#tagging the ship for those who blacklist it
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12, 18 and 19 for the ask game
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them: Oh there are several I could name. I'd probably go with Brooke, though. She's so petty! She's funny to me :3
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... I reblogged a post about this a little while ago, but Nathan with powers. Heck, everyone with powers! (That's sort of what my Greyspace AU is gonna be like :3 ) Also, I really think people should do more crossovers with Until Dawn. They're very similar games in a lot of little ways.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... I think the Rachel/Frank dynamic is really interesting. Of course, it's a hideously unhealthy relationship, is illegal, has a serious power imbalance, and may very well have been coerced on Rachel's part. I'd like to see an AU where the sexy stuff gets extracted and instead, he's a big brother figure to her, or, heck, if Frank, Sera, and Rachel become kind of an offbeat little family of choice. (Also, I love David as a character, but I'm not ashamed of that.)
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mynameis-a · 1 year ago
i don't care if lynette "only said that to distract charlotte"
there is no platonic explanation for this
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reel-fear · 1 year ago
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You must tell 👀
*rubs my little hands together* sorry for taking a bit on answering this! My brain has not been braining lately but your ask couldn't have come at a better time bc Grant has been on the mind as of late and I am hyped at the excuse to infodump abt him- [this is gonna be long I am so sorry-]
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now for quick disclaimers for anyone reading this that isnt the asker or me- we're not discussing canon Grant Cohen, we're talking my Grant, this black haired dude, that guy. Another fun disclaimer, I was HEAVILY, inspired by Grant's role/character in abomination for my Grant. Taking time to awknowledge every part of his character or story that was inspired by it would make this 10x longer so if similarities are spotted know its very likely I did that on purpose bc I just really love abomination KJHFSDGKJDHGSD-
Alright with that outta the way I'ma talk a lot abt what happens to Grant in the canon of Showtime to explain what I meant and also maybe a bit of me rambling about aus that explore Grants relationship with Sammy n Joey under a more romantic lens. Should be obvious but spoilers for It's Showtime down below~
So Grant in Showtime after he dies ends up joining the ink demon cult, becoming a lost one and earning the title of The Priest.
When the cult was all together him and Sammy worked together to run it. Sammy used his connection to the ink demon to recieve messages and learn more on how to survive in this new situation and Grant made sure the lost ones acted accordingly. [A role not so far off from the one he was forced to take when the studio started facing troubles before his death] Grant also took the job of dealing with sacrificing souls and sending them back to the dark puddles, which sometimes was members of the following chosen at random and sometimes whatever poor soul found themselves captured by them.
However when Malice rose from the puddles and made a deal with the Projectionist to seize a considerable amount of the studio as theirs, the cult was split up, Sammy and Jack forced to flee to the music department and Grant with the rest of the following being down in the area of Chapter 4. This put Grant in a very bad spot, the lost ones were very shaken by this event and since then Grant worries their faith in him has wavered.
An important thing with the ink demon cult was that it is meant to be a more realistic take on how a cult works. The Ink Demon runs the cult, he is the most powerful figure in it and yet the hardest to contact, so Grant and Sammy are little more than middlemen tasked with keeping things running or else they face the ink demon's wrath. Sammy is sadly very aware that the ink demon is not as benevolent as he or the lost ones would like the believe. Grant likes to think being the Priest will at the very least protect him if things go wrong, but he is sadly mistaken.
Grant is in a very dangerous spot, he knows the lost ones beneath him are getting angsty and worried about just how truthfully safe the cult is or if they should believe in the power of the ink demon. But he also knows if things fall apart the lost ones will come to tear him apart long before they go for the ink demon. Despite him merely being a puppet for their lord. A role Grant is not ready to acknowledge, not because he isn't smart enough to see he is just a pawn, but because he chooses not to think about it, less his paranoia eat him alive yet again... A very important thing to keep in mind with Grants character.
Grant did in fact play this role in life as well however, when things started going wrong in the studio, Joey was very quick to turn away from what was going on and continue asserting everything would be fine. Which while a lie he himself believed was a lie nonetheless. However Grant quickly became his right hand man as people like Thomas and Wally started noticing cracks forming all through out the studio. Staff going missing, the ink changing in the way it behaved and an eerie feeling the machine created in both of them.
Grant despite deep down being smart enough to know things were going poorly, parroted Joey's words, hanging off of them himself and doing whatever he could to shut down any attempts to bring to light the things going wrong. Of course, him and Joey both ended up paying the price for their lies, but so did everyone else around them. But unlike Sammy, Grant barely even seemed shaken to see that, like a conspiracy theorist seeing evidence their theory isn't true only makes them double down harder, Grant only seemed to double down on the idea that if he followed every order he was given. Surely things would turn out better this time.
So that's canon to the story of Showtime, but I do want to take a second to get some AU non canon ideas out of my brain centering around Grant and his relationship to both Joey n Sammy. In canon Grant's only romantic interest is Thomas, his literal husband and there is a lot of interesting conflict there, but I fucking love shipping so of course I have a million aus merely indulging in ships I think would also be interesting to explore in their own contexts. In this case, I'm gonna ramble a bit about Sammy x Grant and Grant x Joey and the interesting things I think there are to explore in their relationships in Showtime.
So you might've noticed that while not literally [as saying the ink demon is Joey in Showtime, while somewhat true, is not the entire truth of the situation and simplifies it quite a bit] Grant did end up following Joey to the grave... And then kept following him beyond it. Something that is objectively~ very queer of him.
There's just something so compelling about the idea of Grant yearning for Joey so much, being so close yet so far as his right hand man but not being brave enough to become his lover eventually drove Grant's love for Joey to become an outright obsession. The idea that Grant's feelings for Joey became so intense from how hard he pushed them down it blinded him from seeing the truth of the situation outside of the way Joey painted it. Then dying and his obsession turning into an outright worship of him.
The idea of Grant settling for just being Joey's favorite lackey, his most loyal pet and knowing that's his role but not caring bc at least it makes him stay by Joey's side. Ohh it's an interesting one to say the least. I even did a few sketches of them u can see-
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They are doomed by the narrative to me and have been on my mind a lot lately can ya tell? KJDHSFGKJHDFSGKJHDFGSD
However when it comes to Sammy and Grant, I think there is a lot of interesting potential between them too. After all they share being the Ink Demon's henchmen in all of this and to see them both come to terms with that and try to find comfort in each other is such a fun idea to me.
An au where they both decide to ditch the cult and the ink demon and on their own try to figure out what happened to Joey and how to fix things is very compelling to me. I could see their relationship starting out as doing all these things for each other under the excuse they just need comfort until it starts to turn to actual feelings for each other. Both of them coming to terms with the fact Joey was not in fact a perfect person and maybe didn't even know how bad things were getting deep down himself but also finally letting themselves hold him accountable for the lies he told... It's a very fun healing narrative and very in line with a lot of the themes It's Showtime deals with.
Either way, I just really love what I've done with Grant's character in It's Showtime, he's for sure one of the most fascinating to me and the themes his story explores are ones that are important to the story as a whole and by extension me. Umm this turned out very long but I hope u enjoyed the read! Tysm for the excuse to infodump abt him, I was itching for one as u can see KDJHGKJDHFGKJDHFGSD.
#ramblez#dont think Ill main tag this since its very rambley and contains spoilers for its showtime-#but its okay to reblog n such#esp since I dont care tooooo much for spoiling my own stories#for me my stories should hold up regardless of whether or not youre surprised by what happens in em#but if anyone does care abt spoiling Showtime for themselves if or when I make it an actual fan game/story#do beware of this post KDJHFSGKJFGHJSD#sammy x grant#grant x joey#grammy#death and taxes#Music Multiplied#I think those are the ship names?#mostly for blacklisting reasons on here but if I can feed those crackships at least a little with this rant hey good for them <3#anyways fun tag secrets Ill put some fun trivia abt my grant in here#he uses the tommy gun instead of alice in showtime its joeys gun but he has it after everything goes to crap he mostly only uses it#just to keep norman away from the cult tho just know he is armed and dangerous and feral and unhinged and-#the cages in the chapter 4 area are used by grant as punishment for those who speak out or for people who havent yet come around to#worshipping the ink demon. obviously people in cages take priority as sacrifice options#my grant might struggle from a paranoia disorder I based him more off my own expierences and a bit off of research on ppl with OCD#Im not confident enough in my understanding of OCD to diagnose him with it straight up but he does almost for sure struggle with some sort#of paranoia disorder#anyways thats it tyty for the ask again and sorry for writing#five hundred paragraphs in response-
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dorkshadows · 10 days ago
The Writeup
Thanks for the interest! As promised, I've come out of retirement for one (1) day to do this writeup about the intense things going on in the Nezha 2 fandom.
Once more, this is NOT about the people who happened to watch the movie, the people who are just interested in box office stats, the people who really enjoyed the movie, or the people who just really admire Nezha. This will be about the fandom fandom, the truly invested, the elaborate fanons behind certain ships that will make you go "wait what?", the rabid Ao Guang discourse that will also make you go "wait what?," the brainrot (affectionate) in its purest unfiltered form. This is a post about brainrot for those also suffering from brainrot.
This is a collection of patterns mainly from lofter, but also from douyin, weibo, bilibili, and xhs (I'm grouping everyone together because most artists/authors repost to multiple sites or have their content shared on multiple sites, so everyone ends up looking at the same things if they follow the relevant tags on each site). I didn't filter out or blacklist a single tag. I stared directly into the sun to collect this information!
Disclaimer: I genuinely have no idea how to warn for some of the things mentioned here, so just a blanket note of caution- if you click "read more," you are prepared to read about anything and everything. If you are OK with all this, then- let's go! 命由我不由天!
The movie has been out in China in for roughly 3 weeks. In those 3 weeks, all of this has happened in the deepest layers of fandom.
General patterns:
I can't speak for other site stats, but at least on Lofter, Nezha/Ao Bing as a ship is #1 and #2 trending (as Oubing and Bingzha respectively) out of all fandoms and topics on Lofter. But curiously, Ao Guang (#8 trending) and Shen Gongbao (#9 trending) are more popular as individual characters than Nezha and Ao Bing. The latter is noteworthy because Shen Gong Gong's tag was pretty barren circa 2019.
Some Oubing fans have decided that they don't have enough oubing content so they've started shipping Oubing.... from the 1979 movie. This is also in the top 10 trending. Their inspiration comes from this advert.
Ao Guang vocally disapproves of his son dating Nezha, but he can't do anything about it. The real victim here!
Any pairing you can think of exists. Any pairing.
Character/Reader fics exist for everyone in the main cast except Wuliang Shenweng and Taiyi Zhenren
There's a vibrant self-shipping community again for everyone except Wuliang and Taiyi
Lots of M-preg
CEO Ao Guang is common in modern AUs
Nezha is usually in his powered up form in Oubing/Bingzha content, but in his gremlin form in content focused on anyone else
Lots of "The characters themselves react to watching the movie!" type of stories
Shiji Niang Niang has been shipped with both Taiyi Zhenren and Shen Gongbao. The latter has spawned a meme. There's a comic I won't repost because I don't know who the original artist is, but it's very powerful. It goes like this:
SGB: "Prejudice is like a mountain in people's hearts-" SNN: "So I exist in everyone's hearts? That's beautiful <3"
"Lady Yin LIVES!" AUs aplenty
Wuliang's nickname is "Evil Peach"
Lots and lots and Lots of Shen Gongbao whump
Ao Guang has been separately interpreted as a daddy dom, a malewife, an old guy TM, a himbo, and a baby girl AND as all of those things all at once
Ao Run and Ao Bing are the only dragons considered to be smart
Shen Gongbao tends to have very low self-worth. This comes from a 2019 Jiaozi interview where he directly says our leopard lacks confidence
Any AU you can think of: modern AUs, mafia AUs, republican era AUs, actor AUs, musician AUs, wuxia AUs, this one AU where the Ao family are American senators for no reason, omegaverse, and so on
Lots of Journey to the West (a lot of Black Myth specific ones especially) and FSYY crossovers
There's a meme about the real Lu Tong using his antlers to attack people in their dreams if they dare make sexual content of him because someone who made "bottom" Lu Tong content claimed they were attacked by him in a dream. Others took this to mean that he only attacks if you make him a bottom. People who interpret him as a "top" claim that they won the lottery and their lives are going great.
Ao Guang and Shen Gongbao are usually on a first name basis. Ao Guang calls Shen Gonbao 公豹兄 (Gongbao Xiong, "Brother Gongbao") and Shen Gongbao calls him "Ao Guang" directly. This is sort-of canon because this is how they address each other in 敖丙传 "The Tale of Ao Bing/Aobing Zhuan". for those who ship it, their ship name is 龙王豹 (long wang bao/ dragon king leopard) *Keep Aobing Zhuan in mind. This will be important towards the wildest part of this writeup.
Now for the elaborate fanon lore behind two specific ships that seemingly came out of nowhere. Everyone knows about oubing, but what about the other popular ships out there? They're absolutely wild, but- HEAR THEM OUT.
This one has its origins from the first movie. 地笼 AKA "Prison Cage/Emperor Dragon." It's a ship based on Tiandi (Emperor of Heaven) x Ao Guang. The Di in "emperor" is pronounced the same as ground "di," which is also the first character that makes up the word "prison." And "long" (dragon) is pronounced the same way as cage (also "long"), hence the ship name.
Some time after Ne Zha (2019) came out, someone pulled out one of Ao Guang's lines and ran with it. It's a quote where he essentially says that even though the dragon clan was loyal to heaven and its emperor, the heavens betrayed and imprisoned them in the sea anyway. This section of fans took this to mean that Tiandi charmed Ao Guang on false pretenses, took advantage of Ao Guang's love for him, and then left him to rot in the eastern sea... after impregnating him with 1-3 kids. And this changed Ao Guang from an innocent beauty into a resentful dragon desperate for vengeance.
Things of note about dilong:
Tiandi 天帝 is NOT the Jade Emperor (Yu Di). Their mythos overlap, but the Emperor of Heaven is considered the supreme ruler of Everything in the universe while the Jade Emperor rules over the three realms. So Tiandi ranks higher than the Jade Emperor. (But he's also a more obscure figure in popular worship if we get technical)
At the time, Ao Guang didn't actually have a name in 2019 canon. So the fans referred to him as 敖广 (that's what the eastern dragon king has always been called, but Nezha 2 reimagines him with a different name that's pronounced similarly: 敖光).
Tiandi's given name, or rather, the name that the fans gave him, is Hao Tian 昊天, which is the actual name of one of the mythological Tiandi's many variations
Tiandi does not appear in either Nezha movie. His entire character (appearance, personality, etc.) is purely built on headcanons. He is usually written as a playboy, a heartless manipulative bastard, a deadbeat dad, an ungrateful power greedy monster, and so on. But he is always written and drawn as #Hot.
Ao Guang gave birth to Ao Bing in the Dilong universe.
As you can tell, this is a very angsty ship that usually ends in anger and suffering, but there are plenty of fix-its and happy ending versions out there too, mostly about Tiandi feeling bad for being such a shitty bastard in the past and trying to win Ao Guang back
Regardless of how you feel about Dilong after reading all this, if you are in any way fond of Ao Guang's design in Nezha 2, you owe your life and soul to Dilong shippers because Jiaozi's original idea for Ao Guang was making him a bearded geezer. The Nezha team saw how popular the humansona for Ao Guang was (from dilong fanart) and they incorporated it into canon.
#Dilong had a resurgence in popularity thanks to Nezha 2 (it's the no.6 trending topic on weibo as of right now). But you'll notice that pre-2025 Dilong may feel ooc now because Ao Guang is, for lack of better word, interpreted more as a softspoken twink than the beautiful himbo he is now.
*Keep Dilong in mind as well. It is the source of much insanity below.
Next, in a similar vein to Dilong, another wild ship has risen over the horizon! In terms of quantity, dilong is more popular, but in terms of engagement, this is doing bigger numbers nowadays. I'm talking likes in the ten-thousands range. That ship is.... Lu Tong x Shen Gongbao. AKA 鹿豹 (LuBao, DeerLeopard)
You might be thinking "HUH!? Why!?" My answer for you is that it's all Taiyi's fault. Both inside and outside the movies, Taiyi consistently screws Shen Gongbao over. Life imitates art! This section is a little longer than the dilong section because there is a Lot going on here. I'll admit that one of the most profoundly beautiful and well-written stories I have ever read is a lubao fic on lofter, I understand now
Just as the fans did for dilong once upon a time, this section of fans pulled a blink-and-you-miss-it quote from Nezha 2, where Taiyi tells Nezha that the previous captain of the demon hunting team was Shen Gongbao (after they meet the current captain, Lu Tong).
From there, the lore just got deeper. When Lu Tong greets Taiyi, he calls him 师伯 (Shi Bo, senior martial uncle). But you only call a male relative 伯 in Chinese when that person is your father's older brother. Wuliang is Taiyi's elder (martial) brother (Shi Xiong, as I'm sure you all know), so Lu Tong's address is incorrect. Taiyi knows this as well, so he corrects Lu Tong and says "It should be 师叔" (Shi Shu, younger martial uncle). Lu Tong continues calling him Shi Bo anyway. The fans took it to mean one of two things:
Lu Tong did it on purpose because he only acknowledges one (1) person as his Shi Shu and that's Shen Gongbao
Lu Tong is officially Wuliang's disciple, but he believes himself to truly be Shen Gongbao's disciple and since Taiyi is Shen Gongbao's elder martial brother, he'll call him Shi Bo
Then it got even more elaborate. The fans surmised that since the celestials are so condescending towards demons, Lu Tong and He Tong were ostracized and bullied when they first arrived at Yuxu Gong. And the only person who was nicer to them/protected them/stuck up for them was Shen Gongbao since they're the only demons there. This is why you'll sometimes see fanart of the three of them together in the "Yuxu Gong days."
When Shen Gongbao immediately realized Shen Xiaobao's wound came from Lu Tong's arrow, the fans decided this meant that he was familiar enough with Lu Tong to know his fighting style. When paired with the above headcanon, this directly turns into "Shen Gongbao himself taught Lu Tong archery."
Whenever Ao Bing possessed Nezha, fans noticed that there was always a closeup of Lu Tong's reaction. They decided this meant that Lu Tong recognized Ao Bing through recognizing his fighting style, taught to him by Shen Gongbao.
The fans also think Lu Tong did not have to go off that hard on Shen Xiaobao and Shen Zhengdao. There's following your boss's orders and there's following those orders in the most hyperviolent over the top way possible. Their conclusion is that Lu Tong knew that was Shen Gongbao's family and did it on purpose. Because when Shen Gongbao left Yuxu Gong without telling him, Lu Tong took that personally. And when he took Ao Bing on as a disciple, Lu Tong took that more Personally. So Lu Tong has decided to do his best to kill everyone Shen Gongbao ever cared about until he has nobody left but Lu Tong. Audiences complained that Lu Tong lacked a personality in the movie- the fandom has assigned him a personality and that personality is "sadistic freak obsessed with his Shi Shu."
Things of note about LuBao:
dilong was requited at some point in time, but lubao is an aggressively one-sided ship where Shen Gongbao only requits 1% of the time either because it's a complete AU, none of the movie's events happened, or he has amnesia (inflicted on him by Lu Tong)
A common trope revolves around Lu Tong hoping and hoping for Shen Gongbao to take him on as a disciple, which never happens, planting the first seeds of disappointment and HATE
Lu Tong really fucking hates Ao Bing, whom he considers to be the antagonist of his life because Ao Bing STOLE all of Shen Gongbao's love that rightfully should have been Lu Tong's. He also really hates Ao Guang too, again for stealing HIS shishu. actually, he hates Taiyi sometimes too. He hates anyone Shen Gongbao ever talked to.
He Tong is the only person who knows Lu Tong is this way.
Sometimes Lu Tong meets Shen Gongbao as a primitive deer, a fully adult celestial-in-training, or a literal "deer boy." During his time as captain, Shen Gongbao usually takes Lu Tong under his wing at some point and/or is the person who spares Lu Tong from being slaughtered by the rest of the team or convinces the others not to kill him. OR, even wilder, Shen Gongbao interacts with Lu Tong for 5 minutes 200 years ago and that's enough to cause Lu Tong to go on this spiral. Whichever the case, Lu Tong imprints on Shen Gongbao.
90% of LuBao content includes Lu Tong taking his revenge on Shen Gongbao after Wuliang imprisons him. This includes all manner of graphic torture.
Lu Tong wants Shen Gongbao to hate him because he believes Shen Gongbao left him in the past due to indifference towards him. "Hate lasts longer than love."
Shen Gongbao: *exists* Lu Tong: I'll kill your family. I'll kill your disciple. I'll kill your disciple's father and your disciple's best friend. And Taiyi Zhenren too. I'll kill everyone who ever interacted with you. Then I'll break you and break you some more until you're nothing but bones and dust. I hate that you made me love you and that you left me. What do the dragons have that I lack? Are my antlers lesser than their horns? We both have blood on our hands and yet you think yourself nobler than I. You are inherently kinder than me and I hate that the most about you. My dearest revenge is dragging you down to my level, to make you hate me as much as I hate you. If I can't have your love, I will have your hate and your pain and your tears- Ao Bing & Ao Guang: 有病!??????? WTF.
恨明月高悬独不照我 is a phrase now permanently associated with this ship. It translates to "I hate that the moon in the sky shines for all but me." Lu Tong hates that shishu shares affection with everyone except him.
This is such a prevalent characterization of Lu Tong at this point that "obsessed with Shen Gongbao" is now his defining trait even in content where neither he or Shen Gongbao are main characters
If its an Ao Guang/Shen Gongbao fic, Lu Tong sometimes shows up as SGB's abusive ex, abusive stalker, or a guy that Ao Guang finds extremely creepy and annoying
If you're still here, this next and final section puts everything else to shame!
The Ao Guang Discourse
There is a lot of drama surrounding Ao Guang now, not because of anything he did as a character, but because of who's he's shipped with. But there's actually only one side of the fandom instigating all the arguments.
Now, remember Aobing Zhuan? That's a spinoff comic focused on Aobing's childhood that came out circa 2021(?). It goes into depth about his early days with Shen Gongbao, his brothers, and even his mother, 应龙, Yinglong. (Yinglong is a real mythological creature, a powerful dragon with a place in old mythos and folklore as well, but that's not entirely relevant here lol). Yinglong is older than Ao Guang, is beautiful, strong, etc. She dies in the spinoff.
A significant number of fangirls latched onto Ao Guang (as presented in Aobing Zhuan), and projected onto Yinglong, the mother of his children. After Nezha 2 released, Ao Guang understandably gained even more fangirls. Most of them became GuangYing shippers.
Now, it's a golden rule in CN fandoms to tag your content so others can avoid. GuangYing shippers do not care about this. They go onto any and all m/m content with Ao Guang to insult the authors and argue that their disgusting ways are disrespectful to canon, disrespectful to Ao Guang, and disrespectful to women everywhere. It doesn't matter that Yinglong is not in the movies and also dead--Ao Guang is not allowed to move on from her ever, and also he is STRAIGHT. Is there not enough gay content out there?? Why can't the heterosexuals have this one man to themselves?? The injustice!
Edit to add: m/f is also unsafe from the wrath of guangyin shippers. They also attack Ao Guang self-shippers for daring to be sluts coming in between him and his true love, Yinglong.
They especially hate dilong and have been harassing all dilong content for the past month. Dilong is their main target, but it's not their only target- you can also find them under Ao Guang/Shen Gongbao content claiming that "they're just besties" and "Ao Guang just sees Shen Gongbao as a pet" asdfasdf
Dilong shippers retort by saying all Guangying shippers do is attack and harass others instead of making their own content, which is why their content is so lacking and pitful. They also called into question the canonicity of Aobing Zhuan. Jiaozi supervised it, but he's not the actual author. They started bashing Aobing Zhuan as focusing too little on Aobing, making Aobing look bad to make his brothers look good, accusing the author of being a Xiao Zhan stan in the wake of the ao3 ban, creating events that directly contradicted with canon, crediting things that Ao Guang or Shen Gongbao did for Aobing as things that Yinglong did, the official Nezha team is embarrassed of the direction Aobing Zhuan went in and doesn't acknowledge it anymore, Yinglong is the author's self insert, etc. And back and forth-
And then, 匪我思存 (Fei Wo Si Cun), acclaimed web novelist, author of multiple novels, including 东宫 (Goodbye My Princess 2019) and 9 more that were turned into TV shows.... published a Dilong fanfic on main (weibo). It referred to Ao Guang as 敖广 and involved M-preg, of him giving birth to Ao Bing, who is also Tiandi's child here. Yinglong and Tiandi's wife are both in the story too- they are a lesbian couple who double as beards for their husbands.
The Ao Guang fangirls, I mean, Guangying shippers LOST IT. They came at Fei Wo Si Cun with full throttle rage. Countless socmed posts about what a horrible disgusting disgraceful thing this author did! How dare she use her wide platform to do this instead of putting it somewhere where nobody can see!? Some have even accused this one fic of destroying Nezha 2's image on the global stage. This one story about this one ship has DESTROYED the reputation of ALL OF CHINA. This is TREASON. Now when normies see Ao Guang and Ao Bing, all they will think about is M-preg.
Not only that, Fei Wo Si Cun had the audacity to do something as misogynistic as turning Yinglong into a lesbian! That's a direct quote from them that nearly made me choke on air. It is a SIN to break up a "canon" pairing and a sin to change the character's sexualities into anything except heterosexuality!
The Yinglong crowd is still going at it as I write this. FWSC has not deleted or apologized for this fic. China's reputation has, last I checked, not been DESTROYED by this one story about an animated dragon man from a kid's movie, and dilong shippers are still suffering.
And that's a wrap for now. I may or may not update this if something even wilder happens. I want to say no, this is the end of the ride, but we are only 1 month in. There's plenty of time for more to crop up!
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diam1nd · 29 days ago
this comes without saying, an outstanding number of people have reached out to me w/ similar experiences ranging from gaslighting, misogynistic behaviors, guilt tripping, manipulation, love bombing, and blatant disrespect in many forms of uncomfortable messages from yes, apollo.
i had no idea just how deep this rabbit hole went, i was completely fooled from someone i deeply cared and was reminded that everything was fine and supported, and honestly i thought i was going to just let it be. but with over 17 concerned muns coming forward to share their experiences, i for one need to air out these concerns.
despite beginning to feel more comfortable, this whole situation has me in a spin. i want this to be my peace, and for all of those wanting to know the real reason my prev blog was deactivated and blocking the person who is the curator of this anxiety.
my experience was being lead into a single ship scenario because they felt intimidated by one single blog that my emma interacted with in a usfw manner. mind you, no relationship or feelings attached and i was writing with this person before developing anything irl with him. but for some reason, they were self-inserting ME as my muse, doubling it as an act of cheating on his muses, and made him uncomfortable as a person who has claimed to been deceived in that manner themselves. my immediate response was a voice call to help calm him down and reassure that everything was okay and that i am not emma, and i am not involving myself with that muse or mun in any sexual/relation based manner. it was by his recommendation that single ship would be better so that this problem would never resurface or would not have to worry in the future. at first, and i say lead because, i wasn't 100% for it at first. it felt a bit unfair because i am fully aware that i am not my muse, and this is fictional writing. but to avoid another "im deleting my blog" scenario guilt trip, i talked myself into agreeing with the single ship, to which became a reasonable standard with my blogs. when it came to making an official post, it took an incredible amount of pushing to get him to do that, and now that i really know why, is he was messaging many people for additional ships that he didn't want me to know that he wasn't honoring his end of this agreement. this past weekend, he decided that single ship wasn't good for him after i finally confronted him about the unfairness and well, here we are. me, a sentimental person, wasn't okay with going back and forth, especially when i changed how i write my own muse to better suit someones comfort levels. which is confusing to me because the initial complaint from him was he was annoyed with how people only want to ship with his ocs, all the while bad mouthing others (my friends) who partake in usfw writing. i know for a fact, if i would of agreed to go back to multiship, another problem would of popped up even tho his solution was to blacklist usfw tags so he didn't 'see' anything, despite still reporting to me on the same muns blog he had issues with. i feel it's a grab for control. and i asked him, with an open mind, how is it fair that i am to accept all of this change when he is not? me deleting for my sanity because, honestly, "now you know how i felt when emma fucked bucky" was never going to be resolved soundly. this was a grab to forcefully make me feel bad indefinitely because he didn't like something. it's possessive behavior. i was constantly told how he was going to delete everything then turn around to blame me for everything; then i asked if he could part ways with tumblr with me, and i was met with more gaslighting. this is fictional writing, we should have never gotten to this point.
there's another the issue where someone confronted him about graphics being in mirrored likeness, which i never saw myself because he wanted to keep it a quiet. said person has reached out to me and confirmed that he too tried to guilt trip them into deleting his blogs and blaming a de*th as for reason for stealing inspiration, even after claiming to change theirs in his likeness. i won't go into detail about his personal life, but i've never heard that as a reason why, especially when he's claimed to using this type of style long before this loss occurred. i did make a post via a rant, supporting one of my friends in a similar situation but he also knew very well it was also in his defense. we were on voice call, again, and he knew the moment i posted it and asked me to delete it the next day because he claims he resolved the issue. which i found out is not true. if you're going to admit to someone you stole something, why lie to me?
another mun in particular came out to admit to me that he was flirting with her, and has asked him to stop a number of times due to her being actually married. but once another callout resurfaced for them, in their experience he flaked out on being their friend because of fear of being affiliated. basically, i'm not going to allow you to pretend you don't know me online, and then try to be my friend behind closed doors in dms. when asked if he knew about these two people, the answer i got was "i saw a callout and that's about it." i'm glad she stood her ground on that because i too, felt like a secret.
more instances were brought to my attention whilst we were 'dating', he was also love bombing and getting attached to others very quickly while entertaining the idea of ME. i've been shown a history of unsolicited affection and desire for shipping his muse with everyone with a pulse and getting attached to all of these muns as well. to me, this is was shocking to learn about while you were pointing the finger at me accusing myself of blatant cheating. not once did he ever tell me anything felt forced, but that he needed me, felt lost without me.
from what im gathering from all of these muns, we were all manipulated to believe someone who claims is a charming gentleman, has the capabilities to gaslight and make you feel incredibly bad about feeling a certain way, or even stating how something was making them uncomfortable. many were fooled as i was, trying to comfort someone who clearly had a complex to receive attention from as much people as possible without them even knowing a bit of backstory. pinning people against people. these additional muns that came forward TO ME, have all explained the same level of discomfort they felt in dms with him directly. it's honestly beyond words to explain how deep this goes. i'm not going to list every single encounter thus far, because honestly.. this would be far too long and i want those others to make their peace.
i do not plan to release screenshots publicly because that's not who i am. but just know, all 17(and counting..) of us have a collection for those who want the truth. i want this post as an urged warning to be careful, no witch hunts or hate. curate your space as you see fit. i sincerely hope that those that are still by his side, do not get the treatment that we all got. i tried my best to resolve this with him privately, but was met with aggression and mockery, and now as i'm being told, pretending nothing happened.
..and because i know he will read this, for the record, i could of handled a simple break up / mutual parting ways. i'm a grown woman that would of accepted that, but you took this way too far. you've played a part in me feeling insecure about others when i shouldn't have, you selfishly kept me in your corner and made me feel in the wrong about so so many things. where you now display as we were forced. you played the blame game in attempt to get me to question my sanity and awareness of what was really going on. i didn't get a choice. im glad you were finally able to be honest to me, but i only wish you would of told me sooner. thankfully this was short lived. i never pinned you as this type of person, but good lord.
my discord alongside many many others is open to show every bit of proof we have for reference, or to just talk it out. please be safe.
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sbk-prompt-week · 3 months ago
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☁️Welcome to skyblock kingdom’s prompt week event! This will be running from January 19th to January 25th, 2025. Modded by @in-the-multiverse
☁️Use #sbkpromptweek to participate
☁️Below the cut are FAQ (please read through them) and a little ramble about each prompt to spark ideas or inspiration (optional to read). Have fun creating! :D
What is a prompt week?
It’s a scheduled fandom event dedicated to characters, ships, or fandoms in general— usually with a list of prompts or themes to inspire and encourage fanworks. They’re announced in advance and fanworks are posted on the corresponding days of the week. In this case, it’s for the sbk fandom as a whole! This blog will be archiving all creations submitted as long as they follow the guidelines
Is this limited to fanart and fanfiction?
Nope. You’re more than welcome to make moodboards, stimboards, song playlists, edits, cosplay and the likes! Additionally, there’s no art requirements or minimum/maximum word count. Anything ai generated is disallowed.
What type of content is allowed?
If it’s within a creator’s boundaries, it’s allowed (this information can be found in #member-info on the SBK Community discord). Tag accordingly for shipping or content warnings if your works contain them. Make use of the tumblr blacklist for topics you don’t want to see. If you don’t like something, don’t engage. Be respectful. And please be patient to those who haven’t stated what they are/aren’t ok with.
Can I post something late?
Absolutely! This isn’t an event with a hard set deadline.
Do I have to make something for every day?
Nah, you can make as little or as much as you’d like, at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.
I have a fanwork I’m already creating, can I submit it to this event?
If it fits within the prompts provided, yep!
Can I combine prompts?
Sure, just mention which ones you’re combining when you post.
Why isn’t my post reblogged?
If I miss something a week after the event is over, please reach out in an ask and I’ll archive it here. Late entries may take more time to be reblogged as I’ll be monitoring the tag less frequently.
Have a pair or group of people you enjoy seeing together, or would like to depict together? This goes for friendships, romantic pairings, queer platonic relationships, familial bonds, etc. Is it unconditional love? Complicated? Yearning? Or perhaps something more abstract?
In a different world
AUs, crossovers, homelands that weren’t 99% void, we imagine them in a different setting! Maybe you’d like to add a fic or fanart to an AU that already exists, or maybe you’d like to come up with one of your own. Want to explore how the sbkers would react to being in a different mcyt series? Or meet other characters? Whatever your imagination compels you to create, go for it!
Casual modern clothing? Royal outfits? Goth? Punk? Catmaid? Cottagecore? Let’s stylize those cubitos! Or maybe you’d like to spin this prompt another way. Does it extend into world building? Is it kingdom specific? The possibilities are up to you!
Horror vs. Fantasy
Wanna put a blorbo through the horrors? Are they the horrors? Or would you rather create something more whimsical? Depict fantasies of certain characters? Wanna do both? The canvas and/or keyboard is all yours.
What happened this season that you’d like to revisit? A fond memory, favourite bit, nostalgic beginnings, something that’s been spinning around in your brain since it happened. Or perhaps you’d like to retell a moment from a different perspective: through another character’s eyes, another narrative lens, etc.
Meme redraw / Crackfic
We get silly with it! Have a reaction image or funny stock photo you’d like to redraw the sbkers in? Maybe a show screenshot or random internet image? Or how ‘bout throwing these guys in scenarios where you don’t have to worry about getting Serious writing it? We’re cringe and free >:3
Free Day
You’re more than welcome to come up with your own prompt. Whatever you feel drawn to, whatever gets your gears going, have fun creating it!
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hoshinokaabi-secretsanta · 2 months ago
Gifts are due today + Posting schedule and info
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Reminder that gifts are due today! Please submit your gift as specified in our last post!
Additionally, the posting schedule has been decided. We will be using the same schedule as last year, posting over a 10 hour period per day starting at 8AM PST and ending at 5PM PST. Gifts will be posted in blocks every hour (not throughout the hour. We post any respective hour's gifts all at once at the beginning of the hour)!
We have about 115 gifts to post over a two day period (December 24th and 25th). That means there will be 5-6 gifts posted at the beginning of each hour (the last gifts of the day are posted at 5PM sharp), with exceptions made for gifts we have not yet received due to extension requests. Those will be posted when they are completed. If your gift won't be posted on the two posting days due to extension requests, you will be notified via your preferred method of contact.
Additionally, regarding tagging: if a gift requires a tagged warning (such as body horror or blood) it will be tagged plainly with the word alone (ex: #body horror ; #blood). The tagging of such is up to moderator discretion. Extreme amounts of horror, blood, or any other content requiring such warnings were not given in this event. Additionally, all characters will be tagged with their full official names (OCs will be tagged simply as "#kirby oc") and romantic ship content will be tagged with the most popular ship name(s) when possible (I will double check a recipient's wishlist to ensure whether or not something was intended as ship). Please blacklist whatever tags you need to in order to keep yourselves safe!
Thank you everyone who submitted their gifts early, and good luck to those of you who are still working on yours up until the last second! This will be the last info post provided no more issues pop up. We hope you all enjoy the show!
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karuopla · 4 months ago
for the love of god, don't tag ZoSan content as "SanZo", bottom!zoro has 10% of the ships's content and Zosan is the popular tag, there's NO NEED to use sanzo for bottom!sanji content even there. i know y'all don't care cause you don't have to, you're fed all the time (because bottom!sanji is the default smh) or not a queer who cares for sexual dynamics, but it'll be lovely if those who do could blacklist content and be sure to find their minority preference in their minority preference tag. this used to be a fandom custom and it's just gone, of course people are not happy.
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ace-of-spaders · 9 months ago
*taps the mic and laughs nervously because of the major stage fright*
Lizzington shippers, fam, grandmas and grandpas, can I have a moment of your attention, please?
It's not a secret that, while some people in Lizzington community are still active, whether they write or make gifs or keep our dash full of Lizzington even in this trying times ( @melbob26-blog, thank you for this! ), Lizzington community as a whole went into hibernation over the last couple of years.
And I get it, interests change, especially when one show ends and there's another ongoing, moving on from the show that ended is totally natural, especially when it didn't give your favorite characters the happy ending they deserved.
I get it.
Hell, for a pretty lengthy while there I focused on other ships and shows, too, especially after TBL ended ended last year.
But you know what I realized earlier today, when I reread some of the old fics, browsed through gifsets and text posts, watched some fanvids?
It's the show that ended, for some in 2021, for others in 2023. And the only thing that means is that it cannot disappoint us anymore.
( it's not like we were suddenly deprived of quality content, because let's face it, the fans have been the main source of the quality lizzington content for years now, while the show gave us mere crumbs, on a good day )
But Red and Liz?
They are still out there, fighting criminals, catching Blacklisters, travelling the world, shamelessly flirting, toppling shadow organizations, raising Agnes and/or any other children they have, and generally being the sexy badass power couple they are!
Nothing changed in that regard.
So why would we mourn them, when they are out there, healthy and happy and in the middle of yet another adventure? I'm sure right this moment Red is drawing Liz into another one of his heists and she's only too happy to join him, even though she pretends that she's not, for the sake of the game.
There's literally no reason for us to stop writing, giffing, editing, sharing theories and headcanons and memes and just talking about our favorite couple.
And by writing all of this, I want to propose something daring to you:
Let's revive the Lizzington community!
Let's rewatch earlier seasons and gif the hell out of them because it's been a while and because precious moments between these two are not going to become less precious even if it's giffed 10 or 100 more times, not to mention that ever gifmaker's style is different, so there are virtually no two identical gifsets as there are no two identical snow flakes.
Let's make fanvideos, picspams, picture edits, fanart, moodboards! The amount of songs, quotes, moments etc that can inspire you is virtually endless!
Let's write fics, let's explore AUs, let's give each other prompts and challenge each other to try something new or practice some aspect of writing, like writing kisses or AUs or hugs or making up Blacklisters etc!
Let's share headcanons and theories and ideas and what our versions of Red and Liz are like, because everyone has their own unique versions of Red and Liz living in their head, and it's just beautiful, if you ask me!
Let's reblog stuff, filling each other's dashes with Lizzington!
Let's scream about Lizzington because no one does it like them!
Let's revive the Lizzington Community, we all miss it!
PS. Feel free to reblog this post – spread the suggestion!)
PPS. To assure you that I'm not the type of person who encourages others but doesn't do anything themselves, I can tell you I've already got some ideas for a couple of Lizzington events in mind. Those include challenges, thematic weeks etc.
PPPS. I'm not sure how many people are checking the tags these days, so I'm gonna tag some people I know under the cut, just in case, to spread the suggestion. If you weren't tagged, trust me, it's nothing personal!
@meetmeatthecoda @iwouldlovetoeatyourtoast @agxntkeen @factoseintolerant @tale-xistime @james-baeder @lettie1609 @withwhatiam @peace-love-on-planet-earth @missourired @felilaprivada @strawberry-pills @roominthecastle @codewordpumpkin @my-robot-heart @kitkate91060 @imyourplusone @shelly1952 @itsjustme-itsmylife @castle2cute @nancyjocom @cress-26 @lunaarlilacs @femaleoptimistic @scifi-gk @greeneyedsoul88 @figureofdismay @shippinglizzington @kissthefuture @thetwistedargent @actuallylorelaigilmore @sorrydearie @turningtimeinthetardis @buildinggsr @apicturewithasmile @windfalling @piketrickfeet
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wingwaver · 2 years ago
A few tips for new Tumblr users wanting to write here
Yo if you're here from Reddit or Twitter or some other site and just wanted to give this a shot you may have seen some blogs that are dedicated to writing headcanons or short fics or even original works for their own OCs and you may be thinking "hey I wanna give that a shot! I like to write!" then I have some tips to make it easier on you and people who see your content.
1. First off, if you're writing a pretty long piece the you should probably put it under a read more, it'll look like this on mobile
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and this on desktop
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or you can write :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter.
2. Now if you're gonna write for a whole bunch of different fandoms and you wanna make a master list then I suggest making an actual list with the fandoms you write for and then making more lists with the actual content as a you go along because you can only have 100 links in one post (I know that sounds like a lot but as someone who has around 300 Transformers things written trust me you fill up a post quicker than you expect, especially if you take requests from other people). The way I typically do it is like this
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The first pic is the MASTER master list that lists everything I write for and when they're underlined like that it means they're links. The second pic is after clicking the G1 link, it's a separate post that has the actual fics and headcanon links. Note the 6/100 in the tags, this is how I keep up with how many things I've added. You can of course just use the numbers options from here
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or just number them manually from your keyboard like I'm doing with this post. Adding links has no barring on what else you add to the post so you can add yourself some fancy header or divider pics if you want.
3. Adding links! Links can look like this https://www.tumblr.com/wingwaver/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons?source=share or like this https://wingwaver.tumblr.com/post/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons depending on whether you're linking from mobile or desktop/browser Just highlight the text you wanna add a link to and a the little chain will move to the end, click it and paste your url you want to link to and press add link, then press post/save draft/save (whatever the blue button says)
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Now you've successfully linked a post to another post!
4. Tagging! To get your fics and headcanons seen to build an audience you usually wanna tag the stuff correctly. If you're posting a fic about Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney then you'll tag it with #Ace Attorney, #Miles Edgeworth, and #Phoenix Wright in the tags area. But it's also a good idea to mention if it's a ship or general fic in the tags too. If so then putting ship names and #Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and #Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright in the tags will help everyone know this is a ship fic. Tagging with characters or fandoms that aren't apart of the fic just clogs the tags for people looking for content of said characters and fandoms so it's very looked down on here and will likely get some of your stuff reported for spam so only use the relevant tags. Also tagging for triggers can be tricky here because of how fucky tumblr is but please don't tag censor tags. Tagging things like #a**** or #a*use or even #abu$e doesn't work here because people who have #abuse blacklisted will be able to see this content because it wasn't tagged properly. Also if you're writing for OCs or reader inserts it's common courtesy to tag those appropriately too. Someone looking for a reader insert may not want to read an OC and vice versa. Also many people filter those out so try to add tags like #x reader, #*fandom name* x reader, and #*character name* x reader for easier filtering. Also people cruise those tags too so it'll help people who fo want to read that content find your stuff!
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 months ago
Hey, it's been a while! Hope you're doing all right! Anyways, I'm curious: have you ever gotten hate from Sonamy shippers or anyone who ships other pairings involving Shadow or Amy? I've never gotten hate for shipping Sonouge, though I wonder if it's because 1. the Sonic fandom has been more respectful of different pairings lately, or 2. It's only a matter of time.
Hey! I’ve hardly faced any ship hate, at least on tumblr. I had one run-in from 2022, but that’s it. The only thing sonamy fans have sent me is positivity, like yesterday’s ask. Just friendly multishipping. I think that’s because tumblr lets you tailor your own experience so much; you can blacklist tags and content and unfollow/block whoever you want, and in my experience, people you follow will add tags to their posts if you ask. It’s not a site with an algorithm that forces topics you don’t like. Users have control.
Side note: if anyone wants me to tag something differently, feel free to DM me or send an ask, anonymous or not. I don’t mind one bit!
Tumblr’s structure and culture of “block and keep scrolling” is something I really appreciate. AO3 has it down to a science, too. The only people who are here are those who want to be here. Whenever I do see shadamy hate, it’s on sites like youtube or twitter from people who haven’t figured out where the back button on their browser is.
I think sonouge is pretty safe. I’ve never gotten hate for shipping it, either, just a few comments like, “huh, I never thought of that. Makes sense.” It doesn’t pop up often enough in the wild to aggravate anyone who doesn’t like it, not the way shadamy does, heh. I don’t think shadamy fans are pushy, exactly, but we’re...present. Whenever Shadow and Amy have a “moment,” like Shadow only checking on Amy in Dream Team, you’ll see shippy comments about it.
I also wonder if specialty blogs like ours avoid the worst of it because we’re “too far gone” to them. If you’re trying to rid the world of shadamy and sonouge, you wouldn’t start with shadamyheadcanons and sonougeheadcanons, would you? We’re a lost cause.
A large chunk of the fandom is done with petty ship hate, but Sonic’s getting new fans every day with different ships and different ideas. My advice to anyone: find a nice community to stick to and block anyone who gives you trouble.
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mooniety · 1 month ago
i went on the metasusie tag right now to enjoy some metasusie & the first thing i came across as soon as i clicked on latest was someone having what i would lightly assume not the greatest time over it.
i'm going to be honest, but for those who do not like metasusie (as well as for any other ship you may not like), i HIGHLY suggest blocking/blacklisting the tag as well as content creators for the ship instead of risk riling up a bunch of people--specifically young, impressionable teenagers--to harass others simply because they enjoy the ship
i do not mind anyone publicly expressing their opinion regarding metasusie, whether it be positive or negative, & empathize with both sides (despite admittedly having a strong bias towards metasusie), but i think we can express these opinions in a way that doesn't look like we're all going to be part of a youtube drama slop video soon --i'm sure a majority of us have already witnessed the recent 2025 dream youtube drama.
also, let's not post negativity towards the ship in the ship's very own tag, i think that would be a very reasonable ask in preface to the first part of this post, thank you!
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gamebird · 9 months ago
The Murderbot Diaries Tumblr Community
There is a Murderbot Diaries Tumblr community now. As far as I've been able to tell, you join by having an admin add you to the invite list. I'm the admin. If you want to join, let me know and I'll add you.
I've sent invites to the authors of a couple pages of recent posts in the tag, and some of the authors of the posts that show up as 'Top' vs sorting the tag chronologically. Invites to date have been somewhat random - there's nothing personal if you haven't had one yet. Just let me know and you'll get one.
It does not allow me to add side blogs. I think once I invite a person, they get to choose which side blog they use to post/comment in the community. So you'll have to send me your main for me to send the invite, but after that you can interact using whichever side blog you want to use. (I think! I'm not an expert on this.) This also means if you post murderbot-tagged stuff from your side blog, I may well have tried to add you and been denied. A solid quarter of my attempts to invite people were rebuffed by the system.
Once the system allows co-admins, I intend to add some so this isn't a one-person show. I'll have more to say on this when I've figured out what a Tumblr community admin does other than issue invites. A lot of this is still in development by Tumblr, including the ability to have more than one admin.
Rules are as per Tumblr (obviously). I would ask that shipping/relationship/romantic-themed posts be tagged with the ship in question so people who blacklist those topics will have their blacklisting work.
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discowheelsau · 10 months ago
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🛼 Disco Wheels: a WH AU! 🪩
ㅤㅤㅤa famous and beloved rollerskate rink from the 80s, brought alive by its colorful cast of puppets and live entretainment. a safe place for anyone and everyone, no matter who or what you were.
ㅤㅤㅤa story following Wally—nicknamed Roco—and his experiences working at a roller rink, until everything went wrong.
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!﹘ Index
About the AU
The Cast
Tagging Guide
Important Links
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1. ﹕ About the AU
ㅤㅤㅤit's the 80s, and all you can hear being talked about is the latest rollerskate that opened not so long ago. neon lights, disco music, a cast of colorful puppets and live entretainment bring the building to life all day and all night long. ㅤㅤㅤa place where everyone is free to be who they are, free to have fun however they want; sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it? come in! the doors are open for you, everyone is waiting. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤwill you join the fun…? :o)
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2. ﹕ The Cast
Roco :: Wally (he/it/roll)
the main mascot of the roller rink; he appeared the most in commercials and other promotional material, and could be seen present in the rink at all times either dancing, singing, or rolling around. - Actor: Renny
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Blades :: Sally (she/he)
the "chill friend" of the group; she could be seen frequently in roller skating and roller skates ads, hanging out near the speakers, or rolling around the rink. - Actoress: [REDACTED]
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Cherry :: Julie (she/he/cherry)
the most cheerful one out of the whole group, always ready to be the center of attention and the life of the party. she was always dancing and singing along the disco music of the rink. - Actoress: [REDACTED]
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Beetle :: Frank (he/they)
possibly the most grounded out of the whole group - although certainly not any less fun! they could usually be seen skating around the rink helping those that needed it. - Actor: Mateo
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Dee :: Eddie (he/dis)
a popular drag queen in town; like Julie, he's always ready to be the center of attention, frequently dancing alongside her during the later hours of the day. - Actor: Ken
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Mr. H :: Howdy (he/him)
with a more "rich jock" attitude, he was the most admired by the rink's attendees out of the whole group. he was always ready to help anyone that needed it! - Actor: [REDACTED]
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Pop' :: Poppy (she/her)
the mother figure of the group, she used to appear most frequently in health/ safety PSAs videos in the rink. she usually worked during child-friendly hours of the day. - Actor: [REDACTED]
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B.B :: Barnaby (he/him)
the clown of the party - he was always up to making everyone present smile and laugh along. he had more party tricks up his sleeve than stars on his fur, or so he said. - Actor: [REDACTED]
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3. ﹕ Boundaries
What is ok?
Fan art, edits, cosplays, fanfics, anything creative!
Character interactions of any kind!  In any medium!  I’d love to see them!
Memes or things alike!
Fanon AUs of the AU
Edits! All of this, as long as you tag/ credit me of course!
What is not ok?
Selling mass produced merchandise.
Sexual interactions, both explicit and not explicit.
Ignoring a character's sexuality for shipping purposes.
Redesigns, recolors, tracing, etc. without my permission.
Any type of com-proshipping content; this includes Wallycest.
Any kind of AI content. Please respect these boundaries, if not you will be blocked and blacklisted.
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4. ﹕ Tagging Guide
#disco wheels au — general tag for the AU! #lore — general lore/ important posts. #ask — all answered asks made to the blog! #golden disco years — all posts related to the roller rink. #watcher mansion — all posts related to Watcher Wally's Mansion and other interactions with other AUs in it.
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5. ﹕ Important Links
Spotify playlist
fanart folder!
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... it's best to not live in the past, isn't it?
are you willing to hear the truth…?
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anistarrose · 9 months ago
So the thing is, if people ship characters who are explicitly not into romance (whether aromantic or otherwise), that ultimately doesn't affect me on a level beyond "annoyance" — I can blacklist tags, and blacklist or block people who don't tag it. What I have to ask myself every time I see these things, however, is this:
"Does this reflect how this person feels about romance-averse people in real life? Does this reflect how this person treats romance-averse people in real life?"
Because how someone engages with fiction doesn't have to be a reflection of how they treat real people, obviously — and in this case, I would of course hope that it isn't. But if you know anything about what being aromantic is like, in real life or on the Internet... you'll understand why I'm not optimistic.
Thinking two characters are so cute together that you reject a bunch of their characterization to make it happen is just annoying, not a crime! But the second you make the leap to telling a real human person things like:
"I don't care how much you say you're not interested, because you just won't realize that you and X would make such a cute couple,"
"I don't care how much you say you're not interested, because you're clearly just in denial which the Right Person has to come along and fix,"
"But — but — but not falling in love is just so tragic! I want you to be happy, not sad and lonely your whole life!"
like the rationales that apparently motivate so many people to ship? Then that has crossed the line into harming real people.
I don't actually think that shipping aromantic characters is the primary cause in the cause-effect diagram, when it comes to the correlating the shipping with "likelihood to say these terrible, invalidating, autonomy-undermining things to real people." Precisely, I don't think it's a cause to a meaningful degree when you compare with the opposite direction — I think people who say these things to real aromantics (or anyone else who just isn't interested!), because of what they think about these real people, are in turn more likely to think amatonormative things about fictional characters. I think that there exists a feedback loop to some extent, because fiction can influence people's beliefs to some degree, but it's not symmetric. Real-life amatonormativity causes mass amatonormativity in fandom spaces.
So... at this point, do you see why aromantic people in fandom get a little defensive about aro characters, and about other characters who overlap with aro experiences? You see why we get kind of pissy when people very selectively throw a very specific part of their characterization out the window? You see why we maybe don't want to associate with those people? Why it makes us so uncomfortable?
"Stop shipping romance-repulsed characters," in my opinion, is a understandable outcry from the community that I obviously sympathize with — but it nevertheless conceals the core of the issue, especially from non-aromantics who aren't living with amatonormativity shoved down their throats at all times, and therefore might not be able to read between the lines. At the core, this isn't actually a debate about the morality of shipping in fiction, despite overlap with that discourse on the surface.
The real cry for change isn't "stop shipping that character." It's "start accepting me for who I am, without trying to either undermine or mourn it at every opportunity." Because at the moment, the overlap between people who erase fictional aromanticism and real aromanticism is significant — and even where they don't overlap, you know what? Romance-averse folks just trying to live in peace can't fucking tell the difference.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months ago
Ok, so after scrolling through some reels on Insta, I'm pulling up with a friendly reminder to not be an asshole to normal fans of Hazbin and Helluva (the ones who are just drawing fanart and cosplaying (without racist implications)), if they aren't trying to start a fight with you.
Both of those shows have major writing flaws, but ultimately quality is not always tied to enjoyment and no matter how trash you think both the shows are, that's no excuse to comment on a video of a compilation of cosplayers taking a public transport "it was good until hazbin showed up".
It's one thing to call-out Viv's shortcomings as a writer and a person and another, if you trash on fans just having fun. You are just being an asshole for literally no reason and also giving a bad name to the critical side. Stop.
This. Block the tags, blacklist whatever words you need to blacklist, and leave the dwindling body of normal HH/HB fans alone. It solves absolutely nothing to be an unprovoked dick to people enjoying their fanart, their cosplays, and yes, their ships that you hate.
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