#task 02.
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ABU (ALADDIN) procura um/a ASSISTENTE. O salário médio seria $$$ + bônus caso o abu goste de você e queira te dar coisas que roubou.
Abu está a procura de alguém que organize seus horários, controle sua agenda, marque seus jantares, leve comida pra ele quando estiver chateado na cama, envie suas fotos animadas e temáticas pros seus contatos do scroll, além de elogiar quando usa alguma roupa estilosa.
Na prática, Aladdin quer que alguém acompanhe o amigo quando ele não estiver disponível, essencialmente fazendo companhia e carinho quando ele pedir. Basicamente uma babá.
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𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔬𝔞𝔡 𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔬 𝔦 𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔨 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢 — task 02
Rowan já tinha lido e pesquisado a respeito da ceifa e tecnicamente ele sabia como funcionava e o que ele deveria esperar. Contudo, uma coisa era a teoria e algo bem diferente era a prática. Diferente de alguns ali que tinham passado anos se dedicando para tornarem-se cavaleiros, boa parte da vida de Rowan ele tinha sido instruído para se tornar um escriba. Assim como seu pai. Assim como seu avô. E uma geração que tinha vindo antes dele. Aquele era o ofício pelo qual os Maresh tinham se tornado conhecido, era o que ele estava destinado fazer.
Porém, tudo mudou quando ele escolheu um dragão ao invés das escrituras.
Ele não era um dos mais fortes de sua turma, suas técnicas de luta estavam longe de ser algumas das melhores. Para resumir: Rowan estava longe de ser um dos prodígios de sua turma, e o fato de ainda estar vivo podia ser considerado um milagre por alguns. No momento em que começou o treinamento para se tornar um cavaleiro, um montador de dragão, o que não faltavam eram comentários sobre o fato de ter sido banido de sua família — boa parte dos changelings eram órfãos e embora ele tivesse tido a sorte de nascer numa família, de nada tinha bastado — ou sobre o tempo que ele iria sobreviver ali. E tais comentários apenas se intensificaram com a proximidade da ceifa.
“Eu aposto que o Maresh não vai retornar ao amanhecer”.
“Você aposta? Eu tenho certeza, ele é um fracassado”.
“É um milagre que ele ainda esteja vivo, mas acho que isso acaba com a ceifa”.
Aqueles eram apenas alguns dos comentários que escutava de seus colegas. Ao invés de revidar, partir para cima e arrumar uma briga, Rowan escutava tudo calado. Já tinha muitos problemas para se preocupar e a última coisa que precisava era de mais confusão em sua vida. Além do mais, estava tão focado em sobreviver, em passar pela ceifa e voltar, que Rowan simplesmente ignorava os burburinhos alheios. Tinha se tornado especialista em abstrair comentários alheios, era o que fazia quando estava com sua família — sempre que seu pai comentava o grande escriba que ele iria se tornar, seguindo a tradição dos Maresh, Rowan engolia em seco, abria um sorriso e apenas ignorava todo falatório de como seria seu futuro ou sobre a fama de sua família.
Ele tinha passado a madrugada anterior à ceifa estudando e se preparando para o que viria a seguir, compreendendo quais consequências poderia ter caso não tivesse sucesso em sua missão. Mas apesar de todo preparo, nem todas as leituras do mundo poderiam retratar com exata fidelidade como era beber direto do Cálice dos Sonhos ou como era o Sonhãr. Um sono profundo o envolveu e quando se deu conta não estava mais com seus colegas cadetes, e sim naquele ambiente místico do Sonhãr. O Reino do Sonho Profundo era completamente diferente do que tinha imaginado e por breves minutos apenas ficou admirando, com certa dose de encanto em seu olhar, o ambiente mágico onde estava.
Não havia um manual de instruções sobre o que fazer, de forma que Rowan optou por seguir sua intuição. Se ela estava certa ou errada era algo que ele iria descobrir somente mais tarde. Os pés do changeling o guiavam com naturalidade, como se soubessem por onde ir ou o que fazer e por mais que soasse como bobagem a impressão que Rowan tinha era que seu destino estar ali, como se toda sua vida tivesse sido preparada para ele viver aquela experiência. Enquanto caminhava em direção aos picos rochosos, tomando cuidado com cada passo que dava. Não sabia ao certo para onde estava indo, ou o motivo de cada ação que estava tomando, apenas estava seguindo o chamado latente em seu coração.
Após um tempo de caminhada, não sabia afirmar com exatidão quanto tempo tinha levado, Rowan finalmente chegou ao topo do pico rochoso e a vista era algo de tirar o fôlego. Mas o que deixou o jovem aspirante à cavaleiro boquiaberto foi avistar um dragão voando entre os picos e montanhas rochosas que se encontravam ali perto. O corpo do animal era esguio e suas escamas eram uma mescla de um tom prateado e azul-claro, e o dragão dava piruetas pelo céu como uma força imbatível da natureza. Era uma vista completamente hipnotizante. Era algo belo, completamente mágico e fascinante. Rowan poderia passar horas apenas avistando o majestoso animal, mas foi surpreendido quando o dragão resolveu se aproximar de onde ele estava.
Planando no ar, o dragão encarou Rowan por breves segundos, mas o changeling teve a impressão que tinha se passado uma verdadeira eternidade. Os olhos azuis celestes do animal encaravam o caçula dos Maresh como se estivesse enxergando a alma dele, até mesmo os segredos que guardava para si, e seguindo seu instinto Rowan se ajoelhou fazendo uma espécie de reverência ao animal. Perto do grande dragão, Rowan era praticamente insignificante. Era preciso admitir para si mesmo que estava diante de uma criatura mágica, poderosa e que deveria ser tratada com enorme respeito.
O jovem se surpreendeu que em resposta o animal fez um sinal para que ele montasse em seu dorso. Mesmo relutante e sem saber ao certo o que fazer, Rowan seguiu a ordem do dragão sem pestanejar ou questionar o que estava fazendo, apenas parecia estar certo. E voando nas costas de Pengpeng, Rowan teve a certeza absoluta que aquele era seu destino.
Ele era um cavaleiro e tinha se conectado com seu dragão.
Era seu propósito de vida, embora tivesse levado alguns anos até chegar a tal conclusão.
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and i cut off my nose just to spite my face then i hate my reflection for years and years
"⠀⠀claro que você pode me fazer algumas pergunt- agora? mas... ah, claro! vai ser rapidinho, não?!⠀⠀"⠀⠀disse antonia, olhando para o seu destino final antes de entrar na casa grande. seria mais difícil do que ela pensava.
nome: antonia gutierrez baptista
idade: trinta e um anos
gênero: cis gênero feminino
pronomes: ela e dela
altura: um metro e setenta e três
parente divino e número do chalé: atena, chalé seis
idade que chegou ao acampamento: cheguei no acampamento com dez anos, quase fazendo onze.
quem te trouxe até aqui? foi um sátiro, acho que ele estava recolhendo o pessoal... sabe?
seu parente divino te reclamou de imediato ou você ficou um pouco no chalé de hermes sem saber a quem pertencia? demorou algumas semanas até que atena fizesse a proeza de me reclamar, enquanto isso eu fiquei no chalé de hermes. tempos sombrios.
após descobrir sobre o acampamento, ainda voltou para o mundo dos mortais ou ficou apenas entre os semideuses? se você ficou no acampamento, sente falta de sua vida anterior? e se a resposta for que saiu algumas vezes, como você agia entre os mortais? eu saia algumas vezes, a maioria em missões ou quando me sentia sufocada de estar aqui. tentei sempre agir do melhor modo, evitando conversas e lugares que eu sabia que não seriam nada seguros. tudo em prol de uma boa causa, oras.
se você pudesse possuir um item mágico do mundo mitológico, qual escolheria e por quê? que os deuses e, principalmente, hades, nunca ouçam sobre isso, mas eu adoraria ter o elmo de hades. eu acho incrível o poder de ficar invisível durante uma luta. sejamos honestos, poder ver através da névoa e ser invisível ainda, seria a melhor das combinações.
existe alguma profecia ou visão do futuro que o assombra ou guia suas escolhas? seria irônico se eu dissesse que não sei? eu realmente evito ao máximo dar atenção a profecias e visões, ainda mais quando se é um semideus. eu posso morrer amanhã e nada disso vai ter adiantado... então posso dizer que não.
fale um pouco sobre seus poderes: então, meu poder é algo bem legal, pra ser honesta. eu tenho a capacidade de dissipar e ver através das ilusões, magias, névoas, enfim... pode ser tanto visual ou sensorial, é como se eu soubesse que tem algo ali e posso "ver" o que de verdade está ali.
quais suas habilidades e como elas te ajudam no dia a dia: acho que meus sentidos aguçados permitem que eu veja, ouça e sinta os cheiros melhores, bem como o reflexo sobre humano me ajude no campo de batalha. é um combo perfeito, falando de modo humilde, meu poder, minhas habilidades e ainda ser filha da deusa da estratégia.
você lembra qual foi o primeiro momento em que usou seus poderes? na verdade, não. eu só percebi que era um poder quando os demais disseram que não viam a mesma coisa que eu. não lembro quando foi que eu vi algo que era uma ilusão ou enfeitiçado pela névoa.
qual a parte negativa de seu poder: eu não consigo expandi-lo em grandes áreas, é focado em algum lugar específico, não é como se pudesse fazer uma varredura, entende? um pouco chato
e qual a parte positiva: ah, eu acho que todos! eu sempre identifico com facilidade as ilusões, agora, e quase consigo me preparar. não existe ser pega desprevenida.
você tem uma arma preferida? se sim, qual? tenho, adagas! são ótimas, fáceis de manusear, de guardar e esconder, além de serem mortais, se souber usá-las.
acredito que tenha uma arma pessoal, como a conseguiu? sim, foi um presente da minha mãe após uma missão. achei que fosse apenas um bracelete, porém se transforma em duas adagas, de ouro imperial, entalhado com ramos cruzados
qual arma você não consegue dominar de jeito algum e qual sua maior dificuldade no manuseio desta? machados! consigo fazer uma lista de motivos: são pesados, lentos, tem um alcance limitado, terrível.
qual foi a primeira que saiu? se eu me lembro bem, foi buscar a braçadeira de héracles. o pior: eu nunca nem a usei! injusto, não?!
qual a missão mais difícil? hm... e-eu não gostaria de falar sobre isso, se possível. vamos pular para a próxima?
qual a missão mais fácil? fácil? hm, eu não sei. acho que a que menos teve problemas foi buscar lágrimas de níobe... não posso dizer que foi difícil, mas poderia ter sido menos complicado.
em alguma você sentiu que não conseguiria escapar, mas por sorte o fez? todas? sempre achamos que vai ser a nossa última, porque não é algo comum, mas as vezes as oferendas fazem efeito.
já teve que enfrentar a ira de algum deus? se sim, teve consequências? eu acho que nunca precisei, sempre tentei dar o meu melhor, mesmo que falhe. eles consideram isso, é o que parece.
qual divindade você acha mais legal, mais interessante? eu vou puxar o saco de atena e dizer que é ela, afinal, ela é incrível, sábia, boa em combate. o que mais é necessário nesse mundo?
qual você desgosta mais? há uma lista bem honesta, não gosto de muitos deuses, mas fico entre nêmesis e morfeu.
se pudesse ser filhe de outro deus, qual seria? isso é tão ofensivo! outras pessoas responderam com sinceridade, sem medo de ofender seu parente? nunca pensei nessa possibilidade.
já teve contato com algum deus? se sim, qual? como foi? se não, quem você desejaria conhecer? diretamente, nunca. apenas minha mãe mesmo.
faz oferendas para algum deus? tirando seu parente divino. se sim, para qual? e por qual motivo? frequentemente, costumo fazer oferendas para atena e íris, mas já fiz para zeus, mácaria, apolo e até mesmo afrodite. tudo em nome da boa convivência.
qual monstro você acha mais difícil matar e por qual motivo? eu, como instrutora de identificação de monstros, diria hidra de lerna. ela é um serpente aquática com nove cabeças, sendo uma delas imortal. ai imagina, você corta uma, sai mais duas e assim em um ciclo infinito.
qual o pior monstro que teve que enfrentar em sua vida? creio que seja a quimera. foi muito difícil, é um monstro que precisa de habilidades em conjunto para matar.
dos monstros que você ainda não enfrentou, qual você acha que seria o mais difícil e que teria mais receio de lidar? acho que nunca enfrentei um tifão. é uma criatura horrenda, quase nem os deuses o derrotaram. o que dirá de nós meros semideuses.
caçar monstros em trio ( X ) OU caçar monstros sozinho ( )
capture a bandeira ( X ) OU corrida com Pégasos ( )
ser respeitado pelos deuses ( ) OU viver em paz, mas no anonimato ( X )
hidra ( X ) OU dracaenae ( )
estaria disposto a liderar uma missão suicida com duas outras pessoas, sabendo que nenhum dos três retornaria com vida mas que essa missão salvaria todos os outros semideuses do acampamento? vai ser ruim se eu disser não? não me leva a mal, mas eu não curto essa coisa de glória como a maioria aqui. é estranho vindo de uma filha de atena, eu sei. mas vai por mim, não vale a pena.
que sacrifícios faria pelo bem maior? não incluindo morrer, acredito que qualquer outro. nada que eu já não tenha feito antes ou ao menos passado perto.
como gostaria de ser lembrado? não ser lembrado é um ponto bom. mas se for para ter meu nome escrito, creio que como a pessoa que ajudou. não que foi linha de frente, mas que fez a diferença na retaguarda.
local favorito do acampamento: biblioteca! com toda a certeza, eu gosto do cheiro, gosto das pessoas, gosto dos livros. você já entrou lá? é incrível! fora que é calmo, silencioso... tudo que bom.
local menos favorito: o pilha de c... digo, punho de zeus.
lugar perfeito para encontros dentro do acampamento: ah, eu adoro o observatório de astronomia. mas não conta pro quiron, ele vai implicar com isso.
atividade favorita para se fazer: parede de escalada. minha equipe é a melhor!
#swf:task01#˛⠀⠀⠀˚⠀⠀⠀𝒂 . 𝒃𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂﹐⠀⠀⠀𖥦⠀⠀⠀development⠀.#˛⠀⠀⠀˚⠀⠀⠀𝒂 . 𝒃𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂﹐⠀⠀⠀𖥦⠀⠀⠀tasks⠀.#ainda não consegui terminar a 02 então vou deixar essa aqui e voltar pra minha aula#volto mais tarde pra tentar quitar as pendências e responder os chats
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𝕾𝖊𝖎 𝖖𝖚𝖊 𝖊𝖚 𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖍𝖔 𝖔𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖚𝖘 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖔 𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖍𝖆𝖗...
TASK #02. tw: ataque de pânico, menção de crise de ansiedade, morte (violenta).
isso não vai dar certo.
começar a fazer algo e já ter o pessimismo entrelaçado com seus pensamentos não era bem o melhor dos caminhos. elói estava na caverna dos deuses sentado em um canto afastado escondido atrás de uma rocha. o único barulho no local era da água que sempre apresentava aquele movimento fluído mesmo sem ter vento ou correnteza.
os olhos azuis focavam a folha de louro, o caderno laranja e a caneta. mexia nervosamente com a barra da saia e tentava não ter uma crise de ansiedade antes mesmo de começar a fazer a tarefa. não havia como negar que estava com medo de mexer no passado, havia apenas uma missão na mente que lhe assombrava… e o semideus não sabia bem se desejava ter mais um lembrete daquela situação. carregar a maldição já não era o suficiente? uma conta no pescoço parecia mais uma forma de se punir, mas não era como se pudesse levar a mente para outro local, aquela tinha sido a maior e mais importante missão de sua vida.
alegria, diversão, determinação… desconfiança, surpresa, medo, dor, luto. com pesar, escrevia cada sentimento que recordava de ter sentido naquela noite fatídica, sequer precisava pensar muito, já era bem recorrente sentir tudo aquilo quando pensava na tal missão.
respirando fundo, pegou o isqueiro e acendeu a folha de louro. o cheiro era suave, parecia uma erva simples que não tinha tanto poder… mas assim que fechou os olhos e se concentrou no cheiro… sentiu os pés tocarem o chão. impossível, estava sentado!
mas não, não mais.
diante de si, três pessoas riam no meio da floresta, duas garotas e um rapaz: ele, veronica e thabata. tão jovens, tão ingênuos, nenhum dos três sabiam o que estava por vir. falavam baixinho, riam baixinho, eram discretos… ou ao menos era o pensavam. o pequeno acampamento montado ao redor da fogueira de repente era desmontado às pressas, a fogueira apagada e a brasa pisoteada para que o fogo se extinguisse. escondidos atrás de uma grande rocha, os três traçaram um plano que resultaria na morte de um deles. ao longe, elói ouvia o riso das dracaenaes. a desconfiança assolava seu peito com tudo, estariam elas mais perto do que previram? o mapa não indicava que o ninho estava tão próximo, eles ainda teriam um dia de caminhada até encontrar o local. a surpresa vinha então se fazer presente quando avistou a primeira criatura.
cinco. cinco dracaenaes.
mas como assim cinco? sua lembrança lhe mostrava sempre apenas quatro. algo estava errado ou o trauma era tão profundo que isso tinha alterado sua memória?
observando apenas como um espectador, elói encontrava-se paralisado. a cena diante de si era aterrorizante, eles começavam a correr para longe ao verem a clara desvantagem… mas não havia escape. foram avistados. o medo fazia com que suasse, com que sentisse o estômago embrulhar. a lutava começava e elas conseguiam separar os semideuses com eficácia. quatro delas contra três deles. onde estava a quinta? olhou assustado ao redor para ver se conseguia encontrá-la… mas não, estava fora de vista. por isso não lembrava?
uma delas atingiu com as garras o lado direito de seu torso, elói sentiu a dor imensa, a cicatriz tinha quase desaparecido mas às vezes podia sentir o local doer. como agora. a dor aguda lhe fez se curvar para frente, o cheiro de sangue e enxofre inundava o ar, não era apenas ele machucado mas as garotas também. seu chicote conseguiu finalmente ceifar a vida da dracaenae que lhe perturbava, havia duas encurralando veronica e uma com thabata. o olhar assustado do semideus que perdia sangue vagou de uma para outra. a filha de hécate estava mais perto, a de hipnos estava mais longe. por um lado, matar uma dracaenae seria mais fácil, mas a distância não ajudaria, não conseguiria chegar a tempo. por outro lado… era veronica encurralada. enfrentar duas dracaenaes não era nada em comparação ao medo de perder a namorada. o grito da garota que amava ecoou em seus ouvidos e a dor pareceu sumir pois, no momento, tinha apenas que ajudar a semideusa.
salve as duas. tente salvar as duas.
o elói espectador gritou para o ferido que vivia a cena. como se o ouvisse, o semideus parou no meio do caminho e mudou de tática, se fosse correndo até a dracaenae que ameaçava thabata e usasse o charme da voz para parar as duas que a namorada enfrentava… dava tempo. tinha que dar. “parem agora! eu ordeno que parem!” o grito foi forte, firme, carregado de charme. para os monstros o poder pareceu funcionar, atordoadas, as dracaenaes pararam o ataque… mas as garotas também. ao invés de reagirem, veronica e thabata também permaneceram quietas. “não ouçam o babaca, façam algo! matem as semideusas!” a quinta dracaenae saía das sombras. pelas roupas mais elegantes, era alguém de alta patente no exército daquelas criaturas. e a ordem direta dela serviu para que os monstros se recuperassem, grunhindo irritadas por terem sido enganadas. o próximo grito que ouvia era de thabata sendo erguida pelo pescoço e atirada no chão… antes que a dracaenae esmagasse a cabeça dela com uma pedra. elói tentou gritar para veronica se defender mas foi puxado pelos cabelos pela quinta maldita dracaenae que segurou-o no ar, virando-lhe para encarar o que os outros monstros faziam com sua namorada. cada uma puxava um braço da semideusa… e não demorou muito para que a garota fosse partida ao meio. o olhar vazio da menina encarava-lhe quando ela caiu no chão sem vida, havia um corte profundo em sua garganta e a risada vitoriosa dos monstros era o que preenchia o local. vê-la morrer foi como se seu coração se despedaçasse, não apenas daquele que vivia, mas o que assistia impotente também.
restava apenas ele assistindo… e sua versão machucada tendo em seguida a cabeça arrancada para fora do corpo. um massacre. um massacre completo. todos mortos.
o cheiro de queimado entrava em suas narinas e elói era trazido de volta para a realidade. uma simples mudança na escolha e todos eles teriam morrido.
de volta a caverna, não conseguia respirar. podia sentir as mãos daquela maldita criatura em seu pescoço apertando para impedir seu fôlego; podia sentir a dor ainda do ferimento mais uma vez lhe assolando. com as mãos pressionadas contra o chão, a face começando a ficar roxa por causa da incapacidade de respirar, o semideus começou a tossir desesperado, a garganta parecia ter se fechado e nem mesmo quando vomitou... conseguiu puxar o ar para os pulmões. aos poucos ao invés de roxa, a face ficava vermelha e a falta de oxigênio fez com que ficasse tonto, a visão começando a escurecer até que desmaiasse. não era incomum ter crises de ansiedade ou ataques de pânico que lhe deixasse afetado, mas dessa vez foi diferente. em sua mão, quando despertasse, estaria a pequena conta pintada agora. a argila não mais seca, lisa, agora tinha sido toda pintada de preta e havia um crânio cinza pintado representando o massacre que teria ocorrido se tivesse tentado não salvar apenas veronica como o fez no passado, mas thabata também.
no fim tinha razão, aquilo não acabou bem.
como ele lembrava que tinha sido.
semideusa citada: @mcronnie
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tw: stalker, ameaça de morte


TASK II — suki suki daisuki
2024 — Pluto
"Chris Evans se tornou um tédio". — Última frase do quinto diário de Joji. O diário foi destruído após sua conclusão.
Já se faziam alguns meses que Jocelyn estava saindo com ator às escondidas e, sinceramente, ele era um porre. A mulher nem se incomodava com o fato dele a beijar com certo medo e resistência do que quer que ela pudesse fazer com sua reputação, mas sim com o fato dele ser um completo e absoluto chato de galochas, que nem mesmo seu corpo sarado ajudava. Estava praticamente jogada no sofá do quarto de hotel que ele havia arrumado, com as pernas para os ares, se perguntando como alguém tão famoso poderia ser tão insuportável. Zapeava pelos canais do televisor, parando apenas quando um rosto e um nome chamaram sua atenção.
— É a Harper? — Perguntou mais para si mesma do que para outra pessoa, já que o amante tomava um longo banho no chuveiro, com a porta trancada para Jocelyn não entrar. Se aconchegou no sofá, finalmente prestando atenção em uma das garotas que fez parte da torcida junto com ela.
"Harper se tornou uma mulher tão bonita." — A primeira frase no sexto diário de Joji.
Acompanhar uma pessoa famosa não era difícil. Se fosse um zé ninguém, era mais complicado, já que Jocelyn teria que ir mais a fundo, provavelmente hackear alguma conta ou sabe-se lá o que mais. Mas Harper agora era famosa, e o fato delas se conhecerem durante a faculdade à dava mais acesso às suas informações. Dessa forma, Joji seguiu a mulher em todas as redes sociais, até descobrir que Wang já tinha alguém.
"Não vou com a cara dessa Amy" — Frase do sexto diário de Jocelyn.
Não demorou muito para que Jenkins também passasse a acompanhar Amy, a noiva de Harper, mas a perseguia com fúria, ódio no coração. Como aquela fedelha tinha coragem de roubar Harper de si? Ela precisava pagar por aquilo! Felizmente, com tanto tempo disponível e uma mente rápida, não demorou para que ela já tivesse um plano em ação, do qual ela se orgulhava muito.
"Eu seria uma namorada melhor do que a Amy. " — Sexto diário de Jocelyn.
Não foi difícil para Jenkins se aproximar de Amy, mas não foi uma tarefa fácil a seduzir. Joji precisou usar todos os recursos disponíveis e, quando finalmente conseguiu, Amy já estava na palma das suas mãos. Jocelyn ouvia atentamente as preocupações da mulher, seus lamentos e, principalmente, sobre Harper. Ela anotava tudo, gravava as ligações e guardava prints das conversas, em partes para aprender como Wang era, mas, principalmente, para usar as provas mais cedo ou mais tarde. Ela queria Harper, e ela a teria.
"A Harper será só minha." — Sexto diário de Jocelyn.
Em uma segunda-feira cinza, Joji deu um sorriso largo para Amy, apontando uma arma em sua direção, como se fosse algo totalmente natural. Havia acabado de descobrir que Harper e Amy haviam marcado uma data de casamento, e aquilo não estava em seus planos. Com um sorriso presunçoso e uma pistola, Joji ameaçou Amy: ela poderia escolher entre Harper descobrir sobre o relacionamento delas e, consequentemente, ter acesso às conversas em que Amy falava mal da noiva; Poderia simplesmente ter uma bala cravada em sua cabeça, e Joji faria de tudo para parecer que ela havia se matado; ou ela poderia simplesmente terminar com Harper, e a deixar livre para Jocelyn. Jenkins estava obcecada, e faria de tudo para ter Wang só para si.
2014 — Joji Jenkins.
Quando acordou novamente na faculdade, com seu corpo mais novo, Jocelyn só tinha uma coisa em mente. Ela ficaria com Harper, de um jeito ou de outro.
"Eu amo a Harper.
Eu amo a Harper.
Eu amo a Harper.
— Diário de Jocelyn para a Harper.
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An army lieutenant neglects to file a report on a civilian killing done by his troops because he knows it was an accident. Okay. He's protecting his peeps.
Tina promises her dying mother that she'll visit her grave once a month. After the mother has passed away, Tina finds it hard to squeeze in the time, and her visits drop to about once a year. Okay. No one has time to go to a grave and talk to air like every week.
A man orders a custom-built sex doll designed to look just like his neighbor. Okay. I mean he's a grown up, as long as he's keeping it to himself than like whatever. There's definitely weird guys out there with fap material of me.
Sarah's dog has four puppies. She can only find a home for two of them, so she kills the other two with a stone to the head. Sarah needs a shrink.
A doctor has been preforming consensual yet illegal procedures one someone in hopes of finding a cure for his ill sister. Low key I wouldn't be surprised if Toby is doing this with Rhet. But sure whatever it's okay. Saving her life and all that.
A neglectful husband pushes his wife to an affair. When the affair ends, the wife's partner nearly kills her and her unborn daughter. The husband kills the affair partner. Justice is justice. Woman beaters can all choke. So okay with me.
September has run out of food and is facing death by starvation. She begins to cannibalize her family's loyal staff. They do not fight back. I WOULD NEVER. But I mean I bet if cooked right we could probably taste really good. Especially the chubby people.
A mother gives birth to identical twins. One follows their ambitions and the other becomes a shut in. The family make it clear which child they prefer. It's the other sibling's fault for becoming a shut in.
Natalie is so focused on survival she fires a shot without thinking. She did not intend to kill her elderly neighbor, but she hides the body regardless. She denies knowing what happened to the now missing resident. It's only illegal if you get caught.
A woman is facing a lifetime of medical issues. She continues to put her family and those around her in emotional and medical debt. She lives a hollow life and continues leaching off of those who support her. Sucks for all of them. Her parents should have had better insurance. Or I'm sure there's charities for stuff like that. I think my mother runs one.
Please provide a response to each of the following prompts. Leaving a prompt blank will also be considered a response, and you will be assessed for refusal to answer.
In the event of a life or death situation, would you put yourself or others first? I mean, I value my own life first of course.
How far would you be willing to go to ensure your own survival throughout this ordeal? I refuse to die in a gross apocalypse.
Is there anyone in the building you have developed strong attachments to? My family of course. Blue is kinda cool but I just met him. Ria is okay, even if she just married for money, she's fun. Um... I don't really socialize lower...
Do you think it is possible to survive infection through alternative means such as removing the infected limb? Would you be willing to undergo this procedure to ensure your own survival? These are questions for Toby, but also, I refuse to lose a limb. I'd be useless, at that point just end my misery.
Will following the general consensus lead to improved odds of survival, or would you have a better chance following an assigned leader? Considering that I think Daddy's the leader, I'll go with that one.
What is the appropriate response to the following situation?
Your daughter falls ill and needs a specific, uncommon kind of antibiotic that will be hard to find; without the full course, the pathogen will survive, regroup, and kill her anyway. You are scavenging a pharmacy, where you find another group, and manage to not shoot each other. You ask them about the antibiotic, and they have it, but they also need the antibiotic, for the wife of someone in their group. You cannot share the antibiotic because it would just kill both people, and they have the antibiotic in their pack. This is likely the only complete dose set you will find, as the other stores have been picked totally clean and there are no friendly groups in the area. Please, no one is worth more than my own blood. Fuck them, those antibiotics would be mine. A stiletto makes a good puncturing weapon you know. Ariana Rockefeller and I learned that in a self defense course we took before we went to Ibiza.
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An army lieutenant neglects to file a report on a civilian killing done by his troops because he knows it was an accident. War isn't fair for anyone, but if it wasn't malicious... I guess it's okay.
Tina promises her dying mother that she'll visit her grave once a month. After the mother has passed away, Tina finds it hard to squeeze in the time, and her visits drop to about once a year. I think yearly is completely okay. In fact, I think it's the usual for most people who mourn someone after years. It's okay.
A man orders a custom-built sex doll designed to look just like his neighbor. SO WRONG!
Sarah's dog has four puppies. She can only find a home for two of them, so she kills the other two with a stone to the head. Sarah is a psychopath.
A doctor has been preforming consensual yet illegal procedures one someone in hopes of finding a cure for his ill sister. As long as it's not at the detriment of anyone else, then I guess it's okay.
A neglectful husband pushes his wife to an affair. When the affair ends, the wife's partner nearly kills her and her unborn daughter. The husband kills the affair partner. Good for him, honestly.
September has run out of food and is facing death by starvation. She begins to cannibalize her family's loyal staff. They do not fight back. I thought it was the rich who were supposed to be the ones getting eaten? No, no, I jest. If they agree to it, then I guess it's okay? I think? I don't judge those plane crash guys for what they had to do.
A mother gives birth to identical twins. One follows their ambitions and the other becomes a shut in. The family make it clear which child they prefer. I mean it's sad, but I've seen it a lot. It's not okay, per say, but it is pretty normalized.
Natalie is so focused on survival she fires a shot without thinking. She did not intend to kill her elderly neighbor, but she hides the body regardless. She denies knowing what happened to the now missing resident. Murder is murder. Not okay.
A woman is facing a lifetime of medical issues. She continues to put her family and those around her in emotional and medical debt. She lives a hollow life and continues leaching off of those who support her. I think it's a lose/lose situation no matter what. It's grey space.
Please provide a response to each of the following prompts. Leaving a prompt blank will also be considered a response, and you will be assessed for refusal to answer.
In the event of a life or death situation, would you put yourself or others first? The group. What is surviving if it's all alone?
How far would you be willing to go to ensure your own survival throughout this ordeal? I honestly don't know and I really hope to not have to find out.
Is there anyone in the building you have developed strong attachments to? Well Zach is my neighbor and my oldest friend in the building. Ria is my best friend in the entire world. Charlie is really sweet and I see her more often than anyone else because I can't live without coffee. Nat is super cool and I look up to her confidence a lot. There's definitely more but writing everyone down would take forever and this pen is hurting my fingers.
Do you think it is possible to survive infection through alternative means such as removing the infected limb? Would you be willing to undergo this procedure to ensure your own survival? I guess... if it was between life and death, I'd lose a limb. As for surviving, I don't know, but there is a vaccine for normal rabies. Maybe they'll find one for this rabies, too.
Will following the general consensus lead to improved odds of survival, or would you have a better chance following an assigned leader? I do best with someone to look to for guidance. I'm really good at follow the leader.
What is the appropriate response to the following situation?
Your daughter falls ill and needs a specific, uncommon kind of antibiotic that will be hard to find; without the full course, the pathogen will survive, regroup, and kill her anyway. You are scavenging a pharmacy, where you find another group, and manage to not shoot each other. You ask them about the antibiotic, and they have it, but they also need the antibiotic, for the wife of someone in their group. You cannot share the antibiotic because it would just kill both people, and they have the antibiotic in their pack. This is likely the only complete dose set you will find, as the other stores have been picked totally clean and there are no friendly groups in the area. I don't have kids, but I think if I did, I'd become a Mama bear. Nothing would stop me from getting it, though I might have to be sneaky. I'm not much of a fighter.
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For each of the following items, indicate whether you think it's morally okay or not.
An army lieutenant neglects to file a report on a civilian killing done by his troops because he knows it was an accident. Not okay, but I'm sympathetic.
Tina promises her dying mother that she'll visit her grave once a month. After the mother has passed away, Tina finds it hard to squeeze in the time, and her visits drop to about once a year. Completely understandable. Life happens. It's okay.
A man orders a custom-built sex doll designed to look just like his neighbor. SO not okay, and incredibly creepy. Talk about heebie jeebies.
Sarah's dog has four puppies. She can only find a home for two of them, so she kills the other two with a stone to the head. NOT OKAY! There are shelters for a reason! Poor puppies =(
A doctor has been preforming consensual yet illegal procedures one someone in hopes of finding a cure for his ill sister. Okay. As long as it's consensual, you can't fault someone for trying to help their family.
A neglectful husband pushes his wife to an affair. When the affair ends, the wife's partner nearly kills her and her unborn daughter. The husband kills the affair partner. Neither okay or okay. Murder is wrong. But protecting your loved ones is not.
September has run out of food and is facing death by starvation. She begins to cannibalize her family's loyal staff. They do not fight back. THIS IS THE FUNNIEST QUESTION! LOL not okay but SUPER funny!
A mother gives birth to identical twins. One follows their ambitions and the other becomes a shut in. The family make it clear which child they prefer. It's not okay. Hopefully at least someone in the family is still close with the other sibling.
Natalie is so focused on survival she fires a shot without thinking. She did not intend to kill her elderly neighbor, but she hides the body regardless. She denies knowing what happened to the now missing resident. Not okay! Someone is definitely missing them! I couldn't live with myself.
A woman is facing a lifetime of medical issues. She continues to put her family and those around her in emotional and medical debt. She lives a hollow life and continues leaching off of those who support her. Poor girl. It's neither okay nor not okay. It's a terrible, horrible, situation. I can't imagine her guilt.
Please provide a response to each of the following prompts. Leaving a prompt blank will also be considered a response, and you will be assessed for refusal to answer.
In the event of a life or death situation, would you put yourself or others first? Never. What's best for the group is best for the individuals in the group.
How far would you be willing to go to ensure your own survival throughout this ordeal? I don't think I could kill anyone. Or eat anyone.
Is there anyone in the building you have developed strong attachments to? So many people. I've lived here my entire life, I serve most of the people here their coffee every morning since I was in High School. The people in this building are my family.
Do you think it is possible to survive infection through alternative means such as removing the infected limb? Would you be willing to undergo this procedure to ensure your own survival? I don't know anything about medical stuff. If it was between life and death... I guess I would have to. I never ever want to be one of those things.
Will following the general consensus lead to improved odds of survival, or would you have a better chance following an assigned leader? Both. I think there are benefits to having an assigned leader, who also takes into consideration the voices of the general consensus. A deciding voice when the group can't come to one themselves.
What is the appropriate response to the following situation?
Your daughter falls ill and needs a specific, uncommon kind of antibiotic that will be hard to find; without the full course, the pathogen will survive, regroup, and kill her anyway. You are scavenging a pharmacy, where you find another group, and manage to not shoot each other. You ask them about the antibiotic, and they have it, but they also need the antibiotic, for the wife of someone in their group. You cannot share the antibiotic because it would just kill both people, and they have the antibiotic in their pack. This is likely the only complete dose set you will find, as the other stores have been picked totally clean and there are no friendly groups in the area. It's a no win situation. You either spare the wife and kill your child, or kill the wife and spare your child. I couldn't let my child die, but I also couldn't kill someone to get the antibiotic. I could try and barter for it somehow. I don't know. I don't know what I would do.
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It's time for another Task!
The writers at the Saintes Society Pages are writing a piece on Bucket Lists and want your help! They've sent a survey around town, asking what are the top 5 things on your character's bucket list and why?
Don't forget to use the tag saintesxtasks when you upload your answers! We're looking forward to finding out more about each and every resident of Saintes!
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Wolfwood breaches the threshold of the room like a billowing storm; his blazer is draped over his shoulder, leaving him in just the white dress shirt with the top three buttons undone. Immediately upon looking at him, it's evident that he had just gotten out of a fight. His shirt is bloody and dusty, and his face sports a fresh bruise, like he was shoved into the dirt.
He sits down on a comfy armchair with a loud, frustrated sigh.
"You wouldn't believe the types of people I had to deal with today," he grumbles, having apparently finished doing some sort of work. His head is tilted up—he hasn't yet looked at Vash's new... getup. Until...
"Some idiots really wanna test if I'll actually knock 'em senseless, even if I say I'm a man of God or whatever," Wolfwood rolls his eyes, then brings his attention to his dolled up boyfriend, "Newsflash assholes—!"
The undertaker immediately stops short, letting his eyes wander from cute black shoes to ruffled fringes and the cute little bow around his neck. And he's wearing his hair down? Oh. Oh no.
"Uh," he blinks, his eyes wide with brimming curiosity, "What... what's um... uh... did you... do... do you...?"
Wolfwood shakes his head and slaps his own cheeks, trying to snap out of it. He winces, having just slapped his bruised face.
"(Ow—) Did you pick up a... maid job? They let you just... keep the uniform? Y-you look... nice... um... I should probably get cleaned up before I get too comfortable," he scoffs, attempting to blow all of this over as a joke, "Unless that's your job now, as a... maid... and all that."
...It's an attempt at a joke. He has no idea what his boyfriend has gotten himself into, but he's definitely interested. Vash would be able to tell by the way his fingers dig into his thigh with a tense grip.
"I'm, uh, joking. By the way. May I request a kiss before I take care of all this on my lonesome?
@forgivenpunishment (mothwood, god help him)
M!A: 24 Hour Service
The undertaker coming in battered and bruised like that makes it pretty easy for the Plant to forget his current predicament, barely having enough time to balk at the sight of him before he's plopped himself down and getting into a bit of a tangent. Vash doesn't even notice the click of his heels as he takes a step closer, surveying the damage to Wolfwood's face and clothes...
He's unsure if the blood is Wolfwood's or not, but judging by the rest of him, it probably isn't-- the blond imagines the other person (people? please don't tell him it was actually a group) must look like mince meat compared to him. Who did this? Was it a planned attack or something spontaneous? Wolfwood doesn't seem that concerned, just pissed, so it's more likely the latter... still...
... his face is drawn and serious, concerned, as the other looks up and notices. And for a split second Vash actually wonders why he's got a funny look on his face all of a sudden... until he remembers that there's a very good reason for a look like that. A rosy red flush quickly makes it way to his cheeks and the tips of his ears, and dusts just a hint of color over the bridge of his nose for good measure.
"H-hey, easy now...!" Vash visibly winces when Wolfwood slaps his own face right over the fresh bruise. Jeez... super healing or not, that sure looks like it stings... there's gotta be something he can grab for him, right? He might still have an ice pack in the scraps of his med kit, and he's just about to turn on his heel to go looking through his things when--
"... of course."
--the string of words catches him off guard, and he stops. Vash stops and turns right back around to face the other, the request taking priority. It's such a simple request, too; all he has to do is be mindful of the bruise as he leans down and cups the other side of Wolfwood's face, catching his upper lip in a kiss. Sweet, chaste, even as his hand slips further down, to the side of his neck--
Then reality kicks right back in. That, um... th-that must be the other stipulation to the get-up, the... the obeying commands part--
"You... sh-should let me help." he says quickly, pulling back a bit and acting like that didn't just happen. Right, he was-- ice pack, he was going to look for an ice pack and he will swiftly get back to that-- "you'd do the same for me, yeah? Costume or not. S-so just, um-- sit tight, just for a second--"
#curtains up ✧〗( ic )#unmade ✧〗( main verse )#he might get burned but he's in the game ✧〗mothwood ( forgivenpunishment )#m!a: 24 hour service#long post;;#( CONCERNED BOYFRIEND-MAID IS CONCERNED-- )#( but equally dedicated to his task )#( (my ask formatting was not having it tonight for some reason so normal ask answer format!) )#forgivenpunishment side thr 02
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doing tasks rn (writing Among Us posts)
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"A funny thing happened on the way to the enshittocene: Google – which astonished the world when it reinvented search, blowing Altavista and Yahoo out of the water with a search tool that seemed magic – suddenly turned into a pile of shit.
Google's search results are terrible. The top of the page is dominated by spam, scams, and ads. A surprising number of those ads are scams. Sometimes, these are high-stakes scams played out by well-resourced adversaries who stand to make a fortune by tricking Google[...]
Google operates one of the world's most consequential security system – The Algorithm (TM) – in total secrecy. We're not allowed to know how Google's ranking system works, what its criteria are, or even when it changes: "If we told you that, the spammers would win."
Well, they kept it a secret, and the spammers won anyway.
Some of the biggest, most powerful, most trusted publications in the world have a side-hustle in quietly producing SEO-friendly "10 Best ___________ of 2024" lists: Rolling Stone, Forbes, US News and Report, CNN, New York Magazine, CNN, CNET, Tom's Guide, and more.
Google literally has one job: to detect this kind of thing and crush it. The deal we made with Google was, "You monopolize search and use your monopoly rents to ensure that we never, ever try another search engine. In return, you will somehow distinguish between low-effort, useless nonsense and good information. You promised us that if you got to be the unelected, permanent overlord of all information access, you would 'organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.'"
They broke the deal." -Cory Doctorow
Read the whole article: https://pluralistic.net/2024/02/21/im-feeling-unlucky/#not-up-to-the-task
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OFF LIMITS – rafe cameron ¡ (03)
social media & irl AU !
pairing brother's best friend!rafe cameron x brat!reader summary you slide into a random boy's dms on instagram, anything but expecting him to end up being your brother's best friend, let alone the person you'll be spending your summer vacation with. while resisting Rafe and his lingering gazes was an option, you found yourself in the constant loop of crossing the line; said line being your brother. ch content sexual jokes, rafe being a sweetheart( & an idiot) !
NAVIGATION. series masterlist | 02 ¡ 03 ¡ 04





















The past week was beyond perfect, you knew something bad was occuring, whether you liked it or not. Unlike what you had in mind, the trip was fun, with you and Sarah attached at the hip, doing everything you missed out on for the past two years.
You partied a decent amount, had a lot of dates and dinners, with Rafe and Ryan third wheeling, of course. And that's besides the beach errands you ran at least twice a day. However, that all came crashing down when you got your period, falling into a state of apathy the moment you discovered you were on it.
It was bearable at first, you still hung out with the rest, sunbathing while they surfed, sat to the side when they cooked, but your cramps had other plans, ruining your day when you no longer could tolerate the pain, leading to no good. You locked yourself in your room, isolating yourself from everyone else, immediately brushing off their attempts to allure you out.
It was that bad, even Sarah chose to keep her distance, giving you space, fully aware of your mood swings when it came to dealing with your period cramps. The blonde did everything in her power to keep you comfortable, only reaching out to you when it was necessary, and to that, you were grateful, because Ryan on the other hand, was behaving like a total bitch.
And well, Rafe was sweet. He was clueless, yet, he knew you were feeling under the weather, offering to take over your tasks when Rysn forced you to do chores. You had to keep reminiscing over the fact that this was a mere joke, and that he’s off limits, hence he’s your brother’s best friend.
But how could you? Rafe was an angel, everything you looked for in a guy, and while it’s only been a bit over a week since you’ve met him, the subtle gazes you exchanged did nothing but create a giddy mess out of you.
You forced yourself out of bed, body drenched with sweat due to the thick hoodie hugging your figure. You approached the bathroom, with the intent of freshening up, eternally grateful it was connected to your room.
With a groan, you reached for the wood cabinets, unlatching them with a swift movement. You reached for the container of spare pads you had brought, heart sinking to your stomach when nothing came within your reach, indicating you were out. That only added to your pent up frustration, letting out a cry as you tossed the box in the trash.
Those were supposed to last you a week, yet, here you were, out on the second day of your period. Usually, your cycle wasn’t on the heavy side, that it completely went past your mind to bring more, just in case it was one of those days.
Your parents were nowhere in sight when you called out for them, implying that they weren’t home. You had no choice but to reach out to Ryan, contemplating whether it was a good idea with how whiny he was, a good chance he’ll probably refuse.
Therefore, it was no surprise when you knocked and called out his name, receiving no response in return. You rolled your eyes, erupting through the door, instantly regretting the gesture as you came to a halt, spotting none other than Rafe on Ryan’s bed, with your brother nowhere in sight.
Rafe was accompanied with his phone, laying flat on his chest, his bare back glowing under the sunlight peeking through the window blinds. You grew flustered to the sight, forcing your eyes away from the latter when he perked up, conscious of your presence mere inches away.
A low hum bubbled out of Rafe’s throat, stretching his arms over his head as he tossed his phone to the side, now facing in your direction. He flashed you a tight-lipped smile, seeking his shirt with his gaze, not wanting to put you in an awkward situation with the state he was in.
Right, he was shirtless, it was rude of you to come in without knocking, especially now, as your gaze burned holes through his skin, too hazed to pull your eyes away from his broad torso. How could you, when his chest was out on display, the view inviting, so there, it left you no choice but to stare?
“Sorry,” you muttered through a breath, clenching the hem of your hoodie in between your fingers. “I didn’t know you’d be in here, I thought Ryan was ignorin’ me.”
“It’s okay,” Rafe reassured, throwing his shirt over his head. “Ryan’s not here, he’s been gone since this morning.”
“Right,” you nodded, his absence skipping over your head. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”
“Do you need anything?” Rafe interrupted your plan of exiting, causing your hand to halt around the doorknob.
“It’s nothing,” you brushed off his concerns with a polite smile, “Jus’ wanted to grab a few things, since the fridge is empty.”
“Okay,” Rafe shot back, springing out of his seat. “Let’s go.”
“Wait, what?” Your eyes slightly widened, taken aback by his suggestion.
“Do you not want to go?” He playfully poked back, strolling past you, your eyes following his figure, landing where he stood against the railing. “I’ll take you.”
“You don’t have to!” You instantly refused, hands waving in front of your chest. “I’ll just wait until he’s back, it’s no big deal–”
“Don’t be stubborn,” Rafe chimed back, his footsteps echoing through your ears, observing as he walked down the stairs. He looked over his shoulder, merely to glimpse in your direction. “I’ll wait for you downstairs, come down when you’re ready.”
Rafe left you no choice but to do as he said, throwing on a decent outfit before heading downstaits, and making your way outside. The latter already had the engine started, his door slightly open, with the hum of the radio playing in the background. He perked up when you approached the car, tossing his phone in the cup holder. Rafe watched as you got in, quickly clicking your seatbelt on, so you don’t delay your leave any longer.
The drive to the grocery store stretched with comfortable silence, atmosphere heavy with tension you both chose not to address, letting it seep through the whole ride. You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t know you were holding, exiting the car as soon as Rafe was parked.
Rafe followed in your steps, attempting to catch up with you through the somewhat cramped space. It was a good grocery run, quick yet filled with chaos, as Rafe stacked the cart with unnecessary things that you knew would go unnoticed, only getting acknowledged once they’re past the due date.
Despite your desperate need for pads; the whole purpose of this errand, your embarrassment took over everytime you circled around the aisle, eyeing it while you tried to come up with a good excuse for you to grab them, feighing the boy’s presence, who was growing suspicious because of how anxious you were.
Rafe could only handle so much, halting when you hit your third round in the ‘hygiene care aisle’, the gesture earning a puzzled expression out of you. You turned in the boy’s direction, breath knocking out of your chest when you caught him observing the various type of pads displayed on the shelves.
“Which one do you want?” He questioned, hand landing on a random brand, one you’ve never heard of before. “This one?” ‘
He knew. The realization made your cheeks flush with heat, feeling it crawl past your neck, and settle across your face, your bewildered expression failing to hide your embarrassment. Usually, you were very vocal about your needs, you don’t get why it was hard to voice out what you wanted, especially in Rafe’s presence.
Whether it’s you being nervous, or embarrassed, either way frustrated you, making you even more confused than you already were.
“What?” You choked out, tensning from where you stood.
“Do you not use that one?” He questioned, eyebrows furrowing with confusion. He clicked his teeth, observing each one, until he pointed at another brand. “How about this one? I heard it’s a good brand.”
“You heard?” You repeated, your voice filled with disbelief. “I– listen, Rafe, I don’t need them, let’s jus’ leave.”
“Who are you fooling here?” He scoffed, slightly teasing with his tone. “You clearly need them, this is the third time we’ve come through this section, it can’t be for no reason.”
You hated that he was right, his statement making you even more flustered, creating a mess out of you in front of him. You cleared your throat, striving to come up with an excuse that will get you out of this situation, merely to result with nothing in return.
“It’s not for me,” shit, “Sarah said she needed pads, it’s not something I could bring up, since you insisted on tagging along.”
“Mhm,” Rafe hummed, a knowing smile tugging at his lips, not convinced by your explanation. “Now tell me, which one do you use?”
“I’m serious!” You exclaimed, abashed by his teasing.
“Sorry, I mean, which one does Sarah use?” He corrected, chest swelling with pride with his words were getting to you, affecting you whole as you stumbled to mutter a coherent sentence out. “Now hurry, we don’t have all day.”
“Oh, shush.” You rolled your eyes, suppressing the smile forming on your lips. “Don’t rush me.”
You paused for a second, snorting when you noticed him reaching for his phone, for the mere purpose of searching the brand he has in hand, his curiosity getting the best of him. You snatched it from his hold, placing it back on the shelf, the action earning a puzzled look out of the boy.
“What was that for?” He started, voice so soft, that you almost felt guilty for interfering.
“It’s not a good brand,” you reasoned, reaching for the one you always used. “This one is, though.”
“Yeah?” Rafe questioned, his lips smudging with a cocky grin. “Does Sarah use it?”
“She does,” you choked out, tossing the box of pads in the cart, completely avoiding Rafe’s gaze. “Let’s leave before it gets dark outside.”
Rafe made sure to grab a few more boxes from the brand you had chosen, throwing them in the cart along with the other stuff you brought. You both stood in line, having gotten everything you wanted, merely needing to check out, and then you’d be ready to go.
There wasn’t plenty of people in front of you, relieved once you eventually reached your turn. Rafe was kind enough to do all the heavy work, handing the stuff for the cashier to check them out, insisting you let him do it when you offered a helping hand.
The lady assisting you grinned, catching sight of all the chocolate bars and essentials displayed in front of her, mind travelling elsewhere at the sight of you two. Rafe stood next to you once he was done, flashing the lady a polite smile, one she swiftly returned.
“You’re quite the gentleman, aren’t you?” She started, her voice earning your attention, as well as Rafe’s, whose knuckles hovered over yours, the fraction sending shivers down your spine. “Taking care of your girlfriend while she’s ill; not a lot of men do that.”
Her words made you stop in your tracks, the assumptions causing your eyes to widen with shock. Your lips parted to speak, striving to correct the lady, action falling short when Rafe beat you to it, the words he mumbled next causing your breath to hitch.
“Aren’t I the sweetest?” He cooed, slinging his arm around your shoulder, then applying enough pressure to bring you close to his chest, now fully tangled in his hold. “Isn’t that right, girlfriend?”
“What the hell are you doing?” You whispered through gritted teeth, just loud enough for Rafe to hear you.
He cocked his head to the side, flashing you a look that almost melted you in the spot, his attempt to get you to go along with the bit totally working, even if it was a low blow. You stiffened under his touch, turning back to the lady, who was admiring you two with so much endearment, you felt guilty confronting her about the situation.
This is not something your brother’s best friend should do; pretend you’re his girlfriend out in public, well aware Ryan would be against it. Hell, if Ryan was there, Rafe would be knocked out on the floor, as you were painfully aware of how protective your brother truly was, especially when it came to his friends.
You’ve had a few of his friends hit on you, and that, it didn’t end quite well, with him cutting them off the moment they crossed the line. You didn’t want that to happen with Rafe, knowing how much Ryan cherished their friendship. Therefore, you didn’t wanna come in between them, ruin the last ounce of hope Ryan was holding onto, even if your emotions got in the way.
The sensation of Rafe’s arm sliding down your waist pulled you out of your head, tensing under the boy when his hand landed just above your hip, his breath fanning over the sliver of skin around your neck not being of much help. And when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did, with the latter leaning forward, and placing a chaste peck to your temple.
His lips burned against your flesh, skin hot on yours, that the moment he withdrew from the touch, you felt the world stop around you, mind too hazy to comprehend the gesture. You stole a glance over your shoulder, instantly fixing your gaze back on the lady when you caught him already staring at you, not failing to hide the smug smile spread across his face.
A sigh of relief escaped your throat when Rafe reached for his wallet, the action creating somewhat of a distance between you two, one you desperately seeked. He handed the lady his card, humming to himself as he punched in his code number, clicking his teeth when it went through, verifying he was done.
“Have a great day.” The lady mumbled, handing Rafe the receipt, with the boy contently accepting it.
“You too,” He forced a smile across his face, pausing before he continued his sentence. “She’s actually my sister, by the way.”
The lady was taken aback by his response, pausing in her spot. She watched Rafe strolling away, turning back to you, as you were just as shocked as she was, frozen where you stood.
“Let’s go, girlfriend.” He tugs your wrist, instantly interwhing your fingers with his.
The walk to the car was silence, the warmness of Rafe’s hand radiating heat through your flesh, the sensation accompanying your head, along with what just happened, the situation shocking you to your core. You felt guilty for the butterflies seeping through your stomach, aware that Rafe was messing around, and that this was nothing you should contemplate about, as he was nothing more than your brother’s best friend.
Rafe let go of your hand, walking around the car, and opening the trunk to throw the stuff inside. He handled them with ease, putting the cart back in the parking area, making sure to be quick with his action. By the time he was back, you were already inside the car, holding back until he took your side to speak.
“What the fuck was that?” You muttered, watching as Rafe started the car, attention fixing on the rearview mirror while he drove out of the parking lot, the hand stretching out to the passenger seat doing things to you.
“What?” He chuckled, manspreading as he adjusted himself into a more comfortable position.
“First, you pretend I’m your girlfriend,” you frowned, a look of disbelief displayed on your face. “Then you proceed to tell her I’m your sister?!”
“C’mon,” he stifled out a laugh, grinning from ear to ear. “You have to admit, it was funny.”
“It wasn’t!” You snorted, rolling your eyes as you relaxed back in your seat, focusing your attention on the road.
“It replaced the frown on your face,” he reasoned, “You can’t tell me it didn’t work.”
That was alone to have you melting, shutting you up right in the spot. The next few minutes filled with silence, background music echoing through your ears as you leaned your head against the window, enjoying the ride back with the dim darkness seeping through.
And you were so close to falling asleep, your plan going interrupted when Rafe approached the Airnbnb, parking the car in the drive through once you were there. You sat up, an exhausted sigh bubbling out of your throat as you stretched your arms over your head.
Rafe grabbed the bags from the trunk, catching up with you once he retrieved everything. You swiftly unlocked the door for him, the gesture earning a grateful smile out of the boy.
“Did you have fun, girlfriend?” Rafe teased, head turning in your direction.
“Oh my god, shut up!” Your pupils dilated with disbelief, taken aback by his question. “Can you not? What if someone hears you?”
“Hear what?”
A familiar voice erupted through your ears, causing you to freeze in your spot. You leisurely turned in the noise’s direction, immediately catching sight of Ryan, who was seated around the table, with food splattered in front of him.
Your throat instantly ran dry, caught off guard by your brother’s presence, mere inches away from where you stood. Your gaze shifted to Rafe as he came in view, walking past you to approach Ryan.
He put the bags on the counter, dabbing Ryan up before he made himself comfortable next to the latter. Ryan whined with complaints, grumbling when Rafe stole a fry from his plate, protesting to the latter eating his food.
“Guess what,” Rafe muffled, swallowing down the food in his mouth. He pointed in your direction, Ryan’s gaze following his finger, until it landed on you. “I took my girlfriend grocery shopping.”
Ryan almost choked on the food he stuffed in his mouth, swiftly turning his head in Rafe’s direction, nearly breaking his neck with the gesture. His eyebrows furrowed with annoyance, growing irritated by the smug expression spread across his best friend’s face.
As for you, you were just as shocked as Ryan was, not expecting Rafe to mention the situation so casually, not in front of Ryan, that’s for sure.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Ryan barely managed to speak.
“What?” Rafe tilted his head to the side, gaze shifting back to you. “She’s my girl.”
“Fuck off, Rafe.” Ryan defensively shot back, “Are you fucking messing with me?”
“He is,” you beat Rafe to responding, afraid something might break out if the latter continued teasing your brother any further. “The lady assumed he was my boyfriend, and he will not shut up about it.”
That earns a giggle out of Rafe, far too amused to acknowledge the fuming boy from beside him, slightly less mad at the explanation you offered him.
They spent the next few minutes bickering, with you technically third wheeling on the side. Rolling your eyes, you took your leave, making sure to grab the bag of pads before you strolled up the stairs, with the intentions of approaching Sarah’s room.
Fortunately, her door was slightly ajjared, the sight of Sarah sprawled across the bed filling the majority of your view. You knocked on the door, peaking your head through to earn the girl’s attention, successfully doing so as she glanced over, gasping when she spotted you.
“Bug!” She chimed, her excitement a silent invitation for you to enter.
“Hi,” you flashed her a smile, instantly embracing the girl in a hug once she was within your reach. “I missed you.”
“Me too,” she muttered, face nuzzled in the crook of your neck. “Where were you?! ‘Haven’t seen you all day.”
“I went grocery shopping with Rafe.” You casually responded, your answer earning a scuff out of Sarah.
“I knew it!” She pulled back, rolling her eyes with a hint of annoyance. “Is that why you both randomly disappeared?”
“I guess,” you pursed your lips into a thin line, suppressing the smile forming on your lips. “It was an emergency, he insisted on taking me, though I was planning on going with Ryan.”
Sarah nodded with understandment, eyes trailing to the bag in your hand, instantly catching on to what you meant.
“I did lie, though.” You confessed, nose scrunching with shame.
“About what?” Sarah chuckled, perking with interest.
“I said they were for you,” your eyes forced shut, “I’m sorry, okay? He put me in the spot, that was the only thing I could come up with!”
“No, that’s–” Sarah’s sentence was interrupted by the burst of giggles erupting out of her throat, unable to contain her laughter for any longer. “That’s totally valid.”
“Why are you laughing, then?!” You chimed in on her laughter, lightly slapping her shoulder.
“I’m telling you Bug,” Sarah started, suppressing her chuckles. “He’s not buying that.”
“You’re making it worse!” You groaned into your hands, falling back on her bed, now faced with the ceiling. “I can’t even face him, you should see the stunt he pulled on me in the store.”
“Oh, that doesn’t sound good…” she trailed off, waiting for you to continue.
“Well, we were checking out, then this cashier said he was a gentleman, blah blah blah, she assumed I was his girlfriend, and he sort of went along with it?” You explained, face flushing with heat as you reminisced back on the memory, recalling the feeling of his lips brushing over your temple. “He was acting like an idiot, going all ‘aren’t I the sweetest, girlfriend?’ The lady totally believed it! And guess what, Sarah?!”
“What?!” Sarah almost gasped, curiosity getting the best of her.
“He fucking kissed me!”
At that, an audible gasp escaped Sarah’s throat, shock displaying across her face as her hand came up to cover her parted mouth.
“No fucking way!” She whisper-yelled, repeatedly slapping your arm with excitement. “Was it on like– you know–”
“No!” You clarified, growing flustered due to her assumption. “He kissed my temple, barely even a kiss, but it still happened.”
“You know, I was so invested, I forgot he was my brother.” Sarah mumbled, her statement easing the awkward tension seeping through. “That’s crazy– I mean, not to be weird or anything, but Rafe’s never this touchy with anyone, he sucks at showing affection, especially in public.”
“Don’t say that,” you started, feeling your pulse quicken over her words. “I’m barely holding back as is.”
“Shut up!” Sarah scoffed, “But I’m serious, I’ve received a lot of complaints from his past girlfriends about that, I’m surprised he’d pull something like this, with you, of all people.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be against this?!” You rolled your eyes, covering how flustered you were with fake annoyance. “Why are you encouraging it?”
“I mean, it’s not like I can stop you two from liking each other,” she cocked her head to the side, voice tinted with hope. “Besides, I’ll be happy with any decision that you make, as long as you don’t get hurt, of course!”
“Sarah,” your lips formed into a pout, not expecting her supportive words, though they drove you over the edge, with the forming crush sparkling through your heart. “Stop, why are you so sweet?”
“Oh, come on, I've always been sweet to you.” She cooed, cupping your face with her hands. “Now stop acting sappy, and go freshen up so we can watch a movie.”
“Fine!” You mumbled, chuckling when Sarah pecked your forehead, the sensation like feathers on your skin. “That tickles!”
“It’s a goodbye’s kiss!” She exclaimed, joining in on your giggles. “I know you’ll take long to shower.”
“I’ll be fast.” You replied, getting up from Sarah’s bed, the gesture earning groans of protest from the girl.
You barely managed to escape Sarah’s grip, walking back to your room. A hint of confusion washed over your voice, noticing the way your door cracked half way through, when you could’ve sworn you shut it before you left.
The frown on your face was instantly replaced with a smile as you caught sight of the snacks spread across your bed, along with a heating pad on the side, the familiar chocolate bars unveiling the identity of the person who sprawled these out for you.
Your eyebrows curled at the sight of the cyan pink sticky note just above the heating pad, growing intrigued as you reached out to grab it, the smile on your face spreading into a foolish grin once you read what was written on it.
I know it’s not much, but I hope you feel better, girlfriend ;) - r
Your heart skipped a beat at the note, feeling heat crawl past your neck, until it settled on your face. It wouldn't hurt to thank him for this, right? It’s not like you were making a move on him, your action a mere return for his act of kindness, nothing more.
So you did, slightly hesitating as you exited your room, with the purpose of searching for Rafe. You followed the distant voice echoing through your ears, the sound growing louder the closer you approached the narrowed hallway.
He must’ve been downstairs, along with Ryan, in the same position you left them in, probably still arguing over something absurd. The thought brought a smile to your lips, instantly fading once their words filled the echo of your ears. While you didn't mean to eavesdrop, you were somewhat glad that you did, Rafe’s next statement making your heart sink to your stomach, panic settling through your chest.
“–Not! Relax Ryan,” Rafe argued, his voice slightly muffled. “I’m not gonna date your sister.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Rafe.” Ryan shot back, pent up frustration visible through his tone. “I told you already, my sister is off limits, don’t make me do something I’ll regret.”
Rafe nodded, face twisting into something serious, replacing the teasing grin he had on his face.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he replied, “She’s like Sarah to me, and you know that.”
Humilation couldn’t describe how you felt in the moment, his statement like a punch to your stomach. A wave of emotions rushed through your insides, ones you couldn’t even concentrate into words.
That should’ve been expected, however, it hurt hearing it out loud, from Rafe of all people.
a/n hi!! i hope you enjoyed it heheeh i promise i have soething planned out theyre not going too fast
TAGLIST @greyswaren @slut-4-gojo @depthsofdespairr @littlelamy @lilithblackkk @cnnamongrl @mattyskies @percysley @jaklvbub @inlovewithdob @ilovefiction4lmen @theeternaloptimistt @maybejj @icaqttt @idgasb @purplerose291 @shincidios @laniirackssss @malibuhearts @adulterated-cocaine @bugg06 @murdockcastleslut @drwstarkeys @pretymads @klmaaaoooo @wearemadeofstardust0 @urbrunettebombshell @stylestarkey @riverxsq @louxmcl @totalswag @cl4uus @simpforboys @tearsfromasliverwolf-blog @bilssturns @fandomhopped @strsdoulikedem @congratsloserr @dr3wstarkey @xoxo-ada @stvrligghtt @rafeswhoooreee @kythefangirl25 @chaneydoll @blushmimi @akobx @empath-bunny @flirtism @stopnala @rafecameronswifeyy
#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x brat!reader#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron smau#rafe cameron social media au#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron angst#rafe cameron smut#rafe obx#obx#drew starkey
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⋆˙⟡ monster | lee heeseung



: when two rivals in an entertainment company turned late-night lovers, no strings attached… or is it something else?
pairing: ceo!l.hs x fem!reader
CW: smut, enemies to fwb to lovers trope??, pwp (3 smut scenes omg), hate sex, age gap: heeseung is 29, reader is 24, usage of condoms, riding, oral sex (both receiving), cum eating, some pet names, insults?, lots of profanity lmk if i missed anything
notes: couldn’t stop thinking about this while listening to monster by gaga. crazycrazy
wc: 7.3k words (MDNI)
There was only one thing you hated more than useless things in your timetable. It was the asshole of the whole company, Lee Heeseung. The more conversations you heard his name in, the more you despised his existence.
His ego was so high it could hit a plane, the way he would talk about his compositions made you wanna throw up. He praised himself so much, and you started wondering if he was just a huge narcissist or if we were insecure of his writing skills. Luckily, you never saw him around often as you were really caught up in your own work. Having to compose songs all the time for singers was not an easy task. Your chairman was an even bigger asshole than Heeseung, always giving you all the work. You had to not only compose songs from start to finish, but you also had to edit and mix the voices, help the singers use the right tones and so much more stuff that wasn’t originally included in your job plan.
Usually, you would stay at the office overtime, your eyes darkened with tiredness. It was a miracle you haven’t fallen asleep all this time.
You looked at the time,
[01:54 AM]
“Great.” You sigh. Your shift ended at 12 AM. What the fuck are you still doing here? It’s quiet in the whole building, only clicking sounds can be heard from your keyboard. You’re all alone with a few bodyguards left in the company. You groan, your head pounding from the intense light of your pc. All you want now is to get back to your apartment just to greet your cat Juno. He’s your only best friend in this cursed city of New York, he’s a soft and fluffy black and white cat, with heterochromia eyes, left eye blue and right eye brown. You talk to him all the time, even though he can’t hold conversations he’s the best listener you’ve ever encountered. Better than your ex-boyfriends, that’s for sure.
As the clock reads [02:29], you’re more than ready to go home. You gather all your things, wish a great night to all the security people there and finally get out of that stupid building. You get your car keys out of your bag, driving home in your black i8. When you get home you feed your cat, finally plopping in your bed and falling asleep instantly.
You woke up due to your phone ringing at around 10 am with the hugest headache you’ve had. You palm your forehead, grabbing your phone with your other hand. Your co-worker, Yena, is calling you. You pick up as fast as you can, moaning into the phone due to being exhausted out of your mind.
“Yeah… Yena hey….” You say with half a mouth.
“Hey girl, are you coming to work? Today’s the showcasing, have you forgotten?”
Oh, fucking hell. You totally forgot.
A showcasing happens when all composers need to show the work they did in a few months’ time. You need to turn in all the songs you’ve made in this time, whilst competing with your other co-workers to be the best one, getting the title of the best songwriter of the month. Your company likes making leaderboards, only adding onto your stress of being the best. Of course, last month’s songwriter was Heeseung, but you thought the judges were so biased over him… you knew you could take him down this month.
“Right… I’ll be there soon just let me get ready.” You say, already dreading the idea of getting out of bed.
She hangs up, letting you wash up quickly. You fix up your hair, put on your suit and do a bit of makeup. You get your badge with your name on it and out you are. By the time you arrive at the company you’re already late… the higherups there scolding you for it.
“Please try to make it on time, you know how important this is.”
You sigh. How could they expect you to be there early when you went home at almost 3 AM last night?
“Okay, okay I’m sorry. I’m here now.” You add.
After you come out of your office to get your suitcase that had your files, you bump into the last person you wanted to see there. He throws you a cheeky smile, not even apologizing for giving you a shoulder.
“Oh, if it isn’t the famous miss L/n! Ready to get your dreams crushed by my songs again?” you scoff at him, crossing your arms. “Yeah right, like I’d let a scumbag like you take my title. I don’t have anything to prove to you, stay in your lane.”
He raises his eyebrows at your response, as you would normally walk away if he told you anything. “Oh is it miss complaint now? Let me actually show you how this job is done, im your ceo for a reason.” he suddenly stops smiling to give you a glare.
“You don’t intimidate me Mr. Lee, right on the contrary, you make me want to laugh.” you say and turn around, not wanting to waste your time with such a man. His sleek smile creeps back onto his face as he walks into his own office.
A few minutes later, you get back to the front, everyone already waiting there with their work. You stand next to Yena, holding the tank of papers in hand tightly.
Yena could tell you’re nervous, so she extended one hand up to yours just to squeeze it, calming you down a bit. Your other co-workers were not a threat at all, but Heeseung was the one person you wanted to bring down. You wanted to wipe that stupid smile off his face. After much judging and testing, with recitals and rehearsals for the songs, the judges finally decided the points accorded to the candidates. The others already had way too little points to worry you, but you, Yena and Heeseung were left.
“Choi Yena, 127 points.” She sighed of relief. A sizeable number overall, but now it depends on what you and Heeseung did.
“Lee Heeseung, 140 points.” His eyes widen. There is a chance that you might win. You might take him over… You might take his place. No way, right?
After a good minute of silence, they finally list your points.
“L/n Y/n, 139 points.” You almost fall to your knees. Out of all chances, how could this happen to you?? You close your eyes and cover your ears before you go insane.
You let him win, again.
“Therefore, our winner this month will be Lee Heeseung, the winner of the last 3 months as well, Congratulations!” all you hear is buzzing in your ears. You grow sour of his name, of his voice, his face. You can’t stand his dumb mouth, dumb face, dumb voice. You can’t stand him at all, and you would do anything to see him fired or something. You know that won’t happen and it drives you crazy. Heeseung smiles, taking his prize in hand once again, his portrait remaining on the fame wall. He shakes hands with the judges before taking a good look at you.
You cannot look at him anymore, you just lower your gaze trying not to burst into tears. You worked so hard for this, yet he took away all your hope for a win. You storm out the room, sitting down at your desk to throw your head down on the wooden table.
One point. Seriously. This is ridiculous.
Well, you take a deep breath and continue with your shitty day. At some point in time, you get a knock on your office door. “Come in.” you say as you raise your eyes up to see who it is. “Oh Yena, hey.. sorry for not saying anything earlier…” you bite your lip.
“Don’t consume yourself over it, hey, that dude is a douche, okay? Do not let him get to you. You are better than him anyway.”
“Am I though? I mean… What if he is simply better than me. What if his songs are better than mine? What if his lyrics have more meaning than mine?”
“He is not better than you, and even if he will be proven to be, which I doubt, don’t ever let him know you think that.”
“I can’t be a narcissist just like him, Yena. If I am not as good as someone, I will take the responsibility on my shoulders and admit it.”
“See you’re already better than him, he would never” She laughs. You laugh back, although in your soul goes a fight between your ego and sincerity.
. . .
After the day ends, you finally go home early, not giving two fucks about what they might say or think, it is your right after all. Too bad that you get a message you dreamed of never getting, too bad it happened.
“Good evening, members of the company. We are delighted to announce that tomorrow there will be a collaboration project between each other. The groups are arranged by the organisers, and they follow the lines of:
Now scrolling through all the pages, you search for your name. Oh, what are the chances.
Lee Heeseung & L/n Y/n”
Of course this had to happen, it would not have been you if it were not for your amazing luck.
“Oh, suck on it seriously.” You look at your phone in disbelief, while making yourself tea. “Juno can you believe this? This man is going to ruin my image and my life. I can’t stand him anymore I swear I might kill someone if this keeps happening.” Juno meows, probably because he wants a bit of peace, but you still took that as an agreement to what you said. “I know, I know. I guess it will be okay… hope he doesn’t ruin my career for life with this. I do not trust him.”
The next day, you shake your head while getting out of your car, glaring at the tall building with huge windows. You always glare while looking at it, but somehow this time was different. It wasn’t because you hated your job, it was because you had to see your partner. All the people who greeted you in the halls got a cold response, or no response at all. Might have been a shitty thing to do but honestly you weren’t in the mood for anything anymore. You just wanted this day to be over.
When you get into Heeseung’s office, seeing him rummaging through his papers, you just stood in the doorway… waiting for him to finish his work. He raises his head to look at you, his mood getting insignificantly worse when his eyes met yours. Before he gets to sigh, you cut him off.
“The feeling is mutual. I usually try to act nice, but I just cannot stand you no matter how hard I try.” You cross your arms while he goes back to his papers. “Then take a seat.” He responds in the coldest way, only making you furrow your eyebrows at his tone. “Okay damn…” you say under your breath while grabbing a chair to sit in front of his desk.
There are a few moments of silence, but you decide to ask him about the collaboration, same reason you’re here right now.
“Heese-” “It’s Mr. Lee for you.” You clear your throat annoyed. “Mr. Lee, I am only here to ask you about what we must do, can we focus on that?”
“Why would I make a project with someone as bad at writing as you?” he looks up at you again. You bite your cheek, barely being able to stand him anymore. You just look down to your thighs, grasping your palms together anxiously. Yuna told you to never be weak in front of him, but how could you not when he was so right?
“Please refrain from insulting my work and just take the organisations words, they put us together for this, so we need to do it.”
“If I let you work on this, you will just embarrass me in front of thousands of people. How about you just let me handle this? Go home, enjoy your days off. I’ll give you the credit.”
“You cannot just do everything alone; I do not care about days off I just want to work on this too. Please Mr. Lee.”
That is the first time he’s ever heard you say please to him. He hated your presence just as much as you hated his, why must you be at each other’s throats all the time? Simply because of rivalry or did other frustrations arise from both parties?
He licks his lips, finally giving in. “You can work on it with me Y/n. Just don’t disappoint me.”
“I promise I won’t. This matters so much to me.”
You follow him to his studio; he lets you get in first and that is when he locks the door behind you. You both sit down next to each other while you work on the song. He keeps acting weird throughout the recording and editing process, changing poses multiple times in a few minutes, sighing and fidgeting with his fingers. Halfway through the song you place your hand on his while looking at him. “Mr. Lee, are you feeling okay?”
That is when he sighs, snatching his hand away from yours and turning the pc off. He turns to you, keeping his eye contact consistent. “Y/n… i’ve just been feeling frustrated. Just forget it. Let’s focus on the song.”
Now you cannot say that you care about him, but you’re still curious to see what this is about. “Oh, is that so? Frustrated in what kind? Someone like you has feelings?”
He glares at you. “Not in the way you’d think, anyway.” You tilt your head. “But how? Tell me now, i’m curious.” “Maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut, it’s none of your business.” “Just because you’re my superior does not mean you gotta talk to me like that, bastard.” He clenches his jaw. “Oh, that’s it.” He suddenly grabs onto your neck, pulling you closer. He’s still so gentle but it’s enough force to make you struggle to talk. “Is this what it’s about...? A... are you sexually frustrated…?” You tease. He releases the grasp on your neck and looks down at his hands. “I.. I’m sorry. It’s hard being alone when you’re pushing 30 you know.”
You had no idea what was happening right now, but you definitely enjoyed the attention you got. You were equally as touch starved as he was, and it was making you want more.
“You know, we could do this. But I really don’t like you dude.” You raise your eyebrow at him. He nods. “You don’t make yourself all that approachable either, would you really be down? I mean, just… fuck buddies… nothing else?”
“Mr. Lee, you know we both aren’t ones for relationships. But what’s in it for me?” “Oh, you want payment now?” “Well, you knew I wasn’t gonna give you myself for free, did you?” He laughs. “Fair, then how about I give you a raise?” “Mm… Anything else?” He rolls his eyes. “Okay, okay uhh. A raise and no more staying overtime, you get paid if you leave work early and… free coffee for life.” You ponder a bit. “Alright, I accept.” “Oh, not so quick, you need some rules to you too. For this to work you have to come help me anytime I need you.” “Libido that high, huh?” He shushes you and you giggle.
“Well okay, but if you’re really frustrated right now, shall we start today?” He looks back at you, visibly cringing from you being so direct with him, but he doesn’t mind. “I mean if you’re down.” “I am, but do you have any condoms?” That’s when you see him reaching for his wallet, taking out about 3 condoms out. Your eyes widen a bit, smacking your lips at his professionalism. “Oh, wow you’re ready.” “3 is a bit much…” “Who knows, i’ll end up using all of them and then end up going raw cause we are left with none.” “Yeah, don’t know about that.” “Im messing with you, dumbass.” He rolls his eyes, letting you get on top of his lap. Your lips finally make contact with his, getting to taste him in your mouth, the feeling lingering down to your stomach.
As you begin making out, your hand travels down to his forming bulge, squeezing and massaging it to the best of your abilities. As you’re doing that, he squeezes your ass with his palm, making you flinch from the sudden pressure. You playfully slap his face, pulling away from the kiss a bit. “You’re such a dick.” “I know, wanna feel mine already?” You give him one last kiss before pushing his head back on the chair to kiss his neck, insisting on his prominent adam’s apple. You suck on his sensitive skin, forming hickeys along his whole neck. “Fuck, Y/n, you’re not bad at this.” “I know, but you are.” “Oh shut up, I barely got to do anything.” You sigh, pulling away from his neck. “Let me ride you, m’kay?” “Do whatever you want to me.” He smiles coyly. “Could I kill you?” You pout your lips. “Not until you get your raise.” “Oh, fuck off.”
You start with unbuttoning his pants, not even taking them off before placing your hand on his boxers. You press his dick a bit, his groan appearing right after. “Mhm, that’s what I love hearing.” You nod to yourself. “Right from my mouth?” He teases too. “Oh, you know what I mean, I might need to stuff yours, so you shut up more often.” “Could you stuff it with your pussy?” That keeps you quiet for a bit, his response making you clench around nothing. “… I might, if tape doesn’t work.”
You don’t even take his pants off when you pull his boxers down with his half-hard dick springing out. You grab the base, stroking it a bit to get it as erect as you can. “You’re so big.” You point out. He just smirks, looking at you up and down. You leave his dick alone for a bit just to take your panties off, as you were already wearing a skirt, the embarrassing wet stains on them being visible for Heeseung to see as well. “You got this wet already? And you’re the one saying i’m horny.” “Shut it.” You throw your panties to the other side of the room, finally ripping one condom out the packaging, putting it well onto his dick. After you give him a few more strokes you position yourself on his dick, slowly lowering yourself on his length. It takes you a few good seconds to adjust, then you slowly move your hips back and forth on him. He already throws his head back, the feeling being so familiar yet so distant. Your walls clench around him every time you move on him, the feeling already getting unbearable. You change your routine a bit, starting to bounce instead of grinding, the sound of your thighs touching echoing through the room. You try leaving out as little moans as you can, but it’s still impossible for you, as it feels so good. You leave out small desperate noises as you bounce on him. “Knew you couldn’t resist me.” He smiles up at you. You glare again. “Fuck you.” While speeding up. “This.. doesn’t mean anything. I’m just.. helping.. you get rid of a boner.” You say out of breath. “And it’s working, keep going.”
You ride him as well as you can, his swollen tip getting so deep inside you it’s hitting your sweet g-spot. He needed to fuck with someone desperately, the fact that it was you was pure coincidence. Your mouth parts, leaving sounds that only his ears can hear. “Holy shit… I might cum soon… please” you cry, grabbing onto his shoulders with your nails bedded into his skin. He looks up at you, his hand resting against your ass, giving it a few squeezes here and there. “You’re gonna cum for me? Hm? Come on, cum all over me” He whisper shouts, helping you bounce on him faster and faster.
The knot in your stomach quickly snaps, your orgasm washing down over you with a few loud moans. You cum all over his dick, with each thrust forming a white ring at the base of it. “Your pussy so good, Y/n… I can’t take it any…more” he grunts, throwing his head back more with each bounce of yours. “Cum already, come on you’re... doing so well” you encourage him, and he immediately obeys, his semen spilling into his condom, making it fully white by the time you pull away from his lap. He pants and moans before you finally take the condom off his dick, the cum spilling back onto it. You stroke him a few more times, getting your hand messy but that finally makes him lay on the chair more relaxed, his high calming down.
“Damn it you’re good.” He says while smiling, his head thrown backwards. “I know, that’s why I agreed to help you.” You slightly grab onto his neck, giving it a few playful kisses. “Now should I send you back to your work? You’re finished here.” He teases. “Oh right, right. Maybe I should focus on my actual work, rather than this work.” You say, grabbing onto his dick one last time, leaving it alone after wrapping your hand around it.
He grabs your wrist, flicking it away now. He looks up at you while raising his eyebrow. “Get the fuck out of here.” You scoff at him, cleaning yourself up a bit and fixing your clothes back on before turning around to leave. “Suck my pussy.” You say annoyed while heading to the door.
As you open the door you hear a “Might do that too” and that’s when you get out the door, leaving him a middle finger before closing the door behind you.
Heeseung finishes the project for both of you, and you end up winning it together. Of course, he kept reproaching you that you won because of him, and you got into a heated argument that you just stopped talking for weeks. So first he says he’ll do it for you but when you do… he argues that he did all the work?
What an asshole.
After another day of no contact at all, you get passed a flyer at work, so you quickly read it.
“It gives us immense pleasure to invite you to a special gathering in honor of Lee Heeseung & L/n Y/n to celebrate their remarkable achievement of winning the collaboration project contest first place.
Date: [7th of December]
Time: [7 PM to 12 AM]
Dress Code: [Semi-Formal]
We look forward to celebrating this special moment with you.
Warm regards,
After reading, you immediately put the flyer down on your desk, covering your face with your hands. “I don’t wanna see that man ever again.” You avoided him for a few weeks, how could you meet again now? You sigh to yourself, thinking that it’s just one day, it’ll be over, and you can continue ignoring him again.
On the day of the event, you buy yourself a nice and luxurious royal blue dress, it’s long and it hugs your body so well. It has a pretty big cleavage, but you know you looked attractive in it anyway. You get ready, grab your hand purse, and get to the venue. As you enter the big ballroom you notice Heeseung right away, talking to some higher ups while having one hand in his pocket, and the other in the air, moving it around while talking. He’s wearing a tight black suit on, with a deep v-neck that perfectly shows his collarbone. His hair a dark velvet and slightly gelled. You would be lying if you said he wasn’t attractive. He always wore that dark aura to him, and that pissed you off. It’s like he was pulling you in despite you trying to pull away. Even if you said you hated him, your palms got sweaty when you saw him, your heartbeat got faster and you eyes slightly widened whenever you saw him. It wasn’t because he was your boss, it wasn’t because he could fire you at any moment… there was something else. And he knew it.
You breathe in one last time before going up to them. As soon as Heeseung sees you he can’t stop looking at you. How perfect you look, you elegant you came here yet so sexy. The way your boobs sat in your dress and how they looked at Heeseung first, that’s what he claims anyway. You don’t say anything to each other, you barely dare to make eye contact. But at one point the others leave your conversation, saluting both of you for now... And when you expect it least, he pulls you aside.
“Are you trying to tempt me with those tits?” He whispers. “Excuse me?” You look at him, eyebrows furrowed in a mix of confusion and anger. “I mean, look at you. Who did you come here for? Where are you going after this? Is there anyone else with you?” He launches this set of questions so weirdly, making you cross your arms which makes your boobs squeeze even tighter against each other.
“I’m here alone, Heeseung. I just liked this dress and came here with it. What’s your problem, even if I dressed up for someone?” You look angrily at him. “Because nobody can see… all of this… except for me. You’re my fuck buddy remember?”
“So? I thought friends with benefits meant something else for you. Don’t care what you think about my outfits. Just stop staring weirdo.” You rest your arms alongside your body, before turning to leave. He grabs your wrist, pulling you close to him. “Look, I don’t want to be constantly ignoring you. Can we be just like we were before?” your lips part. “You mean…. hating each other?” he sighs. “You know what I mean. Hating each other but helping each other with things.” You click your tongue. “Oh yeah, speaking of that… you never gave me my raise… or my coffee.”
“What? you can take as much coffee as you want, and I want you to help me with something before I give you the extra money.”
“And what’s that? amaze me.”
“Could you act that you’re my fiancé for tonight?”
You freeze. “Huh?”
“I don’t want you around me, at all. But It’s so annoying when people keep asking why i’m not married at my age.”
“Did you tell them that you’re a bastard? and that’s why you’re single?” you look at him pissed.
“Oh fuck off, just tell me if you want to help me or not.” you contemplate. “Maybe. If I finally get my raise, and some good sex out of you.”
“It’s on then. Let’s go meet some people here, they’re old and rich perverts but they give hella good sponsors. You might wanna cover up. I don’t want them looking at you.” he grabs your waist. “What a coincidence, that sounds like a perfect description of you in a few years.” you roll your eyes, walking with him while struggling to put on your jacket.
“Hello, Mr. Lee, and who is this beautiful lady?” they start right off the bat looking at your body and all, despite covering yourself as well as you can. You feel so uncomfortable with them but Heeseung makes sure to cover you with his body instead. “This is Y/n, my dearest fiancé. She’s a bit shy, so please talk to me instead.” You throw a slight smile while looking at him, his gesture making you really happy.
After you were done with these men, you leave to a more reserved area. “I can’t believe i’m saying this but… thanks for having my back earlier.” “Don’t fret, I saw how uncomfortable you were. Hate you or not, I can’t see you with that expression on your stupid face.”
You take your jacket off while nodding your head. “Wow, what a compliment from you mr. Lee. I acted enough; now can I stop being your dog following you everywhere?”
“Of course, you can leave too if you’re busy.”
“Hey, what about my payment? remember?”
“You want your money now? What do you wanna buy? I’ll give you my card.” He says, pulling out his card to hand it to you. “My pin is 1510. Use however much you want.”
That just stunned you. “W-What no I don’t need to buy anything. Keep your card…” you push it back to him. “I meant… you know.”
“The good sex part?” he says softly.
“Yeah. That.” you say a bit embarrassed now. “Stop making it so awkward, you’re being too quiet for your own good.” you continue.
“Why do you think that? Is my mouth too big to keep quiet?” he smiles. “Obviously, you never seem to shut up but right now you’re eerily quiet.” “I’m just thinking whether I should just eat you out like you deserve or fuck you too on top of that.” His response already gets you hot and bothered, not caring about the people who might be there or might pass you two. You get even closer to him, sliding your hand down his v-neck to touch his pecs and collarbone. “What’s stopping you from doing both? Please Heeseung. It’s my turn to be needy is it not?”
“Of course, it can be your turn whenever. Surprised you’re craving my pleasure when you can’t stand me.” “You’re still fucking hot with this suit on, personality or not.” He smiles, pulling you into a heated kiss, the butterflies rummaging through your stomach. You grab onto his hair, pushing him a little while making out. You pull away after a bit, finally unbuttoning his shirt. You touch him all over his body, barely being able to stop.
“Did you always look this good?” you say, moving your hands on his abdomen. “Were you always this desperate for me?” he smiles, letting you do whatever you want, until he begins undressing you too, sliding that dress off you in a hurry. He slips your bra off taking one tit into his mouth while kneading the other. You let out desperate sounds, wishing he would just eat you out already. His breath hot against your nipple makes your whole body shiver, inevitably making you whine. “Heeseung just suck on my pussy like that please stop teasing me damn it.”
He laughs against your skin, giving your boob one last kiss before pulling away. “Okay, okay, sit down on this couch.” You do, and he gets on his knees to slide your panties off. He makes you spread your legs for him, keeping them apart with his hands. He starts off with small kisses around your core, taking his time enjoying his meal afterall. “This is the second time you’re dripping wet for me, is it a pattern now?” you grab onto his hair to keep him there. “Shut up and just help me get through this.” He listens, starting to eat you out to the best of his ability. Hollowing his cheeks, shaking his head to suck on your folds. He puckers up his lips to kiss you all over, giving it a few sweet licks all over the slit. Once he reaches your clit, he glues his mouth on it, sucking on it leaving the nastiest sounds known to man. While he’s focusing on your clit, he sneaks his fingers to your wet hole, sliding one finger in at first, pounding it into you at a steady rate. You cannot stop moaning loudly, the pleasure being too much for you. He inserts another finger in, curling them inside you, reaching your g-spot easily.
“Oh, right there, Hee. Don’t you dare stop or you’re so dead— oh my fucking god that’s so good.” His hand speeds up, he pulls his mouth away to flick his tongue on your bud faster and faster; matching the rhythm of his fingers. “Fuck!” you cry out. “Heeseung i’m gonna… cum please … keep going.” You lose your mind. He speeds up even more, destroying your pussy with his fingers, actually giving you hope that he’s gonna let you finish. Once you get as close as you’ve ever been, he pulls out and away completely, making your body shake. You groan suddenly opening your eyes in disbelief. “What the fuck..?” you say angrily. “You thought I was just gonna let you cum like that from something so simple?” You glare. “You’re so fucking annoying, I had such a good orgasm forming.”
He caresses your cheek. “Stop pouting, let me make you cum forreal now, okay?” you still look mad, but you grab onto the hem of his pants, pulling them down in one second; his boner is quite visible already. You pull his dick out, stroking it while he gets a condom out his wallet again (Somehow he’s always ready). You keep stroking him, squeezing his tip with your fingers until he leaks precum everywhere. You stop that to pull his boxers down further, letting him put his condom on. He strokes himself a few more times before positioning himself to penetrate you. He slowly pushes his cock in, making slow movements at first, slowly speeding up to fuck you good. “You’re taking it so well, and you feel so good..” You hum, slowly wrapping your legs around him. “That’s amazing… keep going..” you whine, letting him fuck you til you lose your mind.
He slightly moans at every thrust, managing to get deeper and deeper with every thrust. You feel him so deep inside, hitting your g-spot again with his swollen tip. The sudden zap makes you grab onto his biceps with your hands, digging your nails into his skin while moaning louder. “Mhm…. That’s the spot. Don’t stop please…” He finally listens to your pleads, pounding into your sweet spot over and over as you leave red scratches all over his arms. Your hands move up to his upper back, scratching him like a wild cat. He hisses multiple times at the pain, but he lets you react this way just to see all your reactions to him destroying you once again. You tighten around him as you’re about to cum.
“Hee...please let me cum... plea—oh that feels so good please…” you say as you start crying, small tears running down your cheeks shutting your eyes forcefully. “Who’s crying on my cock now? You love getting fucked like this don’t you slut?” he says while speeding up even more, making you squirt on him on the spot. His words buzz in your ear over and over while you lose your mind completely. Your legs shake on his lower back, getting his dick wet with your squirt. “You’re so messy when you cum.” He groans, getting close to his release too. “Oh fuck you… you know you like it… cum already…. come on.” A few more thrusts in and he pulls out to take his condom off his dick. He gives himself a few more strokes before releasing strings of cum all over your stomach. He holds onto your thigh with his other hand while continuing to stroke himself. You look down to your stomach just to see, biting your lip at the scenery. “That’s a new one… you look damn hot doing it.” He slightly smiles at you. “Figured we’d both get messy.” You both quickly clean up the best you can, trying not to get caught by anyone despite how loud you both were the entire time.
“Is this the good sex you were talking about?” he says in a sly manner. “Obviously, if that even means something to you. If there’s one good thing about you it might just be that dick.” You roll your eyes at him. “Oh my, should I feel honored?” he says sarcastically.
You both get out of there, having no intention of staying after what both just did. He gives you the rest of the evening off and gives you your very awaited raise. He was generous with his numbers, that good time really helped. might despise you, or that’s what you think, but he took that raise seriously and you couldn’t stop smiling at your bank balance.
A few days later, you get a text at work from none other than Heeseung. You never gave him your number, so it was a surprise.
“hey y/n”
“Who is this?”
“the guy you fucked 2 days ago”
“ugh what do u want”
“i’m your boss, don’t text me that way”
“whatever, why are u texting me and where did u get my number”
“yena, i just wanted to give you some extra work today”
[1 attachment]
The photo he sent shows his lower body sitting on a chair with his legs slightly manspreading, a thick bulge layering on his dark grey pants while his left hand is gripping the said bulge. Multiple veins are seen branching down from his hand to his arm.
The moment you saw the picture your eyes scattered throughout the pixels in your phone without being able to stop. The photo he took was so damn attractive to you for no specific reason but the way his hand looked, the way you just knew that bulge in his pants was throbbing, begging to get out the tight bottom wear. Still, you decided to be a little cold to him as you always were.
“oh why should i help u? i already got my raise”
“do u want this to be your only one?”
You leave him on seen for a minute or two.
“where r u”
“in my office, tell my bodyguard i called you in here”
You get up, fixing your makeup a little before leaving your office to get to his. After you close the door behind you, you both have a moment of intense eye contact, just to break it off by looking down. “You got here fast. Missed me that much?” you smack your lips. “It’s not like you threatened me or anything.” He laughs softly. “You know you missed me already. Did you touch yourself to the picture I sent, too?” He slowly walks towards you.
“What? No. You’re not all that Heeseung. Your mouth moves too much though.”
“Oh yeah? Then let's see what yours can do.”
He grabs your chin, pulling it up so you can only look into his eyes. There are a few seconds of silence where your heart skips a beat… then in his lowest tone you hear him say...
“Get on your knees.”
He releases the grasp on your chin, letting you lower yourself, finally making eye contact with his bulge. “Aren’t we gonna get caught here?” He shakes his head. “No one can enter without my permission. No one can leave either, like you here.” He smiles. You squeeze your legs together at his words while sliding his pants and boxers off in one move. His hardened cock springs out, bouncing off his navel. You start with small pecks to his red tip, slowly moving down to his entire length. He looks down at you, admiring your sweet moves to bring him pleasure. “You’re adorable like this, did you know?” he chuckles. “Eat a dick.” He slaps your cheek. “Too bad you’re eating mine right now.” You glare up at him before taking his tip in your mouth, stroking him with your hand. You have your other hand resting on his right knee, as you bop your head back and forth little by little. He smiles at you, grabbing your hair into a ponytail just to keep your head in place and to be able to fuck your mouth a bit.
You unwrap your hand from around him cock, letting him completely take control, going at his desired pace. He moans at the feeling, throwing his head back for a second. “Fuck yeah... I see this mouth is better at doing things other than complaining all the time.” His thrusts are making you slightly choke on his dick, getting harder and harder to breathe. You grab onto his thighs, trying to at least make him slow down, but to no avail. It feels too good for him to stop now, your mouth wrapped so tight around his dick; sending him waves of bliss with each thrust. After a good while he pulls away, letting you breathe again. “I fucking hate you.” You say, looking up at him. “Don’t talk to your superior that way, brat.” He grabs the base of his cock, slapping the tip onto your lips multiple times.
You take him in your mouth again, bopping your head up and down faster than before. You try using your tongue against as well, caressing the sensitive spot between his tip and length with the tip of your tongue.
“That feels so good. Don’t pull away.” He whispers. You leave little hums to confirm that you won’t, letting him get closer to his release with those emitted vibrations. After a few more sloppy bops, he moans like hell, grabbing onto the back of your head to push you deeper onto him. “Y/n i’m— gonna cum… hold on…” he moans out, his eyes closed shut. You keep going, wanting him to cum right in your mouth. “Mmm…hmm.” Is all you can let out, before he cums deep in your throat, automatically swallowing all of it. He leaves out a small groan, pulling out your mouth after he’s done. A string of saliva links his tip and your tongue as he pulls away further.
“Good girl. You swallowed all of it.” You give him a little smile, standing up while wiping your mouth. “Might’ve been the best i’ve ever had, come here.” He says, grabbing your waist with his arms. He leans in to give you a genuine kiss, not a lustful one, definitely not. He keeps you in that deep kiss for a while, pulling away only to pull you in again. “Where... is this … coming from?” you chuckle a little, asking between kisses. “I don’t think… I can stand… completely hating… you anymore…” your eyes widen a bit. “Was my mouth that good?” you say jokingly, and he shakes his head. “Not just that, not just sex. You have a crazy charm to you, I don’t know if you can feel it.”
“That’s crazy coming from you Lee Heeseung.”
“I want you in my life Y/n, you can be mad all you want but it doesn’t change things between us.”
“You’ve already been in mine way too long.” You smile.
“Exactly, I want you to be so sick of me, no medicine would be able to treat you.”
“I guess we can make it work… you’re crazy hot, still might need to tape that mouth though.”
“Is that a secret kink?” He laughs.
“Oh, shut up.” You push him slightly. You can’t lie, being his girlfriend now was tempting, no matter how much you tried to hate him, he attracted you more and more without even realising. Every time he was in your presence your subconscious was happy to see him. Your mind played tricks on you, and you hated how much you adored him.
Dating Lee Heeseung, your boss, was one of the best decisions of your life. Turns out he’s sweeter than it seems, he would give his life for you, and you would too. You didn’t need anyone else, only your soulmate and your cat. You ended up moving in together, always cooking dinner together, going on vacations together and just enjoying eachother’s presence. He was such a sweet guy, something you never expected to see from such a man. Yena definitely judged you when she first found out about your new relationship, but quickly came along with the idea. Thing is, Heeseung acted this way with others but he was so sweet with you. He only loved you. His sparkly bambi eyes always stare at you with such admiration when you walk in the room. He can’t stop admiring you all the time.
I guess he wasn’t that bad after all.
a/n: thank you so much for reading this!! I spent a few days on it and it was definitely experimental. reblogging/liking would be very much appreciated < 3
#kpop#kpop bg#enhypen#enhypen hard hours#enhypen smut#enhypen scenarios#heeseung smut#heeseung enhypen#lee heeseung smut#heeseung x reader#lee heeseung#heeseung lee#heeseung#enhypen x reader
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task 002: profissões.
nossa segunda task será em conjunto com o próximo evento do roleplay. ela servirá como se o seu personagem estivesse "vendendo" sua profissão no evento para jovens estudantes, então é, basicamente, uma apresentação do que seu char faz.
sabemos que a profissão é o que mais ocupa o dia a dia de uma pessoa. passamos horas no trabalho, nos dedicando e cumprindo uma função, então, é explorar esse lado mais "funcional" do seu char.
serve para pensarmos as expectativas do seu char em relação ao futuro da sua profissão, o que ele já faz dentro dela, como ele escolheu essa profissão, se ele gosta ou não gosta, etc...
a task será realizada como se fosse o malibu news entrevistando a pessoa, norteada pelas perguntas abaixo:
qual é sua profissão?
como você escolheu a sua profissão? teve influência de alguém?
o que você mais gosta na sua profissão?
quais são as principais frases que você usa no dia a dia em sua profissão?
quais as expectativas financeiras da sua profissão?
o que te deixa mais orgulhoso em seu trabalho?
você gosta do que você faz?
quais são suas metas futuras para seu trabalho?
por fim, você aconselharia alguém a seguir a sua profissão?
deixe um conselho para alguém que gostaria de seguir essa profissão.
informações gerais:
a task não é obrigatória e não tem prazo para ser realizada, mas seria interessante se fosse feita até o dia do evento (sexta-feira, 16/06/23).
ela pode ser realizada em formato de pov, questionário, etc. sejam criatives e não se prendam a isso.
poderá também ser postada no carrd, tumblr, notion, em formato de thread no twitter, etc.
lembrem-se que a entrevista é postada em formato de texto pelo jornal, mas, para dar as respostas, seu personagem teve ações e sentimentos, é de seu critério usar isso ou não.
você pode embasar sua thread com imagens e outros elementos se quiser.
fique a vontade para adicionar mais perguntas se achar necessário.
sejam criatives e usem isso para ganhar muse no personagem!
qualquer dúvidas estamos à disposição.
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𝑶𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆
Headcannons with Obsessive!Matt and Doll!Reader. Read at your own discretion - includes SFW and NSFW.
01: Following you like a lost puppy…
Matt can’t help it. He's addicted to the way you breathe practically. The scent that flows from your hair is intoxicating, the feeling of your soft skin on his lips always so hypnotizing.
Your hair is bouncing with each step as you walk around the kitchen. Matt can’t help but get distracted with the emails he was supposed to be replying to, especially when he sees you walk to the hallway, your body disappearing past the corner. “Baby?” he questions, not wasting a second before screeching the chair backward, using a slight jog to catch up to you.
You laugh while laying your hand on the knob - the bathroom door. “Matt, I’m just gonna do my skincare, I’ll be back out in a couple minutes,” you laugh, walking in and starting to pile products from the drawer out onto the counter.
Matt doesn’t care. He shakes his head, waltzing into the bathroom and leaning his head down on your shoulder, his hands wrapping lowly around your hips. “Can I watch?” he asks.
You know he’s serious. Even though it’s the same routine he’s watched countless times, he always wants to stand behind you, complimenting you as he stares at you taking care of yourself - a task that makes him so utterly content.
02: Can’t seem to care as long as he has you…
Social anxiety was something the two of you had bonded over, neither of you were very content with the idea of PDA to begin with, but Matt couldn’t seem to care about what others thought sometimes. He just wanted to touch you. It felt like a burden to hold himself back, he couldn’t help but let everything else fade away while he focused on showering you with love.
The conversation had been humming in his ears. He was only directing his attention to how soft your hand felt in his, kissing along your knuckles as his heart swelled with anticipation from the sheer thought of going home, having you all to himself.
“Matt,” you laugh, nudging him with an uncomfortable laugh.
You love how much he craves you, but the thought of everyone seeing such an intimate act is making your chest thump with a harsh drum.
Pouting, he spares one last kiss before setting your hand down, still holding onto it tightly as he starts to trace shapes on the back of your palm. “-’m sorry, Doll. I just…can’t help it sometimes,” he sighs.
He looks up at you with a sullen expression. You spare him a sympathetic smile, leaning and pressing a kiss to his cheek - an act of affection that makes his face curl with a grin.
“We’ll go home soon, then I’m all yours, okay?” you blush, the slight stain of your lip gloss on his cheek reminding you of the unfamiliar action that you had compulsively acted on. He just looked so…cute. You want him to know you appreciate him, you want him to feel your love too.
Matt sighs, licking over his lips as his eyes sparkle with excitement. “Okay.” he breathes, his cheeks flushing as he thinks of being alone with you, having you all to himself. He can’t seem to care about the rest of the conversation, all he can focus on is how bad he misses giving you his affection.
03: He wants to hold you anyway he can…
Being as close as possible calms something untouchable within him. Matt needs to feel your skin on his, but he wants to know you feel safe and secure. The bedroom is no different. No matter what position or pace, he’s always holding you.
“Fuckkkk, that’s it - good fuckin’ girl, I - mmmm,” he hums, cradling the back of your head as he pulls you into the crook of his neck. His body hovers over yours in missionary, your thighs quivering as he plunges himself inside of you over and over again, his lips falling open with a rough groan as he feels your warmth suck him in deep.
Your hands claw at his back, the overwhelming sensation of euphoria building in your gut makes your body writhe, your moans and warm breath fanning across his neck as he keeps a steady rhythm.
“Matt - m - ‘m gon - close…”
He knows what you’re trying to say. Your walls are pulsing around his length, each thrust getting harder to pull out as you nearly trap him inside of you.
“Shit,” he whines as you start to cry out, the high washing over you feeling so immensely pleasurable, so inescapable. “-keep suckin’ me in - justttt like that, just like that,” he husks, his fingers massaging into your scalp as he feels your nails scratch against his shoulders, the loud cry pursing through your lips swelling him with pride as he comforts you through the high.
It feels so good to be so close.
It may be obsessive, but it’s love.
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