#tea estates
comewalkwithmemeow · 25 days
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etherea1ity · 8 months
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Kataboola Tea Estate, Nawalapitiya, Sri Lanka ( via )
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santystyle27 · 2 years
Amazing drives Ooty
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tea-tuesday · 6 months
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first post of the new year! i'm finally back on campus for my last semester of law school :')) i have a really chill schedule (only 3 days of classes) so i'm going to try something crazy during my first long weekend and get all the readings done for two classes ahead of time !! crazy and ambitious? yes.. but will i try? YES!
also, i added a new hobonichi to my repertoire -- a 5-year techo! i'm hoping to stick with it for the next 5 years and in 2028, i can look back at how much things have changed since 2024! so far, my entries are really boring (apparently all i do is get coffee and do readings) but i feel like i'll look back on this time fondly.
hope everyone has a strong start to their spring semester!
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vox-anglosphere · 8 months
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Belvoir Castle's State Dining Room has hosted Queen Victoria & King Edward VIII. It is also where afternoon tea was first invented in 1840.
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dollypopup · 3 months
look i get bton has set up some seeds (ba dum tiss?) that polin will be the pairing in the Featherington Family to have a male heir first (and it's popular in the fandom as an endgame for them) and thus will inherit the estate but
consider the following:
they find out about it and go 'ahahahah NOPE' and thus become co-conspirators to get Pru or Phillipa preggo before them. because with inheriting the estate. . .what they really inherit is the debt. and neither of them are eager for that anytime soon
so one storyline is that they're on a mission to get Prudence there first so they're always out here making very thinly veiled insinuations at PruDank and make up excuses and schemes so they're alone with each other. Penelope takes the lead for this particular side of the scheme, but they're definitely in kahoots. like Colin will lead Dankworth to places and Penelope will do the same for Prudence and whoops, look at that, what a good time for the two of you to make an heir and Penelope's there in Prudence's ear like it should be you, you're the oldest, it's your right, wouldn't you want to lord it over Phillipa forever? like the devil on her shoulder and constantly hyping her sister up because please, god, don't let it be her, she doesn't want it to be her, she is a grand total of 19 years old and she wants to fuck her husband consequence free, and she can't do this chastity shit, it's not reasonable, so Prudence, time to hop on that horse! let's up and at 'em, sis
and the other is Colin coming to Albion like 'soooooooo. . .I have to ask. . .how have you managed it?' and he's like 'managed what?' 'to be married for two years and not have a baby. I mean, I'm a newly married man and I'd like to. . .enjoy my wife before we start a family. I have to know your secret' and Albion is just there going 'huh? what secret? we've just being doing it normal?' so Colin's very concerned like 'oh no, what if i've offended him? what if they can't have kids???' and Albion and him keep talking until it becomes clear that, wait, hang on, what do you mean by normal and it finally comes out that the reason Phillipa always seems like she's got a stick up her bum is because she does so he's like 'oh fuck, oh no, oh no no no, i can't be the one to inform him that's not the way to make a baby' ala: 'you are putting it in the right place?' and he's white as a ghost like 'so very sorry, i think i left my cat on the stove, i have to go'
and Colin and Penelope come together at the end of all their schemes like 'well. . .there goes Plan A. . .and B. . .and C through G' as Penelope frantically wonders if she can get Gen to pull Prudence aside and Colin is contemplating which of his brothers he can bribe enough to have the 'So, women have multiple holes' discussion w/' Albion because he refuses to be the one to do it
meanwhile, Portia is out here making potions to try to get one of her daughters to have a baby because thus far, she's batting 0 for 3, and Polin's schemes somehow always end up in direct opposition to her schemes, thus canceling out each time
tell me that wouldn't be the funniest shit you've ever watched on this show
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ying-doodles · 1 month
// webtoon spoilers (ep 142)
... guys don't even bother with this one,, OTL
first off: lady cheronin. is she pretty as all hell? yes. but they completely switched up the plot so that instead the patrol commander got pissed that lloyd technically didn't run and she stepped in for him so he could meet the chief.
also she's the opposite of komanchi, who she replaced, in that she hates her tribe's obsession with speed and says that speed isn't everything. which. I don't know how to feel about. like yay for cool female character? but also no for fucking up the plot again-
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this part... I need to be put down. holy fuck I hate this. the groan I let out,, you know what. lloyd deserved that kick. and I need javier to die in a fire for that comment (and for once again not protecting lloyd). novel them would never.
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and there they go making up shit with this unnecessary legend of the light speed human. we couldn't just have cherokan say his worries about the centaurs speeding and lloyd then suggesting to build the coliseum nooo we need to add intrigue by adding some bullshit legend into the mix huh. what a laugh.
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also I didn't add it due to mobile photo limit but cherokan just straight up tells him they have the taupo over there safe and sound before this?? where's the fucking suspense lhm!! stop just spoonfeeding us important information!! >:(
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merakiui · 2 years
i cannot stop thinking of victorian omegaverse au in which the leech twins are butlers for azul’s omega darling. just,,,, the reverse power imbalance is so good because while the twins are bound to you in servitude they’re still alphas and you’re still an omega. biologically, they’re superior. but in terms of class, you’re higher on the pyramid. 
maybe you are betrothed to azul and now that the two of you are married you’ve moved into his grand estate, which is where you meet the twin butlers. the head butler (jade) is very kind and polite, always knowing just what to say when he serves you or wakes you each morning. he’s memorized your meal preferences, what sort of flowers you want planted in the gardens, and even the kinds of attire you enjoy wearing. floyd is also sweet. he always brightens a considerable amount when he sees you (he always compliments how nice you look), and he completes most of the physically demanding tasks on the grounds.
both of them are always looking out for their master’s darling, especially during those pesky heats. you’ve taken to enduring them in the confines of your bedroom and the entire week is unbearably sticky, hot, and miserable. it’s especially miserable for jade and floyd because they can so clearly smell you and they want nothing more than to help you, but azul has forbidden them from laying so much as a finger on you when you’re indisposed. it’s azul who has access to the special room you’re kept in during your heats, and the door is adorned with many locks, all of which can only be unlocked by his magic, and he has an omega maid bring you your meals and anything else you might need. 
azul has taken to controlling many aspects of your life, and you allow him to do so because you’re so blinded by love. it’s not fair for the twins, who have begun to fall for you and your enigmatic charms as the days progress. they will always remain overshadowed by azul unless, of course, they go against orders and claim you. :)
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einsatzzz · 2 months
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OC Crossovers (1/3): Tea Time with Myr and Lidija (@myrmyrtheorca 's OCs!) Kurumi may or may not be telling Lidija about shoujo manga while Myr is just chilling there and relaxing from the nice atmosphere.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
This is Esther.
Mr. Kamisato sure looks well-dressed today.
Idol!Au interaction
This is the start of the fic
"██ █? ███, ████ ███!" The man joyously replies before blowing his tea lightly. You're not sure how he managed to accomplish that without any visible lips, but you saw the brewed scent whiff past you. He shifted slightly from his seat, but his posture remains firm and imposing. "███'██ █████ ████ █ ██████████ ██ █ █████."
He placed the cup on your end of the table. Not knowing what it's for, you pointed at the cup before pointing at your perplexed face.
"██ █████ ██'█ █████!" "Kamisato Ayato" nodded eagerly. "█████ ██."
Assuming that what he was urging you to drink it, you stared down at the cup. It's red. Something tells you that it isn't safe for human consumption. You've read about this somewhere, but you're not yet certain if your irrational fear over tea is from a figment of your imagination or if the substance is truly drugged.
You sheepishly shook your head with an unconvincing smile. "No, thank you. I just wanted to say you look nice, that's all."
Ayato smiled.
"████ ███."
You smiled back.
... Wait.
His face is all glitched up.
How did you know he was smiling?
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magewolf-the-artist · 4 months
A Ramble
I really, really wish people would write fanfics/draw fanart of the possessed animatronics chilling at the K-9 facility. The potential alone is astounding. The angst? The fluff? The hurt/comfort? Please, I beg of you humble folk to write an angsty fic about Charles lamenting over Lily or draw some art of Ashley fucking around.
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View of the Ceylon Tea Estate of Lipton, Sri Lanka
British vintage postcard
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sweetsnidle · 28 days
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class pic #??????? (pt 2/????)
from left to right: hime, tatsu and hana.
(tatsu and hana are owned by @lesbkinz!)
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 3 months
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Left : Resident Evil  (1996/1997, french PC version)
Right : Resident Evil  (2002 Remake, PC version, remastered)
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Someone tell me why Cannibal Town is such a vibe? Like can I move in?? The Aesthetic, the drama, the swag. I just can‘t. Let me live there omg ;-;
I can‘t sing, I can‘t dance but I can learn pleaseeeee
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piplupod · 18 days
also fungus gnats or no-see-ums have come indoors while i had the (screened) windows open down here to try to get in a little fresh air, and now I keep getting tiny bugs in my face every so often no matter what room I'm in and idk which they are bc they look so similar so idk how to get rid of them other than just keep trying to kill any that I spot in here and never open the windows again 😭
#this is why i dont open the windows ever despite the fact that I love to get fresh air in down here#and parents scoff at me when i say the reason i keep them closed is bc of bugs#well. they have nice new windows up there lmfao. the ones down here are old and the screens dont fit right and the mesh is slightly too big#so these tiny flies can get in. or little ants. or spiders and weevils and carpet beetles thru the cracks along the screen frame#i appreciate the importance of bugs in the world but i am... so tired of having them in my living space#I've put up with centipedes and earwigs as well as all the aforementioned bugs#i have been kind to them and taken them outdoors as much as i could (except for tiny flies bc. theyre different idk)#but i am just so so so tired of dealing w this all the time fjfkfl#ppl talk abt exposure therapy but I think maybe being constantly exposed to these bugs is giving me new fear of them#i cannot see a weevil outside without having my nervous system act up#i feel like im going to have a breakdown when i see centipedes outside bc it reminds me of all the times I've had to catch them inside#i dont like this :)))))#i am also so close to getting rid of all my houseplants bc im so terrified of having a fungus gnat infestation again#the last time was bc of some potatoes I'd forgotten about in a cupboard. but they also like houseplants. so ummmm#also my isopod terrarium is prime egg laying real estate for them but i taped tea bag material over the openings#so they can't get inside there again lol#idk how to calm down to sleep tonight fjdkl i am so on edge now trying to figure out how to deal w all this#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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