#target cellulite
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I share my top non-surgical body contouring treatments for 2025!
From muscle building to fat reduction and skin tightening, I break down the most effective in-office procedures that can help you achieve your body goals without surgery.
Based on my 20 years of experience, I also reveal my personal fitness and diet routine, including meal prep tips and intermittent fasting schedule. Plus, I discuss important updates about treatments I don't offer but are worth considering, including cellulite solutions and insights about GLP1 medications.
Topics Covered: EMSculpt for muscle building and toning Kybella for targeted fat reduction Skin tightening (Thermage, Ellure, Sculptra) Personal fitness and diet routine Intermittent fasting tips Cellulite treatments (Avéli) GLP1 medication considerations Renuvion technology Body skincare products and topicals
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wrote some original fiction look at that!!! have been thinking very loosely about writing the bakery ladies in a modern setting, and a love interest for marigold keeps insisting i give her some attention, so i gave her some today. :)
amazing news for all: this DOES read completely fine without any context! it's a standalone. soooo if u wanna meet my girls but have found the new fandom confusing: meet them now!
Marigold hadn’t actually been expecting to find anyone else under the table. She’d sort of been hoping for the opposite: a people-free location, somewhere that no one was looking at, where she wouldn’t be surrounded by a thousand incredibly thin people wearing as little as possible because they didn’t have any reason to feel like an overstuffed sausage when they wore a glorified bra to a social engagement. And she wasn’t one of those thin-girls-who-thought-they-were-fat-but-were-really-just-charmingly-curvy, either–she had cellulite, she couldn’t ever find anything in a Target, and stretch marks covered her hips and breasts and upper arms in such a way that low-rise jeans and corset tops wouldn’t have looked half as charming on her, at least in her estimation.
Not that the size of the people here was what had Marigold under the table–no, that was just what she’d been thinking bitterly about for the first fifteen minutes of the party, as soon as effortlessly beautiful Evie had shown up with equally effortlessly beautiful Amara, both of them looking practically emaciated, both of them wearing the sorts of things that Marigold had sort of thought people only wore for Instagram photos. And absolutely everyone at the party was beautiful, too, of course, with Marigold easily the biggest girl there, never mind that she didn’t know anyone there, because she still didn’t know a single meaningful thing about Evie.
Evie had swanned off immediately once it was clear that Marigold was “settled in,” or at least “settled in” by her definition, which mostly seemed to mean “physically present.” Marigold suspected that she was off with Amara, or with one of the many boys bearing down on her like they could smell blood in the water. That was the sort of thing that was supposed to concern a sister, wasn’t it? Would have, if it was Marigold getting flirted with at a strange party and Roslin and Lenora lingering reprovingly in the corner–but Roslin and Lenora would never have left her alone at one of these, and Evie had, which was maybe the difference between adoptive and biological sisters. Wonderful to find that out now.
So Marigold had stayed standing there, awkwardly, and made excruciating conversation with people she hadn’t wanted to talk to, because she’d come here to talk to Evie, to spend time with Evie, to learn more about a sister who she’d lost and somehow found again, only to find that the feeling wasn’t mutual and Evie really just wanted to go be social with another party-goer in the host’s bathroom. And she wouldn’t have ducked under the table if not for the fact that one of the party-goers had asked, “Wait, you’re Evie’s sister? That chick she’s always talking about who got, like, murdered or some shit?” at which point Marigold had found herself so blazingly angry at Evie that she’d known she couldn’t talk to anyone at the party anymore.
Hence: table! Not the world’s most normal hiding place, but most of the party-goers were drunk enough that no one was looking very hard for Marigold. She’d seen a flutter of movement under the tablecloth, remembered that one of the hosts had mentioned a cat, decided that mortification was better than fielding even one more question about a story no stranger had any right to (and no sister had any right to tell). So she had ducked under the table, and she had found her eyes locked with eyes so green they seemed to glow in the dark.
Marigold said the only thing she could think of. “Is this seat taken?”
The eyes blinked. The face they belonged to was pale and sallow, possibly East Asian–though of course, Marigold, being something of a mix of things herself, had never been very good at ascertaining where anyone else hailed from, which made guessing probably not a good idea. The girl had long, dark hair, blacker than even the dim light around them, and she was wearing thick-framed black glasses that only added to the large luminescence of her eyes. She didn’t say anything, just tucked her feet in so that Marigold could shift all the way under the table.
Marigold never did well with silences, and she wasn’t really sure how to fill this one. What did the standard social contract have to say about dinner table conversation when one or both party members found themselves under it? “Do you, um.” She smiled awkwardly. “Come here often?”
The small smile that danced across the girl’s face immediately settled Marigold’s nerves. Anyone who smiled at an awful joke like that would probably be a very permissive conversationalist, which Marigold always needed in a conversation partner; her mouth ran on and she wasn’t very good at stopping it when it started.
“I’m Marigold,” Marigold offered.
The girl raised a hand and waved. She was wearing quite a lot of rings and none of them matched. More than a few were the cheap plastic sort one might get as an arcade prize. She said something, barely a whisper, but the music was loud enough that even a whisper would have been impossible to hear.
The girl bit her lip. She leaned forward. At normal volume, she said, “Beetle.”
“...Beetle?” repeated a bemused Marigold.
The girl jerked her thumb towards her chest.
“Oh, you’re Beetle?”
The girl smiled again. She was wearing lipstick, Marigold noted, blood-red, but with a blackish undertone that made her look positively gothic. There were really quite a lot of things to look at when it came to this girl; it felt like Marigold could spend more than just a few centuries looking at her, and still have places she wanted to keep looking. Mostly the eyes. Her lashes were sharp and thin, like spider legs.
“I’m Marigold,” said Marigold, winced, and said, “I think I said that already.”
Beetle moved forward a bit more. Stared at Marigold, unblinking. Marigold felt pleasantly unmoored and incredibly aware of how pretty this girl was. Was this the sort of party where people kissed each other? Marigold was a bit too sober for drunken kissing, but maybe Beetle was drunk and wanted to kiss her. She didn’t smell like alcohol. She smelled…sort of like hand sanitizer. A lot of hand sanitizer.
Beetle moved back again, still staring, still smiling. Clearly this interaction appeared to be going successfully, at least from her perspective, which was a baffling relief. Marigold was fairly certain all she’d done was say her own name and usurp Beetle’s solitary hiding place.
There was a crash from the living room, followed by raised voices. Marigold flinched involuntarily.
Beetle’s hand rested on her shoulder, feather-light, as if waiting for permission to close her fingers and hold Marigold all the way. It was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one; Marigold liked very much when people touched her, though she wasn’t always sure how much touching was allowed between people who barely knew each other. She shrugged her shoulder up a bit so that it connected more firmly with Beetle’s hand, which made Beetle smile again, reassuringly, and tighten her grip just enough to make it less of a hovering question.
“It’s a bit loud,” Marigold confessed.
Beetle nodded emphatically.
“Do you think anyone will notice if we, I don’t know,” Marigold glanced furtively at the moving feet around them, “leave the table and go somewhere else?”
Beetle said, “Oh, I don’t care. I don’t know these people.”
Her voice, while warm, was somehow a lot lower than Marigold had expected–a warm alto voice. This, too, Marigold liked immensely. She let Beetle steer her out from under the table, made brave by Beetle’s hand on her upper arm. A few people by the table stepped back, alarmed and bemused, and Beetle fixed them with a hard look that held nothing of the still, sweet curiosity she’d shown Marigold under the table, which made Marigold like her even more.
Evie was kissing Amara on the sofa. Marigold turned her eyes away, towards Beetle, as they stepped quietly outside.
The street was silent save for the muffled sounds from the party indoors. It was chilly, but pleasantly so; Marigold hadn’t brought a jacket, and didn’t half regret it. She liked the cold.
Beetle said, “I don’t think I’ve seen you at one of these before.”
“So you don’t know these people, but you’ve been here enough times to know I’m new to this?”
“I live upstairs,” said Beetle. “They mostly just invite me to be nice. I came today because it’s November and I have a shit-ton of discount Halloween candy that I didn’t know what to do with, so I was just like, hey, why not give it to a bunch of drunk people and keep it from cluttering up my room forever?”
“Where did you get the discount Halloween candy?”
Beetle smiled. “At the grocery store.”
“Too much to just eat yourself?”
“I have little siblings,” said Beetle. “I was putting together a care package to send to them in California, but I guess I sort of overestimated how much Halloween candy was gonna be in those bags. You know how usually they fill potato chip bags only halfway? Kinda thought the Halloween candy bags would be like that. Or maybe I wasn’t really paying attention. I don’t know.”
Marigold asked, shyly, “Do you still have candy left over, or would we have to go back into the party to get it?”
“I got like seven bags,” said Beetle. “I think I brought four down. I left three upstairs because I felt like I might need them for something.” She shrugged, then smiled. “I guess it’s this?”
“You’re awfully nice, you know,” said Marigold.
“Not a lot of people tell me that,” said Beetle.
“Well, you are! I wouldn’t give my candy away to a stranger, if I had any–”
“Oh, please. You’re not a stranger. We’re under-the-table buddies. That’s basically like the antisocial shut-in version of brothers-in-arms.”
Marigold was opening her mouth to say something else when a car across the street honked its horn, once, twice, three times, with particular urgency. She recognized the sound immediately. Turning slowly, she exhaled through her teeth with exasperated frustration. “Oh, hold on,” she said, and crossed the street.
“No no no don’t come over here!” shrieked Roslin from the front seat. “We’re not here! We’re–Mom, why would you do that?!”
Thea said, “Bunny, did Evie leave you at that party by yourself? I keep saying–”
“Did you follow me here?!” Marigold demanded.
“We came along to try to stop her,” said Lenora, who was sitting in the backseat with Sofie in her lap. She added, somewhat redundantly, “Didn’t work.”
Sofie babbled. Marigold said, “You brought Sofie?! It’s well past her bedtime! And you know I’ve been trying to get her on that regular sleep schedule–”
“Couldn’t find a babysitter,” said Thea.
“One of you could have stayed home! I told you,” Marigold continued indignantly, “I said it was fine, and it is, and I don’t need some sort of police escort if I want to go and spend some time with my sister–”
“I don’t like the look of some of the people that girl trusts,” said Thea ominously.
“You don’t like the look of anyone, Mommy,” said Marigold, even though she did actually agree. “Butt out.”
“Will you need a ride home?” said Thea. “Don’t see Evie round.”
Marigold had, in fact, come to the party with Evie, and her phone was still the old flip phone that Thea had gotten all of them because Thea didn’t believe in smartphones, so calling an Uber wasn’t really an option for her in the same way that it would have been were her mother, oh, remotely fucking normal about anything. But the thing about Thea was that because Marigold couldn’t call an Uber, Thea would also do things like this, which, annoyingly, pretty much balanced things out.
She said, “You came to give me a ride home?”
“Case you needed one,” said Thea. “Parties run late for girls your age. And you don’t go to these things often.”
Marigold said awkwardly, “Well, I’m–sort of going to go get Halloween candy from this girl’s apartment?”
Lenora sat up straighter, staring incredulously. Roslin said, “Bunny, how are you even a real person. Oh my god. She’s literally going to kidnap you.”
“I am twenty years old,” said Marigold.
“They’re going to–” Roslin was starting to laugh. “They’re going to have to put your face on the fucking milk cartons. You’re going to be the first ever college student to get kidnapped the same way they get kindergarteners. You would literally get into an unmarked van for candy. This is why we’ve gotta drive out with the baby at butt o’clock in the morning and make sure you’re not getting yourself roofied or something!”
Thea stiffened. Marigold said, “Rosie, do not say roofied in front of Mom?”
“You’re the one saying I’m going to get Halloween candy from this girl’s apartment in front of Mom!”
Marigold glanced over her shoulder. Beetle was standing across the street. The March family was pretty historically good at being really loud for no reason, which meant that there was a less-than-zero chance she’d heard all of that, even with the distance. “Look, just–wait in the car, I’ll call you,” she said.
“Not even slightly,” said Thea. “You’ll get the candy and you’ll come home.”
“I am twenty years old! Mom–”
“You’ve got class in the morning and you’re not taking the train before it’s light out, which you’ll have to do to get to campus on time. We’ll wait out here to drive you home.”
“God,” said Marigold, “fine,” even though she wasn’t really all that mad and they all knew it. Having a family who drove across town just to make sure you got home safe wasn’t always a guarantee. She leaned in through the open window and pressed a firm kiss to Thea’s cheek. “I love you, mommy.”
“My bunny,” said Thea. Her hand passed gently over Marigold’s hair. “Evie been good to you?”
Marigold didn’t really want to answer that question. She squeezed Thea’s hand and hoped that this would count as a response.
Lenora said, “If she turns out to be a total bitch, we’ll stab her.”
“Do not talk about stabbing in front of the baby,” said Marigold immediately. She turned back towards the lit-up house and the too-loud music, picking up the pace.
Beetle was still standing there, waiting. She said, “Cute family!” in a tone of voice that was decisively amused without being mocking, which Marigold liked.
“They brought the baby out at whatever the fuck time it is,” said Marigold tiredly, “just to make sure I was fine, which I am. You’re not going to, like, take me up to your apartment and murder me with your Halloween candy, right?”
“I’m thinking of calling it Death By Chocolate,” said Beetle, straight-faced. Marigold snorted. “Bummer you’ve gotta go, though. Kinda felt like we should get to know each other.”
“Really?” said Marigold. Her heart flipped over.
Beetle smiled, that eerie, lovely smile, and said, “You ever just feel like maybe you’re supposed to know someone?”
Yes. No. Sort of. Marigold had felt that way about Thea, Roslin, Lenora, very much Sofie, but it hadn’t felt like this. “You could be wrong,” she said, carefully.
“Okay, yeah, I could be,” Beetle gamely agreed, turning on her heel to head back towards the house. Marigold followed. “Tell me about yourself.”
They walked through the front garden, everything halfway wet the way it always was on that kind of a cold November night. Beetle didn’t take the front door in, instead weaving carefully towards the side of the house and a rickety set of stairs leading up to an upstairs apartment. Plants, Marigold noticed: she had a whole bunch of plants in pots on the landing outside the apartment, which felt a lot like their home and all the plants Ros was always fussing over. Maybe that was one of those supposed-to-know-her feelings right there.
“Well, I’m Marigold,” she said. “Marigold Baker. I mean, technically Marigold Riverborn, but that’s way too long a story to tell this early in the relationship, probably, so let’s just say Marigold Baker for now. I’m in culinary school—”
“Marigold Baker in culinary school?” said Beetle—again, laughing, but without any malice to it. “I’m kind of obsessed with you already. Keep going.”
Marigold grinned at her shoes, darting her eyes back up as they climbed the stairs. Beetle’s miniskirt rode up a little and showed off a rip in her fishnets, higher up her thigh. “I’m in culinary school,” she continued, “because I want to be a pastry chef, like, licensed and everything. My mom Thea runs a body shop and I think it would be super great if I could figure out a way to make it a body shop that also serves cupcakes. We kind of have to look into all the different business things we’d have to do for that? And Thea’s money’s still tied up in the divorce, which is—so not something I’m supposed to be talking about. Do not tell her I said anything.”
“Sure,” said Beetle, mouth twitching. “I kind of haven’t met your mom, so I feel like that might not be too hard?”
“Well, if we’re supposed to know each other and you’re obsessed with me, it stands to reason that you will meet my family,” Marigold pointed out, “them being my beating heart and all.”
“Oh,” said Beetle, “you’re one of those family-is-everything girls! Kinda dig it.”
What a complicated sentence. “I’m…adopted,” said Marigold carefully; it was not the whole story, but it was as much as she gave out. “As are my sisters. So, yes, they all mean a lot to me. We sort of chose each other.”
Beetle tilted her head thoughtfully. “Neato,” she finally said.
“What about you?” Marigold asked. “Is family everything?”
Beetle’s easy smile flickered. She said, “I’ve got a brother and a sister and I send them a shit-ton of candy whenever I can, like I said.”
Marigold knew the cadence of a half-truth. She didn’t press—just watched Beetle unlock the door.
The apartment was wallpapered, and poorly, in an intricate black-and-emerald pattern that made the space feel even darker than it probably was. Beetle turned on the lights to reveal that the walls were covered in photo frames. “Bugs,” she said cheerfully.
Marigold scanned the walls, a fascinated smile stealing across her face. Every framed photo was of a different insect—some of them drawings, some photographs, some scientific diagrams, all with a small identifying label attached to the frame. “Beetle!” she said, delighted.
“Yeah, it’s actually Beatrice, but Beetle feels like a better opening statement,” Beetle supplied. “Makes people go oh, okay, all the bugs make total sense, rather than whoa, that chick’s got so many bugs in her house! Is Marigold your name, or is it just ‘cause, you know, the hair?”
Marigold twined a red curl cheerfully around her finger. “Marigold is really my name!” she assured Beetle.
“Does anyone ever call you anything else?”
“Mari, usually.”
“How do you feel about Goldie?” Marigold’s nose crinkled. Beetle threw up her hands and said, “Mari it is. Or, I don’t know, what about Riri?”
Marigold felt a slimy shudder run through her. Face perfectly composed, she said, “My sister’s boyfriend calls her Riri. So.”
“Oh, which sister?” said Beetle with interest.
“...The one who invited me to this party,” said Marigold.
Beetle waited. When Marigold did not supply any further information, she said, with a note of friendly and deliberate finality, “Sounds complicated,” and moved further into the apartment. “Do you have, I don’t know, an Instagram or something? I kinda want to send you this artist I follow. I feel like you might really like her work.”
“...No,” said Marigold awkwardly. “My mom’s sort of got a whole Luddite thing going on. Like, right down to all the machinery-smashing.”
Beetle said, “You know the Luddites were just trying to go for job security, right? Not the worst thing to have happening.”
Marigold grinned a bit. “My mom is big on job security,” she agreed. “And also fucking up computers.”
“You should get an Instagram.”
“I use my sister’s. I’ll give you hers.”
“Your party sister?”
“No,” Marigold giggled, mostly because she wasn’t sure what else to do, “the sister in the car. Um, one of them. Roslin.”
Beetle was rummaging in a cabinet. She pulled out a large orange bag, handing it to Marigold, and said, “Take it. No razor blades, swear to God.”
Marigold opened the bag and laughed out loud. There wasn’t a trace of any name-brand candy—rather, the bag was full of themed chocolate, milk and dark and white chocolate insects in a variety of shapes and sizes. “You’ve got a really consistent aesthetic!” she observed. “So you just send a whole bunch of chocolate bugs to your siblings, usually?”
“Nah, they get the name-brand stuff,” said Beetle. “This candy’s what I bring out for the cute girls.”
Marigold blinked, nervously, and kept her smile on her face, not entirely certain what to say next. An affirmation, possibly? It wasn’t as though she hadn’t been considering it, only that as soon as it was on the table, it felt objectively terrifying. She wondered if her reticence would be read the wrong way and the candy would be put back in the cabinet. She hoped it wouldn’t.
Beetle’s smile softened a little and she ducked her head. “But if you want the name-brand candy,” she started.
“Probably it would be a bit easier to transport,” said Marigold awkwardly. “This is a full bag of unwrapped chocolate, and I really don’t want to take all of your good bugs home.”
“A good bug going with a good bug,” said Beetle, solemnly.
“I have no idea what that means.”
Beetle took the orange bag away and handed Marigold a fun-sized bag of Snickers bars. She said, “It’s seriously fucked up that I don’t have a party mix bag on me; this thing is depressingly uniform. Oh, fuck, are you allergic to nuts?”
Marigold shook her head.
“God. Good. Should have asked about food allergies before I just started handing you shit.” Beetle smiled again, self-deprecatingly. “Snickers okay? I might have some other stuff if you wanna see.”
Marigold didn’t care one way or the other. She liked this beautiful, strange liminal space she’d stepped into, where she was suddenly an almost-grown-up holding a bag of Halloween candy with a new friend who thought she was pretty. She wanted to stay in it a bit longer.
“What do you have?” she asked.
Beetle turned back towards the cabinet. “Uh, Three Musketeers, Butterfingers, and this one’s kinda polarizing, but a whole bunch of York peppermint pies.”
“What’s polarizing about peppermint?”
“I knew this guy who said it was like eating a bunch of toothpaste. Almost put me off it for a year or two before I forgot I totally love eating toothpaste.” Beetle shifted the bag down. “Is that a yes to the peppermint?”
“Norie loves peppermint,” said Marigold.
“Okay, but they’re for you. Do you like peppermint?”
Marigold blushed, and smiled again. “...Yes to the peppermint.”
“And because I’m kinda thinking maybe you end up giving all of them to Norie,” said Beetle, “because you’ve got that kinda sparkly-sweet thing going on, I’m going to give you the Three Musketeers too and say those are for your mom and your sisters, and the peppermint’s literally just for you.” She considered. “Two are for Norie, who I’m guessing is…your other sister?”
“My other sister!” Marigold brightly confirmed.
“So which one brought you to the party?”
Marigold thought about Evie, almost certainly throwing herself at someone who wasn’t her insufferably slimy boyfriend, and her jaw clenched.
Beetle didn’t ask again. “That enough candy for you?”
“Almost too much!” said Marigold.
“No such thing as too much candy,” said Beetle firmly. “At least not if you’re starting from zero. I’m starting from seven bags; I’ve gotta offload some of this shit.” She took a handful from the orange bag, pressing a collection of half-melted bugs into Marigold’s hand. “Take at least a few. Y’know, as, like, a token of my affection, or whatever.”
She was blushing a little, which showed up really easily on her pale face. Marigold felt a sense of profound satisfaction that her own golden-brown skin didn’t redden half as visibly. “Thanks for the beetles, Beetle,” she said, which made them both smile. “Can you actually hold onto them for a second, though? I’m going to give you—”
“Your sister’s Instagram?”
Smooth and sweet, Marigold said, “My number.”
“Oh, shit, okay!” said Beetle. Her blush deepened and she smiled in a way that was much more silly and excited. “Sure! But I do want your sister’s Insta too, because that thing in your pocket is super obviously a flip phone, and I’m one of those long texters.”
“I’ll just make an Instagram and text you,” said Marigold. “The handle is—”
“—no, man, you gotta check to see if it’s available before you—”
“Marigold underscore Baker underscore Tasty underscore Pastry underscore Nature apostrophe S no space Masterpiece.”
Beetle bit her lip, clearly trying not to laugh, and said, “Dude, that is not gonna work with the character limit. Just give me your sister’s for now so we don’t have to call each other like old people.”
Marigold pressed the melting chocolate into Beetle’s hands. It felt sort of like a kiss, somehow—wet and sticky and silly. Full of warm honesty. There was a magnetic whiteboard on the fridge, a schedule written out in neat handwriting. “Is it okay if I—”
“Go ahead, man!”
Marigold wrote her phone number, and Roslin’s Instagram underneath, then added, in parentheses, Marigold Baker the Party Girl, with a little heart next to it. She liked the thought of existing as Marigold Baker the Party Girl on someone’s fridge. She wondered if Beetle would do what she’d do were their positions reversed, and just never erase it, letting the erasable marker dry into that permanent foreverness that was the worst thing ever to clean.
Beetle said, “Okay, cool. Tell your sister I’m gonna text her and it’s gonna be about you.”
“Ominous,” said Marigold. “I hope you say nice things.”
“No, dude, I’m gonna text her to talk to you. We’re not starting a group chat about you when there’s still so much stuff I don’t know about Mystery Marigold. Like, okay, what’s your favorite color?”
“Green,” said Marigold.
“Don’t tell me now!” said Beetle. She handed Marigold the chocolate back. “You go have a nice class tomorrow, okay? Get down there before your family thinks I killed you.”
“I don’t think I’d mind if you did,” said Marigold. “Bug girl.”
“Flower girl,” Beetle said, like they’d said goodbye like this forever. Maybe they really were supposed to get to know each other.
Thea had put on “Baby Shark” to try and get Sofie to go to sleep, which wasn’t working, because whenever Sofie saw Marigold, she’d stay stubbornly awake until Marigold came back to rock her to sleep. Under most normal circumstances, because Sofie was the kind of baby whose idiosyncrasies seemed perfectly designed to psychologically torment her caregivers, “Baby Shark” would put Sofie perfectly to sleep so long as it was played exactly fifteen times in a row, but they’d hit seventeen and Sofie was still babbling half-coherent nonsense to an exhausted-looking Lenora, who kept trying to hand her off to Roslin.
Marigold hurried over to the car. Sofie said, “Mama!”
“We’re not doing that, she’s twenty,” said Thea, but Sofie was already making grabby hands towards Marigold, who scooped her up in a flurry of kisses.
Roslin said, “Are you trying to reason with the baby?”
“The baby is a little terrorist who cannot be reasoned with,” said Lenora. “We need to get home so I can play first-person shooters and not listen to Baby Shark, ever again.”
Thea said, “Get in the back, bunny. How was the party?”
Marigold wasn’t sure how to tell them all about Beetle. She didn’t know if she wanted to. She sort of had to tell them about some of it, though, so she said instead, “Rosie, it’s okay that I gave someone your Insta, right? She wanted mine—”
“Dude, make your own,” said Roslin. “How many times is this gonna have to happen?”
“No one needs to be on social media,” said Thea immediately.
“Okay, well, Mommy, I am twenty-five, you don’t get to take away my phone,” said Roslin. “This would not be a problem if you just got, like, a MacBook or something. Whatever you have in your office is legitimately evil.”
“I bought a computer,” said Thea stubbornly. “I have a computer. I don’t see the problem.”
“That thing has to be from, like, the Revolutionary War!”
Marigold settled into the backseat with Sofie, resting her cheek against Lenora’s shoulder. She said, “Actually, there weren’t computers in the Revolutionary War—”
“Do not start this at like one in the morning.”
“You started it at like one in the morning.” Marigold buckled Sofie back into her car seat.
“Defending you! Do you want Mom to start burning laptops in the backyard again?”
“That was out of context,” said Thea immediately. “And mostly an accident, anyway. Didn’t realize lithium did that.” She started the car. “We turning off Baby Shark now?”
“No, Sofie likes it,” said Marigold.
“YES,” said Lenora. “Sofie’s awake anyway, Mari—”
Sofie had fallen asleep.
“See, you have to leave it on now,” said Marigold, “she will wake up if you turn it off. We all know this.”
“Torment nightmare torture baby,” said Roslin affectionately. “You know sometimes it starts to make me sleepy when I listen to it? Something about the baby shark doo doo do do do do—”
“I will kill you if you start singing it, Roslin, it’s bad enough that we have it on without—”
“Doo doo do do—”
Thea said, “Quiet, I need to make this turn!”
Marigold cuddled into Lenora’s shoulder again. Lenora said, “Your baby is ruining our life.”
“Stop calling Sofie her baby,” said Thea. “Mari is too young to be raising a kid.”
“I’m twenty!” said Marigold.
“You’re a baby,” said Roslin. Her eyes lit up. “Baby Mari doo do do—”
Lenora said, “I am going to murder you, Roslin. I am going to kill you dead.”
“No murder until I’m done getting onto the highway,” said Thea, eyes on the road.
The girls quieted. Marigold cuddled into Lenora until Lenora leaned forward and towards her, letting Marigold use her as an all-the-way pillow. “Good party?” Lenora asked quietly.
Marigold didn’t answer. She wondered whether Evie would even notice she was gone.
“You’ll see her on her Monday shift,” Lenora said. “You can catch up with her then, if she wasn’t—I mean, you know, if she got. Distracted, or something.”
Marigold said, “It was a good party,” and realized that she did actually mean it. “I…met someone.”
“Oh, shit!” said Roslin from the front seat. “Goth Halloween candy chick does, like, bug taxidermy?”
“Roslin, do not stalk her Instagram!” yelped Marigold. “Just—just give me your phone! Give me your phone so I can—”
Sofie squirmed happily and continued to sleep. Marigold was fairly certain it would be six more plays of Baby Shark before they were in the clear.
beetlenecromancer: hi marigolds sister lol
beetlenecromancer: can u send me her insta when u have it? she said she’d make one
strawbrosie33: hey man if you fuck up my sister i’m going to use norie’s poison kit to poison you
strawbrosie33: HI THIS IS MARIGOLD
strawbrosie33: SORRY
beetlenecromancer: lmao
beetlenecromancer: nw
strawbrosie33: I AM ROSLIN I TRIUMPH
strawbrosie33: im so serious though bro i will literally kill you she is so fucking baby. you have no idea
strawbrosie33: you’ve known her for like five minutes we’ve known her forever she is THE BABIEST
strawbrosie33: Hi this is Marigold again I am So So So Sorry
beetlenecromancer: dude you need a smartphone so bad this is so dire for you
#my writing#(wow what a blast from the past of a tag lol!)#flowerbug#marigold baker#roslin maynard#lenora chou#evie riverborn#althea march#+ new tag!!!#beetle fujimori#sofie is not usually a literal baby but some things have been playfully adapted potentially
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Father Body
Baldur's Gate 3 Ficlet
Gale x Tavirel (My Tav)
Fluff, short and stupid
Trigger warning; Whole thing is about body weight.
Gale Dekarios stood in front of the mirror in his bedroom, fresh from a hot bath, towel about his hips, just staring at himself. This wasn’t incredibly unusual. Gale was the sweetest fellow a person could ever meet in Faerun, but he was always very fixated on how he looked. Couldn’t fool anyone, the coif and perfectly cut beard, along with his fine jewels and clothing, he was clearly a well groomed man. He always took care of his figure as well, which wasn’t common for a wizard, but Gale made sure to keep the old ticker in check. Well, until he married Tavriel and settled down. Working on his body was no longer at the top of his priority list. He couldn’t remember the last time he sparred with a dummy or let Tara treat him like target practice. Not since his little one was growing in her mother’s belly.
When Tavriel got pregnant, Gale took it upon himself as the primary cook to keep his wife happily fed at all hours of the day. Keeping a fresh diet was important for a parent to keep their growing baby healthy and strong. This changed Gale’s diet as well, though he had no excuse to pack on the calories. He was not growing a child inside of him. Almost a year after Tavriel gave birth to their daughter, Gale’s body was certainly….softer than it had been. Than it had ever been. He knew he was gaining weight, but after a preen in the mirror, he was a little fixated on it.
‘Gale, Yondallah be light, what are you doing?’
Gale turned from the mirror, where he had been making little sounds in reaction to his body, to see Tavriel, changing little Morena on their bed. She knew Gale had gained a little weight and his muscle mass was no longer defined, but she had gained three times his weight gain and was very sure she’d never lose it. Besides, she loved his soft belly and chest, the cellulite on his thighs under his bum, stretch marks slowly defining on his skin infer his thick body hair. It would have been more obvious that his body drove her wild if she was not as exhausted as she was caring for an infant. Gale looked at Tavriel, who was in a silk, long nightgown, giving him quite the look. He sighed and looked back at the mirror and pinched the skin near his navel.
‘I’m fat.’
This made Tavriel laugh and pick up little Morena and walk over to Gale. Morena was three months old and if there was a more loved little baby on the material plane, no one would have ever heard of them. Morena, or Rena to keep things easy, was a sweet chubby little baby, who resembled her father very much at such a young age. Brown eyes, straight brown hair and a round nose. She was dressed in a little blue sleep sack.
‘If you are fat, I am a whale.’ Tavriel retorted and watched him from the mirror. Gale scoffed.
‘’You are not a whale, ever since you gave birth to her, you’ve been sleeping on top of me at night. I am incredibly certain even though I have no experience in the matter, that I would have perished by now if you were a whale.’ Tavriel snorted at him. Rena cooed. Gale looked down at the little one, just cheeks and brown eyes she was.
‘I am still bigger than you,’ Tavriel retorted and Gale smirked and looked at her. Yes, Tavriel had gained weight. Of course she had. He would never go as far as saying she was bigger than him. Her tummy was, her hips were, but she wasn’t. And he wouldn’t entertain it. He loved the way she looked and the way she felt.
‘Absolutely inaccurate,’ he told her and she smiled up at him. She wouldn’t win that argument.
‘Mmmm well, regardless, I like how you look, my darling. You look so much more….domestic,’ she said and he laughed hard.
‘Oh well thank the gods for that,’ he said, holding his stomach and towel to his body. ‘I guess this is the final stage for which I am to accept that I am a father, eh?’ He asked once he calmed down and Tavriel shook her head.
‘No, that you are content,’ she said and Gale grinned. He was content. Exhausted, sure, but for the first time in his entire life, he was satisfied, would he still explore and learn? For the rest of his life, but he wanted for nothing anymore. He had it all, his health, his home, his companion and their little family. ‘And you’re a father whether or not you have that…very…nice shape,’ she said and gave a little giggle. Gale’s eyes grew and his eyebrows shot up.
‘What, do you like it?’ He asked and Tavriel giggled again and bit her bottom lip.
‘Yes,’ she admitted and shook her head. ‘Not that it matters, you know I love you no matter what but…’ she glanced at the mirror to see his full reflection. Yes, just like that, he was perfect. ‘I don’t know, it’s just…’ Gale leaned in close and kissed her cheek, knowing his wife too well to know she was not going to finish that sentence. He would take the compliment. Little Rena gurgled for attention and one of her arms poked out from its swaddle. Gale looked down at her and kissed her little hand. The baby grabbed at his lips, digging her nails into him with much more force than logically made sense for someone so little. A baby’s viper grip. Tavriel laughed as Gale groaned and helped him be free of her claws. ‘Alright, no more flirting, we’re going to clip those nails,’ she told Rena who just gave a stretch. She was a good baby, just a very strong one.
Tavriel walked Rena over to the bed and Gale got himself dressed in a sleep shirt and trousers. He helped hold Rena still so Tavriel could gently and safely cut the little one’s nails. Next was Tavriel’s favorite part of the night, Gale would read something to Rena to soothe her to sleep. It could be anything, Rena didn’t understand, but her father’s voice reading anything out loud made the little one drift off heavily into a deep slumber. It worked on Tavriel as well. Gale stopped reading when Tavriel got heavy as she leaned on him. He placed the book aside and took Rena from Tavriel who would get herself comfortable in bed. He kissed his daughter’s cheek and set her in her crib. He shuffled back to bed with a yawn and the moment he was in bed, Tavriel latched onto him from behind. He chuckled and Tavriel gave him a squeeze, spooning him and holding him as if she would fall off the bed otherwise.
‘I love you, Mister Dekarios,’ Tavriel whispered and lifted her head to kiss Gale’s ear. He placed his hand over her and twisted his head to kiss her lips.
‘I love you more, Missus Dekarios.’
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You know I use Pinterest to browse recipes and find crochet patterns and keep track of crafty ideas and occasionally for hair styling videos or gift ideas.
But dear god it’s become almost unusable because of ads. And I don’t just mean the amount of them. I am SO TIRED of the beauty ads they’re insane. It’s no wonder women have low self esteem and much worse when I come across ads that are for (and these are just off the top of my head):
A machine that gets rid of cellulite, red light therapy for your under eye bags, makeup that matches your skin tone, hair extensions, eye lash extensions, lip plumper, electric muscle contractors for your face to make your cheek bones stand out more, teeth whiteners, volumizing hair products, Invisalign braces, similar retainer like things that make your teeth look straight, products to make your hair thicker, products to make your hair grow longer, laser hair removal, diet programs, work out programs, exercises that supposedly target the fat in one specific part of your body (do not get me started), custom vitamins to target problems like hair loss and acne, collagen threads (????), so MANY goddamn leggings that make your ass look bigger, body suits that make your waist smaller, goddamn pheromone perfume??
And this is just what I can think of off the top of my head I feel like I’m being purposely driven mad.
#does anyone have good alternatives to Pinterest#I’m frustrated because I like how easy it is to use#to create boards and keep stuff organized#and find things later#and the search function works decently#but my god#if there’s something by like this without the insane ads please tell me
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Barbie through the lens of ardra and punarvasu ☆

The main star of the film Margot Robbie is an ardra sun with a punarvasu ascendant. In the movie she represents stereotypical barbie and everything about her is perfect. She wakes up perfect, goes to sleep perfect and lives in the perfect barbie world. Until she starts facing drastic changes, her body has cellulite, her feet are now flat and thoughts of death run through her mind. She ends up on a journey to leaving barbieland and entering the real world to find her owner and figure out what’s wrong with her..
This theme of facing reality is very ardra in the sense that these natives have to go through suffering and destruction to ascend spiritually. Ardra is the star of oppression, its shakti is the power to make gains in life through greater efforts. One of ardras symbols are a diamond, it represents strength and transformation, going through the dirt to realize its fullest potential. Another symbol being the teardrop represents warmth and compassion. Ardra is known as “the moist one” and its diety is Rudra the god of storms. A storm is a destructive life force that clears and refreshes the environment. When Barbie starts feeling human emotions like crying and laughter, she feels a sense of relief. This reminds me of the story of how rudra was born. Rudra was cast out of Brahmas forehead out of intense anger and wailed furiously. Rudra means the wailer, the howler. Brahma gave Rudra the advice that destruction must be balanced, measured and contained. To meditate upon godhead to calm you and make you auspicious. Ardra empowers humanity to destroy, forget and let go of inauspicious things. In 2 different scenarios, Barbie had to enter a state of meditation to be able to gain the messages she was searching for. Once to figure out where the girl who played with her was and the other time was when barbie was unsure of who she wanted to be after seeing the human world. Everything she once knew has changed and left a mark on her, she couldn’t go back to her old self. Ardra is man realizing the “true” state of creation and wanting to escape from it. The creator Ruth wasn’t surprised that Barbie would take on a life of her own, she knew that she had a greater purpose. She asked her if she was ready to take on everything that comes with being human, including mortality. Barbie then held her hands, closed her eyes and just felt. Felt all the memories and emotions she would have as a human, and most importantly as a woman.
Punarvasu is the rainbow after the storm. It translates to the return of the light; “punar” meaning repeat and “vasu” a ray of light. Punarvasu is the star of renewal and its shakti is the power to give substance to things. When Ken took over Barbie’s dream house, she fell into a deep depression with no hope of things turning around. She felt ugly and like her life had no meaning anymore. Until sasha’s mom gave a speech about not needing to be perfect and realizing the beauty all women already hold within. This speech was empowering and moved all the barbie’s into taking back their home. Punarvasu’s symbol is a quiver of full arrows; the arrows represent movement and hitting the target then returning to the destination. I think it’s also important that that speech came from a mother, punarvasu’s diety is Aditi. Aditi is the mother of gods, the goddess of abundance and the universal mother. She represents boundlessness, a limitless sky; space is the womb within which all lives develop. You would think that a movie about a doll would be catered to younger girls but it was actually really heartbreaking for women my age and older. You see the movie was a realization that our mothers were once girls just like us, they too had big dreams and aspirations but they sacrificed a lot for us to have a future. Punarvasu is the 7th nakshatra sharing both gemini and cancer. It is a focused gemini energy, focusing on others well beings. On the cancer side it’s all about nurturing, caring and loving others. It is a mother teaching her children wisdom of life. Now this is a connection of my own I think ties in, turning 24. I’ve never felt adulthood or womanhood more than I have at 24. 24 is the age in which our moons mature and like many, I too believe in the 12 year cycles in our lives along with the wheel of profection years in astrology (starting from the 1H at age 0). Punarvasu is all about repetition, Aditi herself has many rebirths. And with 24 being a 1H protection year, it is all about the self, the body and who you are at your core. Being ruled by the moon, Cancers naturally have rounder faces, fuller cheeks and curvier bodies. I have noticed how at this age my body has felt more matured and developed. There has also been a huge emphasis on my health from what I’m eating/consuming to being more active and practicing mindfulness everyday. But back to the movie, Barbie was made as a symbolic message for all women to express themselves. She was named after the creators daughter showing an importance in mother-daughter relationships. Entering adulthood and womanhood is hard but it is a life lesson, at this point in age it is us who have to help ourselves. No one is going to work for us and we certainly can’t wait around for anyone else to do what we know we’re meant to do. We have to believe in ourselves and create the lives we desire. This is why Ruth responded to Barbies request of making her human that only she can do that. Just like our mothers did, they may have had to leave home and move to a different country to create better lives for us. Going from Ardra to Punarvasu, there’s an importance of having to help ourselves first in order to be able to help others. It starts with you first. Only you can create harmony after the storm ❤️
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Take Control of Cellulite with Acoustic Shockwave
Is cellulite or skin dimpling making you feel self-conscious? Acoustic shockwave therapy can help! Harnessing the power of acoustic waves and targeted vibrations, acoustic shockwave therapy breaks down the fat under the skin and helps stimulate collagen formation.
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Why are people always saying Kaeloo is chubby? She looks the same as the others to me
She’s supposed to be chubby in-universe! She has cellulite and bullies like Pretty and Moldie target her for being “fat”
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National Cellulite Day - Sep 5th

Discover how Aveli® can help you achieve the smooth, firm skin you've always desired! Aveli is an innovative, minimally invasive treatment specifically designed to target and reduce cellulite by addressing it at its root cause. This advanced procedure delivers noticeable, long-lasting results, allowing you to regain your confidence and enjoy smoother skin. If you're struggling with cellulite, consult Dr. Ron Shelton, a leading expert in cosmetic dermatology, to learn how Aveli® can be the solution you've been looking for. Let Dr. Shelton guide you on your journey to smoother, more radiant skin!
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No cause!!!
Witha chubby s/o:
Kunigami and Barou would love to work out with you!!!!
The way Nagi would like to just lay in your chest and snack!!!!
Reo would love to see you in cute and sexy outfits that show off your figure!!!!
The only one I can't see liking it is Kaiser.. idk why maybe you can change my mind...
why did i imagine rensuke and shoei running without shirt on either side of y/n on a treadmill seishiro loves thighs - my cannon. he likes having you sit on his lap, resting his hand on your thigh while the other is holding his mouse. Reo likes mature women - and women's bodies change with age, he finds it attractive and fascinating, sends you flowers that match with the color of a dress in a gift box for you. On days that you feel bad about your body, he's there to remind you that a woman's body can perform way more things than a man's ; i actually did a character ask on this one — Link. Now for Kaiser, (this is gonna turn nsfw) - I can see why you would see him that way, if he doesn't have anything to pick over you, he targets your weight. Has no filter when it comes to women wearing shorts and seeing cellulite on their thighs. In one of my asks, I mentioned that he comes from a very traditional household, elaborating on that further he grew in an environment where women are expected to look a certain way and have a body standard, a woman was supposed to watch what she ate, her waist falling in line with the waistband of what she wore under to not look ugly, collarbones pronounced and looking like a fragile doll. Until you break that rule. There were instances when he had taunted you about your weight or made snide remarks about you; It wasn't until one day he saw you at the beach, your friend convincing you to take off your clothes and show yourself off in a bikini that he had understood what made you appealing. Thighs exposed, hips that had a dip with a slight pudge outside compared to the strings that met below it, your breasts plump that didn't stand out but laid gracefully against your body, arms that were toned but still soft. Rather than talking to you (or anyone about his problems), he takes to the internet to find solutions to his troubles. It's cause of that his idea of femininity shatters. He tries to talk to you when you're at the gym, pulling weight after weight. There wasn't a doubt you were strong and it made him think you were hot. As your relationship with kaiser progresses, with taking his peace offering to grab a coffee with him (he paid) to late night runs to the donut shop after much debate - with him taking a bite out of your donut, turning his nose up while you smiled at his childishness. From not liking your body, he associates it with tender love, something that was not given to him as child, feeling warm and cozy as he nuzzles into your chest with a blanket over the both of you. Another thing that he likes is seeing you in one of his dress shirts, the first few buttons opened slightly. You filled in the sleeves nicely, the shirt hanging a little loose but your curves filling it right, making him want to take in the same sight every morning.
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If there was one thing you could change about Tumblr, what would it be?
(taken from my answer to the Tumblr use survey)
I know it'd be impossible to do, but reinstating NSFW content availability. Before the ban, Tumblr had something that hasn't been seen again since. It's been written about in multiple media outlets. It's probably already known but Tumblr's user base skews largely female, neurodivergent and/or queer. Since it started it's been a bit of a shelter for minorities. Back when NSFW was allowed, this fostered a safe environment for sexual expression away from the mainstream, male dominated/male gaze version we're blasted with every day.
This produced something I've never seen since and have been searching for, unable to find it. It's hard to put into words. As someone female and a lesbian, most often I am used to seeing women and my sexuality objectified for the pleasure of men. Every time I try to find a representation of myself in sexual expression - which I should not feel shamed for as it is another facet of the healthy human experience - I am hit with these images of highly sexually objectified women, staring into the barrels of cameras as if appealing to the viewer. It is all for show and I'm not the target audience. I see lesbian characters from media I love being fucked by men. I see female characters being fucked by men, staring blankly at the viewer with a dead expression. They are not enjoying the experience and that is being shoved right in my face. And it was done with INTENT. It's saying to me: look at this character. You may like her. You may admire her. But we've reduced her to a sexual object for men, and she is not even happy about it - and we enjoy that as men. I am a woman, and I am not sexually celebrated. I am a sexual object. Even though I don't want anything to do with men. This is constantly shoved in my face.
I refer to Tumblr pre-nsfw ban as the 'golden age' Tumblr when I talk about it. Due to the demographics being largely outside men, it meant the content was being made FOR us BY us. This resulted in sexual expressions I've not seen anywhere since - proud expressions of all different kinds of bodies outside the very narrow 'norm' or male target audience. Hairy women. Butch women. Women proudly showing off cellulite and stretch marks, looking to the viewer with JOY! Queer made artwork showing off these diverse, natural! bodies, characters gazing at each other with intimacy, not at the viewer. It was about love. It was always about love for us I think. Love and joy. It oozed out of everything we made, finally able to have somewhere to express it. It was different, it didn't have mass appeal but it was gentle and passionate. It was a celebration of what we were. Not objectification for mass appeal.
When the NSFW ban happened, we lost a lot of those creators, who migrated to Twitter which diluted them in a sea of more mainstream content. But now with its evolution to X it is unlikely these queer creators are there either. We have no home. No outlet for expression in all our human facets. We're limited to what is 'palatable' for the masses and advertising agencies. Yet every day it's more acceptable to see women being highly objectified in film and mainstream media. In any of the NSFW content that is available. Queer relationships outside the mass appeal to men are completely invisible.
We had something special back then, and we didn't realise the importance and value of it until it was gone. And whether Tumblr is able to bring that back or not, it's likely I'll be searching for that home online, where I feel I can express myself in all of my human facets, without censorship or shame, with complete joy of being until the day I die.
#kerytalk#tumblr meta#my commentary#tumblr#i have had these thoughts forever and i wanted to share them here#aka - a love letter to Tumblr's golden age
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Just saw the Barbie movie, and the most important thing I took away from it is—
This movie was not made for me.
It didn’t hit me until the end. Sure, I’m a young woman who grew up playing with Barbies. for all intents and purposes I am the target audience for this movie. But it wasn’t made for me.
This movie was made for my mother. But not just her— every woman like her. The ones who are getting older. Forties, fifties, sixties. With gray hair and cellulite and smile lines. The ones who look in the mirror and don’t like what they see, who feel a twinge of nostalgia for the woman they were when they were my age. The ones who don’t look like Stereotypical Barbie anymore, who aren’t perfectly beautiful in society’s eye. Or their own.
What really got me is that point when Barbie realizes she didn’t come for the girl. She came for her mom. Because her mom was a little girl, once. And I didn’t really understand until that moment— (most of us didn’t, I’d bet)— that so was my mom. Our moms. They were little girls who played with Barbies, just like us.
It’s like they said. Our mothers stand still so we can see how far we’ve come. But what we forget is, they did the same thing. As young women they looked back at their mothers just like we do. Not realizing how similar we really are, in the end.
And I understand now why Greta Gerwig fought so hard to keep that scene in the movie— if you’ve seen it, you know which one I’m talking about. It’s a reminder we all need, but one our mothers need most of all. They’ve done what they can to make this world better for us, just like their mothers did for them. They are not useless the second their beauty fades beyond what society demands. They are the support under our feet as we build for the next generation.
They are so beautiful.
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Which is better microcurrent or radio frequency
When it comes to facial contouring and skin therapy, there are many different treatments and technologies available. Two popular options are microcurrent and radio frequency. Both of these treatments claim to improve the appearance of the skin and provide anti-aging benefits. But which one is better? In this article, we will compare microcurrent and radio frequency and determine which one is the superior choice for facial contouring and skin therapy.
What is Microcurrent?
Microcurrent is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate the muscles and tissues in the face. These electrical currents mimic the body's natural electrical signals, which helps to improve muscle tone and tighten the skin. Microcurrent is often called a "natural facelift" because it can provide similar results to a surgical facelift without the pain or downtime.
How Does Microcurrent Work?
During a microcurrent treatment, two metal probes are placed on the skin and deliver low-level electrical currents. These currents stimulate the muscles and tissues in the face, causing them to contract and relax. This helps to improve muscle tone and tighten the skin, resulting in a more lifted and contoured appearance.
Microcurrent also increases blood flow and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for maintaining youthful-looking skin. The increased blood flow helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin, while the production of collagen and elastin helps to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Benefits of Microcurrent
Improves muscle tone and tightens the skin
Increases blood flow and stimulates collagen and elastin production
Non-invasive and painless
No downtime
Can provide similar results to a surgical facelift
What is Radio Frequency?
Radiofrequency is a non-invasive treatment that uses energy waves to heat the deeper layers of the skin. This heat stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps tighten and firm the skin. Radiofrequency is often used for skin tightening and contouring, as well as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite.
How Does Radio Frequency Work?
During a radio frequency treatment, a handheld device is used to deliver energy waves to the skin. These waves penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, causing the tissues to heat up. This heat stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps tighten and firm the skin.
Radiofrequency also helps to break down fat cells and improve lymphatic drainage, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. The heat from the treatment also helps to improve blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin for a more youthful appearance.
Benefits of Radio Frequency
Tightens and firms the skin
Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite
Improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage
Non-invasive and painless
No downtime
Microcurrent vs. Radio Frequency: Which is Better?
Both microcurrent and radio frequency have their unique benefits and can provide excellent results for facial contouring and skin therapy. However, there are a few key differences between the two treatments that may make one better suited for your specific needs.
Targeted Areas
Microcurrent is best for targeting specific areas of the face, such as the jawline, cheeks, and forehead. The electrical currents can be adjusted to target specific muscles and provide a more customized treatment. Radiofrequency, on the other hand, is better for larger areas of the face and body, such as the neck, arms, and thighs.
Both microcurrent and radio frequency can provide noticeable results, but they work in different ways. Microcurrent primarily focuses on improving muscle tone and tightening the skin, while radio frequency targets collagen and elastin production. Depending on your specific concerns, one treatment may be more effective than the other.
Pain and Downtime
Both microcurrent and radio frequency are non-invasive and painless treatments. However, microcurrent is often described as a relaxing and soothing experience, while radio frequency can feel slightly warm or hot on the skin. Additionally, there is no downtime with either treatment so you can resume your daily activities immediately after a session.
Microcurrent and Radio Frequency: Can They Be Used Together?
While microcurrent and radio frequency are both effective treatments on their own, they can also be used together for even better results. Some clinics offer combination treatments that use both microcurrent and radio frequency to target different layers of the skin and provide a more comprehensive treatment.
Using both treatments together can help to improve muscle tone, tighten the skin, and stimulate collagen and elastin production for a more youthful and contoured appearance.
When it comes to facial contouring and skin therapy, both microcurrent and radio frequency are excellent options. They both provide non-invasive and painless treatments that can improve the appearance of the skin and provide anti-aging benefits. However, depending on your specific concerns and goals, one treatment may be more effective than the other.
If you are looking to target specific areas of the face and improve muscle tone, microcurrent may be the better choice. If you are looking for overall skin tightening and collagen production, radio frequency may be the better option. For the best results, consider combining both treatments for a comprehensive and effective facial contouring and skin therapy experience.
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thoughts on the barbie movie (2023)
So I caught Barbie (2023) on the day of its release in the UK after work.
I thought of dressing up: I put on a blushed red top, black maxi skirt, and a black leather jacket; drew on my eyeliner and slapped on a pinkish-red lip. It gave the impression I was about to do a Barbieheimer marathon.
The movie started with Barbie going about her day and was struck with thoughts of death, a patch of cellulite on one of her upper thighs, and having flat feet. I guess the cellulite part would have caused multiple controversies, so I see why the advertising editors left that out of the trailers.
She eventually went to the real world because Weird Barbie (Kate Mckinnon) told her she could stay in Barbieland (choosing the high heels) but she'll remain flat-feet with cellulite. Ryan Gosling's tight-chested and bronzed Ken followed her because he has such big golden retriever energy and just wants Barbie to see him for him.
While Barbie dismisses Ken to think, Ken realised, in the real world, that patriarchy would make people respect and pay attention to him and the Kens back in Barbieland. So, with several misguided books he checked out from a high school library, he brought the idea back into Barbieland.
I think that was the part that struck me. Yes, the movie was smashing the patriarchy, but in its stead, it is proposing that women should rule men and relegate them to a secondary class—basically it's a matriarchy, so the patriarchy but women instead of men.
It reminds me of two things: one, Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman; and two, women in the "real world" who rise to top ranks but perpetuate patriarchy ideals of capitalism and competition over collaboration and mutual benefits.
While Barbie was more similar to Herland's depiction of what happens when women are in power, there are subtle crossover with the latter. The women, or rather Barbies, are more-or-less on equal standing, although of course Margot Robbie's stereotypical Barbie seems to reign supreme above the rest. This movie is after all about her journey. However, the Kens, Midge, and event Allan, are all secondary to Barbies. So, while at the top all the Barbies are democratic, at the bottom every other character does according to Barbies' bidding. It tracks the ideas several other movies of before where in order for women, beautiful women in particular, to succeed, they have to be the "men" in the situation, and men has to take a backseat with little to no power. (I think the movie manage to get away with casting predominantly attractive people is because Mattel is a commercial company that takes toys that fit an ideal of what consumers are conditioned to recognise as pretty/attractive. Everyone knows that.)
Also, it got me wondering who are the target audience of this movie. Is it millennial and Gen Z girls who grew up playing with Barbie dolls, or the upcoming generation Alpha who will shape the future of power dynamics and capitalism? Because as a millennial woman who has had a Barbie doll whose hair I tried chopping and whose mother has made her doll clothes, I left the movie feeling indifferent. The 'So what?' thought echoed in my head as I walked home at midnight, wishing there was more of a satisfied ending—but what it is, I could not tell.
Maybe I'll need to sleep on it.
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Some notes on the very natural and completely harmless thing that is cellulite 🙃
For nearly 60 years now, women have been the target consumer of cellulite “fixes”, as if it’s a problem to be fixed in the first place ??
Cellulite occurs in bodies no matter how low your body fat % is. Even bodies that are incredibly muscular can have cellulite. The amount of cellulite on a person’s body is not an indicator of health.
The truth behind cellulite? It’s the same as women’s body hair. A multi-billion dollar beauty industry found a perfectly naturally occurring thing about women’s bodies, and twisted it into pillar of “ugliness”, and then sold you fad products to “combat” it.
The products don’t work; it’s science. Topical products do not penetrate the skin deep enough to reach fat cells or connective tissues. The surgical treatments are temporary at best, because our bodies naturally revert back to their NATURAL and BIOLOGICAL fat formation, because… and hear me out… that’s how our bodies are meant to be!!!
Your body doesn’t need fixing.
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Cellulite Treatments: Achieve Smooth, Sculpted Skin Naturally: Discover the Power of Endermomassage and Lymphatic Drainage with Sokörpe
Looking to reduce cellulite, sculpt your body, and achieve firm, glowing skin? The Sokörpe Compact Intelligent Skincare & Body Care Machine offers holistic, non-invasive treatments that are transforming the way we approach skincare and body wellness. With advanced European engineering, this machine helps you achieve visible, lasting results – without any invasive procedures. Let’s dive into what makes it so revolutionary!
Why Choose Non-Invasive Treatments?
The Sokörpe machine was designed with a holistic approach in mind, which means it works with your body’s natural processes rather than against them. Unlike more aggressive treatments, non-invasive options like Endermomassage and Lymphatic Drainage offer noticeable results by tapping into your body’s own healing systems. Here’s why that’s important:
Better Skin Health: These treatments support your body’s natural circulation and detoxification, resulting in healthier, more resilient skin over time.
No Downtime, Just Results: Non-invasive treatments mean you can get back to your day right after your session – no recovery needed.
Long-Term Benefits: Holistic treatments not only address cellulite but also support long-term skin health, making them ideal for anyone looking to enhance their natural beauty sustainably.
How Endermomassage Reduces Cellulite and Firms Skin
Endermomassage is a type of targeted, deep-tissue massage that uses gentle suction to smooth out stubborn fat deposits and increase blood circulation. This does several things for your skin:
Breaks Down Fat Deposits: Reduces the appearance of cellulite and provides a smoother texture by targeting fatty deposits directly.
Stimulates Collagen Production: Helps boost collagen production, making skin firmer and more elastic.
Contours and Sculpts: Gives the body a more defined look by enhancing your natural curves and contours.
Whether you’re aiming for smoother skin on your thighs, firmer arms, or just a more toned appearance, Endermomassage is a go-to!
Lymphatic Drainage: The Secret to Detoxified, Glowing Skin
Your lymphatic system plays a key role in your body’s health by moving waste and toxins out of your cells. When lymph fluid gets sluggish, it can lead to bloating, swelling, and even more pronounced cellulite. Here’s how Lymphatic Drainage with the Sokörpe machine can help:
Reduces Swelling and Bloating: By stimulating lymph flow, this treatment flushes out excess fluid, which can lead to a more toned, sculpted look.
Boosts Detoxification: Lymphatic drainage enhances your body’s natural detoxification process, helping remove waste and keeping skin clear and healthy.
Supports Immune Health: When your lymphatic system functions optimally, it also benefits your immune health, adding an extra layer of wellness to your skincare routine.
Getting the Most Out of Your Sokörpe Treatments
To maximize your results, we recommend pairing treatments with Sokörpe’s specially formulated skincare products. Using their Vitamin C Solution before your Endermomassage or Lymphatic Drainage session can enhance brightness and overall radiance. Following up with a nourishing moisturizer will seal in hydration and help maintain your glow.
Why Sokörpe is a Must-Have for Wellness Lovers
If you’re someone who values natural, sustainable beauty and wellness, the Sokörpe Compact Intelligent Skincare & Body Care Machine is made for you. This European-made, high-quality device delivers real results in a gentle way that honors your skin’s needs. The machine is also versatile, offering additional treatments like Oxygen Infusion and Microdermabrasion to keep your skin looking its best.
Ready to Transform Your Skin?
Experience the power of Endermomassage and Lymphatic Drainage, and watch your skin become smoother, firmer, and naturally radiant. Whether it’s for cellulite reduction, body contouring, or skin health, the Sokörpe machine brings out the best in your beauty routine. 🌿
Connect with a local aesthetician or wellness center offering Sokörpe treatments today – because holistic beauty is beauty that lasts!
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Understanding Reductive Massage: A Natural Way To Shape Your Body
Reductive massage is a popular technique for those looking to sculpt and tone their bodies naturally. This type of massage focuses on reducing fat deposits in specific areas of the body, helping to achieve a slimmer, more contoured appearance. It’s a non-invasive method that has gained attention for its effectiveness and natural approach to body shaping.
What Is Reductive Massage?
Reductive massage is a specialized massage technique designed to target and reduce fat in areas like the abdomen, thighs, arms, and waist. Unlike regular massages that primarily aim to relax the muscles, reductive massage involves deeper, more intense movements to break down fat cells and improve circulation. This helps the body eliminate fat more efficiently, leading to a reduction in size and a more toned appearance.
This type of massage is particularly popular in countries like Colombia, where it has been used for years to help individuals achieve their desired body shape without the need for surgery or other invasive procedures.
Benefits of Reductive Massage
Reductive massage offers numerous benefits, making it an attractive option for those looking to improve their body shape naturally. Some of the key benefits include:
Fat Reduction: The primary goal of reductive massage is to reduce fat in targeted areas. The massage techniques help break down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. Over time, this leads to a noticeable reduction in size in the treated areas.
Improved Circulation: Reductive massage stimulates blood flow, which helps to improve circulation in the treated areas. Better circulation means more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the skin and muscles, promoting overall health and well-being.
Cellulite Reduction: In addition to reducing fat, reductive massage can also help diminish the appearance of cellulite. By breaking down the fat deposits beneath the skin, this massage technique smooths out the skin’s surface, leading to a more even texture.
Toned And Sculpted Appearance: Regular sessions of reductive massage can help to tone and sculpt the body, creating a more defined and contoured look. This is especially beneficial for those who are looking to enhance their natural curves without undergoing surgery.
Relaxation And Stress Relief: While reductive massage is more intense than a regular massage, it still provides relaxation benefits. The rhythmic movements and pressure applied during the massage can help to relieve tension and reduce stress, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
What To Expect During A Reductive Massage Session
If you’re new to reductive massage, you might be curious about what happens during a session. Typically, a session lasts between 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated. The massage therapist will use a combination of firm pressure, kneading, and circular motions to target the fat deposits.
You may feel some discomfort during the massage, especially if you have a lot of fat in the targeted areas. However, this discomfort is usually minimal and subsides quickly. After the session, you might notice some redness or mild bruising, but this should fade within a few days.
How Many Sessions Are Needed?
The number of sessions required varies depending on your goals and the amount of fat you want to reduce. Many people start to see results after just a few sessions, but for the best results, it’s often recommended to undergo a series of treatments. Your massage therapist can help you create a personalized plan based on your specific needs.
Reductive massage is an effective and natural way to achieve a slimmer, more toned body. Whether you’re looking to reduce fat, diminish cellulite, or simply enhance your body’s natural shape, this massage technique offers a range of benefits. It’s a non-invasive option that can be tailored to your individual needs, making it a great addition to your wellness routine.
Also, Read: Indulge Your Skin: Finding The Perfect Facial Treatment
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