#tbh it's complicated to answer a lot of this when I'm actually working with so many characters I don't do stuff with in P1 and P2
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Would it possible at all for you to point me in the direction of how to translate elder futhark runes ie: “Thor, Protector of Humanity”. I’m entertaining the idea of woodburning Norse art.
lol you're gonna hate this. Nobody asks me shit like this anymore so I'm gonna take it too seriously.
Really the answer is "no." I can try to do it for you but I don't think it makes sense for me to say "learn Proto-Norse" and hope for the best. Learning how to do this is a lot more difficult than learning Old Norse or Old English (and tbh "learn ON or OE or OHG" is the actual advice I'd give here). I know you're asking about doing this in general, and not for that phrase in particular, but you happened to provide a good example so I'm going to try a translation and show all my work.
I did put together a very non-exhaustive list of sources on runes available here but honestly that will not get you far here. Turning Proto-Norse into runes is easy, it's the language part that's hard. I also made a big list of deity names in Elder Futhark. Apparently the font embedding broke so it looks like nonsense, and I'm not gonna fight with it now. But the bolded text in each entry can be transliterated into runes. I haven't looked at this in years, but did just update Thor to be more in line with what I have here. Also, don't trust Wikipedia or Wiktionary for this stuff, you can use them as a research tool but verify independently or just use them to find other sources.
If I were in your position, I would consider using Old Norse and the runes that wrote that. Völuspá even gives us a near parallel: Miðgarðs véurr, and one of many ways to write that might be ᚦᚢᚱ ᛬ ᛘᛁᚦᚴᛆᚱᚦᛋ ᛬ ᚢᛁᚢᚱ.
I should make sure sure you're asking what you want to be asking. I'm assuming you want to translate into language that was spoken when the Elder Futhark was used. Some people say "translate" when they mean the less-commonly-known-but-more-accurate "transliterate" (turn "abc" into "ᚨᛒᚲ"). Maybe you just want to go ᚦᛟᚱ ᛬ ᛈᚱᛟᛏᛖᚲᛏᛟᚱ ᛬ ᛟᚠ ᛬ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾᛁᛏᛁ and call it a day, and there's nothing wrong with that but you don't need my help for it so I'm guessing that isn't what you mean.
Anyway I'll give you my crack at a translation of the phrase you provided now in case you don't want to read the rest of this but the explanation is after the break:
*þonaraʀ warjaʀ *man(n)akunjas þonaraʀ warijaʀ manakunjas ᚦᛟᚾᚨᚱᚨᛉ ᛬ ᚹᚨᚱᛁᛃᚨᛉ ᛬ ᛗᚨᚾᚨᚲᚢᚾᛃᚨᛊ
(the i ~ ij thing is on purpose. word boundary markers optional)
There are some unclear phonological aspects of *þun?raz > Þórr. Haukur Þorgeirsson recently addressed this (this article is currently paywalled but for some reason the whole thing loaded just fine for me a few hours ago, not sure why), and I find his conclusions satisfactory, which complicates things. Haukur proposes an earlier *Þunurr but doesn't rule out *Þonarr (or earlier reflex of these). By Haukur's analysis the former is easier to resolve within Old Norse but the latter is more convenient with some other proposals already made, especially by comparative linguists. So we find ourselves with two proposals for the god's name in Elder Futhark-era language: ᚦᚢᚾᚢᚱᚨᛉ *þunuraʀ and ᚦᛟᚾᚨᚱᚨᛉ *þonaraʀ. I'm conditioned to favor *þonaraʀ, but I can't find fault in Haukur's preference for *þunuraʀ within the context of his own paper.
The only reason I'm not siding with it is that it seems impossible to resolve with Old High German donar and Old Saxon thunar (both 'thunder'; compare *eburaz > OHG/OS ebur, not **ebar). So while Haukur's got me convinced that *þunuraʀ seems like a more likely immediate precursor to Þórr, I can't shake *þonaraʀ being what seems to me, at least for now, a necessary precursor to the OHG especially. And for now, "seems necessary" beats "more likely." Of course variation is possible but that isn't a way to handwave conflicting data, it's a whole separate thing to investigate, and I haven't done that yet.
If I were researching something for myself, or for something permanent like a tattoo, I'd keep going and make sure I'm more confident. Even Haukur leaves open possibilities I haven't mentioned here. If nothing else, at least *þunraz no longer seems necessary to maintain (as Ringe 2014 thought following Noreen 1923).
Alternatively, one who does prefer *þunraz as the Proto-Germanic could probably be convinced to allow an epenthetic vowel for Elder Futhark-era language, so we're safe there.
I probably could have left all this out. *þonaraʀ is a fairly normal, mainstream way to reconstruct Þórr. But that wouldn't have been an accurate depiction of the situation. However we work this out, it highlights that what we're doing is not speaking/writing ancient, dead, unattested language. Or, if we are, it's only incidental to the primary thing we're doing, which is trying and sometimes failing to understand how attested words relate to each other, and taking sides in arguments about that.
Selecting a word for 'protector' is difficult. It was only with some hesitation that I went with warjaʀ, a word only attested in compounded personal names like Landawar(i)jaʀ on the Tørvika A stone. It's highly likely to be derived from *warjan- 'to protect/defend.' What's a little weird, though, is that it seems to always be written warijaʀ, in apparent violation of Sievers' Law. I won't get into details here because this post is gonna be long enough as it is, but let it be known the word (and others -- the (i)ja thing recurs a bunch in the Elder corpus) is controversial and my preference for leaving it as it's attested would probably not be universal.
Snorri calls Thor verjandi Ásgarðs, Miðgarðs 'protector of Ásgarðr, Miðgarðr.' To be honest, this isn't the most common use of verjandi; usually it means 'defendant' in a trial, but we can get its meaning from context. We should stop to question whether it could have been used that way some 700 years before Snorri, and once we're satisfied that we can use it we run into trouble again with the non-phonological change of the suffix *-andz > -andi. The *-andz suffix is poorly attested in the Elder Futhark. We have the Tune stone's witada witanda-, but it's a compound word and doesn't give us the nominative ending. Then there's the Eggja stone's suwimąde swimmande and gąląnde galandi which are late enough to be basically fully Old Norse, and doesn't tell us much about earlier language. In Old Norse, these -andi words have the same endings as an n-stem in the singular, and maybe they did in Proto-Norse, but we don't have nominative (or even uncompounded in any case) forms from early enough to be sure. *warjandʀ or *warjanda? Or something else? If not for this, it's the word I'd probably use, and if we want to come as close as we can to technical dictionary accuracy, we'll have to be okay with a shot in the dark at the morphological state of the language.
Also derived from verja are vernd, verndari, vǫrn, vǫrðr. Both vernd and vǫrn mean roughly 'protection' and it makes more sense to say that Thor gives or provides them than that he is them. A vǫrðr is a guard or warden -- Heimdallr is definitely a vǫrðr but I'm not certain Thor is. Most likely, verndari is a later, Norse-era formation, which is unfortunate because it is the word I'd use if we were translating to Old Norse (might go a little bit something like ᚦᚢᚱ ᛬ ᚢᛆᚱ(ᚿ)ᛐᛆᚱᛁ ᛬ ᛘᚭᚿᚴᚢ(ᚿ)ᛋ).
In Old Norse there's also gæta. It isn't attested outside of North Germanic which means relying on internal reconstruction, which isn't great. Kroonen's (2013) *ganhatjan- makes sense and PN *gą̄tijaʀ does seem pretty reasonable as a reconstruction. Semantically, I'm not sure if it's a good fit, though I'm having trouble articulating why. Its meaning should be something like 'to watch, tend, take care of' and in most modern language is more like what Iðunn does with her apples, or what a shepherd does with their flock, than what Thor does with humans, but I don't know that we can be so precise with Proto-Norse and in either case I don't think it's wrong. Actually, perhaps gætir Miðgarðs would be a better way to put it (hint: gætir Miðgarðs < *gą̄tijaʀ miðjagarðas ᚷᚨᛏᛁᛃᚨᛉ ᛬ ᛗᛁᛞᛃᚨᚷᚨᚱᛞᚨᛊ).
The Norse word hlífa might be closer to what we're looking for, though it might only seem that way because we have little evidence to contradict it. In Norse it means 'to protect/defend/shelter (from something)' and works here, but its attestations in other Germanic languages are a little weak and don't inspire confidence in the semantics.
Given all this, I can't help but feel it's best to return to war(i)jaʀ. Though unattested outside of names, it presumably had an independent existence at some point, and is transparently derived from the verb *warjan- 'to defend.' And maybe most importantly, it is actual, attested language. This is a rare opportunity to forget about what I said at the end of the "Thor" section and connect to real language committed to real record by real people.
As an aside, véurr, mentioned way above, is probably etymologically equivalent to vé + warjaʀ, so *wīhawarjaʀ ᚹᛁᚺᚨᚹᚨᚱᛁᛃᚨᛉ.
We catch a break with 'humanity.' There are complications but they won't end up mattering. There are a few ways to say 'humanity' but they all start man(n)-; we can have our pick of -kin or -kind to end it but -kin is more common, which in PN is *kunja. But the 'man' words in early Germanic languages are a little weird. Sometimes it has one n, sometimes two; it's always two in Old Norse, but it's hard to say if that was true in elder runic language. Fortunately we can sidestep this: in most runes you only write a letter once, even if the sound is long. But to use a connecting vowel or not? Gothic has compounds in mana-, manna-, man-, and mann-. So *man(n)akunja or *man(n)kunja? Well, as Martin Syrett (1994) pounds out, Germanic in general and Gothic in particular are not consistent when it comes to stem vowels in compounds. There's a tendency to spread -a- as a connecting vowel even where it doesn't belong. So we should feel pretty safe that even if *man(n)akunja isn't the inherited form from Proto-Germanic, it was always a possibility. Finally, worst comes to worst, you could just let ᛗ stand for the whole word, given that it's the 'man' rune anyway.
Last, we'll have to put that in the genitive case to make it 'of mankind.' We don't have examples of neuter ja-stems in the genitive from the Elder Futhark but there isn't really strong reason to believe it wasn't *-jas, so: *kunjas.
We've arrived at my answer:
*þonaraʀ warjaʀ *man(n)akunjas þonaraʀ warijaʀ manakunjas ᚦᛟᚾᚨᚱᚨᛉ ᛬ ᚹᚨᚱᛁᛃᚨᛉ ᛬ ᛗᚨᚾᚨᚲᚢᚾᛃᚨᛊ
Anyway I hope you don't mind me going completely over the top answering this, I don't think I realized before starting to answer this that I needed to get it out of my system.
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Hi! You do not have to answer this question if you don't want to, but I was curious why you chose to portray Niall as an abuser in Tenebroso. There is no CSA in canon, so I wonder how you came to that? No pressure to reply :)
hi sure complicated question but definitely worth answering.
it's my opinion there is actually subtext in canon to support this (this being: ronan as a victim of csa). other people have talked about this, i know i'm not the first to think this and i won't be the last. i don't remember specifically which authors/bloggers have discussed it, but it's an interpretation of canon that i've definitely seen before.
when i first read the books as they were released, that's what i thought ronan's Deal was going to be; like i remember genuinely thinking that's where the author was going with it, and i turned out to be wrong, but the subtext is there.
this portrayal isn't based on things we know about niall (since we don't really know that much about niall tbh), but instead, it's based on things we know about ronan. some examples:
- something bad happens to ronan at night that he's not allowed to talk about
- ronan's father refuses to explain or educate him regarding what is happening to him at night
- he is isolated from the outside world by virtue of his "secret" and by nature of his upbringing
- he has fraught relationships with his siblings, particularly the older sibling, who "knew" about "the secret" and was not as understanding/helpful as ronan might have liked/needed regarding "the secret"
- he's weirdly attached to his father and holds him in strangely reverent regard
- he's an alcoholic, has a tendency to self-harm, he acts out for attention, is depressed, misanthropic, and "othered" from his peers
- nightmares/sleep related trauma/sleep paralysis/kills himself in his dreams/monsters appear to him in his dreams and hurt him
- he has a pretty notable reaction to adam's choice of material for the greenmantle plot; csa is the absolute worst thing adam could think to pin on this guy, and ronan is (in my opinion) triggered by it
- he hates himself/sees himself as "wrong" or "alien"
- he is destructive towards his personal property and is triggered when he returns to his childhood home/is reminded of specific things that took place in his house
- he has a deep seated compulsion/desire to please/conform/succeed
- unable to attach/bond in a healthy/regulated manner
- strange relationship with his brother, particularly interesting is that he often refers to them as a married set of parents; he refers to himself as "daddy" and himself and his brother as "mommy and daddy"
- he has a problem with authority, specifically with male figures of authority, especially those who try to "parent" or "teach" him
all of these things are not necessarily ironclad, but i spent a lot of time discussing this with @neurosses at the time of writing, trying to decide if this was a path i wanted to take or an interpretation of ronan & niall that i felt was correct, so possibly she will have something to add since this is a topic we discussed/hashed out/worked to ground in canon.
i have said before that it's my belief if you are taking away ronan's magic, you have to give him something else; there must be a wound of some sort. this doesn't HAVE to be child abuse, but if you remove the aspect of magic from the things i listed above, you have a pretty solid foundation for an alternative interpretation of his canonical trauma.
specifically regarding tenebroso, i chose not to give declan that shared experience, but there is some basis for it regarding declan as well:
- niall turned him into his "work wife" when his own wife left/his dream wife wasn't designed to be smart/useful/a true equal
- he is parentified, almost by force (assigned guardian in the will)
- strained relationship with his siblings, particularly the one that still genuinely loves their father/doesn't see father's faults
- bears resentment towards younger sibling that he perceives was "preferred" or the favorite based on the attention paid to him by their father
i don't expect everyone to agree with me and i don't expect this interpretation to become widely accepted, but i do believe there is basis for it in canon (the entire lynch clan has serious Gothic Family vibes but that's a whole 'nother essay), and i really am not sure i have anything else to say about it; it is easier for me to explore these things in fiction/character study than it is for me to sit and expound upon it through meta. so i hope this is a satisfactory answer for you!
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hi i am a chase adorer and as such would like to know your opinions on that weird little himbo
it is my belief that chase has/had a rather strong crush on house, probably influenced to a large degree by his severe case of the daddy issues (fawning subtype, in contrast to house's fighting subtype). i think that combining this with his lack of self-esteem (see: voluntarily working for house for ~7 years) would make him INCREDIBLY vulnerable to house asking him for sexual favors. like even if it was a joke i think chase would just kinda go for it and probably freak out house a little, but i digress. do you see my vision?
anyway my point is i am a chase lover and chouse shipper, do you have thoughts on my blorbo or my ship?
hi anon i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get around to answering this!! honestly it took me a WHILE to put my thoughts together about chase bc I have a lot of em!!
first of all, chase is SUCH a weird little himbo, he's incredibly complicated and accomplished and tbh I feel like the show never took him seriously enough until the very end when they were setting him up to take over for house. there's something about that catholic guilt and the constant need to be the specialist boy in the whole world while NEVER succeeding at being treated like the specialist boy in the world that's just lick your fingers delicious when you break his character down. he's filled with so much need and desire and is any of it ever fulfilled? No. As are many such cases.
anon, I see your vision SO MUCH and it's exactly how I feel about them too. while I don't necessarily ship chouse in a positive sense, I also dig the very unhealthy dynamic they would have as this gross unbalanced hookup situationship where chase is like "🥺 he wouldn't keep propositioning me if he didn't actually like me, even if he won't admit it 🥺" and house is like "damn, he looks pretty on his knees, maybe i should follow him into the bathroom" alfjalfklakfld.
I was just rewatching clips from when chase's dad visits and house genuinely feels so bad for chase bc he sees the amount of hurt his dad caused him and he definitely sees a lot of himself and his own daddy issues there. (bonus points for house calling him "robert" in this soft way that I rly love) I could definitely see this being the catalyst for something happening between them, chase is sad and broody with those sad watery eyes and house has a real moment of vulnerability with him, says something nice to him and then tries to cover it up by saying something inappropriate. As a joke. Obviously. but chase takes it literally and makes a pass at him that house initially rejects, but then chase gets even more sad and embarrassed and house actually feels bad for the guy— that poor pathetic blond puppy with wet eyes and a pretty mouth... and he rolls his eyes and tells himself he "lets it happen" while being a very active participant in whatever comes next.
the first time could be written off just as two repressed men taking comfort in each other in a moment of father-induced vulnerability... but the rest of the times are definitely an unfortunate combination of chase's lack of self esteem and house's selfish, manipulative nature. chase is just so much prettier (and cheaper) than the male hookers available in the tri-state area and he's just as easy. chase isn't stupid by any means, he knows what house is looking for when his eyes drag up and down his figure and make some comment about his pretty lips or girlish waist or "chase in his little short shorts." but poor chase is just so eager, so hopeful, so romantic. he could easily convince himself that they have something deep and meaningful when it's really just bj's in the sleep lab or the very occasional late night booty call.
and house can be so gross about it too, especially when he learns that he can be gross and it doesn't deter chase— actively holding his job over him in such a teasing and casual way that chase convinces himself there's no way he'd ever get rid of me, look at the way he throws the threat around if I stopped giving him what he wants, it's all just a joke to him. And then house fires him :) and oh boy would chase have a meltdown and reevaluate his entire life bc what do you mean he's not house's special boy? he was supposed to be his special boy. but he isn't, and he never will be bc he's doomed to be daddy's little disappointment forever, just like house :)
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So I have a Mountian Feist mix and want to start squrill hunting. I don't know how to use a gun or shoot, I'm not ever sure I would be able to kill a squirrel tbh. But if I were to learn to shoot a gun and kill squrills. What should I train my dog to do? does the retrieve them as well or only find them?
i was just wondering if you could do a post on what exactly your dogs do for you while hunting and how you trained them.
Check your local regulations on squirrel hunting with dogs. It's not explicitly addressed everywhere, so you might need to call or email the DNR in order to get a solid answer. Squirrel is a pretty popular came though, so it will most likely have a section in the general regulations.
Next find a hunter's ed course nearby. Most of them are pretty basic, but they are usually open to answering questions about firearms and how to use them, and the courses are geared so children can pass. They have a field day where you actually use a firearm too. They are not difficult, so don't be intimidated. You will need a hunter's ed card in order to get a license anyways.
If you can, find a squirrel hunter in your area who will let you tag along. Most are pretty welcoming to new hunters. If you are on facebook, just search for your state/region and "squirrel dogs" or "squirrel hunting" and there is most likely a group you can join and ask in.
Anyways, I am literally just taking an armed walk with my dogs in the woods. The dogs will find a squirrel, put it up a tree, bark at it, and I shoot it. Depending on which dog I'm hunting I might see them for most of the hunt or they might be out of sight often, they each hunt differently. I do try to keep them within about 150 yards though, I hunt in some thick swampy areas and I don't particularly like trudging through that for a squirrel that ended up getting into a hole because I took so long to get there.
I don't do anything particularly complicated when training a dog. I do work on recall first, this is extremely important to me since I hunt on small tracts of land and do not want my dogs going onto private. I do not teach all the stuff bird hunters do, and I do not train my dogs on caged game.
If your dog has never been around gunfire, you can try taking them to a range to see how they react. Keep your distance at first and give them lots of praise and reward when someone shoots. If you go with a friend, start with something small like a .22, or a smaller gauge shotgun. I have never done this though, I just take my dog out and when they get their first good tree, I tie them to a smaller one in case they get startled, and shoot the squirrel. I immediately give it to them and I've not had a gunshy dog yet.
I try to put that dog where I know there's squirrels, so scouting out an area first is a good idea. Once the dog finds and chases a squirrel, I encourage them to bark at it if they aren't already. Don't shoot if they aren't barking unless you want a dog that doesn't bark on the tree. Lots of praise for finding that squirrel, even if they don't tree it. You want them to understand that squirrels are what you're after so encourage tracking, chasing, and treeing. If the dog goes after something you don't want to hunt, call them off and keep looking for squirrels. This is where the recall comes in handy, my dogs are trained to recall to the tone on the GPS collar so I don't have to yell if they're far away.
The best re enforcer for hunting squirrels is shooting one to the dog. You won't always get to do that right away, sometimes you need to work on the dog focusing on finding squirrels for a while. It might take a few trips, or an entire season, for it to click. Just keep getting out there and eventually everything that you need to happen will and you'll get that first squirrel down to your dog. You can use aids like skins and scents, but I just train on wild game, and I like to watch a dog figure it out.
I do not train my dogs to retrieve the squirrel, but that is a very handy thing if the squirrel lands in some thick or thorny brush. Ember's breeder trains his dogs to take it back to the truck. He does something called roading where the dog runs ahead of the truck. I do not hunt this way as I prefer to walk trails and there is nowhere to safely road my dogs here.
It seems intimidating to get started, and I know it was to me the first time I tried it, but once I'd been doing it for a bit, it wasn't much different from hiking. I just had a gun and went off trail more and sometimes came home with dinner.
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A Paltry "Defense" of RHATO (From someone who actually kind of hates RHATO) Part 2
Part 1 (Cheshire, Lian, and recognizing the basis of a reboot), Part 3 (A Generous Take on Intent vs Execution, and Koriand'r)
Disclaimer: I'm not kidding about not liking it yadda yadda yadda and, for further context re: this part in particular. Roy Harper is my second favorite character in the entire DCU, only surpassed by Black Canary herself, so I need you to understand how complicated this one is for me.
Before I really get into it I'd like to add a little bit of extra content that ties the last post to this one, namely this:

This is from This Fan Answers Interview.
I keep seeing posts about Why is "x/y/z hanging out with JASON, they're (Insert other bat but mostly Dick or Tim, tbh)'s friend." Do you guys bitch about this when Wally hangs out with & gets along better with Connor instead of Roy? Or, idk, Kyle's friendship with Roy and relationship with Donna, who is Roy's ex? What about the fact that Damian and Rose struck up a friendship bcs of their similar-ish pasts? The fact that Conner was Tim's friend ("friend"?) first before dating Cass? When Tim was part of the Titans which had membership overlaps with Dick's Titans? When DAMIAN was on the Titans which had membership overlaps with the previous two's teams (barring weird age-fuckery)?
DC is an interconnected universe with all kinds of characters with all kinds of different storylines meeting and hanging out and fighting together esp when there's an overlap of interests/work. The "cape" community is fundamentally the same thing as a hobby club, except the hobby is fighting crime (and/or evil which sometimes aren't the same thing). So it's not even weird for people who are friends of a friend or friend of a sibling/ect. to just kind of meet up randomly and organically form their own relationship. Separate from the other people that they know. This is also normal in real life. Seriously do you know how many people I know who are/did date/marry their sibling's best friend? or just generally became better friends with them than the sibling who originally knew them?? or the fact that it's a popular romance trope? Or how many (okay only like, two that I knew personally-ish) people dated and married their sibling's ex-fiancee??? ALSO A NOT TERRIBLY UNCOMMON ROMANCE TROPE? NOT TO MENTION THE PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL FRIENDS WITH THEIR EX-FIANCE/SPOUSE'S FAMILIES?
Just because people are known for having a specific connection to one character, doesn't mean they can't, or shouldn't, have connections with others. Or, that the connections they do or don't have can change. Y'all're just assholes who are mad someone doesn't play dolls the way you want them to. Grow up. Additionally, this should also apply to Cheshire. She shouldn't always be restricted to Roy & Lian, either. As a child, it's understandable that Lian's everything was largely tied to her parents, but even pre-Rebirth she had her own relationships with, say, Mia or Rose or Dinah. YES those are relationships are somewhat because of Roy, but they're still their own thing.
Now, before I get too into this I want to state that inasfar as RHATO is concerned, Lobdell is not the sole writer throughout its run, and when it comes to analyzing the characters' personalities (as this post is going to focus on Roy), I'm going to analyze them separately. Lobdell's Outlaws are different from Tynion's Outlaws are different from Pfeiffer's brief run with the Outlaws. And I'm going to focus mostly on Lobdell, because he's the one everyone always gets mad about, but Tynion holds enough blame (and my ire) to get a decent chunk of attention as well.
Without further ado,
FBAT (Frequently Bitched About Topics):
I'd like to start this particular topic (Roy) off with something I see a lot and that, after reading, I've discovered is so very patently false that I made a meme about it too:
"It's Jason's fault Roy relapsed. RHATO/Lobdell are the reason for the trope of Jason "fixing" Roy's addiction. Roy is just there for Jason to look better by saving him from it."
This one is actually a little fascinating to me. Like, where does this idea come from? The earliest ao3 jayroy fic that involves anything along these lines debuted a month before RHATO came out. A month before the sneak preview even came out, actually. I could not find any platonic fics that predated that either, but the point stands that clearly, we don't need canon content to derive this trope. Yes, we knew at least a bit of Lobdell's opinions on Roy as a recovering addict, even before then, but they're not the kind that really springs to mind "he needs someone to save him," you know? And, frankly, Lobdell doesn't seem to see it that way either.
Throughout RHATOv1 and, later, Red Hood/Arsenal, Lobdell seems to view Roy's sobriety as almost sacrosanct. At no point in these issues when Jason and Roy share any screentime does Roy EVER relapse, which is particularly interesting, because there's another title that exists in the time somewhat parallel(?)* with the end of RH/A called Titan's Hunt. And, well...
Roy fails his sobriety right in the first issue of Titans Hunt and spends a majority of it drunk, or with other members of the Titans forcing him to remain sober. *I'm a little unclear on when exactly it happens. RH/A started release in August 2015 & Titans Hunt in December of that same year. There's not exactly a lot of space to fit it in, but it's also referenced in RH/A #11...
Counter to this in the second issue of RH/A:
"Rockabilly genius" is Lobdell's... idk, tagline for Roy in RH/A. He does the same thing with Starfire in RHATO by emphasizing her as an "alien former-slave princess" and "living nuclear reactor." Is it stupid? Yes. I hate it so fucking much guys you have no idea.
Now, other than that one reference to it, it otherwise makes the most sense to have it happen like... after RH/A since it pretty much leads directly into Titans: Rebirth and then Titans (2016), the reformation of the OG-ish Titans team, but y'know whatever. Comics, man.
The funniest part about this is RHATOv1 has not one but TWO addiction plotlines, that run CONCURRENTLY, but neither of them are Roy. Actually, Roy's mostly down for the count or working out his issues with Ollie for the bulk of it. Instead, Starfire and Jason have their own issues going on. Personally, I think Jason's was slightly more realistic of the two, and had some juicy potential considering that Bruce once had a Venom addiction storyline, but that was dropped soooo fast after it was picked up.
Also? While it could be argued that Jason leaving him potentially prompted his downward spiral in Hunt... It's really interesting to me that the last "relapse" we see from Roy prior to HiC... wasn't actually a relapse at all.
Titans (2016) #20
Cheshire is well known for using toxins on her nails to poison people, it looks like this time she decided to use the drug that Brain and Monsieur Mallah were using to extend Brain's power and control. She was, after all, hired by them. So, while I personally wouldn't quite say "It's Cheshire's fault Roy relapsed," there is... significantly stronger evidence to suggest that one, yeah.
Anyways this leads into Wally and Dick absolutely dismissing Roy as facing any real threat and deciding he's just suffering paranoid delusions associated with having a relapse and when you contrast it to Jason's absolute faith in Roy's ability to be honest with him and desire to not come off judgemental even when asking about Roy's sobriety it is SO fucked up. Everyone who insists that they're "better" friends for Roy owes me fucking money for this bullshit. I'm soooo close to just writing up a whole post dedicated to how much Roy gets fucked over by the Titans despite giving them his all - and yeah he fucks up too, I'll be honest. I'm also not going to pretend Jason's perfect on that front either, but there's definitely significantly less material to say he's a shitty friend than between all them.
ANYWAYS long story short: There is, quite literally, zero basis for this. If anything, Roy'd be the one helping the other two. but Lobdell doesn't do that, either.
Okay, so obviously I had a few complaints with this one.
But it's worth noting to me that he dedicates in the middle there an ENTIRE PARAGRAPH of his answer to Roy's sobriety. And this isn't the only time he does that. He also references AA a lot. Look, I personally don't care whether or not Lobdell was in AA or NA or anything to that effect, but it's really clear to me that either he was, someone close to him was, or he does some kind of volunteering in that area. And above everything else about Roy, this is very distinctly the most important part to him, and as such the way he handles it is from a perspective that most people don't view addicts from.
The MOST important thing, I think, is that he does not view addicts as people who can be "saved" by someone swooping in and telling them to. Whether it's Roy choosing every moment of every day to stay on his course, or Jason choosing to give up Venom because he doesn't need it when he's got friends, or Kori giving up on the space drugs because.... I'll be honest I still don't understand (I know in a literal sense but I don't think his framing worked) why she was on space drugs in the first place so I can't even begin to imagine her motivation to stop bcs it's not like it happened right after she nearly killed Roy bcs of them, which would at least make some sense. Anyways, he acknowledges this as a choice the addict themselves has to make first, but that it's easier to follow through when you have support.
... Moving on from things that aren't true, let's discuss what Roy's characterization in RHATO actually is...
"RHATO made Roy an idiot."
Okay, sorry, I partly lied. We're breaking this one down because it's kind of the "Yes but no but yes but no" of the issues people have with RHATO's Roy. And here's where I start breaking it down by writer.
First up, Lobdell (0-19, Annual #2, 32-40):
Lobdell's Roy wants you to think he's an idiot. He's quite literally the embodiment of this post over here. I don't think he actually likes being the idiot, but I think he considers it a safe place where he doesn't have to worry about it if he fucks up.
Teen Titans (2011) #16, which was also being written by Lobdell
The really shining moments, I think, for Lobdell's Roy are RHATO #16 & #37. The first one of those is set during the Death of the Family storyline which ugh but this is the issue that I was very much "Oh, yeah, I think he's got Roy there."
In this particular storyline Jason's captured by Joker and Roy was bugging his phone to route audio of any important sounding calls to the ship so Roy could paranoidly keep an eye on him. Stalking as a love language is something only a Bat could appreciate, as even Kori mentions thinking it's a little weird. So they fly out to Gotham to try and help out and run into the Teen Titans, who are leader-less because Tim is also captured, though Wonder Girl is doing a pretty good job herself (as she should be) but they're still overwhelmed until Kori and Roy step in to help.
From here this pretty much leads into a whole thing where Roy is doubting his capacity to lead, because canonically for this timeline he's never done so and has a low opinion of himself, while actually managing to pull off a semi-mentorship kind of role flawlessly. Now, it's a bit cheesy because it's all condensed into a single issue, but it very much does feel like callbacks to Roy's self-image issues from previous comic runs.
#37 is pretty much all about his relationship with Ollie I would say that this is not entirely out of character for him. At this point in Canon the two of them have not patched anything up, but Roy standing up for himself in this does feel reminiscent of, y'know. Roy punching Ollie in "They Say it'll Kill Me... But They Won't Say When."
(I'd also like to note that RHATO #37 feels very much like Lobdell was bitter that HE didn't get to write Roy & Ollie's relationship dynamic, so he... write it again, and pretty much retcons a bunch of Tynion's iteration, & in the process he really made it look like Roy was Ollie's sugar baby. lol.)
Anyways, while those two issues do have a lot of focus/flashbacks on Roy's backstory, which is completely different from pre-52 canon, I think it shows him having a much better grasp of Roy's... emotional core, I think, than the other two writers on RHATO. There's a really good post here about Roy being techy even prior to 52, but I do want to tack on the caveat that "Roybots" was not a Lobdell invention, and you pretty much won't see anything similar to that outside of Pfeiffer's 3-issue run on RHATO. Lobdell largely sticks to Roy with implausible gimmick arrows and playing mechanic for spaceships.
That's right, bro has a body disposal arrow. (RHATO#16 for Analysis Arrow, RH/A #9 for "gun arrow" which I couldn't resist including bcs its so dumb, RHATO#35 for the "Evidence annihalator")
Now otherwise I would say Lobdell's Roy does suffer from a lack of impulse control (barring his staunch control of his addiction) which is far more apparent in RH/A (insert "She was 90% of my impulse control meme" abt Kori), which can make him seem dumb, and he has a little bit of bro-y immaturity. Yes, Jason calls him an idiot sometimes, but idk, feels a little more like how you might say "my friends are idiots, but they're my idiots." Also it's not like Dick and the other Titans never did that either, not uncommonly because Roy was being a little silly guy.
Outsiders #11
Note that Roy does tend to talk down about himself even in this pre-52 scene, too. He DOES also stand up for himself and his abilities from time to time, but he can go either way depending on the situation.
Anyways tl;dr of everyone writing RHATO I think Lobdell actually understands Roy the best. He's immature, mouthy, and self-depreciating, but he's also capable, a highly-intelligent mechanics kinda guy, with latent leadership qualities and decent tactics laying just below the surface of his self-doubt. You could sell me on this being a younger version of Roy Harper who never had a kid pretty easily. Execution's just a little clumsy and the vagueness of the ages under the condensed timeline or, worse, the re-corrected(???) timeline after Convergence/Rebirth/ect do NOT help. Note: This is NOT an endorsement of RH/A's Roy characterization though. Lobdell how the fuck did you go so far backwards with that one.
Tynion (Annual 1, 20-28)
Tynion's Roy is... 90% self doubt, and the rest is love for his friends. He is big of heart and dumb of ass. He is THE most emotionally driven person throughout this entire arc and does some stupid shit in the name of friendship and love that almost screws them all over but then his deep abiding love for his friends sways the heart of one of his enemies who desperately wishes someone cared for HER that much (see the Cheshire portion of the previous post) and she switches sides in honor of it.
It feels a little bit like Tynion needed one person to be "the girl" who thinks with their heart and not their head but didn't want to be a stereotype and make it Kori, so Roy got the job instead. (Meanwhile Kori got the logic-brained role. Yeah.)
I think the only real part of this arc that I kind of enjoyed was this sequence over here. Like yeah, that's Roy. Roy might have his own issues, but they're nothing to him when it comes to needing to step up and help a friend. UGH and I'm too afraid to read n52's Green Arrow but I hate his naked face and the shitty personality Tynion gives him. He is SUCH an asshole. And yeah in that sequence that's just a manifestation of his self doubt wearing Ollie's face, but he's... not really better when he shows up in person. I'll be honest, I don't like Lobdell's Ollie either, and he's also kind of an asshole, but he is NOT on the level that Tynion writes him. At least #37 ends on halfway decent terms and actually FEELS like they're on the path to patching up their relationship.
Anyways yeah also for some reason Hugo Strange is Roy's therapist. There was probably some ongoing plot about that but I can't stand that whole whatever it is so I'm not going to examine that one right now. Maybe if someone starts paying me for these posts.
I kid, I'll get more into that when I discuss the Amnesia arc in entirety.
Pfeifer (29-31)
Okay so first off, Pfeifer's characterization is almost(?) not bad actually. It carries over some of the better parts of Tynion and Lobdell. He does however still have the issue of making Kori too much of a bitch, and he's the one who decided to take the "Roy is a tinkerer" to its logical extreme and create the whole concept of the Roybots, which are nanobots. And really this whole plot is just a wank-fest for nerdery.
This is straight up just some refined points of the other two and then yknow, the "haha nerds rule" vibes. They were making fun of him for his weird AI bomb and then his AI infected the nanobots and he saved the world AND his friends. yaaaay.
Wow. (Seriously was that "summary" to pat yourself on the back really necessary?)
Um you know I think that's all I've got off the top of my head, because actually the complaints that were SENT to me weren't really about him but I'm starting off with some more broad analysis on the characters to give myself a foundation to address some of the more specific complaints going forward. Next I'll do Kori, then Jason, and then we'll move into more specific topics. If there's anything specific in here you'd like me to address or argue re: Roy, feel free to reply here or send it to my inbox and I'll see what I can do. I definitely feel like I glossed over something, but my goal here is to open up more of a discussion in general.
If you want more RHATO analysis particularly based on common complaints that you would like to see either challenged or supported with extensive degrees of evidence so you can feel that sense of superiority that comic fans are all a little obsessed over without having to actually read the damn thing yourself, you can send me the specific topics in the replies Here or to my inbox.
EDIT: I had previously incorrectly labelled the issue with Roy & Ollie as #32, it's #37.
#dc#roy harper#rhato#Mashing Meta Bones with Axel#Fun facts I actually redid this whole post multiple times with completely different angles#so I actually have a lot more analysis material but I think I like how this one came out best?#but absolutely ask me more#dc meta#I did run out of steam though. Tragic.#Yeha I'm just gonna post this one now.
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okay so i've been trying to make sense of what drew cameron and chase together enough to get married. sex i get. they're friendly at work, they're attracted to one another, okay. but marriage? then i thought, hmmm. i wonder whether it was like a house&wilson situation in some ways where cameron, who's seen as the nice and caring one, can be mean sometimes without chase thinking the worst of her. i'm not sure it works as well on chase's end since we don't see her observing or commenting on the moments where chase shows he cares, but she knows he went to kutner's memorial despite not really knowing him, etc.
on the one level, i don't think it's that complicated: in their hearts, cameron and chase are very boring people who crave normalcy, and 'normal' couples get married after a couple years of dating. i'd argue they were very much not ready for marriage on one level, but they… were a pretty functional couple tbh. in a pure "this is the next step" way, it made sense they would get married.
cameron tends to define herself by her relationships and seek love; in a weird (slutty) way chase is the same, he is the neglected kid who craves and is terrified of connection. they're both also guarded people, and hurt people, who want similar things from a partner. and i think they did get things from the relationship.
chase actually alludes a couple of times to admiring cameron, which i can very much see: his fondest memory of her is her yelling at her father (i laaaaaaaugh), he angrily tells dibala she's a good person, she's also mountains of caring and affection and he is massively starved for both. even in their s1-2 friendship era, he's actually surprisingly prone to defending her ideas to house; i wouldn't call him protective of her exactly, but chase doesn't exert himself for a lot of people, and he's pretty consistent in sticking up for her. he's also unusually good at seeing through cameron and reading her like a book, which maybe isn't unique to chase but is probably unique to cameron: the last person to see through her was house on their date and he used it as a list of reasons to dump her; chase meanwhile calls her on her bullshit but always in a… positive context, i care about you, i'm not giving up on you, i want you.
cameron has the habit of cutting and running when she feels too vulnerable. foreman says she's afraid of commitment and he's 110% correct, but it's not the dating and loyalty and acting the part of a good girlfriend she struggles with; it's opening up and trusting others. cameron is terrified of loss, terrified of loss of control, struggles to make decisions, to commit. (although once she finally does she is ride or die for her cause) chase actually spends most of their relationship acting as a very reassuring figure for her: "i know you're acting this way due to your issues, and i am giving you space, but i need something from you" is essentially his answer in the itch, he calls her bluff with the sperm, and he is………remarkably forgiving of her in saviors lmao. it's the same thing he does in s3: he sees through her "i have no feelings for you" excuses and is willing to wait her out. cameron… needs that. she gets to have her freak out and push and be demanding and, yes, a little mean, a little unkind, and chase tolerates it. accepts it. i honestly think he was a huge source of support for her. she's afraid of loss, and she cannot accidentally drive chase away. you know?
i don't know that cameron was ever sitting around going "that chase, he's so nice" lol. although: they do get along, she is the least likely in the office to make fun of him (and usually only when he picks on her first -- her famous "you'd be done already" sperm sample line does only come after he's been joking about the patient fantasizing about her), she is definitely the least likely to accuse him of being dumb or useless. and like. cameron is a silly guy! she likes joking around, she likes messing with people a little, i don't think she was as drawn to chase's inner kindness as much as the fact they just can be silly together. she knows he cares about people, she's trusted him as a friend for a long time (never forget her going to chase with her romantic problems in s1), it's not like she doesn't like him. it's also not like they have no problems bickering or arguing, which i am going to frame as a positive: they're really not afraid of one another, they don't idealize one another. when chase annoys her, cameron lets him know. it doesn't have to be perfect!
obviously, they still had major problems. cameron really doesn't seem to have pegged onto the fact that chase is a hot mess of abandonment issues, and his freezing her out in s6 triggered her flee response (although, cameron worked very hard to stay with him, she was jumping through every hoop possible to handwave his murder), and chase's own avoidant habits mixed with her obliviousness can also lead to problems, as we saw in s5: when cameron avoids issues, he feels shut out and abandoned. when chase avoids issues, he stews and cameron putters on oblivious. the two just… have no idea how to communicate about Real Issues. but on a day to day basis? for the little things? i think they got along great. i think it was all smooth sailing until the moment it wasn't. they were always going to crash and burn and failmarriage, but it says something it took a literal political assassination to trigger the issues that tore them apart. they probably could have coasted on for years easily, because deep down they want to be happily married (with someone, not even necessarily one another even), you know?
the house and wilson parallel is interesting to consider, because even though chase is house's baby successor and cameron and wilson are often paired up even in the show… i think it works better the other way around. cameron and house are much more similar than they're given credit for, being driven and stubborn and filled with a sense of outrage and injustice (that they manifest in very different ways); they both want to pick people apart and understand them, to understand as a way of control. they both push people away and are afraid of loss. chase, meanwhile, falls handily into the role of cameron's top supporter, with what he gets out of the relationship sometimes a little unclear — but what he gets is normalcy, to "be himself", to open up to someone and trust them. he enables and supports her, and she sometimes struggles to reciprocate. something there for sure.
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Hihi!! So so sooo sorry if this is a random question, but ur art style is so insanely inpirijg and beautiful to me, so do u have any tips on how u learnt? Like any specific stuff u tried to learn first, specific websites u used, etc? If ur not comfortable with answering this im so sorryy😓😓 YOUR ART IS GORGOUS!!
i don't mind answering, dw!
my learning process is very random to be honest, i usually get a little obsessed with trying to learn one particular thing and end up focusing on that for a bit. the most recent one was trying to learn how to draw better clothing folds :P
the general journey i took isn't really much different from what looks to be what most people do tbh, you can never go wrong with figure drawing (there's many people who can explain it better than me but it's just drawing from reference — preferably in-person, but i've never done that LOL — in short amounts of time trying to get the key elements down. the big website for this that i know of is [line of action])
i also use [these] [websites] for references, i think it's important to know at least the gist of how the human body actually works, how the muscles stretch etc, but you will affix all of that information in your brain much faster if you actually see them in action. for proportions and such i think 3D models are completely fine (and i use them. so much) but when it comes to drawings muscles or fat you will have a much easier time if you've actually seen how they work and look. it'll make you better at shading them too!
there's a bunch of resources for anatomy but my favorites are the [anatomy for sculptors] book (they post tidbits of it on social media, they're geared towards 3D artists but that's just a plus for me imo because you can understand the form you're trying to achieve much better) and the famous morpho: fat and skin folds book (i don't have a link but just like. google it it's the first one that pops up)
i alsoo tried studying color theory a lot but honestly it's rare that i find something i like enough to share KSJDKSJ once you get past the basic "what is an analogous, complimentary, tertiary palette" stuff it gets a little harder to find meaningful stuff online, but if i were to offer any advice it'd be to study light-dark values bc a lot of the time the hue doesn't matter, it's the contrast that does
relatedly (at least for me), for composition i'm still getting the hang of it (orz) but what has worked the best for me so far is this [youtube channel], he's a traditional landscape painter and yet i still find his insight very useful :P i also really like his book on composition but i dunno how available it is.. but essentially any source on composition will just tell you it's an arranging of shapes, the tricky part is how to construct those shapes (via color, contrast, etc) and how to make them convey what you want them to convey.
speaking more broadly and not just what websites/books i use, what i like to do is to save any and all images that look appealing to me, even if i don't feel like doing anything with them at the moment... i do this with pictures, paintings, literally any image that i like lmao pinterest is an easy place to do this in but you could do it wherever, i also have a pureref file full of just Cool Images That I See Online. whenever i feel like i'm stuck i look at the things that inspire me and usually i get the spark to try to do something
i also do this with poses i find in the websites i mentioned earlier, makes it way easier to find a reference for what i want ^^
you'll notice my "style" sometimes fluctuates a lot and it's usually because i saw one particular artist / style of illustration that really inspired me and i wanted to try something similar KSJDKSJ for example the more painterly stuff i've been posted is heavily inspired by aleksander rostov's art for disco elysium!
also i would feel like a liar if i didn't mention this. using "cheats" is completely fine LMAO it's very common that i do some more complicated angles / structures / lighting in 3D with blender to heavily reference them afterwards 😅 i also like environment texturing so in a few cases for my backgrounds i'm painting over a render i made. but you don't have to go that far LOL i'm just saying there's nothing wrong with stuff like that so long as you're not stealing from someone else.
and if you struggle with motivation for studies i'll just say, you can cheat a little and make the studies about something you actually like LMAO like when i was trying to get better at clothing folds i just drew a bunch of naruto characters and paid more attention to the clothing. it's silly but it works :)
#asks#advice#?????#im kinda all over the place sorry LOL but i hope at least the websites r useful#theres also a bunch of art channels on youtube so you might find something good there too#i dont really mention anyone specific (other than the one guy) because i dont watch them as much and also they scare me a little bit.#why are they always fighting.#ANYWAY good luck to u anon :)#not art
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The answers Marisha gave in this 4SD felt a lot more realized than in the past, which is good! But it still makes me feel like this character concept is incredibly ambitious and when juxtaposed with the various "I don't want to think anymore"/"go with the flow" statements I'm not sure she realized that.
The biggest example is that Laudna has two conflicting traits: she is extremely sensitive to betrayal, and she is very quick to trust even after experiencing a number of betrayals in her life. And when I say "conflicting" I mean that they are in conflict with each other, not that it doesn't make sense for a character to be a complicated person with traits that frequently work against them; in fact that's in my opinion a fantastic way to create a compelling character. But it feels like the why is only just starting to get explored in any capacity, and because of that even good choices raise more questions: why is this only coming out now; why so young a regression; why has it peeked out so weirdly and inconsistently in the past; why haven't the repeated betrayals in the past two months affected her mindset and made her more closed off. It once again makes me really wish we'd gotten a sustained outburst after the party reunited, because that would have made far more sense - a fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me situation.
I agree with the opinion that Laudna conceptually just fits far more with being an actual child herself - her desire to befriend children frankly comes off slightly weirder (not line-crossing or anything, just a little off) than it would had she died younger, as does her approach of dolls, and her failure to do anything with Delilah would make a lot more sense if she was at an age to be much more reliant. It would also make her inability to just blend into a city much more reasonable; no one is going to rent to a lone 11 year old. It really does feel that when the creepy child idea was rejected - which is a valid choice - it wasn't reworked sufficiently to fit someone who died in her late teens or early 20s.
I also don't really get the idea of her childlike nature being without malice. A pretty consistent theme for the various traumatic childhoods the characters of Bells Hells (and, tbh, past parties as well) has been the cruelty children are capable of - Ashton even says it in 3x78. Delilah being stuck with someone without malice would honestly lead to a situation in which Laudna was very trusting of her, which isn't the case, which again goes back to the conflict of betrayal as a trigger vs. being so quick to trust. Given that Laudna was frequently bullied and rejected as a kid, one would think she'd be aware of this. The specific example of Delilah calling Ashton a child and Laudna making him a doll still works wonderfully, but the overarching theme falls apart in places.
I think things have been on an upswing as of late, but ultimately we're at a point where, without some retcons I don't think Laudna will ever truly make complete sense because it's just such an intensive concept that did not get the work that required, and still feels reliant on a now-rejected premise.
#cr tag#laudna#didn't want to distract from the main post but honestly i again think the book coming out is debatably worse#when i think of successful supplemental material (eg: midst appendices; nine eyes of lucien/VM and MN origins comics#they are 1. optional to understanding the original material; they enhance it but aren't required#and 2. do not have any real twists from the source material merely expansion#backstory should explain current behavior but you need to establish current behavior first
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im sooo intruiged by the konoha spin-off of that kakasaku au... and also by the actual au tbh. are sasuke+ naruto still in konoha? what role does rin play in konoha's politics? is she a jounin sensei? what was the team minato dynamic like without kakashi? how do sakura and kakashi's lives go? how weird is rin being about interpersonal relationships (if she has any)? and id be interested to hear pretty much anything about this au lol feel free to infodump :3
⭐️ i have. a lot to say ⭐️
point of divergence?
at first i wanted to swap sakumo with a kiri shinobi. then i realized, nothing ever changes. one man doesn't start or stop a war. he didn't change the system. fandom misconception: apparently sakumo gets blamed for a mission that started a war? what are timelines? who said that? i know that when one is writing a fic it's easy to conspiracy-brain this & say something like "root sabotaged the mission" to keep sakumo like... "perfect"? or that danzo for some reason staged his death? we're just adding crimes to the old man's portfolio huh sakumo's kiri existence leads to sakura's parents -- in this they are civilian merchants -- settling in the land of water and having a child earlier. let's say they are originally from around wave. they are fairly shinobi-positive: "our bloodthirsty little girl wants to learn to stab people? okay sweetie :)" ...sakura may or may not have younger siblings (who remain civilians) i'm keeping some fun sakumo & kakashi material to myself for now ^^
topics to explore in the future:
[story] sword legacies, expectations
[meta] girls with big weapons
[meta & story] lack of tragic backstory for sakura
meanwhile in konoha
let's be real, you're here because of rin. some of this is just my unwillingness to derail canon too much. rin follows canon kakashi's path: anbu, maybe a short stint in root, jonin, some more anbu work alongside visible jonin missions, and finally jonin-sensei! she doesn't spend hours staring at the memorial stone; she carries everything on her. she stares at people. all the time. sometimes hidden with genjutsu, sometimes just standing there like a statue. blink goes the sharingan. don't mind her. canon kakashi came to meet his new team late; rin was standing in the (ceiling) corner since early morning

don't worry, she still has terrible identity issues; the shared eyeball stuff really messed her up. "i will see the future through you" but twice. she is team 7 now. there's a monologue about team roles brewing in her head, you can bet edo tensei'd minato will hear it as soon as he leaves the coffin! hiroto (our hyuga oc; born to rage and die) & obito bring major "fuck the clans" energy.
rin sees the aftermath of eyeball politics:
fact: obito voluntarily gave a body part to an allied combatant (who previously lost an eye)
was obito's body his to give away? or does it belong to his village? or his clan?
decision: hiroto can keep the sharingan but he's on thin ice
fact: hiroto later gave the same body part to another allied combatant
fact: rin was part of the original team, obito's other friend, so she's someone who could have received the eye then if the situation was a tiny bit different
suddenly it's all "would obito want rin to have the sharingan?" and "we don't know that", obito's decision is now the law, not hiroto's, so please give it back to the uchiha
thankfully obito's dying words weren't "go be hokage"; she would burn the hat
decision: rin can keep the sharingan but can't even think about gifting it to anyone else, since her original team is gone (and minato doesn't want it)
when the uchiha die, rin's first thought is "who gets to keep the eyeballs?"
(answer: danzo. probably)
rin has a complicated relationship with being a medic. as in, she refuses to be called that anymore. when she meets tsunade it's going to get messy -- whether it's upon waking from the itachi mind torture special or not. “no medic ninja shall ever die until they are the last of their platoon” <- all-consuming Rage 🔥
most of rin's relationships are... weird. people think she's weird; she agrees, but their reasons are so wrong. (someone misunderstanding rin? never seen that before...) however she has a best friend, who deserves a whole separate post. who is it? not that hard to guess, but very hard to describe what they have going on. that relationship is built. they could feature in any "siblings or dating?" game. the answer is obviously neither. (most adult interactions to be fleshed out later)
topics to explore in the future:
[meta & story] seals & flying thunder god jutsu
[story] what to do with a sharingan
[story] Not A Medic
[story] from terrible misunderstandings to mutual character growth
next generation
rin-sensei gets team 7: naruto, sasuke & third character (anime only, so not quite an oc). sakura is very lucky to Not Be There yeah, this too is getting its own post later. not much material yet
#pink tsunami au; the konoha spinoff is taking form
#naruto#naruto au#naruto fanart#naruto fanfiction#rin nohara#pink tsunami au#hope no paragraphs got duplicated *again*#disjointed thoughts#gave rin a haircut to make her stand out among the many rins i cultivate#collector rin#she's gonna love the kamui dimension#nic art
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which solo songs by the beatles would you say are their "best"? as in, great production, great structure, it shows off their strengths as musicians, etc... although i get it's totally subjective, which ones would *you* pick?
this is SUCH an interesting question, thank you so much!!!!
My Sweet Lord is genuinely like my favourite George song, but given its semi-plagiarizing and how simple it is, I think I can't call it his best outright, although it's his most iconic slide guitaring for a reason. A very strong contender would be Isn't It A Pity, which I think is absolutely gorgeous lyrically and incredibly effective musically. I've also always loved When We Was Fab as a Beatles pastiche and think it's amazing melodically and production-wise. I'd also say Run Of The Mill, which is emotionally and lyrically incredible and rhythmically very interesting. It keeps switching time signatures!!! I also kind of wanna say Someplace Else but I can't fully defend it, though. I'm also super partial to Who Can See It though I don't find that a typical George song at all, so I'm not sure it fits your criteria. (also bear in mind I haven't reached Brainwashed yet!!)
For Ringo, tbh I am going to say Vertical Man. this is a GREAT song that I feel really captures his character so well, the light whimsy and the dark undercurrent. It also really works for his voice and the drumming rocks. It's still not on my Spotify!!!!! KMS!!!!!
For John, I think the three songs I'd say my three favourite songs are (in no particular order) #9 Dream, Nobody Loves You (When You're Down And Out), and I'm Losing You (okay and also (Just Like) Starting Over) and I think those all demonstrate John's different lyrical strengths – the dreamy imagery, the sad resignedness, the bitterness – incredibly well, while all having quite excellent production. I think John is kind of underrated as a producer and a lot of the stuff he's credited on (and Spector is not credited on lol) has a great vibe and shows a lot of vision. I also might throw in Scared which I think is super overlooked and to also add a more stripped back song, I'd go with Isolation, which to me is kind of the core of Plastic Ono Band.
Paul has my definite favourite solo career, so it's hard to narrow it down fully. Band On The Run is probably my most basic answer but I do think it's just that good and definitely one of his most effective suites. I would also say Junk, which I think is pure poetry and musically perfect. Tug of War is probably my (co-)favourite Paul solo song but I've seen a lot of people call it too melodramatic. I sort of see what they mean, but I love the central image so much, how complicated it is. I also think Here Today is one of his strongest songs lyrically, actually. Okay, let's throw out a few more: My Brave Face is like peeeeeaaaak upbeat but sad breakup song and I love it to bits. It'll definitely end up on my spotify wrapped. I also think Distractions is one of Paul's most gorgeous melodies and the production is so cool to me. It also feels so sincere and romantic idk. ALSO, circling back to Tug of War the album, I wanna say: I think The Pound Is Sinking would 1000000000000% be a universally recognized masterpiece had it been on a Beatles album. It is the absolute sweet spot of Paul's abstract yet impactful lyricism. I also kind of wanna say Heaven On A Sunday though I find that, like Who Can See It, not that typically Paul per se. It and Warm and Beautiful are perhaps my favourite songs about Linda he wrote.
I'm interested in your thoughts, anon!! and what do others think?? does anyone agree or strongly disagree with any of my takes?
#im thinking now that Heaven On A Sunday and Arrow Through Me could perhaps be mashed up#that would work I think????#and would be awesome and really sad#also my heart wants to throw in Keep Under Cover though it's just that it's SUCH a fucking bop#ask#anon#john#paul#ringo#george#music talk
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HI UM i really admire you and your art and i was wondering --
so i really love the way you format your comics, its really straight-forward and lets the reader process every word with ease (which i think adds to the impact of the writing), and that one rue comic with the split colors for the parentheses... how do you do it without making it look so messy?? to bring up another example, the hide-and-seek comic- i love how subtle and genius the call back to hiding behind the door was, it blew my mind... i take a lot of inspiration from the way you format and lay out your comics but for some reason i cant wrap my head around how you do so much with so little (in reality this might just be the result of me wanting to add so many little details for others to find , while being conflicted on keeping it simple, and,,, AGH...) for context : im trying to make a comic about isolation, but i keep filling up the page because i want to add things - when really i know i should be keeping it simple... but other than removing unnecessary details, i want to know what else you do to make your comics so clean and simple yet it rips out the emotions from your heart and has you stare at it as it beats. like... i want that type of impact!! i want to affect others on such an intense level!! i want to induce emotions!!! but how?
(sorry this was long, HAHAHA i just want to drive my point home- again with the 'wanting to add a lot of stuff to prove a point' thing but i digress)
ok first of all that is a huge compliment and it means v much to me, thank you 😭🙏❤️❤️
tbh for me the answer of keeping things uncluttered is paying attention to spacing and eye direction. Spacing depends on timing, if you want an action to happen slowly for instance you can make the space between panels longer, or take more panels for someone to complete an action. There's tricks for directing your eye, if you ever read anyth about focal points (eg biggest contrast, triangular shapes pointing towards what's important), but really with comics I keep in mind you're reading left to right and top to bottom.
The ruehob comic is actually simpler than you think 😅 I already knew which text had to be on the left and right with august's text post. And after that the "lanes" were so narrow there weren't a lot of complicated things I could do, just make sure you still read left to right and saunter vaguely downwards.
when you talk about putting little details, that doesn't necessarily have to distract people. Like I honestly applaud you having the drive to do detailing. You just have to make sure your compositions allow for it. Like if you think about ghibli backgrounds, they're elaborate and beautiful af.
For smth about isolation, my first thought was that you can draw a person in a setting alone among a bunch of objects, for instance. If you keep the person small but surround them with a bunch of detailed objects, it could feel very lonely. Just make sure the person still stands out b/c they're what's important, so for example the background stuff is a less saturated colour, or the person is the least detailed thing on the page. I think that's the main thing, you just have to make sure the things important to what you're saying stand out. Clarity is rlly half the battle when I'm laying things out haha
In school our teacher called this "killing your babies" because it sucks when you work hard on a cool drawing and it just doesn't work out😂This also still happens to me, it's actually partly why I keep things simple so I can work fast and throw out less
Here is a timestamp from supereyepatchwolf's video about Chainsaw Man, which has some of the coolest fuckin layouts
He's got other stuff that talks about manga and how eye direction can work and what cool stuff has been done. Off the top of my head his vid about one piece and his vid about gantz have helped me understand how to cause Emotions. Also I think he has one about Junji Ito that specifically talks about how details can make you scared, if you're into that 😂
hope this helps!
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Tbh, I rewtached fight club last night and I was so used to the Fandom being what it is I forgot how long the movie is and how dry some parts were, it's still one of my favorite movies, just funny!! The ending scene has my heart forever, though
I'm tryna work out if you meant dry humour or a drag. One of those answers results in a badly placed gun./j
I agree it's proper long!! I keep forgetting and I'm like hmm what if I rewatched it again but idk. I'm glad it is tho, allows it to tell the story properly. And more content for me so yk 😁😁
It is well funny, I don't get the people brad and Edward were on about that didn't find the film funny initially on launch and stuff. Idk. I think it's great. My sorta humour tho, I love sarcasm and stuff like that
The end scene is actually like OH MY GOD RIP MY HEART OUT WHY DONT YOU? TAKE IT!! Yeah no. Don't know if you've seen the post I made when I watched it first time round, but I was having a proper breakdown first time I finished it. I'm like, Tyler was a dick but I didn't want him to die jesus Christ bring him back 😭😭 and then rewatched it and I'm like, nah I still proper hate that guy. It's worn off again now, think if I watch it again I'll settle back into my put that man down ways. But yeh, the music, the building going down. My god. Beautiful. It was stunning. Him finally standing with Marla without wanting to tear her face off. God it was beautiful.
Also the fandom thing is so real lmfao
It's funny cause it's mostly soapshipping innit? Like supernatural is mostly destiel, but I don't ship destiel and I don't ship Tyler and narrator either lol. I don't mind it, and I see the vision but I just don't. I d'know I just find fandom funny. They're trying to convince me buttt idk. I like friends, don't erase them from existence 🛐🛐 don't even know if you can call them friends, they're a lot more complicated than that. Me when two men are FRIENDS?? Me when two guys just EXIST in the same house and beat each other up sometimes and are ridiculously close but one will abandon the other one for months and not say a word. Prick.
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Do you have any thoughts on hameron? Like, did she genuinely love him or just wanted to fix him? Did he ever have feelings for her beyond thinking she's hot? What do you think about their "date"? Did she ever get over him? (Everytime I thought yes she did, she would do something like "I'm not in love with house" speech or her breakup speech with house in s6 so I'm not sure anymore)
such a great question!!!! I have lots of thoughts about them bc their relationship is both incredibly complicated and unfortunately simple. tbh I used to really dislike hameron and I still do when it comes to the early seasons, but I can also recognize that on some level, they really did love each other.
The unfortunately simple part of their situation is that they are both victims of the phenomenon of wanting someone who doesn't want you— because they don't want you. that's not all there is to it, but it's very much the basis of whatever was going on between them. cameron wanted house bc house didn't want her, she liked the challenge and the idea of being the person who could fix him. I always think about what house said to her in s1 about her working her pretty little ass off to become a doctor when she could've breezed through life on her pretty privilege. I think the same thing applies with house, she could have anyone she wanted easily, but she wanted to work her pretty little ass off to have him and fix him instead.
alternatively, house didn't really want her until she didn't want him anymore, or at least outwardly. once she left the team and was engaged to chase, his affection and longing for her became much more apparent and he even admitted on several occasions that he wanted her back. He missed her enough to admit it out loud which is huge for house, only to get hit with "I miss the job, I don't miss you." which was fully a lie, obviously. she was lying to herself bc she was engaged to chase and couldn't in good conscience admit that she missed a man she was in love with not all that long ago.
Even though they both fell for that cliche of wanting someone who didn't want them, I think their feelings for each other were very real. Neither of them loved each other for who they actually were, but they were both in love with an idea of what they could've been in a perfect world. She thought if she could fix him, they'd be perfect together. I think she left the team bc she accepted that there was no fixing him and the only way to start moving on was to not be around him 24/7.
I don't know if house was ever really in love with her, I think he was in love with the idea that she was in love with him, bc he wanted to be wanted and loved by someone as good as cameron. she saw the good in him, made him feel like maybe he wasn't all bad. that's what house was in love with and wanted once she wasn't around to shine her pretty, morally good eyes at him. I also think it's worth noting that house says cameron is just like his dad when it comes to morality and let's not forget the massive daddy issues this guy has, so I think that plays a role in his attraction to her. I think partially, he was driven to her in search of something he didn't get from his dad bc emotionally he connected the two of them (imagine having such bad daddy issues that you project it onto your female employee who is like almost 20 years younger than you??? insane.)
To answer your question about their date, I hated it. It was weird and awkward but I understand they were trying to do a spin on the whole "boss sexually harasses employee" trope, especially given that house has no problem sexually harassing his employees, cameron included. but what I do really like is the scene where he goes to her apartment and begs her to come back bc when has he ever done that for anyone else (besides his soulmate wilson)??? I think that scene alone told us that he had some type of feelings for her. It wasn't just a work thing, he could hire any pretty, smart doctor who will put up with his bs, but he wanted her. I'm not going as far as to say he was in love with her all the way back then, but I definitely think it proved that he had some type of feelings for her that made him really really pathetic about her. I think she recognized it too and that's why she made him go out on a date with her, bc she thought that romantic date setting would spark those feelings and start a fire, but it didn't. Ultimately, they were all types of wrong for each other and both knew it, but just because they knew that, didn't rly make the feelings go away, it just made them smart enough not to pursue it (kind of, cameron would've pursued it if house let her).
to answer your other question, no, I don't think she ever got over him. and it's a hard thing, bc when the divorce happened, I do believe a part of her hated house bc she blamed him for what chase did. she'd convinced herself that chase was different when in reality, I think she was only with chase because of how much he was like house. chase didn't kill that dictator because of house, it's who he was and it's what he was going to do regardless of house. I think that's why when chase asks her "did you ever really love me?" that she initially answers "I don't know" bc she never really knew whether she loved chase or she loved that chase was like house. but for so long, she convinced herself that chase was different and then he went and proved that he wasn't any different and she hated house for ruining the idea she had in her head of what their relationship was and ruining another relationship for her. being off his team wasn't enough anymore, she had to get far far away from him if she ever wanted to move on. But she came back for his funeral and I think that shows that she still had love for him, even if she wasn't in love with him.
thank you for the great question and letting me ramble my feelings to you!! feel free to ask anything bc I can go on and on and on about this dumb ass show indefinitely.
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Learning raid mechanics on site rarely goes well i’ve done it so many times esp in ffxiv and it is so difficult unless the mechanics are like the standard 3. I dont think its anyone’s fault tbh I think its more a matter of accepting that you need a few tries to get it. I used to think i was trash but then i realized its insane of me to think ill be able to play flawlessly while experiencing something new where i have to watch out for mechanics ive never come across before, manage my rotation and on top of that listen to other people giving me instructions like… i believe most people dont perform great when their focus is split on multiple things at once
(Ok so wall of text because i am very passionate about mechanics in video games)
Oh for sure and I was telling them in voice at the time that I don't learn things well on the spot and especially not in the middle of a fight. At one point I was so frustrated with a boss (the last boss of Lighthouse ??? I don't remember the raid name, it was before or after orbonne monastery) that I wasn't accepting rezzes because I just kept dying to things that weren't at all intuitive. During the robot boss where you had to do math and step in the circle that had your answer I didn't understand that either because they didn't explain it to me.
FF14 at some point becomes very "play blind" unfriendly I've noticed. Late telegraphs and gotchas are much more common. its not always a bad thing, but it does get annoying having to Google dungeon or raid guides every single time I have to do a new one for the MSQ, which I had to do for a few raids in shadow bringers and most stuff for Endwalker. That's part of the fun for most people, and my friends cited wanting to give me the blind experience when they didn't explain things, but for me and I'm sure for you it just ended up making me more frustrated. especially when you have ego problems and hate performing poorly with other people.
I had to make flash cards for the epic of Alexander because that fight is so complicated I knew I wouldn't be able to remember anything without relentless studying and wouldn't get anything if it was explained to me on the spot. Obviously I didn't do amazing at it my short time in there (my friends are still trying to find a day that works well for the most people to keep going) because there is really no amount of studying that can prepare you for the environment that is a very mathed out, highly intricate raid with extremely high personal responsibility doing a very very very specific strategy when you're both A. new and B. coming from wow which is comparatively a mosh pit. Like my friends dragged me in there when I was level 85 or something and it was horrifying. But I'd argue I did a lot better than I did in any normal ass ivalice raid because I had the chance to study and learn beforehand.
I haven't beaten Eureka Orthos yet (I died to f99 boss sun spots because I didn't quite understand how the hitboxes worked and ended up cornering myself into a bad spot) but I think I'm pretty good at it and I'm sure I'll get it next run, which I was honestly thinking about starting after I checked my ask box. It's taken me about like 2 or 3 real attempts to get there but because I had the chance to study up on every single boss and every single mob as much as I wanted beforehand I don't have a problem actually doing the mechanics and I don't think I've died/used up a rez/ended the run to not doing the thing because i did it wrong (besides excalibur). Sometimes i just end up zoning out for a few seconds and K.O because 6+ hours of undivided attention is kind of hard to ask for LOL.
My friends have watched me do orthos and were like You are fucking deranged having absolutely no fear fighting Zaratans, Thunderbeasts, Spectres, 91-98 Orthochimeras which are all extremely mechanically demanding in some way. I know all the mobs by heart and I have the confidence in myself to do the simon says of something like a chimera correctly every single time granted my attention doesn't lapse. but that's only because I learned what they did beforehand, not on the spot, where I definitely would not be able to engrain anything into my head because I would be so stressed out. EO is probably the closest thing I have to wow's really high m+ dungeons where you die to literally anything in a far fetched way so it makes me feel at home LOL
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I'm curious and making a seperate post about the forgotten and older Captain Marvel characters from the past comics, but what are your thoughts on them? A bunch of them aren't even used anymore, but have so much potential to them if they're ever brought back.
Like Joane Jameson, apparently she was Billy and Captain Marvel's secretary at Whiz Radio, who knew of both of his identities and helped them. I really like this idea and think it would really be useful for a Billy Batson that's a street kid and constantly wary of adults who might want to turn him back in to the foster system, she provides a safe example for Billy to look up to and actually trust. Not just that, but she could also provide assistance for Billy/Captain Marvel on missions, things he may lack insight on or informing him of villainous attacks/incidents.
Are there any characters you wish to see be brought back to the present day comics or see them be included in fanfictions more? I also really like the idea of Dr. Sivana's children be brought back into the action more, especially Beautia, since she's actually a good person (from what I remember) and on good terms with the Captain
So it's taken me literally forever to answer this because every time I do I go down a mini research rabbit hole about older/unused characters because there are SO many that I would like to see more of.
My thoughts under the cut because it got long.
This isn't even everyone, but it's a lot of cool underutilized characters I'd love to see brought back.
Because of the number of characters, I'm splitting them into categories for ease of reading:
Cissie Sommerly: Billy's girlfriend and the niece of his boss Sterling Morris (who also needs to used more tbh) She is a sweetheart who loves her little brother (Pete) and is very kind hearted. She didn’t get much development in the older comics, but she often had to deal with Billy and Cap’s shenanigans. I would love to see more of her!
The Sivana kids Beautia, Georgia, Thad Jr, and Magnificus: we recently got an adult Georgia in the New Champion of Shazam but I want to see the whole family together! And exploring their family dynamics with only half of them being supervillains would be so fun! They love each other but it's complicated. Georgia and Thad jr were basically parallels to Mary and Captain Marvel Jr and that was a fun balance. Meanwhile Beautia and Magnificus weren't really interested in their father's evil scheme though they gkt roped into them sometimes. And of course Beautia's crush on Captain Marvel causes problems but she's still awesome and even tutors Billy for school.
Sunny Sparkle: basically he was so universally beloved by everyone who met him that they just gave him things. Bank robbers would just hand him their stolen cash. Car jackers would give him the keys. He was gifted so much stuff every day that Billy had to help him donate and sell stuff regularly. In modern comics, I think it'd be cool if he was unknowingly a metahuman whose power was being hypnotically charming.
Freckles Marvel: she was Uncle Dudley's niece and despite not having powers, liked to tag along on adventures especially with Mary. She's a lot like Darla with her upbeat little sister energy. I can see them being friends in modern comics (or maybe even related since they both have the last name Dudley)
Dexter Knox: a child prodigy and inventor who was good friends with Billy. He's basically the smartest person in Fawcett and he loves showcasing his inventions to Billy.
Arson Fiend: an insurance salesman that uses extortion and threats of arson to meet his sales quota. He drinks a potion that gives him fire powers which he uses to commit arson against people who didn’t buy insurance from him. We've talked a bit about his connection to other Captain Marvel villains like Lady Blaze who healed him and gave him his powers back when he lost them. He's such a simply evil character that works really well for comics.
Chain Lightning: a teenager with multiple personalities and the power to control lightning. She has 4 personalities: Amy (the "main" alter), Amber (the more angry/volatile alter who protects the system), the Inner Child (no name besides that but encapsulates their child like wonder), and ID (the embodiment of their id, thus more impulsive than the others). She actually absorbs some of the Marvel’s magic lightning which allows her alters to temporarily have their own bodies. Amy is in love with Captain Marvel Jr because he saved her life, but the other alters are more wary of him, especially Amber. While any adaptation of Chain Lightning needs to be conscious of the ableism that happens when depicting a system, I think there's a lot of great potential with this character.
Sabina: she is technically from the Trials of Shazam not Fawcett comics, but I think she's cool. Basically she was raised by a cult called the Council of Merlin. She was destined to be 10th in line to receive the powers of Shazam so she starts killing those ahead of her in the order to ensure that once Billy was mo longer the Champion the powers would go to her. But when Billy was transitioning to become the Wizard he chose Freddy as his Champion, bypassing Sabina and the predestined order of things. So Sabina decides to kill Freddy AND the gods he was going to get his powers from. She's so evil and cool and I really like her design. I definitely think there's a way to bring her back.
Fawcett Heroes: there are a ton of fun characters that weren’t necessarily Captain Marvel characters but were part of the same world before he was a DC property.
Bulletman and Bulletgirl: literally Billy’s favorite superheros! He reads their comics and everything! They were very popular at the time, Whiz comics second most popular characters behind the Marvels. They are a husband and wife duo that gave themselves superpowers (strength, durability etc) which they use to fight crime, particularly supernatural villains.
Mr Scarlet and Pinky: Brian and Pinky Butler are a father-son vigilante duo. They were so good at their jobs that Brian barely had any work as a district attorney because of such low crime rates. They were basically a working class version of Batman and Robin. They're good friends with the Marvel family and when Mary got her first solo series, part of the advertising was having Pinky send her pen pal letters inviting her to have new adventures with him and the other Fawcett characters.
Ibis the Invincible: an Egyptian prince whose mummy was uncovered and brought back to life (by Shazam). He uses the Ibistick, an extremely powerful magical wand, to help people as he adjusts to modern life. He can do just about anything as long as he has his wand and often gets thrown in the middle of conflicts between gods.
Kid Eternity: aka Kit Freeman, Freddy’s long lost little brother with ghost powers! After dying in a boating accident when he wasn’t supposed to, he was brought back and given powers as compensation. He can summon spirits, turn invisible, and become intangible, though his powers shifted over time. He's such a cool character and he deserves more love!
Whew that was a lot! If anyone else has characters to add (and I know there are many) I would love to hear about it! And if any of these characters intrigue you I encourage you to check them out and sneak them into your fics!
#ask me whatever you want y'all#shazam#billy batson#dc captain marvel#fawcett comics#forgotten and underutilized characters#we need to see more of these guys#so many of the Fawcett comics characters have been tossed to the side despite being so cool#and the marvel fam's supporting cast has just been gutted in favor of cameos from other DC characters
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Hello, can I ask what do you mean "in canon it's impossible for Sherlock to settle down with a woman"? Like, as a fan of Holmes and always read the books since middle school, I'm kinda confuse here, I don't mean anything negative. Sorry, do you think Poirot (from Agatha Christie) is also queer?
Maybe because I grew up with very religious mother and lived in anti-LGBTQ country, I'm kinda slow in picking up subtext. Like until now I'm still kinda confuse with my friend who have ships from any fandoms (but I still love to hear and read her headcanons or fics about those characters)....
I really agree with you, I've seen many Holmes' adaptations (cartoon, tv series, manga) but Yuumori is clearly the closest to Doyle's works. Do you think the mangaka also love to read Holmes' books?
Story time! (Welcome to "Hyper answers asks like an old lady going on an hour long barely-on-topic tangent at the slightest prompting.)
I totally get where you're coming from, I was raised in like...knockoff Southern Baptist churches. Growing up, homosexuality was presented to me as a sexual perversion incapable of involving real love. It's kind of silly, but it's true: a ship was a big part of changing that for me. I read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle as a teenager, and Kurogane and Fai had something that was inescapably romantic and beautiful but never strictly sexual (tho the potential is certainly there). Between that and an online community of LGBTQ+ adults who were incredibly patient and kind towards me even when I was suuuuper ignorant, I started to open up towards queer relationships as...well, just relationships. Relationships that can encompass sex and also encompass love and friendship and communication and partnership and all those other things I'd been taught were exclusive to monogamous straight people. And then, even as terrified as I was, I was eventually able to face the fact that I'd always had crushes on girls just as often as crushes on guys. So yeah, there's a reason Kurofai is my ship of all ships, the actual One True Pairing for me. Because it cracked open a door just enough that I could slowly lever it open the rest of the way. There seem to be quite a lot of anecdotes like this: women enjoying BL/mlm ships is often seen as fetishy (which can certainly be part of it) but for some reason I can't fully articulate it also seems to sometimes be a means for girls and women to explore their own not-straightness.
ANYWAY. SHERLOCK HOLMES. Tbh I'm not gonna go too in-depth because I would bet good money that there are a bunch of scholarly articles on Holmes' queerness. People have probably done their doctorate theses on this! Much smarter and more well-read folks than I have already covered the topic. For me, it really boils down to: he never outright expresses sexual or romantic interest in anyone (we must resist the urge to assume his respect for Irene Adler is romantic just because he is a man and she is a woman). He's almost certainly on the asexual spectrum. But when he does exhibit symptoms one might associate with romantic and/or sexual interest (particularly romantic, imo), it's always towards men (usually Watson, of course). For example, notable flirt John Watson saying that Holmes blushes at his compliments the way a girl does is...suggestive.
The whole thing is complicated by Watson being (in my opinion at least) an unreliable and sometimes downright petty narrator. He keeps going on spiels about Holmes being cold and heartless, only to turn around and describe him greeting his friends warmly and being emotionally moved by music and baby-talking puppies and charming old ladies. It makes Watson sometimes come across as one of those allo people who are so unable to conceive of a life without romantic and/or sexual desire that they start dehumanizing those who don't experience it. Alternatively and maybe more charitably, he just has a big ol' crush on Holmes, is understandably alarmed by it given the time period, and gets bitchy and defensive when he feels it might not be reciprocated.
But ultimately...do I think Arthur Conan Doyle sat down at a desk in the late 19th century/early 20th century and was like "I am going to write some ace queer representation for the tumblr girlies (gn)"? Obviously not. 😅 I do think he might have set out to create a character who very deliberately did not need to have the otherwise almost obligatory straight romantic side-plot. Holmes is never in any way set up as having a life headed towards marriage and children, in spite of how typical that was for the time. The companionship he does express a need and desire for comes in the form of another man. He's "lost without [his] Boswell." He sneakily buys Watson's practice out from under him so he'll be free to move back in and go on more adventures with him. He threatens violence when Watson is hurt. Etc etc. I think it's very fair to interpret it all through a queer lens, the quibble would be more in whether that queerness ever manifests sexually.
I definitely think the Yuumori creators have not only read ACD but also other fiction based on the stories, possibly even including some very old pastiches like this one. I love how seemingly nerdy they are about it haha! The series is full of easter eggs and callouts to other Holmesian works.
As for Poirot, I know very little about the character beyond a few episodes of the show I watched as a young'un, but that is not the mustache of a straight man (I'm joking I'm joking I have absolutely no opinion on that one! 🤣)
Thanks for the ask, and for actually reading this ramble if you got this far! 😅
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