American Royalty
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emberwexley · 19 hours ago
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emberwexley · 2 days ago
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My angel. Flung out of space.
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emberwexley · 2 days ago
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"Yeah, something small, to like honor everyone." That she'd lost. But the words didn't want to come and she wasn't about to force them, just in case they brought down the dam. "I dunno, I'd really have to think about it, I guess." Not that she truly wanted to think about much these days.
"What about you? If you could get whatever you wanted, what would you go for?" Heck, there wasn't even that bad of a chance that if it was designer it might even reside in this very building considering how extensive her own collection had been. Let alone her mothers. Though, she hadn't been able to bring herself to touch anything that belonged to her or and of the others.
"a tattoo!?" she wrinkles her nose, an over-exerted display of surprise! that quickly dissolves into another starlet smile. she doesn't care for them, but she's not about to let the little bit of information go. it was a little different— she'd expected something along the lines of new dior. but perhaps that was because september wexley was a little different. the hair sure seemed like it!
"that sure is a commitment! wow, good for you." the comment about seeing things on the internet is quickly bypassed, because there simply isn't any reason to talk about things that are gross if they're just chatting. not least because her time on the internet has always been kept to the minimum. "i just know you'd get something real nifty if you did that."
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emberwexley · 3 days ago
"Sometimes I do treat you like a kid," there was no lie in that, and he'll own it, only because she was acting like a kid sometimes, but he listened to her, like the adult she was. "I don't know what's it like having or growing up with siblings but.. I'm sorry you felt that way. He.. he wasn't too bad of a person," Ash tried to find some silver lining, he couldn't replace her family, "he did save my life so." Ash didn't appreciate it in the moment waking up hearing some famous doctor saved him and no one else made it, but he's standing here today partially because of him.
He flashed her a sad smile, quietly listening to her go off, suddenly feeling sad that of all the people he confided in over the past few years who knew Ember Wexley would've been one of those that actually shared his sentiment and experience rather than just give him sympathetic looks and tell him feels bad. He brows still raised at the dramatics of what happened, a crazy story that he'd never fathom or understand. Ashton wasn't part of some elite class with something for her to gain, so why him? "Thank you.. it's good to know at least someone believes me." That morning being ambushed by Jeremiah for the truth, that look on his face, Ash wasn't even sure he'd believe it. Perhaps because it'd be easier to believe otherwise, easier to just hate him for it than crack his head over what happened. "...Saudi royalty though??" He still had a hard time wrapping his head around it.
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emberwexley · 3 days ago
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Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) dir. Blake Edwards
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emberwexley · 3 days ago
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@emberwexley asked: 💛 our muses’ relationship
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emberwexley · 3 days ago
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@emberwexley asked:💛 our muses’ relationship
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emberwexley · 4 days ago
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Andrea Gibson, "DEPRESSION [VERB]", Lord of the Butterflies
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emberwexley · 4 days ago
"Oh oui, je suis désolé, Henri." One thing Ember could do, was speak a plethora of languages as varying levels of proficiency after an adult life spent bouncing all across the globe with the children of it's elite. And it almost surprised even her how easy it still was to slip into whatever was needed. "Vraiment?" Her whispered surprise was almost drowned out by the same popping of the cork that made her jump in her skin.
Blinking at his question, and shrinking a little back as he leaned into her, the movement unconscious as she instinctively cowed to this steel confidence and how off guard his sudden question caught her.
"A few... but they're nothing." She'd had her gallbladder out by laparoscopy and her knees had their share of little scars from all the time she'd fallen off her heels when drinking. Nothing significant. "I've never been, you know... shot." Nodding toward his shoulder, she fidgeted a little before picking up the glass the moment the bottle was lifted away and taking a sip to quiet her frayed nerves some.
"I um... I did have a Russian Oligarch hold me at knife point once but he was having some like freak out from a designer drug. He did ruin my custom Jean Paul Ataker dress, though." Not that that really mattered, but it had been her biggest take away from the incident she spoke so absently about, still a little confused by the question.
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As far back as he could remember there had always been a reason to continue the charade at civility that his mother and father had instilled in him. Manners and politeness and social niceties had been a necessity for Henri to have the kind of life he was accustomed to. Indulgences were something to savor, after all.
But.. the civilized world was dead and gone and whatever still remained rotted away in front of them. Not only was Elisabeth gone and his concern for appearances around her gone as well, but the change in pecking order had removed any potential consequence he could face for engaging in his darker proclivities more openly.
So why not indulge?
"Henri, S’il vous plaît." He reminded her. Henri joined her at the table, his fingers twisting the metal cage off of the bottle's cork. "And it's not the first scar she's given me." He began to work the cork loose and there was an audible pop as it gave to his strength.
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He leaned in her direction and filled the glasses, a cool confidence radiating off of him in contrast to her quiet discomfort. "Do you have any scars, Ember? Do you wear your pain like I do?"
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emberwexley · 5 days ago
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"Yeah, well, good for her, because that's where I want to be right now." God she was so fucking jealous of him right now with his soul-mate and his brother and his apartment full of unsullied memories. So jealous that in the end the world had turned out fine for him, given him everything while it had stripped absolutely everything away from her. Including himself.
The mention of her father was a slap in the face, and the knowledge of Eric being hurt was a punch in the chest, leaving her already fragile grip on composure reeling from the impacts.
"Don't you dare blame my Dad for that." It was a miracle she hadn't reached out to slap him. "Don't you have a life to take care of, Zach? One that has nothing to do with me now, because you get to go off and be so fucking happy while I get to sit here and count the memorial boxes I have to make to go along with Skyler's. So far the count is at six if you count my entire fucking home."
The word hung impatiently in the air seconds before he spat it out, as if he were waiting for a well-rehearsed line to be finished, so he could say his. No. He wouldn't let her do this to herself; he cared about Ember - that hadn't changed - even more so when she wasn't among Sada's devotees (obviously). His hand might have fallen back to his side, but Zach's eyes stayed on hers, studying her intoxicated features, grief blocking out her usual spark.
"I used to think the same about myself, I'll take my chance."
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"I'm not judging you. It's in Sada's best interest to keep you drunk and locked up by your own choice. You might be the last Wexley standing but you're far from alone, you've got people who care about you." His hand went back to her shoulder, stroking it in an attempt at calming her nerves, a bit like an alien trying to remember what it had learned about humans. "Eric almost got killed protecting the values your father stood for."
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emberwexley · 5 days ago
The touch of Val's fingers to her face set her insides to rolling as if the contact had resumed the turmoil of the tempest inside her, visible in the fluttering of her lashes and barely perceptible tilting into the contact.
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There was no resistance besides sluggishness as Ember let herself be lead, though her grip on Val's hand was white knuckled and desperate, an anchor in a sea she no longer recognized. The whole way her eyes only say Val, staying locked on the security of her familiarity as they passed through bastardized memories.
"I don't care as long as you stay." The worse were a hoarse whisper, as she entered a space that was the same as before, the realization pulling from her a tension relieving sigh as she drank into the familiarity that was like a hug despite the lack of warmth in Val's decorating. It felt warm.
Pausing her step after they'd taken a few toward the bathroom, Ember gave a tug to the brunette's arm to draw them together so she could press a soft, lingering, appreciative kiss to her cheek just at the corner of her mouth. The breath of her 'thank you' kissing there as well.
The Chen family had been lucky in the regard that death only ever reached them tangentially. It was a feat for a family that consisted of first responders, political figures, and ranking military. A belief that this was due to their ancestor's blessings had taken root in the Chen family tree long before Valerii was conceived and the notion that they were being protected by their linage had been as accepted as the color of the sky.
Valerii didn't understand loss.
Her career was built around death but she'd only ever learned to speak with the dead. Living people, grieving people, were so much harder.
Her fingers brushed strands of dirty hair behind Ember's ear to allow a better look at the woman's face. Her usual glow had grown dull. Tinkerbell had ran out of fairy dust.
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"I know."
Her hand moved to grab Ember's own and gently pulled her up from the couch. Ember needed to leave this room, free herself from the air of despair and misery that she was suffocating in. Valerii led the pair from Ember's suite to the elevator and pushed the button to her floor, carefully watching her in an attempt to gauge her reactions to Valerii's attempts at comfort.
"Do you want a bath or shower?" Val would give her either. Val would give her a lot of things. She unlocked her front door and led Ember into the dimly lit suite.
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emberwexley · 5 days ago
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"Ziggy?" Sliding up to sit a little straighter in the tub, Ember stole one last quick drink from the bottle of champagne that she'd nearly reached the bottom of. "In here."
Despite being in the bathtub, she was dry as a bone besides her face, make up from days ago still smeared across her face, dried down like some sort of parody of a sad clown. "Hey... hey, are you okay?" Reaching out the moment they appeared in the door, her fingers straining for one of their hands, she left the empty bottle in the bottom of the tub and dropped her straining hand to try and reach for another in a case right next to her bath/bed. "Come have some-... some champagne. It's kind of gross and warm, but it's still good."
who: @emberwexley
when: april 12th
where: ember's apartment
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if there was anything ziggy knew about in that messed up rock they were floating on, it was loss. they would like to say they knew ember quite well by now, too. in the current state of things though? they barely recognized themselves in the mirror most days. after spending the day on the roof, they washed up with beau and went down to check in on their best friend. they'd tried to do it as much as she'd tolerate it, even if it was just to sit there with her for a few hours and let her know that they were there. grief was a tricky thing.
"hey em? it's me." they moved into the apartment and looked around. "you in here or did i just commit a breaking and entering?"
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emberwexley · 5 days ago
"Yeah, right. If only it was as easy as hopping on the jet and taking off to Ibiza." At least if Canada was still there, then maybe Ibiza was, too. Thriving while they wallowed, and you know, what? Good for them. People deserved to thrive, even if she wasn't one of them.
"The stores?" It had never really occurred to her to go on a run to just 'shop'. "Oh-... I-.... I already had so much." It had never occurred to her before that she had been fine with what she'd had, and even more fine with giving much of it away to the store when she'd moved downstairs. She hadn't really been so worried about clothes, she supposed. Sure she was still cute, and dressed cute, it was mostly her best pieces with a few of Skyler's casuals for comfort.
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"I don't even know what I'd want. A tattoo maybe? Something like that? Though, that sounds risky nowadays. I've seen some pretty gross tattoo stuff on the internet." It was kind of nice, to just girl talk, and she felt her shoulders relaxing a little bit. "I have a little store here, upstairs, there's tons of stuff there if you want to decorate your place. I gave Ria the key, but she's really great, you'll love her. You can totally help yourself, you know... find something that you love."
"oh, hardly! i mean every name needs their scandal." while everyone else had been strange or overly polite in trying to compensate for whatever schism had befallen the building, this was someone who seemed to be completely wrapped up in her personal problems. how different! but ultimately, she wasn't sure what it got it her if it was a used-to-be home filled with used-to-be power.
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"so you're not going everywhere now? that's so unlike you!" was it? how was she to know, speaking as a friend and gesturing as though she'd known the wexleys for anything at all other than having money. "i'd think the department stores were a total free for all!" her collection at the raider camp had been a small compensation for what was still for the taking on the island, but she'd been smart about what she took with her. "i mean, when's the last time you got something you loved?"
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emberwexley · 5 days ago
"I'm okay, I guess, I'm just really appreciative, you know? For you treating me like an adult... like everyone else. I wish Toby was more like you, to be honest. Maybe he'd feel like a brother." Rather than a disappointed manager.
"Sada Vang is probably the actual anti-christ, so like... you don't have to worry about me believing her. Do you know that she had deals with the Saudi royal family... I should know, I was once a hostage of the crown Prince for a while because I was refusing to marry him after my first time here after we met at Coachella the summer after I graduated. Like talk about moving fast, I hadn't even gone to Amsterdam and smoked legally yet. Besides... They're like really mean to the working people there. It's actually so gross... anyway-...
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Daddy brokered something with him through Sada. I also know how many people in the elite circles that were rumoured to be blackmailed by her was like... a lot. You don't have to worry for a minute that I don't believe you, because I don't put anything past her."
"No comment on me solving the wormhole problem," Ashton continued the joke, plausible deniability if he was a time traveler. There's be too many issues if time travelling was a thing but he wasn't about to go into the boring sciency details to Ember. He instead sulked at Ember's technicalities of what they've move on from their previously tensed awkward acquaintance, "if that's a fact, it's done fuck all for me." Not that Ashton really wanted it to do anything for him. It was an uncomfortable thought to think about himself, but Ember is free to think about what she thinks about his capabilities to.. sexiness. Bottom line - no leather pants.
He gave a reassuring squeeze before releasing their hold, picking up on the shift looking back to her again despite her bright smile and laugh, a slight tilt of his head observing before deciding to ask, "you okay?" Despite the years and awkward outings with Ziggy and Beau, Ashton didn't really know Ember, the past few months probably the most the two of them actually learnt more of each other below a surface level, guess better late than never.
Her immediate belief in him was surprising, but heartening to know, Ashton let out an exhale of relief and a small smile of appreciation, "Sada has a way of always making people believe her," he opened up with a shake of his head, "I just.. I'm not letting her do that to me." Ash if nothing else wanted to clear his name, especially to the people that mattered to him.
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emberwexley · 6 days ago
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emberwexley · 6 days ago
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Clueless (1995) dir. Amy Heckerling
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emberwexley · 6 days ago
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ONE TREE HILL ( 2003 - 2012 ) ↳ season 2, episode 4
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