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#happybirthday @JoelKinnaman #JoelKinnaman #actor #rickflag #suicidesquad #thesuicidesquad #TheSilentHour #silentnight #johanfalk #thekilling #robocop #forallmankind #TheGirlwiththeDragonTattoo #TheDarkestHour #LolaVersus #TheInformer #AlteredCarbon #BrothersbyBlood
#happybirthday#joel kinnaman#actor#rick flag#suicide squad#the suicide squad#the silent hour#silent night#johanfalk#thekilling#robocop#for all mankind#the girl with the dragon tattoo#the darkest hour#lolaversus#theinformer#altered carbon#brothersbyblood
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Someone just watched The Informer (2019)
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theinformation “We’re still in the beginning of these businesses around women’s sports creating our vehicle to fight for what we wanted.”—Tobin Heath, Women’s Soccer World Cup Champion, Olympian and Co-founder & Co-CEO, RE—INC
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Tobin’s speaking at another summit April 2nd!
that's awesome!! Truly the LAST thing I thought Tobin would become when she wasn't playing anymore was an event speaker????
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Eris isn't part of another universe that I know of
Done! Thanks for theinformation anon.
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Nowadays, people take advantage in media as a part of their lives. Human being has a energy to doanything in media. But, media also can manage the mind of individual due to correct or badinfluences. Too tons data we may want to get thru media. However, now no longer all data accumulated are primarily based totally at the facts, there’s plenty of factors to be taken into consideration as fakes, false, and opinions .How should we recognize that it is predicated on a fact? We have the capacity to apply and perform media, however thequestion is: can we recognise a way to be accountable in phrases of it? Perhaps, we understand the good stuff to doto lead ourselves into the proper course and now no longer pass past the threshold of rules. Nevertheless, we have a tendency toacross the manner which selected to be our happiness with out bringing our know-how of being a sensible user.Since we have become toward the media that changed into visible to persuade our functionality to enhance our dailylives, we ought to additionally recognize the precise reason of the blessings and recognize all of the matters we aresurrounded by.
It is essential to address media and statistics literacy on the way to end up a brightsender and receiver of facts in media. The content of this message convince the receiver to do it. However, there's nothing lost ifyou will try it. I also experienced this on facebook where I received this kind of a message, such yourwishes will be granted if you will send this message to 20 person. On the next days, there was anothermessage sent to me the same I have received last time. Now, I realized we've been controlled by theinformation we received. Although, it's not too much complex but we spent our time by it rather thangathering important information. It's not about how small or big the problem is. It's how you will think critically on preventing thoseproblems does really matter.Believing such information you've read on the internet without knowing the truth is like walking across on the street and there's a vehicle going unto you without knowingyou've been hit by. That's why you need to be careful on every moves you take. Being media andinformation literate was very important on every concept of human being in terms of media. It's notonly for us to know what are the right things to be followed but also to become critical in all forms ofmedia so that we can control the interpretation of what we see or hear rather than lettinginterpretation control us. This will promotes entry to information and knowledge.We are becomingcritical thinkers and spread right awareness to everyone. It is not just for yourself to understand but foryou to spread the information to others through in good ways. As a student, we must have the ability tocontrol the things we're surrounded by. Through media and information literacy will help us to have thecapacity to evaluate, locate, and think critically the needed information. Being media and informationliterate has a great influence in your life. It develops your way of living and enhance your life-longlearning. Hence, it helps us too much in dealing with media and information literacy.
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Tribunal judge accused of covering up complaints - about bullying at Sellafield nuclear plant and other sites.
Seven women who claim they were bullied and intimidated by an employmenttribunal judge have accused the senior judiciary of trying to cover uptheir complaints. The allegation coincides with the Ministry of Justice andJudicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) being referred to theInformation Commissioner after failing to disclose the number of complaintsmade about tribunal judges in response…
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#felizcumpleanos #happybirthday @ana_d_armas #anadearmas #actress #bladerunner2049 #Ghosted #Blonde #TheGrayMan #notimetodie #knivesout #DeepWater #TheNightClerk #TheInformer #Overdrive #WarDogs #KnockKnock #ForaHandfulofKisses #TheBoardingSchool #SexPartyandLies #Madrigal
#feliz cumpleaños#happybirthday#ana de armas#actress#blade runner 2049#ghosted#blonde#the grey man#no time to die#knives out#deep water#thenightclerk#theinformer#overdrive#war dogs#knock knock#forahandfulofkisses#theboardingschool#sexpartyandlies#madrigal
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Binance CEO’su CZ’nin borsanın ABD kolu Binance.US’in paylarını satmaya çalıştığı sav ediliyor. Haberlere nazaran bu ataktaki temel maksat, düzenleyici baskıyı azaltmaktı.CZ, Binance US paylarını satmaya çalışıyorABD’de gündemden düşmeyen Binance CEO’su Changpeng Zhao ile ilgili yeni argümanlar ortaya çıkıyor. The Information tarafından iki anonim kaynağa dayandırılan habere nazaran CZ, Binance.US paylarının bir kısmını satmanın yollarını arıyor.Kaynaklara nazaran Binance ekosisteminin kurucusu, 2022 yılının yaz aylarından beri bu arayışını sürdürüyor. Zhao, ABD’de kurulan borsadaki paylarını satarak düzenleyici otoriteler nezdindeki prestijini artırmak istiyor.https://twitter.com/theinformation/status/1656793812423802885 cointahmin.com olarak aktardığımız üzere, ABD’li düzenleyici CFTC, Mart sonunda Binance ve CZ’ye dava açmıştı. CFTC bu davada, borsa ve kurucusunu müsaadesiz süreçler yapmakla suçladı.Bu yaşananların akabinde Binance US, Voyager satın alımından vazgeçti. Ayrıyeten, yakın devirde paylaşılan haberlerde borsanın ABD kolunun düzenleyici baskı nedeniyle yatırımcı bulmakta zorlandığı belirtiliyor. The Information tarafından paylaşılan savlara, şu ana kadar Changpeng Zhao ve Binance’ten şimdi bir cevap gelmedi.Changpeng Zhao’nun son atağı, düzenleyici baskıyı azaltmaktıKripto borsası Binance.US ve kurucusu Changpeng Zhao’nun (CZ), geçen yıl ABD federal düzenleyicilerinin sert incelemeleri ortasında şirketteki payını azaltmanın yollarını aradığı bildiriliyor. Mart ayında CFTC, Binance ve CZ’ye “sahte” bir ahenk programıyla “yasadışı” bir borsa işlettikleri için dava açtı.Firma, “ticari çıkarları için hesaplanmış bir düzenleyici arbitraj stratejisi uygularken” ABD maddelerinden taammüden kaçmakla suçlandı. Davaya cevaben Binance, “Risk ve uyumluluğa karşı güçlü bir ‘üç savunma hattı’ yaklaşımı uyguladık” diyerek mevzuat uyumluluğunu sav etmişti.BinanceUS’un çoğunluk hissedarı olan CZ’nin düzenleyici lisansları alırken sorun teşkil edeceği bildiriliyor. Artık, şirketin üzerindeki pay ve tesirinin azaltılması için yolları araştırıyorlar. Lakin Binance, mevzu hakkında rastgele bir yorum yapmayı reddediyor.SEC’de yakın takipteSEC, bankalar ve borsalarla birebir sıkı düzenlemeler altına sokmak için ABD merkezli kripto borsalarını amaç alır Büyük oyuncular Coinbase, Gemini, Ripple ve Galaxy Digital son vakitlerde mercek altındaydı. Bu şirketler, SEC’nin uygulamalarına karşı hareketlenerek artık yurt dışına taşınma planları yapıyor.Savaşın devam ettiği kripto para piyasasında, Kraken ve Bittrex üzere öbür büyük borsalar yer alıyor. Bu borsalarda ABD’deki hizmetlerini büsbütün yahut kısmen kapattı. SEC ayrıyeten, stablecoin BUSD’nin ihraççısı Paxos’u dava etmiş ve BUSD’nin basımının sona ermesine neden olmuştu. Son olarak, iflas eden kripto kredi firması Voyager Digital’in varlıklarına yönelik BinanceUS’un teklifinin onayını engelledi.
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theinformation Soccer champion & founder Tobin Heath on building RE—INC in an era where women's sports is getting increased visibility.
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“Yes, I love you Gypo. I’ll love you when I’m clay.”
Margot Grahame in The Informer
#theinformer #ford #johnford #dudleynichols #margotgrahame
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
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thank you for theinformation
who is gerard way
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Joel as Pete Koslow in The Informer
#joel kinnaman#joelkinnaman#theinformer#the informer#oinformante#sospechamortal#netflix#threeseconds
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iPhone 16は熱対策済みらしい。日本の夏も攻略できる?
Image:Appleもう熱くてダウン…はしないのかな?毎年新しい技術やテクノロジーを詰め込んでくるApple(アップル)のiPhoneシリーズ。今年のiPhone16シリーズでも、さまざまな変更点が期待され��いますが(ウワサのまとめはこちら)、進化するのはスペックだけではありません。米国のニュースメディアTheInformationは、iPhone16シリーズでは、ボディ内部のグラファイトシート https://www.gizmodo.jp/2024/07/iphone16-graphite-tm.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr GIZMODE JAPAN
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