#teenlock roleplay
omegle-lock · 11 months
Sherlock - Omegle
This server has been created to help roleplayers who used Omegle for roleplay specially in the Sherlock fandom to connect now that the site has been pulled down.
It should work like this:
Post your request
Check for reactions
Send your prompt via DM
React to a request
Wait to receive the prompt through DMs
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Okay I’m dyslexic leave me alone grammars not my strong suite. The way I figured it out, you have to be in the school system until 18 in the uk no matter how smart you are. So it takes 4 years to do a degree and 2 years to do a masters making you 24 when you left uni. Your drug habit was in full swing at the time, 5 years Mycroft said your (or you’re I’m not sure) drug habit was in full force, on average people start off small in there first few years until there final grad year and then slowly realise how useful it is become addicted so we have you having a drug habit from 21 to 26, Greg did a drugs bust on you’re house when you first met John meeting he had reasonable means to get a warrant so you’re habit had just ended, you met John after you’re birthday, look at the weather that day it is not exactly London in January. So you were 27 in 2010 add 13, you are 40!!!
Not entirely correct as an undergrad degree takes usually 3 years to complete, a masters can take 1 or 2 years, and one can already attend university with 17 if you complete school earlier.
And I started my drug use with 19. But it is true that I started while I was attending university.
But the final conclusion is correct however.
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okami-avalon · 1 year
[Mormor. Teenlock. AfterLife. PastAbuse. Sorry for my English in advance. We can continue via email if you like. :33 [email protected] ]
Jim Moriarty woke up abruptly in the middle of the night. He was feeling terrible pain in his head. The Irish boy tried to think about the last thing he remembered. The St Barts Hospital. The Roof. The end of the game. Sherlock. All was going according to his plan. The plan he and his sniper had been talking about for months. But then...
'...Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, but don’t think for one second that I am one of them. '
And his worst nightmares became true. The Consulting Detective knew about it. About him. About his pressure point. And with all that implied... He didn't have any options. He couldn't even say goodbye to Sebastian, who was probably watching everything from the front building. He knew what he had to do. 'As long as I’m alive, you can save your friends; you’ve got a way out...Well, good luck with that.'  After saying those last words to Sherlock Holmes, he took the gun and shot himself...
Moriarty had never been afraid of death. But he didn't ever imagine that he would just go back in time. Back when he was just a teenager, to the exact moment where he was still thinking about killing Carl Powers for bullying him, his first step to building his criminal organization
But not only that. He was back on time. The time when he needed to survive.
Survive at the school. From the students, who liked to torment him for some reason. Survive at home with his father, who used to beat him up almost every day.
Survive on his own, sometimes not being able to eat, because he didn't have any money, or cause of his bullies. Sometimes sleeping in the cold streets to avoid being beated up again at home...
Of all the moments from his past, coming to that one was the worst one. 
But the good thing was that now he had an adult mind. He knew better how to handle most of those situations. 
Now, after weeks later, he was in one of the boring classes of his high school, watching the sky through the window with his chin resting on his hand, while the teacher was talking, something about a new kid joining the class, about to introduce him. But Jim wasn't listening; he was thinking about what could have happened in the future. About his organization. About Sherlock. About the last moments of his previous life. About his sniper. And mostly about how he was going to change the future now. He was completely lost in his thoughts, just when a boy behind him was about to hit him on the head with one of the books on purpose.
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raybangoddesss · 5 years
looking for johnlock rp partners
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JohnLock RP Prompt
Looking for a partner either on the post, through messages or email ([email protected]). Content warning for mentions of abusive families and abuse.
He didn’t know what came first. He knew there was cursing and screaming and yelling and beating, but the order was all a blur now. A blur followed by sirens and police called to settle a domestic disturbance. John [15] ran as soon as he could. He slipped out the door and ran down the hallway to the fire exit, bounding down the stairs two at a time. There was only one place he would want to hide from the police and social services, and moments later he had climbed the tree planted in just the right place and found himself outside of a familiar window. He hadn’t thought through to the point that he would have to explain the split lip, possibly fractured wrist and general bruising; he just needed the safety of Sherlock Holmes. He knocked on the window, staring at the boy hunched over a microscope.
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lqvenderhqzes · 4 years
More johnlock!
I am going out of my mind with boredom and want some new roleplays to entertain me!
You can email me at [email protected] or message me here!
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teenbasher · 6 years
Sebastian is actually a super adorable nerd, but he rather play the bad boy jock, just because it has worked so far in life.
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New blog
This is a new Sherlock Holmes rp blog, though more for the controversial ship of Johnlockary. It is a uni au so they’re all late teens, early twenties. The other characters ages fall in place with being younger as well. The boys share a place at baker street where Mary spends most of her time with them though she has a dorm too but who wants to be there when they don’t have to be? Follow their strange story and adventures through life. 
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...Oh. Right.
This must be from AAAAGES ago, since it’s back behind those silly gifs of myself I made years ago, back when I had more hair. Huh. Anyways. I am posting it now! 
John and Sherlock text! They do the flirt!! 
Stranger: This is John Watson, right? Captain of the rugby team? SH (16)
You: Yes... That would be me. JW (18)
Stranger: Excellent. I'm Sherlock Holmes, I need to ask you a favour -SH
You: Oh, right. Okay, then... What can I do for you? JW
Stranger: I need to you tell your little army of idiots to stop attacking me after school. It's getting tedious. And painful -SH
You: Attacking you...? What do you mean, 'attacking you'? JW
Stranger: I mean cornering me as I walk home from school, shoving me into an allway, stamping out my good cigarettes and hitting me repeatedly, all the while hurling terrible insults -SH
You: (delayed) I had no idea any of this was going on. I swear, if I knew, it never would have happened in the first place. Do you have names, specifically, of who's doing it? I know I've heard your name before, but I never even suspected they were harming you. JW
Stranger: Jim Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Philip Anderson, and Charles Magnessun. And yes, I assume you've heard my name. The rumors going around about me are getting out of hand -SH
You: Just the four of them, then? I'll make sure they're taken care of accordingly. JW
You: I'm so sorry for all of this happening. Honestly, I wish I could say I'm surprised that it's them, but I'm not. I really do apologise for them, though... It's not right. And for the rumours as well, it's very, very wrong. JW
Stranger: What is? Them spreading them, or the things they say I've done. The things they say I am. And..thank you, John. I didn't expect any real help, to be honest. So thank you. -SH
You: I haven't heard the rumours, and I don't intend to. It's wrong for them to be talking about you and hurting you. It's inhuman and it's setting a terrible example for the rest of the school, when the ones who are supposed to be setting good ones are acting like animals. JW
You: It's the right thing to do, why wouldn't I help you? What they're doing is wrong. JW
Stranger: Wow. You...are far kinder than your peers, John Watson. And thank you. And, well, thank you for not listening to the rumors, either. I mean, half the school's convinced I watch you shower in the locker room, it's ridiculous. Which I don't. Ever. -SH
You: Really? Hm. Odd rumour, but people will believe anything sometimes. I'll do what I can to set those right too, if I can. I'm sorry for everything that the four of them have done to you... And you don't have to thank me so much. Like I said, it's the right thing to do. It's not a problem. JW
Stranger: Yes, but if I had a nickel for everytime someone chose to help me because it's the right thing, I'd only have one nickel. Yours. And yes, it's an odd rumor. People will believe anything. It's ridiculous. They just assume. Without any evidence. None whatsoever. It's not true. -SH
You: Thou dost protest a lot, Sherlock Holmes. JW
You: Why aren't people nice to you? You seem fine to me... JW
Stranger: What? No I don't! I mean...I don't. Shut up. People aren't nice to me because I'm a...let's see, what was it? Drug-addicted, psychopathic faggot. Or something like that. -SH
You: ...Jesus. That's a lot of titles for one bloke to have. JW
You: You still protest too much. ;) JW
Stranger: ...I'm sorry, alright? I was merely observing, and it wasn't what they think. And for the record, I'm not a psychopath. So really I only have two titles -SH
You: Sure, sure. I'm not angry, obviously. And I never said I thought you were... Though I don't see you trying to deny the other two? JW
Stranger: Why should I? They're true. Clearly. -SH
You: Considering the fact that I've never actually met you, I wouldn't say 'clearly'. JW
Stranger: Oh. Well...they are. And I just...I thought you might have picked up on it, from the...shower...thing. -SH
You: I don't know. I thought you were 'merely observing'? ;) JW
You: I wouldn't call you a faggot, though. Ever. JW
Stranger: Never? ...oh. Right, good. And I was. I was merely observing and shut up it's none of your business -SH
You: Why does /that/ surprise you? And sure you were. I'm taking your word for it, remember? JW
Stranger: You do seem very skeptical, though. I'm just making sure. And it surprises me because...you're- well, you. You're John Watson. Golden boy. Captain of the rugby team, and all that. I sort of expected you to be an arsehole -SH
You: Well... I guess you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them? Reputations don't really mean much, you should know that. JW
Stranger: I know. I'm sorry. I misjudged you, John Watson. That was stupid of me. -SH
You: It's alright. Don't worry about it, Sherlock Holmes. JW
Stranger: Oh. Good. You know, you can call me just Sherlock if you like -SH
You: Mm. I know. And you can call me John, if you like. JW
Stranger: I don't think I will. John Watson sounds much better. Makes you sound overly fancy, or famous. Like a really dull movie star or an army captain or something -SH
You: Really? I don't know, my name is so dull. Sherlock Holmes is much better... It sounds exciting. Unique. Not like 'John'. Or 'John Watson', even. JW
Stranger: My real name is William, if that helps any. I like John Watson, though. -SH
You: So Sherlock's a nickname? And thanks... I still think it's dull, but it's nice to know someone likes it. JW
Stranger: It's my middle name. And everyone likes it, John. You should hear how those stupid girls that follow you around sqeal ir from the stands of your games -SH
Stranger: *it
You: I hear it... But I don't think it's the name they like. I still like Sherlock, though. And William isn't terrible, either. Sounds posh. JW
You: John is just common. JW
Stranger: John isn't a unique name, sure. It's common. There are millions of Johns. There migt even be millions of John Watsons. But...you have a middle name, don't you? No one's got that. Besides, the uniqueness of a name doesn't determine someone's uniquness. My brother is called Mycroft, and he's dull as dirt -SH
You: My middle name is shit, don't even go there. Jeez, William Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. You two ended up with the names of the century. JW
Stranger: I know. William Sherlock Scott Holmes. It's...ridiculous, quite frankly. My parents are insane -SH
You: There's another one, even! William Sherlock Scott. Wow. JW
You: I like it, though. JW
Stranger: ...you do? Really? I've always disliked my name. -SH
You: I can understand not liking a given name, but... Well, I like yours. It sounds brilliant. Like... 'You're going to do great things, William Sherlock Scott Holmes'. JW
Stranger: Oh please. Like anyone would ever say that to me. But...thank you, John Hamish Watson. I like your name too. It suits you. And I like you, so it makes sense. -SH
You: Thanks... I'm glad you texted me. JW
Stranger: Really? Because, I mean...I'm glad I texted you, too. I've been meaning to talk to you for quite a while, I just never had the...what's the word? Courage. -SH
You: Well, you needn't have worried. You're obviously bright... And nice, too. Everything that you've had to endure isn't right, with the team and everything. I'll make sure they get what's coming to them tomorrow. Feel free to text me again anytime... Seriously. Or come find me during school... Sod the rumours, I'd like to meet you in person at some point. JW
Stranger: Oh. Alright. I...I'd like that. And- thank you. For taking care of those morons. I really appreciate it. I- I'll find you during school tomorrow, if you don't mind -SH
You: Of course I don't mind. And it's not a problem, really. You don't deserve what's happened to you at their hands. JW
Stranger: Well, that's not exactly a popular opinion. But thank you. I just- I thought maybe you'd be with your friends, tomorrow. That you'd be to busy. -SH
You: But it's my opinion, so it doesn't matter if it's popular or not. And... Are we not friends? I'd like to be friends with you, William Sherlock Scott Holmes. Although I don't know if I can say that ever time I speak to you. JW
Stranger: I'd like to be friends with you as well, John Hamish Watson. Well, not exactly. But..friends. Close enough. I'd like that. -SH
You: Friends is a good start. Then we'll see where it goes. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right, good. Does that mean that it...I mean, is going somewhere a possibilty, then? Hypothetically -SH
You: Hypothetically... I'd say that it could, quite possibly, be a possibility, yes. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Ok. That'b be...nice. Hypothetically -SH
Stranger: *that'd
You: Yes, it would. JW
You: Hypothetically. JW
Stranger: Right. All hypothetical, of course. But...hypothetically. What's your hypothetical definition of 'somewhere' -SH
You: Hm... On a date, maybe. Hypothetically. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. A hypothetical date sounds like it would be fun. Hypothetically -SH
You: You're cute, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: What? Sorry, I just- what? -SH
You: With your whole 'hypothetically' thing. It was cute. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Um..thank you. I think. I was just- trying to make my hopeless attempt at flirting sound less stupid -SH
You: No, no, it was good. I liked it. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Perhaps it didn't sound as moronic to you as it did to me. -SH
You: It wasn't moronic at all. JW
Stranger: Good. I'm glad. You think it was...cute. You think I'm 'cute'. -SH
You: At least, your personality is. I haven't seen you, so I don't know about how you look, but... Yeah. Your flirting was cute. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Just...give me a mintute to process that for a bit. -SH
You: Take as much time as you need. JW
Stranger: Right. I just...you're- You're John Watson. And you think I'm cute. Me. Sherlock Holmes. My mental efficinacy has been dropped by nearly 98%, just by you saying that -SH
You: I don't see the big issue here... I mean, you are cute. You were flirting and making sort of a big deal out of it, and your little 'Oh. Right's were cute, like you couldn't believe it or something. JW
Stranger: Well I /can't/. Not really. Please keep in mind that everyone thought I was mute until the seventh grade, because I never spoke to anyone. I've never had a real friend, and sometimes I talk to a plastic skull I have in my room. I'm not good with people, and I'm certainly not good with attractive, kind people like you complimenting me. /SH
You: Well, I'll just have to keep doing it, then. Get you used to it. I doubt anyone was really trying, if they all thought you were mute... And talking to a skull isn't the weirdest thing I've ever heard of someone doing. JW
You: I still talk to a couple of stuffed toys that I have. It's not uncommon. JW
Stranger: That's cute. That's...really cute, actually. I just- my skull is my best friend. That came out wrong. I meant my fake one. He's called Billy -SH
You: Shut up, I'm not cute. You're cute. I'll have to meet Billy sometime, then... Especially if we're going to be friends that could hypothetically be more than that. JW
Stranger: Well I'll have to introduce you. He's on my bedside table. And yea you are. You're very cute. -SH
Stranger: *yes
You: I guess that means you'll have to invite me over at some point. You know, after we formally meet and all. And hush. I'm not cute. JW
Stranger: Well I suppose so. Once we formally meet, you can come over. As long as you swear not to talk to my brother. And yes you are, stop it. You wear /woolly jumpers/, John. That's adorable -SH
You: My jumpers are manly as hell. Not cute. And why do I have to swear not to talk to your brother? JW
You: I don't think it's fair, by the way, that you seem to know so much about me, when I don't even know what you look like. JW
Stranger: I'm the really tall one with the quote 'riduculous curly hair' and according to Irene Adler 'cheekbones like knives'. I sit behind you in chemistry. You should pay more attention. And you cannot talk to my brother because he's an embarassing, nosy prat. And you're adorable, shut up. -SH
You: (delayed) Oh my god. JW
You: I've never even bothered to find out your name. I know exactly who you are, though... Oh my god. JW
Stranger: What's wrong? -SH
You: Just... nothing. Jesus Christ. JW
Stranger: You seem shocked. Or disturbed. Did I say something wrong? -SH
You: No... No, not at all. Slightly shocked, yeah. I'm fine. JW
You: You're actually gorgeous, by the way. Which is why I'm slightly shocked. JW
Stranger: ....oh. I- thank you. You- you really think that? -SH
You: Yes. Holy shit. JW
Stranger: 'Holy shit'? That...brings a very odd picture to mind. That's an odd expression -SH
You: Yeah, it kind of does, doesn't it. Huh. Never thought of that before. JW
Stranger: I just don't hear that phrase very often. -SH
You: Hm. I see. JW
You: Sorry. Still trying to get over the mental shock a bit. JW
Stranger: Oh. I don't mind. I just...don't see how it's a shock. Did I really make that much of an impression one you? -SH
You: Yes. Very much so. You're attractive and mysterious and quiet, but I hear the comments you mutter under your breath when you think no one's paying attention. You're very smart. JW
I had to go....
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omeglelockassholes · 3 years
Omegle has eaten tags :(
Hello friends - t’is I, E, crawling back from the grave to lament about the fact that the mystrade, sherstrade, and teenlock tags are now nonexistent on omegle for whatever reason :((
For the other ghosts that still haunt omegle for Sherlock RPs, so far ‘greglock’ seems to be a decent alternative for sherstrade - maybe ‘lecroft’ for mystrade too? 
Not sure about teenlock but hey, guess we’ll just have to be all the more considerate about age changes in normal ship tags, huh? 
(also this probably isn’t an incredible comeback to this blog, but I’ll check back again in a bit to see if this helps anyone at all anyway - who knows) 
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Lost RP
Come back to me, my French exchange student Sherlock. 
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Come on Sherlock, just go back home. It was a joke, baby. We were all kidding. We didn't think you would take it this seriously.
Really comedic genius you all showed tonight. Congratulations. Very funny to make jokes on the costs of others, to make fools of them, to tell them lies and deceive them. As if I hadn't already gotten enough of such treatment during school and university.
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tricksterchris · 7 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like teenlock, and johnlock.
Stranger: [The pair met each other on a chatroom, and have been friends for quite some time. They've never seen what the other looks like, but are still both flirty. They don't know that they know each other in person. Would love a bully!John, as in he teases Sherlock at school, but not necessary! Just have him come around, or realize who he is. Sherlock is baybeeboy and John is whatever you choose! They know each other by Will and Hamish] baybeeboy is now online! baybeeboy: Sure do love getting my arse kicked again. Don't they ever get bored of this? [17]
You: TheDoctorIsHere: What happened today? :(
Stranger: baybeeboy: I bumped into a bloke in the halls, and he got pissed. All he did then was shove me against them, but he caught me on the way to ballet. baybeeboy: The dressing rooms are right across the hall from where they store their rugby equipment. baybeeboy: He grabbed me and took me outside behind the building, beat my arse, and knocked me out. I just woke up. I've been out for over two hours.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Oh God, tell me, please, tell that you told someone. TheDoctorIsHere: I really want to beat the shit out of that bloke right now.
Stranger: baybeeboy: Are you kidding? No one would believe me. baybeeboy: There's a rumor going around that I stalk people, video their lives and shit. That's how I know so much about them. baybeeboy: They wouldn't help me. baybeeboy: I'm walking home. Taking the long way, though. Don't wanna walk through town. I look like I just killed someone.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I believe you, Will. TheDoctorIsHere: I hate that you don't feel safe, I'd love to be with you right now. :( TheDoctorIsHere: We would go to your place and I'd make tea while you analyze me and do deduction about my whole life, it'd be awesome!
Stranger: baybeeboy: I want to be with you, too, angel. baybeeboy: I've made deductions about you hundreds of times, Mish.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: But I never got to hear your voice while you were making them! TheDoctorIsHere: I'd probably be with my mouth opened the whole time because you're amazing.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I doubt you'd be able to understand me. baybeeboy: I already talk fast, but with the French accent on top of that, you'd be lost.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Well, I think the French accent is quite sexy and I bet my ass your voice is amazingly pleasant to hear. TheDoctorIsHere: I'd have my mouth opened for something else I guess... ;)
Stranger: baybeeboy: Hamish!
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Oopsy! TheDoctorIsHere: Are you home yet? I'm getting a bit worried.
Stranger: baybeeboy: No, not yet. I haven't even left the school yet. My bike is out front. baybeeboy: I'm not even going to be able to ride it.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: That fucking bastard, I hope I'll never find out who he is or I'll go to jail for sure.
Stranger: baybeeboy: You get in too many fights already.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I know, Will, but I'd do that for you.
Stranger: baybeeboy: You don't have to. baybeeboy: Get in any fights today?
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I just got a black eye, nothing to worry about.
Stranger: baybeeboy: What happened?
You: TheDoctorIsHere: There was this group of morons around this boy and they were spitting on him, calling him a whore, kicking him. TheDoctorIsHere: I had to do something! Fortunately I just got punched in the eye.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I think me and that kid would get along great.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I didn't even get to know his name, as soon as the fight was over he rushed away. TheDoctorIsHere: He reminded me a bit of you, well, what I think you look like. TheDoctorIsHere: Maybe not as tall or with hair as curly.
Stranger: baybeeboy: Same thing happened to me, today, and then I got beat up later. baybeeboy: They ruined my jumper. baybeeboy: Your jumper.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Why didn't you tell me about this? TheDoctorIsHere: Why, why am I here at school when you need someone with you? I feel useless.
Stranger: baybeeboy: Angel... baybeeboy: You've helped me so much. You know that, right?
You: TheDoctorIsHere: You keep saying that and I trust you but... I need to hold you and tell you with my own voice that you're safe and sound with me. TheDoctorIsHere: That is so cheesy, I'm so sorry.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I love you so much, Mish.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I love you too, Will. TheDoctorIsHere: I just ran to the bathroom 'cause I started crying, everybody gave me funny looks.
Stranger: baybeeboy: Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: No, no, oh God Will, absolutely not! TheDoctorIsHere: I just got a bit emotional. TheDoctorIsHere: I'm looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and my eye looks gross, this makes thinking about not being with you a bit better, you'd find it disgusting.
Stranger: baybeeboy: Are you kidding? No, I wouldn't. baybeeboy: There's nothing wrong with crying. I do it all the time. Ha. baybeeboy: I'm the one who looks disgusting. The jumper is soaked through with blood.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I'm going to ditch this class, I want to be focused on you right now. TheDoctorIsHere: Where are you right now? Should I call the ambulance?
Stranger: baybeeboy: Misha, calm down. I'm okay. You worry too much. baybeeboy: Halfway home.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Okay, I'm on my way home, I said that my eye hurts too much to focus. TheDoctorIsHere: The only thing I want to do right now is making you feel loved and safe.
Stranger: [have you sent something? sorry my power went down earlier and my wifi is struggling]
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Okay, I'm on my way home, I said that my eye hurts too much to focus. TheDoctorIsHere: The only thing I want to do right now is making you feel loved and safe. (here you go :D)
Stranger: baybeeboy: You always make me feel both of those things. [thanks!]
You: TheDoctorIsHere: What about some "cyber-cuddling"? sounds a bit sad but it could be fun.
Stranger: baybeeboy: How do we do that?
You: TheDoctorIsHere: It's like sexting, but more kid-friendly.
Stranger: baybeeboy: It sounds confusing and perfect.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Just like us. TheDoctorIsHere: Just got home, I'm ready to lay in my bed with your scarf and never get up again.
Stranger: baybeeboy: Your jumper doesn't smell like you anymore. baybeeboy: I wore it today because I've been having a bad week. I guess it was sort of a bad idea, since it's white. baybeeboy: I wish it wasn't dirty. I wish I didn't wear it today at all, so I could go home and wear it.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I'll send you another one as soon as I can, Will, I promise. TheDoctorIsHere: Even if I wish I could just give it to you in person.
Stranger: baybeeboy: By the way, I think my webcam came in. We can finally Skype, once I get it set up. baybeeboy: I'd suggest today, but... I don't look good.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: That's awesome, love! TheDoctorIsHere: I bet you're beautiful anyway.
Stranger: baybeeboy: Mish, I really look like I got hit by a truck.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: To my eyes you'll always look beautiful, Will.
Stranger: baybeeboy: You'll cry.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Maybe a little. But I'd take care of you and your wounds, kissing every inch of your body.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I wish you were here with me now.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I know, I want it so bad. TheDoctorIsHere: What would you do if I was there?
Stranger: baybeeboy: Cry. A lot. baybeeboy: I wouldn't let go of you.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I would't want you to let me go. TheDoctorIsHere: I'd kiss away every tear and I would hold you telling you how amazing and beautiful you are.
You: (do you have tumblr/skype/telegram? This rp is really good!)
Stranger: baybeeboy: I need you so badly right now. baybeeboy: I thought I was getting better, but I'm not. [i have an email, if that works?]
You: (perfect! Mine is censored af
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I love you so much and I need you so bad.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I'm not even home yet. I keep having to take a break, catch my breath. baybeeboy: I love you, Mish. [great!]
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I'm so worried about you I'm shaking, I think I'll go for a walk wearing your scarf.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I'm so sorry. I don't mean to worry you. baybeeboy: Take deep breaths, yeah?
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Okay, I'm breathing, I'm still going for a walk so I don't feel so useless. TheDoctorIsHere: I'm out now, I feel a bit better, still shaking, but better.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I can stop talking about it, yeah? I always make you panic when I do, and I feel bad.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: No, you have ti talk about it, you can keep it all inside. TheDoctorIsHere: It's not as bad as the last time, you don't have to worry, love.
Stranger: baybeeboy: I'm so sorry. baybeeboy: I'm going to stop talking about it. All I ever do it make you worry.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: Don't you dare, don't you fucking dare. TheDoctorIsHere: I need to know how you are, I'd be more worried if I don't.
Stranger: [...] baybeeboy: Okay. I'm sorry. baybeeboy: I didn't mean to make you upset, Mish.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: I'm not upset, love. [...]TheDoctorIsHere: I can see the boy that I rescued at school, he looks devastated.
Stranger: baybeeboy: You should go talk to him.
You: TheDoctorIsHere: He needs help, I'm going. TheDoctorIsHere: I'll be right back love, he looks like he's about to faint. John walks over to the tall dark haired boy as he pockets his phone. "Hey!" John says to get his attention as he walks next to him.
Stranger: It had never, ever been this bad. His head was killing him, and he was nearly certain his ribs were broken. If Hamish knew how bad he was, he knew he'd be in an even bigger panic. He decided it was best not to say anything. Hearing the voice, a panic rushed through him, afraid they had followed him. He turned around, growing dizzier as he spun around. He kept a firm hold on his bike, but relaxed when he saw it was the boy had helped him earlier. If only he had been there for the real beating. Sherlock gave him a tiny smile, nodding to him. "Hello," he murmured, his accent thick. "Do you need something?" he asked, then, nervously.
You: John looks at him feeling his heart sink. He gets a bit closer as the boy turned around, ready to catch him, he really looks like he's about to faint. "No I... I just saw you and I was wondering if you needed help soooo... do you need help?" John licks his lips a bit nervous, this boy looks gorgeous even in this state. He lower his gaze blushing a little. "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner when they were beating you up"
Stranger: Sherlock shuffled slightly, trying to focus on the boy in front of him. He blinked, lifting a hand to rub at his eyes. "That - yeah, um - I live kinda far, though," he muttered, taking a shaky breath. He smiled slightly as he saw the scarf he was wearing; it looked just like the one he mailed Hamish. "It's okay. Really. It happens all the time," he assured, blinking up at him. "I have a scarf like that. Well, I used to. I gave it away, though."
You: John bites his bottom lip before he looks up at him again. "You have a bike, we can ride it together if you can hold on to me" John frowns sadly at those words. "Well... I'm John Watson and I'll be glad to help you getting out of it" He looks down at Will's scarf smiling sadly before noticing the other boy jumper. "Your jumper looks really familiar too, it's a shame that is dirty... I mailed a similar one to my boyfriend"
Stranger: It was strange, really, hearing that the other had mailed his boyfriend a jumper like his, just like Hamish did, but he supposed it was a common jumper. Sherlock smiled slightly, nodding and handing the handlebars over to him. "This is my boyfriend's, actually," he said with a small laugh, fingers curling into the fabric. "I feel bad, since it's clearly ruined. Gonna take a lot of work to get it cleaned up." Sherlock sighed, realizing then that he hadn't introduced himself. "I'm Sherlock. I'd say my friends call me Will, but my only friend is my boyfriend." He smiled slightly, managing another sad chuckle.
You: That's odd, the boy, Sherlock, has a boyfriend who mailed a jumper identical to the one he gave to Will and his boyfriend calls him Will. "Your... your boyfriend has really good taste" John says looking at him curiously. The dark haired boy even has a thick French accent, really strange. "I'm John, but usually I go by Hamish, you know, there are plenty of John and it gets confusing, especially at school"
Stranger: Sherlock froze, looking back to the other. Hamish. He had known Watson was his last name. This was his Hamish. "Mish." He took a moment to look over him, fingers ringing nervously at the jumper that nearly swallowed him whole. He just needed to be sure. As he studied him, tears began to pool up in his eyes, and he drew his gaze back to him. "I ruined your jumper," he murmured, taking a shaky breath.
You: John eyes widens in shock and he starts to shake a little. "Oh my God... Will" He looks at him as he feels his eyes watering. "I-it's okay, I promised you I'll send you one as soon as I can, love" John says, he hears his voice cracking before he giggles. "This is crazy"
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Did anyone lose a teenlock mormor AI AU? :(
Try saying AI AU three times quickly! Makes for an interesting tongue twister. 
We’ve not had anyone else looking anon, but if this sounds like you, do get in touch! We’ll post a notice if your partner has been found. 
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lqvenderhqzes · 5 years
I’m looking for new people to roleplay some Johnlock with! I have so much free time lately! I love writing long and detailed johnlock and am willing to play anything really 
I have lots of prompts (there’s a few on my page!) but would love to hear yours too! My email is [email protected] or you can message me here!
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teenbasher · 6 years
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Good night
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