slayerofsnails · 2 years
Do you think house tekiel ever tried to talk with vin to try to get political advantages once she killed the lord ruler? “Oh hey bastard niece who we would have killed a month ago, how’s it going. Think you could talk to your trophy husband and get him to lower taxes for us this month?”
And like in era 2 do you think they are the kind of assholes who would refer to any mention of her as “vin Tekiel Venture” or try to add a ‘holy’ aspect to whatever they sell? Like “buy our potato chips made by the bloodline of the ascendant warrior, buy three and we will throw in a Vin plush doll trademark pending.”
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luckyspren · 4 months
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Valette Renoux
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Ranking Cosmere Dads for Father’s Day
It’s Father’s Day! In honor (?) of this holiday, I’ve put Cosmere dads into a tier list. So who are the best & worst dads in the Cosmere?
[Spoilers for all Cosmere works, including Tress of the Emerald Sea!]
S-Tier: Best Dads in the Cosmere
Lem, Rock
Here we find dads who support and love their kids, no matter what. Lem, Tress’s dad in Emerald Sea, actively helps his daughter sneak off the island to rescue the man she loves, calling in all of the favors he’s built up by being an all around great dude. Rock, from Stormlight Archive, loves his family. Even though he believes very strongly in the jobs-by-birth-order tradition, when his daughter Cord decides to abandon pacifism and join the fight, he supports her. We love dads who help realize their daughters’ dreams, even when those dreams may differ from the dad’s own worldview!
A-Tier: Really Great Dads
Wax, Eventeo
Eventeo, Sarene’s dad in Elantris, and Wax of Wax and Wayne fame, are both excellent dads. Eventeo supports his daughter Sarene as best he can, although he doesn’t always realize how Sarene is really feeling. When Sarene arrives in Arelon to find her fiance “dead,” she’s determined to stay in order to maintain the treaty that her marriage has created--but Eventeo wants her to know that if she wants to come back home, there will always be a place for her. Wax seems to be a great dad to Tindwyl and (sigh) Maxillium, and he flies his kids around! That’s pretty fun.
B-Tier: Pretty Good Dads...Most of the Time
Kelsier, Elhokar, Stormfather 
I’m counting Kelsier as Vin’s dad, for the record! Elhokar from Stormlight Archive has a baby son, and the Stormfather is the father of the Honorspren like Syl. These dads definitely try to do right by their kids. Kelsier is a good dad to Vin, overall. He may not support her love for Elend at first, but when push comes to shove, he does risk his life to save Elend just because Vin loves him. And he loves and supports Vin the whole way through. Elhokar doesn’t really have much to do with his little son, but he does try in the end to rescue him and dies in the process, so that has to count for something, right? The Stormfather has, uh, trouble supporting his kids because he’s so paranoid that the oaths will kill them, but when push comes to shove, he really has no choice to accept their oaths. That’s support! Albeit forced by his nature as a spren, etc. All of these dads do intend the best for their kids, but they’re maybe a tad problematic about how they go about it.
C-Tier: They, uh, Mean Well I guess?
Dalinar, Lirin, Taravangian
Dalinar is tricky because he may be a pretty solid dad now, but hoo boy was he not such a great dad in the beginning. He barely remembered that Renarin existed, and he spent most of his time wantonly slaughtering people. So on average, I put Dalinar at C. I may get in trouble for putting Lirin so low but LISTEN. He called Kaladin a MONSTER. He REFUSES to accept his son as he is! But, like, I know he loves Kaladin and means well, etc. Taravangian may be a villain, but as a father, he does make darn sure his kids & grandkids are outside of his schemes so that they won’t be implicated and he trades the whole world for their safety. Which would be sweeter if not for the “everyone else can die for all I care” angle. 
D-Tier: They Basically Suck As Dads
Charlie’s dad, Iadon, Dedelin, Tevidian, Gavilar
Now we get to dads who are lowkey abusive. Charlie’s dad from Tress of the Emerald Sea tried to force his son into an unwanted marriage, and when that didn’t work and Charlie ended up kidnapped, he just sort of shrugged and replaced Charlie with someone else. Wow. Iadon, Raoden’s father from Elantris, was paranoid and grumpy and his son was actively working to undermine him. Iadon in turn barely batted an eye when he had to throw his son into Elantris. Dedelin, Siri’s and Vivenna’s dad from Warbreaker, so favored his daughter Vivenna that he sent his unprepared and innocent daughter Siri to what he thought was her death. And finally, Tevidian (Vin’s biological father from Mistborn) was Lord Prelan. He goes into D-tier almost by default. We don’t know much yet about Gavilar’s relationship to his children, but he did try to make Jasnah marry AMARAM, and he seemed to feel scorn for Elhokar. That’s not great material for a father’s day card.
F-Tier: Actively Harmful To Their Children 
Edwarn, Lin Davar, Straff
And finally, the dads who are ACTIVELY and SUPREMELY abusive! Edwarn is Wax’s uncle apparently (I thought he was Wax’s dad whoops), but I think he fulfilled the dad role. Anyway, he tried to have Wax KILLED. Lin Davar was an abusive nightmare to all of his kids (and I’m including Shallan) until Shallan had to kill him to save his brother. 
And Straff. Straff (Elend’s dad from Mistborn) is the worst dad in the Cosmere. Bad to his son Elend. Bad to everyone his son loves. Bad overall. I can’t even. I’m so glad he got cut in half with a giant sword.
H-Happy Father’s Day, everyone!
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celestialtrolls · 8 months
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I gotta keep making icons forever the matchy matchy is so worth it and so good
top row belong to @/damtrolls, bottom three are mine!
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The Alloy of Law chapter 16 be like:
wayne, dressed as an old lady: oh the world keeps changing, it's so bizarre, could give me a detailed analysis of how this high security transportation vehicle works?
a poor tekiel guard: well you see, once these doors lock no one can enter in or out for twelve whole hours.
wayne, noting in his traded notebook: and would you say this mechanism is completely foolproof? could dynamite penetrate it? what about allomancers?
tekiel guard: what would they do? Push so hard they'd be blown off the train? if they did get into it, there will be guards waiting inside
wayne, still in an old lady's costume: and what are they armed with?
tekiel guard: a motherfuckin- hold on...
tekiel guard: and why would you-
wayne, changing his costume to a lord: oh, by the Survivor! how did this happen?
tekiel guard: he was disguised as an elderly-
wayne: and how many soldiers did yoy say again you had, Captain?
tekiel guard: three dozen-
wayne, now in the costume of a guard: oh, my lord is quite paranoid, i'll let you do what you need to do.
wayne: have you met my buddy, Bren?
wax: ✌🏻 sup
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spinmeround · 1 year
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Urszula Tekiele
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sarahshoots1st · 2 years
The year is 202X.
You have just finished watching the movie adaptation of Mistborn: The Final Era. You have sat through the credits, expecting an easter egg scene teasing at further cosmere film adaptations.
As the last credits scroll pass, Charrs Entrone appears on screen, slumped dead on the ground. You saw Kelsier dump his corpse on the Tekiel grounds earlier, but did not see his actual death. Slowly, Kelsier steps up to the body, mistcoat obscuring his features. He reaches down, checking for a pulse.
You sit in your popcorn-littered movie theater chair, confused as to why this particular scene is playing out. What does this have to do with -
Suddenly, Kelsier starts dancing, celebrating his victory over the dead body.
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cazadora-art · 2 years
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Sylphrena Tekiel - A render for a very good friend ♥
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butwhybother · 3 years
There is a bit in The Alloy of Law chapter 1 about two tall towers, Ironspine Building and Tekiel Tower. They are both in construction, and they are across a canal from each other. People are taking bets which one will be taller.
This skyscraper rivalry rings a bell, but now I can't remember the names of the towers in real life.
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helenart555 · 4 years
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Urszula Tekiel.
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marlsbys-dragons · 4 years
Good morning to everyone except House Tekiel who were slaughtered to a man by Hasting assassins as they withdrew from Luthadel
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Alloy of Law
ELENDEL. Demoux walk. Tekiel Tower. VINUARCH (as in a month like march).
So many references to Era 1.
The street slang that Spook talked and no one understood somehow became a lenguage called High Imperian. 😳😳
There is a beautiful contrast between Wax, who has been good all his life, and Wayne, who started as a thief and killed a man before he was reinserted and embrace the good side.
While I instantly liked Marasi, Steris was a hard no from the start (even if I knew we would end up seeing a soft side behing the cold exterior).
How can Marsh be alive? HOW?
The "plot twist" (Uncle Ladrian is alive) was way too predictable for me. But it made me feel smart for once after all my failed theories.
There is a scene were Wax "talks" to Harmony. I couldn't take it seriously, it's Sazed we are talking. That must have been what Vin felt when they started worshipping Kelsier, once you know the person it is difficult to think of them as a god/shard.
Now that it is over, I understand both sides: the ones who love this thrilogy and the ones who don't. Some of you love it because of the many action scenes it has and the others hate it because it doesn't have a strong plot.
Taking everything into account, this book is very enjoyable. Specially after reading The Hero of Ages and Elantris, two plot heavy books.
Sometimes you just need a bunch of fighting scenes and this books provides many.
This book was very short. Hopefully the next will be longer.
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druggeddraccus · 5 years
Alloy of Law by Branderson (spoilers)
Umm okay so I loved Alloy of Law
Wax and Wayne have wonderful banter. Marasi is Amazing. I need to see more of Ranette (also she’s ace, how cool is that!) and Steris...like I don’t know anything about her except a love for contracts and that she really likes to plan things out.
Like I’m genuinely disappointed that Wax and Marasi aren’t together because I’ve seen them interact with each other and I’ve watched them become friends. and I just haven’t gotten any of that with Steris and Wax. Branderson hardly disappoints so I’m just gonna trust him to develop their relationship.
One line that really got me about Miles is the bit saying that if he were around during Era 1 he would’ve been a hero—he would’ve been Kelsier. (Also his death was creepy af) But then Marsh showing up and saying that Wax was doing his brothers work!! I love it.
The Uncle was a shot from nowhere. I’m shook I cannot wait to see where this is going. Like why take the girls? I’m guessing the insurance stuff was mostly to get House Tekiel off the map?
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rfsnyder · 5 years
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urszula tekiel
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just started the alloy of law!!!
1. who was gonna tell me this book is only 300 pages long? i wasn't aware that was something sanderson could do. or maybe i'm too biased by starting with stormlight.
2. the book is just out here name dropping everyone from era 1. elendel. cett mansion. demoux promenade, tekiel tower. like what???
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heartlikeiron-blog · 8 years
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Incorrect Steel Mists Quotes ➝ 5 / ∞
@jaelatekiel | @tekielprodigy
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