#tbb tec
"You are both brilliant, and insane!"
@blitzink and their amazing art of Tech and his motorcycle inspired me to do a quick doodle of one of my favorite scenes from Far Past The Ring, where Tech figures out how to use Dr. Drummer's motorcycle, and they go for a few romantic rides on it as a result. It's my first time ever drawing a motorcycle!
God FUCKING damn it, writing these scenes were healing for me.
My college boyfriend loved his Suzuki Intruder, and I'll be damned if that beautiful bastard didn't break my heart.
I'm married to my wonderful Texas Tech, but god damn.
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techwrecker · 29 days
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲
Genre: fluff, light angst, SFW
Word Count: 1.9k
TW: N/A (please let me know if I missed any)
Summary: Phee has always been taken with Tech. Tech has always been scared of the future. In which Tech admits his Pheelings.
Stifling, stuffy, and sticky. 
Pabu was in the midst of its humid season and naturally, The Marauder required external repairs on the hottest day of the year. Tech shifted the plasma torch in his right hand to the other and retracted his arm from the side of the ship. He brought the free hand down to his mouth and bit down on the glove’s fingertip to free his sweaty hand. On any other given day, Tech would still be in his mandated blacks and armor, but, due to the heat of the day, he had changed into local-woven garments. They were made from indigenous plant fibers that allowed the breeze to float through and keep one cool. Tech couldn’t help but admire the practicality. He lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe his forehead, slick with sweat.
“Well, if it ain’t ‘ole Brown Eyes,” a familiar voice said from behind him, making him jump slightly.
Tech turned to see Phee walking towards him, eyes gleaming as she inspected his exposed torso. Her mischievous eyes met his own and he let the shirt drop out of his hand. She was holding two glasses, condensation from the blue chilled drink dripping to the ground as she made her way over. Nothing had ever quite looked as refreshing as the beverages she was holding.
“Hello, Phee.” He greeted simply, climbing down from the ladder he had propped against the nose of the ship.
“What’s wrong with her now?” She asked. She offered him a glass and he took it gratefully. He lifted it up briefly in thanks before taking the first sip. He bent down to set the torch on the ground to gesture at the exposed wiring.
“Mostly navigational issues.” He took a big swallow of the fruit-flavored beverage before continuing. “But, it is taking longer than I calculated this type of repair typically takes.”
“You mean you were wrong ?” Phee looked at him in mock surprise. He waved off her comment.
“Technically , I was not incorrect. My calculations are merely statistics and estimations. Outliers are still a possibility.” He explained to her.
“There it is. Ever the technicalities.” She turned around, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him. Looking up at the panel he was working on, she placed her elbow on his shoulder and gently leaned on him for support.
"Yes… technicalities." 
Tech stiffened slightly at the contact, but not enough to scare her off. Despite the heat, his skin prickled from his wrists all the way up to the nape of his neck. Being an Empire fugitive didn't leave much room to, for lack of a better phrase, fraternize with women. And as he was a male clone in a sea of other male clones, his time in the Republic left much to be desired. Aside from the occasional senator, his experience derived solely from the female Jedi generals and even then, it was only briefings or receiving orders.
Phee was a breath of fresh air amongst them. She stuck her neck out for strangers because it was the right thing to do, was never one to shy away from a challenge, and she had taken a shine to Omega– all traits Tech and his brothers had come to value in the recent months. Hunter agreed that she would be a useful contact to know, so the crew had struck up a relationship of the business nature with the pirate.
Despite the transactional nature of their relationship, Tech couldn’t help but to notice her lingering glances. Whenever they met up for a mission or new intel, her gaze always lasted a moment longer on him than on anyone else. And she took every chance she could to initiate contact with him. He always felt it tenfold, radiating through his whole body. When she retracted her touch, he could still feel her fingerprints burning against his skin and found himself wanting her return. However, Tech knew that his newly established “line of work” was not viable for a relationship. It wasn’t a formula with a singular answer that he could calculate in an instant. There were too many variables outside of his control for him to allow himself to feel fully comfortable with Phee, though he could if he let himself.
"Why don't you just reroute the power from the microthruster back to the main drive? Most ships never even touch it unless their fuel is low," She suggested, still looking at the problem at hand.
“Hmm. That might help with the charge of the navicom while systems are online, but the issue of the catalyzer shutting down once we go into hyperspace still remains.” Tech replied.
Phee tilted her head back toward the sky, letting the last of the liquid slip into her mouth, eyes closed. Tech was mesmerized by her beauty. The sun bronzed the highlights of her face and made the golden bands in her hair shine. His cheeks flushed against his tanned skin.
“You know,” she started after swallowing. “If you take a holo, it’ll last you longer.” Phee opened her eyes and set the glass down on a nearby crate. Had she just winked at him or was she just trying to shield her eyes from the blazing sun?
For once, Tech was speechless.
“That way whenever you’re on a mission without me, my hologram will be on your datapad and you won’t have to miss me so much,” she flirted, looking him in the eyes.
“As tempting as that is, missions usually take up most of our time save for traveling. I do not often have time to ‘miss’ anybody,” he said. “It is nothing personal.”
Phee dropped her arm and knit her brows in confusion. She let the hurt wash over her for a brief moment before quickly recovering. Even though Tech had purposefully rejected her attention, he still cringed inside knowing that he had crossed a line. He returned his attention to the ship, breaking eye contact. He could feel her still analyzing his stoic face.
“Well I’ll leave you to it, then,” she said, solemnly.
As much as he wanted to, Tech did not watch her go. She would eventually move on, as people do. Statistically speaking, 80% of people eventually experience unrequited attraction and despite that, the planets still make their rotations. He just wished Phee didn’t have to be part of that statistic.
The clone continued to work long into the evening, uninterrupted. Thankfully, the heat had eventually subsided letting the breeze pick up the cooling sea air. Tech focused on the gentle hum of the fully operational power board and the chirping of sea birds. It was music to his ears. Anything to draw his mind from his midday faux pas. At last, his well-loved Marauder was back in satisfactory condition.
The exhaustion from working in the sun caught up with him all at once. Tech gathered up his tools and set them on the crate next to the glass Phee had brought him.
A longing ache sprouted in his chest. He picked up the glass and inspected it, turning it round. After some consideration and deliberation, Tech resolved to find his friend and apologize to her. He did not make a habit of apologizing as he was rarely, if ever, wrong. But when it came to emotions and attraction, he never knew completely what he should say or do.
Tech started toward Phee’s domicile, clutching the slender glass. As he made his way down the winding steps, he began to think about his time as a cadet- somber, arduous, cold. He didn’t want to keep living like that. He wanted to live under the warm sun, feel the wind against his skin. Creating a path that he chose, not anybody else, became his primary goal. By creation he was an analytical thinker, but that didn’t mean that he always had to choose logic over love. Though Tech's mind had always been rooted in logic, he realized he needed to finally step out of his comfort zone. 
His speed increased as his passion grew. Phee had to know. She had to know how he felt. He wouldn't let the Empire tarnish every aspect of his life and the Republic was dissolved. It was his life to live now, his choices to make. Not even all the dangers of the galaxy could stop him now. Soon, he was whizzing by the local homes. Nothing but the sound of his boots stomping against the cobblestone filling his ears. Tech emptied his mind of anything but Phee.
Finally, her home was in view. The clone slowed to catch his breath before arriving knocking on her door. He passed the stone wall that encapsulated her home and made his way to the expertly woven mat that laid before the threshold. It had been painted with native symbols of welcome, prosperity, and warding. Phee may have been a woman of the galaxy, but in the end she would always come back to the only true home she had ever known. Tech raised his fist to knock on the door, gently.
He waited in the dusk, the sun completely gone beyond the horizon. Gentle footsteps shuffled behind the wooden door.
Upon opening the door and seeing her favorite clone standing before her, she did not give away any indication of what she was thinking. It was impossible for Tech to completely infer what she was feeling, though, considering his cold-hearted rejection earlier, he had some ideas.
 “Oh, it’s you,” she said flatly.
“Yes, it is me. I wanted to return your cup. You left it on the crates,” Tech explained. He offered her the glass. She took it, gingerly. “And-”
“And?” Phee raised an eyebrow.
“And to tell you…” Suddenly, a lump the size of a meteorite formed in his throat. “I apologize for earlier. I thought that it would be safer for you if nothing happened between us,but I realized that is not what I want.”
“Well, that’s just not giving me any credit,” she replied, a smile hinting on her lips.
“I know you are over-abundantly capable of protecting yourself, do not worry. But The Empire… They will come for my brothers and me eventually. I would feel responsible if anything ever happened to you. I- I care... about you,” he admitted.
He let his eyes drop to the floor and hung his head as his cheeks burned red. He couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes, overwhelmed with emotion. He could never be accustomed to this sensation.
“Tech,” she started. He could hear the gentle smile in her voice. Phee placed her warm hand against his cheek, tenderly lifting his face and delicately stroking her thumb. Her expression softened. Their faces were but inches apart. “I care about you, too.”
Phee leaned up and softly closed the gap between their lips. His first kiss. Although he had calculated this to be the inevitable outcome, Tech couldn’t help but let the zing of surprise shoot through his nerves. He closed his eyes as he melted into her, bringing one hand to the nape of her neck and letting the other wrap around to the small of her back. She responded positively, relaxing into his embrace. She moved both hands to rest on his chest and deepened the kiss, softly but with enough force to let tell him that he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Phee pulled away first, leaving him wanting more. She looked deeply into his eyes.
“We are more than the Empire. We are more than the galaxy. We are us ."
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tinywitchgoblin · 5 months
So, I saw my brother made a ship request for The Bad Batch (this is my first time doing one, so I'm a bit nervous), and I decided to do one, too. So, I'm 5'6 with blue eyes and blonde hair in a ponytail. I love reading, and making art and writing. I love fantasy and science-fiction stuff. I love having shirts that the sleeves go over my fingers, and I'm autistic. I hyperfixate ALOT (especially with Star Wars, specifically The Bad Batch) and I have three cats. Can't wait to see the results! ^^
(also requested SFW, and specified cisgender straight female)
I'm glad to be your first ship request facilitator (if that's what it is... idk). Also, tell your cats I say hi!
I ship you with...
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Tech is a very logic-oriented person. His mind is very organized, and does very well with structure. On the other hand, art is something he's never really understood, tried or, frankly, even liked. That changed when he met you. When he saw not only your art, but the way you interact with it, he became mesmerized. He wanted to know all about your creative process, and asks how he can be helpful. Tech loves getting you new supplies and doing research on which brands/types of supplies work best with your art styles. When you make a piece of art inspired by him, Tech doesn't have much of an outward reaction, but inside, he's bursting with emotion. He doesn't really understand what emotions he's feeling, but he is beyond grateful that you love him so much to put your time and energy into making something about him.
When growing up on Kamino, Tech and his brothers didn't have access to stories, especially not fantasy stories, so he was fascinated when you introduced him to the fantasy genre. It's well known that Tech ingests information about as well as Wrecker ingests food, so when you hand him one of your favorite fantasy novels, he becomes engrossed in it. Sometimes when he's reading, you'll hear him mutter to himself about what he thinks the characters' thought processes are in order to predict what they might do next, and it can be quite entertaining to listen to.
When Tech finds out you like to hyperfixate on The Bad Batch, he's initially a bit confused, partly because he had no idea that their stories were told here. He asks to watch the series, which you happily pull up. The two of you end up binge-watching the series in less than a week, and you love every second of it. Tech is a bit miffed that the animators don't accurately portray how he and his brothers look, but he keeps his remarks to a minimum while the show is actually playing. However, Tech does like to provide commentary about how certain events actually played out, as well as discussing his own thought processes from while he was in the moment. Ultimately, he's happy that you wanted to share one of your favorite fixations with him, because to him, sharing in one's obsessions is one of the best love languages.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog <3 it may take a little bit, but I'll get to it eventually!
Also, I haven't seen anything about #unwhitewashtbb recently, but on my page we support Temuera Morrison-accurate clone protrayals
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ladykagewaki · 6 months
A few thoughts on TBB S3E6&7 spoilers spoilers spoilers
They called the CloneX's "Shadows". I think they broadly illustrate what happens when the clones make the dark and unehtical choices. A shaddow version of the clones. I believe that the last CloneX we saw was not Tech, but a shadow version of Tech. Not his body in that suit, but some other reg. They are just kind of lurking all over the place.
I think we didn't see this CloneX's face because in that instance he represented Tec and Crosshair's dark sides at different times. While fighting in the river CloneX said to Crosshair "You had your chance to be one of us…You chose the wrong side." This feels like what Crosshair said to Hunter at the end of S1 and what he clung to until he chose his brothers over the Empire.
The drowning was very symbollic too - Star Wars Explained likened it to baptism and I can't believe I didn't see it in the moment. His old self died and he was reborn. I felt his old self/shadow self nearly killed him, but Crosshair was saved by his family when Howzer stunned CloneX.
Yes, I saw parallels between Tech's experiences and CloneX - having his leg (and everything else) crushed, going through the water and down a waterfall, being shot at by Crosshair when he is climbing (like while in the ion engine in S1), falling…I saw it, but I felt it was more along the lines of comparing their choices. It illustrated parallels between their experiences and the outcomes.
Tech made sacrifices for his family, and was (except for his last sacrifice) taken care of by his family. Loved and missed. Nobody is missing these CloneX guys. The Batch is all greiving for Tech. This CloneX guy went through all the same things with dark solitary motivations and no one was there for him at the end. No one. His communicator did not even work. Even Wolffe just took off with his squad without a thought about him.
I considered a Winter Tech, and I half like the idea, but there are so many other things happening, so many messages they are trying to impart I feel like a Winter Tech would be one of the less interesting and obvious options. The lighting, the music, the nuanced story telling? They make choices that feel so authentic and genuine to life that I can't see them pulling a Marvel comic book trick like that...unless they have a wild and wonderful twist on it. But I'm not counting on it.
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Nu Kyr'adyc
TW: Tech angst, spoilers for tbb s2 finale
Summary: Omega finds herself in a cell with Crosshair after being kidnapped by Hemlock
AN: This lil baby fic is written for @cross-my-heartt's art post, which you can find here. Thanks for reading!
He awoke with a small groan, the stiff cot not doing his back any favors.
“Crosshair?” a small voice asks, “Are you awake?”
His head whips around to look at the figure crouched in the corner of the small room. It had been a long time, but he recognizes the blonde halo and heavy accent. He quickly sits up, ice-hot panic running through his veins.
“Omega? Why are you here? I distinctly remember telling you guys to hide. For your sake.”
“I know.” she says. She looks down, trying to hide the emotions still shaking her every breath. “We were just trying to help you. I just wanted to help you.” Her voice gets smaller with every word, and he sees a small tear fall. He sighs inwardly.
“Where are the others?”
“I-I don’t know,” she wails. “Before they stunned me, Echo helped Hunter and Wrecker get away. I just know they’re not here.” He can’t help but notice the absent name, but he doesn’t push right now. He sighs.
“Come here.” he swings his legs off the cot and pats the space beside him. She scrambles over to him, taking her previous position with her arms wrapped around her knees. “Tell me what happened.”
“Well, after we got your message, we had to figure out where you were, so we planned to place a tracker on Doctor Hemlock’s ship while he was busy in a meeting with other imperial officers. Turns out there was another group of ‘rebels’ in the base, except they were trying to blow it up. Wreck and I did our part, and got the tracker on the ship, but we had to leave quickly because of the bombs. The,” She clears her throat, “the base was only accessible with this hanging monorail thing. We got about halfway from the base when the explosion cut the power to it. Echo couldn’t fix it from the train so Te-Tec-,” she stutters, voice cracking, “He had to get out and go fix it.”
The tears stream harder down Omega’s face. Cross scoots closer to her on the cot, not quite touching hips, but trying his best to comfort her. To let her know that it’s okay, even though it’s not. She looks up at him suddenly. The movement drags his eyes down to hers. “In your message, you mentioned plan eighty-eight.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, “I did.”
“Do you remember all the plans?” she asks quietly. He doesn't know where this is going, but he doesn't like it, pushing himself up to stand.
“Mhm.” he grumbles, beginning to pace the short distance from one side of the room to the other, head down.
“Do you,” Omega hesitates, and picks at her cuticles, “remember ninety-nine?” The flow of his pacing abruptly stops, and his eyes snap back to her.
“Omega…” he warns lowly.
“They never told me about that one. I thought there were only ninety-eight plans, but that's what… that’s what Tech said before he fell. ‘Plan Ninety-nine.’” After her final word, it’s like she forgets how breathing works. Her breathing hitches and her throat burns with tears. She sobs. That wheezing type of sob where it feels like Atlas has put his punishment on your chest. She breathes quickly, but no air fills her lungs. Have they pulled all the oxygen out of the room? Why can’t she breathe? What is happening to her? This can’t be real. This is a nightmare.
She feels arms pull her from the cot and into the air. Against someone’s chest. “T-ech?” Her legs wrap around them automatically. The hands stroke her back soothingly, while she buries her face into their chest. They rock back and forth, and he nuzzles the top of her head with his nose, inhaling deeply. She feels her hair start to wetten, but she doesn't care.
“I’m so sorry cyar’ika.” He whispers, and raises his face to the ceiling. “Nu kyr’adyc, shi taab’echaalj’la. Ni ceta, vod."
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warsamongthestars · 3 years
This here is a collective breakdown of behaviors observed, and speculative on, regarding The Bad Batch in their introduction arc of The Clone Wars.
Maybe possibly have updates in the future.
... And half of the point of this was mostly to figure out who Crosshair was prior to his Chip Activation. So that I, and by extension You, have a character we can actually either mourn or celebrate or hell, await the return of.
TBB TOGETHER - Aggressive first if aggrieved, does not have a “diplomacy first”. ( Has to be stopped from Strife-Battling the Pol-Tecs )
- Plan 82: Shockwave Implies there are 81 other plans or more.
TECH - Speaks precisely. - May interrupt conversations to give full info. - Unnecessarily, and insensitively, honest
- Crazy Pilot. Mad Plans - Feral Underneath the Exterior - Overinfo / Cannot read Room - (Telling the Generals that the Yalbachs attempted to sex the BBs is insanely embarrassing, AND THEN, saying that the stinger is edible -- Too much info) - Tends to avoid Physical confrontation - Tends to Shove - Doesn't seem to react to Teasing ( Compare when Wrecker teases Crosshair and when he teases Tech ) - States things as Factually and Detailed as Possible. - Silent Mock / Exasperation over Team Antics (Eye rolls Wrecker's fear of Heights drama) - Speak Different Languages - Records Everything... Its a Hobby - Is constantly doing something on his datapad - Possibly gathering detail and mission info (Intel on Pol-Tec culture)
- Goggles, Scanner and Arm-Pad all connected - Thermal Goggles - Translator goggles - Capable of rapidly translating a local planet only language from its writing system to Aubresh and into Basic. - Trace / track Frequencies - Hacking Pad / Door Unlocker / Possibly Rainbow Table?
- Duel Wields Pistols - Grenades
WRECKER - Loud, Cheerful / Cheering / Battle Cry for Fights / Battles / Explosions / Stress Relief
- Child-like Honesty - Emotional Honest in the Moment, but doesn't like to lose his "Toughness" if out of the moment (So... Tis like a kid who is afraid, but won't admit it afterwards) - Will literally pick up and hold those who attempt to fight Crosshair; In spite of Crosshair's jeering. - Atrocious Patience for Stealth / Rushes in-- IF he’s up close. If he’s far away or setting an ambush, he’s shockingly alright.
- Lifts Gonky for a Weight; May eat while doing it - Tends to just toss food anywhere (... Well, that explains his buck ) - Hates up-Close Stealth (See every time they have to Stealth, and he rushes in) - Hates Heights but won't explain unless in the moment ("I'm not scarred, but when I'm that high, I have a problem with Gravity.")
- Demolitions Man - Heavy Muscle - Secondary Pilot for the Havoc Marauder
- Automatic Submachine Blaster - Vibromachete on right thigh
HUNTER - Soft Spoken - Level and Calm voice - Prone to Passive-Aggressive jabs and Mockery if Frustrated-Panicked-Interrupted-Embarrassed ("Tech can fill your head with nonsense for hours" - Response because Tech all but told Command "We had to fight Sex-Crazy bugs and Yum-Yum Stingers" when Hunter was clearly NOT TRYING TO TELL THEM THAT) ("LETS HOPE THIS MISSION ISNT FOR NOTHING" -- To Echo's plan of POSSIBLY stealing a ship that might not even be there while about to balance a pipe over the fuckin TROPOSPHERE)
- Stops the Fights with Diplomacy   Plays Nice in spite of personal feels (tends to mock / snark / Downplay things to Command ) - Redirects questions with vague answers. - Possibly knows what his answers would be, and knows that Regs and Commands don't like how the TBB operate, and is avoiding complication with vague answers (Note to Jesse and Kix's "Its not that they win, its how they win") - Possibly believes in Destiny? Awkwardly put ("Your path is different.") - Becomes friendly with Rex, even if he knows they're heading to a trap -- Though it seems to simply be because he has to be "friendly" and play-nice with Officers, no matter how crazy, because it makes things easier on TBBs. ("We'll tag along, if only to say we told you so.") - Playful Mockery ("Don't worry Wrecker, I'll hold your hand") - So being an Ass like Siblings do. ... But just as willing to be serious and give comfort ("Hang in there Wrecker!") - Sense of Smell associated with Enhanced Senses? - The Ampullae of Lorenzini, which have Electroreceptors and possibly Magnetoreceptors, in Sharks is located in the Snout.
- Pistol Blaster - Knife; Located in left arm armor.
+ SPECULATION: Possibly chewed Crosshair out for the Cruel Jab at Rex, as Crosshair is quiet the rest of the mission and is pointedly, Never near Rex until after Skako Minor.
CROSSHAIR - Sarcastic Tone; Precise speaking - Stare / Glare / Watch - If / When challenged; Jeer - Escalated by challenging back - Possibly cause Shit - Highly reactive to Teasing; Thus gets Teased because of his Reactions (Consider the differences when Wrecker picks on Tech and when Wrecker picks on Crosshair-- Crosshair reacts, Tech doesn’t )
- Keeps Watchful Eye / Peaks around Corners - Considers Health of Injured Squadmates if ordered to Move out - Hand on Echo's Shoulder for steadiness or comfort. - Awkward interruptions if trying to remain Civil - Tease - Friendly Competition with Wrecker on Droid kill count - Doesn't like Awards or Award Ceremonies ("Accolades.")
- Stealth - Steal and drive enemy Vehicles - Highly Calculative and Quickly Calculative - (Consider what it takes to know where to put the Mirror-Disks)
- Accusatory Tones? - ("That explosion gave away our position.") - Quite possibly doesn't like being knee deep in trouble. (Snipers are delicate, and Crosshair is a Stealth artist in his own right-- Doesn't like drawing unnecessarily attention in dangerous situations) - Humorless / Sadistic Grin when challenging - (Is definitely drawing attention to himself to those that can't hurt him or his brothers) - May flick Toothpicks at would-be challengers. - Attitude Problem - Wrestled Kix outta the way when the medic attempted to stop Wrecker from holding Jesse ("Stay out of this") - Seemed to have it out for only Jesse and Rex; Not Kix - Gets under the Skin and Twists the "Knife"; Doesn't apologize or Spare feelings
- Firepunch Sniper Rifle - Toothpicks - Pistol Blaster - Fires Stun Rods and Extension Cord - Heat / Electric sensor in Helmet - Mirror / Reflective Magnetized-Disks
+ Seems to be attracted to plain and honest action and Intent (Wrecker; Kix)
+ THE HEART UNDER THE PLASARMOR Shows a considerable care towards Health and Safety  * Cody's injuries ("Cody is in no shape to move")  * Likely noted that the Pilot did not survive the Crash  * First in the Bad Batch to extend a comforting hand to Echo (and at no point said anything about mistrusting Echo)
+ THE PLASARMOR "The Problem with Regs" Proceeded to pick on Jesse ( "What're you looking at?" "We don't normally work with Regs." Flicks Toothpick ). Jesse would continuously have a problem with Crosshair whenever they were on screen. Have it out for Rex. Here's a Captain leading a Suicide Mission for a Personal Hurt / Failure, and has to be constantly reminded of the Bigger Picture. A Captain who did not note that the mission now has a Dead Pilot, and seemed to consider Cody's injuries as a side note to the Mission at hand (2 Causalities and 1 is a Death). And since Crosshair is a Bastard, he not only notes this, but uses the notion as a way to drive a knife into Rex's heart (And likely didn't expect major retaliation for the effort). ... This may also be why he’s fine with Kix-- Kix’s first major interactions was to retrieve Cody and check injuries-- IE, keeping an eye out for the squad and not short changing their health for the mission.
+ KNOW WHEN TO FOLD 'EM Was Definitely chewed out for that comment (He said it to a CAPTAIN, THE OFFICER IN CHARGE, in FRONT THE FUCKIN GENERAL OF A LEGION-- Crosshair provin’ he’s just as much an idiot as his brothers before their own series even started).
Spent the rest of the time definitely avoiding Rex, either by personal choice or under orders or both. Times when he had to speak to or around Rex, it was awkward and soft language ("Uh, let's hope it works..."), but ultimate spent the rest of the Skako Minor mission quiet. Oh yeah He knew he crossed the line he shouldn't have. Thems the quiet of Guilt. He only picked his energy back up when Echo was successfully retrieved and they were on to the next mission-- and since Rex complimented them for their field work to Echo, and let Echo go with them, I think the whole fiasco can be considered water on the bridge.
PLAY SERIOUS: Hunter, Tech DONT PLAY SERIOUS: Wrecker (Cheerful), Crosshair (Snark / Jeer / Challenge)
IS SUSPICIOUS: Hunter, Tech (The ones most suspicious about Echo) IS ACCEPTING: Wrecker, Crosshair
ACTION N THRILL: Wrecker, Hunter (Of course Hunter is here-- He bloody well did the jett-ski version of skydiving) CARE N STEALTH: Tech, Crosshair
THOUGHTFUL: Hunter, Tech ( Tech is Thoughtful in the Literal Sense-- Brain Full ) IMPULSIVE: Crosshair, Wrecker (Yes Crosshair is Impulsive-- Note his confrontation with Rex-- Dis Man Do Not Got Da Braincell )
JEERS: Hunter, Crosshair ( Hunter is just as much as a sarcastic Snark as Crosshair-- He’s just smarter about it... Kinda ) OPEN-HONESTY: Wrecker, Tech
TENDS TO SHOVE: Tech, Crosshair
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ebaeschnbliah · 5 years
M O N S T E R S   I N C
... and it’s stunning similarities with Sherlock BBC
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MONSTERS, INC  is a computer-animated comedy from 2001, produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. A modern fairytale, so to speak. I stumbled across this movie by accident while researching the ‘221b door’ tag on my blog and found an old tweet from Arwel Wyn Jones (x) posted during the filming of Series Four.  Watching the movie turned out to be quite the eye-opener.  :)
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It’s not so much the plot of that movie but rather certain images which remind me strongly of Sherlock BBC. A lot of images, to be precise, but also some dialogues and one distinct voice. Watching MONSTERS, INC really left me speechless at times.
Related posts:  The Monsters are loose  (initially I’d chosen to name this post ‘Monsters Inc’ but that was before I watched the movie)   Overlaps    Playing with skulls (soon)   Laughs or Screams, additional informations
The ‘monster post’  is waiting below the cut for the fearless  ….  :))))
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For anyone who hasn’t seen the movie:  MONSTERS, INC mostly plays in Monstropolis, a city in a parallel universe. The only places where the monster- and the human-world can connect, are the closet doors in children’s beedrooms. Here skilled monsters - the ‘scarers’ - appear at night to harvest the screams of terrified kids. Just like in the human world, the majority of the monsters aren’t evil, nor mean they any harm to the children. Monsters are actually more scared of human kids than the kids are of them. The harvested screams are badly needed because they provide the energy which is necessary to power the monster’s world. And because children are constantly becoming less easily scared, the screams decrase more and more, which means that an energie krisis threatens.
Initially the storyline for MONSTERS, INC  had been a different one though:
Pete Docter's (director and writer) original idea revolved around a 30-year old man dealing with monsters, which he drew in a book as a child, coming back to bother him as an adult. Each monster represented a fear he had and conquering those fears caused the monsters to eventually disappear.  (X) 
The logo of MONSTERS, INC,  the powerstation where screams are harvested to light the Monster’s world, combines the symbol of the eye and the letter M. I simply can’t help unsee a certain similarity with the logo for TheGameIsNow. That’s quite thought provoking, to say the least. 
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The two leading characters in the monster world are scarer James P. "Sulley" Sullivan and his best friend and roommate Mike Wazowski, who is also his assistant at work. A big blue, fluffy guy wearing horns and a short, one-eyed, green guy who prefers to sit in a green egg-chair …. a bit similar to the one from the stagnight scene inTSOT.
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Sulley holds the top position among all the scarers of Monstropolis. With military-like training Mike takes care that his friend stays in best form. 
Hey! Less talk, more pain, marshmallow boy! Feel the burn! You call yourself a monster?
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The most successful scarers are celebrated like stars. Everyone knows them. They can’t go anywhere without being recognized and asked for autographs. And when they enter their company it looks like a hero parade. 
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Future scarers have to undergo a special training in a high-tec simulation room. Here they are taught everything of importance, including the art of scaring children most efficiently in order to get the perfect scream. 
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Listen to the lady in front of the surveillance screens who teaches screaming (at 01.40) …. but beware … she sounds an awful lot like Eurus Holmes ….
And this is the big boss, the chairman of MONSTERS, INC … Mr. Waternoose. He is very proud of his job, which has been passed down through his family for three generations. He acts as Sulley’s mentor and holds great faith in him as a scarer. Additionally …. he reminds me very much of Mycroft in TAB.
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The monsters believe that harvesting screams is enormously dangerous, because children are deemed to be toxic, that their touch could kill them. Agents of a special task force - the Child Detection Agency - are on constant alert to neutralize any contamination with objects belonging to the human world. 
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As soon as anything suspicious has been detected, the ‘big bad bouncy red alert’  goes off, cameras zoom in and then CDA agents enter right through the skylights to take care of the problem. Like AGRA in Tiblisi , really! I couldn’t help a yelp watching this little scene below ….
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And then ..... shaved by AGRA … sorry, by CDA, of course ….  :))))
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The day comes, however, when the unimaginable happens and a human child enters the monster world. And Sulley, the most famous scarer of all, is almost scared to death. I’m really tempted to call this an ‘Eurus-efffect’ ...
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Thankfully, Sulley also has a heart of pure gold. He overcomes his fear - a little bit - and takes the human child home. His partner Mike is definitely not amused but helps anyway. Courageously, the friends prepare for the worst case scenario ...
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Sulley, the Viking, with shield and horned helm and Mike, who seems to have ransacked the kitchen Cabinet instead. The little ‘killer-girl’ though is completely unimpressed ...
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The evening starts rather chaotic, which results in some remarkable accidents …   I guess I know now where the idea of shoving a big pack of cigarettes into Sherlock’s mouth comes from …. and maybe Sherlock’s spraying attack on the CIA agent in ASIB as well.
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Finally the situation calms down. Sulley beginns to supect that human kids might not be toxic after all. The little girl has a real crush on the fluffy, blue monster. She believes Sulley is a big cat and starts calling him ‘Kitty’. Looks like ‘killer girl’ is a cat lover. :)  Against Mike’s advice, Sulley decides to give the girl a name as well. He settles for ‘Boo’ because she likes nothing more than to scare him.
And Boo likes to draw …. Spoiler: Boo doesn’t burn down the house.
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Eventually Boo gets tired. A trace of goodies (not breadcrumbs) leads the little girl to bed.
By the way: The book based on the film gives Boo's "real" name as Mary Gibbs, the name of her voice actress. (x)
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The architecture of Mike’s and Sulley’s flat … the wide arch in the living room and in Sulley’s bedroom (Mike’s bedroom is never shown) … instantly reminded me of the very similar structure chosen for the 221b Baker Street livingroom set in PILOT.
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What would any fairytale be without a good old-fashioned villain. In this case it’s a villain who looks suspiciously like a Chinese dragon. And naturally, where there is a dragon there needs to be a dragon slayer as well.   
Randall, the dragon-like monster is one of the most wicked characters in Monstropolis. He works as scarer but holds only the second place on the company’s success-list behind Sulley. Randall’s envy is huge. He is driven by his desire to displace his opponent from the top of the list. One can safely say that ‘murderous jealousy’ is a good description of Randall’s motivation. But his plan to capture the all-time scare record, only scratches the surface of his sinister agenda. 
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But before it comes to the ‘slaying’, the nasty reptile tries to torture Mike, to find out where the missing human child is hiding. 
Randall:  SAY HELLO TO THE SCREAM EXTRACTOR!   (Jim in TAB:  Well, say hello to the virus.)
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This is what Randall has created in a secret lab to prevent the looming energy crisis of his world … a machine to harvest the screams of children by force and not through the acting skills of trained scarers. Mike’s unimpressed answer to this realisation: 
Mike:  WELL, SOMEBODY'S CERTAINLY BEEN A BUSY BEE    (Mycroft in TEH:  You have been busy, haven’t you? Quite the busy little bee.) 
That’s not a joke … and the way down to the secret lab looks strikingly familiar as well ...
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Needless to say that Sulley arrives just in time to rescue his friend … but that’s not the end of the story and also not the end of similarities with Sherlock BBC. 
Some nice little images in-between:  a fish mobile from Boo’s bedroom in which Sulley gets tangled up in, a toy train, a toy ship and a toy plane from the high-tech simulation room. Rater similar items can be detected in Sherlock BBC as well (TST, MHR and TFP). Especially the plane reminds me of the one Eurus’ plays with near the brook.
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More familiar images:  
the prominent display of the letter M - often in combination with an eye 
a precious littel thing ... Boo, who wears pink underneath her disguise as monster, hides in a bin
a rather ‘big G’ painted on a wall
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And there are eyes wherever one looks ...
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Even contact lenses can be found ...
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Mike’s love interest is a lady with hissing snakes for hairs, who works as receptionist in their company …. 
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At one point the hero’s life is threatened by a deep fall, caused by his opponent, Randall, the nasty ‘dragon’. 
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Seeing Sulley’s life threatened, Boo overcomes her fear of the reptile-like monster. She attacks him violently. This gives Sulley the time he needs to get out of the critical situation. 
And WOW!!! What changeable creature this villain is ……. even Jim ‘I’m so changeable’ Moriarty would be inmpressed. 
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Randall’s exceptional talent for any kind of masquerade is also demonstrated in a little scene involving a portrait of the company’s chairman, Mr. Waternoose.   
The face of a chairman, covered by something related to a dragon … this reminds me instantly of TBB and Sir William, the former chairman of the bank, whose face had been covered with the yellow spray-paint, applied by a member of the Yellow Dragon Circus. 
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To their dismay, Sulley and Mike discover that Randall isn’t just a jealous colleague. What is far worse, the changeable villain doesn’t work alone. His partner in cirme turns out to be none other than Mr. Waternoose, the big boss of the company. The two of them intend to use Boo for their experiments with the scream extractor, while Sulley and Mike get banished from Monstropolis and are sent into exile .. to the Himalayas. No return expected. 
There is no plane involved as in Sherlock’s case, but strictly speaking, the way in which the ‘sending into exile’ happens, can indeed be seen as a variation of ‘flyihg’ … 
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Snow falls at the place where they land, somewhere in the Himalayan mountains.
While the Himalayas, more precisely Tibet, is closely connected to Sherlock’s hiatus after Reichenbach, the falling snow can also be found in TAB, the place Sherlock finds himself in, as a result of his ‘going into exile’ at the end of HLV … London in the winter 1895. 
And it doesn’t take long before the dark shadow of a scary creature falls over them … a seemingly monstrous creature which is covered all over in ‘bridal white’ fur  ….
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May I introduce you to ….  Yeti, the ABOMINABLE snowman!
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He is really a very nice guy and helps Sulley and Mike to get back where they came from and where they are badly needed by Boo. Randall is not amused but this time it is him who looses the game.
Yeti’s nickname was inspired by the Abominable Snowman from the 1964 animated special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (X).  Knowing this, one could view that bridal-white character also as a sort of Christmas connection. :))))
And have I mentioned those horns?
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Some more lovely images:  a shot from the inside out of a small box (without a severed head in it though), no fire-extinguisher but it looks like one, silhouettes behind glass, safety helmets (X) and ... flickering screens ….
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At the story’s finale, the simulation room from the beginning - a bedroom on a stage with a ‘fake’ victim lying in it and with a moving wall - I’m not kidding - becomes the ‘confession room’ for the main culprit. And of course, every word of his confession gets recorded. Somehow this reminds me strongly of another scene … another film … what was it again? It’s on the tip of my tongue ….
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It turns out that chairman Waternoose had already been under close observation by CDA undercover agent 001 - code name Roz (not AMO). An elderly, quite steely lady, who turns out to be his superior. Waternoose gets arrested and Sulley becomes the new chairman of MONSTERS, INC.
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Now the time has come for Boo to return to the human world. Sulley takes the little girl back through the closet door into her room, where they part after a big good-bye hug. 
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Then the closet door which leads to her bedroom gets shredded, to prevent any future contact. But Boo’s short visit to the monster world had a huge impact. It proved that a child's laugh has ten times the power of a child's scream. The energy crisis of Monstropolis is solved. From now on laughter is harvested instead of screams and the power generated this way, is enormous. Mike turns out to be best harvester for laughs ever. 
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Because Mike knows how much Sulley misses the little human girl, he collects and secretly reassembles the pieces of Boo's shredded door so that it can be activated again. 
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The End
The song "If I Didn't Have You" won the Academy Award for Best Original Song.
Mike: ♪ But I must admit it. Big guy, you always come through. I wouldn't have nothin' if I didn't have you. ♪ Mike and Sulley: ♪ You and me together. That's how it always should be. One without the other don't mean nothin' to me. Nothin' to me. ♪
Sulley: ♪ I don't have to say it. 'Cause we both know it's true.♪ Both: ♪ I wouldn't have nothin' if I didn't have... I wouldn't have nothin' if I didn't have... I wouldn't have nothin' if I didn't have you. ♪ Mike: ♪ You! You! A-E-I-O... That means you. Yeah. ♪
And doesn’t this almost sound like …. ‘just the two of us against the rest of the world’? 
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Hopefully you enjoyed the rather long ride. I can highly recommend this movie to anyone. It’s so much more fun watching it with ones own eyes than just reading a summary. This said, I leave you now to your own deductions. Thanks for reading that far. :)
August, 2019
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