#taz transcribed
juha-art · 2 years
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this will never stop being fun for me
one of merle's shirts was suggested by @taakosleftshoe & @entguarde ! thanks <3
(psst check out my shirt jokes tag)
Image description by @anistarrose : digital sketches of characters from The Adventure Zone, photoshopped to be wearing various photorealistic graphic t-shirts. In the first image, Lup and Barry are standing together and smiling.
Barry’s wearing a shirt that says, in many different fonts: “Sorry, I’m married to a freaking sexy wife. She’s a bit crazy and scares me sometimes but she’s a perfect mixture of sunshine and hurricane. She is my whole world. Flirt with me, they’ll never find your body. (Yes, she bought me this shirt.)”
Lup has an arm around Barry and wears a shirt with a pink grim reaper on it, saying: “Give me your mum’s credit card.”
Next, Davenport holds a mug with a tired expression. His shirt has a cartoon picture of mice on a bicycle and reads: “The homies and I aren’t feelin’ this endless cycle of death and rebirth.”
Lucretia’s sitting behind him and journaling, with a shirt that reads: “My pen is huge” next to a picture of a pen.
Merle is shown twice. His first shirt originally read: “I’m no cactus expert, but I know a prick when I see one,” but several words have been scratched out so it it now reads: “I’m cactus expert. I know a prick when I see one.”
His latter shirt simply reads: “Hoes love stagnant water.” Magnus is next, and wears a shirt that says “Kiss your homies goodnight” on the back.
Finally, Taako wears a shirt featuring Garfield in a cowboy hat, reading: “Women fear me, fish fear me, men turn their eyes away from me as I walk. No beast dare makes a sound in my presence. I am alone on this barren earth.” End description
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cobalt-knave · 1 year
For those who doubted the number of NPCs named Justin, here are four of them. Clerk Justin, Justin in security, Host Justin aka Beefy Justin, and Justin with a knife.
Transcript is very long, so it's under the cut!
(ep 19)
Justin: And you see a… sign that says, “Check in … here.”
Travis: Oh, okay?
Justin: Yeah. [chuckles]
Griffin: Seems this is the place to be, man.
Travis: We go there.
Justin: Okay, you go in and there’s a person sitting behind the counter. He’s about 5’7’’, he’s wearing—
Griffin: [laughs]
Justin: [chuckles] He’s wearing a T-shirt and jeans.
Beef: Hail and well met!
Justin (clerk): Hey.
Beef: All right.
Justin (clerk): My name’s Justin, welcome.
Beef: Woah?
Griffin: You’re not 5’7’’, are you?
Justin: No, the character in the— what are you talking— no, this— the character in the game is 5’7’’.
Montrose: We’re staying in cabin 37, may we please have our medallions as quickly as is possible?
Justin (clerk): Oh, yeah, sure.
Justin: He reaches into a drawer without even looking and pulls out three medallions
Justin (clerk): Here you go, you’re in cabin 37.
Justin (clerk): There’s probably just a bed in there. [chuckles]
Montrose: Just one?
Justin (clerk): Three.
Emerich: Oh, thank God.
Justin (clerk): Yeah.
Beef: Okay.
Montrose: I thought we were about to have ourselves a little Kevin McCallister, a little… a little party in there.
Justin (clerk): There— yeah, there’s three.
Beef: Could we… could we request some extra pillows?
Justin (clerk): Yeah, sure, you can request that.
Beef: Will we get ‘em?
Justin (clerk): Nope.
Justin (clerk): Yeah, I just sit here. It’s very boring and doesn't seem to be important. I just kind of sit here and wait for people to come, like yourself. And then hand them the medallion for their room, and then… just kind of cease to…
Montrose: Oh, well, sir—
Beef: Can I have—
Montrose: You must have more of a higher aspiration—
Justin: I mean, I have other stuff I’d like to do. But I—
Montrose: Oh, like what?
Beef: Like what?
Justin: Well, I like to do podcasting, actually.
Beef: Really, podcasting?
Justin: Yeah, I’d like to get into podcasting. But I’m not great with voices, and I’m worried that it’ll be—[chuckles]
Montrose: Hey, that said it was cool for you to give us your keycard.
Justin (clerk): [chuckles] Who’s they?
Montrose: The, you know, higher ups here at Ephemera.
Beef: Shroog.
Justin (clerk): The thing— the only things that I’ve ever done in my life are get medallions out of this drawer and hand ‘em to people, that’s it.
Montrose: Well then, you should be pretty well equipped to hand over the medallion that you have on your neck right now.
Justin (clerk): I don’t have a medallion. They don’t let me go into any of the rooms. This door in front of me, the one that you just walked in, it’s always unlocked. I’m a fucking sitting duck here. But—
Beef: Hey, it sounds like you hate your job? Have you ever been—
Justin (clerk): I don’t hate my job, I don’t love my job. I nothing my job. I don’t have anything interesting to say or do about my job.
Beef: You are fascinating! We’re gonna come back and talk to you. I can’t get enough of this.
Emerich: I don’t know what you’re gonna talk about in your podcast. What will you talk about in your podcast?
Justin (clerk): People that stay too long in here when there’s nothing for them to do or see!
Beef: Oh yeah, I hate that, man! I hate when people do that.
Montrose: I just, I—
Beef: I’d listen. I’d listen to your podcast.
Montrose: I’m updating my speed dial on my phone, and my emergency contact at the hospital, to Justin and Shroog.
Justin (clerk): I can’t leave! I can’t leave this room, I’ve never left.
Montrose: The door’s unlocked.
Justin (clerk): [chuckles] I’ve never left this room.
Montrose: The door is unlocked, though.
Justin (clerk): I was born in this room, I’m terrified to leave.
Beef: Oh, come with us!
Justin (clerk): No.
Montrose: Come with us? We’re having a—
Justin (clerk): [laughs] I’ll never leave! I’ll never leave this room.
Travis: Justin, I pick up Justin and I carry him out the door with us.
Justin: [chuckles] The second you touch Justin—
Montrose: [chants] Justin, Justin, Justin!
Justin: [laughs] The second you touch Justin, you’re electrocuted, for level one harm.
Travis: And I punch Justin.
Justin: Okay?
Griffin: Yeah, let’s kick his ass!
Justin: Okay, you take a swing at Justin. And you’re… he—[chuckles] Your fist lands squarely against his jaw and he is knocked out. It is a beautiful punch. But it isn’t until this exact moment that you see the camera directly behind Justin that starts— [Griffin giggles] And you noticed it’s turned directly at you. And you start to hear the phone on Justin’s desk ringing.
Travis: I pick it up.
Montrose: Real quick, Weekend at Bernie's. We’ve practiced for this. We have practiced this!
Griffin: I put an arm under Justin’s armpit.
Justin in Security: Hi, this is Justin in security. Is everything okay over there? ‘Cause it looked like Justin got punched out or something—
Beef: No, he wanted to learn about stage combat, and I was showing him how to do a punch. He’s here, though. Say hi, Justin!
Clint: I’ll wave his arm. I got a hold of his arm and I wave it from behind him.
(ep 22)
Justin: Dad, here’s what I want for you to do. I want you to roll a sway. And this sway roll is going to be convincing this unnamed gentleman… who I’m going to call…
Travis: Oh, I can't wait.
Griffin: This is gonna be good!
Travis: Brace your asses, everybody!
Justin: Justin.
Travis: Nice.
Griffin: God damn it.
Justin: And—[chuckles] I want you to try to convince Justin for the tier of work that you are ready for.
Justin (Host): What do you— hey, I know you’ve been out of the game for a while.
Emerich: Yes?
Justin (Host): Where are you at right now, skills wise, Emerich?
Emerich: I am really at the top of my game.
Justin (Host): Wow. Wow. Huge stuff, huge stuff. We can all agree, right? Huge stuff.
Griffin: [in silly voice] “Huge stuff, boss!”
Emerich: And if I’m able to sway you, I will demonstrate this projection to you, so you can see.
Justin (Host): You know, it’s so rare people just openly say that they’re attempting to sway you. I appreciate your forthrightness.
Emerich: Well…
Justin: Wow.
Clint: Whoo!
Justin: Great job, dad. Great job.
Clint: Now wait, is that Justin or Justin telling me great job?
Travis: Woah…
Justin: That was Justin.
Griffin: Yeah, this guy’s not your dad in game.
Justin (Host): Hey, you did a great job.
Emerich: Thank you, son.
Justin (Host): I’m really proud of you.
Travis: Now, that was Justin.
Griffin: [chuckles]
Justin: That was Justin.
Travis: Okay.
Justin: [chuckles]
Justin (Host): Okay…
Emerich: Well, Scott, I would like you to meet Justin, who is not my son.
Travis: It’s weird, people don’t often clarify that as much as they should.
Griffin: Yeah, I appreciate it.
Travis: When I’m introduced to people all the time, I’m not told whether or not they’re their son.
Griffin: Yeah.
Scott: Hey, I’m Scott Boldflex, and I’m just realizing I only have one voice for real guys-guys.
Griffin: [chuckles]
Scott: You know, it’s just this one. One voice for guys-guys. Guys that are more guys than me. And I just have this one voice for guys. You know, guys—
Clint: And I recall Scott. I recall Scott into the Give a Ghost Projector.
Justin: Thank fuck. [chuckles]
Justin (Host): That is really impressive!
Clint: No, I said I recalled Scott.
Justin: [chuckles] Fuck off, Dad.
Griffin: [laughs]
Justin: Eat shit forever. [chuckles]
(ep 30)
Justin: The doors open. And you hear the speakers come on again.
Funnyman: And now it’s time for you to [laughs]
Montrose: Go ahead, Funnyman. No, don’t crack yourself up.
Funnyman: And now it’s time for you to face my – one of my most devious, most devious henchmen. Get ready [laughs] Get ready to meet a middle aged man with a paring knife!
Knife Justin: Oh hey. Oh hey, guys.
Beef: Hey, man.
Knife Justin: Welcome to my floor. I guess.
Beef: Are you evil?
Knife Justin: Um. I mean, nobody thinks they are, right?
Beef: Oh wow.
Knife Justin: But I mean I am working [sound] I am working for Funnyman. I guess he’s not the – the best guy, but I mean—
Beef: Well, in this economy…
Knife Justin: If you follow the ladder far enough. I mean, even if you buy fucking salad dressing, Black Rock owns it. You know?
Beef: Yeah.
Knife Justin: So if you follow the chain, it hard to say are any of us evil or good, but I mean, I don’t know. I do have a paring knife, and he told me to try to – I mean, stab you.
Knife Justin: Well, I’m not gonna put the knife down. I mean, that’s—
Beef: Ok try to stab me. Try to stab me.
Knife Justin: You sure?
Beef: Yeah.
Justin: Alright, Travis. You see him. He’s gonna go Norman Bates, like, he rears back with his hand over. He’s gonna go—
Montrose: No, no, that’s – That ain’t. That’s not proper stabbing.
[overlapping voices]
Beef: No, no, no, no. Do underhand. You’re going for the gut, man, what are you doing?
Knife Justin: Oh, ok.
Emerich: This is a paring knife!
Knife Justin: I’ve never actually…
Emerich: You know—
Beef: Yeah, don’t go for like –
Knife Justin: So you go for the— Go for the gut?
Beef: What are you – stabbing me in the top of the head? Yeah, man, you’re trying to chu-chu-choo, ya know?
Emerich: Are you left handed or right handed?
Knife Justin: I’m left – I’m a lefty. Should I be using my dominant—
Montrose: You’re holding it in your right hand. What are you doing?
Emerich: Yeah, it’s in your right hand.
Knife Justin: You guys are being so cool about this. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Beef: We wanna give you a chance.
Travis: I slap him again.
Knife Justin: AH FUCK!
Justin: So, he, uh [laughs] I don’t even think you have to roll for this, Travis. He just – He goes to stab you, and he does! And he stabs you in the stomach. And you can see his eyes, like, pop out, and the knife’s like buried in you, and you don’t seem to be daunted by it at all. And he pulls the knife out. And he’s kinda looking at you to see if you’re gonna do anything.
Beef: Ok, so now’s the part where I get to, like, either seriously hurt you, or can just, like, give me the knife.
Knife Justin: Oh! Uh, yeah. I mean, here. You can have it. I’m—This is what he told – I only had to stab you guys, so…
Beef: Ok. Now [overlapping]
Montrose: And how did that feel?
Beef: Good question!
Knife Justin: Can I, Can I be honest? I think I’m gonna go to, like, a night school or community college or something. I don’t think career wise this is for me.
Montrose: What’s your name there, bono?
Knife Justin: What?
Montrose: What’s your name?
Knife Justin: Justin.
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eyedovesart · 1 year
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a lil taako for @melonkittii :3c
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atticcreationz · 9 months
I finished The Adventure Zone: Outre Space! Short n sweet, fun times, very Hootenanny vibes! So glad Clint got to take another spin in the GM chair, and I always love how enthusiastic he is about comic book lore! Gabe is obviously the perfect Miles Morales and Kate killed it as, well, Kate ahahahaha. Their laughs were infectious! And of course the mcelroy sibling dynamics transcribed perfectly to the babysitter vibes. God I also loved that they were all fully in costume as their characters for the entire thing despite the fact that we saw maybe a total 30 seconds of social media posts with the costumes 😂 Looking forward to TAZ VS Dracula!
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bizlybebo · 3 months
you listen to TAZ?? im reading the books right now (did you know that it's a graphic novel series and is fantastic)
actually. wait. what if prime defenders got turned into a graphic novel.
(sound of brain exploding)
actually once i finish hamartia (<ongoing fic) i plan on transcribing PD into screenplay format. because i imagine it best as a tv show in my brain and i need to infect others with my image because there are so many good ideas for cinematography.
also yeah!! i’m trying so hard to start TAZ cause i love it so far,, my buddy pal ex-spouse finch rec’d it to me. i just need to stop getting distracted by rewatching the same pd episodes over and over </3
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oddityroadshow · 2 years
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Thanks to whoever sent the ask reminding us to transcribe the show. I've started the process of using whisper.ai to transcribe the first episode then am paying a human being to format/correct it.
If you're curious about the process, here's the raw output from whisper. Here's the tool I used to do it. Lance ( @bibliophage413 ) mentioned TAZ transcripts to me and I like their formatting so look forward to OR being fully transcribed in that style. Thanks!
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authoralexharvey · 2 years
The Fool and the Magician!
Thank you kinda for the ask!
00. THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?) 
Technically, I have three for you cause there's a prologue and then the first chapters of the two POV characters. So, here you go:
The following is the last recordings of Dr. Chloe Duval, transcribed in accordance with the applicable sections of the Laws for Miasmic Interaction.
Chapter One (Simone)
Across the desk, Simone’s Intro to Glyph Design professor reads their thesis proposal with a thoughtful furrow in his brows.
Chapter Two (Nadia)
The week begins as many of them have recently, with violent vomiting.
01. THE MAGICIAN: SPARK OF MAGIC (What inspired you to write your novel?) 
I'm just gonna explain ASMLP or I'll talk too long. I talked about it a bit here but a few things inspired this book: Bloodborne, Elden Ring, The Radium Girls, me carrying around a notebook everywhere, TAZ: Amnesty, American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns. Probably some other stuff I can't think of rn.
Send me tarot card asks!
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oldmanyaoi-jpeg · 2 years
all the cecil wtnv hype has reminded me that i've literally never listened to wtnv even though i really want to. i wish more people put meaningful effort into transcribing or visualizing podcasts because i would love to experience wtnv or taz or like a million other podcasts but i cannot listen to podcasts for the fucking life of me
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acanvasofabillionsuns · 4 months
kofi requests
i've made a couple posts about it over the past ~week, but i've made a kofi! (also linked in my blog description - ik it doesn't look like a link but i promise it is)
i'd appreciate any support given 🥺 times are getting tight and i've been on the job hunt for weeks now with no luck 😔 so! i ask! if you've enjoyed my writing in the past and would like to help me out! please donate a lil something on kofi!
to show my gratitude, if you give me a kofi and you so wish, i might write you a little something!
(here is my ao3 as a reference for my writing style, and my general writing tag has my fics crossposted on tumblr along with little bits and some oc stuff that's not on ao3)
i also like to transcribe for my favorite podcasts and have clipped out bits of legendlark that i particularly enjoy (you can find those here if you're interested), so if you have a favorite scene you want transcribed/clipped that hasn't been already then i could do that instead!
i'm open to writing p much anything that's sfw, ocs, and for any fandom i've already written for + rottmnt, taz (balance, amnesty, or grad), secret life (i've watched lizzie, grian, jimmy, and bigb in full and a few of cleo's and scar's, for reference on what i'm familiar with), and the httyd books, to name a few. if i have a fandom tag for it on here, i'm probably open to trying my hand at it, and if you're not sure, feel free to ask!
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juha-art · 1 year
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quick Aubrey & Dani (and Dr. Harris Bonkers) for @tazsapphicweek !
prompts are monster + home
Image description by @anistarrose: warm-toned digital art of Dani and Aubrey from The Adventure Zone. Dani has pale freckled skin and long, straight blond hair, with orange eyes and slight fangs. She wears an orange flannel and patched jeans.
Aubrey has dark brown skin and curly red hair with an undercut, wearing a vest with a bi flag on it, along with the Flamebright pendant around her neck. They're cuddling, smiling at each other, and Aubrey is petting Dr. Bonkers, who sleeps in her lap. End description.
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tazscripts · 3 years
Library of transcripts is updated!
Hi everyone! I hope y’all are as excited about Ethersea as we are! Just completed some housekeeping and we’re happy to announce that our catalogue of read-only transcripts has now been updated to include the rest of Amnesty, almost all of Graduation (the last few episodes will be up soon!), and most of Ethersea so far!
Now that the McElroys have announced that TAZ will be going weekly (!!!) we can use all the help we can get with transcribing! Head over to the ~Master Tracking Document~ for links to all the editable documents and to see which episodes need work. Dive right in! Don’t wait for permission! You can consult our Resources and Formatting Guide for transcription software and guidelines for how to format and style our transcripts.
You’re also invited to The Transcription Zone, our Discord server, for real-time coordination of Team TAZscript efforts, or just to chat with friends. Type @mods there if you need to get in touch with us!
As always, thank you for all your contributions great and small, and for being the best community!
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zonerbonerz · 5 years
Hey! I am trying to get into TAZ Amnesty. I found a wiki page which directed me to a site with the episodes, but I couldn't find any text/written stuff about the show. You wouldn't happen to know if the 'scripts' are somewhere to be found? Since English is not my native language, it turned out to be a bit problematic to try and keep up with the story with just the sound alone. Thank you beforehand, hope I didn't bother you! *blush and run*
ahh u didn’t bother me homie! I highly recommend tazscripts’ blog. The mods are incredible and it’s all really well organized. Here’s some links to the resources:
-list of all the transcripts
-the setup they did before starting Amnesty
-TAZ Amnesty: Episode 1
The setup isn’t necessary to understand the story, but it’s still vv enjoyable. Happy listening!
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actual-possum2 · 3 years
Guidance: "I know that you are angry, and I also recognize that you're not about to believe a single word that I'm about to say to you, and thats... fine but I still do need to say it. I understand your resentment, but we cant do anything about what happened to us in the past. And I don't want to see that resentment swallow you up and define the rest of the long life you have ahead of you. I wonder if it would be possible for you to, amidst your resentment, occasionally think back on... the good days, during your time at the cloister."
Devo: "Well, I'll tell you, Guidance. The problem with being lied to and manipulated, is that now, in retrospect, I cannot tell what was a good day, and what seemed like a good day because this is how you wanted me to feel. This is the problem that I have, it is not that I hate you, it is that I do not know what is me, and what is you, and what is the church, and what it is that i want, because for so long, you and the other teachers only saw me as a vessel to me be filled with your ideas, and your beliefs, and you would do anything to have me accept those.
        I am afraid of every other feeling because I do not know if they are yours or if they are mine. But my resentment is my own, and this is the anger I will keep coming back to, to understand who I am. And what fuels me is knowing that I am not you. And- I do not want to be only resentment, yes?"
Guidance: "Yea"
Devo: "But when I see your face? And the symbol? And the chruch? It's all that I am. Pleasure doing business with you."
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taz-writes · 2 years
this is the weirdest question i’ve ever returned to a half/hiatus’d blog to ask but do any of y’all know of a relatively simple guide for figuring out the pronunciations of gaelic words? i’ve tried googling, but that just gives me long lists of specific names when what i want is a breakdown of the sounds themselves
i know that the use of the latin alphabet with gaelic is internally consistent (or at least so i’ve been told), but i cannot for the LIFE of me consistently remember which letters sound like what for the purposes of gaelic… i would like to train my brain to stop autocorrecting to french or italian or german letter sounds when i am reading things that are none of the above
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maplekeene · 4 years
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I do love chaos I love the possibilities
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ladyfl4me · 4 years
god i am LIVING 
in the new ttazz at 61:03, griffin talks about making a conscious decision to make fitzroy ace when he was in character creation, and he talks abt ace rep and the way he was trying to act that through fitzroy. we are eating good on this day
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