#tansy: i declare war against you
unfoxmeart · 1 year
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Flesh & Flower p5
Yes, more of this. I did this back in june, but didnt have my scanner at hand. Here it is now.
Earth worms, tansy, bay leaves, black berries, aloe vera, pansy, lady's slipper, and camellia.
|Caption deleters & self promoters blocked| No unauthorized use or reposts| Commissions open| insta: unfoxme| twitter: unfoxme| click for better quality or check my artstation|
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hisui-dreamer · 7 months
OMG HI RINNA!!! CONGRATS ON 2K!!!! you deserve this milestone because of your beautiful, heart-wrenching, aboslutely soulful works!! keep this up but remember to take care of yourself as well!
my request is a bit unique hehe, but i hope this can be a break from the romance! may i request tansy (symbolizing hostility and a declaration of war) and leona kingscholar? i just thought that it would fit him perfectly, especially during his overblot in book 2.
HAVE FUN!!! remember to take mental + physical breaks, appreciate nature once in a while, and REMEMBER TO LIVE, LAUGH LOVE YOUR HUSBAND!!!
love, siren
beyond the breaking point
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
Synopsis: you find yourself unable to recognise the man standing before you
Tags: angst, emotional hurt/comfort, leona overblotting, hopeful ending?
Word count: 705
Notes: siren!!! thank you so much for your kind words omg🥹💕 i hope you're doing well too! i loved doin this idea!! something about looking into someone's eyes who you love dearly and unable to recognise them achsdkladhjhsdj
live laugh love eel always hahaha
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flower of choice: tansy
tansy flowers possess a natural toxicity within their composition, suggesting an inherent hostility. In the Victorian language of flowers, this bitter herb adorned with button-like yellow blooms conveys the message, "I declare war on you!". This may be attributed to their repellant qualities, which convey a sense of resistance and defiance
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“I’ve been loathed since the day I was born. I’ve never had a place, never had a future! None of my hard work is ever rewarded! How could any of YOU possibly understand? My disappointment?! MY pain?!”
His anguished words echo through the air, and your heart clenches with empathy. You've never heard him speak with such raw vulnerability before, and it pains you to see him in such torment. Every fibre of your being yearns to rush to his side, to offer comfort and solace, to ease the burden of his suffering in any way you can.
But you find yourself frozen in shock. Leona, usually so composed and guarded with his emotions, now bared his soul in a way you never imagined possible. He's always been distant, keeping his pain hidden behind a facade of indifference or arrogance. At most, he would grumble and glare at you whenever he was in a foul mood, but you can’t remember a time when he truly lashed out. But now, faced with his anguish laid bare, you wonder if this is the breaking point, the moment when all his pent-up emotions finally spill over the edge.
Not a moment before the thought crosses your mind, your beloved is enveloped in a thick, black smog, suffocating the air around him with its presence. The ominous dripping sounds that follow seem to echo through the very depths of your soul, each drop a sombre reminder of the impending darkness.
You blink, hoping against hope that this is all some dreadful nightmare, but when your eyes open, the nightmare persists. He's overblotted, his once-familiar form now obscured by dark ink dripping across his limbs like sinister veins. And towering over him, casting a shadow so menacing it sends shivers down your spine, is the unmistakable shape of a lion, an embodiment of the darkness that has consumed him.
No... it can’t be...
Your mind reels at the incongruity of it all. Just days ago, the two of you were inseparable, spending as much time with each other as possible. You can still hear the echo of his laughter, a melody that filled the air with joy and mirth each time you managed to coax a chuckle from his lips, his touch that was a balm to your weary soul, a comforting embrace that chased away the shadows of doubt and fear.
But now, his eyes which were once filled with light and hope, stare back at you with a vacant emptiness that sends a chill through your soul. It's as if the essence of who he once was has been extinguished, replaced by something cold and alien.
You can’t recognise the hatred in his gaze at all.
You find yourself grappling with a torrent of conflicting emotions—disbelief, grief, fear. How could this happen? How could someone you loved so deeply be transformed into this unrecognizable entity before you?
“You’ll never see the light of another day!” he roared.
This isn’t him. This isn’t the man who enveloped you in his comforting arms all those nights ago when he noticed your distress. This isn’t the man who wove calming tales about ancient kings who became stars long ago so you would break a smile.
No... the person in front of you now was a cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant draped in the guise of the man you loved, poised to unleash his wrath upon the world.
But you refuse to let him succumb completely to the darkness. Deep down, you know that somewhere within him, the man you love still exists. You refuse to abandon him to the abyss, to let him be consumed entirely by the shadows that threaten to engulf him.
And with every ounce of strength you possess, you vow to fight for him, to bring him back from the abyss, no matter the cost.
“Let's go get him, guys!”
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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HELLO would you like to read some FIC?
Do you crave some fresh new Kurofai stories to get you through the season? 
Did you watch the recent Olympics and think to yourself, “Well that was fine but it could use a lot more fictional gay characters falling in love with each other in it?”
Well you’re in luck! The Kurofai Olympics is happening right now. 
Best of all, if you ever find yourself writing a comment on AO3 and going, “Gee, I sure wish I could also submit my thoughts via voting on various categories on a Google Docs,” well, they have that too! You can vote on each fic you read and help them choose the overall winning team of the year.
The official blog is here, but here is my personal little list of convenient links too:
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Team Ancient
Asphodel (My Regrets Follow You To The Grave)
Asphodel - by The_Storybooker
Hemlock (You Will Be My Death)
Gods, Ascended - by godtiercomplex
Lady’s Slipper (Capricious Beauty. Win Me and Wear Me)
Your Heart Is My Sky - by cloverfield
Milkvetch (Your Presence Softens My Pains)
The Quiet After You - by yououui
Mulberry Tree (I Shall Not Survive You)
Like the Stars Miss the Sun in the Morning Sky - by tsubasafan
Pine, Spruce (Hope in Adversity)
Footprints on the Sands of Time - by aminiatureworld
European Sweetbrier (I Wound To Heal)
Ibara-ōji - by eternalsong
Tansy (I Declare War Against You) 
The Mountain Calls - by anduefex
Maiden’s Blush Rose (If You Love Me, You Will Find It Out)
The Knight, the Spirit and the Bridge - by saltedmoon
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Team Modern
Asphodel (My Regrets Follow You To The Grave)
Home For Wayward Souls - by Uakari
Hemlock (You Will Be My Death)
Rule#34 - by xFourLeafCloverx
Lady’s Slipper (Capricious Beauty. Win Me and Wear Me)
For Want of a Hair Pin - by humancorn
Milkvetch (Your Presence Softens My Pains)
To Wilt or Bloom - NinjaCupcake
Mulberry Tree (I Shall Not Survive You)
Price for Life - ItheGodot
Pine, Spruce (Hope in Adversity)
Love Letters to Lost Limbs - VenusInRetrograde
European Sweetbrier (I Wound To Heal)
Spring, Anew - by PillarofAutumn117
Tansy (I Declare War Against You) 
Modern Warfare - by kuroganeattacksquad
Maiden’s Blush Rose (If You Love Me, You Will Find It Out)
Petal by Petal - by EdenAziraphale
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Team Art
Asphodel (My Regrets Follow You To The Grave)
Asphodel - by boxdev
Hemlock (You Will Be My Death)
Hemlock - by ottostoast
Lady’s Slipper (Capricious Beauty. Win Me and Wear Me)
Capricious Beauty - by Pile0fBones
Mulberry Tree (I Shall Not Survive You)
Black Mulberry - by Squeeb100
Pine, Spruce (Hope in Adversity)
Pine, Spruce - by ConstellationMemories
European Sweetbrier (I Wound To Heal)
Of Martyrs and Heroes - by Chiru
And remember, it’s all for fun!
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sweatervest-obsessed · 11 months
Salvia Splendens Means Forever Mine - Part Four
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: 2.5k
TW: kissing, pg-13 thoughts, pg-18 thoughts, talk of sex, mentions of death, trauma of death, lots of flowers, mentions of violence, basically anything mentioned in the last chapter is a tw here
A/N: God thank you all for being so fucking patient with me. I really appreciate you all!! I hope you enjoy!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Spencer’s lips were on your shoulder as he tightened his grip on you. His arm was wrapped securely around your waist, your back against his chest. You grumbled something unintelligible, but Spencer just hummed in response, kissing your bare shoulder again. 
“What are we going to do with you Doctor Spencer Reid.” 
He laughed quietly, his voice still gravely since he also just woke up. 
Mornings with Spencer always went like this. The two of you had been living together for over a month now, and you couldn’t be happier. Waking up next to the love of your life had major benefits. 
The first was morning sex. Waking up to Spencer kissing your neck, and your chest, and lips. Lazily breathing together, moving with one another. Feeling as his chest rose and fell while you riled him up and teased him endlessly. It was incredible. People seemed to notice your mood change when you showed up to work too, which definitely had its own set of perks. It was basically the best way to wake up, in your opinion. 
Then, there was the fact that you got to wake up and enjoy how gorgeous he was, how beautiful his eyes were. Watching as he finally was able to relax, stress free putty in your hands, melting as you played with his hair and whispered about nothing and everything to him. 
But the best part about waking up next to Spence, was that you got to start your days with him, knowing you’d get to come back home after work, sleep beside him, and wake up next to him all over again. It felt surreal at times. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours? I can hear the gears turning.” Spence muttered, kissing your shoulder this time. 
Your body rolled in his arms, causing you to face him, kissing his cheek softly. “How much I love you.” 
You felt Spencer freeze for a moment, and you looked up to find his eyes on you. 
“You don’t have to say it back Spence.” You slid your hand up, and cupped his jaw. “It’s a really big commitment. But you not saying it immediately back doesn’t mean you don’t care about me or don’t love me back. You might just not be ready to say it out lou–”
“Look who’s the one rambling now?” He smirked slightly, making fun of your conversation from the previous night, in which you cut him off with a kiss when he was too busy telling you about something that wasn’t relevant to the task at hand. Spencer followed your model and cut you off with a kiss that you melted into. “I love you too.” 
Spencer had been sitting next to your hospital bed for a whole day now. He was exhausted, hungry, dehydrated, covered in blood, and looked like shit–but none of that mattered since you had been in a medically-induced coma since the ambulance brought you to the hospital. 
Watching as you coded not one, but twice during the ride to the hospital just continued to confirm Spencer’s greatest fear. Hearing your heartbeat flatline is something he never ever wants to experience again. Ever.
The room was filled with vases of flowers. It made the air sickly sweet, the bitter opposite of how he was feeling, looking down at your sleeping body. But he knows you would have found some of them funny. 
There was a vase of red and white camellias, meaning you were the “flame” of someone’s heart, but also adorable. Someone else had sent you declarations of love (red tulips) with hints of declaring war (tansies) throughout. But the one from Spencer was the best. 
He had bought you a bouquet of red poppies: meaning consolation. Spencer had gotten you a consolation prize for being on the team and getting stabbed in the stomach. He was hoping your sense of humor would still be intact when you woke up. If not, then they were also from Derek. 
Just then, the machine made a sound Spencer hadn’t heard before. Then it made it again. A long beep, loud enough to wake the dead, but somehow not you. A nurse came running in and ushered him out of the room, much to his opposition. 
He fought with two different nurses, trying to stay in the room with you. Apparently having three Phds means nothing when they aren’t the right ones to keep him in that room with you. And regardless of his relationship status, he was now stuck back in the waiting room with the other peasants. 
Spencer looked up at Derek. 
“How long.”
“Not in the mood right now Derek.” 
“No, no. I wanna know–how long have you two been sneakin’ around. I mean, for gods sake Reid, you managed to keep a relationship hidden from some of the best profilers in the country..” 
“Well.” He grumbled, looking back at the hallway you were down. “Over a year now–almost two.” 
“I’m sorry–two? Two years?.” 
Spencer nodded, looking back at Derek. 
“Damn.” He muttered,  shaking his head. “Now I–”
Whatever Derek was going to say was paused when a nurse walked in, a slight splatter of blood over her scrubs. Both of them turned their attention to her, fearing the worst by the solemn look on her face. 
“She’s awake.” 
“Holy shit.” Derek mumbled while Spencer let out a breath he had been holding for what felt like millenia. 
“But.” The nurse continued. “She can only see one person at a time. And she’s asking for Agent Hotchner.” 
Neither of them had realized that the solemn looking section chief was sitting quietly in the corner. Derek and Spencer shared a look with another, while Hotch got up from his chair and followed the nurse down the hallway and into your room. 
“Aaron.” You smiled at him, though it was an exhausted smile. “Thought you’d come in with blood on your shirt from having to fight through Spencer and Derek.” 
Hotch chuckled and closed the door behind him, sitting down next to you and placing a hand on yours, squeezing it. “The nurse shot them both a look and told them ‘not to try anything’. But I do have to ask, why me.” 
You closed your eyes. “I want to give you my recount of what happened while I can still see it.” 
“Y/n you do–”
“Hotch I want to. I watched as she stabbed that woman over and over. I watched as that asshole buried her body. I want to tell you what I saw. I want to tell you so that there’s no fucking way either of them will ever see the light of day again.” 
Hotch didn’t feel like now was the appropriate time to mention that one of the unsubs was dead. He wanted to hear your memory of the events. He pulled out a mini black notebook, and a pen, from inside his suit jacket pocket. “Whenever you’re ready Y/N.” 
“Hello everyone, my name is Doctor Y/n Y/l/n, and I am going to be your speaker today. I have been with the BAU for about a month, and they wanted me to come in and speak to you about it—a newbie’s experience.” 
That earned you a couple of laughs scattered throughout the crowd. You were asked to come in and speak about what it’s like to join the BAU to anyone interested in becoming profilers. You were not expecting for it to be a full house, but every single seat had someone in it, with overflow huddling around the back of the lecture hall by the walls. 
“Now, I’ll try to stay within my time limit since I know standing and listening to someone blab on about themselves is not the ideal situation; however. That’s exactly what you signed up for. So–.” 
Spencer stood in the back of the room, watching you speak to all of these students with ease–your peers really. Some of them even older than you, and yet, there you were, confidently smiling and maintaining their interest. It baffled Spencer. 
He wished he knew how you were able to captivate so easily, especially since he was completely enamored by you. Derek knew it too—well the whole team really knew, except for you. 
The crowds laugh pulled him out of his thoughts as you continued on. 
“Right. Now.” You clicked the little clicker and the pictures shifted behind you. “It’s time to get serious. I know I said that already, but I mean it this time.” You smirked a little bit and went onto the next slide. 
“The first case I ever worked with the BAU, I was just a temp filling in Elle Greenaway while she was away on some family matter. I was assisting in some case where—”
Spencer’s train of thought got the better of him. All he could do was think about the day you subbed in for Elle. He could remember it like yesterday, even though it was almost forty days ago, not that he was counting. He didn’t remember much of the case though, which was a sore subject that Derek and JJ would tease him about still. 
“Does anyone have any questions about the process?” Your voice brought him back to the lecture hall once again. 
“How old are you?” Some random guy’s voice rang out amongst the crowd. 
“Well.” You laughed. “I’m twenty-two.” 
Spencer heard some of the people around murmur, and he chose to ignore whatever they were saying about you, since he wasn’t one to win most fights.
“Why the BAU?” 
You paused and bit your cheek, thinking really hard about that question. 
“Honestly? I was obsessed with the serial killer documentaries when I was like fifteen/sixteen, and then one of my family members was murdered when I was fourteen. It’s not something I talk about a lot, but I remember my biggest question was why. It’s why I was so obsessed with those documentaries, because I wanted to know why someone felt that they could just take someone away from a family, from the world, and I realized that the only way I could find out the answer was if I did it myself.” 
There was a murmuring throughout the crowd once again. 
“I don’t think I’ll find the answer any time soon, if at all. But I love being able to protect people. I love being able to know that what I’m doing every day matters–to everyone sure, but mostly to me.” 
Spencer, and the rest of the team, had no idea you were connected to such a tragic event at such a young age. You didn’t show the signs of someone who had gone through something like that. But now that he knew, he wanted to find out everything about it, find a way to bing you peace of mind. God, it sounded so stupid. He barely even knew you. 
He was lucky you were extraverted in that since he could barely form a sentence around you. God he couldn’t wait to listen to you talk to him on the car ride back to the BAU. 
You ended up talking to Spencer last. 
One by one you smiled at your friends, reassured them you were feeling better, and told them you would rest. 
But then, Spencer was standing in the doorway, and he was looking at you with such pain, with such distraughtness, that tears started to stream out of your eyes–you didn’t notice. But Spencer did. He quickly closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed. Clasping your hand in his, he used his other hand to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “Sweetheat, baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you. It’s okay.” He whispered, trying to provide you with some comfort. 
“Did…Did you get my necklace back…” 
That was not where Spencer thought this conversation was going. “I–”
“Be-Because I can't ... .Spence I’m so sorry. She just snatched it off of my neck while I was unconscious and, and, and she put it on, and fuck–”
Spencer squeezed your hand, causing your rampage to stop, but the tears pushed on. “We have it.” He said quietly. “There’s no way in hell I’m ever letting anyone else take that necklace okay?” 
You nodded and used your other hand to wipe at your cheeks, managing to get rid of the tears. 
Spencer kissed your hand again. “It’s at home, right on the kitchen counter. I got it professionally cleaned and everything.” 
You nodded and sighed. After a moment of silence, you peered around his frame, taking in all of the flowers and balloons and cards that people had left you. 
“wow…This is…”
“A lot?”
You nodded, brows furrowing as you bit the inside of your cheek. Spencer watched as your eyes slowly scanned across the flowers in the room, landing on the bouquet from Derek. 
“Is someone trying to declare war on me?” Your laugh was a bit garbled as you swallowed down the rest of your tears, trying desperately to change the subject. 
“Morgan thought you would think that was funny.” He whispered, his eyes only focused on you. On the way your lips parted when a particular inhale hurt your chest since they had only taken the catheter out an hour ago, or the way your chest rose and fell, the bruises scattered across were blooming into nasty blues, purples, and greens. 
“Who got me poppies?” 
Spencer met your eyes, a small cheeky smile on his lips. 
You slapped his arm with no mirth behind it, a grin spread widely across your face. “I’m sorry. But did you get me a consolation prize for surviving?” 
Spencer nodded, watching as you laughed to yourself, wincing when it would hurt a bit too much. “I love them, Spence.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
There were more flowers you couldn’t see, at your home. There was vase upon vase, filled with plenty of flowers for you to decode their accidental (or purposeful) messages, each with their own ‘get well!’ card attached. There was only one bouquet that mattered above the rest, made of completely fake flowers. There were bright red Salvia Splendens, contrasting against the white of the kitchen counter, waiting for you to come home and see them. 
Spencer had thought that he should buy you flowers that lasted forever, just as long as his love would, just as long as he would forever be yours.  
SSMFM Taglist: @raely-study @multifandoms-assemble @marylovesevanpeters@shqwqrma @niya06 @freefallthoughts @fansformentalydistroyedmen @r-3dlips @xholdinmebackxx @universallyblizzardlove
Reid Taglist: @s1lariathas
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laismoura-art · 2 months
Hello!! I want to ask you something, do you have thoughts about how Kuairumi wedding would animate? Because I'm so rooting for them and I can't even wait to see them together 😩♥️💛✨
Hi Meme!!
Thanks for the ask! I'm honoured that you, @orbitinytheworld and @thedragonholder want to hear my thoughts on this wedding!
Dragon already blessed us with her thoughts and it made my day that she used my take on Harumi's clan as inspo!
You guys are all amazing and I feel so flattered right now!!🥹💕
Now for starters, I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that I am sooooo glad their wedding won't be looking like this:
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Cause look, it might be just my hating on S1 Invasions, but I truly think this wedding looks like shit.💀
From the (non-existent) decoration to the wedding gowns, everything looks so plain and boring, there's no colour, texture, volume or personality, there's NOTHING here that screams Kuai and Harumi! I hope I'm not offending anyone with this, but from the bottom of my heart, I HATE how this wedding looks🤦🏾‍♀️
With that out of the way:
Let's talk about the new wedding!
For once, we got our first official look on the brand new Fire Gardens and NOW WE'RE TALKING!
Seriously, just look at it!
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I don't know if that's it's normal look of if it has been specially decorated for the wedding, but either way, it's great!
Look at the scorpion tails on the roof! The fabrics hanging, the rug, the lanterns and textured floor!
Look at all the golden pieces and candles surrounded by flowers! THE FREAKING FLOWEEEEERS!!!
Oh! And these statues! Can we talk about them? These are just like the statues found on the Wu Shi Academy, and I SO hope they are of the Elder Gods! Cause then it means we are one step closer to the Order of Cetrion! :O
We also got to see Kuai's gown too!
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SO MUCH BETTER! It has texture, depth, details, and it actually feels like Kuai Liang (I mean, the Invasions gown even got people mistaking him for Bi-Han :P)
I still feel it's a bit too simple for his grand day, but it has potential (plus, I strongly believe he had some extra layers on that he discarded once he had to engage in combat)
We are yet to see Harumi (;-;) but Kuai's new vest does make me hopeful!
And look, you may argue that the Invasions gowns were traditional japanese/chinese gowns, but this kinda leads me to my next issue:
Kuai and Harumi are fictional characters from fictional clans and are more than allowed to have fictional lore!
Heck! I'll give you some of my own lore right now, so bare with me!
Kuai descends from dragons and Cryomancy and Pyromancy are different outcomes from a same source of power! Meanwhile Harumi is a warrior of Cetrion and her clan protects nature!
Imagine what you can draw from it!
Kuai gets to wear a gown with texture that resembles scales and an overcoat that resembles wings! Harumi wears a dress with a white to light pink gradient, on the overcoat a beautiful hand-painted landscape of a cherry blossom forest and her hair adorned with golden pins and flowers!
Her bouquet made by Kuai to show he's finally learning flower language after years struggling with it!
Kuai: *hands Harumi a bouquet of tansy*
Harumi, teasing: Are you declaring war against me?
Kuai: wHAT???
I want more lore! And more unique traditions! Clothing, dances, rituals, food!
Be creative, NRS!
Back to Canon again.
First of all, I got to see Shirai Ryu warriors (Raiden included) and Wu Shi warriors fighting the Cyber Girls. Very cool, very nice!
Now where are Harumi's warriors??
I find it hard to believe they weren't invited! So where are they? What do they look alike?
Please tell me they are all women and they don't all dress black with a singular piece of coloured fabric to tell them apart.
NRS, you were more creative than that... right? (ಠ_ಠ)
Also, you did invite the Umgadi, right NRS? Cause Harumi was one of them and now Kuai is their ally.
Kuai invited his allies, the Wu Shi. So Harumi invited her allies, the Umgadi. Correct?
Tanya is Harumi's old friend and now is her maid of honour, yes?
Yeah, thought so! Don't you guys love when NRS is creative? I sure do!😊
Now, to wrap this all up!
@thedragonholder suggested in her post that Bi-Han secretly attended the wedding and that ended up with him being caught by Titan Havik!
I absolutely LOVED that idea! But allow me to add:
What if Bi-Han told Cyrax and Sektor he was going to the wedding but he never got there cause Havik intercepted him first?
He never got too warn the girls and they think the Shirai Ryu had him captured the moment they spot him!
And that's why they decided to invade the wedding!
One big misunderstanding, it's on brand for MK, really :P
Kuai and Harumi manage to prove they got nothing to do with Bi-Han’s disappearance and begrudgingly they decide to help look for him because "he's a jerk and I'm still mad at him, but if he's really in danger than I won't just stand here and let him get hurt😑"
And that's how the whole adventure starts for them!
Sooooo, yeah! Those are my thoughts so far! I really enjoyed brainstorm it all and I hope you enjoy reading it all just as much!
Gang, any thoughts, additions and theories? Please I'd love to talk more about it!!👀💙🩷
@mikka-minns @madamealtruist @moody-bloos
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1nsomniacwriter · 10 months
A list of flowers I think fit Shuake:
Black dahlias- betrayal
Lavender- distrust and devotion
Orange lilies- passionate desire/ hatred
Daffodil- new beginnings
Heliotrope- eternal love
Pink Astilbe- "I'll be waiting for you"
Snapdragons- ever lasting love/ loyalty
Orange tulips - understanding
Blue star- you recognize and admire their strength, determination and endurance
Ballon flowers- never stop loving/desire for a friend to re-enter your life
Freesia- trust
Gladiolus- strength and victory/ flower of the gladiators" to a game winner
Marigold- mourning or stricken by grief/ jealousy
Tansy- declaration of war/ protection
Orange lily- pride
Pink Carnation- "I will never forget you."
Iris- respect
Red Salvia- forever mine
Rosemary- remembrance
Lavender- devotion
Black-Eyed Susan- justice
Magenta Lilac- love/passion
Peony- Anger
Purple Hyacinth- apologies
Forget-me-nots- a promise to remember
Rhododendron- caution
White Clover- always thinking of you
Pink Camellia- "my destiny is in your hands." /Missing you
Hyssop- sacrifice
Hollyhock- ambition
Honeysuckle- devotion/strong bonds of love
Almond flowers- promise
Arbutus- "You are the only one I love"
Astragalus- "Your presence softens my pain"
Blackthorn- Fate/ protection/ hope against adversity,
Coltsfoot- "justice shall be done"
Diphylleia- "I will show my true self to you."
Laurestine- a token
Scabius- unfortunate attachment
Spindle tree- Your image is engraved on my heart
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Spotlight on Tansy | I declare war against you
anduefex for Team Ancient: The Mountain Calls
kuroganeattacksquad (it's me!) for Team Modern: Modern Warfare
Please read and vote!
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maidstew · 2 months
surname suggestion time!
matte tansy or matte anthanasia?? the tansy plant is a symbol of immortality but also means "i declare against you"... a declaration of war, if you will. it's also a toxic plant!
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matte tansy
eddie my friend u are brilliant and i love u
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kurofai-olympics · 26 days
KuroFai Olympics - Team Ancient
All fics for Team Ancient are now available!
Please go read, review and vote on all of the fics to show your apperciation.
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Author - The_Storybooker Team - Ancient Prompt - Asphodel: My regrets follow you to the grave
gods, ascended
Author- godtiercomplex Team - Ancient Prompt - Hemlock - You will be my death
Your Heart is My Sky
Author- cloverfield Team - Ancient Prompt - Lady's Slipper - Capricious Beauty. Win me and wear me
the quiet after you
Author - yououui Team - Ancient Prompt - Milkvetch - your presence softens my pains
Like the Stars Miss the Sun in the Morning Sky
Author - tsubasafan Team - Ancient Prompt - Mulberry Tree (black) - I shall not survive you.
Footprints on the Sands of Time
Author - aminiatureworld Team - Ancient Prompt - Pine, Spruce - Hope in adversity
Author - eternal_song Team - Ancient Prompt - European sweetbriar, I wound to heal
The Mountain Calls
Author - anduefex Team - Ancient Prompt - Tansy - I declare war against you
The Knight, the Spirit and the Bridge
Author - saltedmoon Team - Ancient Prompt - Maiden Blush Rose - If you love me, you will find it out.
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More lunch break Kamen Rider, this time it’s Black and Shadow Moon :)
Flower meanings under here ↓↓↓
Shadow Moon:
Laurel, Bay leaf: no change till death
Chestnut: Do me justice
Tansy: I declare war against you
California poppy: Do not refuse me
Columbine, Purple: resolved to win
Kamen Rider Black:
Convolvulus, Major: extinguished hopes
Aloe: bitterness, grief
Magnolia: love of nature, nobility, perseverance
Scabiosa: unfortunate love, I have lost all
Zinnia: thoughts of absent friends, I mourn your absence
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zipegs · 1 year
alana & chilton  // 905 words, g, past hannibloom //  ao3 written for day 5 of fad’s au challenge: hanahaki
The first flower petal Alana coughs up is a bright yellow tansy. She fishes it out of her mouth with trembling fingers and stares at its wet, fragile form. Hostility, she thinks dumbly. A declaration of war.
A small, desperate part of her wonders whether Hannibal, wherever he is, might be suffering the same. Her affliction has taken root because the man she loved was never anything more than a facade.
But his... If he fell ill, Alana wonders, what flowers would bloom first in his fertile lungs? Lavender, perhaps. Or yellow carnation.
She crushes the tansy in her fist and holds her hand out over the edge of her hospital bed.
Hannibal doesn't love you, she tells herself. No version of him ever did.
Maybe one day, it will start to sink in.
She opens her palm and lets the petal fall.
It's not long before the medical staff notices. Alana expected as much, but she hates how they've begun to look at her, with the same pity and gentleness one would show an injured stray.
She starts coughing one morning while a nurse is taking her vitals and can't seem to stop, props herself up on one elbow despite the pain that blossoms in her hips and chokes on a purple sliver of bittersweet.
The nurse tuts when she sees it catch on Alana's lip and lifts it carefully away, turns it over in front of her as though by doing so it might take on some different form.
"My aunt dealt with these," the nurse says, shaking her head. "Truth." She huffs out a humorless laugh. "She couldn't understand why she kept getting them until she found her husband's credit card receipts."
If only it were as simple as adultery, Alana thinks darkly. The nurse pats her shoulder consolingly, and Alana forces a tight-lipped smile. She wonders what truth the bittersweet is meant to call to mind. There are so many lies to untangle that it's nearly impossible to start.
Alana closes her eyes and clears her scratchy throat. She's been dreaming about her residency again, a world where all she knew of Hannibal was that he was beautiful and brilliant and kind. She'd go back there, if she could. Even if just for a single moment.
Alana has treated victims of relationship trauma before, distraught young lovers who sob on her small purple couch. They say they can't understand how this happened, that this person who hurts them is a stranger wearing their partner's skin.
You think it's a nightmare, she tells them sometimes, but this was always what was hidden beneath their facade. You've woken up—you've emerged from that perfect dream. I know that it's hard. But there is no going back. It's gone.
Alana stares at the empty white ceiling and wonders if every therapist has trouble reconciling their own advice.
Chilton lets himself into Alana's room just as she's hacking up the petals of two delicate pink crabapple blossoms, and he doesn't do her the graciousness of letting it go.
He lifts his bouquet in greeting, and the butcher paper and cellophane crinkle with laughter.
"I brought you flowers," Chilton drawls, the good side of his face tugging up in an amused smile, "but it seems I shouldn't have bothered. You've already got your own."
Alana settles back against her pillows and stares up at the ceiling again, refusing to give Chilton the honor of seeing her unsettled. "They come in pieces," she says drily, with a nonchalance she doesn't feel. "It'll be nice to have some in their undamaged form."
Chilton strolls over to the side of Alana's bed and sets the flowers on her bedside table, then gestures at the petals lying on her stark white sheets. "May I?" he asks, already hovering his fingers over their vibrant form.
"Go ahead."
He picks them up at one end and lifts them with evident distaste and curiosity, like a child showing off a decapitated worm. "Hmmm," he muses, "Crabapple blossoms. Rather pedestrian for someone in your circumstance; wouldn't you say?"
"There's a relief to be found in the expected," Alana says. "I've grown tired of surprises. Haven't you?"
Chilton hums and brushes off his fingers, letting the petals flutter to the floor. "How long until you start retching up full blossoms?"
Alana shrugs. "Difficult to say. Eager to be rid of me so soon?"
"Not exactly." Chilton fingers the silver head of his cane. "You got yourself to this garden, Dr. Bloom, but there are ways to... uproot it, so to speak."
Alana turns her head to look at him, attentive for the first time since he stepped foot in her hospital room. "You don't strike me as the charitable type," she says, uncertain of his aim.
Chilton shrugs a shoulder, and his lips twitch into a grin. "The enemy of my enemy..." He taps his cane lightly on the linoleum. "How long, do you think," he asks, "until Will Graham has reentered Hannibal's orbit?"
Alana lifts an eyebrow, and her own lips curl into a hint of a smile. "Not long. And with a little manipulation..."
Chilton hums. They watch each other for a moment, and then Chilton sniffs and makes his way to the door. "Once you're released from medical care," he says, "you know where to find me."
When he leaves, Alana's breath catches, and she coughs again.
This time, she spits out a purple columbine.
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florist-chuuya · 4 months
Can i get a fuck you boquet
Fuckin- sure but I would like to fucking point out there's also two other asks on here for that shit, if ya don't like any.
How many fucking people do ya hate fucks sake-
White catchfly [Beware]
Apple thorn [Deceitful charms]
Yellow carnations [Distain]
Lavender [Distrust]
Purple Larkspur [Hautiness]
Basil [Hatred]
I declare war against you [Wild Tansy]
Hope that shit helps- if not again check the fuckin ask tag cuz there's a few people who also asked for that.
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shivunin · 1 year
💐🍼☁️✂️💚 for everyone! (Unless that's too much which fair please feel free to pick and choose)
basjkfbi hahahaa Thanks for the ask, Lilou! <3
I'm going to answer this under the cut because I'm doing all five of them (leaving Adahlena and Ilriane out of this, as usual; all seven would have been too many).
(OC Emoji Asks List)
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Arianwen Tabris: Wild tansy, bay leaf, aconite (wolfsbane), dragonwort, and blue pimpernel. What a delight to finally make a bouquet for someone who wants everyone else to choke and die! In order: I declare war against you, I change but in death, misanthropy (and again i say: what a move to send someone literal poison so they know you don't like them), horror, and change. As a city girl, I think Wen is a bit suspicious of flowers and plants in general, so idk that she has a favorite (other than loving the dandelions that grow in the cracks of the road).
Maria: Arbor vitae, red chrysanthemums, red poppies, honeysuckle, and white larkspur. Unchanging friendship, love, consolation, generous and devoted affection, and lightness/levity. Going for the classic scarlet/white combo with hers. Her favorite used to be honeysuckle (her father showed her how to eat the center as a treat and she's never forgotten), but later she's very partial to poppies (for, you know. no particular reason c:).
Elowen: Canary grass, celandine, swamp magnolia, purple pansies, christmas rose, and a sprig of weeping willow. Perseverance, joys to come, perseverance again, thoughts, relief of anxiety, and mourning. Oh, Elowen my overthinking beloved. She loves willow trees most (willows are her Thing), and I think she would enjoy the blossoms too (they look really fluffy).
Emmaera: Lavender (of course!), vervain, elfroot, forget-me-nots, rosemary, lupines, and goat's rue. (starting from vervain) Enchantment, healing, true love, remembrance, voraciousness/imagination, and reason. Lavender is her favorite, hands down, but I contest the Victorian flower language meaning (distrust) and exchange it for respite.
Salshira: Sorrel, holly (herb), cranberries, orange and yellow daisies, spanish jasmine, orange ranunculus, and fallen maple leaves. Affection, enchantment, cure for heartache, beauty, sensuality, radiant charm, and reserve. Going for the deep red/white/orange/brown combo here, since she's very fall-themed. Salshira really likes daisies, actually, and would be most charmed by a kind of loosely arranged handful of them instead of an elegant bouquet.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
Arianwen: Loves children, has no interest in making any of her own. Would kill anyone who hurt a child without question or hesitation. Vigil's Keep acquires a variety of orphans during her tenure as Warden Commander and they're sort of collectively raised by the Wardens (though of course she locates an actual tutor to educate them). For the first of them, Amethyne (the little girl you find in the alienage whose mom dies during the Cousland origin), Wen acts as a kind of close aunt (though Zev winds up regarding her as his kid, more or less).
Maria: Loves kids, wants a million of her own. She thinks the wonder of discovery that children still have is a way of feeling young again and has always wanted a huge family.
Elowen: Likes kids in theory, but struggles in practice. The idea of having children is generally foreign to her (though I do have one AU where it happens, for cultural reasons rather than personal preference).
Emmaera: Likes kids, but not very familiar with them because she didn't spend much time with kids her age when she was growing up. Winds up having two children of her own, both of them unplanned, and loves them to pieces.
Salshira: Likes kids, because they're pretty much always asking odd questions that having nothing to do with you or them. Basically the ideal for Salshira, who does not want to talk about herself. Never thought about having a family of her own until she fell in love, ends up wanting to give her children the kind of love and acceptance she never received as a kid. I haven't settled on how many she has, but at least one (Hauen).
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Arianwen: Sings to all her animals when they are upset or sick; has a pretty good singing voice, actually.
Maria: Extremely ticklish. Fenris finds this out on accident and the squeal she makes is so surprising that he falls off the bed trying to dodge.
Elowen: Bull said he was into the way dawnstone looks, so she chiseled every little piece she could find out of the hillsides and set the scouts to looking for deposits just so she could custom-order a set of pink armor for him.
Emmaera: It's not a new headcanon, but she hides little notes for Cullen all over his quarters (and later, the manor). Some are simple "I love you"s and others are more specific or practical. She loves surprises and likes giving him simple, sweet surprises as part of his day.
Salshira: Remembers all her friends' favorite foods, colors, songs, etc. and arranges for them to be on hand when they're down or when there's something to celebrate.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Arianwen: So easily. It doesn't take much for Wen to pull the plug, except for a very small group of people she's collected as hers. It would take something monumental for her to cut off someone in her inner circle (Zev, Alistair, and Morrigan would have to do something extremely out of character to make it happen, for example--though I do think Morrigan telling Wen she ought to kill the alienage dwellers for a power boost might have done it. Luckily, she didn't come along for that mission). For everyone else, she is all too happy to cut them off (sometimes, you know, literally).
Maria: Maria has a really hard time letting go, so something really drastic would have to happen for her to be done with someone she considered a close friend. Um. Blowing up most of a city would just about do it, I think.
Elowen: I answered this for her here c:
Emmaera: Emma is extremely logical about her interpersonal relationships. I don't think she'd jump to cut someone off, but her trust is hard to earn and easier to lose. She wouldn't cut someone off entirely unless she thought the negative sides outweighed the positives (she never really forgave Blackwall, for example, but let him stay with the Inquisition until they didn't need him anymore). If someone showed a repeated willingness to hurt innocents or others she cares for, that would do it.
Salshira: Likewise, Salshira has a really hard time letting anyone in, so anyone close to her would have to wade through several layers of obfuscation before they could actually know the real her. This is a defense mechanism, but it also means that she has lots of time to push people away if she's wary of them. Anyone she's really close with is someone she wouldn't let go of easily; she cherishes her found family. Again, it would have to be something pretty heinous or out of character to cut someone off.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Arianwen: Food is at the top of the list, for sure. Especially something unusual or made especially for her, but she's not very picky. She also likes loose physical contact (leaning against someone, for example) which she can easily get out of if she wants.
Maria: Being held is number one. Maria is always reaching out for other people, and those people reaching back makes her feel fulfilled and safe. She is also a very textural person, so soft, fluffy things bring her comfort, too. Lying on a soft bed in her silk robe while someone (cough cough) holds her is her ideal situation.
Elowen: Quiet company and hot tea. Elowen needs to process before she can talk when she's upset, but she really doesn't want to be alone. When she's ready, someone who will listen to her without judgment is crucial. Being somewhere high in the air with a decent overlook also helps.
Emmaera: Putting things in order makes her feel more comforted. She doesn't want help, but she does want company. When she's thinking or upset, Emma will clean and organize, and by extension her surroundings being reasonably neat is comforting to her. She also finds sunlight and a concrete task to complete comforting, so she gardens in the spring/summer and rakes or shovels snow in the fall and winter. Someone talking things through with her and weighing the pros and cons is comforting.
Salshira: Physical touch for sure. It's the first and easiest way she has to express herself and it's the first thing she looks for when she's upset. Being warm and wrapped in a blanket is second. Also soup---soup is her big comfort food (me too tbh).
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Spun in Spider's Silk (DLD I)
Coriander: an annual herb of the Apiaceae family, colored a bright green and fractally symmetrical, representing hidden worth.
Tansy: an herbaceous perennial plant in the Aster family, colored a bright yellow and blooming in bunches, representing declarations of war and/or hostile thoughts.
Though you may not have wondered on it, you should know now that the art of aerial silks is, in actuality, not often performed with true silk ribbons- rather, most are inclined to utilize varying weaves of nylon or polyester for their craft. After all, silk is quite the costly material, and most can only dream of possessing such a quantity as the sport requires.
However, when seen in the hands of a marionette so exemplary of grace and luxury as their Coriander, the pin-striped keeper of Scarlet Fever- upscale establishment for the sinners of their city, as it were- could see clearly that the investment was a worthy one. 
Against the coppery glow of their bare arms and sleek, cabernet jumpsuit, the golden cocoon of wealth which kept Coriander's weight from crashing to the floor sent a message clear as night and day.
Compared to me, you are nothing. You are weak, and poor, and small. I could crush you just as easily with a text as with a gun, for only one so confident in their power could flaunt his prizes so openly.
That was what Coriander was, in the end- a pretty little prize, if only a fraction more indispensable due to the bloody strings attached. Even so, they too could have been thrown aside if they’d not proven to be a useful bit of decoration. Thankfully, Coriander had given their tormentor- Tansy- reason enough to hold them close.
Each night- just as they did on this one- they would pull themself higher and higher into the air, swirling and spinning their way to a deadly peak that onlookers would fear with bated breaths. They would tease them with smaller falls from their carefully woven web before erasing any trace of doubt in their ability with a steady, practiced recovery. The audience would feel relieved- giddy, even- to be reassured of their safety, even though their bodies were not the ones dangling so precariously in the air.
And then, when the simple nod from Tansy registered and an invisible tear had snuck from Coriander's eye, an intentional fall would snap their neck against the cherry hardwood below.
No one would move.
No one would dare. 
The crowd would go quiet, and simply stare at the mangled treasure before them with the same sort of fear that came with a gunshot- the fear of not knowing where it came from, nor who the bullet struck, nor whether it’s target would be blessedly inanimate or just as living as the heartbeat drumming in their own chest.
Coriander's corpse would stare them in the eye one by one, so intensely that those closest to them would be inclined to tilt their heads at a similar angle if only to feel more comfortable with it.
It would only be when their cruelly splintered spine began to hammer itself straight and screams began to burst from behind their displaced jaw would the onlookers sink back into their seats, having finally been relieved of the waiting. 
It was true.
They could not die- not in the physical sense, at least.
And so, all was well.
The crowd would walk away happily once they’d risen from the floor. After all, it was all in good fun, right? Coriander couldn't feel it. They’d all been told that they couldn’t in their invitations. The screams didn’t mean anything.
Really, what was pain after it had been corrected?
In the end, Tansy would smile contentedly as their guests rushed out of the door to avoid the discomfort of seeing their prize stiffly bow, all the while haphazardly praising the show they’d put on for them as they passed. The villain would come away with a brand new ring of puppets whose fear would keep them from questioning, and whose whispered terror would wrangle yet another morbidly curious bunch for them to scare into submission.
Even their Coriander’s sobs, which erupted every night once the last of the crowd had vanished behind the doors, would not keep Tansy from feeling proud of their little puppet show.
It was a simple thing, healing, but oh so beautiful when used for sport.
A/N: This first little ditty is starting us off strong with a fun little horror scene, heavily inspired by the darker snippets that @the-modern-typewriter and @save-the-villainous-cat seem to enjoy so much. Just a note, also, that this was originally posted on my last account which I am moving the contents of to this one.
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ljnuwu · 5 years
[7:19am] You jokingly give Prince!Jeno a tanacetum but, the next morning you find rows of knights just outside of your kingdom.
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highlyspecificsigns · 4 years
the signs as flower meanings
Source: Kate Greenaway’s Language of Flowers; photos: Flickr, Wikimedia Commons
ARIES: Wild tansy: “I declare war against you.”
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TAURUS: Pink convolvulus: “Worth sustained by judicious and tender affection.”
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GEMINI: Lady’s slipper: “Capricious beauty; win me and wear me.”
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CANCER: Laurestine: “A token. I die if neglected.”
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LEO: Cockscomb amaranth: “Foppery. Affectation. Singularity.”
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VIRGO: Everlasting pea: “An appointed meeting; lasting pleasure.”
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LIBRA: Queen’s rocket: “You are the queen of coquettes. Fashion.”
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SCORPIO: White poppy: “Sleep. My bane. My antidote.”
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SAGITTARIUS: Red balsam: “Touch me not. Impatient resolves.”
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CAPRICORN: Chesnut tree: “Do me justice. Luxury.”
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AQUARIUS: Crimson polyanthus: “The heart’s mystery.”
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PISCES: Eglantine: “Poetry. I wound to heal.”
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