#taz live show spoilers
boopthemanbooster · 1 year
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somelazyassartist · 1 year
Very minor TAZ: Live in Seattle liveshow spoilers below
Trying desperately to draw art for theTAZ liveshow but I've been so excited the last few days I've barely slept and all I can think about is the fuckin g way Griffin said "go to the Pike Place Market and throw a fish idunno, get a fucking job!" (paraphrasing) and because my brain is so fucking tired I can't seem to make myself draw anything but that right nowhelp
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ sanji/taz skylar.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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taz-vs-urmom · 4 months
never thought i would hear griffin mcelroy say the words “through the whalussy i hear her voice” in a transylvanian accent but here we are i guess
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juha-art · 2 years
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Game Shows Touch Our Lives / Reunion Tour
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once again talking about dadlands to push my briquette hoggins x science dad agenda
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elonaswrath · 2 months
okay i have so many thoughts. first of all i think that removing some of the minor characters like the head from the arc worked well. However, the removal of the countering adventuring party in wonderland was not a welcome change for me. The lack of a foil through out the game made it feel hollow and lacking substance. In fact the whole gn felt very rushed. Nothing really seemed to get a moment to breathe because they had to rush to the reveals about IPRE (more on this later). I think one of the cardinal sins of the novel however is showing us characters like Lup too soon. What made the stolen century and the lead up to story and song so good was the fact that we did not know anything about the characters but instead that we learned about them as they grew. One of the most powerful moments of balance was the reveal of davenport and the unfurling of the mystery of the seven birds, but here it just happens. Like there is no mystery there is nothing but the mystery being solved. Taako’s line of “You took half my heart” means so much more when we see what Lup meant to him. The stolen century gives so much more power to things like that, but here because we needed a clean ending they just had those things happen. ALSO ABOUT LUP I CANNOT STAND THAT THEY SHOWED THE BEST DAY EVER!! Like it’s a fun easter egg if you have listened to balance but by putting it there devoid of context it has no weight and I feel flops on its face. This really feels like it’s living in the shadow of stolen century, almost like Across the Spiderverse being a part one.
I am genuinely baffled however by the treatment of wonderland. Because so much of the story is weighted towards the events after wonderland we lose so much of what made this arc special. It seriously felt like nothing from wonderland could breathe because they needed to explore the moon and the secrets on it. This led to some of the worst changes in my opinion. We lost some of my favorite lore in the series when the final wheel spins are cut. I think Magnus taking all of the punishments on the last wheel, spinning without caring what it will cost him is some of the best of the series and it’s just gone here.
My biggest complaint however is the focus that is paid to specific moments and not paid to others. I think that no healing in wonderland deserved a full page if not a two page spread as it is one of the best moments in the series. Also, arms outstretched felt so jumbled and lost in the chaos of the page. I would have loved a two page spread of them reaching for one another. I realize it means more to us knowing that it drastically changed the narrative and that it took all three of thb to do it but still I think that could have been so emotionally resonant. I think the book could have taken itself more seriously as a piece of emotional media. What made TSG and SC so good was the emotional depth we finally saw. Wonderland was supposed to suck because losing things should mean something. I wanted to see the characters breathe and be affected but there was too much ground to cover.
Let me also say I think Carey absolutely killed the illustration work and there was so much good in the graphic novel. I just have a special place in my heart for this story and I understand this review seems mostly negative. I say these things not because I hate the work but rather because I think it pertinent to discuss why some things did not land with me. I loved the majority of it. Seeing this arc come to life and having moments like Dupree appearing were so fun but also there is so much room for potential improvements. I give the novel a solid 7.5/10 on a first read. I think it’s definitely one of the weaker entries so far but I am so excited for Stolen Century. I hope that they give the next novel more time to develop. If that means waiting longer so we can get more brilliant art from Carey I am so good with that. My one hope is that we see more of the characters emerge in the next gn because this felt very story driven and not very character driven. And it is in the end the characters that I love. The story worked as means to build the characters and I think we need to see more of that.
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erasermist · 1 year
One Piece Live Action Season 1 (includes spoilers):
Sanji Thoughts
As usual this is gonna be really ramble-y (rambly?) and honestly just me listing practically every instance I could see 😂 sorry if it doesn’t make sense! I just need to get all my feels out and this is the best place.
I just love Sanji’s characterization in this version. Don’t get me wrong, I love anime Sanji but there is just something about this version that I love too! I mean yea he a bit less flirty and actually has a little more style, but that’s not all. I love the way this Sanji is enamored with Luffy from the beginning. From the first time they really talk he is clearly comfortable with meeting this pirate in a straw hat and talks easily with him. Jumps immediately to telling Luffy his dream, to try and help Zoro at the cry from help from Luffy, and the offer Sanji makes to try and cheer Luffy up about Zoro where he will make anything for him if he only asks is so cute.
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Sanji’s little smile in episode 6 after asking why Luffy would help defend the Baratie and Luffy just says “You fed us”… it’s perfect. In that moment, I think Sanji fell at least a little more in love with Luffy (platonic or romantic, I don’t really care how it’s viewed but love grew). And then his little smile when he asks about them needing a cook so he could join 🥲 it’s just so cute.
And his interactions with them all is just like he took on the role of older brother. I saw someone mention this before so it’s not like I’m the only one thinking it. In episode 7, the patience Sanji shows in talking to Luffy while fishing shows just how kind he is. And he is incredibly gentle when he leads the conversation o what Luffy is actually needing to talk about. And again when he traded a meal for time to speak with Nojiko, Sanji gives this soft look towards Luffy before gently steering the conversation to ask about Nami.
And even when Sanji sees that Buggy is making Usopp uncomfortable, he immediately sets out to silence him and makes a joke to try and calm Usopp down.
And in episode 8, even the usual Sanji - Zoro fighting only illustrates his kindness more, at least in this instance. During the fight against the Arlong Pirates, when Zoro looks like he is in pain from his injury, Sanji needles him to check on him.
He’s just so achingly kind! And I love him! Taz Skylar does an amazing job and I can only hope that he (and all the others) stay on with the live action for as long as it runs.
Edit: I can’t believe I forgot to mention his cuteness when he tells Luffy about the barrel idea!! He was so excited!
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i-am-minty-fresh · 1 year
Why I love the One Piece Live Action as someone who was incredibly skeptical
!Spoilers for the Live Action (kinda, use your discretion)!
Reason 1:
The Casting.
I do not need to get that into this because if you like One Piece at all you’ve definitely seen how much work the cast has put into being the most authentic version of these characters (I’m partial to Iñaki Godoy’s (Luffy) infectious goofiness and Taz Skylar’s (Sanji) martial artistry, but thats just cause I follow them both on instagram and I’m in love). The cast absolutely loves what they are making and you can tell so let's just blow them all a kiss and move on.
Reason 2:
The Design Choices.
I love all the choices but I’m gonna highlight one for the sake of time. Buggy. The man, the myth, the clown that terrorized tumblr for a bit, let's talk about the moron shall we. In the anime and manga Buggy is a clown. Nothing more. He’s introduced as scary but very quickly he becomes just a menace. In the live action though, oh he’s scary. Yeah it’s scary to see a mostly shadowed face with an eerie smile like in the anime or manga, but the live action makes me feel unnerved. He’s got mannerisms like Jack Nicholson's joker mixed with Pennywise’s body contortionists to create a character that makes me not just scared but unnerved. 
Reason 3:
This part was arguably what I was the most nervous about and what made me the happiest about overall. I was really scared about the graphics surrounding Luffy’s Gum Gum fruit, because I was thinking that they have to make him stretch and contort so often without it looking weird. While watching though I realized something that made me so happy. It does look weird. It’s looks really weird and can be hard to look at but that’s the fucking point. We all got so used to Luffy’s fruit we forgot about how gnarly it looks without animation. When characters react to his fruit we see them looking grossed out or scared, that's because his fruit is gross and scary to normal people. When he bends seemingly without a spine, when bullets bounce out of him, when he drags his head back to hit you with that Gum Gum Bell to those characters they’ve been seeing what we now have to look at. It makes you uncomfortable because a person shouldn’t be able to bend like that and that’s why everyone who sees it in the manga or anime looks like they're gonna puke or scream. You know what always fixes that feeling though? Luffy’s personality. His childishness, his creativity, his utter stupidity. He laughs it off and Iñaki Godoy does a perfect job emulating this! 
Final Thoughts.
There are some things that the Live Action doesn’t have. There are some things that it adds that some people won’t like. (The den den mushi’s are terrifying and I hate looking at them). As someone who loves this show with all their heart I get the instinct to point out differences and flaws and just get as mad as possible over little details but…I refuse to do so. I love complaining and if this adaptation truly sucked this would be a much longer and much angrier post but it just doesn’t suck. The only expectation I had was this adaptation needed to at least remind me why I absolutely fell in love with the stupid fucking pirate anime and instead it had me falling in love all over again. I suggest you watch it if you like One Piece, if for nothing else watch it because of how proud Oda is of it. He knows us better than anyone else, and he knows we’ll love it, so just trust him. He’s never let us down before.
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fablecore · 1 year
i was curious what you thought of the live-action One Piece now that season one is out! personally, i have the same compliants as Geoff of Mother's Basement (youtu.be/43K-H_dtQ9g?si=2n0MLLPmdw0vARk7) where, personally, my main compliants were (1) how clean some of these well-worn outfits and set-pieces were and the bigger one was (2) how Garp was altered but i, like Geoff, have my hopes that s2 can fix that by showing that this is the experience (mostly part from Mihawk) that changed Garp into more of the Garp we see in the manga. "a high 8 or low 9 out of 10" indeed. overall, i think its okay as an adaptation! i like Sanji's perviness being toned down, i dont mind most of the shuffling and changing because it is an adaptation with timeslots and seasons unlike a limitless manga with arcs however long it wants. i can understand if you or others dont like the live-action adaptation though! i just like that it was a good gateway to help me turn some of my friends into One Piece fans, less scared of how BIG One Piece is now the live-action has given them a limited taste, towards the manga or the OnePace.net-editted version of the anime (though i do still plan to have them watched some of the anime-only filler that is fun lmao maybe ill throw a sleepover or something, idk, i just like how OnePace fine-tunes the padded-out pacing problem the later One Piece episodes have) thats the main plus of the live-action adaptation to me
but im curious about your thoughts if you have any?? its okay if you never plan to watch it, i know a few other fans like that and i dont mean for my wuestion to be all peer-pressure-y or anything ♡
i've never heard of onepace until now! i'm in the same boat, i've been watching opla with my sister who's kind of interested in starting one piece but is also intimidated by the anime's episode count. maybe we can watch onepace instead. thanks for letting me know ☺️
i've only seen the first two episodes (but don't care at all about spoilers and have seen a lot already). i didn't like the first episode, zoro particularly, but the second was fun! well... it was camp. combined, i would give it the verdict of "aggressively okay" but this isn't a judgement on anyone who liked it. if you did, i'm happy you had a good time. i just have cinema brain.
what i liked so far: helmeppo's >:O face and his puma trainers. the vfx team in charge of luffy's rubberyness. buggy's "surprise, shithead!" nami's den den mushi earpiece/cellphone.
the rest:
zoro’s zombified no energy go girl give us nothing monotone. 😐 <- why did they tell him to make this face in every shot
they cut the scene where luffy gives zoro his swords back and replaced it with helmeppo ass
"a man needs to be strong. but he also needs to be good.” you are going to cut off a pirate rookie's arm and then obliterate his ship and crew later 👍
what is this whole thing about being "morally good" and "one of the good guys" and "a good pirate" it's ICKY
justice for silly winky vain nami. how are they going to do the personality shift into broody serious arlong park nami when she's been broody and serious the whole time
nami spent like 30 minutes unlocking one (1) locked cage. i guess it's because she and zoro needed to talk/get some exposition in, and i'm not going to suggest a better option because i don't want to rewrite half the script. i just found it amusing because normally it's "suspend your disbelief when a character does something amazing for the plot" and not "when a character is noticeably worse at something they really have no business being this bad at. for the plot"
i'm starting to think that zoro and nami lost core personality traits because the writers wanted them to be luffy foils instead of their actual characters
i did hear taz was the best/most charismatic actor out of the straw hats. i'm assuming this is because they let him be sanji instead of making him into a luffy foil since they have enough luffy foils
cameraperson's love affair with low angle closeups and fisheye lens. i don't hate it (it's camp) just pointing it out
i'm literally so serious about mackenyu's insufferable zoro voice. whenever i hear him talk in that joyless southern california kardashian vocal fry my blood pressure shoots through the roof. who made him do that
even though i have issues with the writing, i think objectively opla has done a decent job of pleasing fans. i'm not one of them but i know there's a lot. but on a technical and artistic level... deep sigh palms pressed together listen... i was hoping for spellbinding artistry from the showrunners. beautifully lit scenes, beautiful camerawork, excellent technical chops, lingering shots of luffy's bruised knuckles, the slightly frayed fabric on zoro's swords, a super close-up of a log pose with the crew talking behind the compass needle, their bodies distorted by the glass. fingerprints on kerosene lamps. barnacles on rotting wood. a searingly hot-blue summer sky (super saturated in post) over shells town or wherever. i wanted lush gorgeous rich interesting artistic ideas from the directors and cinematographers. i haven't seen any of that so far, and what i have seen doesn't compel me to watch more. i'm not saying the actual cinematography was bad! just. okay. it was okay.
(but also some of the nighttime/underlit scenes are bad. put a dang key light on your actors 🤺)
concluding thoughts: at the end of the day, if netflix wants to keep throwing millions per episode at tomorrow studios, i'm fine with overlooking mediocre filmmaking and storytelling. i want everyone in the production crew to get their bag. i hope this show runs for another 50 seasons and is powered by union labor forever and ever until the end of time amen
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cheesepuff5000 · 1 year
5/5 Old TAZ Hootenanny virtual live clips I forgot about, November 2021. Was originally not going to upload these as they’re spoilers, but it looks unlikely that the full show will ever be released!
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silversoulstardust · 1 year
currently at episode 5 of the live action series and here's my spoiler free thoughts so far:
1. the show really nailed the core casts. they really lucked out with casting iñaki as luffy (my boy ordered milk at baratie. milk. welp he's so cute) and emily's nami's anxiety and angst just jumps out. also taz's sanji got me swooning every time he opens his mouth 💕
2. the sets are gorgeous. baratie is very well constructed and going merry looks kinda cool
3. the lighting is bad at times and I wish the director would let us see shit (the fight with a certain clown got me straining my eyes sighs)
4. fighting sequence can be a little funny but hey, that is the goal of the series? I remember reading an interview with Oda that he wanted his main character to have a funny power and he thought a stretchy rubber guy is fun
5. I was a bit worried about the pacing of the show but it doesn't seem to be a problem at all. they've rewritten some parts of the story to smooth it out for the series without compromising the original
6. some of the side characters can be a bit of a hit and miss. really not digging shanks and mihawk in this one, sorry
this is ofc an opinion of a long time one piece fan so it might seem biased so I'm curious what a non-fan thinks about it
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somelazyassartist · 8 months
Oh shit I've been out of the TAZ loop for MAYBE two weeks bc I've been temporarily focusing on Dungeon Meshi and in that time nobody told me TAZ Live! in Seattle came out????
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dbphantom · 3 months
Just finished Skypiea with the bestie (not telling him G-8 is filler because I fucking love G-8) and damn I need to ramble about one piece. I'm gonna ramble about one piece. I love one piece.
Mild spoilers for most recent chapters below the cut just to address Things and Stuff
Mostly because I want the Cross Guild to reach it first so that Buggy will use it to declare himself PK. Marineford foreshadowing.
I know it is kind of being undermined rn but I still want to believe that either the OP (unlikely) or something with the OP (more likely, still unlikely) will allow whoever finds it to communicate with the entire world directly
But on a more serious note I think it would eventually be used to broadcast the true story of the Straw Hat Pirates (and probably also the Void Century, given Robin's dream + the Rio Poneglyph) to the entire world, kinda like the ending of TAZ.
I hope the reason Roger n his crew were too early wasn't solely because of a prophecy (poseidon not being born yet I can cope w/ yknow), but because they wanted to free the world from the WG and they knew if they told the truth to the entire world right then, too many people would die in the resulting uprisings and the movement would be smothered.
(I think this is also why Crocus is hanging at reverse mountain and Rayleigh is vibing on Sabaody. They are like 'check-in' points for pirates on the grand line, so they're just making sure things go smoothly. Also probably why Shanks was going after the Nika fruit bc if they are trying to weaken the WG's hold on people, having an old god of freedom and icon of hope running around would help. And why he showed up at Marineford. Also also I hope the man the burn scar is another of Roger's old crew. Scopper Gaban, I miss you every day...)
But the polical climate of the OP world is changing a lot in the current day, and I think the reason Roger chose to be executed instead of dying to the disease was to have a grand stage so he could set up the Great Pirate Era. Essentially his final words would kickstart a new world where people are more comfortable living and trading and exchanging information on the rising seas. They won't be stuck isolated on their islands and therefore easier to control by the WG.
I said in the above that recent chapters are kind of undermining this and that's bc obviously we already have the tech to broadcast to the entire world, so why tf would the OP or something as important to be included with the OP be that? But I personally think the den dens are too easily controlled/interfered with by the Marines. They were still able to cut off VP's message and (unintentionally) deflect the blame of his death onto the SHs despite his best efforts and he's probably the smartest person in the OP universe. So I think a way to 'directly' communicate (be it telepathically or via memory transfer or a comic book or whatever) so that the truth can come out would be neat. Fuck censorship. Stay silly. Uphold freedom. Or something.
Also the manga is named One Piece and I think the final broadcast reaching us through dimensions would be cool af. I'm sorry, I really just think it would be neat, that's the reason I am writing this. It'd be so cool and I love stories that get meta 🤩
Anyway yeah I just finished rewatching Skypiea and given just how many parallels are within it compared to the rest of the series I will continue to hold on to this belief that the one piece is the EOS equivalent of the golden bell. It guides lost souls home. And home is currently at the bottom the ocean so I think we are all lost souls
... That's so romantic 💙
(Also ngl the end of Skypiea is also why I believe in Space Piece so much... I want terraforming so fucking bad bro... Ship coating and knock-up streams and the space pirates and the kingdom on the moon HAVE to come back, right? Please please please please please please please please please-)
Anyway if you actually read this, thank you, here is my favorite panel of Hawkins
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realbigpodcastslut · 3 months
Currently Listening to: The Silt Verses (first time, ep 13), Midnight Burger (first time, ep 4), Welcome to Night Vale (Relisten ep 162), Hello From the Magic Tavern (Catch-Up, season 3 ep 86)
Spoilers! | Main Blog | DM/Ask for Triggers to be Tagged | Main Pods: EOS10, KFAM, HFTMT, Mabel, Malevolent, TAZ, TMA, TMAGP, TPP, WTNV, W359, SAYER, MBMBAM | About Blog (tags) | Podcast Master List
Radio Show: The Abyssal Hour on WMHB 89.7 FM Waterville. Mix of dark genre deep-dives and goth music. Live Broadcast.
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elysianavenue · 1 year
so i have finished the first season of the live action one piece and let me just say....
slight spoilers but not really below the cut.
so i know a lot of diehard one piece fans have been nervous about the live action series, understandably so, but as someone who would consider herself a big fan of the anime/manga and has seen up to episode 623, let me assure you that this adaptation is so beautifully done.
is it verbatim to the anime? absolutely not, they wouldn't be able to fit all that into 8 episodes. it starts off like normal, luffy meeting koby, zoro, nami, etc. then it shows how they get usopp and sanji and it ends with arlong park and the crew getting ready to enter the grand line.
there were some obvious differences but i absolutely loved every single one of them. not gonna lie, if i had to watch the exact same things i had already seen in the anime just in live action form i probably would've been bored. don't get me wrong, it would've been worth it to see it all done in live action, but the point im trying to make is that this series did things their own way while still keeping true to the original story. and i fucking love that.
something i love even more is how happy and impressed Eiichiro Oda is about this. the casting, the take on his story, the pacing, all of it.
the cast did an amazing job bringing the beloved characters to life. they had a lot of expectations to live up to and they certainly didn't disappoint, even adding their own twists on the characters and it fucking works.
Taz Skylar is overall my favorite and not just because im a diehard Sanji simp. well, maybe a little. but Taz really brought Sanji into a new light and im so happy he did. Sanji is still very much a flirt, but not so much he has literal heart eyes and blood dripping from his nose. thank God honestly lol.
overall i give this adaptation a 10/10. and im aware there's gonna be people out there that are disappointed with how it turned out but just keep in mind that no live action adaptation is perfect. and there's still a whole anime for you to enjoy.
i am looking forward to seeing season 2.
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