#technique musicale
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basilepesso · 10 months ago
REM, Murmur and Carnival of Sorts, Live 1 983 (USA)
Absolument (le son du live 1 est moins bon que celui du 2).
Ca fait toujours bizarre de voir Stipe avec ses superbes cheveux...
Murmur est trĂšs particulier dans la discographie du groupe, production extrĂȘmement nette et sans fioritures, avec une basse qui sonne magnifiquement et est trĂšs audible, quasiment comme dans Violent Femmes.
Mike Mills est probablement un des meilleurs bassistes des 80's, sinon plus. Son jeu au médiator est ce qui donne ce son, en plus de la marque de sa basse.
Comme le dit ce remarquable texte anglais de Decade 7787, l'histoire de la production du disque est intéressante puisque le groupe a cessé la collaboration avec le 1er producteur, jugé trop perfectionniste.
Basile Pesso, 13 avril 2 024 avec le double live (Fb)
"On this date in 1983, R.E.M. released their debut studio album MURMUR, (April 12, 1983).
NOTE: The video here features RADIO FREE EUROPE from MURMUR and CARNIVAL OF SORTS (the third song on the band's 1982 debut EP Chronic Town)
40 years after its original release, MURMUR is still fascinating in its eerie sense of musical space.
Back in 1983, REM were most often compared to the Byrds, and thanks to Peter Buck's ringing guitar on songs like ‘Talk About The Passion’, ‘Catapult’, or ‘Sitting Still’, along with Michael Stipes' lead vocals over soaring harmonies, it was easy to see why.
But that was merely one influence, and a misleading one at that, because with no one source dominating, R.E.M. faintly recalled a host of mid-'60s L.A. bands from The Leaves to "underground” faves like Kaleidoscope, David Lindley's first band. R.E.M. might have thoroughly transformed their influences but the result sounded both familiar and wholly original.
Murmur's oddness was affecting because it wove itself around structures and riffs that sounded familiar – a strange system hum, for instance, winds itself up into the catchiest opener, RADIO FREE EUROPE.
In these efforts, Buck's guitar solos were capable of breaking through the mix and soaring, and any band that could come up with melodies this rich knew a thing or two about pop music.
The lyrics, however, were a flight of ideas from the mind of a meditative 23-year-old. Trying to unravel them, it still feels as though you're divining the deepest of riddles for meaning.
“Early sessions for the album with Stephen Hague, the synth-pop producer who later worked on New Order's True Faith, were quickly rejected, and American producers Mitch Easter and Don Dixon were brought in instead,” wrote Jude Rogers for Word in 2009.
“They seemed to understand that although REM had the rhythms of rock, the jangle of the Byrds and the raw grit of Gang Of Four in their belly, they also needed to create a sound-world of their own. Easter and Dixon brought in strange noises – bangs and bells — and recorded instruments at varying distances from the microphone, so you couldn't place where the ghostly figures were coming from.”
“At the album's centre point, like a pearl in an oyster, is a song that tells us as much about REM today as the REM that existed a quarter of a century ago. This is 'Perfect Circle', a masterpiece of simple melody and melancholy, and one of the few REM songs to be attributed mainly to the band's former drummer, Bill Berry, who also wrote most of 'Everybody Hurts'.”
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musitechnicformation · 1 month ago
DĂ©couvrez les meilleurs programmes de diplĂŽmes en ingĂ©nierie du son pour dĂ©marrer votre carriĂšre dans la production audio. Apprenez des techniques de studio, du design sonore, du mixage et du mastering. Que vous aspiriez Ă  travailler dans la production musicale, les bandes-son de films ou l’ingĂ©nierie du son en direct, ces diplĂŽmes offrent les compĂ©tences techniques et l'expĂ©rience pratique dont vous avez besoin. Commencez dĂšs aujourd'hui votre parcours pour devenir un ingĂ©nieur du son professionnel !
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lucdupuis · 1 year ago
Website: https://www.lucdupuis.org
Luc Dupuis, organiste et compositeur belge nĂ© en 1954, est reconnu pour son expertise dans la musique pour orgue, notamment les Ɠuvres de Widor et Handel. Professeur Ă©mĂ©rite au Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, Dupuis a grandement contribuĂ© au domaine musical avec ses mĂ©thodes d'enseignement innovantes et ses compositions. Ses offres incluent une gamme de symphonies pour orgue, de concertos et de matĂ©riaux pĂ©dagogiques, sĂ©duisant les amateurs et les musiciens professionnels. L'Ɠuvre de Dupuis se caractĂ©rise par un mĂ©lange de savoir-faire traditionnel et d'interprĂ©tation contemporaine, rendant ses compositions et transcriptions une ressource prĂ©cieuse pour les aficionados de la musique pour orgue.
Luc Dupuis, a distinguished Belgian organist and composer born in 1954, is renowned for his expertise in organ music, particularly the works of Widor and Handel. As a professor emeritus at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Dupuis has significantly contributed to the field of music through his innovative teaching methods and compositions. His offerings include a range of organ symphonies, concertos, and educational materials, appealing to both enthusiasts and professional musicians. Dupuis' work is characterized by a blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary interpretation, making his compositions and transcriptions a valuable resource for organ music aficionados.
Luc Dupuis, ein renommierter belgischer Organist und Komponist, geboren 1954, ist bekannt fĂŒr seine Expertise in Orgelmusik, insbesondere den Werken von Widor und HĂ€ndel. Als emeritierter Professor am Königlichen Konservatorium BrĂŒssel hat Dupuis einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum Musikbereich durch seine innovativen Lehrmethoden und Kompositionen geleistet. Sein Angebot umfasst eine Reihe von Orgelsymphonien, Konzerten und Bildungsmaterialien, die sowohl Enthusiasten als auch professionelle Musiker ansprechen. Dupuis' Werk zeichnet sich durch eine Mischung aus traditionellem Handwerk und zeitgenössischer Interpretation aus, was seine Kompositionen und Transkriptionen zu einer wertvollen Ressource fĂŒr Orgelmusikliebhaber macht.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090204940795
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-67JW0CTvn6Aw1zgde7T7g
Keywords: publications de musique pour orgue partitions de symphonies pour orgue concertos de handel pour orgue symphonies de widor matriaux dducation musicale techniques de composition pour orgue services de transcription musicale musique classique pour orgue compositions contemporaines pour orgue pdagogie de la musique pour orgue partitions de symphonie pour orgue transcription des concertos de handel ditions des symphonies de widor ressources denseignement musical arrangements de musique pour orgue publications de musique classique thorie de la musique pour orgue techniques de performance pour orgue services de composition musicale rpertoire de musique pour orgue partitions dorgue en ligne compositions pour orgue solo musique liturgique pour orgue partitions dorgue baroque musique sacre pour orgue partitions de bach pour orgue partitions romantiques pour orgue musique contemporaine dorgue compositions impressionnistes pour orgue partitions de musique religieuse pour orgue partitions de musique franaise pour orgue musique mditative pour orgue compositions virtuoses pour orgue partitions dorgue romantique musique festive pour orgue musique pour crmonie dorgue partitions dorgue de mariage compositions pour orgue moderne partitions dorgue solennelle musique dorgue contemporaine partitions de musique chorale pour orgue compositions pour orgue sacr partitions dorgue classique musique de chambre pour orgue partitions dorgue jazz compositions pour orgue lectrique musique pour orgue et orchestre partitions dorgue en rcital compositions dorgue romantique organ music publications symphony scores for organ handel organ concertos widor symphonies music education materials organ composition techniques musical transcription services classical organ music contemporary organ compositions organ music pedagogy organ symphony sheet music handel concertos transcription widor symphony editions music teaching resources organ music arrangement classical music publications organ music theory organ performance techniques music composition services organ music repertoire online organ sheet music solo organ compositions liturgical music for organ baroque organ sheet music sacred music for organ bach organ sheet music romantic organ sheet music contemporary organ music impressionistic organ compositions religious organ sheet music orgelmusik publikationen orgelsymphonie partituren hndel orgelkonzerte widor symphonien musikbildungsmaterialien orgelkompositionstechniken musikalische transkriptionsdienste klassische orgelmusik zeitgenssische orgelkompositionen orgelmusikpdagogik orgelsymphonie noten transkription von hndel konzerten widor symphonie ausgaben musikunterrichtsressourcen orgelmusikarrangement klassische musikpublikationen orgelmusiktheorie orgelperformanztechniken musikkompositionsdienste orgelmusikrepertoire online orgelnoten kompositionen fr soloorgel liturgische musik fr orgel barocke orgelnoten sakrale musik fr orgel bach orgelnoten romantische orgelnoten zeitgenssische orgelmusik impressionistische orgelkompositionen religise orgelnoten franzsische orgelmusiknoten meditative musik fr orgel virtuose orgelkompositionen festliche musik fr orgel orgelmusik fr zeremonien hochzeitsorgelnoten moderne orgelkompositionen orgelnoten fr feierliche anlsse chorale orgelnoten sakrale orgelkompositionen klassische orgelnoten kammermusik fr orgel jazz orgelnoten elektrische orgelkompositionen orgelmusik mit orchester orgelnoten fr konzerte romantische orgelkompositionen
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coovieilledentelle · 2 months ago
IntermĂšde musical
La Passacaille de Haendel-Halvorsen est une Ɠuvre dramatique et Ă©motionnelle qui explore les variations sur un thĂšme simple et rĂ©pĂ©titif. Initialement pour violon et alto, elle captive par son interaction complexe, oscillant entre intensitĂ© ardente et beautĂ© lyrique. Son attrait intemporel rĂ©side dans la façon dont elle met en valeur Ă  la fois la brillance technique et la profondeur de l'expression musicale. Voici un fragment pour bandonĂ©on et piano.
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flashbic · 6 months ago
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L'Ă©pisode 10 est en ligne!
Cette technique musicale, c'est non
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opera-ghosts · 23 days ago
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The Hawaiian Nightingale, also known as “Hawaiʻi's Songbird: Ululani Robertson (1890-1970):
Born in Honolulu on January 5, 1890 (approx.), Ululani McQuaid was the daughter of James H. McQuaid, an Englishman, and Kapulani Kalola Nahienaena Leinaholo Papaikaniau, a native Hawaiian and descendant of ali’i (Hawaiian royalty and nobility) from the islands of Maui and Hawaii. According to Ululani’s recollections, she was primarily raised by her grandmother and attended the Sacred Hearts Academy, a Catholic school which was popular among the Island’s wealthier residents. The school was staffed mostly by Belgian nuns and Ululani grew up speaking Hawaiian, French, and English.
There is little known about Ululani’s earliest years, beyond information given in interviews conducted later in her life. Even her exact year of birth remains unclear as there is no birth record available and various obituaries listed her as 75 or 80 in 1970. Musicologist Dale E. Hall, who published a brief biographical portrait of Ululani in his 1996 article Two Hawaiian Careers in Grand Opera, was able to locate the 1910 census records which indicated her age as 20, establishing her probable birth year as 1890. Hall also went so far as to contact the Sacred Hearts Academy which was unable to confirm any records of her attendance at the school.
Ululani married Alexander George Morison Robertson, a Hawaiian attorney and jurist, on May 29, 1907. After her wedding, she begins to appear in newspaper records as Mrs. A.G.M. Robertson, and her activities are more closely documented in the social columns. The earliest clippings found describe her as a hostess for celebrities and dignitaries visiting Honolulu and the Hawaiian Islands.
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It is likely that Ululani was introduced to singing by her grandmother who was a well-known Hawaiian chanter, and who probably instilled in her a deep reverence for the Hawaiian language and song traditions. In the early years of her marriage, Ululani began taking lessons with mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Mackall, one of Honolulu’s most noted voice teachers. Mackall helped to build Ululani’s knowledge of Western art music and develop her technique and repertoire.
Ululani’s first recorded recital appearance was in 1912 on a program featuring several of Mackall’s students. The next year, newspaper records give accounts of at least seven performances, both public and private. Ululani began incorporating musicales into the parties she hosted at her home.
Aside from her budding talent as a singer, Ululani was a noted hostess in Honolulu’s social circles. Both the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu’s largest and second largest news publications, praised the grandeur of events she hosted. An active member of her community, she was a member of the Morning Music Club and The Outdoor Circle, and was a founding officer of the Hawaiian Art Society.
As a result of Ululani’s talent, gracious personality, and social position, her popularity continued to increase between 1914 and 1920. She began appearing as a featured soloist with local churches and choral groups around Honolulu, receiving enthusiastic encores and splendid reviews from local newspapers.
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wo notable performances in 1918 solidified the young Ululani’s place in Hawaii’s musical community, the first being a solo recital given for the benefit of the Red Cross at Honolulu’s new Mission Memorial Hall, and the second a feature in a Hawaiian musical given by Prince Jonah KĆ«hiƍ KalanianaÊ»ole.
During World War I, the citizens of Hawaii did a great deal to support relief efforts, raising money and collecting clothing and food supplies. Ululani offered her talents as a singer, performing for events for Army and Navy groups stationed in the islands. Honolulu’s Ad Club sponsored a recital to benefit the American Red Cross on April 26, 1918 featuring Ululani Robertson (billed as Mrs. A.G.M. Robertson). Her program was a success, with nearly every seat filled. Encores included several Hawaiian songs, a tradition that the young singer would continue throughout her career. The concert was so well received that she was, from then on, known to the public as the “Hawaiian Nightingale.”
Later that year, with her notoriety as “Hawaii’s Nightingale,” Ululani was featured in a hookupu (traditional Hawaiian welcome ceremony for visiting nobles & dignitaries) given by Hawaii’s US Congressional delegate Prince Jonah KĆ«hiƍ KalanianaÊ»ole. The event was a welcome for US Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane. On this program, Ululani performed traditional Hawaiian songs accompanied by ukuleles and a glee club from the Kamehameha Schools. Through this event she displayed herself not only as a fine singer of western art music but of the traditional and popular music of Hawaii. Throughout her life, Ululani would maintain her passion for performing and preserving the music and language of Hawaii.
Ululani continued performing and studying with Elizabeth Mackall. Sometime in late 1919 or early 1920, Mackall moved to San Francisco, California to join the music faculty at Mills College. Ululani took an apartment in San Francisco, travelling from Hawaii for periods of study with Mackall until 1921.
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Having studied with Mackall for over a decade, in the spring of 1921, Ululani made the decision to seek a new teacher to further her musical accomplishments. Despite little connection to the musical world outside of Hawaii, she decided to seek an audition with Marcella Sembrich after reading an interview with the great prima donna in Mable Wangall’s 1899 book Stars of the Opera.
“When I went to New York I wanted to study with Madame Sembrich, not because someone had told me to go to her, but because I had read so much about this glorious woman. I had no letter of introduction to her. There was a long waiting list, so the secretary informed me.”
— Ululani Robertson, "Madame Butterfly Lauds Teacher, Mme. M. Sembrich." The Honolulu Advertiser. Page 27. January 20, 1935.
Having set her mind to meeting the renowned Sembrich, Ululani prepared to travel to New York. Her trip was hindered initially by a burglary at her San Francisco apartment and then when she contracted mumps on the long train ride. She arrived in New York City, but her prolonged illness delayed her seeking out Sembrich and caused her to miss Enrico Caruso’s final Metropolitan Opera performance, which she was to attend with fellow Hawaiian opera star tenor Tandy Mackenzie. After recovering, she began working to arrange her meeting with Madame Marcella Sembrich. After travelling five thousand miles and facing various trials and tribulations, her chance came on Easter Sunday of 1921.
Despite having no letter of introduction, the secretary spoke to Sembrich who decided to hear the singer and have a luncheon to discuss Ululani’s ambitions as a singer. Another interview recounts the audition with Sembrich:
“The studio accompanist, hard-working fellow, brought the song to a close with a resounding chord. Its soft, somewhat sad, melody had been strange to him, and its words stranger still, for it was a Hawaiian bit about the rain and a drenched flower. The singer, resting now by the piano, gathered herself together for the verdict. She had come five thousand miles from Honolulu to ask the great Marcella Sembrich to teach her. And Mme. Sembrich was before her now, about to decide. She speaks. “Where, my dear, did you come upon such – shall I say – Chinese-Italian? So was habe Ich nie vorher gehört.” (tr. from German: I have never heard this before”) The singer, for all the fact that this audition was for her a solemn affair, had to laugh. “That, Madame, was not Italian at all. It was Hawaiian.” “Ah so,” breathed the great teacher, “you come from those islands out there in the Pacific, to have Sembrich teach you? Well, we shall see!”
— from "Mrs. A.G.M Robertson Returns After Long Absence." The Honolulu Advertiser. Page 3. December 10, 1933.
Following her audition, Sembrich asked the young Ululani what she desired from a career in music. She boldly told Sembrich that she had no ambition for a career, only to perfect her voice and her art. Following her audition and interview, Sembrich sent Ululani off to await a decision. After three days passed, Sembrich contacted Ululani to accept her as a pupil, only on the condition that she pursue a career. She immediately took an apartment near Manhattan’s Bryant Park and set to study. Ululani and Sembrich worked well together and Ululani was soon fondly called Sembrich’s “little tropical flower.”
In the summer of 1921, Ululani travelled with her new teacher to “The Maples,” Sembrich’s Adirondack retreat in Lake Placid, New York. It was there that the only known photographs containing both Ululani Robertson and Marcella Sembrich in the same image were taken.
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“All pupils loved my teacher. It made no difference whether they were successes or failures, they never forgot her magnetic personality. I spent my first summer with Mme. Sembrich at her home in Lake Placid. She herself was a marvelous cook and she planned her menus each day. I remember a little squirrel who, each summer, came to the back kitchen door to be fed by Madame. I think he got his winter store of nuts from her. Like people, he never forgot the gracious woman.”
— Ululani Robertson "Madame Butterfly Lauds Teacher, Mme. M. Sembrich." The Honolulu Advertiser. Sunday, January 20, 1935.
For the next four years, Ululani alternated between periods of study in New York and trips to Honolulu to visit family and give performances. It is during these years that her billing for concerts now included the line “Artist Pupil of Mme. Sembrich.” Reviews praised her abilities and her fine coloratura voice. Ululani, much like her Sembrich, was also known to accompany herself for encores, playing the piano or ukulele.
Sembrich moved her Adirondack summer retreat to Bay View, an estate on the shores of Lake George, in the summer of 1922 and purchased the property the following winter. Ululani was among the first students, along with sopranos Dusolina Giannini and Queena Mario, to take lessons in Sembrich’s new teaching studio (today The Sembrich) which was completed 1924.
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Reviews indicate that Robertson showed great improvement in stage presence and the finer details of her artistry following only a year of study with Sembrich:
“Her dulcet tones, always so appealing to her many admirers, have developed a range, a power, a flexibility and a depth of feeling which have lifted her from the mere amateur class into that of the semi-professional, as all who hear her at her concert next Wednesday will agree. One year under the direction of such a noted singer has done so much for Mrs. Robertson, that one can have no doubt that in the next year’s work, which she is planning, she will easily reach the goal for which Madame Sembrich sets for her most promising pupils, a successful New York appearance.”
— from "Teacher Perpetuates Fame Through Pupils." The Honolulu Advertiser. Page 5. July 11, 1922.
Ululani returned to Lake George and New York City for extended periods of study alongside Sembrich’s students from the Curtis Institute and the Juilliard Graduate School, where she was director of the vocal programs. During her studies with Sembrich, Ululani began studying the roles of Mimi (La Bohùme) and Cio-Cio-san (Madama Butterfly) by Puccini. Sembrich worked with Ululani to refine her diction, stage presence, and musicality, preparing for for a grand debut. However, the New York City debut that was the standard for Sembrich’s pupils never came as was decided between singer and teacher that a trip abroad for European study was more advantageous than an expensive Aeolian Hall debut:
“Mme. Sembrich felt that I should have European study. So, with my husband’s approval, I sailed for Italy and studied with Professor Guisseppi Benvenuto. I had already had four years of study with Mme. Sembrich. But there were languages to be studied, stage deportment, and a repertoire to be built up. I also had a few lessons with Mascagni, author of the opera, Iris, which I was studying.”
— Ululani Robertson in “Island Hostess,” Paradise of the Pacific. Page 32. February 1953
One of Ululani’s final performances as a pupil of Sembrich was in September of 1925 in the Italian play “Scampolo.” The event was held in the studio of Lake George resident and Sembrich pupil Polly Hoopes on her estate Stillwater. Following her final summer in Lake George, Ululani set sail for Milan, Italy to further her studies in Europe.
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Following Sembrich’s advice, Ululani sought out several European teachers to help further her musical education, beginning in Milan, Italy.
While there, she took lessons with Giuseppe Benvenuto and Pietro Mascagni, studying roles from Puccini’s Madama Butterfly and La Bohùme, Mascagni’s Iris, andCharpantier’s Louise. Ululani then set her sights on France, particularly Paris, for further study. She continued her preparations for a European debut with pianist John Byrne. In 1926, she made her concert debut at the Salle Comedia in Paris and garnered positive reviews, particularly for her inclusion of several songs from Hawaii.
“Miss Ululani Robertson, who had chosen the Salle Comedia for her concert, possesses a very pretty soprano voice with exquisite crystalline notes. She knows how to sing, she sustains a note and reaches the pianissimo with undeniable art... Where she was quite remarkable was in some “Lieder” by Grieg; in “The Answer” by Terry, which she was obliged to repeat, and, above all, in some Hawaiian songs, to which she gave a really artistic expression. The “Na Lei O Hawaii” by King, won her a unanimous encore.”
— Louis Schneider in "The New York Herald," Paris. July 9, 1926
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Following her successful concert debut, Ululani began appearing for social club events and private salons in Paris. In April 1927, she made her operatic debut in the title role of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly in Bordeaux, France. Despite singing the role in Italian instead of French, which was customary in French opera houses, critics were enamored by her vocal ability and refined acting. Her debut was followed by 22 more performances of the role across the continent. Her career took her to Austria, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain where she appeared on stages in Deauville, Florence, Liùge, Leipzig, Lyons, Milan, Prague, Rouen, Vienna, and more. Billed as “Madame La Princesse Ululani,” news outlets praised her interpretation of the role, deeming her “an artist of unusual merit” and characterized her singing as “ravishing,” “charming,” and “superb.” Near the end of her tour, several news articles in Europe reported that Ululani would return to Honolulu to perform the role in 1928.
However, Ululani did not return to Honolulu and instead began study at the American Conservatory in Fountainbleau around 1928, coaching with pianist Camille Decreus, the long-time accompanist of the Polish Tenor (and friend of Sembrich) Jean de Reszke. During her studies, she continued to appear in concert and opera across the continent and her popularity in the European musical scene began to grow.
During this time in Europe, nationalism was a prevailing trend in the musical world. Folk songs, particularly those sung in original native languages, were garnering attention as the true expressions of national culture and identity. Ululani, being one of so few Hawaiian singers to achieve European fame, was made even more popular by her renditions of Hawaiian songs, her ukulele accompaniments, and her displays of Hawaiian dance for European audiences. Among the Hawaiian songs presented by Ululani was the popular song Na Lei O Hawaii by Hawaiian composer Charles E. King.
To date, no original recordings of Ululani’s singing have been located. The Victor Talking Machine Company has notes of two recordings recorded by Ululani in 1923, however, neither made it to publication. While Ululani was in Europe, another “Hawaiian Songbird,” named Lena Machado, began recording and popularizing the music of Hawaii in the United States. Machado’s 1928 recording of the work with traditional instrumental accompaniment is a definitive representation of the traditional Hawaiian vocal technique ha’i which is characterized by a distinct break between vocal registers and accompaniments.
Prior to her entrĂ©e to the European opera scene, Ululani was offered a position as a Hawaiian singer with a touring band. While she loved to sing the songs of Hawaii and perform the popular music for audiences, she still believed that the role of Butterfly best suited her. Although the operatic stage was her chosen home, Ululani did appear on several occasions performing popular Hawaiian music. One such instance was with a Hawaiian orchestra at the Colonial Exposition in Paris in 1931, which was broadcast on the radio and was heard by Ululani’s husband A.G.M. Robertson in San Francisco.
Ululani toured across Europe appearing as Madama Butterfly and occasionally in other roles such as Mimi in La Bohùme. Then in 1931, it was announced that Mme. Ululani was to appear for several performances of Madama Butterfly at Paris’ Opera Comique, one of the most celebrated European venues with perhaps the most discriminating audience. This was the first time a Hawaiian opera singer would appear on the stage of the famous opera house. The night of her debut, Madame Sembrich cabled her fondest congratulations. Ululani’s husband even travelled from Honolulu to see her take the stage in Paris.
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News of her lauded debut was announced in papers across the United States. Her achievements on the stage of the Opera Comique were the pinnacle of her international fame and solidified her place as one of the leading interpreters of Puccini’s Butterfly. The Parisian Critic Louis Schneider published this review of the Opera Comique performance in an unidentified Paris newspaper:
Louis Schneider, music critic, writes in a Paris newspaper

Madame Ululani sang “Madama Butterfly” at the Opera Comique, on Monday night. Her carriage and extreme grace give her an exacting possession of the role in which she proves the fullest depths of the character in her interpretation. Her voice, although not of great volume, is sufficiently ample for the role; and if, on entering the stage, she was overcome with emotion, she affirmed herself in the succeeding acts with charm and beauty of her voice, and the seizing tenderness of her intonation. She sang quite remarkably “Sur la mer calmes,” and also the Berceuse. Her success was decisive and mounted act by act.
– from an unidentified French publication. Translated and printed in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Page 26. January 2, 1932.
Despite her success on the stage in Paris, in 1932, Ululani stated that she was needed at home in Honolulu to take care of her husband, and thus made the decision to end her European career, having achieved the success she initially sought. She remained in Europe performing and exploring the continent with her husband until the latter half of 1933 when she began her journey home.
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On Thanksgiving Day of 1933, the Hawaiian Nightingale returned to Honolulu with her husband aboard the Lurline. Friends and acquaintances gathered at the port to welcome the newly minted international star home, showering her with flowers and leis. While she had ended her European career, Ululani continued to make appearances in Hawaii and rumors of a contract with the Civic Opera of Chicago and offers from New York managers abounded, but none proved true or of any interest to Ululani.
Upon her return to Honolulu, Ululani brought with her three Siamese cats she adopted while in Paris. The trio, Handsome, Poupoulle, and Big Boy, captured headlines and even won awards in the first official Honolulu cat show in 1935.
Ululani, like Sembrich, was a lover of nature and animals. In a 1953 interview, Ululani said:
“I am a great animal lover and I was always bringing home stray kittens to be cared for or little puppies who had no home. But I am especially fond of kittens.”
- from “Island Hostess” in Paradise of the Pacific. February, 1953.
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One of her first notable appearances upon her return to Honolulu was on an NBC live radio broadcast commemorating President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first year in office. Ululani was a featured soloist on this program. She performed a new composition by Charles E. King, dedicated to Mrs. Roosevelt, titled Makuahine O Ka Lahui.
Her debut with the Honolulu Symphony was initially scheduled for 1934, but was cancelled due to illness. Her debut with the Symphony finally came the next year when she appeared as a guest soloist, performing “Pleurez mes yeux” from Massenet’s Le Cid. Praise for her artistry was universal andthe only critique noted was “the aria was too short.” Ululani continued to appear in venues across the islands and was ubiquitous with Hawaiian musical life in Honolulu.
In 1936, Ululani was able to, once again, display her talents as both an operatic prima donna and a champion of the music and traditions of Hawaii. In March, she appeared in a Hawaiian pageant reenacting the High Chiefess Kapiolani’s defiance of the volcano goddess Pele. Ululani took the lead role as the High Chiefess and scored great success singing traditional Hawaiian songs and melodies.
About two weeks later, the Morning Music Club and the Honolulu Symphony announced that they would launch a joint production of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly with Ululani reprising her signature role. This proved to be a highly anticipated musical event in Honolulu as it was the first time the opera would be staged in Hawaii. American Tenor Frank Colson, who performed under the stage name Aroldo Collini, was brought to Hawaii from Los Angeles to star aside Ululani as Lt. Pinkerton. The opening of the opera was delayed by a day due to illness. The next night, the production opened and proved to be the musical event of the season, earning generous plaudits from the press. This was the last time Ululani appeared in her signature role on the operatic stage.
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“Outstanding in an evening of excellence was the lovely and meticulous singing of Mme. Ululani Robertson. Effective and convincing was her sympathetic portray of the fragile Japanese girl. Her singing was of a high order, her phrasing was that of an accomplished musician in full command of her role, and her high tones rang out with real splendor. Mme. Robertson was considerate of every meaning of her music, her sense of dramatic values is schooled as it is in thoughtful European teaching and direction. Butterfly delighted by approaching the music through intelligence. A broad vocal sweep was evident in Mme. Robertson’s singing and she shaded her songs according to the meaning of the words.”
— from "Local Opera is Hit with Mme. Robertson Star" by Edna B. Lawson. Honolulu Advertiser. May 15, 1936
Over the next decade, “Hawaii’s Songbird” gave recitals, hosted musicales, and quickly reentered the social circles of Honolulu, becoming involved with local clubs and social groups including the Morning Music Club, The Outdoor Circle, and the Civic Club. In 1938, she was elected President of the Morning Music Club and began publicly advocating for the preservation of the music and language of Hawaii through a Hawaiian School of Music and presenting entire programs featuring the songs of Hawaii. Ululani was also featured in a serial column in the Honolulu Advertiser titled, “How’s Your Hawaiian?”
In 1941, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Ululani once again became involved in relief efforts. Following the devastation from the bombing, Ululani opened her home to several displaced families. Gayle Andersen, who was 15 at the time, was one of those displaced. In a 2017 article, Anderson recalled:
“‘I was let loose,’ reminisced Andersen about her short but memorable time at the house. ‘I could go anywhere I wanted to during the day. Mrs. Robertson didn’t care, so I played up and down both sides of the bank [of the stream], and the stepping stones were [just] slightly in the water, so you could go across.’ Andersen remembers the formal dinners she enjoyed in the company of Robertson and the host’s regal appearance. She recalled the host’s elegant muumuus, trailed over her arms as she walked down the stairs. Andersen also remembers admiring Robertson’s old opera costumes. ‘She wanted me to take home some clothes. I was fifteen, but I [even though I] only weighed 115 pounds, I couldn’t fit any of them. I was too big!’ exclaimed Andersen.”
— from “World War II Survivor Visits HBA High School” by Kayci Kumashiro in Eagle Eye. Honolulu. January 3, 2017
Similar to her efforts during World War I, Ululani organized performances for troops stationed in Hawaii during the second World War. Through her involvement with the Hawaiian Civic Club she raised funds for the Red Cross and organized events for the sale of war bonds. She also chaired benefit events for the Civic Club and served a term as President of the organization.
Near the end of the war, in July 1945, fellow Sembrich student Dusolina Giannini visited Oahu to sing for members of the armed services stationed on the island. Giannini and Robertson had studied together under Madame Sembrich in New York City, Lake Placid, and Lake George. It is no surprise that Ululani insisted on hosting Giannini for her stay and, in elegant fashion, threw a grand reception for her friend and fellow artist.
Following the war, Ululani performed less frequently, instead focusing on her involvement with social clubs and organizations. In 1946, she was named to the board of Public Parks and Recreation in Honolulu and played a large role in the beautification of the city.
It is also suspected that during this time, her husband’s health was in decline. In 1947, A.G.M. Robertson passed away, leaving his estate to Ululani.
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In the final two decades of her life, Ululani rarely performed but stayed actively engaged in her community. In 1948, she remarried to Jan Jabulka, the managing editor of the Honolulu Advertiser. They held the event at Ululani’s home and her friends filled her home with flowers for the occasion. A small ceremony was held in the evening with the Nuuanu Valley as the backdrop.
In 1951, Jan Jabulka was named the Executive Director of the Hawaii Statehood Commission. The couple relocated to Washington D.C. and made their primary residence in the nation’s capital, working to secure statehood for the territory. Ululani anticipated that they would be away only three to four months. However, securing statehood for the Hawaiian Territory took nearly a decade. Reports of Ululani’s activities in Washington are scarce, but she does appear in attendance records for several events, occasionally singing by popular request. In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state in the Union and the Jabulkas’ time in Washington DC came to a close.
Following Hawaii’s battle for statehood, the Ululani and her husband returned to Honolulu. Ululani was pleased to return to her Honolulu estate following nearly a decade living in apartments and hotels in Washington, DC. Ululani spent the 1960s as a socialite, presiding as a patroness of numerous club events. She passed away at her home in 1970 at the age of 80.
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Following her death, Ululani’s estate home passed on to the heirs of her first husband and was eventually sold. The building still stands and is the administration building for the Hawaii Baptist Academy’s High School. Her second husband inherited her Tantalus mountain home and the rest of her estate. The majority of her belongings were sold at auction in 1971, aside from a few items that were bequeathed to family and friends. Her collection of ali’i jewelry was donated to the Bishop Museum and still remains in their collection. Honolulu’s Morning Music Club, of which Ululani was a dedicated member, established the Ululani Memorial Voice Competition, as a tribute to the late singer. A 1934 poem dedicated to the Hawaiian opera star by Maryjane Kulani F. Montano also appears in several publications:
Manu Memele (Original Hawaiian)
Hooheno i ka lai ehukai Lamalama po Mahealani Ko leo, e ka manu hulu Melemele Hoene malie i ka poli.
Mehe lehua pua kea a-la E haaheo maila i ka uka I po ke aha onaona Ko leo, e ka Manu Memele.
Yellow Bird (English Translation)
Bewitching the ocean spray’s fair clime, Brilliant as the full moon light, Your voice, O bird of yellow plumage Brings melody gently yo the breast
Like unti a pale yellow Lehua Proudly blooming at the uplands That pervadesits fragrant scent, Is your voice, O singing bird.
In 1980, following the death of Jan Jabulka, a gift of $1,000,000 was bequeathed to the Bishop Museum for the construction of a new open air entrance pavilion in honor of his late wife. The Jabulka Pavilion was completed in 1982 and continues to serve as the main entrance to the museum.
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lapetitemortarts · 10 months ago
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Vulcano. Red Studio Jordi Diaz AlamĂ , Granollers 1986,
Jordi Díaz Alamà, nacido en Granollers en 1986, es licenciado en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Barcelona. Se perfeccionó estudiando arte clåsico en escuelas internacionales, como la Academia de Arte de Florencia, donde adquirió conocimientos sobre las técnicas empleadas por los grandes artistas del siglo XIX. También tuvo el privilegio de formarse con maestros contemporåneos del realismo, como Guillermo Muñoz Vera, Odd Nerdrum y Antonio López. Aparte de su actividad artística personal, Alamà es también un consumado profesor que ha impartido clases en la Universitat de Belles Arts de Barcelona y fundó la Barcelona Academy of Art en 2013. A través de su enseñanza, se esfuerza por promover los métodos clåsicos del arte como una valiosa herramienta que ayuda en la interpretación y representación de temas de hoy en día. La obra personal de Alamà muestra un impresionante abanico de técnicas pictóricas que mezclan el realismo clåsico con la estética contemporånea, libre de cualquier manierismo estilístico. Sus series #ClåsicosDesollados y Red Studio, que combinan la pintura realista al óleo con toques abstractos, son exploraciones rompedoras de la intersección entre el arte clåsico y el moderno. Su proyecto expositivo Si Volse a Retro, creado en colaboración con el escultor polaco Grzegorz Gwiazda, reinterpreta la Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri y pone de relieve el compromiso del pintor con la figuración contemporånea.
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Alamà también ha trabajado en numerosos encargos, como la monumental obra La Creu del Jubileu para la Església dels Dolors de Vic. También fue seleccionado para retratar a la ganadora del Premio Cervantes 2022, Cristina Peri Rossi, y recientemente ha ilustrado portadas para varias novelas y ålbumes musicales. Las obras de Alamà figuran en las colecciones permanentes del MEAM y del Museo Can Framis de Barcelona, así como en colecciones privadas de Europa, Estados Unidos y Australia.
Jordi Diaz Alamà, born in Granollers in 1986, is a graduate of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona. He further improved his skills by studying classical art at international schools, including the Florence Academy of Art, where he gained insights into the techniques employed by the great artists of the 19th century. He also had the privilege of training under contemporary masters of realism, such as Guillermo Muñoz Vera, Odd Nerdrum, and Antonio López. Apart from his personal artistic pursuits, Alamà is also an accomplished teacher who has taught at the Universitat de Belles Arts de Barcelona and founded the Barcelona Academy of Art in 2013. Through his teaching, he endeavors to promote the classical methods of art as a valuable tool that aids in the interpretation and representation of modern-day themes.
Alamà’s personal artwork showcases an impressive array of pictorial techniques that blend classical realism with contemporary aesthetics, free from any stylistic mannerisms. His series #ClásicosDesollados and Red Studio, which combine realistic oil painting with abstract touches, are groundbreaking explorations of the intersection between classical and modern art. His exhibition project Si Volse a Retro, created in collaboration with the Polish sculptor Grzegorz Gwiazda, reinterprets Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy and highlights the painter’s commitment to contemporary figuration.
Alamà’s has also worked on numerous commissioned works, including the monumental piece La Creu del Jubileu for the EsglĂ©sia dels Dolors de Vic. He was also selected to portray the 2022 Cervantes Prize winner, Cristina Peri Rossi, and has recently illustrated covers for several novels and musical albums.
Alamà’s works are featured in the permanent collections of the MEAM and Can Framis Museum in Barcelona, as well as private collections in Europe, the United States, and Australia.
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jpbjazz · 6 months ago
NĂ© le 18 dĂ©cembre 1941 Ă  Leland, au Mississippi, Ishmael Wadada Leo Smith avait d’abord jouĂ© de la batterie, du mellophone (une sorte de cornet) et du cor français avant de passer Ă  la trompette. Enfant prodige, Smith a composĂ© sa premiĂšre piĂšce musicale Ă  l’ñge de douze ans. Durant ses Ă©tudes secondaires, Smith avait jouĂ© et occupĂ© le poste d’assistant-directeur des ensembles de cors et clairons de son high school sous la direction de Henderson Howard.
Smith avait reçu sa premiĂšre formation musicale de son beau-pĂšre, le compositeur et guitariste Alex “Little Bill” Wallace, un des pionniers de la guitare Ă©lectrique avec le groupe Delta Blues. À l’ñge de treize ans, Smith avait d’ailleurs commencĂ© Ă  jouer avec Delta Blues et d’autres groupes traditionnels locaux. Smith avait poursuivi sa formation musicale lors d’un sĂ©jour dans l’armĂ©e Ă  Fort Leonard Wood, au Missouri en 1963, puis Ă  la Sherwood School of Music de 1967 à 1969 et Ă  la Wesleyan University de 1975 à 1976 oĂč il avait dĂ©crochĂ© un diplĂŽme en ethnomusicologie.
AprĂšs avoir jouĂ© avec diffĂ©rents groupes de rhythm & blues, Smith Ă©tait devenu membre de l’Association for the Advancements of Creative Musicians (AACM) en 1967 avant de co-fonder la Creative Construction Company, un trio mettant en vedette le violoniste Leroy Jenkins et le saxophoniste Anthony Braxton. Dn 1971, Smith avait fondĂ© Kabell, sa propre maison de disques. Smith avait Ă©galement formĂ© un autre groupe appelĂ© New Dalta Ahkri avec des musiciens d’avant-garde comme Henry Threadgill, Anthony Davis et Oliver Lake.
Dans les annĂ©es 1970, Smith, tout en pousuivant ses Ă©tudes en ethnomusicologie Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Wesleyan avait continuĂ© de jouer avec Braxton. Il avait aussi enregistrĂ© avec la Derek Bailey's Company. 
Devenu Rastafarien au milieu des annĂ©es 1980, Smith avait commencĂ© Ă  utiliser le nom de Wadada. Également professeur, Smith avait enseignĂ© dans de nombreuses institutions scolaires au cours de sa carriĂšre, dont l’UniversitĂ© de New Haven (1975-76), le Creative Music Studio de Woodstock, dans l’État de New York (1975-78) et le Bard College (1987-93). À partir de 1994,  Smith avait enseignĂ© Ă  la Herb Alpert School of Music du California Institute of the Arts, oĂč il avait dirigĂ© le programme d’improvisation afro-amĂ©ricaine jusqu’à sa retraite en 2013.
MalgrĂ© sa retraite de l’enseignement, Smith avait continuĂ© d’animer des ateliers, des rĂ©sidences et des classes de maĂźtres dans des institutions comme l’UniversitĂ© Harvard, le New England Conservatory, la New School of Music, l’Ithaca College et la Georgetown Day School. Smith est Ă©galement l’auteur de plusieurs traitĂ©s musicaux, dont Source a New World Music: Creative Music, qui a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© au Japon en 1976 aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©e initialement par Kiom Press en 1973. PubliĂ©es d’abord en 1981, ses Notes (8 Pieces) ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©Ă©ditĂ©es dans une version Ă©largie en Italie en 2015. En 1996, Smith avait Ă©galement prĂ©sentĂ© une confĂ©rence Ă  Copenhague, au Danemark, sur le concept d’Ankhrasmation devant plusieurs artistes, scientifiques et philosophes. EnregistrĂ©e pour la tĂ©lĂ©vision danoise, son entrevue avait Ă©tĂ© tĂ©lĂ©diffusĂ©e en septembre 1996.
En plus de la trompette et du flugelhorn, Smith jouait de plusieurs instruments non occidentaux comme le koto, le kalimba et l’atenteben, une flĂ»te de banbou originaire du Ghana. Il enseignait Ă©galement des techniques de fabrication de certains instruments. TrĂšs intĂ©ressĂ© aux musiques du monde, Smith avait particuliĂšrement Ă©tudiĂ© les musiques africaines, japonaise, indonĂ©sienne, europĂ©ennes et amĂ©ricaine.
En 1998, Smith et le guitariste Henry Kaiser avaient publiĂ© Yo, Miles!, un hommage aux compositions les moins connues de la pĂ©riode Ă©lectrique de Miles Davis. Dans le cadre de cet album, Smith, Kaiser et les autres membres du groupe avaient enregistrĂ© leurs propres versions de classiques de Davis ainsi que des compositions originales inspirĂ©es de l’oeuvre du trompettiste.  Si les albums suivants de Smith, Sky Garden (2004) et Upriver (2005) avaient Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©s avec un autre groupe de musiciens, Michael Manring était toujours le bassiste de la formation. Smith avait Ă©galement publiĂ© plusieurs albums avec son Golden Quartet composĂ© Ă  l’origine d’Anthony Davis aux claviers, de Malachi Favors Ă  la contrebasse et de Jack DeJohnette à la batterie. AprĂšs plusieurs changements de personnel, l’alignement permanent du groupe est maintenant formĂ© de Davis au piano, de John Lindberg à la contrebasse et de Pheeroan akLaff à la batterie.
Dans les annĂ©es 2000, Smith avait enregistrĂ© pour la compagnie de disques Tzadik de John Zorn, ainsi que pour Pi Recordings. En 2008, Smith avait enregistrĂ© avec son quartet un DVD intitulĂ© Freedom Now. RĂ©sident de New Haven, au Connecticut, durant plusieurs annĂ©es, Smith a contribuĂ© Ă  y dĂ©velopper un environnement propice au dĂ©veloppement de la musique crĂ©ative, un concept basĂ© sur l’harmonie spirituelle et l’unification des cultures Ă  travers le monde.
Dans ses compositions, Smith utilisait souvent un systĂšme de notation graphique qu’il appelait "Ankhrasmation" et qu’il avait dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  partir de 1965. Smith avait utilisĂ© ce concept pour la premiĂšre fois en 1967 dans le cadre de l’album ‘’The Bell: Three Compositions of New Jazz’’ d’Anthony Braxton. Le concept d’Ankhrasmation avait jouĂ© un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant dans le dĂ©veloppement de Smith comme artiste, chef d’orchestre et Ă©ducateur.
Les concepts musicaux d’Ankhrasmation ont Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©s dans des musĂ©es amĂ©ricains majeurs comme The Renaissance Society de l’UniversitĂ© de Chicago qui avait prĂ©sentĂ© en octobre 2015 la premiĂšre exposition de ces langages musicaux. En 2016, le Hammer Museum a prĂ©sentĂ© une exposition intitulĂ©e Made in L.A. mettant en vedette les compositions de Smith et lui avait dĂ©cernĂ© un Mohn Award for Career Achievement en guise de reconnaissance pour son talent et sa rĂ©silience. Les compositions de Smith ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es au Kalamazoo Institute of Arts au Michigan, Ă  la Kadist Art Foundation de San Francisco, au Museum of Rhythm ƁódĆș, en Pologne, et Ă  la Clemente Gallery de New York.
LaurĂ©at de nombreux prix, Smith a notamment remportĂ© en 2008 un FONT (Festival of New Trumpet) Award of Recognition. Il a aussi étĂ© finaliste en 2013 pour un prix Pulitzer pour l’album Ten Freedom Summers, une collection de compositions regroupĂ©e dans un coffret de 4 CD inspirĂ© du mouvement des droits civiques. L’album s’était mĂ©ritĂ© plusieurs honneurs, dont un MAP Fund Award (2011), un Chamber Music America New Works Grant (2010) et un National Endowment for the Arts Recording Grant (2010). L’oeuvre Ă©tait commanditĂ©e par la James Irvine Foundation, la Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation et de la John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship (2009-2010). 
Élu compositeur de l’annĂ©e par le magazine Down Beat en 2013, Smith avait remportĂ© trois ans plus tard un Doris Duke Artist Award et un doctorat honorifique de l’UniversitĂ© CalArts. En 2018, l’American Academy of Religion avait aussi dĂ©cernĂ© Ă  Smith un Religion and The Arts Award. L’annĂ©e suivante, Smith s’était Ă©galement mĂ©ritĂ© la UCLA Medal, le plus important honneur pouvant ĂȘtre dĂ©cernĂ© par l’UniversitĂ© de Californie Ă  Los Angeles. La Jazz Journalists Association a accordĂ© plusieurs honneurs Ă  Smith, dont celui de musicien de l’annĂ©e en 2013 et de duo de l’annĂ©e (pour sa collaboration avec le pianiste Vijay Iyer), de compositeur de l’annĂ©e en 2015 et de trompettiste de l’annĂ©e en 2017 et 2022. En 2022, Smith avait Ă©galement remporté le Vision Festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Il avait aussi obtenu trois bourses du National Endowment for the Arts (en 1972, 1974 et 1981).
Smith a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©lu compagnon de plusieurs institutions comme l’Atlantic Center for the Arts (2001), la Civitela Foundation (2003), la Jurassic Foundation (2008), la United States Artists en 2021 et la  Yale Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity and Transnational Migration (RITM) en 2022. Smith a aussi reçu plusieurs commandes du Los Angeles Philharmonic. L’album de Smith ‘’America’s National Parks’’ avait Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ© comme un des meilleurs albums de 2016 par le New York Times, le NPR Jazz Critics Poll et le magazine The Wire. L’album a aussi Ă©tĂ© choisi album de l’annĂ©e dans le cadre du 65e sondage des critiques du magazine Down Beat. Smith avait d’ailleurs fait la couverture du magazine Ă  deux reprises: en novembre 2016 et en aoĂ»t 2017. Smith a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©lu artiste de l’annĂ©e par le sondage des critiques du magazine Jazz Times en 2016.
En plus d’avoir Ă©tĂ© interprĂ©tĂ©es par le groupe de Smith, le Nda-Kulture Ensemble, les compositions du trompettiste ont Ă©tĂ© interprĂ©tĂ©es par plusieurs groupes de musique contemporaine dont le RedKoral Quartet, l’Orkiestra Symfoniczna NFM (de Wroclaw, en Pologne), l’AACM-Orchestra, le Kronos Quartet, la Da Capo Chamber Players, le New Century Players, le LA Phil New Music Group, la Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, la San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, la Contemporary Chamber Players de l’UniversitĂ© de Chicago, le S.E.M. Ensemble, le Southwest Chamber Music, le Del Sol String Quartet, le New York New Music Ensemble et le California E.A.R. Unit. 
Durant plus de deux dĂ©cennies, Smith avait Ă©galement Ă©crit de la musique pour de nombreux groupes, y compris des oeuvres de longue durĂ©e qui prenaient quelques jours pour ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ©es en entier, comme ‘’Ten Freedom Summers’’ (2011, RedCat, Los Angeles), et “Tabligh” pour double ensemble (Golden Quartet and Classical Persian ensemble Ă  Merkin Concert Hall, Ă  New York, en 2006) (Golden Quartet and Suleyman Erguner’s Classical Turkish ensemble (Akbank Music Festival Ă  Istanbul en 2007). La composition la plus imposante de Smith intitulĂ©e “Odwira” avait Ă©tĂ© Ă©crite pour un grand total de douze orchestres et avait Ă©tĂ© interprĂ©tĂ©e au California Institute of the Arts en mars 1995. Les oeuvres pour piano solo de Smith ont Ă©tĂ© interprĂ©tĂ©es par de nombreux artistes, dont Ursula Opens, Marilyn Crispell, Mr. David Rosenboom and Ms. Vickie Ray. Smith a Ă©galement composĂ© pour des ensembles de musique classique.
Reconnu à la fois comme trompettiste, multi-instrumentiste, compositeur et improvisateur, Smith a collaboré avec plusieurs sommités du jazz au cours de sa carriÚre, dont Anthony Braxton, Leroy Jenkins, Roscoe Mitchell, Henry Threadgill, Lester Bowie, Joseph Jarman, Cecil Taylor, Steve McCall, Anthony Davis, Carla Bley, Don Cherry, Jeanne Lee, Tadao Sawai, Muhal Richard Abrams, Ed Blackwell, Kazuko Shiraishi, Han Bennink, Marion Brown, Charlie Haden, Malachi Favors Magoustous, Jack DeJohnette, Vijay Iyer, Ikue Mori, Min Xiao Fen, Bill Laswell, John Zorn, Ronald Shannon Jackson et Frank Lowe. Smith a enregistré plus de cent albums comme leader ou co-leader au cours de sa carriÚre. Parmi ses plus récentes parutions, on remarque Wadada Leo Smith String Quartets Nos. 1-12 (2022) et The Emerald Duets (avec Pheeroan akLaff, Andrew Cyrille, Han Bennink et Jack DeJohnette également en 2022)
©-2024, tous droits rĂ©servĂ©s, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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dancetv · 9 months ago
Synopsis : Thelma, un modeste poney, rĂȘve de devenir une star musicale mondiale. Par un coup du sort, elle se transforme en licorne et devient instantanĂ©ment une cĂ©lĂ©britĂ© planĂ©taire. Cependant, Thelma dĂ©couvre rapidement que la cĂ©lĂ©britĂ© comporte des dĂ©fis inattendus qui mettent Ă  l'Ă©preuve son identitĂ© et ses valeurs. Entre les feux de la rampe et les dilemmes personnels, Thelma doit naviguer dans ce nouveau monde Ă©tincelant tout en restant fidĂšle Ă  elle-mĂȘme. FICHE TECHNIQUE Titre original : Thelma the Unicorn Genres : Animation, ComĂ©die, Fantastique, Jeunesse Pays d'origine :  Canada, États-Unis DurĂ©e : 1 h 33 min Date de sortie (Canada, États-Unis) : 17 mai 2024 Date de sortie (France) : 17 mai 2024 RĂ©alisateurs :  Jared Hess, Lynn Wang ScĂ©naristes :  Jared Hess, Jerusha Hess Producteurs :  Dana Lynn Bennett Cooney, Aaron Blabey, Pam Coats, Patrick Hughes Distributeur :  Netflix CASTING DE THELMA LA LICORNE Brittany Howard Thelma Will Forte Otis Jon Heder Reggie Daran Norris Stable Hand Bande-Annonce : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUwYvwi3bDQ
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basilepesso · 10 months ago
Supergrass, Mary, 1 999
Cette remarquable chanson, que j'ai pourtant toujours trouvĂ©e ennuyeuse tant elle Ă©tait en-dessous du Supergrass du chef d'oeuvre I Should Coco (1 995), et tant le niveau baissait de disque en disque, a des spĂ©cificitĂ©s rares. Je ne demande pas lesquelles car personne ne participe jamais Ă  mes jeux ici, je vais donc expliquer. C'est une chanson sans refrain (le refrain est remplacĂ© par des choeurs qui pourraient ĂȘtre un pont ou break), et la phrase de guitare qui apparaĂźt quasiment dĂšs le dĂ©but et qui est plus tard dĂ©clinĂ©e en solo est placĂ©e trĂšs tĂŽt dans la chanson, ce qui fait quasiment un solo en dĂ©but de chanson, autre fait rarissime. A noter le choix de Gaz de passer par une fausse note qu'il dĂ©vie rapidement en glissĂ©. On retrouve une autre chanson de Supergrass dans mon roman en 3 langues en cours de recherche d'Ă©diteurs - j'ai stoppĂ© les envois et appels il y a 2 mois pour les raisons largement Ă©talĂ©es ici, mais recommencerai dans quelques temps... Basile Pesso, 3 avril 2 024 (Fb, avec le live studio)
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musitechnicformation · 1 month ago
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DĂ©couvrez les meilleurs programmes de diplĂŽmes en ingĂ©nierie du son pour dĂ©marrer votre carriĂšre dans la production audio. Apprenez des techniques de studio, du design sonore, du mixage et du mastering. Que vous aspiriez Ă  travailler dans la production musicale, les bandes-son de films ou l’ingĂ©nierie du son en direct, ces diplĂŽmes offrent les compĂ©tences techniques et l'expĂ©rience pratique dont vous avez besoin. Commencez dĂšs aujourd'hui votre parcours pour devenir un ingĂ©nieur du son professionnel !
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elizabethplaid · 1 year ago
Tagelharpa Gran Bassa - A throat singing tagelharpa -- Ebanisteria Musicale C.M. Ferrari
Tagelharpa Gran Bassa - Short video to introduce the last arrival in the family. The Tagelharpa Gran Bassa is a huge tagelharpa, studied, designed and made to express at her best the power of her low, very dark and intense sound, inspired by the ancient throat singing techniques. We really hope you'll like her voice :) Our website: www.camillamargheritaferrari.it
I am a sucker for instruments with drone tones and/or sympathetic strings. (She's bowing both strings in this case, but it's the extra resonance in both things that I really love.) Definitely a good mood-music piece, being stark but also driving, with its steady drone and beat.
Each draw of the bow feels like a long-sustained breath, like on wind instruments. That she rocks as she bows further adds to the breath = bow-stroke illusion for me.
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starmaniamania · 1 year ago
I translated (roughly) a "Les Echos" (business publication) Oct 2022 article about the spiralling costs of the 2022 production. Full original and abridged translation under the cut.
Salient points:
The show cost €7m to create, excluding running/touring costs, while a typical Broadway-type musical in France is 1.5m and a big "French-type" musical around 5m. (I think the final amount I heard was closer to €12.5m but maybe that included other costs.)
Vuitton donated the costumes, which would have cost too much otherwise
Delays (covid & related shortages) and inflation (fuel, hotel rooms...) drove up costs
They see the investment as a worthy one bc they're aiming for an Asian/international tour eventually
The goal was to bring a younger audience to the show so it would be passed down to a new generation and they'd "need a new production in 2045"
« Starmania » : la difficile gestation d'une comédie musicale hors normes - Martine Robert, Les Echos, Oct 4, 2022
L'opéra-rock mythique revient à Paris à partir du 8 novembre à La Seine Musicale.
Fimalac Entertainment n'a pas lésiné sur les moyens avec Thomas Jolly à la mise en scÚne, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui à la chorégraphie et Nicolas GhesquiÚre aux costumes.
A Nice les 7 et 8 octobre, à Marseille les 14 et 15, à Nancy les 21 et 22, des milliers de privilégiés pourront découvrir la derniÚre version de « Starmania » . Le célÚbre opéra-rock créé par Michel Berger et Luc Plamondon il y a plus de quarante ans investira ensuite Paris, du 8 novembre au 29 janvier, à La Seine Musicale, avant une tournée dans les plus grandes villes de France, Belgique et Suisse. Un énorme pari pour Fimalac Entertainment, d'autant plus que les coûts de cette superproduction ont explosé à cause du Covid puis de la guerre en Ukraine.
ProgrammĂ© initialement fin 2020, le show a Ă©tĂ© reportĂ© Ă  deux reprises. « La billetterie Ă©tait trĂšs forte en 2020 avec 100.000 tickets vendus Ă  rembourser. Il y a eu un premier report, rebelote, puis un second au printemps 2021. Les rĂ©servations sont Ă  80.000 billets mais nous espĂ©rons en commercialiser 120.000 Ă  150.000 pour l'Ă©tape parisienne, et 315.000 avec la tournĂ©e » , expliquent AurĂ©lien Binder, directeur gĂ©nĂ©ral de Fimalac Entertainment, et Thierry Suc, Ă  la tĂȘte de TS3, la sociĂ©tĂ© qui produit, entre autres, les spectacles grandioses de MylĂšne Farmer. La facture, hors contrat de location de La Seine Musicale et hors coĂ»t du plateau, s'Ă©lĂšve dĂ©jĂ  Ă  7 millions d'euros.
En comparaison, la plupart des « musicals » de type Broadway proposés par Jean-Luc Choplin quand il était aux commandes du Chùtelet représentaient un coût de 1 à 1,5 million d'euros, et les grandes fresques musicales données au Palais des Sports/DÎme de Paris sont de l'ordre des 5 millions d'euros.
Il faut dire que les producteurs n'ont pas non plus bridé Thomas Jolly, qui signe la mise en scÚne. Le jeune prodige en charge de la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 voit large comme en témoignent ses créations, notamment pour le Festival d'Avignon. Son « Starmania » ne lésine pas sur la robotisation, la vidéo...
Casting Ă  refaire
Les moyens techniques sont tels qu'il a fallu construire une scÚne spéciale qui viendra se poser dans les différents sites de la tournée : « 45 tonnes de matériel accroché, c'est plus lourd qu'un spectacle de Johnny ! » , reconnaßt Thierry Suc.
Dans cette aventure hors norme sont également embarqués le chorégraphe belge de renommée internationale Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui et le directeur artistique de Louis Vuitton, Nicolas GhesquiÚre, à qui l'on doit la centaine de costumes de la comédie musicale : ce dernier a été recommandé par les graphistes M/M, qui ont collaboré avec Björk et avec le Musée d'Orsay, chargés quant à eux de l'identité visuelle de « Starmania » .
La marque de luxe du groupe LVMH (également propriétaire des « Echos ») met gracieusement ces piÚces exceptionnelles à disposition. « Si nous avions dû les payer, cela n'aurait pas été possible » , confie Thierry Suc. Enfin, les décors ont été fabriqués par Artefact à Avignon, qui travaille pour beaucoup d'opéras et pour MylÚne Farmer.
Cinq semaines de répétitions
D'autres postes ont flambé. « Nous avons par exemple perdu les 600.000 euros de notre campagne de publicité de 2020 et réalisé un casting pour rien, les artistes ayant eu d'autres engagements en trois ans. Sans parler de l'inflation des prix des chambres d'hÎtels, une fois et demie plus chÚres, des coûts du diesel pour les 19 semi-remorques nécessaires, du manque de techniciens qui a fait grimper leurs tarifs... » , déplorent les producteurs, heureusement soutenus par le propriétaire de Fimalac Entertainment, Marc Ladreit de LacharriÚre.
En outre, les cinq semaines de répétitions, toujours en cours, ont dû se dérouler au Palais Nikaïa de Nice, qu'il a fallu louer. « Cela a été trÚs compliqué de trouver un lieu disponible avec la reprise des spectacles alors que nous détenons plusieurs théùtres à Paris et exploitons 25 salles en France de type Zénith » , souligne encore Aurélien Binder.
Une Ă©quipe de 120 personnes
Et pour ajouter quelques sueurs froides, l'approvisionnement en petites piĂšces Ă©lectroniques, ces semi-conducteurs en provenance d'Asie, nĂ©cessaires au fonctionnement des tĂ©lĂ©commandes des consoles son, lumiĂšre, et des matĂ©riels de scĂšne, sont arrivĂ©s avec retard du fait des pĂ©nuries. Mais les quelque 120 personnes nĂ©cessaires Ă  la production de ce show dont 35 artistes sur scĂšne, sont enfin prĂȘts Ă  jouer, et Ă  allonger le palmarĂšs de cette oeuvre futuriste, vue dĂ©jĂ  par plus de 6 millions de spectateurs fredonnant des tubes incontournables : « Les uns contre les autres », « SOS d'un terrien en dĂ©tresse », « Quand on arrive en ville », « Le Blues du Businessman », « Le Monde est stone », « Besoin d'amour », etc.
Inconditionnel de l'oeuvre, Marc Ladreit de LacharriÚre espÚre jouer à guichets fermés malgré le contexte économique et exporter « Starmania » jusqu'en Asie. « TrÚs peu de comédies musicales françaises y sont parvenues, comme 'Notre-Dame de Paris' de notre ami Luc Plamondon. Ce défi justifie qu'on y consacre des moyens considérables. » Toucher un public beaucoup plus jeune permettrait de continuer la transmission. « De sorte qu'en 2045, il faudrait réaliser une nouvelle version pour une autre génération » , ironise-t-il.
Starmania : the birthing troubles of an extraordinary musical
The legendary rock-opera will be back in Paris from Nov 8 (2022) at the Seine Musicale
Fimalac Entertainment spared no expenses, with Thomas Jolly directing, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui as choreographer, and Nicolas GhesquiĂšre designing the wardrobe.
Thousands of lucky theatre goers will be able to discover the latest version of Starmania in Nice, Marseille and Nancy. The famous rock-opera will then move into the Seine Musicale in Paris for 3 months, before touring France, Belgique and Switzerland’s largest cities. Fimalac Entertainment is betting big, even bigger than expected as the costs of the blockbuster have ballooned, first due to Covid and then to the war in Ukraine.
Initially scheduled for 2020, the show had to be postponed twice. « Box office was very strong in 2020, and we had to refund 100,000 tickets. There was a first postponement, then a second one in the Spring of 2021. We’ve sold 80,000 tickets but hope to sell 120 to 150,000 in Paris, and 315,000 on tour, » explain AurĂ©lien Binder, Fimalac Entertainment’s CEO, and Thierry Suc, owner of TS3, the production company for MylĂšne Farmer’s shows, amongst others. The bill, not counting the rental fees for the Seine Musicale or external expenses, has reached €7m already.
As a point of comparison, most Broadway-like musicals which Jean-Luc Choplin put on as director of the Chñtelet theatre cost 1 to 1.5 million Euros, and the giant shows which play at the Palais des Sports/Dîme de Paris around €5m.
It must be said that the producers did not reign in Thomas Jolly, who is directing. The young prodigy, who will art direct the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremonie, has an ambitious vision. His Starmania lavishly utilizes robotisation, video etc.
The show requires such technical means that a custom stage had to be built, which will be set up in the tour’s various venues. «  With 45 tons of hanging material, it’s heavier than a Johnny Hallyday show, » concedes Thierre Suc.
Luxury group LVMH graciously donated the costumes. « If we’d had to pay for them, it would have been impossible, » admits Thierry Suc.
Other budget lines have skyrocketed, too. « We lost the 600,000€ of the 2020 advertising campaign, and went through a whole casting process for nothing, as artists were then hired elsewhere over the three years' delay. Plus there's inflation, which is making hotel rooms 1.5x more expensive, raising the cost of diesel for the 19 semis we need, and a shortage of techs which is driving up their prices  »
On top of that, the last 5 weeks of rehearsals had to take place in Nice, at the Palais Nikaïa, which had to be leased. « It was very hard to find an available venue, with all the shows starting up again, even though we own several Parisian theatres and manage 25 Zenith venues throughout France, » explains Aurélien Binder.
To make matters worse, the supply of Asian-made electronics needed for sound and light setups and other stage equipment was disrupted due to shortages.
But the 120 people needed to put on the show, including 35 artists on stage, are finally ready to go and grow the list of the futuristic work’s accomplishments. It has been seen by 6m people over its lifetime. [
As a die-hard fan of the work, Marc Ladreit de LacharriĂšre hopes to sell out the show, despite the current economic context, and to export Starmania as far as Asia. « A select few French musicals have made it there, like our friend Luc Plamondon’s NDDP. This challenge merits investing considerable sums. »
Finding a younger audience would also allow a continued transmission, « so that in 2045, we’d need a new version, for a new generation. »
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disparate-gallery · 2 years ago
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« de l'ignorantsia » Exposition de Bonzi Wells (LPM) www.lpm-art.com instagram.com/lpm_arts Vernissage le vendredi 26 mai Exposition du vendredi 26 mai au jeudi 22 juin _ Bonzi Wells est l’un des multiples noms d’emprunt rĂ©unis au sein de LPM, un projet polymorphe dĂ©diĂ© aux expĂ©rimentations graphiques et musicales. « de l'ignorantsia » prĂ©sente une sĂ©rie de travaux visuels rĂ©alisĂ©s lors de rĂ©sidences informelles au Myanmar et aux Açores, en pleine crise sanitaire, puis en itinĂ©rance aux quatre coins de la France. Parfois naĂŻf et bancal, parfois tranchant et mĂ©ticuleux, le travail de Wells innerve nos cartographies mentales de nouveaux Ăźlots de possibles. Ses explorations plastiques, rĂ©alisĂ©es en techniques mixtes, cherchent Ă  stimuler notre habiletĂ© Ă  briser les chaĂźnes d’un conditionnement politique intrusif et aliĂ©nant. « Balayer, dans un magma burlesque, le sentiment d’impuissance face Ă  la gravitĂ© des enjeux socio-politiques de notre Ă©poque. »
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emissionlabandeoriginale · 2 years ago
Altin GĂŒn - AƟk
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Altin GĂŒn est un exemple probant de metissage musical intelligent, d'hommage culturel vibrant sans bĂȘte copiage ni l'idĂ©e de faire du neuf avec du vieux ; le collectif d'Amsterdam a cette particularitĂ© dans le paysage alternatif de proposer un rock psychĂ© groovy voir funky Ă©rudit, technique trempĂ© dans les sonoritĂ©s traditionnelles turques dĂ©jĂ  exploitĂ©es sous le vernis d'un rock psychĂ©delique dans les annĂ©es 60-70, la recette ayant connu un certain succĂšs au pays via de grands noms comme Selda Bağcan, BariƟ Manço ou encore Erkin Koray.
Cet hĂ©ritage assez obscur dans nos contrĂ©es et mĂȘme dans une ville aussi cosmopolite qu'Amsterdam le groupe le doit au fondateur du groupe le bassiste Jasper Verhulst ancien musicien de Jacco Gardner qui est rentrĂ© transformĂ© et inspirĂ© de son voyage de tournĂ©e Ă  Istanbul en 2016 oĂč il a eu tout le temps de dĂ©couvrir puis de s'imprĂ©gner de cette culture musicale jusqu'Ă prĂšs son retour, ayant ensuite l'idĂ©e d'initier le projet Altin GĂŒn (Ăąge d'or en turque en rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  ce courant musical en vogue dans les 70's) rapidement rejoint par d'autres musiciens pour en arriver au sextet qu'ils sont aujour'hui.
4 albums plus loin et voici ce nouveau long format "AƟk" paru le 31 mars rendant Ă  nouveau honneur Ă  la folk-rock anatolienne de ce fameux Ăąge d'or et cet ensemble de terres allant de la MediterrannĂ©e Ă  la Mer Noire.
L'album a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© peu de temps avant les sĂ©ismes qui ont eu lieu en turquie il y a 1 mois de cela et a ainsi repoussĂ© la date de sortie pour ces raisons. On navigue durant ce receuil Ă  travers l'ADN du groupe, cette musique arabisante sortant de ces fondations psychĂ©dĂ©liques et au groove gĂ©nĂ©reux, chantĂ©es soit par la part fĂ©minine du groupe Merve DaƟdemir soit par son lead et fondateur Erdinç Ecevit Yıldız assurant Ă©galement le jeu au Bağlama, sorte de luth traditionnel donnant toute sa couleur au son du groupe. Pas de tube ou de morceau plus marquant que les autres contrairement au trĂšs disco-funk prĂ©cĂ©dent album avec des singles entĂȘtants comme YĂŒce Dağ BaƟinda ou Ordunun Dereleri. Non ici il s'agit avant tout d'un voyage cohĂ©rent aux belles ondes s'apprĂ©ciant comme un album de King Gizzard pĂ©riode microtonal en apprĂ©ciant la technicitĂ© et la spiritualitĂ© derriĂšre chaque suite d'accord, s'impregnant de notes et de chants auquels on a pas l'habitude en Europe, en se laissant porter par un sens du groove omniprĂ©sent avec en point d'orgue et tranchant avec le reste du rĂ©pertoire le trĂšs italo-disco Ă  la Moroder "Doktor Civanim".
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labobineblog · 2 years ago
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25 mars, 20h30 Bo'bal d'Ă©quinĂČx avec Les ZĂ©oles
Amélie Denarié au diatonique - Anne Guinot au chromatique
Les deux musiciennes se rencontrent à Montpellier en 2002. En août 2009 sort leur premier album Des Papillons dans le Ventre, fruit de longues années de travail en commun.
Sous leurs doigts naissent alors des compositions douces-amÚres, des mélodies espiÚgles et lyriques aux arrangements inspirés des musiques traditionnelles françaises et européennes.
Leur deuxiĂšme opus, Sur Mesure, sorti en dĂ©cembre 2011, est l’occasion de continuer Ă  explorer les possibles de ce duo, tout en s’accompagnant de petits instruments, propres Ă  leur univers, comme la senza, le glockenspiel...
Suivra un 3Ăš album: Urban Rhapsodie, puis un 4Ăš : Arborescences
Les Zéoles sortent enfin leur 5Úme opus, Paréiodolies, en juin 2022.
Elles promĂšnent dĂ©sormais leurs soufflets sur la scĂšne trad/folk française mais aussi en Europe, toujours avec amour et la recherche de la note juste, celle qui donne des papillons dans le ventre
 Un duo aux mĂ©lodies minutieuses et minuscules

En premiĂšre partie : Trio MoZaĂŻK
Le trio MoZaĂŻk vous emmĂšne en voyage au cƓur des musiques du Massif central et de l'Ecosse ...  Entre le Jazz Swing, les BourrĂ©es 2 temps du Berry et les Reels des Highlands Ecossais, nos 3 musiciens mĂ©langent leurs style et apportent Ă  ce trio une palette de saveurs et de couleurs uniques. Les mĂ©lodies de leur rĂ©pertoire sont issues d'anciennes traditions musicales qui refont surface dans un jeu moderne, dynamique et authentique. Une belle complicitĂ© au service de la danse !
Participation aux frais : 6€ - 10€ - 15€. Ouverture du Bo’bar à 18h. Cidre. Galette 6€. & Far breton 2€
RĂ©servation vivement conseillĂ©e au 04 75 93 73 90 ou [email protected]
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14h-17h :  Atelier instrumental, violon avec Kévin CHARRA du trio MoZaïK (Inscription & adhésion à 13h40)
Autour de la musique traditionnelle du Massif central.
"Le stage va s'articuler autour de la technique instrumentale utilisée pour jouer ce type de musique. Nous aborderons différents aspects propres à ce style :
- Technique d'archet - Dynamique rythmique - Timbre de l'instrument - Technique de doigté - Apprentissage par l'oreille - Improvisation - Accentuation et nuance - Podorythmie
Participation aux frais : 28€ entrĂ©e au bal incluse - 18€ stage seul (+ adhĂ©sion Ă  jour Ă  La BOBINE : tarif mini: 8€)
RĂ©servation vivement conseillĂ©e au 04 75 93 73 90 ou [email protected]
14h-16h: Initiation aux danses traditionnelles avec Elodie SAUBIN (Inscription & adhésion à 13h40)
Vous n'ĂȘtes pas encore confortable avec les pas de base, ou peut-ĂȘtre n'osez-vous pas inviter ? On vous propose une trousse Ă  astuces pour vous sentir Ă  l'aise. S'intĂ©grer aux chaĂźnes, aux cercles, oser les danses de couple, acquĂ©rir les pas de base et se connecter au groupe. Et parce qu'un bal est aussi un univers social : apprĂ©hender les codes du bal, inviter un partenaire, se respecter l'un l'autre. En prenant plaisir. Nous aborderons les danses les plus communes en bal.
"Une danse est un voyage fascinant qui me transporte d'autant plus loin que je m'y sens bien."
Participation aux frais : 22€ entrĂ©e au bal incluse - 12€ stage seul (+ adhĂ©sion Ă  jour Ă  La BOBINE : tarif mini: 8€)
RĂ©servation vivement conseillĂ©e au 04 75 93 73 90 ou [email protected]
16h30-18h30:  « la danse folk, autrement » avec Chantal PELARD-JULIEN et Stéphane JULIEN
(Merci de vous présentez 20 à 30mn avant pour votre adhésion et votre inscription)
Que vous connaissiez ou pas, les danses de bal folk (leurs pas, leurs origines, leurs fonctions, leurs Ă©volutions) cet atelier va vous emmener dans une expĂ©rience diffĂ©rente qui vous permettra de saisir une Ă©volution de la danse en rupture avec les apprentissages de ces danses, en bal folk ou en stage, que vous avez pu vivre ou imaginer. Vous allez peut-ĂȘtre vous dĂ©couvrir, dans tous les cas vous immerger avec plaisir(s) dans une approche rĂ©solument basĂ©e sur la sensation interne du rythme et du mouvement, partagĂ©s. 
Trois danses issues des traditions populaires seront abordées dans cet atelier.
Participation aux frais : 22€ entrĂ©e au bal incluse - 12€ stage seul (+ adhĂ©sion Ă  jour Ă  La BOBINE : tarif mini: 8€)
RĂ©servation vivement conseillĂ©e au 04 75 93 73 90 ou [email protected]
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