#take this as shippy or non shippy as you wish
iwillhaveamoonbase · 2 years
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
What this ask is missing, a bit, is that Death of the Author *does* mean that the author’s take on things is no more or less valid than anyone else’s. It’s about decentering authorial intent in analyses of media. Barthes is pretty clear and quite pointed about it in the original essay.
What bothers me about misuses of it and what I think this anon means to say is when people start decentering the actual *text*. The idea behind Death of the Author is also that the text stands alone. You don’t need to look at any extra shit to understand it. As you said, it was a response to a mode of analysis that obsessed over plumbing through author biographies.
The issue with what people do in fandom is they ignore the text. “I don’t like this element of canon, so it doesn’t exist.” (Which is different from arguing that it’s there but it sucks because of XYZ reasons, so I’m going to consciously ignore it in my fan works. This is when people just act like it isn’t there in the text in the first place.) “You have to take my bizarro world out-of-nowhere headcanon that is based on nothing except that I want it to be true, that I love this character and I wish they were XYZ therefore they are” and take it just as seriously as headcanons that actually engage with what’s in the show/video game/book/movie/whatever and use that as their basis (like building off something that is subtextual in the original work).
Granted we all do this to some degree, we all come to a text with our own biases and you can’t *always* easily separate those out, and that can affect, for instance, your interpretation of what the subtext is, but I think the irritating fandom behavior is when this kind of ignoring-the-text-to-substitute-your-own-reality is this very deliberate sort of laziness. The annoying thing in my current fandom is people who are fans of this one ship that they insist is the most progressive and other people just don’t see the scintillating “subtext” of because we are bigots or whatever, between two characters who don’t interact that much for two MCs and when they do it’s not at all shippy (but these characters both have very shippy subtext with different characters), but where these people think the ship *should* exist because of their identities. And their “evidence” for the ship is always gifsets taken way out of context and not including the dialogue that makes the non-shippy context for that scene very clear (including that it might actually be shippy for conflicting pairings). It’s like this bizarre version of “close reading” that strips out the largely context *deliberately* in order to make a particular conclusion seem more compelling than it actually is.
Anyway, all that ignoring-the-text stuff is STILL bad analysis per DOTA. Since the point of DOTA is to go based on the text, if you’re obscuring the text you’re kind of just installing yourself as a new author.
This is why DOTA doesn’t mean “anything goes.” It just means “authorial intent is just one interpretation that doesn’t have to matter.” It doesn’t mean other stuff we use in analysis doesn’t matter, and if anything the point is to make it even more text-centric than the older author-centric analyses were. People can still disagree about what the text says, of course, but they should both be going back to it in how they construct those arguments, and not, like those shippers, deliberately ignoring chunks of the text that weaken their arguments.
I don't think all of them are consciously throwing out actual canon, but they are often throwing out all context that would help evaluate subtext.
Like... if you're analyzing a Marvel movie, you might ignore what the director said in an interview, but you probably shouldn't entirely ignore the fact that it is a Marvel movie and apply assumptions that make sense for some arthouse film.
And, yes, if you're arguing for shippy subtext, even unintentional on the part of creators, "I like this ship because..." needs very little, but "This ship has more support than this other ship" requires going back to the actual text and looking at it in its totality.
There's a lot of faux-intellectualism around garbage like TJLC where people try to make themselves feel smart by using the language of close reading while having the media literacy of a bucket of rotting fish.
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whats ur take on the last scene between ted and trent?
I'm gonna assume you mean the last solo scene between the 2 of them when trent watches ted read the manuscript (please correct me if i'm wrong).
Honestly, i was very very surprised to see that people were genuinely upset about the scene after watching the ep and coming on here. I thought it was an amazingly sweet scene (and golden shipping material). Sure, it wasn't a bold declaration of love or a tearful goodbye but it was EVERYTHING. Trent clearly feeling nervous about ted's opinion on the book (he didn't really seem to care about beard's numerous comments) and ADMITTING that he REALLY wants ted to like it. It's cute because we haven't seen nervous trent in a while and from a shipping perspective.... trent essentially admitted his crush. Trent knew the book was about ted and for ted, it was trent's love letter to ted before he leaves and trent can now watch the reaction of the man he carries so much adoration for to this very personal piece of work in real time. And (also from a non-shippy perspective) ted realises this. He tries to calm trent's nerves by making an off-hand joke and essentially tells him "you don't need to worry, i already know i'll love it (because you made it)". And then ted does his special trent crinkly-eyed smile???? And trent gets all flustered and winks at ted????? And tHEN TED GOES "GOODNIGHT TRENT" AS A CALLBACK TO "GOODNIGHT SPORT"???? Like, i genuinely lost my shit, that was NOT in my bingo cards for the last episode. Would i have enjoyed a canon acknowledgement of queer stuff between the two of them? Yous all know i would, with my heart and soul. But that was never my expectation and so i wasn't disappointed when it didn't happen. But what DID happen was wonderful and i'm glad the writers gave that moment of privacy and quiet to ted and trent as well as the little following moments when we see trent tear up after the richmond win and then honouring ted's legacy by granting him one last wish since trent would do anything for ted: change the title of the book, trent's baby, pride and joy and open love letter to ted and the greyhounds.
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dragonologist-phd · 3 months
what are your aloth takes for the ask game?
ooh thank you!
How I feel about this character
He’s my favorite wizard and I just want him be safe and happy. Seriously someone give this lad a break look at him he’s got anxiety!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
huh, I’m realizing I don’t have many shippy thoughts for him! I don’t know if I see him with any companions…the crush he and Benessa had on each other was pretty cute, I think in different circumstances they could have a made a nice couple!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I really like him and Iselmyr as a team, once they learn to work together; I multiclassed him as rogue in Deadfire with the idea that Iselmyr “takes the wheel” when he needs to rogue stuff, and I just find that kind of thing really fun to play with like that!
As for people who don’t live in his head, I would love to see him and Fassina hanging out. I just wanna listen to them talk about wizard theorems and complain about their old bosses
My unpopular opinion about this character
Oh boy…so, I don’t think he and Eder like each other all that much? The vibe they’ve always given me is “2 guys who don’t vibe but who share a mutual friend they’re both really close with so they’ve learned to tolerate each other”
And objectively I get the appeal of putting them in situations together, I’ve just personally never been super invested in shipping them or seeing them as besties
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Again, I just don’t love the Deadfire character writing. I feel like they could have done something more with his quest…it almost feels like a rough draft, if that makes sense? Honestly I would trade all the Deadfire romances in exchange for companion quests that got more polish
(Don’t get me wrong, I love shipping him and my Watcher, and his romance scenes are sweet. But Obsidian doesn’t really shine with romance, and in general I think they do better when they leave that off the table and just focus on rounding out the characters)
GIVE ME A CHARACTER and I’ll break their ass down!
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Ask game: 1, 3, 6, 8 for RotE🔥🔥🔥
omg you really did choose violence 😭😭😭
#1 A character everyone gets wrong: I'm going to make a bold choice and say Beloved, mainly because I think a lot of the fandom kind of infantilizes him, overlooking how strong, determined, and goal-oriented he is. Don't get me wrong, Beloved has a lot of heart and a lot of love to give, but what makes his character so compelling is that he absolutely wouldn't give up his Path for a life with Fitz. He loves Fitz, and he needs Fitz (literally, as the Catalyst), to bring about change, but he's always been willing to give up everything, even Fitz, if he thinks the Path depends on it. Beloved is someone who has always operated on the assumption that his life was not his own to live, and I think he'd have a hard time existing in domestic bliss with Fitz or anyone else without some higher purpose in life. I also 100% take him at face value when he tells Fitz he's been with other people before.
#3 The worst take I've seen on tumblr: I don't have a screenshot, but Molly hate, hands down. Probably the absolute worst was the take that she's an abusive gold-digger who was only with Fitz for his status. Never have I seen such a blatant misreading of a character.
#6 Which ship fans are the most annoying: This is a trick question because this fandom only has one ship with the numbers to really be annoying, and that's Fitzloved. The main thing that's annoying about Fitzloved shippers (and Fitzloved mutuals, I love you but y'all know this is true!) is just the tendency to steer every conversation towards the ship and overlook other characters or the non-Fitzloved centric-books. I wish we had more fanworks for other ships and gen stuff, but it is what it is, it's a small fandom and Fitzloved is the only semi-canon pairing that hits a lot of those tropey shippy notes.
#8 Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: That Fool's Assassin sucks. It took me re-reading it to appreciate it, but that book is a gem. It's very slice of life, and not everyone's cup of tea (after all, it's Fitz book mostly without Beloved) but there's a lot going on beneath the surface and it reveals a lot about Fitz's character and choices heading into the final books.
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laithraihan · 6 months
I'm the anon who sent you the long message that apparently came off "pompous & infantilizing" and more to your followers.
I find it interesting that that message sparked such a flood of defenders, when I did not send it in bad faith at all. From your answer it seems I'm lacking context so sorry if I took some of your statements the wrong way, but nonetheless I just found the parental love addition strange and reacted to that, that was all there was to it. I clearly stated (three times) I'm not taking any issue with your headcanons.
By saying they are far removed from canon I did not mean to say they are "too unrealistic" or something is wrong with that, I literally said the opposite. I meant just that, that factually, this will not be a common interpretation for someone who is familiar with the source material but not your blog. This is not a statement that I made with any judgemental value and I thought I made that very clear but apparently not.
So I'm sorry for the additional ask.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for the response.
I was fully aware you said there was no issue with what I drew, but the way you wrote everything else sort of negated that statement. At least that's how me and many other people saw it.
If someone finds what I drew strange or confusing then they could always just... block me or ask me about it (and btw I expected people to be confused, otherwise I wouldnt have labeled it "non-coupling" as soon I posted it lol)
Someone did ask me about it, and you seem to have already seen that response, yet you still felt the need to send another message basically implying that an explanation wasn't enough (turns out it actually wasnt enough because people said I was lying and in denial) and that my explanation was weird too? Which is whatever I already ended up clarifying that, English is not my first language and I type things with the help of a translator (I wish people could actually keep this in mind. I only type in English because it'll reach a wider audience and it's the language most of my followers know. Often I have to google words people tell me online, or I ask my friends fluent in English to explain things for me)
You can say "that's not what I intended" but that's how it came across... you wrote a lot of nice words while also saying it was understandable that people were ganging up on me over a drawing, it seemed patronizing.
That's why me and others took offense to it, but I think it's difficult to tell tone through text so I don't want to keep nitpicking this any further. If you say you had no ill intent then I believe you.
The following will just be me adding more context and not necessarily aimed at you: Again I understand the lack of context of my account can make people confused about my art, Ive made that clear many times.
The art I made where I said "if your parents didnt love you then it's obvious" was a direct response to people who were mocking me specifically for tagging the art as "non-coupling" because they didnt believe me. They got the context and decided I was trying to hide a fetish because a kiss on the cheek was "obviously shippy". They proceeded to compare this to drawing NSFW of Mob and Reigen by labelling it "non-ship" as if it was comparable to tucking a child into bed, that's what upset me. I did absolutely nothing to these people, I dont know them, if they said this privately I wouldnt care but it was public, and they also targeted another friend of mine for no reason.
All Im gonna say is that my drawing shouldnt have caused this much controversy in the first place. I labeled it "non-coupling" as soon as I posted it, which should've been enough honestly. It's not like I posted porn or anything like that, I got the idea from something Ive experienced in my family as a teenager and I could easily google stock images of the exact same scenario to use as reference, like I really didnt think it was that bad.
Anyways I think I've explained myself many times already. Im not gonna be hostile and say to people "roh t9awed dont ever send me anything else related to this" but just.. check if Ive already answered your question so that it doesnt end up being repetitive. If you have a question about this that I havent answered yet, then feel free to ask.
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fitzrove · 8 months
8, 13, 23! :)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
There used to be more of these before I started proselytizing dghhfh but nowadays I think common opinion can be kind of good sometimes >:]
For TdV I think it's 100% that TB is a good Krolock... he's not, he's just slightly better than the others they keep casting/reanimating (ahshfhjgj). I think for Totale Finsternis to work you want someone who is serious about it and not hammy with the bite, but also someone who isn't a genuine paranormal romance guy...
For Elisabeth... hmmmmmmm I still don't really like Essen SHSDHFHFJ. Like, I understand it more than I once did, and it's not a bad take as a whole unlike some, but it's unforgivable to me how they handle the Rudolf stuff, and I think it makes the work incomplete.
Also: Lucheni (or sometimes Rudolf) as "crazy" - semi-common in fanfic. They are not crazy. Even if you want to write something like psychosis as a plot element (psychotic depression for Rudolf), you can't sum that up as "crazy" because that's not what psychosis is. It's deeply historically inaccurate and including it - to me - just shows a poor understanding of how mental health conditions work. Just because someone was violent and mentally ill doesn't mean there's necessarily a connection, and even if there was, people rarely portray stuff like that with nuance. To me they both had strong political agendas and childhood trauma & the ideas about masculinity, influence and power from that time are also at work. As a non-psychotic mentally ill person I think mental illness in fiction being written in complex ways is much more interesting than resorting to stereotypes or misunderstandings...
13. worst blorboficiation
My own of Rudolf LMAOOO
Genuinely: I think Krolock... because to me, the blorboification often comes from a less emotionally fulfilling place than it could be coming from (a lot of emphasis on specific love/relationship stuff vs the underlying issue of loneliness, selfishness and greed). Yeah yeah, pastor's daughter, we get it, but did you listen to the rest of the song HAHDHFHF
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Elisatod... in HIGHLY specific circumstances xD But that basically means stuff that I write myself, or fic that isn't explicitly shippy but keeps my reading of the canon dynamic they have (in the Vienna original and Vienna revival, that is). I wish I could enjoy lesbian elisatod but I don't because I can't get into zuka Elisabeth (character).
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peachjagiya · 5 months
maybe i will get in trouble for this but i don't like the fact that bh pushes jkk so much like every unit photoshoot, every bts thing, even in this damn drama theyre "paired" together, i don't mind it sometimes but everytime???? like everytime. i mean to me it doesn't really make sense cuz if you want money and engagement wouldn't it make sense to pair up tae and jk - the two most popular kpop idols - together?? i don't know what exactly is bh's agenda here
im so confused how to feel about this because on one hand, the general army consensus is that jkk are the closest cuz you see them together all the time and they also "enlisted together" and thats fine i feel in a way that protects tkk you know keeps them away from the limelight and risks but on the other hand, you see all these dumbos claiming that tkk are not close at all and they have grown distant or whatever. it is sooooo. annoying.
You're not in trouble with me.
Tumblr media
I don't know what the deal is. Maybe they are protecting Taekook. That's the optimistic wide-eyed take.
Maybe it's something else. Recent focus on how Tae was negatively singled out and manipulated whilst a minor by B4ng PD makes me wonder if it isn't just as simple as he didn't want Tae to be as popular as he is. 🤷 So why would he pair him with JK, you know?
Isn't there a quote from JK about wishing they could mix the subunits up a bit? Or did I get tricked by fandom or false subs again?
I dunno, all theories feel delulu. But I can definitely feel my weird little brain planning to go through the album photobooks and trying to work out actual distribution of subunits. 😂
Side note/plus side: I noticed recently there's a decent number of Taegi subunit photoshoots. My favourite non-shippy duo ☺️😍
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okaihauexpress · 9 months
all my gen (non-shippy) jet lag fics!
i have included fics where you can read it as platonic or shippy, or where a ship is a background detail. i'll make sure to highlight these in the list! i'll also highlight what season the fic is set in, any special relationships or aus, and if there's any triggers (though make sure you still check the tags for any fics you click on) i've also only included completed fics for ease
wishing we were more than friends teen & up | sam & brian | background brian/ben | set in s4 | wc 1,521
holding back the flood teen & up | sam & brian, sam & toby | sam & toby are siblings! | big fantasy au prequel | wc 5,626
at the edge of lament general | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 1,536
hauraki detour general | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 3,957
everything is fine (but i guess i'm not okay) teen & up | sam & ben | set in s5 | wc 4,246
she will be the warrior of the north and southern seas general | sam & toby | fantasy au one-shot | wc 2,626
another moment would've been too much general | sam & brian | wc 2,659
sing you lullabies teen & up | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 2,461
at least we're not alone general | sam & adam | set in s3 | wc 2,690
bulletproof general | sam & adam & ben & toby | wc 1,021
all i want is to be loved teen & up | sam & toby, sam & brian, sam & joseph, sam & adam | sam & toby are siblings! | background ben/adam | soulmates au! | wc 6,060
i'll die from the emotions that i kept down for years general | adam & ben | trans male ben | set in s5 | wc 2,007
Корона твоя general | sam & adam & ben & toby | set in s5 | wc 1,828
i'm scared that i'm falling behind general | sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 1,778
with broken wings we learn to fly teen & up | ben & toby | fantasy au one-shot | wc 4,313
i see you for who you are general | sam & toby | asexual sam! | set in s5 | wc 2,026
siamo i soli svegli in tutto l'universo general | ben & adam | can be read as shippy | set in s4 | wc 1,422
i'm a volcano that is going to explode teen & up | ben & adam | set in s5 | wc 1,636
take a little sip of venom now mature | sam & brian | tw: suicide attempt, major character death | nuclear war au | wc 4,186
dreams i have ignored teen & up | sam & brian | set in s4 | wc 2,162
you told me the right thing (at the right time) general | sam & ben | trans male ben | set in s3 | wc 3,613
victory's your only payment general | sam & brian | big fantasy au prequel | wc 2,324
i can smell you like an animal mature | sam & ben | tw: major character death | vampire au | wc 4,245
diçka mrena frymen ma nal teen & up | sam & ben | wc 3,119
i asked for nobody's help teen & up | sam & ben | wc 2,611
promise me it's gonna be alright general | ben & adam | set in s2 | wc 1,390
abriguito pa tus pena' general | sam & ben | wc 1,144
life is just a game (and i'm playing for the win) teen & up | sam & ben, sam & brian | tw: major character injury | formula 1 au | wc 8,411
colder by the minute teen & up | sam & adam | set in s6 | wc 6,652
you're alive general | sam & adam, adam & toby | star wars au! | wc 1,811
evolutionary advantage general | sam & ben | can be read as shippy | wc 1,184
it's ghost time! general | sam & ben & adam | wc 951
some kind of fairy tale general | ben & toby | star wars au! | wc 1,701
take a sip from the devil's cup mature | ben-centric | tw: murder | wc 1,377
safe with me general | sam & toby | set during s5 | wc 1,350
somebody's watching me general | sam & brian | wc 675
s'mores & spooks general | sam & brian & ben & adam | wc 1,441
kiss it better teen & up | sam & ben & adam | wc 2,938
australian sensibilities general | ben & toby | set in s5 | wc 646
avuncular energy general | sam & scotty | wc 1,851
meow meow ceo general | sam & dave | werewolf au | wc 700
together, or not at all general | sam & ben | weeping angels exist | wc 1,292
too late general | sam & michelle | fantasy au one-shot | wc 1,212
voice cracks teen & up | sam & ben | trans male ben | set in s8 | wc 3,093
a safe pair of hands teen & up | sam & brian | wc 1,348
things that go bump in the night teen & up | adam & sam & ben & toby & michelle | sam & toby are siblings! | background ben/adam | wc 7,659
cursed general | toby-centric | wc 1,224
trick or treat! general | adam & sam & ben & toby | sam & toby are siblings! | wc 1,621
a taste of love general | ben-centric | wc 1,323
blinded by the cold general | sam & ben & adam | wc 2,630
say "don't go" general | sam & brian | wc 1,049
the next hot chocolate general | sam & ben & adam | wc 1,019
lightly salted french fry general | sam & michelle & ben & adam | wc 1,528
summits & surprises general | sam & brian | wc 1,304
mirrors teen & up | adam-centric | trans female adam! | wc 1,858
too much general | sam & toby | can also be read as sam/toby pre-relationship | autistic sam & toby | set in s5 | wc 3,411
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 month
i hope this isn’t a bother, i’m not sure if it’s worth knowing at all. but i was disheartened earlier when i was on x/twt and saw a seb fan hating on the idea of sebchris, and realized the specific speculative shippy post they were being vague about was recent from your blog.
ik everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it’s understandable to find rps unsavory, but it seemed very much like rage-bait for attention: acting like they’d never heard of it before and taking time out of their day to comment. i think you even mentioned you’d never want CE or SS to know about it and would never be disrespectful, it’s all in fun to be teasing. same for me. i swear so many mcufans live in a bubble, rps has been around since forever, lotr anyone? and speculation is kinda what hollywood already does. every celeb magazine cover you see is like: “are they DATING?” as long as no one is bothered, it’s really not that serious. there’s occasionally a double standard with non same sex co-stars too. these fans even ship themselves with the same actors and that’s not “creepy” either.
the reason we like the two of them as friends (or potentially more) isn’t bc we project steve/buck onto them, it’s how well they get along and how rare their irl connection is. without their chemistry SB wouldn’t even be what it is. and it’s sad that due to fandom, ppl feel the need to assert that CE and SS are straight or would never like each other, when that’s really their personal business and not ours. we just enjoy moments what they’ve already shown us, being invasive isn’t on the table.
but yeah, tumblr is a separated fandom space and i wish other fans would just ignore what they don’t like. you and all of us don’t deserve that. i guess we should be careful what’s posted in the SS or CE tag. sorry again about this.
Nah, that's fine, I get that. You need a place to express those frustrations and, also, yeah. Just. Yup. It's definitely rage bait because if you've been in fandom for longer than a minute than you've come across RPF. It's been around forever with fandom. It's fine. Besides, it's not like you can stop it by now, it's for fun and there's so many people that indulge. I do wish that more people, generally, including on Tumblr, but mostly off Tumblr would learn that if it's not for you... then navigate away from it. I think more people would be happier if they learned that lesson, lol. But, yeah, Tumblr is certainly a very unique internet place.
No need to be sorry, I'm totally chill to read your rants, haha.
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elfelt-valentine · 6 months
Hi! 3, 6, 9 and 12 (TF) and 8 and 15 for Ambulon please
Aecho Hi!!!!!
3...which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Auuughgh I'm not even gonna try and think too much but like half the deaths and deaths fake outs in mtmte are grating me, I think if i sat down and actually tried to tell you i wouldn't come up with anything concrete or really worse erasing. Despite how much criticism i give to tf media there's barely anything that makes me mad enough to erase it from existence.
6...which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
Charlie and Bumblebee is the biggest comfort to me!! I can't just keep talking abt idw1 LMAO their friendship is so wonderful and I hope we get to see them interact again at least briefly.
9...which characters I think should have interacted more in canon.
Oh man. It'd take another list. I think i would've loved to see Shockwave and Ambulon and combicons in general interact. Would've loved a little more into Shockwave working on the combiners and flashback on the combicons even if vaguely.
Amb got some daddy issues i know he does /j
12...what attracted me into checking it out.
It's actually been with me my whole life i was a HUGE transformers kid with the first two live action movies and tfp, i just kind of fell off when i started using internet much more. I had a HUGE crush on Bumblebee, esp Animated one, even wrote Ded Moroz a letter asking for an animated bumblebee toy. With a drawing. With me and Bee.
I didn't get the toy though and my parents never indulged me cuz they weren't big fans of me being into "boys" things so fucking jokes on them now.
Though if i had to say why i got so much into it recently (its going to be exactly a year since tomorrow. LMAO) its cuz I've had a passing interest in rewatching tfp and then i kind of got Really into starbee and found out about idw1, watched the live action Bumblebee, got Transformers devastation on my laptop, started reading a Lot of starbee fanfiction and eventually started reading idw1 and watching tfa, which became an actual rabbit hole for me. And here I am........
8...if I'm most interested in fics about them that focus on fluff, angst, humor, smut or actual plot?
I'll be real I mostly read fanfiction for smut cuz when it comes to anything non-shippy I'm very picky and particular w the way my favs are characterized and how things are written, but smut is somehow much less commitment to me lmao. Especially w Ambulon I'm very territorial w him.
So yea most fic I've read w him was smut.
I don't mind non-smut/ship fic recommendations I'm just bad at finding fic like that I would like lmao. Which is very funny to me cuz most stuff I write isn't really about shipping.
15...how I wish their story would go/would have gone.
He shouldn't have died like that, my entire Ambulon blog is a fix-it fanfiction. He's such a low stakes character from like. Narrative stand point, that his death is a tool for other characters "development". I don't really like how much his character was warped and twisted in general cuz Jro cannot be consistent w Ambulon for the life of him. But also I get it, y'know? His death was stupid but also not like, getting rid of another bg character is that much of a deal, even though it's insane how much personality and story he was given as a one-off character lmao.
I love the angst around his death though he makes a good story ghost.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I guess I count as proship because I want everyone to be able to write whatever they want, no matter how fucked up, and post it on the internet.
I like gore and horror and all that, and my own experience of enjoying fiction that depicts horrific things is what brought me to the ship-and-let-ship/YKINMYATOK philosphy. But, I also don't like sex scenes.
So I've got antis on one side telling me I'm a horrible monster proshipper literal criminal because I think it's fine when other people write shippy stuff I don't want to read. And I've got proshippers on the other side telling me I'm a horrible censorship-loving anti because of what I personally don't want to read.
More of the so-called "proshippers" need to get on board with "ship and let ship". They seem to only be defending what they personally want to read, and not taking a broader anti-censorship or non-judgemental stance; they're saying "I like this incest ship and you jerks need to leave me alone", when could be saying "we should all be allowed to ship what we want".
I will make a lot of noise on the behalf of people who want to write things I'd never want to even glance at in a million years, becuse that's my philosophical and ethical stance about fiction on the internet, and I wish more proshippers were actually pro shipping instead of just getting upset at how the hot new flavour of internet troll is effecting them personally.
Yuuuup. I don't really use the term for myself that much because people are wimps about actually committing to a "write what you want" stance.
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purlturtle · 2 months
Uhura from TOS
Oh wow! I'm gonna try! 😅 (from this ask meme)
How I feel about this character
I have a very soft spot for her - but more for outside-of-media reasons than in-universe reasons. A black woman, in a 60s TV show, with agency, rank, responsibilities and all that! Persuaded to stay on the show by Martin Luther King, inspired Whoopi Goldberg to go into acting, helped recruit women as astronauts for NASA - fucking amazing, nay: ICONIC.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
None, really? I didn't watch TOS enough to ship anyone with anyone - yes, not even the golden trio. I'm not very interested in slash ships. I watched the show all the way through once, and the movies a bit more - I do adore the one with the whales, and the Undiscovered Country, but as with all Star Trek movies, the side characters don't get a lot to do - and none of it romantic, in Uhura's case. As for Uhura/Spock, or Uhura/Chapel, the two big ones for her in fandom... *shrugs* I get that people ship them and to a degree I get why, I just... don't? Which is purely a reflection on how I personally interact with the show, not on the characters or other shippers. Like, I don't not ship her with anyone because I think she's ace or aro, but because I don't watch TOS in a shippy way at all.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Again, none. I like her frienships with all the characters, and through the tie-in novels, especially Uhura's Song, I've come to appreciate the dynamic between her and Spock - but not to the degree of shipping or OTPs.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't know that I have one, apart from not being a shipper perhaps?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Would have loved to see her in the Captain's Chair - I think she was in the chain of command the next one after Scotty? And I *think* we never saw her take command? But again, only watched it once all the way through, so I might not remember that she did, in fact, command the Enterprise in an episode.
Sorry for the somewhat lackluster reply - I hope it's not disappointing. If you wanted a more enthusiastic one, feel free to send me a character from TNG or VOY - those are the two Trek shows I'm much more invested in; i can be enthusiastic about them at the drop of a hat! 😅
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westerosiqueens · 2 months
Mun ask 1-26
mun ask
readmore for length
what does your URL mean, and why did you choose it? I write queens that are primarily from westeros, it is logical XD
what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why? I don't have an aesthetic or motif bc I'm laaaaazy
what fandom do you primarily favour? Right now HOTD is the big one, but I have separate blogs for each of my fandoms
what genre do you primarily favour? shippy stuff, unapologetically. also stuff with heavy emotions and smut.
what are your top five fandoms to RP within? HOTD/GOT, Sailor Moon, Star Wars, DBZ, Pirates of the Caribbean
what are you top five universes to RP within? Leashiverse ( @gentledoemuses ), general canon, Dany goes Green verses, modern verse, Rhaenyra/Daemon eloped and none of this happened verses
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why? any verse that considers s2 of hotd or s6-8 of got to be canon
if you are an independent blog, have you every roleplayed in a closed group? Yes
if you are in a closed group, have you ever roleplayed on an independent blog? n/a
what year did you join the tumblr roleplaying community? 2017
what other platforms have you used to roleplay? Twitter, AIM (etc.), Discord (still active), Facebook
what was the first fandom that you roleplayed witin? lmao Cats the Musical
have you written original characters? Yup!
have you been a roleplay admin? if you have, did you enjoy it? if you no longer do, why did you stop? I have; most of the groups I was in died out. There are things that are enjoyable, but honestly it almost always ended up being more trouble than it was worth
what is your favourite part about using this platform to roleplay on? Flexibility
how have your faceclaim choices changed over time? Most of my characters are canon. Allyria has gone through a few different faces but that's more because of age uncertainty than anything else
who was the first faceclaim that was 'ruined' for you in the rpc? why was that? I... am capable of separating character from FC so like. none? I think this is silly? sorry if you are serious about it
how did you come across the roleplay community? I had already been on tumblr and decided to try it out
who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)? Anne Hathaway for Meg @notaprincessaqueen
what age range do you most enjoy playing? Late teens to late 30s
what gender identity do you most enjoy playing? Females
what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching? I cannot even begin to list everything. I look up EVERYTHING. I want to be RIGHT.
what skills have you gained by roleplaying? Research skills. Google fu. The art of ignoring people and blocking for my own health. Not taking things so seriously
what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference) FC =/= character
what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference) FC =/= character
what faceclaim do you wish you could play, and why haven't you used them/yet? I don't have anyone bouncing around rn. I usually have the character concept and then find a FC that fits rather than the other way around
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tagged #300 event
In celebration of 300 followers I wanted to do a small event that would challenge my creativity! I’ve seen other blogs do writing and/or drawing events, and since I dabble in both I’ve decided to do one of my own! 
Most importantly, I wanted to thank y’all for being here. When I started this blog/comic I never imagined it would attract so many of y’all, especially in a fandom whose show ended in 2009. Thank y’all so much for all the love and support you’ve given me, honestly this little fandom pocket on tumblr is the best.💖
The event will be on from Sunday, April 16th 12am PST and will run through Monday, April 24th. During those dates I’ll be taking requests in my askbox only. Please don’t send replies or messages. I’ll compile the requests and complete them as I’m able to. Keep in mind my work schedule is all over the place, I might not be able to get to the prompts quickly, so please be patient with me.
Please pick one prompt, writing or drawing, per request! Please do not send me two or more requests per ask! Specify which characters and/or pairings (if applicable) you wish to be included. Pairings are not necessary, if you want just a fun little platonic drabble or doodle, I’m more than happy to do so!
You can send in more than one request, but please try not to send in too many. I won’t do the same person’s request twice in a row to give people an equal opportunity.
Please keep the number of characters in drawing prompts per request to 4 max. If I have too many characters to draw on one canvas it’ll take me forever lol.
 Right now, I’m NOT taking nsfw requests. I’m still not very confident in my ability to write and/or draw good nsfw stuff, and as such I would prefer to keep it out of this event. I WILL do fluff though, just no nakey or overly suggestive stuff.
 All characters (Including Torra if people so wish lol) and almost all pairings are safe. I you wanna suggest Sarah x Jonny, go for it, I’ll do my best lol. The ONLY pairings I will not do is Eddy’s Brother x anyone, or Torra x anyone. Hard Stop. I’ll draw or write Eddy’s Bro and Torra doing non-shippy things depending on what people send in, but not anything else.
With that in mind, please be mindful that it is my decision on what I chose to draw or write, I want to do my best to step outside my comfort zone, but if a prompt is too vague or I just don’t have any ideas for it, I’ll have to politely decline it. 
Lastly, I ask that you be polite in your requests, please don’t just bark orders at me. A simple please and thank you goes a long way <3
Pick from one of the dialogue prompts below and I’ll write a small passage surrounding that prompt with whichever characters you chose!
✨ - Please specify an activity for the characters to be doing for these prompts.
PLATONIC FRIENDLY (Can be shippy if you specify, but overall generally platonic friendly)
1. “Come over here and make me.”  ✨ 2. “Have you lost your damn mind!?”  ✨ 3. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” 4. “Teach me how to play?”  ✨ 5. “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” 6. “This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.” ✨ 7. “Just once.” ✨ 8. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.” ✨ 9. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.”  ✨ 10. “I got you a present.” 11. “It’s not what it looks like…” ✨ 12. “You did all of this for me?” ✨ 13. “Can I tell you a secret?” 14. Free Space, create your own prompt at your own risk, if it’s too vague or wild I might not take it. Just keep that in mind.
15. “Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?” 16. “Kiss me.” 17. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.” 18. “I’m pregnant.” (I put this one in for shits and giggles bonus points if you give me a lgbt ship) 19. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” 20. “Wanna dance?” 21. "Are you flirting with me?”
Drawing prompts are less structured, and more up to what you want to see me draw! Send me a prompt, and characters, and I’ll make a doodle based on that prompt. Below are some ideas, but you don’t have to follow them strictly. Keep in mind that since drawing prompts are more freeform, there’s a chance I might not do them, but I’ll try!
Fluff (Cuddling, kissing, just generally cutesy stuff)
Seasonal (Beach Party, Building a Snowman, Playing in a leaf pile, anything that’s generally seasonal)
Costume (What are they wearing? an example would be draw x-character wearing formal wear, or a specific outfit)
Angst (hit me with that heartache bro)
Animals (with animals, as animals etc)
AU (Fantasy, crossover, etc)
Activities (Dancing, playing games, playing an instrument etc)
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queenofbaws · 7 months
Good morning (...or night?), for Like Wringing Blood, what is 16, 17 & 20? Hope you're doing good :)
well good morning-night yourself!!! ;P i'm all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed today, whatever the time may be, and getting to chat about the hacketts only makes it that much better!!! hehehe
16. What was the easiest scene to write?
hands down, the easiest time i've had getting a scene down is...something i haven't posted yet, ALAS! i'm so excited to finally get there, but...i've referenced it before, and i'll reference it again by simply saying it involves OLD! MEN! FIGHTINGGGGGGGG!!!!! 🥳
when i first started writing all in the family, the oneshot-turned-whole-fic precursor to like wringing blood, this scene came to me so...fully. and vibrantly. and intensely. that i decided i had to write like wringing blood, if only for this one scene to live. it wouldn't do as a oneshot, not in my mind, and it needed context so that it could (eventually) have catharsis, and just...i'm very, very excited to get to the old men fighting. and i hope, of course, that all y'all out there will enjoy the old men fighting, and i hope it'll show, how the fic as a whole kind of grew from that one angry, angry seed.
17. What was the hardest scene to write?
so my cop-out answer for this one is this: literally any scene that involves travis and constance interacting. lmao. i've for sure commented on that before, but man. it's just. a lot. having the two of them in a scene together. any time i'm working on something that features both of them heavily, the vibes are just...rancid, and i always end up having to get up and walk off some of the grimacing. it's not just a "shitty parent interacting with their kid" thing either, believe me, because i do not have the same issue with say, jed and chris. this is a constance-and-travis-specific issue and BOY. it makes getting through certain chapters...ROUGH!!!
a less generalized answer, though, is that there is another scene i haven't gotten to yet involving chris experiencing some...l...light haunting, let's say. that's non-spoilery enough, i think. chris experiences some light haunting during the course of camp, and i am having a hell of a time getting that scene down because it's also very alive and very big and very bright in my mind, but conveying it all in words has been a challenge. i keep rewriting it, keep adding things and taking them out, and short of making that particular chapter fuckin 75k words on its own, i think i'm going to continue to struggle with it for a minute, ha!!!
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
i just want people to acknowledge that the fiddlers and hacketts being related doesn't only make sense, it exPLAINS SO MANY OF THE PLOT HOLES IN TQ AND
i wish someone would go "OH THAT'S WHERE LAURA GOT THE EYEPA
i would love for anyone to notice that the first letter of every chapter spells out rick astley's never gonna give you up
hehehe okay, for real though, i'm genuinely so flattered and even touched that people have been reading and enjoying this fic at all, given it's (1) not shippy, (2) centered on a really difficult/uncomfortable family dynamic, (3) focusing on characters who are morally grey at best, (4) deeply, deeply ugly at times. that in and of itself is all that i could ask for, truly, because this is such a personal project and so much of my own stuff is sort of being worked through within it, so anytime anyone says anything about it, my heart grows three sizes <3
the only itty bitty thing i'll say, though, and it's not really me hoping people notice so much as i hope they'll realize as time goes on, is that...nothing in this fic is there accidentally. this is not a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants story, everything in like wringing blood has been planned out and put where it is for a very, very specific reason. if those reasons aren't apparent yet, it just means we haven't gotten there ;) so if there are details that have stuck out, if there are pieces-parts that feel...conspicuous, that's all by design. i have so many planning docs for this fuckin fic, i have been sowing so many seeds. can't wait until it's time to reap them :)
behind-the-scenes fic asks!
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