#tekka tag
saixpuppy · 13 days
end of the summer by joyce manor ; blindfold by lucas lex ; can't get you out of my head by johnny goth
end of the summer: kind of catchy
blindfold by lucas lex: downloading immediately (oof this one hits. i fuckin love the filter on the vocals!! good shit!!!) saïx hijacking; can't get you out of my head: downloading immediately fond of this, it's easily making its way onto a playlist of mine. appreciate the good recommendation. 💙
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naughtyomega · 3 months
quick pinned post -
mostly an archival/collection blog for horny posts.
we're bodily in our mid-20s, but note that this blog is shared by a system and the content of posts can vary. we also have schizoid personality disorder - which is worth mentioning since it shows in the content we lean towards.
those of us who post here tend to view ourselves as cuntboys. you can think of us as ftm transgender if you like, but we don't feel very strongly inclined towards transgender as a label.
we're exclusively submissive. our biggest kink is conditioning - especially long term, high-protocol sort of stuff. our favorite types of doms tend to be more "formal" and collected, rather than "wild punk" or "gentle service dom" types. (that's cool, it's just not our thing.) as for ourselves, we really dislike being considered "soft and dependent and needy" - we're very independent and domineering. things are most fun for us when they're very "serious," rather than lighthearted and silly. psychological control is really the name of our game.
petnames of pretty much all kinds are a hard squick and instant turnoff. same thing for being called "dumb," or "stupid," or anything that implies a reduction in our intelligence or capability.
no real DNI - we use the block button. if you don't like that we ship & write a lot of romanticized abuse, and occasionally enjoy (strictly fictional) ferals, you're gonna have a bad time here.
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comikadraws · 2 months
The Uchiha Police.
Alright, checking with you all (poll at the end).
This panel from chapter 222 states that "ANBU is under Lord Hokage's direct control... Even we can't arrest him without a warrant."
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Fugaku specifically adds that Itachi is in ANBU before explaining "Even we can't arrest him without a warrant". Does this imply that citizens who are not in ANBU can be arrested without a warrant? For negligible reasons?
Because, right before this happens, Yashiro Uchiha insinuates that they'd be willing to send Itachi (who is 11-12 years old at the time) to prison for "speaking nonsense". Tekka calls it "insolence". Inabi joins in as well.
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And then what's bailing Itachi out of this is apologizing for his remarks and not for anything else that took place.
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To clarify, I am aware that Itachi first attacked them (albeit provoked) and threw a kunai at a wall. But what concerns me here is that of all things, all three cops choose to focus on Itachi's "insolence" of all things. Even Itachi himself seems to understand that what aggravated the three officers were not his other offenses but his remarks about the clan (little bit of ramble in the tags to further explain this).
If you have an entirely different or nuanced opinion, feel free to comment. But screenshotting and then blocking to disagree in a separate post is an obvious no-go.
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sagemonsters · 1 year
Alright so
After some thought, I think making a massive prehistoric fantasy monster romance CYOA saga with probably 200+ sections for my first ever CYOA is maybe possibly just a teensy bit not a good idea. However, I do want to turn Tekka, Miethe, and Khirs into their own CYOA someday. Just… not right this minute.
However, I have reached 100 followers here on tumblr, something I never expected to do, and I'd like to celebrate that with some delicious monster romance. How about a (smaller, with just 1-2 love interests) CYOA story using the poll feature to decide which path the story takes? Let's test this.
The poll CYOA will probably use the prehistoric fantasy setting unless y'all rebel against it and want something different. Although I'm really vibing with prehistoric fantasy at the moment, I can switch gears to something different.
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tekkawolf · 2 months
hello. I am tekka, and as far as I am aware I am a secondary host to @vurrsys (though this blog may be utilized by anyone in here). we are a system of mostly nonhuman extranthropes, and this is our specifically alterhuman blog for contributing to that community. our host, vurren, is the only human & non-introject member of our system, funnily enough
our website is here and includes our writings & poetry
if we have you blocked on our main, its nothing personal. we just like to curate our dashboards and alterhuman tags
we may post kink-oriented alterhuman content. anyone who doesn't want to see this can use content label filtering to avoid them
no dni, but beastialists are not welcome (hopefully obviously). we don't support gatekeeping and hope every alterhuman feels welcome here
#vurrsys.txt - original post/reply
#vurrsys.ask - asks
#vurrsys.[headmate] - specific headmate talking, if they want to be known
#vurrsys.creations - art / writing / ect
#fav - favorite posts
#save - things we want to hang on to
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
Still Falls the Rain: The Scholar
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7Els6H1
by Ev3rMichelle
The story of Ben Solo had been told, embellished, and retold for five hundred years. In one version, he was the golden child of a golden dynasty, the beloved heir to the Organa family. In other versions, he was a turncoat, a coward, and a betrayer--a sworn loyalist to Snoke as he cast his ropes of power around Chandrila and tightened the noose.
Rey Niima was only interested in facts as she delved into the sordid history of the Organa dynasty to complete her thesis.
Nearing the end of her research, Rey had read everything she could get her hands on about the fifteenth-century conflict: journals and letters, fables and histories, in a near-desperate search for the truth.
An unexpected invitation takes her to places she'd only dreamt about, and she will have no choice but to rethink everything she ever held as reality.
Perhaps history had more in common with fairy tales and legends than she thought. Perhaps the story of the past was closer than she'd ever expected.
A Dracula-inspired Reylo AU, set in an alternate version of our world, in which love can span centuries and blood can conquer death.
Words: 4668, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of To Search the Ends of Time
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Lor San Tekka, Knights of Ren
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo, Ophelia (Hamlet)/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Vampires, Alternate Universe, Vampire Bites, Blood, Blood Drinking, Blood Magic, Vampire Turning, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate History, Explicit Sexual Content, Force Dyad (Star Wars), Soul Bond, Past Relationship(s), Reincarnation, Inspired by Dracula, Inspired by Romeo and Juliet, Non-Consensual Vampire Turning, Manipulative Sheev Palpatine, Dead Sheev Palpatine, Manipulative Snoke (Star Wars), Dead Snoke (Star Wars), Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Sith Alchemy (Star Wars), Multiple Time Periods, Time Skips, Hopeful Ending, Forbidden Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7Els6H1
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ao3--gingerrose · 2 years
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spacexoddities · 2 years
wip tag
tagged by @duffmckagans to post my most recent wip. technically its not really a wip anymore since i did just post it, but i don’t really have anything else to post.
so here’s a little snippet from my star wars sequels fic “space oddity”, which you can find on my wattpad and a03.
He wondered who got the brunt of it, but deep down, he knew. He warned them earlier that day.
Something shifts and he changes his mind, turning and walking slowly back to the village. He took his time, hoping the First Order would be gone by the time he got there.
At the back of his hut, Rowan watched as they searched the Resistance pilot, and of course, Rowan instantly knew. It was Poe Dameron, the best pilot in the Resistance. Rowan knew of him because of his closeness to Leia, and they themselves had their own complicated relationship. It didn’t help with his extreme cockiness and egotistical behavior.
The stormtroopers holding Poe drag him on board, and Rowan notices the body of Tekka on the ground. He felt bad they ended on the terms Rowan left them on.
Rowan watches as the stormtroopers line up and raise their blasters, pointing them at the line of villagers. Ren’s command goes through and they open fire, the bodies of the villagers dropping and the screams ricochet off the buildings.
Ren turned to march back on his ship, but he halted for a second. They’d only have noticed if they meant to look for it - he glanced towards the side, making dead eye contact with Rowan.
Rowan froze, his palms sweating. And yet, nothing happened. In the second he noticed Rowan, Ren turned again and boarded his ship, leaving the ruins of the village and Rowan behind.
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that-florarret · 2 months
Quick OC Facts
Name - Gender/Pronouns - Sexuality - Age - Species - Tag
Seppie - Unknown, They/Them - Trixic - 21 - Siren Matagot - kittyfish
Can’t choke on liquids
Enjoys being with friends, but prefers to stay home and do art
Can create and manipulate bubbles
Rubyen - Female, She/Her - Heterosexual - Siren Matagot - silver kittyfish
Can hear things others can’t
Has a borderline creepy obsession with clients
Assistant Psychologist and Animist
SD - Female, She/Her - N/A - 10 - Plague Daemon/Poppet - little doll witch
Picking her up can cause you to become severely ill
Works on an equal exchange basis when it comes to her services
Full name is Sappinia Diploidea
Flaming - Unknown, She/Her - Pansexual - Unknown - Fire/Shadow Slime - slime character
Plays Minecraft religiously
She can manipulate her size, which in turn changes her body’s density
Will do everything possible to get your attention, including stealing your stuff or setting your house on fire
Ciafni - Genderfluid, She/He/They - Omnisexual - Unknown, presumably 25 - Sylveon Demihuman - ribbon weaver
Can control any and all ribbons in their vicinity
Capsaicin addict
The only thing that puts the fear of the gods in him is his double
Neka - Female, She/They - Asexual - 27 - Sylveon Demihuman - ribbon baker
Uses leftover human remains in her baked goods
She puts up a sweet and harmless front, but really really wants to snap people’s necks
The only thing that can break her facade instantly is her double
Nicito - Trans Male, He/Him - Bisexual - 18 - Cat Demihuman - psycat
The trans oc I didn’t know was trans for a long time (thanks Meowstic from Pokemon)
Feeds off of people’s emotional and mental energy
For your safety and survival, do not under any circumstances try to take his cloak
Samil - Agender, They/Them - Toric - Unknown - Siren Matagot - angel siren
Can not for the life of them decipher tone
Has glands that produce potent neurotoxins, making their bite near fatal
Is basically a puppy around people he genuinely trusts
Kanta Syrah - Female, She/Her - Asexual - 27 - Siren Matagot - brownie battered
Will infiltrate your mind and try to get you to eat more sweets than you need
Extremely questionable morals
Known to spike food with nicotine and sell edibles
Teale - Unknown, He/Him - Aceflux - Unknown - Unknown - teale
Depending on the setting, what he is changes
A Spotify-based oc who’s constantly listening to music
The fastest way to piss him off is to call a pole dancer a stripper
Anthony - Agender, They/Them - Aceflux - 22 - Florarret - local fret
Legitimately has no mouth
Often goes by the name Kwiatek instead of Anthony
Pretty much on autopilot most of the time
Cherry - Female, She/Her - Lesbian - 169 - Dryad - cheerwine darling
Has extreme difficulty maintaining friendships due to her odd beliefs and behaviours
Possesses minor wind manipulation abilities
Based on the Red Spider Lily
Tekkae - Male, He/Him - Bisexual - 127 - Dracoling - squeak squeak
Originally an oc bound to his own universe, but gradually became one of the mains
For the love of all that is holy, be aware of all pineapple products near you if you allow him to consume anything pineapple flavoured because they will disappear
Wears a special necklace that allows him to look more human than dragon
Sopel - Male, He/Him - Pansexual - Unknown - Kitsune - ice fox
One of his tails is damaged, making it difficult to move and hide
Has to wear special gloves in order to avoid freezing everything he touches
Left his familial duties in order to become a fashion designer
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dameronswife · 4 months
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There were several ways of pulling Poe Dameron out of his head, but Nyamié had found that thrusting a cup of caf under his nose succeeded the most often.
Word Count: 878
Tags/Warnings: hurt/comfort, implied past toxic relationship with family, poe getting in his head a bit about things <3
A/N: now you're probably wondering "nym, don't you have an oc with poe already" which. yeah i do. but i've been toying with making a resistance era oc for a while, and came up with Nyamié. so this is me kind of testing the waters for her.
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There were several ways of pulling Poe Dameron out of his head, but Nyamié had found that thrusting a cup of caf under his nose succeeded the most often.
So, after spying him ruminating alone in the rec room, that's what she did, along with a plate piled high with stolen pastries. "Credit for your thoughts, Dameron?”
Poe, who initially startled at the clatter of the dishes, relaxed as he realized who it was. "I think I should be the one giving you a credit," he said, eyes twinkling as he picked up the mug to take a sip. “Nope, I definitely owe you at least five credits. Force, this is good.”
“Nubian café's loss, the Resistance's gain," Nyamié said cheerfully, dropping down into the seat opposite of Poe. Popping one of the sugar dusted snacks into her mouth, she continued, “Seriously though - you're brooding.”
Poe fixed her with a stern look. "I do not brood."
Nyamié pinched her stained fingers together. "You brood a little bit. It's just that nobody notices.”
Reaching for a pastry himself, Poe couldn't help but ask, "Yeah? And how come you do?”
She gave a little shrug. "I don't know. You just don't seem like that big of a mystery to me - you get quiet and your face, especially around your eyebrows, gets pinched. It's a dead giveaway.”
Not to anyone but you - well, you and Leia.
Poe shifted slightly, looking around the room; it was largely empty, unsurprising given the late hour, but unfortunate because it meant Poe couldn't get away from Nyamié’s question.
“Just - thinking,” he said, faltering when he glanced back to find Nyamié licking her fingers clean. 
Apparently oblivious to his reaction - though Poe thought it was something of a performance, because Nyamié’s lips twitched slightly - she continued, “I hear that's dangerous.”
“General wants me to try it more, what can I say?”
Nyamié rolled her eyes, fond, then said softly but with emphasis, “Poe.”
His shoulders slumped; there were few things in the galaxy that could get him to cave quite as quickly as the sight of her big brown eyes, her quiet but fiery understanding. “Been thinking about the search for Tekka.”
Nyamié leaned forward, putting her chin in her hand. “What about it?”
Here, he hesitated again but — but it was just the two of them, and Nyamié was many things but judgmental wasn't one of them. “Do you think Skywalker will be enough to make a difference?”
Her eyebrows lifted. “I thought you believed in the Jedi?”
“I do but…but the Senate hasn't listened to Leia, hasn't listened to any of the former Alliance members: why would Luke make any difference?”
“Luke’s a Jedi, that'll give people hope.”
“I’m not sure turning one man into a symbol of hope is enough to get people to take the First Order seriously,” Poe said, turning one of the pastries over in his hand. He had no idea where Nyamié scored them, but he'd learned long ago sometimes it was better not to ask.
Nyamié pursed her lips. “I think it will. I mean - you know better than anyone how well it can work. Remember how many recruits we got after Suralinda posted that propaganda poster Yolo made of you?”
Poe made a face. “That was a ridiculous poster.”
“I thought you looked dashing in it actually,” Nyamié admitted sheepishly. “But my point is, people need someone to show them how to fight back sometimes, to remind them that they can be brave.”
“I know that, I just -” Poe sighed, leaning back in his chair - “I don't understand why Leia isn't enough.”
Nyamié’s expression softened, before screwing up with irritation. “I don't know either. It isn't fair, she's -” she stopped abruptly, that now familiar panic of I said too much, so Poe reached over the table to take her smaller hand into his, a silent encouragement to continue, and with a deep breath, Nyamié did - “she's still here, Luke…isn't. I don't understand how he could have left, could have left his sister. Family is supposed to help each other, protect one another…”
Poe squeezed her hand, trying to draw her away from the memories he could tell were pulling her under. It seemed to work, clarity flashing in her eyes as she refocused on him. 
“I don't know,” he admitted. “I don't because I can't imagine walking out on this, not until it's over.”
Nyamié’s brow furrowed. “I can't imagine even after that. I don't want to go back home.”
Poe looked up, alarmed. The very idea of her returning to her family was like a vibroblade through his gut, sent a chill through the very core of him. “You won't have to.”
“How can you be so sure?”
His lips upturned into a warm smile. “Because you said it yourself. Family protects each other. I won't let them take you back.”
Nyamié’s eyes began to shimmer as her face lit up, and she ducked forward, pressing a quick kiss to Poe's knuckles. “Maybe that’ll be what makes the difference in the end.”
She smiled back at him. “The Resistance. We're there for one another. I think that's what will make the most difference: in Skywalker, and in the galaxy. We just need to remind them.”
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galacticwildfire · 1 year
Fire Meet Gasoline
Solo Original Character
Summary: An eight year old Hope Solo explores the ruins of Elphrona with Luke, Ben and Lor San Tekka only to discover the Knights of Ren. Follows the Rise of Kylo Ren flashback.
Warnings/tags: mild violence, solo family dynamics, mentions of snoke and ominous foretelling.
A/N: First chapter of the main story is up. I'll be publishing the multi chapter prequel I've been working on very soon which takes place during the bloodline novel/rise of kylo ren comics when she's 16/17.
19 ABY | Fifteen Years Before A Force Awakens
Dark force wielders had always been figments of stories told to me in my childhood, villains vanquished during the war, but little could I have known that these villains were very much alive and so close to home. 
Even as a child I knew what the Emperor had been, I knew it was Luke who had destroyed him while the Rebellion had destroyed the Empire. Darkness had supposedly been vanquished, a prophecy fulfilled, and yet it rose again and corrupted another Skywalker, or perhaps two. 
It would not be until that fateful night, or perhaps even until the years afterwards, that I truly learned that the darkness our line was prophesied to destroy had become part of us. That the darkness lived in us, in the blood we shared with the man who began it all. 
Anakin Skywalker. The hero without fear, saviour to some and darkest villain to others. A legacy Ben and I would carry through finishing what we each believed he began. 
Or so we were led to believe.
I shouldn't have been there that day on Elphrona, but I'd begged Luke to let me come with him on one of his adventures and he had reluctantly agreed for Ben's sake since I had hardly seen him since he began his training a few years prior. I'd always dreamed of following his footsteps, and it just happened to bring me to the temple where I first felt the touch of the darkside.
Ben was somewhat bored as we ventured to find the lost Jedi outpost, but still kept a firm grip on my hand to keep me from wandering off as Lor San Tekka took joy in telling me stories of his adventures and asking of what adventures I dreamed of.
"Master Luke tells me you want to be a pilot like your father," Lor San Tekka said, speaking to me with just as much importance as if I was a grown Jedi. "I trust you dream of exploring the stars as most pilots do."
"I already am a pilot," I told him and heard Luke chuckle to himself. "Even if Uncle Luke won't let me fly Dad does, he always lets me fly the Falcon with him."
"Is that so?"
I nodded proudly. "I want to go with him and see all the planets there are, fly to all the star systems and see them all, but I want to be a Jedi like Ben too."
Not like Luke, like Ben. I know Luke found amusement in that while Ben squeezed my hand and told me "Then you'll be a Jedi."
"We'll see," Luke said as we continued through the cavern. "The path of a Jedi is not one to be half treaded, you must devote yourself completely to its teachings and when you are old enough that will be your decision to make."
"But Ben became a Jedi when he was ten, and I'll be ten in two years," I said, unable to truly grasp the weight of the Jedi path at eight years old despite all those who came before me being far younger, having never truly been given the decision of whether or not to take it.
"I'm a padawan, not a Jedi," Ben told me, even as a child I could feel the disappointment in his voice. "Not yet at least."
"But you will be," Luke said with full confidence. "And I think Han would have a fit if I turned both his children into Jedi, he wants at least one to take after him, not to mention Leia."
"But Uncle Luke you were a pilot and a Jedi," I reminded him. "I can be too."
He smiled fondly. "That you can be."
"She has a natural curiosity for the force and her mother's spirit, certainly her father's need for adventure," Lor San Tekka observed. "She would make a great Jedi some day."
"Leia believes she's displaying skills with psychometry, although I'm not yet sure if it's such a rare skill or simple visions," he told Lor San Tekka. "When Han took her on a work trip to Tatooine she kept saying she could see me in the cantina with an old man who could have only been Ben Kenobi, even if she said I look quite old in comparison to then." I laughed and he shook his head. "But Han wants to think she has an overactive imagination."
"Truly?" Lor San Tekka exclaimed and asked me "And what was Luke doing?"
"Talking to Daddy," I answered, at that young age unable to differentiate my visions from reality. "Then the old man cut someone's arm off."
Luke's eyes widened in panic and R2 beeped at him. "Well, she's not making that up."
Ben shook his head incredulously. "You named me after someone who cut people's arms off in cantinas?"
"Your mother named you after the man who saved her from the Empire and its inquisitors when she was not much older than Hope," Luke corrected. "But yes, he was an eccentric type of man, and besides I doubt there lived a Jedi who fought in the Clone Wars who hadn't dismembered someone."
I made a face at that and Ben asked "What was Dad doing taking you into a cantina anyways?"
"I don't know, something about work, but he said not to tell Mom," I said, having only returned home from that trip a week before, a week spent playing co-pilot with Dad and Uncle Chewie in the Falcon and learning the ropes as he'd put it. Mom would often panic when he'd put me behind any sort of controls but when it was just the two of us he'd take all the time he could to teach me, even let me hold his blaster a couple times on the condition I didn't tell Mom. "Then we met an old man with green armour, he said he was an old friend of Dad's but Dad didn't look very happy to see him."
Luke nearly choked at those words "And did he tell Mom about that?"
"No," I answered, blissfully unaware as I went to chase after R2 who strolled ahead with Luke and groaned in frustration as Ben pulled me back. "I'm not going anywhere, I just wanna play with R2."
"Later," Ben said, trying to prove to Luke that he was responsible enough to someday be more than a padawan. Even at fourteen he aspired for more than what he had. "We're nearly there."
When Ben and Luke came home for a rare visit and mentioned they were travelling to a Jedi temple I begged to be allowed to come. I learned at a young age if I was defiant enough that I could usually get my way, and despite Mom's occasional frustration it was a quality she encouraged much to Luke's exasperation and Dad and Uncle Lando's amusement.
We had spent what felt like days in the four seated cockpit of Luke's starfighter that he refused to let my help fly, reminding me that unlike Dad he wasn't willing to risk Mom's wrath for letting an eight year old fly a ship. After walking for what felt like days with Ben being frustratingly serious under his masters watchful eye, nothing like how he was before he went away, I grew impatient.
Any other time when it was just us he'd happily use the force to lift me up but even I knew Luke wouldn't approve, still, I wanted to see some of my big brother who'd swing me about just to hear me laugh. 
"Can you carry me?"
He muttered under his breath and relented as he lifted me up onto his shoulders, I laughed happily and Luke smiled when he looked back at us. He carried me until we reached what Lor San Tekka had been searching for and he set me down so we could look in wonder upon the Jedi Temple outpost on Elphrona.
"Wow," I said as I took in the giant statues and symbols carved in stone, unlike anything I had ever seen.
"Do you know what that symbol is Hope?" Luke asked me, pointing to the one carved in the doors.
"It looks like the symbol of the Rebellion," I answered, knowing that one very well. "Except it's a little different, it has a star."
"You aren't wrong," Luke said and explained "That was the official symbol of the Jedi Order. The starbird of the Rebel Alliance is very similar but still very different, although they both stand for the same values which are to bring peace and justice to the galaxy, it's your duty now as much as it is mine."
I was confused. "But you and Mom and Dad already did that?"
"Yes but we must always be vigilant against darkness," Luke told me and Ben lowered his eyes. "Against corruption and tyranny, everything your mom has spent her entire life fighting. It's why she is still so busy now, she's still fighting it every day in the Senate."
I nodded, not quite understanding the work Mom did but knowing it was important, important enough to take her away from us as much as it did.
"Now let's go see what's in there," he said to Ben and I. "But Hope, you must be very careful and stay with your brother and R2, I don't want you to let go of his hand okay?"
"Why?" I asked out of genuine curiosity and he sighed after having endured a very long flight full of my questions while Lor San Tekka chuckled.
"Because although the temple is sealed there could still be dangers inside," he explained and didn't spare details. "I once found a lightsaber in a place like this once, but the whole thing was a set up, a trap, it almost killed me."
Ben held my hand tightly and said "We understand Master, we'll be careful."
"Which also means," Luke continued, his lecture pointed at me. "Do not touch anything, even if you see something interesting or if something calls to you, wait for me to come and make sure it's safe. Understand?"
"Yes Uncle Luke," I said, knowing just how much pleading it took to be able to come with him and Ben. "I understand."
Lor San Tekka smiled as we made our way through the large stone doors "Oh the curiosity of youth, hopefully you'll be one of the few who never outgrow it."
I smiled back at him and after a little while we came into a storage room filled with items that did indeed call to me and Lor San Tekka exclaimed "This isn't an outpost, it's a treasure trove."
I pointed to a cube and Luke seemed to ease a little once fascination took over. "Come look at this." He brought me over to it and let me touch it. "This is called a holocron, the Jedi used it to store knowledge." He called Ben over as well. "Pretty amazing isn't it Ben? Think of everything we can learn."
But then something different took my attention and Ben chastised me as I pulled my hand free to reach for a blaster rifle that was too high up for me to touch and Ben made a sound of wonder as he picked it up off it's stand and told me "This is a lightsaber rifle."
"Lightsaber rifle?" I repeated, having had Dad name every single blaster and weapon in the Falcon's armoury while I sat and listened in fascination, begging to touch them, but had never heard of that let alone seen one.
He bent down to show me it and explained "Here is where you'd put in your lightsaber to power it, it would drain the lightsaber's kyber crystal quickly but it would be really awesome too."
"Can I hold it?" I asked him. "Dad lets me hold his blasters."
"Does Mom let him though?" he asked, like Luke he feared Mom's authority more than Dad's and so I lied. 
He knew it was a lie but considering there was no way I could fire it without any kyber crystal he put it into my hands and watched in amusement as I struggled to hold the weight of it despite putting my entire body into it since it was as tall as I was but he'd learned the best way to manage my curiosity was through letting me experience trial and error.
"Is it too heavy?"
"No," I insisted despite struggling and he held back laughter at the sight. "Just wait, someday I'll be shooting bigger blasters than this."
"Maker help us when that day comes," I heard Luke murmur and Ben quickly took the rifle out of my hands.
"Master do you sense that, it feels-"
"Cold," I finished and Ben pulled me behind him as a group of masked men appeared clad in black, the sight filled me with dread but not necessarily with fear.  
"Hello there," the man said and I became more disturbed as I took him in, wearing a torn cape but no shirt, his chest covered with burns, a symbol burned into his metal helmet. "Everything here is ours, we're going to take it. But how we take it is up to you." R2 came to stand in front of me, my eyes peaking past his dome. "Your call friends."
"You're wrong," Luke said as Lor San Tekka took my other hand, the other masked men coming to surround us. "So, so wrong. This is a Jedi outpost, everything in it belongs to the Jedi Order, which at the moment means me." I never forgot how Luke introduced himself without any threats of power, he let the words speak for themself. "I am the Last Jedi." He then said under his breath as Ben held a hand over his saber. "Though not for long."
I looked at my brother and could tell he was afraid, only fourteen years old and prepared to fight a group of grown men, but he would have done it to keep me safe.
"Even if I had no claim to these things," Luke continued. "I wouldn't let you take them. I can sense the dark side in you, in all of you." I then heard a warning come from my peaceful uncle's mouth. "You will leave here with nothing but your lives."
"Alright," their leader said. "Let's show this old fool what's what and get what we came here for."
Lor San Tekka pulled me back in alarm as Ben defensively yelled "This is Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, he is a legend!"
The men seemed to take an interest in Ben. "Yeah? Well I'm Ren. These are the Knights of Ren, and we're legendary."
I gasped as a red blade ignited and R2 quickly brandished an electric rod as Luke ordered "Lor get back, stay out of the fight, and Hope that means you too. Ben, protect them."
"I will, they'll be safe with me," Ben promised, trying to keep a tremble from his voice while Lor San Tekka held me back by the shoulders as I tried to dash forward towards Ben, him and R2 standing between us and the Knights of Ren. "But Master what about you? There are seven of them."
I watched in awe as Luke ignited his green saber. "Oh I'll be just fine."
"The very last Jedi and my very first," the knight said curiously. "Almost a shame to see you go. Then again I suspect we have some serious ideological differences and this ain't that big of a galaxy."
Luke stood fearless as he said "Can we just skip to the part where you all run out of here crying?"
Ben yelled out as seven armed men attacked Luke at once and I was frozen in place as Lor San Tekka told me "Don't look, just focus on R2, he'll keep you safe."
But I couldn't tear my eyes away at the sight, the first time I would ever see a Jedi in true combat as he used the force to throw the knights back while dodging their attacks with ease, fear never once crossing his face despite Ben being all but consumed by it. 
"Take him he's just one man!"
"I am one man, but I am not alone," Luke said and I found myself looking to see if Lor carried a blaster I could use, but he didn't. "The force is my ally and it is powerful." Two of the knights were thrown into the wall through a simple push of a hand. "You're clumsy, untrained, you use the darkside like a hammer, but the lightside is a blade and so am I."
"Magnificent," I heard Lor San Tekka admire as Luke sliced one of the knights weapons in half, only their leader wielding a saber, and I nodded in agreement.
"Had enough?" Luke asked as the knights tried to recover but they were persistent.
"Ain't over yet," Ren said. "We've still got the numbers."
But their weapons were torn from their hands. "You sure about that?"
Luke shattered the metal weapons with nothing but the force as I continued watching in awe and their leader stepped forward. "Guess it's just me and my pretty red lightsaber huh? I'll tell you, this blade wasn't easy to get. If you want it you'll have to take it."
I had half a mind to ask how red lightsabers were made but thought it wise to hold the question until Ben wasn't shaking and Lor San Tekka wasn't worried I'd try to run into the fight. 
"You probably can," the Knight continued. "You're strong, that's obvious, but before you try there's something you should know." He holds out his red blade towards Luke. "I just flipped the kill switch. This blade leaves my hand it blows, and it takes you, me, the kids, your old explorer friend, all this fancy garbage with it." I looked at Ben who gripped his lightsaber tightly now. "What now Jedi man?" 
Ben turned back to me and said "When I tell you to run, you run to the ship and don't look back. I know you can figure out how to pilot it out of here with R2's help."
Only then did fear begin to set in and I nodded despite knowing I'd never leave Ben behind but I'd been taught how to use a ship's laser cannons and knew I couldn't fight them in the open, but I could fight from there with R2 by my side.
Luke remained fearless as he spoke. "Seem's like that's up to you, but I wouldn't assume it'll go the way you expect."
But then the Knight ceded. "Yeah, I can see that. Like I said you're strong, I think I'll take my people and go, let you have this one. Life's too much fun to die you know." Ben shared my look of confusion at his sudden surrender but it changed with the Knight's next words. "But one more thing. You said you could sense the shadow in all of us, that's right, we've all got it." He pointed his saber towards Ben. "But you know your apprentice does too right? Powerful, I can feel it."
But then Ren looked right at me and tilted his head, I didn't look away despite feeling that shadow then and refused to show any fear. 
"And the girl," Ren said curiously and Ben tugged me firmly behind him. "The girl is something else, something more dangerous. That shadow hasn't touched her yet but it will, I can promise you that much, and you better be ready when it does because that power.... all I can say is you better be careful Jedi man, you've got two special kids on your hands."
Luke's voice grew as grave as I'd ever heard it. "It's time for you to leave."
"Yeah, I know," Ren said and then removed his helmet to reveal the face of just a man, not the monster he would have us see and spoke directly to Ben and I. "Hey kids, you sure this is the life for you?" Ben looked purely stunned, at a loss for words as he was told "You do know there are other paths right?"
Luke had no patience left as he warned "Last chance."
"I hear you Jedi man, we're going," he said but I felt anger rise in me as he held out a hand to Ben as if he would take him away. "But kid, if you ever want to try something a little different, learn more about your shadow, come look us up. Bring your sister with you, I dare say she'll make quite the apprentice someday."
I reached for Ben's hand the moment I felt uncertainty in him and he was snapped out of whatever daze they'd put him in to look down at me shaking my head in protest and he kept his eyes low until the Knights of Ren had left and it was just the four of us and R2.
I'd never seen Luke like this before, afraid, afraid as he looked upon his apprentice and felt that uncertainty also. 
"Ben why don't you take that rifle you saw and head back to the ship," is all Luke said for the time being. "We'll talk about what just happened when your sister's asleep."
"Uncle Luke-" I began to protest but he raised a hand to cut me off.
"Not now Hope, you go find something as well," he simply says. "I need to have a word with Lor San Tekka."
I wanted to argue, but Ben was too afraid to even entertain the thought of defying his master in this moment and instead took my hand to bring me back into the treasure trove.
When we were alone he bent down and asked me "Are you alright?"
"What did they mean Ben?" I asked him, knowing he'd be the one person who'd tell me the truth. "What did they mean shadow, why did they want to take you away-"
"I'm not going anywhere," he promised me, and I could feel his pain as he said "As for the shadow... sometimes I feel lonely, angry, and a Jedi shouldn't feel that way."
I scrunched up my face in an attempt to force back tears, my voice frustrated as I tried to make sense of everything. "I feel lonely and angry too but I still don't understand what they meant, why won't Luke talk to me like Mom and Dad do, why does he keep treating me like a baby. No one else does."
He frowned and picked me up in his arms, sitting me on his hip as he always did when I was a few years younger. Before he was sent away after the incident when the bad men took Kadara and tried to take me too, when he would be the one to comfort me on the long nights when Mom would be working in the senate and Dad on the other side of the galaxy. Just Ben and I with only a nanny droid as true supervision if Chewie and Lando weren't there.
He looked over his shoulder to make sure Luke and Lor San Tekka were still talking to each other out of earshot before saying "You can't tell anyone this okay?"
I immediately nodded without a second thought. "Okay."
He sat me down and I leaned into R2, only to protest as Ben told R2 to go and get the ship ready, leaving just the two of us truly alone.
"Sometimes I hear a voice talking to me," he told me as I listened confused and alarmed. "A voice whose name is Snoke. He tells me there's a different path like those men did, that I could have a teacher who recognises our true potential and I think that scares Luke. I think Luke is scared of the fact we can do things the other's can't and that's why he won't tell us things." He was concerned as he studied my face and asked "Does that scare you?"
"I'm not scared," I answered defensively. "They didn't scare me."
"That wasn't what I asked," he said and asked me what no one else ever bothered to. "Do you want to be a pilot or a politician like Mom and Dad want you to be, or do you want to be a Jedi, or- or something else like they were?"
"They were scared, I don't want to be like them," I said, seeing my answer as obvious. "They were afraid of Uncle Luke, Jedi are never afraid, but they were."
I couldn't read his face but he nodded, confirming to me it was the right answer even if it wasn't the one he wanted to hear. 
"You might not be afraid of anything, but some of us are," he said and took the lightsaber rifle from its display as he told me. "You know I would have never let them hurt you right? That I will always protect you from that darkness."
I nodded with full belief in one thing, that Ben would always protect me, that even if he was terrified he would do anything to keep me safe. 
He gave me a pained smile before saying "Come on, let's go back to the ship."
I sat cross-legged on the ground beside the ship playing with R2 and the seemingly ancient rifle in silence while we waited for Luke. Ben was quiet in contemplation whilst I struggled to comprehend what I'd seen, as if it were all another vision, but it wasn't. All I knew was that I could feel a shadow now, and their words replayed in my head. 
The girl is something else, something more dangerous. That shadow hasn't touched her yet but it will, I can promise you that much, and you better be ready when it does.
Someday it would, but I could never have thought it would be Ben who'd drag me into it screaming after swearing he would always protect me from it.
Someday I would come to learn he'd do anything to keep from suffering alone as the darkness corrupted the brother who meant the words he spoke. Even if it meant watching me bleed alongside him in the name of making me strong, in the name of what he believed was protecting me. Even if it would kill me.
Few words were said on the journey home. Lor San Tekka tried to cheer me up but I couldn't shake the heaviness that felt like it would crush me if I so much as waned in my resolve for even a moment. 
It was only when I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep that they spoke.
"Do you see now Ben why I am hesitant to train Hope?" Luke asked him. "Bad people, evil people, can and will try to exploit you for your powers and the moment I train her it will put a target on her back for dark force users like the Knights of Ren and others."
Ben couldn't keep the tremor from his voice. "Are you saying there's a target on my back?"
"You know there is," Luke said gravely, for the first time his own patience lapsing. "You and Hope both have a type of raw power that attracts dark things and I will do everything I possibly can to protect you from it, but I don't know if I'd be able to protect both of you."
"I would protect her," Ben said without any hesitation. "She wants to be a Jedi, you said yourself she has gifts neither of us do. She is meant to be a Jedi."
"We'll see," Luke said again. "Ren wasn't wrong when he said she's something else."
"What do you mean?" Ben asked and I felt Luke hesitate. "Master?"
"You've had a long day, you should rest. You did well in there, I'm glad you were with me. You did what I asked you to do and no one was hurt, that's the most important thing," Luke said to try to ease him. "Try not to pay too much mind to the things they said, dark force users like them know how to manipulate, always be mindful of that."
"Yes Master," Ben said quietly and that was the end of it.
I waited for him to mention Snoke, but he didn't.
And neither did I.
Perhaps if I did I could have saved billions of lives.
Including our fathers.
I might have saved us from falling to the dark side. 
Ben in the name of protecting his sister from the very darkness he would force down my throat, and I in the name of avenging everything he took from me in doing so. 
Perhaps if I had spoken that day, perhaps if the blood of Vader had not been so strong, we might not have destroyed each other and half the galaxy in our own madness, but it seems fate had other plans.
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saixpuppy · 13 days
can't send youtube links in asks how are ppl sending songs to rate aaaaa
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doctorwenqing · 3 years
i wrote another fic about my favorite 100+ year old woman. this one might be a little sad 🥲
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windwardrose · 6 years
talked up Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans so thoroughly to a friend today that I convinced myself to start s2.
Episode: 26 (2.1)
Mech fights: 2, one for training purposes
Political lies: several
Explosions: 1, not counting in combat
Hugs for Mika so far: 0
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tekkawolf · 1 month
as we watch the othercon 2022 panel on abnormal instincts by @/who-is-page, we can't help but feel shame at the people we used to be. we used to be judgemental, immature, in constant fear of everyone and everything.
it makes us think about the bad takes alterhumans will put in the tags. it makes us think of the ones who will not listen to reason no matter what. we compare them to ourselves, who were once unable to acknowledge other's opinions, who were dead set in our ways: and we hope. we hope they will one day break out of the miasma. we wish them the best on growing up and maturing. even if they can't be better now, there's always the chance they'll be better in the future. it doesn't negate the harm they've caused, but those who have harmed are not doomed to harm forever. we hope one day they'll be welcomed back into the community and given a chance to be kind
-🐺 tekka (he/him)
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
Sucker for Pain
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dpma4Et
by DhampirsDrinkEspresso, no_big_deal
Homicide Detective Ben Solo is strangely drawn to medical examiner Rey Johnson, a woman with secrets, who asks for his help.
Tumblr media
Words: 6585, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Pained & Stained
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Dopheld Mitaka, Lor San Tekka
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Noir, Cigarettes, Smoking, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Murder, Blood and Injury, Mild Blood, Rough Kissing, Blow Jobs, Unreliable Narrator, Memory Loss, Memory Alteration, Vampires, Dubious Consent, Semi-Public Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dpma4Et
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