#blackberry: envy
unfoxmeart · 1 year
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Flesh & Flower p5
Yes, more of this. I did this back in june, but didnt have my scanner at hand. Here it is now.
Earth worms, tansy, bay leaves, black berries, aloe vera, pansy, lady's slipper, and camellia.
|Caption deleters & self promoters blocked| No unauthorized use or reposts| Commissions open| insta: unfoxme| twitter: unfoxme| click for better quality or check my artstation|
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abl0gnam3lia · 1 year
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Two words: Gender. ENVY.
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profetizamos · 1 year
being in England during michaelmas like wow there really ARE blackberries and rosehips everywhere. just ripe for the devil to curse
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sailorgoon13 · 5 months
Theodore Nott
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Full Name: Theodore Nott
Nickname: Theo
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 4 November, 1979
Heritage: English/ Italian
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Blackthorn, Unicorn hair, 11 3/4", Slightly Flexible
Hair Color: Dark brown, a bit fluffy
Eye Color: Striking baby blue
Skin Tone: Olive
Height: 6'
Body Type: Lean and athletic. Tall, well proportioned
Style: Well-fitted jeans or chinos paired with a crisp button-down shirt or a cashmere sweater. Accessories are key to his look, with luxurious touches like leather loafers, silk scarves, and perhaps even a designer watch or cufflinks. His color palette leans towards darker tones like charcoal, navy, and deep burgundy
Features: Confidence, Mysterious aura, Sharp wit, Distinctive voice, Leadership
Traits: Reserved, Loyal, Manipulative, Intelligent, Emotionally Complex
Likes: Privacy, Fine literature, Refines tastes, Debates, Chess
Dislikes: Arrogance, Lack of ambition, Betrayal
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading, Playing Piano
Fears: Vulnerability, Rejection, Turning to the Darker side
Family and Friends:
Father: Mr. Nott
Valued Pure-Blood status
Supporter of Voldemort's cause/ Death Eater
Mother: Mrs. Nott
Died when Theo was young
Instilled his love for literature and fine art
Taught him Italian
Friends: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Lorenzo Berkshire, Mattheo Riddle
Special Abilities: His father taught him darker magic when he was young, though he doesn't like to use any of it. Particularly good at charms and hexes
Boggart: A memory of when he witnessed his mother dying
Patronus: Fox
Polyjuice: Would look velvety black with sparkling flecks of gold and silver. Smell like earthy Italian herbs and leather books with a hint of roses. It might taste like dark chocolate infused with hints of espresso and blackberry, with a subtle undertone of smoky oak and vanilla
Amortentia: Bergamont, Sandalwood, Freshly Brewed Coffee, Dark Chocolate
Theodore Nott was born into a prestigious pure-blood wizarding family, his childhood filled with the enchanting landscapes and rich cultural heritage of Italy. His mother, a talented witch with a passion for art, literature, and music, imparted upon him a love for the finer things in life. She taught him how to speak Italian, play the piano, and appreciate the beauty of the magical world around them.
However, Theodore's childhood took a tragic turn when his mother passed away, leaving him with a profound sense of loss. Compounding his grief was the revelation that his father, though also deeply devoted to his family, had been a follower of Voldemort. With Voldemort's downfall, Theo's father met his demise, leaving Theo with conflicting emotions and a sense of isolation.
Despite his father's past affiliations, he distanced himself from his family's dark legacy, choosing instead to honor his mother's memory by embracing the values she had instilled in him. He found comfort in the company of his friends, particularly during Christmas vacations and over the summer, when he would often stay with classmates Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Enzo Berkshire.
Throughout his years at Hogwarts, Theodore excelled academically and athletically, distinguishing himself as a talented and ambitious student. His keen intellect, strategic mind, and refined tastes set him apart from his peers, earning him both admiration and envy. Despite facing teasing and discrimination for his softer side and Italian accent, Theo remained resilient, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship that sustained him.
He discovered a passion for Quidditch, becoming the star keeper for the Slytherin team. With each dive and save, he felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration, leaving behind the weight of his worries and losses, if only for a moment.
Best Subject: Charms
Favorite Subject: DADA (But he won't tell you its really Astronomy)
Favorite Professor: Flitwick
Worst Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Subject: Divination
Least Favorite Professor: Slughorn
Student Life:
Academically excels in his studies, particularly in subjects like Potions and Charms
A regular fixture in the Hogwarts library, spending hours poring over ancient texts and refining his magical skills, teaching himself a new language, (Or really just hiding behind a romance novel)
Respected by his classmates for his intellect and admired for his cool demeanor, though some may find him enigmatic or intimidating.
He enjoys spending time in the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, honing his skills as Keeper
He also indulges in his love for art, literature, and music
Girls at Hogwarts are drawn to Nott's confidence, intelligence, and refined tastes, finding themselves mesmerized by his cool demeanor and mysterious aura
While he remains discreet about his romantic interests, there is no shortage of girls vying for his attention and affection.
Template: @hazyange1s
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milqueandsugar · 4 months
🌼☕` Breakfast In Bed `☕🌼
Gen / Fluff
Includes / Alastor
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It was never easy keeping secrets from him. You didn't have many to hide, but the ones you had always came to light. That only meant you had to work a little harder to impress him, something you were very willing to do.
As quickly and carefully as you could you folded the mix of blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries into the batter, the once pale beige leaning a bit more pink. He would be up soon, lucky for you he was a man of habit and in all your years sharing a bed with him he had never risen before five am. If he ever rose at all. It was only recently, and because of you, he dedicated his nights to sleeping rather than lurking around the hotel or the city of Pride.
You glance up at the clock, 4 45, just enough time to fry up the pancakes and serve them before he wakes. Finally, a surprise.
"What's this now?"
God damn it. Or Lucifer, any deity you could think to swear to you do.
"How! You're never up before five!" You gasp, exasperated, tired from creeping out of bed at four in the morning and more irritated than anything else.
"You weren't in bed." He said simply, like an obvious fact as he draped himself over you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. He was only ever affectionate in public like this when he had upset you. You weren't really annoyed, you weren't even surprised really. You learned to expect anything really while being with the radio demon. "What's the point of sleeping if you aren't in my arms?"
"Don't be romantic I'm annoyed with you."
"hmmm? Is that why you were trying to make me breakfast in bed?"
"Shut up Alastor."
"If that's what you want." He pecks you on the cheek, a simple gesture but your heart flutters all the same. He spins you around, dipping you low before taking you by the hands and leading you to the crooked little kitchen table that no one really used. His shadow pulled the chair out for you, miming blowing kisses towards you.
It was Alastors time to cook, humming and swaying his hips like it wasn't before the sun of hell had even risen yet. You envied his energy. He fried the pancakes, flipping them perfectly and dramatically, the smell of the cooking berries made your stomach growl. He pulled two plates from the cupboard, his smile faltering at the sorry, chipped state of them before tossing them into the trash and summoning his own. He plated the pancakes equally onto both plates, summoning cream, fresh berries, syrup and jam for the table before setting your plate in front of you. Strawberries appeared on the top pancake in the shape of a heart and when you looked up he held his head in his hands, eye brows raising at you in anticipation.
You furrow your brows in thought, before scooping some whipped cream onto your finger and smearing it across his forehead in playful retaliation.
"you're forgiven, you may speak now."
"Of course, my dear."
He took your hand in his before you could properly pull it away, kissing each knuckle before licking the whipped cream from your finger. He shot you a grin.
"My, my, your as red as the strawberries."
"I change my mind, shut up again."
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ad-caelestia · 10 days
❌ Curse Correspondences ❌
Agate - for use on a target who has entered a space uninvited, i.e. someone breaking into your home or vehicle
Alexandrite - causes obsession and delusions
Amethyst - causes sensitivity and self-destruction
Astrophyllite - causes those who have died at the hands of another to torment the target from the grave
Diamond - causes blindness, confusion, and disorientation
Diopside - lowers inhibitions and causes secrets to be revealed
Emerald - causes greed, selfishness, and isolation
Flint - causes conflicts
Garnet - leeches energy from a target
Kunzite - induces vulnerability 
Kyanite - used to infiltrate a target’s mind
Meteorite - used as a catalyst in baneful magic
Obsidian - used for general aggressive magic
Onyx - causes nightmares and mental torment, and is used to break up relationships
Opal - used to store negative energy, and then to be given to a target
Ruby - used to focus your intent on a target
Black - law, justice, manifestation, sorrow
Red - force, energy, confrontation, jealousy, anger
Greenish Yellow - strife, discord, illness, conflict, jealousy, greed
Magenta - catalyst
Ague Weed - confusion 
Angelica Root - misery, strife, distress, discord
Asafoetida - drives enemies away
Bayberry - depression
Bindweed - binding
Blackberry Root - distress
Black Salt - misery, strife, distress, discord
Bladderwrack - illness
Bloodroot - substitute for blood
Blueberry - confusion, strife
Boneset - distress, confusion
Cayenne Pepper - anxiety
Chicory - discord
Chili Powder - discord, misery, strife
Cinquefoil - discomfort
Clove - stopping gossip
Cramp Bark - pain, illness
Dogbane - deception
Dragon’s Blood - destruction, strife, misery
Hemlock - discord, sadness
Henbane - illness, discord, melancholy
Jezebel Root - wickedness, ending relationships, punishing unfaithful lovers
Knot Weed - binding
Lemon - sourness, bitterness
Lemon Verbena - a boost of power, ending relationships
Lime - sourness, bitterness
Lobelia - discord
Mace - misery, strife
Mandrake - misery, strife
Mistletoe - isolation, confusion
Mullein - spirit work, nightmares
Mustard Seed - strife, discord
Myrrh - a boost of power
Nightshade (Belladonna) - discord, illness
Onion - strife
Patchouli - illness
Poke Root - confusion, discord
Poppy Seed - discord
Rue - misery
Safflower - destruction
Spanish Moss - bad luck
Slippery Elm - ending relationships
Stinging Nettle - jealousy, envy, discomfort
Sumac - bad luck
Tobacco - a substitute for any baneful herb
Tormentil - distress, harm, discord
Vetiver - silence
Wormwood (Absinthe) - misery, strife
Yew - spirit work
Yohimbe Bark - impotency
Mars - power, force, energy, war, conflict, jealousy
Saturn - law, justice, chaos, revenge
Neptune - confusion, illusion, chaos
Pluto - death, mystery, crisis
Lunar Phases:
Waning - binding, banishing
Dark - destruction, banishing, justice
Black - power, manifestation
The target’s name written on paper
The target’s signature
An item that belongs to the target
Other Ingredients:
Cigarette butts
Broken glass
Lemon/lime juice
Shark teeth
Catfish spines
Murex seashells
Flying Devil Oil
Dead insects
Black sand
Disclaimer: I do not condone the unethical practice of collecting or harvesting animal parts, or forcefully obtaining taglocks. This is just a list of theoretical correspondences and I am not responsible for the actions of others.
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thelandboundseawitch · 11 months
🍎Fruit Correspondences🍎
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Red Apples- Love, prosperity, lust, knowledge, sex, romance and passion, fruit of the dead, immortality, happiness, good physical health, curses
Green Apples- Money, prosperity, luck, success
Yellow Apples- Curses for money loss, greed, envy
Apricot- Love, longevity, good health, healing(physically and emotionally), sweetening things, glamour, beauty Banana- Travel, sex, fertility, potency, prosperity, comfort, pain relief, sleep, dreams; infidelity curses, impotence Blackberry- Healing, love, protection, natural beauty, lust, cursing, binding Blueberry- Healing, protection, calm, focus, communication Cantaloupe- Protection, energy, motivation Cherry- Dreams, love, divination, beauty, substitute for blood/meat/organs, happiness, emotional healing, friendship, repel negativity, relationships Coconut- Chastity, innocence, protection, purification, beauty Cranberry- Romance, cleansing, severing negative ties, ambition Date- Love, psychic abilities, friendships and repairing them, quick energy Elderberry- Protection (psychic and emotional attacks), protection from psychic vampirism, fidelity, spirit work, wisdom, cleansing, dexterity, balance (usually of body and mind), celebrations; can be used as a substitute for blood despite not being red, good for ink making Fig- Abundance, divination, energy, fertility, good luck, health, love, money, peace, power, strength
Green- Money and prosperity, business, grounding, creativity
Purple- Psychic abilities, divination, spirit work
Red- Strength, lust, fertility, encouragement
Grapefruit- Cleansing, confidence, cooperation, healing, inner strength, mental clarity, purification, curses
Honeydew Melon- Sweetness, refresh, renewal, energy, subtly, kindness, relationship Kiwi- Secrets, looking for answers, happiness, sex and physical longings, good luck Lemon- Love, purification, beauty, friendship, longevity, inspiration, cursing Lime- Command and dictation, emotional healing, protection, energizing, purification, protects from negativity, curses(envy, jealousy, money troubles, bond severing) Mango- Love, protection, harvest, business and legal matters, happiness, friendship and family Nectarine- Love Orange- Awareness, prosperity, love, friendship, divination, creativity, inspiration, dream work, opportunity, harvest, money luck Papaya- Love, protection, brings happiness, kindness, strength in hardship, overcoming challenges Peach- Happiness, love, protection, exorcism, wishes, femininity, female fertility, knowledge, motivation, bliss Pear- Love, lust, wealth Persimmon- Happiness, healing, luck, lust, sex, wisdom Pineapple- Relieves stress and anxiety, imagination, relieves art block, luck, prosperity, happiness Plum- Luxury, sex, lust, love, wealth, and sleep Pomegranate- Beauty, protection, lust, the forbidden, death, wisdom, blood substitute and organ substitute Raspberry- Fun, love, courage, blood substitute Strawberry- Love, curses(losing love, cheating or lost of sexual drive) Tangerine- Protection of a home or space, happiness, friendship and cheerfulness Watermelon- Purity, luck, happiness, renewal, rebirth
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
The bet part 4
Zoro stared at the spread Sanji had begun to set down. He was holding Luffy back best he could as yet another plate was put down.
“Everything looks so good!” Nami exclaimed, the others nodding in agreement.
Sanji beamed, “thank you, Nami!” He placed small bowls of rice in front of everyone. As Cook placed a bowl of rice in front of him, he brushed against Zoro. “For the Marimo~” the blonde sang, Zoro looked at him confused as he danced away. “Okay Dig in!”
As everyone began to dig in he watched in envy as Sanji opened a bottle of Fukucho "Seafood" Junmai Genshu, he'd recognize the clear bottle with the white label, the label had different sea creatures drawn on it. It would have gone perfectly with the food in front of him. It was also the perfect sake for a cook with an obsession with the sea. He could practically taste its lemony flavor. Was it worth giving up the bet? Did he really need to drink as much as he could? Zoro liked his lips as he watched Sanji drink, chasing a stray drop with his tongue. No! Then the dam cook would win! Zoro would do everything he could to prevent him from getting the kiss.
“Everyone ready for dessert?”
“Yah!” Chopper clapped his hooves with excitement, wiggling in his seat.
“Here you go, matcha cheesecake to match your hair,” Zoro froze as the cook ruffled…no crassed his hair. He heard Nami and Usopp snicker beside him.
After he removed his hand Zoro watched as Sanji continued to give out cheesecakes.
“Chocolate for Chopper, candied bacon for Luffy, Coffee for Robin, blackberry for Usopp, and Minka for Nami,” Just what was the blond bastard up to, and why did he get the feeling Nami knew.
After lunch, he corned Nami among her trees. “What the hell did you do!?” Zoro demanded.
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” The witch didn't even bother to look at him. She just continued purening her trees.
“That was flirting! It wasn't his usual over the top but it was still him flirting! Why was he flirting with me?”
Nami turned to him with a smirk. “Oh? What's the matter? Did you like it?”
Zoro scowled and crossed his arms. “Even if I did, and I'm not saying that! Sanji is straight, so get him to stop it,”
“What if I told you, that he is in fact not straight,”
“I'd say your lying to me,”
“Sanji-kun told me just this afternoon that he recently discovered he likes men. I even offered to teach him how to flirt with men.”
“What the hell!? You have a second bet going on don't you?” Zoro glared at Nami.
Nami laughed at him. “Oh zoro, I have several bets going, but the more pressing issue is what exactly are you going to do about
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I HAVE AN obsession with the color green. It’s a color of opposites. Green is life, growth, and health. It’s also sickness, greed, and envy. It’s good and bad at once. And it’s everywhere this afternoon as I sit down with actor, producer, author, and entrepreneur Sam Heughan — most recognized for his starring role in the Scotland-based time travel drama “Outlander.” His shirt bears a green tartan pattern, somewhere between jade and emerald. To my right, the glass bottle of his new gin is a transparent seafoam. Above my head is the leafy expanse of a tree, planted in the courtyard of New York’s Crosby Street Hotel. The gin we sip tastes green: grassy and alpine, fresh as menthol and bright as a sour apple. Most vividly is the green in my mind’s eye: the wet, rich, misty green of Scotland, a place Heughan speaks of with rapture.
Missing home is what drove Heughan to launch his spirits brand Sassenach, after the Scottish Gaelic word for an English person, or rather, an “outsider.” “When I was in London away from home, a jobbing actor, missing Scotland, I remember my first time trying a single malt whisky and I had such an emotional reaction,” he recalls from across the table, his bright blue eyes wide. “It reminded me of Scotland.”
I remark on the gin’s legs, thick and viscous, streaking the sides of my glass. Heughan nods, “I increased the strength. It just gives it a bit more weight. I love a bit of weight on my tongue.” Toasted oats give a creamy feel to the cornucopia of flavors present in the liquid: pine resin, heather, blackberry leaf, blaeberry — and, again, that sour green apple. “There’s no citrus in Scotland. That’s why I chose apples,” Heughan explains. “I remember as a kid, picking them and throwing them at people, eating them, then being really ill because they’re so sour.”
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Heughan’s family — his mother, brother, and uncle — still live in Scotland. His uncle used to have a ceilidh band. “[Ceilidh is] a traditional Scottish dance,” he explains. “It’s madness. Everyone’s drinking whisky and the dancers get faster and faster and there are lots of spinning people around.” Heughan listens to a lot of Scottish music. He later sends me a song called “Blackbird” by Martyn Bennett, known for mixing dance tracks with traditional Celtic music. I tear up at its aching slants. “It makes me homesick for a home that’s not mine,” I message him. “That’s Scotland,” he writes back. “It does that to people.”
Sam Heughan Is in Good Spirits Image Float
Heughan was raised by a single mother in the south of Scotland — the rural stretches of Dumfries and Galloway. “Spent a lot of time on my own pretending I was a knight or Robert the Bruce.” The land’s botanicals now flavor his gin. Courtesy of Sam Heughan.
“It’s one foot in the present, one in the past,” muses Heughan about his country, adding a splash of tonic to my gin, whose flavor now reveals a pleasant salinity. “The castles. So many great battles. You
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can feel the history. I think that’s what makes it so magical.” This history is inextricably linked to ritual, observed in Scotland to this day. Take Beltane, a pagan ritual beginning serendipitously on Heughan’s birthday, April 30. “You’re supposed to stay up all night and wash your face in the fresh dew when the sun rises, then go to bed and dream of your future spouse,” he describes. “It’s all about rebirth and nature.”
We talk about other parts of the world that have shaped him, as I remark on his fusion accent: a bit Scottish for sure, but mixed with something else, sort of American and British, too. America’s opportunity and diversity captivate Heughan. He came here for the first time at 18, hostel hopping in San Francisco. “I remember looking at the Golden Gate Bridge for hours, playing my cassette of ‘(Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay’ by Otis Redding over and over. I was living on $5 burritos — one a day. It’s all I could afford.” He speaks of Hawaii with reverence — the local culture’s connection to wildlife and the sea. He spent time with a fisherman and his family there who taught him the Indigenous way to fish: “Gut it straight away. Take out the heart, say a prayer, and throw it back into the ocean immediately to allow the soul of the fish to live on.” New Zealand also moves him. He was there recently and learned about tā moku, the art of Māori tattooing. “You sit with an artist and tell him your story. He chooses where it goes on your body and makes it there and then. He stuck [the initial sketch] on my left forearm here, and it was all about my mom and my brother and the absence of my father.” He wants to return to New Zealand and get the tattoo next time.
My gin has opened up even more, spreading out into softer, aromatic florals as Heughan uncorks a bottle of his whisky. “People have called you a global heartthrob.” I begin, “Is that a role you’re —”
“Who has?” His eyes grow bigger in feigned shock. (Fun fact: the Sam Heughan fanbase even has their own name — “Heughligans.”)
“Someone I talked to in the subway.”
“Right, right,” he nods gravely, pouring new glasses.
“Do you,” I continue, taking a sip, “feel comfortable in that role?” The whisky tastes like a spicy Werther’s caramel.
“My character is what some people aspire to, and I understand why. He’s this incredible human being who’s just so in love with his wife and does the most romantic things. Selfless. People then think you might be that person. I’m certainly not. But it’s something to aspire to.”
“Are you comfortable,” I press, “being an object of desire?” Heughan shares that in earlier years, he was treated in a way that would no longer be tolerated. “I’d be asked, ‘What’s under your kilt?’ or ‘How do you get your abs?’ I wish I did have abs! We were just in a different industry. I don’t have resentment or a grudge. But I would like to be seen for the work that I do, rather than my looks.”
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While he’s still based in Scotland, Heughan also has a house in LA, a city he’s not exactly sold on. He toys with the idea of New York as his next home base. He loves it here. “The cocktail bars. Cycling along the West Side. SoHo. The river. Getting a ferry. I’m so into ferries! I’ll go to Staten Island, then come back again. We got a helicopter the other day back from the Hamptons — I don’t like helicopters. They’re not meant to fly. However, seeing the Statue of Liberty from there, it’s so good. New York could be my city.”
I show Heughan around some local spots that evening. We sit at the bar of Superbueno for mezcal drinks and tacos. The music gets louder and so do the crowds. Mouth full of al pastor, I semi-shout a question in Heughan’s direction, asking if he ever gets overstimulated. “No, not really,” he replies simply, between chewing. At 6 feet, 3 inches, Heughan towers over seemingly everyone. Maybe it’s calmer up there. There’s an overall good-natured quality to him; it’s soothing to be around.
We head to another bar, Mr. Fongs. The air is thick with the smell of trash and rats dart to and fro. A subway thunders overhead as we walk below a bridge in Chinatown. “This is awesome,” Heughan murmurs. We order the bar’s specialty: salty plum old-fashioneds. “I want a place where the second I walk out my door, I’m right in the center of all of it,” he says decidedly, whistling a little at the (notoriously strong) drink. “Right in the middle.”
Heughan is noticeably unadorned. I suggest some rings and an ear piercing for his New York era. A candle light flickers against his cheek, evoking another world — someplace old and rural and rugged. At this moment, I see his character, a fantasy projection of the leading man. But really, we’re just in Chinatown, weighing the pros and cons of earrings on men. “Sadly I don’t think I’m quite cool enough,” he sighs, “to pull that off.” ▪️
Our Contributors
Sophie Mancini Writer
Sophie Mancini is an editor at Departures. Born and raised in New York City, she holds a degree in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University and has a background as a writer in brand and editorial.
Diana Markosian Photographer
Diana Markosian (born in Moscow, 1989) is a Russian-American photographer of Armenian descent. Her work explores memory and place through a layered, interdisciplinary process that uses photography and video. Her photographs have been published in National Geographic, the New Yorker, and the New York Times.
Robert Ormerod Photographer
Robert Ormerod is a photographer interested in telling stories. He is based in Scotland, working across the U.K. for titles such as National Geographic, The Guardian Saturday magazine, The New York Times, T Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg Businessweek.
Tom Craig Photographer
Tom Craig is a photographer and director whose work has been featured in Vogue, i-D, and Vanity Fair. His work is driven by a desire to tell stories and the urge to travel. His work often blurs the line between fashion photography and straightforward reportage.
**Full article from @departures www.departures.com
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the summer I felt shitty. summer of lying in dark rooms with wet rags over my eyelids to make the swelling go down. summer of blackberry picking along the old trail, splinters in my fingers, seeds in my teeth. summer of ultrasounds. summer of snarled traffic. summer of crying in cars in empty lots and streets in front of strangers’ homes. I will feel better in the morning. summer of bleeding. summer of not bleeding. summer of soiled linen. summer of the heartbeat, that little pulse of light. summer of dirt under my nails. keep digging. summer of pilgrimages to graves where nothing is buried, flowers wilting in the heat of my cupped hands. summer of brambles. summer of carrion. summer of three point five centimeters out of place. ektopos. summer of envy. crepe myrtle. your secret name. summer of the eucalyptus I couldn’t smell. summer of knowing I’ll never in all my life go back to mendocino. summer of metamorphosis. summer of unwilling change. summer of crouching on all fours by the bed making hurt animal noises, the womb turning itself inside out. summer of the dark clot of tissue I keep in a ziploc bag in the back of the freezer in case you need it, in case you’re still coming, in case you wanted to come back and be my baby. summer of incision sites. weedkiller and fresh mulch. watering the blue hydrangeas through the heat and the smoke, bucket after sloshing bucket, trying to keep them blooming just a little while longer. summer of ash in my mouth. summer I pressed my forehead to the dirt in the woods at dusk, light slanting sideways between the trees. summer of keening. summer of longing. summer I felt worse then better, worse then better. summer I lost. summer I got lost. got stuck. got stuck. got stuck. got over it. summer that followed me home and scratched at the door. cried till I let it in. I let it in. I let it in. I felt better in the morning.
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harpy-lion · 3 months
Some Skeleton Head-Cannons ✨
(I do not own any of the skeletons with the exception of Frostbite, Elk, Rottie, and Monarch who are from my AU Violentale that I recommend you check out!)
This is my first time doing this sort of thing 😅 I would love if anyone has questions about them all. For now I'm just gonna list a few facts for each.
Sans (Classic)
Age 132
Has a Masters in Astronomy, Engineering, and Physics
He isn't fond of Formal clothes but does enjoy wearing Ties and Bowties. 👔
Papyrus (Creampuff)
Age 127
Enthusiastic Car Salesmen 🚗
His closest housemate is Edge
Bluebell/Blue (Underswap Sans)
Age 133
Energetic Police Officer
Blue and Red occasionally go clubbing together
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus)
Age 127
In college earning a degree in Business despite Masters and PhD in Engineering and Physics.
He enjoys Chemistry much more and wants to make his own line of Vapes and Candies.
Red (Underfell Sans)
Age 131
Works as a mechanic, does all the maintenance and detailing on everyone's vehicles.
Secretly has a collection of beanie babies only his brother and Blue know.
Edge (Underfell Papyrus)
Age 125
Edge is also taking college classes in the Culinary arts but only Red knows.
He has two cats named Doomy and Tigger one is a Black cat and the other is an orange tabby both are kittens he found abandoned.
Cherry (Fellswap Sans)
Age 130
Created their own fashion line and runs a small store.
Has the worst temper in the house, he also has severe brother envy.
Mutt (Fellswap Papyrus)
Age 124
Works in a Pet Store near his brother's store, adores all animals.
Has the bad habit of letting his brother be abusive and stopping anyone from saying something. He genuinely feels he deserves it perhaps you can change that?
Black/Blackberry (Swapfell Sans)
Age 132
Much like Edge and Stretch, Black attends Ebott City University, he's currently working on a degree in forensics and wants to be a detective someday.
He constantly butts skulls with Blue and Cherry, he claims that he is the best mix of both of them the truth is he is jealous of their confidence.
Cash (Swapfell Papyrus)
Age 126
Actually works with Creampuff at the dealership, don't deal with him trust me. He will smooth talk you into paying full price and more.
Handles most of the house's finances, but do not leave your money alone with him it will disappear.
(These guys won't appear till way later buuuuuttt-)
Frostbite (Violentale Sans)
Age 131
Makes homemade ice cream, slushes, and shaved ice.
He has Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and DO. NOT. HUG. He will bite you. HARD!
Elk (Violentale Papyrus)
Age 124
Due to his size (9 ft tall) he has difficulty working but he does some work at home.
His work is maintaining a small garden, a cow named Milkshake, and a few hens.
If anyone would like to ask about any more head cannons or ask certain skeletons about themselves it's more than welcomed! I am working on chapter 2 of 'The Skeleton Shortcake' but here is chapter 1! Also I'll be posting chapters here as they come 😉
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
I’m glad you liked the idea!! The result was so perfect and sweet as usual. Here’s another if you’re interested/have muse! Words: curiousity, animals, whispering
Gil gulped, trying to focus on plating more appetizers as the guests mulled about. For the most part, they were scattered around the rest of the sprawling estate, but some of them had gravitated towards the kitchen naturally out of eagerness for the next round.
And they kept whispering.
He couldn't make out what they were saying, of course, but Gil knew when he was being whispered about. He had grown up as a husky but strong boy who loved cooking, he was no stranger to feeling like an animal in a zoo. But the scrutinising glares of a couple dozen millionaires were more than enough to put him on edge.
He dabbed at some sweat on his forehead and heard a giggle behind him. He was glad he had the steam and stove and various other heat sources to blame for the flush in his skin. Clearing his throat, he turned with the platter in hand. "More hors d'oeuvres--canapes with cavier and brie crostini with blackberry and prosciutto."
"How delightful!"
"Wherever did Thena find a specimen like you?"
"I simply must get the recipe to my own chef!"
Gil just smiled, setting down the platter for them to maul at will. He slipped backwards, eager for the refuge of the inner kitchen again. When Thena had described this as a 'monsters' ball' of a soiree, she wasn't kidding.
She had warned him that the guests were technically allowed wherever they wanted to be, including his own space, as much as she wanted to discourage it. There were also warnings about how rude they could be, even if the words were polite, as well as not to let any of them subtly try to poach him from her.
As if that were possible; he had no desire to work for anyone but Thena.
Only a few more hours and it was over. Even if there were still guests lingering, Thena had made it very clear that he could leave after 11. It was pretty sweet, all things considered. It wasn't uncommon for the chef to be stuck there catering to everyone's desires until guests had left, and then clean up after everything too.
"Sir, the food is being received splednidly!"
"Jesus!" Gil cursed, gripping the pocket of his chef's jacket over his heart as Karun - yet again - materialised out of thin air. He glared at him, "dude!"
Karun just chuckled, though, not minding the casual speech in the least. "The Madam is the envy of all present, thanks to you and your recipes, sir. I have heard only glowing reviews throughout the party."
Well, no chef disliked hearing that. And if the guests weren't going to compliment him so honestly, then at least he could hear it from someone he trusted. They hadn't said anything bad of course, but even when they were saying nice things, he really felt like he couldn't believe anything any of them were saying.
"The Madam knew, of course. I have never heard her praise anything so highly as your food!"
Sometimes Gil really wondered if Karun exaggerated Thena's words, at all. She was just so quiet, so hard to read. It was hard to imagine her going on at length about...well, anything. And yet Karun made it sound like it was something she gushed about.
"Where is Thena?" Gil asked, even looking around in hopes of catching a glimpse of her bright blonde hair. He wiped his hands on the towel tossed over his shoulder. "I haven't seen her since the doors opened."
She had stopped by before getting ready, while he was still preparing everything. She had seemed a little nervous, actually, hovering around his prep work as if to procrastinate putting on her fancy dress and doing her hair.
"Ah, the Madam has many guests to entertain," Karun lamented, although still with the same immovable smile on his face. He straightened his bow tie. "Although, she did mention fetching something from the wine cellar."
"Huh," Gil murmured, still wiping his hands, mostly to occupy them with something. He didn't have anything on the fire currently, although he had considered that he could use some sparkling just to float on top of the personal panna cottas. "Maybe I'll see if she needs a hand with anything."
Gil walked down the stairs to the fancy underground wine cellar with heavy steps. He just needed a second wind to get through the rest of the evening. If he could have a little snack and push out the desserts then he would have a clear board. There were dressed up wait staff walking around with drinks and trays of his food anyway.
Maybe Karun had planned it, but Gil turned the corner and found Thena. She was seated on one of the crates yet to be unpacked, probably full of bottles that cost more than his whole salary. She was hunched over a little plate of food with her legs crossed, the slit of her dress exposing the length of them, while also pooling unceremoniously on the floor with her heels. Her hair was still pinned tightly at the back of her head, although he was guessing that the sparkly clip sitting beside her had been in it until she got down here.
She still looked gorgeous, although he had to admit he was more fond of the way she looked first thing in the morning, enjoying one of his omelettes.
"Oh," she looked up, not rushing to polish her appearance again. She rearranged her dress somewhat, starting to slip her stocking feet back into her shoes. "I was-"
"Hey, it's okay," he rushed. He could only assume she had taken off the high heels because her feet were killing her. "I won't tell."
She smiled at him, thankful for his secrecy. She did indeed slip her feet back to the tile floor, holding her rations preciously. "Did you come to escape them as well?"
"Escape them?"
She glanced upward in the direction of her own party, "the animals."
Gil snorted. He had certainly thought of them as such, but he hadn't exactly thought Thena did too. At least, not so literally. "I thought you knew at least some of them."
But she looked downtrodden, bordering on miserable. Gil immediately thought of the times in his life when he felt like a shy little outcast, sitting alone at lunch or being excluded from playing with others. "I suppose I am acquainted with a few of them. But this is largely a networking event. It is my turn to host it, nothing more."
He didn't exactly know everything about Thena's super fancy lifestyle. Actually, he knew very little about it. But he was confident in saying that she didn't ask for any of it, let alone like it. "Really sounds like more of a pain in the ass, than anything."
He usually didn't swear in front of Thena (his boss). Well, he didn't always talk in front of her at all. But she smiled again, her finger playing with a sprig of green onion that had tumbled off a canape. "I would have to agree."
Given that this was the most he and Thena had ever exchanged in terms of words or conversation, Gil decided to push further. He abandoned the search for champagne in favour of leaning against a stack of crates facing her. He slipped his hands in his pockets, although he immediately wondered if it was coming off as 'trying too hard'. "Is there anyone here you like at all?"
She looked up, stared him dead in the eyes, and said, "you."
Gil blushed.
Thena looked down at her lap again. She didn't rush to correct her statement, but her fidgeting with her plate increased as she brought her knees closer to her chest. "Not that I make for good company."
"What?" he laughed, hoping she would follow suit. "I'd rather be down here with you than up there, anyway."
She didn't quite take it as the compliment he intended, but she did look up again. Her lip set in a firm line, "have they been pestering you? I did attempt to make it clear that you were to be left to your work."
They had circled him like sharks observing a wounded dolphin. "I haven't really noticed them."
Thena scowled down at her beet cured salmon rosette. "Not one of them is of the mind to brush elbows with their own staff. I knew that your food would entice them into playing nice, but I did hope they would have some decorum."
He definitely got the impression that, while happy to sing his praises here and now, working for them was probably a nightmare. He would much rather be here with Thena, hiding from her own guests like ne'er do wells under the bleachers.
Thena blinked as he stole the rosette right off her plate. "I beg your pardon."
He gave her a grin, chewing it thoroughly. It turned out well! "What?--you were just playing with it. Someone should enjoy my work."
Her lips tugged up again and he really noticed how the red colour made them look even fuller than usual. "I did not realise my secret stash would have to be shared."
Gil shrugged, leaning forward to steal something else. Despite her teasing reproach, she leaned back and offered her plate to help him select something. He grabbed the remaining half of a mini buratta with a disk of tomato gelee and air crisped basil. He'd never created such pretentious finger food in all his life, but that was exactly what the animals wanted, according to Thena.
"I took two of everything and came down here nearly an hour ago," she confessed, hanging her head in guilt. She finally picked up the blackberry from her crostini and ate it. "Mingling with them is simply beyond my threshold for suffering."
She said 'they're a bunch of assholes' so eloquently.
"I guess I don't blame you," Gil chuckled, taking the rest of the crostini she had left after claiming just the fruit from it. "It's your party, your house--if you wanna play hooky, then who cares."
"Play hooky?" she furrowed her brows at the expression.
He laughed again, which she seemed to take as a scathing mockery of her ignorance. His expression softened and he leaned off the crates.
Thena drew her shoulders up but ultimately made room for him on her crate as he sat down next to her. It was neither too small nor comfortably large. He managed not to touch butts with her, but there was nothing he could do about his shoulder brushing hers.
He glanced at her from his position of having to somewhat perch himself on the corner, "aren't you cold?"
Thena's cheeks took on the most charming shade of pink he'd ever seen in his life. Now that he was closer to her, he could see the faint tremor in her hands and shoulders. She looked down at her plate again, positively mortified. "Freezing."
Poor thing was so eager to leave her own party that she would rather freeze by herself in the wine cellar than mingle a little. Gil immediately wished he had something on under his chef's jacket (although that would only ever create more of a sweating problem).
Gil put his hand on hers, which really was startlingly cold to the touch. "If you don't wanna come up to the kitchen, I get it. Some of your guests do keep poking their heads in."
That certainly was enough to keep her rooted in place.
He gave her frigid hand a squeeze, "but I'll bring you something, okay? Something to warm you up in hiding."
Thena looked up at him as he stood, preparing to leave her again. Those big, dazzling green eyes of hers pleaded with him, "hurry back?"
He would let all of the desserts burn if he had to. He lingered at the door just to wave to her, "I'll grab more rations for us too."
The brightened expression on her face at the promise of his lengthened return was blinding. It was more than enough to convince him to set the desserts out all at once and whatever happened, happened. As far as he was concerned, the guest of honour was down here freezing her butt off, the least he could do was grab a cup of hot cocoa and his hoodie and some more snacks for her.
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sciatu · 1 year
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Caldo sudario sciropposo che copre ogni angolo della pelle, sauna a cielo aperto strade sciroccose, soffocose, stordenti allucinate e afose. animali nascosti sotto ogni ombra aria calda che danza sull’asfalto bollente, creando a mezz’aria miraggi sahariani. Il sole è un martello infuocato il canto ossessivo delle cicale i suoi colpi impietosi. Estate siciliana: aria di fuoco deserto nei campi e nelle strade, follia nella testa Cielo come volta di un forno cardi rinsecchiti, felci arrugginite erba gialla come l’invidia limoni di cupo verde ulivi impassibili di glauco verde finchè non reagisco per disperazione: granita di caffè con montagna di panna granita salvifica al limone, granita dolcissima alle mandorle all’amato pistacchio alle more, al sublime gelso alle fragole, alla pesca, al cioccolato ma non alla menta, gusto volgare, continentale. Oppure gelato alla crema, nocciola, limone, zuppa inglese cioccolato, crema, liquirizia, gusto santo e dovuto di cassata mandorla, fragola, pesca, fiordilatte regale stracciatella, sensuale mango ma non menta, banale, continentale. Magari seltz, limone e sale o acqua tonica e granita al limone caffè caldo con granita al caffè, lasciva panna! Gelo al limone, al melone vino freddo gelato, grillo, inzolia, malvasia in un bicchiere appannato dall’afa e affanculo prosecco e daiquiri affanculo l’estate, l’afa, il caldo mi basta una birra Messina gelata un bagnasciuga infinito e tutto il resto, i l mondo, l’universo è solo il sogno di un folle una fiaba ridicola scritta su un rotolo di carta igienica.
Warm, syrupy shroud that covers every corner of the skin, open-air sauna, sirocco roads, suffocating, hallucinated and sultry stuns, animals hidden under every shadow, hot air dancing on the boiling asphalt, creating Saharan mirages in mid-air. The sun is a fiery hammer, the obsessive song of the cicadas its pitiless blows. Sicilian summer: air of fire, desert in the fields and streets, madness in the head. Sky like the vault of an oven, withered thistles, rusty ferns, yellow grass like envy, dark green lemons, impassive sea-green olive trees. until I don't react out of desperation: coffee granita with mountain of cream, saving lemon granita, very sweet almond granita to the beloved pistachio with blackberries, to the sublime mulberry with strawberries, peach, chocolate, but not mint, vulgar, continental taste. Or cream ice cream, hazelnut, lemon, trifle, chocolate, cream, licorice, holy and due taste of cassata, almond, strawberry, peach, fiordilatte, royal stracciatella, sensual mango, but not mint, banal, continental. Maybe seltzer, lemon and salt, or tonic water and lemon granita, hot coffee with coffee granita, lascivious cream! Gelo with lemon, melon, ice cold wine, grillo, inzolia, malvasia in a glass misted by the heat, and fuck prosecco and daiquiri, fuck the summer, the heat, the heat, a frozen Messina beer is enough for me an infinite shoreline, and all the rest, the world, the universe, is just a madman's dream, a ridiculous fairy tale, written on a roll of toilet paper
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triicksters · 8 months
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Jet black
Midnight black
Sweet smelling Cinnamon smoke
Nail polish
Blackberries (shampoo and shower gel)
Long black trench coats lined with velvet./ Long coats in general.
Black jeans that are a combination of leather and denim.
Knee high leather boots.
Black leather finger-less gloves.
Black t-shirts.
Black Samsung galaxy flip phone
Snake bloody necklace (example can be found here)
A pack of cinnamon scented herbal cigarettes
A pack of black tarot cards
Reinforced raven headed walking stick
Fingers sweeping across surfaces to pick up any residual energy off them
Smiles that look more like sneers
Slouched posture yet his eyes are always high on alert.
His left hand gripping tightly onto the head of his cane.
Shadows moving with a life of their own.
Busted mirrors covered in blood.
A murder of crows in mid flight.
Impenetrable darkness that no light can penetrate
Masks that cover people's faces.
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Tagged by. @handgiven (thank you <3)
Tagging. @painmon @2dayze @thcmcnstcr @malka-lisitsa @bloodykneestm @spllcat @wcnka @neverscored @therelentless @tremblesigh @swede @brooklynislandgirl @pridefound @firststab @kingofthewebxxx and anyone else who would like to participate in this.
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isfjmel-phleg · 11 months
Language of flowers/plants is something that I take into account when I write about such things, so if a specific plant is mentioned, particularly in connection with Delclis, in most cases the symbolism was a deliberate choice.
The "Blackberry Bushes" title is a holdover from the original version of the story, in which the bushes were a portal to another world. At this point it doesn't really make sense for the current version, but I've kept it on for convenience.
And I can't believe it hasn't occurred to me before to look up the meaning of blackberries, but I just did, and it's...
Your call how thematically appropriate that is, but...well, I guess I'm going to have to do something with this now.
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What do they smell like?
Uhh.. E...everyone?
I tried to do all of them lol.
Sans: I'd say ketchup tbh lol
Papyrus: Hmmm maybe oil? I'm not all that sure. Most likely oil though. And sauce.
Blueberry: He smells like sauce! From cooking as well as oregano and a faint scent of berries.
Stretch: He smells like oranges! As well as honey.
Red: Mustard, oil, and ash for some reason.
Edge: I feel like he would smell like fancy cologne and strawberries. The strawberry one is a lot weaker. Oh! And sawdust
Axe: I would say… hmmm… you know, most likely the scent of dirt, cut grass, and strangely a strong scent of cinnamon.
Noodle: Rich patchouli, black pepper, and sandalwood blended with hints of vanilla.
Lord: Coffee, Lavender, and that's pretty much it.
Mutt: kumquats and oranges!
King: I would say… watermelon! Mixed with wine.
Alpha: It might be shocking, but he smells like clean clothes, and clean sheets and such.
Overlord: Smells like fancy soap, for some reason.
Pup: he would smell like sugarcookies and just those basic candies. Just really sugary.
Commander: I think pine trees? For some reason.
Hound: Honeycrisp apple cider.
Chief: He smells like coconut, lemon, and just a basic sweet scent.
Wolf: Dirt mostly lol and a few different woody scents.
Royal: he smells like gunpowder, and fire. As well as just... metal.
Fang: Dirt, soot, and a few other things from underground. He smells pretty nice.
Prince: jasmine, wild rose, and sandalwood!
Canine: Oh! Sweet creamy coconut, hints of vanilla, and hints of musk. He smells really nice.
Leader: fresh water with hints of floral notes. Think sorta like uhh… gain laundry detergent?
Beast: think STRAWBERRY and creme shampoo. Like the kind you can buy from the dollar tree.
Grandeur: He smells so much like really fancy cream.
Behemoth: Brownies, marshmallows, and caramel.
Tycoon: He smells like brown sugar for whatever reason.
Brute: He smells like herbs and flowers! Mostly like... really earthy.
Cloud: He smells like a fresh rainfall.
Bat: smells a lot like roasted marshmallow :)
Superior: Lavender, crisp lemon leaves, and fresh apple.
Exo: He smells like he rolls around in fallen leaves lol.
Brilliance: Lavender for sure. Plus hints of blackberry and lemon.
Werewolf: similar to lily of the valley, violet, and lavender.
Vivid: Orange zest and nectarine with a hint of pink rose scent.
Lycan: He smells like salt water and suntan lotion.
Ruler: Green apple candy!
Pooch: I would say he smells like matches and mint.
Sheriff: He smells like honey and gunpowder.
K9: He smells like rose petals steeped in honey. It has hints of raspberry and leather.
Crowned: I'd say maybe bourbon mixed with nutmeg and pine
Whelp: Hmmm I'd say sweet almonds, cherries, and vanilla beans!
Dynast: Fresh dew, flower gardens, herbs, and light earthy tones.
Mongrel: Musk mixed with fresh amber
Cosmos: Vanilla, cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg.
Galaxy: He smells like smoke and ice cream
Nightmare: For some reason I feel like he would smell like old apples, like not rotten, but like… old.
Dream: His scent changes to be whatever is your favorite scent! :D
Passive: He smells like old trees, old books, and a few other things.
Oxi: You know those spicy candies? Fireball candy? Yeah, that's it.
Sleeper: Strong lemongrass, bergamot, and citrus
Coma: Maple pancakes, apples, and cinnamon
Gloom: He smells like dark chocolate.
Wiseguy: Fancy cigars, fancy bourbon, and smoke.
Bones: I think he would smell like peony rose and vanilla!
Clip: He smells like roses, fancy bourbon, and chocolate.
Books: He smells like old books a lot.
Crank: He smells a lot like smoke. Under all that smoke, he smells like soap.
Envy: fresh cedarwood, patchouli, rich leather, sandalwood, exotic amber and musk.
Pride: bay leaves with orange peel and zest. Hints of gunpowder.
Calamity: He smells like black cherries! As well as gunpowder and dirt.
Tragedy: Rich leather and blazing cinnamon.
Crisis: They would smell like hydrogen peroxide and some other stuff that is used to clean wounds and clean up messes. Really strong lemon.
Field: He smells like dirt, grass, and leather.
Crop: Fresh mint with white musk.
Diva: Cigar smoke, fancy drinks, fruity scents and roses.
Charm: Sweet fresh coconut and citrus with orange, pineapple, and cherries.
Corn: He falls asleep in the dirt a lot so… dirt :)
Harvest: Smells like geranium, bergamot, and rich spices. Hints of amber and wood.
Sheep: He smells like blueberry muffins! :D
Duster: He smells like oil, grass, dirt, and farm things.
Lover: He smells like fruits and rich florals. Rich chocolate and amber.
Hearts: Fresh roses! Hints of strawberries too.
Beau: Sort of smells like bubblegum? Not exactly sure.
Dreamboat: Bourbon mixed marshmallows!
Reap: Coffee, dead roses, and light dirt.
David: He smells like grass, leaves, and other plants.
Wraith: He has a faint scent of burning wood.
Screen: Butterscotch!
Keys: Sweet, rich, brown sugar baked vanilla, and cocoa powder.
Chua: I'd say he smells like pennies for some reason.
Dracul: He smells like just... heat.
Shifter: they have no scent at all.
Streams: smells like sugar cookies with buttercream icing.
Social: He wears a lot of different types of perfume :)
Maiden: I think baby powder for some reason
Vestal: He smells like white roses, and milk chocolate
Eros: You know those giant lollipops? He smells like that.
Aphro: Rich coffee with hints of cream, spice, and roasted scents.
Venus: It's too faint to really tell
Cuddles: Warm spices, cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg.
Astra: Lavender and Lilac
Alioth: Campagne, nectarine, and blackcurrant.
Sugar: the smell of white chocolate, vanilla, and blue razzberry.
Sweetie: White chocolate and vanilla.
Cross: chocolate, metal, and hints of dirt and cut grass.
Error: no scent really.
Ink: it changes depending on his emotion :)
Fairy: sugar cookies!
Splat: He smells like paint and sadness lol
Fresh: no scent.
Rad: Same.
Fresh Ink: No smell.
Dusty: He smells like dirt, pine, and woodsmoke
Powder: honey mostly with hints of nuts.
Cupid: chocolate, woodsmoke, and hints of cinnamon
Fragment: Just blueberries.
Stardust: Sweet milk chocolate, hints of butter, creamy vanilla, and hints of smoke.
Shooting Star: Smells like walnuts and gunpowder.
Killer: For some reason, vanilla but a hint of what smells like tar.
Passion: Fried pastry with cinnamon, sugar, caramel, and hints of creamy dark chocolate.
Desire: thick scent of leather and smoke.
Feral: a strong scent of dirt and oil, metal too.
Sharp: Same as Feral but mostly dirt.
Oak: He smells strongly of dirt and strangely vanilla.
Sunflower: Gun Powder, leaves, and mud.
Supernova: Burnt almond cookies and iron.
Sunspot: sweet stuff. Mostly sugar and tea.
Snackers: He smells like Pepper for some reason...
Butcher: A strong scent of honey, like gross strong, and they do that to cover the scent of blood even if it isn't there anymore, they can still smell it.
Bud: He smells like flowers and grass :D
Vine: Same as Bud.
Strawberry: Smells like many different types of fruit.
Beloved: Animal Hide, Leather, smoke, and light perfume
Mercy: old papers and ink.
Ashes: Freshly-turned Soil
Rigel: strong smell of mint.
Vega: Line-dried Laundry, and Copper
Daydream: Sweet apple scent that’s way too strong. 
Delusion: he smells like clean clothes and sheets. A really relaxing scent like hints of lavender and such like that.
Mur: Blood Orange and lemon. Leather too.
Solar: Sun-soaked Sand and sunflowers
Nightfall: Melting Chocolate, Wildflowers, and Mahogany
Sunset: leaves, bark, and violet.
Scarlet: coal, smoke, and leather. 
Leopard: iron, smoke, and it smells like blood.
Rosy: Maple syrup! :D
Shadow: the scent is VERY faint and is sort of like a light tar smell
Cinnabar: He smells like spicy cinnamon.
Lace: Has a weird scent of snow
Lamp: Poppies and other flowers
Shade: violets and lavender.
Chills: Damp Earth, hot chocolate, and whipped cream scents. 
Shiver: oil and the smell of something burning.
Slay: I'd say iron, dust, and faint scent of honey but smells a lil gross.
Nymph: Strawberries, freshly cut grass, and the nice smell of dirt.
Fae: smells like good hay and sweets.
Empire: he smells like freshly picked apples!
Aquatica: has a faint smell of the ocean and sun-warmed sand.
Skillet: He smells like burnt food lol
Determ: A strong and overwhelming scent of strawberries.
Orion: he smells like sweet smelling welding fumes and burning metal.
Altair: has a faint scent of raspberries and rum.
Astrophel: Raspberries, apples, and just a lot of random fruits.
Atlas: he smells like just... strong smell of fresh air.
Soul: Oranges, cream, and blueberries.
Chains: Cinnamon and spicy scents. He smells like a pepper.
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