#technically with how my au works this form COULD happen (thanks to the garden). and i love that for him
kheprriverse · 4 months
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I might be a little obsessed with this design...
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Fic: Misty, chapter ii
Read on Ao3
chapter i | chapter ii | chapter iii | chapter iv | chapter v | chapter vi | chapter vii | chapter viii | chapter ix | chapter x
Rating: Explicit (whole thing)
Fandom: Prospect
Pairing: Snowman!Ezra x f!reader (monsterfucker au)
Tags: it’s basically monster fucking but with a snowman which could technically be classified as a monster i guess?, gothic horror kind of, sorrow, dementia, anxiety, dog murder, masturbation, Frankie thirst.
Chapter warnings in addition to the above mentioned: Anxiety described as an embodied emotion.
Summary: Escaping your empty apartment after having been dumped by your fiancé, you rent a cottage at Oakgrove House over Christmas to nurse your wounds. But strange things seem to happen at the estate, where an old woman wanders around in search of old friends long gone, and snowmen appear as if by themselves on the lawn…
Chapter word length: 1,961
A/N: Heavily inspired by the 50 Words For Snow album by Kate Bush. Some lines are straight from the lyrics of those songs, and I recommend listening to the album while reading this. Thanks to @flora-screeches for the idea of adding Frankie!
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The world is so loud. Keep falling. I’ll find you.
You’re standing naked in the snow, but you can’t feel the cold. The snow warms you as it descends over you, slowly covering your skin, making a layer of white crystals, encapsulating your body in a beautiful icy cocoon. This is safe, you are safe.
The snowman is right in front of you, faceless but somehow you know it’s looking at you. You crouch, stick your hand into the snow, dig down, find yesteryear’s dead leaves and parts of garden. You press them into the topmost circle of the snowman, give him a face. Make him smile for you. You smile back.
The world is so loud. Keep falling. I’ll find you.
You jerk out of sleep, panic blossoming at the unfamiliar surroundings before you remember where you are. Your next reaction is a little more surprising to you: the strangeness of the dream has left your core throbbing, so you slide your hand inside your pajama pants. Your eyes tear up when you remember how your ex used to touch you, and by the time you orgasm, you’re crying desperately.
You curl up and fall back asleep, wishing to forget about the world.
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You are ice and dust, a living dead trudging through the mistral despair. Last night’s wind has settled, but the snow is still dancing a slow waltz on their way down to the ground. The road ahead of you has turned into a smaller path, cleared by the very same tractor that tore you out of sleep early in the morning, or so you guess. The estate is eerily quiet and the only sounds you have heard have been those of the large vehicle shuffling snow.
You’re walking because you have nothing else to do, and because the fresh, cold air and exercise works to still the rabid little rat scratching at the insides of your ribcage. Anxiety, the doctor had told you, but you have come to think of it as an actual living thing, an entity that has always slumbered inside of you and has only now awakened. You talk to it, inside your head, reason with it, feed it with your words and thoughts. Maybe you’re imagining it but it feels like it helps against the pain.
The ancient oaks framing the walk sigh stretch their naked branches against the dark sky, as if trying to catch the falling snowflakes. The streetlamps are lit and you wonder briefly for whom they’re shining.
Your answer comes jogging towards you in the form of a woman about your age, misty breath huffing out for each step. You slow down tentatively, not sure if you’re supposed to chat, but the woman makes the decision for you when she comes to a restless stop right before you.
“Good morning,” she offers, going straight to the point, “you’re in the cottage, right? I’m Anna. You already met my mother, Denise.”
You introduce yourself, but don’t really know what to say. Anna’s modern appearance in the old-fashioned setting of the estate has thrown you a little, and you wish you hadn’t even met her. You want to be alone.
“You coming to lunch?”
“Oh, thank you, but no. I don’t want to impose.”
Anna smiles wryly. “Good for you. Lunch with my family isn’t always pretty. If it’s not the kids arguing, it’s mom sighing about the life choices of her children. You stay in the cottage where it’s nice and quiet.”
You smile back, grateful for her understanding.
“I’ll tell her you’re not coming. Merry Christmas!” Anna throws you a wave before running off. You walk on in the direction she came from, guessing the narrowing road will circle and that you’ll end up where you started out if you follow it.
You follow Anna’s footprints until you begin to see the main house between the trees. The road broadens again, and you see that it goes past the house, by the side of the wide lawn, back to the cottage. You don’t know how long the walk took you, but it must have been less than an hour. Well, at least you’ve exercised.
When you walk along the lawn, you remember your dream, and the snowman with its smile that you constructed. Coming up to the cottage, you expect to see the round shape across the road, but it’s not there. You stop, frowning. Surely it was there last night? And when you left the cottage for your walk earlier?
Your memory is hazy but then again, you haven’t really been yourself lately. Maybe the snowman outside on the lawn was just a part of your dream?
As you get closer, you see someone shuffling snow on the walkway through the cottage’s little front garden. When you come to the little gate and open it, its hinges announce your arrival with a loud squeak. The man, broad-shouldered and wearing a cap with ear flaps, straightens his back and turns to you.
“Good morning,” he calls out, tipping the cap up a little before rubbing his mustache. “You’re the guest, right?”
You introduce yourself and offer your hand. It disappears in the firm but gentle grasp of his big palm.
“I’m Frankie, the gardener. Just clearing the snow for you, and I’ll be out of your hair.”
“Thank you,” you manage, a little taken with his kind, brown eyes and deep voice.
“I can free up the driveway more if you’re expecting company.”
“No, it’s just gonna be me.”
You see pity flash by in his eyes. “All by yourself over Christmas?”
“If that’s okay with you?” You can’t keep the acid from your voice. He licks his lower lip and you melt a little, your abandoned heart jump-starting at the sight.
“I’m sorry, it’s none of my business,” he apologizes ruefully.
“You’re right, it’s not,” you snap. Frankie nods quickly and steps to the side to let you pass. You’re about to walk past him, seek refuge inside the cottage, when a haunting call stops you.
“Snowflaaaake, where are youuuu?”
You turn around and through the falling snow you see Olga, the old woman, wandering about on the lawn. She’s dressed in a simple dress and isn’t wearing a coat.
“Shit,” Frankie sighs. “I got her.”
Despite yourself, you trudge behind him to the woman, noticing quickly that Frankie’s step is a lot softer than you had expected for a man as broad as he is. He moves very deliberately and when you get closer and Olga turns her misty white eyes towards you, he seems to soften in front of your eyes.
“Good morning, Olga,” he calls in a gentle, friendly voice. “It’s awfully cold to be outside without a coat on, isn’t it?”
The aged woman stops and looks confused, as if unable to understand the concept of weather.
“I have to find Snowflake,” she complains unsurely. “I can’t find him anywhere.”
“Have you searched the house?” Frankie suggests, carefully putting his gloved hand on Olga’s shoulder.
“I can’t find him anywhere,” Olga repeats helplessly. You take your own mittens off and find her hand, shivering at how cold the skin feels.
“I’m sure he wouldn’t run out in this weather,” you try. “Shouldn’t we at least go in and see?”
“Maybe…” Olga hesitates, looking from you to Frankie. “I shouldn’t have gone out. Mama and papa don’t like it when I go out like this.”
“We’ll sneak you right back in,” Frankie promises with a comforting smile as he zips open his jacket and puts it over her shoulders. You can feel the steamy heat of his body radiate from the open garment. He’s wearing a plaid underneath, and doesn’t seem to be bothered by the cold. You put your mittens on Olga’s hands and slowly, the two of you start to coax the old woman back towards the house.
“You won’t tell my parents I was out?” she pleads with both of you, her voice small as you near the house. “They’ll be furious with me.”
“Of course, mum’s the word,” Frankie nods, his voice still soft and reassuring. You steal a glance across Olga’s crown of silvery white hair, wondering briefly if he’s married. The next second you blush as your heart aches again. How are you even thinking of things like that?
“I’m not supposed to see him. My parents don’t approve.”
“Who, Snowflake?” you blurt out, just as the front door of the manor opens and Denise comes running out.
“She’s fine,” Frankie promises, as he relinquishes the old woman to her daughter. “I don’t think she had been out for long.”
“God, I don’t know what we would do without you,” Denise sighs, touching her palms to Olga’s cheeks and forehead, checking her temperature. “Thank you, both of you.”
“Don’t mention it,” you murmur. Frankie gets his jacket back, and you your mittens. With wishes of a merry Christmas – your smile dies when Denise directs her wishes to Frankie and his family – the two of you turn back towards the cottage. Hearing that Frankie has a family has made you inexplicably sullen, and you want to get rid of him as fast as possible. And yet, Frankie’s presence is settling, a warm balm comforting your mind, and you can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have him comfort your body as well.
“Poor Denise,” Frankie sighs. “I watched my mom go through the same thing with abuela.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I just hope that the old lady doesn’t suffer from it herself. That she’s happy, no matter what decade her head is stuck in.”
“She’s lived her all her life, right?” You glance at his handsome profile, the sharp hook of his nose intriguing to you.
“Yes, her grandparents built the estate,” Frankie nods. “Her family was pretty rich but I think her late husband squandered most of it. They used to own a lot more land around here, but had to sell it off, piece by piece, these last twenty years.”
“Have you worked here all that time?”
“No, I only came here a couple of years ago. The family used to have two gardeners, and I replaced one of them when he retired. The other one, Ennis, retired only a year ago, and there’s really no use for two gardeners anymore, so it’s just me now.”
You reach the cottage, and he picks up the shovel. “Thanks for the help with Olga.”
“Sure.” You’re suddenly loath to leave him for your solitude. Even out here, in the vastness of fresh air and falling snow, you can feel his woodsy warmth. It makes you want to fall into his strong arms – you caught a glimpse of a bulging biceps through the plaid’s sleeve when he took his jacket off – and forget about the world.
So you stall, grasping at straws, finding one that piqued your interest.
“What do you think she meant by that thing she said, I’m not supposed to see him?” you ask. “That doesn’t sound like she was looking for a lost dog.”
Frankie straightens his back, takes his cap off and draws one gloved hand through mussed-up curls – you divert your eyes at the sight because it feels too intimate, too obscene – and puts his cap back on.
“Ennis told me some things,” he acknowledges, a little hesitant, like he’s loath to gossip about his employer to an outsider. “When she was very young, she had a relationship with the gardener.”
“A scandal, huh?” you smile, a little excited about the idea of your chosen refuge having such a history.
“I’ll say,” Frankie nods, looking at you with slightly furrowed brows. “He killed her dog.”
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sweetchup · 3 years
A Helping Hand 4: Ghosts of Pasts // Day 1
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Type: Shalnark x reader
Au?: Savior Au
Word Count: 2,800+
Warnings: Reminsing of last chapter, Injury, Meteor City mentioned
Author Note: Ah! I’m glad to be back writing this series sorry for the long wait. I split chapter 4 up into multiple parts so it’s going to be looooong.
Also, I’ve started a Taglist for all of my series to make it easier for people to find out when the next installation is. So if you want the be added just sent me an ask thats not anonymous and I’ll add you.
<—(Pt.3) / (Pt.4.2)—>
A Helping Hand Masterlist
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It was the eve of December 18th, when snow finally fell throughout the Republic of Padokea. However, there was no celebration or cheer by the citizens as all of the festive winter holidays had already passed by then. With most just deciding to bunker in for a quiet night at home. Even at the Hospital near the bloodthirsty Heaven’s Arena it was rather quiet, almost dull in a way.
Though, one specific doctor, Doctor (y/n) of the intensive care unit, had little to complain about the lack of patients and activity. It was rather refreshing actually, mostly due to the fact it was your last night on the job before you went on your week long holiday break, a break you had planned out with your supervisor months ahead of time.
Months before you had met a specific man. Much more specifically, a specific patient named Shalnark Ryuseih. A member of the infamous Phantom troupe who you had saved from his demise at the Heaven’s Arena.
…. As well as someone you might have developed a really really big crush on during your time taking care of him. But, that’s a story for another day and something you shouldn’t be worrying about right now. Especially since you still have plenty of time left on the clock before you go home.
As the seconds click a way, you find yourself letting out a groan. It was no use. You couldn’t get him out of your mind.
You just wished that it was the usual thoughts of Shalnark that festered in your mind during work. The ones that were caused from something as simple as him holding you in his arms tighter than usual while he slept one night or perhaps a teasing comment he shot at you while passing in the hall.
But that sadly wasn’t the case.
For the last couple of weeks, Shalnark had been acting…… weird.
Well he technically always acted weird—a man who actually enjoyed indulging in birthday cake flavored ice cream could not be considered normal in your book— but this time, he was actually acting quite strange.
Sometimes, when doing check ups or just visiting his room you could hear him sigh. It was quite unnoticeable at first, you had just thought he was frustrated with some new tech thing he got into, but as December went on the sigh only got heavier and more frequent. This was also when some of Shalnark’s other actions started to be strange as well, something as simple as,“What are you doing for the Holidays?” Or, actually now that you think about it, anything that was remotely related to the holidays would have the corner of his lips drop slightly. Something very strange for him, for he hardly faltered that smile of his.
And it wasn’t as if you weren’t trying to find out what was wrong. You had asked him plenty of times about his new habits. Though, in a Shalnark fashioned way, he would just brush you off with a grin and be confused as to what you were talking about.
So, if Shalnark isn’t going to tell you himself what was wrong. You were just going to have to take it upon yourself to make him feel better. Emotional health is just as important as physical health in your book.
“For the last time (y/n), I hope you know what you are getting yourself into.” Mal reminds you for the 15th time since you entered her office space.
“Yes, yes. I understand, don't worry about it.” You reassure the older woman as you continue to fill in the blanks to finish up the paperwork. All the while attempting to ignore her as she nags your ear off. “Okay I’m done. Thanks by the way Mal, I really owe you one”
As Mal takes the paperwork from your hands, she gives you one last warning of caution,
“I know Shalnark is under your care and all, and you have gotten pretty close to him during his stay…. but don’t you think having him leave with you for vacation is a little much? It’s legal, for some odd reason, but you should be careful. Not only is he a grown man that could try anything while you are alone with him but if any of the higher ups hear about this, you could get in a lot of trouble.”
“True, but I doubt that,” You hum out as you fumble with grabbing your winter coat off the rack, “The higher ups don’t exactly care much about paperwork unless one of the secretaries, like yourself, reports something. So unless you choose to report me, I don’t have much to worry about.”
“Fine. Just…. be careful. I swear you have been getting more and more reckless the more you spend with that man.”
“I will. Don’t worry, Mal. See you in a week!!”
“Okay, see you in a week.” Mal responds back, her wave goodbye immediately faltering as you close the door. Taking a deep breath to calm down the uneasy feeling in her gut, She just hoped you knew what you were doing.
Once Mal sends you off, you make your way in the direction of Shalnark’s room. You are excited to tell him about your little surprise but also quite scared because you did not exactly ask him… permission…. to sign him out.
“Come in.” Shalnark's voice rings out from behind the door as you knock. Coming into the room, you see that, as per normal, Shalnark was clicking away at his laptop. He seemed busy with something since even when you took the seat at his bedside he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from the screen.
After a couple more minutes of listening to the clicking of keys, Shalnark finally closes his laptop and turns his attention to you.
“Hello (y/n)! What brings you in here today?” He asks, resting his chin on one of his hands as he observes you. As Shalnark scans you up and down you can’t help but notice the mischievous look in those blue eyes of his. You kind of wondered what he was thinking, or possibly planning, but then again— knowing Shalnark —you didn’t want to know what was running through that brain of his.
“Can’t I just visit you?”
“I guess you could.” Shalnark comments halfheartedly as if you don’t already visit him for fun on the daily already, “I’m just surprised you haven’t gone home for your vacation. It’s your last shift tonight, right?”
Shalnark might have asked the last part as a question, but you already knew— from tons of experience with dealing with him —that he already formed his own answer in his head.
“Missed me that much huh?...” Shalnark whispers out, his eyes seeming to sparkle under the light as he leans back against the headboard of his bed.
“S-shut up.” You grumble out. Swiftly putting the paperwork in your hand up to your face as you could already feel your cheeks begin to flare up from flusteration. You swore this man had no sense of fear or dignity.
“Hmm?” You feel Shalnark grab at the paperwork wrinkled in your hand; recognizing his photo ID on the cover. “What’s this?”
“What type of Paperwork?” Shalnark presses forward, already taking it from your hand to examine it. No matter how close you two have gotten during his stay, he has always been extremely thorough about looking at what you put down on his paperwork. Must be something he picked up while being in the troupe you guessed.
Suddenly, you see Shalnark’s gaze pause on a section of the paperwork. His body unintentionally freezing up in surprise as he rereads it again. However, instead of instantly asking or explaining his confusion, your eyes are trained to his lips, ever so slightly parted due to confusion.
Unconsciously, you run your fingers over your neck. Your mind flashing back to what happened when Shalnark was under the effect of the aphrodisiac drug. The tingly feeling of his lips raking up and down your neck. Kissing, sucking and biting at any possible skin he could—
“(Y/n), What is this?” He mumbles out, his eyes still trained to the paperwork.
“U-uh Well…” You pause for a second as you try to calm yourself down from your thoughts, thinking about what you should exactly say, “Recently, I’ve noticed you being quite down. Kind of depressed or miserable in a way—”
“Huh? I haven’t been depressed.” Shalnark exclaims, snapping out of the trance he was in as well as cutting off what you were saying.
“Let me finish idiot.” You grumble at Shalnark, flicking his forehead in anger. “Also even if you aren’t depressed—“
“Which I’m not.”
“...Do you want to get punched this time?” You threatened, watching as Shalnark suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Memories flashing in his head of Lara pissing you off and facing your unwavering wrath. After one last glare, you continued what you were explaining, “As I was saying, Even if you aren’t depressed, it would be good for you to get out of the hospital. Hence why I decided to sign you out for my vacation week.”
It’s silent in the room as Shalnark just stares at you; an unreadable expression on his face. However, before you can figure out what expression it was, he quickly snaps out of it.
“Oh nice. That’s actually awesome.” Shalnark announces out, letting out a small giggle. “Just one question though… Is this even legal?”
“In a way…” You squeak out, watching as Shalnark looks at you with a knowing smile. Clearly understanding that you were pressing the line of legality and a possible felony in this situation.
“Well,” You watch as Shalnark shuffles out of bed; Planting his feet in front of yours before sending you a subtle wink, “Let’s get out of here before we get caught, okay?”
“So,” Shalnark starts, looking at the small white townhouse in front of him, “This is your house?”
“Um. Yeah?” You answer questioningly as you fiddle with your keys, “What about it?”
“Oh nothing.” You watch as Shalnark squats down in front of the garden gnome next to your tomato plant. Seeming to take in the plethora of plants covering your front patio. “It’s cute. I like it.”
“Thanks.” You mumble out bashfully as you unlock the front door, “I only rent the bottom floor of this place so it's quite small. But it's home.”
Before you enter, You offer a hand to help Shalnark up (He still has quite the injury in his legs after all) and watch as he walks inside your house; a limp still ever present as he walks. You just hope that he doesn’t push himself too far while with you. He might be a nen user but—
“Oh wow!” Shalnark’s voice calls out from inside the house, breaking your train of thoughts as you shut and lock the door. Confused yet curious at what he found interesting in your house, you slipped off your shoes—taking a small mental note that you should tell Shalnark to take off his as he forgot to— and walked over to his location. As you round the corner of the hall and gaze into your living room, you can’t help but let out a huff of a laugh. You can’t believe you totally forgot about Chloe.
There she stood, your 8 year old Sphynx cat that a college roommate had given you years ago, curled up in a fluffy blanket on top of her cat tree. Shalnark stood in front of the tree, looking up at the cat with an amused look as it glared down at him.
“Chloe.” You call out to your cat as you make your way next to Shalnark, “Come here baby.”
As you lift the cat off the tower, still wrapped in a blanket, and cradle her in your arms, you feel your breath hitch for a second. You turn your head as you feel a sudden pressure on your back and see Shalnark leaning over your shoulder. You stood there frozen and flustered, unable to move or look away from his face, from how close he was to you. However, Shalnark doesn’t notice how flustered you are; his attention focused on the cat in your arms. Eventually, he brings his hand down to pet her. Watching curiously as she sniffs his hand for a second before allowing him to touch her.
“They truly don’t have any fur…” Shalnark muses out as he rubs at Chloe’s ears, causing you to smile as you feel the rumbling of her purrs against your chest. “Hey (y/n)... did you know these guys are actually from Meteor city?”
“Wait… Really?” You shout out surprised, finally snapping out of the trance you were in.
“Yep!” Shalnark states rather proudly, “They were caused by accidental breeding by abandoned cats in the junkyards. …Though, the ones from Meteor city are quite rabid and terrifying so you can’t pet them like this. They would surely kill you.”
Startled, you give Shalnark a confused look, “No way…You're joking…”
“Nope.” He responds, popping the ‘p’ at the end as he walks away from you two and takes a seat on the couch. Your back suddenly feeling quite cold now that he was no longer next to you. “Even our toughest members like Phinks and Feitan were scared of those things.”
“Oh wow…“ You mumble out in amazement, placing Chloe back at the top level of the cat tree before taking a seat next to Shalnark. “...Meteor City sure sounds scary.”
“Eh, in a way.” Shalnark sighs out, stretching his back before suddenly resting his head on your lap. Startled at the act of affection, you freeze and stare down at him. Your mouth agape in shock. What… What was he doing?
“Oh.” Shalnark murmurs out as he takes note of your expression, already beginning to sit up, “Sorry, I stepped over a line didn’t I—”
“Ah! No!” You shout out, startling the both of you at how loud you were, “I mean… uh. I don’t mind, it just surprised me that’s all.”
“Oh. Okay?” Shalnark says, raising an eyebrow at you. As he sees your still worried expression looking down at him as he lays back down, he decides to flick at your forehead, surprising you. You two stare at each other for a couple of seconds before breaking out into light laughter at your stupid expression.
“W-what was that huh?”
As your laughter eventually stops, leaving you two in a comfortable silence, you stare down at Shalnark; his arms lazily crossed above his head with his eyes shut.
“You know…” You start, a stifle of a giggle sneaking up as a funny thought crosses your mind, “...You remind me of a cat right now.”
“Oh really?” Shalnark huffs out amused, popping one of his eyes open to gaze up at you.
“Yeah. All elongated on the couch, looking like you're about to fall fast asleep… Just like a little kitty cat.” You cooed out at him, taking two strands on the opposite sides of his head to form cat ears.
Shalnark sputters out a laugh before sending you a wink, “Go on. Give me a pet, Doc.”
You feel yourself freeze up as everything that has happened in these last couple of minutes hits you like a truck. Shit… You're his doctor, you idiot. This was what Mal was talking about about you getting too close with him. You have feeling for him but you can’t—
“Hey (y/n). You know…” Shalnark murmurs out, snapping you out of your thought, “One day…, I would like to take you to Meteor City.”
“R-really?” You answered, confused as where this was suddenly coming from.
“Yeah…” You watch as Shalnark eyes shift up towards the ceiling. His eyes unfocused and expression dazed as if he was off in a distant memory, “Not right now… But, In the spring…”
A smile slowly edges its way onto his face.
“Yeah… The spring,” He murmurs out again, sort of to himself, before looking at you, “You wouldn’t believe what it is like in Meteor City at the start of spring, (Y/n)... After a long hard rainy winter, seeds from rotten food, or hidden in garbage, come blooming out. It hardly lasts a month but… It’s gorgeous….”
As he stares up at you with those dazzling blue eyes of his, you can’t help but finally allow your hand to rest in his blonde locks. Wanting to understand more about that far off memory he had.
“I-I…” You murmur out, pausing as a small smile comes upon your face, “I can’t wait… Shal. Do… Do you think you could tell me more about your home while I wait?”
Just one more time, you’ll let your affections slide.
Allowing yourself to blur the lines of professionalism and wanting more.
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Taglist: @meromelodi, @quartetstarheaven, @yumezai, @lvndrhwis, @writtenappreciation , @jojo-sinner, @pastelbear12, @aly-kurta, @bbunnycore, @feifood
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yourclownpal · 3 years
A comprehensive list of all my Ghost au's
this post will be talking about all of the ghost au's ive created or co-created including talking about ghost au's from old fandom's that i am no longer in. if you want to ask about any of my au's my ask box and dm's are always open this includes the hermitcraft au but keep it to a minimum please also if any of the creator's of the characters have said that they arent comfortable with what im making ( with proof ofc) i will edit or delete what is needed to fit in the boundaries also another thing this is a long post if you just want the art go under the cut! this post will discuss how each au works and basic plot stuff about them the fandoms in this post are hermitcraft, epithet erased, and dsmp okay first things first-
my hermitcraft au (what a pity)-
On my old tumblr account I made a few posts about it along with a fanfic which never got finished due to me not wanting to interact with the fandom any more due to personal reasons and also I'm not very good at writing imo but I think I'm ready to talk about it again. Just keep in mind i will most likely not talk about this fandom ever again at least not on here again for personal preference : -) it was about season 6 Grian since he was who i was hyperfixating on at the time, being haunted by the ghosts of Sam and Taurtis, both of them from the old roleplay series' Yandere High School, and Tokyo Soul, and taurtis from Grians old-ish smp Evo. Since I never finished the fanfiction nobody but me and close friends ever got to hear the full story i had planned but now you will i guess. It was mainly just grian stressing about Sam and Taurtis being ghosts and him worrying about being crazy, though he would still join the hippies during the area 77 war he would be significantly more stressed especially when finding out that Sam and Taurtis have been possessing his body during the night, he’s more worried about Sam though because of his track record back in the other servers( yhs and ts) it was going to be that Sam (although death isn't permanent) would go on a killing spree in Grians body which would cause the area 77 guys to put him in the facility to see what's going on with him, and it didn't get further then that. My favorite part of this au much like all of my au’s were the design elements i had for it which i'll have under the cut with the other designs. Now for a rundown of how the ghost physics work in this world, in typical ghost fashion Sam and Taurtis were not able to touch or move anything, but they were able to interact with Grian, him being the only person who could see/hear/or touch them. Their only super natural abilities is being able to possess Grian.
Okay! Time for my Epithet Erased au!: Unlike what a pity this one doesn't have a name or a fanfic to go with it as said before i'm not exactly a writer but i have talked about it a bit before on this account along with posting the designs and general concept but i'll go more in depth here! As said in my original post this au was a co-creation with my best friend and sibling @brocolibean so go check bun out ^^ Unlike ‘What a Pity’ it was more lighthearted and comedy centric because it dealt with a bit more and also the original show is a comedy. This au didn't include the character’s epithets so they are all humans. This will also include talking about house each ghost died so if your uncomfortable hearing about that you might want to skip the ghosts portion Just like the original post I'll separate the story summary into 3 parts with intervals in between to talk about the ghosts. First we have the Banzai boys part of the story. Giovanni, Spike, Dark Star, Crusher, Flame Thrower, Car Crash, and Ben all decide to move into a house together so they could all easily split the rent since its close to their collage, the house, which they get for cheap, is aa very old house with sketchy history. But it's a huge house for cheap so they don't complain they encounter the ghosts very early on living in the house and they swear to figure out how they died so they can get their memory back! The ghosts, Molly, Sylvie, Trixie, and Pheonica have no memory! All they know is that there are ghosts! They are connected to the property of this house but if you where to get something- like perhaps a stone from the property the ghost is still technically attached to it therefore the ghost can go with you anywhere Speaking of- -Phoenicia Fleecity is one of the last ghosts to show herself, her body is found in the overgrown garden flowers growing over her skeleton, she is from the victorian era making her the oldest out of the ghosts though he death is the most mysterious -Molly Blindeff is the first ghost the group meets her decomposed body is found buried in the floorboards of the living room, found when gio decided that the house needed renovation and taking matters into his own hands, she died via blunt force trauma i will not be going into detail here because i'm still thinking of doing something with this au she died in the early 2000’s -Sylvester Ashling is the second ghost to show himself though he didn't want to, his body was found in the bottom of the pond in the backyard of the house in the garden. His body while it was decomposing and falling apart was still intact, bloated from drowning. Again i wont go into detail but this wasn't an accident time of death is unknown -Trixie Roughhouse is the third person to show themselves to the Banzai Blasters she is found in the bushes in the backyard her face disfigured from some sort of explosion unlike the others it seems like it was purely an accident, like sylvie their time of death is unknown Mera Salamin is the collages part time librarian nicknamed “the library witch” she started seeing her ghost after obtaining a neck bow with a blue pendant from a pawnshop she got it cause it was pretty and didn't expect a himbo to come along with it -Indus Tarbella is a ghost who is attached to the pendant and bow Mera wear it used to be his own until he was decapitated wearing it through he was properly buried he has no troublesome memories about what happened even after seeing his body he’s just happy to be with Mera Percival King is a security guard at the college and one of the best at that, she wields a story she got from a pawn shop as its her preferred weapon she takes her job very seriously -Ramsey and Zora both died by the same sword while fighting neither remember who wielded the sword, even after death they hate each other and hate being bound together even more Everyone ends up meeting and finding out they all have ghost hijinks ensue. The way ghosts work in this world is a bit strange I'll admit but it's one of my favorites. The ghosts can interact with the human world(menma style) but
they can only talk to the others who can see them (the Banzai Blasters, mera and percy) and the ghosts can interact with each other ghosts in this au attach themselves to an item or property that has someway to do with their death, the kids in the property, Indus it's the bow, and the sword duo is well, the sword Percy carries. As alluded to from before Gio and the rest of the boys end up carrying a bit of the property with them in the form of friendship bracelets four for each of them which makes 28 different bracelets so the kids can decide who to follow around for the day.i talked about how percy and Mera’s items work enough but i would like to mention that Indus does most of the heavy lifting around the library but becaus enoone else can see indus they assume she’s magical, the glowing pendant doesn't help.
The last two au’s i want to talk about are both dream smp au’s
though i've never talked about them online until now, again thanks to @brocolibean for letting me brain vomit my way through these au’s and helping me out with things i love them please check him out I'll be honest i'm so scared of this fandom so i'm afraid to talk about my au’s please be nice to me Also this is all roleplay and fiction!<3 The first one i'll talking about is the dsmp ghost hunters au Sam runs a company where groups of people hunt ghosts for money! Those groups being Phil, Technoblade, Wilbur,Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo Dream, George, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl Bad, ant, Skeppy, and Puffy There’s most likely more but there the only people i can think of at this moment The only canonical ghost being Schlatt This au doesn't have a proper story perse it's more about gags and stuff about the different character fighting over ghosts for money but the story stuff i do have- Sbi family dynamic is real here you can rejoice, Phil adopts Tubbo after his dad (Schlatt) kicks the bucket and fucking dies , Tubbo befriend’s Ranboo some mysterious teen who just desperately needs a job so he- and the rest of the Minecraft family help him get one- though they find out Ranboo isnt as human as he was made out to be and he finds out he’s this worlds version of angels called ender’s and he’s there to protect Tubbo and Tommy which explains why the more violent ghosts start being less violent at the arrival of Ranboo joining their team. Bad isn't human either being a demon his entire group know’s plus quackity. Quackity found out but squirting him with holy water through a water gun but don't worry he promised not to tell anyone; -) Bad and Ranboo know about each other because they see each other as their true forms The minecraft fam found out about Schlatt being a ghost through Tommy- despite Tubbo telling him not to- telling them from calling up and paying for them to investigate their own house saying “technically i didn't tell them” they ended up not getting rid of Schlatt though I'm not going to talk about how the ghosts here work because it's not super important to the plot
The second au is another ghost au where the main characters are ghosts themselves,
like the others its mainly lighthearted and comedic with dark attributes The plot surrounds the sbi family moving into a new house and Tommy finding out it's being haunted by two ghost’s. Those ghosts being Tubbo and Ranboo This au isn't fully figured out but I know that he found out he was haunted by sending a selfie to someone(possibly Drista and Purpled? Since there are only other minors who were part of the dsmp lore? But ultimately idk) and them being like “yo i didn't know you had friends” and him being like “?????” Tubbo died from a boiler exploding and Ranboo died from drowning (which are apparently my two favorite deaths) this also doesn't have an official story? It was just an excuse to make ghost designs with a bit of a story without the commitment As said before it's a sbi au but also a Dadschlatt au cuz I like Dadschlatt au’s. The main story bits i have are background stuff for Tubbo and Ranboo which ill elaborate now The house was originally meant to be just a summer home because it had a large lake in the backyard Ranboo’s family would go there often but that doesn't mean his family liked him very much because of his heterochromia, Vitiligo, and his height his family thought he was strayed from god and drowned him Tubbo died during sleep while Schlatt wasn't home either out drinking or just at work he came home to the house being partially blown up and his son nowhere to be seen he calls Puffy out of fear and she calls the cops. He moves away and most likely starts drinking a bit more. The house gets rebuilt and now the sbi live there hijinks ensue! The ghosts in this au work in a simpler manor only Tommy can see them unless a photo is taken but even then they are blurred, they can float and go through walls and their ability to touch things is limited Ranboo’s memory is worse then Tubbo’s but Tubbo’s isn’t much better.
below the cut will be designs and stuff be safe pal's- there will be minor/cartoony blood-
rip me exposing my old art on this account also i'm ripping these from my fucking amino account that i don't use but still have the password too
gonna do the original what a pity drawins first them ill show a more recent rendition because i hate the old drawings
these are the old drawins i hate them
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then,,, i just drew them,,,,, fuck these guys/j
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thses are the old sprite edits of these four! trixies design is the only one that really changed
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the ded;-; i couldnt fit him on the page
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there he is! ft indus and very much alive mera(who i cant figure out how to FUCKING DRAW-)
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gay's get wilbur'd/j
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they lookin for ghosts
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the whole fmaily is here but its quality is shit
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these bitches dead! good for them,,, good for them,,,,,,/j/rp
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dynamightsfave · 4 years
Hidden talent - Luke Patterson
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(gif not mine! credits to owner)
AU: alive! luke patterson x oc
summary: in a world were none of the boys have died and instead live in the same timeline as julie, luke’s girlfriend has a hidden talent only her mother knows about
warnings: slight cursing, nothing much
a/n: this is the first thing that i publish, and i’m still trying to figure out how tumblr works, so if anyone reads this, please bear with me people
Heather had been friends with Alex since they were in diapers. Every memory of her childhood she had, he was there too, since the beginning. The only ones she had he wasn’t in were the ones at family meetings. He was even there when she went to the dentist! That’s how tight these two were.
So it was kind of inevitable her meeting his band. Sunset Curve had been all he and Julie —her other best friend, along with Flynn— could talk about since they had started it. They had met the other members in the music program, something Heather had never even thought about joining, regardless of how many times her mother had told her she had an incredible voice and should definitely let the world listen to it. However, the raven haired girl preferred to keep her voice to herself, like her small little secret.
Meeting Luke and Reggie —she already knew Bobby— was easily one of the best things that could’ve happened to her. She hit it off with them instantly, as she had never really had any trouble with making friends —she was the sociable one out of the Heather-Alex duo, and the mom friend out of the “Triple Trouble” trio. Her and Flynn had denominated themselves as the band’s managers and marketing team, and the others had to admit, they were doing a pretty good job.
While Flynn took the social media part, promoting the band on every platform she could think of and posting stuff like teases of new songs, short rehearsal videos and performance dates and places; Heather had taken the people approach. She had recruited her cousin, Willie —who she suspected only wanted to help her because he had a massive crush on Alex, and not because he “wanted to help his favorite cousin”—, and they had both skated the streets of LA, putting up posters and throwing them around, telling people to “tell their friends!”, a catch phrase Reggie had come up with.
“I got us a night at The Hollywood Club!” Heather entered the Molina garage with a proud smile and arms on the air, getting immediate cheers “I know, I know, I’m awesome” she bowed.
“Hey, I was there too” Willie pushed her aside, leaving his skate on a corner and plopping on the piano seat “In fact, if it wasn’t for Caleb owing me one, you wouldn’t have gotten that gig. I’m his messenger boy”
“Okay, listen you little shit, it was me that had to offer herself to clean the place up after the show, so I don’t wanna hear any more lies coming out from you” she narrowed her eyes at her cousin, but the skater only rolled his eyes.
Luke, beaming, reached out to Heather’s arm, pulling her onto the couch with him. The two had been dating for nearly three months, and anyone that didn’t know that could’ve thought they’d been together for years, just by seeing how deeply they cared for each other. Alex had been a tad overprotective of the girl when Luke started to flirt with her, but Julie and Flynn made him realize that if anyone could match Heather’s adventurous and forward personality, it was Luke.
Heather came up with an idea, something to do, and most people —including Alex, who over the years earned experience in this kind of things— would disregard it immediately, because it sounded, and most likely was, crazy. Not Luke. Luke would just smile and do it with her. Hype her up even. They found in each other a safe to talk, the craziest ideas and dreams coming to life. Still, they knew when to draw the line, and realize that maybe cliff diving in the middle of November wasn’t the best thing to do.
Luke liked to get the things he planned, make them real, and with Heather he felt like it was possible. Sure, he had the band to make his music dreams come true, but —and this can come out as shocking— he wasn’t just music. There were so many other things he wanted, and Heather was the first person that encouraged him to let them all out, the first person that listened to all the things he wasn’t as good at but he still liked, and forced him to get out of the studio to do them.
They were basically perfect for each other.
“Besides,” Flynn had pointed out with a teasing smirk and a knowing look that was also in Julie’s eyes “you’re going to end up dating her cousin, so it’ll be fair in no time” Alex had left that conversation blushing like a fool and with his mind a little more at peace.
“You’re incredible, babe” the lead guitarist kissed her cheek “When is it?”
“This Friday night” she answered, making herself comfortable in his arms “That gives you two days to rehearse some songs, maybe even come up with a new one. How’s my musical genius doing with that, Jules?”
“We have a few lyrics left on Finally Free, but I’m sure that we can have it done and perfected by Friday” she smiled, showing her adorable tooth gap “I’m gonna need to borrow your boyfriend for that, though”
“Sure, two musical geniuses work better than one. Meanwhile, Reggie and I have a date”
“Huh?” Luke’s head turned so fast, Heather thought for a second it would snap from his neck.
“Yeah, we’re going to watch the last Star Wars movie. We told you guys to come and you didn’t wanna, so we’re going by ourselves” Reggie could barely contain his excitement, the smile on his face making it impossible for Heather not to copy him.
“Speaking of which... if we don’t leave now, we’ll be late. Let’s go!” the girl pecked her boyfriend as a goodbye, ruffling Bobby’s hair after and blew a kiss to both girls and her best friend.
“I don’t get a kiss?” Willie pouted, but Heather only kissed her middle finger and flipped him off “Love you too, cuz!” he called, but Reggie and her were already out and the only response he got was his light laugh.
The two friends were meeting Carrie Wilson at the theatre. Nobody would’ve guessed that the lead of Dirty Candy liked Star Wars, but Heather had known her since kindergarten, and she knew the girl.
They all technically knew her, being Bobby’s fraternal twin and all, but the boys didn’t consider her an actual friend until the girls started inviting her to their hang outs, seeing as they were all friends. Luke and her often had friendly bickering of which band was better, Reggie discovered that she could be a wonderful addition to the mischievous duo Heather and him had formed, and Alex found his perfect dance partner one night playing Just Dance. It was safe to say that she had been welcomed into the group.
“You guys are playing at The Hollywood Club?!” was the first thing he strawberry blond said when they arrived.
“Tell your friends!” Reggie winked, then turned to Heather “Damn, Flynn is fast. We have good managers”
“That you do, Reg” she passed her arm over his shoulders. It was a little awkward, because she stood on her tippy toes, but they made it work.
“Can you get me a performance too?” Carrie pouted and made puppy eyes “I need a marketing team like yours”
“C’mon Care, it’s literally my cousin and I in his skate and my roller skates and Flynn with a phone and Wi-Fi. You could do that too” Heather waved it off “Plus, you can have daddy make a call and you’ll be able to play at the Madison Square Garden. Shit, we could do that too, we have Bobby. Why am I putting so much effort into this?”
“You know I’m trying to earn my own spot, Heath. Being famous because my dad isn’t as satisfying as knowing I made a place sold out because they liked me and not the daughter of Trevor Wilson”
“You’re doing great, Carrie” Reggie encouraged “Your songs are good, and your dance moves are killer. People don’t just go to your shows to see if they can meet your dad”
“Thanks Reggie, but I’m pretty sure you only go to my shows to see Kayla” she smirked, and both girls watched their friend flush red.
“T-That’s not true!”
“Really? I guess I won’t give her your number then; she’ll be real disappointed”
“She asked for my number?”
But Carrie just chuckled and walked ahead with Heather by the arm, leaving the gaping boy behind for a few seconds before he snapped back into the real world and chased after them, asking the same question again.
“I’ll see what I can do for ya” Heather smiled “But you’ll have to fight Luke by yourself when he finds out I’m helping our rivals” she finished in a dark tone, laughing along with Carrie.
“Yes! You’re the best Heath!” she squeezed her in her arms.
Friday arrived sooner than planned, and that left Flynn and Heather to get the band’s asses to the place. Flynn was on the phone with Caleb, assuring him that they were just stuck in traffic and they’d be there soon. They were actually trying to calm Alex down.
“Hey, look at me. Bird, look at me” Heather had her hands on his shoulders, doing her best to get him to breathe with her “You’re the best drummer I know-”
“I’m the only drummer you know, Feathers!” the anxious boy stressed.
“You’re the best drummer I know!” she exclaimed over him “This isn’t any different from our other gigs. You’re gonna get up on that club’s stage, and you’re gonna kill it. I’m gonna be on the side of the stage like I always am, with Flynn. I’m there if you need anything, which you won’t because once you get into the song, you’ll be crazy amazing”
“Okay, I can do this” he nodded to himself, taking deep breaths along his best friend.
“Hell yeah you can” she laughed softly “You good?”
“Yeah, I think so”
“Great, then let’s go people! We have an audience to impress!” the others, behind them, cheered with her and started to go to Ray’s van, were the instruments were waiting.
“Hey” Alex took a hold of Heather’s wrist “Thanks, Feathers” he smiled at her, using the nickname he gave her when they were three.
“I’m always gonna be there for you, Alex. You know that. I’m the Feathers to your Bird, we’re a package deal” she smiled back, then wrapped her arms around him “I love you”
“I love you too”
Alex did amazing. Obviously.
The whole band was incredible, and the people in the club absolutely loved them. Heather had stayed at the side of the stage like she promised, but from where she stood she could spot Flynn with Carrie, Willie, Nick and Kayla all jamming and moving their bodies along to the song in their chairs. She clapped and hollered once the show was over, a huge smile adorning her face.
“You were right” the man himself, Caleb, clapped next to her “They are really good”
“I told you, dude. Any chance we’re able to play here again?”
“I’ll call you” he offered, and Heather didn’t think it twice before shaking hands with him “I’m closing in half an hour, and I want this place spotless for tomorrow” he smirked.
“I thought you were joking! You have people for that”
“A deal is a deal” and he left. Heather groaned and threw her head back.
“Why the frown, Princess?” at the voice of her boyfriend, the smile was back on her face.
Luke was a sweaty mess, not that she cared. She took a couple of seconds to admire his “after show” glow. Because yes, he was glowing —both literally, because sweat, and figuratively. After every performance, there was a glow to all of them, pure happiness radiating from them. You could see it in their smiles and heavy breaths, but Heather liked to see how their eyes glinted with the ecstasy of doing what they loved. It appeared while they were on stage, and it stayed for some time after performing in front of an audience. When they were rehearsing or jamming in the studio it was more relaxed, content, but on a show it was almost magical.
“What are you looking at?” Luke laughed after drinking some water, with his eyes squinting as he smiled out of pure glee.
Heather too his sweaty face in her hands and planted a firm kiss on his lips. She had never cared if the boy was sweaty and therefore by hugging or kissing him she’d get all dirty and smelly. If she wanted to show him affection, then she would.
“You guys killed it up there” she told him after a moment with a proud smile “Amazing, baby”
“Thanks, Heaths. Sang that solo for you” he added with a smirk, hand slipping around her waist.
“I saw” she answered as she passed her arms over his shoulders and around his neck “You looked really good while doing it too” the smirk widened and the hold tightened, bringing her closer to him to kiss her again.
“Take your lovey dovey acts somewhere else!” Bobby booed, nearing his friends.
“Hey, just because your sorry ass is alone doesn’t mean you have to hate on us” the raven haired girl replied with a teasing smile.
The boy scrunched his face and mocked her, which went back and forth between the two until Heather’s teasing and playful smile turned to a excited one.
“Wait! Oh, she’s looking again!” confused, the rhythm guitarist went to look behind him, but Heather shot her hand to stop him “Don’t look! Not yet... Okay now. See that pretty blond? She’s been eyeing you all night, dude!”
“For real? You think I should go talk to her?”
“Are you stupid? Of course you should go talk to her, did you not hear what I just said? Wait, here, clean some of this sweat” she took a towel and dabbed it over him, then pushed him forward when he didn’t move “Move, Bobs!”
“Thanks Heaths!”
The couple watched their friend jog over to the girl and introduce himself, saying something that she found funny. “I’m an amazing wing woman”
The club was officially closed. After a couple of Caleb’s songs, that Heather had danced to with Flynn —more like they made a fool of themselves, but at least they had fun— and then she helped them put their instruments back in the van. Now, she held a mope in her hands, swinging aimlessly from side to side, humming to the band’s songs.
“I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream...” she picked up the pace of the song, closing her eyes as she jumped on top of a chair, spinning on her spot and using the mope as a micro “And we’re standing on the edge of great!”
The girl continued to sing her heart out, unaware of the pair of eyes that followed her very movement, watching the private show she put up for herself. When she finished the song, she let out a content sigh and a small chuckle.
“Woah” the word escaped Luke’s mouth before he could stop himself, causing Heather to jump and turn around.
The boy stood just by the entrance, an awestruck expression on his face. Red flushed Heather’s face, and she opened her mouth to stutter out something, but Luke didn’t let her, taking long strides to her.
“Heather, that was incredible! Why didn’t you tell us you could sing like that?”
“I usually like to keep the singing to myself, when I jam with you guys it’s quiet”
“Babe, you could be the lead singer of Sunset Curve! I’ll retire if that means you get to show everyone your voice”
“No” she quickly dismissed “Do not give up your dreams, Luke Patterson, you’re not allowed to do that. Not for me, not for anyone”
“But, Heath, your voice!” Luke was making big gestures, trying to get his point through.
He couldn’t understand how his girlfriend didn’t let anyone know of her huge talent. When he walked inside of the club again to help her, he couldn’t have imagined the scene that was playing in front of him, how she looked so carefree. She sounded like a goddess. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least.
“I don’t like to be in the spotlight, Luke” she explained “You guys were born to perform in front of people, but I like to keep it behind closed doors. You understand that, right?” she took his hands, looking up at him through her lashes. He sighed and nodded.
“Yeah, I get it. But I really hope it’s not the last time I hear you sing” Heather laughed and shook his head, as Luke’s face lit up with an idea “Oh! You could perform for all of us in the studio! You’re cool with that, right?”
“I’ll sing with you and perform with you at the studio” she agreed, squealing when he picked her up and twirled her around “But you have to promise that if you guys record it, it won’t end up on social media”
“Of course, anything you need” he nodded quickly, bringing her lips to his “If I get to hear that voice again, I’ll even sell my guitar”
“I told you not to joke with that!” she chastised, hitting him on the chest and getting out of his hold. She rolled her eyes at his laughter and smirked to herself, handing him a piece of cloth “Make yourself useful and clean those tables, Rockstar”
Luke frowned, but complied.
He made her sing along with him in his car all the way back to his house, and suddenly realized that he had been an idiot for a long time. Why hadn’t he made her sing with him before? It was his new favorite thing to do.
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Can you save me from this nothing I've become?
Pairing: Kook!JJ x Pogue!Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: Life Swap AU. JJ grew up as a sheltered boy in a golden cage in Figure Eight and doesn’t even have a clue how life in the Cut is like. That is until he meets you, the perfect example for life in an abusive household drowning in poverty. 
Warnings: A little bit of sadness, mentions of abuse, mostly fluffy tho
Available on: AO3
A/N: @outabanks​ asked me to write this for her so I tried. It’s a little different from anything else I’ve written so far and it was quite hard to find a tone for JJ now that he didn’t grow up in a physical abusive home and probably wouldn’t react with so much violence. I went with him feeling trapped, lonely and just sad inside due to him more suffering from emotional abuse. Also, switching POVs! Have fun!
“Yes, Charlotte, I make sure to pick out my best outfit.” JJ groaned at his stepmother and went to his own bathroom to take a shower.
She was really annoying sometimes but after his mother and father divorced, he had been quick to replace her to maintain the image, dragging his mother’s name through mud in the process.
Figure Eight was a place where you grew up comfortably and never had to worry about a thing, at least on the outside.
JJ had grown up as the typical rich kid, getting everything he wanted. Problem was, he had been showered with money, not love, meaning he was missing what was most important. Back when his mother was still here, she had been the only person to show him what life really meant but she hadn’t been around for too long. Actually, he never got to know why she had left.
When Charlotte had married his father, it got even worse. Money here, fancy clothes there. She had never been a mother to him, she also never even tried as she wasn’t interested in him and only the money his dad had.
Whatever, he didn’t care about her either, he just wished she would leave him in peace once in a while but whenever he planned to go outside and do something she always came running and told him how to dress so he would look the best.
Tomorrow was another charity event and she had been stressing about the right clothes for weeks and he wouldn’t have any of it.
JJ got out of the shower with a sigh, towel around his waist and hair still dripping a little on the floor beneath him. He knew he had a good life, technically but sometimes he wondered how it felt to be a normal kid, growing up downtown or the Cut. He had never been down there actually, only heard that people from the Cut were poor but in comparison to the people from Figure Eight, poor couldn’t be too bad, right?
The reason he had never been down there was his father. He might look like the perfect father on the outside but on the inside, he was rotting away, fueled by his addiction for money and a wealthy lifestyle. One wrong step and JJ would suffer, in either emotional and very rarely physical way.
He was trapped in a golden cage he couldn’t escape until he was old enough which would still take a few more years. He just had to hold on, pretend to like his life when they were in public and just be done with it.
“We’re off then, son. See you tomorrow!” his father yelled from downstairs as JJ got dressed in some loser clothes so he could enjoy his time home alone.
“Yeah, have fun,” he said nonchalantly, not really caring about them leaving to visit the Cameron’s to talk about some preparations for tomorrow.
When he heard the front door shut he let out a sigh of relief and lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. They wouldn’t be back until past midnight, that’s always how it went.
It was the perfect time to think about how lonely he actually was. His parents divorced, his mother not even calling or writing him, his dad only caring about money and his new wife. Friends? Sadly none. Kook Academy wasn’t the place where he wanted to be and he had a hard time blending in. It was a place where everyone was so narcissistic and wanted to show off all they had. Also really competitive people. Who had the bigger car, who had the more expensive outfit, things like that.
The only person he rarely talked to at events was Kiara, a wealthy girl from the neighborhood next to his own. He heard that she was hanging around with the Pogues in the Cut but he never asked her about it. They mostly just saw each other, nodded briefly and started drinking together. He listened to her rambling about saving turtles in a drunken state later on while he made flirty comments she always shut down very quickly. It was a simple way to pass the time while trying to get through the evening.
His father told him to befriend the Cameron’s but to be honest? No. Wheezie was just a little girl, Sarah was the princess around here and he had no desire to walk around with royalty and get judged by only that. Rafe was a dick, he had actually tried to befriend him when they were younger but that boy had massive issues.
So yep, loneliness it was. On the outside, his life was perfect but on the inside he was struggling. One day he would escape, go to the mainland and do his own thing. He wanted to get far away from Outer Banks and his father, all these riches he had. There was enough money on his own bank account to help him get started but JJ wanted to work with his own hands, get dirty, live the life he wanted.
Suddenly he heard a crash in the front yard and he shot up from his bed, opening the door to his balcony and looked outside, trying to see something in the darkness. It took a moment for his eyes to get used to the missing light before he scanned the garden. A vase was shattered to the left and to the right…
Someone was face down in their pool and it looked like they weren’t moving.
JJ rushed downstairs and to the garden, quickly jumping in to get the person out. He put the body down next to the pool, slapping the cheek slightly. Luckily enough he had been quick enough and the person was waking up, spitting out a little bit of water.
“I don't think it’s the best time to take a swim,” he said while he sat there on his knees, looking over at the girl that couldn’t be older than he was.
She wasn’t answering, just looking at him for a moment before closing her eyes again, passing out once more.
    When you woke up, you had no idea where you were. The bed under you felt softer than your own and you had a huge headache. Also, you were wearing comfortable clothes for some reason. Still a dream? Maybe.
You slowly opened your eyes, afraid that feeling of warmth would be gone now but it didn’t vanish. As you were looking around you noticed a boy on the ground, wrapped in a blanket and you blinked. 
Looking down at your body told you that you were totally not wearing your own clothes. These were really fine and soft, it almost felt like they were giving you a warm hug.
It took awhile for you to connect the dots but then your face turned white. The boy on the ground had seen you naked.
“Perv!” you suddenly yelled and threw the pillow behind you at him which caused him to stir.
“What the fuck,” he mumbled and got up and for the first time, you got a good look at these blue eyes and the messy, blonde bed hair. “This is what I get for saving your ass?”
Saving your ass? You frowned and now that you thought about it, you had no idea what had happened last night after you ran away from home. You knew you had been drinking to try and stop the pain but then it all went black.
“What do you mean?” you asked and tilted your head a little to the side like a lost puppy.
“Apparently you were either really fond of having a swim or trying to drown yourself in my pool,” he said while he got up, stretching and showing off his body to you. Of course he was not wearing a shirt, why would he. It was too hot for that anyway. He was too hot. Shit, focus!
“I wasn’t drowning myself,” you said even though you wished that had worked.
Silence fell over you for a moment while he just stood there, looking at your miserable form before he rubbed the back of his neck and looked clearly uncomfortable.
“Look, I’ve seen the bruises…,” he started and you looked back at him, clenching your jaw. Of course he had seen the bruises, he had seen you naked and they were quite visible all over your body.
“It’s nothing. Where are my clothes? I want to leave.” You didn’t want to stay here and talk to a stranger that apparently saved you from drowning. Oh. That was probably why you were wearing different clothes, he had taken care of them so you wouldn’t get a cold. Well, not exactly the first thought you had but thank god you still had your virginity.
“Do you need help?” he asked softly and crouched in front the bed which caused you to frown. No one had ever asked you that. It took a long moment before you shook your head.
“No, I’ll be fine.” You nodded and got out of bed which made him stand up again. He was taller than you were and you bit your bottom lip while looking around in his room some more. This was clearly not the Cut. This looked like a Figure Eight house. Oh god, had you wandered that far?
“Can I make you breakfast at least? My parents are still asleep,” he said and you chewed on your lip a little before you nodded. Your stomach was dying inside as you hadn't eaten in two days because your aunt prefered to let you starve while she spent all her money on alcohol and drugs. You wished your parents were still alive but that wasn’t an option.
“Alright, wait here, I’ll bring you some up.” With that he was already gone and you went back under the soft blanket. If you would stand up more your head was probably going to explode and you would fall due to it’s spinning non stop. Laying down was good. Sitting upright a little was good too.
You had never seen this boy before which wasn’t a surprise given that you had been to Figure Eight only one or two times with Kiara. The Pogues were the only reason to get out of bed in the morning but currently, they were all doing their own thing which was fine but also made you sad a little.
The blonde boy was up quicker than you thought and he put the tray down on your legs with a smile.
“I’m JJ, by the way,” he said as he grabbed the chair from his desk and rolled it over, taking one of the plates from the try to put some food on it.
You blinked at all the food in front of you and you were sure you hadn’t seen that many at once, at least not something you were allowed to eat. Bread buns, scrambled egg, different kinds of sausages and grapes. He must have noticed how skinny you were.
“I’m (y/n),” you simply said while staring at the food, not even sure if you could eat but when you looked at him eating and he smiled at you, you couldn’t stop yourself.
It was a feast for you. Did he always have breakfasts like that? God, what a lucky person.
“Nice to meet you, (y/n). Wanna tell me now why you were swimming in my pool at midnight?” he asked and grinned a little. He wanted to get details but he didn’t want to completely ruin the mood, something you could appreciate.
You didn’t know him and you weren’t easily trusting a person but he saved you, made you breakfast and you would probably never see him again, so you kinda owed him, right? Also he had already seen the bruises and given all the books he had in his room, he seemed to be a smart boy that had figured it all out on his own already.
“I was trying to get away from life,” you mumbled with your mouth full and he raised an eyebrow at that. “Got beat up, didn’t eat for two days, ran away to drink the pain away and then it went all black but it seems like I wanted to get a look at a life I’ll never have and then I somehow ended up in your pool. I wasn’t trying to drown myself, I promise.”
Well, the mood he had been trying to maintain was totally ruined by your words now. You spoke them so casually like they were no big deal but you saw how his eyes widened and he stopped eating while you still continued. Yes, your life was pure shit but it would be okay one day. One day you’d get out of your aunt’s death grip and get the life you deserved.
“I-,” he started but didn’t seem to be able to finish so you waved off. 
“It’s fine. It happens. Something you can’t understand, no offense.” He was living a good life full of privileges and riches, of course he wouldn’t understand what you went through and that was okay. You didn’t want his pity, he didn’t seem to care about people at the Cut anyway. 
“I might not understand your life but you obviously don’t understand my life either,” he chuckled and took some grapes to eat. You raised both eyebrows at him, what did he mean? Apparently he could read the face you were making and continued. “Life here isn’t all that great either. I may not suffer from a lot of physical abuse but emotional one. Being rich isn’t always good, ya know.”
“I’d kill for being rich,” you blurted out and it made him laugh. He had a beautiful laugh but it also sounded really sad for some reason.
“Yeah, that’s probably how a lot of people here became rich.” That made you laugh too, he was probably right. You knew a few Kooks that looked like they had killed for their wealth.
You both ate in silence and when you were done, he put the tray away to look at you with a look that you couldn’t quite place.
“Where are my clothes?” you asked to break the stare and he nodded.
“I’ll get them, one second,” he said and walked over into a room which was...his bathroom? God, he even had his own bathroom. What the fuck.
JJ came out with them again and they looked so much cleaner than before. “Did you wash them?” you asked because it didn’t look like it was just the pool water.
“Yeah, they looked like they needed it,” he said and put them over the bed. When you grabbed them you felt how soft they were now after the cleaning and you smiled a little to yourself. They also smelled really good.
You got out of the bed and pressed past him into the bathroom so you could get changed. When you came out of it again you felt old and new at the same time. Thankfully, the headache was slowly fading away.
“Alright, thanks for saving me, I’ll be off then,” you exclaimed as you had occupied him enough now. He already knew more about you than a stranger should and you had to get out of here before he tried to play your savior.
You had already a hand at the doorknob when he reached out to you, grabbing your arm to stop you from leaving. Of course he had to do that.
“I know this isn’t any of my business but if you ever need help, come here, okay? I’ll try my best,” he said and normally you would huff at such an offer as you had been disappointed so many times in your life but for some reason, he sounded so absolutely genuine that you nodded. You believed him but you also had no desire to get back here any time soon. Figure Eight wasn’t the place you wanted to be, it only reminded you of what could have been but wasn’t.
“Thanks,” you mumbled and he let go of you.
    Two weeks had passed and he couldn’t get the girl out of his head. There had been something that made him want to save her even though she seemed to be the kind of girl that didn’t want saving. 
Something deep inside of him was screaming at him to find you and that’s exactly what he did right now. His father would kill him but he didn’t care anymore. It was like there was a strange bond that was pulling him closer to you and away from the life he didn’t want.
The Cut was different than he had expected. During his sheltered life, downtown had been the only area he had visited, it was almost like an invisible wall that his father had placed here, not allowing him to go any further. As a kid he had been curious about it but after a while of useless attempts to convince his father he had given up on getting to know the rest of the island.
He couldn’t say why he didn’t try again now that he was older. Maybe he really wasn’t interested anymore after all those years. Maybe it was his father’s voice that was echoing in his head the closer he got to that invisible wall.
Until he broke through it. He drove past that magical line that had kept him and suddenly he saw what was really going on. They weren’t just a little less fortunate than the people from Figure Eight. His dad had lied to him and he felt sick for a moment.
He drove past small shacks, some looking like they would get blown away by the next storm. They were just poor and lived in poverty. Well, maybe not all of them but the further he drove away from the downtown area the more sad and wild it looked around him. There was also a strange feeling of freedom to it, he couldn’t really describe it.
Figure Eight was all beautiful houses and big mansions, perfectly cut grass, cars and pools. Everything had to be perfect but this? Lots of people didn’t care about their grass, he saw some old cars and trucks, some people had a small boat but nothing compared to the yacht his father owned. It was so different and he hated himself for never coming here. When did he become such an ignorant person?
Something suddenly jumped out of the bushes to the right and he hit the breaks, barely stopping in front of the person who was standing right in front of his car, looking straight at him.
“What the fuck?!” the girl yelled and he would always recognize that voice, it had almost burned into his soul. She was so different from everything he knew. Looks like the string that was pulling him had reached its destination.
    Great, now some idiot tried to run you over while you were busy running away from Barry. This couldn’t get any worse. You were about to keep running when you saw who got out of the car. It was the blonde pretty boy with the sad eyes from Figure Eight that you kept dreaming about for the last two weeks. A wink of destiny? Either way, it looked like he was your escape.
JJ got out of the car and smiled at you, slowly coming over to you, probably wanting to make sure you were okay but he barely scraped you. 
“JJ?” you asked in disbelief and he chuckled a little. It was weird to see him here, out of place, so far away from home.
“If I wouldn’t know any better I’d say you tried to get him by a car this time,” he said and laughed when he saw you glare. You really didn’t have time for this bullshit. Yes, being dead would be better sometimes given your circumstances but right now you’d prefer to prevent that.
You threw a look behind you and then back at him. “In the car,” you hissed and shoved him back to his side of the car while you got in on the other side.
“Drive,” you said and looked out to the right side where you had been coming from but he looked at you confused.
Barry came out of the bushes and you turned around to JJ in a split second, pressing your lips against his, hoping to make Barry think that it was just a rich couple that came down here to make out. He wasn’t the brightest candle on the cake after all.
When you saw him leave out of the corner of your eye you sighed into the kiss but only slowly moved away. JJ’s lips felt good, pressed against yours like it was the only thing he had ever wanted.
Reality hit and you pulled back, swallowing slightly. “Sorry uhm...just needed to distract that guy,” you mumbled and licked your lips, still tasting him.
“What was that about?” he asked and seemed a little dumbfounded by the sudden kiss.
“I was running from our local drug dealer,” you explained like it was the most normal thing to do. Maybe you had stolen him some money but you only wanted food and you knew where he stored it so you might as well just borrow it. For a very long time.
“You could have just hidden on the backseat, you know,” he teased and wiggled his eyebrows which caused you to slap him slightly against the shoulder.
“It was a distraction kiss, nothing else. Don’t let it get to your head,” you said ang took a deep breath when you felt your body relax.
“What now? Any place I can drive you to?” he suddenly asked and you looked over at him, thinking for a moment. You’d be safe with John B and the others as you wanted to meet up later anyway. You nodded and gave him some quick directions.
“So, what are you doing here?” you asked and watched him drive. He had such a pretty face if those eyes wouldn’t be so sad. You wondered why he was like that, he had everything you could wish for and yet, he was still so sad.
“Actually, I was looking for you. I also had never been down to the Cut, my father always keeping me from it so I wanted to take a look.” His voice was so smooth and you had the urge to just press your lips against his once more.
What the fuck was going on in your head? God, that needed to stop, he was a Kook after all. No good came from them.
“Why were you looking for me?” It was beyond you why he would come here only to find you. You were just some girl he had saved from her own stupidity. On the other hand, you couldn’t deny that you hoped to see him again shortly after you had left his place back then. There had been something about him that was pulling you closer and those dreams you had weren’t for nothing. He was special in a way you couldn’t describe just yet.
“I don’t know, to be honest. I just had the feeling I had to,” he said and it confirmed your feelings. He also didn’t really know what he was doing here, just like you didn’t know why you wanted him here.
It was a strange connection that had formed within a couple of hours two weeks ago, a connection that didn’t break. Normally people meet other people, establish some kind of relationship between them. Acquaintances, friends, work colleagues, stuff like that. Sometimes you just meet a stranger, talk to them and then break the connection off.
That’s what you thought this would be but the connection was still there, it was deep in your bones and your mind.
Stupid Kook, about to turn your world around.
You arrived at the Chateau where John B was already coming over before JJ could turn the motor off. He obviously wasn’t used to such cars arriving at his place, that’s why you got out first.
“It’s me!” you yelled and JB visibly relaxed before taking another look at the car and the boy coming out of there.
“Who’s that?” he asked and frowned at you but you just waved off. 
“That’s JJ. He saved me, two times to be exact. He’s cool.” You waved JJ over and he followed you step to John B. You gave him a quick hug and then saw how JJ held out his hand.
You glared at John B and he groaned slightly before shaking JJ’s hand.
“I don’t know why you’d bring a Kook here,” he grumbled and you hit his arm slightly.
“I told you, he is cool. He’s pool boy.” You might have mentioned that accident to your friends without any names or mentioning that your blonde savior was a Kook. Oops.
“Pool boy?” a female voice said while coming out of the house and you waved at Kie.
“Kiara?” JJ suddenly said and looked over at her, watching how she stopped in her tracks. You looked between the two of them forth and back.
“JJ?” Yup, they totally knew each other.
“Donkey?” you threw in and laughed a little at your Shrek reference, causing the others to laugh too.
“You know each other?” John B said in choir and the both nodded.
“Yeah, he’s the guy that keeps me grounded at all the Kook events. We drink and make it through the night somehow. He’s cool,” Kiara explained and JJ nodded in agreement.
“See, told you,” you teased John B and he just rolled your eyes. He sometimes acted like a big brother when he wasn’t drowning in his own shit.
“Are you staying? I know what it feels like to be a Kook, so I might as well show you my escape”, Kiara said and JJ rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
You laughed a little because he seemed so out of place right now but you could tell he probably needs an escape from life once in a while.
“Okay, show me,” JJ said and you grinned at him. It was a reckless thing to do, taking a Kook in but technically, Kiara was one too and if she and JJ got along, he would also get along with Pope and John B. It might just take a while but it would be okay.
There was this feeling inside of you that was telling you to help him, to make his eyes look sad and to hear a genuine laugh from him.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
Chthonic Love Chapter 6
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A Greek Mythology AU featuring Yoongi/Suga as Hades and reader as Persephone
Previous Chapter: Chapter 5
Olympian ruler Namjoon has delivered you, Persephone, as a gift for his brother, lord of Death, Yoongi. You find yourself enjoying spending time with Lord Yoongi
The two of you exited the library. "Hold on, I need to grab something," you said as you turned around and ran down the hall to your room. You opened the wardrobe and grabbed Yoongi's cloak. You jogged back down the hall and saw him propped up against the wall right where you had left him. You took this opportunity to admire his slim yet powerful silhouette. You felt your cheeks get warm as he looked over, noticing you staring at him. "Thanks again, here you go," you said, holding the cloak out. He smirked a bit and took it. And then proceeded to put it on you once more. “Hey…" you protested as he fastened it under your chin. He smiled as he did it, "It's going to be cold out there again today too.” he turned to walk, “Besides, it looks better on you.”
Is he...flirting with me? You wondered. Everything up until that point you could have chalked up to kindness. You felt your heart flutter a little as you followed him out of the castle.“Are there any cities in the underworld?" you asked as the two of you headed down the path.
"No. Not like on Earth. And it's not like Olympus either. There are of course the different places the human souls go to. For the few of us who live here, there's just the Palace. Did you live in the Spring court?" he asked, offering an arm as the two of you approached the Desert of Sorrow.
You took it and smiled at this small ritual that was forming. "Sort of. Sometimes. I have a room there. But, I'm practically feral. I think this is probably the longest I've gone without twigs in my hair and dirt on my feet. But," you lifted a foot up, "I guess the sand counts."
“Really? You don’t strike me as the feral type.” He teases.
“Well you've only known me for a day, give it time.”
Time? Like she’s actually going to stay here? Yoongi found himself thinking. He cleared his throat, "Your garden is beautiful by the way. I've never seen anything like it."
"Thank you. I hope you don't mind, the courtyard just looked so sad and empty. And it's good for me to use my energy. Do I have to name that too?" you playfully nudged his arm.
"Ah nope." he grinned. "I already named that one."
"Oh yeah? Your boring rock courtyard had a name?" you teased as the two of you approached the shoreline.
"It does now: Persephone's garden," he pulled away from you to go summon the ships.
You smiled and you found yourself hoping that Charon doesn’t have a letter for you today. As long as Hoseok knows you’re alright, there’s really no harm in staying here for a while. You played with the cloak while waiting for the ships, flapping the arms out. After a minute, you saw the ships arrive. There were several more this time. You walked over, “Why are there more ships today?”
“In general the afternoon reaping is bigger. You came to the evening one yesterday. People wake up and go to work, people get into accidents during the day. It’s just more chances at dying.” he sighed. “The morning one is pretty steady. Older people dying in their sleep. And the evening one is always less. No one wants to die in the evening, they’ve got to hold on and see their families one last time.”
“Hmmm...I guess I never really thought about the intricacies of when humans die.” you said as the two of you began to head towards the gates.
“Well death isn't something most people think about. I believe humans find it unpleasant. And most Gods and Goddesses for that matter don’t even want to consider that maybe they’re not actually immortal.”
You shrugged, “Death doesn't scare me. Every flower I've ever created or animal life I've nurtured, dies. It’s why a real flower is more beautiful and appreciated than a glass flower. The ephemeral nature of it. Death gives meaning to life.”
Yoongi looked over at you, left speechless by what you had said. You looked over at him, oblivious to how your words had moved him. “So today do I have to wait here or can I come with you?”
He took a second to process the shift in conversation, “Yeah. Now that I know Holly won’t eat you, you can come with me.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes as the two of you walked to the gate, “You thought he would eat me?!”
Yoongi laughed, “I mean...not to get too graphic but he has definitely caught some people escaping Charon, and he definitely ate them.”
“Ewwww.” you responded. But then your morbid curiosity got the better of you, “How does he decide which head gets to eat a person?”
Yoongi turned back and looked at you with his eyes wide, “You go from ‘eww’ to asking me that question? Really?” he joked.
“I told you. Feral. Wildcard.” you pointed to yourself, while grinning. “I can’t help it.” You walked over towards Holly, muttering as you passed Yoongi, “Going to let your dog eat me…”
“Cerberus, not a dog.” he laughed. “Open the gate Holly,” he yelled. Yoongi waited for Holly to grab the chain. I can’t remember the last time I laughed this much.
You had wandered over to the cavern and were experimenting with creating moss on the walls while Charon and the ships started to pass through the cave. It was your first time seeing the dead being ferried up close. You wish you wouldn’t have looked. These ships had children on them and a baby. You took a deep breath. Yes you accepted death. Yes you knew it was inevitable. But things like this reminded you of why you hated the Olypians so much. The unnecessary amounts of human death caused by their meddling and bickering and encouragement of war was unforgivable to you. The algae and moss you had created turned black and died as your thoughts turned unpleasant. You sighed and headed back to Yoongi and Holly.
Yoongi was petting Holly when you walked back over. You leaned into Holly's side, resting on it and closed your eyes. "Are you OK?" You took a deep breath in and out, feeling the pressure building in your face as you tried not to cry. You shook your head 'no.' Yoongi cocked his head to the side and came closer to you. "Did something happen in the cave?" he became worried Charon or one of the corpses had said something to you.
"How do you do it?" you squeaked out. "There were like ten kids and a baby on that boat." the tears flowed freely now, slightly dampening Holly's fur.
Yoongi bit his lip and looked down at the ground, "Ah. That. Yes. There's nothing I could say or do to make that better. And it's bad, but I don't even look at who's in the boats anymore; I can’t. Which is not necessarily a good thing." He wasn't quite sure how to reassure you so he gave you an awkward arm pat. Holly whined.
“Sorry about your fur," you sniffled.
"He is a fearsome Cerberus. Goddess tears aren't going to hurt him." Yoongi tried to joke around with you. You pulled away from Holly and looked at Yoongi. How many times had he seen those same images? Enough that he couldn't do it anymore. You closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around him. Yoongi stood there for a moment, frozen. Was this real? He blinked his eyes and returned the embrace.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," he says gently stroking your back.
"You've had to see it every day. Three times a day for centuries." you sniffled into him.
"It's my job. Like I said, I don't even notice anymore. It's fine." he said trying to reassure you. He rested his chin on top of your head.
"It's still awful." you respond quietly.
It is." He acquiesced.
Holly stood up, alerting you both to the arrival of Charon. Yoongi stayed like that for another couple of seconds, not wanting it to end. He forced himself to pull away and without thinking, he ran a hand down your face, wiping away a tear. He gave you a small smile of reassurance and turned toward the gates.
"Any news?" he asked as he approached the ferryman. The skeleton shook its head. “Very well. I'll see you this evening." he dismissed Charon.
Charon moved his head slightly so he could see you and then he waved his bony arm in your direction and it looked so weird it almost made you laugh. You waved back. “Thanks again for delivering my letter," you yelled. He gave another slight bow and then began to row.
"Good boy Holly." Yoongi said. He felt awkward now and didn’t quite know what to do. He looked over at you. Your eyes were still a little puffy but he still thought you looked beautiful. And soon she’ll be gone. He heard a little voice in the back of his head say. Yoongi frowned. He knew that. He did. But for some reason, it really bothered him.
You hugged your arms around yourself, the image still replaying in your head.
“We should head back,” Yoongi said as he started to walk towards the cavern.
“I don’t want to go back in there.” you immediately stated. “Sorry. It’s just..”
“It’s fine. It’s fine,” Yoongi said, not making you explain yourself. He understood why. “I’m always up for a stroll across the Desert of Sorrow.” Especially with you.
You nodded and started to walk back toward the dunes, wrapping an arm around his when you got to the black sand. You shivered.
“You’re going to need a heavier cloak.” he commented absentmindedly.
“Yeah I guess. Does your seamstress make those or do we need to collect Holly’s fur?”
Yoongi chuckled. “I’m sure Holly would willingly donate to the cause, but I’ll check with Arachne first.”
“Arachne, like the spider-lady that pissed Athena off?”
“The one and the same.”
“She lives in the palace?”
“In the catacombs beneath the palace technically. She and her children keep the less friendly creatures of the Underworld at bay.”
“Huh,” you remark. “Any other secret parts to the palace I should know about?”
“Nope. The rest of it is delightfully boring.”
“Good. It’s a nice break from the drama of the Olympic and Mortal realms.” you said. The two of you had arrived at the bridge but you didn’t let go of his arm. You told yourself that it was because you were still cold but you knew there was more to it than that. You wanted to be close to him. You felt a dull ache in your chest. You had to let go for him to open the door. To your surprise though, he grabbed your hand.
“Come on, let’s get you warmed up,” he said, leading you through the great hall. You saw Lethe in the corner. She stood up, her eyes not missing for a minute that the two of you were basically holding hands.
“Master Yoongi, Lady Persephone.” she bowed.
Yoongi kept walking. “Tea in the office please Lethe.”
“Yes sir,” she smiled as you looked at her while being dragged along. The two of you walked down the corridor to his office. He opened the door and let go of your hand. Lifting his arm he cast a fire into the fireplace.
“You. Warm. Go.” he pointed in that direction.
“Thank you,” you said quietly. The stack of furs you had assembled yesterday were still in the same place so you curled up on them.
Yoongi walked over to his bookcase, shopping for something to work on. He pulled out a few notebooks and stacked them on his deck. He poked his tongue against his cheek as he went back and browsed for something for you to read. But maybe you didn’t feel like reading. Maybe you did. He couldn’t quite decide what to do. Fortunately for him, there was a knock at the door. “Come in.”
Lethe entered carrying the tea tray. “Here you go.”
“Thanks Lethe,” you turned around to say. She smiled at you and took her leave. Yoongi was still book shopping so you got up to grab the cups of tea. You grabbed them and walked over to the bookcase. “Here,” you handed him one of the cups.
You walked past him and towards the back of the office. “Do you play?”
Yoongi looked over to where you were gesturing. “Yeah. I play the harpsichord pretty well. The Lyre, it’s more tricky.”
“I’d like to hear you sometime,” you commented as you walked back towards the fireplace.
“Well you know, I might not actually be good. I don’t think I’ve ever had an audience.” he stated modestly.
“Oh that’s true. You might be awful.” you teased. “You could play for me and I could let you know just how bad you are.”
He smiled shyly. “Maybe tomorrow. Give me a chance to practice.” And an excuse for you to stay another day.
“Hmm...I suppose I’ll allow it.” you raised your eyebrows and smirked. It was so easy for you to tease him and joke around with him. You forgot that he was a King and the Lord of the Underworld.
“You are too kind, m’lady” he joked back, feeling much more at ease now. “Did you want anything to read?”
“No thanks. But, if you have some blank paper, I wouldn’t mind drawing.”
“Oh? Sure.” Yoongi reached into one of the chests in the room and pulled out some parchment and charcoal. “Umm...do you need my desk?”
You sat down on the furs, “No, this is fine. Remember? Feral.”
He smiled and brought the supplies over to you. “Well, if you change your mind, let me know.” He walked over to his desk and started to write, occasionally looking up at you. My stupid brother was right. Shit. NEXT CHAPTER
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beerecordings · 4 years
bee i am LIVING for the bartimaeus AU! i just finished rereading the series and ahhhhh! it's perfect!! what are some of the other iplier demons like? who's the biggest drama queen and who's secretly the softest for mark? and i know you mentioned marv, jackie and hen, but does jack also have chase and jj as little demon buds? what are their names/what are they like if so?
these are excellent questions thank you Mads haha and YES isn’t that series the best?? still like one of my favorites
yeah so Mark’s house is just like filled with the grumpiest creatures in the universe but they also logically know that Mark’s helping them and they hate that but some of them try to be grateful. Eric is probably the softest for him cause he loves being protected by Mark - he’s not just anxious about being enslaved by other magicians, he even gets nervous in the Other Place, so this is a nice break for him. he mostly hangs out as small animals and hides in Mark’s clothes or sometimes he’ll just curl up in a drawer or closet or something and give Mark a jumpscare when he opens it haha. also i think Yancy doesn’t mind being Mark’s (doesn’t want to be free lol) and he just hangs around Mark’s garden as a ring-tailed lemur getting fat on fruit.
most of the other spirits Mark watches over come and go because it takes a lot of power to control so many, but the permanent fixtures in his house are Host, Dark, and Wilford. Wilford and Dark are both incredibly powerful but Wilford has lost his mind entirely and he has zero fear of any punishment so he’d be really dangerous if he was ever controlled by another magician. he doesn’t have any concept of death anymore and kills at random if Mark doesn’t help reign him in. Wilford likes to be a ridiculous animal of his choosing usually wearing a party hat or something else ridiculous, a man in colorful clothes, or a big pink bubble. Dark, meanwhile, is severely disabled by his pain. A magician put a curse on him when he got caught in the crossfire of an affair turned into a violent revenge plot and now his body is in constant pain and confusion even in the Other Place. Once an incredibly powerful spirit, he can’t do much now but lie in the room Mark gave him and plot his revenge (although the other marid, Wilford, seems to have taken an interest in him and has started regularly sneaking in to entertain him).
Mark is working really hard to find a cure for the curse, but Dark is slightly out of his mind with the pain and the anger and he hates Mark more than he can express, eventually coming to mistake him for the magician who cursed him in the first place. once Mark meets Jack, they actually start making progress on finding a cure cause Jack is a really good researcher. meanwhile Host is the oldest spirit there, not as powerful as Dark and Wil but clever and cunning. he is blind and usually takes the forms of animals. sometimes he will allow Mark to carry him around as a snake around his neck, threatening to crush his neck at any moment, but he never does.
however the biggest drama queen is probably this dramatic, showy little foliot Mark occasionally summons named Bim. Bim got a taste for human flesh while fighting in the American Revolution and Mark checks on him occasionally because human blood is basically an addictive substance for spirits, the equivalent of a bear huffing petroleum, and Bim’s kind of out of his mind from it. he’s working on getting him detoxed but Bim keeps trying to trap him in game show-style death matches with other spirits, so it’s always a struggle. i think also Google is the one who is the most furious whenever he’s summoned, but he’s been magically bound to another demon named Bing and they both want to be separated from each other! it’s painful for them to be bound together and they can’t get apart even in the Other Place. one of their old masters bound them together as punishment for plotting to kill him and they’re both kind of miserable now. when they’re summoned, they usually take the shape of mismatched animals like a fox and a rabbit or a snake and a mongoose. or, when they’re actually getting along, a pair of almost identical dogs or a pair of human twins with eyes that aren’t quite human. there are others too, like this imp Mark found that just refers to itself as “the Jims”, a creature that likes to mimic the Judeo-Christian concept of an angel called the Silver Shepherd, and a djinni called Iplier who’s seen so much death that he thinks every human he looks at is dying within the next few days and has come to develop a reputation as a death omen (Mark hopes this isn’t true because Ippy really likes to stand at the foot of his bed late at night as a huge black dog and it’s uhhhhh a little weird lol).
and yes, Jack does have Chase and JJ! he finds his spirits in the same order as they’re created in canon, so those two are the newest to him and actually he never intended to keep either of them, just summoned them for research purposes. but when he found Chase he discovered what was essentially depression in spirits and he could not just let that go for both research purposes and because Jack is so fucking empathetic haha. and Chase was fascinated by what the heck was happening in his house and actually curious to be a part of it, so he let Jack keep him and eventually they developed a trust for each other and won’t leave! Chase is technically the weakest of Jack’s spirits because he’s only a foliot. His demon name is Blood Chaser and he likes to be a puppy dog haha. one of those little Target dogs lolll. he’s like the sweetest little guy. he made the mistake of falling in love with a human woman he was sent to seduce and assassinate last time he was summoned, but he never could get himself to assassinate her so another spirit came and did it :( now Chase is paranoid about Jack getting hurt and likes to sleep in the same bed as him to protect him.
JJ, however, was not NEARLY as friendly. he was summoned because of his ties to either Anti or because of the permanent wound on his throat (i’m still deciding which but Jack is really interested in spirit “disabilities” and how to help spirits with them) and he hates humans for everything they’ve done to him. he was trapped in a genie’s bottle for about three hundred years and nearly lost his mind, and either Anti or a human sorcerer permanently disfigured his throat and made it impossible for him to speak verbally no matter what he shape-shifts to. he tries to TERRIFY Jack when he first summons him - but it’s been a few hundred years since he was summoned, and even if Jack wasn’t tough as nails, the forms he picks to scare him are pretty archaic. but he gets really confused cause Jack just wants to ask him like a million questions?? lol. Jack keeps summoning him back again and again to ask him questions and eventually JJ gets really frustrated from the confusion and demands to see what the hell Jack is up to. that’s how he ends up getting introduced to this household full of happy demons and Jack offers to try and find a way to help heal his throat. even if he can’t get his voice back, Jack eventually finds a way to stop the burning pain that’s been haunting JJ for centuries. things progress from there. JJ still has a fear of being confined, so you can mostly find him guarding the woods around Jack’s house, and Jack lets him go back to the Other Place whenever he likes, though they both know it’s safest for him to be with Jack to avoid being enslaved by another magician. JJ’s full name is Nectarian, which is an old kind of alcohol he once used to burn a city down on his master’s orders. Jack said that was super archaic and started calling him different alcohols as a joke, but eventually Jameson stuck and now he likes it :)
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lovelyirony · 4 years
Hello. I'm having kind of a shit day ( just found out my sister's hair was full of lice) so if you wouldn't mind could you write some thorbruce? Sorry if this bothers you, I hope you and your family are doing ok
 this could never bother me. I hope that this little story helps! i really wanted something comedic, or at least my attempt at it. so without further ado...a fusion of a thief AU and royalty AU! 
Bruce Banner technically has a career as a scientist. He writes research papers occasionally, helps out with other science projects, and wears smart, science-y glasses. 
And so what if he just happens to make most of his money stealing rich people things like paintings, wine, and other assorted items off of boats and out of houses? Well, that’s extra. Doesn’t even go on any tax forms. 
“You’re gonna get something done to you one of these days,” Tony tells him over margaritas. Tony is one of the rare people who caught him, let him still take the Warhol because “I sure as hell didn’t pick it out, I have taste,” and invited Bruce for cocktails. 
“Of course I am. Maybe jail.” 
“No, not that,” Tony says. “You forget I will be offering my lawyers. They could get the devil himself scot-free. And you’re way better than that guy.” 
“Then what?” 
“You’re going to have to balance yourself,” Tony says, smiling. “And I can’t wait to see you pull it off.” 
Bruce wishes he had more friends like Tony, because unfortunately both Jane and Helen have texted him that he’s screwed for his next goal: Odin. 
Odin is a king who made his whole goal to cover up the shady dealings of his reign, and while his sons are doing better to call it out and bring about new policy ideas now that it is said that Odin will be retiring from the throne, so to speak, nothing has changed yet. 
Bruce knows that people say the next king in line, Thor, is very similar to his father. 
So he’s planning on infiltrating a party. This involves getting a planet ticket to Asgard, sneaking in, and maybe also leaving by boat. He’s not sure yet, depends on how quickly Tony can engineer a self-steering boat. 
(The boat’s gonna be there.) 
“You’re gonna get your ass kicked,” Helen snickers over drinks. “Have you seen his arms?” 
“I’ve heard your ramblings about ten or twenty times, yes,” Bruce says. “For someone who loves their wife as much as you do, you also have an interesting love for Thor’s arms.” 
“They’re buff!” Helen protests. “Jane also nice arms, but they are not buff.” 
“Guilty as charged,” Jane says from the kitchen, rolling her eyes. “Bruce, be careful. And for the love of god, don’t talk to any of them if you can.” 
“Like I would.” 
Thor is very bored with present society. His father has banned all of his friends from attending, Loki has decided to go on their own way in as outrageous of a dress as they could find, in any case guaranteeing that their mother’s attention would be focused on making sure that they had the right accessories. 
There is not one interesting person to talk to. 
Thor is bored. 
This means Thor isn’t so much as paying attention to any sort of conversation and has found one new guest that he has never met before. 
“Hello,” he says. 
The man whirls around. He has curly, nearly-messy hair. Nice nose. 
“I don’t think we’ve met before,” Thor says. “I’m Thor.” 
“I’m Bruce,” Bruce blurts out, because he is a Class-A Idiot. 
Of course he gets caught at a royal function. 
“And you haven’t met me before. I’m a...scientist.” 
Thor smiles. 
“Well, what study of interest are you in?” 
“DNA sequencing,” Bruce says weakly. “And you are...Thor, right?” 
“Yes,” Thor says, smiling. “Did my father invite you?” 
“Your mother,” Bruce says, knowing that Queen Frigga is occupied at the moment trying to ensure that Loki is not stealing all of the strawberries. She cannot possibly come over and confirm his story or realize that she has no idea who he is. 
“How is your night faring, Your Highness?” Bruce asks nervously. He cannot make eye contact. 
“None of that,” Thor says with a chuckle. “That title is...stuffy. Overused. I’m just a regular person who is assuming a throne.” 
“Any plans then, regular person?” Bruce asks in a snarky tone, grinning.
“None that I’m comfortable sharing within earshot,” Thor mutters under his breath, into his drink. Bruce smiles. 
His eyes crinkle up. That’s cute. 
“Good idea. Never know what your father listens to.” 
“Not a fan?” Thor asks. 
“Can’t say I’m dedicated,” Bruce answers with a shrug. Thor smiles, leaning in closer.
Thor’s about to answer more, willing to speak with this man. The night was turning around, and--
Odin claps him on the back. 
“Thor, I have some people you must talk to for the future,” he says, not even sparing Bruce a glance as he turns his son towards a group of the most ancient looking old men Bruce has seen. 
Thor swivels his head back. 
“I hope to see you again!” Thor calls. 
Bruce waves. 
“Probably not,” Bruce sighs to himself. “But I’m sure you also won’t see some of your vases again.” 
In the news, they reported that it had to be at least a three-man job. The surveillance didn’t help, heirlooms had been nicked out of at least six different rooms, and top secret documents had been spilled out into the back lawn, some artfully arranged as if they were reading material for the next garden party. 
Thor has an idea of who did it. Has since his mother confusedly asked “who’s Bruce?” 
He’s clever, that’s for sure. Going directly to the house? Using Odin’s disregard of people he doesn’t think are worth his time? Oh, it’s perfect. 
It would also make a good quality in a husband, if he says so himself. 
Bruce is currently lying on his back at Jane’s house, the sunshine warming him. 
“You’re gonna die!” Helen yells. “You told him your name and you are storing, just casually, a priceless artifact!” 
"I’m not storing it. I just put it back in a museum,” Bruce says. 
“You think that Odin’s honestly not going to get it back?” 
“Nope,” Bruce says. “Because he didn’t change the paperwork on it and it has a loan repayment clause thingy. I don’t know how it works but he needs to pay the museum for it and it’ll be bad press for a while. That and his shady dealings with repressing country public opinion. I think Thor’s up to the plate.” 
He is. Bruce is right. Odin has rescinded his claim on the throne, allowing a coronation to be held for Thor. 
“Are you gonna go?” Jane asks. 
Bruce snorts. 
“And what, risk being detained in Asgardian jail or being murdered? Nah,” Bruce says. “Besides, I probably won’t ever really interact with them ever again. And I have no purpose for being there.” 
Bruce isn’t sure how. But he gets an invitation to go. Well, he’s sure how he got it. Thor remembered him, probably found out that he wasn’t supposed to be there. 
He’s mad. 
He’s from fucking Ohio. He knows that no one is supposed to notice him under any circumstance besides maybe an eating competition or a tornado warning. 
“You have to go,” Tony says. “I’ll be there, I can cause a distraction. Loki owes me a favor.” 
“How does Loki owe you a favor?” 
“They needed some help with executing a perfect red carpet walk a couple years back to ensure they upstaged someone. I don’t know who, but I helped. Loki owes me.” 
“But why do I have to go?” 
“Because if you don’t then Thor’s not gonna stop,” Tony says. “Because if he personally invited you, that means something. It means you’re either going to die or he’s going to make sure he has a very fun time at his own coronation.” 
“Why wouldn’t you have fun being coronated or whatever the fuck you call it?” 
Two hours in. There’s been two hours of this. Bruce has fallen asleep twice, and Tony keeps jabbing him in the side. 
“Decorum,” Tony hisses. “If you fall asleep, you’re going to cause a scene.” 
“So sorry that I don’t find this just entirely interesting,” Bruce says, “I wasn’t the one who minored in anthropology.” 
“Majored,” Tony says. “Among other things.” 
“Is this when we couldn’t find you for a year? Like, when you went to California or whatever and had a crisis?” 
“I didn’t have a crisis,” Tony says. 
“Sure you didn’t,” Bruce said, snorting. “You were sad and probably ate five loaves of pumpernickel in one day.” 
“If you keep talking we’re gonna get kicked out, and I want my record of being kicked out of royal events to be kept to a minimum of two.” 
“You’ve been kicked out of two?” 
“One was England. That’s practically a given.” Tony hisses. “Now no more.” 
Bruce falls asleep again. 
Thor catches him in the audience. 
He has to bite his own tongue to stop from laughing. Sif side-eyes him. 
He raises an eyebrow. She looks out into the crowd, sees the man who has fallen asleep. She stills, trying very hard not to laugh. 
“Is that the man you want to pursue?” she whispers as the officiants droll on about tradition. Thor nods. Sift snorts. “Of course you do.” 
The party afterwards is tasteful. People are in a line to congratulate Thor. Bruce is by the appetizer table slowly but surely stealing all of the colby-jack cheese slices. 
“I hate you,” Tony says to Bruce. “You’re a menace to society.” 
“Put that on my headstone, see if my ghost sticks around to cause trouble,” Bruce says. “Besides, I am not paying for any of this. I’m already eyeing the chocolate fountain.” 
Tony rolls his eyes. 
“I suppose this is what I get for bringing you here.” 
“You literally did not have to, I got an invite and you forced me to come,” Bruce says. “And all because I stole priceless artifacts. Ugh.” 
Thor finally manages to escape a long line of well-wishers/want-to-make-sure-he-won’t-do-things-he’s-gonna-do people. 
He finds Bruce slowly but surely demolishing the pineapple. 
“Nice to see you again, Dr. Banner,” he says. Bruce stills, turning. 
“I wasn’t expecting to even meet you today again,” Bruce says, smiling. “How have things been?” 
“I’ve gotten some more space for storage,” Thor says, referencing to the act of stealing and also revealing his father’s less-than-golden past. “Thank you for that, by the way.” 
Bruce stills. 
“The queen knows no one by the name of Bruce who is a scientist. You paused. Terrible lie, really. You’re lucky you’re quite good-looking and my father is a fool.” 
Bruce looks at him. 
“I stole a lot of shit from your house and you’re calling me good-looking?” Bruce asks. 
“Well to be fair, I’m just glad you didn’t steal my blanket on my bed. It’s pretty soft, pretty valuable,” Thor says grinning. 
“Didn’t get to see that room,” Bruce responds. 
“You’ll have to come up with me some time then.” 
Bruce almost spills his drink. 
“Are you...?” 
“Flirting with you? Yes.” 
Bruce takes a sip of his drink. 
“Interesting. Although I hardly doubt your mother will be pleased to see you talking with someone who stole things.” 
“On the contrary, she most likely won’t mind,” Thor says, smiling. “Just because she married my father doesn’t necessarily mean they’re affectionate.” 
Bruce tilts his head. 
“So what you’re saying is that no one in your family likes your dad?” 
“Not especially. Kind of a bastard, if you ask me.” 
Bruce laughs. 
“So. What kinds of things does a king like to do for a date?” 
Thor puts a finger on his chin, teasingly. 
“Well I’m not sure. Is it kingly of me to offer a lunch?” 
“I would say I’ll accept,” Bruce says, laughing. “So long as it’s a good lunch.” 
Tony is gasping in disbelief as he sees Thor put a hand on the small of Bruce’s back, leading him to meet the queen. 
“Only my brother,” Loki says, pursing their lips. “Of course he falls in love with the man who stole from the kingdom and would probably be arrested for about twenty years.” 
“He does that,” Tony says. “Thank you again, for inviting me.” 
“No problem,” Loki says. “God knows I needed someone else to judge the questionable fashion choices people made. Just...ugh. Look at her shoes.” 
“I need another drink to even think about looking at those,” Tony says, turning towards the bar. 
With Thor and Bruce, the kingdom gets two excellent rulers. Bruce is more focused on environment sustainability and education infrastructure, and can frequently be seen leading children all over the grounds of the kingdom, identifying herbs and plants and grinning as they picnic for lunch. 
Thor focuses more on bringing more of the...unfavorable history to light, reinventing what he wants for his country, and leading by example. 
Of course, Bruce and Thor are photographed together getting breakfast, lunch, and on one memorable occasion, in-sync eye-rolling at a United States event. 
(Tony gets it framed for their wedding gift.) 
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gone4neow · 4 years
MAKE A WISH | johnny suh
Tumblr media
- johnny suh x oc [one shot]
- au? don’t know
- word count: 2,226
Coming home to an empty house cut deep. Some nights it was hard to stop the bleeding that resulted from such a wound. The worst part was it wasn’t even an injury that a bandage could fix. It was an invisible wound that stretched all the way from the top of the heart to the bottom.
It was hard for her to tell which taunted her the most: the bare walls or the deafening silence blaring throughout the lonesome house. There had been nights where she had sat on the hardwood floor of her half furnished house with a cold beer resting in her hands. Her eyes were always vacant, a true reflection of how she felt as she sat in the dimly lit living room with the television on at a high volume. It would drown out the ghosts, she told herself. It never did.
Eventually, she grew tired of fighting the same battle over and over. She found herself leaving work and avoiding returning from the dreadful house she had found herself despising. A part of her felt guilty - how could she be so unhappy with a roof over her head? The other part of her hurt so terribly that it seemed to drown out any guilt that she felt. So, she let her body carry her wherever it wanted.
Some nights she spent her free time in random fields. High weeds would surround her, tickling at the exposed skin of her arms and brushing against her fingertips softly as she ran freely underneath the moon. It was an intoxicating feeling. The moon’s glow provided her more comfort than her empty house ever could. She would have done it every night if she could, but unfortunately the landowners seemed to discover her secret affair with the night and quickly put an end to any further visitations.
It hurt, almost as much as that damned house had hurt her. Despite this, she found new areas of the world to explore. She had been all over town. Multiple times she had been ran off. Other times she had been threatened with legal actions. None of this stopped her. It wasn’t like she was climbing into the homes of families late at night, she just wanted to be embraced by nature.
One night she stumbled upon a garden. She had been running through the woods, away from the yells of a farmer who had caught her reading underneath his two-hundred-year-old oak tree. As she had emerged from the woods, her book had slipped from her sweaty fingertips and crashed against the earth’s wet surface. A startled gasp escaped her as she rushed to retrieve it. And then she looked up. The garden had been right in front of her. Even in the dark she could see the vibrant coloration of the flowers. They were sleeping peacefully, something she knew she should have been doing herself. In the distance she could see a large house, perhaps the biggest she had ever seen before. It was a sign of danger to her. Wealth meant major risk when trespassing onto private property. Still, she found herself unable to resist the temptation of the garden.
Her feet had carried her right to the center where a wide fountain rested. It was taller than she was and spat out cool water rapidly from its head. The sound of the water showering down into the peaceful pool below drew her in like a siren’s song. She let her book fumble onto the concrete ground beneath her feet before she gently dropped onto her knees. Hesitantly, her left hand reach out to touch the water. Her fingertips dipped underneath, the mud that stained them vanishing within seconds. The water was cold, but it made her feel alive. As she took a closer look at the bottom of the fountain, she could see the moon’s glow reflecting off of various coins. She removed her hand from the water and began searching her pockets for a coin. When she found none her shoulders dropped with disappointment.
“Here,” she heard a voice call from behind her. Her body turned in the direction of the voice before she could even process what was happening. A tall man loomed over her with his hand outstretched. In the middle of his palm rested a silver coin. She was reluctant to take it. It seemed crazy to accept money from a stranger in the middle of the night. Then again, it was crazy that she was even in an unknown location with a stranger at such a time. So, she found herself taking the coin from his hand.
“Is this your fountain?” Came the timid question.
The corner of the man’s lips lifted slightly at the question. “Technically it’s my parents, but I don’t think they mind sharing with me.”
“Are you going to tell them that I was here?” Her voice was low, as if sharing a secret. The man shook his head as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pajama pants. She watched as he took a few steps over before sitting down a few feet away from her beside the fountain. His head tilted towards the water.
“Make a wish,” he encouraged her. Her body faced the pool of water once again. Her cold fingers were wrapped around the coin tightly, but slowly she let them uncurl away from her palm. For a moment she remained frozen. There were so many things she wanted to wish for. The man watched her as she stared into the water with a faraway look in her dark eyes. For a moment he thought she wasn’t going to make a wish, but then she lifted her hand and tossed the coin into the water. They watched in silence as it sunk to the bottom to join the other coins.
“Do you think it will come true?” He questioned her.
She looked over at him with a frown on her face. “I don’t know. I hope it does.”
“I come out here and make a wish every night before I go to sleep,” the man revealed. “My wish is always the same.”
“Has it come true yet?” The woman asked.
“I think it will soon,” he told her with a smile on his face. His features were softer when he smiled. When the corners of his lips weren’t curled, he had an intimidating aura to him. To say she wasn’t intrigued would have been a lie.
“What’s your name?” She asked him. He told her that his name was Johnny and then asked her what hers was in return. Hesitantly, she revealed it. He told her it was a pretty name as his eyes averted away from her face to adore the night sky. Only in this part of the city could you see every star twinkling. She found herself drinking in the sight of him more than she did the sky, much to her own surprise.
“Why’d you come here?” Johnny asked her after a few minutes of silence.
“At night I like to go on adventures,” she explained quietly. “A farmer ran me off his farm, so I took off into the woods and it brought me here.”
The man looked over at her with surprised eyes. They were wider now, making him look innocent-like. “Do you need somewhere to stay? I can help.”
She shook her head. “I have a house. I just don’t like staying in it.”
“Why?” He couldn’t help but ask.
“Because it hurts,” she breathed the words out, her head dropping as she spoke. The man could see she was bothered by the subject. So, he dropped it.
“Then come here at night. We can make a wish together,” he told her. Her head lifted at this and her eyes found his again. When she realized he was being serious, a smile formed on her face.
His offer was not ignored. Every night she found herself visiting the garden. Johnny was always there, waiting on her with two coins resting in his hands. They made wishes together, swapped childhood stories, and confided in each other about the stressful aspects of their jobs. She learned that Johnny was trying to get into the entertainment industry, something that required a lot of his time and energy. It only made her more thankful for their time together. Johnny was perhaps the kindest man she had ever met.
“What did he do?” She asked him, leaning forward as if it would help her experience the story even more.
Johnny laughed before he could even begin to answer. “He spit the milk up all over the place! He looked like this fountain here! So now we call him the milkman and he hates us for it.”
It was such a ridiculous story, but he told it with so much enthusiasm that it was hard not to be invested in it. Their laughter died down a few minutes later, but the silence between them was not awkward.
“I had an interesting dream the other night,” Johnny began speaking again. He always seemed to be the one to speak first. The man loved to talk, but she didn’t mind. She asked him what his dream was about. He shook his head, seeming almost embarrassed to even share it with her. Of all the times she had visited, she had yet to see Johnny bashful before.
“So, it was us, right? And we were out here like we usually are at night, but this time we were dancing,” he paused. “It’s silly, right? I slept better that night than I have in a while, though.”
“I’ve never danced before. Is it that relaxing?” She asked him. Instead of answering her, Johnny rose up from the ground he was sitting on and stepped over to her. His hand was suddenly outstretched towards her, just as it was the first night they had encountered one another. This time there were no coins resting on his skin. And unlike the first time, her hand seemed to shoot out within just a few seconds. Johnny helped her stand up, but didn’t pull his hand away once she was up. He confidently guided her free hand to rest on his shoulder before he placed his large hand on the small of her back.
“Is this okay?” He asked. She nodded, laughing nervously. This seemed to make the corners of his lips curl. He guided her through a few basic steps and within just a few minutes she was starting to mimic his rhythm.
“Some people say I’m bad at dancing, so I might not be the best teacher,” he explained to her.
“It feels right,” she assured him.
The man hummed at this. “I guess that’s all that matters then.”
They danced for almost an hour. Their laughter filled the summer air. Every time she accidentally stepped on Johnny’s foot he had to tease her and she couldn’t help but to laugh with embarrassment.
“I’m curious,” Johnny started. “What do you wish for every night?”
“It’s a secret!” She answered him in a playful manner. He dramatic sighed, giving a roll of his expressive eyes.
“Okay, okay. I can see there needs to be some sort of negotiation before I can get any information,” he played along.
“What’s your offer?” She asked. He scoffed, a smile forming on his face.
“Is this Deal or No Deal?” He replied.
“What’s that?” She asked with genuine confusion. He laughed at this.
“What about this: I share my wish with you if you share yours first,” he suggested.
She was quite for a moment. She knew it wouldn’t hurt to tell him, it had already come true after all. “My wish was to not be lonely anymore.”
“What?” Johnny asked in disbelief.
“I know, it���s silly-“
“No, I’m just in shock,” he interrupted her. “That was my wish, too.”
The woman froze, bring their dance to a halt. She looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. How was it even possible that they had the same wish? Maybe Johnny was playing one of his tricks on her. He was quite the mischievous man after all.
“I’m telling the truth!” He assured her. She could tell by the absence of the mischievous glint he got in his eyes when he was being playful that he was being sincere.
“Are you going to go on one of your philosophical rants about how the universe has everything planned out and this was meant to happen?” She teased, in an attempt to lighten the mood again.
His eyes crinkled as his smile lifted his cheeks. “I can.”
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Still, a smile stretched across her face. Her hand slipped from his and she found herself wrapping her arms tightly around the man’s broad torso. Johnny looked at the top of her head with admiration in his eyes as she laid her cheek against his chest. He couldn’t see the tears collecting in her eyes, but it didn’t take long for them to start soaking through his shirt.
“Don’t cry,” he told her as his hand lifted and rested against her soft hair. She pulled away just enough to look up at him again. His thumbs were swiping away the tears on her cheeks almost immediately.
“I’m not sad,” she assured him. “Not anymore.”
a / n : hi, it’s been a while. sorry for being so inactive. i really, really want to write stuff for you guys, but i’m so hard on myself that it’s hard for me to share anything. here’s a super soft one shot, though. i hope you guys enjoy it. i will try to write more often.
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bangtan-gal · 5 years
Not a Home 
Johnny Seo x Fem!Reader
Soulmate!au housesitter!reader 
Warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, implied smut
Word Count: 2.1k
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    Johnny Seo was not your soulmate—there was no way, no way in hell, that the universe would do you that dirty. Sure, the boy was gorgeous and happened to be unnecessarily nice, but he wasn’t what you’d imagined. He broke hearts left and right without realizing it and had broken your own years ago when he suddenly decided that he loved your best friend. The two had dated for three years before getting engaged. 
And now he stood before, his hand tightly wound around your wrist and eyes zeroed in on the small tattoo. 
“Quite a feisty one, aren’t ya?”
The first words he ever said to you were burned into you skin. They’d been there since you were born, repeatedly reminding you of the man you’d be tied to. But yet, of all people, it was Johnny fucking Seo.  His mouth kept opening and closing, trying to find some reasonable explanation as to why that was printed onto your skin. But there was none—the universe wasn’t reasonable. It was stupid. 
“I… why didn’t you say anything?” He whispered, finally managing to say something. His eyes met yours and for a moment, you could’ve melted into his game. You steeled yourself, your gaze hardened as his broken one searched your face. 
“You didn’t say anything either,” you muttered, letting your head drop. It wasn’t entirely your fault that your life was a mess. 
Johnny snorted and rolled up both his sleeves. Nothing was on either wrist and then, proving what a psychopath he could be at times, he threw off his shirt all together and did a twirl for you. No tattoos. Anywhere. 
“I don’t have a soulmate connection. How was I supposed to know you were mine? Or… I was yours?” He snapped.
It was entirely your fault. You closed your eyes and sank against the wall. Fuck fuck fuck—you should’ve said something—whether it was the first day you met or that horrible day in the rain. Chasing him down the street, begging him not to leave you. You still remembered the feel of frigid water drops sliding down your hair and soaking through your clothes. The moment you stopped running and just watched his taillights disappear. 
“This won’t work out,” you told him softly, letting yourself completely slide to the floor. You rested your forearms on your knees and your head dropped to stare at the carpet. “If you don’t have a soulmate connection… then I’m technically not yours. You’re free to choose your own partner, you already have Luna, I… I can just find someone else too.”
Johnny knelt down in front of you, delicately reaching for your hand. You tried to pull away, but he got a solid grip on your fingers. His other hand pushed your chin up, forcing you to meet his gaze. You hated the soft stare that ran along you, because it reminded you of the summer you two spent together. It reminded you that deep down inside, you really wanted Johnny to be your soulmate and you just wanted to be happy with him.
“You know that’s not how it works. Luna has a soulmate out there somewhere and when she meets him, she’ll leave me. It doesn’t matter how much she claims she loves me, soulmates are called soulmates for a reason. I won’t make you wait for that day to come, she can, but you can’t,” he murmured. 
You nodded, biting your lip.
    Johnny sat down beside you, your fingers still clutched in his hand. He glanced around his house—once his parents—and then turned to you with a smirk. You looked away, frowning as you struggled to fight away a blush. You shouldn’t just fall back into him so easily.
“Plus, I can’t live in this house with her when all it does is remind me of you.”
    It was the summer of your senior year. You’d been looking for a way to make money, hoping to buy a car before you went off to college. The Seo’s, your neighbors, were going away for the summer and had asked you to look after the plants and their dog. 
    The first week went by silently, the plants happily staying alive and the dog taking an immediate liking to you. Despite being neighbors, you were surprised by how big the house was. Your house was way smaller. You didn’t have an upstairs or a guest, but yet these guys had three guest rooms and a huge-ass attic above the upper floor.
    The start of the second week, you were busy fighting with some weeds outside of the house. It was hot that day, the humidity not helping the cause at all. You groaned, trying desperately to yank the weed from the flower garden, but it was being a bitch.
“Fucking weed,” you grumbled, sitting back.
“Quite the feisty one, aren’t ya?”
You jumped and looked up. It was hard to see the man, considering he blotted out the fucking sun. When he tilted his head just slightly, you got the sight of his pale skin, a small nose, and lush lips. His eyes were a dark contrast to his skin, along with his black hair that fell over the side of his forehead. 
A ghost of a smile flickered over his lips.
“Who are you?” 
“Um… the Seo’s house sitter,” you said awkwardly and then stood up.
He raised an eyebrow.
“So, that’s your name?”
“Oh err… Y/N.” You held out a hand. He eyed the dirt stains on your hand before a small smile cracked out and he quickly shook your hand.
“Sorry if I scared you. My parents didn’t tell me they hired someone so I was just a little confused,” he explained, his hand still wrapped around yours. Then he carefully pulled back and looked back down at the weeds. “Well, I’m off to shower, but maybe we can talk a little more if you’re still around.”
    Before you could reply, he walked away. You watched, a hand over your heart as you tried to still your racing heart. You glanced down at your wrist, reading over the words and they did indeed match exactly what he said to you. 
“I can’t believe you,” you giggled, raising an eyebrow at the man. He stood there, covered in flour and other ingredients, a bowl of attempted cupcakes in front of him. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“What? Make thank you cupcakes since you’ve been such an amazing house-sitter?” Johnny huffed, glancing down at the bowl in dismay. You walked towards him, handing him a damp towel with a shake of your head. 
“No, making a complete mess that I’ll have to clean up,” you sighed, wiping some flour off his cheek. He blushed under your touch, unconsciously reaching up to touch your hand. You smirked at him, pulling your hand back. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to him, your lips crashing together. You pulled away with a mix of a laugh and a grimace. “Ugh, you taste like flour.”
    He mumbled another apology as he pulled you into him again. His hand cradled the back of your head and his other hand wrapped around your waist. Johnny pulled back, only to press a stream of kisses along your jaw and down your neck. You hummed against him, tangling your hands in his hair. 
“You have that banquet to go to, correct?” You whispered. He pulled away with a sigh. 
You smiled at him. “Well, you better go clean up.”
    You woke up with a groan and stretched out in the bed. Johnny’s arm was slung over your chest, his face buried into your hair. The cool sheets pulled against your naked form as you slid away from the man. Your feet pressed against the carpet as you sat down, yawning and running a hand through your hair. A grumble came from Johnny as he stumbled out of his sleep. You glanced over your shoulder, chuckling as he rubbed at his eyes. 
He met your stare and then smirked.
“Round two?” He teased.
“You wish.”
“I really do,” he hummed. 
“You have work,” you said, “and remember, the interview!”
    Johnny sighed and sat up. He kissed your forehead before he moved off to the shower. You watched his ass until it disappeared, a blush spreading over your cheeks. You sat there for a moment, just soaking it up, before you finally got up. 
    It was odd how easily things could collapse. It was even weirder that you sometimes didn’t realize just how much you loved someone until they had to go. What you and Johnny had was just a fling—you always knew that, but that didn’t make it any easier to accept. The summer was almost over and Seos would be home in just a couple of days. And your fling was flying out the window. 
Because the truth came out—it always did. Johnny had been in a relationship and the two had been taking a break for the summer. Although they were allowed to see other people, you still felt dirty. You still felt like you tore up somebody’s relationship. It only got worse when you realized just who Johnny had been dating. 
Luna. Luna, your fucking best friend since seventh grade. You’d never met her boyfriend before and when you found out, you suddenly understood why Johnny Seo sounded so familiar. It wasn’t just because he was your neighbor’s son, it was because he was the boy Luna would never shut up about. 
You thought he loved you back, but clearly not. You were alone in that area as the boy spilled it out to you. That he was going back to her because he owed it to her. And as cliche as it was, the two of you were out in the front garden, the rain pouring down around you. 
“So, what, you’re just gonna leave me?” You snapped, “you took a lot from me Johnny!”
He glanced down at his feet and then back up to you. His tongue swiped over his lips and he swiped his hair of his face. The rain was freezing as it ran through yo- no, his cashmere sweater. You were both shivering, both of you trying to convey something to the other.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” he murmured and then walked away. You stood still, watching as he slid into his car. You were frozen, but then once you saw his taillights, the car driving the opposite direction of you, you moved into action. You raced after the car, sobbing.
But he was long gone and you only stopped running once the lights completely disappeared. 
“Dammit Johnny!” You shouted into the storm, “you’re my fucking soulmate, you can’t just run away like this.”
You didn’t understand how he could do that to you. You were soulmates. Sure, you never really acknowledged it, but why would the two of you get so close if you weren’t? 
“So you didn’t even know?” You whispered, staring at him. “You didn’t even see it once?”
“I caught glimpses of the tattoo, but I never read it. I figured it was your soulmate connection and it wasn’t my business… how little did I know though,” he said, a bitter laugh falling from him. “But ever since that day, I’ve always thought about our first encounter. How it was so random placed, but just seemed perfect. I guess maybe it was. You know, fate.”
You sat silently and turned over your wrist, staring at the tattoo on it. Then you glanced at his wrists, both empty. It felt so stupid, because you weren’t really his even if he was yours. You exhaled.
“But Luna…”
“Is my best friend and yours. She should understand… and if she doesn’t, damn, I’ll get a fucking tattoo of the first thing you said to me,” he said. You stared at him and then smiled. 
“Of course you fucking would.”
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
OTP Question Meme
I was tagged by @bimollymauks thank you!
Answering with my new Zoe/Mason Wayhaven pairing and also my favorite OC OTP, mine and @alittlestarling‘s Roz/Vincent
Leaving this as an open tag, so whoever would like to join in, please do!  Fingers crossed that my Read More cut works, as this is LONG.
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Z/M: both, tbh. Zoe yells when she’s angry
R/V: depending on the situation, both, though Vincent goes deathly quiet when he’s truly upset.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Z/M: neither. Zoe’s abandonment issues kick in like woah and it’s a line that Mason never crosses.
R/V: Vincent, but it’s not leave-leave, it’s more “I need some air, I’ll be back later” to deescalate an argument before someone says something hurtful they don’t mean. 
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Z/M: N/A
R/V: Vincent, but he’s back in an hour or so after he’s cooled down.
Who trashes the house?
Z/M: not the house, but Zoe’s been known to vent her frustrations by throwing rocks into nearby bodies of water and scream if she’s at like Anger Level 11 on a 1-10 scale.
R/V: neither. Vincent would probably want to flip a table, but he doesn’t because he’d ultimately be the one to clean it up afterwards.
Do either of them get physical?
Z/M: Coming to blows? No. Shoving Mason out of her way (if he hasn’t already left yet) so she could storm out? Probably, but she retreats into her Touch Me Not mode, so that would only be if she felt cornered.
R/V: Absolutely not.
How often do they argue/disagree?
Z/M: rarely. They bicker and snark more than hold true arguments.
R/V: only when one feels the other is putting themselves in danger. They’ve grown up together for practically their entire lives, they’re pretty much of a same mind on many issues.
Who is the first to apologize?
Z/M: Zoe. “I’m sorry I was being an asshole” is a regular statement.
R/V: Vincent. He hates being at odds with Roz and is miserable if he can’t apologize and make things right between them.
Who is on top?
Z/M: either/or with Zoe barely creeping in on top more.
R/V: Vincent, but he loves it when Roz takes initiative.
Who is on bottom?
Z/M: either/or, depending on the mood
R/V: Roz, but it’s a 50-50 split
Any kinks?
Z/M: Yep
R/V: Absolutely. You know, it’s the quiet ones that surprise you.
Who has the strangest desires?
There’s nothing too strange for either pairing. Both are open for experimentation and the “try it once to see if we like it” mindset, but it’s also not like “is the NSA agent looking at my search history blushing?” variety either. 
Who’s dominant in bed?
Equal opportunity for both pairings! 
Is head ever in the equation?
Z/M: Yes. Zoe texted Mason after not hearing from him for a few days with “Hey, I froze my ass off giving you a blowjob in the woods last week, answer your phone.”
R/V: Yes. It’s nice that it worked out that Vincent loves to give and Roz is enthusiastic about receiving.
If so, who is better at performing it?
Z/M: Mason, though he doesn’t complain at all when Zoe offers.
R/V: Vincent, since he’s had more practice during his “have casual sex with anyone with a pulse to get over Feelings” phase of pining over Roz.
Ever had sex in public?
Z/M: a few times
R/V: they’re Circle mages. It’s easier to name a place they haven’t had sex in, especially in the Sweethearts AU.
Who moans the most?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: They’re both quiet by default, but when they have the opportunity to be a couple out in the open? Vincent. 
Who leaves the most marks?
Z/M: Mason, purely because he heals up faster than either of them would like
R/V: Roz. It was a surprise to them both when they found out biting was a big turn-on for Vincent, so she uses it often. 
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Z/M: fuck, though they have some “oh shit, this got Emotional and I am NOT prepared to deal with this, WHAT DO I DO?” moments later on
R/V: make love
How long do they usually last?
Z/M: hot and heavy quickies to release all the pent up energy from the constant flirting banter they keep up, then a slower second round
R/V: quick and rushed during the day, but multiple slower sessions when they can be alone
Rough or soft?
Z/M: both
R/V: both, but more often soft
Is protection used?
Yes to both pairings
Does it ever get boring?
Yes and no to both. The whole intimacy thing where you can carry on a conversation or “oh hey, I remembered what I meant to tell you earlier” starts happening and sometimes sex is more scratching an itch than the whole soulful event. Then again, there’s those times when someone moves or does something different and “okay, so I didn’t know THAT was something we liked. Let’s do that again.” (idk, I have a lot of Feelings about couples and sex, see the sexlaughterhonesty posts @thesecondseal​ has)
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Z/M: in an abandoned building Zoe used to go hang out in when she wanted to be alone as a teen
R/V: extremely late night rendezvous in Skyhold’s library. May or may not have happened in the same nook Dorian likes to frequent. Also may or may not have been 100% sure Solas was asleep downstairs.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
Z/M: no. Zoe’s afraid of becoming her mother and focusing more on her work than her child and she never wants anyone to have to experience that.
R/V: yes. It’s an option that was never available to them before, but once it’s an avenue that they can actually think about, they would love to become parents.
If so, how many children do they want/have?
Z/M: none
R/V: they wind up with five, all named after flowers
Who likes to cuddle?
R/V: both. They’re both very touchy-feely by nature and always seem to gravitate towards the other when they’re doing something in the same room
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Z/M: Mason, but it’s not like Zoe’s arguing either
R/V: Roz
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Z/M: both
R/V: Vincent
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Z/M: for a while before an arm falls asleep and they need to move positions/one of them gets too hot
R/V: for pretty much forever, except in the summertime. They’re both walking furnaces (Vincent says Roz is like a tiny space heater) so it makes for uncomfortable hot weather snuggles
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Z/M: Hanging out together outside and enjoying the quiet/scenery, especially at night
R/V: gardening
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Z/M: in bed or on the sofa
R/V: wherever, whenever
Who snores?
Z/M: neither
R/V: Vincent, but very lightly. more of a slight rumble ever so often
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Z/M: separately. Bed sharing = commitment and this is supposed to be no strings fun
R/V: share a bed. Skyhold’s is the largest bed they’ve ever slept in, so there’s a lot of giggling and “I have crossed oceans of bedsheets to find you” jokes at first.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Z/M: N/A
R/V: starts cuddled together with Roz’s head on Vincent’s shoulder, but they move a lot during the night, sharing Big Spoon duties. Even if they wake up with both of them on their backs, they either have a foot touching a leg or holding hands.
What do they wear to bed?
Z/M: underwear & a t-shirt or nothing at all
R/V: dedicated PJs. Roz: nightgown/chemise or one of Vincent’s shirts, Vincent: sleep pants
Are either of them insomniacs?
Z/M: Zoe when something’s bothering her. Since Mason doesn’t technically need a lot of sleep, he doesn’t consider himself one.
R/V: Vincent, especially in the Sweethearts AU. Nightmares from his time conscripted into the Orlesian army keep him awake and afraid to sleep. 
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Z/M: no
R/V: yes, in both powdered and potion form, though Vincent rarely uses them since he hates how sluggish he feels the next day (and they rarely give him dreamless sleep anyway)
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Z/M: both
R/V: tangle of limbs
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Z/M: both, though Zoe tends to sleep with her hair in a braid most nights, so it’s not as bad as Mason’s
R/V: both, and it’s a tie as to who has the worse bed head most mornings
Who wakes up first?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent. He’s an early bird up before dawn and she’s more of a later morning riser
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Z/M: breakfast is normally coffee at home with a croissant from the bakery for her, so Mason usually turns on the coffeemaker when he stays over or before he leaves in the morning
R/V: either, but usually Vincent since he’s awake before her
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Z/M: they claim they’re both knives, but Zoe is a Big Spoon who likes to wrap her leg over Mason’s hip
R/V: snuggled up with Roz’s head on Vincent’s shoulder/chest, but they wind up with Vincent curled around her (and with a mouthful of hair) or Roz doing the turtle backpack/jetpack when they do spoon.
Do they set an alarm each night?
Z/M: Zoe needs at least two alarms, but did away with one of them when Mason nearly threw her phone out of the room after it blared right in his ear.
R/V: both of them have pretty good internal alarm clocks and wake up at the same time every morning
Who has nightmares?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both, but probably more on Vincent’s side
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
No for both
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Roz, maybe
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent, purely because he’s taller
Who makes the bed?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: either, whoever winds up doing it first
What time is bed time?
Z/M: 11 to midnight, but she’s usually asleep closer to one in the morning, even without Mason showing up
R/V: either anywhere between 8 and 11 or so late it’s considered early because they’re both working and one of them manages to drag the other into bed. There is no in-between.
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Z/M: usual tooth brushing, changing clothes, Zoe’s half-assed attempt at a nighttime skincare routine. Zoe usually spends some time brushing her hair out since it’s been in a ponytail during the day and brushing tends to soothe the all day pull on her scalp.
R/V: tea by the fireplace, changing clothes, putting aside work. Roz likes to braid her hair before going to bed and sometimes Vincent will ask if he can brush it and braid it for her since the act is calming for both of them
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Z/M: Zoe. Do not talk to her before her first cup of coffee.
R/V: Roz. Vincent is an automatic Ray of Sunshine first rattle out of the box and it’s a good thing she loves him as much as she does or else she may have killed him years ago.
Who is the busiest?
Z/M: it’s a pretty equal amount
R/V: either, depending on which AU we’re talking about and who’s Inquisitor (*trips and a thousand AUs spill out of my pockets*)
Who rakes in the highest income?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: *insert “You people are getting paid?” meme here*
Are any of them unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
None of them are likely to take sick days, unless they’re truly sick, and they’re all pretty healthy people aside from one or two seasonal colds per year
What are their jobs?
Z/M: Zoe’s Wayhaven’s detective and human liaison to the Agency. Mason is with Unit Bravo
R/V: one of them is the Inquisitor and the other is a companion/former Circle mage, depending on the AU. Vincent was ranked higher than Roz as an Enchanter pre-Inquisition  
Who sucks up to their boss?
None of them
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Z/M: Zoe, but it’s rare
R/V: both are punctual 
Who stresses the most?
Z/M: both are cool as a cucumber on the outside, but internalize their stress, so who knows
R/V: Roz
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
They all like their jobs!
Are they financially stable?
Z/M: yes, though Zoe really, really wishes she made enough to afford a new car
R/V: Yes.
Who does the washing?
Z/M: the dishwasher. They take turns loading/unloading it
R/V: Roz does the washing, Vincent does the drying and putting away
Who takes out the trash?
Z/M: either
R/V: Vincent
Who does the ironing?
Z/M: Zoe, but only her clothes. Mason, but only his clothes.
R/V: Roz
Who does the cooking?
Z/M: is picking up or calling in for takeout considered “cooking”?
R/V: they like to cook together
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Z/M: “Mason, it was ONE. Fucking. Time.” Zoe set the fire alarm off while trying to be domestic and Mason won’t let her live it down.
R/V: neither, they’re both pretty decent cooks
Who is messier?
Z/M: Maybe Zoe, she’s neat but she leaves things out sometimes just to irk Mason
R/V: both are pretty neat and don’t really make messes without straightening things up
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Z/M: neither
R/V: neither
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Z/M: both, but it eventually gets picked up
R/V: both, if they’re really tired. Otherwise, there’s a hamper.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
None of them
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Z/M: neither
R/V: (Modern AU) neither, but sometimes keys are misplaced even though they have a dish on a hall table right when you walk in. 
Who answers the telephone?
Z/M: depends on who’s calling. Bobby gets an automatic ignore and deleted voicemail.
R/V: (Modern AU) they answer their own phones, but will hand the other their cell to answer if the other person is away from where it’s at.
Who mows the lawn?
Z/M: Zoe lives in an apartment with landscaping management included in the rent. Mason doesn’t know who mows the Warehouse’s lawn, but it sure isn’t him.
R/V: (Modern AU) Vincent will go over to mow Roz’s rental house lawn (and probably sneak in a few plants from the nursery he owns into her flowerbeds)  
Who does the vacuuming?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Roz
Who does the groceries?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both
Who takes the longest to shower?
Z/M: Zoe, purely because she has thick, thick hair almost down to her waist that is a chore and a half to shampoo/condition
R/V: either, depending on who decided to sneak into the shower with the other
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: depends on the day. Shaving usually takes Vincent a longer time since he’s careful of his facial scars, but Roz has the same hair issues that Zoe has, so it’s pretty much a tie.
Is money a problem?
Z/M: No, but Zoe thinks that it would be nice to invest in her motorcycle or a new car
R/V: No. No matter the AU, Vincent’s technically a trust fund baby with wealthy parents willing to help out.
How many cars do they own?
Z/M: Zoe: beaten up silver hatchback that’s seen better days and is held together with spit and a mechanic’s prayer, WiP motorcycle she’s restoring. Mason: Agency SUV
R/V: two sensible, mid-priced cars, both pre-owned and paid for
What’s their song?
Z/M: Ghost - Au/Ra
R/V: Work Song - Hozier
Do they live in the city or in the country?
Z/M: they live in (Zoe)/on the outskirts of (Mason) Wayhaven
R/V: in the country, near Wycome post-Inquisition to be close to Vincent’s parents
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Z/M: Rents an apartment/lives in the Agency-owned Warehouse
R/V: (Modern AU) Vincent: rents out an apartment, Roz: rents a house
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Yes for both
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Z/M: work, hanging out with friends
R/V: work, friends, mentoring young mages
Where did they first meet?
Z/M: met when Zoe shot Adam (she was sorry about it later), but made a bad first impression on the other when Rebecca formally introduced them
R/V: Vincent was five, going on six years old when the Templars brought in a new girl his age. He was sad when he saw her crying and decided to be her friend. 
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Vincent
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Z/M: neither. Zoe would like to have nice things, but she’s not going to be a showoff with them if/when she gets them
R/V: neither
Any mental issues?
Z/M: Zoe’s abandonment feelings/anger with her mother
R/V: PTSD for both of them, Vincent’s insomnia 
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Z/M: both, since they’re both light on their feet and agile. They do check to see if the other is okay, even if they’re smirking while they do it
R/V: neither, they help the other up and ask if they’re okay, but don’t overly worry about it unless it was a bad fall or there was an underlying reason they tripped in the first place, like being exhausted.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Z/M: neither
R/V: neither, unless you count giant spiders and whatnot as bugs. Then both.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Z/M: either, though Mason is more likely to find a cup in the middle of the room with a “DO NOT OPEN” sticky note on top if it’s a big spider
R/V: either, and they usually try to scoop them up and release outside. 
Do they have any fears for their future?
Z/M: Aside from the whole immortality vs. human lifespan thing, they try not to dwell on things. The future is uncertain and it’s better to enjoy the present.
R/V: so many, but they’re in it together and can deal with whatever gets thrown at them.
Their favourite place?
Z/M: the Warehouse’s rooftop
R/V: Skyhold’s gardens
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Z/M: Mason, maybe?
R/V: Vincent
Who pays the bills?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Vincent
Who’s the tallest?
Z/M: Mason. He’s 6′0″ and Zoe’s 5′9″
R/V: Vincent. He’s 6′1″ and Roz’s 5′1″ (my favorite tol and smol, tbh)
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Roz
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Roz
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both
What do they tease each other about?
Z/M: both of them being grumps with no filters. Mason about Zoe nearly burning her apartment down making a grilled cheese sandwich that one time. (”It wasn’t THAT bad!”)
R/V: I don’t really know! I mean, they do tease the other, but a lot of it is in-jokes and maybe Roz being a small ball of fury at times? *shrugs into the abyss*
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Z/M: neither. They tend to wear mostly the same dark colored clothing and stuff that’s not likely to stand out and get them noticed
R/V: neither. Vincent thinks Roz is beautiful in anything she wears and Roz likes the fact that Vincent’s pants are snug around his butt and his shirts emphasize his broad shoulders.
Who crushed first?
Z/M: Zoe, in that “stupid hot Agent, he makes me SO MAD...oh no, I think he’s hot. FUCK.” way.
R/V: Vincent P I N E S over Roz for Y E A R S but doesn’t do anything because she’s his best and dearest friend and telling her how he feels would risk ruining that friendship since there’s just NO WAY AT ALL she would EVER feel the same for him...
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Z/M: none. Both will drink socially, but nothing more serious than a few drinks and a minor buzz. They both have a smoking problem, but Mason tends to cut back because of Zoe and Zoe has a rule of never smoking at work. She eventually cuts back in her off hours because of Mason, but will light up when she’s stressed or upset, mostly with things centering on Rebecca.
R/V: none
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Z/M: neither. Zoe doesn’t like to get more than a pleasant buzz where the edges are a little hazy but nothing past that
R/V: Vincent. He’s a horrible lightweight who can’t hold his liquor. Two drinks in and he’s all “WHOMST wants to see me naked???” Forget about tequila making his clothes come off, ANY booze and he’s stripping.
Who swears the most?
Z/M: both
R/V: Roz, though Vincent keeps a good internal swearing streak going every now and then.
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cobraonthecob · 5 years
Date Flowers
So I finally get around to posting this, a week late, but here is my Lukanette Exchange fic! This one is for @thenovelartist, I’m so sorry that my fic is late by a few days.
@lukanette-exchange, here I am, yip yip. Ao3 link will be in the reblog.
The requirements were: Fluff is required, otherwise, open to anything: AU, aged-up, I like
Excludes: No angst (like, drama and tension okay, but don’t make the whole thing angsty)
So hopefully I did it justice!
Also, I wrote this before I found out the Snake’s powers in-show, and then I said “Nope, not in this fic. I’m keeping it to Hypnotize.”
She brings a hand made cloth flower to each date.
At first it was small and plain, but each date, it got bigger and bigger, more complex each date.
He made a garden arrangement in his living room, the smaller, simpler ones at the edges with the larger and more ornate ones in the center. 
Five years of dates, Luka thought as he stared at the floral arrangement. He had no idea where he was going to put any new flowers, he wanted to keep the flowers as private as possible. 
This time, they were going to celebrate her twenty-third birthday. He nervously thumbed the ring box, before putting it into his pocket. He drove over to her apartment, and his jaw dropped as she walked towards his car.
Her qipao went from dark blue to purple, with a faint hint of a reddish hue at the hem. Silver dots - stars, Luka realized, formed constellations in the fabric. The qipao was sleeveless, her arm muscles too large for a normal sleeve, and she probably didn’t have enough fabric for a sleeve anyways. Besides, she liked sleeveless dresses, keeps the creeps away, she says. Her upper arms were adorned with silver bracelets in the shape of snakes, one had green-blue eyes, the other red. A black bracelet - from their first date - was on her left wrist. Her hair was down, grown out to mid-shoulder blade after two years of a pixie cut. In her hands was a massive red flower, the stem beautiful and long. Luka scrambled to open the door for her.
“You take my breath away,” Luka murmured, pressing a kiss to her cheeks in greeting. Marinette did the same. 
“For you, love,” Marinette said, holding the flower out. Luka took it in both hands and nearly fainted from the sheer detail. The petals alternated between red and pink, some shades lighter or darker.
“You are absolutely amazing, I wish I had a gift that could compare to this,” Luka said, finding his words. Technically, I do have something that could compare but I had help to make it. 
“You don’t need to. It’s something I like to do.” Marinette said. Luka smiled, and gestures for her to get in the car. Marinette obliged.
“Thanks for the dinner, Luka,” Marinette said, as they got into Luka’s apartment. Luka grinned, and picked up his guitar.
“Your birthday’s not over yet,” Luka said, beginning to strum his guitar, briefly playing her heart song. Marinette raises a brow.
“You might as well had the Snake Miraculous, you hypnotized me with your art,” Luka began to sing. 
“Sass helped you, didn’t he?” Luka shrugged, and gestured that he had a little bit of help with the words.
“You are the love and the light of my life, and I will always listen to your singing heart,” Luka continued, “For it brings me joy and happiness to hear you happy, and I love you even when the days have you snappy. I’ll love you forever, if you’ll have me, and even if you don’t, I still will. You taught me the greatest and purest form of love, from the battles to just standing still. And you, whether you’re Marinette or Ladybug, I will stand by your side, as Luka and Viperion, and I’ll do so even if the world ends. I sing this from my heart, with the most sincere melody that is you, I’ll love you forever if you’ll have me…”
“Always, Luper,” Marinette said, leaning in for a kiss. 
“I’m not done,” Luka said, “for I, Luka Couffaine, wielder of the Snake Miraculous ask one Marinette Dupain-Chang, wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous, will you marry me?” Luka set aside his guitar and pulled out the ring box, presenting the ring. 
“YES!” Marinette practically shrieked, launching herself at Luka, nearly taking him to the ground. Momentarily forgetting the ring, Marinette kissed Luka, joy rushing through her body. Luka pulled away, panting.
“The ring,” Luka gasped. Marinette chuckled.
“Sorry,” Marinette said, her hand reaching out as Luka put the ring on her finger. 
“I love you, high energy and all,” Luka murmured, going back for another kiss. 
“And I love you for everything,” Marinette murmured, then closed the gap between the two.
Her wedding dress is white with pinkish tones, flowing, sleeveless, and in the light, sparkle due to the hidden stars she sewed in. In short, she was drop-dead gorgeous. 
The wedding is just as beautiful as the bride, and the entire venue radiates enough joy to power the entirety of France, if such a thing were possible. Compliments and well-wishes poured onto the new Dupain-Cheng couple, as Juleka threw a smile from across the room every time Luka’s new last name was said. He and Marinette jumped back onto the dance floor, the music surging in his veins, a siren to dance with his wife. Couples swirled around him, but Luka didn’t care about them. He only had eyes for Marinette.
“Mr. Dupain-Cheng,” Marinette teased, dropping into the most faux reporter voice she could manage and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “How does it feel to take on your wife’s last name instead of traditionally keeping your last name and hers changing?”
“The best decision ever, since the only other option we thought of was to go with ‘Couffaine-Dupain-Cheng - “
“Bullies would have a difficult time,” Marinette noted. 
“Oh my goodness, last-name-only-basis-bullies. No wonder why you’re such a great Ladybug. You think of every possibility.” Luka whispers so that no one else could hear, but before Marinette could respond, the music changed for something with a faster tempo, and Luka couldn’t help but roll along with it, he and Marinette danced in sync, moving together effortlessly. The crowd’s hoarse from cheering them on all day, but they cheer nonetheless. Sass and Tikki enjoyed watching the festivities from afar, their chosens moving with each other. A dance floor isn’t so different from a battlefield after all.
Ladybug and Viperion were on patrol that night. Chat couldn’t make it, said that he would be too tired from his day job. The others mentioned a big event that day as well, and big days the next day. Ladybug and Viperion thus decided to step up, enjoy Paris as newlyweds and hope that an akuma wouldn’t attack that night. They rendezvoused at the Eiffel Tower ten minutes before midnight, one last look at the night Parisian skyline before heading home. 
“I never did ask how Queen Bee fought in those high heels,” Ladybug said from her perch, massaging her feet. 
“She was never one for practical battle outfits,” Viperion commented. Ladybug shrugged, then scooted herself across the beam to spoon with Viperion.
“Think this is safe?” Ladybug asked. Viperion glanced down at her.
“We’re the heroes of Paris, we can do this. I can sit here all night, considering I have a Ladybug on my lap. It’d be bad luck to remove her.” Viperion teased. Ladybug gave a fake gasp.
“I’d say it’d be bad luck to offend Lady Luck,” Ladybug responded, but remained where she lay, grinning at her husband. 
“How would you feel if Falena released an akuma tonight?” Viperion asked. Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“I’d snap her neck myself,” Ladybug growled, “Because it’s our wedding night, and all I want to do is be with you. So sue me for being selfish on wanting to be with the ones I love.” 
“I’ll be right beside you if that happens. Ready to head home?” Viperion asked. Ladybug sighed, then pulled herself up.
“I’ll race you home,” Ladybug said.
“Not fair, you have the yo-yo,” Viperion mock-protested. 
“Fine, I’ll carry you bridal-style across Paris,” Ladybug said.
“Please do. Broadcast to Paris that we’re married.” Viperion said.
“You’re on,” Ladybug said. She and Viperion leaped off, Ladybug’s yo-yo snagging onto something so they could swing around as she grabbed him out of the air. Whooping, the couple swung onto a rooftop, Ladybug easily running across the rooftops, Viperion moving his body so that he was balanced and so that she could see. Easily, they dropped onto their balcony, making sure no one saw the heroes of Paris before making their way inside. 
“Sass, scales rest,” Viperion said, opening the fridge as soon as Sass came out from the bracelet. Luka quickly put the small plate of chicken into the microwave, Sass eagerly waiting for his food.
“Tikki, spots off,” Ladybug said, Tikki dropped out of one of the earrings, and eagerly dove into the plate of cookies that they left.
“Good night, Sass,” Luka said as the microwave dinged and Luka pulled the chicken out for Sass. Sass mumbled good night back, mouth full of chicken. 
“‘Night, Tikki,” Marinette said, gently kissing the kwami. 
“Good night, you two,” Tikki said, smiling. Smiling, Luka and Marinette left the kitchen and into the darkness of their bedroom.
“A rarity, a Snake and a Ladybug,” Sass observes from his plate. Tikki smiles.
“The Black Cat and Ladybug don’t always have to be together. Sometimes they work as platonic friends. Other times, the relationship fails completely. Ladybug and Chat Noir are lucky - they get to be friends even after all these years.” Tikki says, then drifts over to Sass.
“In this day and age, love and life are easier,” Sass muses, a note of sadness in his voice. Tikki pats his back gently, as both kwamis thought of their past holders who more or less martyred themselves; such as the more well-known Joan of Arc and the lesser known Snake holders during World War II, making the ultimate sacrifices that never failed to bring the kwamis to tears. 
“Indeed they are. After all, how often is it that you get Music and Creation together?” Tikki asked.
“Don’t remember the last time that happened,” Sass said, “Shall we celebrate with the other kwamis?” Tikki giggled.
“Of course!” Tikki said, swiftly darting out the apartment, Sass hot on her heels, “Race you!”
“You’re on!” Sass hissed playfully, and the two kwamis darted into the night, to celebrate with their fellow kwamis, as their holders slept, holding each other close.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Twenty-Three: Flip a Coin ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hanabi, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: When Dead Walk ] [ AO3 Link ]
Well, it’s official: they’re no longer two pairs. They’re a group of four. A team.
Sasuke’s still not entirely sure how he feels about it. On one hand...he still can’t help but remain a bit wary. While Hinata and Hanabi - the two girls he found while scavenging for supplies two days ago - hardly seem a threat...you can never fully trust anyone. Not even family. But he’s hoping that their mutual goal of survival will allow them to build at least some kind of understanding.
On another, he’s worried about having more mouths to feed. He and Itachi had been going through enough supplies as it is. But with those mouths come hands that can help make lighter work. They’ll have to do more, find more...but doing so should, in theory, be easier.
And finally...he’s not sure he wants the liability. It’s clear the pair of them are decently skilled in staying alive if they’ve made it this far. After all, Hinata saved Sasuke’s life when they met quite by accident. She’s pretty damn good at wielding makeshift weapons, if her shovel skills are anything to go by. But having someone else around means having someone else to lose.
...and he’s not exactly eager to go through that again after so long.
But, they’ve made their decision. They all talked it over yesterday after the female pair stayed the night, and it was unanimous. They’ll stay.
Now they just have to get used to what precisely that means.
“All right...I think it’s high time we start fortifying this place,” Sasuke offers, tossing a notepad he’s been scribbling in on the dining room table. “There’s a hardware store in the town to the south. We can raid it and beef up our defenses a bit. We need to barricade the windows, make it so light doesn’t escape at night. Once it gets cold enough to use the fire, we’re going to have to focus on using it mainly at night so the smoke isn’t too noticeable. During the day, we’ll have to make due with extra clothes and blankets. We look to have enough wood for a few months so long as we’re smart about it. We should find supplies for the chickens if we can. They’ll likely be a main source of food. Which means protecting them, too. Any seeds we can find would be good for a garden next year. There’s a cellar under the house we can store some of it in.”
“Leave all that sort of thing to me,” Hinata offers. “I had a focus in flowering plants, but I know quite a bit about edible ones from my botany degree.”
“Perfect. Most of the food has likely already been looted from stores, so we’ll have to try houses for that. We can form teams and split up to get things done faster.”
“Is splitting up a good idea?” Hanabi cuts in, a skeptical brow perked. “I mean...isn’t part of being in a group safety in numbers?”
“We won’t be too far apart, and it’s already pretty clear there aren’t any other survivors living in town,” Itachi counsels. “We’ve been here for quite some time, and you two are the first contact we’ve had. And you were not in town, were you?”
“No...but still...there’s another pretty obvious threat in a zombie apocalypse…”
“I’ve got a plan for that,” Sasuke offers. “We’ll first go to a part of town we don’t need anything from, and find a car with a working horn or car alarm we can rig to keep going while we go back around to our hits. That should make it a lot easier to evade them.”
“...guess that makes sense,” she admits, leaning back in her seat with folded arms.
“I suppose all that’s left is to decide who goes where,” Sasuke then muses. “How should we split up? Sibling pairs?”
“...perhaps I could take Hanabi with me,” Itachi offers. “We could go to the hardware store, which has inventory in the rear in a warehouse. I could lift her to higher places to reach things we need.”
The younger brother’s brow furrows. “...are you sure?”
“Why not?”
“You’re not as strong as I am, and Hanabi is young. We should cover each other’s weaknesses.”
“True, but you and Hinata are both quick and strong. It makes more sense for you to go to the residential streets and move through the houses. I might not be able to get very far. And most of the walkers seem to be in the residential areas rather than around the businesses. We’d likely be safer.”
Sasuke nibbles his lip. “...I don’t like this.”
“...flip a coin. Heads we go by siblings, tails we go Itachi’s route,” Hinata offers.
“...all right. Anyone got a coin?”
“There’s a piggy bank in the room we were in last night...I’ll go get one.”
Watching her go, Sasuke turns to his brother. “You really think this is a good idea?”
“Technically speaking, leaving this house at all is rarely a good idea,” Itachi gently counters. “There’s danger everywhere. Humans, zombies, animals, the environments themselves...you can’t protect me forever. Besides, I won’t be alone.”
Sasuke wants to counter, but gives Hanabi a glance. He’s not so sure she’ll be as helpful as Hinata has shown to be...something tells him she hasn’t had to pull much weight as of yet. “...all right.”
When the elder sister returns, Sasuke balances the coin - a regular old quarter - atop his thumb. After a pause, he gives it a flip, catching it and holding open his palm.
“...tails,” he confirms, tone a bit edged.
“...all right, then. We’ll set up the noise distractions on the other side of town, and then come in from this side to get our supplies. We’ll load up whatever we find into the car and go from there.”
“Okay…” Still looking unsure, Sasuke flips to another page of the notebook, tearing off a page. “This is all I could think of that would be useful. We have some tools from the shed in the back, but a lot of them look pretty old, so...whatever we can replace, do it. Maybe grab doubles if you can in case something breaks. Otherwise, whatever we can get to beef up this place and make it more solid, grab it.”
“Too bad we don’t have a truck…” Hinata muses. “It would be nice to be able to haul more. Maybe some fencing, or sheet metal.”
“...well, maybe another time. We can hunt for a truck another day. We’re just getting started today, all right? Consider it a test run of the new team.”
With that settled, the four of them make their way to the car, parked around the back to keep hidden further from anyone who might happen upon the house. Hinata takes the driver’s seat, revving the engine and checking the gauges.
“Hm...might need to find some gas while we’re there. It’s, um...getting a bit low.”
“All right...we’ll do that before we start the horns. Got hose to siphon with?”
“Mhm. I’ve done it a few times. That and a gas can are in the trunk.”
And with that...they head toward town.
The ride is mostly quiet. Hinata keeps her eyes on the road, Sasuke doubling the watch for trouble from the passenger seat. As before, Hanabi leans in between the front seats, looking bored. Itachi merely watches the scenery from his window beside her.
Taking a roundabout road, they approach the town from the back, going slow to help minimize noise.
“...here’s good. You three stay with the car - I’ll find one to set up. Get some gas and pull back around here. I’ll meet you, and we’ll all take off once we’ve got enough noise going.”
“Right. Be careful.”
“Careful’s my middle name,” Sasuke mutters as he slips out of the car and crouch-walks to a cluster of abandoned vehicles in a parking lot behind a tire shop. Keeping a hunting knife gripped in one hand, he decides to check out the shop itself first. It looks untouched - not like tires were anyone’s first thought upon the zombie apocalypse. Inside he finds little of import. Stale popcorn, a half-empty water cooler, and the cashier’s station behind the counter. Managing to pry open the tray, he takes the money - might as well. Some people might still place value in it for trade someday. After a moment of thought, he then takes a shelf out from the back of the counter - it looks about the size he’ll need to wedge into a seat and keep a horn pressed.
...he always liked the smell of these places.
Lingering for a bit, he heads back out upon hearing the hum of the motor. “Ready?”
“Whenever you are. Tank’s full.”
“Good.” Moving to the nearest empty vehicle, he opens the front door, fiddling with both the seat and the steering wheel. With the latter tipped down, he moves the former forward, the wooden shelf wedged into its crux. As soon as enough pressure is applied, the horn begins to blare, and he bolts back for the car.
Carefully, Hinata makes her way back around. In the distance, they can see walkers heading slowly off toward the noise.
“All right...that’ll work for now. Hinata will drop you two off at the hardware store. Gather what you can out front so we can pack it up quick. We’ll head to the nearest residential street and start raiding the houses. Ready?”
Hanabi gives a curt nod.
“Ready,” Itachi affirms.
“All right...good luck. And be careful,” Hinata impresses, watching them slip out the back doors. Once they’re inside, she glances to Sasuke.
“...let’s get going.”
     (This is a sequel to days 197 and 270!)       More zombie AU! Haven't done this one in a good while and for some reason it just seemed to fit the prompt well lol      We have an official squad! Two pairs of siblings, now a little group. It's going to be an...interesting dynamic. And I know I cut off before much action, but it's VERY late and the drabble was getting long, so...hopefully I can do more soon. I already have another cliffie I need to remedy, whoops xD      Anyway, it's late, I'm...very tired, so I'll call it there. Thanks for reading!
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Three {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One} {Part Two}
Chapter Thirty-Two → in which the Baudelaires make camp
“I feel like we weren’t supposed to do that.” Violet said, as they walked away from the beach. 
“It’s bullshit.” Nick said. 
“Bullshit!” Solitude repeated, and Babbitt chirped their approval. 
“Ishmael says nobody goes to the far side of the island. We could hang there.” Lilac said carefully. “Find all the shit he’s thrown away.” 
“We probably shouldn’t walk that far. We’ll want to investigate the shores when storms hit, and you probably can’t travel far at the moment.” Violet said. “There’s a grove of trees over there, we can set up camp at least for the night. Maybe explore a little farther in the morning.” 
“Good plan.” Lilac nodded. “Maybe we should’ve stolen some extra bandages.” 
“Would that be wicked?” Solitude asked. 
“I don’t care.” Sunny huffed. 
“I’m with Sunny on this.” Klaus said. “Too much shit has happened to us. Let’s survive, and have existential crises once we’re safe.” 
“We’ll need to find out when the tide comes, so we can get off this stupid island.” Lilac said. 
“I doubt Ishmael would let us use their outrigger, but perhaps we can build a boat.” Violet said. 
“In a few days?” Solitude asked. 
“We’ve done harder things.” Violet said. 
“True.” Nick said. “In the meantime, we can get coconuts for food.” 
“Cook with this.” Sunny then pulled, from her pocket, a small metal utensil. 
Klaus looked at her in surprise. “Where’d you get a whisk?” 
Lilac smiled a little, leaning onto Violet’s shoulder. “It looks like Friday’s not as into the rules as Ishmael would want.” 
“Ishmael’s a punk ass bitch.” Nick said. “And I am not dealing with him, thank you very much.” 
“You won’t have to.” Lilac assured him. “Come on, let’s find some place to sleep.” 
In the small clearing between the trees, Violet settled Lilac beneath a tree, before she and Nick ran off to scavenge the beach. Klaus, Soli and Sunny managed to gather enough driftwood to make a decent firepit, and Klaus used his glasses and the rapidly setting sun to set a fire using the scientific principles of convergence and refraction of light. Violet and Nick soon returned with a small bowl of random items, their broken sail, and some of the towels they’d used as a drag chute, and then the two of them climbed the trees to get them coconuts, while Klaus and Lilac figured out how to set up the fabric as a tent.  
“Think you can make something of these, Sunshine?” Lilac asked, as Nick and Violet brought back several coconuts. 
Sunny nodded, as they placed them in front of her. “Crusoe,” Sunny said, which meant, “We can drink the milk inside, so long as we don’t allow it to ferment, and I can make us toasted coconut flakes, if you give me some room around the fire.” 
“Take all the room you need, Sunny.” Lilac said. “We’ll need some form of clothes. I may be able to sew some of this fabric into something, at least until we can wash these.” 
“I bet some clothes wash up on the shores.” Violet said. “But I think the first thing we should do is get fresh water. I can probably make something to catch rainwater, or build a solar water still, and an irrigation ditch if needed.” 
“I read somewhere that if we get to the center of the island, we could dig a well and hit freshwater.” Klaus said. “But I could be wrong.” 
“At least we have coconuts.” Solitude said. “Maybe Babbitt can find us something.” 
Babbitt was lying on the edge of the tent, and looked like they’d rather sleep than do anything useful. 
“Sandstone,” Sunny said, meaning, “Can someone get me something like a bowl?” 
“We found this on the beach.” Nick dumped their small amount of potentially useful items from the round, cracked bowl, and then held it out. “Will this work?” 
“Sure!” Sunny said. She bit a hole into the coconut, and then held it over the bowl as the liquid inside splashed into it. 
“Perhaps we could find or start a garden.” Lilac said. “Or go fishing.” 
“I bet the islanders would’ve been able to tell us how to get food.” Violet sighed. “Shame they’re all following Ishmael.” 
“As soon as this stab wound stops trying to kill me,” Lilac sat up a bit, pushing her hair back, “I’m going to walk in there and kidnap Friday. That little girl deserves better.” 
“I think everyone in that colony deserves better.” Klaus sighed. “But nobody ever listens to us, so the best thing we can do right now is protect ourselves.” 
They all nodded grimly, as Sunny finished draining the coconut and started shredding it with her teeth. The sun was starting to set, and they knew that soon it would be nightfall. 
���We’ll go to the other side of the island sometime before the tides change. Maybe we’ll be lucky and there’ll be a boat there.” Violet said. “But not until you’re well enough, Li.” 
“It shouldn’t be long.” Lilac hesitantly said, curling up. 
“Don’t worry.” Violet sat beside her, putting her head against her big sister’s. “We’re not leaving.” 
Lilac smiled slightly. “I know.” 
And she did know, which gave her a very good feeling. 
It was a few hours later when Friday came. 
Sunny had finished cooking her toasted coconut flakes, and Klaus had decided the best way to avoid talking about their multitude of issues was to start explaining Beowulf to his siblings, as he and Nick were the only ones who’d read it, but Nick was starting to like hearing Klaus talk about things. 
“So that’s when Beowulf’s like, ‘since he doesn’t use weapons, I won’t either.’” Klaus said, bouncing Sunny on his lap. “And everyone’s like, ‘sounds legit.’” 
“Let me guess, it works out.” Violet says. 
Klaus nodded, smiling as Sunny laughed. “Rips Grendel’s arm clean off.” 
“Rips his fucking arm off?” Lilac asked, as if they were at a third grade sleepover and he’d just told her about two people in their class going out. 
“What? Think that’s too violent?” Klaus asked. 
“No, we’re just taking notes.” Solitude giggled. “For when Olaf comes.” 
Nick smiled slightly. “No, no, use the magic sword.” 
“What magic sword?” Violet asked. 
“Keep going, Klaus, get to Grendel’s mom.” Nick said. 
“He’s got a Mom?” Solitude asked in disbelief. 
“Everyone’s got a mother, Soli.” Violet leaned over to tickle the young girl’s stomach. “Even big scary monsters.” 
Nick’s smile faltered. “Even… him.” 
They all looked at him very sadly. And then, Violet said, “When, um… when were you going to tell us about the opera?” 
Nick curled up. “I don’t know.” 
Violet bit her lip, and then put a hand over his. “We get it.” she assured him. 
“Bit of a hard thing to tell someone.” Klaus said. 
“Ye.” Sunny agreed, curling up against Klaus’s shirt. 
They were silent again, and then Lilac said, “Um, speaking- speaking of hard things to tell- oh.” 
She looked over their shoulders and gasped a little, and they turned, shocked to see Friday peering out from behind a tree. She looked very cautious, but also very curious as she blinked at the kids. 
“Hello.” Violet smiled. “Do you want to come over?” 
Friday nodded, and then walked out; they could see, now, that she held something in a bundle. 
“I snuck you some stuff.” Friday whispered. “When Mother and Ishmael weren’t looking. I figured you might need some help if you’ll be camping alone.” 
Lilac smiled and held back tears. “That was very considerate, Friday. Thank you.” 
Friday knelt beside them and untied the top of the bundle, causing a blanket to spread out, revealing several things inside. “There’s that book knife Ariel brought, I thought you could use it to cut food or something. And that cheese grater, I thought you expressed interest, Sunny. I have some food that Alonso snuck me, and some empty conch shells you can carry liquid in. That’s all I could get.” 
“This is amazing.” Klaus grinned. 
“Thank you, Friday.” Nick said, as Solitude clapped. 
Friday adjusted herself uncomfortably, and then she said, “I heard a- a bit of what you said. What’s a cult?” 
They glanced at each other, and then Solitude crawled over, putting her hand on Friday’s knee. “It’s a group that thinks they’re a religion or something, but is detrimental to the people.” 
“I don’t know what that means.” Friday said. 
“It means a group that traps you and convinces you that if you leave or disobey, you’re worthless.” Klaus said, putting his hands over Sunny. “It’s a very bad thing.” 
“We just got away from one, on the mainland.” Violet said. “We’re not in any rush to- to commit to another.” 
Friday paused. “But the island’s nice. We’re all happy here.” 
“Only because you don’t know anything different.” Nick said. He also put a hand on the small girl’s shoulders. “Good societies encourage curiosity and learning and free will. Ishmael may say he’s not forcing anyone to do anything, but from what we’ve seen, he pretty much is. Puts shame on them if they want anything of their own, or want anything different.” 
Friday bit her lip. “They saved my Mother. She and my father were in a shipwreck when she was pregnant with me, and then he got eaten by a manatee and she crashed here.” 
“Manatees are herbivores.” Klaus said. 
“What’s a herbivore?” Friday asked. 
“It means that they only eat plants.” Nick said. “And technically, they sometimes eat fish and clams, but never people.” 
“Oh.” Friday stared very hard at the fire. 
“I’m sorry.” Lilac said carefully. “If… if it helps, we’ve found out a lot of bad things about our family recently.” 
“Ishmael says that you’re all liars,” Friday looked up curiously, “Who want to cause trouble because you hate peace and stability. How do I know you’re not lying to me?” 
The Baudelaires glanced at each other, and then Nick said, “I guess you’ll just have to decide for yourself.” 
“Decide for myself?” Friday blinked. 
“Yeah.” Nick nodded. “Decide what you think is right, who you think is lying, what you want to do.” 
Friday bit her lip, and then admitted, “I guess I haven’t been happy. I mean… I’ve been… sneaking things.” She reached into her pocket, holding out her sunglasses. “Mother and Ishmael told me to get rid of them. But I like them. I never liked the bright light.” 
“I never did, either.” Lilac said. 
“And… I found this and didn’t even show Ishmael.” Friday whispered. “Finn found one a year ago, and Ishmael almost raised his voice. I think it might be a toy.” 
“Really?” Nick asked. “What is it?” 
Friday smiled, and reached into her other pocket, and pulled out the spyglass. 
The Baudelaires froze, staring. Klaus reached a hand to his pocket, and said, “I must have lost it in the storm.” 
“Hope we didn’t lose anything else important.” Violet said, reaching into her pocket. “Ribbon’s still here.” 
“I have my markers.” Nick said. “Friday-” 
“Do you know what this is?” Friday asked. 
“Um, yes.” Lilac said. “It’s a spyglass. It’s used to look at things from far away, but this one was made by… the, um, cult we escaped from, so it can do other things.” 
“We’re not sure of all it can do.” Klaus said. “But we know it can heat things up.” 
Friday looked interested. “Maybe it can make fire.” 
“It’s probably dangerous.” Violet said. 
“Everything’s dangerous.” Solitude said quietly. “But this could be useful still. We could take the risk, even if this came from somewhere bad.” 
They sighed, and then Friday said, “Are… are you gonna be here tomorrow? Are you still gonna sleep here?” 
“Maybe.” Violet said. “We won’t move much until Lilac’s more healed.” 
Friday hesitated. “Can you tell me about the books you’ve read tomorrow?” 
The Baudelaires smiled. “We’d love to.” Violet assured her. 
“And you can drink non-fermented liquids.” Nick said. 
“Only if you want to come, though.” Violet added. 
“I do!” Friday said. “You’re the most interesting thing that’s happened in a while!” She paused, and then handed Solitude the spyglass and sunglasses. “Can you hold these for me? So I don’t get caught.” 
Solitude nodded seriously. “Yup!” 
“Then I’ll come back for em!” Friday giggled. “Alrighty, I’ll see you guys!” 
“See you soon!” Lilac said. “Stay safe, it’s getting dark.” 
“I’ll be fine.” Friday climbed to her feet. “I know this island super well.” 
She waved, and then ran off. 
As soon as she was gone, Violet said, “Did we just adopt a child?” 
“Seven Baudelaires.” Sunny said. 
“Okay, don’t get ahead of yourselves.” Lilac said. “We’re just being nice, trying to break her out of Ishmael’s bullshit. Maybe she’ll get bored of us and go back.” 
“Not likely.” Violet said. 
“Maybe she’ll leave the island with us.” Nick said. 
“Pretty sure that’s kidnapping.” Klaus said. 
Nick’s face fell. “You’re right, we don’t wanna kidnap.” 
“It’s her decision.” Violet said. “And she said whoever wants to leave the island can.” 
“That’s true.” Nick said. “It’s not kidnapping if you’re taking a child out of a cult instead of into one.” 
“That’s not how it works at all.” Lilac, despite herself, started laughing. 
And then all six Baudelaires were laughing around the fire, and they felt lighter than they had in a long time. 
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yoonglegurt · 6 years
Yandere BTS Sugar Daddy AU - Our Kitten~
Anon asked - Hello can you do a bts yandere sugar daddy au??
2.2. If it's an imagine, can I do all of them in one plot, as in they're all your sugar daddies but they've decided to share you? Or would you prefer it to be sort of like an reaction template with the members separate, or something else?
Where they all decide to share
The gender can be female and the scenario type can be up to you. Thank you again. Your blog is a goldmine and I just love you soo much.
I hope you enjoy, my sweet anonnie~ I love you way more~
You, were a lucky woman.
It's great luck to get a sugar daddy, even better luck to get a hot sugar daddy, but you had reached the peak with seven hot sugar daddies, plus ones that seemed to like you for who you are, not just your body.
Seven rich billionaires, CEO's, apparently held large enough interest in what you thought was your measly body, ready to fight with all they had to have it as theirs. You had grown to be interested in them as well, and honestly, which broke college student would say no to one, or several, sugar daddies, so you just begged them to get along and share, which they weren't used to but were ready to try to have you at least partly as theirs.
After eight, long and detailed contracts, you officially belonged to the seven as their baby girl, kitten, doll and any pet name they wished to use and were sure you'd like (an actual point in the contracts). The seven men had decided to purchase a fucking castle, feeling like a measly mansion wouldn't be extravagant enough, and all eight of you fit comfortably in it.
The only two problems you all had in your relationship were you and them.
The problem (well, you didn't see it as a problem, *insert huffing emoticon*) with you, and partially with the boys was that they refused to actually use you for what the contract stated you'd mostly be used for, sex. You had sex, yes, but it was extremely rare and they preferred to just spoil you, and you were not okay with that. You did your best to repay them, and that meant cleaning and cooking, and they weren't on board, stating your precious body was only meant to be worshipped, not to work, and the only people who could introduce it to possible harm were the boys themselves when punishing you. Eventually, everything that could be used to clean or cook was hidden away, and only the maids who came over had access to them.
The problem with the boys was that, even if the contract strictly stated when which man would have you all to themselves, they still wanted you when their time had ended. This often resulted in fights and arguments that you'd have to split apart, usually by a kiss to both of the arguing members, which then ended in the others being jealous of not getting kisses and the day would end with a long cuddle session.
This was one of those days.
You sat in the humongous living room, lounging around on the couch lazily. Well, you didn't have anything to do. You didn't feel like shopping, it seemed like everything you could do on any of your many electronics was already done, you weren't allowed to cook or clean. It was boring as hell.
Yoongi walked downstairs. Today was technically Jungkook's day, but he had several meetings and a lot of work in general, so it meant it was a first come, first served type of day, the catch being that all of the other boys were swallowed in work as well. Yoongi was often the one to be most often stressed about work, his obsession with you not lightening no matter how many hours he worked, meaning he got more restless and restless the more he had to be away from you, resulting in anger and a ton of breaks. This, was obviously, one of his breaks, no matter how possessive Kook was with his days.
"Kitten, come cuddle daddy, will you?" Yoongi smirked. They had actually trained you very well. You were all obedient now, the result of a lot of punishments you had received, as evidenced by your form immediately shooting up from the couch and speeding to Yoongi, the man's smirk widening when he was enveloped in your warm hug. "Hi Yoon. Tired?"
"Always, when I'm not with you." Yoongi smiled at you, pecking your nose. Usually, a sugar daddy - baby relationship was more business like, money in exchange sex and company, but you were basically in a poly relationship with the seven, just getting way more gifts and care than normal relationships.
"Awh, d'you love me that much?" The eight had already established the seven harboured romantic feelings for you, and even if you still weren't sure you wanted an actual relationship with them, or returned the feelings completely, you were up to letting them shower you with love and affection.
"Of course. Now come on, I want cuddles." Yoongi picked you up with no trouble at all, walking back upstairs, but passing his office, instead choosing to enter his large and spacious bedroom, throwing you down on the bed, then closing the door, pulling off his shirt and jumping in next to you, immediately collecting you back in his strong arms.
You had learnt about how spontaneous the boys were, liking to cuddle literally wherever, so you had just turned to wearing night dresses and pyjamas everywhere around the house. The boys never allowed anyone over either way, and you weren't allowed outside the premises of the castle anyway, only being allowed to enter the yard and garden with the supervision of a staff or preferably one of the boys themselves, so there was no point in dressing up all nice and fancy, except on the days where you wanted to spoil yourself a little or give the boys a treat.
You just smiled, wrapping around the short, but still taller than you boy tightly. "Missed you. Was all bored without you all." Your small voice echoed in the quiet room, the only other sounds being Yoongi suckling on your neck lightly. "Our lil baby missed her daddies, huh? Must've missed me especially, right?" Yoongi smirked again, teasing.
"Yoon, you know I'm not allowed to say I have a favourite, even if I have one. You'd end up teaming up and killing my favourite, just like how you did with Bobby. " You pouted.
"Don't mention that scummy butlers name. He was idiotic for trying to flirt with our baby. Plus, he might not be dead." Yoongi shrugged, but his voice was much more cold now.
"Sorry for mentioning him, Yoon. I know you didn't like him, but I had fun talking with him when all of you were busy like today." Your voice had turned much more quiet and soft now that you had heard the decrease of warmth in Yoongi's voice.
Yoongi sighed, but before he could calm you, the door burst open, a seething Jungkook appearing. "Mine." He growled lowly, storming over and ripping you out of Yoongi's arms, a cold glare being sent at Yoongi. The rest of the boys, gasping for air, stopped at the door to Yoongi's bedroom.
"We'd protect you so Jungkook doesn't accidentally pummel you to death, but you broke the rules, again, so can't save you now. This is a third payback to when you stole princess when it was my turn." Namjoon shrugged.
"Don't worry, pumpkin," Seokjin warmly smiled at you. "Gukkie won't harm Yoon, at least not today and with you present. He's got you in his arms now, he's currently not sane enough to comprehend anything else but you." He calmed you when he saw the panic you were in at Namjoon's words, still in Jungkook's muscular arms, the overgrown muscle pig sniffing and nipping at your neck, trying to get Yoongi's scent off and his on.
You calmed down slowly, Jungkook letting out a content sigh when he noted the fact, the boy still being a little bit out of it. "G-gukkie?" Your soft voice calmed Jungkook even more. "Mh? Want cuddles? Kissies? Gifts? You must want gifts, right? Taehyung, get baby everything on the future gift list this instant." Jungkook brightened at the attention you gave him, even if it was tiny.
"Baby girl, Kookie had a hard day at work today, he will be a little crazed all day. We'll lock you both up in Gukkies room, okay? Just in case you make a lil mistake and he goes psycho." Hoseok smiled, wanting to pet your hair, but refraining himself at the murderous glare Jungkook sent him.
"O-okay..." You mumbled quietly. "Gukkie, can we go to your room? I want comfy cuddles."
Needless to say, you got very comfy cuddles that day.
And this happened on the daily, really. Wether it be Jimin stealing you on Namjoons turn or Taehyung taking you out when it was Seokjins day, the boys couldn't control themselves when thirsting for you and your sweet attention all on them. It wasn't often all seven shared you at the same day, it usually only happened on the Most Special Day Of The Year Number One or Number Two, your birthday or the day where you signed all eight of the contracts.
On your birthday, they accompanied you outside of the premises of the castle to let you meet your friends and family for a whole day. You were allowed to hug your brother and kiss your mother and father. Everyone thought you were just a very lucky girl who was in a lovely relationship with seven, rich men, and although you were, the relationship was also abusive, but the boys didn't let anyone know that. For all they had to know, you were their obedient, small girlfriend, and they could wander for eternity why you immediately jumped to sit in their lap when one of them leaned back and gave the lightest tap to your thigh, or why you shivered and had a look of fear when they whispered words similar to 'room, whip, blood, never meet' in your ear when you hugged your brother just a little bit too hard.
On the Most Special Day Of The Year Number Two, you were pulled inside the Bed Room, a room in the castle which had nothing but a huge bed which covered almost the entire room, and a wardrobe which contained pyjamas, water, and three boxes full of sex toys. All seven of them took turns absolutely wrecking  your tiny body, usually ganging up in teams of three or four and taking you at the same time. All eight of you loved the event, but the boys had too much trouble containing their jealousy on other days to comprehend the idea of sharing your body.
There were, of course, also days where they decided to share. It usually consisted of all seven teaming up to spoil you with expensive clothing and made you model it for them, taking pictures and posting them to the instagram account they made just to make everyone jealous of the woman they worshipped, or ordering food from the most luxurious restaurants, feeding you with 79$ worth dekopon and 1.4 million dollars worth Strawberries Arnaud. Of course, you never knew the cost of the food you were fed, even if the pizza cost a thousand dollars, but you could guess from the gold leaves covering it. You just sighed and allowed yourself to be coddled and fed. If that was what they wanted, you weren't going to refuse.
And that was how you spent your days. When you finished college and had literally no reason at all to stay in the contract, the boys proceeded to put the castle into lock down and refused to terminate the contract which stated it would exist as long as a ending contract wasn't signed by your contract. If you had decided to give yourself to them at your worst, they would deserve to have you for themselves forever, no matter if you wish to stay or not.
Maybe, just maybe, you weren't so lucky to have seven sugar daddies who seemed to have real feelings for you. Maybe.
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