#tauriel deserved better
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This is an LOTR/Hobbit blog! I will be posting things about my favorite characters and such.
Everything on this blog will be SFW, except for minor cuss words when necessary.
I am creating a tagging system of sorts. It’ll be for all of the stuff I’ve either reblogged or created. It’s still a work in progress:
#leggy your ada is here: Any Legolas content
#samwise my brave samwise: Any Samwise content
#kili how dare you die (angry/affectionately): Any Kili content
#tauriel deserved better: Any Tauriel content
#my dear frodo: Any Frodo content
#nearamir faramir: Any Faramir content
#aragorn son of arathorn son of….: Any Aragorn content
#arwen got what she deserved which is aragorn: Any Arwen content
#pippin you fool: Any Pippin content
#blibo baggins of bag-end: Any Bilbo content
#thranduil your leggy is here: Any Thranduil content
#eowyn is no man: Any Eowyn content
#merry you not-fool: Any Merry content
#boromir shouldn’t have died: Any Boromir content
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merilles · 24 days
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@tolkienocweek Day 3: Alternate Universes | LotRO
Tauriel is banished from the Woodland Realm after defying the Elvenking’s orders, but she gets her wish of seeing the world. She joins forces with Grimbeorn’s daughter Medwed and the Rangers of the North to defeat the growing Shadow in Angmar. Together, they play a key role as great warriors during the War of the Ring. The Fellowship would name them friends, honoured for their help and mighty deeds.
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Thranduil’s secret
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Pairing: Tauriel x Kili Rating: 16+ Warnings: Mentions of violence, emotional hurt (but fear not …!) Words: 1.800 k.
Disclaimer: Canon what canon? This is for all the lovers out there.
“They want to bury him”.
Snowflakes fall silently around them.
Nature attempting to softly smooth over the carnage.
Her king remains standing a few feet from where she reclines on the frozen rock, hunched over the still-warm body of a future that has been so cruelly taken from her.
From both of them.
She could rage against Thranduil.
Blame his indecisiveness, his selfishness, for the death of the dwarf.
Had the king only dispatched his soldiers to the mountain, as both she and the wizard so implored him to do, trying to appeal to the heart he has forgotten how to use, much could have been different.
But grief has pushed the fight out of her. In its place is only hopelessness and a pain the like of which Tauriel has never felt before.
Legolas, her old friend, has left.
She did not notice when, or if he said something to her before turning away. At this moment, she has no space for him, either.
“If this is love, I do not want it”, she cries, hearing how desperate she sounds, as she looks to her king. “Please, take it from me”.
Thranduil does not move, but the icy unkindness from earlier has melted from his features. If Tauriel’s own eyes had not been filled with tears, she might have recognized her sadness mirrored in the king’s.
“Why does it hurt so much?” She cannot seem to stop herself, clutching Kili’s gloved hand in hers.
“Because it was real”.
Thranduil’s unwavering answer takes her aback.
She looks down upon the dwarf’s bloodstained face again. A single tear streak has painted a faint silver trail from the corner of one eye and down the side of his face.
She saw it fall when he died. When the orc’s blade pierced his chest.
Flecks of snow cling to his thick brown lashes. He is so beautiful to her, she thinks sorrow will tear her apart if she has to let go of him.
They just found each other. He gave his life defending hers.
Slowly, she bends her head and does what she has ached to do for days, what she should have done on the lakeshore when he pressed the rune stone into her hand.
She touches her lips to his.
They are still soft.
His are the first she has ever kissed.
If this were a children’s bedtime story, she would breathe life into him with her longing.
Only when Thranduil kneels on the other side of the body, does Tauriel remember the king is still there.
She thinks he will ask her to stand and come away, and is ready to protest, to cling to Kili. She will stay right here until his kin returns to claim him.
But Thranduil does not speak.
Instead, he does something very unexpected, his face suddenly a mask of concentration.
His strong brows have come together in a frown: He raises a hand and lets it hover over Kili’s head.
“What … what are you doing?” Tauriel has to swallow her sobs for the words to come out right.
The moment drags out.
The king lowers his palm to place it lightly on Kili’s chest.
Tauriel, wholly confused, idly wonders through her grief if this is the first time in all his many, many millennia that king Thranduil has touched a dwarf with anything but the pointy end of a sword.
“He is a fighter”, the king says quietly. There is wonder is his voice. “And he fights, still. So stubborn …”.
Thranduil looks up, meets her shocked eyes.
“His heart has stopped, yes. But his soul is still here. It is holding on …”.
Now it is Tauriel’s heart that nearly stops.
“How do you…how can you-”.
Her king’s attention has returned to Kili.
He answers Tauriel without looking at her.
“I have certain … gifts”.
In typical Thranduil fashion, the king does not elaborate, and his matter-of-fact tone does not invite questioning.
Yet for once, Tauriel is too gripped with emotion to be deterred.
“Can you bring him back?”, she blurts out. “Please, my king, please? If there is any chance … I … I would do anything. Please!”.
Bringing someone back from the dead is reserved for the most nightmarish, ancient evil magic.
Until recently, Tauriel had only heard nonsensical tales of the practise whispered, and even in those, the someones that were brought back, were dangerous, mindless shadow apparitions of their former selves.
But if what her king is saying about Kili’s soul is true …
Thranduil appears to hesitate before speaking but when he does, Tauriel feels as if he is reading her mind. She has sometimes suspected that that is indeed a secret gift of his. Another one.
“The kind of magic required to awaken the dead is not only forbidden, it is destructive to the natural order of the world. However, if the soul has not yet left the body-”
He pauses. Decides.
“It can be done, if done quickly. No matter the strength of the warrior, the soul will be forced to leave this plane soon after death has occurred. I do not know how this one is still here”.
Love, thinks Tauriel. She does not know if it is actually true, or if it is her hope speaking. He is still here because of love.
Then the other elf gasps. Thranduil regards Kili’s face with disbelief.
“Of course …”, he whispers. His palm flattens on Kili’s pierced armour, fingers spread out. “Elvish blood runs in his line. Many years back …”
Tauriel stares at her love. Her mouth opens and closes.
His finely defined face, the shape of his cheekbones, so different from most of his kin.
Except for his brother’s, and the dwarf king’s …
Impossible. Yet suddenly it makes sense.
Did Kili know?
No, Tauriel does not think so.
As for Thorin …?
“Tauriel”, the elfking says. His voice is even but insistent. It commands her full attention. “If I succeed in bringing him back to you, you must never speak to anyone of what happened here. Not a word, do you understand? Not to his kin. Not to him. Certainly not to the wizard … And not to Legolas”.
Something flutters beneath the deep timbre of Thranduil’s voice. A bottomless despair struggling to surface, to be recognized.
And Tauriel remembers what Legolas told her at Mount Gundabad. About his mother’s death there.
She draws in a breath as she looks into Thranduil’s blue, blue eyes, but the king holds up a hand, reading her like a book.
“No”, he says simply but firmly, and it is a no that silences her. A warning.
The king then touches Kili’s forehead and closes his eyes.
Tauriel is squeezing the dwarf’s hand so hard her knuckles are turning as white as the ground.
And then the air seems to shimmer and fizz around them, thick with swirling magic.
The snowfall has stopped. Or it can no longer touch them.
Thranduil is muttering words under his breath that Tauriel cannot make out. He leans forward, long blond hair falling around his set face. The tips pool on Kili’s shoulders like a veil of fine silk engulfing him.
Time stands still, and Tauriel forgets to breathe.
She has no idea how many moments go by.
And then Kili’s chest rises, and his lips part.
And the dwarf gasps for air!
His whole body shivers as his eyes fly open to the sky, wild, wide, alive.
He is alive!
“Kili!” Tauriel cries out and takes his face in her hands.
Their eyes meet.
He blinks rapidly, like he has been pulled out of deep water. “Tauriel…” Shakily, he raises his hands to her face as if seeing her for the first time.
“Are you okay?”, he asks. His voice is hoarse but urgent. “The orc, is … is he-”.
“He’s dead. It’s over. We’re safe, we’re both safe”. Tears are streaming down her face. “I thought I’d lost you!”.
“I thought so too …” Kili looks at her with utter wonder and bafflement. Then he grimaces and reaches for the wound in his chest. “Ugh, this one hurts, though …”.
“He needs tending to and fast”. Thranduil stands. A tiny droplet of sweat glistens on his brow. Or perhaps it is a snowflake. Are they falling again?
“Tauriel, I would advise you to take him far away from here, and never look back, but …”
He speaks as if Kili was not there.
“What is-”. Kili tries to focus on the tall figure towering over him, but is too stunned, and in too much pain, to fully register what is being said.
Tauriel shakes her head at the elf king.
“He will want to stay with his kin. They have suffered enough loss”.
She thinks of Thorin. The dwarf king is dead.
Thranduil sighs.
“Yes, I anticipate he will want to do that …”
“Tauriel…”. The dwarf winces. She looks back at him. She will never lose him from her sight again.
She brushes locks of soft hair from his forehead.
Does not notice her elf lord leaving. She will never see him again.
“I had a dream that you kissed me”, Kili whispers, his eyes searching hers. “A kiss of love …”.
She smiles through her tears.
“It wasn’t a dream … my love”.
Despite his agony, a smile spreads on his face. A bright, wonderful, boyish smile amidst the hurt and loss. He will face them later.
“…Love”. He grins, actually grins, and tries to sit up, but Tauriel gently puts a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Do not move too much. You are badly wounded. We have to call on the others to come help, and patch you up…”
“Then come down here to me”.
He shakes off a glove. Weaves his fingers through her hair.
She dips her face to his.
He gasps when she recaptures his mouth.
His lips are still soft, but now they move, as well. Melting into hers.
He pulls her closer, his other, gloved hand finding the curve of her waist, and she has to remind herself not to crush his wounded chest.
She wants to drown in his arms.
When their mouths part, they stay nose to nose.
“Never leave”, Kili whispers. His warm breath tickles her skin.
All of him is warmth.
“I won’t. Never”.
High in the sky above them, eagles cry triumphantly.
She takes his hand. Presses the smooth, oval shape back into his palm.
“It worked, Kili”, she whispers against his lips, before kissing him again.
Deeply, hungrily.
For the third time out of a million more kisses to come over their many, many years together.
“It worked”.
Thank you for reading!
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horsewithaface · 1 year
So I rewrote the Battle of the Five Armies for my Everyone Lives AU because yes I’m still in denial and no you can’t stop me
• Everything up to Fíli getting captured is the same
• Fíli is caught by Azog and held out over the cliff. Kíli is below in the nook. While Azog is giving his speech, Kíli shoots him from below in the wrist, causing him to let go of Fíli. Fíli falls to the ground, onto Kíli, breaking his fall, who drags him into the nook and hides him as he tends to his brother’s wounds. Fíli regains his strength after a short moment and, despite Kíli’s better judgement, Fíli gets up, and races back to the top, calling for Kíli to follow.
• The two brothers fight countless orcs as they climb the stairs of Ravenhill, searching for Thorin. Once they come upon the plateau of ice, they find Bilbo weeping over Thorin as they speak.
• Kíli shuts down, thinking it is too late, but Fíli remembers something crucial. Back in Lake-town, he had pocketed a pouch of Kingsfoil in case his brother’s wounds hadn’t truly healed. With it was a messily-written note of Tauriel’s incantation written out phonetically.
• “I will not let you go, uncle. Not today. It is not your time. We will have a great feast tonight and will walk within the halls of Erebor among our kin. I cannot walk there without you.” - Fíli to Thorin as he kneels down opposite Bilbo, preparing the Kingsfoil. He rips open Thorin’s shirt, revealing the weeping wound before pressing the mixture into it. Thorin lets out a roar of pain but Kíli snaps to attention and runs to hold him down to stop his thrashing. Bilbo grabs Thorin’s hand with both of his, pressing his forehead against the bloodied knuckles, whispering pleas for him to hold on.
• The Kingsfoil incantation only partially works due to Fíli being a novice in elven spells, however it buys them time for Gandalf to get there and finish the spell properly.
• Thorin is taken to the medical hut where he regains his strength for the next week despite his refusal and insistence that he is fine. Bilbo eventually gets through to him and Thorin gives in, allowing the healers to aide him.
• Thorin does not remember what happened when he had succumbed to the dragon sickness, it is only when Bilbo flinches at a sudden movement of his when he is getting frustrated that Bilbo realises Thorin does not remember. Bilbo reluctantly tells him the truth when Thorin demands to know what he did wrong.
• Thorin never forgives himself for his actions, even going so far as to denying his birthright and banishing himself from Erebor. He gives the crown to Fíli who does not accept it, choosing to go with him for Thorin is more important to Fíli than ruling. Kíli never wanted the crown and so the brothers appoint Dain as the rightful king for they would not have prevailed without him.
• Thorin and Bilbo part ways, Bilbo returning to Bag End unsure if he will ever see Thorin again because despite what happened, he never blamed Thorin for it was the fault of the dragon sickness and not his own mind.
• After about a year, Bilbo hears a knock at his door. He is greeted with a very nervous Thorin, quite a juxtaposition from his usual stoic nature. Bilbo doesn’t believe his eyes, convinced that he is dreaming. Thorin cannot help but whisper, “Bilbo…” before engulfing the hobbit in a hug.
• Thorin rambles on a whole poetic speech about how he does not deserve redemption for his actions and he simply came to apologise. Bilbo takes Thorin’s face in his hands, pulling him down to eye level.
• “Stop it. Just stop it, you giant oaf. I forgive you. You never let me speak my mind after the battle. I never blamed you, Thorin. I never have and I never will. It was that bloody dragon, not you. I stand by my word when I say that I am glad that I have shared in your perils. You are more than any Baggins deserves.”
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 14
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan, @rebleforkicks, @yjrevolution, @majahu, @honey-wine, @accio-boys, @achromaticerebus, @solomonssimp, @tired-ass-show-girl​, @dreamlessnight
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The next few days passed slowly but not uncomfortably as you began to get used to your new normal. A guard was no longer posted outside your room but you’d heard that there were a few extra stationed at the entrance... which you supposed was expected considering how easily you had been able to slip out into the forest that night after Thranduil scared you. You hoped nobody had gotten into trouble for you escaping like that.
You spent your time in the library that Thranduil had taken you to. You had been cautious at first, worried that it was all part of some elaborate ruse, however you had relaxed as the time passed. You spent a lot of your time curled up in the corners of the library itself, lost in whatever book you had picked up that day, finding in between those pages a sense of solace and freedom for the first time since you found yourself stuck here.
The time when you were not in the library, you were usually with Myleth or walking around exploring... tentatively of course. However, you had not actually seen the King since the night he allowed you access to the library and you thought that, with some more luck, you wouldn’t see him again. Maybe he would forget all about you and you could blend into the background of his kingdom, living out the rest of your days in exactly the way you were now. Though, you couldn't fully shake how... nice it had been of him to allow you access to this lifeline of a room.
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Legolas had been in the forest for the last few days with Tauriel and the rest of their group, destroying a spider nest that had reappeared almost overnight. He felt better about leaving you there now that his father seemed to have relaxed just a little since his recovery. He felt secure enough in the knowledge that his father wouldn’t throw you in the prison again at least. Legolas was also pleased that his father had recovered from the poison, though the speed with which it had affected him worried him - was this something new from Mordor? Still, things were better for now so Legolas could focus fully on destroying the spiders and scouting the woods, keeping the border of the Realm safe.
The group were travelling back to the palace and would hopefully be back in another day and a half. Tauriel turned to him during their final camp set up, the two of them being on watch while the others rested. “Do you think he is really going to keep her here forever?” She asked, having been working up the courage to get the words out. Sometimes Tauriel didn’t know quite how to take the King. She knew that he favoured her, yet he did not seem accepting of Legolas’ obvious feelings for her. She respected him as a King but she did not always agree with him... in fact, Tauriel often found she disagreed with him but she was not in a position to disobey like Legolas could sometimes get away with.
He sighed, shrugging as he fiddled with a stick between his fingers, thoughtful. “I have honestly given up trying to understand the inner workings of my father’s mind.” Though he did think that he was actually pretty good at understanding his father and his... complications. “I do not see him keeping her prisoner forever.” He said after a pause. “It is not his way.”
“He seemed to be pretty set on it.” She couldn’t help but mutter, gaining a look from Legolas but he always appreciated whatever Tauriel had to say to him. He liked that she didn’t hold back because of who he was and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. "She does not deserve to be a prisoner at all."
“Trust me, Tauriel. She will not be here forever.” He assured her, though he found himself feeling ever so slightly sad about it. He had come to see you as something close to a friend already. Legolas liked you and thought that you were a person of true kindness and strength. You had given your freedom for your father’s and again for his own. You had shown his father kindness where nobody would have blamed you for not doing so. Something about your actions had even seemed to get through to his father in some way, though he knew the King was loath to show it, but after being graced with yours he had shown his own kindness in return.
“Did you hear that?” Tauriel’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts. Legolas became alert again at once, various voices reaching his ears from a distance away. He glanced at Tauriel, who was already up on her feet, and nodded as the two of them crept away from the camp to find the source.
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The library was quiet, peaceful, as the night descended. The curtains at the large window that stood in between some bookcases were open but you couldn’t see much of the sky from here unfortunately. You wished you could see the stars again, even just once. Sighing, you turned back to the book in your hands, getting lost once more in the words. You had stayed quite late here tonight, not feeling able or ready to sleep. You had even missed dinner, choosing instead to stay in here and hide away in your beloved words.
When the door opened, you jumped, startled by the sudden noise. Looking up, you expected to see Myleth having sought you out with a tray of food much like she had done the first night you’d come here. Instead, you met the King’s steely gaze once more. Surprise instantly flooded you as you stared at him. He kind of stared back at you for a long moment before he walked towards you, setting a tray down on the floor. “A servant was on her way with this. Apparently you have not yet eaten despite it being so late.”
He probably meant Myleth so you just nodded, though wondered why he would now be here instead of her, but you didn’t question him. It almost felt like he was telling you off for skipping meals but you decided you were being ridiculous to even entertain the notion that he would care. You tentatively reached out and popped a berry in your mouth, wanting to look like you were grateful and not just completely confused and intimidated by his presence.
You were both quiet for another long few moments before Thranduil started moving again, his long legs carrying him across the room. Your shoulders relaxed as you let out a tiny breath of relief. However, he did not move to the door as you had expected and hoped. Instead he made his way towards a bookcase where you knew from your exploration that all the books were in Elvish, plucked one from the shelf, and moved to sprawl out in a large armchair on the other side of the room. All you could do was stare at him, wide eyed, as he studied the page of the book in his lap as though you no longer existed. It seemed that he was intending to stay here... with you.
Swallowing down your uneasiness, you forced your gaze away from him and back down to the book, though you now found that you were completely unable to focus on anything at all, the words on the page as jumbled as your thoughts had become.
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imjustexistingtbh · 10 months
thoughts after watching the hobbit movies:
1. i feel like everyone puts them down. like yeah, they’re not lotr, but they’re still good, like. better than most movies i’ve seen good.
2. i need to reread the hobbit again. it’s been a few years.
3. no one mourned fili on the battlefield. that’s so sad :( he deserved better :( tauriel mourned kili, bilbo and the dwarves on the tower mourned thorin, no one mourned fili
4. on the topic of tauriel. i liked her character. but i hated the love triangle she was squashed into with legolas and kili. why was that necessary??
5. poor bilbo :(
6. poor bilbo- all the hobbits in lotr say bilbos adventure was fun and games. while it may not have been as bad as the fellowships journeys, it was absolutely traumatizing. so many times he could’ve died. so many people he cared about dead. horrors of war, prison, and more. he really was telling the bedtime version of it to the hobbits :(
7. bilbos actor was PERFECT- the facial expressions? the little half smile things?? i do that :) the eyebrow raises, everything. i loved it.
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whiteladyofithilien · 8 months
I would not mind the insertion of Tauriel so much if she wasn't such an obvious Mary Sue perfect at everything personality of flour paste fanfiction insert.
Give her a personality that's not just the embodiment of twenty different tropes and I wouldn't mind her non-canon existence at all.
And it's a shame too because Evangeline is a really good actress and she deserved better. And we the audience deserved better than a hastily glue-sticked together creation of a female character. It's like Tauriel was the beginning of the "let's invent the most lazily written female character ever and then call people sexist when they say they don't like her" trend that culminated with the third Star Wars trilogy
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scary-grace · 1 month
hiiii! for the fruit emoji asks...
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more?
:D :D :D
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I have bemoaned my inability to write oneshots and short fics many a time, and I finally have to just admit it -- I love a longfic and will probably continue writing those for the foreseeable future. I am trying to get better at writing shorter fics or oneshots, though!
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
I think -- no? I think writing-wise I'll try almost everything, but whether I'd post it is something else entirely.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more?
I think I said Dis when I answered this question in another ask, but I also think Tauriel deserves more airtime than I've given her! I don't think she's been a POV character yet, but it's time. I just need the right idea.
Thank you for the ask!
fruit emoji fic writer asks
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The Marali Festival Commentary Part 4
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Nearing the end! I hope you guys have enjoyed reading these as much as I have enjoyed making them.😊
Chapter 10- Cooking For Each Other
Today was meant to be the least stressful day of the Marali Festival. The passion for your family. A day to spend together doing various activities where Thorin wouldn’t be required to be ‘King Thorin’ or to have to put on airs, but could just relax with the people who genuinely loved him. And then his sister ruined it.
I am the oldest of three myself. I have plenty of experience to pull from when it comes to writing sibling interactions. (This includes making one super melodramatic over minor issues.)
“Personally, I think you deserved a lot worse.” Dis sang.
On second thought, maybe Thorin didn’t want to celebrate the Passion for Family at all because at this rate he was well on his way to the ‘Passion for Ignoring People Altogether’.
Relatable. When my siblings and I get together, it is always 1 vs. 2 with the 2 picking on the 1. Fili slid in as a perfect substitute for Frerin to keep up the dynamic.
Thorin tried to remain neutral at the offer. On one hand, he wanted to accept the truce flag and try to get back to normal with the hobbit. On the other hand, he hated cooking. It wasn’t that he was particularly terrible at it, but he had grown up with cooks to do the work for him. Even after the fall of Erebor, it was easier to let someone else provide meals or to get a meal from the inn where he stayed than to get ingredients to make it from scratch. Bilbo, he’s come to learn though, loved to cook.
So I certainly lean into the fanon HC from time to time of Thorin’s inability to cook. But I actually HC that the few ‘spoiled prince’ habits that stuck with him through the years was he doesn’t want to cook. So he messes up on purposes sometimes so people won’t ask him to do it.
“I’m sorry.” Thorin stated.
“You’ve said that.” Bilbo remarked, but his tone seemed lighter than yesterday at least.
“I’ll say it as many times as necessary until I feel forgiveness is deserved.”
I sometimes worry that I make Thorin ‘too’ much of a jackass when he flies off the handle. So I sometimes feel like I overcompensate Thorin feeling guilty about it for days, weeks, months later. He’s a bit of the self-punishing type.
Chapter 11- Picture Time
There is NOTHING better than when your siblings enter a serious relationship, and you can pull out the baby books. This chapter was the Middle Earth equivalent.
“It is a high honor indeed.” Thorin stated gravely, his arms crossed. “None of your kind have ever been invited.”
I need it to be noted that, I love Thorin accepting Tauriel fics! I just like to play with different versions of him sometimes, and Thorin just had so much animosity in the movies that I couldn’t see him getting over it completely. He’s getting better though!
“Actually, Kili mentioned he learned his bowmanship from you, Your Majesty. I would be most interested to compare techniques as your nephew is quite skilled.”
If Thorin knew he was being played, he said nothing of it as he immediately launched into what seemed to be a well told lecture on the difference between dwarven and elvish bows. Bilbo had to hide a smile at Fili’s relieved expression and Kili’s over the moon eyes. Yes, this was quite a big step for the dwarf king, and Bilbo couldn’t be more proud of him.
See? Also, I need like...SO MANY MORE FICS talking about Thorin’s prowess with a bow.
He flipped to the next page, and Thorin couldn’t be much older than nine or ten, and while it was clear he was trying to sit still, you could see the mischief dancing in his eyes.
And in the category of ‘things no one ever asks me about, and I don’t offer up information even though I should’, so I actually mathematically calculated the relationship between hobbit, man, and dwarven ages. So when Bilbo says ‘nine or ten’, he means for a hobbit. Which is about 5 years old for a man, so 11-12 is Thorin’s actual age.😅 Why am I so extra?
Also, yes. I 100% believe that Thorin was a holy terror as a young child.
She heaved a large sigh. “I won’t do his job for him if that’s what you’re getting at, Master Baggins. No matter how much I worry he’s too thick to get it right. But, I wanted you to know, to me and my sons you are already family. And always will be.”
Bilbo felt an unexpected prickle at the corners of his eyes at the dwarrowdam’s kind words. He had always considered the Company his family, but it was nice to know the reverse was true as well. Especially from someone he did not meet until after Erebor had been reclaimed.
I love Bilbo and Dis interactions. Heartfelt included.
Chapter 12- Giving/Receiving Gifts
And FINALLY! The misunderstanding comes to light...
Bilbo even found the desire to wear just a small amount of jewelry in the form of a handsome silver brooch and ear cuff.
I like to believe the Company helped Bilbo pick out pieces in the treasury that would make him more ‘dwarven’, and Bilbo 1. being a bit of a clothes horse and 2. knowing the importance of fitting into society’s expectations would relent.
“Being king means he has a lot of apologies to pass out.” Bofur teased.
Bofur was clearly not exaggerating as the line of dwarves in front of Thorin was nearly out the door, and the dwarf looked positively thrilled with the development.
I imagine Thorin has to deal with a lot of people during the year, and he’s probably not as cordial as he should be.
Bilbo’s smile slipped almost immediately.
“That’s it?”
Thorin froze, and Bilbo could almost physically feel everyone suck in a breath.
Can you imagine what all these other dwarves are thinking? Like ‘oh what Shire custom did the king forget with his apology gift?’ or ‘Had he disrespected the Company’s Burglar twice?!’
“Master Baggins, Bilbo.” Tabor amended. “You…you have always been very kind to me, and I just want you to know that…you are a gem greater than any the Halls of Erebor have seen before.”
Bilbo was smiling the whole time until that last line. It rang with a vague sense of familiarity until it settled like a rock in his gut. He knew exactly where that line was from, and he could feel the blood draining away. No, no it couldn’t be.
The LEVEL of secondhand embarrassment here. Bilbo’s just like ‘please don’t do it, dwarf I see as a small child’.
“I would be the luckiest dwarf in all of Erebor, if you would consider courting me.”
What was Fili and Kili’s back-up plan if Bilbo had accepted just out of sheer awkwardness?? An AU for later consideration...
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merilles · 1 year
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tauriel 🏹💚
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
1, 6, and 7 for the OC/writer asks?
Thank you :3
1. Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
My first oc that I remember was a LotR OC who was. pretty much Tauriel from the Hobbit but y'know. from the mind of a 9 year old in 2005. @ Peter Jackson I deserve royalties. I've tried to bring her back a few times but I've never quite made her work. I think it's better she stays in the past and I look back at her nostalgically.
6. Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
I don't, actually. I prefer to make OCs when I have specific narratives that I want to explore. Occasionally there's characters who are 'between' stories (e.g. I'm not interested in a certain setting anymore, but I haven't found a new home for them yet), but they go back to being more concepts than characters during that period of time.
I suppose the exception might be say, side characters in other OCs' backgrounds (I've got a good cast of OCs in that regard for Valerius - his family and a few high ranking members of the Pallid Court; plus Leonelle's family) but they're almost always supporting characters who usually serve a purpose.
7. What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
I really need to develop it more specifically for Pathfinder, but the relationship between Leonelle and her father, Claudio, has always been a juicy one. Originally he was her sire in VtM - a Lasombra Cardinal for the Sabbat - and he came with Leonelle when I moved her from VtM to Pathfinder. It's a very difficult relationship but it's such a core part to who Leonelle is, enough so that when I was moving her over to Pathfinder, I established who he was first (still a Cardinal, but this time for Asmodeus) and went from there.
Writer & Artist Game
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What's the best book to film adaptation you've ever seen?
This is a tough one cause that depends on if you’re asking in terms of direct book accuracy or in terms of a brilliant book has inspired a brilliant movie even though there are differences.
Let’s look at some examples.
Jurassic Park
I’m a Jurassic Park fanatic. I love the movie so much. Its a comfort movie for me, and I’ve seen it so much I can recite the whole damn thing to you. It’s a book adaptation I’m obsessed with.
Is it a phenomenal movie based on a book? Yes.
Is it book accurate? It’s not even close. Characters die in the movie that live in the book and vice versa. Character relationships are completely changed. Characters themselves are completely changed. Would you believe me if I told you that Gennero the snivelling lawyer is actually really macho and brave in the book? There are entire sections that don’t make it into the movie but end up somewhere else the movie franchise in a somewhat different but still recognisable form. And the entire book was switched from a genuinely scary survival horror into a family friendly action adventure.
So in terms of brilliant book to brilliant movie, it’s one of the best. In terms of book accuracy, it’s one of the worst because it bears very little resemblance.
The Middle Earth Saga
I’m going to start with The Hobbit trilogy here because people love to shit on that as not book accurate. And it’s not. But is actually brilliant on lore accuracy, and I will explain that.
There are things that happen in that trilogy that do not happen in the book. If you read The Hobbit, and only The Hobbit, you will not find half of the movie trilogy. However, if you read the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, you will find the movie events in there. And these events were happening at the same time as the events in The Hobbit.
You don’t find out in The Hobbit what Gandalf was doing when he wasn’t with the company, but you do find out exactly where he went and what he was doing in the appendices. And it’s the same as the movies. You don’t see how Gandalf and Thorin meet in The Hobbit, but you can read about it in The Unfinished Tales by JRR Tolkien. And it’s the same as the movies.
Peter Jackson went beyond the confines of one book to build The Hobbit trilogy because he wanted to show what was happening with all the characters, so he went deep into Tolkien lore so that he could tell the whole story. Because The Hobbit is a children’s book. Yes, it’s the official prequel to The Lord of the Rings but it is not meant to be as intense. Jackson wasn’t making a children’s movie. He was making a prequel to his masterpiece trilogy so he pulled all the intense adult drama from the wider lore while keeping the children’s story of the quest for Erebor, with trolls and dragons and gold, intact. And yeah, throwing Legolas in there and creating Tauriel was a decision, but such is the way with adaptations. Sometimes they change things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But on the whole, I think The Hobbit Trilogy is a pretty good adaption of Tolkiens lore even though it’s quite wide of The Hobbit itself.
The Lord of the Rings. What can I say? It’s another one I’m obsessed with. Everything about it is phenomenal. The scenery, the acting, the music, the atmosphere, the sheer scale of it. But even the extended editions are slim lined compared to the books.
I wish we had Tom Bombadil. I wish we had the Barrow-wrights on the Barrow downs. Glorfindel deserves better. So does Beregond. And if you don’t know those names, that’s exactly why I say they deserve better. The Scouring of the Shire would honestly have been amazing to see. And where were the rest of the Dúnedain?
But some changes made to the adaptations work well. In the books, none of the Númenór descended men have beards. Actually, in Tolkien lore, these Men of Westernesse cannot actually grow facial hair. But can you imagine Aragorn, Boromir, and Faramir without their beards? It’s such an iconic look now that it’s hard not to. But they are absolutely clean shaven in the books. Even the very brief glimpse we see of Elendil at the Last Alliance shows him with a beard. What we see of Isildur shows him with a beard. But these two are not even descendants of Númenór. They are Númenór, or rather what’s left of it. They don’t have beards.
Arwen is a blink-and-you-miss-her character in the books. You see her at a Rivendell party in the corner of the room, and then at her wedding to Aragorn. That’s it. And these references maybe take up a total of 4 lines, if that. But she’s a significant aspect of the movie trilogy. Is that book accurate? Absolutely not. Is it a good change? Definitely. Side note; I bet you didn’t know she had brothers if you’ve only seen the movie. Elrohir and Elladan also deserve better.
As Gandalf and Pippin speed across Middle Earth on their way to Minas Tirith, they see the beacons already lit. Denethor had the good sense to call to Rohan for aid before Gandalf even turned up to tell him there was a problem. But Pippin lighting them against Denethor’s wishes is such a good moment in the movie that no one’s really arguing about that change. Denethor’s madness and cruelty is given more explanation in the book and it makes more complex, more interesting, and you can begin to understand how he ended up like that. But they just don’t tell you any of it in the movies. I’m not saying Denethor deserved better cause he doesn’t and I hate him, but it would’ve been more interesting if the movies allowed him to stay a complex prick rather than be a 2D one.
I could keep going but I’ve already written an essay 😅
TLDR: Jurassic Park and The Middle Earth saga come to mind but not in terms of book accuracy. But then, in the end, it’s very hard to find a completely book accurate adaptation.
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spookyjarchivist · 2 years
i have such mixed feelings on tauriel
okay lets start with the premise of making her: “there are too many men in this movie and while we cant add a shit ton of characters, we can at least add this one woman and give her a big-ish part”
and that’s cool! i love it! great idea! BUT then their execution is “let’s make her whole story about romance”
which, is not great, like i admit the characters have chemistry, but it’s super uncomfortable to shoehorn in a romance for no reason, and i will get to the intricacies of my feelings on that mess in a minute and focus on the worst part which is “it’s also a love triangle :)”
which inFURIATES me, like why are you doing such a huge disservice to this admittedly GOOD character that you’ve created, i genuinely like tauriel as a character, she’s cool! i just hate the story they gave her!!! and it fucks up legolas’ entire character plot
and this is why the romance bothers me besides the insult to women in general!!!
it may seem really dumb, but it’s 100% because it ruins the character journeys in lotr, legolas no longer has any actual issues with dwarves!!! like, it weakens and cheapens the significance of legolas and gimli’s friendship!!! and THAT’s ignoring the very valid (and possibly canon tbh) interpretation that legolas and gimli are also romantic
there’s a REASON, THEMATICALLY and NARRATIVELY, why legolas and gimli are the only elf and dwarf with a close relationship in literal MILLENNIA and they just made it all “he jealous of kili and their kingdoms were jerks to each other” which BLATANTLY IGNORES AND MISCONSTRUES THE LITERAL MILLENNIA OF HATRED AND RACISM BETWEEN ALL DWARVES AND ELVES, not just the woodland realm and erebor(maybe durin’s folk/the longbeards in general if u squint)
legolas and gimli are ROYALS which adds to the significance of their choice to throw away thousands of years worth of hatred, as royalty they are representing their people and their friendship signals a start of being able to make repairs to the relationship between the two races on a level that has not existed since BEFORE KHAZAD-DUM FELL
but no let’s instead make the pretty lady elf fall in love with a dwarf when it could’ve been a much deeper storyline more focused on the tension between their peoples that could have enhanced lotr’s story instead of making that part nonsensical which would have been both a better story AND not have reduced a good character to a love interest
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 2 years
Dragon's Fire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/t5GKBin
by 2358FireWitch
I suck at descriptions, but it came to mind and no one else (that I saw) was doing it so I Thanosed it. You know, the whole, "Fine, I'll do it myself." Yeah, you get it. Anyways...
Daenerys wakes up in a strange world with only Drogon by her side. Except now she thinks she can hear him in her head and there's a very large man who can turn into a massive bear telling her there's such things as elves and purely evil dragons. She doesn't entirely believe it's real but she's going along with anyway because she's tired of...well everything.
Words: 7432, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Beorn (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Legolas Greenleaf, Thorin's Company, Radagast | Aiwendil, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Drogon | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Smaug (Tolkien), Elrond Peredhel
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Daenerys Targaryen, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Daenerys Targaryen/Tauriel
Additional Tags: Game of Thrones Fix-It, During The Hobbit, Crossover, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Happy Ending, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Lives, Thorin Is an Idiot, Eventual Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Emotionally Constipated Thorin, Beorn's House, Big Brother Beorn, Gandalf Meddles, POV Daenerys Targaryen, Drogon | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon is a Good Boy, Bisexual Daenerys Targaryen, Hopefully an original idea, I had a Thanos moment, fine i'll do it myself
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/t5GKBin
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Dragon's Fire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/QfvwyOl
by 2358FireWitch
I suck at descriptions, but it came to mind and no one else (that I saw) was doing it so I Thanosed it. You know, the whole, "Fine, I'll do it myself." Yeah, you get it. Anyways...
Daenerys wakes up in a strange world with only Drogon by her side. Except now she thinks she can hear him in her head and there's a very large man who can turn into a massive bear telling her there's such things as elves and purely evil dragons. She doesn't entirely believe it's real but she's going along with anyway because she's tired of...well everything.
Words: 7432, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Beorn (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Legolas Greenleaf, Thorin's Company, Radagast | Aiwendil, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Drogon | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Smaug (Tolkien), Elrond Peredhel
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Daenerys Targaryen, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Daenerys Targaryen/Tauriel
Additional Tags: Game of Thrones Fix-It, During The Hobbit, Crossover, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Happy Ending, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Lives, Thorin Is an Idiot, Eventual Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Emotionally Constipated Thorin, Beorn's House, Big Brother Beorn, Gandalf Meddles, POV Daenerys Targaryen, Drogon | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon is a Good Boy, Bisexual Daenerys Targaryen, Hopefully an original idea, I had a Thanos moment, fine i'll do it myself
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/QfvwyOl
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queenerestor · 3 years
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