#teaching microscope
applestede · 1 year
who’s hands are we talking about and why are they steady
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starofhisheart · 9 months
A dramatic reenactment of the apology scene bc they're so insane i love them
Izzy: oh here's scowly face 🙃
Ed: oh so NOW ur talking to me 😤
Ed a few beats later: sorry or whatever *runs away*
Izzy, clutching his chest: *softly* fuck off (i love you)
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
For Minor Interference, you've mentioned that Draxum and Splinter are REALLY not going to get along. Also that Draxum hasn't really been thinking about how turtles' lives have been, but I'm thinking it's possible he's giving more consideration to his creations' history due to the events of the last few chapters.
On Draxum's part, so far I can see his assumption of "food scarcity" for the turtles. What other things is he assuming right now about the turtles' upbringing/parental figure/life in general, if I might ask?
You know that scene in canon when the fam ends up in their house after the whole Battle Nexus New York thing? Where Draxum looks around and is like "No one would ever look for us in this disgusting sewer hovel?" I'm reasonably sure that he didn't know up until then that the turtles live in the sewers.
MI! Draxum is going to find out sooner than that, and he's not going to be happy about it. There's a lot of things that the boys have never experienced due to having a very sheltered/isolated upbringing, and some of things are things that kids really should have. (For example, doctor's appointments.)
On a related note, as of the most recently published chapter, Draxum still has heard nothing of a parental figure, so he's kind of assuming that there isn't one. He's actually going to be more concerned about the boys' homelife once he finds out that they do have a parent and were still raised in such isolation.
(To be fair to Splinter, it's very reasonable that he didn't want his kids interacting with either the human or yokai worlds, given that there were people dangerous to them in both, but raising your kids in the sewers is never ideal. Not even close. It also doesn't help that once the boys weren't little he kinda just... left them to their own devices. Just because your kids are teens doesn't mean they don't still need you.)
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m-herra · 1 year
Ever since witnessing the bishop mod finally I am not only further on my bishop hate train but it's haunting me with the fact that with some rewriting and removing he wouldn't be the worst thing ever
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magicandmaybe · 4 months
got the silliest friend crush ever hehehe
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soapver4 · 6 months
Slice-of-Life Hailstorms
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Remake + 🐶-🔎🔍 Hybrid Idea: Two talented high school math teachers tremble and transform into Siberian Huskies whenever a hailstorm begins in their hail-prone town, which is how they meet, bicker and fall in love ("This four-legged one is better at math than me!" "My students don't have a smidge of that weird doggo's passion for math!" "Silly me. I thought s/he was the real deal."). To return to their human forms, the couple must solve a math problem perplexing anybody. In preparation for such emergencies, people familiar enough with them would keep some math books around or bookmark math websites. When the transformation happens too far away from those people, though, the couple needs to look for math victims and solve the problems surreptitiously without freaking out anyone.
By and by, however, the couple looks beyond the awkwardness, inconvenient hunger pangs, etc. to embrace the light-hearted side of their predicament, solving equations and scratching out polygons, nodes and edges together with their paws on the snow-like ground. Sometimes, they would straighten out an unknowing neighbor's grocery budget, etch out the answers on a flour-covered kitchen table and peek from the yard at the neighbor's spooked but enlightened expression. Sometimes, they would untangle an inventory mystery threatening a perplexed work couple's dinner date. Sometimes, it's optimizing a delivery person's route. Sometimes, they would compete with each other to calculate the areas of quirky features of their town to fight for the right to a rare dog biscuit, occasionally uncovering land development corruption scandals in the process. Sometimes, they would revisit the simple joy of apple and orange story problems. Sometimes, they would trace out wild trigonometric curves and circles on the hills and pull each other on makeshift sleds along the resulting paths.
The world is still volatile and suffering. But in their two-canine microcosm, at least, math is not a hated symbol of stress, a cold KPI or a mere stepping stone for uncaring administrators' and learners' careeristic advancements.
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daincrediblegg · 5 months
I love my bestie edgar allan poe. I love her. She did so much to piss so many people off without a fucking penny of decent income for all her life. Died alone and even still shrouded in as much mystery as his own tales were. He was asexual and made a point of that in everything he did. He made his opinions in his own fiction so obfuscated and slippery that people still debate about it heatedly to this day.
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squeakadeeks · 2 years
talking about the strike with my students and theyre all gung-ho and supportive: 
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milo-is-rambling · 10 months
Who was gonna tell me that reading is fun sometimes
#I will bring shame to my eight year old self NO MORE!!!! I LIKE READING AGAIN!! YIPPEE!!!#I think I seriously enjoy reading about the brain and body and trauma like it’s so strange to spend two hours laying in bed with a book but#it’s so nice#I really enjoyed science growing up even into high school I just didn’t have the patience or motivation to finish essays#and my freshman year science teacher got fired halfway thru the year after they found out she didn’t have a teaching license and then my#class got split up into an advanced science teachers class who was way ahead of everything we had learned and then I hated the class and#science in general then in sophomore year I had another shitty teacher who didn’t care about teaching and I literally would find recourses#and send them to the teacher to put on the projector and then I would talk thru the resource that’s fucking real I literally had class#periods where I TAUGHT my sophomore year science class. GAHHHH I still get so bad at that fucking teacher I don’t even remember her name but#she pissed me off so bad cause she paired me with the two guys who always made fun of me just bc I was smart and they were annoying. anyways#depression and adhd and boredom happened and I almost failed that class but still passed in the end and then in junior year during covid#I was taking a biology class and an anatomy class that was supposed to be seniors (seniors did the advanced class and they offered regular#class to select juniors) and I ended up being the ONLY junior who wasn’t doing the advanced course. like. everyone else got assignments and#I had to ask hey what’s the easy version of that assignment cause I’m technically in the easy class even tho we’re in the same class period#and then Covid and I stopped caring at all about anhthing and then dropped out of school and moved down the entire coast so yknow.#I never stood a chance at being good at science but I’m realizing I might actually be passionate about it cause I have been since I was#little I just kind of ignored it and forgot but like. for one birthday I got a telescope and for one Christmas I got a microscope. like it’s#well known to everyone but me that I like science apparently oh my god what’s wrong with my brain !!!! anyways.#I like science now it’s weird to feel passionate about learning I haven’t done that in a long time#oh my god when I took my GED test my highest score was in SCIENCE AND NOT ENGLISH#THIS IS ALL SO OBVIOUS I LOVE SCIENCE WHY AM I NOT DOING SOMETHING WITH MY LIFE RELATED TO SCIENCE
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dorciham · 1 year
He who cannot, teaches #1
Person leading the practical for microscopic botany:
Please sign here that you perform the practical tasks at your own risk. And do not eat the samples. Don't. Someone treated everything as a snack once, and developed a taste for castor seeds. The guy lived to tell the tale, but kids, there are many friendlier ways to die. And you'll be teachers in the future. So keep an eye out, because the information that "children stop trying to orally analyze every object in their reach by the age of 6" is an urban legend.
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vulturevanity · 2 years
I'll be reading a fic and then get interrupted by my brain asking some random-ass questions such as "what is pickle juice made of" and "how do power plants work" and like. I don't think I have ADHD? That would come with a bunch of other symptoms which I don't experience. But sometimes I wonder.
To be fair, the fic in question did mention pickles and had me wondering how I'd explain the concept of a computer to medieval fantasy nobles who can use elemental magic.
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sigmadecay · 2 years
I’m gonna start mentoring 11th graders in October 😁
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cskyes · 3 months
Hermana Balí is such an interesting character to me.
Like, yes she was the woman who somewhat help seal Julí's fate and lead to her death, and yes she should've listened to Julí when she talked about her worries about going into the convent—especially since she had vague knowledge as to why she'd feel that way.
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But portraying as someone who's wholly evil and manipulative is just not right to me. Throughout the story she has always been portrayed as a motherly figure to Julí, helping her in her quest to free her Kabesang Tales from ransom and in her quest to free Basilio.
Reading Balí just feels like I'm reading my parents, someone who is always eager to help but is somewhat misguided/ignorant in their ways.
Anyways, chat stream Cowboy Carter
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This video shows how a Scanning Electron Microscope works? And how to use a virtual scanning electron microscope to acquire a good image. It is a great learning and teaching tool. You can access the virtual TEM at https://myscope-explore.org/virtualSE... developed by Microscopy Australia and Thermofisher Scientific.
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newsbites · 1 year
News from St John's, NL, Canada and beyond
Missed appointments are costing the province too much
2. Suncor has delayed production at Terra Nova, but the NL government assures stakeholders that there is still lots of activity going on.
3. The price of most fuels is down
4. There will be no Ode to Newfoundland at this year’s Memorial University’s convocation ceremonies for want of inclusivity
5. Rodents are plaguing schools across the Atlantic provinces
6. A Radiothon has raised a substantial part of the cost of a new microscope for a health foundation in Grand Falls-Windsor
7. NL has only a fraction of the childcare spaces it needs
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kiyoors · 2 years
i had a coupon for coffee and my $7 mocha went down to $1
today is great
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