#teen tournament
bluerosefox · 9 months
Our Well Deserved Break
Shenanigans (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Time again!~
Danny, our boy the Ghost King, looking over a small team going over relic's given or 'offered' to Pariah Dark over the years both before and after he was sealed away. As they're taking inventory of the chaotic offering room, they stumble across a certain artifact.
This artifact is able to summon a set number of people (it does have its limits) of the users wishes to them and it sets up a barrier around the surrounding place so no one summoned gets out. You know, those kinds of artifact's certain people use to summon heroes and or villains into a room and have them fight to see whose the strongest or for a tournament, Yeah that kind of artifact!
Danny, who found the item, takes a look at after being told what it does. Then out of the corner of his eye he spots himself in a mirror in the room and see's his crown floating above his head and feels the full weight of his responsibility since before and after his crowning. Yes he had help with his advisor, despite how cryptid he can be at times, and of his council but still the weight was a bit too much for a teenager like him.
An idea struck his mind when he hears the ticking of a clock behind him. Without saying a word Danny looks back and raises an eyebrow at Clockwork whose staring at him in silence as well. He glances at the item, tilts his head a bit before...
Smiles in only the way CW knows would both be good for Danny and amusing for him. He nods and says "One weekend should be fine. All timelines will be paused for them. I suggest telling your friends to help prepare for your guests. Enjoy and have fun my King."
"YES!" Danny's voice echoing in the offering room made many ghosts in the room jump for a bit.
This was totally going to be fun!
When the following weekend arrived, young and very stressed teen heroes from across the multiverse are suddenly pulled from their worlds and are summoned into the Infinite Realms. Before any of them can panic or start fights a voice rang out above them and when they looked they could see a young teen, with a crown floating above his head, white hair, and glowing green eyes sitting on a throne.
He smiled and said
"Welcome fellow stressed out Heroes and Heroines to Phantom's Keep! I'm King Phantom, recently crowned fifteen year old, and this is the Infinite Realms! The birth and ending of the multiverse afterlife! Now don't worry none of you are dead or anything like that. I summoned you all here for one reason and one reason only..."
Here Danny paused, just to troll a tiny bit, and could see some of the more tense heroes readying up for a fight or at least argue to let them go. He grinned though and then said.
"And thats.... TO HAVE FUN!"
After that he floated out of his throne and with a flourish in the air he waved his hands and his throne room changed with party decor all around. Tables off to the side appeared with food and drinks from well everywhere and anywhere the multiverse, balloons rose from the ground and floated upwards, streamers flew across above to attach themselves to the other sides, the castle lights shifted to a dim and music began playing from somewhere.
Danny grinned brightly down at them and their shocked faces. oh that's funny, thank goodness Tucker is recording this and Jazz is gonna scrapbook this party for him (she plans on making them for all the guests as a party gift later, you know to remember how fun the party was)
"Now all of you are stressed out teen heroes with a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders! Believe me, I know that feeling, been there done that still doing it even now! But! My advisor says this will be both fun for me and good for you guys to spend one whole weekend here to de-stress and have fun! I do have some ground rules though. One your timelines are in fact PAUSED, you don't have to worry about calling your parents or if you got mentors to let them know where you are at. Two you are all heroes here, many of you are from different worlds and if you are from the same world they already know or CAN be trusted with your real identities but you are NOT required to remove any masks or de-transform or anything like that, if you wish there are masks on that green table over there you can stick on if you want to keep your identities hidden and are spelled to stay on and fuzz the minds of anyone trying to remember your looks once its on, even if they catch a good look at you right now it'll fuzz their memories of you once the mask is on and even after the party don't worry we thought of the time. Three, boys and girls rooms will be at different wings within the Keep! Just ask any of the maid or butler ghosts that will be joining us shortly and they will guide you to the rooms! Fourthly! There are sparing rooms if you wanna test your strengths with others, I only ask please don't get too carried away. We are here to have fun not make enemies! and lastly PLEASE DO NOT try to leave the castle, we are in the very afterlife of the multiverse people, its like the ocean and even I find it hard to navigate it sometimes. Portals can open up to any and all worlds, different timelines, etc etc. I have key items here in the castle that can pinpoint YOUR timeline and world so when the party is over I can send you home no problem, so again please do not attempt to leave."
Danny paused to take a breath, okay ground rules set up and warnings given. He could see the absolute bewildered looks on all the heroes faces and held back a laugh. He smiled however when one of the teens, mask on his face already and dressed in green, yellow, and red asked 'Why?'
"Why? Well... I think its time us teens get to have some fun without worrying about the next big bad or world ending event. Even if just for a weekend, we do deserve a break. So... Lets have some fun for once!" Danny responded.
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autismswagsummit · 3 days
Round 1 Part 3
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Best Green Character Round 2-C
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bestqprshipbracket · 2 months
Best QPR Ship Group 1 Round 1
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purplegreenbracket · 2 years
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fictional-god-poll · 10 months
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I am also deeply sorry for this matchup
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lazywolfwiccan · 10 months
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Goten black arc au but is named xXGotenBlackXx, it's full of emo music and has early 2010 glitter emo deviantart stamps aesthetic
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
Sister "I became skilled at so many things just so I would still have value" Beatrice not having hobbies makes me feral. Camila has her music, Shannon had her art, Mary had her cooking, Lilith has her being-a-massive-bitch, and Beatrice is over there like "I have encyclopedic knowledge of the fighting styles of every woman in this convent, and also I have spreadsheets"
girl, ava shouldn't have to yeet herself into another dimension for you to realize you need a better work-life balance
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Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne vs. Act Your Age
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Again, you are voting for which episode is better. AKA, less terrible.
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Propaganda why Coriolanus Snow is insufferable:
On the one hand, this is genuinely a fascinating character explore that area of the world through. They didn’t have enough to eat elders, and it’s fun to see how that affects him (or not)
On the other. The fandom is so insufferable with this white guy. He’s not even that attraction quit saying that like it’s a good thing
Hurr durr, the girl I like runs away because I admitted to killing and then lied about it
the worst internal monologue. bigoted, classist , future fascist. like if patrick bateman was a 17 year old honors student that read too much thomas hobbes
Propaganda why Scott McCall is insufferable:
The town keeps being terrorized by monsters and he is too caught up in his teenage romance with the girl whose family kills werewolves like him to even care!
Guy gets turned into a werewolf and decides that the most important things to care about now are his newfound stardom in high school sports and his weird Romeo and Juliet relationship with the new girl, who happens to come from a family of werewolf hunters. Meanwhile everyone else is dealing with actual monsters and murder mysteries, and yet Scott still maintains his holier-than-thou attitude
he's literally the most uninteresting motherfucker I've ever laid eyes on. Stiles should've been the main character and everybody knows it.
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dc-megatournament · 1 year
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DC Mega Tournament
Round 2
Please vote for who you think would win between the 2 characters and not who you like more.
Links: Jaime Reyes, Alfred Pennyworth
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bestqprshipbracket · 2 months
Best QPR Ship Group 2 Round 1
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theturncoattournament · 2 months
Who is the best turncoat character? (Round 1)
A tournament for characters who change allegiances or had a redemption/corruption arc during their stories
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Michael- Michael's reveal at the end of s1 was shocking! Yet totally makes sense in retrospect. (Good on Eleanor for picking up on the foreshadowing.) But it is really telling how his experiment makes him start questioning everything he believes and eventually leading to a complete revolution of the afterlife! He went from loving the torture of humans to saving (some of) them from such existence. -- He's a demon who learned to be better! And became human through his connections with other people! Michael represents a lot of what the Good Place wanted to say about personhood.
Jinx- None submitted
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