#te Shaw
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Let it be known I will be drawing over these pics these r just placeholders
#Lawrence of Arabia#Peter o’toole#sherif Ali#omar sharif#te Lawrence#te Shaw#My art#poll#artists on tumblr
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illicit affairs will always be gretson to me
#honestly any time I listen to this song I just picture them#thank you to te tiktoks that conditioned me#gretson#taylor swift#greta gill#carson shaw
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10 citas de grandes pensadores: 1. No hay hombre tan cobarde a quien el amor no haga valiente y transforme en héroe. Platón. 2. Hay alguien tan inteligente que aprende de la experiencia de los demás. Voltaire. 3. No puedo enseñar nada a nadie. Solo puedo hacerles pensar. Sócrates. 4. Vivir sin filosofar es, propiamente, tener los ojos cerrados, sin tratar de abrirlos jamás. René Descartes. 5. Lo menos frecuente en este mundo es vivir. La mayoría de la gente existe, eso es todo. Oscar Wilde. 6. La felicidad de tu vida depende de la calidad de tus pensamientos. Marco Aurelio. 7. La vida no se trata de encontrarte a ti mismo, sino de crearte a ti mismo. Bernard Shaw. 8. Pensar es fácil, actuar es difícil, y poner los pensamientos de uno mismo en acción es lo más difícil del mundo. Goethe. 9. Felicidad no es hacer lo que uno quiere sino querer lo que uno hace. Jean Paul Sartre. 1 0. No lastimes a los demás con lo que te causa dolor a ti mismo. Buda.
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La vita non consiste nel trovare te stesso. La vita consiste nel creare te stesso.
George Bernard Shaw
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“Debí tirar más fotos de cuando te tuve
Debí darte más besos y abrazos las veces que pude”
Oh hey guys look it’s David Shaw’s song :)
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Les belles choses de la vie,
ou ils sont immoraux,
ou ils sont illégaux.
Ou ils te font grossir....✨✨✨
(G.B. Shaw)
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Oh hey is that my fandom from a decade ago rising up to meet me?
The Portrait Is Watching You
On TE Lawrence and the folly of biography
A dear friend once declared, “I want to see you write a book on why SOME people shouldn’t write about Lawrence…”
“NOBODY should be writing about Lawrence!” I interjected.
“...didn’t you JUST write a story about him?”
“YES!” I have, in fact, written a few.
It is an almost irresistible temptation, because TE occupies such a sparkling place in history and art that, entirely apart from any quirks of his personality he would already be a prime target for examination by all and sundry. Add to this all the buttons and questions of his identity - heroism, failure, friendliness, isolation, queerness, kink, trauma - the first instinct of even the most casual critic is to find out some aspect that nobody has puzzled out so well, and in doing so claim a piece of him for England for oneself.
This is not to say all his eager biographers LIKE him. Indeed, in puzzling out the pieces, Richard Aldington first and famously despised what he discovered, to the point of attempting to dodge the accusation of libel by labeling his book “A Biographical Enquiry” - he’s just asking questions, folks. I keep a quote from said book on my desktop:
The irregular situation of a father who had four daughters by his wife and five sons (of whom TE Lawrence was the second) by another woman is obviously the clue to Lawrence’s abortive career and tortured character. Of course the fact must not be abused and dragged in to explain everything -
The image of that quote is very fondly named “fuck you too Aldington.jpg” by the bye. I harbor a cherished hope someday to have the works of Aldington and Lowell Thomas on my shelf, bound together in caution tape. They are very much two sides of a coin.
Lowell Thomas made a name for himself as a sort of adventuring journalist. He wrote about the joys of travel and was paid in free tickets by rail companies for the advertisement. All places he went were exotic, all people he met extraordinary. The man was made for the propaganda machine, and while it was useful, TE used it. And when it ceased to be useful, TE tried to refuse it and Lowell Thomas refused to understand. Lowell Thomas had his own piece of Lawrence - in some ways, the first one. A flattering one? The first chapter of With Lawrence In Arabia is, after all, titled “A Modern Arabian Knight.” The second, worse, calls TE “The Uncrowned King of Arabia.”
I am always reminded, in these and the awfully orientalist captions of Thomas’s photographs, of a story told by Sheikh Hamoudi in Lawrence By His Friends. Hamoudi was surprised by the request for tales about TE because he hadn’t known yet that he was dead, so there’s a terrible sort of shocked sadness in his chapter of the book. He recalled going with TE to his home in Oxford before the war, along with Selim Ahmed, known as Dahoum. As a foreigner relying on the native TE for translation, he observed the excitement of people who came to talk with them, and that TE was repeatedly smiling and saying “No” to people requesting something. On interrogation, TE revealed that these people wanted to pay for photographs - they wanted to pay a great deal, apparently. Hamoudi challenged him for refusing, and TE Lawrence challenged him right back, saying it would make them a monkey and the man displaying that monkey for the public.
TE Lawrence knows what you are doing with him. He knows the shape of history, his story, the narrative built around him. He knows it’s happening, that there’s no way to stop it, that there’s hardly any point in trying to guide it, but he’s trying to guide it all the same. He is watching you, from the past, take him and reshape him into a piece of art that you can own.
“Poor Joan, I was thinking of her as a person, not as a moral lesson,” TE says, to Charlotte Shaw, defending his distaste in the ending of GB Shaw’s Saint Joan. In two consecutive letters, TE contrasts the play - turning away from Joan’s suffering to the reflection of the fire on the faces of her tormentors - with his own work specifically describing his torture at Deraa. Whatever else one might take from this, not the only time TE expressed fellow feeling for the sufferings of a female protagonist, I am inclined to hear him saying this: “Poor me, I was a person, now I’m a moral lesson.”
It’s easy to summon some righteous response to Aldington, and indeed he sparked a fury of refutations and qualifications and publications of previously withheld documents in TE’s defense. Fewer are thinking of defending Lawrence from With Lawrence in Arabia, but Lowell Thomas’s work has its own broad spreading ripples of effect, images of Lawrence in pure white, the archetype of the White Savior, larger than life (better put Peter O’Toole in the role, at nearly a foot taller than TE himself, he has the stature for it.) Most biographers position themselves to be less sensational, less confrontational than these.
I find myself, after a decade of not writing this ode to the folly of writing about Lawrence, falling into the trap in the footsteps of a much more reasonable writer. Edward Said, wonderfully, wrote a scathing response to Knightley and Simpson’s The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia. Like Aldington, these sensationalist biographers did meticulous research but made extraordinary claims on it, and Said wisely declares that it is folly to pinhole Lawrence as anything. Said declares that Lawrence can only be pinned down as a man who wouldn’t be pinned down to anything. Defiant against definition, to the end, as a defining trait.
I like this. I especially like, in it, the face of Lawrence studying the portraits made of him, figuring out who exactly is being depicted there. TE did find his image very interesting, and talked about various incarnations of it like they were people he was watching, to find out how they tick. Among the accusations that have been leveled against him, one of the strongest is that he was a social chameleon, wearing the personality expected of him in every context.
I like how Said mentioned TE’s home at Clouds Hill, treated as a generally owned space rather than a possession of TE as host and owner. Said could not resist also saying this was an aspect of TE claiming and then refusing everything that came into his hands. It might be. Said might have the right of it.
But I think all we eager writers carry too much of ourselves into the space of this particular chameleon, so he takes on the colors we place as his backdrop. I know a few people who remind me of TE - a dear friend struggling with scrupulosity OCD, another who is trying his best to catalogue the behaviors and motivations of his own neurodivergence by watching other people, a third who is awkward and brilliant and eager to share everything he knows and has nobody, really, to talk to. The TE I would write would look an awful lot like them.
The TE I would write would be wonderfully human, giving Charlotte Shaw a full description of the eating habits of a cat he gave an eclair, doing her husband the hilarious disservice of legally taking his name when GB Shaw said it troubled him as much as Lawrence must trouble TE, forcing GB to tell people that TE was not his son for the rest of his life - but I am that terrible fool of fools, a fan. I’m the worst of all to write about TE Shaw, that little shit.
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A lo largo de los años, hemos notado que muchos usuarios experimentan cierta inquietud y dudas al considerar unirse a foros con más de un año de existencia o con una comunidad ya establecida. Es comprensible sentirse intimidado y preguntarse: “¿Podré abrirme camino aquí?”, “¿Seré bien recibido?”, “¿Encontraré oportunidades para interactuar y desarrollar a mi personaje?”, o “¿Es demasiado tarde para ser parte de esta comunidad?”. El propósito de esta guía no es solo proporcionar consejos prácticos para integrarte en foros como Kaelkoth, que cuentan con usuarios ya establecidos, sino también brindarte la confianza y la motivación para superar esos temores iniciales. Queremos mostrarte que unirse a una comunidad asentada no solo es posible, sino también enriquecedor. Con esta guía, esperamos poder ayudarte a disipar esas dudas y animarte a dar ese paso valiente, permitiéndote descubrir todo lo que los foros establecidos pueden ofrecerte.
Dicho esto, ¡vamos ayudarte a encontrar tu lugar en el vasto y fascinante mundo de los foros consolidados!
1. Explora el apartado de búsquedas
Si bien buscas, encontrarás. —Platón
El apartado de búsquedas es un recurso valioso. Aquí encontrarás propuestas e ideas de tramas que otros personajes están buscando desarrollar. Prioriza las búsquedas abiertas por usuarios activos y veteranos. Estos suelen tener personajes bien desarrollados y una presencia estable en el foro. Al formar parte de sus tramas, reduces el riesgo de ser dejado de lado o enfrentar la discontinuidad que a veces ocurre con personajes de usuarios menos comprometidos.
Además, unirte a las historias de usuarios establecidos te permite sumergirte de lleno en el corazón del foro. Participar en tramas ya en curso no solo te servirá para tener a un usuario que te sirva de guía a través de las complejidades del foro, sino que también te expondrá a sus conexiones con otros personajes. Esto puede abrir un abanico de posibilidades, permitiéndote entablar interacciones y forjar relaciones con una diversidad más amplia de personajes.
2. Rompe la primera barrera
La cueva en la que temes entrar contiene el tesoro que buscas. —Joseph Campbell
Sí, es completamente normal sentir vergüenza o apuro al principio, pero recuerda que en el peor de los casos tu propuesta podría ser rechazada o no recibir respuesta, y aún dándose alguna de estas dos situaciones no tienes absolutamente nada que perder. En todo caso, son ellos los que se pierden la oportunidad de rolear contigo.
Así que, te animamos a que des ese paso y dejes a un lado las inseguridades. No te quedes esperando a que otros te busquen. Si un personaje o una trama despiertan tu interés, envía un mensaje privado con tus propuestas e ideas. Piensa que siempre habrá alguien interesado en rolear contigo, y en el caso particular de Kaelkoth, podemos asegurarte que la inmensa mayoría de usuarios van a estar emocionados por recibir tus propuestas e ideas.
3. Piensa a lo grande
La imaginación es el comienzo de la creación. Imaginas lo que deseas, deseas lo que imaginas y, por último, creas lo que deseas. —George Bernard Shaw
Puede que esta parte sea la más difícil, pero al mismo tiempo también es la más enriquecedora. En foros estables con usuarios consolidados, es común encontrar personajes complejos y bien desarrollados. Por ello, las tramas simples o cotidianas, como una charla casual en una taberna, pueden no ser suficientemente atractivas para estos usuarios. En lugar de optar por escenas más genéricas, te animamos a idear tramas con mayor profundidad y relevancia. Propuestas que impulsen el desarrollo de ambos personajes, que desafíen sus creencias, que pongan a prueba sus habilidades o les enfrenten a dilemas morales.
Estas tramas más trascendentales no solo fomentan un rol más significativo y satisfactorio, sino que también abren la puerta a la creación de relaciones y dinámicas más ricas y complejas entre los personajes. Piensa en cómo tu personaje puede entrelazar su historia con la de otros de manera que aporte crecimiento mutuo.
Aquí van algunas ideas:
Puntos en común: Busca intereses, experiencias o características comunes que puedan servir como punto de partida. Esto puede ser desde compartir el mismo oficio, orígenes y cultura, creencias, familiares, amigos, enemigos e incluso objetivos y ambiciones.
Flashbacks: Explorar un pasado en común podría ser una excelente manera de comenzar a construir una buena base para vuestra trama. Pueden revelar cómo se conocieron, algún evento importante que compartieron en el pasado o incluso cómo sus caminos se cruzaron sin que lo supieran. Estas retrospectivas no solo enriquecen el contexto actual de los personajes, sino que también añaden capas de profundidad y complejidad a su historia, proporcionando un terreno fértil para el desarrollo de tramas más intensas y significativas.
¿Qué soy para ti?: Aunque tu personaje pueda parecer inicialmente no muy relevante en la vida de un personaje más desarrollado, puede que este personaje veterano sí sea crucial para el tuyo. Reflexiona sobre lo que el personaje podría aportar a tu historia. ¿Tu personaje necesitaría su ayuda o guía? ¿Podría ser un mentor, un aliado o incluso un antagonista que impulse el desarrollo de tu personaje? Busca formas en las que su interacción pueda enriquecer la trama de ambos personajes y generar nuevas oportunidades narrativas. Proponer tramas de peso que ayuden al desarrollo de tu personaje puede ser un muy buen gancho.
Conflictos y resoluciones: Piensa en cómo tu personaje puede entrar en conflicto o ayudar a resolver un problema con otro personaje. Esto puede llevar a tramas interesantes y dinámicas que involucren un desarrollo significativo para ambos personajes.
Objetivos y metas comunes: Si tu personaje y otro tienen objetivos o metas similares, esto puede ser un fuerte motivador para que trabajen juntos o incluso se enfrenten. ¿Buscan lo mismo? ¿Pueden ayudarse mutuamente para alcanzar sus metas?
Relaciones personales: Considera la posibilidad de formar relaciones más personales y profundas, como amistades duraderas, rivalidades o incluso lazos familiares o afectivos. Esto puede agregar una capa adicional de complejidad a la trama.
4. Involucra a tu personaje
El camino marca una dirección. Y una dirección es mucho más que un resultado. —Jorge Bucay
No sabemos cómo funciona en otros foros, pero por ejemplo en Kaelkoth partimos de 5 tramas principales interconectadas, cada una con su propio conjunto de circunstancias y eventos. Al crear un personaje que tenga un papel directo o una conexión clara con una o más de estas tramas, te aseguras de estar en el centro de la acción. Esto no solo enriquecerá tu experiencia de juego, sino que también te brindará numerosas oportunidades para interactuar y entrelazar tu historia con la de otros personajes involucrados.
En Kaelkoth contamos con las Leyendas, que son las tramas principales que estructuran el foro en torno a cinco pilares esenciales que actúan como pulso y guía:
La Magia: Explorada a través de la prestigiosa "Academia Amarus Gratia".
La Política: Desarrollada en el intrincado juego de poder de "Sangre y Coronas".
La Aventura: Vinculada a los desafíos y aventuras de "La Orden Dorada".
La Historia: Reflejada en el misterio y los enigmas de "El Retorno del Dragón".
La Muerte: Abordada en el sombrío y fascinante mundo de "Los Nocheterna".
Al integrar a tu personaje en una o varias de estas tramas, no solo te sumergirás en la rica narrativa de Kaelkoth, sino que también crearás lazos con otros personajes que participan en estas historias. Esta es una excelente manera de establecer conexiones significativas, tanto para tu personaje como para ti como jugador. Participar en estas tramas principales te brinda la oportunidad de dejar una huella perdurable en la evolución del foro, mientras te involucras en intrigas, misterios y aventuras que definen el corazón de nuestra comunidad.
5. No desesperes
Si se siembra la semilla con fe y se cuida con perseverancia, sólo será cuestión de tiempo recoger sus frutos. —Thomas Carlyle
El camino hacia la integración en una comunidad consolidada puede no ser instantáneo, pero es una travesía que merece total y absolutamente la pena. Ten paciencia y recuerda que todos esos usuarios asentados han pasado exactamente por el mismo proceso de adaptación que tú. Cada pequeño paso que des, cada interacción que inicies, irá sumando y construyendo tu lugar en esa comunidad. Con el tiempo, verás cómo tu persistencia y esfuerzo se traducen en un espacio propio, rico y satisfactorio, dentro de este vibrante mundo lleno de historias ricas y personajes fascinantes.
Y para finalizar, lo único que nos queda por decirte es: ¡Anímate! Estás a punto de embarcarte en una aventura fascinante. ¡Adelante con entusiasmo y confianza!
#kaelkoth#guía nuevos usuarios#foroactivo#foro de rol#rol hispano#rol por foro#guías de rol#rol#recursos de rol
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The following content does not limit the type of requests I accept. If there is a topic or character that is not listed, but you wish to have included feel free to ask! If I’m ever uncomfortable with something I will simply deny the request.
HIGHLIGHTED names are my personal favorite characters.
Writing Tips
Script Creation
Character Building
The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
The Quarry
Abigail Blyg
Emma Mountebank
Jacob Custos
Laura Kearney
Max Brinley
Ryan Erzahler
Travis Hackett
The Lost Boys
House of Wax
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface)
Michael Myers
Billy Loomis
Randy Meeks
Stu Macher
American Horror Story
James Patrick March
Jimmy Darling
Lottie Matthews
Misty Quigley
Natalie Scatorccio
Shauna Sadecki
Taissa Turner
Van Palmer
The Boys
Billy Butcher
Black Noir
Hughie Campbell
Kimiko Miyashiro
Mother's Milk
Queen Maeve
Soldier Boy
Detroit: Become Human
Gavin Reed
Hank Anderson
Rk600 (Sixty)
RK900 (Nines)
Fallout 4
John Hancock
Nick Valentine
Paladin Danse
Piper Shaw
Preston Garvey
Robert MacCready
Fallout (series)
Aspirant Dane
Cooper Howard (The Ghoul)
Knight Maximus
Lucy MacClean
Norm MacLean
Alien vs Predator
coming soon!
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter
James Cameron’s Avatar
Lyle Wainfleet
Miles Quaritch
Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan
TVD Verse
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
Elijah Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Kol Mikaelson
Niklaus Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Baldur’s Gate 3
Astarion Ancunín
Gale Dekarios
Karlach Cliffgate
Wyll Ravengard
Red Dead Redemption II
Albert Mason
Arthur Morgan
Charles Smith
Dutch Van Der Linde
Flaco Hernández
Javier Escuella
John Marston
Kieran Duffy
Sadie Adler
Call of Duty
John Price
John “Soap” MacTavish
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Grand Theft Auto
Franklin Clinton
Michael De Santa
Trevor Philips
Outer Banks
Pope Heyward
Rafe Cameron
Sarah Cameron
Topper Thornton
Notes :: There may be some things on these lists that are debatable. If they are something I’m willing to write under certain circumstances then it will be ITALICEZED.
Character x Character (w/o reader)
Bubba Sawyer
Freddy Krueger
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check out this new mixtape i made:
Yuh ey. I gotta crib up to the par-tay
yuh, i gotta hit up to the shaw-tay, yuh
and then she hit me with that waka waka ey
and then i said "uh whag a hell is a waka waka"
and she said "thats what i said to yo mama"
Boom boom boom!!
Now everyday im jus stressed
got that bling bling but my pretty diamonds aint the best
every day is just a test
walkin out like joe biden whose been put on house arrest yuh yuh
so, so call me hannah tes
Cuz thats the name of the girl who wanna put my heart to rest yuh yuh
now, now call me lady hummus
Cuz i think, i think i have got lung fungus
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Welcome to the Eurovision Song Bracket!
This will be a fairly large bracket, consisting of two "teams" of 68 songs for a total of 136 competitors!
The first team has been preselected, and will consist of all previous winners or popular vote winners if applicable.
This means that if your favorite song won, you do not need to submit them (a couple of exceptions apply, see list at the bottom/read more for details)
Submissions are closed!
- Entries must have been a part of the main competition of Eurovision of any year (I might do a MGP mini bracket if the people want that)
- Once again, you do not need to submit winners, they are (mostly) automatically in. Again, see bottom for details and explanations.
- You may submit multiple songs, but please don't send the same song over and over.
- Propaganda is highly encouraged! There is a spot for it in the submission form, and adding it on to the poll itself or sending an ask is also allowed. You may send a DM, but I'll probably be slow to respond that way.
How it Works!
- There will be multiple brackets of 34 songs
- Each of the preselected winners will be randomly against one of the submitted songs. Pairings will be decided through number assignment and a random number generator.
- Vote for your favorite! I will include links to the songs in the poll so you can listen to both before voting. The winner will move onto the next round until we find the winner of that bracket.
- Once all brackets are complete, the winners of their individual brackets will go onto the finals to determine the (unofficial) Ultimate Eurovision Song Winner!
- There will be a preliminary around, as 1969 (hehe nice) had a four way tie, so we will need to determine which of those four will represent that year!
Tagging some other brackets to get the word out
@animalcrossingshowdown @ultimate-soup-showdown @least-sexy-man-competition @soulmatebracket @irlcats-bracket @little-cat-showdown @bestvegetablepoll @baby-brawl-bracket @died-but-not-dead-tournament @unusannusbracket
Click the read more for the list of songs that are automatically in the bracket!
(The colors are just to make it less of a wall of text and easier to read)
(Please let me know if a different color would work better)
1956 - “Refrain” by Lys Assia (Switzerland)
1957 - “Net Als Toen” by Corry Brokken (Netherlands)
1958 - “Dors, Mon Amour” by André Claveau (France)
1959 - “Een Beetje” by Teddy Scholten (Netherlands)
1960 - “Tom Pillibi” by Jacqueline Boyer (France)
1961 - “Nous Les Amoureux” by Jean-Claude Pascal (Luxembourg) 1962 - “Un Premier Amour” by Isabelle Aubret” (France)
1963 - “Dansevise” by Grethe and Jøren Ingmann (Denmark)
1964 - “Non ho l'età” by Gigliola Cinquetti (Italy)
1965 - “Poupée de cire, poupée de son” by France Gall (Luxembourg) 1966 - “Merci, Chérie” by Udo Jürgens (Austria)
1967 - “Puppet on a String” by Sandie Shaw (UK)
1968 - “La la la” by Massiel (Spain)
1969 – [FOUR WAY TIE – SPAIN UK NETHERLANDS FRANCE, PRELIM POLL] “Vivo Cantando” by Salomé (Spain) ; “Boom Bang-a-Bang” by Lulu (UK) ; “De Troubadour” by Lenny Kuhr (Netherlands) ; “Un jour, un enfant” by Frida Bocara (France)
1970 - “All Kinds of Everything” by Dana (Ireland)
1971 - “Un banc, un arbre, une rue” by Séverine (Monaco)
1972 - “Après Toi” by Vicky Leandros (Luxembourg)
1973 - “Tu te reconnaîtras” by Anne-Marie David (Luxembourg)
1974 - “Waterloo” by ABBA (Sweden)
1975 - “Ding a Dong” by Teach-in (Netherlands)
1976 - “Save Your Kisses For Me” by Brotherhood of Man (UK)
1977 - “L'Oiseau et l'Enfant” by Marie Myriam (France)
1978 - “א-ב-ני-בי / A-Ba-Ni-Bi” by Izhar Cohen and the Alphabeta (Israel)
1979 - “הללויה /Hellelujah” by Milk and Honey (Israel)
1980 - “What's Another Year” by Johnny Logan (Ireland)
1981 - “Making Your Minds Up” by Bucks Fizz (UK)
1982 - “Ein bißchen Frieden” by Nicole (Germany)
1983 -Si la vie est cadeau” by Corinne Hermès (Luxembourg)
1984 - “Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley” by Herreys (Sweden)
1985 - “La det swinge” By Bobbysocks! (Norway)
1986 - “J'aime la vie” by Sandra Kim (Belgium)
1987 – “Laß die Sonne in dein Herz“ by Wind (Germany) [REPEAT WIN BY JOHNNY LOGAN(Ireland), USING 2ND PLACE]
1988 - “Ne partez pas sans moi” Céline Dion (Switzerland)
1989 - “Rock Me” by Riva (Yugoslavia)
1990 - “Insieme: 1992” by Toto Cutugno (Italy)
1991 – “Fångad av en stormvind” by Carola (Sweden)
1992 - “Why Me?” by Linda Martin (Ireland)
1993 - “In Your Eyes” Niamh Kavanagh (Ireland)
1994 - “Rock 'n' Roll Kids” Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan (Ireland)
1995 - “Nocturne” by Secret Garden (Norway)
1996 - “The Voice” by Eimear Quinn (Ireland)
1997 - “Love shine a Light” by Katrina and the Waves (UK)
1998 - “דיווה /Diva” by Dana International (Israel)
1999 - “Take Me to Your Heaven” by Charlotte Nilsson (Sweden)
2000 - “Fly on the Wings of Love” by Olsen Brothers (Denmark)
2001 - “Everybody” by Tanel Padar, Dave Benton, and 2XL (Estonia)
2002 - “I wanna” by Marie N (Latvia)
2003 - “Everyway That I Can” by Sertab Erener (Turkey)
2004 - “Wild Dances” by Ruslana (Ukraine)
2005 - “My Number One” by Helena Paparizou (Greece)
2006 - “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi (Finland)
2007 - “Молитва / Molitva” by Marija Šerifović (Serbia)
2008 - “Believe” by Dima Bilan (Russia)
2009 - “Fairytale” By Alexander Rybak (Norway)
2010 - “Satellite” by Lena (Germany)
2011 - “Running Scared” by Ell and Nikki (Azerbaijan)
2012 - “Euphoria” by Loreen (Sweden)
2013 - “Only Teardrops” by Emmelie de Forest (Denmark)
2014 - “Rise Like a Phoenix” by Conchita Wurst (Austria)
2015 - “Heroes” by Måns Zelmerlöw (Sweden)
2016 - “1944” by Jamala (Ukraine)
2017 - “Amar pelos dois” by Salvador Sobral (Portugal)
2018 - “Toy” by Netta (Israel)
2019 - “Arcade” by Duncan Laurence (Netherlands)
2020 – [CANCELLED]
2021 - “Zitti e buoni” by Måneskin (Italy)
2022 - “Стефанія / Stefania” by Kalush Orchestra (Ukraine)
2023 - “Cha Cha Cha” by Käärijä (Finland) [Second highest popular vote ever, also repeat win by Loreen(Sweden)]
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10 citas de grandes pensadores:
1. No hay hombre tan cobarde a quien el amor no haga valiente y transforme en héroe. Platón.
2. Hay alguien tan inteligente que aprende de la experiencia de los demás. Voltaire.
3. No puedo enseñar nada a nadie. Solo puedo hacerles pensar. Sócrates.
4. Vivir sin filosofar es, propiamente, tener los ojos cerrados, sin tratar de abrirlos jamás. René Descartes.
5. Lo menos frecuente en este mundo es vivir. La mayoría de la gente existe, eso es todo. Oscar Wilde.
6. La felicidad de tu vida depende de la calidad de tus pensamientos. Marco Aurelio.
7. La vida no se trata de encontrarte a ti mismo, sino de crearte a ti mismo. Bernard Shaw.
8. Pensar es fácil, actuar es difícil, y poner los pensamientos de uno mismo en acción es lo más difícil del mundo. Goethe.
9. Felicidad no es hacer lo que uno quiere sino querer lo que uno hace. Jean Paul Sartre.
10. No lastimes a los demás con lo que te causa dolor a ti mismo. Buda.
Me gusta esta foto, y me gusta porque le hice una casi igual recién llegué a Málaga y estaba la exposición de Rodin en la calle Larios, de donde por lo visto es esta foto, coincidencia que cumple mañana 20 años.
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Aforismi e citazioni sul lavoro
Aforismi e citazioni sul lavoro Aforismi e citazioni sul lavoro, una raccolta di varie citazioni di autori famosi su una delle attività più importanti e spesso faticose della nostra società. La festa internazionale dei lavoratori si celebra il 1 maggio di ogni anno, una tradizione che continua ancora oggi in più di 60 paesi. Tutte le professioni sono delle cospirazioni contro i profani. George Bernard Shaw Il lavoro mi piace, mi affascina. Potrei starmene seduto per ore a guardarlo. Jerome Klapka Jerome Dobbiamo lavorare di meno, perché un uomo sfinito dalla fatica è costretto ad essere fedele alla propria moglie. Occorre del tempo, invece, per danzare, cantare, amare la propria donna e quella degli altri. Rajneesh Bhagwan Più desidero che qualcosa sia fatto, meno lo chiamo lavoro. Richard Bach È troppo difficile pensare nobilmente quando si pensa a guadagnarsi da vivere. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Tutti gli sventurati, tutti coloro la cui schiena brucia / sotto il sole feroce e che vanno, che vanno / con la fronte che scoppia in un lavoro infame. / Giù il cappello, borghesi. Questi sono i veri uomini. Arthur Rimbaud Lavoriamo senza pensare: è il solo mezzo per rendere sopportabile l’esistenza. Voltaire Il lavoro è uno sforzo diretto ad ottenere una remunerazione. Th. R. Malthus Si gusta doppiamente la felicità faticata. Baltasar Gracián Non voglio raggiungere l'immortalità con il mio lavoro. Voglio arrivarci non morendo. Woody Allen Si sa che il lavoro ha sempre addolcito la vita: rimane tuttavia il fatto che non a tutti piacciono i dolciumi. Victor Hugo Decise di cambiar vita, di approfittare delle ore del mattino. Si levò alle sei, fece la doccia, si rase, si vestì, gustò la colazione, fumò un paio di sigarette, si mise al tavolo di lavoro e si svegliò a mezzogiorno. Ennio Flaiano L'avidità è il pungolo dell'operosità. David Hume Al mondo non ci sono che due modi per fare carriera: o grazie alla propria ingegnosità o grazie all'imbecillità altrui. La Bruyère De, Jean Sto lavorando duro per preparare il mio prossimo errore. Bertolt Brecht E' impossibile godere appieno dell'ozio se non si ha un sacco di lavoro da fare. Jerome Klapka Jerome Il lavoro allontana tre grandi mali: la noia, il vizio ed il bisogno. Voltaire Occorre che un uomo muoia per divenire forza-lavoro. È quella morte che egli trasforma in salario. Jean Baudrillard Dopo tutto, l’intera storia del lavoro umano è una storia di resistenza all’organizzazione del lavoro, al potere politico, all’ideologia del lavoro. Vittorio Foa La grande maggioranza delle persone lavora soltanto per necessità e da questa naturale avversione umana al lavoro nascono i più difficili problemi sociali. Sigmund Freud Lavorare è meno noioso che divertirsi. Charles Baudelaire Intelligenza: quando ti accorgi che il ragionamento del tuo principale non fila. Saggezza: quando eviti di farglielo notare. Anonimo Per ridurre il costo del lavoro si potrebbe ritornare allo schiavismo puro, no! Carl William Brown Fa’ sempre qualcosa, di modo che il diavolo ti trovi sempre impegnato. San Gerolamo Alla fin fine, il lavoro rimane sempre il miglior mezzo per far passare la vita. Gustave Flaubert I consumatori ricercano la massima soddisfazione, i produttori il massimo profitto e i lavoratori devono lottare contro il massimo sfruttamento. Carl William Brown Spesso le grandi imprese nascono da piccole opportunità. Demostene Una persona che usa merci e servizi, senza produrre merci e servizi equivalenti, arreca al Paese esattamente lo stesso danno che arreca un ladro: in effetti si tratta proprio di un furto. G.B. Shaw Quando il caos è intorno a te, ricorda: quello che sopravvive alla storia è il lavoro dell'uomo. Anonimo Se il riposo non è un po' ancora lavoro, è subito noia. Jules Renard La riduzione della giornata lavorativa a un punto in cui la quantità del lavoro non impedisce lo sviluppo umano, è il primo elemento di libertà. H. Marcuse E noi qui in tuta a far la classe operaia, come dei pirla. Altan Non dimostrarti insostituibile; se non puoi essere sostituito, non sarai promosso. Anonimo Oggi anche il cretino è specializzato. Ennio Flaiano Tutti lavoriamo per arrivare al riposo: è ancora la pigrizia a renderci laboriosi. Jean-Jacques Rousseau La schiavitù umana ha toccato il punto culminante alla nostra epoca, sotto forma di lavoro liberamente salariato. G.B. Shaw Il lavoro non è altro che uno stupido sforzo per un inutile spostamento. Carl William Brown Siamo arrivati a un tal grado di imbecillità da considerare il lavoro non solo come onorevole, ma addirittura come sacro, mentre non è che una dolorosa necessità. R. de Gourmont Mani inanellate non sanno mungere vacche Mani nere e callose fanno pane bianco. Canto popolare lituano, XVIII sec. Noi viviamo nell'epoca in cui la gente è così laboriosa da diventare stupida. Oscar Wilde Il lavoro d'equipe è essenziale. Ti permette di dare la colpa a qualcun altro. Arthur Bloch Si sa che il lavoro ha sempre addolcito la vita: il fatto è che non a tutti piacciono i dolciumi. Victor Hugo Un uomo non è un pigro, se è assorto nei propri pensieri; esistono un lavoro visibile ed uno invisibile. Victor Hugo Erano in tre e si doveva eseguire un lavoro; il più forte decise che avrebbe diretto le varie fasi dell'esecuzione, il più furbo disse che avrebbe controllato il buon esito dell'operazione e al più debole non rimase altro che iniziare. Carl William Brown La paura della noia è la sola scusa del lavoro. Jules Renard Ogni volta che basta una sola persona per eseguire un compito con la dovuta applicazione, il compito viene eseguito in modo peggiore da due persone e non viene affatto eseguito se l'incarico è affidato a tre o più persone. George Washington I malvagi lavorano più duramente per andare all'inferno di quanto non facciano i giusti per andare in paradiso. Josh Billings La fatica rende le donne loquaci e ammutolisce gli uomini. Clive Staples Lewis Ad ogni periodo di attività deve seguirne uno di riposo. Mao Tse-tung Il frutto del lavoro è il più dolce dei piaceri. Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues Ogni abitudine rende la nostra mano più ingegnosa e meno agile il nostro ingegno. Friedrich Nietzsche L'uomo è l'unica creatura che consuma senza produrre. George Orwell Il lavoro duro paga nel lungo periodo. La pigrizia paga subito. Anonimo Il lavoro è il rifugio di coloro che non hanno nulla di meglio da fare. Oscar Wilde La vera libertà individuale non può esistere senza sicurezza economica ed indipendenza. La gente affamata e senza lavoro è la pasta di cui sono fatte le dittature. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Recessione è quando il tuo vicino perde il lavoro. Depressione è quando lo perdi tu. Panico quando lo perde anche tua moglie. Boris Makaresko Il lavoro è la maledizione delle classi alcolizzate. Oscar Wilde Vivere del proprio lavoro, una necessit��; vivere del lavoro altrui, un'aspirazione. Alessandro Morandotti Lui non sa nulla e pensa di sapere tutto: tutto ciò fa pensare chiaramente ad una carriera politica. George Bernard Shaw Se fossi un medico, prescriverei una vacanza a tutti i pazienti che considerano importante il proprio lavoro. Bertrand Russell La religione ci rende inadatti ad ignorare la nullità e ci butta nel lavoro della vita. John Updike Non un giorno senza una riga. Plinio il Vecchio Lavoro è vita, lo sai, e senza quello esiste solo paura e insicurezza. John Lennon Non ci sono lavoro stupidi, è evidente... Ma ce ne sono di quelli che vengono lasciati agli altri. Miguel Zamacoïs Il lavoro è stato il primo prezzo che si è pagato per ognicosa ed è la misura reale del valore di scambio di ogni merce. Adam Smith Il Governo ha due doveri, quello di mantenere l'ordine pubblico a qualunque costo ed in qualunque occasione, e quello di garantire nel modo più assoluto la libertà di lavoro. Giovanni Giolitti Se fai il lavoro male, dopo magari non te lo fanno fare più. Bill Watterson L'etica del lavoro è l'etica degli schiavi, e il mondo moderno non ha bisogno di schiavi. B. Russel Gli errori, come pagliuzze, galleggiano sulla superficie: chi cerca perle deve tuffarsi nel profondo. John Dryden Una piccola quantità di denaro che cambia di mano rapidamente farà il lavoro di una grande quantità che si muove lentamente. Ezra Pound L'artista è niente senza il dono, e il dono è niente senza il lavoro. Émile Zola Essere uomo è un mestiere difficile, soltanto pochi ce la fanno. Ernest Hemingway Una macchina è in grado di lavorare come cinquanta uomini comuni, ma nessuna macchina può svolgere il lavoro di un uomo straordinario. Elbert Hubbard L'opera esce più bella da una forma ribelle al lavoro dell'artista: verso, marmo, onice, smalto. Théophile Gautier Dio mi perdonerà: è il suo mestiere. Heinrich Heine La differenza tra un intellettuale e un operaio? L'operaio si lava le mani prima di pisciare e l'intellettuale dopo. Jacques Prévert Sulla tematica del lavoro potete anche leggere: Umorismo nero e lavoro Scuola, ozio e lavoro Labor Day explained Aforismi sulle pensioni Aforismi sulle pensioni di C.W. Brown Aforismi per autore Aforismi per argomento Riflessioni e pensieri Saggi e aforismi Read the full article
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Los Bandoleros | Fast and Furious Au Fic 🇩🇴
- Get to know Val Toretto -> click here 📚
- Latest Fast & Furious fic -> click here 🏁
Timeline: After Fast & Furious (2001). Take place between 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) & Fast and Furious (2009).
Characters shown/mentioned: Dom Toretto, Valentina Toretto, Mia Toretto, Letty Ortz, Han Lue, Soffi Sasaki, Leon and etc.
Pairing: Pre!Deckard Shaw x Valentina Toretto, Dominic Toretto x Letty Ortiz, Han Lue x Soffi Sasaki
Summary: Ever wonder how more about our leading lady and how Valentina ‘Val’ Toretto, met two members of the Fast Family? Take a look.
It was midway through the day, the streets were roughly empty expect for a few cars. It was Friday, so people were out at work. That resulted in children playing the streets with their mother’s watching them, some people on motorcycles, and the sound of music being played all across town. It was a somewhat cloudy day, so it wasn’t too bad but the weather was high and very humid.
Santos was chatting around town, greeting everyone taking his sweet time reaching the market. Val was waiting for him, since she went to shop for food as he left to buy beer. Finally he arrived with a sly smile.
“Sorry. The line was long?” Santos apologies taking her hand walking down the street with her.
“Line? Que line? No—you were talking.” Val remarked chuckling holding the bags of green plantains.
“If Tia is mad, I’m blaming you.”
“Alright, vamos! Hablas demasiado.”
Val gasp laughing slapping him his shoulder as Santos laughed. Soon enough they arrived at the house, they handed the food and beer over to Tia, Issy and Jessica.
Meanwhile at the airport, Han walked out holding his girlfriend, Sofi, hand looking around the the place. The two chatted gazing the place until someone called out their names, a escort for them, welcoming them to Dominican Republic as Anthony Santos played inside the car.
When they arrived, Dom was fixing a car with two kids nearby him, grounded again. Han decided to take a complain about the heat in which Dom scoffed at how he’s already complaining. Even said why couldn’t they stay at a hotel. Sofi was waving a hand in front of herself feeling the heat calm down on her as well. Of course it’s hot here with no air conditioning around to cool them off, only the richer ones ordered one. So suck it up Han.
Val was outside hand washing some clothes with Issy talking. Santos left to find Dom at that point, pointing out the two newbies who have arrived. But like anything, the word got around as the kids whispered about newbies catching Issy’s attention.
Issy nudged with a smirk, “¿De qué están hablando estos niños? ¿Hay dos chinos aquí?”
“Son algunos amigos que Dom invitó.” Val repiled shrugging with a simple smile.
Issy leaned back eyeing the short hair girl turning back to her friend, “La chica, sin embargo, es flaca.”
Val cringe for a second before looking at the girl for herself and hissed, “No te preocupes. Un poco de moro de habichuelas, carne de cerdo y plátanos arreglará eso.”
Issy chuckling nodding in a agreement, “Pero ella es bonita!”
“Muy bonita!” Val repiled nodding with a smile, but before she can say anything else she caught one of the kids before running into the kitchen, “Hey! No, sal de ahí!”
She picked up the kid, Antonio, holding his hand walking him over to where the others were. She sighs, “I swear theses kids never learn..go play or something.”
Sofi was walking around carrying her bad over her shoulder stumbling into the path and asked, “Um eh-crap. Hola? Sorry Spanish, isn’t my first language..”
Val was waving off Antonio to go play and turned to face girl with a chuckle, “Uh hey. Is there anything i can do for you?”
“Oh thank god you speak English…your English is not bad.”
“Uh thanks? Born in a America, the states, but some spend time here.”
���Oh that’s cool! So um you know Dom then?”
“I know him. He’s my brother. Hi, Val Toretto.”
She hold out a hand and the other girl shaked it.
Sofi stood there awkwardly for a moment and half smiled softly, “Hm Soffi Sasaki, nice to meet you. One question..”
“Shoot.” Val replied walking back over to the yard, motioning for her to obviously follow her, stopping herself from rolling her eyes.
“Why is it so hot here? Couldn’t we uh..stay at a hotel or something?”
“Hotel?! I-muchacha you’re kidding right?”
“What? Did i say something wrong?”
“It’s hot here, embrace it! Dominican Republic is hot almost every day.”
“Um okay, I’ll try. Um w-what did you call me earlier ‘much..cha’?”
“Oh, muchacha! It means women, girl, lady. All the stuff.”
“Isn’t it señora..?”
“Well yeah we use that too, but different country equals different slang.”
“H-how long have you lived here?”
“Uh 7 years or so? Maybe less..”
“Oh um..wow. You know the land then?”
“Yeah sorta. My brother is the one who moves around more than i do.”
“You’re Spanish is good..”
“You can thank my friends for that one.”
The girls kept talking as they entered the kitchen, Valentina automatically started to put Soffi to work, Tia’s orders to at least do something. They asked if they had guys in their lives, work, stuff they liked to do, clothes, daily lives and etc. Val even teases Soffi calling Han, who she met earlier from Dom introducing him to the group, girlfriend and boyfriend. Soffi blushes brightly and asked if she was dating anyone to get a rise from her, Val shake her head ‘no’.
Thankfully food was served, everyone sat down a table chatting and smiling, cracking a few jokes. Antonio’s older brother Micheal took a bite, in which Jessica slapped his hand and reminded him of Dom’s rule. First bite, you gotta say grace. Later on, Dom explained the plan to them, break out an old friend from jail.
It took some work and breaking a few bylaws to do, especially from Val opening a gate with pliers to do so. Once it was done, Leo was out of prison as they all scurried into a old school bar for a quick refresher and to grab Letty. Han was being flirted with by a short, curvy woman with wide freeing curly hair, named Cara.
Val was drinking a Mamajuana as she noticed the conversation and then tossed Soffi a presidente, who catch it quickly examining the alcohol in her hand.
She hesitated to drink and glanced at the girl, “Um, i don’t know..”
“It’s fine, just one bottle. I’m usually not a huge drinker but weeks like this and a simple prison break, you deserve it.” Val explained.
“Um, okay i’ll drink to that. You seem rather confident Valentina.”
“Just Val, please.”
“Okay Val. How did you end up here?”
“What do you mean?”
“Living like this. I’m just from Tokyo and a simple street racer. How did you end up like this?”
Val hesitated for a second, that was a first time Soffi saw her that way. From the moment she was introduced to her, 49 hours ago, she saw a confident and cool young women. Since Val greeted Soffi, all she did was eye her and asked her some questions every once in a while. Cracking a joke or sipping her drink, meeting people and watching everyone who walked by.
But hesitation was a bit of a surprise. Soffi thought she overstepped saying that, rarely knowing anything about this girl and asking that question made her go quiet for a second. But before she can say anything Val distracted her and said, “Oh hey isn’t that Han with Cara?”
“Huh? Who?” Soffi asked, looking over her shoulder noticing the sight herself, “Ohh…that’s okay.”
“Isn’t he your boyfriend? Go dance with him or Cara might.”
“It’s fine. Han won’t do that.”
“Soffi. It’s a party, everyone is a little tipsy and having fun, go for it.”
The short haired girl knew that something was happening that she switched the conversation on her, since Val practically pushed her into Han’s direction. Soffi stumbled over to Han holding her beer bottle with a smile, looking over to see Val was already gone leading two guys across the bar.
She sighed, soon changing gears asking Han to dance with her, he happily walked over to the floor, leaving Cara to chat with the bartender instead. On the other side of the bar, Val was chatting with the two guys with a smile siping her beer as she noticed Dom was having his own fun on the couch.
That was until Letty showed up with a smirk, winking at Val.
She gave her a smile hug smirking and asked, “Where is he?”
“Where do you think?” Val replied motions her over to the girls on the couch with Dom, smirking back.
“Incredible. All I had to do is follow the smell of Skanks.”
“Ain’t that hard to track him down.”
“Or you! Took me hours to track your ass down to this side of the D.R.”
“Hey, i just follow his lead. And the food is always good.”
“Yeah, whatever. Meet you outside in 10?”
“You know it.”
Letty kisses her cheek, waving goodbye not before glaring at the guys who Val was talking to a minute again. As she was off to grab Dom away from the party, holding a duffel bag with a smirk hiding behind a simple glare. Soffi was dancing with Han noticing Dom and Letty walking out confused as to who she was, but didn’t bother to ask since Han was twirling her around in glee. Her laughter could be heard, as Han smiled brightly.
The next day, Val woke up in a small hotel room nearby the building that held last nights party, looking over the nightstand to see a note from Dom saying ‘Gone out with Letty to the beach. Enjoy yourself. Love, Dom’. She rolled her eyes chuckling, not surprised he went out to take his women on a daytime trip to the lower countryside. That left Val to have a day all to herself.
So she headed out to do her usual routine. After breakfast she would make her way downtown to the market, greeting people, looking at the price tags to motorcycles as she catching a ride on the back of a pickup truck with a bunch of other people and so much more. Stop and stare at the plenty of music being played from across the streets, as some guys would catcall her out loud or even make kissy faces, Val would just roll her eyes groaning in disbelief. Sometimes she will laugh at them though.
Usually Val tends to do things with others of the family and friends she was happily provided with. But over the last few years, she didn’t get to see much of them. With her sister living in the states, the death of a friend while the others just drifted away with time, Dom finding himself with jobs to do, Letty always heading out and the list goes on. Yeah sure, she’s open to plenty of stuff to do, but sometimes she can get a bit lonely and decided that, it isn’t so bad to be by herself. It hurts sometimes, however sometimes she rather just get herself into trouble on her own.
Come lunchtime, she would head over Tia’s place for some food. But today, she decided to treat herself to a simple restaurant for some salami, queso frito, arroz blanco with eggs and tostones. Sound like a lot of food but she’s hungry and it’a delicious according to the waitress who served her, when she asked for a mixture of recommendations. So Val decided to mix it up and eat that whole plate. Of course she had a soda and water to go with it.
She snapped out of her thoughts realizing the time, rushing out of the restaurant thanking the waitress for the delicious meal and drinks, heading over to Tia’s to help out with anything and just chat with Issy. That same afternoon, around 5:00pm, Val found herself walking along the sidewalk landing towards the beaches of the Dominican Republic.
It’s one of the many things she adored about the country. The sun hits just right in the afternoon, the waves are calm on most days, the water was so fresh and cold that it can practically heal your skin’s texture to becoming softer, people always come with their partners and family and or something they come alone to relax. Not just that, nearby the beach there were places to sit, eat and drink if you like. Music would play as the corners of the beach, it felt like Paradise to her.
Today she brought a chair, her bag and ordered a coconut to be sliced open as she drank it without a straw. She removed her t-shit to reveal a deep red bikini top, rising back her black $1 dollar sunglasses she stole got from a random store 5 years ago with a smile, only to drop downs the sunglasses as she heard voices.
“Co—” Val stopped herself from saying that bad word out loud knowing there are children, seeing the people who spoke, “-i mean. Hi.”
It was Soffi again wearing a blue dress, it appears like Han left to grab extra chairs or something. “Hey!” She replied with a smile, “I um didn’t think to see you here.”
“Nope. Me either. Why?”
“Cara and Leo recommended this beach and we decided why not.”
“Of course they did..”
“You don’t seem too excited to see us?”
Val eyes widen sheepishly putting her coconut onto her lap and exclaimed, “Oh no—i mean i am. I just wanted some time to myself i guess?”
“You sure? Um-uh we can leave if you like. I’m getting the feeling this isn’t about right now.” Soffi replied taking a seat next to her, pushing back her bangs.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, are you okay? I must’ve said something wrong last night or whatever to pull you away..If i did, I’m so sorry.”
“Mm hm, okay. Look Soffi, I’m fine. And uh, about what you said last night. I don’t remember.”
“You’re lying. You pushed me towards my boyfriend last night instead of answering my questions.”
“Because Cara was flirting and questioning Han. If i had a boyfriend, i would’ve examine that situation!”
“He’s my boyfriend, i can handle it.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Soffi got annoyed and Val got defensive. She walked away, over to the bar to get another coconut as Han returned eating nuts, asking if she was okay. She lied, saying to go check on his girlfriend. Han stopped her, saying that whatever happened last night to try and let it out or talk about with somebody.
Val just scoffed walking away, looking at the bartender to another coconut and rolled her eyes at the man who eyeing her. She rather not have any of that today, not in the mood.
She wouldn’t mind meeting somebody on the beach and start a romantic getaway with them for a weekend, hang out with family and friends like she used to and stop the running across the country. But it’s not possible. At least, not yet.
Originally it was supposed to be a less than few weeks in the Dominican Republic to spend time with Dom and return home to be around Mia. However after returning every once in a while to the country, theses weeks turned into months. Now it resulted in 7 years of living conditions and travels, being underground without being seen from anyone that worked in the U.S. or return to the states for long. Don’t get Valentina wrong, she loves it here.
But sometimes get it’s a little lonely and harder with the heist they have to pull off soon. And she can’t imagine going back to the states either. Her life was there, a lost time to make up for, but a life. Sometimes she feels like it was her fault, but she can’t just blame herself or trade it for the world. Her family choose this life or the life choose her and the issues that followed behind it. But still it stinks a bit sometimes.
Somebody tapped her shoulder, Val hissed yelling, “Han i said i was fine! Or if that guys from the bar—” she pauses seeing it was Soffi again sighing, “—yes?”
“You don’t have to give me attitude you know?” Soffi barked at her the girl and rubbed her face from the heat, “I just wanted to know if you’re okay.”
“Why? We barley know each other. We just met yesterday.”
“You are mad, i see that. But Val, look I overstepped last night or something. I’m sorry. If that, you were asking me questions i just wanted to ask you some.”
“It’s only fair.”
“Look Sof, i don’t make friends as easily as possible. And I’m sorry i was rude. But I’m not in the mood to talk about my feelings right now.”
“…okay. What do you want to talk about?”
“Uh, I don’t know. What do you got?”
“Well, I don’t know actually.”
“Oh god..”
Val can already tell this girl was a piece of work, getting on her nerves and giving rising her temper a bit. But a part of her kinda liked that, somebody who can annoyed the shit out of her and push her buttons a bit, even if it makes her wanna punch a wall. She reminded her Vince, with being able to annoy her sometimes.
“You wanna something about me huh?” Val said with her arms across.
“Y-yeah? I guess, tell me anything.” Soffi replied with a smile.
“I hate a huge ass pushover, someone who doesn’t always think for themselves. They need a little confidence.”
“W-what if they don’t have a confidence? You hate them then?”
“Not exactly. Because eventually when you roll with Dom’s crew you grow to have some confidence and speak up when you like. Get your point across.”
“Okay um..sounds like you speak from experience? Were you—are you a pushover?”
“I can be a bit of a pushover depending on the person calling the shots but usually, i try to say something if I’m feeling pissed off.”
“Note to self, don’t piss you off?”
“Like i said, depends on the person. Another thing, I’m human, so i get sensitive about certain topics.”
“Me too. I mean, everyone can get sensitive right?”
“Yeah, what do you want to know about me?”
Soffi wanted to ask the question from last night, ‘How did you end up like this?’ Or ‘How did you end up here?’ But she guessed that it might accidentally scare her off or something again.
So Soffi decided on another question and asked, “So, do you have a boyfriend or uh, girlfriend?”
“Um no boyfriend. And I don’t swing that other way either.” She replied sipping her coconut.
“Oh um okay. Sorry I didn’t know. Why though? You are smart, way more confident than i am and very pretty—”
“I’mma stop you right there, girl. Thanks for the compliment but you’re pushing it. No offense.”
“Sorry, but it’s true.”
“Uh, sweetheart, who’s the one with the boyfriend here? Me or you?”
“So? I’m just saying—”
“I know but you’re making yourself sound smaller when you clearly don’t need to be. You’re pretty and you’re pushing the line here.”
“But why don’t have a boyfriend?”
“Just haven’t found the right one yet. I mean, i went on date or two before but..”
“But what?”
“But they weren’t just right.”
“So you never had a boyfriend before?”
“Oh i did, his name was Leon. First relationship I ever had and Dom approved of him thankfully.”
“What happened?”
“We moved on. It was short lived relationship, but stayed friends. How about you and Han?”
“It was love at first sight.”
The girls smiled.
Val joked with a laugh, “Oh nahhh! Of course it was. Booo.”
“What?” Soffi said with a smile, “It’s true! We saw each other at a race and I fell for him.”
“Of course. Ain’t surprised.”
“Don’t believe in love?”
“Ah well, I know it exist due to my brother and you being in love. But I don’t think it’s for everyone.”
“Alright fair.”
Val smirked, “Alright, five bucks. If my next relationship turns out well, you get five dollars.”
“But it has to actually be love.” Soffi said with a hint of a smirk on her face, “Then I get the five dollars.”
“Hmm, you ain’t never getting those dollars then.”
“We’ll see about that.”
The girls smiled, returning back to the beach to find Han eating his fruits waiting for them with a smile. To day Valentina Toretto met two friends that week an understatement, they would become part of the huge team they would create soon. A family.
Also, little did she know in a few long years Soffi will be getting a solid five dollars, after years of trying to find Valentina a boyfriend.
Thank you so much for reading a twist on a underrated movie of the series. I hope you enjoyed it. Please like, comment & share!
There will be more Fast and Furious fics in the future if you like 🏁
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @morgan108 @msrochelleromanofffelton @withakindheartx @sherloquestea @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 and whoever else wants to be added to my list
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Russell Shaw Masterlist
The Exit Strategy Russell Shaw x F!Reader Russell is ready to hang it all up and retire, open up a brewery, and enjoy the rest of his civilian life. However, there’s one important thing missing before he can take the big plunge. Luckily, he knows just the right person to help him find it. (In Progress...)
The Classified Files Russell Shaw x F!Reader Russell Shaw – as mysterious as they come. Sure, he never shares a lot. But now he has decided to lay it all out there: his adventures in the Army, how he came to like fries with sriracha, and most importantly, how he met you. No omissions, no lies – only the cold, hard truth. Yup, you’ve heard that right. It’s Russell’s classified files! (Prequel to TES; scheduled)
#russell shaw#russell shaw masterlist#russell shaw x reader#russell shaw x female reader#russell shaw x y/n#russell shaw x you#russell shaw imagine#russell shaw fanfic#russell shaw fic#russell shaw series#tracker#tracker cbs#tracker fanfiction
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I have re-read the entire chapter *playing cruel summer on loop in the background and switching to pc to write this ask* because I need to gather my thoughts nyahahaha fr got shocked with the opening part as I wasn't expecting it XD. This will be a long one kasi I included my favorite parts.. :P At first I thought this was a parallel to chapter 12 iirc, the conversation they had after y/n came back and she thought that everything is just going too well, the whole conversation going too well and the end part *wink wink* while the date is not going according to y/n plan. "You’ve told her that three—maybe four—times now. Not that you’re counting, but each time it gets a little easier to say. And you hope, for her, it gets a little easier to hear" - word's of affirmation love language ni Y/N and I like that Leigh just let's it or at least allow her to say these words to her. "and for Leigh, speaking things into existence feels like an indelible commitment—a promise carved into stone. But maybe some things are beloved even before they ever take shape" -- this is incredibly poetic like you wouldn't know what hits you kind of thing.
"Instinctively, you snatch her hand, holding fast for dear life." -- takot mawala te? "More than anything, though, you're struck by Leigh's bold declaration to a near stranger—that she was going to kiss you by the end of this date." - Go Leigh, ipagpatuloy mo mag stake ng claim kay reader at titiklop talaga yan.
"She hopes you don't set expectations too high just yet, not when you're both still in the early stages of getting to know each other. Beyond the undeniable physical chemistry between you, she's looking forward to discovering how you both handle the less-than-perfect moments just as much as the perfect ones." -- Ik that previous interaction with Leigh's are not really that complete and it was mostly the mean(?) parts that drew y/n to her and I understand her apprehension about that kasi for how long would she see that part of her as loveable diba (eme)
Perhaps it’s a good lesson to learn that not everything has to be perfect to be right. At least, not with Leigh Shaw. --- THIS?! (NO WORDS WALA AKONG MASABI IT'S PERFECT!) “I didn't actually have a boyfriend until I was twenty-two,” ( waw the asian + filo in me could never, it will probably me at thirty or never *cries lol* ) and many more part (tama na baka ma sobra sa limit lol) and speaking of Cruel Summer song, the angst part now match these lines "We say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times We're not trying." and oh boi did y/n just falling fast ready to give it all for Leigh then there's Leigh "I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone" na it will be Matt all over again... idk but this is how I perceive the whole chapter and relating it to the song nyahahahaha and finalllyyyyy the reciprocated 3 words with reassurance (sinong di ngingiti jan diba lol)!! I just know that y/n's love language is words of affirmation and gift giving pero she's still afraid and very careful around Leigh that she's conceiving this certain idea about her without knowing that y/n's coming on too strong na pala and needs to yellow light muna... They need to talk without those intense emotions (forgetting about Sara and mag hunos dili muna silang dalawa sa action) so that's my rambles and incoherent thoughts sa chapter. Thank you so much for the update ate! So waiting for the PDF version :>. Happy coding and enjoy the day!
Ohhhh a long asks! Thanks for sending this :) I'll reply to some!
I love your observation about Y/N's love languages! I'd say hers include words of affirmation, gifts, and touch, while Leigh's would be quality time, acts of service, and obviously touch too.
Re: the "speaking things into existence" part - I'm kind of proud of that as well, so thanks for highlighting it!
Re: the idea that not everything has to be perfect to be right - that was a tough pill for me to swallow in relationships. :)
Re: R not having a boyfriend until she was 22 - lol, I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was 26, though I started dating men around 16-17ish.
I just can’t stop smiling at the part where you relate 'Cruel Summer' to this update. It makes me so happy when my readers catch the easter eggs. :>
It's clear that Leigh and R feel deeply for each other; now it's just about being on the same page and understanding their priorities. :)
Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts :)
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