#talia al ghul headcannon
dilfwaynes · 2 years
i. estranging from wayne | t. al ghul
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summary: talia never had a problem with snatching resources and other factors before from her ex, granted he always took reoccupy of anything purloin; but with you talia isn’t too willing on returning you to the gotham knight.
⚢ pairings; talia al ghul x fem!reader, bruce wayne x fem!reader
✎ word count ; 3.3k
✗ warnings; dom!talia al ghul x sub!fem!reader, future smut with plot, talia being a little mean in the beginning and bruce being a shit head.
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brandish enflames your skin, the embarrassment and anger quite literally flooding through like water under floorboards and tearing apart anything other than a rehash of an emotional saga of ire, shame, and resentment, for him and yourself. allowing him to treat you like an old trinket that’s tossed in a sheet and hiked up a shelf to remember for when it has a purpose, as well as forgetting about you like a generation passed down antique around the manor.
resentment for empty promises and his runs to cartier and tiffany’s for gifted diamonds to try and fill up his shallow promises somehow. resentment for succeeding in making things up for you, and then rotating to the root once again, and making you lose respect for yourself for your stupidity and naiveness. resentment for his usual family’s broad control of their facial expressions now sudden gained vociferous without them catching on when they also come to the realization bruce has stood you up for her again
selina was sculptured with a blade of aphrodite’s hand, her skilled cheekbones and cat-like eyes to her full lips and thighs and her long legs to match her height, it wasn’t hard to understand why your boyfriend is in love with her —you, yourself very well could see yourself in the same situation, replaced with you on selina’s arm instead—he and her will always have a connection, a bond that you two didn’t, couldn’t ever have. you accepted that a long time ago, but you thought it’ll remain as just a “what if” and remembrances. even though that wasn’t ideal you knew bruce would never get fully over her and belong to you wholeheartedly, you thought maybe at least you could have half of him. they had an understanding with each other that few shared with a man like bruce, an orphan underground that he and selina shared, while you and he quite didn’t, more of a middle ground with uneven sides to put it more accurately.
selina is also his ex who he never fell out of love with.
so it was more than longing and tension, more than wanting. there’s history, already the known, and longing for the once before and having something standing in the doorway of getting it, and honestly you even doubt you were the pillar to that door, which is probably the most pathetic part of it. you don’t even matter enough to be a problem or thought wedged in.
shreds prick the pad of your finger while you aimlessly flick the old wooden table with your head propped up in your hand, you can’t bear the confidence to make eye contact with alfred or luke and kate in the kitchen with you, barely giving a dry thank you when alfred collects your untouched plate of dinner.
red hot embarrassment flushes when luke gives an apologetic look and kate continues the exchange with whispering with a bullhorn of not understanding why you stay with her cousin. you swallow thickly with tears threatening to start with swelling of a burning sting behind your lids, viewing yourself as a complete idiot, actually waiting for him again, swiping your bag and hastily leaping out to the hallways, deluding the hot tears with your thumb as you try to rush from the fallen self-dignity that you lost in this manner.
embarrassingly so you can count on your fingers over how many times you’ve cried in the wayne manor hallways because of this very same situation you keep repeating yourself in.
‘stupid, stupid, stupid’. you scream at yourself mentally for placing yourself to constantly be humiliated, and for knowing your future self will take bruce back with open arms, and more than likely legs when he comes to your place with apologizes and kisses. tears completely blur your eyesight and train of thought when you finally end your rush to the door and step outside, and instantly colliding your body into someone, taller than you enough so that for a second you thought it was dick but you’re quickly confirmed wrong when you lift up to roiled jaded eyes.
overwhelmed with emotions before and confusion you’re obtusely glued to the floor, arms bent under your weight to support your gaze at the woman standing inches away, almost towering above you if she were to move closer, your mouth agape slightly, the action seemingly gets her eyes to slit the tint of the spleen in them more.
from the sleek of her cheekbones and bridge of her nose and green eyes and bronze radiance you already knew who she was without damian needing to confirm with it a calling of mother. your lips pull into a deeper pout as all your emotions fest larger than some minutes ago, great, now two of bruce’s aberrantly gorgeous exes are in gotham.
from her tighten expression she doesn’t need certification to know who you are either.
talia’s demeanor changes somewhat at the sound of damian’s voice, taking her annoyed eyes from your figure—still on the ground— and looking towards damian, muttering what you surmise is arabic. damian takes a peer at you and motions a look of being out of the loop, talia’s eyes latch onto you once more, annoyance clouds over now with unamused and a cocked brow of curiosity.
“damian is this how your father now regards his newest beloved?” she jeeringly quips and you can tell she doesn’t expect an answer, rather just wanted to throw a dagger into breaking the ice. your eyebrows deepen and you peck at your bottom lip, swallowing tightly at the jab. damain ignores his mother and reaches his hand to pull you up by your side, you know he recognizes your form of state and why your eyes are so glossy, acquainted already and that only further shames you.
heat elopes your skin more when you notice that you stayed grasped to the ground for this entire interaction, and quite literally giving talia the ultimate power play with falling onto your ass and staying there. you shrug subconsciously, not the worse or most embarrassing thing that has happened, just another add to the list, and realistically talia has the power play with simply existing.
“the typical?” damian asks, eyebrow raised exactly like his mother that it has you blinking your eyes a second, flicking to talia and latching onto an brief few seconds of intense eye contact. chewing on your bottom lip, brushing off whatever dirt attached onto your legs and skirt, bashfully avoiding the question and urging to make the outcome of tonight not so pitiful and low esteem, especially in front of talia, who’s rather dour parched to the side.
you wonder if she meaningfully meant to strike herself out to be so gorgeous tonight in her fitted washed jeans, the allure of the contrast of her white long polo sleeve against her skintone, or did it just come naturally to her like how all these runway models sort like to claim for themselves?
she seizes your longing eye and holds it again, her stare is complexion with boring into you, yet also uninterested in you at the same time. for you, her presence racks your body with insecurity, and something else you can’t tell right this second.
before even being given the chance to choose to ignore or reply to damian’s question hidden behind a clear statement, he’s gone from the sudden beep of whatever bat device, signaling he’s needed and passing on good nights to you and his mother. you shyly fully turn your attention to talia, anxiously pushing hair behind your ear while trying not to be a complete embarrassing idiot.” sorry for running into you, i should’ve paid more attention,” you quietly apologize, fastening out the words to ease out a fast escape from the situation.
talia was gorgeous in such a way you had never seen, coasted with sultry that edged with freeze rather than hot, structure that defined her bones in an angular perfection, her eyes honed and intimidating
the slit in her eyes struck dubiously, aghast some in the behavior towards your apology to her, she didn’t expect you so demure in such a timid way, bruce’s exes after her have been all rather… prim or at least along those lines.
“or if i hurt you by mistake, i didn’t mean to.” you ramble suddenly at her lack of reply and subdue stare, you sincerely hope you didn’t hurt her in your dull-witted rush, god you truly hated bruce at this moment as guilt claws at your stomach. what if you did clash into talia too hard and now she thinks you’re some bitter girlfriend and meant to run into her and you’re smug about it?
talia’s eyebrows farrow up just a smudge, holding down a bubble of laughter at your words, amusement overthrows any other micro responses at the genuine concern of yours thinking you could harm her. though she can’t pinpoint out if her amusement is set to leaning in offense or just plain amusement, you are as genuine as someone talia has ever met, your movements also show no falseness of putting up a show of timorous, you were truly a shy thing, a nervous habit of jutting your bottom lip between your teeth, pouting and giving doe eyes unconsciously.
you had to be very young with your mannerisms, talia wasn’t quite sure how young tho, but you were far too good and innocent for bruce, talia knows that for sure.
“no harm was inflicted.” her voice is lighter than she had expected and she can tell you thought the same, it was clear of any frostbite but also a dead end to it. you nod awkwardly, getting the hint of the lack of words and edge in her tone, she didn’t want to continue speaking to you. figuring a goodnight was pushing it, you decide to skim past her and the door to walk out to the cold air, and once again mentally scream when you realize you didn’t drive to the manor but tailed down a cab
that was hours ago when the sun only set to twilight and now it’s well over eleven, in this hour cabs tend to be freaky with drivers and more sketch, then again what choice do you have? you can only allow yourself so much self-shame, there has to be a limit, and going to ask for a ride back in the manor is well over dirt in that crossing.
ignoring the stinging crisp nipping at your skin, you pull out your phone and dial a texi service once researching for the most legitimate and less socially rejected one, somewhere along forgetting about talia’s coexistence with her also taking way out, seeming to not sense her adamant gaze on you.
you were very different than bruce’s usual type, thoughts of so swirled buoyant in talia’s head as she took keen in you, somewhere in the middle of diminutive; naïve and careless of your surrounds and hearing, giving you the benefit somewhat as her movements were trained as a deadly assassin, but also ticking that you were just as oblivious in other occasions too. you were timid and polite, shy.
curiosity and doubt burned her thoughts if you were that what you’re showing and not a trickery, damian seemed to care for you to bend down and help you recover from a clumsy fall, as well to ask about your well being in a tension knowledge he already knew information about. the mere idea of you playing some game and damian getting hurt cause of it has her stomach clutching, alongside her teeth.
“is your driver absent?” your attention disengages from the bright lighting between your eyes, fasting to the called-out voice and talia, your surprise must’ve shown on your face with the amused tug of her lip and brow. swallowing, you lamely nod, no cabs were answering or willing to come to the outskirts of gotham at this hour, even with the wayne name being under the address. talia merely tsk’s, her eyes steep and contacting with yours as you shrink under her stare.
her amusement quickly fades and a rush of panic engages in you at her loose response and lack of words, until you realize that she wants a verbal reply back.” yeah, i can’t get a cab for some reason.” you laugh awkwardly, dumbly showing a display of your words by waving your phone, cringing at yourself immediately.
your guess was right about her wanting verbalizing when her eyes light up the dull fringes of umbrage from your lack of voice before, noting yourself to keep in mind whenever— or if ever— you’re in the presence of talia again.
“the butler’s available, perhaps he can assist your aid,” talia suggests lowly, a new delicate placed behind her words. the idea has you drowning in displeasure at the thought of marching back into the manner and asking for a ride back to your house after your boyfriend bailed on you to help his ex. you shake your head softly instinctively with strays of hair brushing against your skin, a sight of talia’s expression quickly reminds you of her surmised preferences of words.
“It's fine, i rather just wait for a cab,” you reassure, pointed more towards yourself than talia, gripping the coat closer to your forested-over skin while glancing back at your phone to see if you received any notifications back. talia’s hum reached your hearing lowly and firing a spark of your interest and costing a peer at her; dry runs over your throat with torrid at connecting with talia’s pierced stare now more inflamed than some minutes ago with smoothed from any hardness, vehemence enhancing the effect of moonlight casting a white bright flare to her hair, jaw, and collarbone.
granted your answer was far from needing to be calculated, the response unknowingly pleased talia and meeting her without any difficulty, you quite didn’t think much about the earlier counter, or realized talia would put thought into the ordeal, and your apparent for making your situation was bold, though talia wasn’t quite sure if bruce kicked you to the side for batman duties regarding gotham, or a catwoman, she eclipses the other factors and leaning on the latter of the problems.
“perhaps i can escort you,” talia propounds while choosing to ignore the fast twitch of your brow and widen eyes, misdoubt swirls of her suspicion some minutes before, considering that you might actually just be bruce’s little bovine, docile and meek lamb. although even if you were, she’s still rather curious about your relationship with damian as he never mentioned you, yet seemingly cared enough to pull you up.
“i assume you reside in gotham city also?” she easily hunches out and walks towards the stretch where her black mercedes stills a few inches sideways from you and the driver’s seat merely far away, poised movements to her plodding reach inside her car. a glimpse once again has your throat clamping and burning, the moon glowering the defines shadows of talia’s jawline, lips and eyes and for the hundredth time your attentiveness falls into talia’s intense gaze; eyes scrutinizing through the rear view mirror to see your choice of her offering.
the frosted wrath of gotham this month of the year ultimately decide your decision when you feel your thighs chalking together to create warmth from the cold, you press for a moment, before hesitantly opening the door and slowly sliding into the passage seat. talia stares at you for a long moment, jades a waiting hue that leaves you confused and slightly uncomfortable in your seat until you blink with the realization she’s waiting for you to tell her your address; it seems like you can’t get enough of embarrassing yourself to talia tonight. you hurry and give her your address between an awkward forced laugh and large blushing spread across your cheeks, talia converts her gaze quickly ahead and roars engine to life.
“are you cold?” talia suddenly asks, voice flat with the question usually benevolent and concern, at least whenever jason or barbara has asked, even bruce. you still for a few seconds, nodding timidly before realizing your mistake again. talia’s lips tug upwards as she watches you catch yourself from your nonverbal habit of answering questions, the removal of the said habit from you picking up her dislike for it does rumble satisfaction in her.
”yeah, staying outside for a few minutes made me freezing.”
‘so obedient.’ talia thinks fetchingly and turning up the contrast of the heat, taking a brisk peek at you, vast curiosity about you swirling in different directions now other than the original reason.
“you and my son are well acquainted?” talia asks in a manner that’s very well stating it, rather than asking it, your head glides towards talia’s question from the heated thoughts angered at your suppose gotham knight. your frown turns confused, is talia annoyed or mad if you had a connection with damian? could she be thinking you’re trying to replace her as damian’s mom?
“uh, i guess. he’s a really good kid.” you reply back and avoid her fast glance at you, you simply can’t handle making eye contact being so close to her, sitting by her is already nerve racking and has you regretting not sliding into the backseat originally; her perfume hazing your sensesso strong that you have a feeling sitting in the back also wouldn’t have helped.
maybe you’re slightly attracted to your boyfriend’s son’s mother aka his ex - god what is wrong with you?
“damian’s prodigious, stupendous is his birthright,” talia waves her hand dismissively after claiming her sentence, as if what she just said is the casual run of the mill. you furrow your eyebrows but remain quiet.”what are your problems regarding the knight?” talia bluntly asks with no quiver of second guessing to ask her question, though you doubt talia’s the type of woman to ever second guess herself.
“it’s crowded when there’s three people in a relationship,” you respond without a beat to her question, with her question being so honest and straight to the point you figure she deserved an answer in the same regard. talia arches her brow amusingly after you confirm what she knew.”i’ll imagine so.” she draws, voice almost light and bemused.
for the first time being in her car you finally look at her and wonder why she bothered to ask you when her words mean are simply dry, maybe it’s normal when talking to an ex of your partners? or maybe you’re let down and was maybe hoping for some sight in advice.
“the doe eyes don’t shackle him to the bed as you hoped, i assume,” she teasingly jests in a dark tone after some large moments has passed, her words addles your already currently dull mind with trying to figure out what she meant. pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to understand her but before so her gaze abruptly shifts to you, eyes boring yours until they linger downward to your lip trapped by your teeth - remaining her eyes onto you while shutting down the car”you’re home.”she announces and burning you up with hot embarrassment, no wonder why she’s staring at you! she wants you out.
“thank you for driving me to my place, i really appreciate it,” you express it meekly after getting out of the benz as elegantly you possibly can muster. after no response in the thirty-five seconds of waiting you begin gently closing the door after you.
”goodnight doe.”
ignoring the rush instant of sense of shock at first and leveling yourself slowly towards the door leading to your apartment, you can’t deny the also flooding giddy sensation at the nickname talia addressed you by, and how stupid that feeling makes you feel as you merely met talia two hours ago. a snapped zoom jolts and tells you that talia left the parking lot and some relief settles in from no longer in her tense presence - her perfume on your clothes make youpractically dizzy, as if her eyes didn’t have enough of that effect.
sighing you quickly unlock the lobby door with your card before some batman villain decides to come and kidnap you tonight. on the topic of batman while entering the elevator you think of the best possible to kill him, being honest with yourself? you think offering off the joker would kill bruce more than actually killing him.
maybe it’s not selina you’re fighting with for bruce but rather a psychotic gay clown.
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7weaslesinacoat · 5 days
i like to think talia al ghul would do stuff like sneaking into the manor and putting a cheesy note in damian’s lunchbox with xoxos and advice for how to handle the day.
i know canonically, probably would never happen, but let me dream.
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Random batfamily headcanons
duke is genderfluid and loves wearing skirts, says that they give more freedom of movement and even wears them to galas, pissing off the Gotham elite.
Jason listens to paris paloma all the time. His favorite song is ‘as good as a reason’ because he too is a being full of spite and anger and love for his community
tim has beef with Slade wilson, for like no reason. No one is sure what happened but slade doesn’t come to gotham anymore
damian had a lot of issues it’s the family at first mainly y because they insulted his mother, he was totally willing to try until they insulted his mother and then he just decided to be difficult to everyone
Bruce does not like social media but will use it to harass lex luthor as much as he can
in worlds where ollie and bruce know each other’s identities, they harass people together. Dinah and Babs make it so much worse. It brings everyone joy
In worlds that Slade and Dick are dating, it’s actually duke who gives the shovel talk. Duke who is literally the child of a god, who’s eyes glow with his divinity who’s hair floats, who can see the future like an oracle, smiles at slade, too sharp teeth bared and warns him, warns hi that the bats do not kill but Demigods are exempt from rules
Jason is transmasc and he remembers being a girl, it’s why he’s so protective of all the women in his life.
tim and duke skateboard together as a bonding activity, Duke is annoyingly good at it
talia thinks that duke is the best influence on her son because duke would never say anything rude or mean about talia, ever. he knows what it’s like too have a complicated family and if there’s one thing that he’s certain of, it’s that Talia loves her son
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foultreenightmare · 6 months
I'm not very sure how making a baby in a tube works, but if we're going off Talia putting damian in a tube to grow him, she probably made Damian look like her.
All I'm saying is if I were a mother and were able to make my child look like me, I would.
So my new head cannon is that Damuan looks like his mother and nothing like his father besides maybe his height because Talia wasn't about to have her baby boy look like his father.
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
What if, people really didn’t leave the league? like, in fics and comics it’s always ppl sneaking away in the dead of night and then being hunted down. But, what if that wasn’t the case? What if, when you swore in, you (unknowingly or knowingly to you) pledged your soul to Ra’s Al Ghul, to the Al ghuls, and to the League of Assassins.
so you can run, but it always feels wrong, and you always end up back there, bc your soul it tugging you back to where it is pledged, where it’s tethered. And when you die, your soul doesn’t go to heaven or hell, but you continue to serve the al ghuls as ghosts.
Bruce doesn’t count, bc Ra’s let him go; he respected the detective too much to enslave him (he pledged to so as to get trained by the league). Jason and Cass weren’t technically part of the league, since they never formally pledged.
And because of this, the Al ghuls have this weird relationship with the occult. They can actually sense/see all ghosts, but only control the ones who are pledged to them. similar thing with magic and the occult (they have magic in their blood). they have a 6th sense for it, like it almost leaves a residue that they can sense/see.
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swaggy-lee23 · 4 months
I just know that birthdays in the Al Ghul family are a huge thing. They don’t celebrate like normal people ofc. While they do get each other gifts they do not just get given out. With their extra asses no way. In order for the birthday boy or girl to receive their gifts they must survive the birthday games.
What are The Birthday Games you may be asking? On the day of your birthday from sunrise to sunset it’s up to you to survive a series of assassination attempts from other members of the family. Everything is fair game and after every attack you fend off or avoid you receive a present.
At the end of the day after you have won all of your prezzies ( or taken a dip in the forbidden swimming pool ) all of the league gets together and a feast is held in the birthday persons honour to celebrate another year of survival.
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
Talia al Ghul man...
Not the love interest of Bruce Wayne.
Not the daughter of the demons head or Damian's mother.
Just Talia.
I like to think she wears heeled boots but wears the cosiest of slippers when she's alone.
Speaks like 5 languages, Arabic, Mandarin, Urdu, Turkish, and English.
Gives larges tips at restaurants like it's nothing.
Shares Damian's love for animals, has a particular soft spot for cats and birds.
Has notebooks written in a code only she knows where she writes about her dreams.
Pretends she doesn't care for gossip, but absolutely thrives on drama.
Taught herself how to write calligraphy.
Enjoys hiking and taking long walks to clear her mind.
Hates when people mispronounce her name and will mispronounce theirs until they say her's correctly.
Can put on a facade that even Ra's can't see through.
Has a locket with a picture of her mother and her inside.
Both loves and resents her father.
Enjoys watching cooking shows and has gone on rants and roasted the contestants.
Loves a good argument, revels in debating and outsmarting people.
Her favourite colour is dark green.
She can't stand jeans.
Absolutely loves getting henna on her arms and has even drawn her own designs.
Secretly loves marshmallows and has a stash in her room.
I think fondly of her, just being Talia.
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fancyfade · 10 months
Hi! Just wanted to say that i love reading your analysis and your knowledge on comics astounds me
Question, do you view any of dc's heroes as autistic? (If thats too much just batfam is fine)
Thank you for all your thoughts and mini essays 💚
Ty!! Glad to hear you enjoy it!
Ok right. So I'm thinking in general about DC characters I imagine as autistic. Batfam is easy to start with b/c I"ve read so much, but I'll include other characters as well
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl) - This is kind of a gimme, almost everyone headcanons Cass as autistic b/c she is explicitly textually neurodivergent (but they do not give her a real world diagnosis) and canonically has problems with language.
Damian Wayne (Robin) - another one I've seen a lot of. He has difficulties socializing that COULD be chalked up to being raised as an assassin, but also.... its in a way that's realistic for very many autistic people :P he also generally does not care about gaining the approval of everyone around him, like he's prickly and often unlikable but he's not trying to be liked.
Barbara Gordon (Oracle) - she reads as so autistic to me. Her conflict with Dinah in the beginning of BoP is positioned in the text as right brained vs left brained, which I think doesn't really make a lot of sense neurologically but does work as words the characters are using to describe things - the just think differently. Babs often reads as if she's coming at things from what in her perspective is trying to be analytical and unemotional (tho I do not think she always succeeds in this), and keeps people at arms length socially.
Bruce Wayne - he just reads as kind of autistic to me :P
Talia al Ghul - same :P
Milagro Reyes (Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle's little sister) - she's not a superhero but she reads as very autistic to me. We have scenes where we see her clearly upset by sudden change, she also acts generally very similar to how I did as a little kid. We see her blocking everyone out by watching the TV when a lot of new stuff is going on in the house.
Raven - NTT Raven reads as very autistic to me as well. NGL just like many other characters this can be explained by other factors (She was raised in a cult in another dimension, taught not to emote, and is fighting off the influence of her demonic father) but also. They keep doing characters that are relatable to neurodivergent people like that ;P
Back when I watched YJ, I had very strong opinions about Kaldur'ahm being autistic. I still do, even tho I don't normally count the animated tv shows in my version of DC
I also feel a case could be argued for Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman. But I am still marinating this in my brain.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
The idea of Selina openimg a fan club of people who are attracted to Batman and calling it the "Fuck Batman club" just in case he discovers the club existence is very amusing to me.
We have the expected guests like Talia, Riddler, Hugo Strange, Two-Face and Killer Moth. We also have Poison Ivvy but she hates the fact she is atracted to Batman (she stops going after she starts dating Harley cause she stops seing him this way), Ghostmaker and "Totally Not Intrepid Reporter Vicky Vale". At some point Superman joins the group and after he marries and Louis admits she wouldn't be opposed to make a policule with B she also join some meetings.
Both Jason Todd and Helena Bertinelli temporarially joined the club as they though it was club were you told "fuck you" to Batman.
Joker was a funding member but no one liked him much and he ended up being banned for being a menance and also because he got jealous over the fact other people were attracted to Batman.
Talia is normally the spokenperson and the most respected person of the group (together with Selina) because she has proof (Damian) that she suceeded in having sex with Batman (and also because she is Talia Al Ghul, she is great).
Vicky Vale started going out of professional curiosity and because she too had a sexual interest in Batman, but at this point she mostly goes because she has a crush in Selina. Everyone knows she is Vicky Vale but people respect her enough to pretend they don't.
Inside the group they are all friends - except Hugo Strange they keep him mostly because some Rougues are afraid what will happen to them in Arkham if they don't - and yes that means Clark and Louis are good friends with a considerable part of Bruce's rogues and they do exchange birthday presents (Jon always recieves some interesting things for his parents friends from the club).
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Okay but does the batfam know that Jason is CV reader's favorite or are they in their delulu era?
If they are, I imagine they think he's just THAT good in the sheets with how much he and reader bone. It might hurt their ego, but they won’t have to face the fact that they are fun and he is more.
... you don't have to answer this but does cv reader ever thought of boning Thalia? It would be weird because of Damian, but that is Thalia al Ghul! For fucks sake she is so cool!
I think for the favorite part, Reader keeps somewhat of a veneer in terms of it. Like yeah they hang out the most with Red Hood but it’s totally because they’re just making up for lost time and not because they have an aching need to be with him and protect him. Like totally not because of that. (/s)
The ironic part is as per my fave headcannon of Jason, he would be the least knowledgeable despite his fuckboy aura.
And thought about boning Talia? My guy if Selina wasnt the first Catwoman, they would have already boned to hell and back.
At first it was just mindless sex for the sake of releasing stress. A little reward for when you started displaying some signs of sanity after you loss. But often times, like many of your villain buddies, you’d drop by their respective lairs and make a little love.
Which brings me to the next point,
I feel like villains may or may not heavily target Red Hood due to him stealing you away from them.
Really, the boys don’t have to do much. They just have to get a little petty by dropping Jason’s location once in a while whenever they think you two have been getting a little too close lately.
There is one villain that got a little too mad that you weren’t giving him the attention he wanted nay needed from his feline counterpart —
a little guy that goes by the alias FENRIR
(also Damian definitely d o e s make it a little awkward for you and his mom to do the deed. Especially when he confesses his feelings towards you with Talia. But if anything she’ll prolly manipulate him and make that a reason on why he should abandon the batfam. become the leader of the loa and all that. because real family are there for each other. real family can share.)
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too-much-tma-stuff · 3 months
Crack idea Danny using the Lazarus pit ends up finding about Nanda Parbat and Ra al Ghul deciding to use his ghost King abilities decides that he's charging Ra al Ghul rent for the use of the Lazarus pits by living with him
He was kicked out by the Phantom parents at 15 for being a half gifts and the de-age half ghost Ellie and Danny needs a place that's safe for them
So Danny becomes a League of assassins definitely a not human roommate sometimes it's like Danny's not even there but out of nowhere you can just catch a pair of blue or green glowing guys standing in the room wouldn't even tiny your pair of green eyes in bundled up in Danny's arms
Or sometimes Danny will just come out of nowhere and hand Ra al Ghul Ellie in a baby sling and then in front of everyone can open a portal to the internet realm because he has something to go do as their King and he can't take Ellie
Danny stayed there until he was 19 during all this time he was a family like figure to Damien and the one that helped Jason with his brain deadness after getting up Lazarus pits
Jason and Danny also someone had a little bit of something going on but never were able to pursue it as Danny terrifies Ra al Ghul even if the immortal assassin will never admit it so he does not let them get into the business of the legal a lot
Danny also be using them like free babysitters hey Talia you're free hope my daughter real quick I got to go hunt some man named John Constantine down for his soul contracts don't hurt her
The Bat Family does not understand that Danny is terrifying because Danny to them act like a normal 19-year-old teenager a daughter that he had a young age while Damian and just knows Danny has his grandfather terrified of him
I hope you like my stupid crack idea of Danny just being terrifying to the League of assassins
I like the headcannon that even though Ra's is a piece of shit he's actually pretty good with/likes babies, and I think that's the only way Danny would hand Ellie to him. But I think this is funny! The assassins don't really know who Danny is and rumours abound because no one else treats him like that, just walks in hands him a baby and leaves. They even wonder if that's Ra's kid or something but if anyone ever asks Danny he reacts in such violent disgust that oookay clearly not! So grand child??? Something???
Ra's won't talk about it because he's embarrassed and also thinks it's probably best not to draw attention to this and just go for the ~mysterious vibe~
Danny's there to see Jason crazed and glowing dragging himself out of the pit and he's twirling his hair around a finger like "Omg being unhinged and creepy all by yourself handsome?!"
When Jason's ready to leave Danny's like "Hell no! You're not leaving without me, my kid, and your kid brother >:( If you try I'll drag you back into hell myself!"
"Well shit. I guess I'm a family man/crime lord now?" says Jason
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dilfwaynes · 2 years
spare some thoughts/hcs about sugar mommy talia please?
⚢ pairings; talia al ghul x fem!reader
✗ warnings; sugar baby/mommy d/s, dominant!talia x submissive!reader, talia being a little possessive, docility, oral, mentions of sex toys.
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so so so incredibly private and  secretive with personal matters, you barely know anything about her but her name, age, and tiny  trinkets of traits and things about her.
you only asked a few times about her line of work and how she affords let alone her expenses plus her extended luxury towards you. she simply  brushes you off and tells you not to worry your pretty head about it or gives a short answer of investments. if you ever sneaked and snooped around her place and computer or files and she caught you in the act, she’ll spare in icy irate and tell you to stay out of her business. it’ll lead into punishment and revoking some  privileges, such as her black card and any allowance of touching her or yourself.
she’s soooo hubristic to spoiling you and rarely ever tells you no unless it comes to cars with high speed, she’s  strict about it and will not nudge, would get vexed if you continue to nag about it and calmly tell you to drop the brat attitude or she’ll take care of it. she’s very stubborn and thread the lines of how she can handle a Lamborghini from self persistent and control.
doesn’t care for the bratty attitude mostly but sometimes indulges it when she’s in the mood, she could easily resist your glossy eyes and pouty lips if she wanted like the few times  prior, but enjoys the act of the whole situation, tsk’ing her tongue and muttering a quiet.”what am i to do with you?”
most likely to become a passenger princess when she doesn’t send cars to pick you/drop you off, likes switching her hand between the gearstick and you, and most of the time her touched are innocent snd simply just of wanting intimate touch.
she’s obsessed with lingerie and actively gifts it to you, you know it’s more for her own pleasure and indulgent rather than purely a gift to you but you enjoyed the gesture nonetheless, the pieces are always expensive and well crafted, at least with whatever little material there was to craft; talia definitely has her favorite types on you and most tend to not cover much. it’s well worth it whenever she lifts her gaze up and down and gives you a look that ruins the set before she to rip the material off you.
she demands exclusivity even if it’s not in a relationship matter, she’s jealous but would never admit to the seething ache to her gums of you seeing other situationships to provide for you, and in exchange giving yourself to them, she won’t allow it and if you were to ever end yours and hers agreement and pursued others, she would undoubtedly make sure to run their empires and businesses to the ground so they no longer could have you. makes sure that you don’t indefinite know she’s behind it, you eventually come running back anyways.
sends you to whatever country or city you want and whenever you want for vacation, ignoring your pouting whenever she tells you that she can’t join you in the trip, but offers to pay for the expenses for your friends so you won’t go alone.
she adores you always, but especially when your head is between her thighs after she does something extra luxurious/spontaneous for you. loves seeing your eyes look up at her while you’re down on her knees for you, it gives her the extra boost of empowerment of the whole situation-ship.
 absolutely loves whenever you come to her when you have have a problem, definitely icing the cake of you seeing her as your secured net. she likes being seen as provider and taking care of you, it gives her a sense of control in a non toxic way.”don’t worry, i’ll see it fixed.”
literally takes care of all your expenses: rent, college  intuition, phone bill, cable. literally everything and a monthly allowance of belonging high in the zero’s. you’re  practically talia’s personal princess, she also has no problem of buying tiaras to go along with the princess treatment.
probably prefers missionary if you’re into sex toys, she likes seeing your face and maintaining eye contact while she’s delivering you pleasure, as well as feeling your hands on her back and experiencing body contact as much as she can with your thighs around her and everything else.
never actually telling you her true identity unless she actually makes the situation more official, until then she’s contented as you thinking she’s talia head and not belonging to an assassin dynasty.
she shows little things of being more than a sugar mommy-baby dynamic by getting matching things, nothing too drastic; just little things like wearing cartier love bands and other luxury things-alike
on the sidelines of caring if damian found out about what’s she’s doing, definitely regrets it when you find out she has a son and you call her a milf, and then have to break down what that means since she has no idea of what that means.
“habib please never address me as that again.”
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spectr3inl0ve · 8 months
some NSFW thoughts I need to share with a batman fan:
I hc him as the type who prefers going raw. Like yea, he gives lectures on protection and safe sex to his kids over and over again and it's all well and good, but! He himself doesn't like sleeping around. He only sleeps with those he really really loves and hence, he gets the urge to fill them up and is always begging his women to let him finish inside them. I like the hc that Talia didn't really have to try to get the condom off (hehe).
i fear you may be right (im kicking my feet and twirling my hair), bruce is so the type to pull the batkids aside when he finds out abt a romantic partner or hookup and express the importance of protection and contraceptives. and yes, bruce is going to be a hypocrite when it comes to taking his own advice. atm i dont think writing smut is for me cus i cringe when i write it 😭😭😭 but i will try and write smth good for this when i feel more comfortable!!!
as for your headcannon, i like it but i cant rlly give my two cents as i havent rlly read into the whole talia al ghul thing </33
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devine-fem · 7 months
Damian Al Ghul and Jon!Superman headcannons? How do you think they met?
I personally think it'd be surrounded in snow lol.
UGH. How did you know I wanted to talk about them. I love this AU right now.
Listen I know by rules that Damian Al Ghul in his universes doesn’t have a Jon but let me feel my fantasy because I think they would be great and meet when they were much older, by the time it was near Damian’s time to be head of the Demon.
I’ll for your sake also say it's snowy and Damian’s been captured by assailants and Superman!Jon only wishes to save the person who’s obviously in distress. When they meet Jon immediately recognizes how offly beautiful Damian is, he’s wrapped in fine silk, covered in jewels and looks as if he lacks pores. He assumes he is from a wealthy family and has some sort of title and is surprised but that he’s an Al Ghul being he seems gentle and kind-natured.
I like to think that Damian would be a romantic and be theatrical, he’d be flirty with Jon to his surprise but not to his dismay, he’d like it, a big part of himself doesn’t hate the idea of someone of Damian’s stature to take in interest in him. In truth, Damian falls in love quite quickly and he falls hard. He felt his life was suffocating, his father, the Batman being MIA, his grandfather Ra’s smothering him with expectations and sometimes cruelty. Talia is the main source of love and compassion he gets but he aches for someone to come and save him, like a Superman would.
Damian would find himself at tug of war with everything he’s ever been taught and the warmth and love he feels in his heart. The Al Ghul’s would possess kryptonite which would give Jon a headache but as Jon saved him, Damian would return the favor by betraying his Grandfather. Once Jon is save, they embrace.
Ra’s doesn’t go down easy though, he eventually breaks free from authority and rains terror on Damian in attempt to take everything back for himself if Damian is showing him he won’t do it right.
Damian’s been the head for a bit and he’s become well respected, he’s also lost some of his compassion. Some of that sprouting from Jon’s lack of commitment to him. He still finds himself longing for his Superman though.
When Ra’s is back, so is Jon and when they clash. Ra’s wins and ushers the world into darkness. He shakes the empire and leaves Damian depressed and grieving. He steals away Superman’s body and brings it to the Lazarus pits. He begs Jon to come back to him, whispering. “Please, Beloved, or else I’ll never love again.” 🤧
He does come back, he comes back with the madness and is subdued with kryptonite. Once he’s collected himself he wakes up with Talia at the foot of his bed, she begs him to make her boy happy as she couldn’t find a way herself - begs him to take Damian away from all of this.
He does. He does find the strength within life and death to fight back against the age of despair the world’s been left in and when he does, Damian and Jon can finally just be happy together. He leaves the empire to Talia and goes somewhere far, far away from all they’ve known, Damian selfishly asks for them to have the world together but Jon insists that just their lives together are enough.
Damian never stops being a ‘prince’ about everything, he keeps his personality. Imagine they have a Kent farm but with an Al Ghul like architecture of Damian’s choice.
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
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Sword gays showdown preliminaries
For Damian Wayne:
Damian was raised by the league of assasins where he studied the blade, at 10 he showed up at batmans doorstep. Damian is the "blood son" of batman and Talia Al ghul. He is the stabby robin. I love him. He is often headcannoned as aroace, grey ace, demi, or gay. 
For Gomez Addams:
First of all, before anyone says anything about Gomez being married to a woman, he and Morticia are both on the opposite ends of the chaos bisexual spectrum (to me) and no one can convince me otherwise 💗. But Gomez, loves weapons, loves death, loves fencing specifically. Love the practice of it, the technique, and the fun of dueling with someone. An absolute madman always ready to use his rapier to settle an argument/negotiation
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