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feeling-horsey · 2 days ago
you cant leave because then the horse gets sad
D --> I can live with the horse being sad if it means I live
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kelzthalasbandtherion · 4 months ago
Dear Kelz'thalas, I'll admit I wasn't sure what to write. I just want you to know that I think about you often and I hope you are doing well. Someday I'll come back and maybe we can catch up on old dealings? I heard about the incident within the training grounds of the estate... I do hope you're alright. I'll be back soon. Yours, -K
The letter was held in front of her before it eventually left her field of view. With a careless sway of her arm, it slid across the counter while silence filled the room. As did the stillness of her frame while she held her head downward a moment. The memories of her childhood friend threatened to come back into view as she made the association to the letter's would-be author. Out of reflex her hand curled into a fist as it struck against the counter's surface. At first, there was a numbness, then came the gradual sting of pain.
There was much she wanted to say, but she was a creature of habit and repression. Anger would have just made a mess of her apartment and sadness would have driven her to drink. Neither avenues would give her the satisfaction she needed before bed and thus she turned from her seat and made her way upstairs.
Upon arriving in her bedroom, she made for the bed and allowed gravity to guide her down against it. It seemed the comfort of her lavish bed was enough to convince her to lower her guard. But her dreams did nothing to abstain her former thoughts.
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...Kal'ren was back.
@kalren-daelish - thanks for the ask :3
@grumpyoldfker - Dad don't try to kill him again \o/
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omegaversetheory · 2 years ago
How do you envision scent blockers, if you have any views on them at all? I've seen them shown as many different things from padding on the scent glands, to collars, to bulky fabrics the cover the neck, and It varies a little based on where an author places scent glands. Ofc some people simply don't use blockers in their stories and let their characters use scent nullifying meds, but some other stories have scent blockers as an alternative to medication as it can mess with the body in heavy use. It'd be cool to hear your take on that kind of medication also
In my au, there are a few options.
temporary patch - this doesn't need to be placed over the scent glad, think of like a nicotine patch instead. They come in different strengths that can last different lengths of time. A couple hours on the short end, to 2-3 days on the high end.
medication - think birth control pills. You've gotta take these every single day around the same time, some of the pills are placebos so they don't wack out your natural systems, but there is no "off week". The placebos are mixed in. They do not affect the effectiveness of the medication.
Scent muting medication - this is medication similar to blockers, except it's not as strong. This is extremely popular in my au as lots of people do enjoy having some level of scent left.
Different cultures view scents in different ways, some of them don't believe in masking/blocking/muting the scent because it's just a natural body process. Their cultures rely more heavily on the information that can be conveyed via scent and view it as a language. Not everyone has this ability, to read "scents" but it can be taught over time if it's not something you grew up with. Some cultures view openly having your scent as impolite and therefore view people with naturally soft or light scents as more attractive, as are people with weaker scents. In these cultures, blocking is very common traditionally, but in more progressive communities people are fighting back against that norm a bit.
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oz--saffet · 5 months ago
{assumption:} you hate elias.
"No. I wish I did. Would make things a hell of a lot easier, wouldn't it?" @kingofthehunt
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cyrus-ripley · 5 months ago
celestite: how my muse deals with anxiety
celestite: how my muse deals with anxiety
"Punch shit... maybe go for a walk? Drink, smoke? Uhhh... fuck?"
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rippedstitch-s · 1 year ago
honesty hour- do you like being stabbed?
"Not normally, no."
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venusiansim · 9 months ago
Hi. I love your posts and want to thank you for them including your beautiful lookbooks 😀 If not a bother, do you happen to know where I can find the pink jacket and white romper (or shirt with shorts) from your April 1st post venusiansim/746566253050822656/introducing-my-favorite-pilates-princesses-daphne?source=share. Thank you so much for your time help and content. Hope you have a wonderful day! 🥰
hello! thank you so much. sorry i’m just getting back to you but i have been searching back and forth for the jacket 😭😭 fret not! i finally found it. so the jacket can be found here https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ai7CsJZO5NORg4UPs2R0D6oASygInw?e=F77clQ and the shorts is by backtrack. unfortunately i cannot find it.
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designedonchaos · 1 year ago
smash or pass tristan
"Half my age. That man is half my age. And my boss."
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Smash or Pass - ASA // VAL // MARS // OZ // ASH
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scoredandstoried · 11 months ago
∗ 1o﹕ a cheesy text .
OZ: hey fucker OZ: I miss you and your dumb smile OZ: drinks sometime? OZ: I know it's not the same as it was before OZ: But like. I can still get wasted and shit OZ: can even still get dragged into the bathroom for a quickie. just gotta use the bigger stall. OZ: Which hey.... maybe a blessing in disguise?
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messengersfolly · 1 year ago
“@” [ VIA ]
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
MAL: Via, get over here MAL: Mikala's on one of his bullshit trips and I made a mistake MAL: a mistake that involves chopping firewood and my foot MAL: the sooner the better please
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feeling-horsey · 9 days ago
how do you feel about STRONG maids
D --> That is a silly question
D --> Of course I am fond of them
D --> Anything is better when it's STRONG
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theres-bees-in-my-head · 9 months ago
For the get to know me game :)
✨ = If You Could Be Any Supernatural Creature, What Would You Be?
I said vampire [three] years ago and I still stand by that. Being (mostly) immortal sounds excellent when you have thanatophobia.
[Ask Game]
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omegaversetheory · 1 year ago
How would you describe the importance of packs in each type of society? For example, I can see packs being useful in modern society for finding work as the name of your pack can hold a lot of importance/make your resume look good. However, in traditional society, pack are essential for survival in the same way as tribes.
Note - everything is based on the traditional pack, the closer to modern we get, the more we see divergence from that standard.
Traditional - Your pack is your tribe, your town, your community. Packs have geographical permanence in the same way irl people groups did. Important things to note - Packs can have branches that operate similarly to feudalism. There are many people of all dynamics, but there is one main pack leader with several different pack leaders underneath them. Leadership does not need to be based on bloodline, although that's also possible. This often happens when a big pack absorbs small packs into the system - people close to the main pack alpha will be chosen to go lead and establish these new pack off-shoots. Everyone is in a pack, and if you aren't in a pack you're pack-less which is no good. Your pack is your lifeline, and you probably won't leave your pack area ever unless you are married off to another one or hold one of the few pack jobs that requires travel and communication with other packs. Packs are extremely territorial, and you can't go to certain places if your pack isn't allied with that location's ruling pack.
Contemporary - Your pack is still your community but we start to lose that feudalism element. Not everyone describes themselves as being in a pack, but the idea of being pack-less has less weight. You no longer need to depend specifically on your pack for security, food, etc... In the same way that some Americans often refer to themselves in terms of their long heritage (such as Italian-Americans whose closest Italian ancestor was 5 generations ago), people may have a similar feeling to their hereditary pack. Not many people are starting new packs that operate similarly to traditional packs. New packs are more like found families or communities that often don't have a leader or pack organization. If you do have strong pack ties, that could come in handy when it comes to things like getting a job or meeting people. It's the same as being in a sorority or frat, people feel kinship there and alignment with others. You can travel pretty much anywhere except closed-pack lands (unless you have an in).
Modern - Nobody is using traditional pack language and it's seen as antiquated and old-fashioned/conservative to still be actively in one (traditional). It's common for people who live in extremely rural areas to still be somewhat attached to it but other than that most people wouldn't say they're pack-attached. There are very few closed-pack lands, and those places are pretty much 100% closed off to outsiders, It's not like in the contemporary au where you can come depending on your affiliation. These are truly closed communities. If you list your pack heritage on a resume or official document you are either a super old person, or it's assumed you have some elitist/ultra-conservate viewpoints. More people now use packs to describe their community or group of friends or found family, but this is more anecdotal because packs don't have names, they don't have location permanence, they don't have an internal economy, etc.. Unless you are from a royal bloodline the name of your ancestors means less than nothing.
Post-Modern - There isn't necessarily a post-modern view because a post-modern view acknowledges the simultaneous existence of multiple cultures, religions, and customs within a single world. There is no common way of things "universally" in this world, the norms with be derivative of the culture in which the story takes place. p
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asa-hollandseabrooke · 5 months ago
agate: how my muse calms down "A lot of thinking, sitting, mulling over. I do a lot of painting and sketching... sometimes it gets erratic if I'm really upset, but it helps. I get stuck in my own head a lot, and that can be a blessing and a curse. If there's a way for me to get back out from there, that's usually best. My cats tend to be a good spot to focus on. Getting them treats or... something like that."
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theangellies · 9 months ago
🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
Aviel's had one of each, actually - and he much preferred the smaller one. He and his now ex-wife had a large traditional wedding with family and friends. A large reception, all the trimmings, the flowers, the catering. Avi enjoyed having everyone all together to celebrate, and cherishes the pictures of that wedding. However, his 2nd marriage started with a simple wedding at a courthouse with his now ex-husband. They each had one witness and they wore suits - and after had a small, intimate dinner with their best friends from around NYC. Aviel found it so much more meaningful to him, personally.
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rippedstitch-s · 9 months ago
🤔 hans (lmao)
Favorite Picture/Gif of your muse: @hstarke
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What color my muse associates yours with:
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A song that reminds my muse of the relationship between them and the sender:
A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into - Be More Chill Original Broadway Cast Recording "And there are so many changes I'm going through And why am I telling this to you? Guess there's a part of me that wants to. I guess a part of me wants to Who knew?"
What my muse thinks of yours:
Asa thinks he's kind of an asshole? But he keeps running into him and gets kind of weird advice, and he likes hearing from other people and getting different perspectives. So even if he finds him to almost always be a dick to him, Asa's fascinated by him enough not to run away every time he sees him.
Something my muse wants to say to yours but can’t:
How do you do it? Just... not care, about so many things? Not give a shit? I care about things so much, all the time. I wish I could turn it off.
Where my muse sees their relationship with yours in five years:
Probably the same as it is now? Asa's not exactly tracking him down to spend time with him considering. Maybe an occasional bumping into each other, a weird conversation over drinks. Asa leaving feeling a little bit insulted, the usual.
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