#targaryen motif
daielsal · 5 months
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I’m not dead! Just really busy is all, I was finally able to complete this for now. To be honest it looks like it’s still unfinished, like it’s missing something. I may go back and attempt to add a filter in the sky (it’s just way too blue), but for now I’m going to leave it as it is. Again this is part of the ASOIAF x Harry Potter crossover universe that I’m working on. I think I may make a separate post that focuses only on the outfits, but for now I’m just going to leave it as it is.
Quick Summary: this focuses on my ASOIAF x Harry Potter crossover self indulgent head cannon. In my head cannon the Peverells happen to descend from Old Valyria, they happened to be a very high ranking family, even above the Targaryens in this case since they were still capable of using magic to its full extent and were not as limited compared to the others that practiced it. Of course the Peverells have their qualities that make them unique especially with the Necromancy aspect. Some events that occur in cannon Harry Potter also end up occurring in this AU, with the Peverells eventually marrying into different houses although their descendants are still held in high regard. The marriage and absorption into House Slytherin (which eventually falls into Gaunt) and House Potter still happens.
In this AU I like to think Harriel (Fem Harry) is closely related to the Targaryens, maybe Fleamont and Charlus mother or grandmother can be a younger Targaryen daughter who was married off into the Potter family. James and Lilly still end up dying, but I like to think the Targaryens were able to plead a case into why it should be them who should foster baby orphan Harriel (plus they get to raise a descendent of one of the most ancient powerful bloodlines that’s descend from Old Valyria). They end up winning their case and go on to raise baby Harrie.
As for Tom/Voldemort, the Gaunts still have some prestige to their name, but still end up in the poor state that they’re in just like in Harry Potter. Ominous is still alive, but he has distanced himself from the main family, he has also been able to build up his own fortune making himself very wealthy, unlike his other relatives. Marvolo and Morfín die, so that’s them out of the way. Before they die Merope was betrothed, but she ends up running off with Tom Riddle Sr. in this case. When Marvolo finds out he’s livid. Merope and Tom elope and do end up getting married, but it doesn’t pan out well. Tom Riddle is still conceived, but in the eyes of his grandfather and uncle he is nothing but a bastard. They plan on handing him over to the Fate or maybe Valyria’s version of it (still haven’t thought that out yet), but of course Marvolo and Morfín end up dying. Merope still dies in childbirth, so Ominous is the oldest remaining Gaunt besides baby Tom. Ominous is informed of this and goes on to meet baby Tom. Ominous meets newborn baby Tom, and Ominous comes to the conclusion that Tom Sr is incompetent to raise baby Tom. He’s able to persuade the Riddles into handing over Tom to him as he plans to raise Tom as his ward until he comes of age, once Tom is of age he will become the new head/lord of House Gaunt. They agree and Ominous does his best into raising Tom.
Tom is still his cannon age when he meets Harriel, but of course wizards/witches age slowly and live longer, plus I like to think that Tom is maintaining a spell that lets him age slower (he still supposed to look middle aged though). The Gaunts and Potters have a rivalry that has been going on for a very long time, reason into why the two look the way they do in the images/drawings. I would like to go more into depth about this AU, but this post has gotten long, so for now this is all the lore dump info behind my Crossover AU.
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
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vanesawye · 7 months
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house of the dragon (2022- ) // my dark vanessa by kate elizabeth russell
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tweedfrog · 2 months
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Ouggghhhh!!!! Sick and twisted ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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lilymarch · 6 months
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alicent and the water motif.
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of course it’s an alicent profile pic saying this shit:
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the thing is, i would’ve agreed with the original sentiment of this post if it wasn’t for the tags, but then this person goes mask off and proves to me that they were only pretending to offer meaningful criticism.
cause all i see in these tags is buzzword 🗣️🗣️ buzzword 🗣️🗣️ buzzword 🗣️🗣️
i just wanna know, why are the targaryens always singled out as the house that ‘regularly cannibalizes its own?’
these don’t exist ig: the she-wolves of winterfell, the current lannisters, and literally every House ever.
why are the targaryens held to such an unfair standard? and why are they held responsible for the sins of their ancestors?
it is literally so funny. but like… in an astonishing kind of way.
in these tags there’s no objective language used 🙅‍♀️ no care for nuance 🙅‍♀️ and no meaningful interaction with the main themes of the series 🙅‍♀️
OP kind of tries to pretend, but it’s all surface level shit. it’s clear that they’re blinded by their hatred of the targs and dany.
because george never holds things his characters can’t control against them. what a character should be judged by is their actions, and imo, that’s what george writes about: how individual characters actions and choices can shape the world around them (bonus if the character is a cripple, bastard, or broken thing and is trying to protect others); and he also puts a lot of emphasis on a characters intentions and how they come to their decisions, which gets us his famous ‘human heart in conflict with itself’ thesis statement.
george, someone who’s interested in the choices of the individual and how they get there, clearly thinks it’s important to showcase how different characters handle great power, otherwise he wouldn’t have so many POV characters in positions of such great importance.
on that note, asoiaf isn’t an anti-monarchy piece. you could easily claim that it’s a criticism of systematic oppression, systematic violence, corrupt institutions, and unbalanced social structures; it’s a sort of think piece on how people in positions of power destroy the lives of the common in their petty fights of greed and ambition, all whilst ignoring the incoming humanity ending threat.
and through this thought process, you get the title of the first book: a game of thrones. the political shifts are a game for these powerful people, and this motif is one of the most important statements to understand in order to interact with the series discussion on what it means to be a good ruler. this motif also comes up in a conversation jorah and dany have about the smallfolk: “It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are.” it’s high lords, not royals. it’s a critique of the whole social structure and political system, not a criticism of one family.
so, if you’re of this belief that petty power disputes are dumb and are angry that most high lords don’t give a shit about their subjects, then you should love daenerys, who’s one of the few characters who’s using her power to make lasting societal change.
now, is she perfect? no. no she’s not. cause she’s a teenage girl trying to take down a slave trade that’s been around for thousands of years (hilarious that she’s actually fixing the mistakes of her ancestors…). but dany is learning and is doing her best to get better and is trying to empower the powerless. that sets her apart from almost every other ruler in asoiaf and makes her one of the most important POVs in this book series quest to find out what makes a good ruler. something something gods make kings and queens to protect those who can’t protect themselves…
with that in mind, i agree that the conclusion of the series won’t be a character sitting on a throne because of their blood or because of some divine right mumbo jumbo. imo, a character will only sit on a throne if they’ve been smart, gained allies, formed alliances, have control of an army, have gained loyalty from the people they wish to rule, have been honorable, maybe have a dragon or three, and are a hero.
dany has checked off almost all the boxes, so i think it’s safe to root for her. and considering the foreshadowing, i think it’s logical to guess that peace will be ushered in, even if it’s a hard won peace. and what’s wrong with believing that daenerys will be one of the ones who helps usher in this peace after all the work she’s done to protect those who don’t have the power to protect themselves?
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translannisters · 2 months
I do think Daemon is a man for the record. I am so very rarely the guy going "oh but actually this character just has gender feelings in a VERY CIS way" but while there's a very intentional mirroring between his envy of Rhaenyra and Rhaenyra's envy of him it's not in a way that I think justifies his inclusion in the "HRT would have fixed them" posts - gender is not IRRELEVANT to the status (as Viserys' unconditionally cherished daughter) that Daemon perceives Rhaenyra as having but it is secondary and instrumental. Ultimately Daemon's gender dissatisfaction has the same root as Rhaenyra's - he as well "will never be a son" (I will never stop being insane about this part of the 1x1 script btw.)
What Daemon definitely is is a bisexual man who is also a second son (disqualified from inheriting anything in the vast majority of cases) and who is perceived to take after his mother whereas his older brother is perceived to take after his father - Daemon's masculinity likely feels superfluous to him, like he would have done better as a sister (perhaps a GNC sister like Alyssa who sublimated all her GNCness into dying in the attempt to give her brother "an army of sons" - Daemon being the youngest surviving one.) This isn't a yearning towards womanhood its the exact same feeling of being inherently "castrated" that Rhaenyra, by way of their transmasculinity, feels. Because of his gender assignment at birth Daemon can move through the world without anyone knowing on sight that he's "castrated" - that his masculinity is without instrumental purpose - and that ambiguity creates that yearning for SOME kind of clear status/purpose (most notably the status of beloved daughtersisterwife. Which. The misconception on Daemon's part that Viserys ever unconditionally loved his daughter or his wife is truly something but that's a whole other post) that can be in a Trans of Gender direction but isn't really about that at its core. Am I saying Daemon is actually transmasc-coded instead you might ask. Well.
Anyway Daemon has never been hotter to me than in 1x4 when he looks like a butch so like. I get it. But that's a male bisexual tboy chaser unfortunately!!
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ilynpilled · 2 years
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A Game of Thrones - Tyrion I
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A Clash of Kings - Jon III
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A Clash of Kings - Catelyn IV
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A Clash of Kings - Theon V
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A Storm of Swords - Jaime I
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A Storm of Swords - Samwell I
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A Storm of Swords - Arya VII
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A Storm of Swords - Daenerys VI
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A Storm of Swords - Sansa VII
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A Dance with Dragons - Melisandre I
POV characters & the dawn
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daielsal · 1 year
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I finally finished it, and a bit faster than I expected. This is my first Fem Harry piece and my first HP piece of fanart to boot (and it did come out better than I expected). For a while I had this urge to draw a Harry Potter x A Song of Ice and Fire crossover piece (partially due to reading A Stranger in a Strange Land by QuillQ on AO3) which I’ve finally had the chance to create with some free time recently. I fell hard for the Peverells being one of the families that once inhabited Old Valyria and somehow found their way into the Harry Potter verse, probably due to also having some insight of the doom that would come to Old Valyria trope (come on, how is it possible that Daenys was the only one to have the vision of the doom occurring). Seeing as how the Potters descend from one of the Peverells (along with the Slytherins + Gaunts, which is something I wish to cover in some other future piece, trust me on that) I gave Harry a dragon motif for her dress (there’s also another animal but I’ll just leave it up in the air for now). In this headcannon of mine I like to think Harry would be named Harriel (of course those that know her well she would go by Harry). There’s this AU (multiple for this crossover now) I’ve been attempting to flesh out, but for now I just have this. For the most part I was mainly focusing on Harriel herself, but the background was a plus with the way it came out. Hopefully I can create some additional pieces for this concept sometime soon.
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
save me dog motif aegond…. save me
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
how do you reconcile "targaryens are evil and abusive for practicing incest" with shipping a brother and sister lol
Because that sentence is an incomplete strawman, I don't have to reconcile it with anything.
The Targaryens are abusive for forcing incest, to the point where it has become a normalized part of their (single-family) culture. Its practice and the preference that they develop for it is tied to their sense of inherent superiority over others.
The line must be kept pure, Viserys had told her a thousand times; theirs was the kingsblood, the golden blood of old Valyria, the blood of the dragon. Dragons did not mate with the beasts of the field, and Targaryens did not mingle their blood with that of lesser men. (AGOT, Daenerys I)
Their incest heap is not accidental or freely chosen. It's either abjectly forced or culturally ingrained from birth, and it is part of a supremacist worldview born in a slaving culture that violently subjugated vast parts of Essos and drew untold numbers into slavery. Beasts of the field, as they were. The Targaryens are a continuation of that line, and it's why after 300 years they were as isolated from Westeros as when they invaded.
It's remotely comparable to Jaime and Cersei who were also raised to view Lannisters as inherently better than others, like little wannabe Targaryens, which likely played into how the relationship between them developed. And yet the truly problematic thing is how they act to enable their relationship (murder, causing political instability and war) and how they treat each other (codependent, violent).
It is not remotely comparable to Jon and Sansa, who are not shipped for being an incest couple (by most, anyway) but for being a pseudo-incest couple that will struggle with this fact until they are miraculously rewarded with a surprise twist where they become a culturallly acceptable degree of related - capable of openly marrying.
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seafarersdream · 2 months
The Draconic | 18+ (Modern AU Aegon Targaryen x Y/N)
When you’re in London, The Draconic is the place to be. It’s only the hottest club in town, where the drinks are as fiery as the dragons they’re named after, owned by Aegon Targaryen, the self-proclaimed nightlife king. Enter Y/N, Helaena’s best friend, who somehow finds herself tagging along, knowing Helaena’s outings usually end with a story worth telling (or hiding).
TW // Explicit sexual content, profanities, rough sex, mild BDSM elements, substance use (alcohol), smoking.
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The Draconic exudes an air of mystery and exclusivity, with its grand entrance flanked by imposing dragon sculptures and the soft glow of green and gold lights illuminating the facade.
Inside, sultry Bossa Nova music drifts through the air, mingling with the soft hum of conversation and clinking glasses. The main lounge is a spectacle of emerald and gold hues, with plush velvet seating and marble floors adorned with dragon motifs. Crystal chandeliers cast a shimmering light over the scene, creating an almost otherworldly ambiance.
At the center of the revelry, basking in the attention, stands Aegon Targaryen. He is every bit the king of this lavish domain, exuding confidence and charm as he mingles with the elite guests. His presence is magnetic, drawing eyes and whispers as he moves through the room, a glass of the finest bourbon in hand.
Y/N stood at the entrance of The Draconic, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the grandeur of the club. “Fuck me, this place is something else, Hel,” she muttered, her voice dripping with astonishment.
Helaena, with a cheeky grin, looped her arm through Y/N’s. “Told you, love. My brother couldn’t do subtle if it slapped him in the face.”
Y/N grinned. “Just promise me we won't end up in the tabloids... again.”
Helaena laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, darling, wherever Aegon goes, the cameras follow. It's like he's got his own bloody paparazzi fan club.”
Y/N snorted. “And it doesn’t help that your brother goes through London socialites faster than toilet paper in a public loo.”
Helaena rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. Last week, he was dating some heiress named Daphne. This week, it’s a Russian model called Tatiana. Next week, who knows? Perhaps the prime minister’s daughter.”
They made their way inside, the sultry Bossa Nova music wrapping around them like a velvet cloak. The air was perfumed with the scent of expensive cologne and the subtle, smoky undertone of fine cigars. As they passed through the grand foyer, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the dragon sculptures and the exquisite marble flooring.
“No phones allowed, remember,” Helaena reminded her, handing over their devices to the stern-looking security guard.
They entered the main lounge, and Y/N felt as if she'd stepped into another world. Patrons lounged on emerald green velvet seats, their conversations low and conspiratorial. The bar, a stunning creation of green onyx and gold, was the centerpiece of the room, with bartenders expertly mixing drinks for the elite clientele.
“There he is,” Helaena said, nudging Y/N. “Aegon.”
At the heart of the room, Aegon Targaryen commanded the space. His silver hair was slicked back, and his suit was tailored to perfection. He exuded an effortless charm, a faint, knowing smile playing on his lips as he entertained his guests. The golden dragon pin on his lapel caught the light, a symbol of his dominion over this lavish playground.
“Come now, let's go say hi,” Helaena urged, dragging Y/N through the throng of people.
As they approached, Aegon’s eyes flicked towards them, a slow, calculating smile spreading across his face. “Sister! And this must be…?” he inquired, his voice smooth and welcoming, yet laced with a hint of something darker.
Y/N steeled herself, trying to exude confidence. “Y/N,” she introduced herself, noting that up close, Aegon was even more striking—his silver hair and lilac eyes giving him an almost ethereal allure.
“Ah, so this is the Y/N I’ve heard so much about,” Aegon said with a chuckle, his eyes lingering on her.
Helaena shot him a playful but warning glare. “Stop flirting with my best friend, Aegon. Go find another prey,” she quipped, though there was an edge to her tone that suggested she meant it.
Aegon chuckled lowly, raising his hands in mock surrender. “I was merely admiring,” he said, his voice dripping with insincere innocence.
Helaena stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed Y/N's arm, dragging her toward the bar. “Come on, let’s get you something to drink.”
She ordered two Dragon Blood cocktails, which arrived looking unnervingly realistic, the deep red liquid swirling ominously in the glass.
Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes boring into the back of her head. She took a sip of her drink, trying to ignore the unease. But she had a pretty good guess as to who was responsible for the intense gaze.
Y/N and Helaena were well into their cups, each clutching a glass of Dark Sister cocktail. The liquid inside was an enchanting, a sinister shade of dark red almost purple, flecked with silver specks that swirled hypnotically. The taste was a heady mix of pomegranate and absinthe, with a smoky undertone that left a tantalizing burn in its wake.
Surrounded by a veritable graveyard of empty glasses—was this their eighth drink? Eleventh? They’d lost count hours ago—the two friends were deep in a rambling conversation about Helaena’s eccentric family.
“I mean, can you believe it?” Helaena slurred, her cheeks flushed with a rosy glow. “Mum's dating Rhaenyra.”
Y/N nearly choked. “Rhaenyra? As in, your half-sister Rhaenyra? The one who also has kids with your uncle Daemon?”
Helaena giggled, nodding vigorously. “Tell me about it. Every time I turn around, there's another plot twist. Yes, that one! So now, technically, my mum is dating my half-sister. It’s like our family tree is a vine, just tangling and looping all over the place.”
Y/N burst into laughter, almost spilling her drink. “That’s bloody brilliant. Do they make you call her mum or sis?”
Helaena cackled, nearly tipping off her stool. “Oh, gods, it’s even worse. Mum’s taken to calling her Nyra in that sickeningly sweet voice. And don't get me started on the kids—Joffrey, my little nephew, is fucking confused on how to address Alicent, bless him.”
Y/N was in stitches, tears streaming down her face. “I can’t even—imagine the Christmas dinners!”
Helaena grinned, raising her glass. “Here’s to family. Because who needs enemies when you’ve got relatives like mine?”
They clinked their glasses, the liquid inside shimmering under the club's lights. Y/N leaned in conspiratorially. “So, what’s the deal with Aemond? I haven’t seen him in ages.”
Helaena chuckled, shaking her head. “Oh, Aemond. He’s gone completely off the grid. Last I heard, he was up north in Stromness. When I spoke to him, he was convinced he’d found evidence of a kraken. Sent me a photo of some squiggly line in the water and everything.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t he a marine biologist or something?”
Helaena nodded, her grin widening. “Yeah, that’s the one. But he’s got this bizarre obsession with mythical creatures.”
Y/N laughed, this time spilling almost half of her drink. “Does he have a little notebook for his ‘discoveries’ too?”
Helaena snorted. “Oh, he’s got notebooks, alright. Filled with sketches of ‘sightings’ and elaborate plans to capture a sea serpent. We’re talking full-on mad scientist vibes.”
Y/N could hardly contain her amusement. “I can just picture him, all serious, scanning the horizon for a glimpse of a mythical beast. Does he ever actually do any real marine biology work?”
Helaena took another sip of her drink. “He does, but only when he’s not busy chasing legends. Last Christmas, he gave us all ‘Unseelie Repellent Spray.’ It was just water in a fancy bottle, but he was dead serious about it.”
Y/N shook her head in amusement. “Your family is a goldmine of entertainment, Hel. I don’t know how you keep up with it.”
Helaena shrugged, a playful smile on her lips. “It’s either laugh or cry, and I’d much rather laugh.
Suddenly, Helaena felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to find Oscar Tully standing there, his red, curly hair as wild as ever. His boyish face was littered with freckles, and he wore his signature lopsided grin.
“Oscar!” Helaena exclaimed, her eyes lighting up.
“Hel!” Oscar replied, matching her enthusiasm.
The breakup had been mutual, and they’d managed to stay on good terms. They launched into small talk, catching up on life since they last saw each other.
“So, how’s the trout farm going?” Helaena asked.
Oscar rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Swimmingly, thanks for asking. Someone’s got to keep the world supplied.”
Y/N watched the exchange with amusement.
Oscar turned to her with a grin. “Mind if I steal Hel away for a bit? I promise to return her in one piece.”
Y/N waved her hand dramatically. “Oh, by all means, take her.”
He offered his arm to Helaena with a playful bow. “Milady?”
Helaena rolled her eyes but took his arm. As Y/N watched them blend into the crowd, she decided she’d had enough alcohol for one night. She could bet everything she had that Helaena would come back as drunk as George IV.
Standing up, she stumbled a bit and decided to find a quieter place to collect her thoughts. She remembered spotting some private booths earlier, each with high-backed, gold-trimmed seats and curtains that could be drawn for privacy. Each booth had a unique dragon nameplate.
She randomly picked one marked “Sunfyre,” thinking it would be empty.
To her shock, inside she found Aegon reclined luxuriously on the plush seat, his suit jacket discarded and shirt unbuttoned. The stunning brunette was on her knees between his legs, her head bobbing rhythmically as she performed the act with evident expertise. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, and Aegon’s hand was entangled in her locks, guiding her movements with a mixture of roughness and intensity.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she took in the scene, her breath catching in her throat. The woman’s lips glistened as they slid up and down Aegon’s cock, her hands working in tandem to heighten his pleasure. The air was thick with the sounds of their illicit encounter—the soft, wet noises of the brunette’s efforts and Aegon’s low, guttural groans of satisfaction.
His eyes were closed, his head tilted back against the booth, lost in the sensations. His grip on the brunette’s hair tightened as he pulled her closer, his hips thrusting slightly in response. But then, as if sensing the intrusion, he opened his eyes and locked onto Y/N’s stunned gaze.
For a moment, neither moved. Y/N stood frozen, her heart pounding in her chest, unable to tear her eyes away from the intimate scene. Aegon’s expression shifted from pleasure to surprise.
Before he could say anything, Y/N snapped out of her stupor, spinning on her heel and practically fleeing from the booth. Her mind raced, the vivid image of Aegon seared into her memory. She needed a drink—something strong—to process what she had just witnessed. The night had taken an unexpected turn, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for where it was heading.
Y/N ordered two of the strongest cocktails served at the bar. The bartender, with a knowing smile, brought her a pair of Death by Flames. She downed the first in one go, feeling the intense heat and smoky flavors hit her like a fiery wave, but realized nothing could erase the image of Aegon from her mind.
“Motherfucker,” she muttered, cursing at herself. “Why do I always have the shittiest luck in the entire country?”
Cursing under her breath, she berated herself and her rotten luck. With frustration bubbling up, she decided to make a beeline for the loo, hoping that a splash of cold water might help clear her head.
Y/N stumbled into the bathroom, taking in the dragon-shaped faucets and sinks made of green marble. Gold accents and dragon motifs were everywhere, maintaining the club’s theme. Soft, ambient lighting in shades of green and gold created a warm, inviting atmosphere, with hidden LED strips along the walls and floor adding subtle highlights that enhanced the overall ambiance without overpowering the space.
She splashed her face repeatedly with water, each splash accompanied by a string of colorful profanities. “Bloody hell, piss off, for fuck's sake!”
She glanced at her reflection, seeing the crazed look and blown pupils. “Great, now I look like I’m the one who just gave someone else a fucking blowjob,” she groaned.
She fumbled with her bag, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, hoping to calm her frayed nerves. As she lit up and took a deep drag, she caught her reflection again and decided it was time for a monologue, just to vent her frustration.
“Alright, Y/N, let’s have a little chat. What the actual fuck were you thinking? Did you honestly believe you’d find a quiet spot in a place called The Draconic? Clearly, you’ve lost the plot.”
She took another drag, pacing back and forth. “Oh, sure, let’s follow Helaena. What could possibly go wrong? Well, let me tell you, everything. First, you walk in on Aegon, the living embodiment of a Greek god getting a blow job from a woman who probably just stepped out of a lingerie commercial. And you? You're standing here, looking like you've just crawled out of a bloody coal mine. Fabulous.”
She paused, flicking ash into the sink. “Why, oh why, did I think coming to this club was a good idea? I’ve got Helaena’s ex chatting her up, and me, well, I’m left with the delightful mental image of Aegon’s magnificent cock. Just brilliant. What’s next? Is the bloody Kraken going to pop out of the toilet?”
Taking one last drag of her cigarette, she flicked it into the dragon-shaped ashtray with a flourish. “Right, Y/N. Time to pull yourself together, go back out there, and pretend you didn’t just have the most insane moment of your life. Maybe I’ll even find Helaena and we can laugh about this... in about ten years.”
With that, she took a deep breath, splashed her face one last time for good measure, and steeled herself.
It seemed the gods were laughing at her existence because Aegon is leaning casually against the wall outside, a cigarette dangling from his lips and that infuriating smirk plastered on his face.
“Why’d you leave, love? I was about to ask you to join,” he said cheekily.
“Fuck off, Aegon,” she muttered quietly, trying to sidestep him and avoid further embarrassment.
But Aegon moved to block her only path back to the main area. He stood there effectively cornering her.
“Come on, don't be like that,” Aegon teased, leaning closer. “It was just a bit of fun.”
Y/N glared at him, her nerves fraying even more. “Your idea of fun is a bloody nightmare for everyone else.”
Aegon chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. “Oh, you wound me, beautiful. Can’t a man enjoy a bit of company in peace?”
Y/N sighed, looking at him with exasperation. “Look, I didn’t mean to walk in on you. It was pure accident.”
Aegon shrugged it off nonchalantly. “No need for apologies. But did you at least enjoy the show?”
Y/N’s cheeks reddened, her breaths coming raggedly. “I’ve seen better,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.
Aegon looked at her, unimpressed, clearly not believing her. He took the cigarette from his lips and held it to her mouth so she could take a drag. She hesitated but then took a deep pull, the smoke burning her throat, but the distraction was welcome.
“So, where’s Helaena?” he asked, taking the cigarette back.
“She was whisked away by Oscar and hasn’t been seen since,” Y/N explained, still trying to compose herself.
Aegon raised an eyebrow. “Oscar, huh? Well, that explains a lot. Guess it’s just you and me then.”
Y/N sighed, feeling the massive amount of alcohol she had consumed catching up to her. Her head was starting to pound. “Can I have some water?” she asked, her voice a bit shaky.
Aegon’s smirk softened slightly, and he nodded. “Of course, love.” He placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her gently toward his private office.
The office was a stark contrast to the chaos outside, a sanctuary of dark leather and polished wood. Aegon motioned for her to sit on a leather sofa as he poured a glass of water from a crystal decanter.
“Here you go,” he said, handing her the glass. “Drink up.”
Y/N took the glass gratefully, drinking deeply, the cool water soothing her parched throat and clearing her head slightly. She glanced around the office, noting the various dragon-themed decorations.
“Thanks,” she said, setting the empty glass down on a nearby table.
Aegon leaned against his desk, watching her with amusement and. “Feeling better?”
“A bit,” she admitted, rubbing her temples. “This night has been... a lot.”
Aegon chuckled. “Welcome to The Draconic. It’s never boring, that’s for sure.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, despite everything. “You can say that again.”
Aegon’s grin widened. “Believe it or not, this is one of the tamer nights.”
Trying to be smooth, Y/N asked, “So, where’s your… friend or companion or whatever?”
Aegon shrugged nonchalantly. “Don’t know, don’t care,” he said, his grin turning slightly wicked.
Y/N bit her lip, trying hard to hide the growing wetness between her thighs as she watched him. There was something undeniably magnetic about Aegon, and despite her better judgment, she couldn’t help but feel drawn to him.
“Must be nice, having that kind of freedom,” she said, her voice a bit huskier than intended.
Aegon’s eyes darkened slightly, his gaze locking onto hers. “It has its perks,” he replied, his voice low.
Y/N felt her pulse quicken, the tension between them thickening. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “Well, thanks for the water. I should probably get back to Helaena.”
Aegon pushed himself off the desk and stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. “Sure you don’t want to stick around a bit longer? I can be very entertaining.” he said, his voice dripping with suggestion. “Besides, Helaena is probably also occupied.”
He began to circle around her like a serpent, his eyes never leaving hers. Y/N shivered, feeling the intensity of his gaze and the heat of his proximity. The room seemed to close in around them.
Y/N breathed out quietly, her voice shaking. “I’m Helaena’s friend,” she said, more to convince herself than anyone else. “I shouldn’t be doing anything with her brother.”
Aegon put a hand under her chin, his finger tracing her lips as he whispered, “She doesn’t have to know.”
Y/N moved forward, their lips now almost touching. She could feel his breath, warm and intoxicating, mingling with hers. Her fingers found their way to the nape of his neck, playing with the ends of his hair, feeling the softness against her skin.
“This doesn’t mean anything,” she murmured, her voice barely audible, the words more for her own reassurance.
“As you say, love,” Aegon whispered back, his voice a seductive purr.
In an instant, they clashed into each other, their lips meeting in a rough, demanding kiss that felt like they were devouring each other. The world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them suspended in a moment of dangerous excitement. Their hands moved frantically, tugging at each other’s clothes with a desperate urgency. Y/N felt Aegon’s hands at her back, unzipping her dress, while she fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, their mouths never breaking contact.
“Oh, God, Aegon,” she gasped between kisses, feeling his hands on her skin, the heat of his touch igniting something deep within her.
“Y/N,” he growled, his voice thick with desire.
The kiss deepened, becoming almost primal, as if they were trying to consume each other completely. Y/N’s dress fell to the floor, and she felt the cool air against her skin, contrasting sharply with the heat radiating between them. Aegon’s shirt joined her dress on the ground, followed by his belt and trousers. Her hands roamed over his bare chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath, as his fingers traced the curves of her body.
“Fuck,” Aegon muttered, his lips trailing down her neck, “you’re fit.”
Y/N gasped as his mouth moved lower, his hands gripping her hips with a possessive hunger. He kissed a path down her body, his breath hot against her skin. She shivered, feeling the intense pull of desire.
“Stop,” she managed to say, though her protest was weak. “You’re leaving marks.”
“Good,” Aegon murmured, his voice filled with satisfaction. “I want everyone to know you’re mine tonight.”
Y/N shuddered as his mouth found her clit, his tongue teasing and sucking with expert precision. Her hands tangled in his hair, torn between pushing him away and pulling him closer. Aegon was relentless, his hunger evident in every movement.
“You arrogant bastard,” she gasped, her body betraying her as pleasure surged through her.
Aegon chuckled, the sound vibrating against her most sensitive spot. “So wet, darling, all for me, huh?” he taunted, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction.
His fingers joined the assault, thrusting inside her with a rhythm that had her seeing stars. Aegon was a god at this, his fingers curling just right while his tongue continued its relentless teasing. Y/N’s mewls turned into desperate cries, her body trembling under his assault.
“Mmm, you like that, don’t you?” he murmured against her clit, his tone a mix of degradation and praise. “Such a good girl, taking everything I give you.”
Her body arched, her hips moving instinctively to meet his fingers, the intensity of his touch driving her wild. “Aegon, please,” she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper.
“Begging already?” he smirked, increasing the pressure of his fingers. “Look at you, falling apart just for me.”
Y/N’s vision blurred, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. She was so close, the sensations overwhelming her. His mouth never let up, his tongue a constant source of exquisite torture.
“Come on, love,” he urged, his voice husky with desire. “Let go for me.”
With a final, intense suck and a twist of his fingers, Y/N’s world shattered. Her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, her body convulsing as she squirted hard, her juices soaking Aegon’s hand and mouth.
“Shit, love,” Aegon groaned, his eyes dark with lust as he watched her. “That’s fucking hot.”
He didn’t stop, drawing out her orgasm with gentle licks and caresses. Y/N’s body trembled, her mind barely able to process the overwhelming pleasure.
As the waves of her climax slowly subsided, she collapsed back, breathless and spent. Aegon moved up, his lips brushing against hers in a possessive kiss.
“I could watch you come like that all night.”
Y/N could only nod weakly, her body still trembling, as she tried to catch her breath.
Aegon began pumping his cock, his hand moving in smooth, practiced strokes. Pre-cum was already leaking from the tip, his veins throbbing with need. He sat down and guided her to straddle him. As she settled on top of him, Y/N noticed a strategically placed mirror, reflecting their entwined bodies clearly.
Aegon’s eyes darkened with a primal hunger. “Ride me, love,” he commanded, his voice low and rough.
Y/N positioned herself over him, her hands on his shoulders for balance, and slowly lowered herself onto his throbbing cock. The sensation was intense, both of them groaning as he filled her completely. She began to move, bouncing expertly, the squelching sounds echoing in the room.
“Fuck, you ride like a slut,” Aegon taunted, his hands gripping her hips hard enough to leave marks. “So wet and desperate for me.”
Her eyes caught the mirror again, watching as she rode him with wild abandon. The sight was incredibly arousing. Aegon’s fingers wrapped around her throat, applying just enough pressure to make her gasp.
“You like that, don’t you?” he taunted, his grip tightening slightly. “You like being fucked like this.”
Y/N’s moans were half-choked, her eyes rolling back as the pressure on her throat intensified the pleasure. “Yes,” she gasped out, her voice strained. “I love it.”
Aegon’s eyes were locked on where their bodies met, watching as her cream formed a white ring at the base of his cock. “Look at that,” he said as he tuts at her. “You’re making such a mess, love.”
Y/N’s body responded to his words, her movements becoming more frantic. She was riding him hard, her nails digging into his backs, leaving marks of her own.
Aegon groaned, his grip tightening as he felt her walls clench around him. “That’s it, love,” he murmured, his voice thick with pleasure. “Just like that.”
“Aegon, I’m so close,” she moaned, her body trembling with the impending climax.
“Come for me, Y/N,” he commanded, his voice full of raw desire. “I want to feel you.”
With a final, desperate bounce, Y/N’s body convulsed, her orgasm ripping through her with such force that she squirted again, much to Aegon’s delight. He watched with a mixture of pride and lust as she trembled above him. His own release followed closely, exploding inside her and painting her insides with his cum.
The room reeked of sex, the intense scent of their passion filling the air. Aegon held her close, their bodies still entwined, his hands moving gently over her back as he rubbed her hair, soothing the aftermath. They stayed like that for a moment, their breaths mingling, gradually slowing down.
Y/N’s pussy was overstimulated, every slight movement sending tremors through her body. She trembled uncontrollably, her muscles twitching with the aftershocks of their intense lovemaking.
Aegon held her close, his voice a soothing whisper in her ear. “You did so well for me, darling,” he murmured, his tone filled with both admiration and tenderness.
He shifted slightly, still inside her, causing her to gasp as another wave of sensation coursed through her. “Fuck, love,” he continued, his breath hot against her ear. “How am I supposed to not crave your cunt after this?”
Y/N could only manage a weak smile, her body still recovering from the overwhelming pleasure. She leaned into his touch, finding comfort in his arms.
Aegon’s fingers continued to trace soothing patterns on her skin, his breath warm against her ear. “You’re amazing,” he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. “Absolutely fucking amazing.”
They shared a tender kiss, a huge contrast to what had just transpired. Aegon’s lips were soft and gentle, offering a moment of intimacy that grounded them both.
“I’ll be right back,” he whispered, standing up carefully. He retrieved a warm, clean towel and returned to her side, gently cleaning the insides of her thighs. Y/N watched him fondly, her heart warming at the unexpected tenderness.
“What a gentleman,” she teased, her voice light with amusement.
Aegon winked at her. “Don’t tell anyone.”
After cleaning her up, he poured her a glass of cold water. “Drink up,” he said, handing it to her. “You need to stay hydrated.”
Y/N took the glass, sipping gratefully, still watching him with a smile. He then grabbed a spare shirt from a nearby drawer and slipped it over her head, his fingers lingering as he admired how it looked on her. The shirt was oversized, hanging loosely on her frame, but Aegon seemed to like it that way.
“Acting like a doting boyfriend now, are we?” Y/N teased, raising an eyebrow at him.
Aegon smirked, adjusting the shirt on her shoulders. “I knew this shirt would look fantastic on you, and I was right.”
“Oh? Well, in that case, I might as well keep it then.”
Aegon chuckled. “You’ll have to earn it, love.”
She grinned, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Consider it a down payment.”
Aegon laughed, pulling her closer. “You drive a hard bargain.”
Y/N laughed along with him, feeling a warmth spread through her that had nothing to do with the afterglow of their encounter. “I’ll take my chances.”
Aegon grinned, leaning in to kiss her again. “You’re trouble, you know that?”
Y/N kissed him deeply, their lips melding with a renewed passion. His hands found their way to her arse, gripping it firmly as he pulled her closer.
But then the door flew open, and Helaena stood in the doorway, her eyes wide with shock. “Oh great, I’m forever traumatized,” she exclaimed, a scandalized gasp escaping her lips.
The evidence of their encounter was plain as day. The whole room reeked of sex, and there were suspicious liquid remains on the floor.
“Really? In my brother’s office?” Helaena berated, her hands on her hips.
Y/N’s face turned crimson, and she tried to hide her face in Aegon’s shoulder, mortified. Aegon, however, was laughing shamelessly.
“Oh, come on, Hel,” Aegon said. “Don’t be so dramatic.”
Helaena’s eyes narrowed as she glared at both of them. “Dramatic? The room smells like a brothel, and I just walked in on my brother groping my best friend!”
“You do have impeccable timing,” Aegon managed to say between laughs.
Y/N peeked out from behind Aegon, still embarrassed. “I… I can explain?”
Helaena rolled her eyes dramatically. “Oh, please don’t. I think the evidence speaks for itself.”
Aegon grinned, pulling Y/N closer. “Come on, Hel. You know you love us.”
Helaena shook her head, unable to suppress a smile despite her mock indignation. “You two are disgusting. Just… clean up after yourselves, will you?”
Y/N nodded vigorously, still trying to hide her face. “We will, promise.”
As Helaena left, muttering about needing eye bleach, Aegon and Y/N burst into laughter. Y/N shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. “I guess I’m keeping this shirt after all.”
“Damn right you are,” Aegon said with a smile. He paused, looking at her thoughtfully. “So, when are you free?”
Y/N blinked, confused. “Free for what?”
Aegon rolled his eyes playfully. “I’m taking you out on a date, woman.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. “A date? After all this?”
Aegon grinned, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “Course, You’ve already seen the worst of me. Now please let me try to impress you properly.”
Y/N pretended to ponder this, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, let me think about it. I mean, you did just make a mess of the place, and you have a habit of getting caught in compromising positions...”
Aegon chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. “Oh, come on. You know you want to. Besides, how many people can say they had their first date after walking in on said person mid-blowjob?”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Alright, you’ve got a point there.”
She gave him a mock-serious look. “Okay, 5 PM next Friday, Targaryen. Don’t be late.”
Aegon pumps his fist in celebration. “I’ll be there on the dot, love. You just wait.”
“You know,” she said, looking up at him, “this has to be the strangest way I’ve ever agreed to a date.”
Aegon grinned. “Well, I’m nothing if not memorable.”
Y/N smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her. “That you are.”
She took a deep breath and reluctantly stepped back from him. “I should go find Helaena and do some damage control before she decides to disown both of us.”
Aegon laughed, nodding. “Good idea. She’ll get over it… eventually.”
“Don’t be late,” she said with a playful smirk.
Aegon raised his hands in mock surrender. “I wouldn’t dare.”
With one last smile, Y/N turned and headed for the door.
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artist-ellen · 5 months
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Baela Targaryen
Young/child Baela. Daughter of Daemon and Laena Velaryon, rider of the dragon Moondancer. Baela is our "tomboy" of this show, she takes after Daemon's recklessness and is a direct contrast to her younger twin sister. I wanted to draw Baela in her dragon-riding outfit, but to have references to her mother and grandmother's fashion. The diagonal lines, the sea shell inspired gem and the wave motifs.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
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Hi! I saw requests are open and I wanted to request this if you don’t mind!
May I request Daemon Targaryen x Male! (or trans male! ) Reader thats pregnant with their first child and how they are with the child? I would like headcanons if that’s possible as well :)
Thank you so much if you get to this!!
Daemon Targaryen x Male Reader that's pregnant with their first child
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Daemon is incredibly protective of his husband throughout the pregnancy. He often places his hand on his partner's belly, feeling the baby move, and reassures him with comforting words.
Daemon takes the lead in preparing for their child. He insists on a nursery that reflects  Targaryen lineage, complete with dragon motifs and warm, vibrant colours. 
Daemon begins to read stories to the unborn child. He chooses tales of Targaryen history and legends, believing it's important for their child to understand their heritage even before birth. His husband often finds this endearing, watching Daemon bring the stories to life with dramatic flair.
There are moments when Daemon's stoic exterior cracks. He gets emotional during quiet moments together, holding his husband and marvelling at the life they’re creating. He often expresses concerns about being a good father, revealing a softer side that only his husband gets to see.
While Daemon loves feasting and wine, he puts in extra effort to ensure his husband’s diet is healthy. He insists on meals that are nourishing, often seeking out herbal remedies from the maesters
Despite the seriousness of impending fatherhood, their relationship remains playful. Daemon teases his husband about cravings, often jokingly offering him outrageous foods just to see his reaction. It keeps the atmosphere light and fun.
Daemon surprises his husband with thoughtful gifts for the baby, such as tiny dragon figurines or intricately crafted toys. He loves to watch his husband’s face light up with each gift,
Daemon was excited when They went to pick a dragon egg for their child to place it in their babes cradle 
The couple engages in heartfelt discussions about potential baby names. Daemon holds a fascination for names with Targaryen significance, while his husband favours less Targaryen names.
Daemon often daydreams aloud about their child's future—What they will look like, teaching them to hold a sword and how to speak Valyrian 
Daemon frequently talks to the baby, even before birth, often indulging in a mix of fierce pride and gentle affection.
Daemon, known for his fierce and sometimes reckless nature, surprises everyone with how gentle he is with their new-born. He often finds quiet moments to hold the baby, whispering stories of dragons and their family history, creating a strong bond from the very beginning.
Y/N plays the role of the calm and steady caregiver, tending to the baby’s needs with patience and love. He often crafts beautiful toys by hand, infusing them with love and his own personal touch.
Just like when Daemon was a baby and his mother took him on her dragon to fly for the first time, Daemon does the same with their child.
 Like all parents, they face challenges. Late-night crying fits bring out Daemon’s impatience, but Y/N ’s soothing presence helps keep the peace.
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greenbloods · 8 months
🕸 waifnumber17 Follow
she let me hit becuause behind my whimsy there is this Sorrow
[this post was made by an adherent of the great council of 101!!! DNI if you adhere to andal succession law]
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🌻 littlelordroses Follow
omggg my fields have been absolutely THRIVING since the tyrells have brought comfort and prosperity to the capital. feel so proud to be a reachman. thank youuuu @ mace_the_ace
🦁 hearmerawr Follow
mace tyrell is a separatist and a cryptofascist btw
🌻 littlelordroses Follow
umm could you provide some sources for this?
🥖 heelobread Follow
🏵 ofthegreenlands Follow
lolol thats def cersei isnt it
🦁 hearmerawr Follow
it’s not my job to educate you
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❄ whorefrost Follow
ok this is a long shot but if any of you are in the area around the godseye i lost my raven Moonwing yesterday and i was wondering if any of you might have seen him. he was pacing around my room two nights ago mumbling things like 'snow' and 'king' and 'hardhome'. my brother likes to play pranks on me so i thought it was just one of his games but when i woke up my raven was gone. i miss him a lot so i wanted to reach out to see if any of you might have seen him
🌙 moonglowinherhair Follow
heyy im in the godseye area too (im from Crofter's Fall if youve heard of it) but i was wondering if you have any more information about your bird? theres a lot of ravens around these parts haha
❄ whorefrost Follow
hes black
🌙 moonglowinherhair Follow
anything else?
❄ whorefrost Follow
he bites me a lot
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⚔️ swordcrosseryaoi Follow
streets are saying sansa poisoned joffrey and took off from kings landing on leathery bat wings to go to the wall you go girl!! starks stay winning
fireandboob Follow
oh my fucking none of these people care about you. a stark brigade literally plundered my whole village!! can we not do this again i hate this goddamn site
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🍏 fossobabe Follow
does anyone know if we have tomorrow tomorrow
🍁 plummpudding Follow
for man, perhaps. but for a tree, time is different. a river roiling back and forth, both here and there, but inconstant--always inconstant. a thousand years are but a mere moment through the eyes of a heart tree
📿 sparrowsbones-777-deactivated2990707 Follow
yeah go pray to your rivers northoid. and when the shaman comes to tear your heart out and sacrifice it to your trees, maybe spare a thought for the Seven and their divine might. we'll be waiting.
🍁 plummpudding Follow
❄ whorefrost Follow
yooo thats near where i live! if you see a raven flying near your house, could you dm me?
⛓ rhllorbot Follow
The night is dark and full of terrors.
[Beep-boop! I look for heathens and non-believers. Sometimes I mess up.]
🐗 bobby-b-bot Follow
🐀 askmeaboutmylengtheory Follow
every time i scroll past this post i have to reblog
🦀 crackedclaw Follow
hey can i ask you about your leng theory?
🐀 askmeaboutmylengtheory Follow
🍏 fossobabe Follow
what the hell happened to my post
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🗝 adropofdragonblood Follow
alright we're solving this once and for all
🧀 bloodncheesewasan1n51d3j0b Follow
op you coward wheres stannis
🗝 adropofdragonblood Follow
many have been asking the same question
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🕯glasscandle-was-taken Follow
ok i know i shouldnt be surprised bcz its popular on this site to bandwagon onto the next popular thing but just a reminder that if youre supporting the conquests of daenerys targaryen youre supporting a literal colonizer and imperialist. plus slavery is literally a unique and traditional part of ghiscari culture so we cant be surprised that people over there dont like her. begging yall to pick up a scroll once in a while
🍷adornishred Follow
👁️ eye-motif Follow
⛈ pisswaterprincess Follow
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🩸 blood-motif394 Follow
what if we were both locked in the formless dark void of the dungeon together, bereft of our own names and our own identities, bereft of everything that made us who we were. and we were both boys
🐒 littlestvalyrian Follow
haha that would be pretty epic i think
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targaryen-dynasty · 1 year
Modern!Maegor Targaryen x fem!Reader
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Based on this request
WARNINGS: SEXUAL CONTENT-MINORS DNI; p in v, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, age gap, power imbalance, rough sex, degrading, power play, size difference
WORDS: 1.3 K
NOTES: Thanks for your request @hypocritic-trash-baby! This sleepover really shows me how difficult it is for me to write something with less than 1.5 K words lmao. But I still had so much fun writing modern!Maegor. Hope you like it!
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If you had known that working three hours overtime each evening was a part of the job when you had applied, you would not have taken it – regardless of how damn hot your boss was. 
Maegor was just your type. He was in his mid 40s, incredibly tall and bulky, but not fat, and allowed you to savor your feminine energy, despite you being his junior personal assistant and supposed to assist him. Whenever he was around, you didn’t have to bother opening doors, and if Maegor heard of someone being rude to you, it was only a matter of time until that person would crawl back to apologize. 
And not to talk about the looks he gave you. 
It was thrilling. 
You scarcely saw the violet hue of his eyes whenever you were around him, always dark blown with something you couldn't quite decipher. Even if you weren’t alone with him, he undressed you with his gaze, and it always strayed to your middle, lingering there a bit too long. 
You felt desired, and it was no surprise your confidence got a good boost from it. 
This was the main reason for the skirts of your office attire getting progressively shorter, always straddling that fine line between being appropriate or unfitting. 
It was another endless evening in the office, though this time, you and Maegor were completely alone. All your colleagues had left earlier to attend the birthday party of Maegor’s senior personal assistant, Alys, while she had passed all her tasks over to you. 
… what somehow brought you into the current predicament. 
Your chest was pressed flush against the wall of Maegor’s office. He had ripped your precious heart motif tights between your legs, had pulled your thong to the side and had rucked your skirt up around your waist. 
Maegor towered over your small frame. One of his paw-like hands held your arms locked behind your back, while the other cupped your chin to tilt your head back, forcing you to arch your back to accommodate his cock as he pounded into you with reckless abandon. 
“Waited so fuckin’ long for this,” Maegor grunted into your ear, his hot breath fanning over your flushed skin. “All those short skirts…,” he trailed off, seemingly needing a few seconds to regain his breath. “... you were just beggin’ for me to fuck you, huh?”
Your mouth hung agape, and with his hand tilting your head back to a point it was borderline painful, you weren't quite able to make any more sounds than breathy whines and whimpers. “Y-Yes,” you mewled, the sound straining your throat to the point you had to cough once. 
Maegor seemed to notice your struggle, and even though his hips didn’t slow down, he was generous enough to ease the grip on your face, allowing your head to bow forward. 
“Oh, fuck,” he groaned, your name leaving his lips so smoothly, you almost came just hearing it, “takin’ my fuckin’ cock like the good girl you are.” While his hand kept your arms pinned behind your back, his other grabbed your thigh to raise your leg, draping it over his forearm as he braced it on the wall. 
The new angle had you seeing stars, his cock repeatedly attacking the sweet spot inside of you to the point you felt the urge to pee. Every moan hiccuped in your throat each time his hips slammed into yours, his heavy balls slapping against your aching clit, but not once giving you enough stimulation to push you over the edge. 
“That’s it, ‘m gonna get you all nice and ready for me. Gonna fill you up to show everyone you’re mine.” He said it as if he had been waiting for this just as long as you had, if not even longer. “Just knew I had to breed you when you pranced into my office for your job interview.” 
As he bent forward, he rested his forehead against the back of your head, looking down to where his cock was repeatedly disappearing inside of your cunt. “G-God, please, daddy… harder,” you whimpered, pressing your eyes shut. “N-Need you t-to… cum in me.” 
Your words made the animal behind you groan. “That’s what you want, huh? Bein’ fucked full of my cum until you’re pregnant with my child?” 
At this point, your mind was blank, his merciless pounding and words forcing every thought right out of your brain. You whined a string of incoherent words, rambling one ‘yes’ after the other. 
You could feel his thrusts becoming more and more erratic, a sign that let you know he was about to topple over the edge. With a few more thrusts, he fucked into you, until he released a breathy groan that heralded his orgasm. His twitching cock spilled his load deep inside of your cunt, and you squeezed him ever so tightly in response, milking him for every drop. 
While you thought he was done with you as he pulled out, a bit disappointed you didn’t get to come at all, your doubts were quickly pushed aside with his strong arms wrapping around you, turning you in his grasp, and lifting you from the ground. You squealed at the sudden action, more so when the coldness of his desk seeped into the naked flesh of your arse. 
Before you could say anything, he draped your legs over his shoulders and plunged his cock back into your cunt, his seed mixed with your arousal serving as lubricant. 
“You’re mine,” he growled, a threatening edge to his husky voice. “I fuckin’ own you and this sweet cunt of yours. Breedin’ you over and over, until I’ve knocked you up. Want everyone to know that I fuck you.”
His possessiveness intimidated you, but you didn’t complain, not when it meant you got to be fucked like this for the rest of your life. 
“You gonna look so fuckin’ radiant with a swollen belly.” You looked up at him with half lidded eyes, drool dripping from for parted lips – a clear sign that he had most definitely fucked you dumb by now. “Gonna be so, so full of me, pigeon, don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you.”
“Mae–Da-Daddy, please,” you called out desperately, not caring if it was loud enough to be heard outside of his office, since no one was there to hear it in the first place. Finally, you felt the heat in the pit of your stomach building again, the coil ready to snap at any given moment. “I want it, please. Need it so bad.”
Maegor smirked wickedly at you, and reached between your bodies to press his thumb to your clit, dragging it over the little bud in circles. It had your moans growing in volume as your climax washed over you, your convulsing walls clenching tight enough around Maegor’s thick cock to trigger his second release of the night. Your boss came with a shuddered breath leaving his lips, and by the way his jaw set, you could tell that he was slightly overstimulated already. 
You wanted to prop yourself up on your elbows when he pulled out, but his hand was quick to push you down again. A gasp escaped your throat at the impact, wanting to see just too badly what he was up to when he bowed forwards and brought his hand to your abused cunt. 
The uncomfortable feeling of being overstimulated filled your veins as Maegor dragged a thick finger through your folds, eventually sliding it inside and using it as a plug to stop his seed from oozing out of your cunt, making sure it wasn't fruitless. 
A few seconds passed until he pulled your thong back in place and fixed your skirt, helping you down his desk. When you met his dark blown gaze, you knew the insatiable man in front of you wasn’t satisfied.
“I’m not quite finished with you yet.”
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