#tapas story
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harunoyuki22 · 2 years ago
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Hi! I am a writer on Tapas :) Please check out my novels 💚
✨ Autistic Villainess: Sena Young dies and transmigrates into the body of Tsisana, a young baroness. As a deadly fate approaches her, she desperately clings to her life. Will she be safe?
✨ Ishtar’s Spooky Tales: Ishtar is bored. She is beautiful, rich, and boasts an excellent reputation among her peers. As she sits with her best friend Sasha, they decide to tell each other spooky tales to pass the time. What they don't expect, however, is that there may be more about these stories than harmless entertainment.
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sunnysunsins · 2 years ago
Obligatory process compilations for 6.4 of Proxima Luminous
You can check out how it comes together over on Tapas (here kekekeke) or on Webtoon (here kekekeke), but personally i prefer Tapas now, after seeing how it at least notifies authors of interactions with their work
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I don't have a witty remark for the ending here. Not like anyone reads these posts anyway lol
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elsiemfantasy · 2 years ago
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...so I pretended to be dead.
Episode 2 Webtoon Dragon Star Zorana✨
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lightpudding · 2 years ago
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Mermay go brbr
RiX on Tapas!
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alicehattera03 · 2 years ago
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So...I have a serious what if question for this one... I only got up to 20 eps raw btw lmao
If her wings feel they need to protect her and feel she is their saint, if they have a person they love, if it came down to it: who would they choose to save?
Like say all the wings have a partner/wife/husband/fiancé-é/whomever, and they're all dropped from the sky into the ocean at the same time. And let's say Leticia's husband and her normal guards aren't there.
Would they risk their beloved person dying to save Leticia from drowning?
Would they choose amongst them that one of them will have to make a sacrifice? IF they did choose to save her and lost their beloved person, would they never be able to look at her the same way ever again?
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dragonstarzorana · 2 years ago
I just started a reddit community for comic readers and creators, so I'm inviting you all.❤️
👀 community WebtoonUpdate , 🔥⚡🙀
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you can post anything about your comics here🔥
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dragonfruit-drink · 2 years ago
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dirysagaaa · 2 years ago
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This Barbie is the new kid in school. This Ken is wanted for 7 different crimes in 7 countries.
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sunnysunsins · 2 years ago
Obligatory process compilations for 6.5 of Proxima Luminous
You can check out how it comes together over on Tapas (here kekekeke) or on Webtoon (here kekekeke), but personally i prefer Tapas now, after seeing how it at least notifies authors of interactions with their work
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elsiemfantasy · 2 years ago
This horror happened in reality, disrupting our peaceful and quiet slumber.Who were the perpetrators, and what motivated their actions? Before I could make sense of the situation, an arrow pierced through the door of my house.
Webtoon Dragon Star Zorana ✨
Link for Dragons
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nokingsonlyfooles · 2 years ago
Read Tin Soldier! One-a-Day on Tapas this week! Thursday's Instalment:
Let's try with the illustration AND an excerpt!
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Illustration: A set of lungs wrapped in the chain of an oval locket. The locket displays pictures of Alba and Mordecai, being silly.
“Well, let’s see now, is there anything missing?”
There were several sheets of coloured paper bedecked with crayon drawings spread over the bedroom floor. Ann had obligingly rolled back the rug to provide more drawing surface. They were comparing a yellow one and a pink one side-by-side, the three of them kneeling and examining with their hands on the floor.
Maggie could already see what Erik got wrong, but it didn’t matter if she saw it. He was the one who wanted the help.
Erik looked back and forth between the papers with a grave expression. The bird was on both, and the duck, and the cat (last time he forgot the cat), and the grass, and the pond, and the tree. Maggie’s tree had leaves and his didn’t, but he didn’t think that was missing, they just thought of different trees. He couldn’t remember anything in the story about leaves.
“No,” he decided.
“Yes, I think that looks about right to me too,” Ann said. “Maggie?”
“Now, is there anything different?”
That was where Erik had lost the plot, and they both waited to see if he could find it. It took him a moment, but he finally pointed at his bird. His bird was on the ground and Maggie’s was in the tree, and he knew his was the wrong one because that was how this worked.
Ann had the music open on the floor beside her. “Erik, do you remember why, or do you want the story again?”
He held up one finger, still studying the pages. He had this. He was on top of this. “It’s the cat,” he said, touching it. “The cat scared the bird.”
“That’s exactly right!” said Ann. And it was also, she noted, a lot more words than he’d been using when they tried this without crayons. He wanted to understand the story and he had asked them to help him with it. It was just very hard to understand if he understood the story when the only way he could tell you about it was talking.
Hence, crayons. Crayons were wonderful things.
“Do you want to put the bird in the tree or do you just want to hear the next bit?” she asked him.
He was frowning. He wanted to do the whole thing over again and get all of it right, but he also wanted to hear the next bit. He put a large black X over his bird on the ground, and put another one in the tree.
“Oh, honey,” Ann said painfully. “You didn’t have to do it like that…”
There was a light tapping on the door and it was pushed open a crack. “Ann?” It was Hyacinth on the other side.
“Oh, just a minute. Please excuse me.” Ann picked up the door, opened it, set it back down, got on the other side of it and closed it most of the way. “We’re having Peter and the Wolf in crayon,” she told Hyacinth softly. “He wanted some help with it. He can’t read,” she added, frowning. “Not even a little bit. Did you know that, Cin?”
Hyacinth shook her head, “But I thought it might happen. Sometimes it does. He might get it back, at least some of it. That usually happens too.”
Ann nodded.
“Is he upset about it?”
“I’ve distracted him!” Ann said proudly. She dropped her voice again, “But what about poor Em? Do you have him?”
“Good job!”
“…but the police were a little rough with him.”
“Why? What did they do to him?”
“You’ll see it. Well, some of it’s under the clothes, but that’s just bruises. He’s having ice in the kitchen. I need to get him a clean shirt.”
“I don’t understand it at all!” said Ann. “Why did they need to do that? They put the handcuffs on him right away! Which is another stupid thing, if I may say so. He wasn’t fighting. They just wanted to stick him with something anti-magic. What was he going to do, I ask you? Make casserole at them? Turn their sugar into salt?”
“Ann, clean shirt,” Hyacinth said.
“Oh, yes. I’m sorry. I’ll get it. They’ll notice me less.”
They didn’t notice her at all. “It’s wrong,” Erik was saying.
“Well, yeah,” Maggie said, touching the page. “But it looks like you’re mad about it.”
“I am mad about it!”
Ann passed the shirt through the door without opening it further. “Here, Cin.”
Hyacinth folded it over her arm. “Where did you tell him his uncle was? Just so we don’t mess it up?”
“Oh, I just said he was with you. Then he didn’t mind about it. He asked if we could do the story before he got back.”
Hyacinth made a puzzled smile. “That child trusts one of us, I’m not sure which.”
“That child trusts all of us,” Ann replied. “What lie are we telling him about how Em got hurt?”
“He fell down some stairs.”
“Which stairs?”
“I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know as soon as we’ve decided.”
They had Peter and the Wolf in crayon (and Mordecai had ice in the kitchen) until Erik was more tired and annoyed than interested (so, not very much longer). Ann separated the drawings by author. Maggie took hers. Erik was disgusted by his at the moment, so Ann put them on the table with the music.
“I think your uncle would like to see them, anyway,” she said.
“He’s back soon?”
“I’m sure he’ll be back by the time you’re awake.”
He sighed and dropped his head back on the pillow. “Put the good one first.”
He meant the one where he got everything right. It was the first one, also the one with the fewest things in it: Peter, the meadow and the open gate.
Ann obligingly shuffled it to the front. Erik had drawn Peter purple, Maggie had drawn him brown. That was a difference, but the story didn’t have anything to say about what colour Peter was, so Ann called them both right.
“Erik? Do you want me to stay until you’re asleep?” She doubted he would want any more story, he wanted to be wide awake for that.
But he was already gone.
Keep reading? Pick your platform!
Tapas might conceivably help me pick up more readers, if you "like," subscribe, and help me battle the algorithm:
And my site has better formatting, and more stuff!
Still trying to drum up a community for my loyal, patient fans, so this is an experiment in posting things consistently. We'll see if that gets any traction with people/algorithms.
This here is an urban fantasy with a diverse cast of freaks, weirdos and losers, many of whom happen to be living in an abandoned building in a slum. Most of 'em also know how to do magic, which works kinda like hacking reality itself. People don't like that, in general, 'cos you might crash the whole system that way.
It's free to read and licensed with Creative Commons, because I'd like to crash this broke-ass system that publishes and profits from "intellectual properties." I may be foolish, but you get a free story either way, so come take advantage of it!
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realtasagartach · 6 months ago
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2023 kicked my ass HARD! Long story short, mental health took a nosedive, ran around like a headless chicken trying to find employment while keeping my disability needs in mind, and the government is why I identify pretty closely to anarchy. If I ever become governor of my state, I plan to secede from the union and make sure things get back on track and are much more efficient. These stressers are not fun in the slightest, and those who have it worse than me have my sympathy.
Good news though! I found a beautiful permanent parking spot for my trailer and I’m making improvements to it. I got a job back in March that I’m extremely happy with after being rejected like twelve-million other employers. (Seriously, these guys are the coolest.) And my mental health is back on track thanks to my new doctor.
That being said, I haven’t had the motivation to actually write The Apostles in quite a while, unfortunately. Other projects have made my ADD-addled brain latch on to them. Bleh.
But I’m going to try focusing my attention back on The Apostles and get a buffer going. I’m obviously going to need to go back through what I’ve already written and published and make some necessary edits. I bit the bullet and got Grammarly. I’m rewriting and editing a fanfiction I’d read when I was a teenager for my own personal library (not publishing it in any public way and giving due credit to the original author), and it’s been a major help with some glaring issues I’ve been having while improving my writing. So maybe my hunt for a beta reader is over? I don’t know. If anyone wants to take a crack at it, let me know.
Since I’m going to try building up a buffer, I’m changing my publishing schedule. As I publish my chapters in halves on Tapas (why they have that character count, I will never know), I’m going to publish each half monthly. I’ll publish the full chapter on AO3 every other month. So long as hackers don’t break the site again.
Thanks for any support given. I’ll see y’all next time!
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soysauceartly · 9 months ago
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✨Shshshhhshshhhh they’re eeping ✨
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pruneunfair · 6 months ago
Characters I think would've gotten along with Rashta.
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She's such a sweet heart! 🤧 this was the same girl who had a change of view of og Eris who she was resenting for mistreating her, after seeing her crying and even when she was treated horribly she still had a heart of gold. So if she met Rashta (albeit at the right moment) I know she would've extended a hand. They probably would be besties.
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Honestly Ruby was a whole new perspective of the typical og fl or in general damsels who are often made fun of for not being badass. I've even seen some people say she's like the good version of Rashta so yeah, Ruby would definitely have empathy for Rashta and would probably bond over their hardships.
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Aisha is literally the good old fashioned saintess with a kind personality and the belief that everyone deserves a chance. She would have understood the situation and as long as Aisha met Rashta before she started going too far in protecting her position. Aisha would've helped Rashta steer back to her humanity and let her improve who she is as a person.
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Adelaide is a true girls girl, the moment she learned what Diane was going through she didn't see her as an enemy and even felt a little bad for her. So let's just say it was Karl who brought over Rashta as a mistress, and Adelaide finds out at some point that she was a slave. First off she'd be calling for slavery to be abolished given that she was proven to be upset that the poor people were living in such dangerous conditions, second off she'd probably show Rashta more understanding and it could bloom into a sisterly relationship.
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I love her so much!! Not only is Pereshati a girls girl but as a very motherly figure herself I just know she would have reigned absolute hell over the Rimwell family after hearing about the dead baby they gave Rashta after she gave birth. Just saying if she was able to deliver justice to her step family even when it all seemed hopeless then she would put Lotteshu in his place. Shs would've been an amazing aunt to Ian and Glorym 😢
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like a lot of these characters, It would really depend based on WHEN Edith meets Rashta but if they met when Rashta was still a concubine and had yet to commit any crimes I think they would've gotten along. Edith was already treating Rhyse with the utmost respect and friendship so I could imagine Edith would feel for Rashta. Ngl I could see them shopping together.
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Those 2 would be great friends plain in simple, Just two silly little girl failures. Plus I think it would be very in character for Yerenica because her whole thing is trying to stop a depressing future where most of her favorite characters die so becoming friends with the villainess so she doesn't end up on a dark path and her so her children don't wind up being ashamed of their mother would fit well with Yeni.
honestly in another universe this trio would absolutely slap.
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huewrite · 6 months ago
Ok so hear me out (prepare to share)
One of the things I love right now is how writers can all see the same idea and come up with wildly different ideas of how to pull it off. Well really programers. Chefs. Artists. Anyone really.
And they can all work.
Like my story has been bopping around in my head after seeing some post debating what races had the best whatever recipes. And I'm like...
I wanna make a cook book like that.
But I didn't. Because life and I was working on a comic and all. But then this contest on tapas comes around and I'm like.
Let's do this.
But that wasn't enough. Because I saw some of the races and I like "but why tho". I mean we all know there are some racist ideas behind various races. And honestly, some races are like... been there done that. So my brain starts finding new twists on them.
The elves are the wine makers, have glamor because they look like eldritch horrors, and are basically dnd bards. "Dark elves" are basically the holiest warriors. Orcs? Blue and red which got mistaken for blood early on. They leaned into it for interactions but they really like to farm and raise sheep like critters. The centaurs are half goat not half horse and their cities are a PAIN to get into because they don't need roads, they have walls they can hop up.
And all of this still gets me adding in recipes people can cook. More or less based on what's happening. While the MC Enoki runs around on hir own tasting food and trying to save the world. Because oh yeah, the gods need a feast or they start blowing up the various races!
So, if you like, reblog and share some fun twists you took on in your work or creative project or whatever. Maybe share the link and some pics. And give a description too.
"Enoki was a assistant manager by day and recipe foodie vlogger by night. Going out and finding recipies from around the world and how they changed over time. Too bad a goat killed hir. Now a bunch of gods have given an ultimatum. Create a blessed and cursed feast in one year, or watch as the races of this new world are wiped out. Then ze is dropped into the world with no directions, no explanations of how to use hir shapeshifter or magic items, and a whole lot of people that aren't too sure about Enoki's plan. With an arsenal of jokes and a desire to taste everything once, can Enoki make the feast? Or will it be a cooking fail?"
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elsiemfantasy · 2 years ago
Introducing my first comic!
Webtoon Dragon Star Zorana ✨❤️
A fantasy-adventure-romance set in a world where magic and everyday life collide. With stunning landscapes, fascinating creatures, and captivating love stories, I hope it resonates with you.♥️
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Thank you for your interest!
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