captainteague · 9 hours
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Keith in Paris (2010)
📸: Richard Dumas
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captainteague · 17 hours
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credits: [x] [x]
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captainteague · 1 day
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jacqueline woodson
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captainteague · 2 days
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independent captain jack sparrow. adored by lottie. established august 2014, rebooted february 2020. promo credit
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captainteague · 2 days
Christmas with the Teagues: 
 - Teague dreads it just as much as Jack. When Jack asks why they go Teague has no answer. 
- They always arrive a little late because they get ready as slowly as possible. 
 - Eventually Anne caught on to this and started telling them the wrong time but when Teague caught on they were back to arriving late. The cycle of Anne giving them the wrong time and Teague arriving later continued until one Christmas they ended up having dinner at 3am the next day.
- Adam actually went to one of these dinners back when Maria was still alive but Jack was an infant so he doesn’t recall. Probably for the best. It was a particularly unpleasant Christmas.
- Anne always has a huge tree and award-winning decorations. It would actually be quite beautiful if Anne wasn’t the one who put it together.
- They do a family gift exchange. It’s mandatory for everyone 5+ and up. Teague considers this the worst part of the holiday.
- There’s always a delicious ham but somehow Jack always gets the burnt part.
- Anne calls him “Jackie”, boy, or when she’s feeling incredibly spicy “bastard”
-This is incredibly ironic given how she never married Bart and all of her children are from different fathers.
- Bart is a good cook and can be found in the kitchen. - Anne is in the living room and everyone is expected to sit with her. 
- Jonathan tries to keep the “party” by telling jokes and performing small magic tricks for the kids 
- Teague hasn’t been sober at one of these dinners since he was a teenager and that’s not likely to change. 
 - By the end of the evening you can usually catch Teague and Jonathan drinking straight from the bottle 
- Jack started sneaking alcohol at 15. Teague noticed but didn’t say anything. Honestly, he probably offered him a nip from the whiskey bottle at least once. Nobody deserves to be sober at these things.
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captainteague · 2 days
🙋 talk to me about the process by which teague came to be in charge of keeping the code
So for context: Bartholomew was the original code keeper. He was like a father to Teague as well so the two were very close. However, Teague wasn’t officially prepped to be the next code keeper. It was an unspoken agreement that he likely would take over, but nothing was set in stone. 
Jack was seven years old when Maria died. Up until that point Teague had been rather distant and was often at sea for months on end. As such, Maria was more or less Jack’s sole caretaker. When she died that “caretaker” role fell onto Teague. Obviously, Jack was too young to be sailing around the sevens seas with his father. Instead of winding down his life, Teague took Jack to live with his mother, Anne, in Madagascar. 
Now, it’s important to note that Anne was (is?) a piece of work. She was a horrible mother and proved to be an equally horrible grandmother. Her treatment of Jack was just as abusive as her treatment of her own children. I don’t have a rational explanation for why Teague chose to take Jack to live with her. He has no illusions about her parenting. It was more of a grief-stricken moment and not knowing what else to do with Jack. He wasn’t willing to completely sacrifice his life as a pirate. So, yeah, Jack went to visit his dear ol’ grandmama and Teague basically fucked off for a year.
Then Bartholomew died.
Teague came back only to find Jack slightly worse for wear and completely miserable. With a slightly clearer head, he realized that leaving Jack with his mother was bad parenting (even by his supremely low standards). 
Shortly thereafter, Teague took up his position as keeper of the code. Doing so allowed him to split his time between land and sea. He still sailed out (Jack was eight at the time and already very knowledgeable about how ships worked) and Jack came with him, now as his cabin boy. But he was also more landbound than most pirates because he soon found that Shipwreck Cove needed a guiding hand-- technically this wasn’t in his job description but he accepted the task anyway.
tldr; Teague became keeper because it was the best compromise he could find. This way the risk to Jack was minimized but Teague could still return to the sea.
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captainteague · 2 days
Sometimes I think about how split Teague was between the life he had as a pirate and the life he wanted with Maria. 
Teague grew up as a pirate. Born. Raised. It’s all he ever knew. Not only that but his parents were the most piratey of pirates. His father was the original Keeper of the Code, his mum was a pirate lord, and BOTH were captains. It only made sense that under their tutelage he would become a great captain. Teague never really questions this path either. He enjoys the freedom of being at sea and the adventures that follow. 
In many ways, his path was so predetermined that he never found himself willing or able to truly explore other options. 
It really wasn’t until Maria that Teague considered a life or identity outside of piracy. She challenged him to be something more than just a bloody pirate. She never objected to the lifestyle necessarily, yet Teague knew that pirates often lived short lives with violent ends. Being a pirate as notorious as himself isn’t a safe thing to be when raising a family. 
So there was this moment when he tried something different. For a brief blip in his life, Teague became a privateer (meeting Mr Gibbs along the way). You’d think ‘same lifestyle, slightly fewer enemies’. But for Teague, he found it restricting and unsatisfactory. How much the decision actually ostracized him I don’t know, but I think regardless he felt icky about it. 
So he reneged. Went back to his previous life. The rest is history, so to speak. 
But it’s still a bit sad to me. Teague has always struck me as someone who was trapped, perhaps without even realizing it. It’s something that he will never truly be free from even when a part of him wants to be.
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captainteague · 2 days
ACCENT: “country” / “backwoods” / “sailor” / “upper class” / “city slicker” / foreign speaker / refined
ELOQUENCE:educated /self-taught / uneducated / doesn’t use conjunctions / shortens words / omits entire words on occasion / mixes up words / just makes up their own words / archaic english / dependent on mood or setting / doesn’t use contractions
TONE: loud / soft / room volume / high pitched / low pitched / seductive / velvety / speech impediment / abrasive / gruff / shrill / booming / matter-of-fact / toneless / husky / gravelly / breathy / nasal / barking / chatty / condescending / musical / suave / world-weary / brash / authoritative
HABITS: refers to self in third person / incorporates different languages/terms/sayings / uses gender-specific terms / adapts to audience / changes pitch around animals or children / shifts tone when lying / gives others nicknames / uses terms of respect towards others
OTHER BITS:  Teague grew up a pirate, but he’s also an aristocratic pirate. He learned to speak by observing his mother, Anne, Bartholomew, and the servants who worked on their manor. Anne has the most refined way of speaking but still used the harsh sailor slang of pirates, As a result, Teague comes off as well-educated but not formally educated. He’s well-spoken for a pirate but would never pass in a true upper-class setting. 
Teague is intelligent but not eloquent. He’s not great with words and will often try to get his point across with as few words as possible. Furthermore, his temper can often have him say things that are either misconstrued or best left unsaid. To put it bluntly, most people will never align themselves with him because of how persuasive his words were. 
Teague has one of those voices which is on the lower end but rarely needs to be raised. His presence is often so commanding that he never has to speak loudly in order to grab the attention of a room. Even when angry he rarely raises his voice. As said before, he has a minimalist approach to speaking. He’s matter-of-fact which sometimes leads people to believe he’s inaccessible and unwilling to talk. Teague is also very blunt. His candid nature can make him painful to talk to as he rarely holds back. I italicized “brash” because as a young man he rarely had a filter…or perhaps a better way of putting it is he had a filter and simply chose to ignore it. Age has made him a bit wiser and he’s more likely to hold his tongue (although he’s still a dick).
Teague is a well-traveled individual and will appropriately incorporate different languages/terms/sayings. Unfortunately, he’s often so quiet that initial impressions don’t always leave you with the sense that he’s truly appreciated his travels by absorbing the different languages. 
Despite his gruff demeanor, his speech will often change when speaking to those he’s close to. He speaks less formally and takes on a softer tone. He also converses with a warmth that’s rarely present when speaking with acquaintances. This is most evident when he addresses animals or close family.
VOICE CLAIM REFERENCE: Keith Richards all day boi 
tagged: @lighthouseborn  tagging: @piraticalwit @twistedwit @hopefaded (maria) @ahbutimavillain @yohoitsalex (gibbs) @dxdger​ ​
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captainteague · 2 days
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reblog with your personality types
Myers-Briggs: ESTP Alignment: Lawful Neutral Kinsey Scale: 3 Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Temperament: Choleric Bending Type: Earthbender
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captainteague · 2 days
⚔️ Are they protective of their partner?
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Definitely. Teague is naturally a very protective person. If he cares about you he'll want to protect you. There's a certain amount of security people feel with Teague. He's intimidating and not always the best at expressing himself. But it's also clear that he'll step in at a moments notice if he thinks there's danger. His partners don't feel smothered though. He appreciates independents and expects it from his partners. In the few instances in which Teague has had a long-term romantic partner, he's had a good sense of knowing when to step in and when to let them do their thing. You'll rarely find him excessively worrying about others because the long-term partners he's attracted to are perfectly capable of handling themselves.
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captainteague · 2 days
Thinking of Teague as a kid though:
His hair was shortish and kinda choppily cut because he could never sit still long enough for it to be done proper.
He was never without some kind of visible scrap, bruise, or minor cut. Not from any abuse (although there were plenty of those). He just got into everything.
His clothes were constantly smudged, dirty, or torn.
He was getting into scraps even back then and had his fair share of bruised eyes and cheeks to show for it.
He smiled a lot more freely and it wasn't unusual to see a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
He was active. The kind of kid who needed to be kept busy. It was risky to just hand him a book and expect him to sit there and read. He prefers to be working with his hands or doing small tasks.
He was quiet, even back then and his presence was far less obtrusive. People would often assume he wasn't paying attention as he fidgeted with this or that, but it was quite the opposite.
He preferred animals even back then and would often befriend the ships cats or dogs.
When ship work was done you could often find him with the musician onboard. He tried to play the guitar at a young age but his fingers were too small to reach the cords properly.
In both modern and canon he didn't have many friends and spent a lot of time with his brothers or alone.
In the colder months he was often without a coat because his younger brother, Jonathan, would forget or lose his and bug Teague until he gave him his.
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captainteague · 2 days
@piraticalwit // Send a 🙌 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC related to my muse // accepting
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Meet Adam, Teague’s youngest brother. On the surface, they are complete opposites. Adam is a shy, detail-oriented man with a strong sense right and wrong. Growing up he idealized his big brother, Teague, who often acted as a protector and stand-in parental figure. It was during these formative years that Adam developed his own sense of justice. However, he never had any interest in the “family business” and was more or less outcaste by Anne after he chose to become a lawyer. In many ways he is a self-made man. His goal was to cut himself off from a family which was overwhelming toxic. His perseverance and desire to protect/help others is what led to him criminal law. Adam has done everything in his power to create a normal life for himself: loving wife, three kids, and white picket fence house. But he has never been able to cut his brothers out of his life entirely. Although he maintained distant contact with Teague for years, Jack’s legal trouble post-Christophe prompted Adam to help him with his case. Seeing how his nephew struggled inspired Adam to start an innocence project.
His greatest struggle continues to be balancing the family he was born into with the one he built for himself.
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captainteague · 2 days
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ANNE TEAGUE —  Teague’s mother, born to a poor Russian immigrant family. After her parents and siblings contracted a fatal infectious disease Anne was shipped off to a Catholic orphanage. It was at this orphanage that Anne met Bartholomew. They became inseparable. In her mid-teens Anne had her first child, Catherine. However, having been presented the opportunity to serve aboard Captain Henry Morgan’s ship, Anne would abandon her child at the same orphanage she had been taken to. She served aboard Captain Morgan’s ship for over a decade and a half before forgoing the male-drag entirely and gaining her own captaincy. Eventually she would become a major contributor to the Pirate Codex as well as attend the second pirate lord meeting as Pirate Lord of the Atlantic. She is the mother of Catherine, Edward, Hazel, Jonathan, and Adam. ( fc : barbra hershey ).
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BARTHOLOMEW — or “Bart” to those close to him. While it remains uncertain as to whether he is the biological father of Teague Bart is the stand-in father for all of Anne’s children. Abandoned at the orphanage from birth. Bart grew up only knowing Anne (and the other orphans) as his family. As a teenager he signed them both up to serve aboard Captain Henry Morgans ship. After working his way through the ranks he would eventually obtain his own captaincy. Admired for his ferocious battle tactics and massive build. Bart would eventually help Captain Morgan co-author the Pirate Codex. Foregoing the title of pirate lord himself, he would serve as the first Keeper of the Code. Passing the title down to his heir, Teague, after his early an demise.  ( fc : ray stevenson ).
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CATHERINE “QUICKDRAW” MCFLEMING — Teague’s eldest sibling. Her foothold in Teague’s life varies depending on how modernized the verse is. A deeply private person, Catherine often keeps her personal life separate from the madness of her biological family. What is known is that she grew up in the same orphanage as her mother. TBA ( fc : orla bradly ).
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HAZEL TEAGUE — Teague’s twin sister, older by only a few minutes. Her life was short but influential in Teague’s childhood. Often the dominant sibling in their dynamic, Hazel was the golden child in Anne’s eyes and, even at such a young age, primed to be the heir to the families criminal empire. When they were eight they both fell ill. Hazel died, Teague didn’t. Hazel’s death was a blow to the dysfunction family which never quite recovered. Her death is also the reason Teague became the heir to the empire, despite his turbulent relationship with the matriarch, Anne. Teague rarely speaks about his sister. There are few surviving photographs of her since Anne removed most of them from view after her death. ( fc : raffey cassidy ).
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JONATHAN “JACK” TEAGUE — Teague’s younger brother by 4 ½ years.  Jonathan came into this world with a smile on his face and a bounce in his feet. Often seen as the self-appointed clown of the family/ Teague and Jonathan grew up very close. Because of the environment they grew up in Teague was very overprotective of Jonathan, often overcompensating for their distant parents. As an adult Jonathan is a bit of a drifter. He has served on an innumerable amount of ships. While he is a fine sailor who has served as high as quartermaster he has no desire to be a captain. He lives in the moment, often irresponsibly so. In modern Teague is often supporting him financially. ( fc : jeff bridges ).
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ADAM “ACE” TEAGUE — Teague’s youngest brother, with a 6 year age gap between them. Often the forgotten child with suspiciously similar features to Captain Henry Morgan. Adam may be the baby of the family but he is often the only one with a lick of common sense. As a child he often idiolized his big brother, Teague. However, after Teague departed from their family home Adam was forced to fend for himself in a world with Anne as his mother. With no desire to be a criminal Adam would eventually become a criminal lawyer (circumstances for how he received his education vary). Although his relationship with his older brother, Teague, can often be strained there remains a deep bond between them. Adam often struggles between the life he has built for himself and the one he can never entirely abandon. In modern verses Adam is the one who helps Jack strike a deal with the DA after Christophe’s kidnaps him. He eventually founded a Innocence Project law firm in Britain to help find justice. ( fc : shaun evans ).
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SAMUEL “KING SAMUEL”  — Teague’s closest friend as a teenager. Samuel grew up poor with a mother who was often working. He was the sole caretaker of his younger half-sister. Although Teague saw Samuel as a brother there was always a hidden feeling of resentment towards Teague. Samuel envied the amount of wealth and acclaim his friend would eventually inherit and felt Teague never completely appreciated the opportunities he would be offered later in life. While their relationship could sometimes be volatile they remained close, with Samuel initially serving as Teague’s right-hand (or quartermaster) before eventually obtaining his own reputation as a formidable captain. After Maria’s death Teague broke tradition by having Samuel serve as his heir, making him the pirate lord of the Atlantic. As Samuel’s greed continued to grow he would eventually fall into human trafficking as a way of expanding his empire, pronouncing himself “King”, rejecting the Pirate Codex, and by doing so becoming a rogue pirate. Although Teague denounced his former friend it wasn’t until a former slave, Gentleman Jocard, killed him in battle that “King Samuel’s” reign finally ended.    ( fc : Francois Arnaud  ).
SARAH — TBA ( fc : ).
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captainteague · 2 days
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@lighthouseborn //   Send me 🗣️ for incorrect quotes of your muse and mine // accepting
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captainteague · 2 days
#/ ayy I really like this#gives me teague vs adam vibes#especially in modern#for teague laws are meant to keep society knitted together#and that's a good thing to have#but laws aren't always effective#sometimes you have to enact your own justice (especially in the world he's from)#sometimes you have to protect others even when the law won't.#ESPECIALLY when the law won't.#Whereas Adam sees (or more accurately wants to believe) that it's much more black and white#you commit a crime you did a trash thing and should be punished#that's how you protect people#that's how you keep society from going ass up#But the world isn't that simple.
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AMERICAN GIGOLO 1980 • dir. Paul Schrader
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captainteague · 2 days
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THE MUSKETEERS 1.03 “Commodities”
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captainteague · 2 days
HEADCANON (MODERN).  One of the…let’s call this moment interesting for lack of a better term, was what can only be described as Teague vs British Student Dress Codes. It all started out when Teague received a call from the school complaining about the fact that Jack never completely tucked in his shirt. While Teague didn’t see the big deal he agreed to talk to Jack. He never broached the topic because it’s a dumb rule and if Jack wanted to spend the rest of his school life in detention over an untucked shirt that was his battle. 
Of course, Jack continued these minor violations, the school continued to call, and while Teague may have told him to “tuck in your fucking shirt” once or twice there wasn’t any real bite in it. The phone calls became more frequent and Teague became increasingly annoyed, not at Jack (shocking, I know) but at the school. 
Eventually, Teague stopped taking their calls. Their next step was to call them in for a meeting. Now, usually, such things never got that far. But Teague had managed to really ruffle their feathers about as much as he’d ruffled his. So into this meeting, Jack and Teague went. If Jack hadn’t been he likely wouldn’t have believed what he saw. Teague arguing in his defense? Preposterous. But that’s exactly what happened. Teague, having reached his bullshit limit for the decade over this one issue spent the entire meeting arguing (read: putting the fear of god into them in the way only Teague can). Questions such as “is this what I pay taxes for?” and “why are you obsessed with what he’s wearing?” were laid at their feet with utmost disdain. By the time he was done the room was silent and they left without waiting for a reply. 
They never called the Teague home again and Jack continued to leave his shirt untucked like the absolute devil that he is. 
I’ve discussed this a bit with @trickstercaptain​ and the entire idea amused me so I decided to write a headcanon about it.
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