?” He jests, struggling a little in your grip for good measure.
You give him a warning hiss.
This little game the two of you liked to play was usually fun, the push and pull of it all. A teasing filled hunter and prey routine that more often than not ended with Neteyam spreading his thighs as he finally let you have him.
You hadn't kissed your boy in days. You didn't have it in you to wait.
“I was hoping you’d want to tell me something other than how shit you think I am at hunting” you sigh, deep, for dramatic effect.
“What kind of other things?” Neteyam’s eyes keep flickering from your own, down to your mouth. His pink tongue peeks out, runs across the plush of his bottom lip and your knees feel a little weak.
“Things like you’ve missed me” you disclose, because you just can't help it. “Cause I’ve missed you”
You can feel him loosen under your hands, the fight draining. His ears twitch, lowering a bit, and his gaze goes unbearably tender.
“I’ve missed you” he confirms after a moment and it's all you need to hear.
You lunge, groaning the moment you're able to feel his kiss. It’s warm and wet. Full of little nips licks that drive you wild because they feel way too good. An all consuming kind of good- you feel him in your bones. When you release him, your grip on his shoulder falters, his arms wrap around you strong and tight.
You pull away, lips tingling and shiny “How much did you miss me?”
He groans and presses his lips back to yours, annoyed as you keep the kiss shallow. Pecks and light presses while he tries to force his tongue into your mouth. You herd even closer, caging him against the bark. His snuffles, cool air through his snout in annoyance “Y/N, come on”
Instead of responding, your hands begin to drift, fingers dragging across his indigo skin as they take their feel. Oh, this body. How you adored it. His strong shoulders and broad torso, all of that rippling muscle so sensitive and clenching under your touch. Your lips leave his, kissing sloppily across his cheek and down the hinge of his jaw. Stopping only when you can press your face into the place on his neck, right behind his ear, where his scent gland was pumping out that hypnotic musk.
Neteyam’s pheromones are like nothing you’ve ever encountered. They’re knock you on your ass strong, for one. You’d been able to smell him from across the beach the first time you’d met him-back when the Sully’s had descended from the sky. For two they’re foreign and unlike anything you’d previously encountered.
He smells of pine, herby and sharp. Of honeyed tree sap. Of fruit you’ve never learned the name of and the dew that stuck to the foliage in the mornings. It tingles in your nose as you inhale deeply, getting greedy lungfuls of his essence. Very much the scent of a virile young Omega in his prime.
Neteyam gets all shivery when you scent him like this. His head lulls to the side as he presents his entire smooth neck to you like a fucking prize.
It’s heady, the way he gives himself to you. How are you not supposed to be in love with him?
“Missed you so much” he whimpers as you lap at the gland “You’ve been so busy. I- ah, oh-” his speech is broken up. Overwhelmed by your mouth assaulting him and your dainty hand attempting to slip under his tweng “I didn't want to bother you”
You don't pull away when you speak, can't manage to tear your mouth from its ministrations. Instead, your words vibrate right into his skin “Please bother me, paskalin(sweet berry). Bother me all the time”
His laughter is as sweet as his scent, and you want to bathe in it.
Neteyam is an indulgence and you're gluttonous for him.
Screw your duties, whatever was waiting for you back at the village could do just that. Wait. It’s a bit scary how quickly you’re willing to put everything on the back burner if it meant you could spend just one sun drenched afternoon with him.
He looks good, in the shade of the palms. His eyes closed and cheeks flushed as the two of you ravage each other. Your hips knocking into one and other as you desperately rub against him through the layers of your clothing.
You’re completely wrapped up in him. You don't realize how much time you’ve spent just kissing him. You know that you’re needed for just about a billion different things but as you taste his spit you can't remember to care.
When you begin tugging at the cords of his tweng he sobers a bit, squirming. “What if someone sees, the gathering group might return”
“Fuck them” you mindlessly mutter, working at the blasted knots. You want his cock. You need to taste him on your tongue.
Neteyam huffs in amusement, reaching down to undo them for you. He always makes it look so easy with those long nimble fingers.
When he’s freed from his confines, your quick hands are all over him. Pawing at his bare inner thighs, groaning when your fingertips run along his dripping slit. You can already feel his manhood, rock hard, and poking out from the protective sheath of his body.
Neteyam is gorgeous and so, so sensitive. He’s throwing his head back, braids grinding against the bark as you play with him. Getting him all wet and messy between his strong thighs.
“Oh shit- shit, Y/N” he wheezes as you grasp his member in your hand, stroking him until he’s standing proud and fully erect.
Neteyam’s very much well endowed. He’s got girth yes, but Eywa he’s long. You wonder what it would be like to take him inside of you. You’re so sure that he would hit places that no other had before. You clench around nothing, can feel your knot internally swell, just dying to contract around him and milk him dry.
You can't, sadly. Not yet. Or you’d lay him down and sit right on his cock this very moment.
Instead you give him everything else. He’s moaning low in his throat as he squirms, and his hands disappear in your hair. Your eyes fight the urge to roll when his fingernails skritch at your scalp just right.
You're sinking then, down onto your knees. You want to taste him and your eager mouth envelopes his mushroom cock head at once. His earthy sweet taste explodes across your tastebuds and you don't know who moans louder, you or Neteyam.
You enjoy giving oral pleasure, you always had. It makes you feel powerful. You control Neteyam as you suckle on his manhood. When your hands come to play, inching down towards his hole he grunts and bucks hard. Your throat constricts around him with a gag.
Its so sexy. The way he chases his release makes you burn.
His virgin hole is tight, the muscles tense as you circle it with your fingers. The sounds Neteyam gurgles above you make it clear that he doesn't want you to stop. It’s a beyond snug fit as you push a single digit in.
The darker man practically sings. His abdominals clench and you’re pretty sure he’s about to blow-
When suddenly his hands fisting your locks go from holding you close, to pushing you away. You’re only haughtily confused for a moment.
The two of you freeze.
Sensitive ears twitching as the sound of crunching footsteps in the distance.
The orchard is large and full of fruit trees and bushes, making an escape without getting caught is easy enough. You slip behind an enormous berry bush, hidden easily by the thorned shrubbery. You’re vibrating with the thrill though, as you and Neteyam avoid being spotted. Just barely.
You don't think you would have minded if anyone would have caught you on your knees pleasuring your beautiful Omega.
Neteyam on the other hand doesn't look as happy as you. He actually seems kind of spooked. Crouching low and alert as the voices hum in the distance he re-ties his tweng with shaky hands. He doesn't relax until they pass and even then his shoulders stay tense.
“It’s okay, I never get caught, don't worry” You press a comforting hand to his side, and he sighs. Leaning into your touch despite himself.
You can tell the moment of passion is over and you hate it, although it probably is for the best.
“I have to go” you’re mournful of the fact” I’m sure they’re looking for me, back at the village”
His face falls, a little frown that’s cuter than it should be marring his features “Okay…”
You cup his cheek on your palm, making him look at you “We’ll get to be together soon, yes? I’m going out of my mind, I need make you come again”
Neteyam bites the inside of his lip hard “Soon” he agrees.
It takes everything for you to leave him in the orchard and not drag him straight to your bed.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
There are more moments like these as the weeks go on.
Stolen flashes of intimacy.
The two of you sneaking in kisses and groping touches wherever you can. It's always white hot, and over way too soon and somehow you feel even more desperate and strung out after them. Like you’re only getting a taste of what you so desperately want to savor.
You think you’re handling it pretty well. Hiding your split attention-
It all comes to a head at dinner.
The Inknimaya celebrations are only days away and the largest Mauri, the communal one right in the center of the village is packed to the brim with buzzing Na’vi.
You’re sat with your family and a group of high standing village leaders at the head of the meal. Tsireya on one side of you and your very pregnant mother on the other. Your Father sits, right in the middle, and Ao’nung to his side.
There is discussion of the rites and who will be present to officiate them and witness them.
You’re barely listening, so exhausted it’s hard to keep your eyes open. You could blame it on your busy day but really, it's because you and Neteyam had spent last night tangled in each other until the early hours of the morning eclipse.
You meet his gaze from across the crowded room.
Neteyam looks as tired as you feel. And still, he grins. A barely there thing just for you. When his hands move it’s subtle movements while no ones paying attention.
He signs, just the way you’d taught him. Only one word.
“Y/N- are you listening?” It’s your mothers voice, firm and cutting and breaking you from your own head.
“Of course” its an automatic lie as you pick at a piece of fish from your plate. You hadnt heard a thing she’d said.
She gives you THE look. A severe one that could make children cry. Good thing you aren't a child anymore.
You try not to feel too embarrassed by her obvious chiding as you rejoin the conversation.
“We were speaking about the First Hunt- there’s been many Nomura(giant man o war style jellyfish) just beyond the reef. Y/N, what is your stance on this matter?” An elder says, voice weary and weathered.
“This is not out of the norm for this time of year. All will be fine, we can set up a perimeter around the young hunters performing their rites” you nod, affirming him while not feeding into the hysteria. Elder Makiao was an anxious man after all.
“Are we sure that’s smart?” The cutting comment is made by the person you like the least.
Vaeyu is an Alpha and vetted warrior from a good family. He has high standing in the clan, and sits on your fathers council. Tall and broad, with dark ink splashed across his angular face and his meaty right arm almost blacked out with intricate tiny tribal markings.
He’s always got something to say and you sincerely wish that you could tell him to shut the fuck up.
Politics don't work that way, unfortunately. “Why would it not be smart? It is tradition, we will perform the rites as we always have, will we not?”
He nods, mulling it over, his lips pursed “Of course I would like to see them performed as they should be but we have…different members attempting this cycle. I would hate for any of our new Omiticayan friends to be put at even more of a disadvantage then they already are”
A surge of protective anger rages through you- years ago you might have lunged at him. But you’ve learned better, about controlling your own feelings. And about dealing with scum like Vaeyu.
You try to keep the appearance that you’re unaffected, for you know it will only fuel him if he can tell that he’s bothering you “I’m assuming you’re talking about Neteyam?” and you want to kill him for doing so.
“The eldest of the Forest children, yes” He goes on and really. The disrespect is dripping from his tone like venom. The fact that he hadn't even had the decency to refer to Neteyam by his name makes
“Neteyam is not a child” you speak slowly and control your tone. Not allowing your pheromones to spike with your annoyance “He’d already passed his rites back home, and is only repeating the process here out of respect”
Your father, ever observant, can see right through your attempt on staying civil and cuts through the tension with his deep timbre “She is right, he has shown nothing but competence since arriving. And from what I have seen, has excelled in training. I trust my daughter's abilities as a karyu. The boy will be given his chance as all others are”
Tonowari is cheif; he’d always given his people the freedom to question him. The openness to have meaningful conversation.
But everyone knew that directly challenging him is off limits.
“Ah. I see” Vaeyu deducts, using his sharp bladed knife to peel the skin of a fruit “Of course, Olo’eyktan. I trust your judgment. We will just have to hope he can keep up; you know the smell of blood draws those nasty creatures in”
The talks stray onto different topics and you try to get over the bitter taste left in your mouth.
You never want Vaeyu to speak of Neteyam again. If it was up to you the older warrior wouldn't even be able to look in his direction. Neteyam was too good for the likes of him.x
You’re more than happy when the man gets up and makes his leave, retreating for the night with his pregnant mate. Once upon a time the sight of his hand on her lower back and her cradling her stomach would hurt you. Now you’re just relieved as you watch them leave.
Your sister gives you a sympathetic pat on the hand.
The dinner on your plate is picked at, you can barely eat with the excitement of seeing Neteyam again bubbling. Tonight is going to be special. You’re going to give him the necklace you’ve been working on. He liked to act bashful, but you knew he loved your gifts and this one was the most important yet.
You offer Ao’nung the rest of your food, not wanting to waste, and try to make your exit.
“You have been very far away as of late”
Of course it can never be that easy.
Your mother is Tsahik for a reason. She is all knowing, with her keen eye and sharp senses, the tribe likes to say she has special Eywa given powers and you believe it. You just absolutely hate when she uses them on you.
Of course she’d notice you being off, even when you we’re trying so hard to keep it hidden.
“I am not sure I know what you mean” you feign innocence “I have been tired, and very busy, yes”
“No” she continues in that tone of hers. Her eyes that are more green than blue boring into you “That is not it. You have been distracted, and if you do not wish to tell me I will not pry, but I need you to recenter”
“Sanok-” you start with a grumble.
“During the festivities, there will be Metkayina from neighboring islands coming in. I want you to think about what we’ve spoken of, about you finding a mate this cycle”
Your ears pin to your head and you can feel your face get hot. No, she’d spoken and when you’d try to insist that you are not going to go through with an arranged marriage she’d dismissed you.
“I am not interested-”
“In performing your duty? You will be Olo’eykte, you will pass the title down to your children. You need heirs, Y/N. By the time I was your age I was already pregnant with Tsireya” Ronal softens, she can tell how uncomfortable you are but this conversation is vital “I want to give you the space to choose. There will be many eligible Na’vi, all looking to court”
You’re tense all over. By the ways she’s speaking you’d think you were an old woman and not one who had just celebrated her twenty first name day.
“Tell me that you’ll at least think about it- Tonowari, please. Help me here. This is important is it not” Your mother plays dirty and calls your father in for backup.
There is not much on Eywa’Eveng that you could deny your father. You are dedicated to him. Closer to him than anyone else.
When he speaks its gentle and encouraging “We just want you to be happy. You are at the age where you should be starting your own family, I want to meet my grandchildren”
You feel trapped, impossibly so.
Mating had been the one thing that you’d refused to surrender to your chosen destiny. Being the next Olo’ekyte could have everything else but you so deeply wanted to find someone who loved you.
You want to tell them that you think you’ve already found a mate. You’re sure your mom wouldn't like it, wouldn't think Neteyam is suitable but your father would support you. You just know it.
It’s not the time.
Instead you just not tersly “I will consider it. Am I free to go?”
“My daughter…” Tonowari frowns, wanting to reach, but keeping his hands at his side anyway.
“Please. I am tired”
Your father just nods. You dont stay around to hear the worried words your family shares.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The moons are high in the dark, star speckled night sky as you lounge in soft grass. You’d never spent much time here, in the little island forest, before Neteyam and yet now it’s become your oasis.
The hidden spot where you could come and release everything. Your fear and doubts are harbored by the trees. They’re good secret keepers.
“You’re distracted tonight” Neteyam remarks as he meets you in the meadow. It always takes him a little longer to get there, he has to wait for his family to fall asleep before he takes his leave.
You try to put on a brave face, but when he lies down next to you, both of you on your sides facing on another, and places a large, callused hand on your hip you melt.
He doesn't have to say much to make you soft for him, he’s spent months tenderizing your heart.
“Talk to me” Neteyam urges softly as his thumbs rub patterns into your hip bone. “What happened?”
You close your eyes for a moment, overwhelmed by the comfort. “I’m just tired, Tey. I feel like- I can never really satisfy anyone, you know? And I try really hard to.”
He hums in understanding “I do know what that is like. Is this about your parents?”
Your silence is the only answer he needs. You, after all, are rarely ever silent.
“Back home I was going to be Olo’eyktan and while I accepted it, I was always kind of dreading it. Counting down the days until any semblance of my life being my own was over” you don't know it, but he’d never told anyone this. You listen raptly “The responsibility of making sure everyones taken care of, its alot”
You smile, because yeah. Alot is an understatement.
“I’m just letting you know that I know how it feels. Truly. And whenever you need to; we can talk about it, one eldest sibling to another” Neteyam’s kind words go straight to your head. They make you feel dizzy, so cared for and adored.
He’s what you’ve always wanted. All of your fantasies and desires rolled into one. You’re convinced that Eywa had brought him to you. Carried him to you by ikran back on the strong east wind.
You want to mate with him. More than anything, you want to bond him. Would it scare him off if you told him so? You don't want to lose what hasn't even had it’s chance to fully develop.
“I made you something” Your words seem to shock him, if only for a minute, and he groans and rolls his eyes.
“Another gift? Really, Y/N?”
“Don't pretend you don't love them” you tease as you reach for the small satchel you’d brought with you. You grab at its contents and hold it tight in your hand. You’re nervous, terribly so, as you present the jewelry to Neteyam.
This isn't like the spear, or the blanket or the fruit. For Metkayina, this is serious business.
“Oh” he says as you hand over the necklace that you’d spend countless hours working on. “It’s is gorgeous, wow”
He takes it from you and marvles at the care you’d put into it. The necklace is made of leather, and adorned with pieces of carefully polished dark blue seashells. In the center dangles a single pearl, black as night and rare. You’d shucked an endless amount of clams to find one that felt right.
“Do you accept it?” you question as his eyes trace the piece of jewelry.
“Well, I have not rejected any of your gifts yet” Neteyam jokes dryly “I’m not about to start now.”
He doesn't know then. That if he accepts it then he will be accepting your hand. That he will be agreeing to be your mate. In Metkayina tradition, he’d give you a necklace back, one that would sit right where his bite would on your delicate neck.
He requests that you help him put it on but you decline.
This isn't something to adorn tonight, if he still wanted to wear it in the cold light of day you’d be happy to help him fasten it. Once he puts it on, he can never take it off. You’re sure he isn't aware of the fact and you wont trick him- but also don't have the energy to tell him in that very moment.
“Well I can't wear it because your being weird” Neteyam starts, brows knitted “But I still wanna thank you for it”
“Thank me, huh?” you smile as you reach to pet at his braids. Sweet, sweet man.
“Mhmm” Is all Neteyam says as his hand travels from its place on your hip, down, To play with the hem of your pink skirt. It's very clear what he wants, so you roll over onto your back and spread your legs, making it easier for him to get it.
He works you out of your coverings with ease.
Your needy pussy is sticky- strings of wetness stretch between it and your tweng as Neteyam peels it off. He groans at the heady sight. His nostrils flare and his mouth waters.
“You talk so much about how good I taste” Neteyam grumbles into your skin as he presses deep kisses into the skin of your belly, sinking ever lower. Over your naval. He traces the pretty swirling ink of your tattoos, the ones that cradle your hips and lead him right where he wants most.
He mouths at that tender crease between thigh and labia “But your cunt is Eywa sent, I swear. So sweet”
You're panting, chest concaving intensely as his face disappears between your thick thighs. You feel no shame at him staring at where you’re drenched and throbbing for him. If anything you spread wider, showing him the pretty blushing insides of your light blue gash.
Neteyam dives in, nose first. His snout rubbing at your lips, inhaling your essence eagerly. You can't help but smile, happy that he loves the way you smell. That it’s reciprocated. Two of you so compatible.
When his wide tongue laps over your puffy slit, catching on your swollen nub you cry out. Your hands fly to the back of Neteyam’s head, holding onto the braids for support. Tugging ever so slightly, just on the right side of painful. You hump at his face, shoving him closer.
Neteyam’s a messy pussy eater, he dedicates his whole being to getting you off. He uses his entire face; his mouth but also his nose and his chin and cheeks. Soon enough hes completely messy, covered in your slick as he sloppily feasts on you.
“Oh, Great Mother!” you wail when he sits up a bit, hooking your thighs over his broad shoulders, before digging back in. He’s everywhere, there's not one part of your sensitive core that he’s not licked against. “Neteyam!”
When you come for the first time, it's with a violent arch of your back and a squeal. The pleasure makes you seize and shake as it washes over you in a tidal wave. Neteyam rides it out, his mouth following your arching pussy- drawing your orgasm out beautifully.
As you start to come back down, his chin is pillowed on your inner thigh and he's looking up at you with pleased amber eyes. So shy and proud of himself for being able to get you off. His face is sticky and gleaming with your cum. You never want to forget this image of him, you want to engrave this memory somewhere deep and timeless. You think that you will need to visit the Spirit Tree soon.
“Felt good?” he verifies and you grin, nodding, still coming down.
“So good, I love it when you tongue fuck me” you sigh, still spread out for him. Your pussy aches- from over sensitivity. From the need to be touched again.
Neteyam just blushes a little at your vulgar words, sometimes you forget that he’s still very new to all of this. Each time you guys are intimate, he explores a bit more of his sexuality.
He holds your gaze as his fingers begin to toy with your folds. There’s something so erotic about it all, the way that the two of you never break eye contact. Communicating silently as Neteyam rubs at your hard clit. Sharp jolts of pleasure make your hips twitch. But still, you try to be still. Encouraging his tentative touches. When his digit swirls around your hole for a moment before sinking deep your eyes roll until they close and your head presses back into the ground.
You’re meant to be filled, your body designed to squeeze around whatever enters it and not let go. It doesnt care if its a cock or fingers or tongue, your pussy is greedy.
Neteyam bites his bottom lip bloody as he watches your core hungrily eat his fingers. First one, and then two, and then before long he's pumping all there in and out of your wet snatch. A part of him wants to tuck his thumb against his palm and shove his entire fist inside-
He’s rock hard in his tweng, undulating against the ground as he watches your hips chase his hand.
“Knot my fingers” he begs over your pathetic sobs “Please, I wanna feel it.”
It’s too much.
His eager words paired with the constant perfect rhythm in which he’s pumping his digits in and out of you. It’s not hard to grant his request. You cry out as you come, again. This time, you don't stop your body from doing what it instinctually needs to. You reach down between your legs to grab his wrist, firmly pressing his hand to your pulsating pussy. If he wants to feel, you’ll let him. Your knot swells inside of you, impossibly tight, as it locks around Neteyams long fingers.
His wide eyes stare up at you in unfiltered awe as he feels you from the inside. It’s wondrous, like nothing he’s ever experienced. He feels very special in that moment, that he gets to share this with you. Very special and very fucking horny.
“Holy shit” is his clumsy, blunt response to it all. You giggle fondly and shake your head.
“Do you like it?” You inquire as you rhythmically pulse.
He groans and presses his head, his entire face into the safe plush flesh of your thigh “I do” he admits “I want to feel it around my dick so bad”
That starts a whole new round of neediness and the two of you go at it like animals under the bright moonlight, surrounded by fluorescent flora and fauna.
You’d sworn that you’d be smarter- wouldn't stay out as late so that you could go through the upcoming day a little less exhausted but by the time the two of you are done, the sky is painted pinks and purples and the morning eclipse is dawning.
You’re lying with your head pressed to his chest and your leg thrown across his both of his. You know you should get up but you don't want to make the long trek back to the village. You whine about the decided meeting spot as the two of you sit up, knowing that you need to get ready to return.
“Why do we have to go sneaking around in the bush? I do have my own Mauri, you know” you’d sassed him, as you look for your top in the grass.
“And what if someone catches me coming in and out of your place? Yeah, no. I don’t think that is a good idea”Neteyam had protested, flustered at even the thoughts . It would be so obvious.
A frown tugs at your lips at his words. “Would that be so bad?”
There's a pregnant pause before he speaks again “I mean…I thought we had agreed to keep this private. If people start seeing me sneaking in and out of your home at all odd hours it’s not going to be hard for them to put together what’s going on”
Your heart drops a bit at that, and you feel more naked than you had moments before. “What are you…ashamed of what we’re doing?”
“I’m not ashamed…I just don't want that label, Y/N” Neteyam sighs like you’re being unreasonable and it’s like ice water in your veins. “I don't want people to look at me differently because of this”
It's hard to speak around the lump in your throat “Because of what? Me courting you? Why would that cause anyone to feel differently about you?”
“It's just, it’s different for you. There are different expectations in place. You’ve done this before.-”
“As you love to remind me” the laugh that escapes you is humorless as you locate your top and slip it back on. You already feel vulnerable, there's no need to psychically be so too. “ I’ve never once held it against you or made you feel bad about being a virgin, but you constantly throw the fact that I've been with other people in my face.”
“That’s not it-” Neteyam insists as you stand, he tries to reach for you but you side step in and grab your tweng instead. He looks so lost, like he’s trying to untie the knots in his head. You know that Neteyam has a hard time transmuting his thoughts into words and usually you’re patient with him but right now? Right now you’re too hurt to wait for him to find the words to insult you with. “I dont- I dont care if you’ve been with a ton of other people, It doesn't matter to me. That’s not why I feel uncomfortable with the village knowing”
“The mere fact that you’re so eager to call it a ton tells me that it does” you're wrapping the ties of your covering around your tail and ignoring your shaking hands as emotion bubbles up violently “I’ve only ever been intimate with three people, including yourself. Did you know that, Neteyam? I’m not the huge whore that you think me to be”
Neteyam looks down at the ground shamefully. He hasn't even reached for his own tweng yet. It’s like he’s stuck, his head going a mile a minute. Too fast for his body to catch up with.
“When I told you I wanted to court you I wasn't lying. I’m not sure what that means to you, or the people back in the forest, but here it means that I see you as a potential mate. I didn't realize that you’re too embarrassed of me to see me as the same” you’re going to start crying, you can feel it.
This moment had already happened to you, years before. You’d already been rejected by someone you thought wanted you- you never thought you’d allow yourself to happen again.
Eywa, how fucking stupid can you be?
The familiar feeling is devastating. You feel soiled and used.
“If you can just be reasonable- If we can-can talk. I don't know how to make you understand that this isn't all about you” Neteyam is stuttering, finally reaching for his own tweng but you’re checked out.
How does one be reasonable when their heart is breaking?
“It’s fine. There’s nothing to talk about. I’m sorry that I misread this whole thing. My mistake.”
You’re off before he can get another word in, storming through the foliage as fast as your feet can take you. The tears that had been building only fall once you’re out of eye sight.
You can hear him calling for you, pleading for you to come back.
You leave him there, half naked in the woods.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The Iknimaya ceremony comes all too fast.
The days since you and Neteyam’s fight in the forest had all been a blur. You were too busy to focus on your fractured feelings. No one had even truly known about the two of you, so it’s as if life moves on as though it had never even happened.
That might be what’s most painful about it all.
You have duties to fulfill, and you’d like to pretend like they keep you from focusing in on that pain. You help where you’re needed- and even where you’re not. It’s left you drained and bone tired, but distracted enough to maintain.
As you and your sister get ready for the long day, she notices how sluggish you are. Dragging yourself through the motions.
“When was the last time you slept?” Tsireya asks as she watches you dress.
“I’ve been busy as of late, Reya” You take care as you ready yourself. Donning traditional Metkayinan ceremonial drab- your blood-orange tweng is intricate and the shell headpiece you wear connects with your barely there top. You brush your long midnight hair until it’s glossy and bouncing, the ends of it reaching the base of your tail as it falls down your back in waves.
You’d always had a healthy dose of vanity.
You know that you are attractive, pretty. Shockingly so, as you’d been told. Blessed with thick eyelashes and feminine features. Your whole life,many have spoken about how favored an Omega, to which you’d never taken offense. You’d inherited your mothers looks, as had Tsireya. Small. Compact. Unexpectedly vicious.
You use your looks as a weapon, just as everything else, your little sister is well aware of the fact. She knows that you’re overcompensating with appearing attractive for the fact that something has happened.
“I’m worried about you. You can try to fool everyone else, but you’re not fooling me, sister. I know that somethings wrong” Tsireya is sweet, but firm. She’d always had that air around her.
Caring yet severe. She was all Alpha no matter what people might think about her docile temperament.
“It’s not like speaking about it would change anything” you mutter, if anything, it would bring the pain front and center.
“Don’t be a coward, Ma Y/N. You know better than anyone that the only way over something is through it” Tsireya’s blunt, but without an ounce of malice.
She knows how to handle you and knows that tough love is oftentimes better than coddling like comfort when it comes to you.
It works.
“Neteyam rejected my courtship”
“You lie” she accuses in a gasp, and you just glare at her. “But- he’s so interested in you”
“Obviously not” it’s flippant. You don’t even want to meet her eyes. You’d been under that impression too.
“Something is being lost in translation here, sister. Neteyam likes you. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I can feel it everytime the two of you are around each other” your sister insists and it’s like salt in the wound.
“Sometimes things aren’t what they seem. It’s not as though this is the first time I’ve been wrong about someone’s intentions for me” the words are hard to admit and taste like acid in your mouth.
“Neteyam couldn’t be any more different than Vaeyu. The two might as well be night and day- this situation can’t be the same” Tsireya insists and you bite your tongue.
“No they’re not the same. But their feelings, or lack there of, are”
Vaeyu had never been particularly kind to you but there had been a time when you naively believed that he truly cared about you.
Before your Iknimaya, which should’ve been the first warning sign, the older warrior had courted you.
He, like Neteyam, had wanted to keep it a secret.
Vaeyu took your virginity before telling you that as an Alpha himself, he would never mate with another Alpha.
You were too much for him. Not at all a suitable mate. He’d be embarrassed to be with you…
The scene that had played itself out just nights before in the forest with Neteyam had been all too familiar.
“Just once” you start, voice shaky as you focus on holding back all the hurt you've felt “I’d like to be wanted back. Truly. By someone who sees me as I see them”
“Oh, Y/N” Tsireya breathes as she grabs your hands and holds them tightly.
You don’t have the time to weep, but it feels nice, standing in your Mauri with your sister for that fleeting moment.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The Metkayinan Iknimaya is a difficult and dangerous task to achieve.
The Akula hunt is fierce. An entire team of warriors working to bring down the wild beast. Many had died in their efforts. The massive sharks are armored with very few weak spots. They’re extremely difficult to kill.
Today would be no different. There would assuredly be some injuries- you give a brief prayer to the great mother for no casualties.
The to-be warriors line up on the shore and your mother, Tsahik Ronal, passes each. Chanting over them, and drawing a line across their face- from temple, over the bridge of their noses- to other temple, with white paint.
May the Great Mother take you into her arms. The Sea is your home before your birth, and if you should die, you will return to it in the afterlife.
You try to keep from staring at Neteyam, who’s tall and fierce and armed with the spear you’d given him.
The two of you only meet eyes briefly as he mounts his Tsurak. Right before he sets out. There’s so much unsaid and there’s no time to say it.
Instead you give him a firm nod.
You’d trained him. Had seen him in action. He could do this. You have full faith in him.
He only nods back.
The hunt makes you jittery, lights your blood on fire. You love this. Watching hunters draw first blood and make a clean kill. A primal part of you is dying to get in there. To join the fight.
It all happens in a rush- one minute the warriors are out on Tsurak back, headed for the deep. It’s harder to see where what’s going on as you stand with the crowd on the beach but you know from experience the energy filled pursuit that is going on right under the surface.
This year- it’s quick.
So much quicker than the years prior.
The crowd murmurs, almost confused, as the hunters return to the beach in record time.
They are no longer children.
Behind them, they haul the large carcass of a fully grown male Akula. Ropes secured around the body, netting and the waves helping transport with the sheer bulk of the creature. Sticking out of his left eye, perfectly launched, is the spear that you had crafted for Neteyam.
“Our hunters have returned, as fully blooded men and women of the Metkayina!”
Your father booms in pride, his warm cries whooping along the people as they join in. They’d made it back, all of them, with minimal damage. In record time. With one of the biggest catches you’d ever seen.
There’s hugs and tears. Everyone seems to be embracing one another. The pride is felt village wide and it’s a communal high.
“We will feast tonight!”Varyu cheers, and hoots follow “Tell me, who made the fatal blow? It is as clean a kill as I’ve ever seen”
You already know. You’d known since you’d seen the carvings on the wood- but the newly fledged Hunters push Neteyam forward and confirm it.
Vaeyu’s eyes almost pop out of their sockets. It’s comical to say the least.
Neteyam is humble, as he always is. It was a team effort, he claims.
His family beams at him. Jake whooping and Neytiri’s misty eyed. Lo’ak is grinning from ear to ear and Kiri and Tuk clap and cheer for their brother.You remember Lo’ak telling you about how his older brother had been the youngest in their village to ever make a clean kill. You’d been impressed then.
Right now? Right now you are stunned. So proud that you can barely speak. All of those training sessions where Neteyam had doubted his ability to adapt had paid off.
He’s a warrior, as he’s meant to be. Neteyam has reclaimed his place in the world.
Your father goes to Neteyam and places his hands on his shoulders. Beaming. “You have done well and proved yourself amongst are people. I am proud to call you Metkayina”
You want to cry. You’ve never felt such emotion. You know how much this means to Neteyam and all you want to do is go over to him and embrace him.
“As the hunter who solidified the kill, you have first choice during Fertility Season. Tell me, son. Is there anyone who you want to lay claim to?” Your father speaks of the tradition. If the kill can be traced back to a single warrior- they earn the honor of having their pick of mates.
It’s ancient, dated, and most decline. You’re expecting Neteyam to do the same.
Instead, he focuses on you.
It doesn’t feel real. This must be a dream. The docile introverted Omega you’d gotten to know would never lay a claim on you, so boldly. In public. To your father much less.
And yet, he does.
“Ma Y/N” Neteyam calls to you clear and true. He’s chosen these words carefully; they don’t stick to the roof of his mouth “I am yours if you’ll still have me.”
Only then do you notice that the black pearl necklace that you had strung together for him hangs around his throat.
A clear symbol of his acceptance of your courtship.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
I’m so sorry to end it there on that cliffhanger but guyssssss. We all know she says yes. She’s down so bad for him lmfao
To my omegaverse besties @tru-blubelle @imperihoe @tiredmamaissy and Cinetrix thanks for all of the inspiration and support!
Omega Neteyam is my fucking religion now. I swear. I’m never getting over how perfect he is. Ughhhh. Sweetest bby boi who deserves the actual world. I love writing the juxtaposition of someone who is so incredibly physically attractive- and yet so socially awkward. He really doesn’t know how gorgeous he is. People expect him to be more suave because of his chiseled features and he’s really just an introverted guy who hates being the center of attention.
Okay so lots to talk about here! I introduced some OC’s! I feel like whenever I get to read about a Na’vi OC I’m like instantly in deep because it’s such an interesting culture and they’re such an interesting people!
I adore Akemi. He’s just an all around good guy who stepped up to the plate and took Roxto in when he had no one. Akemi’s husband is also a fun colorful character and I can’t wait to introduce him to you guys in the next chapter!
Vaeyu fucking sucks lmfao I wanted to write a smarmy Na’vi for the realism of it all. He’s everything bad about Alphas. He totally groomed the reader, if that wasn’t clear enough in the story. Tonowari would have him banished if he knew about it because he’s a protective dad and also a good man who hates creeps.
If you need a visual guide to how I picture Na’vi Male Omega’s genitalia you can find that here!
And if you have any questions about my A/B/O Head Cannons or the way that I’m structuring secondary gender in this story, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Neteyam goes into heat next chapter(I had to split this one into two because it was at 18K words long) so get ready for some wild ass smut😂
Please remember that interaction is key when it comes to fanfiction! I'd love to talk to you guys! Let’s escape to Pandora together!
My Taglist for this story is currently OPEN, but full disclosure that if I take the time to give you a tag, I am going to be expecting some sort of feedback.
@thehoneymushroomhealer @persy-the-nugget @tallulah477 @sakurayuki8655-blog @cumikering @adaiasafira @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @akkibear @a-blog-name-2023 @weasleytwinwheezes @siimiasoi @blueslxt-primary @haji-me-mashite @mightyneteyam @kiri-tuk
#neteyam smut#aged up neteyam#neteyam x reader#neteyam x reader smut#omega neteyam#omega neteyam x female alpha reader#minors do not interact
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August theme: Coastal
Tropical reef: Bubble-tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
Temperate reef: Brown-lined Paperbubble (Hydratina physis)
Intertidal: Carpet Sea Star (Meridiastra calcar)
Sand: Wandering Anemone (Phlyctenactis tuberculosa)
Fun facts under the read more!
Bubble-tip anemone are insanely cool; on top of being host to clownfish, this anemone's physical appearance is affected by the lighting, depth, and other factors. Adults with stringier, more commonly recognized anemone tentacles live in deeper depths where less sunlight falls. Younger animals tend to be found closer to the surface, clustered together with their iconic round tentacle tips.

The Brown-lined paperbubble is an incredible name for a sea snail. Their shells glow red under ultraviolet light and nocturnally hunts bristleworms. Their genus Hydatina is distinct for having a much smaller shell proportional to their brightly colored mantles!

The carpet sea star is an australian sea star found across the southern coastline. They're pretty small, in the 5-10 cm range, but more than make up for that with incredible range of coloration and patterns!

The Wandering Anemone is exactly what you expect and more! Venomous and mobile, at night this anemone detaches from its spot and floats and crawls around looking for prey. It will even climb objects just for a better chance to grab a snack, waving from whatever it's holding onto.
#cuttledreams#insertaninvert2024#Bubble-tip anemone#entacmaea quadricolor#brown-lined paperbubble#hydatina physis#carpet sea star#meridiastra calcar#wandering anemone#phyctenactis tuberculosa#Youtube
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tonowari x reader x ronal + sully family
Guidance was always something that was needed in ones life, when they were facing hardships. The ones who always seem to be seeking helping are teenagers and kids as they, live their daily lives. Growing up is not easy and it extreme not easy when you are navi teen trying to live up to image of parent or older siblings that praised by everyone else and you don't get the same praise as well. Over your life of adult and when you were young you had seen, that and made a promise to always help out those who seek help when needed.
y/n " I given blessing to the great mother for my life ... I give the great mother thanks for my mates and for my children" you were doing a pray hoping for some answers on some stuff, when you heard something.
????? " leave us alone "
????? " aww little kids getting scared do you need your mommies"
????? " hey leave them alone right now or else" you heard aonung voice you soon stopped what you were doing, and made your way towards the sound. To see your sons along with the tow sully boys in fight with some visiting teens from another clan.
y/n " hey" you soon made your way towards the fight and soon broke the boys apart or they pushed each other way.
y/n " what is happening here"
lo'ak " these punks were picking on kiri calling her a freak, and I came to tell them to stop they were bothering us until neteyam and your son came"
y/n " kiri is that true"
kiri " yes we tried walking away until they insult our families"
navi teen boy " well it true all your family is weird"
y/n " enough all of you no more fighting we don't need conflict among, ourselves during these times"
teens " sorry"
y/n " you boys will start showing respect to the clan guests as they are becoming one of us, because if we were like them they will do the same for us"
metekayain teens " yes ma'am"
y/n " sully family I'm sorry for the poor behavior of the reef teens I will make sure it will not happen that much"
neteyam " it okay miss we know you can't control everyone opinion on us"
y/n " now it seems like you all might wish to explain this it your fathers" the teens soon looked to see their fathers standing there, you soon looked at your sons.
y/n " I will try to clam their tempers but you might still get scolded and some punishment, when you are all done head to the healers and get first up" you soon walked away and spoke with your mate and there males, they seem to understand a bit but the teens were still a trouble a bit.
Later on that day
y/n " so let me get this straight you had sent the boys all fishing together for what reason"
tonowari " Jake sully said it will be good for them to bond and form a friendship as well"
y/n " I hope so"
tonowari " what the matter"
y/n " I think you should spend some time with the boys a bit more"
tonowari " ......."
y/n " I'm just speaking from the heart it seems like the boys have been doing their best, to proven themselves to you lately as they idolize you ma tonowari"
tonowari " you are right my love"
y/n " thank you so please give them some time with you, and it will be good for all three of you"
tonowari " sure and maybe I can help them with their fighting after what happened today they are good but could use more training"
y/n " tonowari"
tonowari " what you told me to bond with them and I will" you soon smiled at your mate knowing he is correct.
y/n “ well I hope the boys have a good time, it seems like our boys are bonding well with the sully boys that good for them”
ronal “ what good for them is good for the clan” ronal soon sat with her mates making you smile.
ronal “ I thinks this friendship will blossom good fortune for our clans”
Y/n “ yes it will” your mates had stayed with you but soon left later on in the day. You were garage some water with a jug, when you saw your two sons with neteyam and other reef boy.
y/n” welcome home children how was the fishing”
aonung “ it was wonderful mama we caught many fish”
y/n “ that wonderful but where are the others”
neteyam “ oh we spilt up two groups my brother went with some of the other boys, one of them came with us”
Navi teen boy “ y/n I’m sorry for my rude behavior toward you and the others”
y/n “ it okay young one and it seems like you all were able to become friends that’s good, we will need this friendship in our time of need” the boys smiled and nodded their heads, you soon sent them on their way to deal with the fishes with the other hunters.
later that night
y/n “ …….” you were walking around at night after getting done with some task.
????? " I'm a freak dad"
????? " no you are not baby girl" you soon heard Jake and kiri talking, the girl was very sad.
kiri " yes I'm dad"
Jake " no you are not your brothers, spider, and aonung along with rotxo stood up for you today even y/n as well"
kiri " I know but why do I feel like a freak"
y/n " you are not a freak kiri" Jake and kiri soon looked at you, as you stood there giving them a smile.
Jake " hello again y/n"
y/n " hello I didn't mean to interrupt I was on my way home when I came across you to"
Jake " it okay"
y/n " kiri you are not freak"
kiri " then why can't I be like everyone else be normal"
y/n " because you are special my child and you have an import role to play, eywa has made you this way because she had plans for you"
Kiri “ are you sure”
y/n “ yes I’m sure young lady and it good you are different, because if we were all the same it will be boring around here” kiri gave you a smile and you smile back her, Jake and kiri had noticed fish’s were swimming around your legs as well.
Jake “ y/n right my daughter you are not a freak and will never be a freak”
y/n “ those who call you a freak are foolish and blind” kiri smiles at the comforting words, but soon everything changed in a quickly second.
????? “ aww you are hurting me let me go” the trio soon turned around to see their sons dragging, a few of the other reef boys over.
????? “ let’s us go”
neteyam “ tell my dad what we over heard you saying come on tell my father”
aonung “ tell my mother as well”
spider “ tell them don’t stand there acting like you can’t speak”
Jake “ what has happened where is Lo’ak” the boys were soon placed in front of you and jake, you could tell something had happened.
y/n “ boys speak now”the boys look like they were to scared to speak and this was making matter worst.
jake “ what has happened now someone say something”
y/n “come on everyone we are going to speak with tonowari, and ronal someone go get these boys parents now” Rotox and spider nodded their heads and soon took off, together as Kiri went to go get her mom and Tuk.
minutes later
tonowari “ you boys have done something stupid and dangerous leaving a boy, who knows nothing out there alone”
ronal “ it seems like you boys had this planned for the youngest sully boy”
navi teen “ he humiliated us”
ronal “ you did this because of some fight after you we’re bullying his sister”
navi parent “ it not our sons fault they didn’t mean any harm”
neytiri “ harm they pulled s dangerous prank on my young son, and nearly did the same to my other son and nephew let not forget tonowari sons as well”
navi teen 2 “ he was supposed to be back by now we didn’t know he will be gone this long”
y/n “ we can deal with these boys and their parents later tell us, where you left him”
navi 3 “ beyond the reef past the three brother rocks”
Ronal “ you are all fools and you know aluka are out there”
neteyam “ what is that”
aonung “ a predator of the ocean….” Neteyam soon punched one of the boys soon causing chaos in the hut.
Jake “ son I know you are mad but fighting won’t solve the solution, we need to find your brother now” you soon left the hut before anyone else could take action.
y/n “ I will go find the boy”
Jake “ I will come as well I will bring some help as well”
y/n “ no it better I go now it will be for the best”
Jake “ no this that creatures you speak about it out there I don’t wish to leave you alone” you could understand where Jake was coming from, as there was already someone lost on the reef.
y/n “ Jake sully I welcome the offer but it will be best if I go alone”
Ao’nung “ mama we are coming with you” you soon looked and saw your sons along with neteyam.
tonowari “ no you three are staying here”
Jake “ yes it will be for the best”
neteyam “ we are warriors dad we have to the right to come and look for loak”
y/n “ yes you are younger warriors but the time hasn’t come for you to act now, the time will come young ones but not now”
Ao’nung “ but mama”
y/n “ no stay here the collage and your families will need you all right now”
Rotox “ yes mama”
tonowari “ are you sure about this yawne”
y/n “ I will be fine ma tonowari I know the way, and if I’m not back soon then you all can come looking for me” tonowari knew there was no winning for him, you soon called your strimwimg and soon headed off.
???? “ my father comes from the stars see up there”
y/n “ loak” you soon saw the boy standing on creature and that creature is a tulkun, a tulkun you knew so well.
loak “ y/n” you soon dismounted off your creatures and soon went towards loak and payakan.
y/n “ are you just anywhere”
Loak “ no thoes boys left me behind I think they were pranking me”
y/n “ I know your brother and my sons caught them with spider, the truth was told but they will be dealt with later on …. It seems like you have a story to tell”
loak “ yes I almost got caught by this grey shark creature and this creature saved me”
y/n” thank you so much my friend your savor is tulkun, I will tell you more later one but now we need to get home”
loak “ yes ma’am” the group and travels the rest of the rest of way home together, until the were close to the village.
???? “ loak y/n”
y/n “ we have to go now come I will bring you the rest of the way home”
loak “ thank for saving me I hope to see you again” you had taken the boy home on your creatures, soon running into Jake and another warrior as they escorted you and Loak home. Soon everyone reached the villages and got onto the docks.
Navi women “ the boy has returned”
Navi man “ the sully boys has been found”soon Jake and tonowari had came towards you and loak.
Jake “ let check you out okay nothing that bad”
y/n “ your son is brave Jake sully he stood up against a akula”
Jake “ really”
loak “ yes that I true i did escape one and made by way back here but, soon came across y/n and she brought be home”
Jake “ thank you”
tonowari “ are you okay my love”
y/n “ I’m fine” soon the rest of the who families had come over happy to see loak was okay, and that you came home as well.
y/n “ well you will be okay but will be feeling some string pain, but overall you will be fine” you were healing up loak he soon nodded his head.
loak “ yes ma’am thank you for saving me twice in one day”
y/n “ you are welcome loak but it seems like you have done great today my boy”
loak “ thank you”
y/n “ no head off on home and loak if you have questions about your new friend, I can answer them for you or you can find out on your own but remember to follow your heart”
loak “ yes ma’am but what about the boys”
y/n “ they will face a punishment after an meeting with tonowari and your father, we will see what happens later on”
loak “ yes I understand”you soon saw loak home before you went home as well, to your family that was waiting for your return happy to see you come home safe and sound. That night you were happy that everyone was home safe and sound, but you felt like something was coming a feeling that your could understand half way and couldn’t understand as well.
#avatar x reader#atwow#avatar 2#avatar x y/n#sully family x reader#avatar#avatar the way of water#tonowari x you#tonowari x reader#tonowari x ronal#tonowari x y/n#ronal#tsireya#ronal x reader#ronal avatar#ronal x tonowari#ronal x you#ronal x y/n#tonowari#neytiri#metkayina#aonung avatar#rotxo#avatar 2009#avater the way of water#avatar 2022#navi avatar#navi x reader#sully family#sully siblings
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ouu ok i have a fic idea for Lo’ak!
so maybe he’s insecure especially about his more “human” like appearance he has with his 5 fingers, smaller eyes, the eyebrows.
(the setting for this being with the metkayina clan, we are one of the reef na’vi)
so we take him to our secret spot where we can be alone, so no one will bother us. and we just love on him pushing him down onto the soft sand and kissing on him, and touching him, telling him how attractive we think he is and that he’s perfect the way he isnothing.. too sexual more like suggestive??
feel free to add in whatever else you want! i bet you have some great ideas too 👀 <3
not just a freak— your freak
pairing: lo'ak x metkayina! fem reader tags & warning: bullying, comfort, suggestive content, fluff at the end summary: lo'ak was used to being an outcast. he was used to na'vi kids pointing it out and excluding him from their groups, but it didn't mean that it hurt. he thought that he would get used to it and that it would hurt less, yet it never does. you noticed this and brought him to the two of you to your special spot with the intent to cheer him up. word count 1.0k
teyamsilly speaking ✩ i hope this was to your satisfactory !! i'm on a two week break and it's gotten me so lazy lately.
You heard what happened from your sister. Tsireya was teaching Lo'ak how to make a headpiece with your favourite gems he found from the ocean. This was meant to be kept a secret, yet with the events following it, she couldn't keep quiet.
Ao'nung's friends spotted them by the beach and decided to approach them. Lo'ak and Ao'nung had already settled their differences after he was left alone outside the reef, but clearly his friends couldn't move on after their violent fight.
Lo'ak kept his composure like he promised to you. His temper would always get the best of him and if it doesn't, he keeps his problems to himself and shut himself out from everyone. It became a problem in your relationship. He didn't like how the root of your arguments were because of him and he swore since then that he would learn how to be better.
They would tease him for having five fingers and toes, making him look unnatural and displeasing to the eyes. Nothing that the Sully boy haven't heard before. Tsireya scolded them for approaching them unprovoked, but he assured her it was fine even if he wanted to do something about it deep inside.
It was when they started mentioning about his odd relationship with you that started to hurt. How he is not capable of being the mate of the next Tsahik of their clain, and maybe that Neteyam was a better fit for you. After all, Neteyam didn't have his unnatural features.
This angered you. From where you were standing, you could see Ao'nung's friends laughing wholeheartedly. The sight of them made you furious, however, they weren't your priority. You searched for Lo'ak and when he was nowhere to be seen, the last place he could possibly be would be your special spot.
You carefully approached the secluded pond. There were huge leaves surrounding it, keeping it hidden. If someone searched deeper in this little forest, they would have found the area. The two of you weren't sure if anyone else knew about the place, but no one has came everytime you visited which is why the both of you claimed it as yours.
Lo'ak sat at the edge of the pond, staring at his own reflection on the water with his brows furrowed. He would clench and unclench his hand from time to time.
"Hey," you called softly. Immediately, he straightened his back and turned his head to you with his ears perked up, He forced a small grin as he greeted you with a small hi before returning his gaze back on the water.
You sat beside him, your thighs touching his. "I heard what happened," you began.
Lo'ak shook his head, a sigh escaping from his lips. "I'm fine. Nothing new," he mumbled as he shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing. Like their words did not make his chest hurt. But you knew him well enough to know he was lying. He never had the guts to look at you when he lies because before he knew it, the words would start spilling from his mouth just by looking at your eyes.
"We both know hat is not the truth…"
"I can't do anything about it, okay? I was born like this–" he raised his palm before clenching it, "alien. That's what the whole clan sees me as no matter what I do."
You took his clenched fist in your hands and brought it to your lap. The size difference between your hands always made you blush, his hands were big enough to cover your small face and he would always tease you about it.
"What other na'vi people see of you does not matter." You unclenched his fist gently, smiling when he complied to your touch. "Yes, you are different, but the good way."
"How? I have the same features of the sky people."
"And some are good, no? You told me of your friends at the Omatikaya. You have seen it yourself how they choose to be loyal with the na'vi. We, metkayina, haven't. They wont understand like you do." Bringing his hand closer to your lips, you planted a small kiss. "What I think of you should matter more, right?"
Lo'ak bit his lower lip, trying to hide the wide grin that was about to break on his lips. He snaked his arm around your waist and brought you closer to him, giving a kiss on your temple. "I don't what I'd do without you," he mumbled against your skin.
A giggle escaped from your lips, his words never failing to make you feel special. It sometimes worry you how deep you have fallen for the forest boy, but you felt relieved that he didn't feel any different from you. He was just as bad, maybe even worse.
You cupped his cheek and brought his face closer to yours. He pecked your lips first, and again, then again, making you whine because you needed more. He chuckled as he pressed his lips on yours. You draped your leg over his and sat on his lap, his thighs encased between yours. When you began softly grinding on his clothed cock, his hands squeezed your hips.
You broke the kiss and began kissing him all the way down to his neck. He cocked his head back, allowing you better access. His eyes were closed, his lips open, whilst he moaned quietly.
"It is fate Eywa brought you to me, Lo'ak." You grinded your hips harder on his cock, feeling it harden against your clothing. A whimper came out from your lips at the constant friction against your clit. "She made you for me."
Lo'ak bit his lip and watched how you were desperately rubbing yourself on him. His hold on you hurt, but felt so good. When your hand reached behind him to untie his loincloth, he stopped you.
"W-wait." He was breathing heavily, eyed half lidded as he stared at you with desire.
"I-I'm sorry, did I-"
"No, no, baby. I'm just…" Lo'ak carressed your hips as he sighed, "Everything I've done has been impulsive and out of order. I want to do it right with you." He shrugged, "If I'm gonna be called a freak, might as well be your freak."
You slapped his shoulder lightly making him laugh. "I'm already yours, skxawng."
Lo'ak hugs your figure and places his head against the crook of your neck. "And I am yours."
"And you are not a freak, okay?"
"Whatever you say."
You slapped his shoulder harder this time.
"Okay, okay!"
support banner by @cafekitsune ♡
#avatar the way of water#avatar fanfiction#avatar twow#loak sully#lo'ak drabbles#lo'ak fluff#lo'ak x reader#loak x reader#loak fanfiction#loak x you#loak imagine#lo'ak te suli tsyeyk'itan#lo'ak smut
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Hai Dirt,
We read your post about your latest hyperfixation and thought we would tell you one of our kintypes
Can you talk a bit about cuttlefish we feel really connected to them but sadly we dont know much about them so yeah
Thanks mootie
hihi!! cuttlefish kin?!?! That is so so cool!!
[btw guys a went back to all my animal fact posts and added a "mating" section and it will be in all animal fact posts now]
lifespan- 1 - 2 years
mating- I don't know how to rewrite this so national geographic said: "Mating takes place with the cuttlefish linking their eight arms and two tentacles for head-to-head contact, with the males slipping their sperm packages into the female’s mouth and fertilizing her eggs." Female Cuttlefish select multiple males, increasing genetic diversity in their offspring. Cuttlefish reproduce in the spring, each female laying hundreds of eggs. After laying eggs, the female dies.
diet in the wild- Crustaceans [crabs, shrimp, lobster]
hunting- Cuttlefish use their tentacles to catch and secure their prey.
habitat- shallow tropical or temperate coastal waters, shallow reefs, channels, and deeper waters up to 650 ft.
behavior/communication- cuttlefish use their colors and patterns to communicate with one another. They use different colors to express things like searching for a mate, being territorial, being calm, being aggressive, and more.
evolution- cuttlefish are derived from a belemnite-like ancestor. Cuttlefish appeared in the Miocene Epoch and first appeared about 23 million years ago.
fun facts:
Male cuttlefish can disguise themselves as females.
Cuttlefish were around before the first shark or fish ever evolved.
They mimic objects around them.
They have 3 hearts.
cuttlefish can change colors to match their surroundings
they know how to count
Cuttlefish can change texture
vv other animal fact posts vv
⋆ siberian-tiger
⋆ spotted-hyena
⋆ black-flying-fox-[bat]
⋆ coastal-wolf
⋆ jaguar
#ask a bat#pawtism#cuttlefish therian#cuttlefish kin#cuttlefish#cuttlefish facts#animal facts#therianthrope#therianthropy#therian
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Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the shovelnose guitarfish!

The shovelnose guitarfish, scientific name Pseudobatos productus, is a common ray. Named for the guitar-like shape of their body and the particularly pointed nose, this fish can be found along the Pacific coast. From San Francisco, to the gulf of California, and possibly as low as Mazatlan, Mexico. These fish live in subtropical-temperate regions spending their time along the sea bed and away from large animals. TFound around rocky reefs and soft or sandy bottomed areas, the depth range is anywhere from 1-91 meters, but they prefer to live 1-13meters.

The diet of the shovelnose guitarfish is dependent on their benthic lifestyle, as animals living exclusively on the seabed. They prey on crabs, worms, clams, and small fishes also living along the seafloor. During the day this fish lies in wait until prey comes close enough to it, at which point it will lunge out swallowing prey whole. But, during the night the shovelnose guitarfish actively hunts the sea floor, looking for unsuspecting animals. They tend to hide during the day as they are regularly predated on by seals, sharks, whales and large fish.

Some of the more interesting biological realities of the shovelnose guitarfish is in the gills and eyes. The gills are particularly delicate, and as such this guitarfish pumps water in through spiracle holes on the top of the head, running water over the gills. Filtering through the openings and out. This allows them easy breathing despite their stationary ways hiding on the sand. On the other hand, the eyes of the shovelnose are more extensive than most other cartilaginous fishes, as they have many larger than average projections connected into the brain. This gives them a better ability to see than most rays and sharks.

Shovelnose guitarfish give birth to live young, as embryos will feed on the yolk of the egg within the womb. Breeding takes place in shallow bays and estuaries, and after this gestation will take anywhere between 10-12 months. Then, they'll give birth to anywhere between 6-28 pups, and are born during the pupping season of June-October, in the same shallow water breeding takes place in. At their full adult size, they'll get as large as 1.7meters in length, just around the time they reach sexual maturity. These fish will sexually mature by 7-8 years old, and only live around 11-16 years, living through anywhere from 3-9 breeding seasons.
That is the shovelnose guitarfish, have a wonderful day!
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The American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula), also known as a Mississippi paddlefish, spoon-billed cat, or spoonbill, is a species of ray-finned fish. It is the last living species of paddlefish (Polyodontidae). This family is most closely related to the sturgeons; together they make up the order Acipenseriformes, which are one of the most primitive living groups of ray-finned fish. Fossil records of other paddlefish species date back 125 million years to the Early Cretaceous, with records of Polyodon extending back 65 million years to the early Paleocene. The American paddlefish is a smooth-skinned freshwater fish with an almost entirely cartilaginous skeleton and a paddle-shaped rostrum (snout), which extends nearly one-third its body length. It has been referred to as a freshwater shark because of its heterocercal tail or caudal fin resembling that of sharks, though it is not closely related. The American paddlefish is a highly derived fish because it has evolved specialised adaptations such as filter feeding. Its rostrum and cranium are covered with tens of thousands of sensory receptors for locating swarms of zooplankton, its primary food source.
The fauna of Scotland is generally typical of the northwest European part of the Palearctic realm, although several of the country's larger mammals were hunted to extinction in historic times and human activity has also led to various species of wildlife being introduced. Scotland's diverse temperate environments support 62 species of wild mammals, including a population of wild cats, important numbers of grey and harbour seals and the most northerly colony of bottlenose dolphins in the world. Many populations of moorland birds, including the black and red grouse, live here, and the country has internationally significant nesting grounds for seabirds such as the northern gannet. The Scottish crossbill is the only endemic vertebrate species in the UK. Scotland's seas are among the most biologically productive in the world; it is estimated that the total number of Scottish marine species exceeds 40,000. The Darwin Mounds are an important area of deep sea cold water coral reefs discovered in 1998. Only six amphibians and four land reptiles are native to Scotland, but many species of invertebrates live there that are otherwise rare in the United Kingdom.
Several attempts at a Franco-Mongol alliance against the Islamic caliphates, their common enemy, were made by various leaders among the Frankish Crusaders and the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. Such an alliance might have seemed an obvious choice: the Mongols were already sympathetic to Christianity, given the presence of many influential Nestorian Christians in the Mongol court. The Franks—Western Europeans, and those in the Levantine Crusader states—were open to the idea of support from the East, in part owing to the long-running legend of the mythical Prester John, an Eastern king in an Eastern kingdom who many believed would one day come to the assistance of the Crusaders in the Holy Land. The Franks and Mongols also shared a common enemy in the Muslims. However, despite many messages, gifts, and emissaries over the course of several decades, the often-proposed alliance never came to fruition.
The Free State of Galveston (sometimes referred to as the Republic of Galveston Island) was a satirical name given to the coastal city of Galveston in the U.S. state of Texas during the early-to-mid-20th century. Today, the term is sometimes used to describe the culture and history of that era. During the Roaring Twenties, Galveston Island emerged as a popular resort town, attracting celebrities from around the country. Gambling, illegal liquor, and other vice-oriented businesses were a major part of tourism. The "Free State" moniker embodied a belief held by many locals that Galveston was beyond what they perceived were repressive mores and laws of Texas and the United States. In one of the more famous examples of this, a state committee, investigating gambling at the fabled Balinese Room, was told by the local sheriff that he had not raided the establishment because it was a "private club" and because he was not a "member".
The Kylfings (Old Norse Kylfingar; Estonian Kalevid; Hungarian Kölpények; Old East Slavic Колбяги, Kolbiagi; Byzantine Greek Κουλπίγγοι, Koulpingoi; Arabic al-Kilabiyya) were a people of uncertain origin active in Northern Europe during the Viking Age, roughly from the late ninth century to the early twelfth century. They could be found in areas of Lapland, Russia, and the Byzantine Empire that were frequented by Scandinavian traders, raiders and mercenaries. Scholars differ on whether the Kylfings were ethnically Finnic or Norse. Also disputed is their geographic origin, with Denmark, Sweden and the Eastern Baltic all put forward as candidates. Whether the name Kylfing denotes a particular tribal, socio-political, or economic grouping is also a matter of much debate.
Mosasaurus (/ˌmoʊzəˈsɔːrəs/; "lizard of the Meuse River") is the type genus (defining example) of the mosasaurs, an extinct group of aquatic squamate reptiles. It lived from about 82 to 66 million years ago during the Campanian and Maastrichtian stages of the Late Cretaceous. The genus was one of the first Mesozoic marine reptiles known to science—the first fossils of Mosasaurus were found as skulls in a chalk quarry near the Dutch city of Maastricht in the late 18th century, and were initially thought to be crocodiles or whales. One skull discovered around 1780 was famously nicknamed the "great animal of Maastricht". In 1808, naturalist Georges Cuvier concluded that it belonged to a giant marine lizard with similarities to monitor lizards but otherwise unlike any known living animal. This concept was revolutionary at the time and helped support the then-developing ideas of extinction.
Several organisms are capable of rolling locomotion. However, true wheels and propellers—despite their utility in human vehicles—do not play a significant role in the movement of living things (with the exception of certain flagella, which work like corkscrews). Biologists have offered several explanations for the apparent absence of biological wheels, and wheeled creatures have appeared often in speculative fiction.
The existence of a slate industry in Wales is attested since the Roman period, when slate was used to roof the fort at Segontium, now Caernarfon. The slate industry grew slowly until the early 18th century, then rapidly during the Industrial Revolution in Wales until the late 19th century, at which time the most important slate producing areas were in northwest Wales. These sites included the Penrhyn Quarry near Bethesda, the Dinorwic Quarry near Llanberis, the Nantlle Valley quarries, and Blaenau Ffestiniog, where the slate was mined rather than quarried. Penrhyn and Dinorwig were the two largest slate quarries in the world, and the Oakeley mine at Blaenau Ffestiniog was the largest slate mine in the world.
The social history of viruses describes the influence of viruses and viral infections on human history. Epidemics caused by viruses began when human behaviour changed during the Neolithic period, around 12,000 years ago, when humans developed more densely populated agricultural communities. This allowed viruses to spread rapidly and subsequently to become endemic. Viruses of plants and livestock also increased, and as humans became dependent on agriculture and farming, diseases such as potyviruses of potatoes and rinderpest of cattle had devastating consequences.
The High Middle Ages of Scotland encompass Scotland in the era between the death of Domnall II in 900 AD and the death of King Alexander III in 1286, which was an indirect cause of the Wars of Scottish Independence. At the close of the ninth century, various competing kingdoms occupied the territory of modern Scotland. Scandinavian influence was dominant in the northern and western islands, Brythonic culture in the southwest, the Anglo-Saxon or English Kingdom of Northumbria in the southeast and the Pictish and Gaelic Kingdom of Alba in the east, north of the River Forth. By the tenth and eleventh centuries, northern Great Britain was increasingly dominated by Gaelic culture, and by the Gaelic regal lordship of Alba, known in Latin as either Albania or Scotia, and in English as "Scotland".
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