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bxriles · 5 months ago
I will never understand why this fandom abhors crackships. Like this is a series about faerie smut. You’d think crackships and multishipping would be the standard but nooo. That’s SACRILEGE and PROBLEMATIC and anyone who partakes in crackships is an ABUSE SYMPATHIZER. (That sounds fucking stupid, doesn’t it? That’s what some of you deadass sound like.)
We got people writing essays and attacking other people and sending DEATH THREATS for liking Rhysta and Neslin and Tamsand and Nyxlin (and bffr, nobody is genuinely shipping Tamlin with a literal baby ffs).
This fandom is so fucking vanilla and boring with how obsessed everyone is with canon and how so many people praise purity culture. Y’all are weird, sorry not sorry 🫶🏼
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legendl0re · 2 months ago
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I heard that Tamlin x Elain x Beron was a big issue in the fandom? So naturally... ;)
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praetorqueenreyna · 7 months ago
Elaingate Master List
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Greetings, fellow clowns! As I have previously threatened, I have created the Official Elaingate Master List! I tried only to include posts made that were intended to be humorous or analytical, and not ones that were just negative. I also didn't want to get too far into ship wars, so some posts may have been excluded because of that. I also very easily could have missed some posts, since there isn't a single blog for me to scour for all the content made. If you feel that you made a post that should be on here, please message me!
This post will be in multiple parts because it's TOO DAMN LONG! Enjoy!
(Putting the masterlist under a read more because HOLY SHIT is it long!)
warmth (Tamlin/Beron) by @feyres-divorce-lawyer (AO3 link)
the bridges we mend (Tamlin/Beron/Elain) by @mathiwrites (AO3 link)
banned from Elain Week (Tamlin/Beron) by @shadowqueenjude
Beauty and the Beast (Tamlin/Elain) by @ennawrite
Spider-Lily (Elain/Ianthe) by @spidersmiceandeverythingnice
Stone Statues and Viperous Hair (Elain/Ianthe) by @velarisbynight
Guess who just got BANNED!!! (Tamlin & Beron) by @jadedbugart
You got us banned from Elain Week! (Tamlin & Beron) by @thrumbolt
true soulmates (Tamlin/Beron) by @mossytrashcan
Beron/Elain and Tamlin/Elain by @mygreendandelion
Tamlin/Elain by @arson-09
Threesome fun (Tamlin/Beron/Elain) by @loonylooly
Banned for being too sexy by @herrinarte
Tamlin, Elain, and Beron by @rosesncarnations
An invitation (Beron to Tamlin) by @rin-u-pos
A Rejoinder (Tamlin to Beron) by @jules-writes-stories
Elaingate limerick by @rin-u-pos
What is Elaingate? by @praetorqueenreyna
ACOTAR fandom tips by @mathiwrites
Fan events as an archival space by @huntquinlan
Essay on modern ACOTAR fandom by @praetorqueenreyna
It was never about Elain by @sserrafeim
Thoughts on Elaingate by @matrixsss
Is Elain Week for all? by @mathiwrites
Is an event "for all" fans? by @theshadowsingersraven
ACOTAR Rant by @achaotichuman
Reactions to other ships by @toolsofmyenemy
Fandom Event etiquette by @obsessivecompulsivefantasyreader
ACOTAR fandom analysis by @mathiwrites
How Elaingate was avoidable by @herrinarte
A stand against all abuse by @ladyfoxreads
Elaingate Thoughts by @feyres-divorce-lawyer
fanfic detached from canon by @ennawrite
Art is a form of therapy by @mathiwrites
Dark Romance by @bluiela
Dark ships by @pan-withnoplan
Morally correct ships by @olenvasynyt
is banning ships normal? by @olenvasynyt
Tamlain Collage (Tamlin/Elain) by @ennawrite
A poll: who would carry the Tamberon baby? by @huntquinlan
Tamberon Collage (Tamlin/Beron) by @shadowqueenjude
Who did this to you? (Tamlin/Beron) by @yaralulu
Koshchelain is on (Elain/Koschei) by @avabrynne
Elaingate food by @feyres-divorce-lawyer
What are your ACOTAR OTPs? by @mathiwrites
Elain Week Moodboard by @shadowqueenjude
Choose your acotar ship event by @feyres-divorce-lawyer
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loonylooly · 7 months ago
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Has this been done yet
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bluiela · 7 months ago
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Report and block guys! The e/riel trolls are back
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rosesncarnations · 7 months ago
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First time every actually drawing tam tam and it’s for a bit
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asteromata · 7 months ago
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My humble addition, the true Why Choose Romance
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◇Tamberlain part 2◇
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goldenspringmornings · 5 months ago
genuinely don’t think this fandom really understands what a crackship is
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lovemyromance · 7 months ago
If you're hosting an event in regards to FICTION, then its not about you anymore. A lot of people who are doing elaingaye ship rhysta and they HATE rhysand.
I literally don't care. If I am hosting an event, what content I allow is up to me. If someone doesn't like it, they can host their own event. Nowhere in the rules of ethics or "hosting character weeks on tumblr" does it say you have to be inclusive to every kink, crackship, or headcanon under the sun.
It is up to the discretion of the person hosting the event to decide. The only time that would be an issue, is if I were to host an Elain event that only accepted Elucien, for example, and then I tried to ban everyone else from hosting their own Elriel or Elain x Tarquin event.
I don't see the issue. If I didn't like the content that comes out of Azriel appreciation week, or if they were banning Elriels... then I'd come up with my own Azriel appreciation week that does accept Elriels.
Literally nobody is stopping you from doing that so why are you still standing here claiming you're oppressed? You're not oppressed if you have full freedom to act how you want and you refuse to utilize it. It's not oppression if your "freedom of speech" is harmful to someone else's personal boundaries.
This is not in any which way or form, an official event. And in fact if it WERE an official event, do you really think SJM is going to sit up here and allow people to submit Elain x Beron and Elain x Tamlin art? Y'all don't even respect her writing or her opinions on these characters, why would you respect a character week hosted by her?
And if you wouldn't respect boundaries set by the author, the literal creator of this fictional work, then why would you stand here complaining that one random person with zero authority is hosting an Elain week where you feel excluded by not being able to submit kinky Tamberlain fan art?
Literally nobody is stopping you from tattooing that ship on your forehead, if you'd like. You sitting here screaming at a mod for not allowing certain ships they are against is not for freedom of speech. What are you protecting? Your right to be an asshole to someone under the guise of freedom to ship whatever fictional ship you want?
Get over it. I don't have any sympathy for your cries of false oppression about a fictional character nobody is preventing you from shipping. Go do your thing... just not in this person's backyard.
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bxriles · 6 months ago
Watching people in this godforsaken fandom get big mad about Nyxlin is almost as funny to me as watching people get mad about Elaingate/Tamberlain.
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olenvasynyt · 3 months ago
🎁🎀 You have been selected to play the exclusive get to know your moots game! Name the top 3 most memorable experiences that have happened this year, and paste this into 5 other blog's to spread the love! 🎁🎀
Oooh this is fun!
I would say being added to my friend's Elucien groupchat was definitely the best thing that happened to me this year in this fanbase. Everyone is so sweet and caring and we put our love for Elucien first, which has been really important to me because the drama in this fanbase is exhausting. One thing that is really important to remember and is something I learned: form friendships based on what you both enjoy, not what you both hate. I cannot make mutuals based on the shipwars anymore because it just ends up with us ranting and getting mad together all the time. But forming friendships because you like the same characters? Because you're both writers or artists and you are both so obsessed with a certain ship? That's how to do it. And that's why this group is so awesome. You know who you are and I love you guys 💕
Starting to put my Lucien backstory fic A Court of Embers and Sunlight out on Ao3! I have been working on it for two years and I got some really great people to help encourage me to finally start putting chapters out! People who followed me on tiktok really helped me get motivated, and specific shoutout to @zenkindoflove and @little-fierling who were kind and betaread the first few chapters! I'm a big, anxious, perfectionist baby so I need to remember that it's a fanfic, it's just for fun and it doesn't have to be perfect 😂💕 I got 10 chapters out and I have received so many kind comments and anons and DMs and it's been so nice. This has also been the year where I have put out fanfics in general which has been really nice too.
Honestly, Elain Gate was fucking hilarious. I know I was just talking about how you should not solely focus on drama and shipwars but Elain Gate was honestly like the old 2014 tumblr days for me where stupid shit happened and we all made fun of it. Tamlin stans are the best haha. It was true fanbase behavior (affectionate). And I read some good Tamberlain fics too, which I did not expect to ever see😂
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acotar-omegaverse-week · 7 months ago
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Day 7 Masterlist - Free Day
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Fics and Drabbles
Middle (Rhysand x OC) by @littlest-w01f
Scarred So Pretty (Feysand) by @starfall-spirit
Hate and Heat by @acourtofladydeath
Wait for me (Elucien) by @deaiquiri
Mutual Cycles (Feysand) by @potatoplace
of two hearts one heart we make (Rhys x Archeron sisters) by @thehaemanthus
a turn of events (Tamberlain) by @highlordofkrypton
Feysand Art Piece by @amnevitahdrawsstuff
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If we missed your submission please reach out!
divider image by tsunami-of-tears you can find them here
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tatter-demalion · 1 year ago
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Tamberlaine... Wearing something that isn't clothes. The Fey Queen made him do it, and he can't tell her no.
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eraseer · 8 months ago
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The East Village Loft Society
"I Wanna Sing...Sunshine" 1993; Black Sunshine Records
"This record is dedicated to the New York City Disco Underground: Salvation, The Heaven, Sanctuary, Tamberlaine, The Ginza, The Loft, Paradise Garage, The Funhouse, Galaxy 21, The Soho Place, Better Days."
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namesetc · 3 years ago
Would you be able to find names that would work for the nickname Tammy or Tam?
Any gender! Edgy would also be perfect but not necessary! Thanks!
tamar / tamarr
tamara / tamaira / tamera
tambre / tambreh
tambrea / tambree / tambri / tambrie / trambry
tameka / tamika
tamarac / tamarack / tamarak
tamare / tamarre
tamaresk / tamarisk / tamarysk
tamarlain / tamarlayn
tamberlain / tamberlaine / tamberlane / tamburlaine / tamburlane
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