#td killer bass
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tdm0912 · 3 months ago
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oguhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im going nowhere wit this but whatever
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veiwryn · 9 days ago
Alliances/friendship that I think would have been interesting in season one + explanations! (Pt 1)
I just wanted an excuse to promote some headcanons and start some minor friendships in fics.
(Each part will only have 4 friendships, and I plan to make each pair or trio as underrated as possible)
Let's start with in-team alliances!
Killer Bass
Harold and Ezekiel.
Between Harold's comments about Leshawna in the first episode and what Ezekiel says later, these guys could make quite a pair. Partly joking, in all seriousness, Harold loves to infodump. He's a nerd, someone who knows extensive lore about things he's interested in, etc. During the seasons we constantly see him failing to get anyone to listen to him without being annoyed, although exclusively in season one, he was picked on a bunch. Enter Ezekiel, who we have seen countless times not understanding what it means to be in "regular" society, likely willing to listen to Harold's rants cause it fascinates him. They are also like a brains&brawns duo that would still get booted off early. Although outside the competition, Harold would definitely introduce him to sci-fi series/movies.
Sadie, Katie & Tyler.
Sadie and Katie would 100% be on board with making sure Tyler and Lindsay got together. From distracting Heather to giving Tyler advice on how to impress his girl. Other than romance, I can see them getting along due to not fitting with the rest of the team. Yes, they're early boots, but in a world where they got more development, I can see them becoming friends. Tyler is definitely a girls-girl, and he needs more friends. On Sadie and Katie's end, they definitely need someone other than themselves! Other than Bridgette and Courtney, they don't have anyone else, and no one was bothered to keep them around. Or even care if they disappeared. While Tyler doesn't have a lot of social power in the team, being allied with Sadie and Katie are guaranteed votes that he can depend on. Especially when the drama revolves around someone else. This could easily become a Sadie, Katie, and Tyler are minor antagonists alliance, and honestly, I would read the hell out of it. It could parallel the Heather-Beth-Lindsay alliance, too! The only difference is that one alliance were real friends and stayed together.
Tyler & Bridgette
In short, clumsy people unite! The longer version is that the two could easily share a sibling bond over the way they fail the team. Whether that be determined by themselves or via the rest of the team. Both have done things that have messed up the challenge or themselves one way or another, and while one is regarded as a dumb jock for it, the other one seemingly gets away without much consequences. No, this isn't me critiquing, I'm just pointing out something that the two could bond over. Bridgette and Tyler would definitely do yoga together, both are pretty open to learning, so I'm a big truther to the idea that they'd recommend vegetarian-friendly recipes that is still healthy for an athlete's diet. The pair would definitely gush about their partners to each other and plan double dates.
Eva & DJ. (+ Minor Bridgette)
The duo that represents the "He asked for no pickles" perfectly. Had Eva lasted longer, I can see them forming a bond over being the stronger members of the team—DJ would help her develop ways to handle her anger without her mp3 player and Eva would help DJ with his confidence/overcoming fears. DJ is calm, and Eva is the storm. They could've been a fun duo to see grow, and I have no doubts that Bridgette would join this little duo, meditation after a jog and such.
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
My hottest take?
If MLP:FiM had aired a few years earlier, every boy in the Killer Bass cabin would've been a die-hard brony EXCEPT Harold.
(and Ezekiel, but only because he wasn't allowed to watch a lot of TV on the farm. He'd be quickly converted by the others though, if he lasted long enough to stay a night on the island.)
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real-total-drama-takes · 1 year ago
the thing about being a screaming gopher is I wouldn't get along with anyone. the killer bass is just generally more friendly to each other and everyone. keep in mind I like all the characters and I'm going to bash my favorites but this is just realistically if I knew them like in real life.
gophers: heather is a total bitch, first of all. I'd hate her. beth is just not the type of person I'd be friends with, like we'd get along but I wouldn't like her all that much. lindsay I would maybe be friends with but she would definitely get on my nerves. izzy is batshit insane. gwen is like okay but she's pretty cold and leshawna would probably scare the shit out of me after throwing heather off the cliff but maybe I would still like her. cody is a creep, noah is annoying, owen is... owen, justin is arrogant. trent is like the only person that I could say without a doubt I would be chill with.
bass: katie and sadie probably would only talk to each other but they're really nice in general and I think we'd get along. bridgette is super chill so I'd like her. courtney is bossy but I think I could still get along with her. eva has anger issues and I'd probably be on edge around her so I wouldn't really talk to her. geoff and dj are really nice and I'd like them. duncan and ezekiel I would hate because obviously. harold is weird and I wouldn't like him. but tyler is chill and I'd like him.
so yeah. I'd want to be a bass.
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florisgrad · 8 months ago
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bro eva was so cool why did they bring her back to merge after competing in only two episodes just to eliminate her again in the same episode?
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the-type-a · 10 months ago
Do you have any instrument HCs for the KB5? Like it's pretty obvious Courtney plays violin (and according to my personal hc viola and piano) which imo fits her soooo well as an orch kid, but what about the others? Personally I could see Bridgette on clarinet, and Duncan on percussion. I think geoff would be a brass kid (maybe tuba or trombone) and DJ a string bass or oboe
Courtney plays so many instruments it’s crazy. She’s got her violin, guitar, voice, and most definitely knows how to play the piano.
Duncan is 100% a guitar player and also knows how to play the drums.
Bridgette might know how to play some wind instruments, it might not be perfect but it’s an A for effort lmao
Geoff doesn’t know how to play anything. I can literally see him asking to play with everyone’s instruments and it’s a hard no because they just know their things will get damaged. But to make him feel included they let him play the triangle and possible a kazoo— which quickly becomes annoying.
DJ gives me piano and drum vibes. Everytime he plays something it’s so soothing and just takes you to another world.
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stuck-in-total-drama-hell · 2 years ago
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total drama memes
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hjcoolartnerd · 11 months ago
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Eric might not like the bullying but he agrees with the guys that Harold should keep his things In order and not all over the cabin. That's gross and disgusting.
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amethyst-geek · 1 year ago
More cases of TD/6teen characters becoming related in my urban fantasy AU
You how I mentioned in some of my previous posts that Mal would be re-imagined as Mike's immortal father (while Svetlana, Vito, and Manitoba remain Mike's alters), and that Mike would have some much older half-siblings via Mal. Well among these half-siblings is an OC named Katrina and her several TD characters (along with some 6teen characters) will be among her descendants. Katrina was born during the 1870s and she'll almost certainly be a posthumous character, having died of old age in the 1960s. Her descendants will include the following characters
Amy and Sammy (via their mom)
Caitlin Cooke from 6teen (via her dad, who is the brother of Amy and Sammy's mom)
Geoff, Wayne, and Rock (who will be brothers in my AU and it's their mom who's a descendant of Katrina)
Dawn (I initially somehow forgot to list her when I first wrote this post, even though she is among the first characters I decided should be 1 of Katrina's descendants and the fact she'll have a bigger role than Blaineley or Julia)
Julia and her sister Megan (along with whichever one of their parents is Blaineley's sibling)
Scary Girl
Among of Mike's other half-siblings will be a pair of twin sisters who got separated at birth and are the respective mothers 2 other TD characters. I don't want to say which TD characters in case II ever get around to turning my ideas into an actual fanfic (or maybe even pitch my ideas to Fresh TV and make an actual TD high school/urban fantasy AU cartoon, but that would probably require me to move to Canada), but here's a hint, one of TD characters in question was on the killer bass, and my headcanons regarding the Killer Bass families (and what would be different in my AU) have their own post (which also includes my HCs regarding Alejandro and Sierra's families).
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rumyarabella · 6 months ago
Do you remember the fanfic I mentioned I had to rewrite and all that? Well, it's almost ready.
Should I show you a preview? 👀
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jingycakes · 1 year ago
Meanwhile, Duncan:
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how i imagine the killer bass dynamic when bridgette was the last girl on the team
(im well aware harold would still be on the team at this point,, shhhh, I just think that these four <3) (still love harold too <3)
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real-total-drama-takes · 7 months ago
I loved the teams’ almost opposite approaches to voting off campers in Total Drama Island.
The Screaming Gophers were way more pragmatic, I noticed. If you cost your team the game or couldn’t be of use to your team, you were out! Noah being useless at dodgeball, Izzy blabbing the idea for DJ to push everyone’s canoes to the other team, Cody being injured beyond use to his team, Beth being blamed for “cursing” their team with a losing streak. Literally the only elimination that didn’t follow this rule was Justin, which was orchestrated by Heather. Speaking of Heather, it’s why I think she always stayed over the other person she was in the bottom 2 with–she was actually determined to win for their team, was frequently a leader (if a very bossy one), and was more useful than the other guy.
Meanwhile, the Killer Bass treated the team like a social hierarchy. You had the Bass trio of Duncan (the ringleader), Geoff, and DJ. Duncan had his C.I.T. Princess at the helm (who was pretty bossy, but stayed due to Duncan’s crush on her). Geoff had his surfer babe Bridgette too (who was super popular and likable in her own right). If you weren’t those 5, you might as well go home.
The Bass definitely voted off players for costing them the game (Katie, Tyler, Harold), but I recall instances like Ezekiel and Eva making themselves social pariahs with their sexism and cabin-destroying rage, respectively. You also had Harold, and as good as he was at winning for their team, he was just gross and geeky, which made him unpopular. I recall FOUR times he was in the bottom 2 (during Eva, Sadie, Courtney, & his own elimination), and it was only for HIS elimination that he actually cost his team the game. I even remember Courtney rallying everyone against Sadie for hitting her with apples and taking it personally. And even Harold not performing the worst in the boot-camp episode couldn’t save him from almost being voted off had he not rigged the votes, just because Courtney was Duncan’s girlfriend and officially a part of the gang now.
Just interesting to see their two approaches.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years ago
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But what is if Island was made today?
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The A. Plot Trio redesigned. Personalities largely the same, although (Le)Sha(u)na trades some of her trademark slang to make room for an even more snarky attitude.
Emphasis on “some”. Her calling Harry a tadpole will never not be funny.
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Heather’s a little less impulsive here. Where the canon one would read Gwen’s dialogue to the world, this one would hide it and use it as blackmail. Harold’s about the same, but even more of a theatre kid.
I like to think that the writing on his shirt will change every episode.
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Justin starts off as his Action self: not a complete jerk, but still very vain and petty. Katie and Sadie, however, get a complete overhaul, going the “odd friendship” route by playing up Katie’s energetic tendencies and Sadie’s relative intelligence.
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Now I kinda regret ditching the hat. Eh. Anyway, they’re about the same.
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Owen, Tyler, and DJ are mostly unchanged. Cody plays up his geeky traits and whatever flirting skills he had in canon are completely gone here, since Gwen doesn’t even realize he likes her throughout the season.
Also step aside, Beth. Cody’s the new shortest guy in the camp.
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Speaking of which, Beth’s artistic talents are a more active part of her characterization, hence the stickers and paint splatters. Ezekiel’s more of a basket case. Turns out his canon counterpart hates going outside. Of course I started to run with it and I made him a typical “quiet kid”. He’s slightly more socially aware, but he’s probably still going home first (not that he’s complaining).
Lindsay’s the same, but lookit her cool jacket!
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Courtney’s bossiness is gone almost entirely; she’s a pure teacher’s (read: host’s) pet. The only one she’s trying to push around is a canon compliant Duncan.
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Noah’s part of Heather’s alliance as her spy, just as the rumors say. Eva’s more social, generally more boisterous, but no less temperamental. I may have ripped off TD Reunion’s look for her.
Izzy is a universal constant. She changes for nobody.
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I could’ve added Sierra and Alejandro. But I didn’t, because where’s the fun in that?
BTW, these are very rough designs. TD’s art style, despite being the inspiration for my own, is deceptively hard to emulate.
Jeremy (Killer Bass) is a mischievous prankster who the rest of his team quickly deems an annoyance but keeps around for his unorthodox thinking. He almost immediately forms a kinship with Harold and Tyler as the team’s outcasts, meaning Courtney and Bridgette have to deal with two warring trios as whoever hasn’t been eliminated by this point watches in amusement.
Addison (Not Killer Bass) is a fast talking hustler who’s smuggled a ton of sweets into camp and barters them off to the other Gophers, mostly Owen, Izzy, and Cody, in exchange for assistance. She’s a member of Heather’s alliance, bringing their numbers up to five, but she’s clearly a wildcard who’ll flip on her if it’s convenient. Heather can’t trust so easily, but Addison’s ironically one of the few who doesn’t hate her.
I have a whole elimination order planned out, but I don’t have the time to write a full fanfic, so I’ll just keep it shelved for now. Maybe I’ll just make a broad outline.
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tdvotes · 8 months ago
Counting the Votes, s1e2
Welcome to Total... Drama... Counting the Votes! A series of posts that will analyze every single Total Drama vote-off ever!
The format will include the losing team in that episode, the recipients of the first marshmallows (or other symbols of immunity), the recipient of the final symbol of immunity, the eliminated (or losing) contestant, and finally an explanation of who voted for who and why.
What better way to start than with TD's first ever elimination ceremony:
Losing team: Killer Bass
Received a marshmallow offscreen: Eva
Received marshmallows onscreen: Geoff, Tyler, Katie, Bridgette, DJ, Harold, Sadie and Duncan
Final marshmallow: Courtney
Eliminated: Ezekiel
Who voted for who and why? Courtney, Bridgette, Eva, Katie and Sadie all voted for Zeke on account of his comments in the dining hall.
Zeke (and possibly Duncan) probably voted for Courtney because she refused to jump off the cliff and didn't appear as athletic or team-oriented as DJ.
As for Geoff, DJ, Harold and Tyler: We can't be certain, but Zeke only needed one male vote to make him the loser. It probably came from Geoff and/or DJ. I'll say both. Tyler may have voted Courtney because he seems to think that, as a man, he is strong and athletic -- in other words, Tyler showed what Zeke told. And who knows who Harold voted for. Probably Duncan, since he received the penultimate marshmallow.
Final guess: 7 votes for Zeke, 3 for Courtney, 1 for Duncan
But what do you think? Am I right or wrong? Why did Eva receive her marshmallow offscreen? Who did Geoff, DJ, Harold and Tyler vote for? Leave your theories and comments in the notes.
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the-type-a · 2 years ago
Bridgette: Come on Geoff!!!
Geoff: Bridge, I told you guys everything I knew last night! Look, it's not that big of a deal, so Duncan and Courtney are doing it.
DJ: I can't believe you would say that!
Geoff: Sorry. Duncan and Courtney are “making love”.
Bridgette: No! I mean come on! This is a huge deal! Fine I want—I need more details, who-who initiated the first kiss?
Geoff, thinking: I don't know.
Bridgette: God, I just can't imagine Duncan being romantic.
Geoff: Yeah.
DJ: Is he romantic with her?
Geoff: I don't know.
Bridgette: Are they in love?
Geoff, thinking again: I don't know.
DJ: You don't know anything.
Geoff: Ohh, I know one thing!
DJ & Bridgette simultaneously: What?!
Geoff, pointing to the couch they’re sitting on: They did it right there on the couch.
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red-dex · 1 year ago
TD Island-Rewrite (Part 1)
I'm going to do a funny rewrite. This part covers Ep 1-13.
Let's start with Episode 1.
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Or well... episode 2. The swap still happens, and the Killer Bass still lose. One thing, Ezekiel doesn't randomly become a sexist. DJ is still soft, but he's not a chicken here.
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This ends up being the result. People were going to vote out Courtney, but then Sadie and Katie suddenly arrived. Sadie gets out, due to being almost useless in the challenge alongside Katie. Katie would surely be sad, but she'll recover quickly as she's emotionally stronger (Sadie's supposed to be the smarter one)
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Not much changes in the 3rd episode. Ezekiel falls asleep amongst the last ones.
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4th episode goes basically the same. Heather warns Lindsay by voting for her after she sees her with Tyler. Noah still gets out because he does nothing.
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Episode 5. Cody obviously voted for Trent. One thing though is that Heather herself couldn't convince Owen. She did convince Izzy, who convinced Owen instead of Heather.
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Episode 6. This is where things change. Katie doesn't have a reason to get lost, makes friends with the other people, and gets to know DJ better. Tyler can't do crap and Bridgette made them sleep in the rain. Courtney convinced DJ, Duncan, Ezekiel, and Tyler to vote for Bridgette. Harold and Katie find Bridgette nicer and both vote Tyler.
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Episode 7 is where Ezekiel's journey ends. On the other team, only Leshawna fails her fear. Here, Courtney and Ezekiel fail their challenges, but since Ezekiel has 0 social skills, Courtney convinces everyone not to vote for her.
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Episode 8. Izzy still has to leave because the RCMP is following her. She does convince Owen to vote for Lindsay since she sees Heather's alliance is getting dangerous. Gwen votes for Heather with Trent because she hates her. Beth doesn't pick up the cursed idol. - In episode 9, the voting doesn't happen. The Gophers still lose, but since Cody is too injured he's just medically evacuated. -
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Sudden change! Episode 10 sees Owen out since he ate the main dish, making everyone vote for him. Beth only votes for Heather because she hates her.
(Yeah, no armor for him, Beth without the idol means he's dead, but...)
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In episode 11, DJ doesn't remove his blindfold and trusts Duncan as he got the bunny which Geoff is supposed to take care of. He does become suspicious of Geoff, though. Heather is actually worried this time because her team is small, but by making a truce with Leshawna. She finds the fact that she has no enemies interesting. Heather makes it a tie, and she wins the tiebreaker.
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Episode 12. Harold seems to have gotten his revenge, but... Katie and Tyler snitch on him, right as Courtney is about to get thrown on the boat, due to seeing him taking the vote box with him. Now pretty much everyone hates him, especially Courtney, but Harold confesses his love to Leshawna anyway.
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And Episode 13! Courtney becomes excessively rude, and DJ doesn't see it as right. Tyler is the one who sees boobs. DJ asks Katie and Tyler to vote for her, while the others vote for Tyler. The tiebreaker is won by Courtney, and Duncan is angry DJ voted for her.
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And this is the current standing! What will happen next? Find out soon.
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