#my god what teenage max was doing was insane
fcb-mv33 · 11 months
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It is criminally insane that they let a literal child do this😭
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gojosnympho · 11 months
use me - c.jh
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pairing: jongho x black!fem!reader
genre: smut
word count: 1.9k
content warnings: friends to lovers, unprotected sex (no), oral sex (m receiving), breast play, dirty talk, rough-ish sex, multiple orgasms
synopsis: you offer to help your friend with his problem.
playlist: please me - bruno mars ft cardi b
author’s note: jongho has had me by my throat BAD lately so i finally got the will to finish this fic i started two months back! i also did NOT proofread this shit my bad y’all. i hope you love it anyways tho🥹🩷
tags: @ariesunz for you boo!
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“are you even listening to me, jongho?” you asked him. he wasn’t but it’s not because he wasn’t interested in what you were talking about, of course not. he was always interested in what you had to say, he was your friend after all. that’s why he felt so guilty about why he wasn’t listening to you. he was too focused on the way your boobs looked in your top to even begin to comprehend what you were saying.
“i’m sorry, love. what were you saying?” he asked, diverting his breath away from your boobs back to your eyes.
“i was just asking what movie you wanted to watch,” your words made jongho snap back to reality. both of you were sat on your apartment’s big comfy couch because… that’s right! it’s movie night. like it is every friday night. your boobs looked so good he’d forgotten what was happening. he felt like a stupid, horny teenager. he was a grown ass man for god’s sake, but the curve of your breasts and the way he could almost…almost see down your shirt had him going insane.
“you pick,” jongho told you.
“i picked last week,” you complained with a whine.
“fine,” he grabbed the remote that you held and began clicking through all the options hbo max had to offer. he looked over at you again, his eyes zeroing in on your boobs once again. he wondered if you’d let him touch them but he pushed that thought away. you were his friend.
“while you figure that out i’m gonna go get a snack. do you want something?”
“no. thank you though.”
you nodded politely and got up to walk towards your kitchen. jongho really did try to keep his eyes on the tv in front of him but it was almost instinct the way his eyes became glued to your ass. he watched you all the way to the kitchen until you disappeared around the corner. his heart was pounding in his chest and blood was rushing to his dick. he tried to pull himself together by going back to scrolling on the tv. he finally decided on a random movie that looked interesting enough, hopefully you liked it. you came back with a bag of your favorite chips and sat back down next to jongho.
“did you pick something?” you asked him.
“yup,” is all he could muster. he was so fucking pent up he felt like he was going to explode.
he pressed play in hopes that the movie would take his mind off of how horny he was for you. he didn’t know what the fuck his problem was. he always thought you were pretty, he had eyes he could see that. he always thought you had a nice body too, what was so different today? was it the fact that he hasn’t had sex in a while?
“jongho, what the hell do you have me watching?”
jongho was too busy staring at you again to even worry about the movie that was playing. he looked away from you to the big flat screen tv that was in front of you to see the most explicit sex scene you would’ve thought you were watching porn. jongho grabbed the remote and paused the scene before it could go any further. blood was rushing to his dick again and he was so painfully hard in his pants he thought he could cum untouched.
“i’m sorry. i just clicked a random movie,” he explained himself, blush dusting his tan cheeks.
“are you okay, honey? you look sick,” you reached out to touch his face to check for a fever. your hands were so soft, he wanted them to touch something else.
“can i be honest?”
“mhm,” you hummed with a nod.
“i really, really need you right now.”
“need me?” you asked in confusion. it didn’t click in your brain until you look down at his lap and saw how his sweats were tented by his erection. “jongho…”
“i’m so sorry. i’ll leave if you want,” you shook your head at his words.
“what do you want me to do for you?” you asked him, crawling over to him.
“i can’t let you do that.”
“but i want to, jjong. please let me help you,” you said with the cutest pout on your plump lips.
something snapped in him because without thinking too hard about it, he stood up from the couch and pulled you up with him. he kissed you, shoving his tongue in your mouth and his hands reached behind you to grab your ass. after he squeezed it, he left a rough smack on both cheeks causing you to jolt forward and moan into his mouth.
“you sure you want this? i’m not gonna be gentle,” he told you, pulling only slightly away from your messy make out session. your lips were still connected by a string of spit.
“use me to make you feel good,” you assured him.
he kissed you one more time before pushing you down to your knees. you looked up at him with your dark brown eyes and he almost…almost felt bad about how he was going to ruin you. jongho pulled his shirt over his head, followed by dropping the sweatpants he was wearing to his ankles. the only thing that kept you from seeing him fully was the calvin klein briefs. he grabbed himself through the fabric, squeezing it until he let out a faint moan. you were drooling now; you wanted to taste him so badly.
“you want it?” he asked you.
“tell me what you want then, sweetie,” your friend teased you, again squeezing his dick in his large hand.
“wanna suck your dick. wanna make you feel good,” you replied, reaching up to replace his hand with your own. you squeezed him and watched as he turned into mush from just your touch. you hooked your fingers into his briefs and pulled them down to join the sweatpants that were pooled around his ankles.
you were shocked to see what he’d been packing in his pants for the year that you’d known him. it was thick with veins running up and down the length. it was longer than you’d expected too. you couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you.
“you have a pretty dick.”
“suck on it then,” jongho said. he grabbed your hair in one hand and his dick in the other. he slapped the pretty pink tip on your lips before sliding himself into your mouth. he hissed, squeezing his eyes shut at the feeling of your warm mouth. he opened them to look down at you. you looked so pretty like this, he thought. your mouth full of dick. “you’re so fucking good at this, huh?”
you kept sucking him off. every once in awhile jongho thrusted his hips up making his dick hit the back of your throat. you had tears in your eyes from how deep he was.
he pulled you off of him, “you like me using you? this what you want?”
“i love it. i want more.”
so he gave it to you. he kicked his bottoms out of the way so that he could undress you. he all but ripped off your top. he started to place kisses all over your chest that were soft initially but they soon turned rough and bruising. jongho’s lips were on one of your breasts, sucking on the perky brown nipple while his fingers tugged on the other.
“feels good, jjong,” you moaned, carding your fingers through his hair.
he was obsessed with your boobs. he sucked and kissed on them until your pussy was a weeping, drooling mess. you kept squirming so he disconnected his lips from your other nipple to focus on undressing your bottom half. jongho didn’t speak when he grabbed you up and put you face down ass up on your plushy, pink carpet. in this position, he could see everything. your pretty pussy was just begging to be fucked the way it was soaked and damn near dripping.
“i don’t have a condom,” jongho said.
“just pull out. please, i need you,” you whined with a swivel of your hips. just that small movement made your ass jiggle and made jongho lose his mind even more.
“you want my dick that bad, sweetie?”
“i need it. i need to feel you, jjong. please, fuck me,” you whined some more. your whining and begging turned him on to the point he couldn’t wait anymore. he used one hand to grab your hip, the other he used to like himself up at your tight pussy. he pushed in, slowly.
“you’re so fucking tight,” jongho grunted through clenched teeth. he used both of his hands to grip your hips when he picked up the pace of his thrusts.
your skin felt hot all over. all you could do was moan while he fucked you because every other thought was static and white noise. he started fucking you even harder, his hands gripping your hips so hard you knew he was gonna leave bruises; bruises that you’d wear proudly. you cried out, your nails digging into your carpet, your pussy squeezing around his fat dick. his one hand moved from your hip to your shoulder for more leverage to pound into your pussy even deeper. you cried out his name in pleasure and craned your neck to look at him.
he smiled deviously at you, “making this pussy feel good, baby?”
“so fucking good,” you replied.
he was fucking you so good you understood why some girls couldn’t leave niggas alone. he was fucking drilling you. you didn’t think your legs were going to work properly after this.
“fuck me back, sweetie,” jongho encouraged you, leaving a stinging smack on your ass cheek. you complied with his wishes, backing your pretty ass up on his pelvis. jongho was in heaven watching the way your ass rippled every time you moved against him. “that’s my good fucking girl.” he praised smacking your ass again.
you kept at it for what felt like hours; fucking each other like rabbits until you creamed all over his dick with a loud moan that probably woke your neighbors. jongho wasn’t done though. he pulled out of your pussy and flipped you on your back. he pushed back in almost as quickly as he pulled out.
“wanna see your pretty face when i’m making myself cum from this pussy.” his dirty words not only made heat gather in your cheeks but your pussy fluttered around him. he smiled at you before giving you a sweet kiss on the lips that was a stark contrast to the way he was fucking you. his thumb came in contact with your clit, rubbing in small circles so you could cum again. you were still so sensitive from your first orgasm that this one came down faster and twice as hard.
“shit, jongho!” you cried out as you orgasmed again. your heart was beating out of your chest and your ears were ringing and you swore you were seeing stars.
“fuck, baby. fuck!” jongho grunted. he pulled out just before he could nut inside of you. his seed splattered on the soft skin of your tummy. you scooped up his cum with your fingers and brought them to your mouth, sucking them with a moan. jongho watched you with low hooded eyes and his chest still rising and falling from his own orgasm.
“you taste so good, jjong.”
jongho smiled and then leaned down to kiss your lips, “feeling alright?” he helped you up from the floor and sat you on the couch.
“mhm,” you confirmed with a nod. “we should do this again.”
“i’d love to.”
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madneedshelp · 1 year
A BillyxReader oneshot inspired by the song "cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant" would be interesting ^^
Cigarette Daydreams - Billy Hargrove x Reader
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Ask and you shall receive! I love this idea, that song is so Billy coded imo. Also, sorry this is very late, my last week was insane lol
Summary: You weren’t sure why you were so drawn to the broken boy that hid behind the cold exterior, but you found yourself wanting nothing more than to be his safe place.
Warnings: allusions to abuse, nondetailed descriptions of injury, smoking, language, angsty
Billy didn’t really date. It wasn’t that it never happened, it was just a rarity. That was something you knew going into the relationship. You weren’t sure at first of why he didn’t love commitment, but the reasons seemed to reveal themselves to you over time.
You and Billy had been together for a few months when you figured out his dad hit him. You showed up to his house one night, a thing you did often, just in time to see Neil storm out the door and speed off in his car. Susan and Max weren’t far behind him, another thing that happened often. You knew Neil had a temper, and there had been a few times when Susan and Max had gone out by themselves to let him cool down.
Noticing you standing there, mildly alarmed, Susan gave you a nervous and obviously fake smile. “Billy’s inside in his room, dear.”
You gave her a quick ‘thank you’ and headed for your boyfriend. Looking back on it, you wondered if Susan directed you inside because she wanted you to find out somehow, but was too scared to openly seek someone out. Even though you were a teenager and that wasn’t something you were really capable of changing, maybe that was just her only idea. Regardless, you were grateful that she told you.
The house was silent once you entered. That was odd. Billy usually had music going when everyone left. It must have been a bad fight, you figured. You had no idea the extent of it.
“Billy?” You lightly knocked on his bedroom door.
You waited a moment and got no response. Susan just said he was home. Maybe he snuck out the window? Your curiosity got the better of you and you slowly peeked inside the room.
Your heart dropped to your stomach in an instant.
Your boyfriend was sitting on the ground, leaning against his bedpost with silent tears staining his cheeks. The area surrounding his eye was a nasty red that told you it would soon turn to a black eye. What really got to you was the empty, tortured look in his eyes.
“Oh my God! What the fuck did he do to you? Are you alright?” You flew over to him in a frenzy, tears forming in your eyes.
He immediately fell into a rage when you hurried inside. “Get the fuck out, Y/N! This isn’t your goddamn business!”
He stood up and started towards you. You could tell he was trying to intimidate you as he took steps forward to make you step back. He was trying to essentially corner you out the door.
You may not have been with him long, but you knew when he wasn’t in the mood to talk. Instead of standing there to start a fight with him, you turned and headed for the kitchen.
He must’ve thought you really were leaving because he didn’t try to follow. You quietly opened the freezer and grabbed a bag of frozen veggies and took them back to the bedroom.
“I fucking told you to leave!” Billy shouted as you entered again.
You stared him dead in the eyes and kept your face calm. “This is for your eye. I’m gonna need you to hold it on there and tell me what happened.”
And eventually he did. The stories of abuse filtered out over the course of the next hour or so. You felt your heart aching for him.
He’d been so alone. His mom had left him when he was so young, and Neil chose to take his anger out on his son. No one knew, and if they did, no one cared to step in.
“Can you come stay with me?” You asked quietly, your head leaned against his shoulder as the two of you lay in bed.
He let out a bitter chuckle. “You think your parents would let me move in? You think Neil wouldn’t kill me if he found out I tried to leave?”
Tears stung your eyes so badly, but you didn’t want to be the one to cry right now. You wanted to be strong and stable and comforting for Billy.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. But you can’t keep living like this, Billy. Maybe we could go to the police?”
“We can’t tell the fucking cops! You think they won’t say anything besides that I can’t defend myself?” Billy scoffed.
You hated that he was probably right about that too. “Well could you go stay at a motel or with a friend?”
“With what money? And fuck no, he’d find me anyway. Listen, just stop trying to fix it, okay? This is just how it is.”
You wanted to yell at him that it shouldn’t have to be like this. You wanted to give Neil absolute hell. Honestly, you wanted to do way worse to Neil, but you knew that taking out this rage wouldn’t solve anything.
“Billy, please promise me that you’ll tell me if he does it again. Promise me that you’ll come over or call me if it gets really bad again.” You murmured as you subconsciously snuggled closer into him.
“I promise.”
He kept his promise.
One night, several weeks later, you got a phone call just after 9 at night.
“Hello?” You looked around for your parents as you stood by the landline, in case the call was for them.
“Can I come pick you up?”
You recognized Billy’s voice immediately. The tiredness that seeped into his tone. The pained rasp.
“I’ll be outside waiting.” You whispered back in an instant.
He hung up the phone, and you hurried back to find your parents. Somehow, you managed to convince them that your friend was coming to pick you up because she got dumped and needed you to come over.
As soon as you heard the screech of tires, you headed for the Camaro. It worried you how fast he drove normally, but it was dark and raining and he looked visibly upset, which didn’t make you feel any calmer.
He didn’t say anything as you climbed inside, he just drove. You tried not to stare at the cuts on his arm, but he noticed anyway.
“Fucker threw some plates at me,” was the only explanation he gave you.
He ended up driving to the now empty parking lot of the grocery store. He skidded to a stop in the very back and turned off the car with a huff.
“Do you want to talk?” You looked over at him. When he didn’t say anything, you kept going. “I mean, we don’t have to talk. I just want you to know you can talk if you want to.”
When you paused, he met your eyes briefly and then shook his head. “Don’t fucking look at me like that,” He muttered as he slung open the car door and stepped outside.
God you really didn’t know how to handle this. You tried to not be pushy or forceful, but you just wanted to help and it killed you that you couldn’t.
You looked out the window at Billy, who was leaning against the side of his car, back to you and his half-finished cigarette in hand. It was when his shoulders started to shake slightly that you knew what you should do.
The rain poured on you overhead, but you ignored it as you walked around the car to Billy. He was crying just lightly enough that you couldn’t tell the difference between rain and tears on his face.
This time you didn’t try to make him talk or try to solve all his problems. Instead, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him. He let you hold him for a while, and you hoped he got the silent message that you’d be there for him as long as he needed.
“Come on, you’re soaked, baby. Let’s get back in the car, I have a shirt you can wear.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, a sign you knew he was feeling a little better.
“Yeah, sounds good to me.” You chuckled and gave him a peck on the lips before the two of you hurried back in the car.
Despite your protests that he should wear the shirt, you finally ended up wearing it. You had your terms though.
“Fine, I’ll take the dry shirt, but only if you let me get my first aid kit out of my purse and clean those.” You folded your arms, a firm expression on your face as you nodded to his arm.
“Babe, they’re fine. Just take the shirt and don’t worry about it.” He rolled his eyes.
“Come on. Let me take care of you.” You watched as his eyes grew glassy again at that and he nodded.
He was quiet while you put a little disinfectant and some bandaids on his arm. It wasn’t much, but hopefully it would keep them from getting infected. You were mostly glad they weren’t too deep because you knew Billy would never go get stitches.
Beneath it all, you were sad. Sad because you bought the kit in case Billy might need your help. Sad because you actually had to use it for that reason.
Thankfully, there weren’t many more nights like that one. Still, you were always there if Billy needed you. You love him, and he loved you, something you’d finally admitted to each other at some point during the months you’d been together.
You watched as Billy walked across the stage at graduation, and you grinned down at him when it was your turn.
You watched him work as a lifeguard over the summer, scrounging up as much money as he could to save up for an escape.
You watched him open up more and more to you each day, until you felt like the both of you held no secrets from each other.
But mostly importantly, you watched him pack up his car with both of your belongings as you prepared to head off to college. He found a good job in the same city as your university, and had saved up enough that he could afford a place. He was finally going to get his escape.
Max was the only person from his family that showed up to see you both off. It made you happy that their relationship had gotten better lately.
After you said your goodbyes to her, and to your parents, it was finally time to go. You and Billy climbed in his car and started down the road on your way to your next journey.
He glanced over at you as he turned onto the main highway. “Hey…thank you.”
“Hm? What for?” You asked absentmindedly as you read over the map.
“For…fuck, I don’t know, just for being there. For being my safe place.”
You put down the map and looked over at him, and found a tear slipping out of your eye when you realized that, for the first time since you’d met him, he looked truly relaxed, and that was because he was finally safe.
He was too young to have had to deal with any of that, not that anyone should ever have to go through it. He was the strongest person you knew. This felt like the turning point for his life, and you felt so much lighter knowing that he could hopefully start to put all the bad behind him.
“Forever and always, Billy. As long as you need me.”
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yourthirdparent · 6 months
OH MY GOD okay so a beloved follower of mine sent me an ask about my tristan mclean headcanons like in december but i accidentally deleted !!!!!!! the fuckcing ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i'm making it a post. hope you don't mind. also sorry for the wait
most of my thoughts are things i can not share on this blog (this is the Normal blog for Normal things and not the fucked up torture i subject this man to on a regular basis. tbf i hardly post about it on the Bad Posts blog either but like still. can share it on ao3 though check out sleep by imjustheretoreadonefic (don't do that it's not good)) but you can ask about that (if you want, which you probably won't because it is not most people's thing lmao) on my sideblog, yourfourthparent!! BUTBUTBUT i do have some thoughts and headcanons and such that are at the very least decently presentable!!!!
starting off first: i think he's bi! i think he figured out he was bi when he was pretty young (probably somewhere in his teenage years, probably like 15 max) and when he was in his 20s he was very involved in the queer community (his 20s being. in the 80s. sorry.) and was like a big activist. that is until the curse.
the curse being him hitting his big break. stars in some film that wasn't supposed to really blow up but it like Fucking Smashed and suddenly he was like all those guys who do one role and then are suddenly in Everything. cuz he sure is in literally everything. once he starts blowing up ofc he's got folks to help manage his image and at some point they're like haha [lip bite] you gotta stop with that gay shit or straight audiences won't find you marketable. you're already native and folks can hardly handle that let alone you being an active queer activist. you gotta cut that shit out so you can be the next batman or whatever. and tristan's like Well at least i'll make money to support myself and my dying father!
newsflash his father dies of cancer before he gets a chance. tristan's doing his best to avoid thinking about his father's death so he moves out of oklahoma blah blah yk how it goes.
he has piper when he's 33 ! everything's set and he's settled and then piper comes along and like. he's alright. he can handle this. he can be a good father (he's white knuckling the bathroom sink while he says this)
yeah he's terrified of being a shitty father. he does his best to keep her away from the press and keep her Okay for the most part but in order to do that he doesn't get to see her much etc etc. you know. you've read hoo. bleh
when piper starts dating jason he's like Oh cool ! i am about to break down ! cuz like. hey man. he is so not prepared for the reality of The Passage of Time. wdym his daughter is 16. fym tristan's almost fifty. that's so fucked up how is this allowed.
anyways he and jason are like Besties (*shoving my Bad posts to the side*) like they're such good friends they hang out so often even after jason and piper break up they're just Hiding it then. like they have weekly chess meetings and they talk about books and their lives and jason concerns tristan So Much oh my god tristan is so scared for this poor boy What are those tattoos young man Who are these "wolves" that raised you What is this "legion" Are you in a gang Little private school boy are you in a gang. What do you mean your first language is latin.
ngl my obsession with tristan came from my obsession with jason. i made a post like ages ago about how silly it'd be if tristan was jason's gay awakening and i just kept. thinking about them hanging out. and it spiralled and now i'm insane about him sorry. jason will always be my number one but Oohhhhh tristan consumes me.
anyways live tristan reaction when he finds out jason's mom is beryl grace in the middle of showing jason and piper a million old movies (beryl is in one and jason sees her and immediately freezes and tristan's just talking through the movie (hes silly sorry he talks through the whole thing. piper actually likes it because she has a hard time following movies so tristan explaining everything is good but jason is vaguely annoyed by it. he loves tristan to death don't get him wrong it's just that he can't concentrate on the kovie with tristan spitting fun facts a million words a second) when he looks over to see if theyre still watching and he just sees piper fretting over jason who's looking at the screen with a thousand gard stare.
let's go misc things that i want to mention somewhere but don't really fit uhhhh
i have this idea where tristan used to be a drag queen. i don't have any of the details down not a single one but i think about him talking to piper and her friends about the old days when he was a queen. mentions something offhandedly about how he wants to wear more feminine clothing and someone's like "oh are you like. yk. a gamer" and he's like "oh nonono i'm not trans trust me i explored my gender plenty, wore makeup, padded my bra, did drag for a few years, changed my name—" and they're like "you did DRAG ???" and he's like "OH yeah LOLZ i was terrible lol. my team keeps trying to bury it from public view for a reason. those looks were NOT serving !!!!" (he doesn't talk like that but i'm being silly rn)
(you just knoooooow jason was jaw on the floor immediately looking up TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN PERSONA NAME TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN TRISTAN MCLEAN— the SECONDDDD he got a chance. like staring so hard at old ass pictures of tristan doing drag and realising like Oh maybe i am bi. piper dumped him because she found his search history /j)
i think when his father died he cut his hair but then when it started growing long again it reminded him too much of the past that he Didn’t Want To Think About so he just. kept it short. and it's been short ever since. BUTBUTBUT when piper decides she wants to reconnect with her culture (which she's been mostly separate from because of tristan's own avoidance of it due to memories of his childhood and his father and blahblahblah) it sort of motivates him to do it too. like if piper's gonna do it after tristan entirely cut her from their culture then like. he can too. and it was a big part of his life when he was younger so like. he knows shit. i'm not good at this btw sorry i just have ideas UGSFHADGSF but anyways when piper starts reconnecting he decides to do it too and his first step with like Getting Comfortable again is growing his hair out. it's a smaller step yk he just doesn't cut his hair it's nothing active. (ofc when it starts getting properly long he has a few moments. he has to really confront his grief over his father's death and just the fear of that alone is enough to make him want to cut it again. piper stops him before he does but he has a few moments where he questions if it's worth it)
ik i just said earlier that he's not trans but like sometimes. with characters. i have headcanons that complety contradict each other. that is to say Transfem tristan mclean headcanon. she changes her name to t. just T. t wynn mclean. she goes by t cuz it's something she's already used to (jason called her that all the time before she came out).
these are all the ones i have off the top of my head agh pleaseplease feel free to ask more about any of these !!! (or critique them lmao half of them are. things i suck at explaining because they exist only for hyperspecific scenarios wherein nothing happens but tristan talking to jason or piper LMAO) you can also send in your own headcanons about him or jason or piper because EYE WANT TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM RAAAAGHHH seriously there's so little stuff that features him especially and if you have literally anything at all i would lovelovelove to read it all !!!!!!! sorry for deleting the ask btw i really didn't mean to LMAO sorry to my honourary mutual (i'd tag you but i'm afraid of misremembering who it was LMAO sorry mate 💔💔)
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stranger-rants · 11 months
Them trying to debunk you is so laughable bc they pull stuff out of thin air, and conflating their own headcanons with actual canon. Them even believing the Duffers put this much thought into 1 is laughable. As if they planted any red herring into the story, sorry they aren't good enough writers for that. I don't even want to start on their Billy analysis, that's insane how they're contrasting those two experiences
I'm so fucking tired. This especially pissed me off as Billy was one of his victims.
But yeah, let's ignore the fact that Billy tried to protect his mother before he was abandoned. Let's ignore that he didn't want to hover over Max all the time - including leaving school without her when she's not on time and telling his father she doesn't need a babysitter before being slammed into the wall. Let's ignore that he was in distress over the harm the Mindflayer made him do. Let's ignore the fact that he tried to stop it multiple times, and then he gave up his life to end it.
Yeah, no. Billy has Conduct Disorder based on a flimsy understanding of what that means combined with an awful interpretation of his behavior without context. If that were true then every traumatized teenage boy I have ever worked with would have Conduct Disorder and in actuality I have only seen one case of it in my entire educational career.
Conduct Disorder is not a substitute for mean, bullying behavior nor bigotry. It's not flirting with adults, or being manipulative to survive abuse. As I said, teenagers lie. Especially abused ones. And we cannot assume Billy feels no remorse for his behavior, especially when he uses his last breath to apologize oh my fucking god.
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moonflowerdamie · 2 years
i’m super bored so i’m gonna rate stranger things ships! buckle in folks, let’s get into it😎
it’s ok ig. i’m not like a hater of it? but it’s definitely not a great ship. no hate to mileven stans, it’s just not for me. i liked them in season 1 and 2, but it got toxic and weird in season 3 and season 4 solidified my disdain for it. i think mike needs to do some self-reflection (maybe discover a few things about himself—michael wheeler i know what you are) and i think el needs to become her own person outside of her relationship with him. i wholeheartedly support the el/mike exes-to-besties agenda though!
they’re so cute oml, i shipped them since season 1 and their build-up and eventual payoff was immaculate! i loved their early season tension and their kiss in season 4 was so so good. they fit so well together. they don’t get 10/10 only because a) i LOVED bob and joyce in season 2 more than life and will forever mourn that joyous man and b) i kinda loved the whole single grumpy father figure/lonely teenage daughter dynamic el and hop had.
this ship. this goddamn ship. the hurt/comfort. the angst. the teasing. the SOULMATISM of it all. seriously, these two are meant for each other. lucas is max’s safe place, her happiest memory and her favourite escape. max is lucas’ sunshine, his wake-up call, his reason to try. i didn’t use to love them, in fact it was only since season 4 that i’ve been such an avid shipper of them but god. they really are the softest. ‘i like talking with you, mad max’ and ‘i’m still here’ and ‘lucas!’ and the notes and the snowball and holy shit i love them sm.
this is with the exception of season 2 byler, which gets 10/10 (‘crazy together’ oh my god). apart from that, i get the hype for it, but i also want the best for my lil ball of fruity sunshine will byers. he is my baby boy and i will protect him. and i just think that mike needs to do some growing up before he’s ready to be with will. also, i’ve never loved mike as a character (again, with the exception of s1 and 2 mike, he was a sweetie) and i think he’d end up hurting will if they got together at this point. in the future, if mike can prove that he’s matured and grown into himself, i will wholeheartedly support this relationship.
again, it’s ok. i did love them in season 2, but season 1 jonathan was a creep, and season 3 jancy just didn’t do it for me. jonny boy has grown on me over the seasons, but i think everybody moved on from him taking nakey nakey pictures of nancy without her knowledge wayyyyy too quickly. also, they just want different things in life and that’s ok! i do prefer them over stancy, but if i’m honest, i am absolutely a lesbian nancy supporter. the comphet on that woman is insane. so again, like mileven, i am a nancy/jonathan exes-to-besties advocate!
they were not it in season 4. like, it made me angry that the duffers tried to push it on us again. i did sort of like them in the early seasons, but steve was a jerk and nancy needed to grow into herself and they went their separate ways for the better. steve became a good person and nancy became the strong, independent badass woman we all know and love. i love them as friends and co-babysitters of the kids, but not as lovers. their arcs wouldn’t have happened without their break-up, and they’re both so different as people that getting back together would’ve been like going backwards. steve’s speech about kids in the van made me physically ill with how a) out of character it was and b) how the duffer brothers tried to make it seem like pushing out 6 kids and living the suburban american dream (read: nightmare) was something nancy would want, when she’s spent 3 seasons displaying an obvious disgust for that kind of life. if they get back together in s5 i’ll be throwing something at the tv.
they. are. so. cute. i love this ship sm, it’s so wholesome and soft. it just works as well—el allows max to explore her own kindness, her own vulnerability, her own ability to care, and max allows el to explore her own identity, what makes her happy, how to be independent. season 3 elmax was superior, but that scene in s4 where they reunite is utterly breathtaking—‘if you touch her again, i will kill you again’ protective gfs!! honestly, if i wasn’t such a lumax shipper i’d be all in for them. as it is, my motto is currently this: max has two hands! one for el and one for lucas :)
no. just no. these two actively dislike each other lmao. max is perpetually annoyed by mike’s existence and mike thinks max is like, the worst. they couldn’t even do enemies to lovers because max would steal mike’s gf in a heartbeat and would probably rather eat glass than kiss michael wheeler. they only get 1 point because finn and sadie have a sweet friendship.
they would’ve been cute tbh. and since it’s been discovered that chrissy is actually 18 instead of 16, it’s not a weird one either. when i thought she was 16 i was put off, but now i’m sort of neutral on it. that scene in the woods was very sweet and her and eddie totally could have had the whole popular cheerleader gf/metalhead nerdy bf thing going on. however, it was only one episode they were in together and the ship was never one i was like ‘oh my god i love this’ so. i will say that grace van dien does not deserve the hate she gets for shipping them, especially when joseph quinn gets none of it for the same thing. other than that, it’s not massively awesome but it’s pretty cute.
if you ship this, seek help. they are siblings.
they could be cute ig, but i just see them as besties. add in the fact that lumax is one of my fav ships and dustin and suzie are super cute and this ship is just sort of meh to me.
very sweet. nerd gf/geek bf. ‘never-ending story’ was a cultural reset and they’re both icons for it. honestly, not a ship that rocked my world but they are super cute so. 7 points.
at this point i just want robin to have a gf. just let maya hawke kiss a woman on this show. at first, i was super excited for these 2, but then i saw the way miss buckley looked at nancy wheeler and i was like ‘vickie who?’ (i see you duffer brothers). also, vickie’s whole character felt like a diversity box tick. like she had no originality whatsoever, they just made her a carbon copy of robin which pissed me off. however, i see the potential. i would not be unhappy if they had a fleshed out, well-developed relationship in s5. especially since vickie, a bi girl, is being played by amybeth mcnulty, a bi queen.
ok. so. i don’t hate this ship. i really don’t. in fact, i’ve written them in some of my ronance fics. i think they could’ve been cute. however. they hype for these two was so overdone and the way people treated them in comparison to more fleshed out, developed dynamics like ronance was really annoying. especially because the majority of steddie shippers are straight women who then deny that ronance could ever happen. the ship itself was ok, but if i’m being realistic, they didn’t have that many scenes together and the fandom of this ship ruined it for me. the fact that the majority of fics in the ronance tag on ao3 are steddie with background ronance really grinds my fucking gears, and the amount of people who are fetishising steddie because they’re both attractive men is just so fucking irritating. overall, not a bad ship but a fairly toxic fandom (not all of you, of course—chill steddie shippers are cool, but some of y’all, jesus christ)
awful, awful ship. no. don’t ship steve with the racist abuser just because they’re both semi-attractive white men. only gets a point because of joe keery’s fruity (not assuming his sexuality, just joking about his actions) behaviour towards dacre montgomery.
robin buckley. is. a LESBIAN. she’s GAY. SHE LIKES WOMEN AND WOMEN ONLY. if you ship these two romantically, i can only assume you’re a homophobic asshole who deserves sand thrown in their eyes. unapologetically, if you ship steve and robin as a couple, i hope you slip in the shower, motherfucker.
i mean, it’s not the worst??? but again, i think it’s people shipping them just because they’re two white men who talked to each other. like, did y’all forget that steve literally called jonathan a slur? and that they tried to beat the shit out of each other? i don’t hate it the way i hate harringrove, but it’s so so unlikely and i’d be so puzzled if it ever was even hinted at.
these two would’ve been cute. and i do think murray is gay, and probably did have a little thing for alexei. i don’t know about alexei but they were definitely cute friends. and i was so betrayed and upset by his death. a fairly good ship, no complaints from me.
and finally…
the best ship. for nancy, for robin, for the show, for ever. they mean the world to me. they are the world to me. if i had one wish, it would be for ronance to be canon. they make me so fucking emotional because i want what they have. as someone who so heavily relates to robin (chaotic lonely lesbian who is desperate for love but feels she may never be loved as much as she loves, possibly autistic and feels destined to be an annoyance to those around her) i want a nancy. i want to be loved in my entirety. and those two, they get each other. sure, robin irritated nancy at first and they didn’t get on, but they grew. nancy, who’s never had anyone listen to her and believe in her with such intent, finds robin, who is more than willing to, who thinks ‘nancy’s a genius’ and would follow her anywhere. robin, who thinks all she can ever be is helpless and annoying, finds nancy, who trusts her with her life, who picks her and picks her and keeps picking her, who thinks she’s just as smart as she actually is, who understands her needs and her vulnerabilities and validates her, tells her ‘it’s ok’ and ‘you got this’. these two work in a way no other ship does and they are so undeniably soulmates. they need each other. they want each other. they deserve each other. there’s a reason i write about them so much—holy shit honestly i love them so fucking much.
anyways, that got a lot longer than i thought it would! i hope you guys enjoyed my ramblings haha :)
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supermaks · 1 year
I wanna hear all of ur thoughts on 3344!!! Please tell us everything!!!! my only addition is that that copse crash changed the trajectory of their lives immediately like they could be fighting for p15 and would be all up in each others business. there is a special kind of distrust and contempt and anger for the other that no one else recives bc they reserve it all for each other and this is why they’re best f1 rivalry of all time 😋 sorry alain
omfg yes lets go a lil crazy🌷🌷🌷🌷
My 4433/441 thoughts are always all over the place like I truly havent been able to pin them down since l started watching f1 because these 2 are both like super weird in very different ways and they have zero bridges u can cross between them except for this unreal fucking level of on sight hating that makes a rivalry soooo good u feel it in ur tummy
When I tell u in Austria the moment I heard Lewis impeded Max I knew the baddie was gonna unleash the wrath of an old testament god upon this incredibly inconsequential fl0p vehicle number 44 like. Sorry to the haters and losers but its very funny to ME 😭😭 Inspector Hamilton didnt even make much noise about this which is even funnier because either he knows he'll catch a stray for impeding first or he just cannot handle Max and his Raytheon hamilton sensors anymore like he's tired and his own tp is telling him to shut up like leave him alone. ((I doubt its the last we'll hear of it tho))
And yes 2021 like u said prolly changed the trajectory of their lives forever not just copse but like monza, brazil, Jeddah. Whats so fascinating about Max and Lewis is that for such enormously talented drivers they simply cannot let each other race normal. They leave each other more space and will still fumble because they want to pass so bad. As u put it, its distrust, but its also just racing. Its the purest form of racing there is lmfao these are both karting prodigies and they still revert back to that when they race each other. I said this once they're like 2 maddies from euphoria in 1 show. But this whole dynamic of uneasiness between them started way before 2021 tbh.
Even when Max was a teenager wid a cap and a dream and the rawest dawg inside that literally bit people and Lewis was settling back into the record books wid a glass of wine and an established, tamed dawg, he still made a point not to rate Max ever. Max was taboo. Didnt even call him by name sometimes like to his face literally called him 'guy' which is such an Hamilton ass old school way of acknowledging an Opp like look at this
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F1 drivers are so insane. Anyway I think Max still feels some type of way about all that. A job will have u 19 years old getting bullied by a 33 year old that refuses to say ur name. Max pissed everybody off those days. He just wanted to do the lil debrief and the old heads truly did not give a fuck they were so mean to him. Lewis went thru a divorce too so this was all wrong person wrong place wrong time wrong car wrong team wrong wrong wrong. All wrong.
They were doomed from the start like they were set on a collision course since Max was born that was as inevitable as he is. And the noise around them has always been too loud. But they do try which I find very charming and kind of sad. Like one thing about Max and Lewis they're gonna have a lil giggle together about something dumb and that hasn’t changed
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((I am convinced whatvr lewis showed him on his phone here was like deeply illegal))
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((this presser is soooo like at some point Lewis leans over and whispers that theres a lot of girls there for the weekend and Max is like umm and Lewis is like oh u have a girlfriend right ew 🙄))
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🫠🌷this was so cute pls
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They share sm history together in the one thing that matters the most to both of them which is racing. Like the way Abu Dhabi happened bro, all that led to it, the amount of new eyeballs on the sport just thru sheer force of narrative and hubris. They built that together. Nobody else cud have done it. Like they share thirty five 1-2s in F1. 35 times one of them was first and the other was second. I think 3 more times on the podium and they break a record for most podiums shared oat. Thats not unimportant it’s not meaningless especially not to these 2 in particular. They’re special. They’re both so special and mercurial and they save the worst parts of themselves. the best part of themselves. to each other . Everybody else takes scraps. The spray aligns
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Yeah. Like yk. the spray aligns
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libroseitm · 5 months
I like to make playlists, songs greatly affect my mood. To boost my mood, I've made an OFMD renewal campaign playlist. You can find it here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KgpchQShoeDadWnNlA48k?si=66ff2700c2a44036
Tell me if it doesn't work, I'm technologoically impaired. I'm sharing my absolutley insane and random taste in music, don't judge, just vibe.
Also, despite my best efforts, my music taste is still embarrassingly white. I would LOVE some more songs to add from BIPOC artists if you've got a minute! Send them to me with why you think it links to ofmd/the campaign.
Each song is there for a reason. If you're interested, see the reasons below.
.Every Day - Buddy Holly - Every day we're getting closer to that renewal!
.No Matter what - Boyzone - It's a very gay song for a very gay show
.Don't stop me now - Queen - We won't stop till we get season 3
.I love my Baby - Nina Simone - ofmd season 2 soundtrack, Ed and Stede about each other
.Teenagers - MCR - Us in the first week of the campaign. "teenagers fans scare the living shit out of me"
.We like to Party - vengaboys - Well, we do! Us every day.
.Arms tonite - Mother Mother TW: mention of suicide - BIG Ed season 2 energy
.Finale - AJR - "Don't you go, we need you here", "We can't wait to see what you do next" Us to OFMD and DJ
.Comedy - Bo Burnham - Us making memes. I think about this song every time somebody interacts with my astrglide meme lol
.Bad Guy - Billie Eilish - I'll expplain this with a quote from tangled. This is us talking when ofmd got cancelled: "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy."
.The Weekend - Bluey - Ed Teach in the forest talking to the rabbit
.Survivor - Destiny's Child - We are survivors. We won't give up! Also us + DJ to max
.A little Respect - Erasure - Us + DJ want a little respect from max.
.I heard it through the grapevine - Marvin Gaye - Us looking through Tumblr and Twitter in the morning getting up to speed
.Every body - Backstreet boys - OFMD is back, alright! Also us last week on hbo's posts "Oh my god we're back again"
.I want you back - The Jackson 5 - We want OFMD back
.Come together - The beatles - We're coming together to get our damn show back!
.Cry Me a River - Michael Buble - Us + DJ to Casey and Max. I chose this version specifically because I feel it's the most dramatic.
.I want to break Free - Queen - DJ to max. We're breaking free from them, yay!
.Run the World - Beyonce - Zheng Yi Sao to literally everyone
.You're welcome - Dwayne Johnson - sarcastically us to max. Earnestly us to DJ, the cast and the crew
.Mickey - Lolly - Ed to Stede. No it's not the other way around, I don't make the rules.
.Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys - Seeing everyone letting each other know we can take breaks and to look after ourselves
.Hoist the Colours - Hans Zimmer - Hoist the Ads!
.Walk - Foo Fighters - Stede about being a Pirate, learning to enjoy life, and finding his identity as a gay man
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izloveshorses · 6 months
Just out of curiosity what's wrong with zadkins!dimya? I never got to see the show at all (just bootlegs) so I don't know anything.
I do agree with the 1NT though. I have no idea what they were thinking with Lila Coogan. She pronounces every single thing she says the same way?
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anon you have no idea how much this ask delighted me. i'm in tears. i'm so so so excited this made my whole week.
first-- lila was only casted bc she knew lynn ahrens, i believe. this happened a lot with anastasia at the time unfortunately, when it came time to replace the principal cast they kept choosing people they knew or people who were already in the show instead of finding new talent. stephen (steven? i can't be bothered to remember) covered dmitry on broadway so they hired him as principal dima on tour and that was such a waste too tbh 💀 other than a few delightful people here and there, 1nt was such a bland and forgettable cast to me. 2nt superiority <333
now. for zadkins. a couple years ago i would've answered this privately bc his stans would've eaten me alive, but it appears no one left here cares for him anymore anyway ashdljfdjk so!!! i'm gonna be mean. so sorry. or not sorry. i don't really care anymore lol.
man. another bad case of promoting someone mediocre instead of hiring and training someone new. he always kind of gave me an ick, like on a Regular Person level, but for now let's focus on his performance:
the man cannot sing. he yells. he cannot act. he yells! i'm like not an expert or anything on either but i know a bad singer when i hear one lol. there's a moment in my petersburg where he growls? yuck. he and christy, as talented as she is, had no chemistry. not even like compared to christy and derek (which was like ~Magical Chemistry~), they just had zero chemistry period. even off stage their interactions felt weird and forced. i think he tried too hard to be Different™ from derek that he ended up playing dmitry wildly off book. i mean, you Should come with a new and fresh take on the character, that's fair. but he was almost playing a completely unrecognizable character altogether. (the glebya stans love his dmitry for a reason)
and then he kept thowing little fits off stage-- he got a tattoo when he wasn't supposed to, complained about being compared to derek, etc. he was kind of strange with christy sometimes. on one of her live streams during playtime (the 15 minute stretch between crossing a bridge and iacot, where she would invite the little girls and other folks off stage to hang out in her dressing room) he said he saw her in spring awakening, a show with some nudity, and she was clearly uncomfortable by the way he said it. he was also weird online, there was one instance where a teenage girl tweeted and asked him to come to her birthday party and he?? showed up????? he was also dating ashley park at the time and i think the breakup was messy 💀
his stans were awful. i know it's not his fault, but god. they were so loud, constantly complaining about derek for some reason? a man who minds his own business??? bc the only way you can support your fave is by hating everyone else on main?? the infighting was insane. you had to be there.
and oh man. when they announced cody simpson was replacing him.... it got so much worse. they were tearing that little blond australian man (who can actually sing and act, mind you) to shreds. every review was scathing when the show needed a boost. zach threw a fit about it too, because his contract was ending early (i mean. the show was actively losing money because he was so terrible. so yeah of course they're gonna replace him with a stunt cast ashdljfk) and you compare that and his stans to derek and derek stans just quietly mourning his exit and enduring but otherwise minding our business.... yeah. the only anastasia obc member with a bad attitude fr
so you pair that (the Yikes that is zadkins!dima) with max von essen's gleb (as much as i loved him he was also a miscast, i believe he's said the same) both yelling at anya the whole time with the mediocre 1nt cast,,,, of course you have people walking away from the show going 'so,,, what the hell was that. i could've just watched the movie.'
this is just speculation but i truly believe if i had to pinpoint an origin as to why the show isn't open anymore i would say principal zadkins at such a crucial time was their downfall. the second year is so important to get people to come back and to get new audience members at the same time and they botched it. instead of bringing in new talent they just stuck with mediocre people who already knew the tracks. the show had all the ingredients for being the next wicked, but damn. casting for anya, dmitry, and gleb are so important. you really need people who Get It to portray them, and if you have one weak link the whole show falls flat. and for several months, before cody was brought on and before constantine returned to play principal gleb, christy altomare was carrying the whole thing on her little shoulders.
and THEN you have the whole year two Red Dress marketing campaign, which misinterpretted the show So Badly as ~just another princess show~ to compete with frozen across the street... yeah of course it tanked. but that's another topic.
so! in conclusion........,,, summer-winter 2018 was a dark time for fanastasias ashldkjfjk we were in the Trenches
i would also like to let the record show the fact that we got masters who returned Twice in the same month to film derek/obc in september 2017, which are the bootlegs that are probably the most circulated other than hartford, and returned again in january 2019 to film cody and constantine, and returned AGAIN for closing in march. two whole bootlegs of my guy cody simpson and uhhhh zero for zadkins <3 as god intended <3
this isn't even half of it but this is what i remember from The Dark Time. anyone else is welcome to chime in, this is a safe space to be a hashtag hater <3
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Son of Neptune. First reading thoughts:
— Ok, I actually read this two months ago, but forgot to post it, so this is a short review, beacuse my thoughts are a little scrambled now.
—Let me tell you, when I got on the "Heroes Of Olympus" ride, I thought it would be a diferent story, with totally diferent characters and I was on board with it.
I went expecting AT MAX a cameo from Percy. Imagine my excitement when I saw "Percy" written in the firts chapter.
—I really missed Percy guys.
—And I really hate Juno
—“But be warned, you will sacrifice much! You’ll lose the mark of Achilles. You’ll feel pain, misery, and loss beyond anything you’ve ever known. But you might have a chance to save your old friends and family, to reclaim your old life.” BITCH EXCUSE ME?? JUST LET HIM BE HAPPY.
—Ok but, Camp Jupiter sounds so cool???!! I adore roman architecture, it was a delight to read about the temples, the baths, everything, ughhh. I kind of liked it more than Half-Blood Camp
—Ok, more new characters!
— I adored Hazel and Frank, I'm loving how unique and intereresting all the new characters are.
—My poor Hazel, like are we gonna talk about how she DIED?? In a horrible way??. She was dead for YEARS. And the whole thing with her mother losing her mind and the cursed stones, and all that wtf.
And she is super little too, she is like what, thirteen?? She is still a kid, most of the others are borderline teenagers by now (wicj is still horrible, but like??). She even has like, trauma black outs. Poor girl, I dont think we focused enought on how messed up everything she went through was.
— Also her powers are really cool. Like her power controling gems?? Earthbenders who???
—Frank was amazing too, I kind of guessed his father was Mars, and I love the contrast beacause Frank is adorable.
—All the buildup to his special power being turning into animals was AMAZING. That power is so incredible, I was so excited when the reveal happened.
—I love Percy so much. He takes ONE look at the god of war and is like "I may not remember anything, but I remember you're a bitch."
—Reading Mars claime Frank felt like watching that one kid's dad who was way too intense with anything regarding his child, and would passive-agressively fight with the teachers during school making it akward to anyone because nobody could tell if he did all that for his kid or for himself.
—The only thing Percy remembers is Annabeth HOW ADORABLE IS THAT
—Reyna was cool too, I thought she was a very fun and cool character, I hope we see more of her.
—Octavious was annoying af. He tried to be creepy but I know who you are sir, and what you are is cringe.
— You are telling that, while Groover was traumatized in The Lighting Thief because he had seen so many demigod kids at Camp Half-Blood die before they turned into teenagers, the vast majority of the demigods in Camp Jupiter were just... fine? Thriving? Living their lives?
—Not Nico pleading insanity the second he sees Percy and lying to his face. MY BOY WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
—The whole book it was hurting me that Percy didn't remember anyone or any past adventures.
—Loved Ella, such a fun character.
—AMAZON, is from the AMAZONS?? I... sure why not
—I was not expecting the circe island adventure to come back in any way, ever. It was pretty interesting to see that conflict with Percy, Reyna and her sister.
—Mars gave Frank... a zombie. Yeah, alright.
—It was so cool to see Thatanos, I was excited the whole book and it did not disapoint. I loved how he is potrayed, that aura, his beauty .
—"Death has more in common with love that you might imagine" Oh yes, give that methaphoric stoytelling to me.
—It actually caught me by surprise that death was a recurring theme on this book. Hazel and Frank coming to therms with their experience with mortality, the exploration of grieve, the almost philosophical discussions abut it (some even coming from Mars, wich has even more meaning) On top of the whole mission being to free the literal Death.
It was fascinating to explore characters with these themes, and it made a lot of the scenes between Percy, Frank and Hazel very touching.
—All the final battles were amazing, I enjoyed them a lot.
—Oh right, and Tyson was here! I loved to see him again.
—Okay the thing about Leo looking like Sammy is making my head hurt. Is it goint to turn out he is like his grandson or something?
—The way I screamed when the book ended. JUST WHEN THEY ARE ABOUT TO REUNITE.
—Ok, I've restrained myself from reading the next book for long enough, I'll go read it now.
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meredithdoesfandoms · 2 years
byler- yall know im an absolute sucker for the Writer Mike™️ and Artist Will™️ hc. they definitely leave hawkins ASAP and go to university together. they always wanted to live in a bigger city, both because of the art scene, and because larger cities are usually more queer friendly. the problem is that will absolutely hates the cold, but also doesnt want to go back to california, or live in the south. basically he’s just a picky little bitch. honestly fuck it, ik the winters are cold but lets stick em in new york. mike gets him through the winter, and they keep their tiny little shoebox apartment at like 80F. (thats a good bit warmer than room temperature for those of u who dont use Freedom Units™️)
dustin- goes to UI and gets his masters. he works in like communications engineering for a while (is that like a thing? like he engineers different radio waves and forms of communication.) he then moves to indianapolis and becomes ur insanely cool high school science teacher. his coworkers think he’s fuckin weird, but the students LOVE him. I THINK HE AND SUZIE ARE LIKE HELLA ENDGAME. they live together and have a bunch of weird ass pets, and like 2 kids MAX. hes just suburban and happy :)
lumax- california lumax. i always imagined lucas working a pretty standard 9-5. not because hes a dull character, but he grew up in a stable home, and after everything max has been through, he wants her to feel secure and happy, like he did before everything went to shit. i have no fucking idea what max would do. lowkey i always hc her as being crazy good with kids, OH MY GOD WHAT IF SHE IS LIKE A PEDIATRIC TRAUMA COUNSELOR. im fucking genius that is so max. NO BETTER YET SHES A SOCIAL WORKER. because the system fucked her over, and nobody ever listened to her, so she advocates for children the way she wished someone did for her as a kid. this is canon because i say so fuck you. lumax doesnt plan to have kids, max has witnessed too many tragedies involving children, and cannot handle having her own. but they foster teenagers every once and while. then they foster one girl who’s a bit younger than normal, maybe 8. and then they accidentally fall in LOVE with this kid and fuck it, we’re adopting her she’s one of us now. and theyre a little family and its cute and max teaches her how to surf :))
el- this always interests me because i dont know what her life could even look like? depending on s5 outcomes things could look like 10 different ways. ik she isnt a strong student, so i like to think she goes to community college to see what she likes, because shes never really had a chance to explore that. i hope she finds something that makes her happy i fucking love this bitch. i saw an hc where she worked at the library in hawkins, so maybe she does that while she does community college classes. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YALL THINK SHE WOULD STUDY I CAN SEE LIKE 10 DIFFERENT THINGS. eventually she moves to california, to the same city as lumax. lumax’s kid calls her aunt jane, and they have dinners together and are happy because they all deserve the world ok.
the party remains intact to an extent. byler lives together, lumax lives together, and el lives in the same city as lumax. everyone reunites for the holidays, when will brings mike with him, and el brings lumax with her when they go home for Hopper- Byers christmas. dustin typically makes an effort to stop by while he is in town visiting his mother. even tho theyre in different cities, el and will talk on the phones every damn day. usually once, sometimes like 5 times daily. mike and el talk about once or twice a week, and byler talks to lumax about every other day. dustin creates a little bit more distance, but he makes an effort to call each person for at least an hour a week. there’s a lot of love between all of them :)
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sharksa-shivers · 9 months
Nucleo dialog dump because i 💚you radiation boyo
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Coworker: (pinches nose, annoyed)Nathan, aren't you in your 30s? Why are you painting your nails and believing in childish things like aliens? What's wrong with you?
Nucleo:(glances over, sighs before turning around and responding) You're bout 48 right? Why are you already such a stick in the mud? Kids don't call you anymore do they? Ever wonder why that is? Cuz i can take a couple guesses…
Coworker:(he kind of sneers, obviously Nucleo hit a nerve, we see Nucleo kind of smirk, tries to rebuttal back)You're one to talk! You don't even have kids!!!! 30 with nothing!!! No wife, no house, no kids, nothing!!!!
Nucleo:(amused)Cuz i have other priorities…Like finding aliens and collecting metal albums cuz that's what i wanna do…(shrugs)I mean…I'm happy and you seem miserable so i mean, i must be doing something right, yknow? --------- Nucleo:(Frustrated as hell, driving The Trio derps back to The Campsite)What is it with you kids and getting yourselves into insane trouble all the time huh??? Literally i just…(inhales and exhales, collecting himself, annoyed)Look…I literally just like…I just want to have a normal Thursday afternoon at work. Do my job, help people, get paid, all that good shit…I get off at 5, wanna order take out sushi, pick it up, go home and then watch shitty cheesey alien movies from the 80's okay? That's all i want…That's it! But fuckin…Everyday, it's something!!! You get yourselves into something or Orange drags me into something or just SOMETHING!!!! IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING!!!!!!!
(It's quite til Max speaks, being a smartass)
Max:(immediately wrecks this merman)…Why do you agree to do all of Orange Hair's crap then? Is it cuz you just…Like being her bitch or…?
Nucleo:(he slams on the breaks and just sits there, The Trio derps all just looking nervously at him and each other…Nucleo just looks like he's about to fucking snap, quite as he just anxiety laughs)…I…We're moving on. No more fucking talking. Shut up. ------ Nucleo:(enraged)No???? What the hell???? Orange, they're kids, they're teenagers, they DON'T need to be doing this!!!!
OH:(shrugs)I mean…Max likes it so…
Nucleo:(huffs out a breath, annoyed and irritated)Max likes alot of shit he shouldn't like, he tried to hack into multiple bank accounts the other day…
Nucleo:(yelling back)STAY OUT OF THIS, GOD!!! (Back at OH, angry)You can't just be forcing these kids to do all this dangerous stuff, they should be at the movies and fucking around at the mall, not delivering LITERAL BOMBS ACROSS TOWN FOR YOU!!!!!!! ---------- (Tis the group trip with The Trio and Nucleo where he's tagging along to help with some shit. Max and Kristy are talking about horror movies and shit while Sharky's focusing on driving and Nucleo's just scrolling on his phone.)
Kristy:(she pops over the seat a bit, curious)Wait actually, Hey Nucleo, what would happen to you if you got bit by a zombie? Like…Would it actually do anything to you with your disease immunitys or…?
Nucleo:(he sits there, thinking, befuddled)…I…I actually don't know, huh…(sits a moment, thinking)…….Well, i guess that's another paranoia to add to the list. I'd like to say like…I wouldn't get infected but i honestly have 0 clue so????
Max:(gazing at Kristy)Ah yeah, nice, ya broke the man by asking…
Kristy:(awkward)I wasn't trying to!!! I just was curious!!!!
Nucleo:(trying to break it up, a bit mentally construed from the question now)It's fine! It's fine! That actually is a really great question, i just have no idea what the answer is, uhhhh, let's hope we never find out the answer either, huh??? ------------- (Having a convo, probs more early series)
Kristy:(curious)Wait, how old are you Nucleo?
Nucleo:(thinks a moment) 30…No, wait, 31 now. Damnit!!! I'm getting old, can't remember shit anymore…
Sharky:(pipes up)How is 30 old when you literally live like 10,000 years or some crazy shit cuz you're a mer?
Nucleo:(gazes annoyed, a bit exaggerated)Yknow what??? Leave me alone!!!! I don't need that crazy lifespan thrown in my face again!!! I already got enough worries with my life and having to live that long isn't one i wanna talk about right now!! -------- Nucleo is a drummer metal head, a medical scientist of some sort, hardcore believes in aliens, helps The Trio derps, puts up with OH and is one of the main people who will stand up to her, helps his mom regularly with different things and is a merman who has disease immunitys and poison immunitys, idk what else you'd want in an oc honestly... Also his "human" name is Nathanal Raymond Anderson (Cuz humans are gonna look at you sideways if you have a name like...Nucleotitan lol...) I have more shit with him i wanna share so get ready for that lol, i love him so much, i swearrrrrrrrrrrr lolololol
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There he is, my son that is literally older then my ass cuz he's in his 30s, here he is lol
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zoomingupthathilla · 1 year
@munsontm Continued from here.
A shaky breath escaped her lips as she waited for him to speak. The silence hanging in the air only causing her to grow more and more nervous. Max tried to hone in on him, tried to tune out the buzzing. Maybe he was shifting, and she'd catch it? Maybe the question had made him so uncomfortable he left? -- Had she caused him to run? If so, she would slip over the edge, go completely insane. Regret running off the one person that she had easy access to.
Hearing the chair squeak, she let out a sigh of relief. God was she so thankful that he was still there. That she didn't chase him away, it was a talent she had. Once his hand was in hers, she immediately squeezed as hard as she could. Hanging on for dear life. Her grip was weak, but she knew he would understand that she needed this. That she was trying. When he spoke of her friends, she had to stop herself from becoming teary eyed. Blinking rapidly, hoping he wouldn't notice. "--You're right, those weirdos aren't going to give up, are they?" That's what she was afraid of, that they would waste their lives taking care of her. Trying to get her the best treatments that they possibly could. -- if that didn't work, they'd take care of her themselves. They deserved to be kids, to live their lives, not take care of a disabled teenager. "What if i'm not as strong as you think? -- If i can never get on a skateboard again, I don't know if i'll survive. It's ... it's the only thing that I enjoy as much as my friends." Max wasn't sure why she was being so open with him, so vulnerable. "... Sorry Munson, you didn't come here for this. To be bombarded. -- Tell me another joke." Now she was trying to change the subject, he couldn't see her insecurities, see that she had weaknesses.
"Big mouth? Have you heard yourself speak, or is your hearing damaged from the nails on a chalkboard that is your voice?" The redhead went back to teasing for the time being. It didn't last long, because his next words caused her to frown. Her hand giving his a reassuring squeeze. "What fools we are Eddie, what fools we are. -- If it helps, you make a great hero." She whispered. "If I can bitch, so can you, besides selfishly, it helps.. It means i'm not alone." He was able to get a chuckle to leave her lips, leave it to him and the love that they both had to using insults as deflection. "I'd be sorry for me too, they're so overbearing.." Okay, she was rusty, a coma would do that to you. "Not be a burden? Have you ever had to wheel around a grown woman? It is impossible for me to not be a burden. I get it they care, and they're not going to stop because I can no longer contribute much-- other than my smart mouth.. but" There was a pause, as she turned her head towards him. A somber smile pulling at the corners of her lips. "it's hard.. Needing help sucks, but accepting it is almost -- impossible. We're just kindred spirits aren't we? Two peas in a pod. Which means, you've officially become stuck with me and my wonderful jokes."
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bwoche · 2 years
OCs? share OCs? share 👀 ?
Oh OCs? 👀 Share???
I answered one ask a bit ago about OCs but hell if I'm not about to put more stuff here
My main boy is my monster hunter Salem. I think he originally began as a character I was using for some little writing excercises way back when, and I repurposed him for a Curse of Strahd DND campaign my friend started running and BOY. AM I GLAD.
I didn't really intend for him to be a tragic character, the vibe for him was that he was trying his best to do good but his view of what was good was quite warped. Now he's a smidge insane, trying to resurrect the person he loved but had to kill, and trying to make a deal with Dark Powers to take Strahd's place after killing her so he'll be powerful and his soon-to-be-not-dead-boyfriend will love him. Respect the grind, solid 10/10 plan.
The OTHER OC I often tag on here is Hiero, short for Hierophant. Also a DND OC. They're a purple tiefling who (tw for drugs and death ahead) went on a psychedelic trip with their adopted mother and her pals that was so intense, they woke up and thought they had died and come back as some sort of angel. Currently they think they're like, a baby god that needs to grow into their god powers but isn't sure how. Also they're adventuring in literal hell, it's like Mad Max down there.
Most recently they got confirmation that they're SOME sort of prophet, and like. You know those teenagers who are like super cocky? That's Hiero but they like turn it up to 11. And now they're gonna be actually insufferable. They might have made Asmodeus mad and he might be coming for them but like, God powers, be fine, be g. Looking forward to them either dying horribly or ?? Ascending to godhood I guess?
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perfectlypinkduck · 2 years
Fictional Novel
Knock knock on the front door and loud too
Max, jumped to his feet and looked at Vince and Max said, go stand by mr.sav's bedroom door.
Vince said okay and walked to the door and stood there just waiting for max to answer the door.
Max opened the door and there stood two police officers and they said they were there to fill us in on some very important business.
Max, raised his eye brow and said, ok.
The one officer said, there's been a recent discovery about the man who was being aggressive with Mrs Hope the other day.
Max said, okay like what?
The asshole has a twin brother and the fraternal twins and he's trying to make Miss hope think that he's the other twin when he isn't.
We did a background check on all of Mrs Hope's friends when she was in school and as a young teenager in her late teens and she knew this a******'s twin brother and the twin brother is jealous and he discovered her here. And that's when all of the problems came to the surface.
We were so shocked by the discovery we asked him to come in and we walked him to the jail cell where his brother was at the time and they stood right next to each other and they are fraternal twins they're not identical twins but the a****** is expecting me his hope not to discover this. We brought high school books yearbooks and a good brother brought pictures of himself and the bad brother back in the day and we put those together they are not the same but they are twins but paternal twins.
We have pictures of both with us and we have the good brother and the police car and we want to clear this up before anybody gets hurt.
Max says Vince stay right here I'll be right back. Max walks to the police car and a good brother gets out of the back seat and he introduces himself and Max is floored because he says they don't look anything the same. And the good brother said thanks God because my brother is an a******. And he's always had a thing for hope.
I never introduced the two of them together because the family is ashamed of him he's a complete embarrassment to the family and so we just kind of not mention him if we don't have to.
The good brother said, do you think that hope would want to see that it's not me or would that help or would that upset her more? Max said no we don't need to go there, if I can have the pictures for a few days then I can bring them back down to the station after I show them to Mrs Sav.
The good brother said here, that would be great if you would do that because I would really appreciate not getting beat up or leg broken or something like that by you like my brother did. Max goes on to say you don't look anything like him. I would never attempt to hurt you because you are different all over the face the build everything your behavior everything.
Mrs hope is very pregnant and we need to break this to her gently. I will give these pictures to her husband and he will show them to her and once they're done with them I will bring them back down to the station if that will be okay with you
That will be fine with me, I just wanted to clear this up before it got more out of hand. And by the way the good brother said, my brother is insane and he's been documented by the doctors throughout his life that he's mentally and emotionally off balance.
So he is someone to be concerned about. Thank you for giving me your time and giving me a chance to speak and clear this up. You're welcome said Max and thank you for straightening this mess up too. we very much appreciate everything that you have done here today.
Max went back inside the house, he knocked on the bedroom door and hope was asleep and he asked Mr Sav to come out to the common room he wanted to talk to him.
Mr Sav came out to the common room and Max showed him and Vince the two pictures and explain to the two of them what had happened and what was going on just a few minutes ago.
So this was the crazy twin the crazy fraternal twin of a friend of Hope back in the day yes sir said max
The good brother found out about what was going on and went down to the police station with pictures and here they are and the cops brought him over here a few minutes ago and I spoke with him and I met this guy and I didn't think it'd be good for hope to see this one considering all the problems that's going on. I didn't want to put her under more stress but I asked for the pictures and he let me borrow them and when you and Mrs hope is done with them I will take them back to the police station and they will return it to the good brother.
Thank you said sav, he took the pictures with him to the bedroom and waited for Hope to wake up and when she did he explained to her everything and what was going on and she seen both of the pictures and she goes oh yeah I know this one but the other one is a weird freak, I don't know him at all.
Well the good brother wanted to clear everything up so he didn't get beat up by Max haha and Hope just laughed. Now she has relief now she can breathe. she knows the truth finally!.
Max had explained everything to vent and to Bruno and then to Carmine and everybody was totally amazed of the crazy s*** that went down within the last 2 or 3 days. Max had returned the pictures to the police station and they picked up the bad brother and canceled his two weeks to get his affairs in order due to all of this confusion the judge withdrew his time and just threw him in prison.
Now hope knows the truth, and there's no need for more lies.
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valenhell · 3 years
From the studio that brought you “I can’t find good Byler fics in the ao3 tag”, comes:
"The Definitive Byler fic rec list"
Literally no one asked for this but because I spent the majority of last year (...and 2019, and 2018...) reading byler fics and coping with life, I thought I’d make a list of some of my absolute favorites. 
The other day I was basically starving for some byler fics and the angel @magicalfairy provided me with some of her faves so I thought I’d do the same, because I love reading, and I love all of these fics and I appreciate their writers💗 And fic writers in general, come on!
- This is a mix of long works and one-shots/short stories. - Everything is mostly fluff with a tad of angst and a lot of internalized homophobia conflict.  - Every fic is completed, except for the ones I mention that they are not. - I try my best to lay out the stories in a way that I won’t spoil you the plot but also warning you of some stuff you might don’t like. Either way, all of these fics are correctly tagged by their respective authors/owners, so read at your own risk. For better understanding, in between brackets I denote Rating, Words and quantity of Chapters. - I feel like I should clarify, none of these are narrated in the singular first person. None of that “And I told him...”, no. 
Long fics
a dream always the same (T, 99k, 35 chapters) What happened in those few weeks between the Battle of Starcourt and the Byers leaving Hawkins. Literally a satisfying and very needed fill in of season three, with a good dose of Mike’s thoughts and conflict. Mike’s characterization is specially amazing in this one. The writing style is amazing and I know the author put everything into making it historically accurate, and it was really sweet. You probably read it, it’s by the amazing sevensided here on Tumblr🧡
Spring Break (T, 120k, 14/15 chapters) The slowburn of my dreams. Lots of internalized conflict and conflict with each other. Conflict within the Party (uhh kind of), conflict with Mike and Will. Byers family has moved and the kids are visiting! Chaos. Characterization is on point. Yeah, I know it’s unfinished, but the fourteenth chapter actually serves as a pretty nice ending. 
This is where it starts (M, 148.8k, 24 chapters) Aged up characters. The Party is in college and Will disappears again, but now it’s different. Mike knows he didn’t vanish from thin air, and the discovery he and the Party end up making is pretty insane. Mystery solving/fantasy/third dimension, throw in a bit of D&D and Mike realizing some shit, and you get this marvelous fic. It’s a breath of fresh air. The world building is definitely one of the elements that stands out the most, because it’s very nicely described, it sounds like a dream and it’s completely immersive. Absolute gem of a fic. 
there’s a Starman waiting in the sky (M, 30.6k, 8 chapters) Do I need to say anything? Will is out there living his best life and Mike realizes that wow, umm, maybe his best friend looks a bit too nice with that costume... and wait, is he getting horny? It’s actually really fun and sexy.
The Evening Speaks (T, 23k, 7 chapters) In where Mike is a late-night college radio host and Will is the art student that stays up till late to catch up with Wheeler on the Mic. They flirt through songs y’all, this one is really sweet. 
heads or tails? (E, 24k, 3 chapters) Aged up characters. I know most people don’t enjoy sex in fics and with specific characters but this one is insanely well written. It’s a slowburn that commits to the tension and with every word you are grasping and anticipating their next move. I think you can find the author here on Tumblr as yousaidyes🧡
The Man of Average (M, 56.7k, 5/? chapters) Aged up characters. No but you don’t understand, the writing here is absolute gourmet. The story is exciting as well, it’s super interesting. Weirdly enough, for being very aged up characters, they are well characterized but they don’t feel like teenagers. They are naturally Mike and Will. The author really captured Mike and Will’s essence. I know, it’s unfinished and it’s updated very rarely, but this is the typical fic you can’t believe someone just posted on the internet for free. I will say though, I think it’s definitely not for everyone. Read at your own risk.
Heartstrings (E, 82.8k, 24/? chapters) Aged up characters. By the same author of The Man of Average. A collection of memories, the road to Mike and Will’s happy ever after. And fucking hell!!!!! You’ll cry and get angry, you’ll cheer for them, then you’ll want to crash their faces together because god dammit you love each other!!! But yeah, same thing here. The writing and the way the story is laid out as a nonlinear narrative is brilliant. And I also think this is one of the best Will versions I’ve read. The author might as well be the og creator of this two characters tbh. You can find the author here as mylesimeblr🧡
Sinners behind the walls (T, 1.5k, 1/1) And because I can’t stop recommending this author, a little thing of Mike tormenting himself but also being too deeply committed to Will. 
The Red Envelope series (T/E, 167K, two completed works) Something happens that Will thought was impossible and from there, pure drama and romance. Anything by this author has the potential to become your absolute favorite fic, but this series in particular is amazing. I doubt that any of you haven’t read this, but it doesn’t hurt to put it in this list. I’m pretty sure the author is serendipitous-magic on Tumblr🧡
A New Fight series (T, 91k, two completed works, one WIP) And finally the Star Wars AU that we all needed. But this isn’t your typical “Mike is Han”, “Will is Leia” and “El is Luke”, it’s way more interesting than that, and the author has appropriated the Star Wars world like no other. I’ll admit I’m not a 100% fluent in SW lore but this is amazing to me either way. This author is also on Tumblr, tea-for-one-please🧡
- Yes, most of these are (if not all), in a way, canon compliant/canonverse/canon continuation into fanon. (In a way)
One-shots and short stories
Sundae for Two, Please (G, 4.8k) Steve being the supportive friend and older brother these kids collectively need. (not Jonathan erasure, we love him). Steve is very sweet himself, and this little cute thing through his POV is gorgeous. Yes, it’s byler.
Backstage (T, 10k, 2/2) Jonathan, you forgot to mention to Will how hot your new band’s guitarist is, dude. Now he’s hyperventilating and weirdly flirting with him in the corner. Background Stonathan because why not.
102 Peach Street (G, 3.8k) Established relationship, but not only that, they are married :’’))) PURE fluff. Extreme fluffiness. Diabetes. 
sweatshirts and bottled up feelings (T, 3.2k) Or, Mike thinks that the sweatshirt Will wears looks insanely good on him. And kitchens are for lovers. 
kiss it better (T, 16.3k) Basically one of the best character studies of a few precise moments of Mike and Will’s relationship and feelings. 
will wonders ever cease (T, 11.3k) #i ship will and happiness. Omfg what a beautiful piece of fanfic. Will centric, this kid really deserves all the good in the world.
The Calm After the Storm (T, 1.6k) Tooth rotting fluff, boyfriends in love. Boyfriends being lazy, cuddling, love words, kisses. Boys loving each other’s company... Basically, Mike and Will in their element. What more can you ask for?
neither of us ready to let go (T, 4.8k) That scene from season three, but a bit of a fix it. 
Still in love (G, 1k) Domestic, married life au fluff. Y’all, I’m a sucker for established Byler, even if I can’t find many fics with it. But this is very sweet. It takes place in 2020, but I don’t think there are any mentions of the COVID-19 crisis that I remember.
I Nver Find Out ‘Til I’m Head Over Heels (G, 12.5K) Classic 5+1 fic. If you haven’t read it, where have you been? This is your moment. In where Mike keeps inviting Will to the school dances and Will thinks it’s just a joke until he realizes it’s not. 
Before You’re Gone (T, 5.9k) Will is leaving Hawkins and Mike thinks this is a great moment for a confession. This one I discovered last friday, thank you friend @magicalfairy 💗
You’re weird Wheeler (M, 4.5k) Mike unintentionally starts a tradition of going to each other to talk about their sexual encounters just after they finish. Will keeps getting more explicit with the details he shares, and he makes his best friend interested. This one is really fun y’all.
Out-Of-Town Friends (N/R, 4.6K) It’s not rated. I haven’t re- read it but I’d say it would probably fall in a T rating. So cute!! Will has new friends and sneaks off every friday and the Party doesn’t know where he is going, so Mike decides to follow him and is surprised. 
Snowed Under (G, 1.3k) By the same author of The New Fight series. Mike is spending christmas by himself in college because a snowstorm hits Chicago and Nancy can’t drive to see him, but then he has a surprise visitor. Ahhh just a lil sweet holiday fic. Super cute. 
you love me anyway series (T, 7.1k, three completed works) Literally just the cutest thing ever. Established Byler. Will loves to take pictures and he loves taking pictures of Mike. It’s adorable. 
you wanna be friends forever (i can think of something better) (T, 9k) This one is so amazing. So. Amazing. From Will’s POV, my kid deserves the world and he gets it. 
okay not to be okay (T, 4.9k) Mike is a bit sad but then everything is okay. 
can’t hold out forever (G, 18.4k) Y’all!!!!! 5+1 sweetness. Mike has been falling in love since kindergarten. And it’s long af, you’ll enjoy it. 
even if it takes forever (G, 1.3k) College short AU, they miss each other, they love each other, they promise all to each other. It is sappy y’all.
clear as day (N/R, 18.4K, 4 chapters) It’s not rated, but I’d say it falls in the T category. Strangers to friends to lovers. And also, everyone is pretty gay; we have our dynamic trio Mike, Max and El as disaster lesbians (and gay). Will works at the library and he is also gay. Lucas and Dustin and Will are the best friends we needed. It’s very sweet and the Party is kind of formed here!
I went overboard with the one-shots, so you must have realized how much I love long one-shots and I favor them over long works lmao but they are all amazing!!! If it’s on this list, I probably read it at 2 am, sobbing in my bed. So. Hope you enjoy it☺️🧡
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