#teen wolf season 6A finale
futuretrain · 1 year
5a pisses me off so much because objectively stiles's story in it is exploring his character flaw in believing he's always right and his pride, and how that leads him to lose faith in his friends very easily, yet simultaneously with the show exploring that they were saying "look we know stiles is being unreasonable, but this guy is totally not to be trusted, you shouldn't trust him, and stiles is the only one who's really seeing it, and again stiles is being a bit over the top here, but he's also right" so the ultimate takeaway was always going to be "stiles is always right" and it was made at scott's expense. and that will always annoy me.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
I just had a thought regarding the “Tim should punish Buddie fans” of it all. Because at the end of the day it’s a TV show, the thing they care most about is ratings. Tim has admitted that the show got worse and ratings got worse when he stopped writing Buddie scenes (something I’m sure ABC is very aware of). So it honestly shouldn’t matter if some Buddie fans are annoying - we represent the majority opinion, which affects the ratings. Yeah they may lose some of the gained viewers from the BT stans if they breakup but it’s nothing on the viewers they’ll lose if they force Eddie into another straight relationship and separate Buck and Eddie for separate endgames.
Okay, pure speculation here, but the show is a business as much as it is a story and a show has to deal with stuff a book or a movie don't. Since the story is not contained, they need to adapt to the circumstances in which it is airing. We know for a fact that fox was against Buck being bi and that gives us the chance to infer that they were against the buddie thing as a whole. We know this was supposed to happen during s4, we know s5 separates Buck and Eddie physically since Eddie leaves the station, so that reduces their screentime without major problems because while we were getting less casual buddie since they weren't working together, we got a lot of quality buddie during Eddie's breakdown. They continued to reduce the Buck and Eddie of it all during 6a. No one was happy about it. We were NOT happy that we were missing out on their dynamic except for a few moments that were thrown in. That so created a problem that they overcorrect that in 6b. We all knew the lightning was coming but the promo had a lot of Eddie's reaction to it, we even got a bts video of Ryan running up the ladder, the do more was the teaser scene we got, when we got recovery and mixed feelings, with recovery giving us some quality buddie, and mixed feelings giving us a lot of buddie overall. Obviously, the threat of cancellation made them shift things around, we know there were reshoots, we know they tried to wrap things up in case that was the final season, and that made them drop the ball with buddie for a second there after the cemetery, but they fixed that during s7, because there was a LOT of buddie, especially considering it was reduced season. Abc has a lot of good queer rep, they seem to like their glaad awards nominations. We obviously have no idea of why fox was blocking biBuck, and again, pure speculation, but I am willing to bet you that the buddie of it all was part of the conversation while the buy was being negotiated or at least while they were discussing the plans to integrate 911 to abc once the buy was finalized. The abc people have an outside perspective on buddie, the same way we do, and buddie is a compelling dynamic that can be a gold mine if they play their cards right. If, I, a random person on the internet with a blog and hyperfixation and nothing to gain from it, can reach the conclusion that getting buddie together can bring them a shit load of exposure, I guarantee you that someone there reached that conclusion too. I believe they sat down with the team and asked "what's the deal with Buck and Eddie? Is there a plan?" and they reached some conclusion to finally get them there because they took Ryan out of pr jail and continuously put Oliver and Ryan together leading up to the season and the Buck and Eddie talk did not stop once Buck being bi was canonically confirmed.
Logistically, if the plan was to simply make Buck bi and not make the Buck and Eddie a thing, obviously, Eddie wouldn't be involved with Buck's bi arc the way he is in the story, but they would also not involve Ryan in the promotion with Oliver like that. It's 2024, no one wants queerbaiting allegations thrown at them. We lived through the mcu, and teen wolf, and supernatural, and no one wants to be that guy. They have a compelling dynamic that's been drawing people in for years, and they could've gone the whole show with both of them being perceived as straight in universe, keep doing what they were doing, leave us in the will they/won't they, and keep our part of the audience forever because we would keep coming back waiting to see them together. Personally, I think Buck being bi was a trial run in many ways from the business side of it. Buck is extremely well liked by the audience, he is a fan favorite, so people are a lot more lenient with his shit than other characters, that means that if Buck being bi was poorly received by the general audience, they could backtrack him out of it a lot easier and just introduce another pretty girl and not go there. Male bisexual rep is also not all that common, it's usually the pretty girl best friend that you later find out had a girlfriend in college who may or may not be in love with the female lead, so it stands on its own in the conversation. And, well, Buck being bi was extremely well received. Ship war aside, there is a significant part of the new influx of people who are just as invested in the Buck and Eddie of it all even with another male love interest in the mix. And there was a huge influx of people. Somewhere in the 911 team, someone is making predictions and they are aware that Eddie being queer will have the same type of reaction. Eddie might not be as popular as Buck on his own, but with the added fact that queer Eddie means buddie is coming, they get the same boom that biBuck had. They also became the first media to do this. No superhell, no complicated feelings for a car, no going back to the past. Just a compelling relationship between two male characters that's been drawing people in since the beginning that changed into something romantic and requited. They would be the first to take the popular m/m ship that drives the internet crazy and make it happen. I know of a lot of traumatized destiel or sterek or stucky or whatever else who are waiting for Eddie to be confirmed queer to start watching the show with the whole 911 already had queer rep, Buck being bi is no guarantee they'll follow through, I don't wanna be disappointed again. Which is fair, but it is a second wave of people that could come into the show. Buck and Eddie are unheard of rep. It's a 6+ seasons queer slowburn. They are best friends, they have a kid, their devotion to each other is very clear. Abc has the chance to go full Elle Woods "what like it's hard?" to every queerbaity ship that came before buddie. Especially considering we have Oliver on record multiple times saying fox was blocking it. And that would make them so much money. So much exposure. We're talking become subjects in television history classes for the rest of times because they were the first to pull through. We're not just talking ratings, we're talking being put next to genre-defining couples in media. They are a gold mine that Oliver and Ryan are on board with, that Tim seems to be on board with and that abc clearly likes using for promotion so they at least understand the numbers they could bring, so not going there because a fraction of the fandom is being bitchy on the internet is bad business.
Season 6 gave them the perfect opening to separate Buck and Eddie but they used season 7 to bring them closer together than they've ever been. If the plan was to make them end up with other people, they had the chance to make that clear this season, and they didn't. They're not gonna throw it away like this to "punish fans". They would be punishing themselves.
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kaykayow · 7 months
Rant about season 6b of Teen Wolf:
Officially finished Teen Wolf season 6b and all I have to say is…that was one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen. Not because it was a like “bad” ending (if yk what I mean) but it just didn’t tug any of my heart strings it made me feel numb and just thinking wtf did I just watch. I cried at the end of season 6a but this just didn’t do it for me. Stiles wasn’t that present in like one of the only episode he was in. Jackson and Ethan being back was nice but it was just kinda whatever. Didn’t really get the plot bc it was weird. Didn’t like Monroe or Theo’s redemption arc (sorry Theo lovers) You’re also telling me Argent was looking for Kate with the other hunters and they didn’t find her that whole time? Argent and Mellisa was an interesting choice but alr. Didn’t care for Scott and Malia it was weird with them two. Deucalion’s (or however you spell his name) death was actually the only thing I felt upset about. Peter was mid throughout this season. Didn’t understand Nolan’s character too much (he was an odd character for me so I kind of half watched when he was on screen.) I had no complaints with Liam, Mason, Or Corey they were all actually pretty good this season. I liked Liam and Theo’s interactions, although I didn’t care for Theo being redeemed, they were a funny duo. Also your telling me that the Sheriff and Stiles didn’t interact like once? I’m just sad we didn’t get to see that because I love their father and son dynamic. Stiles got his Jeep back which was nice even though he should’ve never given it to Scott lmao (personal opinion.) Also the humor (that was like absent all through season 6b) was back in the final episode which was like a breath of fresh air. Liked seeing Derek though. Overall wasn’t a good season for a final season. It could’ve been good for an earlier one but I understand it’s a bit of a bigger issue. Anyway love Teen Wolf just was overly disappointed with what I spent 5-7 hours watching.
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adrianfridge · 2 years
Teen Wolf is a werewolf soap opera horror that gradually changes into a gritty horror thriller. And I’d like to explore that in terms of its campiness.
For me, the campiness is determined by the personality of the villain. I’m going to focus on their theoretical willingness to put on the most flamboyant outfits, but that’s merely an illustration of their vibes.
Season 1 has Peter and Kate, who, if we’re being honest, would both go on stage wearing just the most glitter, feathers, and wig to have an epic lip syncing battle. There would be surprise outfit reveals and at least one would do a split. It would go down in history. 10/10 perfection
Season 2 has Matt and Gerard. Matt would only reluctantly put on an outfit, and it’d be something spandex to emulate the superhero comics he reads. Meanwhile Gerard would be eating up the frenzy that Kate and Peter left behind. His outfit would be more grand than both of them combined. He only pretends he’s retired while being the Final Boss of Drag Race. 9/10 some hesitation to cheer for an incel but grandpa can work those high heels
Season 3A has Jennifer and Deucalion. Jennifer is gothic rock opera chic. She’ll flip her hair while singing soprano in an obsidian gown. And Deucalion? He’s gone mad from losing to Gerard at Drag Race, and now he’s back for a rematch, this time with a BDSM-kink themed outfit to display he’s gone darkside. 8/10 trying a little hard but I can get behind it
Season 3B is the Nogitsune. It’s here when the show begins to get more serious, which I think is the wrong lesson the writing room took from its popularity. The Nogitsune has multiple outfit changes. It is kabuki theater. It is a troll dressed as Stiles while wearing the most bombastic display of practical special effects. There’s a smoke machine running underneath the robe that lights up with each step while a soundtrack plays. 100/10 Megamind would be proud
Season 4 is a mixed bag. It promises a rematch of Peter and Kate, but it doesn’t do either of them justice. Instead they’re pushed to the sideline in favor of a more traditional thriller Benefactor arc. The one highlight is the episode 4x07, Weaponized, which has The Chemist bringing back the pizazz (highly recommended; the episode is practically a one shot with everything you love from the early seasons). 5/10 averages to meh
Seasons 5-6 are entirely dedicated to seriousness.
Season 5A is Theo and the Dread Doctors. Theo is like if you took Matt and then squeezed out any joy. He’d refuse to dress up because he’d feel it’s beneath him. Meanwhile the Dread Doctors, who are already in full Steampunk attire, are doing nothing with it. As stiff as mannequins. All business, no play. They’re just here to get the job done and leave. 3/10 but has the potential
In season 5B we get Valack and the Beast, aka Sebastien. Valack, whose power is to disguise himself as other people, is the type to hate costumes. He’s going to wear an accurate reproduction of a medical professional, and he’s going to be annoying about it. Sebastien tries to be camp but it comes off like a parent incorrectly using lingo to try to be hip around their child. No one wants to see it. 1/10 please stop
Season 6A has… a literal Nazi. And the Ghost Riders, who only know how to walk a cat walk. They’d make great supermodels if their job wasn’t to make people forget they exist. 0/10 I want my money back
Season 6B is just straight up trying to be an allegory for modern day political discourse. There’s also the Anuk-Ite, a creepy-pasta knock-off of the greatest hits. You can’t even look at it without being turned to stone. -100/10 I’d rather fight a muskrat on twatter
Ultimately, my point is you lose much of the dramatic flair after season 3B. For many people, such as myself, it’s a disservice to why I started the show. But for other people it’s a good turn since they prefer the gritty realness. It ends up being one of the many reasons for the split in fandom over the direction of the show. And I can bet money that the movie is going to suck all the glamor out of the Nogitsune in favor of the same sort of straight-laced horror the later seasons embodied. Which is to say some people will love it, and it’s not going to be me or Megamind.
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feelingtheaster99 · 6 months
I finally finished the end of the last season of Teen Wolf this week, and I almost wish I didn’t because I think the Season 6A plot would’ve been a better ending
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lazywolfwiccan · 11 months
My Personal Ranking of Teen Wolf Media so far, CONTAINS SPOILERS
1. Season 3B, this is literally the best writing, directing, and acting of the series, with Dylan O'Brien flexing his acting ability, reminder he had no formal acting training, and the death of a main character cemented this as the best season for any YA show in TV history. The Nogitsune aka Void Stiles is fucking terrifying.
2. Season 4, this season is underrated to me, from Kate's return to Derek losing his powers. However this season saw the departure of Tyler Hoechlin from the series as a main cast member, and that may have soured this season for many people. Between the werejaguar and Peter turning heel the villains are at their best and we get the iconic scene of Derek turning into a evolved werewolf.
3. Season 6B, the end of the series kicks into high gear and doesn't stop until the end. Stiles, Derek, Jackson and Ethan all return after long absences and make the show feel like Teen Wolf again, the villain is awful but Theo and Liam easily carry a few episodes.
4. Season 6A, due to Dylan O'Brien needing to leave the show to film Maze Runner, the writer's decided to have new villains called the Ghost Riders kidnap Stiles and effectively erase him from everyone's memories. This leads to the best acting from Tyler Posey imo. This also had the return of Derek via archive footage and Stydia becoming canon.
5. Season 3A, The Alpha pack is severely underrated and I loved how Danny got some character development even if it was small.
6. Season 2, Underrated? Yes. Good? Ehhhhh. The Kanima is fucking iconic and Colton Haynes shows off how fucking incredible he is as an actor. Derek's "Alpha high" is also well played. Boyd and Erica are good side characters but they deserved better
7. Season 5, the first season without Derek and it shows, the show decides to hint at a next generation spin off (which never happened) with extra focus on Liam Dunbar. But it feels like Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Malia are given the backseat. Theo Raeken is easily one of the best villains, manipulating everything to his benefit until it back fires on him. However this season gets boring fast with twenty episodes following one story. My favorite scene is still Stiles finally snapping and punching Scott.
8. Season 1, the start of the series also happens to be the worst. Scott is at his worst but is still likable in parts. The actors quickly get better with every episode, Holland Roden definitely improves fast.
9. Teen Wolf: The Movie, I don't even want to talk about this. This is Scallison fanfiction with all the bad parts of fanfiction, Derek is killed off, Malia and Parrish are a thing, Stydia broke up because of a dream etc. However, I did like Crystal Reed's performance as Allison, balancing being numb and brainwashed and scared because she doesn't know anything, Eli Hale is the best part, and the scene of Derek, Scott and Eli roaring with all the rooms matching their eyes is iconic, the score helps a lot.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
Taking Care of What You Want
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I fear that if there aren't any queer romantic relationships in Teen Wolf the Movie, certain parts of the fandom (you know of whom I speak) will fixate on that as a reason to hate on the movie without stinting.
But really, they have only themselves to blame.
The original television series had two significant queer romantic relationships, and while it could (and should) be pointed out that these relationships were between only gay men, it also has to be said that these two relationships weren't background decoration. Both of them had importance to the plot, and the nature of both relationships were explored as a crucial aspect of the characters. The production wasn't just checking boxes.
Danny and Ethan started out as a gambit from season's three primary villain, but over the season we got to understand what the relationship meant to each individual character and how it shaped their actions within the plot. From Chaos Rising (3x02) to end of The Divine Move (3x24), this relationship was given essentially the same time and attention as Allison and Isaac and Aiden and Lydia.
And yet, it's barely a footnote in the fandom.
Mason and Corey is the second-longest lasting relationship portrayed on Teen Wolf, starting in Damnation Memoriae (5x12) to The Wolves of War (6x20), being eclipsed only by Scott and Kira. It lasted longer than Scott and Allison! Mason and Corey caring for each other helped involve Mason in the world of the Supernatural and lured Corey back towards humanity. Their desire to protect each other was a major component of two season finales (5B & 6A).
And, at best, it's background material for another fanon-conjured romantic relationship.
Why should the production spend precious screen time on another queer relationship if the fandom is just going to pay attention to whatever pairing they want anyway? If the fandom's going to take any conversation between two dudes as romantic chemistry and overwhelmingly focus their time and energy on that, there's no reason to create a relationship that's going to be ignored. No one can legitimately argue that a romantic relationship between Stiles and Derek was anything than more than viewer projection on the events of the show, and it's the overwhelming focus of the fandom.
I'm not surprised that Corey isn't in the movie. If they put him in it, they would need to spend time dealing with the state of his and Mason's relationship, and to their eyes, no one cared that much.
There's no payoff for the production if they put effort into a relationship only for the audience to spend their time mourning the Ships That Didn't Happen. As much as it might pain people to hear it, representation goes both ways. If you want it, you have to treat it right when it happens, or all you do is discourage producers from putting any effort at all into it.
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Hello! From what I gathered you are DarkAthena's meta account (i hope I'm not mistaken) and I just discovered your meta and I must say I really like it! At multiple occasions you mention symbolism and colour theory in teen wolf. I wondered if you would be willing to do a more complete summary of your understanding of it. I have a few idea of my own but I especially liked when you talked about mirror and Scott Mccall's messed up reflection of the self and I 100% agree with Stiles and transitional spaces (keys, door, etc).
Well all that to say I'd be really interested in your interpretation of Teenwolf's symbolism:)
this is a bit of a - symbolism is a huge chasm of a topic, and there are symbols we understand and ones that are clearly there but make no sense - like Chris Argent keeps showing up in scenes with frogs, ceramic frogs, frogs in a shadow box [in his office] and it's like, okay your association is frogs - but what does it mean, is it the way he flip flops on his opinions, is it a reference to the frog and the scorpion and how he is always going to be the victim ....
the thing with symbolism is you have three issues
people agree what the symbolism is and disagree what it means
people disagree what the symbolism is but agree with the final conclusion
people disagree there IS symbolism
now the color theory/symbolism primer is the result of LOTS of work that happened in the background, with people going look! and then it falling apart and worked over and ground into the dirt and still it's not definitive because it's an impossibility. Even if Davis et al sat down and laid it all out - people would still disagree with it
the primer
now most cinematic [and to an extent literary] symbolism is based on Freud, specifically Freud's dream dictionary [yes, really] and the problem is that most western writers know that symbolism, so they continue what they see etc - this is true of colour theory and was the WORST because teen wolf's colour references are reversed because the symbolic associations of godai [the five elements, each representing a season] are reversed
so if we take the basic Earth - it represents repression, claustrophia [I read the other ask, give me a moment] the keeping of secrets, the concept of compression. Like in ATLA the city that denies the war is Ba Sing Se - a city of earth benders with a huge earth wall. See how it works and that's normal. You bury things you don't want people to find so earth = hiding things, lying to keep a secret.
now in teen wolf Earth represents the opposite, the release, the revelation of secrets, rebirth, Derek's evolution is in the earth series [4] and look how much of that series takes place underground, in the vault, in la iglesia, the underpass at the school
mirrors = mirrors mean differnet things to different characters, traditionally a mirror is used to reassure that the self is correct or to tell an undeniable truth [Snow White, Nehelenia's mirrors] which applies to Stiles
they can mean a transition between places, or how those places are seen [Alice through the looking glass, or Candyman] that applies to Lydia
or they can show just how fractured a character is - the broken mirrors [a lot of slasher movies] = Scott
but add on to that the phantasmagoria sequences which were called mirror verse because often details were reversed = it's a very complicated theory that involves a lot of pointing that and that charlie day jpeg with strings and stress
Scott's symbol is shadow - which was a nightmare to work out btw, look how often he is show in shadow, he saw his beast self in a shadow etc - and when I pointed that out the wankstorm could have been seen from space = but all it means is that he has a dual nature - rather than derek who is one as a wolf and a man = werewolf, scott never reconciles
when you point them out they are super easy to go - oh yeah that makes sense, but other people might go - melissa has all those owls because she likes them,
all the way through 6a the meta pack were screaming about the yellow wallpaper and no one knew why until lydia pulled away the yellow wallpaper to reveal the door and we're like WE TOLD YOU because when you dig in and look critically you start to see patterns and those patterns go back to something famous, like how in canaan it was like event horizon- we knew EH was there, but couldn't prove it
and that's the ultimate truth
its not about what you think - but what you can prove
now if you wanna headcanon stiles as penelope from the odyssey [the fic i'm working on] you don't need proof, but if you wanna mess around with the guts of it [a good critical look is often like a dissection]
symbolism can be a nightmare, it can also be an easy step into deeper literary theory - which is what it is - we call it meta because we don't have to put it in the proper format and link a bibliography with books we pretended to read
symbolism is like - oh this appears a lot - does it mean anything
but sometimes the symbolism makes a clear point that just isn't there
derek is association with stairs - traditiionally stairs represent sex [think of old movies where characters would go upstairs, fade to black and it's obvious they had sex] up means accepting, down means rejecting, and derek doesn't even walk down stairs until season 3, he jumps - which prepresents an unwanted sexual attack
see that's solid
but Derek buried peter in the basement - gothic symbolism representing sex, specifically repressed desire [think fall of the house of usher] at the bottom of the stairs - which in symbolsim add them up and you get = Peter violently sexually abused Derek and Derek is hiding it
but there is no evidence of it whatsoever - so somewhere the symbolism as it is historically doesn't match, and it might just be that by burying peter he releases him [see the jennifer and nurse jennifer theory] from his madness and the set was too small for it to be anywhere but the bottom of the stairs
and yet people can argue that it's solid even though it's not explicitly supported, because Peter certainly encouraged the relationship with paige which ended so very badly....
symbolsim - it's a fancy word for your guess is as good as mine but at least now we've gotten past the point where the very mention of colour theory gives me eye twitches
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let’s not even BEGIN to talk about the timeline mess that is teen wolf, muddying even further because of this movie. (There was already the laughable discrepancy in the series where Liam was a senior in season 6b, taking place just a few months after everyone graduated in 6a, where he was a sophomore.) set in 2026 15 years after allison’s death in Nov/Dec 2011, and derek’s kid is already 15, meaning he would’ve had to be concieved during season 1. (did he have a one-night stand or what?) and some time later kid finally decided to enter his life. might’ve been worth mentioning, but we know that would’ve been impossible, since he was obviously an afterthought. jeff isn’t fond of continuity, though. eh.
perhaps the mother died and Eli broke away from his foster parents to find his father. now that would be an interesting fic.
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
*(at least for now— i may do something for the movie, or i may rate ships or plot lines or poor-little-meow-meow-ness but idk)
s tier: as always <333 lydia & stiles <3333 (lydia ahead of stiles this time bc he was barely there and bc he went to fbi school. tbh i’m being generous by not knocking him down a tier but 6a was good honestly) and guess WHAT i’m bumping scott and malia up here too bc i love them <3
a tier: liam, mason, corey, coach!!, chris, melissa, jackson(return of the king!), stiles’ dad ig,
b tier: peter has worked his way up this season i must admit, hayden (i am always getting her mixed up with brayden, stop giving characters rhyming names pls), gwen, deucalion (i’ve decided he’s almost as funny as peter actually), gwen
c tier: reggie riverdale (love a riverdale cameo but yoinked down a tier for causing problems), ethan(sorry he’s still kind of boring), sidney, lorraine (sad and creepy!), scott’s dad, lydia’s mom, those two boys in monroe’s army (although one is for sure worse than the other), those two members of satomis pack who got killed (rip)
f tier: monroe, stiles’s ghost mom (creepy!), parish (die and stay dead), gerard (die and stay dead), liam’s shitty werewolf teacher, both anuk-ites (stupid villain)
and i think that’s everyone!!! thank you all for coming, have a good night. i love you guys, i really do! *blows kisses like i’m an old diva/talk show host about to retire*
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metagalacticx · 2 years
1. Whether I like or dislike their character
okay honesty hour i wasn’t a huge fan of mason when i watched teen wolf the first time. i loveeed all his scenes and it felt so good to have someone find out about the supernatural and be so excited about it!! but he was not in my top five. my sister would always say he would be my favourite in the show if the writers tried harder (she is and will always be correct about that). but anyway we started rewatching teen wolf basically a day after the final episode aired and i realised??? the writers not doing right by mason wasn’t a reason for me not to love him??? so i took canon mason into my arms and now he’s the nearest and dearest to my heart. LOVE MASON. WOULD DIE FOR MASON. WILL SHOOT TO KILL FOR MASON.
2. who I ship them with
corey! corey bryant my beloved. i am a hater at heart and that means i’m bitter about a lot of things and i have always been bitter about how much this fandom sleeps on morey (and yes i know how popular morey is that’s not the point!)
liam! liam dunbar is in love with mason he told me himself.
theo! just TRUST ME
brett! because mason deserves a werewolf boyfriend as i keep saying
scott! if you never considered their potential, you’re welcome <3
stiles! just for laughs, because i think them dating would be funny. stiles would be so annoying. mason would be so done
3. What my favorite scene or scenes of them were
that library scene, yeah the one with melissa (let’s not talk about what happened there im too sad)
the scene with the herbs! his scenes with melissa are soooo special to me.
when liam and scott find out he’s the beast 😠😠 (angry for secret reasons)
his eight-pack brett line is so fucking funny!! he was soooo real for that. also liam’s response was also super fucking funny pretty sure his name’s just brett 😒😠 like alright calm down liam secretly jealous bc i’m pining after my best friend and i don’t have an eight-pack so he won’t ever look at me like that dunbar
4. my favorite season of them(If they’re in multiple) 
s6b! but also 6a a little.
season 5a+b my beloathed. i can’t think about mason in season 5 without crying
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So because Teen Wolf is releasing another dumpster fire, here's me making myself a target for the entire Fandom by having probably some of the most unpopular opinions.
First off, let's talk about wasted characters.
Let's start with an obvious one:
Isaac and Kira. Can not believe these two were just brushed off.
Kira deserved to have more of her Kitsune potential. She deserved to have a journey where we see her gain powers, accomplish new possibilities and actually learn control . We deserved to see conflict, struggle in the sweet girl who had a powerful spirit.
We deserved to see Isaac heal after all the abuse he endured, we deserved to see a storyline where a victim could get help from their trauma, where a victim could find the love he deserved from a chosen family.
We deserved to see Kira and Scott learn to have a relationship through the struggle of their powers, the danger they might have possed to each other.
We deserved to see Kira be seen as her own person and not Allisons replacment.
We deserved to see Kira grow a friendship with Stiles trying to comfort him for something that clearly wasn't his fault but in a way they could both relate to as both know what it's like to have a vengeful spirit inside of them. They shared something in a way no one else did and we deserved to see them bound, talk about it.
We deserved to see Isaac find comfort in a pack that actively choose him. In an Alpha who wanted to be there for him, who wanted to have him be a part of his pack.
In a girl who lost her best friend the same day he lost his probably first love/girlfriend. We deserved to see them bound over that to make fun of Stiles, to heal each other.
We deserved to see Isaac and Malia, both in a way losing their family a long time ago and being each others healing partner on a journey neither of them can take alone.
We deserved to see Isaac and Kira both sunshines who have too much darkness for them.
We deserved to see Isaac and Liam, deserved to see Isaac help him because he knows that it's scary but he also knows how great it can be and how it can finally make you feel powerful.
We deserved to see Isaac mourn the family that he could have had but was taken from him too early.
We deserved to see Isaac and Theo because the duo they could have been.
We also deserved to have an actual good arc for Theo, to see him truly be redeemed because he wasn't evil, just desperate. We deserved to see anyone really just showing an ounce of compassion. We deserved to have a better backstory and a whole lot better than whatever mess season 5 was.
There's many other characters who should have gotten a better arc like Erica, Cora and Boyd but I think in a way the abrupte endings sadly felt real. Yes their stories were wasted but sometimes you just don't get the ending/time you thought.
We also deserved to have Allison dead because her character arc was done with that.
Let's talk storyline that should have never happened starting with the biggest one:
A panic attack kiss by a couple that had 0 chemistry.
The Ghostrider arc being around Stiles.
Kate. Just everything about her especially how her raping Derek was never addressed.
Scott and Malia
The entirety of Stydia
Malia and Parrish (without ever watching the movie)
Stiles becoming a main and therefore complelty sidelining Scott
Many things from season 5
But you know what should have happened?
Parrish truly having his powers explained
Parrish truly being a regular character
Lydia and Parrish further being developed until inevitably they start dating
Lydia also being allowed to date someone older but the age gape being addressed in a way that is neither patronising nor makes Parrish out to be a creep.
Malia having an actual arc other than being a Hale or a girlfriend
Scott having powers/scenes that actually proves that he is a True Alpha, something very rare.
Stiles being redeemed. He was just allowed to be shitty as a person but because he was hot it apparently didn't bother anyone.
Stiles actually fucking apologising to Lydia and realising how creepy his behaviour was to her.
Sheriff and Melissa deserved to be BFFs.
Liam being allowed to actually be a Beta and not being expected to just be the next Alpha.
Liam and Theo actually getting to develope whatever they had going on.
Theo actually being a character and not just a plot device.
Chimaera as a concept being explored.
Kitsunes actually not just being mentioned but being shown.
Now, let's move on the things that make me unpopular, starting with opinions.
1. Sterek was way creepier than Marrish ever was and Sterek should never be shipped as that was an actual fucking 15/16 year old and a fucking 28 something man.
2. Stiles really wasn't that great of a character and the only reason why he was liked was because he was attractive and had quirky one liners.
3. Stiles was only a good person with Malia, his father and mostly Scott.
4. Scott deserved to be a main but they just wrote him as boring as a pice of bread.
5. Allison was a boring character. Sorry but she only starting to be cool in season 3.
6. Lydia was somehow developed and yet not because they kept making her useless to ponder to shippers.
7. The Nogitsune was a great villain but the season 4 "villain" plotline was the most interesting.
8. I truly do not get why we needed Jackson back or why he ever was there in the first place and why people like him.
9. Danny was literally just created to appear progressive.
10. I truthfully do not remember most of Erica or Boyds character.
11. Derek was just not a good character. He had interesting storyline but how was that old man ever allowed around High Schoolers and no one said a thing? His entire premise is what makes him bad.
12. Kira was one of the best characters .
13. Malia was such an interesting character that later one just kind of was alright.
14. Isaac deserved so much better.
15. Most villains were very unremarkable.
16. Parrish was so underused
17. Also the entire Sheriff department should have been way more prominent
18. We should have gotten way more school scenes especially in season 4.
19. Banshees were explained very well yet somehow still not really?
20. The Argents should have taken on a way more villainy route which would have been much more interesting.
21. The Dread doctors would have been more interesting if they literally had any lore that I could remember.
22. The Ghost Riders where the best plot idea that feel complelty off.
Let's move on to ships I hate, the point where many of you will hate me:
1. Sterek (creepy, toxic, way too big of an age gap etc.)
2. Stydia (toxic, unrequited,pushy boy etc.)
3. Derek/Kate (rape)
4. Derek/Jennifer (no)
5. Pydia (she is literally a teenager)
6. Stiles/Peter (he is literally a teenager)
9. Anyone with Peter (most of them are literally teenagers)
10. Anyone with Derek (most of them are literally teenagers)
11. Anyone with Jackson (He is literally toxic, abusive, dismissed etc.)
Let's move on the ships I dislike:
1. Scallison (boring, flavorless)
2. Laeden (too cutsie, than boring)
3. Aiden/Lydia (just plain)
4. Stisaac (Stiles was literally a douche that dismissed his trauma)
5. Erica and Allison (nope)
6. Scalia (no build up)
Ships I tolerate/don't care about:
1. Sterica
2. Boyd/Erica
3. Stora
4. Stallison
5. Dreaden
6. Malira
7. Allydia
8. Allisaac
Now, let's move on to my OTPs that were canon or that I wish where canon
1. Stalia (the definition of "Right person, wrong time" in a way becahse he fell when she wasn't quiet ready and she fell when he hated himself. Their love was pure and not conventional which is why most of you all hate it.)
2. Scira (the most pure love. Someone with a broken heart learns he can learn, the girl who falls first and the boy who falls harder, sunshine and sunshine, cuddles in bed, candlelight dates etc.)
3. Thiam (enemies to friends to lovers in a weird way. Someone learning to be human, someone learning to open up, two people who hate each other being the only ones who can find comfort in another etc.)
4. Marrish (Aquaintence to friends to lovers, just a true normal love story. Two people who searcg for answers, who help each other with their problems, who grow to understand each other, who grow to work together, who become someone the other can turn to, etc.)
My favorite what-if-ships:
1. Kira/Isaac (could have been so great but alas)
2. Scisaac (we should have seen them together)
3. Stira (Maybe just as a friendship but they have so much potential)
4. Scydia (you can't tell me there wasn't something there)
5. Malia/Isaac (they have potential without ever having a single scene together)
So, if you couldn't guess already here's my favourite 5 characters:
1. Kira
2. Parrish
3. Isaac
4. Theo
5. Malia
My least favourite characters:
1. Kate
2. Peter
3. Jackson
4. Derek
5. Jennifer
So,just a glimpse into my Teen Wolf thoughts.
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teamfreewilllover · 2 years
My List of Shows (may include spoilers)
My Favourite Shows:
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↳ Supernatural (2005-Present): I've been in this fandom since 2011 and can honestly say its probably the best show I have ever watched. It has everything you could possibly want in a show, romance, horror, drama, family and especially a hot cast. I mean it even has Misha Collins in it, if you're not already watching it, then why not?!
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↳ Game of Thrones (2011-Present): Does this show really need any introduction? I have been watching Game of Thrones for 2 years now, and it was such a good decision, I was hooked from the first episode. Yes, the nudity gets a bit much sometimes, but the storyline is so compelling and interesting that you just can't stop watching. Some of the best acting I've ever seen has come from this show.
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↳ The 100 (2014-Present): This show is unbelievably underrated and deserves a bigger fanbase. The first few episodes are a bit slow, but once the first season picks up the pace, you will become hooked. The second season is incredible and so unpredictable, you never know what is going to happen next. Although I am not sure if season three is going to live up to previous seasons, it is still one of the best things on TV. I also thought I should mention the main female character is bisexual. That is all.
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↳ The Walking Dead (2010-Present): This is one of the most intense shows I have ever watched. Every episode you are on the edge of your seats, praying that your favourite characters will survive. The reason why it is on this list is because of the amazing character developments that have happened on this show (Carol and Daryl's especially).
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↳ Teen Wolf (2011-Present): This show has had its ups and downs, but if you can get through the cringy Season 1, you will be rewarded. Some of the most fun and interesting characters I've seen have come from this show. I can honestly say that Season 3 is one of the best seasons of any show I have ever seen. This show is very underrated and does deserve to be on this list. 
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↳ Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008): I know, I know this is a kids show and a cartoon but it definitely deserves to be on this list. I started re-watching this show a year ago and it was one of the best choices I've made. The story, drama, graphics and acting is astonishing. It's like a journey you will never be able to forget. I can promise you if you watch this show, it will change your life.
Cancelled Shows That I Loved:
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↳ Legend of the Seeker (2008-2010): This was the first TV show that I ever really started to get obsessed with and looking back I can see why. It has badass ladies, magic, sword fights, amazing villains and great storytelling. It is great to see the characters grow...and to see a few stay the same. You can watch it on youtube right now, and I promise you won't regret it.  
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↳ Heroes (2006-2010): This show was amazing and I still can't really understand why it was cancelled. I know a lot of people say it goes downhill after Season 1, but I have to disagree because it had me hooked the whole time. Sylar's character especially is a selling point for this show, as he is one of the greatest villains ever made in my opinion.
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↳ The Legend of Korra (2012-2014): Sequel show to Avatar: The Last Airbender, and while it never quite reaches A:TLA quality, it is close. I think the showrunners decided to end this show, rather than cancel it, which is understandable as it probably was the right time to let this show end. It has very interesting and thought-provoking storylines and some really good fighting sequences and is definitely worth the watch.
Shows That Went Downhill:
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↳ Pretty Little Liars (2010-Present): A year ago this show would have been on my favourites list. Season 1-5 were amazing and really good fun to watch. Even Season 6A was good, and then the finale happened. After that the show's whole pace has completely changed. It's still watchable, but just not as good. Still, this is one of the best shows around, so give it a try.
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↳ The Vampire Diaries (2009-Present): A show that could started out well, but quite quickly got worse and worse. Season's 1-3 were very enjoyable, and the storyline kept you interested. Then suddenly any story seemed to disappear and it was all about relationships. In my opinion, the one good thing about this show was Katherine Pierce, who was the entire reason I started this show. In Season 5 when she died...I stopped watching and that was the right decision.
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↳ Doctor Who (2005-Present):
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mostly-vo1d · 3 years
no but seriously how fucked up would it have been if Stiles had been killed and/or turned into a chimera after lies of omission?
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Teen Wolf -Winter finale
           Nothing... I'm just angry. I'll soon be 23 and I watch this show. (I know many people my age who love TW, but it's not for Hayden, Mason and Corey, nor is it for Scott, nobody is that pure. At least not for that long.) I consider the terrible CGI the shows significant move. I can go past a few plot holes and unanswered questions (What is Josh? Just killing off Valack. It's not possible for Mason to be the Beast of Gevaudan, worst possible ending of 5B. Victoria Argent, the true villain of the show. SHE HAS TO RETURN. And not as a Dread Doctor, or Ghost Rider hehe). But this finale... ah... my friend @maroltkiki and I had better theories and solutions to everything by just watching an episode and a half an hour research of the Wild Hunt, the Morigan and Banshees. Yeah, point given, when you write it at first it's way harder. But after it is written, read it damn it and do some good shit.
Let's go. That awkward moment when you try to remember stiles for three months and it's in vain. The only thing was to bring accidently open another portal, and guess what, worthless. Because the only thing you need is a Corey, a good for nothing Chimera that suddenly can merge dimensions, and is practically more powerful than a Banshee. Also, he can regenerate??? Since when?? Hayden was brought back by Theo and she would've died if not for the bite, and she was a wolf Chimera. They basically should've waited for the worlds to merge to get Stiles out.
Now we come to the most infuriating part. All of them were taken by the Wild Hunt, the end, you have to break the seal and take one by one back, that re-routing bs can suck it. Or at least it would be a mean of prevention not solution. When that train left everyone should've left whit it. And don't give me that they merged the worlds so the taken people must enter the physical train. Because, we were shown that that were just bodies, Malia yelling at Peter. Also, Beacon Hills Pikachu (Liam) didn't forget Down Syndrome Selena, which is weird, because my bed and I have a bigger emotional connection then those two.
Ghost Rider Claudia's death was so sad, not because she died but because how. I don't know how... was it the scream? Because the bullets can't kill the dead. Also, was Claudia a Ghost Rider or was a Ghost Rider Claudia? What does that tell us about Lenore's son?? Yeah, Lenore, another Banshee, one would think that she would be important, but of course not.
I liked that the Sheriff, it's unclear, killed Claudia. WOW! Now that I wrote it down, Claudia was a Rider but she still had her, ghostliness/humanity in her, she put her hand on a banshee, the real/pure Riders can't harm them.
What happened to Theo? Malia is cool with Lydia and Sitles being a couple now, if you give someone that look that Stiles and Lydia exchanged at the lockers you'll get a restraining order.  Also, Malia was treated as a piece of shit again, she was just gone near the end, just like the scene in the Library in end of 5B. Liam is an "alpha" now, as predicted. And it looks like that Lydia and Stiles are leaving.
P.S. I saw that it will be another Scott oriented Season. I swear to God if Scott gets together with Malia... And also, I don't want another Soctt oriented season, give me Malia vs the World, at least it's funny. But let me say, I look forward to the fear part of 6B.
Feel free to comment. I’m leaving it open for a debate
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narutoseyes · 7 years
*Liam presents his boyfriend Theo to his daddies*
Liam: This is Theo, he is my boyfriend.
*Stiles looks Scott*
Scott: We like him, Liam! He is so beautiful!
Liam: *Blushes*
*Liam looks Stiles*
Liam: Dad?
Stiles: ...
Liam: ...
Stiles: ...
Stiles: Nope, we don't like him.
Liam: Oh dad, come on!
Stiles: Nope!
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