#talk about a low budget flight
charlidrawz · 3 months
Happy Birthday to The Blue Blur™
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I plan to do more, I'm just exhausted from the past week.
Wedding was so much fun, had a great time with CJ, everyone's been wonderful-
I'm just. veeeery tired & got sick. 😔
Anyways, here's what I've done so far!
Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog, Cyno, & Laura Post!
(References to @snapscube)
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maliciousalice · 5 months
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afterlife-2004 · 29 days
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Mariona was being a hypocrite when she said things would be worth the pain when she agreed to go back to the National Team. Now she's saying nothing has changed, so which is it?
sigh, okay, i'll bite. mariona made the statement: "obviamente. yo creo que todo el mundo ha sufrido mucho y han sido meses muy difíciles. y, al final, pues, si acabas ganando el mundial, supongo que podremos decir que ha merecido la pena" ("obviously, i think everyone has suffered a lot and it's been a very difficult few months. and in the end, well, if you end up winning the world cup, i guess we can say it was worth it") on 11 august 2023. this was after spain beat the netherlands and before spain won the world cup.
fast forward to spain winning the world cup, the players returned to liga f (which mind you started two weeks later because of a player strike) and literally nothing has changed in spain or in the league.
now the spanish players saw what happened in england after the euro. so wouldn't it be logical for mariona and others like aitana to think that there would be substantial progress and improvement in spain after winning the world cup? and when that didn't happen, isn't it logical for the players to question and complain about that?
how is that hypocritical? obviously the players returned to the selection because they thought 1) there were enough changes made to tolerate it and 2) winning the world cup would lead to massive change in spain. when that didn't happen, then players started speaking up.
and let's talk about what cosmetic changes were made for spanish players to return to the selection in the first place (remember the bar was sooo low):
players now flying business class on long haul flights
no more overnight bus rides to matches but players now flying between cities
nutritionist was added to staff
more physiotherapists added to staff
coaching drills that were connected to tactics instead of doing the same types of drills that sub-17 players did
family reconciliation plan that allowed immediate family members (wife/kids) to stay with players and organise accommodations and activities for visiting family
no more mandatory supervised free time. players are allowed to enjoy free time without staff present
and after vilda was ousted:
no more keeping doors open in player rooms and vilda checking in on players late at night
no more checking shopping bags of players if they decided to go shopping
no more micromanagement of players' time if they had events to attend during camps
now i don't think it's hypocritical for mariona to say all the pain was worth it because that's genuinely what she thought: 1) winning the world cup is the ultimate dream for any footballer 2) winning the world cup is the only pathway to create change and improve conditions. heck, the most successful team in the world (uswnt) had to win the world cup to have equal pay taken seriously.
but now we know that didn't really happen for spain. yes, vilda and rubiales are gone, but more rfef cronies are in their place. and liga f continues to lose talent to other leagues and top teams (levante) slash the budget of their women's programs. i don't think it's hypocritical for mariona to have thought and said differently.
so tl;dr, don't speak without knowing the history. because you are so wrong.
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that's exactly what they are doing. and yes, like i said above, 100% players are allowed to change their opinions on things that are happening in real time!
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mercyofempty · 2 years
(at my funeral)
my best friend: i miss you so much dude.
my wife: i'll always love you honey.
the soundboard set to play a random sonic adventure 2 voice line every 10 minutes over the speakers: talk about low budget flight! no food or movies, i'm outta here!
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octuscle · 11 months
Hi Support!
This is my first time using the Chronivac. I'm taking a trip to London soon and wanted to experience it as a local. I messed with the settings recently and now the only preset I see is for a chav. Is that correct?
Can you help make this a trip to remember?
Welcome to Chronivac Travel… Well, sorry, you have entered a number of parameters: Destination of the trip = London; Objective of the trip = Have fun, unforgettable experience; Budget = low…. And a few other things. So that's exactly what you ended up with.
You're on your way to the airport. London Heathrow is closed due to a bomb threat. You've been rebooked on a flight to Stansted. On a budget airline. Of course, it's now full to the last seat. You've been given a middle seat at the very back. That's a good start.
The first hour of the flight was hell. All around you were loud young men drinking beer and schnapps. It stank… But luckily they all fell asleep at some point. Unfortunately, they were all snoring. And farted. At some point, the smell started to have a hypnotic effect. And you fell asleep too. But only until the next on-board service started. And the fellows all ordered the next round of alcohol. Oh damn. You also have a beer and a gin. And a packet of potato chips. The guys are actually really nice. As you slowly get drunker and drunker, you make friends with the people sitting next to you, start talking about soccer clubs you've never heard of, burp, fart. The time flies by until you fall asleep, drunk as a lord.
Hehehe, you're not the only one who has pissed themselves in their sleep. At least you didn't have to puke all over yourself like Chuck. You actually wanted to change in the airplane toilet before landing. But damn, it's worse than one at White Hart Lane after half-time. As soon as you're in there, you have to throw up. Best flight ever.
Your mates and you storm the toilet at the airport. Get out of your pissed pants. A little Axe under your arms. Put on a fresh tracksuit. And damn, where can you finally smoke now?
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Josh knows someone who drives the lads from the cleaning service back to the city from the airport. Well, at least as far as Enfield. They can give you a lift. Then you can save yourself the expensive Stansted Express. And you can certainly scrounge a fag from the mates. You've run out again.
Have fun in London!
Excellent chavs can be found @milankotowyc
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howlingday · 5 months
Ruby: (Sighs)
Jaune: Everything okay, Ruby?
Ruby: Yeah, it's just... There's this girl who keeps following me and she's... REALLY annoying! Even by my standards!
Jaune: Really? What is she doing?
Ruby: Well...
Ruby: Saved Remnant yet again~!
Ruby: Too easy! Piece of cake!
Ruby: Go...
Ruby: I'll make you eat those words!
Ruby: (Shivers)
CC Ruby: Hm~?
Ruby: (Silver eyes glowing, Walks away)
CC Ruby: (Turned to stone) Worth it...
Ruby: Talk about a low-budget flight!
Ruby: (Nosedives bullhead with CC on nose)
Ruby: Way past cool~!
Ruby: (Tears out hair) END MY SUFFERING!
Ruby: Man, I just love cookies~!
Ruby: (Live action reaction)
Ruby: GET OUT!
Ruby: Is this... a fairy tale?
Ruby: ...
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fandomtrxsh19 · 5 months
I present to you...
BG 3 Companions (+ Others) as Sonic Adventure 2 Snapcub fandub quotes
Astarion: Talk about a low budget flight! No food or movies? I'm- (Gale peeks out of the doorway) Gale?! What are you doing here?
Karlach: You need to go back home. (Karlach jumps off of a cliff with her axe that just appeared) I have a suspicion you left the oven oooooooooooooonnnnnn!
Gale: Please. Stop. Your mother would be very disappointed.
Astarion: The password is "eat my asshole".
Shadowheart: Awwwwwwww, that's not an actual passwooooooooord....
Astarion: And my social security is 69.
Dame Aylin: I miss my wife, Shadowheart. I miss her a lot.
Karlach: Did we ever establish our names? Hi, I'm Karlach!
Wyll: No. Nice to meet you. I'm Wyll. Ow.
Karlach: Sorry for hitting you so much. It's just... it's part of the narrative. Wham!
Shadowheart: I'm taking over Victoria's Secret, I'm taking over Best Buy, the news is MINE, and everyone else can leave! You see that PLANET!? I'M TAKING IT TOO!! It looks like a fucking WALNUT!
Minthara: Fuck you, Moon! You never had the cheese I wanted!
Lae'zel: I hope you're ready to die, It's gonna be like Evangelion. Get the fuck out.
Karlach: Whoa...
Astarion: That is like, Evangelion or some shit man, that is crazy. Anyway.
Wyll: Wait a minute, I have an epiphany!
Karlach: Wait, what's-
Gale: Let's go!
Karlach: What's an epiphany?
Gale : How do you think I feel being CUCKED by a HEDGEHOG?
Shadowheart : Well, it might upset you to know that I also fucked your wife. [pulls out artefact] 
Lae'zel: Good job.
and last, but certainly not least
Lae'zel : I've come to make an announcement: Shadowheart's a bitch-ass motherfucker. She pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, she took her istik fuckin' quilly dick out.-and he pissed on my fucking wife, and she said her vagina was "THIS BIG", and I said "That's disgusting!" So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter dot com. Shadowheart, you got a small vagina! It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller! And guess what? Here's what my vagina looks like!  That's right, baby! All points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong! She fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck Faerun! That's right, this is what you get, my SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on Faerun, I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOON![ HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, SHAR? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!  You have 23 hours before the piss DRRRROPLLLETS hit fucking Faerun! Now get out of my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!
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dailybomberman · 3 months
day 157: highflyer
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(talk about low budget flights)
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
So...he's a little pre-race drabble for the racing gods. I have no idea what this is. It's not what I was meant to put out. I was possessed by the holy spirit of RPF, Mr. Gasly himself.
It had been a joke.
Joris had signed him up for it before the ink had been dry on his divorce paperwork as his maman would say. Even though he hadn’t physically signed anything. It was like a…PDF signature. Digital and depressing. Like their entire marriage had been.
Charles thinks that Joris really had done it for a bit and then it had gone too far and before he knew it, he was on a plane to Paris to meet with producers and then he was signing NDA’s and getting fitted with wardrobe and someone that sounded vaguely Italian was cutting his hair even though he kept telling them that his maman did just fine.
He wasn’t…opposed to the whole thing of it - although reality television was a joke, he knew that he wasn’t going to find his soulmate on a TV show, but he was experiencing. He was learning about his sexuality and he was out and he was going to maybe get a couple of brand deals out of it.
Probably cry at least once. He was prepared for that. 
One of Lorenzo’s friends from uni had done a very low budget Italian version of Love Island and three of the guys from his Villa were in his wedding and Charles could honestly use some gay friends! His friends from Monaco were trying, but it was hard for them to understand sometimes. He had married a woman after all. He had made a life with her for years and then he had just - 
So, yeah. He had walked into this whole thing knowing that it was going to be an experience - one he wanted to take with both hands and that he would try and come out of with dignity and then on the first night, Pierre fucking Gasly walked in and Charles was done for.
He tries to make friends in the house. And he thinks they make progress every day.
He likes to work out with Peter - the guy from Denver who moved to France for university and never left. He attempts to learn to cook from Esteban - the chef who owns two of his own restaurants. He watches movies with the two friends from Italy who talk to each other in Italian constantly and he thinks he’s making friends with them.
But then someone comes in from a date and he just…crumbles.
He kissed me, someone will say and Charles will burn up with rage, his face red and blotchy and he never ever ever congratulates them or asks them questions because he can’t stand it. He can’t stand them and he knows that it’s ridiculous because there are…fifteen men left in this house and only one of them will leave with Pierre, and it’s only been two weeks of this, but Charles cannot stand it - feels as though Pierre is his.
He can feel the cameras on him and he knows that when he leaves the room in a hurry, they’re following him.
He can already see the narrative that’s being developed about him.
Bratty and silly and naive. 
He knows the mic’s pick up the way Pierre leans in and says his name so softly and the camera's see the way that Charles’ blushes and it’s so stupid because there are so many accomplished, wonderful men here and Charles is not special, but…
Pierre makes him feel like he’s special - like what they have is special and even though they’ve had a handful of minutes together…Charles knows that he and Pierre could be…
Well, they could be great.
There are eight of them left and Charles is on his second one-on-one date.
Not just his second one-on-one, it’s the second in a row.
Charles has only seen one season of this show - that he watched frantically all in one night two days before his flight - but he doesn’t think it normally happens like that and the only reason Pierre had been allowed to do it was because he had asked Charles during the rose ceremony in front of the other guys. 
It’s confirmation for what he already knows. That he and Pierre have something together. The way Pierre looks at him, the way he listens to him, the way he laughs with him, the way his fingers always stray south when he’s kissing him…
They’re on a boat - mic’d up, sitting in front of food they can’t eat. 
The boat is docked and Charles would be annoyed by that normally because he loves the sea and he loves to go and he thinks that’s half the reason they’re on this date - a two hour drive through France in the back of a car is all worth it for this moment with Pierre - that Pierre arranged because Charles had talked so fondly about his families boat in Monaco.
Charles is talking softly about Monaco and his brothers and Pierre stops him, “Cha,” he says, running one finger down Charles’ cheek, “Can I have a minute? I hate to call cut, but I need to go and have a talk with production.”
The bottom drops out of Charles’ world.
You only call cut when something bad has happened. That was what they had coached him on when he started. You get to call cut, but only if it’s really really really bad, and Charles thinks Pierre is about to send him home.
That’s the only reason he would call cut right now.
They had been kissing, Pierre’s fingers tucked into his goddamn waistband and then he had pulled away to ask about Charles’ family and…he’s realized he has no feelings for him whatsoever, but wants to save him the embarrassment of a rose ceremony after he -
“Yes,” Charles backs away from him, “Of course.”
He can feel the cameras again, hyper-aware of the way this is all going to get edited. 
Desperate. He’ll be painted as desperate and ridiculous and he just cannot breathe and he -
“Charles -” a producer says, and Charles waves him off as he stands, feeling like he might puke, leaning over the side of the boat, trying to draw in breath the way Joris had taught him.
He should go and tell them he wants to go home.
That’s the dignified thing to do. 
He thinks that’s allowed. There’s an eject button on this too, but that’s only for big big big emergencies and this might be that. 
He was just so silly. To think he and Pierre had a connection - that he was feeling like he and Pierre could be in love - that they could have a real future. 
Charles was thinking about moving to Paris. Uprooting his entire fucking life to be close to Pierre’s practice because -
He hears his name being called again as he stumbles towards the sliding door that Pierre had disappeared behind.
There’s a kitchen and a lounge and that’s where the camera and production crew are hiding and he knows that’s where Pierre is and he is just going to tell them all that he needs to go home right now, but he gets to the door and freezes.
Pierre is in profile and he has one hand on his chest and there are tears streaming down his face.
A rather severe looking producer is wagging a finger in Pierre’s face and Charles is suddenly full of rage because how dare he make Pierre feel like that? This is Pierre’s show and he gets anything he wants and -
“I don’t want to go back to the house tonight,” Pierre pleads, tapping his chest. “It’s Charles, it has to be him.”
The producer - Jacques, Charles thinks - pats Pierre on the shoulder like he’s a child. “There are still weeks of filming left. You could change your mind. I know he is nice. Charles is very sweet and he is testing well, but you have such a great connection with Esteban. Don’t you want to see that through?”
Charles is frozen in place. He wants to hear everything. He wants to know everything happening, but the producer that was in his face earlier is shooing him away from the door, back to his spot with a cross look on his face. “You cannot repeat any of that,” he says firmly.
“Repeat what?” Charles echoes back and then waits in agonizing silence until Pierre remerges some time later. He looks stressed and tired, but he sits down next to Charles, placing his hand on his thigh and apologizes to him for the interruption.
Charles leans over and kisses him instead, open-mouthed and too much for fucking television, but Pierre’s fingers are so tight on his waist and he knows somehow that this is it for him.
He’s not walking away from this thing with a couple of brand deals and some friends.
He’s walking away with Pierre.
He doesn’t tell him until their honeymoon.
Pierre in a white linen shirt with too many buttons undone and Charles in a pair of swim shorts he is sure don’t belong to him and a boat that Pierre is renting from some PSG player.
Charles is laying between Pierre’s legs - despite their size difference, it’s the way the two of them prefer to be - Pierre splaying his hand on Charles’ bare chest, Charles hands on Pierre’s thighs, letting the hair run between his fingers.
It reminds him of their last night together before the final rose ceremony. Pierre and Charles had spent the night together in that sterile white suite, but most of the night had been spent like this - on the lounge chair on the balcony covered in the hotel duvet. Talking. Just so much talking.
Away from the cameras for the first time and in love.
And even then Charles hadn’t told him because he was scared of it - there had been a piece of him that had wanted to hold it back. In case…
He tells him now. Maybe because there’s no one else. Maybe because they’re on another boat.
“I heard part of your conversation that night.” Charles twists, cheek on Pierre’s chest. “The night of our date on the boat. You said that it had to be me and -”
Pierre grips his face too hard and forces him to twist around, coming to his knees so he can move and they’re face to face - Pierre’s eyes are blazing and Charles is breathing too quickly - he’s all too familiar with that look.
“You heard me?” Pierre demands. “I told them all that I loved you and you heard me?”
“No!” Charles says, “You - you only said that you didn’t want to go back to the house and that you wanted me and then Jacques told you that you had a connection with Esteban and then I didn’t hear anything else. I had to go and sit down -”
But he doesn’t get to finish. Pierre is kissing him hard and unrelenting and Charles is still trying to catch up.
“Pierre -” he mumbles, pushing on Pierre’s shoulders, “What?”
“I wanted to end it that night.” Pierre tells him, fingers coming away from his cheeks to grip Charles’ chin. “I asked them to end it because I didn’t want anyone else. I only wanted you.” He heaves a breath. “You’ll see when the season comes out, but we were…they were so angry. There’s barely a season after that night. I wasn’t…I knew it was you.”
“You never said -” Charles starts, but Pierre is too strong and he flips them, pinning Charles to the cushions. 
“Fuck, I love you and I have loved you since I laid eyes on you.” He sinks his teeth into Charles’ collarbone and Charles forgets he was going to protest.
“I love you,” he says instead.
Pierre soothes the sharp bite with his tongue. “Going to love you forever, Charles.” And then softer, “Husband.”
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speedofsoundsketches · 7 months
I completely agree with the character ages, Sonic will always be 15!
Too, why can't we have "Talk about low budget flights! No TV or movies? I'm outta here!" Sonic?
...instead we have "bAlDy nOse Hair? GoTta reMember that onE!" Sonic.
I miss Sonic Adventure.
Gonna be totally honest and this may be a bit controversial but
Sonic's always been kinda cringe, even in the Adventure Era.
That's not to say I'm defending "Baldy McNosehair' because I agree, it's a bad line and not really funny but.... this isn't THAT new for the series.
For example, watch the original ending for SA2. After having a morose moment with Rouge by returning Shadow's ring to her and Amy interrupting him in deep thought on what had happened, he dismisses it by saying
"Let's go home! To the planet as COOL and BLUE as me!"
And it's just... the delivery was jarring to the atmosphere that it cracks me up. I know he's not one to dwell on sad things but that switch up after such an emotional roller coaster that is Shadow's story-line is such a funny way to end the whole game on.
But granted, it works because he still gives Shadow a final quiet goodbye after that so AT LEAST it saved that moment from being laughed off too easily. This felt intentional as a good little character moment because even if the line's awkward, it's probably just him trying to keep the spirits up after a heavy ending. Which is pretty in character of him to do.
These awkward moments usually came off as just being earnest and sometimes added depth despite itself.
Also, Mcnosehair is far less offensive to me than
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But even this isn't too dissimilar from some of the embarrassing lines he's said in Shadow the Hedgehog for example.
There are definitely parts of the Pontaff Era I dislike quite a bit and I wholeheartedly admit I'm more into Classic->Dark Ages in terms of overall tone, intent and execution. But I think people's underlying issues with Pontaff's Era has less to do with the once-in-a-blue-moon cringe lines and more an overall issue with intent, tone and execution of them.
But that's a much bigger conversation than I can get into today. Maybe another time when I have the energy for it.
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mattprower · 2 months
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talk about low-budget flights
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nia1sworld · 3 months
Sans: (Walks in the room) That's right everybody. It's your favorite boy Error: GET THE FUCK OUT OR I'M GONNA BREAK BLUE'S SOUL, I SWEAR TO GOD! I'LL DO IT YOU BITCH!! GET OUT!!!!! I. Will. Pop. Him! Blue/Swap: Don't give him my life for a yellow soul
Sans: Will you pop this piss soul? Error: *Le Gasp* PUT THE PISS SOUL DOWN RIGHT NOW Y'KNOW WHAT PISS SOULS DOES TO YOUR blenis. Ink:I Like it when it does to my blenis Error. And you know what? That's what gonna give me the strengths to through this and-
Sans: (As the strings are in his soul): W O A H!
Fell: SANS!!!!!
Error: You thought you were gonna escape and I knew your gonna vomit in here so I have to PUT UP A FUCKING SEAL!!!
Sans (Gets Yeeted): W O A H! Blue/Swap:Sans!
Fell: SANS!
Sans: Talk about a low budget flight
*Ink Laughs in the background*
Meanwhile with Sans:
Sans: Piss soul I pray to you each day, that you will protect me from my sins and my transactions
More in the bottom!
Error: Now, I WILL CONTROL THE OMEGA TIMELINE, AND EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO WATCH Splatoon 3 let's plays BY ERROR!!! *Error strings Ink* Error: NOW GET IN THE FUCKING PORTAL!! Ink: Kill me error DO IT!! You won't! I have no reason to have emotions now that Sans is gone and my piss vial soul. Error: I'M GONNA MAKE YOU WATCH MY TIK-TOK COMPILATION, AND I'M GONNA MAKE YOU PERISH, YOU STALKER! Ink: I WILL NEVER WATCH YOUR COMPILATION BECAUSE THEY SUCK!!!! You picked all the bad tik-toks! Blue: I'm just gonna stay in the corner and watch j-just don't kidnap my soul Error: MY DORITOS!! I'M TAKING THEM BACK!! Ink: GIVE ME THOESE DORITOS NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM! Error: I'M GONNA KILL YOU!! NO!!!! Ink: Their my Doritos now error! Error (About to die and this line is funny): INK LISTEN TO ME, I KNOW WHO YOUR FATHER IS! (Coughs as ink hits him with his brush) Ink (Yelling at Error): DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME!!!
*Meanwhile* Cross: Am I in Halo?
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cipheramnesia · 9 months
When, like me, you're exploring the low budget depths of the free to stream horror genre, when life gives you a movie called Oops! You're A Vampire you watch it. I don't set high expectations for these movies, and I don't watch them because I think they'll be good. I do it because I love horror movies without reservation. If you wanna see new people in the genre, new directions, or really just anything a little off the beaten path, you gotta go off the beaten path. This also pertains to watching movies not made by US Americans, which I do but we're talking about the low budget stuff.
Okay so what are we even doing with our lives? I don't know where to start with Oops! You're A Vampire (OYAV) except that it's one of the reasons I keep going back to this dumpster. It's not good. If you want good, go find a movie that can afford a score besides copyright free classical music., feel me? But for working off a shoestring, it's shockingly effective. The acting is average, but everyone does their level best to rise to the occasion. The camera work, lighting, and editing are all significantly higher quality than I'd have anticipated, as is the writing and directing - in fact overall the effectiveness of OYAV in creating emotional connections and thoughtful metaphors soars with what I can only imagine is the same sense of pride as a garage built airplane taking flight. It surely doesn't belong up there in the sky but somehow there it is. The bizarre way the dysfunctional family unites against the adversity of one of them being a vampire, and the way vampirism itself is likened to a degenerative disease rather than something that creates a superhuman monster is passingly close to a genius metaphor, though not fully articulated. In particular an xmas dinner sequence in a messy dining room with blood soaked walls from the victims of the titular vampire is both grotesque and heartbreaking.
The closest OYAV comes to being the comedy its billed as is the worst, scene, a painful and cringe inducing attempt by a True-Blood parody of an elder vampire to take the younger one into his suspect care. Everything else, while varying in tone, rarely strays far from something like a wistful and sad sense of longing, each person in the family wishing they had some way to connect to each other, and the only way they find any common ground is caring for a sickly vampire. There are movies that go way above their range, and of all things Oops! I'm A Vampire is one. Now whether you should watch it is another order. If you are an appreciator of micro-budget trash, you may just be delighted at this rough masterpiece. If not, well it's probably not a good idea.
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kitwennim · 2 years
I wrote this on Twitter but I have two followers so I wanted to try here.
It was the middle of the summer when Steve and Robin ran away. It was unexpected, but it just happened, Hawkins was an unbearable nightmare on their lives and it had never felt like home, so, one night both grabbed all their belongings, stuffed them on Steve’s car and drove to Dustin and Max’s place to say their last goodbyes.
Both kids cried a little but the eye bags on Robin and Steve’s face stopped them from begging them to stay. They knew it would kill them.
Robin read her whole old diary to Steve in their way to Indianapolis, translating all the bits she had written in other languages and laughing every once in a while over how in love was she with Tammy. All of her old plans to run away to Europe were there, she had a whole trip planned, so when Steve and Robin entered the airport and saw that the first flight available was to Lyon both bought their tickets with their own savings without hesitation. About five hours later Robin and Steve’s parents arrived to the airport to find Steve’s car parked between the hundred of cars of other travelers and the little boards with all the flights tagged as deployed. They were gone.
Robin did all the talking at first, Steve just followed her holding her hand and eating whatever Robin had managed to fit in their budget, the hostel they were staying was horrible and they didn’t know anyone, but they were free. The croissants tasted amazing, the people didn't even paid attention to them and the streets were beautiful at night, so they stayed there as long as their money allowed them.
Steve studied harder than he had ever done it to learn to move on his own, he was used to be alone, learning in a new place to do the same wouldn't be hard, and he had Robin with him now, he wouldn't be alone anymore.
Sometimes he would order by himself his food, or pay at the grocery store, sometimes some locals would tell him little grammar corrections and he would feel embarrassed, going back to his ‘stupid self persona’, that stigma that everyone had of him, but everyone was so nice, they understood him, they made the effort to understand him unlike other people.
The day that everything changed on Steve was when a tourist asked him to take a pictures of her in French and he understood her. He felt so warm over the fact that people didn’t know who he was, and if he was capable or not, they asked him because they saw him as someone who could help, and Steve felt useful without having to risk his life for once. Steve couldn’t be happier.
By the time their old savings were running low, Robin had managed to get some tutoring jobs for kids and Steve had landed a job at a local restaurant as chef. A secret of Steve was that he was amazing at cooking. A friend of him had got him the job at one of his friend’s father restaurant.
So they saved money again and by the time two years had gone since they had left Hawkins they left Lyon now, jumping this way around most of the most touristic cities in Europe.
About ten years later they had already visited (and worked, and made friends and even fucked) France, Italy, Andorra, Portugal, and Spain, settling on the last one.
It was around 3 in the morning when Max called (because time difference) and Max laughed loudly when Steve answered in Spanish.
By the time they settled on Spain Steve spoke a good chunk of French, pieces of Italian and Portuguese and he had also learned Spanish and some Catalan, something he never imagined he could be able to do . Forced proximity to a language was a real thing. Robin on the other hand was on another level, excelling all the languages from the places they had live in, but that wasn’t anything new. Steve was more than thankful because he wasn’t sure he could’ve done it without Robin.
Max allowed both Robin and Steve rant a little about their new lives in Spain now that they were awake, she felt a little guilty over waking them up (mostly because the hadn't had the chance to talk a lot lately). After hearing how well was doing Robin at this company she was working as a translator and how nice were the kids she was tutoring and how Steve had been very stressed the last week hiring cooks for his restaurant, Max finally invited them to Will's first gallery.
It was no surprised for any of them that Will was already hosting a gallery of his art but both Robin and Steve felt suddenly very aware over the fact that it had been ten years since they left and last saw all of the party, they all had graduated now and were working their new paths.
They accepted the invitation gladly. Some vacations would be good from their new agitated life in Europe.
Max of course didn’t tell anyone other than Dustin.
Around a two weeks later when they arrived they decided to visit a gay bar that Max told them about the day she called them in the middle of the night claiming she had just gone the day before (both Steve and Robin had found it odd but the kids were odd anyways so they didn’t question it)
After leaving all their luggage in their hotel and heading to the bar they waited around twenty minutes before they could finally enter, and as soon as they did it they started to fight over who was going to get drunk, because of course Steve claimed it was Robin’s turn to take care of him because he took care of her after that party they had in Catalonia, but Robin reminded Steve that she had to run his restaurant a whole day (which was horrible because Robin can’t handle the stress of such a crowded place) that time Steve had been hungover after a party in Barcelona. So the fight keeps going on and reaches a bartender who is laughing excitedly at the sight of two (still) sober friends throwing in their faces the times they had to take care of the other.
So the bartender promises he will be back and leaves still amused because he has to serve more drinks, that's his work, the thing is he had to serve specifically Nancy and Eddie’s drinks who happen to in the same bar together (after forming a very nice friendship discovered by their mlm and wlw solidarity). After all, after Steve and Robin left they were all they had before moving to Massachusetts, Nancy going to college and Eddie working around in the music scene that Salem and Boston had.
Hence why when Steve screamed that he was not going to drink soda and sparkling water when there was Tequila in front of him both Nancy and Eddie turned to find their old friends, because they could recognize those voices everywhere. They could even after ten years. Yet no words came out of their mouths, they were both gaping at a loss of words.
Mostly because Steve looked so different now, he’s wearing glasses but they suit him amazing, and he has a new haircut that enhances his jawline not to leave behind the fact that Eddie can tell Steve is still in very good shape even from the distance, and it bothers Eddie, it really does, because who gave Steve the right to look so good even after all these years. He was supposed to be the guy who peaks in high school and then has his downfall, but if anything, he looked better than he ever did (something the old 21 year old Eddie would find impossible because Harrington was already the definition of perfection back in the day). He is glowing, Steve was genuinely shining, he looked like a whole different person.
And Robin, she has long hair now, it goes all the way to the curve of her waist and Nancy tries to focus on that detail but she can't, she can't do that because Robin is laughing and smiling when Steve tries to reach the Tequila bottle and Robin is fighting him to not do it, but even when Steve is next to her, she looks like she’s the only one in the room, or at least the only person Nancy wants to pay attention, and Nancy isn’t sure if this is how she remembered Robin ten years ago.
And Steve let’s go of the tequila bottle when he makes eye contact with Eddie, Eddie Munson, who is standing a few meters away from them, wearing his classic leather jacket and vest combo. He looks taller but Steve is almost sure is because he’s wearing boots. His hair is even longer now but Steve can’t tell how longer because it’s tied on ponytail that allows Steve to see all the new piercings Eddie has gotten, it also allows Steve to see his neck and for some reason that gives him a chill. So Steve froze, because he remembered wishing to meet a girl with the same facial features that Eddie had back in the day when he didn’t knew some things about him. He knows things about him know, and Eddie is there.
Robin doesn’t get any time to scold Steve for letting the bottle fall because she finds herself in the same situation when Nancy, next to Eddie, smirks at her. And Robin feels like she 17 again because that’s the same smirk Robin remembers ranting Steve about how she was tired of liking people who would never like her back (the same night that they decided to ran away) Nancy being one of them.
When times moves as it should once again the bartender comes to the rescue and finally catches the bottle, speaking at the same time, bringing them back from the shock.
"Little gift from them—" he mutters placing in front of Robin and Steve two shots of tequila as he nodded towards their staring opponents.
It tastes sour, Steve and Robin immediately remembered why they hadn’t drank tequila in a long while, the Barcelona party had been almost a year ago. Exchanging a witty look they both wondered if the fight that they just had was worth it because they no longer enjoyed alcohol like they did in Italy and France, at the beginning of their adventure. A not so proud moment of them.
With a loud clash on the counter they left their caballitos behind and decided to reach Eddie and Nancy. And it’s awkward, it’s always awkward, mostly because Nancy and Eddie were still hurting a little over the fact that they left, as much as they didn’t want to admit it. And Robin and Steve are scared, because they know it wasn’t the best way to leave, so most of their polite chat comes in short sentences and whispers, which isn’t good because the music is loud and it’s actually hurting Steve who has to lower the volume of his hearing aid, something only Eddie notices but is scared to ask.
But they try, and Nancy as bold as she always is takes the first step and invites Robin to dance. And they disappear in the crowd, Robin giving a slight nudge to Steve to push him to try, but nothing comes on. Steve tried first and asked Eddie if he preferred Italian or French food because he could cook any of them if he ever wanted but Eddie hasn’t tried any of them. Then Eddie gives it a chance and asks Steve what does he think about the recent Grammy nominations but Steve is lost because he barely knows what music is trending, most of the time the ambience of his restaurant is in charge of the managers. So they stop.
Steve doesn’t try again but attracts Eddie’s attention when he laughs after seeing a girl wearing a Padres shirt in the bar because he’s a Mets fan. And Eddie just jokes that he’s actually a Padres fan (he doesn’t know much about baseball but Wayne is a Padres fan and he is one by inheritance) so Steve is about to apologize when a guy interjects and claims he’s a Mets fan too.
And Steve feels good to find another Mets fan, but this wasn’t the circumstances he wanted to find one, and he doesn’t have the heart to cut him or politely decline him because he hasn’t done this in a while, the restaurant consumes most of his time and he already had a few ‘friends’ who he hung with, so the guy just keeps going over the season and the players. But he stops, he stops when Eddie throws his arm around Steve and pulls him a little closer to him. The poor ginger just stumbled a few times before he went back to his friends a little embarrassed.
"Figured you needed help" eases in Eddie and Steve smiles, genuinely. And that’s it, that was the breaking point they needed, because after that none of them can shut up, and neither separate, because unconsciously (totally consciously) Steve grabbed Eddie by the waist and pulled him closer too.
So when Nancy and Robin laugh seeing them Steve can’t help to roll his eyes sensing his best friend eyes, but he doesn’t care because he feels okay like this. And he can also see the way Nancy’s hand never left the curve of Robin’s back as she guided her dancing. He can also tell there is a slight blush under her freckles, and they’re both sarcastic and know each other too well so the next morning is gonna be embarrassing for both of them, but that doesn’t feel important right now.
The night goes on, at some point Eddie asks if Steve wants to leave and they do, about four hours later he arrives at his hotel only to find Robin arriving at the same time and they both laugh over the fact that they had only come back to the hotel to not worry the other. They both fall asleep before they can tease the other.
The next morning Eddie and Nancy are waiting for them in front of the hotel.
Both Max and Dustin laugh maliciously and high-five each other when Steve and Eddie arrive together and Steve is wearing Eddie’s leather jacket that he lent him last night when he drove him back to the hotel. Nancy and Robin are just behind, Nancy helping Robin to do the tie she had completed her outfit with.
So when Mike ask Max if the bar he had recommended her (which turns out it’s a bar the 4 eldest know) was fun, she doesn’t know what to say, because she didn’t go. But she smiles.
"Yeah, it was pretty good" jokes Eddie answering Mike’s question while side eyeing Steve who just rolls his eyes and gives both Max and Dustin a we'll-talk-about-it-later look, even though he doesn’t have any complaints.
The day goes on, and the gallery is a success, they see the rest of The Party, and enjoy gathering with them, Steve and Robin try not to cry but every once in a while Eddie and Nancy catch their eyes looking glassy because they missed so much. But at the same time, both Nancy and Eddie notice the way Robin and Steve move, and they see the freedom in them, there is no hint of the fear they had in Hawkins. They also reach for the other constantly just for simple touches of reassurance and they can both see that if they hadn’t left, they wouldn’t be here today, so this feeling of hurt leaves both of them.
When the gallery ends, both Nancy and Eddie invite Robin and Steve to a double date everyday of the week before they have to go back to Spain.
And they need to figure out things because they’re living in different countries, and they all need to meet again because they’re not the teenagers they were, but they feel like they have time, unlike in the past, this time they feel and know there is a future, so they’ll work on it.
I hope this is well written because my wrist gave up almost at the end.
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rocketboots564 · 5 months
I decided to write more of my first time reactions and thoughts to rvb Season 9!
This should (hopefully) be the third and final part for season 9.
Season 9 part 3:
Imagine showing up to your funeral, and they don’t even give you a respectable eulogy… They just talk shit about how you talked a lot…
Yeah I would kill all of them… Simmons is 10 times the man I’ll ever be.
Oh so Maine straight up stole the grenade launcher! Kinda like he did with AI units… history is a full circle once again
You know… I feel like the director should’ve given them equipment just in case the sarcophagus thing was heavy. Which it is. The Director is a really bad boss
Understatement of the century I know
Washington I’m 80% sure half the things you freelancers do is improvise… and honestly I’d be sick of it too
Oh yeah Carolina let’s just fucking kick out friends off of a SEVERAL STORIES TALL BUILDING. You’re lucky you have that armor.
The freelancers do heists the same way I played Payday 2: Five minutes of stealth before going “nah fuck this” and blasting the brains of some poor shmuck all over the walls
I think you SHOULD feel bad for the people down there, you tossed MAINE at them Carolina.
You chose to use the flamethrower… inside a building… no wonder the freelancers kick your guy’s asses on the reg… yall are fucking idiots
“That bit with the purple plane? That was just showing off,” well when your number one in Freelancer ranked mode you might as well act like it Wash
You know Carolina kinda acts like Tex a bit. No wonder they’re at odds. There’s only room for one dommy mommy bisexual badass in this show
Oh it’s not a bomb… it’s worse… it’s a big ass fucking lazer
Yeah Carolina I bet it is karma… deserved Karma
CAROLINA HITTING THE FUCKING Sonic Adventure 2 CITY ESCAPE “talk about low budget flights. No food or movies? I’m outta here!” ON THE SARCOPHAGUS
I’m surprised Project Freelancer wasn’t investigated and shut down earlier with how much property damage and civilians they endanger.
Tex being responsible about the about the team is a nice change of pace–oh she was paid…. makes sense.
Simmons can play the Banjo? When’s his new single dropping?
Grif be supportive of your Brofriend (Bro + Boyfriend = Brofriend)
Wow… imagine your best friend being closer with your ex/not-ex girlfriend than you.
Couldn’t be me Church… mainly cause I’m gay and don’t have a girlfriend
Sarge, the planet is quite literally breaking apart, and your plan is to blow it up… honestly I’m not even surprised.
It’s actually astounding how absolutely this heist went to shit… and quickly too.
“We had to learn to care for our equipment” Tex says. Cut to five minutes ago where she drove a motorcycle through a glass wall.
HOLY SHIT MAINE CAN TAKE SOME DAMAGE! I mean I know they’re wearing Spartan armor and all, but JEEZE.
I love how even the freelancers almost (emphasis on almost) fumble their stuff like the red and blue teams.
Like when Carolina juggles the briefcase in the air before getting a hold of it, and then immediately getting kicked back.
Damn… more Carolina and Tex beef.
How much do I wanna bet Grif’s plan is gonna backfire hilariously?
Yes it backfired horribly… because now Andy exists… again
Oh hey Delta was born! Great! Which means Alpha/Church was just tortured to the point that his mind split…. Not great…
“We’re the good guys? Right?” Oh… you’re concerned you’re not? What clued you in, the insane property damage, murder, or endangered civilians?
And they brought him back… that’s actually really fucking funny.
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