#te answers questions
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traintrainingmontage · 1 day ago
[Not March prompt event related] Sending asks to folks is a bit nerve-wracking for me cause im more of a lurker, but ttteblr sure is making me come out of my comfort zone hehe.
Question, do you have a real life odd/strange locomotive that you personally find interesting? Something along the lines of an experimental or an unusual chapter in railway history?
I swear im not planning anything. [I say with a wall of pinned notes connected by strings pepe silvia style behind me] Yep, none at all.
Awww, I'm so glad that ttteblr is helping you feel more comfortable! Your comics are hilarious, and it's always wonderful to welcome more people into the fandom ✨️
As for odd irl locomotives, I find myself fascinated by locos made for theme parks! Here's a photo I took of the lovely Alpen Express from Busch Gardens theme park in Virginia, USA:
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They're so intriguing to me because like any commercial locomotive or railway, they have a ton of interesting stories. Like in 2018, one of Alpen's shedmates, Balmoral Castle (a Scottish-themed engine) straight-up caught fire! (It's ok; he got better.)
Alpen also isn't a native of Busch Gardens VA; she's older than her shedmates, but joined the park later after being acquired from a wild west–themed park.
They're still very much proud locomotives in their own right, but less talked about than most commercial locomotives. I can't speak to how experimental they are, but some of them are certainly strange! A lesser-discussed but no less interesting aspect of railways. :)
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simandy · 4 months ago
I think my exams are AI generated. Can i die now
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q-iam · 7 months ago
A while ago, m'aiq tõld this One that The best use of a nord is as an excellent Body Shield "when this One is trying to Dodge assasins and bounty Hunters". What do you think about this?
No person should ever be used as a body shield. M'aiq is a bad person whom you should not listen to. Perhaps if he did not try to hide behind Nords, lie to everyone, and smuggle skooma everywhere, he would not have to worry about bounty hunters and assassins.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years ago
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writing a little peace on this, cause I can, and I hate myself and my feelings.
amidst the fear, confusion of everything had just been told, and the foggy pain in his head that lingered with him since waking alone in the stranger forest, he didn't think to ask where his eldest brother was.
neteyam was always a strong, sure leader, always protecting spider, always being a good play buddy and better big brother, even if he was technically younger.
but after days of not seeing him, of no one mentioning his name, even if the feeling in his gut warned against it, even if his he searched any and all of his young mind for a reason he may not be there, he asked. cuddled up to ao'nung in the quiet of night, the blanket that was seemingly very important to the older boy wrapped around him, he asked where the oldest sully boy was, in a tiny voice that shook with some forewarning of anxiety.
he felt his brother take a deep breath, saw the tears gather in his eyes, and he knew something was wrong, something was really wrong. he might be young, but he wasn't clueless.
"we'll talk in the morning spi, I promise,"
"'nung," he protested, not wanting to be kept in the dark, not for so long, not long enough for his mind to twist this anxiety into a monster that would haunt his dreams.
ao'nung just looked at him, biting his lip, begging his eyes to stop tearing and his throat to stop hurting. he could tell his baby brother knew, at least knew that something was wrong, but he just couldn't get the words to form on his lips.
how do you tell a little kid their big brother was dead, had been dead for months, died on a rescue mission to save them, despite his memory freezing neteyam's life at 5 years old, alive and well, not yet faced with the responsibilities of being an adult, or the next chief, or the son of the great toruk makto, or the keeper of his brother. he knows spider doesn't remember the tired lines of his brother's face or the weary slope of his shoulders bowing under the pressure life put on him. how does he tell spider he can't even see his brother again because he is and has been with eywa for months now.
what would he do when spider reacted. when his little heart broke and all logic or reason flew out the window and his world collapsed from underneath him. his big brother was dead, no child would react well to that.
he tugs spider in as close as he can, pressing his nose into sandy locs, tears blending into the curly new growth. he couldn't do it, he didn't have the strength to tell him, he could be strong on so many fronts, but not this, not neteyam, not his friend who he had lost so long ago.
"please spi, in the morning, its... complicated ok, and it's not something I can tell you on my own," he knew that would only have more questions, but he didn't know what else to say, he just had to hope that spider's trust in him would be enough to settle him.
"ok," spider half squeaked, half yawned. ao'nung knew his head getting the best of him, and knew he had to calm him down.
"I'll be here all night tsmukan, you know that, I'll scare all the monsters away... and I'll be here in the morning, and we'll talk, all of us I promise."
spider nodded, clinging his little arms around ao'nungs neck, curling his knees in and letting his brother tuck him close to his chest. his stomach felt like it was tied in a million knots and he could feel his brother's tears bleeding into his scalp, could feel his chest tremor as he barely muffled his own cries. he knew neteyam was gone, felt it somewhere deep within him, in his heart, where eywa presided, he didn't know where and he didn't know why, but he knew his brother was gone and he wouldn't be seeing him again.
he started to cry himself, the tears burning his cheeks a little, ao'nung holding him a little closer, if that was even possible. sleep didn't come easy for either boy, they both drifted between sleep burdened with painful memories and monsters born of fear, and a tired hazy wakefulness. they rose with the sun and found solace on the beach together.
ronal and tonowari knew the instant they found both boys out on the beach, deep in fitful sleep, that the question they had all been dreading had finally reared its ugly head.
they carried both of their tired boys back to the family hut, ronal cradling spider all through the remains of early morning, only waking him for breakfast, tonowari curling ao'nung at his side, a hand in his hair, the other finding spider's little fingers. tsireya watches on with worry, knowing how deep neteyam's death cut ao'nung, it was part of why he was so persistent in making things right with spider; he wouldn't have regrets, he wouldn't lose any more time with people to his childish manners, he wouldn't cut his time short like he had with neteyam. she knew that this, would not end well for either boy, and she knew that she would end the day with a reopened wound.
by lunch both boys were groggily awake, clung to both each other and to their parents. the sully's were gathered after afternoon meal, and there was a heavy silence in the pod as all knew why they were gathered but not one of them could say the words.
ao'nung gathered the boy up to his chest once more, the pair sat between their parents. spider watched as his siblings gathered in the pod together, kiri and lo'ak holding onto each other, kiri holding tuks hand while she sat with jake and neytiri. he felt his breath come short and fast, felt his lip quiver and his eyes swell with itchy tears once more. he was tired of the silence, and frustration got the better of him.
"where is neteyam?" he asked, his fake bravado wavering letting his fear shine through. the silence persisted, even as spider stared the group down. "where is he?" he asked again, looking to his mother and father this time.
ronal goes to speak but is beaten by neytiri.
"he's gone, child, he was killed by humans many months ago, he died-" she cuts herself off, spider felt his mother tense behind him and saw jake shoot a look at his mate.
"he what?" he wanted to know, wanted to know what she would say, why his family didn't seem to want her to say it.
after protests from all around, spider still insisted she finish what she wanted to say.
"he died, protecting you, because he loved you. you may not remember much of him, we are unsure whether or not you ever will, but I need you to know that he loved you..." there was more she wanted to say, that was very clear to almost everyone in the room but spider, his young mind finally taking it in, understanding, that his big brother was dead and gone, that he would never see him again, that he might not even remember him again. he broke down sobbing while his family looked amongst themselves for any sort of direction as to what to do next.
what they were all surprised by was the fact that it was neytiri that moved to comfort him, sitting in front of ao'nung, who just about allowed her to trace a finger up and down the side of his grief-stricken face.
"it isn't fair," he whispered, looking her in the eye, barely halting his own tears long enough to speak.
"no it isn't, but he gave his life so you may live, you and lo'ak, because he was a good brother. he protected you when I could not see my own failure to kame (see into), to protect you like I shoulder have. so do not, for one second, blame yourself for what happened, do you hear me, ‘evan tsatu ‘awlie ma'itan? (boy that was once my son)" she spoke strong and sure, despite the fact she was in the very same state as the boy in question.
"what happened?"
neytiri looked to Ronal, unsure if she could keep going, ronal only nodding, fighting her grip around the boy, kissing his head and then ao'nungs, before pushing spider towards neytiri. the boy held out his arms and she lifted him into her lap, ao'nung darting into his mother's side.
ronal new the boy would never stop wondering, conjuring potential scenerio's in his head till it spun or he got the memories back, both of which would be a torturous wait. he needed this, to heal this bond, to know what happened, to gain closure.
"you had been taken, and... and I allowed us to leave our home without you... you spent many months with the demons, because of our failures. neteyam and lo'ak were given a chance during one of the first great battles to retrieve you, and neteyam did because he couldn't trust us to go back for you. he saved you and lo'ak, got you out of the ship safely, but he was... he was shot by one of the soldiers on the boat. it was our fault, spider, not yours. I only need one thing of you, parultsyìp, is that you do not blame yourself." she held him tight, tighter then she ever had before, and she felt something deep within her hurt. why had she not done this before, he fit so perfectly in her arms, he was meant to be there, she felt it in her soul. why had she failed this child so horribly?
he nodded, sniffled, burrowed deep into her stomach. his head spinning with far too much information, yet he wanted to know more.
he turned to his siblings, finally scootching from neytiri's arm, going to lo'ak and kiri, tuk shifting away from jake and joining her now very similar in age brother in their older siblings embrace. he felt lo'ak holding him the tightest.
"I was the one who told him we should go back, because I hadn't the night you were taken,"
"lo'ak," kiri tried to comfort, clearly used to lo'aks habit of taking the blame.
"its true, I wanted to go back, nothing will change that. not saying what I'm all to blame, just... can't hear mom taking all the blame."
kiri rolled her eyes, clinging closer to spider, "he is with The Great Mother now spider, he is at peace now, you don't have to worry about him anymore. you worried about him a lot, remember, always trying to be a good big brother to him, even if he insisted he was older."
spider did remember that, always gentle with neteyam despite being the size of him as an infant while spider was nearing 18 months old. always careful to not hurt the baby, to protect him from the harms of the lab.
"he is happy now, with Eywa, that's all the matter's. it's very sad that we lost him so soon, but he is with my mother and tsu'tey and trudy. he is with the family we have lost. he rests from a life of duty and sacrifice, and he left us protecting what he loved most; his baby brothers." she spoke with a sort of wiseness that could only be held by a child of Eywa, a child in tune with The Great Mother's heartbeat.
she kissed his forehead before getting up and pulling lo'ak with her, "be with your family, monkey boy, we'll talk later."
tuk didn't say much, only sniffled a goodbye, hugging him tightly before following her big sister. neytiri picked her up gently, tracing fingers over spider's head once more, baring her teeth at jake when he tried to leave without speaking to the boy. he backed away from the pods doorway, kneeling in front of the boy.
"I'm sorry, spider, I should have done something, but even now... I am nowhere close to being as strong as you are, little man, you don't even know it. I know... you can't go see neteyam, but I'll say hi to him for you, I promise, next time I see him."
spider nodded, as enthusiastically as one could, given the circumstances. he hugged jake, not wanting to let go. he knew jake wasn't his father, not anymore, but he still clung to those few good memories, of jake, coming to the lab and playing with him, or taking him out into the forest the first time. it was confusing, but for just a moment, he allowed himself to seek comfort in a man that apparently never wanted him.
when the sully's left he rejoined his families huddle, curling himself right back int he middle of it.
"you were very strong today little one," his mother spoke softly, "but you do not always need to be strong. you lost a brother, you are allowed to do much more then cry."
"I know... I just... my chest is full, but it won't come out, and it hurts. I don't want him to be gone mama, I don't... I want neteyam."
"I know sweet child, I know. but we must accept what is true, no matter how painful. you will feel the grief and loss of your brother for days, weeks, months even. but we will all be here to help you, to guide you as you feel his loss."
he nodded again, his throat hurting from the tears to talk.
"he was a good friend, I only knew him a short time, but he was very good to me and to your siblings, I am very sure he was an amazing brother to spider, and that you have many memories of him," tsireya spoke now, finally breaking her pained silence amongst the family. neteyams death had wounded her, witnessing it was enough, but she was left with his body for hours, to hold his hand and brush back his braids and have the pain of loss pounded into her. like ao'nung, the topic was a sore, unhealed, spot, and she was not handling it well.
"he was much better then I ever gave him credit for," ao'nung added, "I only knew what I had, I didn't see how good he was, how valuable a friend I had, until I lost him and I have not yet stopped feeling that pain since that day. I'm so sorry spider, that you have to feel this pain too." ao'nungs strong face fell once again as he held his brother close once more.
tonowari couldn't find the words to bring his children comfort. all that needed to be said had been said half a dozen times. spider didn't need more words he would barely understand, he was too young for this, had been before eywa had blessed him, but this was a new level of young. tonowari doubted the boy truly understood half of what had been said today, and he would not add to the list of thinks he would think over again and again in his mind. he just held his family close and promised them that all would be ok once more, in time, and that this was a blessing, no matter how painful, to heal wounds that were once mangled and bloody, into scars that held stories.
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feykrorovaan · 1 year ago
Babe, would you still love me if I was a wyrm?
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littledragondork · 2 years ago
Imagine if Bethesda makes The Elder Scrolls VI take place somewhere in that 200 year span between Oblivion and Skyrim would that be fucked up or what?
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months ago
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nanarumi sesesena photobook ily
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shakooo · 8 months ago
Shako dibuja un skibidi toilet 🥰
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mi primera (y última) vez dibujando un skibidi😍🙏
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nine-blessed-hero · 24 days ago
Aderyn Griffiths, Modern AU HoK
What was the original thought that led to the creation of this character?
When I was asked to write a fic that featured 'Everyone lives' and 'Bodyguard-to-lovers' tropes for Martin and Baurus, I felt I needed a HoK to act as a foil for them and help push the story along, so Sophie Williams turned up. Then I was reminded this fic was supposed to be Fluff, Sophie turned into Aderyn. She's also a bit of an offshoot from The Prisoner mentioned in My Blade For Thee, Your Son To Be (which I never managed to finish the middle of, so I can't post the end yet XD)
How long was the process before the character reached its final version? (or a version that would be clearly recognizable as the character?)
Reasonably quickly. I came up with the Modern AU on 26 Sep 2020; by 27th the HoK had a personality, if not a name.
What was the first thing you decided on, the character's name, appearance, personality or their role in the story?
So I think it went - personality, name, appearance
And reverse, which one of the four things did you struggle with the most?
Probably her name. Sophie Williams was... fine? but there was something that felt off about it, so I decided she needed something different (cont in next question)
How did you choose their name and why? Was it simply based on vibes or is there any specific meaning behind the name? Are the reasons behind their name different in- and out of universe?
I wanted her name to match her personality, so went searching for something that was to do with flight, or travel… and came up with the welsh word for 'Bird'. So then she needed a Welsh surname. Griffiths is a common one, so she got that. But also I still like 'Sophie Williams', so she got two -- a legal and a preferred, lol. FYI it's pronounced "a'derin'".
More answers under the cut
What was the thought process behind their appearance? Did you go mostly for the aesthetic or are there other reasons they look the way they do?
Alabaster skin and red hair are from her mother, a true celt. Her fashion choices have changed drastically since The Birthday Party. She used to have a bolero hat, for example, and dress in the sort of clothes you find in cheap 'fashion' shops. But then she started getting more frugal with her lifestyle and I decided she shopped a lot at charity stores when she didn't need technical gear, so her clothing became more worn and eclectic. She's thin AF because technically she's malnourished (that's part of her arc in The Ruby Falls - putting on weight to show healing).
What is an aspect of their appearance that you like the most?
Her rich, celtic, auburn hair. It's a bit of a nod to my nephew, who managed to get his genes from maternal grandma and paternal grandfa and has the brightest orange curls you ever saw <3
What is the origin of their personality? And let's be honest - how much of it is projecting?
Ha! 60% projection, straight up. So, I toyed with making this modern AU American, but I know sweet fanny adams about day-to-day life in the USA. I do know what it's like here on the south coast of England. And, you know, you don't see many bog-standard british people in media. The Kingsman is the exception rather than the rule (I can't express how happy I was to see a major motion picture which featured someone like me as the protagonist). So I decided I wanted her to be like me, but with a cooler job, the car I wanted when I was a kid, and the chaos ramped up. She speaks like how I speak when I don't have to be formal, she makes the same shitty social blunders I do, she has the same craving for her welsh ancestry as I do, she swears about the same as I do (so if you think she's excessive... well.).
How big is their role in the story? Do they make a frequent appearance or are they a character with little "screentime" but big influence? Or are they just a favourite background guy?
In the Ruby Falls, we're in Aderyn's head most of the time as she represents the Player Character. In other stories, it varies - eg The Birthday Party, we're in Martin's for the first chapter, Baurus' the second, then the last two sections are Aderyn's.
What is their main character arc in the story? Where do they start and how do they develop? Do they get a happy ending or is their story a tragic one?
Mostly her arc is learning to live better. The friends she has at the start of the The Ruby Falls, respect her need (both for work and personally) to be constantly on the move and they keep in touch by phone & video call, and messenger apps. But they hardly ever see her, they don't really know how she lives, so they can't ever comment on the fact she lives off insta-noodles and smokes like a chimney. Martin's first act is to fill her Land Rover's cupboards with long-life good food, like fruit pouches. Baurus sends her off with homemade stews. Baragon helps her quit smoking. Ferrum says he won't train her unless she eats more protein. Because the Blades see her more often, they force her into taking better care of herself. She never loses the desire to travel, and they don't ever stop her from doing so, but they do domesticate her more than anyone else has ever managed. Ultimately, I think, she gets a happy ending.
Is there any existing character from other media that your character resembles? Was the resemblance intentional or was it a coincidence?
The titular character in Ava (2020). Despite the release date, I didn't actually see the film until 2022 so wholy coincidental... though I did spend the whole movie just being like "W. T. F. That's aderyn, it is, she's perfect."
Do you have a playlist for the character? What songs do you associate with them and why?
It's more for the whole series, but here:
Specifically Aderyn's are I'm Not A Saint by Billy Raffoul, Vagabond (feat. FJØRA) by Tommee Profitt and All Eyes On You by Smash Into Pieces.
Do you have a voice claim for the character? What do you imagine the character sounds like?
Can I be the voice-claim for my own character? Is that allowed XD If not then someone like Rose from Dr Who or Kelly Bailey from Misfits but less Landahn and more rolling.
Do you have any quotes tied to the character, either from the story itself or from another source that fit them?
"It's the ride of life, the journey from here to there, living and loving every moment like we have none to spare." - Jess Brynjulson
Have you ever made a moodboard for them?
I have... but Tumblr search is what it is and I cannot find it. Maybe I'll repost them...
Is there any memes or running jokes associated with the character, both in- and out of universe?
She sits on counters. Nobody likes that, and she's frequently yelled at to get down. ...This is also a habit I have. She's often compared by the Blades to a stray cat they feed occasionally and eventually comes to live with them. This is juxtaposed by an actual stray cat coming to live in Cloud Ruler. Her obsession with McDonalds and pot noodles is often referenced, as is Baurus' despair about it.
Are there any motifs or symbols associated with the character? How are they represented, in their design, personality or in some other way?
I probably lay it on too heavily, but her motifs are all bird related, specifically kestrels. I make mention of her 'roosting', of having her 'wings clipped', and 'yelling challenges like a bird of prey'. I've found half a dozen translations of the phrase 'little bird' too XD Sometimes I use her hair to illustrate her temper and impetuousness. It 'licks out' when she moved with purpose, it's 'flat and dim' when she's upset etc
Does the character have other characters connected to them? Do you have a family tree and "offscreen" connections made up for them or do they exist in a vacuum purely for the purpose of the story?
In The Ruby Falls, she's seen communicating with her mother and misc friends. Most of the other works are too short to include these. She's also shown having friends and connections with the characters which make up the in-game thieves guild. Someday I'm going to borrow Lecrinn and Garrus, and pop them in with Aderyn ;)
What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?
Most Fave: Her job is very specific and oblique, so I had to do lots of research into pentesting, physical and digital security, and the sort of tools used. It's a really interesting sector! Also my gentleman friend and housemate have happily fed this interest by acquiring documents for me. The only downside is now I keep getting digital security alerts.
Least fave: Toning back her speech patterns. I have to be really careful that her speech doesn't turn into complete eye dialect, whilst also keeping it natural.
Bonus question: share any additional thoughts, art, favourite scenes, anything you've been waiting for a chance to ramble about
Oh, hey, let me put that moodboard down here:
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That's her, that's my girl. I luv her, ur honour :D
Other misc thoughts:
She has a good working knowledge of morse code and Forces sign language.
Her phone's font is wingdings
Modryn Oreyn helped her convert her car to have the living space at the back.
I decided, as a fun challenge, she'll never say 'okay'
She's touch averse
She keeps tillandsia in her car for some greenery. they came from a charity shop in the most 70's kitsch rattan holders you ever saw
In fact, most of what she owns is from charity shops.
As such she has really bad taste in furnishings and clothes. Methredhel and Carwen pick out her formal clothes for her.
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yansurnummu · 1 month ago
are there any samples amongst your writing for drals that one could still read clearly even without much understanding of ESO content? :] (I have some general TES knowledge but have never played ESO myself)
oh hmm this is a good question!!
I think the most obvious answer would be the little smut oneshot with him and Zerith-var I just posted, but if that's not ur jam that's ok!
there's also a few little things I've posted on tumblr here and there, like the New Life ficlet, and the Seaside Cottage prompt answer. also in scrolling back far enough I found the original introduction I wrote for him that ended up becoming the first chapter of his fic.
his main fic follows the Necrom story in ESO very loosely and definitely not in any linear fashion, and I've tried to make it stand on its own as much as possible, so some surface-level TES knowledge might cover it as long as you don't mind possible spoilers in case you do ever play the game!
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traintrainingmontage · 19 hours ago
Hmm... So for the prompts thing, do you think you could do one with some of the diesels (do your favourites) playing Uno please? :)
Hehehe, this is a lovely idea! Thank you for the prompt! It got a good laugh out of me, so let's see how this goes...
(Humanized engines for this one so that they have the benefit of hands.)
(Want to see me write for a prompt of your own? Details here!)
One mid-summer evening saw a truly odd assortment of figures sitting around the living room table of a well-furnished, albeit slightly "vintage"-looking Wellsworth apartment.
In one doily-laced chair sat a woman with elegantly curled blonde hair, lusciously red lipstick, and a Coach-branded purse, all of which paled in comparison to her eye-catchingly bright green pencil-skirt-and-blazer ensemble. What was even more incredible was the sheer confidence that enabled her to pull off such an audacious look. "Well, I don't know about YOU, Mavis, but I'm afraid that I'll have to move the game along, now! Look at THAT."
With a flourish of her manicured nails, the transfixing Ms. Daisy pulled a single card from her hand and placed it atop the pile, revealing that only four cards were left. However, far more importantly was the card she had played, that being a green Draw 2 card. "Rejoice, my darlings, as this round will soon belong to me!" she crowed, unable to contain her joy.
"Hmph! I wouldn't be so sure, Daisy," came the heated retort from Daisy's left. The game's next player was a sturdily built woman in a yellow and black crop top, dark gray overalls, and red socks, whose well-worn work boots were at rest by the doorway and thick jacket hung up in the hall. "So what if I have to draw two? I bet this won't go so well for you!" Mavis quickly took her two cards, but a flick of the wrist quickly revealed the source of the woman's confidence: a green Reverse card, pointed right back at Daisy, who gnashed her pearly teeth in disdain.
"OOOOOOH! Mavis, you... you! UGH!" Daisy drew a card from the Draw pile, pouting all the while as she added said card to her hand. Mavis, now with seven cards in her hand, grinned triumphantly.
"Goodness, you two sure are cutthroat. No wonder we can't play poker anymore." This cheeky reply came from the player on Daisy's right, who was clad in a full-body orange jumpsuit and could often be seen subconsciously adjusting their hijab. Although their words could be taken as rude, their easy smile and the laughter in their voice showed that they weren't being serious. Finally, they picked a card and placed it on the pile, this one being a Wild card. "Alright, we're going with yellow."
"Yellow again, Rusty?" Mavis groaned, narrowing her eyes at the shortest among them. "Did you just manage to get every yellow card in the entire deck?"
Rusty simply shrugged, a twinkle of amusement in their eye. "Don't ask me; BoCo shuffled."
As summoned by the sound of his name, their host shuffled out of the kitchen, removing his apron as he did so. Dressed in a kelly-green button-up with simple black pants, Beaufort Connor Metrovick was somehow the most understated of the assembled group. BoCo took his place at the table, giving a relieved sigh once he learned that he hadn't missed his turn. "Alright, what's the color?"
"Yellow again, Rusty? Let me see... Draw 2, Mavis."
With a snarl, Mavis drew two more cards from the deck, muttering to herself all the while. However, her dismay soon turned into a grin of triumph as she looked over at Daisy, grabbing for one of her newly drawn cards and practically throwing it on the pile. The group's eyes went wide as the card was revealed: a Wild Draw 4, aimed squarely at Daisy.
"Ohhhhh, no you don't," Daisy groused, staring daggers at her aggressor as she pointed a sharp finger in her direction. "You have eight cards! There's NO possible way you don't have a yellow card!"
"Are you challenging me, Daisy?" Mavis smiled, her grin almost predatory with the thrill of victory.
Her confidence made Daisy retract her finger, hesitation now worming its way through her. To challenge Mavis and lose meant that she would be drawing six cards, AND lose her turn, to boot! But with so many cards in her hand, there was no way Mavis could back up such a play. She had to be bluffing. She had to be!!
Rusty simply watched this showdown play out in tense, expectant silence. Daisy and Mavis had always been good friends, but game night brought out their competitive streaks, and it was the most entertainment Rusty got to have all week, besides Duncan doing... Duncan things. BoCo, for his part, was keeping an eye on his watch and hoping that he was getting the timing right on his pot roast, but still found time to lock eyes with Rusty and give the other a cheerful wink.
Finally, Daisy made a decision. "Alright, Mavis! Show me your hand!" With deliberate slowness, Mavis rose from her seat, and with exaggerated grace, revealed her hand to her opponent. A green 7... a blue 1... a red 5... a green Skip... Daisy's eyes desperately jumped from one card to another, but she felt her heart sink in her chest. Despite Mavis' large hand, there was indeed not a single yellow among them, no matter how many times Daisy looked or checked for stuck cards.
At last, Mavis pulled away, leaving Daisy to hang her head in disgrace. Steadfastly displeased, but not about to lose any more of her dignity, Daisy reached forward and drew six cards, brow furrowing in increased displeasure. "Red," Mavis smirked as she sat back down, pure satisfaction dripping from that one word.
However, before Rusty could dare to consider what card to play next, a loud riiiiing came from the kitchen. Daisy glanced up at it like it was her lifeline, while Mavis frowned. Barely suppressing a smile, Rusty looked over at BoCo. "Is that dinner?"
"Sure is," the taller man smiled, a hint of relief on his face. "Pot roast's ready. Let's take a break from this and go eat, alright?"
"Yes!" Daisy practically shrieked, while Mavis simply shrugged and stood up once more.
The four made their way into the kitchen, ready to enjoy their meal, and over glasses of wine, delicious food, laughter, and good company, it could only be said that for these four friends, game night was anything but a bore.
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stars-of-kyber · 1 year ago
After a strange hit on inspiration, I’d like to present to you my newest baby
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Summary: The moment her wedding was decided upon, Kate Sharma knows she has no other option but planning her escape.
When her plan does not go as planned, fate throws a second son with quite an unusual family on her path who quickly become fundamental to see her escape plan through.
But, as new information come to light and Edwina’s future happiness is at risk, Kate will stop at nothing to save her sister from her own greedy grandparents. All the while trying to ignore the strange connection between her and the Viscount.
A slow-burnish runaway bride AU with a rather unusual fake dating situation (I promise, no love triangles and a happy ending all the way. Here’s Kathony from start to finish!).
My plan’s to finish writing it before starting to post, the same I did with Walking the Wire. The idea is around 8 to 10 chapters (but my ideas are all just that, we know we don’t take THAT much serious). I’m currently working on chapter 3.
Coming soon!
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q-iam · 10 months ago
Wait, why did your parents literally just give you your twin's name but backwards?
Because this one's parents hate Q'iam. They wanted exactly two children and this one already had an older sister. That this one was born alongside M'aiq was what this one's parents call a "tragic accident." Thus, they decided that Q'iam must be an evil shadow version of M'aiq. This one thinks they spend too much time with daedra.
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theropoda · 1 year ago
thinking abt my weird relationship with tes and how i played skyrim first when i was like 11/12 and fell in love with this mediocre game because i didn't know any better, and then played oblivion and then morrowind and fell even more in love but what i loved the most as i grew up was the stories i made in this universe, my characters, the meanings i put into this world that the writers never did. and even now i still think a lot about tes world building and put so much thought and research into something that isn't even mine.
and it's like a lot of love into something that doesn't love you back and actually even Hates you. because bethesda thinks good writing is for chums. i was excited for tes 6 once as a wee lad but now im genuinely hoping that, if anything it gets cancelled bc i don't want this thing i love to eat itself further.
i do think about my characters and how much i love them. and how i wonder what if i Moved➡️them to an original fantasy universe where the things i don't like about tes don't exist but they're so deeply anchored in the game setting and lore i dunno how id do it without making fundamentally different characters.
i know it's just video games like it's polygons. but Man. :/
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endawn · 3 months ago
pax 🤝 leliana: god(s) talk to me
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hinsaa-paramo-dharma · 2 years ago
School mein ghuss te hi meri volume kam kyun ho jaati hai 😭
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