#i miss hunter hunter
somewheremillo · 12 days
[More mid-teens!Killugon]
Leorio and Kurapika teaching Gon and Killua to drive would be so fucking funny bc the difference in the way they would teach them-
Leorio’s teaching:
Leorio to killua, when they are practicing in a parking lot: woAH WOAH S-SLOW DOwN?!?!!??
Killua: I’m going 8mph-
Kurapika’s teaching:
Kurapika: ok so I know it says to go 15mph here, but that’s more of a suggestion than the law. Kurapika proceeds to go 35mph
Killua: you what-
Gon, taking notes: if… car is… moving… to slow… add 30mph… to… the… speed limit!
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milkhorns · 1 year
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Thanks For Watching! 🦉💖
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storminormins · 2 months
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Happy final Bad Batch Eve, it's been an honor boyos
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pemprika · 8 days
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judgment ⛓️🕷️🩸
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mroddmod · 2 months
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she’ll be alright because she had you.
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zyphnn · 22 days
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saying goodbye
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crosshairslongasslegs · 2 months
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this. this is one of my fav moments from the entire show. this shot itself is just everything. how they both helped each other to the bridge. crosshair steadying his blaster on hunter’s shoulder. both their expressions towards hemlock, ready to do anything to save their sister. hunter reassuring crosshair that he can make the shot. crosshair trusting omega with just a single look. omega running towards them, embracing crosshair in their first ever hug and then taking both brothers in her arms. this family is my everything
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rileyclaw · 1 year
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she’s so lame
bonus. actually they both are
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battii-art · 22 days
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Thanks to Them
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somewheremillo · 13 days
Hc that when Killua and Alluka are older (like mid teens) Killua is saying that he doesn’t know if Gon likes him back for the 30069420871th time and Alluka is sick and tired of it
Killua: but like I have know him for so long and idk what to do I just don’t wanna ruin what we have by telling him the I like-
Alluka: omfg- This AGAIN???? Y’know what imma just-
Killua: huh-
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gayspiderman · 1 year
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#live luz reaction
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r-2-peepoo · 25 days
What I love the most about Hunter as a character is he’s such a subversive example of his archetype.
Literally any other aloof, broody male character would’ve had a more rocky relationship with Omega, where he kept being unintentionally harsh to her or making her upset and then they’d argue about it but Hunter has never been like that.
He yelled at her once, Cut told him not to and then he never ever did it again. And he was only ever mad because he was worried. He has been in her corner since day one and when he received criticism, he actually took it on board and learned from it. There was no dragging out the angst of his character just to add tension to their relationship. He and Omega have always been on equal footing. He protects her when it’s needed but other than that, he treats her like a person which is more than can be said for a lot of parent characters. He clearly adores her but he also values what she has to contribute and respects her as a human being.
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emderperq · 5 months
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The People liked my owl house art so heres some even sillier somewhat old toh art as i try to cope with the fact that i need to make art to be an artist o7
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novmoryiss · 6 months
the character EVER
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mebssann · 1 year
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Siblings going on a trip
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batzmaru00 · 29 days
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pausing funger brainrot to post my kite drawing sheet thingy
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