#tattoo! joel
tightjeansjavi · 1 year
That Girl is a Problem
Part 2: “Angel Baby”
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(AU street racing! Joel x f! tattoo artist reader)
A/N: I don’t know jack shit about cars but @pedgeitopascal knows I did research just for this chapter alone LOL 🤠 I went back and forth on what kinda car I wanted Joel to race in and this is what I came up with. Thank you so much for the feedback on chapter 1! This story is already sooo much fun for me to write xx
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~word count: 1.9k~
Summary: Joel Miller & Tommy Miller left their Texas homestead seeking new thrills. They find themselves working at an auto body shop on Hollywood Blvd. Joel meets you, a self taught tattoo artist working on the strip. You might be just the adrenaline rush that he was searching for. Or, his ultimate heartbreak.
Warnings: Early 1990’s Los Angeles violence/scandals. Drug use, drinking, smoking, mentions of tattooing and needles, street racing, infidelity, adrenaline junkies, Joel & reader have emotional baggage, reader is a badass, love triangle between reader, Joel, and readers boyfriend, flirting, teasing, banter, jealousy, rage, trauma, dark themes, domestic emotional/physical abuse from readers boyfriend, pining, unrequited feelings, excessive drinking/drug use, sustained injuries from street racing, bar fights, jealous! Joel, darkish! Joel, possessive! Joel, eventual smut, consent, eventual established relationship, no use of (y/n) readers nickname is Angel, (+18) minors dni!
That Girl is a Problem Playlist:
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𝙄'𝙢 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡.
𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚...
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢.
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Los Angeles, California: Summer of 1993
“You’ll never guess where I just was.” Joel strode into the open garage area of the auto body shop with a deli sandwich and cold bottle of coke in his hand. He leaned back against the tool bench as he took a bite from the sandwich, crossing ankles over one another casually.
“The zoo?” Tommy, the younger Miller brother grumbled from underneath the car he was working on. It needed an oil change desperately and the stupid teen that dropped it off earlier was being a prick about the whole thing.
“No, you asshat. Not the fuckin’ zoo Tommy.” Joel spoke with a mouthful of turkey from his sandwich.
Tommy cursed under his breath as he rolled himself out from under the car. His hands and shirt were covered in grit and grease and he smelled of burnt oil. “So then go on and spit it out man. Where did you venture off to?” Tommy grabbed a rag to wipe his hands off, sitting up on the bench as he looked over at his older brother.
“Well, I found a tattoo shop just a few blocks from here. It’s called ‘Sinful Colors’ and a super cool chick owns the gig. That ain’t even the best part. I signed up for some street racing while I was there. Guess it's a thing folks around here do every Friday and Saturday on the Hollywood strip.” Joel took a refreshing sip of his ice cold coke. Bottled coke was always the best. Hands down, nothing compared to it.
“A tattoo shop owned by a super cool chick huh? Sounds like something right up your alley Joel. What the hell do ya mean you signed up for street racing? You don’t have a car.”
“She’s fucking gorgeous too Tommy. I’m talkin’ like drop dead fucking beautiful. She is completely tatted up too. The kicker is she’s got a boyfriend that honestly sounds like a total tool. Anyway, she said all you need to race is a car, or a bike. I got a bike so—”
“Drop dead fucking gorgeous huh? Well, of course she’s taken man. All the good ones are. She’s tatted up too? Joel, you’re not gonna fuckin’ race with your bike. You know how fuckin’ insane that sounds? I ain’t about to bring you back home in a fuckin’ body bag. I know you’re searching for a good thrill and all but I ain’t about to let you die out here just cause you wanna impress some chick you just met.”
“I don’t think her boyfriend is really gonna pose a problem for me. She seemed to forget all about him when I showed up. Okay, not entirely but she was 100% flirting with me Tommy. She called me handsome and a pretty boy. She was totally checkin’ me out too. What the hell else am I supposed to drive if I wanna race?”
“Joel, she’s taken. I’m all for you healing in your own way from—” Tommy was cut off by his brother talking over him.
“Alright. I’m gonna stop ya right there before you say her name. Don’t do it Tommy, please.” Joel stared his brother down threateningly. He raised his eyebrow in his direction as if to challenge him to continue.
Seeking thrills wasn’t the only reason why Joel and Tommy moved out to California. Joel had an ex back in Texas. Delaney, Joel’s highschool sweetheart. They were engaged and set to be married in the summer. She was the love of his life, or so he thought. He caught her fucking his best friend in their home. In his bed. Joel had a fun trip to jail for the night after beating the shit out of his ex-best friend. He deserved it after all. Especially after Joel found out that Delaney was having a fucking affair for 6 months. 6 fucking months. After Tommy bailed him out the following morning, the two brothers mutually decided it was time to get the hell out of dodge. Thus, landing them in the sunny City of Angels.
The truth was, Joel was heartbroken. He loved Delaney and he thought that she was his endgame. The woman he was gonna marry and have kids with one day. Fuck her. He didn’t want to waste his breath over her any longer. He gave her everything, his all and how did she repay him? Oh, right. Having an affair with his best friend for 6 fucking months. So yes, Joel’s heart was pretty much fucking smashed into tiny little pieces but he refused to let his past rule him. Los Angeles was fresh, new, exciting, and he fully was ready to take life by horns again.
“Alright, I’m sorry. I won’t say her name, okay? I just think you should be careful with this chick. Don’t go and get yourself caught up in this Joel. I don’t want to see you hurt again is all. You’ve been through enough as it is. The last thing you need is some pretty thing playin’ with your heart. That’s all I’m sayin’ as your brother.” Tommy spoke sincerely.
Joel let out a grumble of annoyance. He knew Tommy was probably right about you. You were a bright red fucking flag in his books. The only problem was that Joel was a creature of habit, like most human beings were. A fatal flaw to possess. You were off limits, sure. That wasn’t going to stop him from seeing you. He felt like a moth drawn to a flame. A really hot, scalding, touch it and you will shrivel up and die on the spot, flame. Fuck it. He had nothing to lose, other than his pride and ego.
“I’ll be careful, okay Tommy? I ain’t goin’ and gettin’ my heart invested in nothin’. She’s just real easy on the eyes. I can just admire her from a distance and not cause any problems. Kay?”
Tommy let out a sigh as he looked at his brother, shaking his head. “Yeah, alright Joel. Whatever you say. Now about this race, you’re not entering with your bike man. I will 100% be putting my foot down about that bullshit.”
“What’s this you kids talkin’ about a race?” Wilson, the old man that owned the auto body shop, leaned against the opened garage door, cigarette dangling from his lips. “Your brother is right Joel. You can’t enter your bike into a street race. She’s fast, sure. You will end up getting yourself killed out there though.”
“With all due respect sir—” Joel was cut off by the old man sending a glare in his direction.
“Did I say you could talk, boy? You didn’t let me finish. You can’t race on your bike but I got just the thing you can race in. She’s a real beauty too.” The old man flicked his cigarette to the side before gesturing to the two Miller brothers to follow him.
Joel gave his brother a slight shrug of his shoulders before they followed the old man to another part of the shop. One that was seemingly off limits, till now. The car was covered with a thick tan tarp that was covered in dust and debris from sitting in the garage for so long. “So she might need a bit of work. Nothing major and mostly just cosmetic. Paint touch ups here and there but she runs fast, and smooth.”
“Are you really offering me a car right now Wilson?” Joel asked in disbelief.
“I sure as hell am, sonny. This baby hasn’t seen the light of day in a long time. You’ll love her, I can promise you that.” The old man pulled the tarp down, revealing a cherry red, 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz.
Joel and Tommy’s eyes bugged out of their fucking skulls when they realized just what make and model of car this was. “Sir, you do realize what the fuck you have here, right? Holy fucking shit.” Both the miller boys said in unison.
“A 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz.” Wilson deadpanned to the younger men.
“You seriously want me to race in this? Holy fuck. Wait, aren’t these kinds of races usually done with more modern sports cars? Not that she ain’t fast or anythin.’”
“The hell else are you gonna race in, kid? The races around here don’t use any of those crapshoot fancy modern sports cars. Only vintage sports cars and motorcycles can race. Didn’t Angel tell you the rules son?”
Joel was already running his fingers across the untouched red and white leather seats. Feeling how smooth they were against his skin. His head snapped in the old man’s direction, looking at him like he had suddenly grown 5 heads. “Hold on just a second there. You know Angel?”
“Do I look like I was just born yesterday? Course I know Angel. Her boyfriend is one of my local clients here and her dad endorsed my shop here.”
Joel grumbled under his breath, shaking his head a little. So, you really were that well known around here huh? “So you’re just gonna hand this beauty over to me? Sir, this car is worth a fucking fortune.”
“Well, like I said, she needs a little work. Nothing you two boys can’t handle. I know how much she’s worth. Could easily sell her off to one of those fancy smancy celebs around here for 3 times the amount I paid for her. If I do that, she just sits around like a collectors item and never sees the light of day. She deserves so much better than that.”
“So what is she gonna cost me? I don’t have much to offer unfortunately so I don’t even know if I can afford her—”
“She ain’t costin’ you a pretty penny, Joel. She’s all yours. Just take good care of her and then we won’t have any issues. Got it?”
“You got yourself a deal, Wilson. I promise I’ll take extra good care of her.”
“I know you will. Keys are in the glovebox. Why don’t you boys go take her out for a spin? See how she purrs.” The old man shot the two Miller brothers a wink before he headed back to his office.
“Holy fucking shit, Tommy! Did that seriously just happen? I must be dreaming. This is fucking insane.”
“Shut up and get the keys Joel! You heard the old man, let’s see how this babe purrs!” Tommy was already hopping in the passenger seat while Joel climbed into the driver's seat. Both brothers looked like two giddy kids in a candy shop as Joel inserted the key into the ignition as the engine purred to life. He couldn’t help but rev the engine a bit, just to see what she was capable of.
He backed the car out onto Hollywood blvd and drove right past your shop. You were working on Joel’s sketch for his knuckle tats when a blur of bright, cherry red zoomed past the shop's window. You had no idea who the hell was driving the car, but the one thing you did know was that the driver had to be undeniably hot.
After taking her for a joy ride through the Hollywood Hills, the Miller brothers returned to the shop, pumped full of adrenaline. After a few paint touch ups, and an engine check, she was good to go. Joel, however, wanted to add just a bit of flare. While Tommy was on his break, his older brother had taken it upon himself to add a decal on one of the wings on the back of the car. Angel Baby. How perfectly fitting.
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Tag List:@chaotic-mystery @peterhollandkait @lovers-liability @korynnekorynne @loquaciousferret @cutesyscreenname @atinylittlepain @yazsos @kirsteng42 @777-wonders @last-girl @pedgeitopascalreads @tinygarbage @wonder-harley @casa-boiardi @alwaysdjarin @bellaramseygfsblog
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sweetpascal · 11 days
guys, i just worked with Joel Miller yesterday. The Joel Miller (or at least a man that looks, acts, and sounds just like him) AAAAHHHHHHHH !!!!!
so basically, i work at Spirit Halloween and my boss hired labor workers to unload a big truck and me and my coworkers were helping to grab stuff and bring it into the store.
now, this man caught my attention IMMEDIATELY. salt n pepper hair, salt n pepper scruff, tanned skin, covered tattoos, walks like he's in pain, SOUTHERN ACCENT AND A LOT OLDER THAN ME.
i nicknamed him "Joel" to my friend cause i was gushing and blushing so hard for this man. now, i wore my jean short shorts and a crop top that said 'i love nerds.' from the moment i stepped out, all he did was look at me. every time i looked at him, he looked away. AAAWFGVGYHHGD!!!!!!!!!!!
after like the second hour of unloading the truck, i went up to him to grab a box, he says with a grin, "havin' fun yet?" and then he smiled at me all big and wide WITH EYE CRINKLES AND DIMPLES. and i giggled and was like "ugh, not really!" and he laughs all deep and gruff-like and was like "ya gotta think positive thoughts!"
so like another two hours pass by and him and the other men come into the store to help us with our set-up. and i feel his presence behind me as i'm rubbing my back cause my back is fucking killing my at this point 😭😭
and then i hear him say, "your back hurt?"
and i look UP at him and i'm like, "ugh, yes it does. i need a massage so bad." and all he does is grin and say, "hmmph." BYE IM SCREAMING.
so another hour goes by and i'm standing with him and another guy and they're talking about how to move a box. and the guy jokes and tells 'Joel' "move it with your brain powers!" and 'Joel' jokingly puts a finger to his head and raises his hand to the box and i started giggling.
AND HE FUCKING GRINS AT ME AGAIN AND SAYS, "is that nerdy enough for ya?" BBBYYYYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND ONCE HE WAS DONE WITH HIS SHIFT HE LEFT 😭😭😭 i'll never see him again AAAHHH. and then my friend called me out cause i was standing with my boss and other coworkers and i asked if the labor workers were gonna come back and my boss said no and my friend was like "aawwhh that means ally can't see her boyfriend" And everyone was like "oooohhh!!" AND EVEN MY BOSS WAS LIKE "which one was it???" LMAAOOO I WAS BLUSHING AND GIGGLING.
uughh but yeah. i got to work with Joel Miller yesterday and it was the best 5 hours of my life 😭
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halhys · 18 days
Playing with watercolors again and as The Last of Us is never far from my mind I decided to combine a few elements from TLOU 1 & 2 and make a lil illustration=D
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And because I love pain and suffering the crack in the helmet is the crack in Joel's watch...
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bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 5 months
You know how everyone talks about Double Life being a fanfic trope, and about the other fanfic tropes that could be incorporated into the life series?
Ignoring the obvious, I propose the flower shop owner/tattoo shop owner trope.
Everyone is assigned as either a flower shop player or a tattoo shop player. Each person has to pair up with someone of the other category.
Imagine it. Imagine the skins, the fanart.
Scott and Jimmy are both flower shop, obviously
AWW WAIT that's really wholesome actually,,,,
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heisokay · 1 year
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Joel Kinnaman for Björn Borg.
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pedrodascal · 1 year
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ᴊᴏᴇʟ ᴍɪʟʟᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ | 45/?
"What does that comic book say? Endure and survive?"
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elthecreator · 11 months
Club Banshee
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Ellie Williams x black! Reader
a/n: First fanfic I hope you enjoy it my loves<3. Also if you are not black you can still read it too lmfao. This is just for my black girls. In the future I will do more poc so everyone can feel included. 
I also recommend you listen to the song above as you read this cause 😮‍💨. This shit took me 4 days and 4 nights. The word count is too damn many.
Warnings: SMUT! Very Rough and aggressive sex, Oral, Slight spanking, Mean ellie!, dom ellie, bottom r!, submissive r!, begging, praising "good girl", intense teasing, build up. joel and ellie fluff. r! and ellie fluff WLW.
It was one of those nights again. Those nights where you would just so do anything to get some shit off your mind. For ellie it was one of those nights, her and joel had a huge fight earlier. Once again the two fighting because they both loved each other. But tonight.. Ellie said some things she shouldn’t have. She ended up storming out of the house, not really having a ‘plan’ of where to go in that moment. But the guilt was eating her up. No amount of alcohol could get her mind away from their fight. So after about a concerning amount of beers, she stumbles into a strip club. 
“Club Banshee” it was titled in bright purple neon strobe lights, at the top of the building. As soon as she walked in she saw a bunch of people. Although, It was 1 am on a Thursday night so of course there were a bunch of people. Female and Male. 99% of those males are married of course. The creep looking types, type of dudes with a wife and three kids. Not surprised though. A bunch of neon green and purple lights surrounded the area.
 Making Ellie feel even more tipsy.
Girls danced up on the silver poles on the stage. Revealing outfits, heels and the smell of perfume and alcohol mixed. The dudes tipping the girls on the stage. Ellie sat at a bar nearby, unzipping her jacket. She wore a navy dark blue hoodie underneath her grey jacket, and her classic rough fabric jeans. Letting out a frustrated sigh before ordering more beer. While waiting she glanced at the stage.
Sleek bodies dancing scandalously on the stage. Such seductive creatures....it made between her legs start to throb. Trying to ignore her urges her beer finally came. A girl with short maroon fluffy hair and sharp winged eyeliner served her the beer.
"So why are you here tonight?" She asked curiously to the drunken ellie. Trying to make conversation as she wiped the bar island down.
"Actually, let me guess. Your husband is not pleasing you? Oh! divorcing? Or an alcoholic?" She said immediately trying to estimate why she was here.
Ellie chuckled lightly as she took a sip of her beer bottle. Now sarcastically questioning. "Do I look like I have a husband?" She said looking back at the waitress, one of her eyebrows raised slightly.
"..No not at all" She said chuckling a little back. "My apologies, that's all we get around here. It makes it a guessing game now you know? Plus..I may have had too many to drink." She said snickering
"So, why are you here then? I can't think of any other reason?"
She asked again curiously.
Ellie took a sip of her beer before replying. "Sometimes you want to take shit off your mind."
"Oh..yeah I know what you mean." She said nodding her head looking and listening to her.
Ellie nodded her head back at her. Letting out another frustrated sigh. The waitress now spoke again as she noticed Ellies frustration.
"You know, their having a show tonight? One of the solos. You should stay.. relax. Sometimes if your lucky enough some of the girls will let you take them home." She said winking at Ellie. Now walking away to go wash some glasses.
The drunken Ellie sat there reasoning about what the lady said.
Taking another sip of her beer, getting up from the stool. Leaving a twenty dollar tip for how generous the waitress was. Approaching a seat to watch the stage. Beer bottle in hand. Sitting down on the velvet seat man spreading in front of the stage, brushing a piece of her brown hair behind her ear. It had came out her half up half down usual style. The lights started to get a little dim as the two girls on the stage made way for another. One on each side as another one came from behind the curtain filled the middle of the stage.
There you were. Your curly afro that sat up perfectly. Silk soft dark brown curls. You reeked of oils and incense. Sweet scents.. the type of scent you smell once and never smell again. Pretty and polished. Your natural curves..your slender arms. Your tiny waist and wide hips. Eye candy to all around you. Putting everyone in a trance as you walked on stage. In your black corset with silk red ribbons. Your tiny black skirt stopping mid thigh. Red platformed heels with more red silk ribbon that wrapped around both your ankles matching your corset. Your boobs perfectly popped out your corset. Your mocha brown skin shimmering in the strobe light. Starting to now swerve and sway around the sleek silver pole. So carefully..so slow you turned. Mysterious and alluring you were on that stage. There was just.. something about you. You were different than all the other girls on those poles. You didn't give it all away. You didn't immediately throw yourself at these women and men. You weren't so desperate. Thats what made you so seductive. Alluring..everyone wandered about you. Not being able to keep their eyes away. You took your time on that pole. Curves all in the right place..arching your back perfectly when needed. Everyone was under your spell. All. Eyes. On. You.
Ellie was fucking bricked. Watching you as you made your entrance. Arching your back on the pole. Dropping down to your ankles slowly..swaying around the pole. All so slowly. The sound of your heels clicking after each sway made her throb. The song in the background playing as you trapped everyone in. Bathroom by Montell Fish. She couldn't keep her damn eyes off you. Manspreading in the seat as she took a sip from her beer bottle. Feel the heat between her legs get intense. Everyone around the room watched you. You weren't even seen as just sex appeal or a sexual object. Everyone was admiring your beauty. Your long legs..your silk curls. Admiring your presence. Especially Ellie. Her eyes continued to trail on you throughout your whole solo. Eventually the other girls on the side of the stage had left. It was just you. All eyes on you. She was arroused and mesmerized by your performance. Every so often you would glance back at her too. The tension in the room getting hotter.
Your performance had now ended. The lights starting to come back on. Everyone around you clapping and whistling loudly. Ellie was clapping too. Ellie went back to the bar for now, unable to get you off her mind. Drinking yet another beer. When you came out from backstage heading over to the bar. Sitting right beside her on one of the stools at the bar island. Wearing a big coat over your scandalously revealing outfit.
“Can I get two margaritas? Please?” You say in your sweet sounding tone. A little raspy and a little pitched. Perfect. Ellie glanced over at you over a split second, surprised to see you here.
You and the waitress talked a little bit, the waitress obviously knowing most of the strippers here. But Ellie could tell you two were a little closer. Ellie stayed quiet, sipping her beer. Until when you and the waitresses were done with your conversation. You looked over at Ellie with a bright welcoming smile.
“Hey, you were watching my show right?” You said looking over at Ellie.
Ellie looked back at her. “Oh, yeah I was. Your pretty good.” She said a little froze up. Caught off guard you would speak to her.
“Thanks.” You replied smiling.
“Why are you here tonight?” You said trying to maintain conversation. Taking a sip of your margarita.
“I’m here because I’m a dick.” She exclaimed frustratingly.
“..you’re not a dick.” You said looking over at her with a concern look on your face.
She chuckled a little before looking over to you. “Baby you don’t even know me.” She responded.
“I know that we all make mistakes. We all say things we don’t mean in the moment.” You said looking back at her. Taking another sip of your margarita.
“I guess. It’s just irritating …fighting with someone because you love them so much.”
She expressed breathing out.
Taking a few seconds to respond before asking. “Girlfriend?” You asked curiously. But also knowing what you were doing.
Ellie snickered at the question. “That obvious?” She was referring to herself looking so much like a lesbian.
“A little.” You said laughing with her.
Ellie smiled slightly. “No, not a girl. My dad.”
You were nodding trying to relate.
Your boobs sat up perfectly in your corset. All pushed up and shimmery looking from the glitter.
Ellie couldn’t help but stare at them. Wondering what they would look like without that stupid corset. This is when the tension started to rise. Your voice brought her back into reality, she’s was trapped in her dirty thoughts.
“Doesn’t mean..it’s a bad thing.” You said referring to the girlfriend comment you made earlier. Quick to look away.
“Oh?. Care to elaborate?” She said said with a slight smirk on her face as she took another sip from her beer. Intrigued, in what you meant.
“You know what I mean.” You said chuckling lightly. Flustered even. Starting to obviously flirt with her. Seeing if she would do the same.
“If you think I’m attractive just say that.” She said halfway joking like she usually does. That smug smirk still on her face.
“Don’t get too cocky miss.” You said teasing her.
“I’m not cocky if it’s the truth. You aren’t bad looking yourself.” She expressed as she looked at you. Couldn’t stop staring at your boobs pushed up against your corset. Feeling herself began to have that ‘throbbing’ feeling she had when watching you on that pole again.
You grinned. Mocking her. “Care to elaborate?”
You said proudly.
She laughed. From there on the two of you talked and flirted all night. Talked about sentimental topics, Ellie even told you about Joel. You told her about you and your journeys as she did the same. The both of you clicked, she got to know you as a person a little bit not just seeing you for your body. The waitress poured the two of you drinks all night long. Only making Ellie wanna talk to you more.
The club started to close and so did the bar. You were putting on your coat getting ready to go suddenly when Ellie stopped you.
“Hey I uh..forgot to give this to you earlier.”
She muttered as she stopped you. Handing you twenty dollars.
“You were pretty good up there. That’s all I brought right now I was extremely drunk.” She complained, face palming herself gently.
You smiled brightly in Awe. “Thank you miss?”
You questioned realizing you hadn’t got her name.
“Ellie.” She replied smiling. “And you are?” She questioned back at you.
The both of you talked so much and we’re wrapped so much in conversation you forgot to get one another’s name.
“Hey um. You know you could come to my place? Just to.. ‘talk’.. I’m pretty sure Joel’s asleep.” She nervously asked.
"I would love to." You replied. Trying not to seem too excited.
Soon enough the both of you arrived at Ellie’s house. Joel was in fact asleep, Ellie stood in the doorway of his bedroom watching him for a moment. Still feeling a little guilt. Walking over to his bed tucking him in comfortably as he slept. Walking out of the room quietly closing the door. Going back to meet you in her room. She had band posters all over her walls. AC DC, Nirvana, Korn, Slipknot, Paramore, and Rob Zombie. You name it and it was there. She had a guitar in the corner with a huge bean bag. She closed the door behind her when coming back in, approaching you taking off your big coat. You stood there in your black corset with red ribbons. Sitting down in the bean bag. Looking around the room curiously with your eyes.
"You have good taste in music." You said smirking at her from across the room.
"Thanks. Rocks my favorite genre." Ellie added to your comment, smiling back at you as she made her bed. "You want anything? Thirsty? Hungry?" She said glancing over to you. Wanting to make sure you were alright.
"I'm alright, thanks for asking." You expressed. Liking how she cared.
From this point forward, Ellie couldn't stop her disgusting thoughts. Your skirt was too short. Stopping at your mid-thigh, she swore she could see your black laced panties from across the room. Your breast kept pushing up further against your corset. Driving her fucking insane. All of it was driving her insane. Your scent in the air of her bedroom, smelling like fresh Lavendar or baby oil. She could feel herself throbbing. Wanting to just devour you right there on that damn bean bag while Joel was asleep.
She wasn't the only one aching in that moment, you kept crossing your legs while sitting down. Hoping to stop your ache between your legs. Fuck, her hands. Her fucking hands. The tattoo that went down her arm. The muscles in her fingers, how she looked like she could pick you up with one hand. The constant serious look in her face like she has killed 100 men.
Her stupid hair that drove you nuts. Or her musk. Smelling like fresh rain and alcohol. Or her stance, that damn stance she would sit in. Man spreading every time she sat down. The way she drank that beer. She was driving you to the edge. The both of you yearning for one another hungrily. Ellie sat on the bed on the other side of the room. Attempting her best not to look at you, scrolling on her phone.
You made up your mind. Abruptly walking over to her. Immediately straddling yourself on her lap instantly starting to kiss her aggressively. With no warning whatsoever. She reacted just as quick as you did, throwing her phone to the side of the bed instantly. Grabbing your hips as she kissed you back. You grinded yourself roughly against her crotch. The rough fabric of her jeans rubbing on your thighs. Ellie was completely caught off guard, but boy did she follow your lead. She grinded up into you as the two of you continued to suck faces. Dry humping each other on her bed. Her tongue exploring your mouth as she started to grab your fat ass. She groaned feeling your ass against her crotch. She started to go for your neck, aggressively pecking at it. It was like she couldn’t wait to get her fucking grimy hands on you. Leaving marks all down your neck, trails of them down to your breast. You whimpered trembling as she cupped your breast. Immediately kissing them in your corset. Your fingers twirled around her hair as she continued to leave marks on you. You breathed out into her ear. Groaning quietly. She held you up on her lap with her hands on your hips for support.
“Take this shit off.” Ellie demanded. Hungrily attempting to take it off of you. You helped her take it off. Your breasts now exposed to the cool air. She stared at them for a moment, her face an inch away from your brown nipples.
“Your fucking beautiful.” She exclaimed looking up at you. Her words caressed your heart, making you feel like the most perfect woman on planet earth right now. After her encouraging words, like a shot she started going on an absolute rampage on your boobs. Burying her face in them, sucking hard. The sounds of her slurping and sucking filled the room. So did your soft moans. “..fuck..Ellie..”’ A chorus of those exact words. She was so aggressive with it. Your nipples were already hard she just made them grow harder in her mouth. Your clit throbbed inside your panties. Sleek liquids began to slip out your pussy. Ellie groaned as she sucked on your breasts. She had waited all night to do this. Clearly. She came back up to kiss you deeply. Aggressively. Like she couldn't get enough. You were intoxicating, and she was going to make sure you knew that. Hostilely tearing your skirt off you. Lying flat on your back on the bed, she crawled on top of you. Spreading your legs wide for her. Slithering her hand down your stomach between your legs. Rubbing your swollen clit.
"Fuck. Right there." You expressed, your lips pressed against her ear.
She pushed one finger inside of you while rubbing your clit.
"Fuck your so wet for me.." She groaned during the process of pleasuring you. Your soft moans filled the room, the both of you trying to do all of this without waking Joel who was just down the hall. Ellie leaned on the side of you, her face buried in your neck while she stretches you out. "Such a pretty pussy." She whispered against your neck. "..mmmm....fuuckkk." You groaned.
"You think you can take two fingers baby?" She said exiting her finger out of you. You agreed obediently, she was being so gentle with you. For now. She slowly pushed both her fingers inside of you. You winced a little in pain. "Shh...I'm right here." She mumbled against your cheek. Slowly moving both her fingers in and out of your glistening pussy. As time passed she began to go faster. Thrusting her fingers in an ‘in out’ motion. You clutched on to the sleeve of her hoodie on her arm as time had go on. Throwing your head back and rolling your eyes in the back of your head from pleasure. She was stretching you out, perfectly. Making sure you were nice and ready for her cock. “Look at you taking my fingers so well. Good girl.” She purred looking at you beneath her. “Your legs spread open for me like a fucking slut.” She said bluntly in your ear as she continued to fuck you faster with her fingers.
“..fuck…” You whimpered in her ear.
She put an end to stretching you out, pinning you to to the bed before standing up.
“Don’t move.” She said glaring down at you on the bed. She was walking over to her dresser, clearly scouring for something. Meanwhile she was doing that, you quietly got up from the bed coming from behind her. After she specifically told you not to move your ass. She turned around feeling you behind her. “What did I say?” She spoke bluntly. You dropped to your knees starting to unbuckle her leather belt around her rough fabric jeans. Looking up at her from the ground.
“Let me make it up to you.” You said unbuckling her pants. Slowly pulling down her panties. She watched you from above looking down on you on your knees. She was aching hard. Your face inches away from her bare pussy. You started with a gently teasing lick on her outer lips. All while staring up at her. Ellie spreaded her legs more for you, giving you better access. That’s when you buried your face in her pussy. Sucking her clit and slurping her folds. A chorus of “mm..” sounds came from you as you ate her out. She held up your curly Afro for you so your hair didn’t get in the way. Throwing her head back grunting. “Fuck.” Ellie moaned bluntly. She was DRENCHED. So wet her juices were dripping down your chin. She had been soaked for you all night long. Your tongue swayed around her entrance. She was moaning more than she thought she would. Trying to cover her own mouth so she wouldn’t wake up Joel who happened to be down the hall.
“That’s right..fuck…make it up to me you filthy slut.” She groaned, pushing your head farther into her pussy. You could barely breathe, but you didn’t care and Ellie sure as hell didn’t.
She eventually let you up to breathe a little bit. You panted, your head against her leg breathing. “Now, go get on the bed.” She demanded watching you follow. Ellie found what she had been scouring for in the drawers. A pink strap on. 7.5 inches, 1.5 width. She walked over to the bed you were lying on. Taking off her shirt, now only in her sports bra. God. You watched her peel every piece of fabric off her body. Her toned stomach and thighs. Her muscular body. Fuck.
“Get on all fours.” She demanded watching you comply. You were in a doggy stance but held yourself up with your hands.
“Ah ah, no. Hands behind your back.” She demanded again. Such an uncomfortable position for you. But she didn’t seem to care. The pleasure was too much for you to even care. She started to put on the strap on. Ready to fuck your brains out. Using her knees to open your legs wider for her. “Arch your back some more for me baby.” Ellie whispered, you obeyed once again. Her sleek long cock started to enter you. You felt full already. Setting herself up behind you, her hands gripping your wide hips. She was starting to move. You let out breaths of relief feeling her start her rhythm. She held your hands in place behind your back. With the other hand she gripped your hip. “You have to stay quiet, we cannot wake up Joel.” She said kissing down your back, continuing her rhythmic movement behind your ass. “I make no promises.” You said teasingly grinning into the mattress. She grinded into your pussy. Your dark pinkish clit swelled up as she fucked you from behind. She kissed your neck a few times before coming back up to her stance. Warning you. “This is the last time im being gentle with you y/n.” You gulped quietly. “Do whatever you want with me.” You groaned. She grinned, her abdomen getting closer to your ass. Her nails digging in your hips, starting to fuck you hard. With no count down, no warning. She slammed into you repeatedly. The bed began to creak loudly. You could hear her grunt behind you.
"Fuck. Just like that..just like that. You whimpered into the mattress. She tightened her grip on your wrists. Continuously slamming into you. Your pussy swallowed her cock repeatedly. Your pussy growing wetter than earlier, Ellie being just as wet. Every time she slammed into you the strap on would grind into her pussy making her grunt each time. Wet sounds echoed in the room. A creaking bed moving every time Ellie did so. Your toned ass cheeks slapping against her abdomen. The sounds of your whimpering began to fill the room.
All you did was fuss. You wouldn’t shut up. Your face was buried so far into that fucking mattress you swear the patterns on it made indents on your cheek. “Face down, ass up.” Ellie ordered. You were starting to come out of your position because of how hard she was ramming into you. She held you in place with one hand. The other still on your hip. Her muscles flexing as she held you into place. “Please. I c-can’t. It’s too fucking much.” You muffledly whined with your head buried into the bed. “Thats too fucking bad isn’t it?” She said smirking, forcing you to take it. Take her cock. Take it all in. You started to come out of your position again. Noticing that she slapped your ass hostilely. So harsh you had a red hand mark on your ass. “Hold. Fucking. Still. What did I just say?.” She said slapping you again. Making you yelp in pain but pleasure. With no response from you she slapped you again. “What did I fucking say?!” She yelled trying not to wake up Joel. “..hold still.” You panted out. She continued to slam into you only harder this time. Wanting to teach you a lesson. You stayed in place, not daring to move anymore. The tension rose between you two. The bed creaking, the sweat, the uncomfortable position that also gave you so much pleasure. How rough she was with you. How the both of you still had to remain silent or you were going to wake up her dad. The adrenaline rush. All of it added to your pleasure. High off of sex. Your current mood.
“..gonna..cum soon.” You said nearly above a whisper. Your words broke into syllables due to her ramming behind you making you vibrate. “Mm..you cum when I do.” She whispered. Her voice raspy and low. She stopped for a moment. “..why did you stop…?” You said disappointed. “Shh.” She whispered, now leaning closer to your back. Grabbing on one of your boobs with one hand. The other keeping your wrists locked behind your back. “Don’t make a sound.” She breathed against your ear. Darting into you the fastest she could go. Too fast. Making you take the whole thing. She squeezed your boob as she continued to fuck you harder than she did before. It was like she was challenging you. Testing you to see how much you could take. How long you could stay quiet. She was trying to break you. It was like Ellie found pure joy in this. “Fuck!!” You cried out loudly. Loud enough your moans echoed Into the hall. After she specifically told you not to make a sound. You couldn’t help it, she unexpectedly darted into you with no warning whatsoever. She quickly covered your mouth, tightly. “You have to be quiet! Your going to wake up Joel.” She whispered in your ear as she fucked you. You couldn’t help but make sounds. Muffled cries filled the air. You could hear her grunting harder behind you. “Fuck.” She groaned. Your juices and cum slithered onto her strap. You were tearing up, the pleasure was too much. It was all too much for you. Ellie didn’t give a fuck. She was going to make you take it. She shoved her fingers in your mouth. Making you suck. You deep throated her fingers, sucking them. Tasting her flesh. Starting to choke she took them out. You were attempting to speak. Trying to tell her to stop. But all your words came out in whimpers and syllables. Not being able to form sentences. “I know baby I know.” She cooed softly in your ear. “Your being so good for me. Such a good girl.” She praised you. Ellie groaned in your ear. Starting to feel her climax reach it’s end. Your pussy was so slippery on her cock. Both of you throbbing to cum. “m’gonna cum.” She moaned softly against your neck. “God..you feel so fucking good y/n.” She said whining. The praise felt good. The both of you starting to go over the edge. Your highs going too far. “I’m gonna cum!” You cried into the mattress. “I’m right here baby. I’m right here.” She groaned still holding onto your right boob. Heaved breaths filled both of your ears. Feeding off of one another’s high. “Oh fuck!” She cried, reaching her climax as you did so too. Cumming into one another. Your cries were choked up. Eyes rolling into the back of your head. Her hand remaining over your mouth. Gasping for air as you came. Orgasming both of you together. Her strap was absolutely soaked. Your cum all over it her cum all over it. Sticky and warm. Ellie heaved in her breathing. Trying to catch her breath. She had let go of your wrist. Still laying on top of you. You panted heavily. Both of you coming down from your high. She flipped off of you to the other side of the bed. Taking off the strap throwing it on the floor. You remained beside her. Both of you heavily breathing, exhausted.
Heavily breathing in silence for a moment. Just staring up at the ceiling before she says.
“No man at that club has fucked you that good before, huh?.” She said chuckling. Cracking jokes after sex.
“Cocky.” You said chuckling. You were a little far from her. She patted a spot close beside her. You crawled over. Laying your head on her chest. You could hear her heavy breathing slowly come down. Her arm over your shoulder. Both of you naked. “That was amazing.” You said closing your eyes. Ellie smirked a little. “We should do it again some time.” She said looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah.” You agreed, starting to get up off the bed. About to put your shirt on before she stopped you. “Hey, where are you going?” She questioned you, sitting up. Watching you getting ready to leave. “I’m a stripper baby. I’m guessing that you want me to leave now.”
You said in a disappointed tone as you started to put your panties on. “I don’t want you to leave.” She said bluntly. You turned around to look at her surprised. “You don’t..?” You said stopping in your tracks. “No.” She voiced. Patting the same spot you had been in once before. You hesitatingly crawled up on the bed. Lying beside her with your head on her chest. Ellie tucked you in with her and the white/sage green mixed covers. She looked at you for a minute, analyzing your features. “May I touch your hair?.” She blurted out. Asking for permission before she touched your Afro. “Yes” you said with a smile. Butterflies in your stomach. It’s always good to ask to touch a black girls hair. She placed her slender fingers in your delicate dark curls. Your hair was thick. Smelling like rosemary oil and lavender. Your curls were a good inch down your back. Twirling her fingers around your strands. You spoke. “..usually everyone wants me to leave after….you know.” You said in a sour tone. “Well everyone should know your a human being with feelings too.” She expressed, still playing with your hair. You could feel your heart flutter. For once you felt like not just a ‘one night stand’. “How long have you and Joel been together..?” You said after some silence. Ellie chuckled a little. “Too long.” She said jokingly. The both of you snuggled up to one another’s warmth. In the covers. “That’s how me and my mom were.” You said closing your eyes.
“You two don’t talk anymore..?.” Ellie asked carefully. Not wanting to push your buttons or anything. “No. Not really. I miss her though. A lot.” You mumbled. Ellie stopped playing with your hair, pulling you closer to her. Both your nude bodies pressed together. Her chin on the top of your head. “You should call her. Trust me. I have my regrets.” She expressed. Staring into space. You nodded. Taking Ellie’s advice. The two of you laid there quietly. Worn out from your earlier events. “Ellie.” You called out. “..hm..?” she replied. Coming up to her eye level you pressed your lips on hers. Kissing her softly. Not out of sexual intention. Just wanted to kiss her. Affectionately. She kissed you back. Not expecting that. You cupped her face gently. The two of you kissing for quite some time before Ellie broke the kiss. “Hey, I was thinking. Maybe you and me..could get some coffee one day.” She said hesitantly. Clearly nervous about what you would say. You smiled warmly. Thinking her nervousness was adorable. “Are you asking me on a date?” You said teasing her. “Um..yea. Yes yes I suppose.” She said stammering her words. You chuckled. “I would love to.” You assured her. Kissing her face. She kissed you back smiling into your skin. Soon after, both of you fell asleep in each others arms.
The morning after. You remained asleep on her chest. Quietly breathing. Ellie slowly arose. The sun shining through the blinds brightly on the other side of her room. She watched you for a moment in ‘awe’. Before gently moving trying not to awake you. Making sure you laid your head comfortably on the bed. Tucking you in. She put on one of her hoodies from her drawer. Trying to clean up a little after last night. Leaving her room quietly closing the door behind her. Joel’s door was cracked, he wasn’t in the room. Ellie could smell breakfast. Sunny side up and orange juice. Quietly walking down the hall. Scratching the back of her neck nervously. Seeing Joel in the kitchen cooking. His back turned to Ellie, he was at the stove. “Morning.” He spoke broadly. “Morning.” Ellie replied. Silence filled the room. Joel broke the silence. “Where’d you go last night?” He asked curious. Now setting out plates on the counter. “Um, nowhere really. I was just walking in circles.” She said trying not to let him sense her lies. He nodded at that. The both of them didn’t say much. I don’t think the pair even knew exactly what to say. “Hey um Joel.” Ellie said slowly approaching him. “I wanted to apologize. ..for last night. I was being fucking selfish. I should have never said everything I had said. I didn’t mean any of-“ Joel cut her off. “I know kiddo.” He said turning to her. Smiling. Ellie looked hopeful. Looking up at Joel. Kinda of teary. Joel pulled Ellie into a hug. Rubbing her back gently. Ellie hugged him back tightly. The feeling of forgiveness and love was mutual. Joel broke the hug. “Now help me set out plates.” Ellie nodded at that. “She was setting out plates, but there were three?. Joel turned his back around again to finish the food before announcing.
“Oh, go wake up your girlfriend too before the food gets cold.” He hinted. Sounding like he was grinning while saying that sentence. Ellie was absolutely speechless. Just staring at Joel’s back with her mouth open. Before she could say anything he turned around saying. “Well we don’t have all day do we? Hurry the food is getting cold as we speak.”
Joel was truly the water to Ellie’s fire.
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kitsunespawz · 7 months
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And Etho is here too, I guess
Closeups and translations for the japanese below cut!
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スマリシビーンス = sumarishibiinsu
イーフォスラブ = iifosurabu
Which were my best attempts at phonetically spelling smallishbeand & ethoslab respectively
And my signature is sneakily hidden on their clothes, hehe
ヴェロ = vero
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fantasykiri5 · 9 months
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would you draw an esmp 1 joel?
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One slutty, slutty sculptor, coming right up!
He’s admiring his handiwork
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
That Girl is a Problem
Part 3: “Needy Little Thing”
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(AU street racing! Joel x f! tattoo artist reader)
A/N: first just wanted to say that the beginning of this chapter may be triggering for some to read. The readers boyfriend is not a nice person and their relationship is 100% toxic. I am not in any way condoning toxic/abusive relationships or romanticizing them. The chapter will have the appropriate warnings. Just wanted to end this by saying to please take care of yourselves, and I am always here to chat if need be.
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~word count: 3.5k~
Summary: Joel Miller & Tommy Miller left their Texas homestead seeking new thrills. They find themselves working at an auto body shop on Hollywood Blvd. Joel meets you, a self taught tattoo artist working on the strip. You might be just the adrenaline rush that he was searching for. Or, his ultimate heartbreak.
Warnings: readers boyfriend is an asshole, toxic relationship, mentally and emotionally abusive to the reader, talks down on her tattoos and her clothing, makes the reader feel less than/inferior to him, gaslighting, manipulating behavior, reader puts up with it because she has been wired to feel like this is all she deserves when she knows she deserves better, reader wants to appease her boyfriend, power dynamic with reader and boyfriend, reader has consensual sex to appease her boyfriend, reader feels trapped in her relationship and has tried to break up with her boyfriend but never follows through with it, reader uses sex as coping mechanism, reader doesn’t want to leave the relationship because there is a sense of comfort sticking with what she knows even when it’s not good, brief mentioning of physical abuse from the readers boyfriend but no depiction in detail, reader commits infidelity with Joel, smut, fingering, dirty talk from Joel and the reader, reader uses Joel to get off consensually, praise kink, Joel takes care of the reader, after care, some fluff, angst, Joel has a crush, (+18) minors dni!
That Girl is a Problem Playlist:
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𝙄'𝙢 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡.
𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚...
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢.
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Los Angeles, California: Summer of 1993
It’s 8pm when your boyfriend, Dylan pays you a visit after his long shift. Dylan is an intern at Capitol Records. His dream is to one day be a music producer. The only reason he got the job in the first place, was all thanks to his dad who had a connection at the record label. You and Dylan were the complete polar opposites. Your friends weren’t even sure how the hell you two lasted this long and truthfully? You weren’t quite sure either. Dylan hated your tattoos. He always made a point to tell you that you were ruining your body and the classic “that shit is permanent. You know that right?” He also wasn’t afraid to tell you that he didn’t like the way you dressed. You revealed too much skin and he didn’t want anyone looking at what belonged to him.
Dylan wasn’t all bad. Sometimes he had his good days where he would love on you and make you feel like the only girl in the world. These moments were short lived and you already tried breaking up with him a handful of times. You caved because of the makeup sex. You always felt pathetic after the fact but in your defense, no man you had ever dated treated you any differently. You knew you deserved better of course. It was just that there was a sense of comfort with sticking with what you knew the best. That didn’t mean that you had to stay faithful 24/7. The times that Dylan hurt your feelings, yelled in your face and made you cry, or roughed you up a bit, you sought comfort from other men, or women. Sex was your sole comfort and you knew that it would always be there for you, even on the darkest nights.
Your relationship with Dylan was toxic and the more times he took his anger out on you, the more you wished he would just fucking disappear for good. Why couldn’t you just up and leave him? Why did you keep coming back? He was the only person in your life that made you feel weak, inferior, and you fucking hated him for it.
You had just finished up on Joel’s knuckle tattoo sketches when Dylan arrived. You quickly doused out your cigarette and tossed your box of smokes in a nearby drawer to hide the evidence. He hated when you would smoke and you should have been more careful. You quickly sprayed a bit of perfume to hopefully mask the stench of cigarette smoke.
You heard the shimmy of the beads on the curtain as Dylan slipped through them, making his presence known. “Angel, baby. Are you smoking again? You know how much I hate that shit.” He tsked under his breath.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you looked over at him briefly before you tucked away the sketches for Joel safely in a Manila folder before you looked up at your boyfriend, giving him a sickly sweet smile. “I’m sorry baby. You know it’s such a terribly hard habit to break.” You gave him a little sad pout.
Dylan let out a sigh as he approached you, leaning down and he grasped your chin between his fingers as he narrowed his eyes into yours coldly. “Yeah? Just like it’s hard for you to break the habit of not dressing like a fucking street whore?”
“Baby, please..I’ve had a really long day. I have a client coming in later and I really just want to—” your pleas were cut off by Dylan’s malice.
“Aw, honey. I’m so sorry baby. You had a long day? Oh, you poor, poor thing. What about my day, huh? How about the fact that the only shit I’ve been doing is taking coffee and lunch orders for these pretentious fucks all goddamn day. You feel sorry for me too?” He spat, gripping your chin between his fingers even tighter.
“I’m sorry that you had a shit day, baby. That sounds really really stressful. Can I make it all better for you? I’d really love to do that.”
Dylan let out a sigh, loosening his grip around your chin before he gently released you. “I’m sorry for taking it out on you baby. I really just had a terrible fucking day. Can I make it up to you, please?”
This is how it would always start. Dylan would take his frustration out on you. He’d apologize, kiss it all better, and then you would fuck. It was the same vicious cycle. Over, and over again.
“Yeah baby, can I have a kiss please?” You softly requested.
“Of course you can, Angel. Anything for my sweet pretty baby.” He cooed as he leaned down and gave you a sweet, loving kiss. Your eyes flutter shut as you drape your arms around his neck, kissing him back sweetly.
You ask him if it’s okay for you to remove his shirt, he obliges and asks the same from you. At least he still had the decency to ask for your consent, and vice versa.
It had been awhile since you last faked an orgasm with your boyfriend. Truthfully speaking? Your mind was drifting to Joel Miller while Dylan fucked into you. Thank god he couldn’t tell that your moans were overly exaggerated and undeniably fake.
After the fact, Dylan stayed a bit longer, despite your unnoticeable displeasure. Your hair was mussed up and he had practically shredded your fishnets. After a few kisses goodbye, your boyfriend finally left the shop and you spent the next hour cleansing the space with incense, and crystals. Stevie Nicks crackling through the record player was there to comfort you when the stray tears began to fall down your cheeks and you fiercely wiped them away.
You were torn from your thoughts when the front bell at the door chimed as Joel Miller strode in. You could smell the grease and oil on his clothes from the back room. You had grown so used to the car smell, thanks to your boyfriend but on Joel, it was different. Manly in a sense that it seemed to meld into his natural musk.
“Angel? Darlin’? You still back here? Sorry I’m a bit late. Got caught up working on a car back at the shop and lost track of time.” His warm Texas drawl sent your insides swirling.
You fixed your hair as best as you possibly could before you strode out between the beaded curtain. “Hey. Yeah, I’m still here. Shop is technically open till midnight. I use this time to work on sketches and just dick around for the most part. Speaking of sketches, I have yours done if you wanna take a peek?”
The first thing Joel noticed was your swollen lips, and sexed up hair. His eyes slightly went wide when he noticed how shredded your fishnet tights were basically just hanging on by a few remaining threads. “You finished them already? Yeah, I’d love to see ‘em. You work pretty fast darlin.’”
“Oh, you have no idea.” You set the Manila folder down before opening it and pulled out the two sketches. “So, I know you said like snakes and skulls and shit so I incorporated those along with a few other things. We can obviously make changes of course. I just figured this was a good starting point.”
Joel leaned his hands on either side of the countertop as he looked over the drawings and to say he was impressed, was an understatement. “Wow, these are like super fuckin’ sick. You’re beyond talented, Angel. Seriously, these are exactly what I was looking for.” Joel spoke while looking up into your eyes. His dark brown eyes were irresistibly inviting. They reminded you of what warm hugs on a cold day feel like.
“Really? Well I’m happy that I could deliver on what you wanted. Did you want to do color ink or just black and gray?”
“I think colored ink would look pretty cool. Might as well go all out with it, y’know?” He has a small grin tugging on his lips.
How long ago was it since your boyfriend came and fucked you? Couldn’t have been that long ago considering your state. Joel did wonder why your face didn’t possess that post sex glow. Was your boyfriend really that bad?
“Cool. I think colored ink will also stand out as well. I think you’ll be pleased with the results.” You responded while locking your eyes onto his. You couldn’t help but stare at this tatted up Texas man.
“Y’know Angel, it’s rude to stare like that. Is there somethin’ on my face?” Joel said in a teasing tone as a low chuckle vibrated up his chest.
“Sorry, you just have really fucking pretty eyes.” You blurted out suddenly. You nearly wanted to facepalm from how stupid that sounded. Really? His eyes were pretty? What are you, 15 years old?
“My eyes are pretty? Huh, I actually don’t think I’ve gotten that one before darlin.’” Joel sounded amused by your word vomited compliment.
“Yeah well..don’t let it get to your head all at once.” You muttered under your breath, nervously playing with a stray strand of the fishnet fabric dangling along your thighs.
“Are you alright, Angel? I ain’t makin’ ya nervous or anythin’ am I? Cause I can always leave—”
“Nervous?” You cut him off mid sentence. “Now why the hell would you go and say something like that, huh? I’m not nervous.” Your tone was sharp and defensive, as if you had any reason at all to feel shameful just for giving this handsome man a harmless compliment.
“Not even in the slightest?” Joel asked casually, eyebrow raised in your direction.
“No. I’m actually unbelievably frustrated right now. You know why? My stupid boyfriend didn’t let me fuckin’ cum. All because of the outfit I’m wearing. Well, what’s left of it and because I was smoking a cigarette when he showed up. I literally faked a fucking orgasm because it was that bad.” You spoke exasperatedly. You forgot that this wasn’t another one of your vents to your girlfriends. This was Joel Miller, a potential client.
Joel raised an eyebrow suggestively at your admittance. Your stupid boyfriend didn’t let you cum? Well that was fucking rude of him. What a dickhead. “S’okay darlin.’ Not gettin’ to cum is really fuckin’ frustratin’. Dude sounds like an absolute tool for that.” Joel stated casually. He didn’t want you to feel embarrassed for your frustrations. It was completely normal and you shouldn’t feel ashamed of it.
“Well, fuck me. I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to talk to potential clients about my sex life like that. I’m sorry for subjecting you to that Joel.”
“Sorry? What do you gotta be sorry for? If anyone should be apologizin’ it’s that boyfriend of yours. Especially for fucking up your fishnets like that. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were attacked by a dog in the alley or somethin.’”
“Normally I would find that kind of thing hot, but he tore them because he hates them. It was literally the most unsexy thing imaginable. Felt more degrading if anything.”
Joel was silently figuring out his next move. You were visibly frustrated that your piece of shit boyfriend didn’t let you cum. Joel imagined that you would probably end up getting yourself off later when you were home. You could do that or there was a perfectly able set of hands right there on the counter. Thick, veiny, and calloused from hard work.
“Look, Angel. I don’t mean to be oversteppin’ any boundaries or nothin’ but if you’d like, I could help you out with releasing that frustration.”
Your mouth went dry at his suggestion. You hadn’t even known each other for a full day, and Joel Miller was already making provocative suggestions for you to use him to get yourself off. This was exactly why you knew that you and Joel were gonna get along just fine.
“Are you serious? I appreciate the offer but I could probably just use one of my vibrators at home when I close up shop.” You wanted to give him one last chance to back down. The idea of Joel Miller getting tied up with the likes of you was exciting no doubt, but he wasn’t your typical conquest. He seemed too nice to actually be down to please you in any way you requested. Or, so you thought.
“I’m dead serious Angel. You can use me to get off. You think I’m gonna protest that?” Joel asked with a raise of his brow.
“You're making this really fucking difficult cowboy.” You spoke through gritted teeth. Your thighs squeezed together tightly as you thought about his thick digits—
“Is this turning you on? Don’t feel ashamed or anythin’ okay? Seriously. I am more than happy to help out on your own terms darlin.’” Ain’t gonna pressure you or nothin.’”
You subconsciously took your lower lip between your teeth as you rubbed your thighs together. “Come with me.” You tilted your head to the side, signaling him to follow you to the back room.
Joel’s feet were moving quicker than his mind could process as he slipped past the beaded curtain following you.
“I only want you to use your hands, alright? Just your hands. You can play with my pussy, finger me. Do whatever you want but with your hands alone. You got that?” You were already propping yourself up on the padded bench, spreading your thighs open. Joel got a glimpse of your hot pink panties under your short, barely legal denim skirt.
“Christ, okay. Just my hands. Got it. You really don’t waste any time do ya?” Joel swallowed hard as he sank down on the cushioned stool, rolling to a stop in front of your spread thighs.
“Yeah, and I’m getting impatient already. Please just fucking touch me already Joel.”
“Needy little thing. I bet my words alone got you soakin’ through those cute little hot pink panties of yours. Should we look and see if I’m right?” He grasped onto your inner thighs, gently spreading them apart further. He could see the obvious wet patch on the front of your panties as he let out a low chuckle. “Oh, your pussy is wet alright darlin.’ Soaked right through your panties.”
“Mother fucker. Get on with it already or so help me—oh.”
Joel had pulled your panties to the side, using his pointer and middle finger to spread your slick folds open to his greedy eyes. “Mmm. You got a really pretty pussy Angel. She’s so pretty. So wet, soft, needy. I hope you keep me around long enough that I get to have a taste of her. Bet she tastes so fuckin’ sweet.” He hummed, gently rubbing his thumb across your clit in tight little circles.
“Keep that up and I will definitely keep you around long enough to have a taste. Fuck, that feels nice.” Your lips parted open as a soft sigh slipped past them.
“The only goal in my mind right now is to make sure you cum. I’m a man of my word, darlin.’” He rasped, continuing to rub tight, delicious circles against your clit. He was watching the way your pussy clenched around air. He could only imagine just how tight you’d feel around his fingers.
“Fuck, Joel. I’m gonna need a little more than that if you’re gonna get me to cum. Don’t be shy.”
“I know Angel. Just getting her all warmed up for me. Wanna make sure you’ll be thinking of me when you fall asleep tonight and not that stupid boyfriend of yours.” He said with a low growl while his middle and pointer finger were lightly teasing your entrance. He watched your face as he slowly slipped them inside of your wet, tight pussy. He felt the way your walls immediately clenched around his thick digits as he curled them inwards.
“Oh fuck. I knew they were gonna feel nice inside of me but I didn’t know they were gonna feel this good. Don’t worry. I won’t be thinking about anyone but you when I fall asleep tonight.”
Joel hummed in approval as he started to slowly pump his fingers in and out of you, curling them each time to hit the sensitive spongy spot inside of you. His thumb continued to rub tight circles against your clit, applying just enough pressure to send a wave of pleasure up your spine as your toes curled inwards.
“Your pussy is clenching so tight around my fingers Angel. You hear the way she’s purring for me? Mmm. Does your stupid boyfriend ever get you off like this baby? With just his fingers? That’s how a real man can make his woman cum. However the fuck she likes it. Fingers, tongue, his cock. You know that, right? You deserve to cum every fucking time Angel.”
He pumped his fingers faster, listening to the sweet sounds of your pussy squelching around his fingers as he fucked them into you. This was by far the most erotic encounter he had ever had with anyone. You brought the filth right out from between his lips.
“No—no. He never does. He just likes to fuck me. He won’t even go down on me. Even when I ask nicely. It’s never about me.” You let out a low moan, rocking your hips into his hand as your orgasm began to bubble in the pit of your stomach.
“Are you fucking serious? He’s never?—well, that just ain’t fuckin’ right. What a fuckin’ loser. His loss. I’ll eat your pussy till your seeing fuckin’ stars baby.” He pumped his fingers faster, determined to make sure you properly came. That he took care of you the way that you deserved.
Your eyes rolled back into your skull as you bucked your hips into his hand, desperate for more as the tight cord in your belly was begging to snap. You panted out Joel’s name, mixed in with sharp profanities.
“That’s it baby. Keep fucking yourself on my fingers. Get yourself off on me Angel. You close baby doll? Gonna get you there, I fuckin’ promise.” His thumb circled around your clit faster, matching up with the rhythm and speed of his digits curling and pumping inside of you. He hit that soft spongy spot one more time before you were coming undone around his fingers, soaking them in your cum.
You let out a mix between a sob, and moan as you felt the white hot pleasure shoot up your spine. Just like how your cum coated his fingers, the orgasm you experienced wrapped your brain in a delicious fluffy cloud. It enveloped you in a comforting warmth. Joel had a praise kink. That was pretty damn obvious from the way he was still talking you through it as your hips bucked into his hand, riding out the post orgasm high.
“Shh. I got you Angel. You’re safe. Felt good didn’t it? Look at you, you’re so pretty after getting fucked by my fingers. So fucking pretty.” He gently slipped his fingers out, admiring how you had coated them completely. You watched with a hazy, post orgasm stare as he slipped his fingers into mouth, sucking your cum off them. It was so fucking hot to see.
Much to your surprise, Joel had taken a paper towel from your supply bench and gently wiped between your thighs, chuckling when he felt your thighs quiver when the fibers of the paper towel brushed against your clit. “Easy. You’re alright. A little sensitive, huh?” He tossed the paper towel in the nearby trash before he gently fixed your panties.
“You sure know how to make a girl feel special Joel.” You spoke breathlessly as you slowly sat up on your elbows.
“I was raised to be a gentleman, no matter the circumstances, and I’m a man of my word Angel.” He offered you his hand as he gently lifted you from the padded bench. You were a bit wobbly on your feet so he wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you steady. “It’s pretty late and I wanna make sure you get home safe after locking up. Can I drive you home please?”
“I’m technically on the clock for another hour but after that? I’m exhausted. Normally I take the bus, but I accept your offer.”
Joel helped you lock up the shop for the night, flipping the lights off and locking the front door. You weren’t surprised to see that this man had a motorcycle and you gave him a little grin when he held out a spare helmet to you. He revved the engine lightly as you climbed on behind him, wrapping your arms around his middle and pressed your cheek against his back as he sped off into the night.
You were in a state of bliss, feeling the wind whipping against your face as you tightened your grip around his middle. You couldn’t see his face, but you just had a feeling that Joel was smiling. The ride to your little apartment was a short one as you told him the directions. He helped you off his bike, walked you up to your front door and didn’t leave till you had safely locked your apartment door behind you. In the midst of it, you exchanged phone numbers. It wasn’t 100% necessary but like Joel said, he was raised to be a gentleman under all circumstances.
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Tag List: @chaotic-mystery @peterhollandkait @lovers-liability @korynnekorynne @loquaciousferret @cutesyscreenname @yazsos @kirsteng42 @777-wonders @last-girl @tinygarbage @wonder-harley @casa-boiardi @alwaysdjarin @bellaramseygfsblog @pedgeitopascalreads
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elliespuns · 1 year
Thinking about how sweet it would've been if we had a chance to see how Joel reacted to Ellie when he found out she was gonna have a tattoo (or already coming home with it being in process). Man, that would be such a sweet thing to witness.
All I'm sure of is that Joel would never give Ellie a hard time about it because he wouldn't dare to act like her actual father when it came to her life choices, especially if she was 17 at the time. He'd just go with it, wanting to hear more about it.
It's kinda the same thing as when he found out about Ellie liking girls. It was like the most natural thing for him to accept without even needing to accepting it, really. It just happened and all he cared about was just "I hope this person makes my Ellie happy" without questioning it. Ellie liked someone and he was nothing but supportive, with no side thoughts.
I love Joel. He loved Ellie with so much unconditional love. I totally understand why he did what he did back in Salt Lake City. He was lonely, grumpy and cold and it all changed when she came into his life. Ellie wasn't just his surrogate daughter, she was also his friend.
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The way he's smiling at her without her even knowing.
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droids-in-disguise · 2 years
No Piano Man, no We Didn't Start the Fire, and no 'other' option, y'all have to choose.
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xyelissax · 9 days
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vie-interrupted · 4 months
Sun Bleached Flies
Prologue : Waiting for the day
CW: violence, time jump, homophobia(internalized and explicit), angst, fluff, no NSFW(yet), pining, ellie is bad at communicating, reader is sexy AF!!, no use of y/n, corny romance, eventual happy ending!!
AN: First official chapter of the fic!!! Sorry the end is a bit rushed, I wrote this at the end of a lecture. I have a few other chapters planned out, but not started. Again, feedback is welcome and encouraged!! Also all the chapters are named after lyrics of Ethel Cain’s “Sun bleached flies,”i’m not a complete cornball. Not proofread. Enjoy ♡
Summer in Jackson was beautiful, of course, but after spending a year in the town, Ellie decided the best time of year was early autumn. The mountains’ trademark breeze was accompanied by the lingering warm air of August, making even the most strenuous of chores feel almost blissful.
After much begging and bribing, Ellie was successful in convincing Maria and Joel to allow her on real patrols. Supervised, of course, but how much more could a 16 year old want in this post apocalyptic world? So, when the morning of her first outing rolled around, Ellie threw on her dreadful converse and departed from her tiny garage room. Unfortunately, Joel was quick to catch her rubbing the sleep from her blurry eyes when they met at the stables.
“Awh, you seem tired kiddo,” he says, feigning concern. “Maybe this isn’t a good id-.”
Ellie cuts him off with an eye roll and a swift punch to the arm. Before the old man could retaliate, she trots off to Shimmer’s stall.
“We’d better go,” Ellie whispered hurriedly, unwinding the lead from her saddle horn. “You promised we’d leave before everyone else!”
It’s now Joel’s turn to roll his eyes, though he knew how much this meant to her. Regardless of the fact that the… incident at the hospital was years behind them, Ellie was still eager to prove her worth. She was a restless thing, flitting between jobs, disregarding social events and holidays, simply desperate to find something that would give her life purpose. Other than her immunity, which had been proven to be worthless to humanity.
Ellie shielded her eyes from the newly risen sun as she and Joel departed the communal stables, urging their mounts to a comfortable trot as they neared the looming gates of Jackson. The duo nodded politely at the two men at the gates, slowing as they struggled to open them. Once the towering wall was no longer confining her, it took every ounce of strength in Ellie’s body to not kick shimmers flank and charge into the rolling hills of the scenery surrounding them. Sure, Jackson was a comfort, but walls stressed Ellie out. She wasn’t accustomed to normalcy.
Instead of fleeing to live a life in the wilderness, Ellie trotted alongside Joel, slowing so that he could pull out his map.
“We’ll start slow,” he said, pointing at a circled region on the paper. “Gonna head somewhere less populated.”
Ellie nodded, not expecting more. Flicking her reigns, she bolted ahead of Joel, who swiftly followed.
The hours passed, mostly filled by bad jokes and a stray runner or two. Ellie felt lighter, content with the fact that this was how it would always be. Her and Joel, knocking out infected and laughing over outdated puns.
Ellie was in the middle of telling a (definitely not exaggerated) story about how awful and annoying their neighbor Seth was when Joel suddenly stiffened.
“I mean, how are you still gonna be a ‘republican’ when we don’t even have a government-“
“Shh,” Joel hissed, gesturing to the dense woods to their right. A light crunching noise could be heard. “Footsteps,” he mouthed.
Ellie nodded and made a circle motion with her hands, silently asking to circle behind whatever was making that sound in order to catch the culprit by surprise.
After a moment of hesitation, Joel nodded in return. Ellie pulled her gun from her belt and hopped off of Shimmer, patting her briefly before disappearing into the foliage.
Sensing a presence to her right, she crouched quietly into the muddy earth beneath her, peering in between the trees. Just a stone’s throw from her, a figure was leaning against a tree, seemingly pointing at something.
Ellie took a deep breath and tiptoed towards the figure, her eyebrows creasing in concentration. Suddenly, it dawned on her that infected were never still for this long. They also didn’t hold… what was that in its hand? She squinted her eyes, thinking more about the fact that Jackson really should have an optician than how loud her feet were in the crunchy leaves beneath her. Without warning, the now discernible woman whirled around, slow enough for Ellie notice it was a gun you were holding, but too fast for her to react. The woman, with eyes filled with fire, lifted her hand gun and brought it down upon Ellie’s cheek, causing her head to fill with blinding white light. She clutched her face, yelling for Joel before pouncing on her opponent, tackling her to the ground. Thundering footsteps told Ellie that he was close, but not close enough. The woman… no… young girl was screeching beneath her as Ellie held her down, dodging the overgrown nails headed straight for her face. Suddenly, a large hand gripped Ellie by the back of her hoodie and yanked her back.
“What the hell are you doing??” Ellie heard Joel yell over the ringing in her ears. “She’s a kid! She’s just a kid!”
He then kneeled down, calmly introducing himself as you scrambled to back away.
“Hey.. hey, it’s okay,” He said softly. “That was a mistake. She didn’t want to hurt you, we won’t hurt you..”
“She fucking tackled me!!” You yelled, pointing at Ellie like a toddler.
“You hit me first, you-!“
“Woah woah woah,” Joel interrupted, holding his hands out as an attempt to calm you both. “Let’s all just.. just calm down.” He turns to you while gesturing to himself.
“I’m Joel. This is Ellie. We have a settlement near here, a place where you’ll be safe.”
“No fucking way,” You said, shaking your head.
“He’s right,” Ellie spoke up. “We could probably trim those claws of yours-“
“Ellie,” Joel hissed, shooting her a glare. He turns back to you. “I’m serious. You’d have food. Shelter. How old are you anyway?”
You hesitated, unsure. You were slow to trust anyone, of course, but there was a certain kindness in this man’s eyes that told you he was being genuine.
“I’m sixteen.”
Joel nodded. “So is she,” he gestured to Ellie. “Look, how about we take you to Jackson. If you don’t like it, you’re free to leave. Swear it.”
You turned to look at the forest behind you, a vast sea of wood and danger. Releasing a breath, you nodded your head slowly.
Joel nodded in return, silently communicating to Ellie to be nice before turning back towards the horses and gesturing for you to follow.
You stood, turning to look at the girl next to you.
“What did he say your name was?” you asked.
“Yeah? Well fuck you, Ellie.”
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ellies-little-gun · 1 year
When Ellie was designing her tattoo, she considered putting a butterfly in it. As a way to honor Sarah, the older sister she never got to meet but still loves. Wants a way to remember her, to keep her with her even though she's gone. She didn't, went with the moth instead. Told Joel it was symbolic of looking for the light, looking for the good, in every situation. Doesn't tell him about the butterfly at all. Definitely doesn't tell him that she didn't do the butterfly because she was scared of his reaction. Was unsure of whether he would want her honoring Sarah. After all, Ellie isn't family. Not my daughter and all that. She didn't think she could stand to hear him say it again. Because they haven't said what they are to each other and it's fine. What they have works and labels are fucking stupid anyway.
But one night, after a particularly horrible nightmare that she can't remember the details of when she wakes up, can only remember that she couldn't find Joel and she was alone in the inky darkness, she tells him. Wakes screaming and he comes to her, holds her close to his chest until she remembers who she is, where she is. He traces the leaves of her tattoo, on nights like this. She thinks it's a way for him to remind himself that she's here and alive and safe. That he couldn't save Sarah but he did save her.
And so she tells him, about the butterfly. About the memorial to a sister she never got to meet. A girl with a killer smile who was taken from the world too soon. About being scared Joel would be upset, because Sarah isn't anything to Ellie. Not really, but she still wants to honor her, wants to be one of the people that remember her. Joel gets all teary-eyed and she thinks she fucked up. Is just about to backtrack, to tell him she was kidding when he pulls her into his side, kisses her head.
Says I think that's a great idea, Kiddo.
And so they get matching tattoos. Monarch butterflies because they were Sarah's favorite. Joel gets his right over his heart. So he can hold Sarah close to his chest, like he did when she was a baby. Ellie gets hers on her left shoulder blade. Because she likes the idea of Sarah watching her back. Puts it on her left shoulder blade and not her right so she can keep Sarah near her heart too.
They go at different times to get them, because patrol rotations and whatnot. Ellie goes first, shows Joel the second he walks through the door. He gives it a nod and a looks real good Kiddo. When Joel gets home from getting his, she badgers him into showing her as soon as he walks in the door. She's shocked by what she sees when he moves his flannel out of the way. There's a monarch butterfly over his heart, Sarah written in loopy font underneath it. But there's a moth there too. The same moth Ellie has on her arm, Ellie's name written in blocky letters underneath it.
The shock must show on her face because Joel shrugs and says couldn't have one of my girls without the other, could I?
And Ellie will deny it to the day she dies, but she cries just a little, when she hugs him. Because she's one of his girls.
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ravensmadreads · 5 months
Ok so hear me out…what if there was a gym au with all the boys…🤔
You meet Joel in the weights section. He helps you with your form and then helps you with your aches afterwards 🤭
Javi P is a cardio king, he’s gotta be able to run after all. You meet him at the treadmills but he has a better suggestion for some cardio you can do together 🫠
Dieter is in a dance or aerobics class. He’s good with a rhythm, and it always boosts his serotonin. He takes you out dancing afterwards and we know where that leads 😌
Ezra is doing yoga. He loves the stretch. He helps you perfect your downward facing dog form 😏
I can’t think of any other boys rn but…what if…what if I’ve been thinking too much about this…what if I opened a new doc…
*raven.exe has stopped working*
Me @ this:
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Okokok so hold on lemme catch up with your big beautiful brain!!
Joel is DEFINITELY weights. He's hovering behind you, acting as your spotter, and then he puts his gigantic warm hands all over you: "correcting your form darlin' ". he chats a mile a dozen about his girls as he distracts you while you wheeze your way through the last set! he blushes all the way to the tips of his ears trying to ask you out before he absolutely destroys your 🐈 in the car???
Omg YOU DID NOT JUST BRING SWEATY JAVI P INTO THIS IM CRYINGGGGGGGGG. I WILL DO CARDIO WITH HIM ANY DAY !! (Idk if i can keep up but i bet he can make me 😉😉) ok but he gets on the elliptical with that tight butt and he definitely catches you staring SHAMELESSLY.
Oooooh but you're so right about Dieter?? You know those Zumba or pole dancing classes??? YEP THAT'S WHERE DIETER IS. the man can move his hips!! He will absolutely one hundred percent give u a lap dance. Idec that im so far off your idea rn i just want his sweaty curls on top of me.
I haven't really dipped my toe in the Ezra fandom yet, but that blonde streak of hair is very distracting. And that voice 🥵🥵🥵 yes please bend me in a pretzel sir 🫠🫠🫠
What if you opened the google doc... what if i wrapped u in a blanket burrito and made out with you (with consent ofc)... what if i fed u snacks... what if i proposed marriage..
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