#teenage driver
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Court Frees Young Driver," Windsor Star July 7, 1943. Page 6. ---- Boy Accused of Reckless Driving After Little Girl Killed ---- A charge of reckless driving against Raymond Diotte of La Salle, resulting from the death of eight-year-old Norma Zilka, who was struck by Diotte's car on June 23, was dismissed by Magistrate J. A. Hanrahan today in the city police court after a large number of witnesses testified. Diotte, a 'teen-age youth, pleaded not guilty.
At the conclusion of the trial the Crown conceded that no case had been established against the youth. None of the witnesses saw the car strike the child. A statement by Diotte, which was read in court, told of how he was driving west on Sandwich street just west of Mill street around 5:45 in sunny weather on the evening of June 23. He looked in his rear-view mirror to observe traffic coming from behind when there was a thump, and his uncle, Herman Diotte, who was sitting in the front seat beside him, suggested that he pull up and see what had happened.
Dr. J. M .Young testified that the little girl had died from a lacerated brain caused by a fracture of the skull.
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danthropologie · 3 months
i'm a perfect all-american bitch!
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mayjailersirensblog · 4 months
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fcb-mv33 · 5 months
“[Max] Verstappen was maybe a bit crazier in his early days and had some incidents and some problems, but now he is a very decent driver on the track. Off the track, I see a lot of similarities between him and me. We have the same interests, we love racing. We like the sport more than the show.-Fernando Alonso said this in a Spanish documentary,
“We like the sport more than the show” my drivers😌🧡
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tmntkiseki · 6 months
Mood entering 2024
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sprkleropequeen · 3 months
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pitconfirm · 7 months
Fifteen-year-old Lance calling Fernando his favourite driver
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forzalvr · 29 days
grown ass funny men driving in circles is peak motorsport 😭 [not mine!!]
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shardkn1ght · 1 year
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Thank you! They will be put to good use in the go kart race!
(I do not speak Spanish, if it’s wrong let me know!)
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brokenclockgears · 2 years
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they have a road safety law breaking bingo that they try to fill out every time they're on a roadtrip
surprisingly no one has caught them yet
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somewheremillo · 9 days
[More mid-teens!Killugon]
Leorio and Kurapika teaching Gon and Killua to drive would be so fucking funny bc the difference in the way they would teach them-
Leorio’s teaching:
Leorio to killua, when they are practicing in a parking lot: woAH WOAH S-SLOW DOwN?!?!!??
Killua: I’m going 8mph-
Kurapika’s teaching:
Kurapika: ok so I know it says to go 15mph here, but that’s more of a suggestion than the law. Kurapika proceeds to go 35mph
Killua: you what-
Gon, taking notes: if… car is… moving… to slow… add 30mph… to… the… speed limit!
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blorbocedes · 10 months
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George frauding his way into this list when his Williams rookie years were absolutely forgettable...... Lewis Hamilton's 2022 mid year back pain I will never forgive you for losing to GR and hence him getting hyped on the same level as world champion debuts!!!!!!!!!
Lewis Hamilton in 2007: 109 points
Max Verstappen in 2015: 49 points
George Russell in 2019: 0 points (only driver with 0)
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rallentando1011 · 4 months
I don’t have much time - here’s something
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andromedasummer · 3 months
just because dan ticktum isnt purposefully crashing into people anymore doesn't mean hes suddenly become a good person like he just complained about ""wokeness"" in an interview last january because people dared call him out on speeding on public roads. he is the epitome of bland white man. if i saw a photo of him and didn't know what he was famous for i would assume he was a racist minecraft youtuber
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fcb-mv33 · 11 months
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It is criminally insane that they let a literal child do this😭
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averageperson888 · 3 months
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