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Quick character reference of Stars' older sister, Ta'lak, during the prologue of book 2 :) VERY different from when she's older
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I was hoping to get all these refs & art edits done todayā¦ Iām on the LAST one but Iāve had to log off for the night so. RIP.
Pregnancy is hard enough to draw on a NORMAL human body, let alone (motions widely)
Iām really happy with it though :) I really love drawing Starsā family members!
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Wedding Photographer Shares Insight to Atlanta Indian Weddings
This week I am going to cover Indian weddings. As an Atlanta wedding photographer I have had the honor of photographing several Indian weddings and Hindu ceremonies. They are beautiful and intricate weddings. When I shot my first Indian wedding, I had to do a lot of research to know the customs and how to photograph such a busy day.Ā Ā
I know a lot of the guests that go to Atlanta Indian weddings are doing it for the first time.Ā It can be helpful to know some of the customs before you get to the wedding. I will share some of my insight to help you.Ā I have listed some of the terminology for an Indian wedding at the end of the blog.Ā For now, I will go over the sequence of events on an Indian wedding day.Ā
I have seen some weddings include a Haldi ceremony.Ā That is where the bride and groom get spruced up.Ā They are decorated with a paste made of turmeric, gram flour, curd, sandalwood and rose water.Ā It is applied to the hands and feet.Ā It is believed to brighten skin color before the ceremony.Ā It is also believed to bring good luck to the bride and groom.Ā
The next ceremony I usually see at every wedding is the Mehndi.Ā This is where the bride, her family, and close friends get decorated by a professional henna artist. The henna is a form of tattoo that enhances the brideās beauty.Ā It is like a bachelorette party because they also serve food and play games.Ā
My favorite part of an Atlanta Indian wedding is the Sangeet.Ā It is usually held the night before the wedding.Ā This is where there is a reception with food for the guests. But my favorite part of the Sangeet is the dancing. A lot of the dance routines come from Bollywood movies. It is one the most entertaining things to watch and I am always blown away by all the talented guests. You can tell they have been practicing for a long time on these dance routines.Ā
The next thing that happens is on the wedding day, which is the Baraat, or the arrival of the bride and groom.Ā They come to the reception area flanked with their friends and there is music and dancing along the way.Ā Also, during some of this time some of the close friends and family do dance routines in front of the bride and groom.Ā Ā Ā
The ceremony consists of a Milni ā the meeting of the bride and groom families.Ā The bride's family usually brings garlands and traditional Indian treats. I have seen gifts exchanged also.Ā The Milni is an important tradition where the brideās family honors the groom's family.Ā The exchanging of gifts between families is present in many other cultures too.Ā
After the ceremony, like at all weddings, there is more food and dancing.Ā The one thing I have seen at every Atlanta Indian wedding is kindness.Ā They are some of the most gracious people I have ever met.Ā Always sharing their culture, food, and support for the married couple.Ā
Ā This is a great resource for the different ceremoniesĀ http://www.culturalindia.net/weddings/wedding-rituals/ Tilak Ceremony One of the initial wedding ceremonies in India is the Tilak ceremony. It was initially held one month before the actual wedding day, but with changing times people have become quite flexible. Engagement Ceremony Indian weddings are known for their elaborate ceremonies and opulent celebrations. Besides, they are held in a very traditional manner, commemorating numerous rituals as per the ancient Vedic era. Sangeet Ceremony Sangeet ceremony as the name suggests is all about dance and music. It is one of the most enjoyable ceremonies before the wedding and is exclusively for women. Mehndi Ceremony Mehndi is yet another traditional yet exciting pre wedding ceremony. In India, a lot of emphasis is given on customs and rituals. Indian people are ardent lovers of beauty and elegance. Var Mala Ceremony Var Mala ceremony is an important main wedding day ceremony. It is also known as Jaimala and basically involves exchange of garlands between the bride and the groom. Mandap Ceremony Mandap ceremony holds utmost importance on the day of the wedding. This is because all the significant rituals are performed during the mandap ceremony. Vidai Ceremony Practically everyone dreams of getting married someday to someone. After an individual attains maturity the wait for that perfect individual starts. Some people are lucky to be blessed by the feeling of love. Reception Ceremony Indian weddings have a charm of their own. As per the tradition the wedding is primarily organized by the bride's family, however, the reception might be an exception.Ā Below are some the terms I got from http://weddingdetails.com/lore-tradition/hindu/ Jaimala (Exchange of Garlands) The couple exchanges garlands as a gesture of acceptance of one another and a pledge to respect one another as partners. Madhupak (Offering of Yogurt and Honey) The brideās father offers the groom yogurt and honey as the expression of welcome and respect. Kanyadan (Giving Away of the Bride) The father of the bride places her hand in the groomās hand requesting him to accept her as an equal partner. The concept behind Kanyadan is that the bride is a form of the goddess Lamxi and the groom is Lord Narayana. The parents are facilitating their union. Havan (Lighting of the Sacred Fire) The couple invokes Agni, the god of Fire, to witness their commitment to each other. Crushed sandalwood, herbs, sugar rice and oil are offered to the ceremonial fire. Rajaham (Sacrifice to the Sacred Fire) The bride places both her hands into the groomās and her brother then places rice into her hands. Together the bride and groom offer the rice as a sacrifice into the fire. Gath Bandhan (Tying of the Nuptial Knot) The scarves placed around the bride and groom are tied together symbolizing their eternal bond. This signifies their pledge before God to love each other and remain faithful. Mangalphera (Walk Around the Fire) The couple makes four Mangalpheras around the fire in a clockwise direction representing four goals in life: Dharma, religious and moral duties; Artha, prosperity; Kama, earthly pleasures; Moksha, spiritual salvation and liberation. The bride leads the Pheras first, signifying her determination to stand first beside her husband in all happiness and sorrow. Saptapardi (Seven Steps Together) The bride and groom walk seven steps together to signify the beginning of their journey through life together. Each step represents a marital vow: First step: To respect and honor each other Second step: To share each otherās joy and sorrow Third step: To trust and be loyal to each other Fourth step: To cultivate appreciation for knowledge, values, sacrifice and service Fifth step: To reconfirm their vow of purity, love family duties and spiritual growth Sixth step: To follow principles of Dharma (righteousness) Seventh step: To nurture an eternal bond of friendship and love Jalastnchana (Blessing of the Couple) The parents of the bride and groom bless the wedded couple by dipping a rose in water and sprinking it over the couple. Sindhoor (Red Powder) The groom applies a small dot of vermilion, a powdered red lead, to the brideās forehead and welcomes her as his partner for life. It is applied for the first time to a woman during the marriage ceremony when the bridegroom himself adorns her with it. Aashirvad (Parental Blessing) The parents of the bride and groom give their blessings to the couple. The couple touches the feet of their parents as a sign of respect. Menhdi (Henna Ceremony) The traditional art of adorning the hands and feet with a paste made from the finely ground leaves of the Henna plant. The term refers to the material, the design, and the ceremony. It is tradition for the names of the bride and groom to be hidden in the design, and the wedding night is not to commence until the groom has found both names. After the wedding, the bride is not expected to perform any housework until her Menhdi has faded away. Mangalasutra (Thread of Goodwill) A necklace worn specifically by married women as a symbol of their marriage.
Welcome the Baraat ā the arrival of the groom and his family. Traditionally, the groom arrives at the wedding on a horse, accompanied by his closest friends and family members. The large procession includes lots of singing and dancing. This signifies the groomās and his familyās happiness in accepting the new bride.
Thanks for checking out this Atlanta wedding photographers blog! I hope you enjoyed the read and found it interesting! Make sure you keep coming back to our blog to see what the Atlanta wedding photographers at Atlanta Artistic Weddings get up to! If youād like to contact me go to the contact page and drop me a line at https://www.atlantaartisticweddings.com/contact-atlanta-wedding-photographer. I would love to hear from you!
Thanks again!
Source: https://www.atlantaartisticweddings.com
Source: https://www.atlantaartisticweddings.com
#Halki#talak#sangee#mahndi#Indian wedding photography#Indian weddings#atlantaphotographer#Atlanta weddng photographers#Wedding Photographer#atlanta
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Perkahwinan itu Satu Perjanjian
Sekarang tersangat-sangatlah mencanak ye isu perkahwinan dan perceraian akibat yang pasti masyarakat taktahu kesahihahannye cuma tahu fakta yang mereka sudah tidak ikatan lagi je. Aku seram bab2 cerai ni. Yes, Tiada perkahwinan yang indah dan sempurna, ada masa jahat, ada masa baik, ada masa gaduh, ada masa baik-baik. Hatta hal kecik pun boleh terus melarat-larat sampai jadi besar bila yang kecik tibe-tiba dikaitkan dengan hal lain yang menyakitkan. Masing-masing tak nak mengalah. Ya looo.. Perkahwinan pun tidaklah selalu bahagia, ada tahap sampai nak cerai pun ada dah banyak kali tapi nasib baik tak sampai jadi disebabkan ada nya perbincangan walaupun dalam keadaan hati tengah sakit. Sejujurnya, sejahat-jahat aku, seburuk-buruk aku, aku still sayang suami aku looo... AKu just emosi tak tentu pasal. Kalau suami aku pandai pujuk, takde lah melarat-larat sampai nak jadi macam kes sekarang ni. Aku takut cerai tapi bila buat hal tak takut pula. Dia macam, hubungan suami dengan isteri aku anggap takkan terpisah, ikatan yang kuat sebagaimana ikatan anak dengan mak ayah. Seteruk mana pun derhaka kat mak ayah, still kita sayang mak ayah, still tak nak kehilangan mak ayah walaupun berbanyak kali kita buat perangai. Macam tu laa perasaanya bila dengan suami. Perangai kita macam budak2, banyak kerenah, mengada-ngada, emosi sampai tahap menyakitkan hati, kalau dapat suami penyabar layan perangai kanak2 ni takpelah. Kalau dapat suami baran, memang auto naik tangan. ITu kalau dah sampai tahap mendera tu memang cerai lah citernya. Yes, kadang memang salah isteri suka provok tapi tahu tak, sejahat-jahat seburuk-buruk isteri, isteri selalu mendoakan perubahan yang baik untuk suami dan isteri. Isteri kadang dalam hati mengaku je salah sendiri, tu sebab doa dan mengadu pada Allah, tak nak tunjuk mengalah dengan suami. Kadang isteri pun tak nak turunkan ego lagi nak melawan adalah tapi bila solat, jauh di sudut hati, Allah lembutkan hati untuk doakan keselamatan keluarga, suami, dan isteri dan anak. Dalam hati, time solatlah tibe2 lembut hati minta pada Allah supaya suaminya berada dalam perlindungan-Nya. Berbalik pada kes cerai/pergaduhan suami isteri hari ini yang disebarkan secara privasi oleh pemilik sendiri, yes, kita belajar, sekaya-kaya sebahagia mana pun diorang tunjuk pada masyarakat melalui social media, tidak kita ketahui apa yang terjadi di sebalik tadbir. Kadang sedih juga, perkahwinan yang dibina bertahun-tahun dan dah beranak pinak pun akhirnya terlerai jugak ikatan yang sah itu dengan satu lafaz yang dibenci Allah. Nak buat macam mana, alasan kita sebagai manusia yang lemah, tiada seperfahaman, tidak mahu melakukan dosa lagi. Sebab isteri sebenarnya senang dapat dosa tau bila dengan suami. Suami tolong lah sikit isteri, jangan bagi isteri naik angin naikkan suara, jangan jadi suami dungu. Kau rasa hebat ke buat isteri berperangai macam tu? Tak kasihan kat isteri, isteri tertinggi suara sikit dah jatuh derhaka, isteri buat muka toya sikit pun dah dosa, apa2 lah yang menyakiti suami senang2 je dapat dosa, isteri merungut pasal apa dia dah buat selama ni pun terus lebur segala pahala dia begitu saja sebab mengungkit depan suami. EHHH, isteri bukan saja2 tau mengungkit, kita nak bagi suami ingat, tolonglah hargai kepenatan isteri. Tombol pintu pun boleh buat gaduh, kain jatuh pun boleh buat gaduh tau. Sebab apa isteri marah? Dia bukan marah pintu, bukan marah kain tu tapi dia melepaskan emosi nya ke situ padahal dia sedang penat. Tadi mengemas kat dapur, dah tu nak masak pulak. Masak bukannye tak penat, nak hiris bawang satu2, sayur nak kene basuh satu2, pagi2 dah kene fikir ayam ikan beku nak kene keluarkan awal2 tengah hari kang nak masak, pagi2 dah fikir eh anak lapar nanti nak sarapan apa untuk baby. Dapat pulak suami yang jenis kerja keluar pagi balik malam. Suami dia dapat je membantu tapi lelah sikitlah. Kadang ada suami bukan jenis keje ofis keje duduk2, dapat suami kene pergi sana sini bawak barang, balik mesti dah lelah. Kita isteri mestilah kesian tapi kita tolonglah.
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Dosamu adalah Dosaku
Menyambung pembahasan tentang tulisan kemarin yaitu pendidikan terakhir untuk istri. Diperbolehkannya memukul, menjadi peringatan terakhir sebelum yang paling puncak adalah seolah sang suami berkata kepada istri,
"Aku adalah suamimu. Tugasku adalah membimbing kamu ke surga. Jadi, dosamu adalah dosaku. Kalau kamu masih bermaksiat dan aku tetap suamimu, aku dosa maka aku pukul untuk mengingatkanmu."
Tentu diperbolehkan memukul dengan 3 syarat yang disebutkan kemarin. Jika masih belum berubah, yang paling terakhir adalah talak. Talak ada 2 jenis.
Pertama. Talak 1, talak 2 dan talak 3.
Jika suami mengatakan 'kamu saya talak' atau semisal yang maknanya sama seperti 'sekarang kita bukan lagi suami istri' atau 'mulai hari ini saya pulangkan kamu ke orang tuamu' atau yang semisal bermakna sama. Maka, dalam hal ini suami sebagai kepala rumah tangga perlu belajar agama karena perkata talak bukanlah main-main dan jangan bermudah-mudahan dalam mengucapkannya. Jika suami telah mengucapkan talak maka jatuhlah talak 1 bagi istri dan setelahnya berlaku masa iddah.
Masa iddah adalah masa tunggu hingga cerainya sempurna. Masa iddah terhitung 3 kali masa suci perempuan setelah haid. Selama masa iddah, istri tidak boleh keluar rumah. Meskipun telah talak tapi ia masih terhitung istri. Istri juga tetap tinggal di rumah suami sebab barangkali dalam menunggu 3 kali suci istrinya sadar kembali. Hal inilah merupakan pendidikan sang suami.
Jika sebelum 3 kali suci, suami dan istri baikan misal dengan perkataan 'kita balikan yuk' atau 'mulai hari ini kita suami-istri lagi yuk' atau dengan suami mengajak berhubungan badan maka itu sudah terhitung rujuk.
Jika setelah rujuk ternyata timbul pertengkaran suami-istri lagi dan suami menjatuhkan talak lagi maka terhitung talak 2. Berlaku kembali masa iddah. Apabila dalam masa iddah dan menunggu 3 kali suci suami-istri baikan dan balikan dengan perkataan atau ajakan yang semisal seperti di atas maka terhitung rujuk. Jika ternyata terjadi prahara rumah tangga lagi dan suami menjatuhkan talak lagi maka sudah genap terhitung talak 3. Sudah sempurnalah cerai di sini dan tidak bisa rujuk lagi kecuali dengan 1 hal. Yaitu mereka harus menikah dengan pasangan yang baru lalu cerai dan hal ini tidak boleh disengaja atau disetting.
Lain hal dengan perkara ini. Jika semisal suami menjatuhkan talak kemudian selama masa iddah tidak ada niat baik untuk kembali hingga tercapai 3 kali suci maka terhitung sempurna perceraiannya. Mereka tidak lagi sebagai suami-istri. Jika sebelumnya istri masih diperkenankan untuk tinggal bersama maka jika sudah sempurna perceraiannya, mereka harus pisah rumah. Jika suatu saat laki-laki tadi ingin kembali lagi dengan perempuan tersebut maka harus dengan akad lagi. Tidak bisa hanya sebatas perkataan rujuk.
Kedua. Langsung talak 3.
Jenis kedua ini apabila seorang suami berkata 'saya talak 3 kamu' maka sudah terhitung talak sempurna.
Talak bukanlah merupakan hal yang haram dilakukan tapi talak merupakan hal yang dibenci oleh Allah. Maka, ibadah menikah yang menjadi ibadah terpanjang di sisa usia sangat perlu diupayakan untuk menggapai sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah dengan semangat belajar selalu. Semoga dengan ilmu menjadikan kita semakin taat kepadaNya.
Semoga Allah mampukan dan kuatkan kita untuk menyemai cinta dengan mengharap ridhoNya di dalam rumah tangga yang penuh berkah ini dan kita dijauhkan dari godaan jin yang tidak pernah lelah menggoda suami-istri. Aamiin.
#klip2024#kelasliterasiibuprofesional#februari2024#28022024#ibuprofesional#sinergiwujudkanaksi#ip4id2024#resumekajian#resumeyoutube#talak#cerai#pendidikan terakhir untuk istri
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Hro Talak
A general in the Imperial Thanagarian Forces, Hro Talak was a proud and effective commander in his peopleās centuries-long war with the Gordanians. During this conflict, General Talak fell in love with fellow soldier Shayera Hol and the two became engaged.Ā They had to delay their nuptials, however, when Shayera was dispatched to Earth so to gage the planetās defenses under the pretense of protecting them from a Gordanian attack. Ā
While on Earth, Shayera operated as the heroic Hawkgirl and joined the Justice League.Ā She also fell in love with her teammate, the Green Lantern John Stewart. Despite her being promised to Talak, Shayera began a romance with John.
Several years later, The Thanagarians made themselves known to the people of Earth with an armada of their warships entering orbit.Ā General Talak led the delegation and informed the people of Earth that Thanagar intended to protect them from an impending invasion from the Gordanians.Ā Yet it was all a ruse.Ā In truth, Thanagar planned to destroy Earth as part of the creation of a hyperspace bypass rout that would facilitate a sneak attack on the Gordanian homeworld
Shayera was horrified when she was made aware of Thanagarās true intentions and that Hro Talak (whom she once loved) would be willing to sacrifice billions of innocent souls in his desperation to gain victory over the Gordanian.Ā She ultimately chose to betray Thanagar and sided with the Justice League.Ā The League was ultimately able to fend off Talak and his army and the defeated general was forced to abandon his plans and flee. Ā
Although Earth had been spared, it came at a heavy cost for Thanagar.Ā The Gordanian ended up winning their war and the Thanagarian Empire fell.Ā General Talak perished in the final days of the conflict, sacrificing himself so to take down a Gordanian flagship.
Actor Victor Rivers provided the voice for Hro Talak with the warrior first appearing in the twenty-fourth episode of the second season of Justice League, āStarcrossed Part I.āĀ
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I saw you mentioned you like broadway Cats, do you think you'd tackle doing a cats wig hair in the distant future? sorry if this comes off weird im high and on Cats binge and thought of your feline cc
probably not a Cats wig exactly, but I do want to eventually make a hairstyle or two designed specifically for catsims. they'll most likely be based off my personal headcanons for cathar manes, but some of those can get very Cats-like so hopefully there'll be something that works for you in there.
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Hot take: Hroās a good guy by Thanagarian standards and a not so good guy by American standards, and that was hard for Shayera to reconcile with because while she is a Thanagarian who was raised on Thanagar, being on Earth for five years with very minimal contact with her home-world changed her expectations of other people and she didnāt recognize that change until it was nearly too late
#hro talak#Shayera hol#Hawkgirl#justice league#justice league unlimited#thereās a lot of cultural differences to think about with Shayera#like people hating her for cheating on Hro and John but this bitch LITERALLY jokes about poisioning romantic rivals I-#dont think cheating is as much of a cardinal sin where she came from
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Alright, Lydia, maybe even outlining this Post-Starcrossed AU Shayera/Hro fic shows how masochistic you can be at times.
#i woke up one morning and chose pain and violence#yeah greenhawk is an angst sundae but this has it's own set of angst#as these two would have more of an bumpy road of reconciliation than greenhawk#given the note their relationship ended at starcrossed#lydia writes fanfiction#dc fanfic#dcau#shayera hol#hro talak
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Justice Society of America 1999* sketchpage
*not strictly set in 1999 bc of [redacted] but this team riffs on a lot of '90s anti-heroes set against a backdrop of turn of the millennium apocalyptism, so it's a useful shorthand.
This is a team Diana put together as she was working to revive the Justice Society in the modern day. It's remembered later on as the "Lost Souls" era, a group of abandoned legacies and sidekicks thrust into a violent world with immense power they don't quite understand. Hro Talak was seeking redemption for his part in the failed Thanagarian invasion by this point, taking on the role of Hawkman outside of the League's Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman pairing. Baal Batson/Captain Thunder I just talked about, but this is the modern version that Billy accidentally unlocked while exploring his own mystical potential.
Among the rest of the team's ranks, Jared Stevens, Chase Lawler, Al Rothstein, Sanderson Hawkins, and Jack Knight are all locked in various states of arrested development, the irony and rage of their generation rendered ridiculous and sad in the face of Diana's grandeur and Billy's raw power. Holding the team together in their underbelly is Shiro Ito, the infamous "Doctor Dragon" (sensationalized in the West as "Dragon KIng"), a century baby attempting to manage the trickier conditions of fellow members like Nuklon as his atomic abilities continue to mutate his body.
#dc#headverse#fanart#au#justice society of america#jsa#justice society#wonder woman#baal#shazam#wild huntsman#manhunter#agent fate#doctor fate#nuklon#atom smasher#hro talak#hawkman#shiro ito#dragon king#doctor dragon#sandman#sandy the golden boy#golden oldie
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dcau stans are so close to realizing that shayera's romantic storylines with hro talak were actually just shit. the reason the justice league didn't care about her 'abusive' relationship is because the writers put 0 thought into properly addressing shayera's trauma and only cared about selling their crackships as this great grand love story. not once did shayera actually talk about her trauma to the justice league despite the justice league supposedly being her found family.
and you want to know what's sad? the dcau team had a book called hawkworld that properly addressed shayera's history with misogynistic abuse on thanagar. and they instead chose to prioritize a crackship instead of building up on shayera's actual history with thanagar.

#hro talak#shayera hol#hawkgirl#john stewart#justice league#starcrossed#dcau#justice league unlimited
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Ta'lak, Stars' elder sister. Stars has mixed feelings about her; Ta'lak never meant to hurt Stars & was doing what she had to do to survive, but being left behind by someone you love is traumatizing. They do get back in contact, though, & Stars gets to meet Ta'lak's children.
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its supposed to hit 80Ā° today and tomorrow can i start killing people now
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I think a lot about the Hro vs Shayera fight.
(OG text post here.)
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If you encode the word "souls" with, consecutively, Tuelk, Talak, and then Daetas, you get Tiamat.
Break consonant clusters with A.
#daily cryptolangs#cryptolang#cryptolangs#cl daetas#cl talak#cl tuelk#tiamat#dnd#d&d#dungeons and dragons
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Pendidikan Terakhir Untuk Istri
Aku tertarik dan penasaran ketika muncul judul tersebut di beranda youtubeku, "Pendidikan terakhir? Apa ini? Belasan menit pula, tonton aah." Sebelum sampai pada pembahasan yang ingin kutulis juga di tulisanku kali ini sebagai ilmu dan pengingat diri, apakah teman-teman sudah bisa menebak? Cluenya adalah karena disebutkan bahwa untuk istri maka tentunya pendidikan ini hanya bisa didapatkan dalam pernikahan dari suami untuk istri. Dan hal ini penting untuk diketahui oleh suami dan istri agar tidak menyepelekan betapa sakralnya akad yang terucap dan mulianya kehidupan rumah tangga. Ibadah terpanjang ini memang haruslah dijalani dengan serius dalam menggapai ridho Allah.
Disclaimer, apa yang aku tulisankan adalah rangkuman berdasarkan yang aku pahami terhadap apa yang Ustadz Felix Siauw sampaikan pada video ini. Teman-teman juga bisa menyimak sendiri, ya.
Dalam pernikahan, pendidikan awal ketika suami mendapati istrinya bermaksiat adalah berbicara yang baik dengan menasehati istrinya. Perlu hati yang besar dan kesadaran dari suami bahwa barangkali kesalahan istri adalah karena suami gagal mendidik istri. Tidak mudah memang, tapi intropeksi diri sang suami ini mungkin untuk dilakukan. Bicaralah dengan baik dan lembut kepada istrimu. Fokusnya istri ada pada telinganya dan bukan matanya maka kunci utamanya adalah bicara baik dan lembut, bukan marah ataupun mengamuk. Jika hal itu terjadi, jangan heran jika berdampak pada hubungan yang menjadi tidak baik. Namun, apabila suami mampu menasehati dan memberi pengertian dengan lembut atas izin Allah hati istri akan mudah luluh.
Kalau masih belum bisa berubah lebih baik, masih maksiat, belum bisa diyakinkan dan masih marah, lakukan cara selanjutnya yaitu pisah tempat tidur. Berikan waktu kepada istri untuk merenungi kesalahan yang telah ia lakukan dengan batas maksimal adalah 3 hari.
Jika masih saja belum menemukan titik terangnya maka selanjutnya adalah menunjuk hakim untuk masing-masing yaitu suami sendiri dan istri sendiri. Dua hakim ini kemudian saling berbicara untuk mencari penyelesaian secara objektif yang perlu disepakati oleh suami-istri untuk dijalankan.
Jika ternyata sampai cara ini belum ada perubahan, selanjutnya adalah boleh memukul istri. Hah?! Dengan syarat tidak boleh di area wajah, tidak boleh berbekas dan tidak boleh menyakitkan. Memukul adalah cara terakhir sebelum satu hal lagi. Sebagai bentuk dan harapan sang istri akan mampu berubah. Pukulan ini seolah berbicara bahwa yang dilakukan istri sudah sangat salah.
Dan selanjutnya adalah pendidikan terakhir yang sempat aku singgung di awal. Apakah itu? Iya, talak. Wahai para suami, janganlah kamu bermudah-mudahan mengucapkan kata talak baik secara tersurat ataupun tersirat yang bermakna sama atau semisal bahkan hanya bercanda. Ada 3 hal yang bercandanya adalah serius yaitu nikah, talak, dan rujuk.
Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam bersabda :
ļŗļ»¼ļŗ ļŗļŗŖļ»«ļ»¦ ļŗļŗŖ ļ»ļ»«ļŗ°ļ»ļ»¬ļ»¦ ļŗļŗŖ : ļŗļ»ļ»Øļ»ļŗļŗ” ļ»ļŗļ»ļ»ļ»¼ļ» ļ»ļŗļ»ļŗ®ļŗļ»ļŗ .
āAda 3 hal yang seriusnya serius, dan bercandanya dianggap serius, yaitu : nikah, cerai, dan rujuk.ā
(HR. Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, dan Ibnu Majah)
Pernikahan merupakan ikatan suci bagi laki-laki dan perempuan yang Allah takdirkan bersatu. Ibadah panjang ini perlu dikuatkan dengan semangat belajar dari masing-masing agar menjadi sebaik-baik pasangan seperti yang Allah mau. Pembahasan kali ini mengingatkan istri untuk belajar taat terhadap suami dan tetaplah berada dalam koridorNya. Sedangkan bagi suami, mulutmu adalah harimaumu maka jika terjadi masalah dalam rumah tangga, dinginkan otak terlebih dahulu, tetap jaga kesadaran sehingga tidak bermudah-mudahan dalam mengucapkan talak.
Pembahasan talak kita bahas lain kali, ya. Semoga tidak lupa, hehe. Sekian dan semoga bermanfaat.
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