#killer bass
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lousypotatoes · 7 months ago
Heavy Metal Lover - Duncan
"Tonight bring all your friends, because a group does it better
Why river with a pair?
Let's have a full house of leather~"
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Song Recommendation:
Heavy Metal Lover - Lady Gaga
Next Chapter
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"Come on! Why won't this thing turn on?" a H/C haired girl said, frowning at the digital recorder in her hand. After aggressively hitting it a few times, the recorder turned on.
"Finally!" the girl smiled, smoothing out the wrinkles in her skirt before pressing the record button.
"Hiiii! My name is Y/N L/N and this is my audition tape for Total Drama!" she cheerfully said before dialing it back a bit. "Sorry if that sounded too cheerful. I'm just really excited for this, that's all."
"Anyway, let me list off the reasons why I think you should pick me to compete in your show."
"I'm competitive, I'm friendly enough, I was on my school's softball team so I'm athletic, and I'm an excellent chef, so if the people in charge of food for whatever reason decide not to do their job, I can totally help! My food is absolutely exquisite." she said.
"I promise you, if you pick me for your show, you won't regret it." Y/N said, flashing her pearly white teeth to the camera before ending the recording.
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"Did you send in your recording yet?" Y/N's dad asked before putting a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.
Y/N and her dad were currently eating dinner.
Y/N nodded her head. "I sent it in a few days ago. Hopefully I'll get my answer soon."
"Me too, honey," Dad smiled. "If anyone deserves this opportunity, it's you."
"Thanks, Dad." she said, smiling back. "And thanks for supporting my decision to do this."
"Why wouldn't I?" he chuckled. "If you were to win, that would mean more money for us."
Y/N laughed along with her dad. Not paying attention, she accidentally spilled the cherry Kool-Aid she was drinking all over the table and her shirt.
"Oh shit!" Y/N shouted, immediately trying to find something to clean up the mess. "I'm so sorry Dad! It was an accident!"
"You don't have to say sorry, dear." Dad said, helping her mop up the mess with napkins. "It happens to the best of us. Why don't you go and change your shirt while I clean up this mess?"
"Thank you," Y/N mumbled before trudging off to her room.
As she was putting her clean shirt over her head, Y/N heard a 'ping!' coming from her computer.
Y/N would never tell anyone this, but she almost broke her neck trying to get over to the computer, her shirt still halfway over her head.
She pulled her shirt on and opened up her notification. It was an email from the producers of Total Drama.
Holding her breath, she read the email.
'Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in our brand-new reality show, Total Drama! Please read further for travel information....'
Y/N didn't even finish the rest of the email before calling out for her dad.
"What? What is it?" Dad asked, running into her room.
"I'm competing!" she exclaimed. "They chose me to compete!"
"Really!?" Dad's eyes widened before catching Y/N into a bear hug. "Oh my gosh this is wonderful! I told you that they would pick you!"
"I'm gonna be famous!" Y/N said, jumping up and down with her dad.
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"You sure you're gonna be alright by yourself?" Y/N asked.
After three long weeks, it was finally ready for Y/N to leave. But now, she was having doubts about leaving. Y/N could tell that the taxi driver was getting annoyed at waiting.
"I'll be fine, Y/N, I promise," Dad said.
"But what if you have a seizure while I'm gone and no one's there to help you?"
"I told you, your aunt is going to come and check on me everyday."
"But what if you have one while she's not with you? What if it's a really bad one and-"
Dad interrupted her with a hug.
"Everything will be fine, sweetie. You deserve to go out there and meet people. I don't want you missing out on this just because you're worried about me, especially because you wanted this so bad."
Y/N pulled away from the hug. "Okay," she said softly. "I love you, Dad."
"I love you too, kiddo."
Y/N gave him one last hug before walking off of their porch, giving him one last look before getting into the taxi.
"Don't worry, Dad," she mumbled as the taxi started to drive away. "I'll win the money for you."
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literally i love total drama so much
it's one of my comfort shows
yes, i know i still have other fanfics i need to finish
but i do what i want, im a grown woman
this lovely banner was made by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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florisgrad · 8 months ago
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bro eva was so cool why did they bring her back to merge after competing in only two episodes just to eliminate her again in the same episode?
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psxui · 1 year ago
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Killer Bass (2000) - Title Screen
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criminalcinnamon · 10 months ago
Screaming gophers Vs Killer bass but it's the friendship games from Equestria girls.
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hjcoolartnerd · 11 months ago
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Eric might not like the bullying but he agrees with the guys that Harold should keep his things In order and not all over the cabin. That's gross and disgusting.
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mudwerks · 2 years ago
(via I Get High On You - Sly Stone (1975)
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the-type-a · 2 years ago
I’m curious, does anyone have any HCs for anyone’s birthdays?
I only have them for my top five. (Though I do have a general list of zodiac signs for more characters. I just care about these ones the most)
Courtney: September 22, 1991
Courtney is a September Virgo. It’s just the law, cry about it. Personally, I chose this date because 22 is an important number in my life and Courtney is my ultimate favorite fictional character. 💜 Also, Courtney absolutely would be born on a even numbered day, and it happens to be when there was a Full Moon.
Duncan: October 23, 1991
I went back and forth on whether or not he’d be an October or November Scorpio. Ultimately, October made more sense. Though I did want to kinda make it a joke that he would want to be an October Scorpio and is always pissed about it. Oh well. Duncan was absolutely born on a Full Moon too. I also love the idea of him being the youngest of the group AND younger than Courtney. He’d hate being called the baby, but it would shut him up so quick—it’s just funny to me. I know for a fact Duncan would call Courtney a cougar for shits and giggles even though she’s only a month and a day older than him. I can just hear them:
Duncan: Sup cougar.
Courtney: Duncan, I am only a month older than you!
Duncan: A month and one day, cougar!
Courtney: I fucking hate you.
Duncan: Aw, I love you too.
Bridgette: June 30, 1991
Bridgette’s 100% a water sign. She’s intuitive, has a good heart, and always willing to put the people she loves first. She was also born on a Waning Gibbous Moon. Which is cool when you read about Geoff’s!
Geoff: April 17, 1991
Just like Duncan, it is so funny to me for Geoff to be the oldest in the group. Our little Geoffy likes the “But who’s the oldest?” line, but ultimately we know who’s really in charge lmao. He’s an April Aries who is always willing to try new things because of, “The experience, dude!” Now, talking about his moon phase. He was born on a Waxing Crescent Moon, which is the complete opposite of Bridgette’s. WHICH if you follow that TikTok trend— means they are soulmates. I just think that’s really beautiful for them, the universe (TikTok) thinks they are made for one another.
DJ: June 23, 1991
I debated on DJ being a Cancer or Pisces, but knowing how Pisces men are?? Cancer it is! I like this a little more for him because it gives him and Bridgette and closer friendship. I can see the two of them being best friends before any of the rest. Plus, they would love to celebrate their birthdays together. DJ was born on a Waxing Crescent Moon.
Now when I write fanfics I definitely switch the years around for whatever I’m feeling. But if I’m ever talking about the show in a general sense this is how I imagine it. Idk.
Also, I really don’t care about the whole total drama year timeline thing. It gives me a headache so I just go by the show airing in 2007 and them being 16. 😂
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real-total-drama-takes · 1 year ago
would you guys rather be killer bass or screaming gophers. mod courtney make a poll
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ripaxed · 2 years ago
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Screaming Gophers: Owen, Gwen, Heather, Leshawna, Izzy (swapped with Katie), Lindsay, Trent, Beth, Cody, Justin, Noah
Killer Bass: Duncan, Geoff, DJ, Bridgette, Eva, Harold, Courtney, Sadie, Tyler, Katie (swapped with Izzy), Ezekiel
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rafikny · 2 years ago
The great Jaco Pastorius.
Come on, Come over.
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amethyst-geek · 1 year ago
More cases of TD/6teen characters becoming related in my urban fantasy AU
You how I mentioned in some of my previous posts that Mal would be re-imagined as Mike's immortal father (while Svetlana, Vito, and Manitoba remain Mike's alters), and that Mike would have some much older half-siblings via Mal. Well among these half-siblings is an OC named Katrina and her several TD characters (along with some 6teen characters) will be among her descendants. Katrina was born during the 1870s and she'll almost certainly be a posthumous character, having died of old age in the 1960s. Her descendants will include the following characters
Amy and Sammy (via their mom)
Caitlin Cooke from 6teen (via her dad, who is the brother of Amy and Sammy's mom)
Geoff, Wayne, and Rock (who will be brothers in my AU and it's their mom who's a descendant of Katrina)
Dawn (I initially somehow forgot to list her when I first wrote this post, even though she is among the first characters I decided should be 1 of Katrina's descendants and the fact she'll have a bigger role than Blaineley or Julia)
Julia and her sister Megan (along with whichever one of their parents is Blaineley's sibling)
Scary Girl
Among of Mike's other half-siblings will be a pair of twin sisters who got separated at birth and are the respective mothers 2 other TD characters. I don't want to say which TD characters in case II ever get around to turning my ideas into an actual fanfic (or maybe even pitch my ideas to Fresh TV and make an actual TD high school/urban fantasy AU cartoon, but that would probably require me to move to Canada), but here's a hint, one of TD characters in question was on the killer bass, and my headcanons regarding the Killer Bass families (and what would be different in my AU) have their own post (which also includes my HCs regarding Alejandro and Sierra's families).
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psxui · 1 year ago
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Killer Bass (2000) - Round 1 Loading
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zanymk · 16 days ago
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colorfulgardentrash · 24 days ago
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cerebralotus · 1 month ago
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the-type-a · 2 years ago
This took so long on TikTok and I refuse to let it flop
Duncan: Hey, you guys wanna go get some D-E-S-S-E-R-T?
DJ: Yeah, dude. I need me a T-R-E-A-T
Geoff: Whatchu guys talking about?
Courtney: Yeah, why did you guys just spell out desser—
Duncan: No-no-no! Shut up, Princess! Don’t say it!
Bridgette: Uh, why?
Duncan: Oh God. How do we tell you this…
DJ: Geoff can’t spell…
Courtney: … What?
Duncan: Can’t spell.
DJ: So when we talk about something he wants, we spell it out loud so he doesn’t get too excited.
Courtney: He’s a grown man, he can’t handle hearing the word treat?
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat!
Geoff: Treat?!
DJ: No treat.
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat.
Geoff: 😔
Bridgette: Okay, what is happening?
DJ: We told you he gets excited when he hears the word T-R-E-A-T.
Geoff: Whatchu talking about?
Duncan: Taxes.
Geoff: Oh, shucks.
Bridgette: What, so you guys just treat him like a toddler?!
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat.
Geoff: Treat?!
DJ: No treat!
Geoff: Treat?!
Duncan: No treat.
Geoff: 😔😔
DJ: Bridge, you gotta spell if you’re talking about F-O-O-D.
Bridgette: Okay, so are we getting a S-N-A-C-K—
Geoff: Snack?!
DJ: Oh, come on!
Duncan: Malibu, really?
Bridgette: Oh, come on! I spelled it!
Duncan: Well he knows how to spell snack.
Courtney: So he can spell snack but he can’t spell treat?
Geoff: TREAT?!
Duncan: NO TREAT!
Geoff: TREAT?!
Geoff: TREAT?!
Duncan: NO TREAT!
DJ: Okay, he’s getting fussy. It’s time for a N-A-P.
Geoff: Yeah!
Courtney: What does N-A-P spell?
Geoff: Party 🥳
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