#seven answers
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sev-on-kamino · 2 years ago
Hello friend! I couldn't find any rules for requests on your blog, so hopefully this one's okay, and if not feel free to ignore it!
Would you be okay with doing a little something based on the idea that all five of the bad batch boys realize that they're all in love with their medic reader? Like maybe they all just KNOW that their other brothers feel the same way about the reader and what they do about it? Do they all talk it over in private? do they just silently start trying to one up each other as a secret competition for her heart? Do they maybe go to the reader themselves instead? Or maybe they decide sharing is caring?? I'd love to hear your take on this concept, headcanons or a fic or whatever you're inspired to do with this idea it's all fine by me!
Please and thank you and also I hope you have a good weekend 💗
I have had the BEST time with this ask, and I hope you love it. This is deffo one I could write about from different angles all day long. I love the boys, but they provide more inspiration than I know what to do with, so this is only part 1 😬 if you had something else in mind, don’t hesitate to let me know. you know I’m always down to write about the boys 🥰
The Bad Batch x afab!Reader
warnings: mention of injury, nothing graphic, poly no clonc*st, Crosshair pining 👀
Part 2
word count: 3721 (*self control left the chat*)
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The Havoc Marauder was never quiet, and now was no exception. Wrecker’s snores, Tech’s tinkering, Echo’s quiet muttering in his sleep, the barely audible sounds of Hunter fiddling with his knife. But there was a hole of silence in the quilt of sound, and it was shaped like you. It’s been 15 rotations, not that Crosshair’s counting, without your laugh ringing out, without your back popping loudly as you stretched when you woke up, without your voice whispering his name, as you sleepily let him know it was his turn on watch.
The five of them had been together, and they’d never needed or wanted anyone else in their space, on their team. Crosshair hadn’t even wanted you around at first. Wrecker had warmed to you quickly, but of course a pretty thing like you would never need the hard sell with Wrecker. Hunter had been wary of you, but in an effort to keep Wrecker from getting too attached, he’d inadvertently formed his own attachment to your presence. As for Tech and Echo, they’d kept their distance well enough, but your quiet intelligence, and curiosity had drawn them in.
Crosshair had been the holdout. Incensed by every breath you drew in his presence. The way you checked in with him after every mission, as if he needed you poking and prodding him. But when he needed stitches, you’d asked for permission to help him. If he didn’t want you to touch him, you wouldn’t.
“I’d never do anything without your consent. You’re in control here,” you’d said, holding your kit in steady hands, as you waited for his decision. He’d watched you with rapt attention through the mirror, your fingers resting gently against his skin, as you carefully cleaned, stitched up, and bandaged the wound on his shoulder.
After that, he would silently request your assistance when he needed it, and over time even when he didn’t need it. He would never say it out loud, but bacta patches placed by your gentle hands worked better. Your stitches were nearly painless. And the way you’d hum while you worked…well, that was just adorable.
When Commander Cody had requested you for a short stint, Wrecker had grumbled endlessly, and Crosshair had been the first to tell him to suck it up because you’d be back in their hair soon enough. He needed the space to clear his head, and he hoped the others would come to their senses without you in their presence.
Wrecker admitted to missing you within 12 hours. Tech kept finding excuses to talk about you. Meanwhile Hunter and Echo kept pointing out things you would like, and setting them aside for you. They had also placed bets on when Crosshair would snap and march onto the Negotiator to steal you back. Not that they would be upset if he did.
When it became clear that Crosshair would rather eat his armor than admit to being the least bit interested in you, the four of them had dragged him into the cockpit to decide what they would do when you returned. The feelings were there, and they weren’t going anywhere, but how to proceed.
“We should just come out and say it!” Wrecker said, feeling like the matter was concluded.
“It needs to be a tad more romantic than that,” Echo said shaking his head.
“According to my observations of her, she would appreciate a romantic gesture,” Tech said.
“Flowers?” Wrecker offered.
“She deserves more than flowers for putting up with us,” Echo said laughing.
“We could make a stop on her home world. It’s not too far out of the way,” Hunter added. “I think she’d like that.”
“This is a waste of time,” Crosshair said rolling his eyes. “You’re fooling yourselves.”
“When have Hunter’s senses ever been wrong?” Tech asked not even bothering to look up. “According to what he’s told me, she’s at the very least physically attracted to us. Based on her behavior that extends to an emotional bond as well.”
“What happened to not getting attached?” Crosshair challenged, and his brothers all looked at each other before looking back at him.
“You know you’re not as subtle as you think, Crosshair,” Echo said.
“And if I can tell how anyone’s feeling, it’s the four of you,” Hunter added.
“You’re all delusional,” Crosshair said shaking his head.
“You had her put a bacta patch on your arm last mission, and you coulda done it yourself,” Wrecker said giving the sniper a playful shove.
“She is our medic, she should at least pretend to do a job around here,” Crosshair said defensively. It was a losing battle, and he knew it. The others were blissfully under your spell, but he was not about to let you hurt him. Not about to let you reject him. No matter how badly he wanted you.
But as the clock rolled into the 16th rotation without you, it was Crosshair who hated your absence more than anyone. The others were open about it in their own ways, but he held it close. It was one of the few secrets he’d kept from his brothers. The realization annoyed him, as he swung his long legs over the side of his bunk to take over on watch for Hunter.
Sensing the tension rolling off of his younger brother, Hunter cleared his throat.
“She’ll be back in 2 rotations, and you’ll get to sleep longer again.” He knew it wasn’t sleep Crosshair was after, but it was the best way to let him know you were on your way back without suggesting the sniper actually missed you lest they wind up in another argument.
“Oh good, the little doctor will be back to baby Wrecker again, and you can all confess your love, and live happily ever after,” Crosshair sneered, but Hunter knew him well. There was no bite in his tone, and his face was more relaxed than Hunter had seen it since you waved goodbye and disappeared into the Negotiator.
“She just commed to see if we could pick her up before our next mission, and I almost said no,” Hunter said absently, as Crosshair dropped into the co-pilot’s seat. It wasn’t true, but he could hear Crosshair’s heart racing, his teeth grinding in frustration.
“I thought you were dying to have her back,” Crosshair bit out.
“Well, Cody’s really wanting to keep her, and it would be a great opportunity for her,” This part was true, but he knew he shouldn’t tease his brother this way even though he was sure whatever doubt your absence hadn’t wiped out, would be obliterated by jealousy.
“Commander Cody has a squad of medics. He doesn’t need her,” Crosshair replied, scoffing. The thought of Cody trying to tempt you away from them with a Star Destroyer and a Jedi annoyed Crosshair down to his bones. You wouldn’t be swayed by a big ship, and fancy toys. Would you?
“You’ve got a point,” Hunter began before putting the last nail in the coffin. “He doesn’t need her…maybe he just wants her.”
He could hear Crosshair’s heart thumping wildly, as he tried to maintain his composure.
“Doubt it,” Crosshair grumbled after several moments spent working to unclench his jaw.
“Guess we’ll find out,” Hunter said, rising from the pilot’s chair. “The call’s recorded, so you can watch it, and see for yourself.”
“I’m sure she’ll never shut up about it when she’s back,” Crosshair said dismissively.
Humming softly with a shrug, Hunter said good night, and left Crosshair alone. The sharpshooter waited until he was sure Hunter was asleep before playing your conversation.
As your form appeared, bathed in blue, a smile tugged at Crosshair’s lips. Had you always been this beautiful?
“Hi, Sarge! It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you boys like crazy,” you nearly moaned.
He’d never heard you make a sound like that. He immediately thought of you making that sound just for him, which annoyed him, but he couldn’t stop listening.
“We miss you too, cyar’ika. I’m sure you’re having fun though,” Hunter replied.
“It’s been nice to stretch my legs a bit and put some of the things I’ve learned to use. Commander Cody’s amazing…he’s uh, asked me if I want to stay on,” You look shy, nervous.
“Oh, is that uh, something you’re interested in?”
“Don’t get me wrong the Negotiator is spectacular, and I’ve enjoyed my time with the 212th,” you bite your lip, shifting your weight. You seem unsure if you should continue. After a moment, you pressed on, “but they’re missing a few things I can’t live without, so I’d like to come home, back to the Marauder I mean.”
“We’ll be glad to have you back,” Hunter replied.
“Good,” You look so relieved. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you boys since I left. Are you getting enough quiet time? Are Tech and Echo sleeping? Is Wreck staying out of trouble? Is Cross eating properly?”
Crosshair barely hears the rest of conversation because he can’t get past the part where you miss them, where you were worried about him.
“I’ll be all packed up and ready to go in two rotations. Do you mind coming to get me?” Your needy tone shakes Crosshair out of his thoughts. “I could get a shuttle, but it would take another rotation or two, and I don’t think I can wait that long.”
Crosshair realized he couldn’t either. He needed you back immediately. Sooner, really.
“Of course, doll,” Hunter says soothingly. “Two rotations, and we’ll be there.”
Reassured, your shoulders relax, “Wonderful! I can’t wait to see all of you! I’m sure Crosshair has enjoyed the break from me, but I’ve missed him so much. I miss all of you, Hunter.” Your voice is so tender, it makes his heart clench.
He had not enjoyed the break at all though. Between his brothers giving him a hard time, and wanting you back, he was miserable.
Two rotations. It wouldn’t be long now.
Crosshair’s leg was bouncing, as the Marauder docked with the Negotiator. You were so close, almost home.
The five of them boarded the Star Destroyer, and Crosshair’s eyes began searching for you immediately. Cody was there to greet them, grasping Hunter’s arm in welcome.
“Good to see you, Commander,” Hunter said warmly.
“Good to see you too, Sergeant,” Cody began, “I’m not going to lie, I tried to keep your medic. She’s brilliant, and the men adore her.”
“Of course they do,” Wrecker’s pride in you is evident.
“She said the Negotiator was missing a few necessities,” Cody quirked an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“She’s quite mistaken. The Havoc Marauder is not equipped with even 10% of what a Republic Venator has,” Tech says, brow furrowed.
“It doesn’t have Gonky,” Wrecker said as though it were obvious.
“It doesn’t have the five of you either!” you quipped, appearing at Cody’s elbow.
“Cyar’ika!” Wrecker bellowed, scooping you up and spinning you around.
“Wrecker!” you squealed as you returned his hug as tightly as you could
Crosshair’s heart was pounding again. He waited at the back of the group, watching his brothers welcome you back. Pressing their foreheads to yours, ghosting their fingers over your jaw, holding the back of your head gently. Then you were standing in front of him. Arms clasped behind your back, not reaching for him as you had the others. Respecting his space as always.
“I’m happy to see you too, Cross. Ready to deal with me every day again?”
“Are you ready to deal with me? All of us, again?”
“Ready and looking forward to it!” Your smile is bright and he nearly reached for you then, but he stopped himself.
“Well, Commander, you know where to find us, if you need us…or our medic again,” Hunter said with a grin.
“It was an honor serving alongside the 212th, Commander. I appreciate the opportunity,” You saluted Cody, and the others followed suit.
“The pleasure was all ours,” Cody returned the salute, and watched as the six of you returned to the Marauder.
You’re getting settled back into your space on the Marauder, answering questions from Wrecker, curious about the armory and ordnance, and Tech pestering you for every detail about the Negotiator, as Echo and Hunter wait to get a word in edgewise.
“Come on, boys. Give her some breathing room,” Hunter says, scooting them towards the cockpit, ignoring their protests.
“It’s good to have you back, saraad,” Echo said with a soft smile, that made your heart skip a beat.
You smile fondly at them as they go, going back to unpacking your things, and changing.
Crosshair is in his bunk, pretending he’s not watching you, but he can’t focus on anything else. Every inch of skin you reveal is making his body react. His heart thumping, breath growing shallow, as he drinks you in. This isn’t even the first time he’s seen you naked or changing, but it feels different now. He frowns as he notices a bandage on your hip peaking out of your panties, wrapping around your hip. It’s covered swiftly by the bottom half of a fresh set of blacks.
He slid out of his bunk, and you turned to face him, as you pulled the top half down covering your stomach, hiding your skin from his gaze. Naturally, you stepped back to give him space, and you were pleasantly surprised when he deliberately stepped closer. You looked up at him expectantly, eyes searching his for any hint of what he’s up to.
Crosshair was sure he should say something, but his mind was only offering sardonic quips that would convey the truth, but not like he wanted. He lifted a hand, and tapped your hip softly, fingertips resting against you. This was the first time Crosshair had ever touched you without necessity. Your heart sped up, and you swallowed hard.
“What’s this?” he asked, his voice low and even.
“Rooftop sniper,” you shook your head, folding your arms. “One of the other medics wasn’t as lucky. He was still in the med bay when you came to pick me up. No one could have clocked him to be fair.”
“I could have,” Crosshair said, anger simmering under his even tone.
“Well, there’s only one Crosshair in the galaxy. Next time I leave, I’ll take you with me.” You smiled up at him, but his face held the frown.
“Hey, I’m ok. Still good to do my job,” you added, brow furrowing.
“Fucking regs,” He swore, as he shifted his hand to hold your hip gently like you were a fragile thing. A fragile thing that belonged to him.
You hesitated before resting your hand against his chest, tapping your fingertips against the plastoid.
“Cross, I’m home, and in one piece. How can I show you?”
An eyebrow raised at that, sharp eyes taking you in, lingering on your lips, as they parted, a silent invitation for him. He leaned down, bringing his lips close to yours, begging you to close the distance. You wrapped your arms around his trim waist, as you pressed your lips to his softly.
The ache that had been simmering in his chest since you left is morphing into arousal, moving to settle down in his belly. His lips moved tentatively against yours, teeth nipping gently at your bottom lip.
“Hey,” Wrecker protested loudly. “We agreed we’d all talk to her together, Crosshair!”
The two of you break apart, and you clear your throat, your eyes trained on Crosshair.
“Talk to me about what?” You asked, breathlessly.
“Sorry, doll,” Crosshair said before Wrecker tugged him away in a headlock.
“What are you gonna talk to me about?” you asked again.
“When we get home, cyar’ika,” Wrecker said before turning to Crosshair. “Knew you were full of it, Cross!”
You touch your lips, as you watch the pair of them playfully fighting down the corridor. Did that happen? You pinched your arm as hard as you could, grimacing when it hurt, confirming you were awake, Crosshair had just kissed you. What the hell happened while you were gone? And what did they need to talk to you about?
In the cockpit on watch, you relaxed in the copilot’s chair, Tech snoozed gently in the pilot’s chair. It was so good to be home despite the fact that there was clearly something going on with your boys. Your alarm beeped, and you rose from the chair, yawning and stretching ready to trade out with Crosshair, and pass out for a little while.
Hunter intercepted you in the hallway with a grin. “I can’t sleep, so I’ll cover for Crosshair. Go get some rest.” He kissed your forehead, and added, “Good to have you home, Doc.”
“Good to be home, Sarge,” you replied before bidding him goodnight, and heading towards your bunk.
“Hunter?” You turn towards him.
“Hmm?” Hunter asks turning to you.
“What happened while I was gone? Why’s everyone acting weird?”
“We’ll talk when we get back to Kamino. Get some rest,” He says with a mysterious grin that makes you bite your lip.
You pout but follow his orders and head to your bunk. You’re about to climb in when you look towards Crosshair’s bunk. He was the least likely to spill the beans, but he had kissed you earlier. Was that the big secret?
You moved to stand near Crosshair’s bunk. Pushing back the privacy curtain, you whispered his name like you normally would to wake him up for his shift.
“My turn already?” he replied sleepily.
“No, Hunter’s there. I was hoping we could talk about earlier, or we could just sleep,” Even after your encounter earlier, he still made you nervous, and you worried you’d made a mistake until he lifted the blankets, and silently invited you into his bed.
You crawled in, and he lowered the blanket over your body before snaking his arm around your waist and pushing his leg between yours. His muscular thigh pressed up against you, sending a wave of heat through your body. He tucked your head beneath his chin, and it became clear he was not saying a word, so you listened to his heartbeat until you were lulled to sleep.
When you woke up a few hours later, you realized that you hadn’t slept well at all while you were gone. You needed to be crammed into the Marauder with your squad to relax. It helped that Crosshair had held you the entire time, and as you stretched and arched your back you realized he was looking at you.
“Did you sleep well?” you asked quietly not wanting to disturb the others. He simply nodded, his eyes roaming your face, as his hand rested on your waist.
“Good. We should be home soon, yeah?” you asked, rolling onto your back before sitting up.
“Something like that,” Crosshair replied cryptically.
You didn’t bother asking what he meant before sliding out of the bunk, and tossing him a smile.
“I’m going to see where we are. Go back to sleep.”
Once again he nodded, but he knew there was no chance of going back to sleep. Not when he knew what they had planned for the day.
You wandered into the cockpit, taking the co-pilot’s seat next to Echo.
“How was your first night back?” Echo asked smiling as you got comfortable in the chair.
“Cozy. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss you guys until I was gone.”
“I don’t think we did either,” he confesses.
“Oh yeah?” You asked, trying not to seem too happy about it.
He nodded, and the two of you were quiet for a moment. As always silence was never awkward with Echo, and while this was no exception, you could feel a tension in the air. It was reminiscent of the one you’d felt the night before when Crosshair had kissed you.
“I don’t suppose I can get you to tell me what’s going on?” You asked, turning the chair towards him and leaning forward.
“Always so impatient, saraad,” Echo says shaking his head.
“I can’t help it. Something’s up. Crosshair has been sweet to me,” you add in a conspiratorial whisper.
Echo huffs out a short laugh.
“Oh has he now?”
“Yeah, and,” you hesistate. You want to keep going, to spill every thought in your head to Echo, but something’s got your tongue. “It’s nothing.” You turn your chair back into place, and ask, “Where are we? How far from home?”
Reluctantly, Echo tears his gaze away from you. He looks over the navicomputer.
“Not far.”
“You wanna get some sleep? I can get us to Kamino safely.”
He raises an eyebrow at that.
“Ok, I can get us there. No promises on the condition,” you concede.
“You’re meant to be resting. Crosshair told us what happened,” Echo trails off.
“I told you he was being sweet to me, but I guess a kiss is a little more than sweet…”
“Kiss?! I meant you getting shot!” Echo hisses trying not to wake the others, as he spins towards you.
“He told you about that?!” You hiss back, spinning towards him.
“Of course he did. Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t wanna worry you guys. Cross was not happy when he saw the bandage, and…”
“Of course he wasn’t. And I’m not happy you didn’t tell us. We could have lost you,” Echo’s eyes are worried, his brow knit together, as he reaches for your face.
His fingertips have just brushed your jaw when the cockpit opens, and the pair of you sit back and look towards the door.
“You’re supposed to be resting,” Hunter says, gesturing for you to follow him.
“I was,” you pout. “I just wanted to see if we were close to home.”
“That’s funny because it sounded like you were arguing about keeping your injury a secret,” Hunter says. Out of everyone on the ship, you never thought Crosshair would be the one to tell on you.
“No, I was just…trying to…ya know?”
“No, I don’t know, senaar’ika. Now get in your bunk and rest your eyes. I’ll wake you the moment we land.”
“Fine,” you relent, and climb into your bunk, and even your racing brain can’t keep you awake.
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taglist: @dystopicjumpsuit (not sure if you wanted to be tagged in everything or not, so just let me know 🥰)
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mewtwoandme · 8 months ago
Seven 8
I have never been criticized before, so I would not know. My creators have done nothing but praise me on my power and exceeding their expectations
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seven-141askblog · 1 month ago
Hello :]
Seven regards the user with wide, blank eyes- the same she uses for almost everyone. She blinks a few times, ears twitching thoughtfully before finally processing.
“Oh, hey!”
She greets you with a wide, sharp-toothed grin. It’s almost unsettling, but she’s trying.
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lost-in-wond3rland · 1 year ago
sup bitch how u doin
sup hoe, you know I'm dead inside
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r-aindr0p · 3 months ago
✨Merry Christmas and happy holidays ✨
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Initially meant to draw art of the actual nutcraker tale but I blinked and this happened. Anyway, I'm not good with words but I wish nice winter holidays to you all and a nice day/evening✨ Bonus Idia as the crazy uncle Drosselmeyer scribble under the cut
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whatisamildopinion · 2 months ago
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sorry but I just KNOW Riz and Penny have the most unhinged text chain known to man happening off screen
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dasketcherz · 2 months ago
Can you draw Hugo looking eepy like the stupid loser he is ( I love him) ( Not forcing just asking btw :3 )
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chat i got carried away with this one IWNFIWNFWKFWF but here he is!
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infamous-if · 2 months ago
i associate seven with the colour red… is this true or. is this just in my head
I associate them with red as well but readers hit me over the head with a bat and said their representative color is green so I said yes captains and now it’s green 🫡
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jadecantcreate · 6 months ago
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more krew scribbles: therapy edition
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drownedscribe · 1 month ago
Happy Valentine's Day y'all! –your local Arospec guy
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[Part 1 & Part 2: Couples Version]
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monhiio · 9 months ago
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"Leave. I want to be alone."
"Please don't make me"
"I wont repeat myself."
"At least look me in the eyes when you send me away. Your Highness."
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year ago
sev 🥺🥺🥺 “that really does make you hard. i can feel you pulsing inside me” with cody? playing with fire and making him mad? 👀👀i love you
kit @corvod I need you to know that this quote with Cody of all people really altered my brain chemistry. I hope you enjoy this lil spicy morsel! prompt is in orange this time!
word count: 621 (my hand slipped, but I caught it)
warnings: unprotected piv sex, biting, the world’s shortest predator/prey chase, Cody being Cody, MINORS DNI
dividers by the homie @dystopicjumpsuit
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Cody was the patient one from his batch. No one knew that necessarily because no one ever tested his patience. His orders were followed immediately without question by everyone under his command. Even your natural aversion to authority didn’t make you immune to Cody’s will. He spoke, you listened. He said jump, you said how high?
Inversely, Cody respected your position as a medical officer, and didn’t give you shit when you laid out a treatment plan. This typically made both of your lives far easier than they had any right to be given that you were usually in active war zones.
So the current standoff between the two of you was fully uncharted territory. You’d given your orders as the medical authority aboard the *Negotiator* and Cody had less than respectfully declined.
Your eyebrows shot up, accompanied by several confused blinks.
“Excuse me?” you asked, as though you hadn’t heard him properly.
“I have shit to do, saraad,” He replied, picking up his helmet from the side table. “Don’t give me that look.”
“Yes, you do have shit to do…following my orders,” you said, eyes darting towards the helmet. It was a split second decision to snatch the bucket right out of his hands.
Cody’s eyes widened in utter shock before narrowing dangerously.
“I give you a lot of leeway because you’re good at what you do, and you fuck like an angel.” His voice was low, calm, and steady. “Don’t let that go to your head and get you in trouble.”
He held his hand out for his helmet, but you clutched it to your chest, your chin raised defiantly. The marshal commander released a humorless laugh, and took a step towards you.
Fear and arousal jockeyed for position, and ultimately settled side by side low in your belly, as you took a step back.
You made to exit the medbay with the stolen equipment, but Cody was like lightning. One powerful arm looped tightly around your waist, holding you against his armored chest, while his free hand easily tugged his helmet right out of your grip, tossing it onto the table once more.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered nervously.
“Oh fuck is right,” he replied, spinning you around to face him.
In 2 minutes and 30 seconds, Cody had you naked and riding him on top of a crate in the supply closet. Your soft body would bear marks from the unyielding plastoid, and his iron grip for days.
“Can’t believe you had the balls to challenge me,” he groaned against your neck, as you rolled your hips against him.
“You fucking deserved it,” you replied, turning your head to bite him just below his jaw.
His grip tightened, and he pulled your hips flush against his.
“Who do you think you are?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Your saraad,” you said, stealing a kiss, and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. His cock twitched inside you, eliciting a surprised hum from you.
“Say that again,” he ordered. “Tell me who you belong to.”
“You, Commander.”
“Fuck, I like hearing that. Almost too much.”
“It’s true. I’m yours.” Again you could feel his cock jump at your words. “That really does make you hard. I can feel you pulsing inside me.”
“Careful, or I’ll fill that pretty little mouth of yours next.”
“I thought you had things to do,” you moaned, as he adjusted his hold on you to drive the head of his cock into the sensitive place inside you, that had your head spinning.
“Making you come for me was already on the list,” he said, as his nimble fingers found your clit, driving all thoughts beyond your impending orgasm right out of your head.
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tagu list: @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @808tsuika @sleepingsun501 @starrylothcat @ladyzirkonia @wings-and-beskar @pb-jellybeans @clio3kantarella @stardusthuntress @idontgetanysleep @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @anxiouspineapple99 @littlemissmanga @mandos-mind-trick @amorfista @kimiheartblade @freesia-writes @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @multi-fan-dom-madness @mooncommlink @1vlouds @moonlightwarriorqueen @starqueensthings @dangraccoon @idoubleswearimawriter @wizardofrozz @trixie2023 @dreamie411 @nunanuggets @foodmoneyandcats @cdbkake1565
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mewtwoandme · 8 months ago
Seven 18
Warning: I will tell it like it is, no sugarcoating here
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seven-141askblog · 1 month ago
Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets you Pets yo
Seven’s tail is wagging so viciously she knocks Gaz over. Poor guy.
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lost-in-wond3rland · 1 year ago
i just finished reading 'Darling, you're so pretty it hurts' on ao3, it was so fun, loved it, please write another, the iron man concept was sooooo fun, people rarely do remus in a position of power. work wise in fics, so it was very nice to read... Especially the glass breaking with the 2 hundred dollar bill tossing. anyways, pls write some more thanks.
When I tell you this just made my whole day, in fact my whole week- 🥹 I'm in grad school and when I tell you it has been r o u g h buddy lol I AM currently working on another Wolfstar fic though! It's a little different than Darling but I'm excited for it! I actually started writing it before Darling and it's a little longer (but not by much!). Darling was just about 10k I think?? A little under? The one I'm working on now is about 13k so far and not quiteeee done. I actually didn't know if I would finish it and the title has changed at least three times, but I'm almost there and I'm excited! I've been working ahead on my classes and finding time to write where I can but I hope it goes up sooner than later cuz I like it and I hope other people will enjoy it too lol I go on vacation soon so hopefully I'll finish it off then!
Anyways! This anon was my favorite thing to happen all week and just so so sweet, ty so very much 💕 I hope your days are filled with magic friend ✨
(Ps. The 200$ bill is one of my favorite parts too lol)
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raceweek · 10 months ago
hello. alexalblondo's rude anon coming here to humbly and politely beg for galex primer because i dont understand their history. george said he lived at alex's family's house at one point? how - weren't they already racing? sorry thank you humble thank you 🙏🙏
hello!!! thanks chris for the referral FKFJDKD
i have overwhelmed my alex and george tags so much that i fear i could never capture all of it but my galex key moment anthology is under the cut!!
karting/early single seaters
Alex thinks they met in 2011 but the footage in georges flip phone says he knew alex back in 2009.
Their first actual interaction (so far as they've told the world) was when alex was world champion with the intrepid karting team and bc he was their reference driver he was asked to help pick the drivers who were quick to replace him when he moved up and he picked george (and charles) so they were then part of that same intrepid driver programme for a while. Interestingly, alex was always at least one year above him bc of their ages and george says the fact they didn't really race directly against each other before 2016 was probably why they became such good friends.
They did a deep dive of their camera rolls from this time on twitch a couple years back and talked about the oldest pictures they have of each other in their camera rolls (1:25:36) which was cute.
2017 is the year george basically lived with alex. They were also sharing a trainer whilst alex was competing in gp2 and george was in gp3. George was doing mercedes sim work at their factory so rented a flat in milton keynes near where alex lived but according to alex that rent was wasted money bc george had more meals at alexs' house than he did that year. Also as detailed in those links, the Great Mountain Biking Incident of 2017 occurred at this time so we have the fun mental image of george literally wheeling alex into a&e on a wheelchair bc that is an actual event that happened.
George and alex both in f2 fighting for the title year wooooo!! They never really fought on track but we did get fun tidbits like when alex pipped george to the win at silverstone bc george had a slow pit stop and giggled about it in parc ferme (5:42) & these post session interviews.
also some incredible photoshoots.
Promotion to f1!!! We started the year at winter testing and this nugget that they have both accepted that they are actually tied together by the strings of fate. They're doing fun media stuff like karting and bullying each other over percentage of apexs hit at the skypad (video). 2019 also the start of the umbrella sharing. They were just together a lot… more skypad analysis!!!
2019 also has MY personal favourite galex moment which was hockenheim 2019 and the 45 minute phone call galex had on the way home after george missed out on scoring what would have been his first point in f1 and only point of the season.
There was also the summer break and enjoying a training camp together, exchanging infections etc. Alex also took george to meet lily for the first time, bc that’s a normal thing to do.
There was also the rookie of the year vid, and the rookie season review vid at the end of the year. Much was happening.
The year started with f1 trying to race during a global pandemic. Fun! On the singular media day before everyone realised just how stupid that was they were being annoying. The lockdowns did give us the twitch streams. George was initially so bad at virtual racing he had to secretly consult alex's brother for help behind alexs back. George was also actively seeking alex out like a missile at any given opportunity and at one point felt necessary to declare that he wasn't alexs boyfriend when someone asked if alex was going to be streaming that day. Anyway my lockdown twitchscapades tag has a post with a playlist of all the streams that haven't been lost or deleted if you want to feel joy and have a spare million hours.
Racing resumed in July with the covid team bubbles and within two races and one qualifying session george was defending alexs honour to sky sports and the world in a truly remarkable fashion.
At the end of the year alex was unemployed....even more tragic than this loss was that alexs career difficulties were so extreme he started ghosting george, which devastated him to the extent he needed to publicly drag him for it.
There was also george asking lily to post alexs n*des on instagram and lily responding with if anyone has them it would be you which was perhaps the last time george had access to his own social media password.
Despite george not liking it they celebrated alexs first podium by going golfing! and reverse! George was also gifted an alex albon signed autograph card for christmas and said that he'll put it somewhere special x
The beginning of 2021 was during lockdown and there was more fun virtual gps except the only two drivers doing it were george and alex so they were just bitching and gossiping and threatening to steal strategies and abu dhabi 2016 each other. Particular shoutout to the time they had a virtual race on valentines day and alex put a suit on for it and george was baffled. Immediately after valentines day was georges birthday which lily used to thank george for letting her borrow his boyfriend from time to time.
Then the season started with george enduring the season alexless and not letting anyone forget about it. Alex was turning up to races after being locked in the simulator until the early hours posting stuff like this on instagram and otherwise stumbling over his words after getting whipped on the ass.
Perhaps the defining moment of the galex 2021 season was george pushing the williams board to sign alex so heavily that they had to actively shut him out of proceedings. Also at this time there was this cute congrats from alexs family and one from alex to georgie about the mercedes seat.
anyway here's some more random 2021 nuggets:
i've seen him topless a few times
george getting alex a good deal on a merc x
yet More golf
the handover
georges driver room
They truly lost every inch of personal space in 2022 like. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. The back signing Hello.
2022 had alex having his appendix out, nearly dying and alexs family updating george whilst alex was in the icu and then when alex returned for the next race in signapore a couple weeks later (insane behaviour) george was like mmm audacious of him to be here.
Elsewhere alex discovered georges photoshoot and was making screensavers about it. Alex also discovered hair dye and george was making instagram stories about it.
other random 2022 nuggets:
george is alexs fave f1 driver excluding himself
this skit williams did of lily finding a huge picture of george in alexs driver room
whatever this image is of lily george and alex
private plane carpool
double date
@onadarklingplain covers the whole year for you much MUCH better than i ever could here!!!!!
and that brings us to present where they're just as weird and freaky with each other as ever!!!
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