#tagging the antis and criticals bc I actually like y’all and I don’t like the pro ic/feysand/rhySAnd folk
bxriles · 24 days
Watching people in this godforsaken fandom get big mad about Nyxlin is almost as funny to me as watching people get mad about Elaingate/Tamberlain.
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Girl, I don’t mean to be rude, but ppl can criticize the characters and plot lines in acotar. Idk if this is your first fandom experience or something, but this happens across the board in any fictional fandom and no one bats an eye. SJM isn’t that good of an author for y’all to not be criticizing her work, especially when she’s not well versed in topics like racism, misogyny, and homophobia. Just block ppl and tags and stop whining about how detractors aren’t looking at the characters in a superficial sense.
I never said that ppl can’t criticize the characters/sjm and I know she is not a perfect author, no one is but the utter blind hatred in this fandom is WILD
And no darling it’s not my first fandom experience I’m in multiple fandoms and none of the other fandoms I’m on has this amount of hate towards other members.
And I am not saying that we shouldn’t criticize characters’s actions I encourage criticism but to get stuff out of context when you post a critique when you pull your facts out of your left asscheek and not the canon books is stupidity and not actually a constructive criticism.
Also if you claim to love a book series you should love the characters that make the series what it is despite the shit they did bc every. single. one. of. them. is. not. perfect. my favorites are Cassian and Nesta do I think all the things they BOTH did were justified? no. do I love them bc they did the things they did and overcame their shit and pulled themselves together? yes absolutely I do.
And the post I assume this ask was directed to was not about the antis’s criticism it was about the hate, the thing that people are pitting characters against each other, the people that say how much acotar is an awful book series despite POSTING ACOTAR STUFF, it was about how the supposed criticism got out of control and proportion because everyone is a goddamn snowflake.
So yeah my post wasn’t about criticism it was about the fact that you can like what you like that’s fine but don’t shit on anybody else in the process.
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i-d-e-g-a-f · 7 months
“demonized her by putting her in a relationship” and “being harassed for existing” yall are one to talk every kataang post i see on EVERY platform y’all are lurking saying “kataang sucks” and telling ppl to kll themselves over the ship. also demonizing her is ironic bc if she ended up with zuko it would’ve just ruined everything she went through and worked for so stay mad fucking freak 💀💀
1. Get the quote right, I said “disservices her by putting her in that relationship.” which is very different from whatever you said.
2. I can’t argue against anecdotal evidence or your experience but I can say in my experience, I’ve always seen people shit on zutara unprovoked and try to justify it with their performative activism or try to act as if it’s okay to make assumptions about someone’s character because of an unproblematic fictional ship. Also I don’t cross tag so if anything is ironic, it’s that you’re lurking in our tags when you just criticized zutara shippers for doing so.
3. Once again I said disservice not demonize, massively different. But for arguments sake tell me what did she gain from being in a relationship with Aang? Did that relationship not ruin everything she worked for? Because the Katara in ATLA was passionate and never stood on the sidelines when she saw injustice. But the Katara we see in the comics and LoK is passive and constantly sidelined to being the Avatar’s wife or mother of the Avatar’s children. Not her own person. She doesn’t even have a statue when everyone else in the gaang does. In season 1 Katara literally protests for the right to learn how to fight and in LoK we see none of the passion. What is exactly so fulfilling about her relationship with Aang? Was it him being an attentive father to their children? Oh, no that wasn’t it. So tell me, would being with Zuko really ruin everything she’s worked for, because it seems like being with Aang already ruins that quite successfully. Katara basically becomes an accessory to Aang which, yes, I would say disservices her! Especially when we’re shown that she is capable of having relationships with people based on mutual respect, compassion, and mutual emotional support. Relationships where they are equals and one is not an accessory to the other. Relationships where they respect each other boundaries and don’t act entitled to another’s affection.
But you know what’s even crazier is that at the end of the day none of that even matters because that is just what I prefer and you don’t have to agree! My problem lies within the fact that I constantly see anti zk’s assert that zutara is an inherently problematic ship or that people who enjoy the ship are problematic or are just hysterical women. Those assumptions are problematic and unfounded and if anything perpetuate misogynistic stereotypes about women being not knowing which man is actually good for them. It also requires an incredible amount of cognitive dissonance to arrive at those conclusions because the people who argue that Zutara shippers only like Zutara because they want a bad boy will talk about how Zuko has a great redemption arc in the same breath. We truly cannot have watched the same show, watched Zuko say “Hello, Zuko here” if they think the appeal of Zutara is that Zuko is a “bad boy.” However, even if it was, that still wouldn’t justify the constant negative assumptions made about the people who enjoy the ship, or the way those generalizations about zutara shippers are used as a way to delegitimize zutara (ad hominem fallacy). I fucking hate kataang and I am open and honest about that, but I don’t go around saying the actual people who ship kataang are problematic or are all secretly incels because that is a ridiculous and unfounded generalization. I hate kataang so I will critique kataang, not try to discredit its shippers in an attempt to make the ship seem less legitimate. I cannot say I’ve seen anti zks and the general fan base behave similarly.
I can’t speak for the anti kataangers in kataang tags because fun fact i have it blocked because i don’t like it! But I will say, although i do not condone going into other ships tags to instigate, there a massive difference between shitting on a ship versus shitting on the people who enjoy a ship. And mind you, I noticed the pattern of people shitting on zutara fans long before i even became a zutara fan. This is a trend amongst this general fan base that flares up anytime new atla content is released and I was venting about it on my page as someone who is tired of it. It is my god given right to vent about a fictional couple I don’t like on my page and to vent about the fandom discourse trends I notice. If you notice different ones and want to vent about make your own goddamn post, don’t act like a coward and send anon hate just because you disagree with me. I have my opinion and you’re entitled to yours. You have your own experiences with this fan base and I have mine. If your upset, vent about it on your own goddamn page instead of accosting me with your dumbassery.
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turbo-enid · 2 years
To all my white mutuals, when I share things related to anti-blackness and being critical about whiteness, I need you guys to read those posts, reblog them, and talk about them with your peers and relatives.
It's really offensive to me when I take the time to share something that is so extremely serious to me as a black person, and you don't bother taking the time to look at the post and help me spread it. I always notice when you guys reblog signal boost posts & other posts about serious subjects from me (which is great, nothing wrong with that, definitely keep doing that), so it tells me that you are willing to share posts that challenge the status quo, but somehow post that I make about critiquing whiteness aren't worth sharing. I'm not a mindreader, so I could only explain what I'm perceiving and how it makes me feel, and it just makes me feel like this particular serious subject is being ignored and it makes me reeeaally frustrated to say the least.
On top of all of this, I really can't explain how much of a mindfuck it is when the lighthearted posts around those particular posts get notes instead.
A few of you guys I would consider really chill mutuals, and a couple I would even feel comfortable calling a friend (I'm very, very picky about who I call my friend), so moments like this just make me feel like okay,,, so do you actually want to be my long-term friend bc being my long-term friend means being willing to shed your white fragility and actually be willing to talk about serious subjects with me. Like I saw a tweet recently that articulated exactly how I feel, and it said "Asking Black people “what is bringing you joy?” after a targeted anti-black shooting is why I distrust joy or pleasure discourse. We can’t even talk about violence rigorously. I don’t trust y’all with joy. Y’all utilize “joy” to subvert a conversation about violence, neglecting the fact that joy is not devoid of violence. There is no joy w/out a radical critique of these death-dealing systems."
I'm feeling less and less comfortable experiencing joy with you when it's constantly in the back of my mind that you don't want to acknowledge the very real reality of the violence of whiteness. I'm feeling less and less comfortable regularly interacting with you when you consistently ignore posts I share about critiquing whiteness. A while ago, mutual once reblogged someone else's post from me and put in the tags she felt like her white womanhood was being attacked and that the post should have specified "straight white women" instead of white woman as a whole. Like, no. Queer white women can and have been part of the problem too.
TLDR: I just really need you guys to get it together. I don't want to be mutuals with anyone that wants to pretend that none of this is happening, when all of this is very much a real thing that is frying my nervous system almost on a daily basis, and I'm running out of the capacity to mask those feelings.
This is ok to rb.
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