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iliftheavyidoyoga · 5 years ago
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Feeling cute today. Won't be deleting later.
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giannayoga · 5 years ago
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I have been playing a lot with my relationship to my relationships. The best gift my ex-wife gave me was making hard and fast decisions for herself and pissing me off. Letting me down, changing her mind, standing up for her self after not doing so for so long, and deciding that our relationship was a bad one. This did not came into my mind when we were together. I never thought we had a bad relationship. I knew there were arguments where everything seems so wrong and like too much but I thought this was normal. I thought that’s what a relationship was. Her decision to make that shift in her mind made me angry and dislike her quite a bit. I thought of all the times that she withheld from me, pretending she understood me, or told me things were fine. I didn’t know all that was going on until after the fact which built anger. I felt I was left out of what was happening in my own life. That anger helped me better separate. It made me realize that humans always abuse other humans in different ways while in relations, with someone else or ourselves. Passive aggression, lies, withholding, not listening, snapping, hitting, expecting or demanding, neglecting. All these things are results of us being triggered or reactive, having an experience, responding from a lower sense of self...acting human. If your long term relationship doesn’t have one small ounce of this, you’re magic. What brings us back together and whole is being genuine and processing our actions. Taking responsibility for our part in a partnership. Having the courage to say I’m sorry, and not blame ourselves or the other persons but use an objective mind. Our last interaction really made me mad. Stepping back and realizing how we both played a part in destroying what we started helped me process my anger. Using my anger to simply separate from her more was necessarily. Taking responsibility for my actions has helped me remember why I’ll always love her. Not everyone that has demonstrated abuse is an abuser but their actions can be that of one. Take a step back. Apologies and Forgive. #yoga #divorce #giannayoga #queer #queeryogateacher #tattoo #tattooedyogi 📸: @stockwell_darren (at วัดล่ามช้าง) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XlZ0cHofc/?igshid=1m12e0c6j8gi3
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isabellequinnyoga · 6 years ago
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Got woken up super early by birds chirping this morning, so I got an extra long practice! . . . #yoga #yogapose #posing #stretch #yogisofinstagram #yogaaddict #leggings #yogawear #whatiwore #ootd #gymlife #gymstyle #gymfashion #athleticwear #athleisure #tattooedyogi #girlswithtattoos #backbend #flexible #flexibility (at Bellingham, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkNrm3HueK/?igshid=12rww85tjmh0a
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nyreesbodies · 7 years ago
Move with me #Monday. Experimenting with bodyweight and primal movements. Empty studio, will play. . The long version (real speed) at ILiftHeavyIDoYoga.com Link in bio . . . #fitspo #fitspiration #yogiswholift #yogisofinstagram #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #fitness #blackfitness #yoga #fitover40 #primalmovement #animalflow #functionaltraining #bodyweighttraining #flexfriday #mobility #tattooedyogi #stability #balance #core #blackwomendoyoga #blackyogis #yogisofcolor #yogaeverydamnday #representationmatters #healthyliving #namaste #workout (at New York, New York)
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livetolean · 7 years ago
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On the left👆🏽 •overweight •self-conscious •barely fitting in my clothes •following the “crowd” •disappointed in myself •yo-yo dieting •afraid of the scale,mirrors,pictures of myself - On the right👆🏽 •healthy & STRONG •self-CONFIDENT •fitting into old shorts(I was LITERALLY about to get rid of today😂) •Leader of a team & empowering women every day •proud & GRATEFUL for my journey •my “diet”=health •the scale is now a TOOL, selfies are necessary, and mirrors are just fun:) - I’ve been pursuing HEALTH as my lifestyle, for 2 years now, And the changes would NOT have happened on my own... - So I’m here to ask you, why are you STILL trying to “do it all” on your own?!? There’s a COMMUNITY of inspired & empowering women just waiting to love on you & help you stay consistent.💗 - LAST call to join my summer solstice TEST group!! Prep week is in FULL swing&workouts begin on the 16th🎉🎉 - Answering emails & getting more of you signed up ALL day today👩🏼‍💻 so if you haven’t answered back or filled out the form to join us, NOWS THE TIME lovelies😘 - What do you want your “after” pic to represent😇?? . . . . . #transformational #monslay #transformationmonday #mondaymoods #motivationalmondays #mondaymotivations #empoweredwomen #yogabody #yogafitness #tattooedyogi #teamwholehearted #teamroottorise #yogatribe (at Brentwood, Tennessee)
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michezen · 7 years ago
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Yoga is a practice of perseverance. Results don’t happen overnight. It’s like building a sand castle one grain of sand at a time. This forces us to be vigilant and will carry over into other aspects of our lives. It’s NOT only about poses... this is a practice of self love, compassion, and also mental as well as physical endurance. . . Join me tomorrow for HOT Vinyasa at MELT Pilates & Hot Yoga @9:00AM and at LifeTime Fitness Algonquin @ 1:15PM for Yin! 🌈🌞🤸‍♂️🙏🏼🕉💕 . . #yoga #yogi #yogaeverydamnday #yogateacher #yogajourney #practiceandalliscoming #tattooedyogi #veganyogi #fueledbyplants #zen #mindful
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iliftheavyidoyoga · 6 years ago
I'm focusing on one asana and it's variations and/or it's modifications each week. The more versed I become, the more options I can offer when I teach. Parsvottanasana, intense side stretch pose
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giannayoga · 6 years ago
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It’s only in the last few years that I have really been able to vomit myself all over the place. Reserved, repressed, embarrassed, self-conscious, angry, and abused, I used yoga to soften its manifestations in my body but had not spent time with the root of the problems. Dedicating myself to a journal, mantra, meditation, and a multitude of other self care practices has centered me in my being and in my truth. Things shift when self care continues off the mat. Things shift when soul searching becomes soul loving. Things shift when we are willing to take in those around us rather than battling them. I know every single person that I spend deep time with is important and everyone has helped me in more ways than I know learn more about my depths. It took working to love myself for me to truly love others. Now, I can not stop loving you, and I’m not mad about it. #selflove #giannayoga #tattooedyogi #queeryogateacher #yogisofinstagram 📷: @rmkphoto (at Ormond Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7nzIshnS7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18c1xl648bk7
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krispaceyoga-blog · 7 years ago
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High on a ledge is where I find solace and balance... my life is a constant balance between perfect lines and connecting to the surrounding nature or the instantaneous collapsing into despair and destruction... my journey is simple... stay on the wall... be present! Happy Monday! Let’s play and enjoy this day... because Tuesday is unreliable! 😂🙏🏽 #yoga #handstands #yogashapes #yogaeverydamnday #tattooedyogi #sky #love #balance (at Saint Augustine, Florida)
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theoneandonlyember · 5 years ago
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Love all. Trust few. Do wrong to none.🖤 -William Shakespeare #yoga #personal #yogi #yogaeverydamnday #bendsoyoudontbreak #ayogathingwithember #theoneandonlyember #tattooedyogi #loveandalliscoming #meditation #yogangster #spiritualgangster #yogawitch (at Psycho Clown Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B46YpHVjooS/?igshid=1xusfmo2xxi0y
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bohohillshop · 5 years ago
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Yoga master @xocloh in Tribal Warrior pants ⚔️more at BohoHill.com 🌿Terrific photo by @georgespictures at @zamashotel 🙏💗 . #tattooedyogi #tattooedmen #mobility #beachlife #yoga #fitspo #yogalife #yogaeveryday #warrior #calistenia #flexibility #balance #fitnessmodel #bodyart #bodymovement #beachbum #bars #Tulum #calisthenics #MartialArts #Bodyweight #mindbodysoul #trainhardbreatheeasy #ClownLikeAHeyoka #MonkeyKing #bohohill https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lgtPAh5x1/?igshid=xo18ffbk6hgf
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lipstickandmagictricks · 6 years ago
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First look at a couple of beautiful shots from our first official Yoga Collab Session! 🧘🏻‍♀️ Interested in modeling? Click the link in our profile & fill out September’s Creative/Collab form to start booking your session! 😊 We look forward to hearing from you! 💓🌿🌸💄✨ . . Photo: @mariannebphotography / Makeup: @lipstickandmagictricks / Model: @hannah_banana25 . . . #lipstickandmagictricks #makeupartist #makeup #mua #lmtcreativecollab #collaboration #photoshoot #tattoos #tattooedyogi #holistic #healthylifestyle #supportlocal #greenbeauty #cleanbeauty #nj #ny #bergencounty #rocklandcounty #strongwomen #womensempowerment #yoga #nationalyogamonth #yogainstructor #crueltyfree #organic #nontoxic (at Northvale, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1y1RjPFS3N/?igshid=bba2rcsjb8pj
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michezen · 7 years ago
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#yoga #yogateacher #yogi #yogajourney #yogalove #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #practiceandalliscoming #yogainspiration #yogisofinstagram #namaste #tattooedyogi #veganyogi #fueledbyplants #veganyoga #zen #mindful #plantpowered
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livetolean · 6 years ago
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“The mind gives meaning to everything that happens in the past or that we believe will take place in the future, and that becomes our story. And we love our stories, because they tell us WHO WE ARE. A deep and purification and transformation occurs when we have a breakthrough in seeing that nothing has any meaning except the one we give it”....Baron Baptiste⁣ ⁣ From my Personal Development read- “Being of Power” today, and can I just say⁣ HO👏🏽LY👏🏽 MO👏🏽SES👏🏽⁣ What are you getting upset, frustrated, irritated, or annoyed about lately???⁣ Did you know, YOU have the power to change that meaning?⁣ YOU have the power-⁣ to give it absolutely NO meaning at all, or rather, a different-maybe even positive & beautiful meaning?🤯⁣ ⁣ I know this was huge for me- because the stories I tend to tell myself can sometimes be pretty harsh. Dramatic. Or even downright nasty.⁣ I’ve always been hard on myself.⁣ But mostly, because I’ve been afraid of being abandoned...⁣ So I make myself COMPLETELY & utterly self sufficient.⁣ Meaning: everything rests on my shoulders.⁣ Meaning: PRESSURE.⁣ ⁣ So what if, we took the stories we tell ourself, just like this one, (for me), and we re-wrote them?⁣ ⁣ Been thinking a TON about this lately- and then this popped up in my read...a sign??⁣ I think not🙊⁣ -⁣ Raise your hand if you have stories you tell yourself like this too??👇🏽🙋🏼‍♀️⁣ (&& If you wanna get REAL vulnerable-share your “story” below💗)⁣ . . . . . #teamwholehearted #tattooedyogi #tattooedyogis #tattedyogi #yogasoul #baronbaptiste #baptisteyoga #baronbaptisteyoga #hotpowerflow #powerflow #beherenow #presence #beingofpower #bepresentnow #hikergirl #hikergirls #girlswhohike #hikerbabes #womenwhoexplore #outdoorwomensalliance #intentionalliving #storieswetellourselves #intentions (at Lake Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzmcNQXB9T9/?igshid=stckyfc318va
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shopestus · 7 years ago
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Wow! I bet this temporary tattoo would look awesome on me! Get yours at https://goo.gl/16HsFr #mandalaart #mandalart #mandalatattoo #mandalapassion #mandalalovers #mandaladoodle #tattooedyogi #tattooinspiration #tattoonation
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giannayoga · 6 years ago
I’ve always felt like I just never could give enough . . . There are so many people who need. But Because I have, I’ll give. All I can give is all I have ... So I guess it’s irrelevant whether or not it’s enough. But it’s why I try for more. #yoga #practice #tattooedyogi #queeryogateacher #giannayoga (at South Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9gSHgBWZa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ky79a4kjq232
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