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Tag Drop for Hellaverse - Please pay no mind - Hazbin Hotel and Hellova Boss
#Main | AngelDust#Ask | FanMail#Wardrobe | It's a Lewk#Aesthetic | Cocaine and Glitter#Likes | My Drugs#Heavens Verse | Heavens Angel#Villain Verse | Fallen Angel#Human Verse | My Angel#Main | CharlieMorningstar#Ask | HotelReport#Wardrobe | QuickChange#Aesthetic | Tapshoes and Showtunes#Likes | Redemption#Angst Teen Verse | It's not a phase!#Main | Stolas#Ask | Incoming Text#Wardrobe | Get my Coat#Aesthetic | Cosmic Desires#Likes | Censored#Sinner Verse | Fallen Stolas#Clown Verse | Runaway Owl#Main | Octavia#Ask | Shuffle Playlist#Wardrobe | Converse and Beanies#Aesthetic | Sk8er Boy#Like | Volume up#Main | Millie#Ask | HitContract#Wardrobe | Got my Boots#Aesthetic | Axes and Ohs
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Martyn wondered whether he would've been better off doing something sensible like cabinet making. Polishing that much wood was bound to drive him to madness but at least he wouldn't have to risk being mugged in a back alley.
He'd heard Gridania was nice this time of year.
A gaggle of dancers in sequins and skimpy silks passed him by. They paid him no mind, instead talking at length about which troupe Lord Lolorito would be looking to hire for the upcoming gala.
Martyn kicked a pebble across the pavement and watched it bounce off a wall. He was just frustrated, he told himself. He'd assumed that when he returned to Eorzea, everything would just fall into place but it turned out the average Joe wasn't nearly as keen to let themselves get hit full in the face with morbol breath as he'd hoped. No, introducing a new school of magic wasn't enough. He needed an angle, a way to spin it, something flashy.
He paused mid-stride and turned to watch the dancers setting up their stage. It had been a while, but it wasn't completely beyond his skillset.
He dashed back, “'scuse me—”
The leader of their troupe, a short miquo'te with a nicked ear folded her arms and stopped him before he could approach. “Bugger off,” she said. “We've got clients already.“
“Please, I ah... only wanted to know where you got your costumes.“
She raised an eyebrow and looked back at her troupe. One of the other dancers shrugged. She looked back. She seemed like she was only partially considering beating him over the head with her fan and so Martyn took it as an invitation to continue.
“Please, I find myself in need of a weaver who knows what to do for the, y'know... ” he waved his hand vaguely at the lot of them. “... performin' arts.“
She looked him up and down, frowning. “You aspiring to be some kind of third-rate procurer?“
“No, I...“
“'Cause you oughta know the girls arrange their own garb.“
“And the boys?“
She tilted her head.
“I mean to say, uhh... I'm a performer down on his luck.“
“Alright. Say I'm feeling generous. Prove it."
“Surely it's obvious...“ He started to pull out the lining of his pockets.
“—No, we can tell you're piss poor, thanks. Dance."
Martyn paled.
The leader rolled her eyes. “No, at the Sultana's palace... Of course I bloody well mean here!“
A few of the dancers chortled.
With hands that were probably not shaking, he retrieved his staff (more of a stick, really) and started to twirl it. It took a few false starts, but the movements came back eventually. After not too long, he could practically see the boonewa clapping along with his tapshoes at the Tulliyolal docks. On a good night he'd have offers of mezcal, a tumble in snow cotton sheets, and a few more pel to put towards his expedition to Xak Tural.
Come to think of it, Latool Ja and Gaheel Ja had left for Ul'dah just before his own pass for Xak Tural had gotten approved. Maybe he'd be able to track them down — for old time's sake. They might even appreciate having a local to show them around. Or at the very least, someone they could have a proper conversation with. Even if Martyn was technically homeless.
“Alright, alright, you can stop with your toe tappin',” said the miqo'te. “You've made your point, I don't have all day.“
Martyn stopped halfway through a jump click (or it would have been if he'd been wearing proper shoes) and nearly tripped over his own feet. “Pardon?“
“Talk to Swift Breeze at the Ruby Road Exchange, tell 'er J'kebbe sent you.“
“Oh thats awful kind of...“
She shook her head before he could finish. “Move along, we've clients to impress."
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"i’m very sorry. i… i did not see you. i thought there was no one about."
They kept the posters for the Windmill Follies up. After all this time, frayed and crumpled as they were at the edges, the once vibrant colors now faded in the sun and rain. You can’t read any of the dancers’ names, but you can just make out silhouettes. Bright fur enhanced with paints and makeup. Beads and feathers and gaudy costume jewelry glittering over artfully brushed manes and perfectly poised paws. “And introducing…!” credits trail off into the bricks, lost to time. But some brilliant traces of color and light remain from them.
Jenyanydots had begged and pleaded with her mother for months to see the Follies. They were everything she wanted to be as a kitten–not just bright and shining and beautiful, but loud and proud and unapologetic. Not content with simply being seen, but never heard. You could hear the strident, brassy voices of their singers and the clack clack clack of tapshoes all the way down the street, and the noise didn’t stop even when the show was over. Encores could go on for hours, and cats by the dozens would come stumbling out afterward, covered in half-broken pearl strings and smelling of sweat and chestnuts and whatever champagne the humans didn’t feel like drinking upstairs. Agrona didn’t approve–”I raised you to be a lady, Jenny darling, and I certainly don’t know about their mothers”--but Jenny eventually wore her down. These were ladies, she insisted, the most wonderful ladies she’d ever seen, and she wanted to meet them and tell them how much she admired them. And there at the stage door, standing with a crumpled program in her paws as a tall ginger queen beamed down at her and called her precious and draped a circle of glass beads around her neck–”I’ll expect you to come back another night to give those back, yes?”--she could feel her heart pounding more insistently than it ever had before.
(Years later, she would tell Jelly that this might have been the moment she realized she liked queens as much as toms. And Jelly would just laugh and say, “Of course it was, darling.”)
It wasn’t for several more years that the chance to return them came… at the Follies’ final performance. That night, she’d taken a very young Munkustrap and Tugger with her while their father was busy, and Tugger especially was enraptured. Munkustrap had enjoyed himself very much, of course, but Tugger had cheered even louder after every song and dance and marveled at the intricate costumes. There was one grey-furred queen with a husky voice and mischievous smile he was especially enamored of, and Jenny thought his paws might bleed from clapping when she made a miraculous quick-change onstage from a bespoke coat and tails to a glimmering black dress mid-key change. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Jenny couldn’t help wondering if perhaps he’d seen her before, but by then the show was over and everyone was on their feet roaring their approval, including her young charges. The applause went on for what felt like hours, and flowers flew from the balconies over their heads for the dancers to collect. It looked as though meeting anyone at stage door was going to be impossible with the crowd still celebrating as they left, so Jenny tried to quietly steer the boys out the nearest door toward home. But right as they were about to turn the corner, Jenny felt a tap on the shoulder, and when she turned around that same paw, now belonging to a familiar ginger queen, unfurled expectantly in her direction with an accompanying grin. Munkustrap and Tugger were full of questions–”how long have you been dancing, did you really meet Jenny when she was little, how much does your costume weigh, where can I get a costume like that?”--and Jenny’s heart still couldn’t help but flutter a bit as she and this dancer she’d only met twice reminisced like old friends.
If she were younger, she might have bitterly regretted not taking her chance to join them there onstage. But time and tide did wonders for your perspective, it really did… and she had her own audience to dance for, her own costumes provided by her own delightful mates. She couldn’t have left them for the world, certainly not for something as fickle as fame. And even if the names on these posters had faded, Jenny could still remember their faces, their voices, their laughs when the lights faded, and that was enough.
Presently, the shuffle of nearby footsteps jolts her out of a trance, and she wheels around with a paw to her chest to see another queen wrapped in a thick coat at the other end of the pavement. “Oh! Dear, but you gave me a shock, I–I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you–I thought there was no one about…”
The queen doesn’t answer or so much as acknowledge her. She just sits down and stairs up at the wall of the Windmill–at the posters. Her expression, even from far away, is soft and sad, as though her thoughts have transported her to those same beautiful nights. Jenny regards her curiously for a moment before settling back into her own thoughts. She’s not sure how long the two of them stay like that afterwards, lost in their own respective fog of memories.
It’s certainly a few hours later that Jenny realizes who it was sitting next to her, and the night suddenly becomes a bit colder for it.
#Another one I'm way late to but I hope you still enjoy! <3#cats the musical#jenyanydots#asked and answered#ride-a-dromedary
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tapshoes by Martin W. Brossman III Via Flickr: Photo of Barbara (my wife) in tap shoes Used in her tap class "Broadway Tap Dancing Classes with Barbara Carr & Lisa Dumas" description: www.coachingsupport.com/movement.htm
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Tutus and Tapshoes
Another day ends and a section of my company which provided us with terrible poems and mediocre music once a week at 9:30 to a largely curious audience who soon after realised they had to go outside to work or boil their hand in the steam from a kettle rather than listen to the self congratulatory metaphorical blowjobs they all gave each other for half an hour, on demand, has ceased to exist as…

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🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
Asa is covered in tattoos. Most of them live on his arms, back, and legs. He is always hoping to get more- but it depends on where he gets them. Long ago, he bought his own tattoo gun and would experiment on his own body- but now that he has a bit of money, he likes to support artists and go to some local artists. He's always looking for more and some of his favorites are on his hands and knuckles.
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
Probably a dragon, honestly. Asa always used to love old books with knights and dragons. And he loves painting them as well. The idea of flying away on a dragon, too... Spirited Away is a BIG inspirational movie for him.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
His own creativity, his home and garden, his cats. Anyone he has become friends with, and any semblance of closeness, companionship, and warmth from others.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Asa loves coffee or tea, and he'll gladly drink hot chocolate as well. He's a cold brew girly and sometimes drinks it black, sometimes with oat milk and a bit of vanilla.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Asa has a lot of quirks from his odd upbringing. He often taps his fingers to his temples in thought, clenches and unclenches his hands, taps his feet when he's sitting back and forth almost as if he's wearing tapshoes. He will often gesticulate with his hands quite a bit. Asa also sometimes forgets to stop staring and his gaze can come across as a bit unnerving, though he usually is just intensely focused.
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. _______________________ CATWORTH|Star Tap Shoes|Patent Black 非常に可愛らしく、エレガントな靴でありますが、元々はタップシューズとして作られた靴。 しかもこのブランド自体、後援者にエリザベス女王も名を連ねている由緒正しき組織であり、英国発祥のダンスアカデミー「Royal Academy of Dancing(通称RAD)」である、本気のダンスシューズブランドでもあります。 生産も靴の聖地でもあるイギリスのノーザンプトンにて、一足一足丁寧に作られています。 またダンスシューズというとペッタンコ靴のイメージが強いですが、2.5cmほどのヒールがついています。たった2.5cmですが、エレガントさが違います。 さらにクラシックさを出すために、今回はパテントレザー=エナメルをセレクト。雨の日も気にせず履くことができ、お手入れも楽です。靴底もビブラムソールで、耐久性も心配ありません。 華奢なのにガンガン履ける、とてもオススメの靴です。 リボンの素材や色を変えたり、自分なりにアレンジするのもいいですね! . #CATWORTH #madeinENGLAND #madeinNorthampton #RoyalAcademyofDancingOfficialManufacture #Jazz #TapShoe #Shoe #ladies #イギリス製 #ノーザンプトン製 #ダンスアカデミー #タップシューズ #ジャズダンス #シューズ #ローヒール #靴 . _______________________ . DIARIES 〒305-0031 茨城県つくば市吾妻3-8-17 TEL:029-875-7754 12:00-20:00 (木曜定休・その他) https://diaries-shop.com #diaries #tsukuba #ibaraki #japan #ダイアリーズ #つくば #茨城 #日本 #セレクトショップ (Diaries / ダイアリーズ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dcw93DkLt/?igshid=19jckp4r8ojbo
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That’s a wrap! ♥️ #love #dance #hvt #concert #endofyear #withatwist #tap #tapshoe #danceteacher #proud #show #tapdancing #tapdance #one #jazz #shoe
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I need to stop watching Brad taste in music while I’m on the toilet he’s going over the AJR debut album and I keep scream laughing HELP ME
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Get those toes tapping to that beat 🥁
Clifton Dance Project in Flipside Point Huntington Beach
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i may have failed to actually learn the tap thing i was working on,,, but my fouettes are getting,, a little better??
#dis meh#personal#tap#tap dance#lets see if tumblr nerfs this again#i tried to post it this morning and was killed on sight#so lets see#but either way these are getting way better haha#i shouldnt be doing them in tapshoes but the glide babaye#its so smooth haha#(are you on holidays tomorrow?? or and i getting all mixed up??)#(tomorrow's tuesday right???)#(either way! how is your week going so far???)#this shirt pant scrunchy situation is so fucking bisexual i stg what am i doing t-t#god my forms off cause im trying really hard to not take a tapshoe to the knee haha
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What’s this? New tap shoes? HELLS YEAH! 😍💙 - #tap #tapshoes #tapdancing #tapdance #tapdancer #tapdancers https://www.instagram.com/p/CDf6gC_JspC/?igshid=1xsslbcjgu9dh
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Dancing, DS 2021.
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DnD Newsie
So, I asked my DM if tapshoes were an instrument in DnD, and he said yes. Therefore, my new character is a halfing bard with an urchin background... whose name is Daggers because its her weapon of choice. Daggers appears as a boy, though, and the rest of my party will not know her true name nor that she is a girl.
#newsies#oc#newsies oc#player character#DnD#Dungeons and Dragons#Daggers#Halfing#Bard#Urchin#Tapshoes#Tap dancing#Dungeon master#DM
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Ready to watch me lose my godsdamn mind?? Over a fictional man???
This expansion has caused me nothing but pain this far lolol
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Homage to tap! #esthercollinsearlyeducationcenter #tapdance #tapshoes (at Esther Collins Early Education Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpENtZcvLFH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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