#tappei nagatsuki
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riotgrrrlkat · 4 months ago
My review of Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 1:
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To start with Tappei Nagatsuki's character and world building writing is really well done. I've rewatched the Re:Zero anime countless times over the years, but the amount of depth the novels go into in regards to Subaru's adjustment to his new setting and reasoning why he accepts it.
The small details such as Subaru's lacking desire to be a normal part of society due to the mounting stress he had to achieve his parents' desires. The way his confidence in his self got worse the older he got, and he hated his body, the older he got.
It all is done really well at characterising the smaller aspects of Subaru's personality that become increasingly obvious across the volume. The sudden insistence to just enjoy the new world is because he already was desiring an escape from his real life beforehand.
Subaru and Emilia 'Satella's first meeting is also portrayed so beautifully and it's fun to notice how hard Subaru had to work to get into Emilia's good graces across the first loop and being lucky, into needing to fight to earn that again during the third and fourth loops.
It goes to show how quickly Subaru adjusts to his surroundings and how well he can analyse other people. Yes, he may be able to revive and try again each time he dies, but he himself is a smart and intelligent person who improves himself very quickly.
I also like how the novels portray Emilia's struggle to fit into society, despite her beautiful appearance, and it foreshadows the struggles she has around her own body and identity that only become clear to Subaru much later on in the series.
Emilia's attachment to Subaru makes complete sense. However, she struggles to read into his intentions, which adds a layer of distrust towards his intentions but a desire to get to know him better and has hope he could be someone who'd accept and understand her.
The novels have so many small details which add a lot of weight to the character's motivations and the story. I'm excited to keep reading further as it's making me fall in love with the series even more than I already am.
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gabbyp09 · 9 months ago
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thetoxic35 · 4 days ago
I return with my first analysis article on the third season of #ReZero! This time, I discuss Subaru's journey and how his confrontation with Regulus represents him finally eating his shadow and becoming whole in Re:Zero and the Shadow Self.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year ago
Well, Tumblr decided to bug out on me and I've now lost the original question that was asked, but someone had asked for my favorite series (be it manga/anime/movies/Tv/etc), and this was my response.
(first of all, so sorry for losing the question! I should have taken a screenshot or something when Tumblr wouldn't let me post)
It's all good, I enjoy getting these types of questions because they make me think about this stuff haha. I'm not one to really do well with the idea of favorites, so having to pin down stuff like this can be interesting for me!
That said, for this one I might just stick with anime for the list to make it a little easier. I can definitely do a top ten of manga or other stuff later on though. Also, this list will be in no particular order because I'd be stuck forever trying to figure out a satisfying order for them.
Sonny Boy
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I think it's a very fair point to argue, that at this stage in his career, Sonny Boy is Shingo Natsume's magnum opus. There's just not much else to it. It's a series that he created, from his own mind and talent, and he executed on that. There are very, very few people that work in anime that can manage a feat such as that. In terms of story, I don't have any issue with claiming Sonny Boy is the pinnacle of high school storytelling. It stretches the fabric of reality so far that you might struggle to claim that it's about high school, but the longer that you spend with it, the more undeniable a fact it becomes. Or maybe you could generalize it to the human condition, or how the cracks in society will fester and form no matter the condition, or how authority will always appear in a self-serving manner, or this or that or any concept under the sun.
Terror In Resonance
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Call me crazy, but there's quite a few reasons why this is the Shinichiro Watanabe anime for me. Bebop and Champloo have rose colored glasses that adorn every fan in the community, so I feel like it's hard to really take a proper look at it compared to Terror In Resonance (even though it has a similar amount of users on MAL). As a Mappa project, it is simply the best they've ever been from start to finish. As a concept, Watanabe's approach is impeccable as it examines the frustration and sorrow of displaced children in a society that never wanted them. It's powerful, concise, and from start to finish an incredibly focused series filled with some of the crowning achievements of animators in the industry. Seriously. Takashi Hashimoto, the animator for this cut, actually did all the math to calculate the speed of the smoke as it fell and moved. Some of the best work you'll see on an anime.
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
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I am a big, big fan of Tappei Nagatsuki's work, so being able to experience an anime that is entirely his vision of the work is really impressive. It's one of the biggest struggles with artists, I find. Understanding their work through different mediums. What you see as an anime is not what they created as a manga, or light novel. But this is different, it is Nagatsuki's (and Umehara's) sole vision, the entire intent behind their creativity. And WIT knocked it out of the park to an insane degree. As a post-AoT studio, they showed just how far they can push their creativity and execution on a series beyond human. Incredible story, incredible animation, arguably some of the best hand to hand combat we've seen in an anime in a very long time. It's just that good.
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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
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Maybe you see a trend going on with my picks, and while yes it's partly recency bias, it's also a gravitation towards anime originals. I'll add a piece to that at the end, but this is about Edgerunners right now. I was in high school when the video game was first announced. That's a decade ago, now. I played the shit out of 2077 when it dropped, and I'm absolutely eating up Phantom Liberty currently. It is then, absolutely no surprise, that I've placed Edgerunners on a pedestal. But of course, there's also a reason that Edgerunners is in the top 100 anime on MAL, and why it's Trigger's highest rated anime. It's just that damn good. An incredible story revolving around Night City and the themes that Mike Pondsmith laid the groundwork for decades ago. A true tribute to the tabletop game and the genre at large.
The Tatami Galaxy
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I don't think there's a way I couldn't put The Tatami Galaxy on this list, truthfully. Of course, that also encompasses the sequel ONA The Time Machine Blues, and spinoffs like The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl. Tomohiko Morimi is a genius, Yusuke Nakamura is an icon, and Masaaki Yuasa is a savant. Incredible work for such an incredible story and message about the pursuit of perfection and the beauty that lies in the present. Arguably, much like titles such as Sonny Boy, these are 100% must watch titles for an anime fan. I'd highly recommend the others still, but these two represent such core and important aspects to how people choose to lead their lives and the frameworks that they do so within, that I strongly believe it's a requirement. I also wrote a review on the novel when I read it in January of this year.
Heike Monogatari
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I think history is a very important thing to understand. I also think that history can be presented as obtuse, disinteresting, or too literal - especially in relation to history stories or myths. Heike Monogatari by Science Saru is arguably one of the greatest examples of how to display a modernized version of such a foundational tale to the history of Japan. It's also an incredibly powerful moment for the director, Naoko Yamada, as it was their first real work since the arson attacks on her home studio of Kyoto Animation. Because of the weight of her past, her work beyond words on this anime feels that much more powerful considering its messages about the past and fear of the future. It's wonderfully emotional, and contains one of my favorite closing scenes to a series.
The Saga of Tanya The Evil
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Light novel aside, anime quality aside (though both are great), there's a separate reason this title is featured on this list: the adaptation. It is, for lack of a better term, borderline insane as an adaptation. It bears almost no similarity to its source. The tone is different, the scope and scale differ, there's significant changes in terms of narrative, and even the order of large scale events differs. But still, somehow, it remains a fantastic series. Bearing nearly zero resemblance to what it claims to adapt, it is something that I love. It's an incredible feat, and the gold standard of its one-of-a-kind approach to adapting a light novel.
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Horror is a very hard thing to do right, at least in my opinion. Many get suckered into thriller territory very quickly, and avoid the psychological nature of horror. The immovable nature of something fearful standing in front of you, the slow descent into madness and despair. Mononoke grasps that incredibly well, and earns a spot on this list because of it's appeal in that manner. Also, the art is just incredible, personifying the more classical style that would be associated with the creatures and myths that pepper the story. I'm incredibly excited to see what comes from the upcoming movie.
Welcome To The N.H.K
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While it may differ between its three formats, the core of the story stands strong. Impossible to put into words, it's more of a descent than anything. A descent that turns inwards on each of the characters as they slowly lose their grip on reality, as they continue to fall apart, piece by piece. I have my qualms about how they choose to end it, but I am a very bitter man at my core so it's more a personal difference than a quality one. Regardless, if you want an acid trip down the rabbit hole of depression, mania, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and all manner of other illness, there's no better story than Welcome To The N.H.K.
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There's something special about Toradora to me. Is it the era that the anime comes from? Is it the appeal to a classic style of romance without falling prey to the issues of the layout? I'm unsure. But something about it feels so… comfortable, to me. I could watch it again and again and enjoy each minute. It's probably not the best romance anime out there, but it's one that I'll always be drawn to.
And with that, the list is over. Just to provide some extra context and honorable mentions, I'd love to have put series like Alien 9 or Monogatari on the list, but the challenge with them is the fact that the first is a shorter OVA, and the latter is a much larger series encompasses nearly too much to explain in this sort of context. There's really quite a few series like that that I struggled with when forming this list, but they're still really great titles nonetheless.
Anyways, the anime original point. While it's sort of an unconscious thing, I do realize what I do with it. Anime originals present something that you can't experience elsewhere. They are the end all be all of their creative vision, and that excites me more than a manga adaptation. Following someone else's blueprint vs creating your own, obviously one is more interesting than the other. And that sentiment extends to some of the other titles on the list like Heike Monogatari which approaches a classic story with a radical new viewpoint, or Tanya The Evil which basically forgoes the vast majority of its source material. It's really something I struggle with at large with adaptations. So many people want to leave their marks on the work, but quit just short of doing so in a meaningful manner. Very few go the mile to say that they did something in regards to the work, and instead meddle with it in minor ways which can negatively impact its reception as the original material. A great example of valuable changes is Heavenly Delusion. The team under Hirotaka completely re-arrange the order of events in the anime, and in doing so elevate the series in a way that only they can. Anyways, I digress, a discussion that I should leave for another time. This is my list, it may not be the best list out there, but it is mine.
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itskittenss · 1 year ago
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mihail228 · 8 months ago
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newsintheshell · 10 months ago
Il sospirato ritorno della serie su Crunchyroll avverrà ad ottobre, ma la grande premiere verrà mostrata in anteprima il 5 luglio all'Anime Expo 2024, per poi sbarcare nei cinema giapponesi dal 30 agosto. Che invidia, quanto vorrei godermela in sala pure qua! 😭
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redsnerdden · 11 months ago
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 3, Nina the Starry Bride, and Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister to Stream on Crunchyroll
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 3, Nina the Starry Bride, and Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister to Stream on Crunchyroll #星降る王国のニナ #rezero #甘神さんちの縁結び #anime #CCXP
Big news coming from this year’s CCXP Mexico, Crunchyroll has announced three new anime titles that will be streaming on their streaming service. One of the biggest highlights from the announcement was the third season of Re:ZERO -Starting Life In Another World-. PLEASE NOTE: Two of the following three titles will be coming to Crunchyroll in October 2024, while the last title will be available…
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year ago
Suicide Squad ISEKAI Trailer 3
Isekai or "different world," as a genre is where a protagonist gets transported into a fantasy world full of creatures and powers. In this case it is Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark finding themselves in Another World.
Suicide Squad ISEKAI is a new anime series from Warner Bros. Japan and WIT Studio. The anime is directed by Eri Osada from a screenplay by Tappei Nagatsuki and Eiji Umehara.
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year ago
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Vol.36 (light novel)
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otakutale · 2 years ago
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Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Season 3 Announced
During AnimeJapan 2023, the staff of the anime adaptation of Tappei Nagatsuki and Shintarou Otsuka’s Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu (Re:ZERO…
#rezero #リゼロ #anime
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dragonwithafez · 10 months ago
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these fucking interview questions are killing me
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gabbyp09 · 10 months ago
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demifiendrsa · 2 years ago
Suicide Squad ISEKAI | Announcement Trailer
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Key visual illustrated by Akira Amano
Director: Eri Osada
Character Design Draft: Akira Amano
Character Design: Naoto Hosoda
Screenplay: Tappei Nagatsuki, Eiji Umehara
Music: Kenichiro Suehiro
Animation Production: Wit Studio
DC's Harley Quinn, the Joker, and The Suicide Squad rampage onto the stage of ISEKAI* in the new original anime series from Warner Bros. Japan and Wit Studio, Suicide Squad ISEKAI. The most maddening worlds collide in an epic and violent fantasy with the strongest line-up of anime creators! *ISEKAI means “another world”, which is now one of the most popular genres for Japanese anime.
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j2x3e · 1 year ago
Louanna is the strongest character in the world of Re: Zero.
No, this isn't a crack theory. Let me cook.
For some context, let me reintroduce who Louanna is because no one read side stories.
Louanna Astrea, mother of Reinhard van Astrea and wife to Heinkel Astrea. Her only role in the story so far is to make the family drama worse by sleeping. She got this Sleepy Beauty condition which is NOT the same thing as being Gluttony'd. She has been sleeping for 18 years since Reinhard was 2 (as of arc 8).
As we all know, Reinhard is stated to be the strongest character by Tappei Nagatsuki in a Q&A (I use his full name here so it's more intimidating). And we all know how reliable the Q&A are with the existence of arc 7+1.
Tappei might not be lying straight up, but he could have been easily saying a half-truth because he is Echidna. (the only way to write a manipulative character is to be manipulative yourself)
Reinhard IS the strongest character, but only among the ones who are awake.
Reinhard's secret to his power has never been explained in the series other than Od Laguna simping over his rizz. We are supposed to take that as face value and believe it.
This is a trap set by Tappei. He wants all of you to think this way. Wakey wakey.
Reinhard is strong because Louanna is strong, this is all genetic. Have you ever wondered how this pathetically weak drunkard has a son this strong? Louanna is strong, that's why.
Tappei has been hiding her lores in the side stories because she is going to be as important as Clind, the holder of the Melocholy WF.
In fact, judging from how much Tappei is holding up her lores, it is not a far stretch to say that she have a bigger reveal. Which is that she is stronger than Reinhard, a character we all already knew to be the most powerful.
Q: "But dude, if this rando plot device vegetable is really the strongest, how did she even get the coma sickness?"
Reinhard has been stated to be a monster in the series for multiple times, it is often to describe his monstrous strength to be inhumane.
But what if it was to taken literally?
Reinhard isn't actually a human, because he IS a monster. Well, half-monster to be precise.
While Heinkel is a pathetic weak normie human, Louanna is an actual monster. She has even been alive to witness the Witch of Envy devour half of the world, in fact, she is Flugel. (But that's another post for another day.)
Louanna is at least 400yo, so her flow of time is different from normal humans. That's right, her 18 years of slumber is not a condition or anything, she was merely napping. So stop trying to cure her, stupid Heinkel, she is fine.
Still in doubt? Look at Heinkel. He's so durable in the story. He has survived too many blunt attacks to still be living. Do you know why? Louanna trained Heinkel well during the three years she was married to him and awake.
She constantly beat up Heinkel, hence strengthening his durability. Yes, I believe that Louanna is a husband-beater, judging by the personality of Flugel according to Shaula.
We all know that Heinkel is Isekai Subaru, and we all know how affectionate Subaru becomes with his abusers. That's why Heinkel still loves Louanna and tries to 'cure' her. He loves being beat up.
From a bad master to a bad mother. Flugel is male, you say? She can shapeshift, she is the strongest after all. In fact, she is Pandora. Have we seen Pandora and Louanna in the same room before? No, we haven't. Louanna=Flugel=Pandora.
TL;DR: Stop claiming Reinhard or Satella or Regulus or Subaru or Petra to be the strongest, Louanna is. Stop coping. See the truth, dude.
Source: trust me bro
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redsnerdden · 10 months ago
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season Three Reveals A New Trailer, Visual, Etc.
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season Three Reveals A New Trailer, Visual, Etc. #anime #リゼロ #rezero
Re:ZERO -Starting Life In Another World- is preparing to make its return with a third season, but we’re seeing two more familiar performers making their return for the OP and ED themes. That’s not all, new cast members, a trailer, and a key visual were also released. Re:ZERO Fans will be able to catch the 90-minute premiere at this year’s Anime Expo according to Crunchyroll. The anime’s official…
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