#teen kindergarten
somethingis-missing · 5 months
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Teen Cindy. :D
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basilpaste · 15 days
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teen!punk felix is here perfectly on time! now if someone could point him in the direction of his girlfriend thatd be great.
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lynett3guyc0tt · 2 months
Today I woke up inspired!!!
"The robot hand"
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AND, Androids
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Inspired Characters
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SUGURU AS A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER 🔥🔥 he’d be so patient and gentle with the shy ones omdsss … 😭😭💖 i can totally see him staying behind at work to accompany the kids who havent got picked up yet he has my heart i love him ☹️☹️🙏💖
ALEXIS AKA @/KISSXCORE OUR BELOVED HAS WRITTEN TWO FICS ABT THIS AND I LOVE THEM BOTH <33333 he is such . a silly little loser. a whipped whipped man. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM ANON!!!!!!!! alexis’ fics in general are sooooo so good, pls do check them out!!!!!!!!!!!
but aaaaaa ….. yeah. he would be so so good with all the kids, especially the shy ones 🥺🥺🥺 he wants to bring them out of their shells a little but not too much, he thinks they’re perfect just the way they are!!! gojo would be a great kindergarten teacher too but i do think he’d be a little too pushy with the quiet ones LMAO….. not sugu though :33 he sits and reads with them very quietly during recess. never pushes them into speaking but gently encourages them to take up more space…. he’s just so gentle and soothing. i need him.
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star-stilinski · 25 days
because there's very few stiles writers on here, every time i post something and it geTS REBLOGGED BY ONE OF YOU GUYS I FEEL FAMOUS. like i post some crappy blurb about being hot for my boy and these fantastic writers who i literally wish i wrote like go on reblogging it and i have to act normal and not like stephen speilberg just complimented my directing. i dont know what to do with myself.
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wizardmaster94 · 3 months
every day i remember i am a teen wolf fan in this day and age
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noyzinerd · 2 years
The Sterek Timeline Between The Show And The Movie: Friends To Lovers, Single-Parent, Slowburn
My new headcanon is that Derek had Eli during his time in South America during the later seasons (like around s04-s06).
He wasn't exactly hiding Eli, it was just that no one in the pack bothered to ask and it never came up because Derek only saw the pack around that time when there was a crisis and no time to catch up.
At some point, years before the up-coming movie, the FBI are once again investigating a string of werewolf related murders in South America (that Derek was already investigating, as it involved pack networking and territories and alliances and all that werewolf diplomacy jazz he was looking into in s06) and Stiles and Derek's paths cross again.
So the two of them team up and have a little mini-adventure and Stiles finds out about Eli when he's about 4. Since the sting operation requires careful planning and gathering intel, Stiles ends up crashing at Derek's place for like a month as they work the case. Stiles gets to see how Derek lives and gets to learn more about his adorable son. His heart absolutely melts watching Derek do Dad things, like chasing down errant missing socks and arranging snacks into animal shapes and just being this soft, loving guy he never got to be back in Beacon Hills.
Meanwhile, Derek gets to see how great Stiles is with Eli. Stiles purposely over-exaggerates his already silly, fast-talking, flail-y nature and it's a big hit with the toddler. Futhermore, Stiles isn't afraid to make a fool of himself, so his silly sounds and voices and his ridiculous dancing have this unrestrained honesty that Derek (or anyone else, for that matter) could only ever dream to achieve.
When the mission is over and it's time for Stiles to leave, he instead takes a sabbatical to help with Eli while Derek cleans up pack business for a few days.
But then a few days turn into another week or two because Stiles should really stick around to make sure everything is truly resolved with the case. Got to make sure there aren't any loose ends.
A few weeks turns into a month, because, despite being there for two months, Stiles hasn't actually gotten the chance to see the sights and explore South America. Besides, the FBI won't contact him again until a new big case drops, so why not enjoy himself until then?
And eventually, Stiles just never leaves.
Of course, during this time Derek and Stiles grow closer and slowly get together.
All while the pack is none the wiser.
When the movie events roll around, I imagine everyone loses their mind about finding out that Derek had a kid.
By the time they call Stiles to tell him the mind-blowing news that Derek has a son, Stiles is just like, "Oh, Eli? Yeah, I've known for like 10 years...guess I forgot to tell anyone...whoops..."
(He also forgets to mention that they've been living together as a family for all of those 10 years too...double whoops...)
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c0nfettix · 1 year
kindergarten teen au or smth (I only have one image I swear I'll make more teen au drawings later 💀)
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Don't ask me why I chose to design him like this.
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❤️Theodore "Theo" Huxley is now open for interactions!
Alright, Theo. Go through it one more time. Phone? Check. Wallet? Check — if he needs it, he's not sure that he will but it's smart to be prepared. Keys? He doesn't need his keys, Felix should have his keys. He puts his keys in his pocket anyways.
What else, what else…
OH! Oh. Mask. He almost forgot about the mask. He scoops up his mask and carefully places it on his face. It's a little bit big and feels kind of weird on his nose, but it looks nice! It works well with his outfit and frankly, Theo thinks he looks rather spiffy all dressed up like this. He looks at himself in the mirror. Definitely spiffy.
What a lucky find his trousers were! And thrifting them made him feel good. It was always nice to use his own money to buy something — especially when that something was clearly well loved by someone before him. It makes him feel a bit more normal, he supposes. Like he's rightly part of something!
Right, he's ready to go. Now all that's left is to… get there. Wherever there is, exactly. The directions don't, ah, exactly make sense? But Felix had, apparently, made it there safe? So he was probably going to be fine. Theoretically. So long as he doesn't get himself turned around. And the thought of getting turned around certainly doesn't make him nervous. Not at all.
His (not!!!) worry turns out to be misplaced, though! He finds his way to the gala remarkably easily, in fact! Though... if you asked him, he's not sure he could explain what exactly he did to get there? He just manages it.
And now that he's here, it's really nothing like he was expecting. Calling it outside of reality didn't quite prepare him for the fact that it was... nothing. A white space that seemed to stretch on for forever even despite the fact that there were rooms. Which meant there should have been an end, right? Walls? It makes some sort of sense, maybe, if this really is what the invitation said it was.
Theo looks out at the sea of bodies. Some of the people here seem to be about his age. Some are a bit younger. Some are... much younger. He flinches at the sight of a face that looks much like his own, coated in blood. Kids with haunted looks in their eyes, just barely disguised under extravagant masks. He inhales, shaking off memories he'd gotten really good at handling. Because he's nearly an adult and can take care of himself.
His eyes finally catch on a familiar mask and he finds himself letting out a relieved sigh. He was more than a little bit worried that he'd have a hard time finding anyone he knew. It's not too full here, but there are enough people around that he's sure he'd end up dizzy if he tried to search for too terribly long.
"Lex!" Theo calls, making his way through the crowd and to his twin, "You look great!!!"
"And you," Felix retaliates, folding his arms over his chest, "Look like you ran your head under a humidifier. Honestly, Teddy, you've got to take better care of your hair."
He huffs, smoothing out his blouse. Not everyone had hair as good as Felix's! Especially not him! Theo's not exactly certain how it works out that way, but his hair has always been much frizzier than his brother's. He's tried just about everything under the sun to get it to lay straight, but it balloons up whenever he so much as looks at it wrong!
"It was better when I left." He defends weakly.
Felix raises an eyebrow. "Right."
"It was!!!"
"I believe you." He says, making absolutely no indication that he believes Theo even a little bit.
From one of the many pockets in his outfit, Felix produces a comb. Theo groans, but begrudgingly leans forward so he can whack at his hair with it. With a cup of cold water and a much too expensive comb, Felix makes quick work of the glorified ball of lint sitting on top of his head.
Jeez... you'd think he'd care less about appearance after all this time. But no, as rough around the edges as Lex likes to come off, he always makes sure he looks good. How much of that is to keep dirt from staining his clothes and blood from drying on his scalp, Theo won't ever know for sure. But his impression on people still obviously matters to him a lot — even if he's going for a different one now. And that presentation tends to still extend to Theo.
It's — maybe just a little — frustrating. Sometimes. A bit. But he can't be too annoyed because every time he gets a touch up from his brother, he does end up looking better. So when he turns his phone camera on to get a look at himself and his hair is smoother than it's been in weeks: he can't help but be as envious as he is grateful.
"Thanks, Lex." He says, deflating a bit.
Felix either doesn't notice or he pretends he doesn't (it's kind of hard to tell what he's thinking sometimes), and nods once, folding the comb and returning it to his pocket labyrinth.
"Not a problem." He responds, flicking his hand free of water. His nails are painted and he's wearing fingerless gloves, but none of that hides the bruises on his knuckles.
Theo flexes his own fingers. His hands cling to stains from gardening that no amount of washing can quite get rid of. His fingertips are calloused. But... his nails are clean. They aren't painted because he doesn't have blood dried under them to hide. His hands don't hurt to ball into fists for punches he'll never quite have it in him to throw.
"Well!" He claps his hands together, "I'm sure you've got things to do. Lilys to cling to, I won't keep you!"
And he revels, maybe just a bit, in the way that Felix lights up like a Christmas tree at the implication. He sputters, trying to find the words to defend himself, and quickly devolves into embarrassed muttering. Theo laughs and it does nothing to ease his brother's bashfulness, but it does wonders to brighten his own mood.
When Felix eventually rights himself, it's by covering his face with his hands for a long moment. He glares daggers at Theo, but there's no true fire behind it. Not anymore. "I do not cling to her."
"Sure you don't."
"I don't!" He barks out, voice just a bit shrill. "And even if I did, which I absolutely do not, I think I'd be well in my right to! We're dating. It's only natural."
"Teddy." He pleads.
Theo grins, drinking it in, "Yeah, Lex?"
"Urgh. Just... take care, why don't you? Go do whatever it is that you do at parties."
"I will!"
Theo admits that he doesn't have a lot of experience with fancy parties like this, but it's fun to tease Felix about it and this feels like the best escalation of that. Or... it does until he catches something juuuuust as he starts to walk away.
"Before I go, you should probably know that you've got lipstick on your teeth."
And he walks away before he has a chance to respond.
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Watching nostalgia content about being a teen in the 2000s like "haha yeah it was just like that" <- basing my experience off of osmosis from my older cousins and all the shows I watched at the time that took place in high school
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specterthief · 1 month
also for reference the "2020s anime girl" in that meme is like. actually supposed to be a <6 year old kid
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somethingis-missing · 4 months
Who's been kissing Cindy? 👀
Prob Lily or someone. (I haven't thought tht far lol)
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basilpaste · 13 days
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full disclosure: not actively opening him up for interactions yet. but go my teenpunk theo. i wanted to put him in a silly little outfit because its fun to contrast his design to felix. plus i need the people to know that his character design as it stands includes sideburns. thank you.
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crimeronan · 2 years
hunter discovers that there's a whole group of people who DIY their clothes and jewelry and jackets and shoes and then discovers that a huge part of this group's culture is Being Who You Want and Taking Ownership Of Your Body, and then luz is like, Frighteningly enthusiastic about the whole thing and really encouraging of both of them getting into it, and that's how luz and hunter become the spiky super punk teens who make little kids crow in adulation and normies cross the street. while their extremely chill mom is like, going to indie underground concerts with them and "testing" the mosh pits to "make sure they're safe." thanks for coming to my ted talk
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sapphireginger · 2 years
Sterek Week 2022
Regret. Nostalgia. Bittersweet. Longing.
Stiles has felt these in abundance since leaving Beacon Hills roughly ten years ago. He left with everything he held dear. Well almost everything. He left his heart behind, and he goes by the name Derek Hale.
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DAY #5: Canon Revisited
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humanmorph · 4 months
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You guys don't know how many pictures of geese I have on my phone just from living here for like 2 months. Maybe I'll get less enamoured with them over time but right now I still very much love to see little fuzzy birds & their hissing parents... & look they're co-parenting : )
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