#tcw excerpts
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thecomfywriter · 6 days ago
“Draw between the lines… Don’t go out of the lines, Khos ja… What if I don’t want to!” he ranted one day as he sat in Noctem’s lap. They were studying in the library, or at least, Noctem was. A thick book on construction and the incantations associated with various Abilities crafts mulled over the thick pages that Noctem reviewed. He tabbed certain areas, ignored others, with no sense or pattern. At least, none that made sense to Evan. All he knew was the dreadful book was stealing his manny’s attention from him. Hence his position in Noctem’s lap, staring straight up his nostrils and wringing around until Noctem gave up and closed the book at last. “Kiddo, you’ve been on this for twenty minutes now. If you don’t wanna be an artist, that’s fine, but you still gotta respect your teachers.” “No.”
@bunnymermaidwrites @paeliae-occasionally just for you two <3
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dotjpeg · 1 month ago
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more self-indulgent memes I didn’t feel like actually drawing out
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filamentlights · 4 months ago
I dreamed up this random exchange here between like clone wars era Anakin and an unnamed OC military officer or something
Anakin: Why are you here?
Character: I was sent to supplement the 501st on their missions. Like tactics and strategy kind of stuff
Anakin: Tactics and strategy??? What’s wrong with my strategies???
Character: …uhh nothing- the Council just thought I could. help.
Anakin, getting haughty: Oh? Well I’ll have you know my strategies are *great*
Character *takes a deep breath & prays to god for patience*: Anakin. A false surrender is a war crime, not a battle strategy.
So now it’s my goal to write this zinger into a fic SOMEHOW. I just. Gotta finish my wips….
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for-the-sake-of-color · 1 month ago
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Happy Day 1 of @clonexocweek ! For today we have the first meeting of Kix/Nihlus Brek
Have an Excerpt from my as of yet unreleased chapter of Blinding Devotion - The Kix/Nihlus mega-fic!
Warnings for- Lightly Medical Grossness
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The droids, and they were droids for sure, though he couldn’t identify the model, were waiting for them on the landing pad when their group exited the Twilight. Six legs and a strut to match, one of them walked up to their group. Roughly two feet shorter than Anakin, it tilted it’s processors up at him
“It’s about damn time you came,” The droid said, “You’re real Jedi then? You have the codes?”
Anakin and Ahsoka side-gazed at each other.
“Yea, we have the codes, but can you tell us what’s going on?”
“What, weren't you told?”
“What is this place, and why are we here?”
“This is the Galactic Study Archival Facility, created and overlooked by the Guardian, Nihlus Brek. Our purpose is to record-” It paused and made that strange sound before continuing. ”-everything. You are going to free him, as per the terms of Guardian Kishta Aheridan. As only a Jedi may do.”
“Why can only a Jedi let this guy out?” Ahsoka asked,
The droid made that chittering sound again, and then at a lower pitch.
“We think… it was so he could never be let go. You are here, now, but it has been over four thousand years. Guardian Aheridan set them to be impossible terms, unfillable conditions. Which they seem to have been, until now.”
“How long?” Anakin asked as Ahsoka said, “That’s got to be a glitch, right?”
“We could tell you the time to the second,” The droid turned to Ahsoka and said, “we can, later if you would like. We have watched every minute of everyday since. But, yes, roughly four thousand years has passed since the delicate document safe was sealed and the Guardian was locked in. New safety measures were placed on its opening, procedures neither we the keepers, nor the sentinels units have access to, unless certain conditions have been met. We also cannot access what the conditions are set to, and thus we cannot fulfill them ourselves”
“Do you know what called us here?” Anakin asked, “The source of the force visions?”
“The girl.” The keeper said, “It is always the girl that brings people here. It is our hope she has properly prepared you for the unlocking conditions. You will be executed otherwise. Our apologies for that, but if you cannot fulfill the necessary procedures, you will not be allowed to leave, as per the Guardians orders.”
Anakin sighed. Of course it would be like that.
“Who is this guardian, Nihlus Brek?” Ahsoka asked the droid.
“That information is restricted.”
She crossed her arms, “So you want us to let him out but you won’t tell us who he is?” 
“Okay, then who is the girl?” she huffed.
“That information is restricted.”
Ahsoka groaned in frustration.
“Very well,” Anakin said, like it or not, they’d come way too far not to see this through, “Let's get to it then.”
“Right this way,” The droid said as it turned, walking back towards the entrance it came out of. 
When he looked back at Rex, the Captain motioned to his weapons and splayed his hand in a question. Anakin just shrugged. He had no idea why the droids were making no moves to disarm them, despite the threat of execution. Maybe they would once they got inside? 
In fact, the droid said nothing to them as it led them through the corridors. They seemed to pass vaulted room after room, lined with shelves full of data tapes and holo terminals, glowing their gentle blue. 
“What kind of information is stored here?” Anakin asked, remembering Master Nu’s vision of this place, with a corridor covered in sith holocrons. He couldn’t feel anything radiating the evil she had described, but this place was huge. 
“In this area of the library we hold the information on the cultures, ideas, research, and stories of the mid-millenia three post-archive lockdown of the galactic core sector.” The robot replied.
“What about information on the Jedi and Sith, where's that?”
“We have a large variety of materials pertaining to the subjects, including cultures, ideas, and stories spanning many millenia. Those are housed on a higher floor, you will most likely be allowed to visit later.”
“And the Jedi and Sith research? Holocrons maybe?”
“I’m sorry, but that area of study is restricted to personnel with express permission of the Guardians. If you would like access, you may submit an application for consideration by the guardians. Please be aware, the queue has not been updated in several thousands of years.”
“Yea, I’ll pass, Thanks” Anakin rolled his eyes. 
Skywalker began to feel his troops become more on edge the further into the archive they got, and when he took a brief glance behind him he got an eyeful of what had gotten their hackles up. Fairly bulky droids, of a different design than the one that was leading them, were silently following along behind them. In fact, now that he could recognize what they were, he began to see one in every aisle of every corridor they passed, whereas before they had simply blended into the scenery. He had a suspicion that this is what the droid had meant by sentinel units. There were… a lot of them. 
He tried not to let it phase him. So long as everything continued to go to plan, they shouldn’t have to start a fight. So far, so good.
And then they entered the chamber.
He had been expecting the long dark hallways, or deep cramped elevators. Anything at all to indicate the importance of the room that their objective lay in, anything like the visions had been. Instead, it was a door, like many other doors they had come across on their trip down. The droid had stopped, turned, and opened it with no warning.
It walked in, and they followed. At first the only light that could be seen was a dull glow coming from within the inner chamber, but then the overheads flickered to life, and Ahsoka gasped.
“This is it. It’s… him.”
Anakin stepped up to the glass, getting his actual first look at the guy they had been sent by the force to free. Heavily armored, he seemed human except for the glowing solid red-gold eyes fixed directly to where someone would stand to work the door controls. 
“Master,” Ahsoka whispered to him.
“Lightsabers” she pointed down to the man's belt.
Skywalker hadn’t seen them at first, book in the man's hand obscuring one, but those were for certain lightsabers. He should have figured.
“What's our luck he’s a Jedi?”
“With all the red and black? I’ll give it 30%” Anakin muttered back to her.
“Are we sure about this?” 
Skywalker looked over his shoulder, “It’s not like we have much of a choice.” Several of those keeper type droids had followed them in chittering all the while, but behind them the silent and bulky sentinel type droids had one by one begun lining the room in rows, blocking their only means of escape.
They either came, and did what they had been sent to do, or risk a bloodbath of their soldiers. This was not the most live-able situation for anyone should the codes he had been given fail.
Suddenly Anakin wished he had left their troops back on the ship, for their own safety.
Kix could feel the tension headache coming on as his jaw clenched more and more with every droid that filed into the room. Skywalker looked fairly calm as usual but the Commander hadn’t bothered to mask the worry that had taken over her face. The Captain's hands had not left his blasters since Echo had pointed out the first of the fighter bots that had begun to tail them.
Some sort of Temple run by droids was just what they had needed, definitely. 
He wished they had left him back on the ship. This place gave him the creeps, even without the potentially hostile death machines.
After some hushed conversation between the General and the Commander that Kix couldn’t make out, Skywalker stepped up to the control console to the center chamber. 
“Here goes nothing.” The General said as the terminal activated, and he began to tap a series of symbols and numbers. Some looked vaguely familiar, for what that was worth. With every tap the bots seemed to shift and inch forwards, and Kix grip on his blaster tightened.
He knew they wouldn’t be the ones to make the first shot, but the waiting was hell. Then the door hissed open, and the man inside dropped his book, stumbling, catching himself on the table. After a second he shook his head like he was trying to clear it and turned towards them.
He heard the Commander gasp. That was not a good sign. Nor was it a good sign when the man shouted something at them in a language he couldn’t recognize. There was maybe a ‘jedi’ in there but he couldn’t be certain. 
“Uhh, Hi?” The General said, waving.
The man in the chamber repeated himself, calmer this time, and he was definitely saying “something something jedi”, before he raised his arms, and both the Commanders and the Generals lightsabers went flying off their belts and into his hands, before he stepped outside of the chamber and activated them. 
“Hey!” The Jedi had both exclaimed. The clones had begun to aim, before a deafening whirring and clicking sound came from every one of the sentinel droids. The Captain ordered them to lower their blasters before the droids attacked, and once they did, the whirring stopped. 
The man in front of them waved the activated blades around for a second before he stated “Jedi.” followed by more words Kix couldn’t understand. Then he deactivated them, and tossed the lightsabers back to the Jedi, and began walking towards them.
“Can you understand us?” Skywalker asked. “Do you know what we’re saying?”
The man stumbled in his stride for a second, clutching his head with a hand. He looked back up at the General, and started to say something else before stopping and just shaking his head, likely a negative.
This… Guardian then turned to the droid that had led them through the temple, saying something else. The droid responded in kind to what the man was saying, and they seemed to have a back and forth, the man getting paler with each sentence. He waved his arm in their direction several times, as if to emphasize whatever he was saying. A round of chittering went around the spider bots that had also followed them in. Then it turned back to him, and said another thing they couldn't understand. 
The droid that had led them in began to explain that the Guardian was having a difficult time processing the information he was being given, or... something like that. Kix had tuned it out as he watched the man swaying back and forth, absent look having taken over his face.
He trusted his gut instinct, and rushed forwards the second before the guy's knees buckled under him. Kix guided him to the ground as he began to seize, foaming at the mouth. Several of the spider bots had rushed forward and surrounded them, cutting himself and the guy off from the rest of the group. Kix paid little mind to it once he realized not a single droid was facing him, and just focused on trying to keep the man's airways clear. 
One of the droids turned to him and said, “We need to take the Guardian to the medical center of this node. You are a Medical Officer? The Guardian is experiencing rapid cellular atrophy as a result of long term atomic manipulation. You will help us.” 
He turned the guy on his side, and before too long the seizing began to subside, with Kix continuing to scoop foam out of his mouth so he couldn't breathe it in. The bot then stepped closer to him, placing one of its main limbs on his shoulder.
“You will accompany us.”
Looking up Kix could clearly see the sentinel droids had now formed a line past Kix and the spider bots, blocking him off even further from his group. Kriff they were going to completely separate them. No way in hells did Kix want to go anywhere alone with these things.
He highly doubted he had a choice. 
“I will need my assistant, if you don’t mind.” He said with his best bluffing voice. 
“Very well,” The droid replied easily enough, “which is it?”
“The one with the Republic cog on his helmet.” Jesse was going to kill him for this.
“He will be brought forth, then, now if you would…” the droid motioned to the guy on the ground.
“Yea, Fine.” Kix replied as he scooped up the Guardian.
The droids moved in a wave around him, parting and reforming again as he passed. He heard some commotion behind him as he was sure the group was reacting to what was happening but he had to just keep moving forwards, following the spider bot that had spoken to him.
He was well past the point of surviving this if he tried to turn and run, for sure. After a minute or so of walking the droids behind him parted, and Jesse came jogging up behind him.
“What the kriff is going on?” Jesse hissed at him, “What’s wrong with this guy?” 
Kix looked down at the temple guardian. The guy was a mess. Sweaty, feverish, pale. The foaming had stopped not long after the seizing had stopped, but then the guy had started slowly leaking blood from his eyes. The droids hadn’t seen much concern to start running yet but he knew the clock was ticking.
Apparently in other experiments they had conducted in another chamber, they had around two hours until total cellular collapse.
Probably. Tick tock tick tock.
“Something like carbonite sickness.” Kix replied, trying to simplify things.
The droids stopped in front of the entrance to a lift, and only three of the droids followed them inside. The doors opened on the lift to reveal a pitch dark room that blazed to light as soon as they walked in.
Thank the force for helmet dampeners or Kix would probably have been blinded. In front of them lay a spotless, empty medbay. One of the droids rushed forwards and began preparing a tank on the opposite side of the room. The other two guided them to lay the man down on a cot.
The one that had been speaking to them before turned to Kix and said “We… do not have the dexterity for medical work. The Guardian will need to be unlatched and declothed for the kolto.”
“He needs to what?” Jesse exclaimed as Kix asked them, “Kolto?” before he turned to Jesse and replied “They mean we need to undress him.”
“Kolto is a much older alternative to Bacta. More efficient, far harder to produce. Largely forgotten and unneeded by the galaxy. Please disrobe the Guardian, he would prefer us not to cut the straps again.”
Jesse walked to the other side of the table to help Kix in figuring out the buckles of the guys armor. Unlatched indeed.
“He could at least take us to dinner first,” Jesse muttered under his breath as he removed the guys boots.
“I don’t think you want 4 millenia old food.” Kix murmured back with a smirk, working on the chestpiece.
The spider bots took over once they had successfully removed most of the armor to finish stripping the guy down to his unders, before hauling him over and strapping him into the tank. Jesse and Kix just sort of stood around as it filled, not sure what to do with themselves now. 
“The General’s probably going to need to know what’s happening.” Jesse said finally to one of the spider bots, “Are we free to go?” 
The droids chittered amongst themselves for a second before, “The Medical Officer will need to stay, but you will be led back to your group for an update if you would like, as the Guardian is no longer in critical condition.”
Jesse and Kix met eyes for a second, before Kix said, “Go, I’ll probably be fine.” Then he turned to the bot, “Are there visiting hours for this medical center?”
The droid let out a high pitched chitter before, “Yes, of course. Visiting hours will begin in five and a half galactic standard hours.”
OH. He hadn’t actually expected that to actually work, this wasn’t a real hospital after all, but hey, small blessings and all that. Or maybe the bot was just humoring him. Who knew in this kriffing place.
“Alright. See you soon. And good luck.”
“Aye sir” Kix replied dryly.
The first thing he did when he woke up was panic, as if he drowning, surrounded by a thick slurry of inescapable liquid. 
He would admit it wasn’t his finest moment, but he wouldn't realize that until after he had blown open the Kolto tank, leaving him to drop to the ground nearly naked. Nihlus was just sitting there, trying to make reason of sight and sound again when he felt a pair of hands haul him up and cart him over to a cot, wrapping something soft and dry around him. 
Nihlus rubbed it around his face, trying to clear away the kolto so he could see again. His thoughts were foggy at best, and he was having a hard time collecting himself.
There was a visor… a person? Trying to talk to him. It felt like the words were coming to him through water, and he couldn't make it out. 
The person took off their helmet, and tried speaking to him again. Nihlus realized after a moment of fruitlessly watching the guy's mouth move and make zero sense that the issue was the language and not himself.
Well, that was an easy enough fix.
He motioned the guy closer to him. He thought about just grabbing the guy by the head, but then he thought better of it. Too much forward movement for his stomach to handle. Nihlus held up his hand and mimed as if he were removing a glove. When the guy didn’t do anything but make a confused expression, Nihlus pointed at the guy's hand and again made the miming motion. 
Well, now the look on the guy's face was just suspicious. He lifted his hand up, but then he simply mimicked the motion. Nihlus gave himself points for trying to do it the patient way, but he lost the battle in the end. 
“[Just come here]” He said to the guy.
Immediately the mans back went ramrod straight and he walked forward again, leaning down so Nihlus could get skin contact. As he was having a minorly frustrating time, he just sort of slapped his palm down on the guy's forehead instead of making him remove his glove.
And then Nihlus took his understanding of… Standard galactic basic? Had Basic really changed that much that it might as well have been an entirely new language? Nihlus let the guy (a republic soldier?), go and squeezed his eyes shut.
He hated integrating knowledge into his own mind, it felt like a sustained urge to sneeze that was near immobilizing. After a minute, the feeling settled and he could open his eyes again.
“You’re a Sith? {danger, danger, get out now, run}” the republic soldier asked, from halfway across the room where he had lept the second Nihlus had released him.
He felt a wave of disgust travel through the man. Well that was unpleasant. But whatever. He had bigger worries now. Like the Jedi roaming around his archive. Or the amount of time that the droids had said had passed.
Actually, maybe not that one. He felt like he would start uncontrollably screaming if he thought about that one too much.
“I’m probably not going to kill you.” Nihlus stated, rubbing his eyes, “Where are my clothes?” 
“He’s definitely a sith, but at least he can speak basic now, ” was the first thing the medic, Kix, had said after finally returning from the medical center.
He had been dismissed not long after Nihlus Brek had woken up, services no longer needed. Ahsoka watched him walk back to the rest of his squad after he concluded his report. He had seemed a little shaken, but she would imagine suddenly having your mind taken over does that to a person.
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anyadarlingsdomain · 11 months ago
A little excerpt during the Rebels Era. The clones were talking regarding their past and Rex brought up General Norien.
“You knew Master Noríen?” He stated, seemingly surprised to hear the name come from Rex’s mouth.
Rex let out a chuckle. “Yeah..I knew her. So did most clones in fact.” He stated, sharing a grin with his brothers. “Jedi Master Sephora Norien. Member of the Jedi Council, General of 614th Battalion- Moonbeams they liked to call themselves.
And most known amongst my brothers..The Clone General.”
Ezra’s eyes were saucers. “How did you know her? I mean I know she’s a General and all but how did you meet?”
Rex let out another chuckle, having a hand come behind his neck. “Well that was a while ago. I first met the General when I was stationed as an ARC Trooper. We just finished with one of our rountinal training exercises and she came in.
It wasn’t exactly hard to spot her, she was literally the only other female in the room.” He said with a chuckle, “no less you don’t miss Norien’s sights very easily. She’s easily noticeable. Our commanding Officer introduced her to us. We knew about General Ti- her master. And some about this Apprentice..but it wasn’t on the forefronts of our minds at the time. But once she personally introduced herself, you knew automatically that she was different and it was something you automatically took a liking too. Needless to say as Ti’s Apprentice she was with her often in Kamino. She was the second Representative for Kamino there.
Sephora’s involvement with the clones was constant. She stayed for months off and on with her Master for the implement of our program..along with other duties that she held too. Once the Clone Wars began..she was assigned to an Battalion, 614th as I’ve stated. Her leading officer was a Marshall Commander just like Cody. He was a good fellow..very stoic Commander you couldn’t get much past him. He was very observant.” He chuckled. “Anyway, for the course of 3 yrs I fought alongside the Clone General off and on. 501 and 614 were combined on missions many times. We were a force to be reckoned with. Like the other clones we’ve all come to learn and respect her over the years..she certainly earned her title..she was a great leader and comrade. I am proud and honored to serve alongside her during the Clone Wars. She is by far one of the greatest Generals of Jedi. She was a good friend..” he stated looking a little forlorn after that comment.
They were silent a moment.
“Do you know what happened to her?” Ezra suddenly asked him.
Rex was looking to the floor. “Heh..I..I’m not entirely sure..I haven’t heard anything from her in years..I just assumed that,” he seemed to be struggling, his hands kept unclenching each other. His vod seemed to be starting to worry for him and started to reach out.
He finally looked to him, shaking his head. “I can’t believe..” his eyes started to grow watery, “that she could be still alive..after all this time..and what titles she held especially with the clones” his eyebrows furrowed over, he shook his head. “There would have been no way..she couldn’t survive that..they would have torn her apart.” He finally broke down and wiped the tears roughly from his face, walking off- upset.
Ezra looked solemn. “I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to hurt him.” He admitted looking to the floor in shame.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself kid.” Wolffe said. “The General always meant a lot to Rex..she meant a lot to all of us,” he said with a frown. “But especially Rex..she was extra special..”
Ezra looked puzzled regarding something.
“What do you mean?” He asked him curiously obviously hinting more to what he was meaning.
Kanan looked up, seeming to know.
Wolffe shrugged. “He loved her, that’s why.” He stated.
Ezra’s eyes went saucers. “He was in love with the General??!!” He asked in astonishment.
“Yeah,” Wolffe stated shrugging again- as if it was no big deal, “in fact many people did..or at least had crushes on her. Namely my brothers,” he said with a chuckle, “trust me if you saw her you would understand why. But of course..Rex’s goes way deeper than that.”
“I’ve seen her..it’s just that..I thought it was against the Code-“ he looked to Kanan offended- “you told me!!”
“And it is.” Kanan calmly stated. “It always has been. The clones were on a different system but it’s the similar idea. It’s a very professional system. Jedi to clone officer. No open attachments or anything related..it would bring the flow out of balance no less the ways of war probably wouldn’t operate the same after.”
“It probably wouldn’t.” Wolffe agreed.
“But in some ways..the Jedi had it harder. At least in the rules of attachments.” Kanan stated.
“I just don’t understand..it doesn’t seem fair. Why is the Code so rigid?”
Kanan sighed. “Not all things can be explained Ezra..it’s just how things are.”
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lazinesswrites · 1 year ago
50 Ways to Leave Your Empire for Wip Wednesday!
Here you go - some angsty Cody! It'll get better
He wonders, now, if he ever actually did earn that loyalty, if either of them did, or if his brothers were all just programmed to follow orders. He doesn’t know if that’s even possible, to program people, though if anyone could figure out how, it’s probably the Kaminoans. And what other explanation could there be, for—for what happened on Utapau?
Find the rules and titles for this week's WIP Wednesday ask game here.
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sev-on-kamino · 2 years ago
For the WIP guessing game my word is "lovely" 🥰
Surprisingly, I’ve only got one instance of the word “lovely” in all these WIPs 🤯 From my 501st one shot, I present:
You soften instantly. “Oh, Case, that’s lovely, but you still gotta get your ass outta that tree, so we can get back to the ship.”
I’ll let you guess what Hardcase was doing in a tree, and what problem he caused 😂
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skywalkr-nberrie · 5 months ago
I just love how in the SW novels or any other extended content it’s more clearer that Anakin and Padmé specifically choose missions they know the other will be on to join. Whether it be Anakin as her guard, or Padmé as his ally.
We see in Forces of Destiny that Anakin tries to get missions as Padmé’s bodyguard.
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So we can assume that this becomes a thing between the two of them 🤣 trying to hack missions they’re both on to be together more. I mean, if it was up to them? They’d be attached at the hip 24/7.
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Even in TCW, we see Padmé making moves to get Anakin on the same missions she’s on, asking Yoda and Mace to send OW and “Skywalker” because she’ll be needing Jedi aid for her excursion 😏 and we see the same thing take place in Brotherhood, when Anakin and Padmé go out on a date. Though in the BH novel, she knows it’d be easier for her to secretly go on a date with her husband than spend time with him on duty where they’re still trying to hide from the gaze of others.
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Well, you guessed it! This unspoken deal between them extends to even the other novels too! Like here in Secrets of the Jedi. Palps tells Anakin that Padmé personally chose to go on the mission that Anakin was sent on, despite that Anakin was afraid and didn’t want Padmé to come, we see how his mind later changes after talking it out with Padmé. He tells her that he won’t leave her side and she responds in kind by saying that this was exactly what she wanted. (For him to never leave her side.)
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And later on in the same novel, now on the mission, Anakin decides he’s gonna do some exploring on the ship they ended up on. Right after Padmé not so discreetly says she’ll “join him” masking her reasoning with “mission investigation.”
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Further into the novel now, Anakin advises Padmé to return to Coruscant for her own safety, requesting her, and silently begging with his eyes for her to listen to him. Triggering the topic between them of how they hate to be apart from one another and that it’s so hard to live this life, despite that they’ve already decided long ago that it was worth it to belong to each other.
Padmé wanted to stay on the mission and be alongside Anakin, but she inevitably listens to his plea and goes back.
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However, the reasoning behind Padmé wanting to stay on missions with Anakin isn’t just to spend time with him, but also it’s also parallel to Anakin’s reason for wanting her to stay back and away from the danger. She can’t bare to be with him go away, and she can’t follow. She has to see him or else she’ll go “crazy” worrying over him. This is also one of the reasons why she drowns herself in work whenever she can’t join him. (Excerpt from Star Wars, Clone Wars Gambit: stealth.)
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And this is why Padmé encourages Anakin to take her with him when he’s on missions, as shown here in Queen’s Hope.
They just never want to be separated from one another, and I just love a clingy and madly in love cute couple, okay! They’re made for each other!
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hanasnx · 1 year ago
can you share some of thosr anakin-related-content-you-consumed on ur anakin fixation era cz im fixating on anakin aswell rn and i want to study him!! please, idk where to start 🙇🏻‍♀️
supercut of star wars I - III reddit link with instructions to receive them via google docs
i've seen both tpm and aotc supercuts but i have yet to finish the rots supercut because of it being so long. there are also deleted scenes on youtube that were not included in the supercuts linked here:
star wars episodes I and II extended edition - unused deleted scenes youtube video
revenge of the sith 4 hour supercut - unused deleted scenes youtube video
if you cannot get a hold of the supercuts for some reason, no sweat. the same channel listed in the above links has a bunch of videos on their channel of all "restored deleted scenes" that you can watch individually. of course, that is without the "siege of mandalore" that's included in the rots supercut. but that's just the bits you would see from season 7 of the clone wars spliced in, so you wouldn't be missing anything.
star wars: episode I - the phantom menace
if you cannot get a hold of the supercuts for whatever reason, start here. one of my favorite star wars movies. features young anakin, about nine years old, and how comes to live with the jedi, how he meets padme, and where he comes from.
star wars: episode II - attack of the clones
we follow older anakin, about nineteen years old, where he reunites with padme and they fall in love. the cracks of the dark side's influences are beginning to show.
star wars: clone wars
this is the mini-series released in 2003-2005 to depict anakin's journey throughout the beginning of the clone wars to prepare audiences for star wars: revenge of the sith coming out in 2005. it has since been de-canonized and replaced with the clone series that comes out in 2008. it is still worth the watch. anakin's voice actor is supremely talented and sounds a lot like hayden christensen. albeit he is dramatic, as it is a kid's show, i still very much enjoy his characterization. it's actually pretty funny too, it did get me to laugh a couple times. chapter 24-25 i believe is where anakin undergoes a sort of spiritual awakening, and the ending always makes me cry.
star wars: the clone wars movie
it was honestly boring to me, but i still watched it for much needed context on the show.
star wars: the clone wars
as i’ve said before, i don’t really care for tcw!anakin, but this was still a fun and enjoyable watch. it wasn’t completely worthless to me, i did learn some more things about anakin that applied to hayden’s rendition.
unreleased star wars: the clone wars arc - crystal crisis on utapau (full) youtube video
i didn’t finish it but from what i’ve seen so far it’s pretty funny.
anakin & obi-wan | let my people go youtube video edit
one of my favorite edits to one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies. i think about it a lot, especially during the “this was my home.” lyric. hammering in the betrayal of brothers that grew up alongside one another, and if you resonate with that song and movie it provides another layer of context. it’s deliciously painful. when anakin’s side of “you who i called brother,” cuts through and interrupts the melody, impatient to speak about his perspective using ramses’ narrative to do it, it’s acutely accurate to anakin’s character in my eyes.
clone wars: battle of the heroes - a star wars fan animation youtube video
i haven’t seen this yet but i’ve been waiting to enjoy it to its fullest. the creator worked very hard on it for a long time, so it’s worth the link.
star wars episode III: revenge of the sith novel by matthew stover
i have not read this, but i’ve seen hundreds of excerpts over the course of this hyperfixation on tumblr. it’s widely accepted even though it’s decanonized, and offers insight into anakin’s head that you can’t access with just watching the movie. i thoroughly enjoy and reblog the excerpts i come across, but since i’m not a reader i haven’t picked it up to complete it myself.
star wars: episode III - revenge of the sith
the third installment in the prequel series, and where shit goes down. twenty-three year old anakin grapples with his desires overcoming his sense of obligations, warping his own ideals to fit into selfish purposes. you see how he betrays the republic, his wife, his brother, and himself, all for power.
star wars episode III revenge of the sith (xbox) no commentary walkthrough full game [1080p60fps] youtube video
i haven’t gotten to watch this yet but i’d like to soon, i’ve seen bits and pieces and i believe there are alternate endings that prove interesting. if you like gameplay movies i think you should give it a shot, but if not, go ahead and skip this one.
star wars: episode III - revenge of the sith - making the game youtube video
it’s short and sweet. about hayden’s view of the character anakin and how he acts in combat.
star wars: tales of the jedi
s1e5 where we receive insight as to how anakin trains his padawan.
vader: complete canon comic series 1-25 in chronological order youtube video
i loved this so much. so many good moments that i ate the fuck up. we follow vader in his first year of becoming the sith lord, grappling with identity, past, and recognition. we also get insight into the very sensitive time of jedi eradication, i learned a lot. my favorite parts are when vader has to fight without a saber against clones, make his own red saber by retrieving one from a surviving jedi, and the arc that includes jocasta nu.
star wars the force unleashed- full game walkthrough gameplay no commentary youtube video
star wars the force unleashed 2 - full game walkthrough gameplay no commentary youtube video
both of these i've been meaning to watch, but i haven't been in the mood. i figured i'd link them in case you were interested in more gameplay movies.
star wars rebels
i didn't finish this, but i did watch a lot of the vader content and the scarce anakin content. i'll watch anything that mentions him tbh.
star wars jedi: fallen order - full game - no commentary youtube video
i played this game and loved it. the ending is the money shot tbh.
star wars: obi-wan kenobi
this was probably the first sw show i watched after i got back into darth vader in august 2022. reawakened a lot for me, i really enjoyed vader's part in this story. reva is also one of my favorites, and i thought her being a mirror image to anakin in this situation was clever, i thought her backstory was unique and refreshing. but what really shines for me is vader's contribution as both an extension of the emperor and a vessel for his own selfish desires. there are parts where i can see he's more machine than man. there are also some anakin parts as well! which i didn't enjoy as much, funnily enough.
rogue one: a star wars story
i haven't seen this one in years, but i do remember darth vader's appearances being both funny and badass.
star wars: episode IV - a new hope
star wars: episode V - the empire strikes back
it took me a long time to come around on this one. now it's one of my favorites. especially because we start to get the first glimpses within the original trilogy of vader's humanity, and his ability to demonstrate faint loyalty to his blood.
star wars: episode VI - return of the jedi
fave sw movie tbh since childhood. you can't get better than the ending. vader's sacrifice is everything to me.
lego star wars: the skywalker saga
i had played this game back in may 2022 when i visited my sister. she and i used to play lego games together when we were kids, and one of my first video games ever was lego star wars: the video game from 2005 which she introduced me to. it holds a special place in my heart, and i really liked playing skywalker saga even though at this point i hadn't cared about star wars in years. when i got back home i couldn't stop thinking about the saga game so i bought it myself, and then played it so obsessively i didn't do anything else. it got me back in the mood for darth vader so i watched obi-wan kenobi, and one thing leads to another now here i am with a smut blog about anakin skywalker's entire life and his every iteration. i loved the game, i think you should play it even though it's just lego versions of everything, it's still really fun.
star wars: ahsoka
you see him in this and the cinematography is breathtaking at times, but i didn't care for it. i only cared about the glimpses of anakin/vader's appearances even if they didn't contribute anything to the story for me.
anakin skywalker vs palpatine full fight scene (hd) - star wars episode IX [alternative ending] youtube video
this is a fan edit! i think about it a lot even though i haven't seen the sequels.
the life of anakin skywalker: darth vader (star wars) youtube video
i haven't finished this, but from what i've seen it's taught me things even i didn't know. i really appreciated the facts that aren't even on wookiepedia.
any books on it i've only seen the excerpts here on tumblr, i haven't read any because i'm not a big reader but i've seen some great posts that i reblog. so don't sleep on the books/comics
great ask
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theproblemwithstardust · 5 months ago
WIP Game
Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your WIP(s) that starts with each letter of that word.
Tagged by @cacodaemonia and @just-here-with-my-thoughts, who gave me the words CRASH and TECH (thank you both!). I used CRASH for my TCW wips and TECH for tbb ^^
C – undeniable chemistry
Cody can already feel the headache building behind his eyes.
R – there will come soft rains
Rex is muttering something as they grapple, too low for Fives to hear.
A – ladder to the stars
“Apologies,” Obi-Wan says, “I thought you heard me come in.”
S – allochthonous terrane
Shaking his head, Boil nudges Waxer off of the crate.
H – living gold
“Hi,” the shiny says, with more bravado than Waxer would have expected from a trooper who barely looks eight, “my platoon leader wants to buy you a drink.”
T - dark and starlit sea
The burn of antiseptic is enough to make Hunter’s eyes water.
E - untitled3
Echo shifts in his bunk – well, Hunter’s bunk – stretching out his legs in an attempt to get more comfortable.
C - chapter 3 of this fic
Crosshair reacts on instinct.
H – untitled2
Hunter’s crossed arms and stoic expression are well-practiced, but Crosshair can see where his fingers are clenched tightly enough to leave curved indents on his biceps.
I'm not sure who's been tagged or not, so no pressure tagging @insertmeaningfulusername @lothcatthree @sergeantgoggles @bitterfishiesstuff @inconocible
@probadbatch @morethansky and anybody else who wants to! Your word is SHINY ✨
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thecomfywriter · 3 months ago
Who is Fdryx (probably misspelt but oh well) like what's his purpose?
no no you spelled it correctly! lets get into it :)
f’dryx’s purpose?
narratively, f’dryx’s role in the story is as a fallen hero (go figure. i seem to love those). he doesn’t really start off as a hero tho ngl. he kinda just starts off as an idiot lol
he was a regular guy who ended up in the wrong situation. unlike alan or evan, who fit more of the “chosen one” category, f’dryx could have been anyone. he wasn’t fated for this. he wasn’t described in a prophecy. he wasn’t born for this role, neither was he special. he was just your average drunken fool who made mistakes and lives life. i think that’s what i like about his story the most.
in every way, f’dryx was unspecial. that’s what makes his descent as probably one of the worst villains in elayza since hilbert so iconic to me. he was a regular joe who got mixed up with the wrong people, got tested too far, and reverted back to his animalistic desire to survive. THATS why he ends up getting “chosen” later on. not immediately. not fated for it. lemme see if i can find the drafted scene where it’s described to him on “why me?” (why him?)
you say you [redacted] yourself out, f’dryx, but that is what i loved about you. you degraded yourself, accepted absolute humiliation, tore your soul and esteem apart and stomped it into the dirt, all for a chance to survive. you sold your dignity to survive. and you don’t even know why you wanted to! you don’t even want to survive! you don’t even want to live! you accepted that you had no purpose and yet you still fought to keep your meaningless life! that sacrifice… that self sacrifice… that mindless drive to live… i wanted it. i needed it. and now, i have it. because now i have you. you are mine, f’dryx. we are bound by eternity.  - CoE [DRAFT], P
i’m not gonna spoil who is talking to him in this scene, but that’s the bare bones essence of his purpose.
thanks for the ask, sol!
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months ago
if you were writing a star wars leverage au, which prequel-era characters would you put in each role?
I mean, I do have Just a Small Family Business, which started as a Leverage AU post.
In short: Grifter Obi-Wan, Hacker Anakin, Thief Ahsoka, Hitter Rex, Mastermind Cody.
TCW Leverage AU: (chrono) (AO3)
TCW Leverage AU
The bit with Korkie
The Family Tree is… a Disaster (ficlet)
Family Tree charted out (with excerpts)
1970s Dooku/Sifo-Dyas by @uraaniuum
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years ago
Rebels Rewatch: "Ghosts of Geonosis"
Packaging this two-parter as one big episode because shut up, you're not the boss of me.
I could have sworn I had a live reaction version of this already, but I can't for the life of me find it. Oh well.
This cue here sounds like it comes from TCW, maybe Saw's theme if he had one, anyone wanna confirm that for me?
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This whole opening interaction between Ezra and Sabine is cute, she watches him as he plops down into her seat, gives a long-suffering eye roll, and dope slaps him across the back of his head for asking a stupid question and aside from a silently-mouthed "ow" he doesn't object to any of it lol.
Sign of the tightly-written continuity, we are returning to Geonosis to check out the missing populace and also pick up a Saw Guerrera guest appearance post his prominent role in Rogue One. (Out of text-wise that is.)
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Empire cleaned up their mess pretty well.
Early establishing of the plot complications of the underground tunnels blocking comm signals, which features throughout the episode as a major element. The GFFA equivalent of establishing "no cell service", essentially.
The sandstorm also obscures things, visually and sensor-wise. And provides us with much humor as Sabine complains about it frequently.
Ho man, I remember how much I loved the banter and dialogue this episode, it was so much fun. Felt like a return to the early days of the show.
This episode was another really great one for subtly showing off Kanan's blindness. He mentions the stillness of the air, his hearing picks up on Klik-Klack before anyone else does, Saw has to let him know to watch his step...
As we already know, abandoned helmet = they 100% dead. The showrunners would use this visual shorthand very effectively in the promo image they did for "Heroes of Mandalore", with a whole pile of empty Mando helmets littered across a scorched landscape.
Kanan plays the voice of caution here, almost like he's the genre-savvy one in a horror movie, lol. Fitting, some aspects of the episode are played up like one. (We got the "Monster POV" shots, we got the cryptic remains left behind, we got no cell service, we got a storm.)
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Badass boys shot. <3
Unlike Kalani's decrepit troops, these B1s and Destroyers have been better maintained and repaired, and give the group a bit more of a hassle until Saw shows up.
There's excellent teamwork between all the hero parties involved, Kanan and Ezra work smoothly as oil to slice up the Destroyer once its shield is gone, recalling Obi-Wan and Anakin from TCW.
Something I loved about this season was that characters would offhand mention, "Oh, we don't have this." or "The Rebellion really needs this." and then a couple episodes later they would manage to either acquire them or have them come into play.
Some examples: Proton bombs, this shield generator, spacesuits...
Ooof, was I the only one who caught the similarity between Saw urging them forward to satiate his obsession, Ezra agreeing, and Kanan choosing to trust him and, well... [gestures vaguely to the whole Malachor thing with Maul].
The tension this episode is great, the communication problems lend a sense of urgency and anxiety during both groups' separation and you get a feeling like the messages are coming almost too late to save them.
The Zeb and Sabine banter. <3
Kanan asking Ezra to look for him. <3
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There he go, lol.
Kanan is really impressive, Force-wise, this episode, tossing Ezra aaaaaall the way across that chasm, separating and levitating that bridge for Saw and Rex to cross, and still somehow having enough energy and stamina to leap across himself.
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And the Force theme that accompanies said above is lovely. <3
Ezra's pretty cool himself, using Force sense to find Klik-Klak when it seems like the bug has given them the slip. His theme is even excerpted a bit.
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(Possibly he actually forms a connection, because he's very empathetic towards Klik-Klak after this and defends him from Saw repeatedly.)
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Already having some Concerns about Saw's methods lol.
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I love how this show depicts Ezra's compassion as one of his major strengths. It's natural for most Jedi and combined with Ezra's natural affinity for connection it's practically a superpower. Ezra's really sweet with Klik-Klak. :)
DEATH STAR-SHADOWING. Oh man the Dramatic Irony was painful, like any time TCW alluded to or called forward to Order 66 and a mental scream rings in your head and you want to yell at the characters and shake them as if that can somehow help them avoid the inevitable doom. Same feeling.
Saw, those binders do NOT have a tracker in them, don't lie.
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Obligatory "Stab the TCW fans in the heart" moment.
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Ezra seeing shades of himself in Saw's grudge against the Separatists, god his face this whole scene.
Once again touching on those Star Wars archthemes about breaking the cycle of revenge, about not turning your internal pain outwards on the rest of the world, no matter how righteous your cause, about not becoming a monster in your efforts to slay the dragon, about showing compassion to everyone, even your enemies. Saw is representative of the Well-Intentioned Extremist, and even though his ultimate goal is noble--destroying the Empire, exposing their secret superweapon so that the galaxy will finally wake up and deal with the tyranny they've come to complacently accept--Saw loses parts of his humanity in the process, emotionally and ultimately physically. He becomes almost like Vader in the bitter end, for his efforts. (And he's also a shadow of Thrawn.)
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Brunsen! I love her.
Saw's personal grudge against the Separatists in general for killing his sister and his squad is blinding him. Ezra points out that Klik-Klak is basically the only survivor of a planet-wide massacre and is understandably a little defensive about invaders, trying to live up to his name again and "bridge" the differences between the two factions, only it doesn't work this time because Saw is too fanatic.
"Saw, we had this argument back at Command." Oh DID YOU now, Rex? Really could have forewarned the team that Saw might get a little deranged in his quest for truth.
I love Saw, he's the best example of an actually Morally Gray character in Star Wars. Unlike Thrawn, his "greater good" reason for going to such extremes, doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal, is actually directed outwards towards the whole of the galaxy, he doesn't selfishly focus inwards on his own interests. Part of it is of course that Saw has already lost his people and planet, so there's nothing left for him except to prevent it from happening to other people. We're encouraged to sympathize with his pain and sense of loss, but not necessarily be comfortable with his actions.
The narrative both condemns his extremism and, ultimately, vindicates him in regards to the Death Star. There's the same sense of futility about him in that neither he nor the Senate and Jedi before Order 66 could uncover the plot quick enough to avoid their fate.
Back to the action, though. Love how the Ghost is so infamous now that their capture/destruction leads to big promotions lol.
This music cue sounds full of adventure, I like it. :)
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Klik-Klak trusting Ezra because Ezra was nice to him aww.
"Neither have yours." Saw has a reputation, oof.
It's cute how Klik-Klak keeps tugging on Ezra's wrist.
Yeeeeeeeah I don't think we're supposed to sympathize with Saw in this moment. It's very deliberate, they even have him throw Ezra across the room.
"Your methods are soft, Jedi." Shades of Tarkin much, Saw? I know this annoys people to hear but even if you're fighting fascists, there are lines you don't cross. Saw points a blaster at a baby for heaven's sake. You do not become like your enemy in order to destroy them, because then you're just taking their place, exchanging one kind of cruelty and violence for a different one, for your particular flavor of one.
War is hell but you don't have to become a demon.
Saw's long hesitation after Ezra uses the word "family", Ezra got to him a bit I think, lol. Rex reinforces that tactic, ha ha.
My only minor nitpick this episode, the show once again using the Empire as a Diobulus Ex Machina to make Saw play nice with the others. One more Persuasion Check would have done it I think.
Cue a very excellent action setpiece.
IIIIII think I heard this cue before, back in "Imperial Supercommandos" when Rau ambushed Ezra and Sabine in the shuttle. Interesting choice.
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A nice little badass moment for Ezra. :)
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And a hero shot for Sabine as we prepare to show off her new jetpack.
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He adores her.
Kanan's the only one who can't see how awesome she is. :(
Her little "That's cute." shoulder pat when Ezra says he wants a jetpack too. <3
Love how this Imperial's hat gets sent askew slightly from Brunsen's slap.
Saw listens to Ezra this time, next time we see him he's even more apathetic towards the beings in front of him who need help now.
You get such a sense of the speed here.
Ugh, the pictures of the canisters aren't enough, ow, that feels like some kind of Politically Relevant commentary.
And as I said before, the narrative lets Saw get off (this time) with some stern looks from the others, but it's still not completely approving of his actions. He's not the Empire, yet, but he'll come closer and closer to their tactics and methods.
This two-parter episode is almost perfectly paced and it's really well-written. Everything about it works so well.
Solid Rebels content. <3
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trudemaethien · 1 year ago
We Live By This Code
Rated G, Gen, Commander Cody & Original Child Character (Also named Cody) Epistolary, friendship, brotherhood, coming of age fic, war, bg O66 happens, tcw era and imperial era, canonical clone deaths mentioned, massiffs and tookas
Written for @clonebang 2023, with art by kippysaurus!
Excerpts from some of Cody & Cody’s letters:
Your Mom has excellent taste in names, if I do say so myself. I am curious: if you were going to pick your own name, what would it be?
You don't need to answer that if you don’t want to.
I told my Mom what you said about her having good taste and she laughed really hard for a long time. I think if I had to pick a name it would be …
—[several lines of scribbled out, completely illegible scratches]—
Wow, this is a really really super hard question! I don’t know any good names unless they are already someone’s name, and I don’t want to be like anyone else. Cody is a good name and I’m glad it’s mine and that it’s yours. How did you choose it? I’m going to ask my Mom how she picked it too. Did you ever name anyone else, like maybe one of your little brothers?
Read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/52878097
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go-see-a-starwar · 2 years ago
The vitriol against Hayden and his portrayal of Anakin was so strong that when the Clone Wars cartoon was developed, Hayden wasn’t even offered a chance to reprise the role and Anakin’s personality was changed to bear little resemblance to his version. A voice actor who sounded almost nothing like Hayden was hired and specifically directed to act like an entirely different character. Even George Lucas, who strongly defended Hayden’s performance during the prequels, agreed to making Clone Wars Anakin a Han Solo-esque hero with more ‘bravado’ and ‘swagger’.
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Excerpt of Matt Lanter’s interview from Star Wars Insider
Rather than having an animated character that complimented the live action portrayal, TCW Anakin ended up almost at odds with Prequel Anakin, with plenty of people preferring the more ‘charismatic’ animated version over the ‘whiny’, ‘bratty’ movie version.
While Obi-Wan Kenobi helped show Hayden is and always was a far better Anakin than he got credit for, his part was based in his prequels performance and didn’t give him much chance to expand on his version of the character. He was still very much ‘bratty’ Anakin.
But in episode 5 of Ahsoka, Hayden finally gets to incorporate the "dueling" Anakins of the Prequels and TCW together while adding some all new facets. During his 10 or so minutes of screen time we get the full spectrum of who Anakin Skywalker is: he’s a wise force spirit with a smartass streak like his masters before him, he’s a cool, confident, loyalty-inspiring war-time general, he’s a reluctant but caring mentor (with a side of lovingly jerky big brother) to teen Ahsoka, he’s a conflicted soul constantly teetering on the edge of the dark side, and when he tips over he’s imposing and frightening and raw.
Hayden cycles through all these sides of Anakin/Vader with ease, often shifting multiple times in a single scene. His acting strengths have always been in his facial expressions and physicality, and you can see exactly what "stage" of Anakin/Vader he's in by looking at his face and posture. In his final scene of the episode, with just his expressions, we watch the fury and rage of Vader morph into the shame and sadness of Anakin, before he seems to release it all and take on a look of peace and balance, the things Jedi are always striving for but that Anakin could never achieve when he was alive. He finishes off with a soft prideful smile that his padawan has passed this final lesson, a look that feels somewhat more TCW Ani than Prequels Ani, but also feels like a whole new side we haven’t seen.
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Twenty years ago Hayden was universally panned by critics and fans for his Anakin, his performance downplayed and half-way discarded by the franchise itself. Now he’s come in two years in a row and been the highlight of two major series, adding depth and range to Anakin/Vader that makes the character all the more iconic and makes it clear it’s his character. His power was, indeed, underestimated.
I don’t know if it can be properly conveyed how much shit was thrown Hayden’s way when his prequel movies came out. Just a metric fuckton of crap. After AOTC (and only in his very early 20s) he was swiftly made the Star Wars pariah, and ROTS did little to assuage that. A lot of the dissatisfaction with the prequels somehow fell on him, both his turns as Anakin got Razzie “Awards”, his name became synonymous with bad, wooden acting.
Over the years the opinion of his performance shifted to Hayden being an unfortunate victim of George Lucas' writing and directing, saddled with lines no actor could make work. But even that opinion still largely discounted Hayden's acting ability.
For him to come back after 17 years to the role he got so much flack for, have his big scene show not even half of his face (and have that face caked in makeup and prosthetic), have his voice distorted, and still deliver the way he did? Still convey all the rage and evil and arrogance but also pain and sadness within Vader? Show everyone this is why he landed the role two decades ago, because he can be frightening and vulnerable and devastating even with just one eye and the corner of his mouth visible? Show everyone he is Anakin/Vader, and make everyone consider he was good all along? Incredible, amazing, the chosen one indeed. Thanks Deborah Chow and Ewan for making this show, thank you Hayden for coming back.
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panther-os · 2 years ago
I have So Many 911 wips open on my computer rn, list and snippets below the cut
Snow crunched under boots, and Razor swiveled. “Friendlies!” Neyo called, one of the 501st medics right behind him as he walked out of the woods. “Her name is Maddie Buckley,” Stak reported to the medic. “No obvious injuries besides that black eye and that shallow cut on her face. Blood’s not hers.” “Alright, Maddie, I’m Kix,” the medic introduced himself. “Let’s see what’s going on.” “Report,” Neyo ordered. Razor stood at attention. “Her husband was chasing her, armed with at least a slugthrower. We haven’t touched the body yet. She grabbed my blaster, said she wasn’t running anymore, and shot him.” “He hurt me,” Maddie cried, as Kix worked, apparently eavesdropping. “He killed that man - oh, God, he killed Chimney. He chased me across the continent, he wasn’t ever gonna stop.” “He’s stopped now,” Kix said gently. “He can’t hurt anyone ever again. Now, trauma is funny, you might feel trapped in this moment or in others from the past, but in every future moment, he’s stopped.” Maddie tipped over and sobbed into his shoulder.
Friendly reminder relevant for later: I'm mixed Chicane/Tsalagi. I don't know everything, I'm reconnecting and I'm not AMAB, but the argument between two Brown people about indigenous heritage reflects my own struggles and internal dialogue and Eddie's struggles with masculinity are based on insider understanding.
Untitled TCW crossover - The 118 keeps running into the 91st, just one of several clone battalions trapped on earth and trying to stay under the radar. Eventual Ponds/Josh
Nate (Star Wars crossover) - The 118 is called to a human trafficking sting because of their reputation for pulling off the impossible. They're led to Nate/Jangotat/Alpha-98 who has been tortured and has vital readings that shouldn't be possible. Eddie identifies him as a possible military project and refuses to let anyone take him away. Eventual Chimney/Maddie/Nate
“Eds?” Buck murmured softly. Eddie shook his head and started snapping out orders. “Get him down and put him on oxygen and a nebulized sedative. The minute he comes to, he’s going to start swinging and we don’t have the space or the numbers for that.” “Christ,” Hen cursed, readjusting her bag over her shoulder. “He doesn’t look like he has the strength to twitch, let alone swing.” “He’s a soldier,” Eddie said, pulling equipment out of his bag, “and he’s been tortured. Trust me.” “Seen this before, Eddie?” Bobby asked, not unkindly. Eddie scowled up at the unconscious man’s injuries. “Close enough.” Bobby nodded. “Alright, take the lead.”
Olivia - Buck 1.0's daughter surfaces while Eddie is still recovering from being shot. Eventual Buddie.
Buck shook his head, then sat beside Chris at the table. “I learned that I’m a dad. I have a kid.” Chris snorted. “That’s not new,” he laughed. “No?” “No.” “Who’s my kid then?” Chris shook his head, looking at Buck like he was being especially silly. “Me,” he said. “I’m your kid and you’re my Buck.” Buck blinked in shock, flopping back against the back of his chair. “I think your dad might have something to say about that.” “He said it first,” Chris said, then frowned to himself. “Not the kid part, though.” Buck chuckled nervously, interlacing his fingers over his stomach as he bounced his knee. “Yeah, I’m sure. Okay, but, if you insist, I have another kid. A little girl.” Chris tilted his head. “I have a sister? What’s her name?”
tiny black panthers - Mid-season 1, Buck joins the adopting post-Black Panther black cat adoption craze.
I don't have an excerpt for this one yet, but I did look through adoption listings currently in the LA area for inspo and found two black kittens I'm pretty sure I am legally required to give Buck - Sharpie and Athena. (Backup links because hopefully they get adopted soon. 🤞)
machismo - Eddie struggles with sexual, cultural, and gender identity. Buck thirsts and helps. Eventual distinguished bigender demi-uranic Eddie/disaster cis+ bisexual Buck. ("Cis+" here meaning "had a gender journey, wound up being a gender circle".)
“No, no.” Eddie sat up straighter. “You don’t understand. I literally cannot be gay.” Hen and Bobby shared a look. “Is there a problem I need to be aware of?” the captain asked. “What?” Eddie waved his hand in the air. “No, you know I’m supportive. But I can’t be gay.” “Why not?” Buck asked. Eddie struggled for words before landing on “I’m Mexican.” The others laughed. “Better tell Carlos,” Buck teased. Eddie sucked in a sharp, panicked breath between his teeth. “Have you ever been a gay Mexican man? I guarantee Carlos has his own problems, and I respect the hell out of him for however he deals with them, but I have Christopher to think of. Like I said, I cannot be gay.” He shook his head. “You all make fun of macho men, because to you it’s a negative stereotype. I was raised with machismo - the good and the bad - as an ideal to live up to. I cannot be gay.” [...] “But it does say it’s alright to be feminine, right? Which is usually the biggest worry about being gay?” Eddie sighed and knocked the side of his head against the truck window. “Machismo literally means masculinity. So if all those things are part of machismo, none of them are feminine in my culture.” “Oh,” Buck said. “You know it’s alright to be feminine sometimes,” Hen said. “Not for me,” Eddie said. “I’d really like to drop this.” Chim popped his gum in the uncomfortable silence that followed. “Hey, what if you topped?” Buck asked. “Buck!” everyone yelled.
Untitled 911 Fic - Chris helps Buck realize and accept that he has ADHD, just not in the stereotypical way.
Chris waved a finger in the direction of Buck's temple. "You don't have enough brain chemicals, but your brain makes more of them when you're happy. So if it's something you like, you can get hyperfocused on it; and if it's something you don't like, your brain starts ignoring it and looking for something you do so that you can get enough chemicals." "Yeah?" Buck asked. Chris nodded. "You like being a firefighter, and you like researching things, so you can focus on them and remember them. You like cooking now and can focus on it now, but you told me that you didn't like it before Captain Bobby starting teaching you, and Miss Maddie said you were worse than Dad when you didn't like it because you couldn't focus." Buck's mouth dropped open a little. "Because my brain didn't get the chemicals from it?" "Right," Chris said.
Untitled 911 Fic 2 Electric Boogaloo - A second generation Nahua immigrant (OFC) joins the 118, immediately pisses Eddie off, and then apologizes and works to earn his trust. They become friends. Established Buddie.
"Díaz, eh? Cualli tonalli. Notōcā Silvina Chavez, notōcā Nahuatl Citlalli. Nehua Guerrero. ¿Campa tihuala?" "…. I understood 'Nahuatl' and 'campa'." "Where's your family from?" "Texas." "Originally? Before the Annexation?" "Ah, no, Ciudad Juárez, my abuelo worked across the border in El Paso and they got green cards to be closer to his job. It's basically the same city, you wouldn't know you were crossing if not for Border Patrol." "Juárez…. Apache, then? Chiricahua Apache?" "Mestizo conversos." "Ahhhhh. You speak Ladino?" "Ladino is from the Sephardi who fled east first, to the Ottoman. My family fled west first, to the Americas." "I see. It's just a shame." "What is?" "So many self-identified Latinos are just brainwashed Natives. You have indigenous heritage, I can tell by your nose. It's there if you want to reclaim it." "I'm not lost and I don't need you to save me."
friends with miracles - Buck and trans!Eddie have a night together while drunk. Eddie winds up pregnant and decides to carry to term, though he's not sure what he'll do after that. Requited Unrequited Love and Friends to Lovers Buddie (Shannon and Eddie were open poly, and Eddie was the only one of her partners willing to marry her so she didn't have to deal with single mom stigma. Christopher is his kid in every way that matters.)
in your arms lies eternity - Buck winds up with custody of Connor and Kameron's kid for Reasons. Eddie sees him holding the baby and has a Gay Moment.
I don't have a snippet for either of these two, just empty titled and saved docs and a head full of daydreams.
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