#tarlos weekly prompts
noxsoulmate · 1 year
💕✨ Forever’s gonna start tonight ✨💕
Ship: Tarlos | Fandom: 911 Lone Star | Author: noxsoulmate | Read on ao3
Word Count: 1517 | Rating: General Audience | Warnings/Tags: pure fluff, night before the wedding, traditions, keeping TK and Carlos apart is impossible, happily breaking tradition, late night conversations, cuddles and kisses, soft Carlos/TK, no cold feet here, THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED
“Why am I not surprised?” Carlos murmured between kisses, pulling TK closer after he made sure the blanket covered him fully.
“Not to undermine your detective skills,” TK replied, still peppering his face with little kisses that had Carlos hum in response. “But I’m sure everyone would be more surprised if I hadn’t snuck into your bedroom.”
Traditionally, the soon-to-be-married couple should sleep apart from each other the night before the wedding. But in TK Strand’s words: if anyone would’ve truly wanted that, they wouldn’t have let them sleep in the same house…
💕✨ Read on ao3 ✨💕
This was supposed to be a whole wedding fic but, well, me being me I never got around to finishing it 😅 so I thought I'd at least share this fluffy little piece of it and I hope you'll enjoy it 🥰
Sneak peek under the cut:
Carlos wasn’t the least bit surprised when the door to his room opened, not twenty minutes after the house had fallen silent. Without opening his eyes though grinning wide, he lifted the blanket, and it didn’t even take a second for TK to scoot beneath it and right into his arms. 
“Why am I not surprised?” he murmured between kisses, pulling TK closer after he made sure the blanket covered him fully.
“Not to undermine your detective skills,” TK replied, still peppering his face with little kisses that had Carlos hum in response. “But I’m sure everyone would be more surprised if I hadn’t snuck into your bedroom.”
“What about tradition?”
There was no real conviction behind Carlos’ question, and given the smugness in TK’s voice, they both knew that Carlos wasn’t protesting.
“If they’d truly wanted us to sleep apart the night before our wedding then they should’ve made sure I spent it somewhere else.”
“Mhh, that’s probably true.”
The whole wedding party sleeping at his parents' place was purely functional, seeing how it was only twenty minutes away from their wedding location. But yes, it truly meant they all hadn’t really thought about the fact that TK and Carlos would be sleeping in the same house, separated by nothing more than a corridor.
“Plus,” TK continued, now peppering little kisses along Carlos’ neck, “doesn’t everyone want happy and well-rested grooms on the day of the wedding? We both know neither of us sleeps well without the other there. So sleeping apart sounds rather counterproductive.”
“Can’t argue that logic.”
And so he didn’t. Instead, he finally opened his eyes, just to look at his fiancé and the wide smile greeting him.
“Hi,” he breathed against TK’s lips and got a little, “Hey,” in return before their lips met again in a sweet and innocent kiss. 
💕✨ Continue on ao3 ✨💕
Big thanks to @tarlosweeklyprompts and their Countdown to the Wedding, which gave me the final push to post this fluffy oneshot 🥰 this goes along with the prompts Traditions, “I’m ready to spend forever with you.”, and Spending the night apart before the wedding.
Noxy’s Tagging List:
@chaotictarlos, @detective-giggles, @sgirl18,  @sapphire11, @firstprince-history-huh, @beautifulhigh, @rangergurlgleek1211, @shadesofdeviant, @actuallysara, @paperstorm, @wtfuckevenknows, @lightningboltreader, @meditating-honey-badger, @just-inside-her, @alidravana, @morganaspendragonss, @bonheur-cafe, @heartstringsduet, @ravens-words, @lire-casander, @otter-love-asl, @ramblingdisaster73, @first-kanaphan, @xtltokio, @buckybarnesalways, @mangacat201, @tarlossource
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detective-giggles · 2 years
Perfect(ly Ordinary) Moments
Written for the @tarlosweeklyprompts (last week, sorry!) prompt of Dad!Tarlos and their first Halloween as parents. (Okay look, I know I keep saying I’ll finish Mari’s backstory and I will, I promise!)
Warnings: none wordcount: 1456
T: thank you for the beta, encouragement, and friendship! I 💜💜 you!
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TK lets out a low whistle as he enters the kitchen. He sashays up to Carlos and places a hand on the small of his back. “Hey babe, you almost ready?”
Carlos turns, looking unamused, but his eyes light up as he sees TK, clad in a tacky green suit covered in question marks. “Shit, you look good,” he murmurs. Carlos grabs TK by the tie and reels him in, then presses him against the counter and kisses him quick and dirty.
TK whines and pushes him back, “now you’ve smudged your face paint,” he gripes, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Did you get it on me?”
“Nah. You’re safe from the Joker for now,” Carlos says, turning back to his cake. “And I need just a few minutes.”
TK watches as Carlos spreads the yellow, orange, and white frosting, giving it the look of candy corn. “Didn’t you already make something for the bake sale?” He grabs a cookie from the plate and hops onto the counter, eating half the cookie in one bite.
“Yes. This is for the cakewalk,” Carlos says. He lets TK feed him the rest of the cookie and shrugs. “Okay, so we’ll go to the school for the carnival and stay until 7:30?”
“Yep. Then we’ll come home and you can put her to bed while I change costumes. Dad will be here just after 8 and we can still make it to Nancy and Mateo’s party.”
“And why exactly are you changing costumes?”
“Because the Joker would rather go to a party with Harley Quinn than the Riddler?” TK shrugs. “And my Harley Quinn outfit isn’t quite school-appropriate. But I’m dying to hang out with the guys tonight. I just need some adult time, you know?” He reaches for another cookie and Carlos stops him. “But there are plenty,” TK protests.
“Yes, but I can’t handle you and Mari on a sugar high all night.” Carlos moves to stand between TK’s legs and holds out his hand, letting TK lick the frosting off his fingers.
“This is counterproductive, you know,” he teases. “But it reminds me I’m dying to spend some adult time with you, too.”
Carlos leans in and kisses him again, this time slow and sweet, until they hear heavy footsteps on the staircase. Carlos steps back, slowly, and TK slides off the counter.
“Okay, I’m ready! Let’s gooooo!” Mari calls as she hurries into the kitchen.
“Are you sure you don’t want to be Wonder Woman or something?” TK asks.
Mari shakes her head adamantly and flips her cape in the air. “Batman is the coolest!”
Carlos kneels down in front of her, taking both of her hands in his. “Princess, do me a favor? Never say that in front of your Uncle Mateo, okay?”
TK huffs out a laugh as he grabs her headpiece off the counter and holds it out. “Don’t forget your cowl.”
Mari snatches it out of his hands and runs into the living room. “Where does she get all that energy?” Carlos yawns.
TK rolls his eyes as he yawns shortly after and shakes his head. “No yawning. Adult party, remember? It’s been ages and everyone is really looking forward to this. And I know-”
“I know, TK, we’ll get to the party. But first…the carnival.”
“Oh goody.”
The first responder in him is never fully off duty, and TK’s head pops up as his eyes scan the gym when he hears someone shriek from across the room. “This is going to be a long afternoon,” he murmurs
“Yep.” TK and Carlos do a little swap, Carlos takes the baked goodies and TK takes Mari’s hand. “Okay, you two are good while I do my shift at the bake sale?”
“I think I can handle our kid for an hour. Go, have fun,” TK says. TK picks her up and settles her on his hip. “Okay, Batman, what do you want to do first?”
Mari gives TK her best pleading face. “The bouncy castle?”
“The bouncy castle? Okay then, let’s go.” Mari loops her arms around TK’s neck and he carries her outside. “Let me hold your shoes.” TK worries a little as she climbs into the toy, but manages to make small talk with the other parents, and if he checks twice to make sure the inflatable castle is secure, well, no one notices.
Mari has two turns in the giant castle before they venture back inside the gym. They still have a little while before Carlos is back, and they head to the pumpkin painting table while they wait.
Mari talks TK into decorating a pumpkin too, and that’s where Carlos finds them a half hour later, both concentrating on their pumpkins. “You two are adorable,” Carlos says, snapping a couple of pictures and firing them off to Owen and Andrea before TK can stop him.
As soon as Carlos sits, Mari jumps up, her painting apparently forgotten. “Can we go do the games now, please?”
“Sure,” Carlos agrees as Mari takes him by the hand and pulls him to the first game in the row. TK chuckles to himself as he writes Mari’s name in sharpie on both pumpkins then sets them on the designated table, hoping they remember to collect them before they leave.
He joins them a few minutes later at a Halloween-themed pin the tail on the donkey. “She’s actually pretty good at this,” Carlos murmured as they watch her collect her prize.
Mari leads them through the gym, from game to game, until she has amassed a large collection of candy, trinkets, and stickers.
“I think it’s just about Batman’s bedtime,” TK says after they had been through all the games twice.
“I’m not tired!” Mari insists.
“Come on, you can fly out to the car.” Carlos picks her up and flips her over his shoulder. Mari lets out a little shriek of delight and strikes her best flying pose as Carlos carries her to the car with TK following close behind.
“Dad’s running just a little late,” TK explains as he unlocks the door.
“That’s probably good because so are we. Go change and I’ll put her to bed.” Carlos kneels and helps Mari take off her cape. “Okay, Princess, go upstairs and get your pajamas on and brush your teeth. I’ll be up in a minute.”
Mari nods but pauses as she passes TK. “Will you read my story?” She asks, tugging on his hand.
“Carlos is going to get your story tonight.”
“Please? You do the voices better,” she whispers.
Carlos gives TK an amused look. “You are pretty good at that fox.”
“Okay,” TK agrees. They were already late, a few extra minutes wouldn’t matter. “Brush your teeth first. And then bring your book down here.”
“Yayay!” Mari runs upstairs as Carlos sets the bag of candy on the counter. He takes off his jacket and joins TK on the couch, tucking himself into TK’s side.
“I know we’re running late for your party, but hopefully your dad will be here by the time her story is done and then we can go.”
“It’s okay,” TK shrugs and presses a kiss to the top of Carlos’ head.
Mari comes back downstairs with her book in one hand and dragging her favorite blankie behind her with the other. She hands TK the storybook and climbs onto the couch next to Carlos. She tucks herself into his side and Carlos covers her with the blanket.
TK starts reading, doing all the animal voices just like Mari likes. He’s about halfway through when he notices Carlos is unusually heavy. He pauses and realizes his husband is sound asleep against him. He leans over as much as he can and sees Mari, also fast asleep, just as the front door opens.
“Sorry I’m late,” Owen says. “You wouldn’t believe-”
“It’s okay. I guess we’re not going anyway.”
“It’s not that late. Carlos will wake up when you get up to carry her to bed. Go enjoy your evening.”
“I did,” TK admits. “Enjoy tonight, I mean. This was actually a lot of fun.”
Owen laughs and pats him on the shoulder. “You’re such a dad, and I’m proud of you. But as your dad, I definitely don’t recommend sleeping on the couch. Your back will hate you in the morning.” When TK just shrugs, Owen grabs the throw blanket from the back of the couch and covers TK and Carlos with it. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go?”
TK looks at his husband and daughter and knows he doesn’t want to be anywhere but where they are. “Yeah. I’m sure. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be tonight.”
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Week: July 9 - July 15
Prompt #1: Write a fic based in season 5 of Tarlos being husbands.
Prompt #2: Write a fic based on this video happening to Carlos:
Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqwddI5AUOQ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link thank you @jcams88 for the video 😂
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All works need to be new works.
All works need to be Tarlos centric
All works need to be properly tagged. - Additionally Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
More information in our pinned posts
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tarlos-spain · 1 year
Tarlos Pride Month
Lets start the Pride month, with my contribution in the shape of some fics, thanks to @tarlosweeklyprompts. So this is the first one.
Prompt: TK and Carlos both have Austin Pride off and are able to attend together.
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand and Andrea Reyes. Also a lot mentions to Gabriel Reyes
Pairing: Why change? Tarlos and only Tarlos
Summary: It is the first Pride in which TK and Carlos are married and Carlos had prepared the day with his father... now everything has changed.
Title: The pride that couldn't be
"I've packed two large bottles of water in my backpack and I've taken external batteries for the cell phones, if we get separated I don't want us to lose sight of each other because we know how the streets get later. Do you want to take a sweatshirt in case it cools down later?"
When he didn't get a response from Carlos, TK poked her head out the bedroom door, but his husband wasn't listening. He was sitting on the bed, staring off into nowhere.
He walked over to him and sat down next to him, but Carlos didn't react until he stroked his cheek to get his attention.
"Were you saying something?" Carlos asked with a sad smile.
"What's wrong my love?"
Carlos breathed heavily and rested his head on TK's shoulder.
"Sorry I didn't want to ruin today, with all the plans we had for pride." TK said nothing and allowed him to continue talking. "We have been thinking for so long about what we would do today and before that on the honeymoon, before that on the wedding that without realizing it I had forgotten, it sounds terrible, I know, but I had almost forgotten that my father is already here and that I had been waiting for months for the moment to invite him to Pride with us."
"Oh, Carlos, my love, really, why didn't you tell me before? I've been talking about today for days. We should stay home, watch a couple of movies, order dinner and..."
"No, that's not what I want." Carlos turned to him and kissed him. "I want to... I wanted to show this part of my life to my father taking advantage of the fact that Pride was right after the wedding, my father."
TK motioned Carlos to lie down next to him on the bed and then took his hand.
"I know it won't be the same and there's nothing I can do to bring Gabriel back to you, but I'd like you to share with me the day you had in mind with him. It's silly, I know."
"It's not silly at all." Carlos's smile became much more relaxed. He turned and half turned on his side on the bed, took both of TK's hands and kissed them. "Have I told you today how much I love you? I hate it when I forget to remind you one day."
"You told me this morning, when you got out of the shower and found your bathrobe fresh out of the dryer."
"Well, then I'll tell you again, because you don't have to do this. I don't want to ruin your day by being down."
"I've packed two large bottles of water in my backpack and I've taken external batteries for the cell phones, if we get separated I don't want us to lose sight of each other because we know how the streets get later. Do you want to take a sweatshirt in case it cools down later?"
When he didn't get a response from Carlos, TK poked her head out the bedroom door, but his husband wasn't listening. He was sitting on the bed, staring off into nowhere.
He walked over to him and sat down next to him, but Carlos didn't react until he stroked his cheek to get his attention.
"Were you saying something?" Carlos asked with a sad smile.
"What's wrong my love?"
Carlos breathed heavily and rested his head on TK's shoulder.
"Sorry I didn't want to ruin today, with all the plans we had for pride." TK said nothing and allowed him to continue talking. "We have been thinking for so long about what we would do today and before that on the honeymoon, before that on the wedding that without realizing it I had forgotten, it sounds terrible, I know, but I had almost forgotten that my father is already here and that I had been waiting for months for the moment to invite him to Pride with us."
"Oh, Carlos, my love, really, why didn't you tell me before? I've been talking about today for days. We should stay home, watch a couple of movies, order dinner and..."
"No, that's not what I want." Carlos turned to him and kissed him. "I want to... I wanted to show this part of my life to my father taking advantage of the fact that Pride was right after the wedding, my father."
TK motioned Carlos to lie down next to him on the bed and then took his hand.
"I know it won't be the same and there's nothing I can do to bring Gabriel back to you, but I'd like you to share with me the day you had in mind with him. It's silly, I know."
"It's not silly at all." Carlos's smile became much more relaxed. He turned and half turned on his side on the bed, took both of TK's hands and kissed them. "Have I told you today how much I love you? I hate it when I forget to remind you one day."
"You told me this morning, when you got out of the shower and found your bathrobe fresh out of the dryer."
"Well, then I'll tell you again, because you don't have to do this. I don't want to ruin your day by being down."
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xtltokio · 2 years
Moodboard: T.K & Carlos saw his new daughter costume for Halloween for the time.
Made for: @tarlosweeklyprompts
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sapphire11 · 2 years
After yesterday's Ronen's ig post I vote for AMBULANCE CRASH 🙈
Hi Anon!!
OMG that IG post was hilarious. 🤣 I love the shenanigans.
I'm struggling with coming up with a good original fic idea for the ambulance crash prompt ... if you have one you'd like me to write please send it to me!! 🙏💛
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carlos-in-glasses · 9 months
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2023 Writing Round Up
Thank you for the tag @heartstringsduet @reasonandfaithinharmony @jesuisici33 @chicgeekgirl89 @thisbuildinghasfeelings @theghostofashton @orchidscript @welcometololaland @ladytessa74 @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @alrightbuckaroo
Rules: Share what you wrote this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you wrote or just the ones you're most excited about.
15 fics this year! I have loved writing and sharing every one of them. Thank you to everyone who has read or will at some point. Work is a lot busier these days, so I don’t anticipate writing the same volume in 2024…but we shall see! I just want whatever I share to be good quality, and it’s my New Year’s resolution to keep improving. I love Tarlos. I love writing Tarlos fic. I love this fandom.
The Ruins of Wonderland – a reimagining of TK and Carlos getting back together after their breakup. I posted this on New Year’s Day, resolving to start 2023 off on the right fanfic foot.
Chasers – A coda for 3x13. TK talks to Cooper about his past, while Carlos goes for a swim and thinks about his own. When Carlos gets home, he and TK have an important chat. The rection to this fic spurred me on to continue writing in the flashback/vignette/timeline format.
Man to Man – A coda for 2x11 and 2x12, which also looks at Carlos coming out to his parents and where he is now with it all.
Afterglow of a Supernova – When fiancés TK and Carlos help Carlos’ high school crush and his wife during a call, they end up having a dinner with them that leads to jealousy in an unexpected way. The feedback I’ve had on this fic sent me to the moon on rainbows.
The Heart Behind the Shield – My first chaptered fic! I'd been wanting to write a 2x08 coda, but it was 4x04 that made it possible. This combines events from both episodes where there’s duality, and was an absolute blast to write and post.
The Light of Our Life – Listen, I wrote this during an extended lunch break and posted it the same day. For somehow it’s my fifth most kudos’d fic of the year…Thank you!!! We were all deep in our Lou II feelings at this time. Never forget.
Fire Island – TK and Carlos travel to Fire Island, where an older gay couple talks to them about their experience of the AIDS crisis in 1980s New York. This fic by far had the most emotional impact on me while writing it, and based on feedback it seems to be the same for readers(?) People have shared personal stories and memories with me since I posted this, and I just want to say I’m truly grateful for the response, given I wrote it in January but didn’t feel brave enough to post it for a few months.
With Infinity Folded Into It – Written for the @tarlosweeklyprompts Countdown to the Wedding event (prompt was: Love). After TK proposes, Carlos remembers the first time they said “I love you.” It’s fluff, it’s smut, it’s kinda angsty because Carlos is trying to bake and baking is stressful.
The Center of the Maze – Another written for Tarlos Weekly Prompts Countdown to the Wedding. (Prompt: "I Never Thought I Would Get This Day".) I thought this was going to be a 2k one-shot; it turned into 20k split into 4 chapters… Seven times they thought they would never get married, and one time when they actually did. I was super inspired and happy with the writing in this one.
June into July
When Soulmates Swim – The closest I’ll ever come to writing a sports AU (….or is it?👀…) Sparks and splashes fly when TK and Carlos each take up swimming while they recover from workplace injuries. I really pushed myself with smut and humour in this fic and the feedback I’ve had has been incredible. One of the most enjoyable writing experiences I’ve ever had, this fic holds a special place in heart.
Release The Hand to Relax the Animal – TK and Carlos explore the world of tantric massage in their own way. Written because Rafael Silva has madly attractive hands, and @heartstringsduet and I thought we should celebrate. You can read Michelle’s hands fic, Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life, Too, here. It is BEAUTIFUL.
(Nothing in August)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines – A 3x08 coda, which also gets into TK and Carlos’ childhood memories of 9/11, and the way that event went on to impact their lives (to the point where it set them on the path to meeting each other). It recieved the most amazing comments, with people sharing their memories of 9/11, so like Fire Island this fic feels deeper to me in a social way.
Suddenly in the Silence – I’d ‘joked’ about the show giving us Ghost Gabriel in season 5, but a conversation with thisbuildinghasfeelings led me to explore that concept myself. In this fic, it’s up to the reader to decide whether they think the spirit of Gabriel is around, which made writing it challenging but a lot of fun. It’s so interesting to see what side people fall on!
Where All This Love Comes From – This is my Tarlos novel at ~90k words, due to finish posting in February. I began writing it in March, when a hefty amount of plot relied on Gabriel being alive after season 4. Substantial rewrites happened after May, which was pretty gutting at the time, but ultimately I think this has ended up being the best thing I’ve written so far in my life.
There is a smutty one-shot coming with a scream very soon…And I hope you like it!
I'm not sure who has already done this - tagging with no pressure if you want to share/haven't already - and open tag!
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @goodways @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @wandering-night19 @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @rmd-writes @rosedavid @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader @taralaurel @three-drink-amy @redshirt2 @noxsoulmate @sanjuwrites @bonheur-cafe @liminalmemories21
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 5 months
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Thanks for the tag @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad !!
I know I said I probably wouldn’t get back into writing right away but here I go anyway (oops but also yay?)
This is a little something that I hope to get done in time for the Tarlos one year anniversary event I do then, I do now, I do forever
In which TK and Carlos are deep in the throes of the ‘for better or for worse’ part of marriage:
“Carlos? What are you.. are you sleeping on the couch??”
Carlos cringes. He doesn’t know which reaction he was expecting but it definitely wasn’t this.
TK looks angry but Carlos’ intricate knowledge of every single one of TK’s facial expressions tells him he’s mostly hurt and trying to hide it. Carlos has to stop himself from sighing- dealing with a tired and emotional TK in the middle of the night kind of defeats the purpose of sneaking off to sleep on the couch in the first place. He catches himself though and doesn’t have to school his own features into looking genuinely apologetic; he’s never been able to fully hide his emotions from TK and he hates it when TK is is hurt and it’s a hundred times worse when he’s the cause of it.
Even so, TK’s hand doesn’t squeeze back but instead stays motionless as Carlos takes it in his and rubs his thumb over the back of in a way that TK has told him always make him feel safe and cared for.
“Babe,” Carlos tries, “I’m really sorry, I..” he swallows. “I’ve just been so stressed at work lately with this case, and I really need to sleep and-“
“It’s not like you’re not much better yourself you know!” TK interrupts loudly, his tone taking on a hardness that spreads to the set of his eyes, which are starting to lean more towards angry now.
Carlos is left reeling from the sudden change of pace. “I- what?”
“Yeah,” TK says, tone of voice dipping into even more dangerous territory, the one it only takes on when he feels like his only mode of defense left is hitting Carlos somewhere below the belt, “after a couple glasses of wine I swear you snore so loudly it’s like trying to sleep next to the firetruck when Mateo is trying to start it going uphill and forgets to turn off the parking break”
Link to the event here and tags under the cut:
Tagging @carlos-in-glasses @lemonlyman-dotcom @whatsintheboxmh @herefortarlos @paperstorm @heartstringsduet and @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Inspiration Sunday
In the craziness of this week, I forgot I had started this fic last week until I opened my laptop to finish some homework. So here's some inspiration and a few lines.
Thank you for the tags @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut and @lemonlyman-dotcom
Also thank you to the Tarlos Weekly Prompts discord server for being the real MVPs and encouraging me to write this ridiculous fic after I discovered condoms in the vending machine at my local Laundromat.
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yes the vending machine picture is one I took at my local laundromat.
Sneak Peak:
“Babe did you see that they have condoms in the vending machine now,” TK calls from a few feet away. Carlos raises his eyebrow, surely a laundromat wouldn’t be selling condoms - what would be the purpose for that?
“TK stop messing around and come help me with the clothes,” Carlos says, folding up one of their towels. He doesn’t particularly like that they’ve had to come to the laundromat to do their laundry, but the unit in their loft is broken and it’s laundry day.
“I think we should try them out,” TK says, instead of coming back over to help.
“Tyler…” Carlos says, a warning in his tone.
TK comes bouncing back over with a bag of gummy bears in one hand… and a box of condoms in the other.
“I bought them,” TK says, hopping up onto the laundry table with a mischievous grin. “I think we should try them out.”
Carlos rolls his eyes, “We’re in a public laundromat.”
TK shrugs, “Yeah, but if they didn’t want people to fuck they wouldn’t provide condoms.”
“I don’t think they have condoms here because they want people to fuck in their public space.”
“Then why else would they have condoms?
npt: @sanjuwrites @thebumblecee @mooshkat @paperstorm @birdclowns @meditating-honey-badger @detective-giggles @tailoredshirt @taralaurel @basilsunrise @catanisspicy @rosedavid @three-drink-amy @reyestrandd @kiloskywalker and anyone else who stumbles upon this post and wants to share something they are working on.
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Hiiiii! I’ve recently started writing fanfics in this fandom. Unfortunately, none of my beta readers are connected or interested in our firefam :((
So I was wondering if you have any idea where we could find our lovely beta readers in this fandom?? I’m more than willing to return the favour, no strings.
Is there any forum when we could sample our works? Or just list out our fics and seek someone?
If you could let me know about it, or just point me to someone who can do that, it’d be greatly appreciated! Thank you xx
Hi and welcome to the community, I’m so glad you’re here!
We have a whole bunch of fantastic betas across the fandom and I bet we can use this post to connect you to one.
Are you a beta with availability? Please help! 💛
I am not aware of a general 911 Lone Star forum for writers, but if your work is Tarlos-centric and you’re 18+, I encourage you to check out the Tarlos Weekly Prompts Discord Server. This is @chaotictarlos’s community of writers and cheerleaders, and includes brainstorming, fic sharing and beta request channels.
You may also find a good beta match by seeking out those credited with beta reading others’ 911 LS fics, or asking the writers who they use.
But today I’m asking my mutuals who are interested to reblog or comment so that you can reach out to them directly.
Thanks for the ask and good luck!
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strandnreyes · 1 year
Hello! I would love to know - when and how did you discover Lone Star, and when did it click that you wanted to write fanfic for it? As this is my first fandom experience, I'm always so interested in how people started off in this fandom and how they feel when they reflect on their own early days of it.
Hi! this is also my first fandom that I've really dived into. this is kind of anti-tumblr culture, but it actually takes a lot for me to get really hooked on something asdfas
I first discovered lone star when watching the superbowl in 2020 lol and there was preview on (that included this... i get why it wasn't included in the final cut but rip)
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and at the time, I wanted a new weekly show to watch and so I binged the first few episodes and starting watching live during 1x04. It was a long few weeks to get more tarlos content, but I had also started to enjoy a lot of the other characters and dynamics by that point and by the time 1x10 rolled around, I was hooked and the world was shutting down and I was suffering from not knowing when the next season would ever come back (a familiar feeling now...). which prompted a full rewatch and a lot of fic reading.
But I didn't start writing my own fic until August of 2021 because it was something I'd never done before and didn't think I'd be interested in it at all. it seemed like it would be such a tedious process and I didn't know how to make a character feel in character (shoutout to the people who watch one episode of something and can write a fic). but then it was hiatus and once again, I missed them and took a shot at writing my own fic. and here I am two years later!
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911fandomweekly · 1 year
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Hello, 9-1-1 Fandom!
Welcome to this week’s edition of the 9-1-1 Fandom Weekly, where we update you on all of the events going on in the fandom this week!
This Week in 9-1-1 ◈ April 17th
🔹 9-1-1 Big Bang @911big-bang Author sign-ups are currently open through May 1st.
🔸 Tarlos Weekly Prompts @tarlosweeklyprompts This week’s prompts are: → Prompt #1: Rewrite a conversation TK and Carlos has had in canon how you wanted it to go. → Prompt #2: "It just seems like you don't trust me... I just want you to trust me." Submissions are due by 5pm ET Saturday, April 22nd.
🔸 The 118 Weekly @the118discord This month’s theme is Hurt/Comfort & Weather. This week’s prompts are "It's not what it looks like.” and “Heatwave”. Submissions are always ongoing/welcome.
COMING SOON (starting within a month)
🔹 9-1-1 & 9-1-1: Lone Star First Kiss Week @911firstkissweek May 8 - 14
🔹 9-1-1 Big Bang @911big-bang Artist sign-ups open May 10th
🔹 9-1-1 BINGO: Round 3 @911bingo Sign-ups open early May
🚨9-1-1 airs tonight! 6x14: Performance Anxiety🚨 🚨9-1-1: Lone Star airs tomorrow! 4x13: Open🚨
If anything is missing from this list, please let us know!
You can also check out our blog for a comprehensive archive of Past Events, as well as all of the Upcoming Events that we know about.
Have a great week!
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↬June 2023 - 24 Hour Challenge↫
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Hello all! For June I'm bringing back the 24 hour Pride Challenge that I put on last year! It turned out to be such a fun event and so many people participated! It was a joy to read all of the fics that were submitted for the challenge!
How it works:
I will post a prompt every other day and you will have 24 hours to write a fic based on the prompt and post it. For example if I post a prompt on Monday at 12 p.m. EST  you would have until Tuesday at 12 p.m. EST to post it. The next new prompt would then be posted on Wednesday at 12 p.m. EST.
The first prompt will be posted Thursday, June 1, at 12 p.m.
**note because of the event happening and prompts being posted every other day I will not be posting regular weekly prompts.
Days prompts will be posted:
June 1
June 3
June 5
June 7
June 9
June 11
June 13
June 15
June 17
June 19
June 21
June 23
June 25
June 27
June 29
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moodboards, fanart, gifs
The prompt needs to be incorporated in some way in the fic
Minimum word count of 500 words
Please tag the blog url and tag it with the hashtag #twppride2023
Any questions? Just ask!
*reminder that I also have a discord for this blog and if you're over 18, DM me for a link to join!
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Month: October 1 - October 31
Hello and welcome to our first ever monthly prompt! I hope you're as excited as I am for this! I did reuse some prompts from my weekly blog because I thought they would do well as longer fics.
Theme of the month: Fall because of course! It's such a great time to have a fall themed month and the possibilities are endless!
Prompt #1: Scenario: There is a mix-up with paperwork and TK is fired for a brief period of time. With time on his hands as Captain Vega works to figure out what happened and how to reinstate TK, TK convinces Carlos to take a week off work (everyone knows that he has many PTO days saved up) and go on a small vacation.
Prompt #2: An AU where Carlos is an author and TK owns a small, whole-in-the-wall bookstore. Wanting to get his book store some more attention (before it fails and he has to close it) he reaches out to best selling author Carlos Reyes to ask him to do a book signing for his newest book at his store. To his surprise, Carlos says yes.
Prompt #3: TK and Carlos decide that they want to be more adventurous in their sex life so they start to try out different kinks and things in the bedroom. How does it go? What works? What doesn't?
Prompt #4: TK and Carlos decide on a Fall Wedding.
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (These topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All works need to be posted by the end of the month, a masterlist will be posted the following Monday.
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosmonthlyprompts
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xtltokio · 2 years
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Ship: T.K & Carlos (Tarlos) / Fandom: 9-1-1 Lone Star / Word Count: 1467 / Tags: angst, emotional hurt,
Made for Tarlos Weekly Prompts Advent Calendar
Dec. 13: Christmas Tree Shopping
Buying a Christmas tree may seem simple, but it opens up wounds after Carlos’ accident.
If you can read this fic with the song Poison & Wine by The Civil Wars, I highly recommend.
Buck it up for an angst/emotional story
Sneak Peek:
Carlos & T.K already spent a few hours trying to find a perfect Christmas tree, he wasn't satisfied with any, either the trees were too big or too small, Carlos pointed out that the trees were the same as they always were but it didn't matter.
Read on AO3
Made for: @tarlosweeklyprompts​
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sapphire11 · 2 years
There are some ambulance crash TK whump fics out there, but probably I've never seen a poisoning one? I'm so excited for those fics!!!!! (Whumpee TK my beloved 🥰). Have a nice day!!! 🥰
Oooh you are right there are a couple of ambulance crash fics .... and idk about poisoning 👀 ... Anon I think you sparked an idea for me for this prompt 🥳😗
And thank you so much!! I can't lie, whumpee TK is my favorite.
Have a great day friend!! 💛
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