#tda snippets
wikitpowers · 2 months
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witchlingcirce · 4 months
Some of my hopes for TWP!!
Of course the wicked powers is coming out in 2026 and I still have many, many years to contemplate what is going to happen but this is just for fun!!
- I do desperately want Thais and Dru to be parabatai. This is not something I’m necessarily expecting to happen, I think as the series as a whole really lacks female Parabtai bonds. You have really good ones like Alec&Jace, Matthew&James, Jem&Will, and so on. But I feel like we really don’t get these female type of Parabtai bonds, we have Lucie and Cordelia of course- but honestly I feel like we don’t see enough of them. So even if there not Parabtai, I do hope there really good friends.
- THE INCLUSION OF THE LONDON INSTITUTE! Has the London Institute been the main setting for two different series? Yes. Do I care? NO. I’d love to see it again and know who’s running it now, maybe a new character.
- I so badly want Ash & Kit to be really good friends. There’s that one snippet we have for Ash asking Kit “what’s a rodeo” and that is so out of context and seems SO funny to me!! I feel like they’d be really cool friends so I’m rooting for them so bad.
- I REALLY want Kit to be a really good, competent fighter. He doesn’t need to be Jace, he doesn’t need to be Emma, I just want him to be a good fighter. I don’t want him to be helpless, yk? Although I’m very curious on what his main weapon will be, I’m sure most of the time it’s James gun, but I can also see him with daggers (think clary in the shadowhunter TV series)
- NO ROMANCE BETWEEN JAIME AND DRU! Yucky! Yucky!! Boo!!! Booooo!!!!
- I actually need Kit to go to faerie and meet the Seelie queen, it would be so messy… need to see there… family dynamic iykwim
- I need to see Ty flirting with Kit again, like constantly. He was going crazyyyy in TDA with all his flirting it’s so cute! Need to see it again!!
- I also need Ash to have a Zuko like arc !!! It’s not a want but a need!!
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ladyhindsight · 10 months
I think the problem with a lot of CC's characters is that she always tries to make them too nice imo.
She had something going on with Julian but then she backtracked and fumbled it, just like with the og versions of Grace and James we saw in TMH, where Grace straight up threatened someone with a sword and announce her loyalty to her mother, and James was out there shooting people and tricking mundanes -granted we are told that is not his usually behavior but anyone acting like that under any circumstances is not doing all right in the head. Idc what he had going on, I'm sure it was more interesting than TLH James.
Everyone in TLH should have been meaner, actually. There were hints dropped about Thomas and Lucie in gotsm and CoHF iiirc that made me think they were going to be Something. Magnus's comment about how he couldn't save James or Lucie (amounted to nothing in the end btw) and Cassie's insistence of the fact that the modern day Blackthorns were not descended from Lucie made me sure that her plotline was going to be that she resurrected Jesse and they both got immediately executed for it. And there's a point in gotsm where Magnus says that Thomas could be a green eyed monster (also amounted to nothing) and I remember there was a whole theory that he got his marks stripped and that the Rosales were descended from him. The inscription on the Scholomance, the snippet of someone dying in their love's hands, the promise of the Verlacd in TLH... Literally amounted to nothing. How is TLH so half-baked and nonsensical when she had ten years to plan it?
And Tessa, in the first book there are some fascinating gender shaped holes in her narration. About how she and her aunt spent years protecting Nate from seeing the way his gambling made their lives harder and about how they shouldn't have done that, how she saw his recklessness as innocence, how she acknowledged that deep down she always knew he was up to no good... And then Mortmain shows up and she falls back on the established pattern of trying to protect her brother's "innocence" as it was expected from her. And that was good writing; that was something she had done countless times, that was her role as a woman in her society, that was what was expected of her, that was what she knew was wrong and couldn't stop doing.
Sadly, this disappears after the first book. CC probably realized she couldn't have a protagonist that was not a feminist and instead had to take all of the Gender out of Tessa's narration. Like, no, let her confront her Gender and the horror of being trapped in a patriarchal society and being trapped at the whims of those more powerful than her, let us linger on the way the patriarchy also has a hold of Sophie and Charlotte and Jessamine. Let her feel the horror that even if she does leave to live a normal life, she could never have children and thus failed at her expected role in society. Actually have Tessa react when Mortmain tells her she CAN have children and that he intends to force her to give birth to his children. Don't jusg drop that and leave, CC! Linger on the horror of it all!
Jem also annoys me because he is simply too bland, when he shouldn't be! On paper, he should be one of the most interesting characters in TID! A foreigner, addicted to a drug against his will, chronically ill, member of a family with a legendary sword, the only person trusted by the Institute's equivalent of a stray cat that hisses at you every time it sees you. (And don't get me started on Will's curse being a hoax, I hated that.) We could have seen more about his feelings for his homeland, about what he was like under the effects of the drug, his pain... But we don't get that. What we get is him being the Herondales cheerleader, even when he gets his own book (and his pov was the most boring one in it, pass it on). Something that annoyed me irrationally was that he did not raise Emma after the events of TMI, but he does take Kit in after TDA.
This very much feels like CC wanted Emma to be in Los Angeles so she could kickstart the plot. But she could have had Emma go with Jem, then hear about the murders in LA, then go and investigate, and through her hard work being considered the best of her generation as the readers can see the journey; this way having a concrete arc and also being active in her pursuit for revenge.
And having her actively chase what she wants would also make her more distinct from the other heroines. They don't usually pursue stuff, with the exception of Clary taking reckless actions that somehow work out; stuff happens to them.
Emma really does read like a female Jace but I firmly believe that if CC had bothered to develop some other aspects of her personality that were established, like her liking to wear dresses (which is the most CC can write for a female character without the need to vilify or ridicule their femininity) or by actually telling me what her hobbies are, because I cannot remember what Emma likes to do in her spare time. Maybe because I haven't read TDA in so long, most likely because CC never even tells us - I know Julian likes to paint, Dru likes horror movies, Ty likes Sherlock, and so on, but I could not tell you anything about the main character.
And having Emma and Julian separated would also be a good commentary on how the Clave would have not cared about separating the children and make Julian's fears feel more valid. Julian and her could not be parabatai in the "Jem takes Emma timeline" but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make since that plotline DRAGGED.
They could still have a whirlwind romance, that doesn't change. Currently rereading CoHF and the way these two are so obsessed about each other at 12 yo... It's giving Cathy and Heathcliff. Their relationship is going to be that one meme of:
"When their entire relationship is toxic, but they're both so fucked up that it's actually the best case scenario, because subjecting anybody else to either of them would be a human rights violation."
I firmly believe that CC tries to make her characters likeable and as such doesn't venture into making them have opinions and thoughts that could shock the reader. That's why so many of her characters fall into the same boxes. Because she doesn't dare to make them more complex.
The whole of the Shadowhunter Chronicles is just a pile of wasted opportunities, many of which you’ve included here. Character development or delving into many of the rather obvious themes and issues surrounding her characters has never been the precedence. Why focus on thematic organically surrounding Tessa when there is Will to care about? Why make Jem more fleshed out and independent as a character when there is Will to cheer on? Why even deluge yourself with the societal issues, actual taboos, norms—breaking them and forming new ones and changing the world with tough conversations and verbal battles when there is this huuuge MMC/MFC romance that hogs most of the pages and drowns everything else under it?
Clare has created a world with history and concepts and fantastic elements, and she absolutely sucks at implementing any of it into her writing. She doesn’t include tropes, she writes around them.
TLH bunch had way more to them, more contrast and flashier inter-character dynamics. Then the result was what it was because, in the end, everyone has to get along. For instance, Jace isn’t nice either, but that is the reason why the narrative has to go to such lengths for readers to sympathize with him. It actively pushes leniency and sympathy towards Jace whereas other characters are held to a tougher and, in a sense, more realistic standard as to their behavior. Clare wants Jace to be a tormented tough boy but also wants the readers pitying him. Which then molds all the characters around Jace to what Clare wants for him, not what realistic characters being treated like garbage and taken for granted would ever put up with.
Emma can only think she doesn’t really understand what Cristina, Kieran, and Mark got going on together and can only be happy for them, because Emma thinking it’s fucking weird would be too controversial and make people dislike Emma because she doesn’t like or stand polyamory. Every character from TMI gang to TID to TDA to TLH has to stand on the exact same opinion on every issue because that’s the right thing to do, not that a group that size could ever have differing opinions or, horror, dislike each other for some reason. Coming close is James and Grace, and that is mostly ignored either way.
(SIDENOTE: Apparently Clare fucked up the Lightwood family tree by having Alex continue the family line because he was born 1900 and the next known descendant Isidore that is Isabelle and Alec’s great grandfather was born 1908. I kind of hoped that the Secrets of the Blackthorn Hall would’ve sorted this mess out but clearly not. Also: “Alexander inherited the Herondale coloring from his mother of deep blue eyes and black hair. He has a burn scar across his chest from a rune given to him as a baby.” What Herondale coloring is it really when it comes from Linette Owens??)
Your final paragraph was spot on. I also never thought about how Jem didn’t take care of Emma but then goes on to play family with Kit. After CoHF Jem goes to explore the world with Tessa and marry her. He wants to look after Emma but only after the parabatai ceremony with Julian does Jem come clean about his name to Emma. Convenient to say the least.
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dancecat21 · 3 months
OMG DYLLAN MUSICAL THEATER SOLO FOR TDA!!!! The little snippet on her story……. already dying
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thevagabondexpress · 8 months
genderbent tda snippet?
this came to me in a dream (not literally) and let's see if it makes it into the last draft (which is still, like, 3 book series away) so i figured it'd better let it out somewhere in case it doesn't
Ever since Idris she'd been dyeing her hair a rich dark shade of pine-forest green that Di and Thistle said made her look like some character whose name Elliot couldn't pronounce, from an anime he could never remember either. She always wore little fingerless gloves, and painted wearing black lateex ones, and if she ever put her hands in wetness she'd flinch as fast as she could away from it, shaking her fingers, as if it was blood. Maybe something deep in her mind thought it was. She said she hated the beach and the water but sometimes he'd glance out his window in the middle of the night and catch her in the act of slipping beneath the surface of the waves, the moonlight turning her skin to pearl. He never called her on it. Whatever she was doing in the water was her business, not his.
@faithfromanewperspective @chaosandtwo
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edwinspaynes · 2 months
Hey hey hey Shadowhunter’s It-Girl (yes i meant it, when i said you ARE the it queeen)
RE Feel good vibes!
OMG just readingggg through your wonderful message and how deliciously indulgent your replies are gave me mad feel good vibes and made me want to bedoink a hammer on my head for not doing it sooner!!!!
I am so glad to hear you’re visiting Japan! What prompted you to want to go there? Like walk me through that brain thought 😊.
Re Dead Boy Detectives!
I am veryyyy aware of your love for Dead Boy Detectives! I love how much you love them! And massive fingers crossed that it gets renewed for a season 2! I know on the ends of comics (non exclusive to just the Dead Boys ongoing but also Fables, Sandman essentially everything that ISN’T batman or a superhero comic) tends to be very much on the ‘unlikely to get a run’ so i’m always fingers crossed. YK? CUZ I GET IT.
Re Book recs
Thank you sooooo much for the lovely book recs! Even if their random if you have more please let me know them! And who/and what do you think a shadowhunter character would react while reading it, or if they would reccomend it to another internally? 🤭
Re Matthewwwwwwwwww
Also a bit of a, in medias reas inserted ask- If TMI is fall, and TID is winter, and TDA is Summer… what do you think is the most appropriate synergistic time to read/reread TLH? Wicked Powers does give me for some reason Spring vibes. But maybe it will be Summer cuz Los Angeles and all… ANYWAY would love to know your thoughts on that!
And OMG, LOVEEEE That Matthew is with his golden retirever! have you managed to sus out from easter egg droppings any intel on his ship? If its a she…? or him… or they.?
Re Asking the It-Girl of Shadowhunters to potentially give me the low down of what i have missed from the fandom these past two-three months i have been away!
I really am soooo out of the loop on all recent happenings and shiftings and lurkings in the fandom? Have there been any? Any new releases? Any new CC updates?
Have you bought anything new shadowhunter related? Like either in terms of art… or memorabilia?
Finally, my kickstarter box hasn’t been shipped either girlie! I am right there with you!!!!! I am not really that mad because I feel like i know this might sound weird, but even from my hiatus of Shadowhunters i still felt really well fed with all the lovely bonus chapters you always post! I loveddd two days ago the newly posted James and Cordelia’s Primemark Adventure bonus chap for example. It just REALLY Just is so well written AND it always satiates that era and time period of London so deeply!
Cheers to more ❤️‍🔥🌈🌈🌈🤗
JAPAN! So one of my best friends lives there. She's dear to me. I'm visiting her! But also, I've wanted to go to Japan since I was a little kid because I grew up in a Japanese language/culture immersion program. So this is like, a lifelong dream coming true!
I'm going to do TSC blorbo book recs in another post :) Just for you!
Honestly, TLH is always going to give me spring vibes. (Oddly, this is probably my strongest time-of-the-year TSC association - it's just such a gentle and comforting series, like a breezy spring day with flowers blooming after the frost is gone for the year.) I associate it from start to finish with light academia pastel vibes and dewy flowers, and the end of ChoT is New Beginnings incarnate.
Here's a recent commission I bought that reflects the Vibe of TLH for me! It's on my wall now. :)
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But yes, agree that TID is winter (for Wessa proposal lmao) and that TMI is fall based on Vibes. Not sure about TWP yet since I've only read the first chapter, I'll wait and see what I think when it comes out!
Re: Matthew ship! We got a snippet (now on Cassie's Tumblr) that brought up a young man named Sylvain Allard. I thought from Moment 1 that he was probably Matthew's love interest.
Catching Up With the Fandom.
Some stuff you may have missed!
Matthew snippets one and two. three. The novella is called A Sea Change! Matthew art is what I showed you before.
The Matthew sticker was accidentally excluded from the first KS box, so he will be arriving fashionably late in the same box as his novella.
The Thomas journal is unfortunately paperback rather than hardback as advertised. This has disappointed me, but it's okay.
I assume you got the Better in Black list, but if not, it's Wessa, Herondaisy, Thomastair, Arianna, Clace, Sizzy, Sebastian/Seelie Queen, Luke/Jocelyn, Blackstairs, and Kierarktina.
First chapter of TWP has been making the rounds via DM, I have indeed read it. It met my expectations. Let me know if you want me to DM it to you.
I'm so glad that you have been enjoying my "bonus chapters!" I hope to have one I'm currently working on up in a couple of days. We shall see. :)
I'm not upset that my box hasn't shipped, there are four (4) people shipping out like 10,000 boxes. It's gonna take a while, and it's okay. I'll be happy when it gets here!
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farsight-the-char · 7 months
Snippet writing for the "TDA verse" stuff I think of.
The technology to grant regular humans the so called "meta human" abilities, the "Super Powers" granted by the Empowered Elixir, are both terrible and awe-inspiring, terrifying and hope-bringing. Perhaps, the Elixir would have been less terrible and terrifying initially, were the initial mass production of it not acquired by Capitalists. Sadly, following the second world war, the Western Governments, blinded by power and greed, mass produced it in ways that it should never been. Using their citizens as lab-rats to create new strains of the Elixir, abusing the concoctions to create armies of super powered citizens. In the near century after the second world war, the scars are still felt. ... The Elixir now beats in the hearts of billions of Earth's citizens, the majority of humans how "stable strain", descendent of those who took the Elixir, by choice or by force.
The Terran Defence Alliance, the global "Super Hero" Organization, safeguards all of Earth and the Citizens.
Established after series of international conflicts as a result of "genetic arms races" and "hyper technology mishaps" during the 1950s through 1970s.
The main stories I think of for the TDA verse take place in the 2040s.
The idea of the series is in-part, is to remove "Sliding Timescale" from Super Hero stories.
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
Thank you so much for answering my questions :)) <3 It's got me so excited! I have been LOOKING for Longfic writers on Ao3 but couldn't find some so now you have given me great incentive thank you so much! <3
And I think I will start with "True Love Never Dies" because honestly everyone in the fandom here on Tumblr and on your page is loosing their damn mind over this fic and I kinda want to know what all the type is about :)). Is it still an ongoing series?
And my fav ships are Malec (obvis), Wessa, Thomastair and Jessa in the Shadowhunter fandom! hehe.
I have been looking also for fellow longfics who do TDA/Jessa/KiTy which I'm so excited to get back to in TWP (but can't take the fact that the shadow hunters world is ending!)
How do you feel about it?
And finally, I wanted to know if you got in on the Kickstarter as well? :) And which tiers you chose :P
Good luck with TLND. The fic is over. But I post extra scenes and snippets once in a while. You can find the fic here.
Ah! I love Thomastair too! They were my only fave ship from TLH oops.
I feel like tsc is one of those fandoms that will definitely survive even after the books end. I mean we haven't had a malec book or TWP in ages but still look how excited everyone is about it. This fandom really keeps this characters alive. So, I'm not very sad about it. I am however terrified of the fate of our characters lmao.
I did not get into the kickstarter! I don't usually spend money on things like that so tis not for me 🫠
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dark-artifices-only · 4 years
Daily TDA Quote or Snippet #45
Julian sighed. 
He wanted to relax into his older brother, let Mark hold him up the way he once had. But Mark was slighter than he was, fragile under his hands.
He would be holding Mark up from now on. It was not what he had imagined, dreamed of, but it was the reality. 
It was his brother. He tightened his hands on Mark and adjusted his heart to bear the new burden.
-Lady Midnight, The Dark Artifices #1 by Cassandra Clare [ @cassandraclare ]
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shadowparx · 2 years
in twp we need a parallel where ty consoles kit on top of a building because that boy needs a hundred hugs rn
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wikitpowers · 1 month
cassie after posting kit's letter really be like:
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the-blackdale · 3 years
Finding out that Tiberius Blackthorn is following in the steps of Christopher Lightwood gave me immense pleasure today. You go bestie, send them a bomb and blow up Blackthorn Manor !!
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blackthorngrey · 2 years
fic snippet
"What are you going to do about it?" Ty asked.
"Well, last time we found out he was selling information, I told him that if he does it again then I'm going to burn down his house. I am nothing if not a man of my word, so I'm most definitely going to burn down his fucking house," Kit said, with delight.
Ty snorted.
dead men tell no tales, chapter 5 (hopefully uploaded soon)
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thomaslightwood · 3 years
Snippet - The life he was supposed to have (working title?)
The idea was born from this post, it's @carstairs-hopelessly 's fault 😩
Basically Ash meets the TMI gang and the Lightwoods are remained of what could have been for Max. Be ready for angst
Anyway, some time tomorrow will be posted hopefully
Isabelle watched as Ash Morgenstern, the son of the monster who killed her brother, entered the room. His face was a cold mask but Isabelle could see right through it. Under it was hidden fear and anxiety of a young boy as his gaze traveled throughout the room. He had short white-blond hair that made her sick in her stomach.
Clary smiled warmly at him and greeted him. Simon greened at him and Emma straight up hugged him. Isabelle could see the shock on his face as Emma did that. He hesitantly hugged her back. When she let go of him he shyly smiled at the group and Isabelle saw Clary in him. The green eyes, a little bit of his smile. But it was a smile that had the potential to become cruel. 
She quietly left the room.
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youngreckless · 3 years
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Secrets of Blackthorn Hall: Snippet from Ty's Letter
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blurrycow · 3 years
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